FOH Directory of Services – Mid Essex Child Behavioural Asylum Seeker/Refugee Bereavement/Loss Children’s Centres Difficulties Crime/Anti-Social Disability/Additional Domestic Abuse Education Behaviour Needs Health Visiting & School Employment Family Conflict Financial Concerns Nursing Services Lonely/Isolated, Housing Concerns Legal Mental Health Socially Alienated Parental Safeguarding Sexual Abuse/CSE Substance Misuse Routine/Boundaries Victim of Bullying Young Carer Asylum Seeker/Refugee A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Back to Mid Home Page Asylum Aid Asylum Aid is an independent, national charity working to secure protection for people seeking refuge in the UK from persecution and human rights abuses abroad. We provide Tel: 0207 3549264 free legal advice and representation to the most vulnerable and excluded asylum seekers, Email:
[email protected] and lobby and campaign for an asylum system based on inviolable human rights principles. Website: Read More Citizens Advice Bureau - Braintree The Citizens Advice service offers practical, up-to-date information and advice on a wide range of topics, including; debt, benefits, housing, legal, discrimination, employment, Tel: 03444 994719 (General Advice line) immigration, consumer and other problems. Tel: 01787 479397 (Disability Outreach) Email:
[email protected] Website: Address: 17 Coggeshall Road, Braintree, Essex. CM7 9DB Citizens Advice Bureau - Chelmsford The Citizens Advice service offers practical, up-to-date information and advice on a wide range of topics, including; debt, benefits, housing, legal, discrimination, employment, Tel: 01245 205656 (Advice Line) immigration, consumer and other problems.