Journal of Hymenoptera Research on Chamelaucium Unciatum (Myrtaceae), It Petiole, Phragma Generally Projecting Into Is Apparent That Phytophagous Species Are Gaster
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J. HYM. RES. Vol. 9(1), 2000, pp. 176-181 An Introduced Species of Epichrysocharis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Producing Galls on Eucalyptus in California with Notes on the Described Species and Placement of the Genus M. E. SCHAUFF AND R. GARRISON (MES) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 20560-0168, USA; (RG) Department of Agricultural Commissioner, Weights and Measures, County of Los Angeles, 3400 La Madera Ave., El Monte, CA 91732, USA Abstract. —Epichrysocharis burzvelli Schauff, new species (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is de- scribed from specimens collected in southern California. Epichrysocharis burzvelli forms small blis- of ter-like galls on the leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora. The previously described species Epichryso- charis are reviewed and separated from E. burwelli. Evidence suggests that this species was acci- dentally introduced into the United States from Australia. In early 1999, specimens of a small chal- had been unknown, although it was stated cidoid wasp were submitted to the Sys- that they had been "associated with small tematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, galls on Eucalypt leaves" (Boucek 1988). by the California Department of Food and The specimens recorded from California Agriculture (CDFA) for identification, were reared from small blister-like galls These tiny wasps were found emerging on the leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora and from galls on the leaves of Eucalyptus ci- unemerged specimens have been dissect- triodora in the Los Angeles area. Recently, ed from inside galls on the leaves. We can their occurrence has been noted in several find no evidence that E. burwelli is para- nurseries, and they are becoming wide- sitizing some other insect in or associated spread in the Los Angeles area. Study of with the galls. It can now be confirmed these specimens and subsequent rearings that this species is a gall former. The galls revealed them to belong to the genus Ep- themselves appear as small reddish or ichrysocharis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). brownish blisters on the surface of the leaf This genus was only known to occur in (Figs. 5, 6). The galls are expressed on both Australia and includes 3 species (Boucek surfaces of the leaves (that is, a single gall 1988). After study of the types of those produces a "blister" on both surfaces) and species it was determined that the speci- the wasps do not seem to have a prefer- mens reared in California represented a ence for one side or the other as emer- species unknown to science. We take this gence holes can be seen on both sides of a opportunity to describe this species and single leaf. The emergence holes are round present information on the known species and tend to be in the center of the gall of the genus to facilitate their identifica- (Fig. 6). The galls can be quite numerous tion. Given the known distribution of this and we have counted in excess of 40 in a genus, it is highly likely that this species single square centimeter of leaf surface, was accidentally introduced into Califor- Whether or not this gall formation causes nia from Australia. significant damage to the plant has not yet The biology of Epichrysocharis species been assessed. However, the appearance Volume 9, Number 1, 2000 177 Figs. 1-6. 1-4. Scanning electron micrographs: 1, Female antenna, dorsolateral view. 2, Female clava, dor- soapical view. 3, Mesosoma, dorsal view. 4, Propodeum. 5-6. Eucalyptus citriodora leaf: 5, Surface with galls. 6, Closeup of gall showing emergence hole. of these galls on nursery stock would most Eucalyptus leaves in Santa Barbara, Cali- likely reduce the attractiveness of the fornia. This species is readily distin- plant and lower its market value. The guished from Epichrysocharis burwelli, but wasps appear to be spreading and are because of the condition and limited num- now found in seven localities within Los ber of specimens I have been unable to de- Angeles County. finitively assign this species to a genus. During the editing of this paper an ad- Along with a third species of tetrastichine ditional series of three specimens of an- described by Headrick et al. (1995) from other small tetrastichine was reared from California, and introduced from Australia 178 Journal of Hymenoptera Research on Chamelaucium unciatum (Myrtaceae), it petiole, phragma generally projecting into is apparent that phytophagous species are gaster. Submarginal vein with single dor- increasingly becoming established in the sal seta, marginal vein subequal to sub- U.S. marginal, stigmal vein well developed Terminology for morphology follows and about 1/2 length of marginal. Gibson (1997) and LaSalle (1994). EpidwysocJiaris closely resembles a num- Acronyms for museums are: (BM) Bo- ber of small Australian tetrastichines hart Museum, University of California, which also have very short antennae but Davis, CA, USA; (CNC) Canadian Nation- are currently placed in the large genus al Collection, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Aprostocetus. In addition, there are other (QM) Queensland Museum, Brisbane, genera generally considered closely relat- Australia; (BMNH) The Natural History ed to Aprostocetus, which have shortened Museum, London, UK; (USNM) National funicles (all 3 funiculars quadrate to Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian slightly wider than long, about the same Institution, Washington, D.C., USA. width, and funicle about equal in length to or slightly longer than clava [see, for Epichrysocharis Girault example, A. (Epomphaloides) flavus (Boucek While have not stud- Epichrysocharis Girault 1913b:36. Type species, 1988, fig. 1191)]). we Epichrysocharis fusca Girault. Original desig- ied these species closely, and many are nation. probably undescribed, one of the defining 1922:103. Brachychrysocharopsis Girault, Type characters of Aprostocetus is that the raised Brachychrysocharopsis aligherini Gi- species, lobe of the callus partially overhangs the rault. By monotypy. Synonymy by Boucek outer rim of the propodeal spiracle (Gra- (1988: 690). ham 1987; LaSalle 1994). We have not ob- Diagnosis.—Length generally 0.5mm or served this condition in the species which less; antenna (Figs. 1, 2) with 2 anelli, 3 we place in Epichrysocharis. funicles, all quadrate or wider than long, Boucek (1988) synonymized Epentasti- Fl wider than F2 or F3, F2 smaller than chus Girault under Aprostocetus. The senior F3, Fl closely appressed to F2 and par- author has examined the type species, tially extended over and covering F2 such Epentastichus nugatorius Girault (QM). Un- that in some views F2 is hidden giving the fortunately, the body of the type has been impression that the funicle is 2-segment- lost and only two heads, mounted on a ed, clava longer than funicle; clava 3-seg- slide, remain. These heads are in poor con- mented, 3rd segment with suture oblique- dition, but the antennae of these two par- ly angled from 2nd (Fig. 2); malar suture tial specimens are very similar to Epichry- complete; pronotum very narrow medial- socharis. However, given the fragmentary ly, overhung by anterior margin of mesos- nature of the specimens, and in the ab- cutum and not visible from above; mesos- sence of more detailed revisionary work, cutum large, convex, without median lon- we do not feel that enough evidence exists gitudinal groove, adnotaular setae restrict- at this time to make any further nomen- ed to area near notaulus in one or two clatural changes regarding the placement irregular lines and often with only 2-3 se- of £. nugatorius. Boucek (1988) also syn- tae on each side; scutellum with subme- onymized Epomphaloides with Aprostocetus. dian grooves and two pair of setae; pro- Several species of other genera from the podeum very short medially, generally Australian fauna have also been reared equal to or shorter than metanotum, with from or associated with galls on Eucalyp- no median or subspiracular carinae; spi- tus. Although they were studied at the ge- racle round; metasoma sessile, broadly at- neric level by Boucek (1988), the included tached to mesosoma and with no obvious species have not been critically revised. Volume 9, Number 1, 2000 179 What is apparent, is that this whole com- gitudinal sensillum. Ovipositor about 1/3 plex of generic names and species is much length of metasoma. This species is dis- more diverse than indicated by the few tinctive because it is the only one with a sensillum on F2. species described at this time, and that longitudinal— much work on the taxonomy will need to Type. The type (QM register no. Hy- be done to increase our understanding of 1847) of this species is a female, slide with the minus the head the limits of this group of genera. mounted body under one cover slip and the head under of Species Epichn/socharis the second cover slip. The head is badly but one antenna is visible. Epichn/socharis aligherini (Girault) crushed, clearly The body is not cleared. Deposited in QM. Brachychrysocharopsis aligherini Girault 1922: (Girault) 103. Transferred to Epichn/socharis by Boucek Epichrysocharis nigriventris 1988. Epentastichus nigriventrus Girault 1913a: 242. Transferred to Boucek —Mesosoma and metasoma Epichn/socharis by Diagnosis. 1988. black; forewing with apical fringe equal to Diagnosis. —Head yellow, mesosoma about 1/3 wing width; ovipositor about yellow orange, metasoma brown to dark 2/3 to 3/4 length of metasoma, slightly brown, hind femur brown, hind tibia and exserted past tip of gaster. This species is tarsus yellow; mesoscutum and scutellum distinguished by the uniform dark color- striate reticulate; mesocutum about 2x as ation and the elongate ovipositor which as scutellum, metasoma ovate and extends for well over half the of the long length shorter than mesosoma metasoma. slightly (30:25); antenna with Fl as long as wide, 3x as Type. —The single type specimen of this long as F2, clava about 4x as long as F2 species is slide mounted. It is badly and 2X as long as wide; only Fl and clava crushed and disarticulated with the head, with multiporous plate sensillae; hypo- mesosoma, metasoma, legs, and antennae pygium reaching nearly to end of meta- scattered over the slide.