From: AAAI Technical Report WS-93-06. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Towards a Robot Learning Architecture Joseph O’Sullivan* School Of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 email: josu]
[email protected] Abstract continuously improves its performance through learning. I summarize research toward a robot learning Such a robot must be capable of aa autonomous exis- architecture intended to enable a mobile robot tence during which its world knowledge is continuously to learn a wide range of find-and-fetch tasks. refined from experience as well as from teachings. In particular, this paper summarizesrecent re- It is all too easy to assumethat a learning agent has search in the Learning Robots Laboratory at unrealistic initial capabilities such as a prepared environ- Carnegie Mellon University on aspects of robot ment mapor perfect knowledgeof its actions. To ground learning, and our current worktoward integrat- our research, we use s Heath/Zenith Hero 2000 robot ing and extending this within a single archi- (named simply "Hero"), a commerc/aI wheeled mobile tecture. In previous work we developed sys- manipulator with a two finger hand, as a testbed on tems that learn action models for robot ma- whichsuccess or failure is judged. nipulation, learn cost-effective strategies for us- In rids paper, I describe the steps being taken to design ing sensors to approach and classify objects, and implement a learning robot agent. In Design Prin- learn models of sonar sensors for map build- ciples, an outline is stated of the believed requirements ing, learn reactive control strategies via rein- for a successful agent.