Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-07-27

Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-07-27

i JJ , - “ . j ; ^ — - O • * , . — - ' < THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOUBNA.L. VOLUME XXJX. LOUISVII.LE, KE.\Tl!CK\, WEDNESDAY JULY,27 l«59 ^ - NU.MBER 209 IXM’ISVILI.E JOl R>AL MiSCEI.LANEOrs. iMEDICAL. W. H. STOKES LOUISVILLE JOURNAL. (SneoMMr to F. W. H. Stokot). TH0S.S.KENiNEDY4BRa, * j-» the Editor, of the LouUvilU JoumaL- ^ *«»*•• r»rtIoB, I } ***' ®^**‘^'**' ••wo llBTO baoaboot ' F.FPKRVESCEXT -1—^ -1—J Jdi./A!3lAlEaltC I ••a« hsTo bMs t« obtain « i WixmcsTEB, July 24 , ISS9. tbaa IWo or. I OEJJERAX. COACH A SADDLERY HARDWARE, tc4y and seau SELTZER APERIEM. were prepared in a frore near town In tba Senatn tabk, the aamaa r/ bmdian ^ Tkmrwi^ aenaii^ Mn oi<i.(«i>tiisiiff s.Mier> Mirfhoust, for their acaouodation. Early in the momin( tha tfrh of ' m Moam, Bail TVfa «n4 ftmUr Mi^da*. ! eon- ^ iMarted and mnrfcnd with an aMaruT^U *®i“^ a»4 llafntf >. * »ilfc iiuiiMOHo crowd — ••fyljr lh( of tho voi4,ra of tk« wifobrM. ramBpoorin* in fr»>m the four jioiBU ,. r. „ . *V JiBBBpointod h the sppunr- K(l. AN’ll anprBBBnttflyi, whiiw two nr_ *L>ltur ftprluii. in G«'nnMif, in • moctoonrc- 435 MAIS STREET, RETWEEN FIFTH SIXTH, of the compBM to hour tbo doboto, nor did th« COB- nr. MarifaK. Fra« wbat I bad baliT^ fnrcn. kui noir»r«llf r*. I by * *• • • «^o JE» JP' - tinuodtinued (treuiB of livini;liviB|; Mafft oobm to poorpour ia aotilantil “• J"**** *HI»4bar a bnea. It danataa * to wa a aant, ebavM, ^ i-Hwd tl»» »o«t rv>coina»cnda '^T laOUISVIIA^E, n^tfRfrhftoUftAd MftDofftrtartr# wdoM tlnd it Uv ihelrlpterf^l toftTaxolOt; mr etock btfnrtiupkior their purchftMi tha *‘M*tf a h KY. tiuiii (/ th« MMlIcal |*rrtfi»rtnp aitd ft very cummencemoot of tha •peakiaf. Tbo that tha lUititet itanUtladUbotana raprwMnutivo. ^n HUag aih^ly a»M a ftAtl ordeitfrom ftdlstftDre vt!l be fttteixlcd to ft«if mftdt* iaf*er#oo uablo fjwo?*** DucfVftiac PnbOt, as the Mdiir>v4«ftc*tt county of Fayette tuniod out an ma**e. Largo Onr Mandt In araty toctwa ot tha atata, Uiaapo,.. ! irrefalar JUnffT F.FFICirXT AND AQREFJiHLK numUr. WI.IU present fro^ paU Jeal dideraacM. wiU ire. Ldb.Oarno, and dmamanm : ^tIw.afo«pMia«Idlde^.,^^„t,^ OM abUgTiBTy" i winaa .Mailiran, * m nsaoM, MTuTon, Lstill, and Powell; while the county of ! no >... wnb F ** * SSetlAxxo Ai^oxrlont lUl.SINESS K™i.ra , , AUUTIOIN SALES. r\lM)S • cofiactlag trTto*'fttoa and Mpplyrng oaimiooaomiaaiooa la a» ^JLu? woamaa!Sf* *lU!£i Montgomery, wborowhere they had .pokenapoken the day fro- tha ragnltoity. B BOO, *b4 b< Mb* rofUM to ^orti l mfonBoe orer tko j SuTw traaaacT knoaeti ta Statotky laiar tha toblaatohlaa at thair aarliaat canTaniaoca and Eiraantiag *?* o riooa,Fiona, wajwar almoetalmoat dc«ari^ SeraralSetraral woreware harebare from hr warding : Jammed to ra Br Mhwt^ wotm, iMBUit i*aw4*n>. oii4 otiirr NATHAN tVIIlTE. tk i haar tha riral caWidail’ .***”f?*F loriaaa Lao of the hmaa. ^Bill»r ortfcic*, Duih troai lu moipa^DMi aod preot^r «f- nW lUTIONEFl: Frankfort, Iianrille,IianTille, Nicholai,Nicholaa, Harriaon, and evencTaa I tham ta an.aa. ** aver A A.NDM IiNITLRK DEALEB.No. « JJAf hf "M*l^ Wa thnll alajalai ha ondar grantgreat ebliga- ; daat, roadncteduZluTMm Ia in iiiiag toam rtmyaalta to dm adanMM tnr^ It nor br oarl oithlbo iB j bM tS^ bU fX fourth rtn*n, bwtwftpa Maiu aod Market Thto old •J LouUville. rnaaoiaBitg, oa da to wtth eoaar aaaonaca tad " to*® ‘“®*‘tuch gaottamaagaotlaman aa wUlwill tend la thathe taaultraault reUblUhed ^ , . • U of houw* will _ . iaanhad . Bii.iora bnb Ff liBiLE nisF^ses. sick ufjid- be furnL*he4 at all timiw with _ ^ , u 11 w I.-i.- j mJSw- of Itoir oadoakaad toltoacr tad yaiimiltmit I jmmswBmn I Bed.. NarerNever within thathe memory of thathe oldaatoldeat inhabitant 1 1 . aCHE. UHS <>F APPrhTE, Yftrietf of Cabioet FnritUiire aod Cboli* of ererr tCyiraad , ,. ^,. .... ,,,. ., t. , i. “»»* aad WBamiMT^uTii—Z—T IN^UESTIO.N, by the aarliaat nuUa “or by*>7 taiagraph. by ha C.4.U AMU ALL SiMIlJbK irOM PLAINTS. PE ctaM, Htber at wboleraLi or fvtaii. The eobiciibrro from IirrWfEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. ha.3ha.i thcrathere beanbeen roao largoorlargo or lito enthu.iaotieenthuaiaatie a poliUaalpoliUanl bearing m«i CL'lIAKLY incident To the bto loaf ftModaUotf with l-Aidera aad Westera manofar gathering 1S4U, whenwhan logcabina ^hoao who do ua thit fao.wfcr.vr wiU haba rtmambartd (tummtta. tto admiration af LOUISVILLE, in old Clark. In , hla palwicali21t£' tuivre, to eoabled KY , | to offer «*eeiy aitirle la hto Itae of bueio ' and*'1 bard ciderrider were the rage, and political eadle- ' aaatoaat year at iba Prae»daatialPraeidaatial ekitingeieitine and rapaid ia >4amly around ^PRIX« AKO srHMKK 8E 18OA 8 . at tbo lowest whoU)Mh‘ priev* t'onctoasaeuU for «Up» nrAiaa i.a' tha to^Tl at *aactioB eoUcited. ro«/61fl»t|i "" thought to bo at the very higheat pitch, ' kind by reiahriag It to ytoWtoftiftriy a4ftpto4 t» tke «»lm ci Traevlm b/ - icnii F rPlirh P>s.or> the aarliaat inUlligtnca of tha I in^r L Phw n'mi * tr» and LmJ. Rt-tod«>atolo H«l niiuto*. ' • ’ “*'1 ‘bty. bimaclf, in the prime of hia popu- 1 IVtaoMof t. a an i.. 1 1 . 1 r*®** ,V . “•-o inpi^unt raca to 1860 to tki. .Sr* Sftdealftnr Uabita. lovmUdi, CoavalracMto Pilkiii BDtl Gill indow ^^•y***'*^* ***^****’*^^*^®‘**^'**‘*®’^’^'^**‘*“*** ’ H Hhxdfs^ Th« ilil- win. top-tk-i .0*114 » .» ( fti^tfttae of Veftieto ood Ptont^ wifl hod It ft 8. O. hlenry oandidataa it tha Oppnaiti'B CO’rm Na. 18 WaM aWaat **• lergo the to great as that which aathnJaua?ma^{^ ^i^5* ENTAL INSURANCE Ca. nor entha<iaam ! eftloobto ftdditloft to llMir Mrdictoe < haaU. a LoOkinR lildsHPN* ^t. *•*'>"* <aanc*imt.ad tomto. dW.aaa. (,iC| “tol Admlalstrathm partiea h^fajkprtoato,Jtpihtofor thmTShTiSliltbrnratodeauSmito!; gr«0 te.l the gifted Bell at thi.* place. , to^ With tbtjM who hove uaed It, II h«* Llfii Uvor a^mamfaatod o&d to i.oiiHiiigi IMlklnr iciaNN4 IddR riniPN,PinlPN' by any paopla than that which I at doPMod lodtopMwaMc. UrCi I Mf.jij Magrilij tuu tnatba goodgoed furtimifortana to hatahsT* thetbo gQawmo/awntof epttft:t— g«cd fortuua it wsa, for orroaiTin«. IS A TOHPID state OF THE LlVEK^it roAder* Frfnt'li Piute Glass; artt ALd caruUly , ih«n<ixu7mAn4va. fdr'ttaareat allcimaarc^r U.U.ad t.iaaDi..f aaa *• MtiiaO* ffo/to. BarUh to a^iWn uf Marcjr arrviop la n^•torlrkf haolthr metioa -*~T it gar® Lim an opportonitT of nukiog hit >aC aad I , , rrrutll»liU.llllEriC«UPrenrii aud .^mericau Hniouowladow kldnMGUssi hicwDaaarLieuUmcHt IN OOITAND RIILl MATlHlf.ltrlrr«tlMbe#tMt vTaa' r.D^i^a-MdogvM»loi?v ujonuioa ttJf* l>:fnocrallc pirtr. of da- Gov^mt.rflooem..; Martioa, oUoied ftlt ii*d maifttoffr er«|do«M, i Ojiraviujrs; ArtiSISArtists' i^hi Atf Altoa, oi Bracklmtaae. Lma Bnyi, >i oud Ib MAtCrisl^y.MateriaL; enuoc n^tka Know Nochiot^aa^ mid robbara, | m. raakaa. tofttJjr CAflM t fb^toftly eoitof thoiw afh>c‘«d l Attorney ' PortraitP«»rlratl I'iPinr*I'irtnre Franitte.Franittn. of IstrlOlLg tha cld wom.n with tha gieat cilaml- Oeneral. IT!» snX’EhS IX <*APi:« w* * f L- fll> IJL'X'TI’ and OF UlUVEL INDIOF^ '1 H Iba corrupt Jaa Il«taa. of Prmiklla. <i| P SALK& A LK Oil llKiXT.llhjN I . «'» A.J.Iama.. FraakJh FOR , , r,inv„7.< 1 . TD »>. ItEAKTLL'K.N. ASD IH.STI VEMj*S- m .An IIT \e ' Ptorr* It fOR.Ml E.nA\D LILT IVOSK, Of every deecrtplisil, tnraad outof .ffic, and of to thwrir o€ gh. ^.i^‘g,«^'W:gCOIirT. now t'k U a M**d mar rt Ihr freatcat attiiix _ , p^mpcracy were hduU- AmWor. anucniavwLh ^!UJ —tS- y. ' - **^ inio fnltoraefiihoroe enlogyenlogT uponDpoo Mr..Mr. Plarrtar atdstd thetbe old whmhthaapationiaoahimrTafmodmn Paid to .mite!— g*f t'l logteg Tboa. 8. Paga.ot IraakHa. Qraat Oreaa. af Hcodoraoa. bo^ui **m.. AUDITS THE FTiiMU H. AND TIIC 1»1S TorHent pm u ; ^macracT ha. PILK .IMI .MAMtt bLASStSof anyty Sitesite crowS,crowd, munbariag ^ m TUK< 1\U M» I :<l Whig party.pirtv. ThaTbo'liuoieLMImniaES. Dambinag SD KNE«S Al. UL KING PiaUL 1 .V. 1 Trtaeurer I AV about luriiaof'. iiif L.ratl .,11 aod kill I, ut tia>r.i-.1 in ihc rer/ UtcU and m..«t a- proved *t}f«•tilov.4 LIFE N.4N« wii- editf. wiUi . tL..„<or 1 l•.t.e•d 1 .. him wth natmiit in . I — a«ur3 tha INSrEA.NCR V. \ ‘b* aoi m*rkr«| viiccoM uAd«>r eome live th«>ti«and, lUteOid to him with Datteot „ meuSa COXPANT HftkV ibk* Ucsora* 1 Dow toC4ni|i..«>n Mmui jt/vei, ito ii. aiiiif'.* lufliKMee. ?J'D, Qeur Fourib, ftbd (•'.t.* irtvf:i the biat •fact' IT AEM>Kl>S ThL liKLATEST UELIRF TO mouth or ^»oa r il aoolol. A|*id> to Tijinii: ai fld tfd \mtu ok sciliwt to Tin JvHuili 'llltiS.il K«>K.Ki><. FILE'*—A< TiNld it attr oa tb** bwarl#, Dmiiraiiaiac all iniibtia*: «r«TtoAoa8, ai«4 th»-rri»r neaito\uii^ all lajUmtua- torr licadi.'bcto». A BEAVTirri. COUNTRY REsIDrsCE. IN E.U;To it is invamable fVAIIj».-Laia kaoi, aaned ua^htav. SVhtafIM *3d in all cases I TT^ ccuvp&ivutly Ittcaled od Um* L'juto\ tile aud Efauk- 1> » Yuvinto, K«*aiaeAi*o aa4 Ma. T<»bJdet>; WULKE A ULMLb APEKIENT |•touka•v ktmaAi»« iatoMRia *«4a «4 i«fr»aVbrlafT »aV br OK iW f ***|fort KaUroad, aad highly tai|>n>rad.

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