A Scenery Preparation Situation and Improvement Plan of Indoor Gardening in Subway Stations - Comparison with Seoul Metropolitan Area and Other Metropolitan City
53 Journal of Recreation and Landscape 9(1) 53-64 A Scenery Preparation Situation and Improvement Plan of Indoor Gardening in Subway Stations - Comparison with Seoul Metropolitan Area and Other Metropolitan City Junhyuck Yoon*ㆍHyeoncheol Shin*ㆍSumin Choi*ㆍJaesung Yun**ㆍKyoungok Choi*** *Southern Forest Research Center, Korea Forest Research Institute **Dept. of Visual Information Design, Chonnam National University ***Dept. of Horticulture, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology ABSTRACT This study examined the preparations carried out to establish indoor garden areas in Seoul metropoli- tan subway stations and in 5 other metropolitan cities subway stations in order to present findings on how these preparations might be improved. The preparation ratio for indoor garden areas among Seoul metropolitan subway stations was 6.9%, 38 places, and the ratio overall for 5 metropolitan cities was 21.6%, 54 places. Among the 5 metro- politan cities, the ratio was 26.7% in Busan metropolitan city, 20.0% in Gwangju metropolitan city, 11.6% in Daegu metropolitan city, 18.2% in Daejeon metropolitan city, and 10.3% in Incheon metro- politan city. With regard to the results comparing the decoration ratio with natural flowers and artifi- cial flowers among the prepared stations with indoor gardens, in the case of Seoul metropolitan area, places decorated with natural flowers numbered 23, and the ratio was 60.5%, but, in case of the 5 metropolitan cities, places decorated with natural flowers numbered just 6, and the ratio was just 11.1%. In the case of garden ornaments as material introduced in Seoul metropolitan area subway sta- tions decorated with natural flowers and the 5 metropolitan cities subway stations, one to three kinds of ornament were introduced per each place, and the ornament items included rocks, garden lanterns, ponds, stone mortars, stone lamps, fountains, sculptures, mini water mills, and windmills.
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