INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL NEWS Vol. 5 No. 2 • October/November 2015 Presenting... SERVAS ONLINE! SEE PG. 6 IN THIS ISSUE: Which Way Servas? ..............................7 Internship At The U.N. ......................... 8 Peace Through Hospitality .................... 9 Peace School Of Servas ........................10 Servas Youth? ................................... 13 Why I Like Servas? ............................. 15 And Much More! The Kowhai INTERNATIONAL The genus of Sophora, or Kowhai is regarded by most New Zealanders as their national flower. Kowhai are among the most beautiful of the many flowering trees in New Zealand and may indeed be included among the most INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL NEWS beautiful trees in the world. Vol. 5 No. 2 • October/November 2015 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Newsletter Coordinator Terry Stone
[email protected] Proofing, Photo Retouching & Editorial Assistance Michael Johnson Distribution Coordinator Michael Silbert Design & Production Alan Stone Editor’s Corner
[email protected] President ’m looking at a Kiwi - no, not the fruit, but the person! the presentation of SINews. Oh, I Jonny Sågänger Trish Janes, a very gracious Servas host (who has a see quite a jolly and exciting few
[email protected] Isplendid B&B here in Auckland) has been pampering days ahead of us! Vice-President me for five days prior to the GA! I’ve never been this So, this could be goodbye from all of us at Newsletter Ann Greenhough far “East” and even after 37 hours of travel time (from Central. The entire staff thanks you for letting us play in
[email protected] Greece) I’m thrilled to be here in New Zealand for the this sandbox called SINews, and I’ve given permission for Treasurer Miroslaw Wasilewski Servas triennial international conference.