June and Summer 1968 Bear Facts Published by Oceanids - Ucsd Women Vol

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June and Summer 1968 Bear Facts Published by Oceanids - Ucsd Women Vol JUNE AND SUMMER 1968 BEAR FACTS PUBLISHED BY OCEANIDS - UCSD WOMEN VOL. VI, NO. 9 Editor - Ruth Inman (453-03 97) Calendar Editor - Virginia Wyllie (274-3790) Circulation - Ve Worrall (453-0449) Editorial Staff - Shirley Cohen, Barbara Berman, Helen Raitt, Sally Spiess, Polly Wooster Calendar Staff - Anne Marie Bailey, Anne Blacl-::burn, Mabel Duntlev, Carol Ka ssoy, Pat Marlay, Mary W<-ttson UCSD FROM OUR PRESIDENT COMMENCEMENT MJ terrn as president is barely over, and CEREMONY already I'm looking back with nostalgia on e1e many nice things that have happened, and pa.rticu.­ larly at the .opportunity of working with and getting Richard P. Feynman, better acquainted with so many nice people. Richard Chace Tolman I realized, after our luncheon-business Professor of Theoretical meeting was over, that I hadn't adequately ex­ Physics at California pressed my gratitude to many persons who gave Institute of Technology, tremendous help during the year. As examples: is scheduled as the main to our very knowledgeable and efficient Calendar speaker at the UCSD Editor, Virginia Wyllie, and her hard-working Commencement Ceremony. The commencement program, slated for staff; also to the editorial staff who helped Editor Friday, June 14, at 10:30 AM at Urey Plaza, Ruth Inman. While I mentioned at the luncheon will be the second for UCSD, and it will be the how important the job of Editor was (and you, by first commencement to include the students of the your applause, joined me in expressing our delight initial undergraduate class which began in 1964. with the year's BEAR FACTS), I neglected to tell 125 students are elegible for graduation, 123 from you that the clever art work therein was also Ruth's. Thanks also to Ve Worrall who has spent Revelle College and 2 from John Muir College. Of many hours these past three years handling sub­ the 181 students who formed the pioneering 1964 scriptions and doing all the stuffing, sorting and class, about 100 are among those graduating this mailing for BEAR .FACTS. year. The other 25 are transfers from other col­ Chairman Nancy Van Dorn labored through­ leges and universities. Some PhD.swill also be out the year with a few helpers (too few, I ima­ conferred. gine, for the magnitude of the job) to welcome ·by Dr. Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics phone and letter the ever-increasing number of in 1965. He has also received the Albert Einstein new women arriving on campus, and invite them to Award and the Atomic Energy Commission, E.,_Q, join with us in our activities. Carol Kassoy, as Lawrence Award. He is a member of the Arrier i­ Chairman of University Service, also had a con­ can Physical Society, A. A. A. S., the National tinuing job finding hostesses to entertain the visit­ Academy of Science and a foreign member of the ing lecturers and musicians. I'm certain they Royal Academy of Science. were made to feel welcome by her efforts. Included in Dr. Feynman's published works My sincere thanks go to Anne Blackman who are Theory~ Fundamental Processes; The took on two jobs: she very competently handled Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume I, Volume OCEANID publicity, besides helping Virginia with II and Volume III; Qwntum Mechanics and Path Calendar information. futegrals; and The Character of Physic~Law. Neither Frances Tyler nor I realized she was to be involved in a continuing job when I ALOHA PARTY FOR THE GALBRAITHS asked her to represent OCEANIDS at an organiza­ tional meeting of the University Hospital Auxil­ On June 1, John and Laura Galbraith will be liary. Her efforts resulted in many new charter honored at an informal farewell party in the newly­ members from our group. finished Gymnasium. Entertainment will be in the An all-inclusive "thank-yo:..1 11 is extended form of a masque written for the occasion by John from your (now) ex-president to all of you who have Stewart and Bob T schirgi. There will also be mu­ made this year an interesting and rewarding one sic and dancing. for her. All UCSD faculty and staff members are invited. Festivities will start at 7 :00 PM and last until midnight. Please bring your own picnic bas­ ket (drinks wHl be provided), a blanket and/ or pillows to sit on, and wear your brightest clothes to carry out the Aloha theme. ACADEMIA IS WHERE WE LIVE A SUMMER READING LIST FOR OCEANIDS by Robert C. Elliott, Identification with higher education rather than Chairman of the Department of Literature, , with a geographic community sets apart not only pro­ R eve Ile College fessors but their families and other associates as well. It is surprising that no term like "army brat" has Here is a splattering of books people have sprung up as an answer to 11 where are you from 11 for been reading in various courses in The Literature children of an increasingly nomadic academic personnel. Department. Almost all were available in paper­ Are we different? Snow's The Master depicts back: intramural academic re lationship;:-and Albee 1s Who's COLLECTED ESSAYS OF GEORGE ORWELL Afraid of Virginia Wolf? dis sects the personal frustra - M. G. Lewis - THE MONK tions resulting fro~ademic mediocrity. It would be H. Thoreau - WALDEN AND CIVIL DlSOBEDIENCE fascinating to read a novel or biography exploring the F. Fanon - BLACK SKIN, WHITE MASKS interactions of town and gown -- the myths as well as G. Lamming - IN THE CASTLE OF MY SKIN the realities upon which prevalent attitudes are based. D. Defoe - MOLL FLANDERS When I was young we talked about the 11 Ivory Tow­ H. Fielding - JOSEPH ANDREWS AND SHAMELA er11, and education was pretty much structured on old M. L. Rosenthal - SELECTED POEMS OF English and Scottish patterns. Although such schools WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS as Forestry and Agriculture and Home Economics ex­ E. M. Forster - HOWARDS END isted and did research which has since revolutionized E. M. Forster - PASSAGE TO INDIA our daily lives, they were considered academically M. Ni::olson - THE BREAKING OF THE CIRCLE peripheral. Donald B. Sands - MIDDLE ENGLISH VERSE Meanwhile psychology and education and medi­ ROMANCES cine were revamping the ways we trained our children Kelly & Leary - A CONTROVERSY OF POETS and perm is sivisim became the salvation and the Gary Snyder - RIPRAP & COLD MOUNTAIN P'.JEMS plague (concurrently) of home and school. E. Lude-Smith - PENQUIN BOOK OF Because the War-to-End-Wars did not do so and ELIZABETHAN VERSE later the Nuremberg trials raised the question of res­ J. Swift - GULLIVER 1S TRAVELS AND OTHER ponsibility of citizens to follow orders in internationa 1 WRITINGS conflicts, and science made it possible to destroy the L. Sterne - TRISTRAM SHANDY world, the role of individual conscience has been rede - R. W. Chambers - THOMAS MORE fined in ways that are changing the power struggle from William Bellamy - LOOKING BACKWARD reliance on massive strength to massive propaganda A. Malraux - MAN'S FATE (backed up of course by force). Henry James - SELECTED FICTION By examining and reexamining the phenomena of Henry James - THE FOR TRAIT OF A LADY past and present, the academic world exposes problems Wallace Stevens - POEMS and questions concepts with results akin to prying open Wallace Stevens - THE MODERN CRITICAL Pandora 1 s Box. So professors and the Press, which SPECTRUM does some investigating on its own, hold up mirrors to S. Bee kett - MOLLOY the world, mirrors distorted by varying perspectives. S. Beckett - WAITING FOR GODOT And the public reacts to the portrayals, each per­ B. Shaw - FOUR PLAYS son further distorting the picture by his own perspective. E. Bentley - MODERN THEATRE What a great system of checks and balances it is, J. Austen - PERSUASION so long as the public continues to be aware and critical, W. Scott - ROB ROY and business continues to produce, and government con­ T. Hardy - FAR FROM THE MADDENING CROWD tinues to maintain an acceptable degree of order while A ...,.Wayley - CHINESE POEMS allowing evolution to take place. For all these forces to function with minimum friction, communication needs to be accelerated am.ong all segments of society. To expedite this a.ccelera ~ion, WILLIAM PRAGER HONORED Academia might well expand its cross-section semu1:ars, so well pioneered in California by University Extension. William Prager, Professor of Applied But it is not necessary to wait for formal classes. Mechanics, AMES, has been elected to member­ We all have much to share and much to learn. Indivi­ ship in the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. duals have great scope for experimentation and research Prager is an outstanding pioneer in the field of in the laboratory that is the community. Pick your applied mechanics, structures, and applied mathe­ subject; Conservation, civil rights, welfare, education, matics. In practice, he is a mathematical engi­ recreation, urban planning, art, music, drama, reli­ neer. gion, government. His fields of study include the theory of structures, elasticity, plasticity, and numerous analysis. He founded the Quarterly of Applied Mathematics and served as managing editor from 1943 to 1965. 2 SCOR AT SCRIPPS MEL VIN J. VOIGT HONORED by Polly Wooster Melvin J. Voigt, Librarian, UCSD, has been 11 After the departure of the students in June, appointed Editor of "Advances in Librarianship to Blake Hall will assume an international air when be published by Academic Press. Mr. Voight many of the scientists from 28 nations will be has also been made Vice-President, President­ housed there while attending the general meeting Elect of the Tuberculosis and Health As socia ti on of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research of San Diego County.
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