Do We Need a Constitutional Convention for the UK?
House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee Do we need a constitutional convention for the UK? Written Evidence Only those submissions written specifically for the Committee and accepted by the Committee as evidence for the inquiry are included. Ordered to be published 14, 21 and 28 June, 10 and 12 July, 6 September, 15, 18 and 30 October and 8 and 29 November 2012 1 List of written evidence Page 1 Canon Kenyon Wright CBE (CC 01, 01A) 3, 6 2 Professor Matthew Flinders (CC 02) 11 3 Constitution Society (CC 03) 14 4 Dr Claire Sutherland (CC 04) 20 5 Dr Alan Renwick (CC 05) 21 6 Graham Pearce and Sarah Ayres (CC 06) 23 7 Michael Gordon and Brian Thompson (CC 07) 29 8 Unlock Democracy (CC 08) 35 9 Democratic Audit (CC 09) 44 10 Professor Iain McLean (CC 10) 53 11 Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales (CC 11) 57 12 Andrew RT Davies, Leader of the Opposition & Welsh Conservative Assembly Group, Assembly Member for South Wales Central (CC 12) 62 13 Leanne Wood AM, Leader of Plaid Cymru and South Wales Central Assembly Member (CC 13) 65 14 Kirsty Williams AM, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats and Assembly Member for Brecon and Radnorshire (CC 14) 66 15 James Ware (CC 15) 70 16 Ruth Davidson MSP, Leader of the Scottish Conservatives (CC 16) 72 17 Professor James Mitchell (CC 21) 74 18 Law Society of Scotland (CC 17) 80 19 Sir Merrick Cockell, Chairman, Local Government Association (CC 18) 81 20 Esther A Roberton (CC 19) 83 21 SOLACE (CC 20) 86 22 Simon Cramp (CC 22) 89 23 Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Deputy First Minister, Scottish Parliament (CC 23) 90 24 Karen Ghose, Chief Executive, The Electoral Reform Society (CC 24) 92 25 Dr Robin Wilson (CC 25) 103 26 Nigel Smith, Director, Voxscot (CC 26) 105 27 Cabinet Office (CC 27) 106 28 Sir Edward Lister, Chief of Staff and Deputy Mayor for Policy and Planning (CC 28) 114 2 Written evidence submitted by Canon Kenyon Wright CBE (CC 01) SCOTLAND AND UK CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE “Our constitution is wearing out” Lord Hailsham 1.
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