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All the News of

All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News ------._---_._----_._------_._------VOL 37-NO. 51 1...-;::.';;fJ:.:: ~::lt~:,.~...I::.tit, GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1976. 2::.0:.~.~Y"'~r 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section One

I - HEADLINES IReporter Visits Zoning La,,' 01 tile VariaJICe WEEK Forever Family Approved A. CompU" by the Grone Polnle New. 'n Woods ITwo Car.e-;;-;'ien May House l Now Live Together .in Home in Ken- Thursday, December • I HOUSE D E M 0 C RAT S Carries on Own Investigation of Allegations Made sing ton road LAMBASTED the S e n ate by Neighboring Residents; Finds Members of By James J. Njaim House Atomic Energy Com. mittee for failing to ade- Religious Group Evasive to Questions A November 22 tie quately supervise the nation's By George Polgar Jr. vote, which virtually de- nuclear power pOlicies and "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when nied two career men a vated Wednesday night to brothers dwell in unity" (Psalm 133:1). permit to live together, strip the 30-year.old panel of all bill. writing power. The With hand lettered posters bearing this and was broken on Monday, move to turn the once-power. other Biblical quotes decorating the sta~k bright- December 13, when the \ ' ful committee into little more I ness of their living room, members of the Forever Park Council, sitting as than an advisory group was Family remain oblivious to the neighborhood a Board of Appeals, np- led by Rep, Jonathan Bing- furor surrounding them. ------proved the pair's right to ham, of New York, who said Commenting on allegations Arb:trat:OJ. t live in the Same house. the panel has outlived its made against them at the II II The approval also cancelled usefulness. The Democratic Woods Council's m e e tin g an eviction notice served on caucus decision is certain to Monday, December 6, by res. On Hor:zon the two to vacate their living be approved by the full idents of Roslyn road, a II quarters by a November 30 House, since the party will group member named Alice deadline. This notice was ex: control the next Congress by told the NEWS, "Our. neigh- I,t GP Woods tended 10 Monday night's about 2 to 1. bars are being terribly un- session for a review. fair. We are here doing the . Don Mazzola and Richar4 Friday. December 10 work of Jesus and we are be. No Progress Made after Gronan, who have been living THE CHAIRMAN OF the ing persecuted just as He Mediation Session; Ec- at 143.5 Kensington r 0 ad. state Public Service Com. was." onomic Issues Main since early September, prior missian, (PSC), proposed h to an issuance of a permit Thursday that gas utilities Dozens of Pointe youngsters are busy this GEL. Playful dwarfs in the back, (from left to While the neighborhood as Problem Area granting them a variance 10 yet to ask for public crud. z 0 n i n g ordinance 22, had pay 10 insulate and make week putting finishing touches on their roles in right), are LYNN PELLERITO and LIZ JOHN- fixions, residents have clear- d I other energy-saving improve- the Children's Theater Christmas package for SON. The play will be presented four times at ly indicated that they want By Roger A. Walta move nto the house in good faith. They expecllld lhnt a ments in over one mHlion The Pointe-a three.act musical version of "Snow the War Memorial's Fries Auditorium on Satur- Michigan homes, saving the the youthful religious group Arbitration remains a permit would bo grnnted as White and the Seven Dwarfs." In the front are average customer with a gas day, December 1B, and Wednesday, December 29. out. And after two years of reality in The Woods as a matter of formality. furnace up to $80 a year. The AMY DIETZ, as the charming Snow White, and (See story, page 9). frustrated legal attempts, ap~arently no progress Creates Furor capital cost of the plan, esti. the dashing Prince Valor, played by ANDY VO- hall serious rumblings could was made during a medi- Taking up residence In the mated at $650 million, would result in more direct tactics. ation session between house, owned by the Verhey. be recovered thraugh higher Attitude of Citizens representatives of the den Funeral Home, Inc., cre. utility rates averaging per- Firemen, Council's Action Policemen The intensity of the neigh. Grosse Pointe Woods Po- ated a furor among residents haps $20 a year per customer. Woods borhood ill-will could be lice Officers Association, living within 300 fcet. and But the insulation and other sensed in the tumultuous out- (GPWPOA), and the city along Kenslnglon, at a previ. improvements would produce CPC Okay Pleases Senior Citizens, Cited for breaks at the Woods Council ous hearing. a net fuel cost saving for an meeting. A visit to the For- Monday afternoon, De- Citizens claimed that the average customer af from ever Family home can reo cember 13, toward a new two men living tog e the r $40-$80 a year, according to New Pact Beautification Groups Heroisln veal further traces of the agreement which will af- wou~d ruin the single family the PSC staff. neighborhood. attitud,e... ~~ct 37 officers, including" charac1er of their neighbor. • " (, But Q~e~tion of Consoli- Recreation('51 Program .Incorporllted into Budget Four Officers Receive Parking ,a car across the three corporals. fiooa .anu "dfcrea~e 'property i valUes. Saturday, December 11 dation Remains Unde- for Seniors, While "Veteran's Memorial Parkway" Plaques at Grosse street from the house br ngs NegotiatioDS. Which began surrounding neighbors to early this Silmmer,

" ••• +_ ... , e __ nth • . ....-, _.d' • • • of de •• Page Two' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thunday, December 16, 1976 On holiday weekends be I Doh't put everything on safe, be sure - elrive care. your back just to create a fWIy. front. Pair Receive Permit from Park Council (CeaUaued Irom Page 1) the Kensington residence in residents Jiving in the area i The two men said they had pica"d- 710l'ton .Charles Tompkins, voted for good faith, with no intention and in The Park, plus they to move from their former approval of a permit. Those of violating the city's zoning have a great deal of pride residence by September 6. opposed were Councilmen ordinance, Mr. H 0 1 z man in the property and are im. They moved their furniture Lou OO'R~c/ke's Dr. Roger M c N e IiI and pointed out. proving iI. to 'the house in Kensington Douglas Graham 8nd Coun. Mr. Mazzola is a car sales. One resident. who noted he on September IS, with the cilwoman Camille Peterson. man and Mr. Gronan is a is a good friend of Charles permission of Mr. Alandt, Make Improt'ement. teacher, it was disclosed. Verheyden, owner o( the fu- who did lIot tell Ihem that MACOMBSCHWINN~CYC1ERY At this meetIDg Mr. Maz. They met several years ago neral home, said he has been they could move in. zola anel Mr. Gronan were and when Mr. Mazzola. who a resident of The Park for Told of Law represented by Will i a m is di\'orced and the father of the past 50 years. I SAVE $7.00 Schaefer, a graduate law two children, had to leave The ordinance was passed As a matter of facl, the 'M. SchwInn 1-100' G/If'.,. student. At the November 22 his home to live alone, Mr. to maintain Ihe one- family councilman informed them of SII"., toll tobl. find combo hearing, the two were repre. Gronan invited him to stay character of the area and thhe ordinlance adnd told t~temtI hxkHt. sented by Howard Simon. di. with him. he wanted it 10lStay that way, t ey wou d nee a perml. 0 "l ShortJy after. the owner indicating his opposition - to move into the home as a Il.g. $7,9f Vlllu. h i C Libertiesrector of teAmerUnion, whosecan IV!ap. of the bouse sold It and the grantl'ng the two men a per- "family." peal gained an eviction post- two men sought a new place mit. The councilman said he ponement and a rehearing in a quiet, serene and good There were 0 the r s who told them they could move ONLy99~ on Monday. neighborhood, and they found spoke in opposition, but there their furniture into the house Taking up the cause of the it in Kensington road, said also were those who spoke because they had no other men at Monday night's pub- Mr. Holzman. highly of Mr. Mazzola and place to put or store the With The Purchase of Any Schwinn Bicyde lie hearing was Sheridan Wants Slatus Quo Mr. Gronan, requesting the articles. Holzman, chief counsel of the The attorney said that lIfr. Board of Appeals to grant They were informed, in American Civil Liberties Un. Mazzola and Mr. Gronan them the needed variance good faith, by James Ellison, 'USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY ..A~WAY ion, who said he was not have the same values as the permit. direclor of public service, present to challenge the le. ------that they could move into the gality or the constitutionality home, and that obtaining' a of The Park's ordinance. F:remen... Have New Pact permit to do so was only a ~ He presented a summary matter of formality. •• of the Jives of the pair in. (Continued from Page I) Blue Cross.Blue Shield pre. After a few more worde, FAIRFAX 22406 '.MILE RD. Oil, E...... ) volved and of their excellent The president of The City mium increases of $310 per pro and can, the Board of character. firefightel"S local Lt. Tim family during the coming Appeals unanimousiy ap. Wool and mohair ST. CLAIR SHORES 772.3258 Mr. Holzman also pointed Champine, said he felt his year. proved the granting of a vari- shell, acrylic out that since the pair moved group had "sacrifIced" some Future retirees from the anCe which gave Mr. Maz. blend pile collar into the bouse In Kensington, of the pay Issues to insure a force will, for the first time, 20la and Mr. Gronan the nod and lining. they made Improvements In quick settlement of consoli. receive a $1,000 paid life in. to obtain a permit. Double breasted the property, both Inside and elation In arbitration. surance policy from the ad. button front Natural Shoulder Clothing outside the building, and also "We could !lave done bet. ministration. model with set maintained the landscaping. SHS Student's There are other improve. ter economically if it wasn't The new agreement came in sleeves, menta in the offing, he aelde.d. for this con$Olldation issue," somewhat cheaper to The Trumpet Stolen Large notched pile Want Goocl Are. he 'Said. "But we thought it City than did last year's, collar and lapel The attorney also said that was neceuary to remove which was estimated to cost of modacrylic although the 'two men are not these pay issues from oarbl. $28,000 for pay .and fringe A Farms resident com. blend pile. related in any way, they re. tration proceedings to make benefit increases. The 1975- plained to police that her Large outside spect each other's privacy. sure it's settled this year." 76 ncgoti8tions also marked son's trumpet was stoien They are good friends and City administrators are un. the first time proceedings while in the bandroom at welt slash pockecs have been living together In der the order of Wayne .have gone to arbitration in South High School. and inside Detroit, until they were told County Circuit Court Judge the history of the depart- The trumpet, a silver Bach. breast pocket. they had to move. They then Erwin Burdick not to imp]e. ment. Stradivarius, was valued at. de(lided that The Park was a ment a 'Consolidation plan $600. It was housed in a dark good community in whi(lh to until arbitration proceedings brown ease, which was coy. reside. So they moved into have been completed. New Principal ered with a vinyl-type water. Christmas Week Hours: I Increments Up proof ba~. Named at Defer Mon. thru Thursday evenings 'til 9 p.m. City Police' Nab The firefighters approved According to police, the boy the contract on Monday, De. said he left the instrument The Board of Education 4 Young Thieves .cember 6, the council on while going to bis locker for Thursday, December 9. named Dr. Sally J. Bell prin- a book. When he returned, cipal ot Deter Elementary the instrument was gone. pieard-710l' ton Under the settlement, a School, effective Saturday, As usual, the Christmas fourth-year firefighter's pay The incident occurred on 92 KlfcUlIl, II ~I Hili U2.8251 January 1, at -its Monday, De- season has brought a fresh will go from $15,300 to J16,. Monday, December 6, at 3 I cember 13, meeting. wave of young shoplifters to 400. The lieutenants' pay in- p.m. Pointe stores. City police (lrement over the firelight. Dr. Bell will replace Dr. and alert employes in "The, ill'f 12 Allieda Frost, who was reo U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Village" •nabbed four young er II pay w go rom .5 ~ ~ percent to 14 percent, while cently promoted to Director thieves within just three days the sergeants' increment will of Elementary Education for ~ ~ last week. f the system. At noon on Tuesday, De- go rom 6.25 percent to 7. ~ Pure .ilk ~ Dr. Bell, 40, received her .' cember 7, a 12.year-oldClty Overtime pay for the de . youth was discovered trying partment will jump from MA and PhD degrees from ~ CLUB STRIPES ~ SERO to walk out of Cunningham's, $125 to $140 per day, with a Michigan State University. Nothing Is obvious eKcept the quality. ~ by COUNTESS MARA ~ in Kercheval avenue, wIth a maximum of 20 days for the She has both teaching and case of sausages WIder his enUre force. administrative experience and ~ ~ is currently principal of an ~ "Stripes of distinction precisely executcd in the ~ coat. Since his mother was Longevity pay jumps from PURIST BUTTON DOWN elementary school' in the /;>,"'! ('xqui~itericlfP~ss .of pure silk .. \ll bearing (he ~ ,at work and could not be $350 for 15 years to $490 for LakeVille School District, in FOR HIS CHRisTMAS r'IP~",tbe pcilce 1ClDt...Ui,e.o,l'l, y.can' eervlce ...under the otisville, _n.ear Flint. , ...... ~ounlcss' Mara' '2oronet1 malIk' of qualilY. In a ~ bOf back to school wJth a new :agreement. The hoUday ~ range of atlracli\e color coml)illalion~ to compli~ ~ warDin,. pay roll.up is from $400 'to The trustees unanimously approved the appointment of Sero believes gentlemen are made, not Two more 12.yearo()lds, one $468. ~ mCllt your wardrobe. $16.50 ~ born; and entering that stage of manliness City girl and a Farms boy, Thll City agreed to pay Dr. Bell on the recommenda- can occur during college days or beyond. were caught stealing elgareu -.-,.--,..---_-_ tion of Superintendent Dr. ~ Available in: ~ William Coats. The Purist Is for a gentleman, regardless from Kroger's, in Kercheval ~ Navy-Gold ~ of his age. avenue. Both were releaseel Cancer Group to their parents. ~ Navy-Maroon @ Tasteful shlrtmanshlp has always been The same day. at aoout Seeks Drivers Grosse ~ Navy.Light blue - ~ Sero's goal. The Purist button down shirt 8:30 p.m., an electronic: ~ Brown-Beige ~ screening d e v Ice in Kay Pointe News Is that achievement. from $18.50 The Michigan Cancer Faun. ~ Black-Royal Blue ~ Baum's worn en's apparel PublL'ihed Every Thursaay shop. iJt Kercheval avenue, dation has announced that volunteer drivers are needed by Robt. B. Edgar ~ ~ alerted employes to an at. DIBI A Ant~bo Publishers tempted theft by a 17-year. to drive patients to hospitals and doctors' offices for treat. 99 Kercheval Avenue ~~/(iIhher ~ old Farms girl. Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48236 cart sterr Police found more than $50 ment. ON THE t4ILl worth of clothes and jewelry One woman from the War. Phone TU 2.6900 ~ ~~DIfI ~ 80 Kercheval. Groue Poinle t'arms Second Class Po,lage paid at in her possession and turned ren-Alter road area must Detroit. Michigan. ~ . DETROIT ~ 882.3S90 Hours: 9 10 5:~0 her over to her parents. visit Sinai Hospital five after. Subscription Roles $8.00 per year via mail. ~ ~ The girl had apparently noons a week lor five weeks, Addr.ss all Moil (Subscriptions, tried to avoid the electronJc while another patient must Chang. of Address Forml 3579 to ~ @ 99 KerchevcT, Grosse Pointe Form" ~ ~ detector by removing the go to Harper Hospital each Mich. The deadline for news copy ....., \NOODWARD AVE. SOMERSETMALL ~ .;:;~;:;:~~~:~:~:;:;~;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:~:~:;:~:;:;:;:~:~:~:~:;:~:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:~:;:;:;=;:~:~:~:~:;:~:;:;:;:~:;..,. tags from the stolen articles morning, the foundation says. II Monday noon. :i1E 1571 Woodward Ave., Phone 964-2300. Detroit, 48226 ':':'.' \ ':':'.' Anyone interested in pro- All odvertilinQ copy must be In before putting them on. Ihe New. Offlc. by Tuesday noon ~ ~ She made the mistake, viding this necessary serv- to In1ur. In.. tlion. n~;)(;)~61(,,1.~;)(,,1.~1 ((JJ"!'k;)(;)~;)(6J,'t"-;)f,,',~,,'(,t'~;)f,,')~;)(,,1"iffr;)(,,1'/lln You are important however, of putting the tags Ice is asked to call Maya in her pocket which alerted Elmer, Michigan Cancer It> us the device as she walked out Foundation, East Unit, at 372- the door. 2678. 'ALLEN FOR -CHRISTMAS - and all year long ...L PDMONDS

...... '.'.'.' ~~~~~~~ ~~;~~~~t11glJITlONS PURE CAMEL IMPORTED SHETLAND ~j1j1j: ~1~1~1: HAIR JACKET TYROLEAN CREW-NECKS .~~:1"\ ~/f)J FALCON /HW' Irl! Ii Perfect ~~;mj Black CUltom ~~m~: for the holiday I) ::::::: or Antique ::::::: social scene /1' for the man who appreciates ~~,~,,:,\,; th-e European •••••• 1 •• ' •••• 'I' :I!! silhouette. The right way to dress up \. ~' .. 3-pc. vested his jacket or weather coat, . '. ~'., !ii11)j So much so thaI we constantly strive 10 offer ij~jjji suit, 2-button, a fine imported velour hat :;:;:;:the finest available. That's why we proudly an- :::;::: "'.'~''l~\ B0~....'.' . ::;:;~nounce Ihat we now feature Allen-Edmonds ::;:::: notched lapel, to blend or contrast. A ~\, };::: shoes. Truly a distinguished line of fine shoes ::::::: rope shoulder, jaunty, sporty look. ::;;:;:for men. Here is exceptional quality, rare crafts- :::;:;: side vents 130. :::::::manship and finest leather to assure you of ::;:;:: bluffed edges. :;::;;:unusual style and comlort. :;:::;: Blue, grey, brown. ~ A handsome, traditional A good assortment of our shirts, ties, jewelry sllml coat of 100% camel fine crew-neck J"weatersin bail', O,usic /{)okr. fI/f1}f)SI pure shetland yarn. Hand comfort. A Xi}! for the fashioned in Scotland by For your shopping convenience, we ore open man who deserver some- McGeorge. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday thing just a hit helter, $25.

S"""'''9'' t,nt $165. t1IgB/TlONS ",.f". fm/'/',\W%~ lIF@ll~3 llilm~II UP~?MIII!ll_ III I ~:~ii: " JII!JlI #{~r:s Men's Fashions 1<1;'5 16227 MACK in Tiffany Lane KERCHEVAL AT ST. CI.AIR • GROSSE POINTE f/tcL~~. ::::::: Open El'eningfl ,i/ Ch,ifltmfu ::::::: Phone: 881.1881 .. KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE Christmas Hours: Monday. Friday, 9:30 to 8:45 ::::;~:;:;:;:;:;:~:;;~:~:;;~:;:;:;:;:~;~:;:;;;:;:;;~;;:;:j:~:;;;:;:;:;:;:;;j;;;;;;:;;j;~:~:;:j:~:;:;:j;;:j:~:j:j:~:j:~:~:~;;:;:: Saturday, 9:30 to 5:30

. II . • . i Thursday, Detember 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three

Ambitious men do their The recipient of free advice 1 will I \ ULS's Career Talks Prove Citizen Gets Bon Secours' " ariance [Center Yule best whether watched or not. should shake it before taking. IParty Tonight 1m Pr.ofitable for Students 'Special' Mail Bid Subject to llearing 1 I The case of tile missing Vincent Price's "A Christ. YOUDg ]l, (and the general pub- let wa'S left there the previ. 'COurs Admuustrator Barry FO\lr professionals from di. lic), to know of the conflicts lives in Cadieux road, just for elementary school chil. ous evening she felt the man Spero. verse fields spoke at the that exist. aUhe moment, be. I a..:ross fro!ll lh~ lot ill 'iU~S- I Jfcll. Rc,st.'fvations must bt.' school and took part in a had taken ii. The City Council will con. hon. made in advance. tween the medical profession sider the request at an 8 p.m. question and answer period and .the government. "Many afterward.>. The girl's mother cont8ct. public hearing Monday, De. physicians a~e leaving the ed the company and was ad. cember 20 in the city offices Peter Clark, editor and state due to malpractice suits vised the two ,moverl) were 11141 Mau'mee avenue. ' Boat Salely with Knowledge publisher of the "Detroit and incre3tSing -governmental not in the office. Then Det.. . News" and president of the control of medical care for Charles Philip Hamel sug. City Plannmg C~nsulta~t THE GROSSE POINTE POWER SQUADRON Evening News Association, the populace," I gested that she call the com. Bran~on Rogers Said he ,ts INVITES YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS TO ATTEND ~poke on the topic, "How the For example, he said, a re- pany again, inform them of studymg the matter a~d WIll :i'ederal Reserve System M. cent ruling was made by the the situation and say if the have a member of his staff FREECLASSES IN BOATING feets Your Daily LiIe." Wayne County Bo~ of Com. bracelet wasn't returned she present his recommendation Ma\5. Barba,ra Rose Collins, missioners. that any patient would prosecute. ' to the council on Monday. ClASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 171h, 1977 state representative of the without insW'ance automatic. . "It is a basic land.use de . TIME: 7:30 P,M. CAFETERIA 21st Dist'rict in Detroit, va. ally becomes a county pa. .After 'Speakin:g. to a super, cision," be said. "The coun. cated her seat on the floor of tient and has to be treated at vIsor and explammg the case, cil must consider, on the one GROSSEPOINTE HIGH SCHOOL - NORTH the House fora few hours, to Wayne. County General Hos. t~e mother told. the dete~. hand, the impael 1!ny suen MORNINGSIDE -. OFFVERNIER speak to the students on pital. "This means that a doe. bve, upon chec~ng the ~ai1 change will have on the resi- Ladies Invited "What the job of legislator tor can no longer choose a box the followmg \mornmg, I C0D31sts of." She explained hospital for his own patients that the bracelet was found how committees are formed, and interferes with bks pro- inside. UGHT OF LIFE how laws are made and what fessional rights." "Those who belong to God So with the return of the goes on "behind the IScen&" shall live again! Those who Tbese 5PE!akers are part of jewelry, there was no in. in meetings and debates. dwell in the dust shall awake GROSSE POINTE GOLFERS a University Liggett School terest in pursuing the com. James Boomga,rd, director program known as "Beyond and sing for joy! For God's plaint,aDd the case was Look at the following buys of the Children's Home of De- the Classroom," which takes Ught of life will fall dike dew troit, spoke about "Adminis. students on monthly excur. cleared and 'Closed. upon theml" (Isaiah 26:19) in Your neighborhood tration of Health CMe Facill. sions into ,the working world. THERE'S NO PRESENT ties." He emphasized to the Thus far, vIsIts bave in. - . LYNX GOLF CLUBS students the importance of .... 4 Woods - 10 Irons cluded the Ford Motor Co. - ---- having more than one "spe. Design Center, Harper Hos- LIKE THE TIME; THERE'S cialty" in today'\!) highly com. pital, Wayne State Univel'5lty $320.00 petltive world. Law School, the Renaissance Gift Sweaters NO TIME LIKE AOLEX. Although he was a hoorpital Center and ,the Detroit News SPALDING ELITE CENTURION administrator for many yea,l'5, ~ting and Telecommunica. 4 Woods - 8 Irons Her time is art; she deserves a rnalch:nu timepiece specializing in geriatrics, Mr. tions Plant in Sterling by Rolex. From top: the chic oval case watch In 14k!. . Boomgard .also has a Masters Heights. $274.00 In addition to this, Univer. yellow gold with tapered mesh bracelef (8194): a slty Liggett students bave had ~ES'GNED by WALTER HAGEN UL TRADYNE II glittering cushion.shaped case mOdel In 1'Ik\. while the opportunity to meet in. 4 Woods - 9 Irons or yellow gold, framed by 28 full.cut diamonds, With PHYSICIANS: formally with career leaders, sculpted link bracelet (8161): and the acllon status to see how and where they $285.00 walch, Lady-Date in stai nless steel and 14k\. gold wj>rk, and to gain insight into Suppose that you. JACK NICKLAUS GOLDEN BEAR with mAtching Jubilee bracelet. self-winding and what they do. !LJ~nttS could reduce your Exposure to various ca. 3 Woods - 8 Iroris pressure-proof down to 165 feet (6917/310) taxable income for reers helps the individual 1976 by as much as student to choose then- own $130.00 OF SCOTLAND , Fine Watches from '400 $7,5001 And begin "niche" in tomorrow's world. Pom Pom Held Coye,. Pro Ban. building a nest egg at Set of 4 $5.00 from $5.50 doz. t~e ,~~m~Nti~,e1}fl~9~. ,Po,inte,r,s pl,qy, '_ ,1 .... ", iI. ~ ,'I act now, ahona, A' super 'gift idea for men ~ boys and "RAM'ZEBRA puT"tel' .~-~',~."'40~SO Bank of Detroit can With U.M Group women. All Shetland wool sweaters in a LYNX PUTTE R." ,: •••••• ~$2Ci~00 help you to reach both great selection of solids, cables, and Pointe high school students • ACUSHNET PUTTER ••••• '20.00 of these goals stripes. Great color choice: Kelly green, Christine C1lD:'mell and Bar. Golf Club. R8Jlrlpped through the Keogh bara Gabbart are amons Limegreen, candy pink, red, yellow, n"avy, Retirement Savings musicians from 35 Michigan grey, orange, ton, powder, blue, white, Accessories 12.00 Plan, our IRS- seconduy schooLs perform. tor-tan green and dark brown. Izod Club. Reflnl.hed approved retirement ing this year with the Uni. versity of Michigan Youth Sports Wear 15.00 program for self- Band/Wind Ensemble. Women's sizes include the ever-popular employed individuals. The group was formed in FAIR ISLE . A telephone call to 1973 ,to offer tbe students THE SPORT NOOK, LTD. GEMOL-OGISTS & I'ERSONAL- JEWEL-ERS 225-2779 will bring performing opportunities as 1845 Fleetwood at Mack you details; or stop by well as ma

SILlC~~~ :~~'NGS SKI HUT Special REPAIR BASE GOUGES S750 SETH THOMAS One Week Only J 2-2 fo J 2-9 QUARTZMATIC CROSS COUNTRY PACKAGES: We Stock SHIP'S WHEEL FREE DELIVERY ;n ,he Grosse 'C.C SKI PKG. TRAK ST. ANTON Po;n'e Area on TRAK ~:EFELD SKI .. 72.50 rRAK ST. ANTON SKI. 62.50 CAR & VAN CLOCKS TRAK X.C BOOT ... 25.95 TRAK X.C BOOT.... 25.95 COMPLETE LINE SKIS ana SKI Packages lor TRAK 3.PIN BINDING. 7.95 iRAK 3.PIN BINDING. 7.95 SKI RACKS Mon. Ihru Fri. BAMBOO POLES... 7.95 BAMBOO POLES. , .. 7,95 9:30.9:00 Christmas Ind Sat. - 9:30.5:30 • NCJulicol Ship'. Wh.el • Ship'. Wheel. REG. ',14.35 REG. 104.35 AU SizlS 18" to 60" lamp •.. , All .i•••! 95 95 OUR PRICE ••. OUR PRICE •.. $ I_'~ • Chart.: Americon • Ship'. Wh •• 1 $99 84 lCa;'l ~ ond ConCJdian Tabl•• , all .ize. Grec>1 lake. & Coa.tal • 51 Ih TMma. Ba,om.'."

19605 Mack TU 2.1340 0,.- 0.'" .... Set., S p••• 215 Main St., Rochester-652-0122

- 1_ .... __ ,..... • t M ~'. • ,. ••• • s • •• « ...... no. ~ de. . - ... I. n « .. • - .. a. __. I G RO SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, December 16, 1976 • Two Groups flappy I Woods to Hire New Personnel

WEEKDAY '. . '. , 'I I" With t:le loss of Michael Officer Podeszwik, who (Continued from Page 1) I the recognItIOn, of Ill! com. Ferre.nce and the retirement joined the force in Septem. HOURS taking over and directing munity." of Dd. Everett Plumb later ber 1964 was an original such a prog~a.m), a~d I hope Noting that Mrs. Sullon has this month, the Woods De. member of the Youth Serv. MON., TUES., th~ ,?ther cI~les Will follow done "a fantastic j~b," he Ipartment of Public Safety ice Division, (YSD), when WED., THURS. OPEl SUIt. In thiS respect, she I expressed an mterest III help. " will IJ\! hiring new personnel the bureau became fully op. 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. felt t~~r.e was a moraJ reo ing her achieve her goals. in th" near future. erational in August 1970. As , spOnslbl1J~y on ~he part .of the Saying he will try to attend Al the same timc, Public part of the rotation plan af. I FRIDAY SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. oth~r P?I~tes III relatIOn to all ~ommission meetings, Safety Director H~nry Mar. fecting YSD \lersonnel, he serlJo~ cItizens. . Mr. Cucter mdlcated he also chand reported that Officer was assigned to the uniform ~ SATURDAY 10 A.M. B.esl~es the aforementioned wants to address the seniors' Thomas Podeszwik wilt be division in early 1974. ( : 9 A,M to 6P.M. achVitles, Mrs. S~tt~n .fo. group which meets twice a ass' "ncd to the detcctivc di. TO cused upon the socIalization month at Nor!"1 High School .•..,., ff t" .. rt Jan Meanwhile, Officer Fer. .. Vis:"m c ec lVC lUon av, - th aspect o.f sue h .a program, "I hope I can be a credit ualr 3 . rence resigned from e de- "nees Good thru Tues., Dec. 211t 5 P.M. plus service projects toward to these people" he added Th' d. t t which partment to accept the posi- W. _,..,. the ",hI .. a definite goal where seniors . " .' I; epar men , tion of chief of the DeWitt Umit quontlllft. will be able W utilize their Happrness wasn. t conImed was scheduled to conduct Township Police Department, talents. only t? Wo~ds semors, ~s ~he tcst, for patrolmen T.uesday, DeWitt, Mich., a suburb " BeautlflcalJon CommiSSIOn' DN:Lmbrr 14, Will hire two. . H we all put our heads to. project took a big first step new officers, the director n?rth of Lansmg. He spent gelber, we should come up forward with the council's 'd his last day on the job on with something that's well concurrenCe with a C.W rec. sal . I Tuesday, November 30, in rounded," she added. ommendation. The Woods. ~eanwhile, Mr. Cueter w~s "Stepping Stone" COLD FACTS decI~edly pleased o,~er hl.s While originally hoping for Life's hardly worth living ap~lntment as an ex-of!l- a federal grant for the esti. for the man who picks his C!O me.mber to the c.ommls. mated $14(J,OOO memorial and critic, and then be told the ~lon. ~Ith ~. strong Illtere~t beautification plan, based truth. This Christmas III Sl"nJor ethz~ns ,~nrt their upon .:;ost estimate.> prep:lrcd I give him a Pulsar J U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF welfare, he said, I hope I by Eichstedt, Grissim. Young can do some good for them. and Associates, landscape the enduring I wa.s honored to accept the architects, Dr. Albert C. appo~tment as I have a S?ft Howe, commission chairmau, gift of tI~e s~t In ,:uy heart for seDlar said he was pleased with the RIB ROAST cItizens. council's initiatory action. Feeling that seniors in the Indicating this was a "step-

, ' country have often been ping stone," he said its scope neglected, he said, "They includes two entrance signs, have given of themselves incorporating brick \ walls, throughout all their lives and saying "City of Grosse the comrnunity should give Pointe Woods, Veteran's Me. 6-7TH $ 19 lbem something back." morial Parkway," at a cost QT. RI8 At the same time, Mr. of around $12000, and four CTN. LB. Cueter felt Woods seniors coach lamp type light poles, ;3,~e ~r~~~~~a t(~~~~~:) :~~~ ;r~.g~~ach wall, at a ~ . don't feel the need to help One wall will be located at ,.~ U.S.D.A. CHOICE 8EEF seniors. the Harper Woods boundary "The council (as a whole) line in Vernier road, while 5 fails to recognize that these the other will be placed in :i DELMONICO STEAK L8. 3.49 people in the cornmunity are the area of The Shores boun. not aliI well.to.do people. Re. dary line to the city. A Hag HORMEL gardless of their income pole also is being consid. bracket, they deserve the at- ered at t~e Harper Woods tention, and should be given boundary line. CURE '81' RAM L8.$2.99 ------Mr. Petersen said the city will npt advertise for bids on WHOle Arhitration the project unliI earuy spring, while indicating the estimated (ContiJiued from Page 1) $Hi,OOOamount includes the Features Day of ~/(. Stainless steel case can be reached, Officer Van. landscape architect's fees. BEEF TENDERLOIN and bracelet. $325. DeGinste added, "From what He added the monies will TENDER. MEA TV has transpired so far, it will probably come from either The Pulsar Big Time has a probably be arbibration." the municipal improvement The Metropolitan bigger display area, a For his part, City Admin. fund or the major street Model H412W bolder new look. Plus, all istrator Chester E. Petersen fund. However, the council .COUNTRY STYLE RIBS Suppose Ihere's a power the features that have will have to make the ulti. L8~I.09 ~tated, "As far as the City failure tonighl. Even though made Pulsar SO popular. LOI"" END of Grosse Pointe Woods is mate decision on this malter. the power comes back on, concerned we have never had May Solidt your old clock radio will Like accuracy to within 60 any


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i Thursday I December 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five ------_ ..__ •.. _------I, I

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GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 16, 1976

OPPORTUNIST TAKE IT WITH YOU Visit Made to Forever Family House The trend toward comerv. Play it sate-lay up all ing natural resources gives your treasures in heaven - right with the Lord," and in because they noticed the rear many a man an excuse not the tax man can'l get them need of "getting saved." license plate Jight was out. to work. there. The only frame of. refer. The driver, James Chap. ence in these discussions is man, 20, produced a New the Bible, from which group York operator's license. The members quote constantly. licilnse was marked with a They assault the individual's notation that the driver was pride, ambition, knowledge reguired to wear corrective and honesty with insouciant lenses. Police reported that smiles. he was not wearing glasses Alice denies being the and did not have them on house leader though group his person. members repeatedly report Chapman was taken to the to her con~rninga variety police station and issued a of activities,- shopping for violation for driving without groceries, calling "lambs," corrective lenses. A court et al. She says she has no date was set for Wednesday, idea of how many people December 15, as Chapman live in the house ona regu. said he would be .lea ving the I Jar basis. state in two weeks. Question Charges "People come and stay a Bond was set at $25 and "Today is cleaning day," few days and then move on, when two other residents of says a girl named Liz to the and others come and they the Forever Family house unexpected visitor, as she move on as well." came to pOst the sum, all shoves a vacuum cle-aner Though Alice did not ac. three were issued copies of across tbe floor with one knowledge that any of the an injunction prohibiting the foot. group's vans had even been conduct of public church ser- Though the 1i.ltchcn docs ticketed she said such fin{'s vit'('~ in the house and solici- not gleam with white coun. would he paid from a com- tation of people to attend ter tops, the worst thl!,t can mon house fund. Further she such services. be said of it is that it fits maintains that charges of the rather bohemian life late night comings and go- style of the residents .. ings are not true since they , The basement of the house would violate house rules. was described by some "The house rules say that neighbors 'at the council everyone has to be in the lJleeting as surely a breeding house ,at 10 p.m. when our ....1...;...• place for vermin. In fact, the meetings start," she said. . ~" basement is in no worse con- Saying "!lello" :i., dition than that of other The implication of this is This Week's houses which experienced that everyone who attends ~, severe flooding last summer. the meetings spends the The floors are covered with night. If this is the case, ;.• ~ Bell Ringers the usual storage cartons and they would repeatedly be in assorted odds and ends. violation of The Woods zon- ,., Prices Effective Dec. 16, 17 and 1$ There 'are a number of ing ordinance which limits CLOSID ALL DAY SUNDAY telescoping posts undergird- the number of unrelated per. ing the wooden beams as sons residing in the house to • OPt" AU DAY Wednesday. De<. 22 .from 8 Q.m.-S p.m. was reported to the council. five. However, they seem in no The condition of the house, danger of giving way and accordIng to Alice, is the reo FRESH are apparently being used for sponsibilitY of the owner exactly the purpose which with whom she says she has they are manufactured. not discussed the possibility CHICKEN LIVERS When questioned about of -repairing the exterior. . "We keep up tqe yard, we 7112 OZ. CAN specific charges of late night DEMINGS KING CRAB MEAT '3.47 noise or illegal parking of shovel our walk, we do what cars, vans and even sebool we have to do to keep the OUR OWN HOMEMADE .buses, the group members place up," she said. are evasive or very' 'brief. When asked why city offi. "The charges are greatly cials had to call the bouse LINK SAUSAGE exaggerated." recently to remind them that On House Rules the following day was trash U.S.D.A. CHOICE LEG OF LAMB '1.49 lB. The conversation wit h day, Alice stated that they group members invariably had simply not known when strays from their problems trash day was and have put - OVEN RIADY LAMB ROAITS- to the plight of the question- their bags out ever since. SEMI.BONELESS LEG OF LAMB •.... , .... , ... '1.97 LB. er, who is obviously "not To charges of continued solicitation of passers.by, BONELESS ROLLED LEG OF LAMB ..•...... , . '2.13 LB. against which the city ob- Consultant tained ,a civil injunction last year, group members claim (Con&inued from Page 1) that they say "hello" to peo. tained some inconsistencies. pIe on the street just as any. Viewing the area. of land one else would. use, Mr. Petersen said plan- "Aren't we allowed to talk Va'cOlUdt~ll the city of to whoever we like? Istbere areas'''' wiiiEh~ wauld" befie't so'Tne " law a'gainst "'1ieing lend themselves toward mul- friendly?" DON'T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR FRESH tiple family development, if Taken to StatIon the commission and council As yet Woods police have want this in relation to been una'ble to ,act an any re- DRESSED OVEN READY TURKEY ZOlJing. If not, the city could ports of improper acti vilies receive further information in .and around the house -al. STUFFED WITH OUR OWN BREAD DRESSING regarding single family dis. though officers have checked tricts. the area closely for around ~. .' . .. . , ~~~~- FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINING PLEASURE MAY WE SUGGEST? As for re.development. the three weekS for possible vio- . city administrator stated this lations of an ordinance pro- • Crown ROAST Of PORK (StuHed with our own bread dressing.) aspect is related to aand use hibiting the storage of com- • CANDLE PORK ROAST (For A Small family) • A DELICIOUS RIB EYE plans. He noted anexplora- mercial vehicles on private ROAST (The Center of the Rib) • LAZY-AGED ST ANDING Rib Roast or tion of this would show some property. A few violations residential areas which need Boneless Rolled RIB ROAST • NEW YORK STRIP ROAST • FRESH were issued . . upgrading, while offering In fact, on Friday, Decem- DRESSED STUfFED TURKEY or CAPONS • BONELESS HAMS glazed ready some' consideration for a ber 10, at 2: 11 'a.m., police to eat. Presliced if you wish • BONELESS STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTS. complete re.development pro- approached the driver of a Advanced Ordeu Will Be Appreciated gram for the future. vehicle .which pulled into the Part of this prpposal will ~~, __ ".o-oM~_. __ - - - - :;.< Forever Family driveway I center upon the Mack avenue I area and its commercial dis- WE Will BE OPEN ALL DAY' trict. I.. At this point, Mr. Petersen IN TIME FOR WED., DEC. 22 FROM 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. indicated it wouldn't take a long period of time to update I U.S. NO.1 IDAHO the zoning ordinance. Garden Fresl1 However, noting the council Christmas Delivery! I BAkiNG apparently isn't too inter. ,.I ested in obtaining a federal I EGG PLANT planning grant towards ex- POTATOES ploring the land use and re- C development areas, he added specific costs regarding the EACH 10 lB. BAG 38 entire spectrum are an un- $1.19 known factor right now. ~"~:~~:~:~:~:~'~:~:~:~:.w:~:~':~:~':~:~:~:~:~ ~. HOLIDA Y SPECIAL i f Gw. the S~~~,~~!~e~o~~ve!~~~~~ee~~!e~~~~, lessons t J PROGRAM A PROGRAM B - Shot Clinics *' * DATES: ......,29.30. Datlll: Dtc8IIlItr 20.21, 22. 27. 28.29. '. '. Place WillMft. Ra~1IIt CII~ P~"1174 1300 PlacI: lake Shari Tlanls Hausl Phonl: 176.6290 ~ ~: .. '. '. Classes Times Classes Times *' , Beginners 9:00 a.m.-l 0:30 a.m. Ground Strokes .. 9:00 a.m.-l 0:00 a.m. ~ ~ Intermediate 10:30 a.m.-Noon Service and Service Return ~ ~ Ad d 1 00 230 10:00 a.m.-ll :00 a.m. ~ ~ vance .... " : p.m.': p.m. ~ ~ Be' 700 830 Ground Strokes ... 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. '.. " ginners ..... '. : p.m.-: p.m. . d S . R "U '1Y' Service on erVlce eturn ~ ~'. Intermediate .... 8:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. 800: p.m.-:900 p.m. ~'. ~ Select your class now and enroll early-class size will be limited. * ~ .. * 774.1300 776.6290 ,J ~.* WIMBLEDON LAKESHORE ' ~.. Racquet Club Tennis House , ,'.~. S~o~I~~r~'h:r~liI:::80 St.2~1~~:s~::;;r4~~'80I:~ 1Y. " 1 :'Pf:~:~:~:'PE~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~,:~.:~:~:~:*.~:~:~.';JtE

)1 \ ----_.~ ---...... - __...... -._--~-_.-...... -...._--~-~ ~-_.-.---.-- - ._.... . •••• __ ...... • ' __ .... 0 .... c ••• i4i •••••• $ $ , ,b P' P , p,pppppppppppp p; •

Thursday, ~ecember 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven City Workers Get Pay Hike Library Hosts Two Exhibits ----~ .. NHS Students Good in Math The City Council approved active to June 1976, will add S eve n tee n North High sity of mathematical train. A collection of Bicenten. ranging from the "Railroad wage and fringe i>enefit agree. at least $35,000 to the city School students finished in ing in most professions and nial wall ha'lgi"gs and a dis. Era," to the I'Balloon Craze," ments f~r the '197&77 year the top five percent on Part trades and to identify and to "Space Shot." They are budget, according to Finance play of "Christmas Past" are with its public works, office Director Dennis Foran. I of the Twentieth Annual provide scholarships for cap. displayed throughout the en-I and administrative workers special e x h i bit s hosled A 30-cent an hour pay hike Michigan Mathematics Prize able mat:Jemalics students tire first floor of the libraf)', at a speciai meeting Thurs' was agreed .upon for The Com pet it ion. They were in the state. throughout December by the day, December 9. City's 18 hourly employes in among 1,100 Michigan stu- The 100 winners of the com. Central Library, 10 Kerch. The settlements, all retro. the office and public works dents to compete in the final petition will be honored at el'al avenue. departments. Longevity pay examination ear lie rthis the Awards Program to be Beautiful Hillcrest Country Club for that group was increased month. held at Western Michigan Mrs. Sidney Probert, of DENNY'S to a maximum of $400 for 15 North math students who University in February with Rivard boulevard, dipped AND BANQUET CENTER illY SHOPPE years service as well, qualified for the second test 40 oC the winners receiving into her private collection WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE and family relics to portray Ind",lriet Commer,ial. Hourly workers with five were Elizabeth Barrett, Bar. a total o[ approximately 8 PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED BAllROOMS Residential - Sales, years or more on the job will baraBidigare. Richard Car- $7,000 in coUege scholarships. the mood of 19th century holidays in two showcases TO SERVE YOUR EVERY PARTY NEED Servic.e, Installalions! get one extra vacation day a ter, Daniel Connors, Robert The scholarship fund in. in the library lobby. Doors. lock;,

With the help o[ federal CETA funds. The City hired last week its first meter.maid, Federal Inco When the action won't stop." Ann Austin, of Neff road. stop the action with the Vivilar Pocket Cameras wilh built-in On the job since Monday, Electronic Flash. 15 times Novembe

North Wttl 31 S SOuH., Wayne no~d, We'!>l!;I"d .1}6IlO?O ~ We-Sl C,g OCilver, e,rm"H)f"l~ f... ~ ,\IX) II"!~ (j'tlrll'1 R''itl t'll!liI'S()ulofleld B)ll <'9'>0 1 ('3 We101 Mlc,f11o.n. YpSII.'Inll 481 /'>«> ;>""'? G';:,,"'l1 R,\{1!"1 flp'iH Oee(t. ROill1 ~J'J ..880 Pe~le 99 We~l JJ'il{l19, O;,mHIQtliVfl 6"](~ f ... Weslll,rg la~e. AI(,r,"I',p~d tl,rl.., (Al,7''') f41;' n(l't.nr,~ldfl#!,,' (j'rlfld R,~., ?/J <600 ar, 111618 t'ut JeHe',on .If ~iln,s.!lQufl Bl' JOll~ 641 I lC'J6.41 J(IY ~o3<11\1 M"rlt)f 9JJ.7664 :1700 Wesl """'IIC, fll()(»m',p"1 l ....p '.o~ 16~~ fAt! WIII"en nUl Outer Or,v. fIIl40'40 7~9',() MldOlebf'lt. fAtml('lgton tidl\ 471 ;"'0 .;'l.. joy ROM nellf Tfllfi!og.'oiIptl ~)llllll n" .. liSt 1 t<.I1~ ROtlr111' W~'llIlel .1" 94~ I)' 0 n{)(.~I~~'Pl n(,M, flnc.t"(>\lf!'1 6')) ;>J]{) 16&41 S(hotettl n,)~ nfla. McN,(;P'loIS 34? 1900 lie,. 2!)50' H,IUpfil. S, CIII' S"()lU III ;'lOO ~J4 t S9O(J f86 Mi\'" Sfll'l'flr, Op.llt'vllle ~9H'OJJ ooססllf,h W,,{)(1"";H~, nOf'" CJ.))o .660 T\llljtpnly-F'ovr '-A,le f'lMIO, St'l.(b~ T~p /31~' 10406 ('940S (',1"'("I,',e:I1 ~)Oulh1'f'I<1 5~9 lOll) 4-1101 '6"100 71)99 W~,~ A'g F!e",,&' TUll' 64J 7400 }()f59 Ril ,.,~()nVl"'1(t Hnad Van fJ",rfln Twp 48' 0600 DowntOWIl 0."011 940 ra!tll 1)'"9 l..l~l) !lO<'ld, Truy ()ACJ ,,~)ol)(} :jt,f'jQ ~.( r'1'g~n A,Il'''r,{J8 Wayr'&, 121110OO ~ G'j'~~d II J.It.rao" 1l6~.4114

(h,ill"",s In, IiI • p.m,-Chrislmas Day 1'-3 N.w I'M'" In, ... - N.w YM"S DIY lGo3


mm $ a , l ' 01 sss.e. 7SS •• 'S••• m.l 7. sr .reg 'I' $ me • • a e art •• "de rr. I 5 7 •• r'r ,,_ ,', .. ' ,".' :.. I ;" .. • ~ " <" I , ~ . \ ' ...-' :,..!' . .~; .....~ - . , .

Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 16, 1976 Nah Motorist on Two Charges Cited for Heroism PUNCH & 21 ~ERCHEVAl THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN A Mount Clemens motorist was on radar watch on Lake. TU 5-2550 observed the (~ntiDued from Page 1) [into flames. who was driving along Lake. shore when he At th th b d BAR-B-Q RIB DINNER ..54.95 JUDY motorist traveling north in e scene, ey 0 serve In his recommendation to • shore road Saturday, Decem. eltceS! o{ the posted 35 mph the victim, Da\'id Anderson, the lodge's executive board, WHOLE SLAB BAR-B-Q RIBS $7.95 .. Startl-ng Wed Dee 15 i ber 11, at 10:26 a.m, was ;;peed limit. sitting in a vehicle which Patrolman Hiller said. "It is .. .,.: arrested by Shores police anu He was locked in on radar was resting on the top of the obvious that without his ac. charged with spel'ding and at 45 mph and was stopped base of an Edison pole that lions. the victim would have Meaty and Delicious Wed •• Thurs • , Mon., Tues driving .....hile his operator's by the ofticer. had been sheared off in the (b een ) e Iec t rocu ted an.d or 18310 MACK : h d th H I G" 7 10 accident. The victim, police burned in the vehicle." i !: Monty Pyt on an 8 0 Y ral -: ilicense was suspended. The officer said t h a l reported, had serious facial Patrolman Dave Zatemski . ;: The Man Who Fen to Earth - 8 :40 Shores authorities said that Clemons produced a valid injuries and possible internal submitted the names of'sgt. POINTE WHARF ::t:;~~ ,. the 1 ice n s e of Charles operator's license and car j injuries. Turrill and Patrolman Rice .. Fri. Sat. i Clemons, 23, of 34840 May. r~gistration, but the regi~tra ~Iames AP~t'ar . c based upon a working house' • ' nard. was suspended by the hon was not to t.h~ vehIcle.] Th~ wires also "ere amn" fire which occurred on :?cp.. Make Your New Year's Eve Reservations Now .. Holy Grall - 7:05 - 10:40 :.'Secretary of State's Office in The proper certifIcate was, and there ~...a~ a gr~at dan. tember 30, 19i6, at 1:30 3.m I Daily 11 I Z ~ ' .. ..' Lansing because of Clemons' presented by the passenger ger of the \eh:c1e belllg elec. Th ft' h ~1.{llt'J""'O I.m. t,.! • Man Who Fell - 8:40 'h bad driving record and be. in the car, who, the officer trically charged. t 2Oe8411rsLeumton t edscene. fa CJ .). 'd - th owner but who 0 I . th a nnon roa ",as, "Il'"'" S d 0 19 ':1' .cause he failed to appear in sal ,IS e, n severa occasions. e d b both ff \.~ .. un ay, ec. :1 Detroit's T~ffic Court on a was legally blind. victim attempted to exit the ~anneth . y " I t'OhI,cerbs., ~ "~". "" II.•. lldl .. i '.' I' h vehicle but the officers talked ,-,pon elr arrna. e~ 0 " ~-- __-r ~ J ,. Holy Grall 3.05 6'40 10'15 : stop sIgn \10 atlOn c arge. Clemons was taken to The _. .... ser ...ed flames comin" from i,': ':". ...4'rljO,1' fl II Pit: (illin!! eXfJl'r-iPlln' ... -. -. - • ... . h h hIm mto remammg InSide. . 0 /I . . , "Il' • .20 1:1 Clemons was apprehended ~hores s~atJo~ w e.re e was At this time flames ap. the rear of the fIrst floor, ~ ..... / ","\~'I' 1'1I1('W.'IIU' ... f,!m('l(JI(s •.• ~ Man Who Fell - 4.40 - 8. 1:1 by Public Safety Officer ISSUed Violation tickets for peared I'n the' engine com. They k.icked. in the f.ront do.or ''1 ('/HlI)Or-wb/l' ... IH/ll',' .•• f'lH'/,lui/.' "Il' ~ the two offenses }Je posted t h h t Off R ." ... Iwl'( 011 Ifill ... /lmlile Imrk;(IU • .i Bruce Darlington, who stated . J. artment of the car and it' 2. II' lC Ime Icer Ice, ,.. >t* •••••• *********************.1 in his official report that hel a bond of $150 pendmg a :as obvious that the victim I was enveloped by smoke and l,f O~I~~IS~~dlci~:lN~~~..tl~';.I~. _ ----- _.-- - - -. ------scheduled court appearance I was in even greater danger I had .to back off. Sgt Turrill on Wednesday, January 26. t "d th b . I 13330 E. Ten Mile Rd. Warren, Mich ell!. Wccten, wlth ~') regard 'I '"'en InSI e e, urnmg, ----- for bis personal safety pulled I house but ne, too, nao to ~.\Il. I A':fvSS Iw,ii a,.cc,,;,:, :icc;:;f:a..' 754-5555 I Most folks who break a the man Crom the aut'o. Less After they regained their ;~------..... promise are willing to make than a minute aHer the in. I breath, the pair entered and i NewYear's Eve'77 two new promises to replace I jured man was removed, the I, fo.und ~fary. Dallman, 3i, i i-i th, on" p.. ,ong"

and she was conveyed to the I OverHalfa Million hospital for possible sheck. ~ Customershave "It is apparent that the been served by ~ us in 2 years ... starting your own I professionalism displayed by maywe serve you? I PSG "litcheJl both in the W3y he handled the obsef\'ers at RAM'S HOR I Satisfaction . the scene and the obvious Guaranteed! life-saving action taken by RESIAURANI retirement plan him on the victim is a credit 17410 MACK AT ST. CLAIR to his job," said Patrolm3n' Hiller. "Without this action OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M, FEATURING there is little doubt that the ' CHRISTMAS SPECIAL DINNER young girl would not be alive 95 with us. today." HAM or TURKEY $3 While both Sgt. Turrill and I Fruit sauce. salad. potatoes Gravy, dressing. salad, potClitoes ,Officer Rice, plus Officer! Of candied yam, .....egetable. or candied yam, vegel30lc roll an.(j butter Mitchell. performed life. roll a~d outter If you or your spouse (if employed) Here are the facts: opening a savings account. Just saving actions, the c0rnmit. are not currently enrolled in any • You can deposit 15% of your stop in at any office of Detroit tee selected the Harper Triple Deck Sandwiches other retirement plan, you can income, from $25 up to $1,500 Bank & Trust before December 31 Woods officers as corecip. open an Individual Retirement each year in I.R.A. savings, until and get started toward a money~ ients for police officer oi the $2.75 each year because their li\'C~ I CORN.D .REF, SWISS CHEESE Account now to establish your own you reach age 70. saving tax deduction for you now, were directly thrcatened. COle Slaw &. RuSsian Dressing and a positive step for making your said Patrolman Hliler, DINTY MOORE. Corned Beef. Leftuce. tax-sheltered retirement plan. • Anytime after age 59~, you can Tcmato & Russian Dres.s.ing And if you act before December begin withdrawing your I.RA. future years much more secure. At the same time, it was i' "AM'S HORN CLU., T",kev Bacoc strongly felt that Officer lettuce Tomato & Mayorma'se 31, you will get the benefit of an savings for your retirement. And Mitchell's life~a\'ing action. TURK.", CORN.D ••• ". Len"ce TOfl)Bto & Rw\'!uan DreSSing entire year's tax deduction for the savings interest you earn in definitely desen'ed acknnwl: you ought to TUNA .... LAD, Lettuce, lomato every dollar you put in your I.RA your l.R.A. is not taxable until you edgement, so he' will receivc Br)d Mayonnaise the rccognition award. ."LAM1, COlA S:aw, SWl99 Cheese (Individual Retirement Account). withd raw it. know a DETROIT and RusSiar; DreSSing In a final not{' Patrolman HAM. SWI.S CH ••••• Lell"o::e So, a tax-sheltered I.RA. makes • If you make withdrawals before Hiller indicated that the po~ Tomalo & RU9slan Ore!ismg BANK-er for ROAST ••• ". SWI •• CH ••••• your money worth more now, you reach age 59Y;;, unless you sihility of citing citiz£'ns Lettuce, Tomato .\ HuSS."'O DreS9if',g because each dollar you save is tax become permanently disabled, their assistanc£' to police of. , 38 Sandwich Varieties to choose froml you must pay penalties.on the ficers, via nominations from: deductible. ~ the six police departmenl.~,' OPEN 24 HOURS - 885.1902 amount withdrawn. remains open for the future. i It's as easy to start your own Individual Retirement Account as ~:~:~:~.~~!: ~!:¥1:~':~:,,~. ~!:~:_~:~':;~:~1:~ '~:TED EW A.LD (j~. ~CHEVHOLET i l ~ I DETROIT ~~~IS PRO VI) '~:' BANK i.: T(} PRESf~jVT ':f Y! Mr. Goodwrench says, ~: ErTRUST ~ T,,0m, 8,ro ~ is "Keep that GM feeling eft; 1I Member FDIC yr. ~ S I f SY \'J ()f Tllf' M()'JTII with Genuine G.M. Parts." ~ ! ~i;..;\,', ;\ .. " :n.' ;, , I , ., ... '"!~ lED EWALD CHEVROLET .rt. ~-15175 E. JEFFERSON VA 1.2000~ )ot~ • ~ .~~.JC::t( .JQt!:- ~ .~.~ .~' ...t:Hi '..oi' '.0.:' •.ot' .~ .iOi ..o~ .~ ~~.~"'tN;.,"~';'~~- ~~(-.~ .~"y~,.r-,~.'.7,N;. 'Y~;'Y:N; .'-,,,,,:.,,,~.;~.~ I,~~


c- ••• e. __ ... $1 ••• _ •• td I rd. «in •• •• m « 0"•• s', r s • 2' S. 1m. .SS'Gr.trass mrMS.C •••• _ r tU) ; > ~) > > , ; A ,a , 9,~ 7 > 5 .. • P .J P oS .. ~p > ,

Thursday, December 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine DENTISTS: Group to Play 'SnotV White' Spots Red Fox Local Crooners Seek Melnbers Holiday Special! Suppose that you The War Memorla-i's Chll. Members of the cast rep. On UL eanlpus The Lake Shore Chorus of the chapter at ils regular could reduce your dren's Theater is putting fin. resent schools in Grosse Ihe Grosse Pointe Chapter of ,weeklY ,meeting immediately taxable income for .ishingtouches on .its Christ. Pointe and outlying commun. the Society for the Preser. afterward. It isn't often that one sees 1976 by as much as mas musical package for iUes. vation and EnC{)uragement l Although potential mem- $7,5001 And begin The Pointe-"Snow White Amy Dietz and Pauline Di. a red fox touring The Pointe (!F Bar!~er Shop Quartet bers are auditioned for ad. building a nest egg at and the Seven Dwarfs." onne will share the lead role but a Newcastle road citizen Singing in America sang mission, Mr. Berry empha' They will present the three. of Snow White and Sue spotted one running on the Christmas songs in barber. sized that musical training or the same time? If you , act show for the community Brammer and Dianne Millen. University Liggett School shop harmony on Tuesday. ability to read music are not act now, National in its original version, ..as ~( bach will be seen as Queen playfield in Cook road Sun- December 14, at the Eastland required. Bank of Detroit can first appeared on Broadway Brangomar. Jerry Chamber. Mall from 6:457:30 p.m. "All we look for is the , d m day afternoon, December 12, help you to reach both 55 years ago. Itn and An y Vogel w.... en. The performance had two ability to match tones with DUFFLE BAGS 11.95 of these goals There will 00 four perform. act the part of Prince Valor. u.pon aN'iving at the scene. purposes, according to Ster. olhers, in olhl'r words, to Stencil FReE - red, green, blue, turquoise through the Keogh aD!~es at the Center's Fries Those sharing the roles of Woods Officer Uruce Marone ling Berry, chapter memo c.arry a tune, We'll take care Auditorium, 32 Lakeshore the S'even Dwarfs are Karen observed the creature enter bership chairman _ to help of the rest," he said. Retirement Savings be Al t J . B tl the Children's Home of De- road • Tw 0 mati nees WI'u per , eanrne en ey. usher in the. holiday season The Grosse POI'nte Chap. Plan, our IRS. Presented 0 Sat rd D Ca . D' Li J h troit property. The fox was BELLE ISLE AWNING CO. n u ay, 1'- mmle lonne, z 0 n. and to recrUit new members ter I'S one of over 700 I'n the approved retirement Cembe'p 18 at '1 a d 2 n Ch' R be I L last seen .going over a fence Serving Grosse Pointe Since 193 J • • ' .m . .an so , rls 0 r s, ynn for the chapter. o>o,COO.membep socI'et)'. the p.m. and. again, at the same Pellerito, Katie MercIer, on the east side of the ..,.,. program for self. 22704 Harper employed individuals. times, on Wednesday. De. Amy Quarters, Audry Stew. ground>, heading for The Pointe area men were world's largest men's sing- cember 29. art, Jennifer Sutton, Jackie Shore.. urged to attend and to visit ing organization. 774-1010 St. Clair Shores A telephone call to All tickets must be reo Dupree, Sheila St. Amour, :-;------:: :;. ~:I.; :.:1------225.2779 will bring served in advance at the Jency York. Jenny Marshal' ::: :: :: ::::: ::: you details; or stop by your nearby NBD I it~J:~t b:dmCi~~~: 'i~I$~~~~: a~a~:at~~mC~~~\vil1 p(lr. \~~ H send'it!:' ~\~~~ i~iJl office. adult is $1.50. Information on tray the par~ of Wlt~h Hex ':: Stn4'r ~ :: ~:~::Sftt4'r ::: ?~:~ group rates for parties, scout 'and Tom Wiseley Will play::: if ': q::: ~: ;:l~ ~ft'j~i~~:92~s~;a~5~~1:y ~~o hu;~m~~~~eer~~li~' ~a;: J~:::::::::::::::::::::~:~~~::::::::X;:?:~:~~:::::::*Jt::::~:::::::_:::~:~:::::::::::'$:::~::::::::::::::::::~::::~::i~~t~h::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i1j~:~m1 ------through the play are Cindy ~f' WIlY" ...... 'i ;s.:'" ...;.-...... m...... :rt..... uu. nD ...{::~~.: Wallace, Melissa Buck, He.idi ::: ~"HIJ~_.P~'" ':::::: " ~ "'~:::j!N Men Gardeners T~yl?r, Mary Skewes and ::j: urRM;" lH: ~tiwter~:\: ~Greeter ~:\:::::~: National Bank "t SI.d Sh Vicki Boone. ::: i ::::: :H:~. .~ Se I e OW Ladies in Waiting include :1: ~li: ~:~ \:: of Detroit Carol :Michael Kelly Mul. ::: Thisyear say MerryChristmas ::::: Thisyear say Merry Christmas ~::: Thisyear say Iv'.erryChristmas ::: "Bl09S0ming Plants of laney Jennif~r Coughll'n .:: withour uniquely elegant ::::~ with our uniquely e1At'V1nt :~ t with our uniquely eleganl :~ South Florida," a colored Carolyn Chrzanowski, Melis: ~:\ arrangement of Christmas ~ i: arrangemenl of Chri~s ~ :j; arrangement of Christmas :~ slide program contributed by sa Buck, Mary Skewes, Ker- :~: greens: f!owelsand coooies ::::j greens: flowersand caooles ~ i~greens: IIowersand candles ~i the Men's Garden Club of ry Rasor, Lisa Blood Col. '::: In a solid brass bowl. We also :::.:: Ina solidbrass bowl We also ':: $ Ina solidbrass bowl, We also ::: leen Selby ..and Tina TaylQr. ::: hOl/etrodl Q tlOoolpolnset- :~:i hOl/8trodl 110001 poInsel. ~ .::: hallE!trodl ~ honal polnsel- ~: Fort MyeI1S, Fia .. will be fea. .:. tlas ar:d [1 many olher .::: tias and many other;;: ::: lias 000 many other ::: turedat ,the regular meeting More are Shell~ Roe~l, l:~ holiday I selections :\:~ holiday selections (.;:;:i holiday selections :\f ,'~.'.', ,and Ladies' Night of the Elizabeth Taylor, Liz Perkm, ::: from which to choose. ::::: !Tomwhich 10 choose, ~;:: from which 10 hoose ::: ~:~,::~::.:,.~..f..:[, Men's Gamen Club of Grosse Vicki Boone, sarah Martinez, ::: aIW :::.~ ~:.:i ::: " Pointe. Marie Hinz, Patty Kratoch. :: ~ ':~:: ~:::~ :~ ' The 5ession will be held will. Grace Lucido, Heidi:~ S :: ~~::: $: :::' by John C.Gawryk R.Ph. tonight, December 16, at Brownell Mkldle School, 260 Ph,'sieal fitness is to Chalfonte avenue, beginning Ta:;~~ a~:y~~~~ ~~:edirect 1\\ ' I,,~::::,~~.~~~.~::~:.,~:~:..;~::~:f::::~,;"::":'~:: ~om(~' extent 'Jneasurahle. at Sp.m. and produce the play. Mrs. :: H~::: ~a~ ::: • ~~:::.: In the ph)'sieal1y Fit per- John Mazer is musical direc. :~ ;::~ ~~:~ ::: CONNER PARK The prog,raru was prepared tor, :; '': . :::: son there is I.) A slower by the Fl()rida Club as a r ~. "J.,ORISTS pulse rate during the work- memorial to the late George ------• & .:. :l1 ~:~ 8830 Co....er ing p(~riod and a faster re- Wright, a well.known garden Record StudIO ::: ....- ~~::: :i~ 527.7550 'coven' to normal at the photo~apher. The slide col. MORANG DRIVE conclusion of (he task. 2.) lection IS coMidered to be Hit by Thieves ~\Sween ey 'j • ~~ .~ "THE one of the finest collections ,A slower rise in blood pres- FIM GREEN SCENE" GBEENHOfJSES ,sure durin~ the physical of Florida flowering plants :j: flOWERS.;... IEJAlRlR.fTT.S ~~ ..I!LOR 'Sl :~=*I"'~~ J2005 Mor .... Dr. and trees. The owner 0f a Mac k ave. ::: .•..: fl()Wl.IRS ::::.,:T' ~ .~':,: E•• da ..d CeII'er 'exercise and a quick reWrn The Fort Myem Club was nul' recording studio reported ;j: 19841 Mack jf:~' ~-;:~ ~ DR. ).5544 521.42~ :to normal. :J.) A lower in- formed in 1944 in ,the city the theft o~ a~ut $3,700 ;:j 881-8300' :) 21142 MACK AVE. ~~l\~MACK at WARREN;~ ~ :take of oxygen during the I whI'ch now has a population w.orth of various Items. from ::: ~::: Grom !'Dinte WlI04I1s. 881-5550~\::: 881-7 800 ~: his shop on Saturday. Decem" .,...... exercise. This is the result over 27,000. The club holds of u hetter-conditioned ox- ,meetings 'at the Edison Mu. ber 11, 'ygen transportation mech- , seum, part of the Thomas A. City poli.ce, on a routine anism. Hem(~mher that Edison Winter Home corn. patrol of the area at 12:30 ph)"kal fitness is never a plex. In 'addition, there is a a.m., discovered the real' gift, nor is it static. Htness laboratory, workshop and 14 door open at Cloud Born Pro. aClfes of botanical gardens, ductions, Inc., 18000 Mack must be maintaioed. The narrator for the pro- avenue. Your local pharmacist is ~am will be Mlns. George Owner Gary Praeg was dcdicaled 10 helping you (Marguerite) Vincent, form- c811ed to the scene and dis. and your family keep ph)'s- er !Secretary and current covered a $500 televis\on; a ically fit nnd heallhy chairperson of the ways and $2,200 tape recorder j a $300 means committee of the mid. :throughoul the rear! Visit record-a-call; a $500 oscillo. century toastmistress club. :DEVO~SIHRE DRUGS, scope; two $100 microphones; : The ,proilll'am ",Iso will fea- and a few tool boxes missing. '160:n l\~llck on "Tiff an)' tUll'e the installation of off!. 'Lane" for all your pre- Police do not know how eers for the year 1977, and entry to the building was 'scription and non-prescrip- the presentation of ,hlXlt1cul' gained, and haVe no suspects :tion medications as weWas . tural trophies, awards and in the theft, ;healt~ and beauty aids. service awards for the year 'Our frieudly pharmacists 1076. To ,be a pioneer of pro. :will be happy to answer All ga'1'deners in the a.rea gress a man must be free to :queslions on your medi- are invited to attend. think and work ashe pleases. :l'ulions; w(~offer prompl, ;professional and person- 'ali7.ed ser"ice. Stop in and Farms Okays ~1smt"~~ ~~ 'sel' our fine selection of Legal Fee ~~ Christmas carlls. Sanders dM& ;~~ eandif's. and liquor, beer The Farms Council at its t . :{~j 'and winc. 'VI' ure open regular m e e tin g Monday :~::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:\:~SUIMJII~(Ireeter .claih from 9 A.i\!. until 9 night, December 6, approved ~::., uu.1o ..... D'I'n ':::; . P.M~. (c111s{~d Sundays). the payment of a statement :.:: ~",.,' II~_ .::: 6Dufuet Call us at 881-04 i8 for in the amount of $13,600.46 ::: u~lGr-'" ~~ fre(~ pn'scription delh.ery! lor legal services rendered :~. ::: Sending these unforgettable gifts on the city's behalf from the ::j' ~:~ almost anywhere is as easy as a HAND)' HlNT: firm of Dickinson, Wright, ;:: Thisyear say MerryChristmas :::: call or visit to your FTD Florist. Place sih'cr two inches McKeen, Cudlip and Moon. ::: withour uniquely elegant ::: No wrapping, no mailing, r.o from edg(' of table in par- The pay men t approval:: arrangement at Chris/mas ::: shopping headaches. Send a allel Iinc.s. passed by a 7.0 vote, ~: greens. flowersand caooles :::: living, loving gift like this FTD :~ ina so1idbrass bowl V.Jf; also ::? lM ::: hOl/e /rod! tiona] pOinset. ::: Season's Greeter Bouquet. :: lias and many other ::: The Christmas spirit captured ~: holiday selections :::: in a solid brass bowl with ::: fromwhich to choose :\: holiday flowers, vivid greens and red candles. THE FTQ HOLLY BOWL. Deck their halls with a holly Season's Greeter usually arrangement set in an 9KQuisite available solid brass bowl. for less..,~01~11I'l.,., than . As an independent '.' I'. I businessman, each -.'. ~ ~ FTD Member Florist :~: .~. sets his own ~ ~ prices. :; .~ :: Allemon---Florist i ~ ~ on E. Warren i . ~ 17931 E. Won... TU 4-6120 $ ••••••• , ~ •••••••••••••e ~: Open Evenings til 9 ~: ...., .'.,. ••••••• (i'. 1976 Ftorls!s'TranaworldOelivery

THE HOLIDAY FRUIT BASKET. AcolOrful array of fresh trull set in a The easiest way woven baskel with bright holiday decorations A tasty treal' (Aval18ble to carry a tune through most FrD FlOrists.)

TFM-3750W. F'M I\M pocket radiO In up-to date de S'gn a:ways (jetlves (lependable, clear reception • LiHCJn.21,.',' (jynarr"c speaker lor big \Ime IISlenmg nnl(,y'Tlr,nt • S'I"11 up Ic:cscoring antenna flerpS rut snap in FM recrpl,nn , :-",rl" "':0 tunc" makes IIeasy 10 lOCAtestallons • :::)()r6 :oo!-,"

BREATHTAKING "ITS A SONY" onl,'24.05 HOLIDAY ROSES, Theycome beautifully arranged with 811the holid8Ytrimmings

The Camera Center '"~ ' 17114 Kercheval GROSSE' In The Village POINTE SlqJj'T'lJ •••muI 1Jesure. 885.2267 FLORISTS OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 174 KERBY 885.3000

\ ~' ' ...... ' .. ." " .' ~", . . . ~

'GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 16, 1976 Academy Holds Woods Praises City Assessor I Old Tirne Y",le Woods City Compkoller. . The aforementioned stand. Assessor Frederick G. Horn. ards are ones established by % The community of the fish,er received lhe council's the Municipal Finance C?!fi. GrogsI' Pointe Academy reo pr~lse after the solon~ reo cers Assoc. of the Umted Thou Shalt Not Mix! lied on tradition in its cell" celveda.nd .placed on !Ile a Stat.N and Can;ada, and the Discover the English gin so 27 0FF bration of Christmas this comrnul1lcahon announcmg an National CounCil on Govern. temptingly dry and crisp, many consider it, ALL year with an old.fashioned awa.rd of a S~pplemental mental Accounting. "Hanging of the Green" Cen~flcale of C.on[or.mance "The governmental unit i:s by itself, the perfect martini. party on Sunday, Dccember for Its annua~ JUlanclal reo h.ig~ly commended for con- Plymouth. One of the few pleasures WALLPAPER S. porl f~r the fiscal year end. llnumg its excellence in Ii. in life that can be improved by IIIg lhls June 30. nancial rreporting which first absolutely nothing. Cen In en, pett.rn from en, book From 3.5:30 p,m., parents, This action was taken at earned its Certificate of Con- teachers and students fol. lhc regular meeting Monday, formance on March 9, 1959, United Wallpaper Stores lowed the old English tradi- Dl'l'ember 6. for its annual financial '1'1" lion of decorating the school. "It is the decision of the port for the fiscal year end- PH. 886-4050 room by room .. with ll1an~ 'l)cd,,1 review committee for ed June 30, 1958," !Said Mr. PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED .'NO DEPOSIT natural matenals the Glu award of Ccrtifit'at05 of Con. Beatty. PA Y WHEN DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME dents col1ec!<.-'y your gov- revIewed over 2,173 !Submit. TO EVERYONE ..• 365 DAYS A YEAR ranged from Ihe "12 Days of icrnmcntal unit has substan. ted annual financial reports, Christmas" to "Christmas in 'I' tially conC(}rmed with the high and .. including The Woods, Other Lands." standards [or financial reo cc'rtlflcates were awarded for Later the group was treat. i porting," 'Said Donald W. such reports prepared .by six d t 'f h t d I \'Ikatly executive director states and 'State agencIes, 50 ~ g ~ r~hrest men fS an 1c~'o. Municipal Finance Officers counties. 37 special districts In. ° e une 0 a g oc en. Assoc. and authorities, 20 Canadian spiel. ' municipalities ~md 284 U,S, Art teacher Robert Ball municipalities. These govern. and music teaeher Kennefh Cente r Ba /let menta1 units arc located in 38 Chrisner were joined by par. s~ates and five Canadian pro. ent co.chairmen Mrs. Michael Dancers Busy Villces. Timmis and Mrs. John G. The Woods will receive an HenchI'I in planning the The (jr~-pointe War e~bellish.ed ~er!ificate. with event. Memorial presented its Ballet SUItable m3crlptlOft durmg a r======;;::::;;; Christmas program Friday, for~al presentation when !t's December 10 with senior received from the artISt, and appl'entic~ groups of the noted Mr. Beatty. ATTORNEYS: Center's corps Ill' ballet par. In !elation to .citing . 11k r ------==--=--1 Iticipating. HornflShm: on ~hlS. a.chleve. nlYOU Suppose that you The Senior girls of the menl, city AdmlIUsbr~tor troupe were selected this C~ester E. Petersen also CIted could reduce your year to perform in Saginaw CIty Treasurer Helen L. Fox. rather have taxable income for at the Tri City Ballet Festi. 1976 by as much as val Sunday, December 5, just $7,500? And begin prior to their appearance at THIS one? building a nest egg at the War Memorial. . the same time? If you They performed "Concer. act now, National to" by Gershwin, which they IMPGRTED m' PLYMOUTH GIN Bank of Detroit can repeated Friday night in . 'pLYMOUTH GIN 94.4 PRpoF, DISTILLED fROM 1:J()% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. SCHENLEYIMPDRTS CO., (iJ 1975. ~ I Fries Auditorium. The Tri help you to reach both cities of Bay City, Midland of these goals and Saginaw have joined to Your old camera is worth ,$$$ toward the new Olympus through the Keogh form a pcrforming ballet OM-1. This remarkable new 35 mm SLR camera weighs Retirement Savings company to further Ihe train- only 23.3 ounces with its 50mm 11.8lens-it's 33% Plan, our IRS. ing of 1alented ballet stu. dents and annually hold this lighter than conventional 35mm sys-. approved retirement program. tern cameras. And the complete OM OLYMPUS program for self. The girls of the Senior Bal. System includes 30 lenses, from 8mm employed individuals. let group are Janel Bristol, to 1OOOmm,a spectacular motor drive A telephone call to C y nth i a Ehrlich. Kristin group, and a full line of close-up 225.2779 will bring Finger, Julie Helin, Marie equipment. Come on in and fry one Leithauscr, Anna Platt, Kath. on "'01 size," 2M you. details; or stop by leen Rowe, Martha Wenz, eflfSt your nearby NBD ,Ann Wilson and Melanie office. Yanchuk. Apprentices arc Kelly Bel' n a rd. Margarel Pendy and Gretchen Reger. The CAMERA CENTER In addition to the "Con- 17114 KERCltEVAL 1m cerlo" the Evening of Ballet at the War Memorial fea. shelter for ;n ,he Villagfj} 1.1I. tured Schumann's "Seherzo" and "Jeux D'Enfants" by 885.2267 National Bank Bizet. ' of Detroit The ballet performance was OPENEVErMS 'Tit. 9 under lhe direction of Mary Ellen Cooper. the little" " ", ,'....' :"::>Chllr~l~:to Host South's Choir If you're not now in an We'll~elpyou Sout!'! High S c h 0 0 I ' s A Capella Choir and Orchestra employer-sponsored pension set It up. will present a Christmas con. cert at C h r i s t Episcopal or profit sharing plan where Church, Grosse Pointe, 61 You can open an IRA at Always A TREA T Grosse Pointe boulevard, on you work, act fast and you Having A Holiday Tuesday, December 21. any NBD office. We'll answer CANDY Frederic DeHaven will ac. can save yourself a lot of tax PARTY FROM THE company lhe groups on such your questions and help you CALL TIM, OUR PARTY PLANNER MORLEY CANDY COMPANY works as "There Shall A Star dollars this year, from Jacoli" and "The Many select the NBD savings plan U.S.D.A. PRIME & CHOICE Moods of Christmas" by Rob. erl Shaw. You can postpone paying that's best for you. And you BONELESS ROLLED The group will be directed by South High's Choral In. Federal income taxes on 15% can walk away secure in RUMP or CUT (rOp ROUND) structor Mary Hoeks. Admission to the concert. of what you earp this year, up beginning at 8 p.m., is free. knowing your money is pro- LB. to a maximum of $1500~ BEEF ROA51 '1.77 SINNING PEOPLE tected by the Federal Deposit FOR A FESTIVE TABlE AMERICA'S FOREMOST "The land suffers for the sins of i1s people. The earth By opening an Individual Insurance Corporation,~nd GARNISH languishes, Ihe crops wither, RI151 BRAND NEW ERA the skies reCuse their rain, . Retirement Account (IRA) at by the substantial capitaf of : ! The land is defiled by crime; ,;, Crab Apples POI A10 CHIPS the people have twisled the National Bank of Detroit by Michigan's biggest bank. In The NEW Reusable Plastic Tub lillI'S oC Gor! and broken His I Spiced or Creme De Menthe Syrup 1 LB. Net Wt. eve r I as tin g commands. Dec. 31. REG. Therefore the curs!' of God is upon them: they are left Open)rour C $J .89 desolate. d<,stroyed hy the 16-0%. Jar49 EA. drought Few will be left alivc." (Isaiah 24: 4.6) How itworks. account now. STERIliZED FARM MAID Interest rates on savings ULTRA PASTEURIZED To Go With You, Chips An IRA is your own WHIPPING CREAM THE NEW FARM MAID ORDER personal pension fund. at NB0 have never been C higher-a full 7-]/2% annual VZ Pt. Ctn. 39 EA. CHIP DIPS The money you put into ONION -- ClAM- GARUC NOW interest over 6 years on GRADE "A" CULTURED BLUE CHEESE BARBO the IRA, and the interest that SOUR CREAM CHEDDAR CHE'E'SE money earns, are exempt from Investnlent Savings c ~t.:ri ..., .....[~'.... '''',llA''''1 C•• (I' .....1ION C Y2Pt. Carton 29 EA. 'If .. : HI !tl .,,;" .. ' ...... O'o'I~ "'''It (O'"'"ll.O"' .. Certificates in amounts of 112 Pt. Ctn. 29 EA.. :1\ 'j" '), 'f .. 1;l1~"U J ••:;....~,. "Jl1 federal income taxes until the FRESH AMERICAN PRIME & CHOICE money is withdrawn. $1,000 or more. (Substantial At retirement age, when interest penalty required for 'LEG 0' LAMB T'it WORLO'S MOST BENEfICIAL EXERCIS( early withdrawal.) ....(fOM'111I-ltD .... ,.!'I10~jf you begin to withdraw money, FRESH GROUND - ALL 811F HOME MADE - SPECIAllY SEASONED 1MllY j t"S!l~ ;" 1~' "'1' III, Come in and open your HAMBURGER PORK SAUSAGE ...,.... , you're likely to be in a lower c PORTA.YOGA 89c LB. BULK 99 LB. "., ...... ,,' ,~ •• r tax bracket, v/hich means an IRA today. It's about time you

• .,., I ..... II)' I ~ ','''1'' ' ....' l,.n lour got a tax break. But YOLI have FOR A SPECIAL HOUDA Y DINNER "".;' ."::',1 additional tax reduction. FRESH DRESIED TURKEYS to act now. OLD FASHIONED PRIME PRIME CROWN SMOKED BEEF *Has your company terminated its pension RIB ROAST HAMS TENDERLOINS pl~n? H~ve you changed johs so that you WJl1 recclve moncy from your rrevious M~AT GIFTS ALWAYS A TREAT VERBRUGGE'S FROM THE MEA T SPECIAUS TS employcr's pension plan? You C<1n tax ZIPPIR IKIN TANGIRIIiIS ••••••••••••••.•• , ••• '2 for 79' '39.95 shelter tha.t money in all IIV\ if you open the Color LJ Black Color [] While account wlthm 60 days after you receive All Specials Good ,hru DEC. 30, 1976 the funds. . IHI VERBRUGGI'S , • C" G Sales I ALLEN - DORTHA - CYRIL - HELEN and Our 3rother TIM ONSTWEDDER • 6724 E. Daviso" • WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS A I Detroil, MI. 48212 l..._~~..~!2!i~~2!!~~~...... J 365.9522 Making banking better for }OU. , I r L rt _ • .. ~ • tr • • ".'rli=e:d • L ...... +\. hd .. '.... ee* h'b it "'dco 1...... « .'_ • ... ~ ... rt to. ' .. ! "' .. * - . - * ..".'..... "p.'~;""",,,,",P"""-?"""""+_F "''''''''7'', ..,'''""''p..,..,p __ ''''"'l....,.,...... , ..,.." .....,, __ ,,;- ...... ,.,IIlJ....,..,..,,-p "'IP....,P""PP"'l, ...... ,,'"'!.!I""'P_p "'Ip__ p -,....., ...... ~..,.-~ ~

. Thursday, December 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Paqe Haven Breathers' Club 'Tis the Season to Be Careful OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 Meets Monthly While many take pleasure .TimiDg devices for indoor Bugged? in .the painstakingly prepared and outdoor lights are ISmaIl Christmll'S ornaments decor- extJenses compared to those Are your conversations on Ihe phone or in "It doesn't take the place aUng neighborhood bomes, incurred when all unprotect. person being "bugged?" 'Protecl your per- of medical treatmel!t, but it vandals take the opportunity cd vacant home is invaded by sonal and busi~ess conversations with our makes life easier for those of to vent their hostility. vandals. us who have respiratory Of the more than $50 mil. "Luckily 'We in The Shores exclusive countersurveillance equipment. problems." lion damage done to private have not seen shaJ'I) increase" BUG ALERT EJ7 detects "DugS" planted in This is how OIae member prope;rty each year by van. in serious vandalism in past a room, or concealed on someone in your of the Eastside Breathers' dais across the country, (he Christmas .sea'sons but there presence. Small enough to fit in your Club feels -about the monthly holiday season is prime time. is usually an increase of pocket, it gives a warning by a tiny signal meetings held in the home- According to Shores Public cases of kids ..stealing Christ- light. Once activated, light slays on until switched off: like room, contributed by Safety Director Joseph Vi. mas lights and that sort of Georgian East Extended Care tale, having timers on lights thing," Director Vitale ex- TAP ALERT 8403 de!ects wiretaps on your Facility. and notifying neighboI1S of plained. phone or line, warns you by a light signal .lengthy absences are the sur- Generally re,idents should ~ •.. "". when a tap is placed on your phone. Con- The group, sponsored b)' est ways to keep vandals take exIra measures to pro. a the Christmas seal Agency. from making short work of teet thelmel\'es from Christ. • . - cealed in a compact walnut case resembling the American Lung Associa- .•...... , a desk accessory, it is also available with h()liday ornaments. mas season break.ins. With tion of Southeastern Michi . "There is no better protec- hemes full of expensive ....•-:..,ia: . automatic ,recor.der to monitor and record gan. has been meeting here tion against vandals than ha\'- Christmas gifts this is the in ...... wiretapper S vOIce or sounds. Undetectable for over five years. Anyone ing good .neigh~r.>," ~aid Di- season for burglaries, aceord- by wiretapper. Also alerts you when any ex- who has respiratory problems rector ,vItale.. ~eeptng. the jng to a release from the Na. tension phone is Jifted off hook. is welcome. ~O\Ise.ht, makmg It look h\'ed- I tional A ~oci ti n of R altors In, WIll keep most vandals s a 0 e . The membcl'lS have just .. 80th items readily pllrlable for use al home, office, s1udio, or written a small booklet, "Liv. away." ---- on your travels, wherever you want to be sure of your con. ing with Lung Problems - No man adds to his stature 905 GRAND MARAIS : versatlon's privacy. Each is designed for use by the layman. by treading on other peo. , from the Patient.s Point of 5-bedroorn,3 1/2 bath colonial with family room and screened View," hoping it will help Club Answers pIes' toes. other persons who share their terrace. Very desireable location near lake. Large lot. assumable .problems. Santa letters mortgage. Owner transferred. Priced in low sixties . At a Christmas party on Counter Surveillance Consultants The Business and Office Tuesday. December 21, at SEWER Education Club of North High the Georgian East Extended 821-5594 School is answering "letters Care Facility. 21401 Mack to Santa Claus" written by TROUBLE? avenue, they are hosting the SHOREWOOD the first and second graders c.n Mount Clemens and North. at aTea elementary schools. west Clubs. The event starts at 2 p.m. The students involved in this. Christmas project are E. R. BROWN REAL TV, INC. Each person attending the Sue Cr<><:ker,pre~ident, Kerri 20431 MACK AVE. 886-8710 party will receive a compli. Kurtz, vice-president, Terri GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE mentary copy of the booklet, NEED AN EXTRA CAR? Reardon, oreporter, and Linda Member of the Gross8 Point8 Real Estate Board autographed by the authors. Poulilz, .secretary. The club I 1530 .. ICUCHEVAL • VA 2.9070 I Mterward, the group plans adviser is Paul Piel1ron. Friends or Relatives to use the pro('cp-d,s from the ..sale of the book for future HOLIDAY VISITING? lung association ,programs. RENT A CAR!.! Church to Have Guest Minister 95 PINTO ~DeferredE per day MUSTANG The Grosse Pointe Memo- 9 MAVERICK rial Church. 16 Lakeshore road, will welcl'me Dr. Aureo and Bispo dos Santos fram Ra. cife, Brazil, who will serve For Your the church for five weeks as Ecumenical Minister. be. 25 Miles a day FREE ginning the first week of January. Retirement THUNDERBIRDS & GRANADAS AVAILABLE Dr. Bispo is a minister of the Beberibe Presbyterian Church, professor of the Fed- eral Rural UnivE?!I'sity a.nd Your oPP9r~~ .RENT.A.CAR consultant of the Depart- Jllent of Human Resources of to retire rlel1. the Hydro-Electric Co. in Northeast Brazil. If you are not covered by a regular pension plan (other than Social He teaches Sociology, Phi. Security), you are eligible for an Indivtdual Retirement Account CALL 885-4000 losophy of Religion and Phi. (IRA) at Detroit II Northern. With In IRA, you can save up ,\0 losophy at the university, $1,500 or.15% of your gross In nUll Income (whichever II_) and 16901 MACK nr. Cadieux .and isa \Sociologist at the Hydro-Electric Co. not pay income taxes on it until you retire. The .. mlnga from yoUr sevingB,l!re tax-~ u"tll retlrenwnt too. Yw wave fOf 'iour NO 'CIIANCE retirement whii8'yo./cu;"your fncome tax bill. The table below If a man' can't recognize shows how your retirement livings build if you were to depoeIt an opportunity when be sees $1,500 per year to your IRA at D&N. . . it, an education is of little benefit

IRA Tax.Deferred Numb.r of Y.ars Savings Account At .1,500 Per Y'ar 5 $ 8,•. 97 10 21,789.10 15 40,910.37 . 20 69,080.46 25 110,681.62

Thl'ttble IIIUIT* .1,liOOdepoIIted on tn. ... dIy of IICh v- In D&N', 7110'II> MVingI CIIl1IflcIrl •• You may place your IRA retirement funds into any of the following high interest retire- . With an annual deposit of .1,500, at the end of five years you ment savings plans: would accumulate $8,009.97. Assuming you had to pay a 26% Certificate Accounts. income tax each year on the deposits and their earnings, you would only have $6,607.48. With IRA you save $2,202.49 from your tax 6 years, bill. At the end of 25 years your income tax savings would amount $1,000 minimum 7.75% to $27,645.38. Is it in your best Interest to open an IRA today at Effective ~nnual yield 8.05% Detroit & Northern? No question about it. (This cenificate available only for IRA end Keogh retirement p1ansl

4 years, .., ~OOL Besides tax savings, though, there are more good reasons for $1,000 minimum 6.J 70 starting your Individual Retirement Account at 0& N. Check these Effective annual yield 7.71% bensfits: 30 months, 6 750L 1. High rate of return.Our high interest savings plans are avail- $1,000 minimum • 70 able, including. one with an effective annual yield of 8.05%. Holiday Shopping Effective annual yield 6.92% 2. No COlt. Currently, you pay no start-up or operating costs. 3. A record of earnlng •• Each participant receives a statement 44Youruncle?" ~~Somethingtasteful!" 12 months, 6 500L which reflects all deposits and accrued earnings. $1,000 mini{1lum • 70 4. Eliminates Investment rlak. Your money at D&N is not sub- uYour cousin?" ~4Someth;ngcheerful!" Effective annual yield 6.66% ",.,::: .... 4'Something traditional!" ject to the uncertainties or fluctuations of the money market. '4Your brother?" 5. Insured .afe. Deposits are .Insured safe bV a permanent Passbook Account UJohnnie Walker Red?" "That's it!" agency of the U.S. Government and by the strength and ex- daily Interest, 5. 25°/-o perience of a pioneer Michigan financial institution. no minimum 7( Effective annual yield 5.35% Simply send us the coupon below for information on how to get ,/ started. Send it today.

. ------J DETROIT & t~._------~Retirement Counselor I I Detroit & Northern Savings I : 1133 Griswold Street : I Detroit, Michigan 48226 I Overcn~$500 million strong I Send me more on how to retire with IRA, the tax-free : I . I Income way. I 37 offices throughout Michigan. • Name .__ 1 1.0ral If rea lIrnnchf'1l I Address I1 (;HOSSi-: POINTE OFFJ(:E 1/.:W7 MtH'k ,\",'nuf' ; Citv St8te Phone 1 HOOVEn - II MItE OFFICE ~ __ __ ~, Johnnie Walker Red 26M~I lIo/lnr nmul ~_._. ._._----_. .------WARItEN - 12 MILE OFFI<]'; 812,. to:. TWI,hl' :\1iI1' Rood The gift you can agree on. ',"" .... OJ' 1--""""'" Glllf,'/cale monev w,rr,d,aWfl befolll mRfulltv IldlnS I/Je passbook FSoc .1\ 1"..,... f'.I~1 100% BkmrJerJ Scotch Whisk res 86 8 Proof <: 1976 Somerset Importers. Ltd., NY, NY Iale less 3 monlll.~ ",teres I pilI 18dolM ,egu1sr,ons

\ - • 7 ( nceC' •• C.'.sesns S 5 7 l' • ..

\ Page Twelve GROSSE POfNTE NEWS Thursday, December Ib, 1976 Just Human ber 7, lIt Cottage Hospital. AJteration. , Many are anxious to tellj It's much better to give I Folks down on their luck I Even the shrewdest. of m£:n Born ,In Ontario, he is sur. Men may be and you how, but few offer to than recelve-and its is de.) find lots of arguments to has at one time purchasi!d a help. duetible. ~ Iprove it. Obituaries vived by his wife, Ne:I M.; a equal, but the world sees to son. Bruce T.;a daughter, it that many changes are gold brick in the form or I Mrs. 'Betty Ghesquiere; one made. experience, MRS. ClllU8T1AN H. She died Sunday. Decem. sister; six grandchildren and JlElCKEil ~r 12, at saint John Hos- two great.g,randchildren. Services for Mrs. Hecker. pltat. . Interment walS at Mount 95, of The Farms, were held ~ hfelong resident of The Olivet Cemetery. at her home on Thursday. De. Pomte, 'Sbe was a past board ' • .. .. cember 9. member.of Friendly Visitors, CLARENCE R, KAVAN She died Monday. Decem. the. Se~10r Ce~ter. 'and the Servrces for Mr. Kavan, ber 6, at her home. Umverslty of 'MIchigan chap. 48 of Lakeshore road were Born in Baltimore. 'M4's. ter of Alpha Phi. She also h;ld Thursday, Dece~ber 9, Hecker was a graduate of the was a past member. of .the at the Verheyden Funeral Maryland InsUtute of Arts board of trustees. Umverslty. Home and Saint Paul Church. and also studied at the. Phil. ~ggett School! a~d past pres- He died Sunday, December adelphia Academy of Arts. ldent of the Llbn Club. 5, at Saint John Hospital. For new living space you'll be proud o( call CUSTOMCRAFT and get •our She is .survived by her hus. Born in Pasadena. Calif" ,,"'ine is not just made from ~rape" .. Frui!s: grains, She was a past president of ideas and planning help ,without obligation. the Women's Exchange, band, Forrest; two daughtel'S, he was a graduate of the and flower pelals may be the sourt'.~ of t.hls. Jt>hclOu~ ~nd chairman of the board of Mrs. Janet Cochran and Mrs. Howe MiHtary School and soothing be,'erage. To (erment UIl) hqul~ contammg Planned PM'enthood, and was Clarinda Ray; a ISOn,Forrest was founder and owner of sugar, you simply add )easl. hul grupt> willes ne~d no a member of the board of R. Jr,; one sister; one broth. the Colony East restaurants such human intenention. \'easl molds al'e presl'n( In Ihe the League for the Handi. er and two grandcbildren. in Detroit Roseville and air around vine\'ards and sellie on the grape!>, Ihe su/;\ur capped. the Children's Home Memorial contributions may Rochester.' is in Ihe grapes. Afler the fermentation is finished. the and the District Nursing So. be made to the Adult Service He was past 'president of wine malures in casks whert. ils special qualil) and f!amr ciety. Center. Inc., (formerly Sen. the Detroit License Beverage de,'elop. There are man)' thin~~. 1hal ('al~ ,a~), w~!(.h M ~~l;T She was a member of the ior Center). Assoc. and was a member means there are lremendous d,lIt'rellcI's III "'lIIes. 1 h•. C lb~lQ C Country Club of Detroit. the Mrs, o.ld was cremated. of the North/East Lions. l)'pe of grape, the place where Ihe grape gro"'", lhl' wood IUlLDING & REMODELING CONUACTOlS • RESIDENtiAL & COMMIICIAL Detroit Club, the Grosse . ••• Eagles, Elks and the Knights of the cask. Ihe amounl o( rain reeehed. aud Illultiludt's PETER P. VERNER of COlumbus. Gabriel Richard k t" ' Pointe C1ub.the Sau~atY' Services for "lor, Verne,r, Council No. 2463. lIe was of other factors are importanl ill 11111 'illg 11I1' wnws. Head Golf and Beach Club and the Siascouset Casino. 100. were held Wednesday, given the key to Detroit and PARKIE'S PARTY SIIOPPE, 172:;:; 'Jaek. ('orner 881..1024 Her other interests included December 15. at the Verhey. was h 0 nor e d by many of SI. (Jair, 885-0626 has a wide "d,'('linn of fille "jilt'''. the A!rtists Market, the De. den Funeral Home and Christ churches and charitable or. imported and dOllll'slic. 10 suil your la,..tl' am It' H1Ul'l't. II' Episcopal Church. llanizations. If" h . I 18332 Mu"k Ave., Grosse Pointe Frams 48236 .troit Symphony. the Detroit ~ vou're looking [or an unusuu gi I or los" ,;/Jt'('1a p,'U- Zoological Society and gar- He died 'it hi..> home on Mr. Kavan is survived by . '" .t' Monday. December 13, his wife, Carol; two sons, pIe 011 )'our Xmas lisl, 11'1 us prel}ure a p,'r"ontt J,Wu ,/!.I I CREATOrtS OP IDEAS FOR ADDED l.IVABILITY den clubs. IBorn in . he came Christopher and Larry; two busket. May ....1' be alllong Iht. first 10 .. ish ~'(lU a \'1'1'\ S.r.,'111Thl,A,.a Sinc. 1956 Mrs. Hecker is survIved by to the U.S. when he was six daughters, Claire and Cheri; Mern Chri~tmas and a Jo\Ous .....e .. h'ar. Huur,,: 11I-to a daughter, !Mrs. John C. years old. He was a 1903 and one brother. Mon-'thurs; 10-11 Fri, Sai: noon-IO Sun. Hodges; a son, Clement A. Penrose. Jr.; two step-sODS, ~aduate of the' University Me m 0 ria 1 contributtions WI:YE ",ISLJO\1; i' of Wtsconsin. In 1933. he es- may be made to the Capuchin Richard J. and ChristIan H. tabUshed the Michigan Office Guild. i\l ....a~.s Sl~rl' wine boliles laying Jo~n ,,0 lhul I~eir Hecker, Jr.; seven ~- of National Re.Employment Interment was at Wood. cork Slays mOIst. ; children and nine great. service, which 'later became lawn Cemetery. ~- - grandchiidren. Memorial contributions may part of the Michigan Employ- • • • ment Security Commission. MRS. PATRICIA I••••••••••••••••;'. be made to Planned Parent. hood or to Nantucket Cottage He retired ,in 1956. ROSSITER UVICK ALUMINUM WINDOWS He is survived by two A memorial service for • J.~. Hospital. 885.7140 Interment was at Wood- ~aughte1\>, Mrs. Malcolm L. Mrs. Uvick, 47. formerly of • 2 TRACK _ 3 TtlIACK ~. lawn Cemetery. Denise and Mis,s Lois Ver- The Farms, late of San An. ". "YOUR COMPLETE FOOD & BEVERAGE CENTER" • • • ner; one sister; six grand- tonio. Tex., was held Friday, • BAKED ,ENAMEl. ~•• SINCE J947 MRS; ElJZABETH BURNS children and two ,~reat- December 3, at the Episcopal • OLD .grandchilciren, Church of Saint Thomas the • WHITE, AND BLACK ~.•• services for Mrs, Old. of Interment wa'3 at Elmwood Apostle, San Antonio. . Yorklshire road. were held Cemetery. '" .. * She died Monday. Novem •• POINTE SCREEN & SASH '. HOLIDA Y HAM SPECIALI51 in her home on Tuesday. De- MRS. ESTELLA ECKFELD ber 29, in San Antonio. • ' INC~. cember 14. Mrs. Uvlck was a graduate ~ Service5 for Mrs. 'Eckfeld, of Grosse Pointe High School • 20497 MACK TU 1-613&J THE WORLD'S FINEST HAM 73, of Pemberton road, were and also was graduated from ••••••••••••••••• - 1 held Wednesday,. December 75 the University of Michigan .• DOITlOlIlSBR 15. 'at the Verheyden Funeral in 1952. She was a member I ------~ MORRELL E-Z CUT SKINLESS lB. Home and Ga'o,,.'se Pointe SHANKLESS, NO WATER ADDED WHOLE Memorial ChlN'ch. of Chi Omega fraternity. She died Sunday, Decem: She is survived by her hus. tt WE ALSO FEATURE WEST VIRGINIA, HORMELL CURE 81 I ber 12, at Bon Secours Hos- band, Robert; four sons. pital. Robert. Thomas, Clay and 1\ AND ATLANTA IMPORTED POLISH HAMS Rent the fantastic new Up " 'Born in Hemlock, Mich.. Christopher; her par en t 5. Out Hydro.Mgt Machine for she is survived by a son, Mr. and Mrs. William F. . luperior carpet clean. '" Mrrs Rossiter; and a brother, Wil- N TURKEYS, CAPONS, DUCKS AND GEESE ALL ing. Loootena and Henry; a da ter.". Ham C. removClll dirt, previ. Ol1llhampoo residue. • Chal'\l.es Lanigan; her mother, Interment was at Wood. FRESH DRESSED AVAILABLE ON ORDER N and up to 90% of the Mrs. Adeline Ba'aley; one sis- moisture in juat one ter and five grandchildren. lawn Cemetery, ltep, Save mO'"'l!" , get reaulla jllll like a Memorial contributions may • • • SPECIAL STEAK ,SALE IHIS WEEKEND ~ prof_iona!! be made to the Michigan JOHN A. KELLER Heart Alssoc. Services for Mr. E:eller. 80, LB. LB. Interment wa's at Grand of Somerset road. will be SIRLOIN 1.99 CUBE STEAKS '~99 Lawn Cemetery. held later this week at • • • Memory Lawn Mortuary in T-BONE ..•••. 2.09 LB. ROUND STEAKS. '.69 LB, BENJAMIN J. HOYT Phoenix. Ariz. Mr. Keller died Sunday. PORTERHOUSE ~....•... ".. ',.•...... 2.19 LB. Services for Mr. Hoy,t, 81, .".' I 9 ;;{. i:;1". i \ ,~l(,. • ' ' ~ .... ,~ < of Lakepointe e.VeJ\\le•. were De!lem.ber1.1. at 'University held Tuesday, December 14. Hospital. Ann Arbor. at the Verheyden Funeral Local arrangements were .FANCY FRESH 69 C Gift Wrapped Home lInd Groose Pointe handled by the Roberts Fu. CAULIFLOWER . . . . EA. Memorial Church. . neral Home. Belleville. OPEN EVERY DAY He died: Friday. December Mr. Keller was a member SUNK'S1 NAVEL 99C SUN, 10 10 " 10, at Bon Secours Hoopital. of the Senior Men's Club and ORANGES ...... DOZ. Liquors & Wines Born in New Jersey, he is was an F & AM Mason. survived by two 150ns, Earle He is survived by his wife, Mae; a daughter, Miss Bar- ORCHID & O. and John H.; two daugh. GRAPEFRUIT 5 for I_00 CHAMPAGNE WINE Lochmoor Hardware, ters, Mrs. Clover Wagner and bara Keller; a son, John; one 20779 MACK at 8 MI. Mrs. Nancy Urqubart; one sister; one brother and three SALE NOW IN PROGRESS brother; two sisters; 13 grandchiidren. al. BORDEN MILK •• 1.34 grandchNdren and \Six great. c Large Bag SOC 885-0242 grandchildren. EGG NOG ••••••• 61 quart ICE CUBES Window Repair and Memo1'ial contributions may Msintsnsncs be made to Grosse Pointe ~~~~~~ Memorial Church. ~ GIVE HIM THE FINEST Interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. •• • • MRS. BEATRICE C. JONES IN PIPES, CIGA"S, Service.... for !Mrs. Jones. 86. of Clairview road, were held Saturday, December 11, TOBACCO'S ~~;e~~;ect;on at the Verheyden Funeral Home. The Finest Selection of 'Tis the season She died Wednesday, De. cember 8,at Saint John Hos. pital. IMPORTED PIPES ••• Born in Ontario, !She is sur. From the leading Manufocturers, for "Thank Yon's" vived by her husband, Vin. Hundreds of styles to choose from! ton; a son. Neil; a daughter, Miss Dorothy Jones; and three grandchildren. $5 to $500 Interment was at White Hundreds of Brand Name and $50 rebates. Chapel Cemetery. VAST ARRAY CIGARS at Discount Prices • • • from OUI vast "Walk.ln" MRS. ANNE SEELey Of HUMIDOR ... featuring vast ~, Services for Mrs. Seeley, a SMOKER'S array of imported cigars! 66, of Kerby road, were held ACCESSORIES Be of good cheer! Bank of the Common- your Christmas stocking, wouldn't it. Friday, December 10. at the Verheyden Funeral Home, LIGHTERS wealth wants to make this one of your There's another little something we're She died Wednesday. De- by brightest holiday seasons ever. offering at Commonwealth, too. A warm cember 6, at Bon Secout'S -Dupont Hospital. BUY ANY -Calibri So we're having a Christmas Loan Sale. friendly, /lthank you;' every time you Born in England. she is LEATHER • Firebird .survived by her husband, And here's how it works. Come come see us. A little thing- ChlllI'les, and a son, Eric. TOBACCO Pipe Lighle,s in to any branch of Bank of sure. But it's one way to Memorial contrributions may POUCH & be made to the Michigan Can. WE WILL the Commonwealth or a show you that we really cer Foundation. ENGRAVE participating dealer and appreciate your ,Mrs. Seeley., .was. cremated. IT FREE! take out an installment business. FRANK W. HILTON loan for $2,OO() or Our "thank you's" Services for Mr. Hilton. 78, Open 11-4 of Mount Vernon road, were Sun. Dec. '9 more. And we'll turn extend ali year round. held Thursday, December 9, around and give you But the $50 loan rebate at the Verheyden Funenl 19529 MACK Gros~e Pointe Woods 882-9452 Home and Saint Paul ehurcn. Open ~on. 1-6; Tues., Wed., Thurs., hi. 1-9; Sat. 8-6 back a rebate of $SO. is good for a limited He died Tuesday, Decem. Thilt would make a time only, So come in great little addition to soon. Thank you very much. PR-=-CHRISTMAS SALE FOR ALL YOUR GIFTS , Bank of the Cornrnon\Nealth 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE UP TO $10.00 \ ,200/0 OFF ANY PURCHASE UP TO $30,00 The "Thank You" Bank 25% OFF ANY PURCHASE UP TO $50.00

(Come and See The Sophisticated and The Original' , \ at. . . . rl1!e~f!)1l1J({({l i 'I . ~ j! OPEN ALL WEEK 9:30 A.M.-9 P.M. ~1)1l IllI!L I ;1 " Jefferson-Lakewood • Harper-MorC'qs OPEN SAT. 9:30-6, SUN, NOON.5 P.M. 'brtlfJ(f,,'Clflj..tlirrL (-<~ ~

Member FDIC °P" !,t;,,~//. 19;2~'~~~~·:~~~;~~/;&;~;;~~;6i?~~~:~1-~~-!)(@j

, t , s 59 s as 7 Gar 7 7 SF arsn • s ~ r ,. ~ ...... -.,...... - ..- .... -.--.-.....-.-- __ P_P...._._. - ...+-_...-_,...... ,....,...... ,...... ,p...... ,P...... P_p..,P.....P-----'P' ...... -- -.- ...... " .. ..

Thursd.y, Oecember 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

NHS Hoe 'W" 3 S' "ht SEd d f G" I.C It takes a mighty glih I There are man}' better o p rs In r,ralg eason II e or Ir agers speaker to talk f1ucntly about I halvcs who would like beller from the Treasure Cove By Nidt Mailze-U-a---c-o-m-p-l e t e turnaround as Over one hundred g-I-rl-s-p-ar-'/-I'o-fj-Ch-e-U-eRon e y, Michclle n_o_th_ing:.. .__ ~~!~('~~ _ South scored more points in ticipated in two ll'agucs in Wilt and Sandra Witzky. of Nautical Gifts , .. North High School's varsity the final eight minutes than this year's girls basketball . . OCCUPATIONAL basketball team won its third they had the previous three program at the Neighborhood !he Midi League champIon'@9~ stra~ght l~ame ~rid~y, Dd' quarters. C 1 u b. The Midgct-Midgie ship recently concluded at L:J EVALUATIONI 'TOYS FOR ~~e e~hor~ ::.~t umpe Rick Baker, South's high League was' made up of Brownell. The Bullale Gals, ,- , scorer with 17 points, put on fourlh through sixth graders. ~oache,1 by Margaret .Sland- CENTER inc MEN "Everything for The Norsemen a.re now 3.~ a shooting exhibition as he The second league included IS~. dl.'ieatcct the PI1~nlx , • ~veraU and 1.0 In the Bl' scored five fourth quarter seventh and eighth graders Pmk Panthers. 31.15. Nicole Identifying strongest aptitudes the Boater" County League. They have baskets from the outside to with six teams participating W~ller?f the Gals scorcd 17 and Interests for best employment gone undefe~ted through pull'the Devils within stnk. in the Midi League POints In. thr 'playoff game potentl'al. HERE ARE JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS: what many believe to be the ing distance . for the ch'amll:onship, toughest part of their sched. It th' d t . ht • The (i n a 1 championship I .. M d th F Id 8 5 o CHRIS CRAFT ACCESSORIES 0 CHAIRS ule was e seeon s ralg game in the Midgel-Midgie I Th<; Gals mclude Lisa !,n- on ay ru r ay • I~ North's victory over ~he game In .which North had Lea g u I' was played at ge!(lrJ, Tracy Campbell, Kar. SPERRY TOPSiDER SHOES 0 TABLES 0 CLOCKS 773 6565 o Shorians, unlike its first two tak!:n a \~Ig s.econd hal.f lead Brownell Saturday, Decem. en Cooper, Beth J e f f r e y , - o FOUL. WEATHER GEAR 0 8AROMETERS games, the club overcame a a.nd let It slip away In the her 11. The Miami Spirits de. ~aren Marsti!ler, Renee Mat, 28300 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI first half deficit and then fmal moments. featI'd the New York Wind. tlacCI and Nicole Walter. o RAYTHEON MARINE ELECTRONICS 0 JEWELRY hung on to hold off Lake North escaped against I songs, 25.7. The leading scar. ~._----- ,------Shore. Sterling Heights with a nar. er in the game was Sue OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS o DANFORTH COMPASSES 0 t-lAUnCALLAMPS The teams were tied, 10-10, row two.point victory while Coppiellie of the Spirits with at the end of the first quar. the Norsemen saw a 15.point eight points, o StiIJ in Doubt, - GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE (Any Amount) ter, but Lake Shore played lead disappear in less than a ' a strong second quarter to quarter. ?'he Spirits were c03che.d I "We're Proud of OUR PERSONAL Service" talte a slight margin into the North had a three-point b} Marge Alleman, Phyllis I locker room at halftime. lead with half a minute left Hogan, and Maureen Meehan. i The third ,quarter was a but a basket by Baker, fol. The .tea.m inclu~es Suzanne I different story as North over. lowed by a steal and another Cop~)Iellle, S.u s j e Edwards, took the ShorillllS to grab a score, left North behind. J~mce Hamilton. Kathy Her. SHORES MARINE, Inc. 48-42 lead at the end of the 53-52 nnton, Laurie Janes, Laura I O d f . LaForge J e n n i fer Lugo, 24910 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. th Ir ramI'. South took the ball away Pam Mihalik Tin R I . One Block South of 10 Mi., St. Clair Shores North's orrensive surge was once more and after a con. ,a 0 am, led by Bob Brown, North's verted fr~e throw, led by -, Mon. ,h,u Fri 9 ,. 6 778 3200 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SaI.9IoS • leadhlg scorer along with two. REFORMERS SUtt. lO 10. ... Brian Patman, who had a It was Brown, once again One. trouble with experi-' season high of 10 pointt;. North's offensive star who enCe IS that people pay such The fourth quarter saw sent the game into ov~rlime a high price for it and then Lake Shore repeatedly at. with a 25-foot shot at the try to givc it away as free tempt a comeback but the buzzer. In the extra period, advice. Norsemen were too strong, it was no contest as Zenn as Brown continued his hot hit two free throws, and fol. shooting, finishing with 26 lowing a missed shot, Langs points. while forward Bill converted a three.point play ACCOUNTANTS: Mestdaugh came off the. to insure victory. ------bench to give North a solid Brown led all scorers with Suppose that you effort in adding eight points. 24 points, including eight of could reduce your Guard Dave Beyer had 11 picture yourself giving year.'round joy. , . points while dishing out a eight free throws. Zenn was taxable income for high of nine assists. Lake seven of eight from the line. 1976 by as much as Copal pocket 400 camera ... actually smali and liUht Shore was able to draw and as a whole, Nort~ hit $7,500? And begin over 80 percent of their free within four points with less throws, the difference in the building a nest egg at enough to be carried in a shirt pocket, yet the pictures it than a minute remaining, but h' ., If Rick Zenn hit two free throws game. t e same hme. you snaps are sharp and clear because of the lone focusing

and Jim Ziemiecki rejected Although plased wilh the act now, National I a final Shonan shot to seal victory, coach Ray Ritter Bank of Dett'Oit can system. Included with the 4"Lx2"Wxl"D cameru are I the win. commented, "We didn't move help you to reach both Earlier, North won its the ball enough offensively, of these goals battery, flash cube extender with battery and wrist second game by topping though defensively we did 1t South High School in an a good job. through the Keogh strap. fl8 28mm lens, electronic shutter, builtin battery ~ overtime thriller, 61.56.------Retirement Savings The first half was marked Specia I. Events Plan, our IRS- checker, warning light to indicate when flash is needed. .by sluggish 'efforts from both approved retireme nt Uses 110 film, 64.50; De!uxe camera kit: CJIlH'r<1 wltl teams. Set at Academy program for self- However, in the third employed individuals. quarter, North came out run. the above features, electronic flash with batteries, mini ning, trouncing South offen. Students 'oIt .the Grosse A telephone call to sively and defensively to Pointe Academy are explor. 22.5~2779 will brinR tripod, hanrlv carrying case alld wrist Slldp. 84,50 take a comfortable 41.26 mar. ing the meaning of CtJ.r1stmas you details; or stop by • Proven dependabilityl Ovr.r gin into the final frame. this year through a number your nearby NBD 3/4 million Mac 10 series . Strong play by forwa rd s of clasSroom activities cen . office. saws buill and sold! Brown and Doug Langs, tered on the theme, "Christ. • Rugged enough lor all day along with centers "z.. and mas is Giving." work on farm. rancl! Dr home, .• All position cho~elype Dave Giles, led North as they Mr. and Mrs. Larry Swart't5 Complete with 16. carburetor culs al any angle, consistently beat South at fourth and fifth grade classes bar and chain, • Chain Bra~e saletv leature both boards while drawing a will make a gift of hand. number of fouls on the Devil made candy nouses to chilo See one today at ... big men. dren confined to Saint John The fourth quarter was a Hospital over the holiday National Bank ------se&l!on, : ' . of Detroit BOOSTER Under the direction of Mrs. Kenneth Chrlisner they also 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET If you don't fully under- will sing Chri,rtma;s carols to 19815 Mock Ave. - TU 1-6233 ostand a civic 'Pl'tl!>lem )t is the accompaniment of 0rII in. better to approve than crlti. struments 'and recordern. size. Their Performance will be telecast throughout the hos- pital 00 closed circuit tele- vision. THE GREAT INDOORS PEOPLE The first and third grade classes of Mrs. Richard Wa1. ney and James Alvaro, have ~br4ont concentrated their st\ldies on the tradition of Christmas in . El¥rlier this month, grosse poInte they talked with Marriane WE SERVICE ALL MAKES Baeckelandtand U1rike Po-cs. sler, who shared their child- • hood experiences in Germany botanical gardens IMMEDIA TE SERVICE with the ehildren. The ladies brought a KnllS. GAS-FIRED lperhaus along with them, STEAM BOILER whiC"h the students decorated INST AllED COMPLETE with cookies. • • • Middle !SchOO'!.classes :It /'S-LOW-AS the Academy will 5ing ca..-ols .. 00 at Bon Secour .. and Cottage $905 Hospitals and the Saint Anne, Georgian East and Grosse 15302 Kercheval. Grosse Poinle Park, Michigan 48230 • 331-4033 100,000 BTU Pointe Nursing Homes, / GAS-FIRED FURNACE Many people make the mis. • AS-LOW-AS take of trying to correct the • mistakes of their friends. $59800, INST ALLED COMPLETE ACCLIMATED PLANTS ,Free Estimates Specially grown to adjust to northern indoor environments. A cultural technique designed to Serving the develop plants and special hybrids for lower ~~~ Grosse Pointe Area light levels and less than ideal growing conditions. 571-4610 FURNACE COMPANY Since J949 We can meet all your needs with -unusual TRADITIONAL BUTCHER SHOP and exotic plants to add aesthetic intere~t to your surroundings. ,QUALITY and SAVINGS SPECIAL VARIETIES AVAILABLE: "Gold Coast" what about Dieffenbachia "Tropic Snow" rlANK~EN~"R'SHOP !pur Ficus "Exotica" 25300 JEFFERSON (at 10 Mile) PR 5-1991 children's Agla(lnema X "Silver Qup.en" Open Tues. lhru Sat. 8 til6 deeper needs? "Boston Robusta" WHOLE Orchids $239 Their everyday needs Fresh (Osca, Mayer) are BEEF TENDERLOI NS • U1, important. But they yearn and many more. Cocktail $199 CUT UP FRffr for spiritual things as well- FRANKS l8. for love, and certainty. CHOICE OR PRIME and knowing God cares for them, LEG 0 LAMB $1.69 lB. In the Bible lessons at our Sunday School, young ALASKAN SNOW CRAB people's questions about Include, Lunchmeal, COME SEE ChHle, Bread God are answered In way. they can understand and large CRAB.LEGS $1.59 lB. prove. THE FRESH GRADE A We welcome your children, Cooked $899 any Sunday. SHRIMP lB. e CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DIFFERENCE' la. SUNDAY SCHOOL TURKEYS 8S for YOIJf convenience PURE MAID our Chrlslmas Hours wilt be French Onioll 45c Specials thru Jan. 1 Flr.t Church 0' Chrl"t Mon thru Sat. 9:30 a.m. III 9 p.m. PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED Icl.nU., Sunday 12:30 III 5 DIP lB, a,OI" Polllt. Fa,,,,. Christmas Eve III 6 p.m. Supply Limited On All "ems 212 CMllon'. Mar Kat1», " ..

, \ . n SSP mn ? • os o - 1 ,- ,"~ ... , " 1: ~,. ,'. \ ... " '...... '., 'I ...... ,

Thursday, December 16, 1976 Page Fourteen GRO)SE POINTE NEWS

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•.0 1aste-scietlce breakthrou~ giveslowtar MERIT

the.flavor ofcigarettes having 60%more tar: I

, I By locating certain flavor ...rich ingredients , TestsVerify Taste in,cigarette smoke, ingredients that deliver In taste tests involving thousands of taste way out of proportion to cigarette smokers like yourself, tar, researchers at Philip Morris MERIT was reported to . have disproven the theory that deliver. as much-or more- cigarette flavor depends on the taste than current low tar amount of tar that goes with 'it. leaders. They've discovered how to Whats really startling is that pack f1avor- unprecedented these brands have up to flavor-into a cigarette that 60% more tar than MERIT delivers one of the lowest tar You've been smoking "low levels in smoking today. tar, good taste" claims long The discovery is called enough. Now smoke the cigarette. 'Enriched Flavoi'" It's extra flavor, natural flavor, and only MERIT Incredible smoking MERIT has it. satisfaction at only 9 mg. tar. @ Philip Morri, In< I ?)I,

9 mg~'taC 0.7 mg, nicotine avo per cigarette by FTC Method,

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined

That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. I " MERlTand MERIT MENTHOL ,

be • e. • s esrors ••• t m a a S $.1' , ". seats • • • f » > s s •• 5 • s e p ". p p • p p p p p p p p p p » p p p p p • +' •

Thursday. December 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Leisure time is the finished I It is next tG impossible to I • product of greater efficiency. convince without convictions.' BrUlns Do Well ill League Play I NUS Wt.cstlers GA•• A•• Dirty Have Your Carpets & The Grosse Pointe Bruin Seaver, assisted by Penny, Win Two ~feets Carpet? Rugs ProfessionaUy CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA efforts Were thwarted twice finished the scoring. ' I by the Sharks in r e c e n t Again facing the Stars in a . --- I GRINDER? saYI . FOR YOUR SON or DAUGHTER hockey tournaments. In the league game Tuesday, Dc. B" l'tlike Kralochwill ; Cel eLIANID Turkey Tournament over thll cember 7, the Bruins scored I . 20% We Have The Cor,.(t Method Th:mksgiving holiday. the a convincing 7.1 win. Ferlito The. North High School ON CASH To Clean Your Carp.' DRIVIIG LESSO.S Bruins fitst faced Adray Yak posted two goals and single II w.resUmg team defeat~d l.los~. • W. do all typ.s of carp.t r.pair Teens & Atlults and scored a convincing 5-0 goals were scored by Bill. \'Ille Brablec. 49.18, In a 81. & CARRY CAU FOIT FIfEf 1ST/MATI win. Seaver, Burk:'eiser, Grade, I County Lea g u e meet on HIGHWA Y DRIVING SCHOOL AUen Taber opened the Davies and Kennary. Thursday, December 9. The RUG Ea~t Side Carpet Cleanen NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB scoring assisted by Mike In recent exhibitions games victory raised the Norse lUO~ kUCHEVAl • VA 2.9070 CLEANING 14111 Ilerche.. lAwe. 822.1481 Burkheiser and Matt Coso the Bruins 'playedvery well. men's record to 2.0 in the OWNED ANO Q/lf/lATED BY THE BAIlCH fAMILY SINCE '194' IEIT ClASSIEG.IS JAI. II tello. Jeff Grade scored an. Early this month, Windsor, BeL and 3.1 overall. other first period goal after - - Call 885-4600 Instructor: LEE G. MORRISON Ont .. hosted t:Je Bruins and Leading (hI' Nor~men's of. a pass from Burkheiser and Mascarin posted another shut. forts were Jed Vier, Brian John Davies. out. 4-0. Taber scored two Hutcheon, Pete Wilzy. Clay Scott Seaver posted the goals and Davies and Cos- Kubacki and Don Stewart, GROSSE POINTE AREA third Bruin goal with assists tello each 'posted one. all of whom pinned their up. LEASING MAY BE FOR YOUI SCHWINN DEALERS going to John Ferlito and The BruinS found easy go- ponents. Dave Pastoria and Greg Johnson, Costello then ing against the Sterling Roc Chris Petrilli won the i r We Offer tallied assisted by Burkheiser kcls with an 8.0 shutout matches on decisions. CLEARANCE and Taber. Johnston scored credited to Mark Chiamp, , • All MOdels-Domestic & Import 1975 Models & Discontinued Colors the final goal with Grade as. Burkheiser scored the "hat In Lle JV mee~, th~ Norse. sisting. Drew Mas c a ri n trick." men. also were VICtOrIOU~,30. • Nationwide Service Plan A Cine exhibition game was 9.. Jim C~un" Tom Sun.lvan, I 00 earned the shutout. • Insurance SAV. '7°0 '0 '20 In the second game, North- played against Northwest on BIll Flemmg, Ciay.Ottom and LIMITED SELECTION Wednesday. December 8, and Bill Couball all plOned theIr west was the opponent. Grade LaSECuOf' AME~ICAInc. • Open and Closed End lease I scored first. assisted by Jim Chiamp earned a second shut. opponents. Kennary, Northwest tied it oul 3-0. I'he nex [ m eel lur the PLUS up but the Bruins went ahead The Bruins have been with Norsemen is the Macomb Schwinn 4 Foot on two goals by Taber to post out the service of Jim Morris County Championship at the Call DENNIS LYNCH who can custom tailor a lease Hardened Chcin & a 3-1 victory. One goal was since his injury against SainI Macomb Community College for your transportation needs. Combo Lock, regu- assisted by Grade and Jeff Michaels, Ont., on NOl'ember on Friday, December 17. lar $8,49 "alue, Penny, While the other was 13. They also will compete in i unassisted. Now the Bruins start pia)' the Christmas Tournament at 21517 KELLY RD. In the third game. against in the Silver Stick Touma. Lakeshore High School on 777-2100 the S:larks, the Bruins went ment this weekend. Sa:urday, Deccmber 18. 2.0 on goals by Taber and Grade but ended up losing 4.2. The Jast Shark goal was Girl Gymnasts Win -Two Meets - - - with purchase 01 in an open net after the Bruins pulled their goalie for By Sue Fancett erly looks to Lisa Stout :llld a sixth attacker. Coach Mary Byerly's girl Patti Hallmann, the only sen. The Grosse Pointe SCHWINN~ BICYCLE In the Johnny Phillips Tour. gymnastics team at North iors on the team, to lead them (With copy of this ad" ,) nament held this past week- High School has bcgun meet in their quest for the cham. Congregational Church - CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY- end, the Bruins met the competition in what hope3 to pionship. Sharks in the first game and be their third straight year Junior Sue Moody should were defeated 3-0. They next as Bi-Collnty Lea~ue Cham. be a strong contender in turn. POINTE JAKES met Adray Slasor and posted pions. bling this season, since the The Grosse Pointe CYCLIRY BICYCLE STORE a 3.1 victory with two goais The Norsemen opened their event that she finished first going to Taber and one to season against Star of the in regionals last year, tram. American Baptist Church 20373 MACK 19386 KELLY RD. Grade. Sea with a 92,87 to 42.90 vie. poline, has been dropped. Across from Farmer Jack Harper Woods They also tied a fired.up tOTY on Tuesday, Deeember 240. C halfo nte Adray Vak team 1-1. Scott 7 d th d f ted R h SH JV C 886-1968 'DR.1-8377 Seaver scored the lone Bruin t;r ~n93.8;~0 ~;.~5. ono~:~: ager s Grosse Pointe I goal. The Bruins were elim. nesday, December 8, ShOtV Pr0111ise . illated from continual play in In the meet agaimt Star of I 884-3075 the tournament because they 1- had not acquired enough the Sea, Lisa Stout took first B . Ri k 1\1 d place in all fi\'e events. ~ c j ay 3y total points. (bareS beam vaulting tumbl. Soulh s JV basketball team The Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, D.D.. Minister The Rev. Terry J. Ging, Associale Minister The Bruins were more suc. ing a~d floor' exercise), which lost 51.31 to its rivat North give your loved one an cessful in league play, post- \Vas good for a total of 34.45 High School in their opening ing. three more wins to re- points. Joan Urbancic, com. game ~uesday, Decem~er :' original oil painting main undefeated. Late last peting in tumbling and floor Sh?\I'lng a lack of umty In month, they played the Mich. eX€iI'c~e contributed a total the flrst half, South was down UWHERE ~ECUMENlCALJ Up to 200/0 off igan Stars and won 4.1. of 12.45 'points. b)' 14 ?oints. The De~'i1s came Davies scored on a power Others making significant back In the second half and JJ A subjecllO plelse everyonel play assisted by Taber. Taber contribuUonsto the point to- played execellent defens~. but then scored on a play from tal were Patti Hallman. Car. were ulla~le to ge~ their of. 15 MORE than a wQ,rd • Framed prints at savings Burkheiser and Bill Seaver, 01_ Gao"liardl' and Jodv, S!oul. fense moving, shooting. a poor and then he tallied an un- 29 t f tll f Id 'R h t L' percen rom e Ie . Since June, 1976 The Grosse Pointe Congregational • Gift Certificates available assisted go a l. Burkheiser Agal1lst oc es er, lsa B W'l I h completed the scoring with Stout once again finished fi.l'I3t " rad l.son ed t e team Church and The Grosse Pointe American BaptIst Church • Open SUNDAY 1-5 p.m. Kennary assisting. in aU five events, including WIth 19 pomts and seven reo have been united In th.lr mlnl.try 'or Chrl.t. The Bruins then pla~'ed the an exceptional score of 7.65 bounds, . • Open FRIDAY 'til 8 p;m. Michigan Bulldogs and won, in tumbling, for a poi:1t tJ. On rnda):; December 10. • Identical Sunday Worship Services at 9:30 a,m. and 11:15 a,m. 5-3, Taber scored after a pass tal of 35.1. Carol Gag(ial'di th J J~ De~'l.s took on East • Commercial accounts welcome from Fer1llo, After the Bull- and Sue Moodv each added DetrOIt IlIgh,. an~ pulled .' c,!! .Nursery through 8th grade Sunday school during both services', adult class at 9:30 a.m. dogs went ahead 2-1, D.aVles 12.15 pOI'n.+.s, - tthrough I to, dWin.,t ht5,,.49.d f The • Major Credit Cards honored tied it up with Grade as. This year's .gymnastics eam p a) ~ Ig I' ense, • Chancel Choir, Youth Choir & ladles Ensemble sisling. team is made up of 16 girls, and effectl\'cly pre sse d Mike Eugenic Ilnd Crstel10 including two !Seniors, one throughout the game. They • Junior & Senior High Youth Groups Adrian Art Galleries each scored unassisted goals j~nicr, five sophomore, and :~~~. 30 percent from the 21143 Mack Ave. • Singles Group, Couples Club, & PaIrs and Spares (senior ClIlzens) Gro... Point. Wood. to put the Bruins ahead. Scott eight freshmen. Coach By. Bob Baker led t1e scoring • Men's Club & Women's Association with 16 points and four steals, Appeals Court Judge ~ollored followed by Jim Heidt with 10 points and four rebounds. Perhaps our program Is what you've been looking for. Michigan Court of Appeals and in 1975 was elected to South's Varsity and JV will Judge George N. Bashara, the Amorican Bar Assoc. challenge Xotre Dame away Jr.. of The Woods, was reo executive committee of the on Friday. December 17. The Why not cO",o and wo.rship with u~? A warm welcome awaits you here! cently named co. chairman of Appellate Judges Con(erence. JV game begins at 6;30 p.m. and the varsity at 8: 15 p.m, the State Bar of Michigan's He is a iec!urer fOl' the Com m i t tee on Substance Center for the Administra. . Every night w~ make reso'l Abuse. His term of office tion of Justice, chairman of I J) l) ) ) ) J will run through 1977. the Slate Advisory Commis. lutions about getting up REMODEL NOW! sion to the Office of Sub. earlier, and break them in Judge Bashara is a mem- the morning. ber of the Detroit Bar Assoc. stance Abuse Services and a ARE YOU PAYING UNNECESSARY member of the Supreme Court's Judicial Education Committee and the State • TAXES NOW ON THE MONEY YOU New local bu~ding Health Coordinating Council. PROPRIETORS: ..W3lNZ£",- codes require that Active in numerous cil'ic ARE EARNING AND SAVE FOR Bw9.~- your property be organizations, he is on the Suppose that you updated prior to board of trustees for the could reduce your .,/It-J.. ADDITIONS selling or re.renting, Metropolitan De t r 0 i t Big taxable income for TOMORROW? 9~";) REMODELING Enjoy this improve. Brothers, a corporat.e mem.! 1976 by as much as ber of the Metropolltan De. $7,500? And begin 777 -6840 l:~[ ment .b~e you are troit Boys Clubs of America, building a nest egg at living in your home. and a board member of the iVININGS G' lU I."oW the same time? If you EAST SIDE AND ICE March of Dimes and the Na- GIOUE 'OINlIS tional Council on Alcoholism, act now, National SKATING Detroit. Bank of Detroit can UPDATE YOUR BATHROOM, KITCHEN, Judge Bashara is a gradu- help you to reach both Wed. & Thurs. 1-3 p.m ate of the University of Fri. Eves, 8-10 p.m. of these goals PLUMBING and ELECTRIC Michigan and the Detroit through the Keogh Sat. and Sun. 2.4 p.m. College of Law. Retirement Savings All HOME & OFFICE SERVtcES Grosse Pointe Plan, our lRS~ INCLUDING WALL WASHING, CARPET Woods Studies I approved retirement Community Rink Is the effective annual Interest rate currently being CLEANING AND PAINTING! Flooding Info I program for self~ 885-4100 employed individuals. credited to a Single Premium Deferred Annuity A feasibility report relat.1 A telephone call to • AUor Plrtof Cish V.II" • O.ftml of fI~.. IIIC'.1 ing to flooding conditions in 225-2779 will bring Avallabl. upon D'.lnd Tax LlI~lIItr II I,llrut several areas of The Woods I you details; or stop by is scheduled to be considered your nearby NBD • SlIrrtld.r V.I•• NIVerLIIl nil 1M of Tltar Ct.trI~.tIIU by the council at its regular office. III' meeting Monday. December • Possibll AvoIdanceof Proltatl A"'tltul Fila at DIll' ,,I 20, according to City Admin • latlr .. t Crltllt14 Oall, istrator Chester E. Petersen, Come to our seminar to learn more about a single-premium The report, prepared by deferred annuity which offers a combination of attractive City Engineer Larry Pate, features. will explore potential wll.l' liom to such conditions in, ~DATE: Thursday, December 16 TIME: 7 :30 P.M. ~ Van K. drive and Pl'rrien I National Bank placc, along with Bournc- of Detroit -= mouth road, Raymond avenue PLACE: The GoldeR Lion - 22380 Moross at Mack ~. and Linville avenue. I ------_...... ,.."",.",=-----.".",~ ,~~ . The seminar Is free, but reservations are necessary. To make yours, use the iPINBAll MACHINES ! INA. coupon below or telephone. lIFE IlllUMIlCE CO.AlY IF IIG1l11AIIOICA iDISTINCTIVE AMUSEMENT DEVICES : COIlPOM 11011 : Reconditioned for home use : I--- ... For More In'ormallon - Writ. or Call 88'-2832 : Delivered. Installed • Guaranteed : FREE PUCK DAY. • • ~~-----~~-----~----~---~------~~-Director of Sales I: Fireball, Captain Fantastic, Robo, Air: - JOHN W. BUDA. 63 klrc.HYlI. CIIt.1I1 FMlnl 8I1dl•• COMPLIMENTS OF STEAK HOUSE : Aces, Boomerang, Old Chicago, Jubilee, : PONDIROSI 8rom POIIII Flnls,llIln",. 48236 : Magnatron and many others to choose from. : SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1977 4 P.M. t NAME RED WINGS vs COLORADO ROCKIES ! JUKE BOXES, TOO ,: ADDRESS ._. _ OLYMPIA STADIUM My Phone Number 18 ~ _ iFLIPPER MASTER Inc. i CITY STATE ZiP ----- All Kids Under 16 Will Receive : 36367 groesbeck Hwy., bttwHI 15 Ind 18 MI. : I am IntereSled. Plea.", COt,tllCl me. An Official Detroit Red Wings Hockey Puck • Mt. CI&m.n. .1• : OPEN 7 DAYS 78.-18110. ( , [( ( r (r' r ' r (( ( ( I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ------\ ,,'" .. '~..: • , I,' '" .. '-" '(' ,;. ~~ t." ," l .• .~.. ," .', • \" '. ..i' -.;" - ~ , .. • ~ I • •

Thursday, December 16, 1976 Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Grosse Pointe News One View from the Capitol What Goes On By William R. Bryant Jr. What; new on ROBERT B. EDGAR D/DI A Anteebo Publishers. at OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, The bill which will give vinced he could not prevail. GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 our communities control over The S en ate a'sked the SMond Clo.. Po.tog. Poid ot Detroit. Michigan Yo'ir Library liquor licenses for serving li. House to recall the bill from .ft-t E t-ttII quor by the glass ende~ to take the hilI up ence essay.> by one of the dote. These essays are ingra- jewelry to complete thIS OUtfIt ... at PER- SUSAN McDONALD. .... EDUCATION, NEWS ;so did some of the bar own-I Immediately. The rules. were e s suspended to concur 10 the most prolific writers of our tiating .and mind stretching SON ALLY YOURS, 84 KerchevaL GEORGE POLGAR JR. NEWS r . . Senate amendment. time, Isaac Asimov. Here,' when not boggling. MARY LORIMER...... ADVERTISING I changed the bill to make That is all I can write with the amazing Asimov ventures PAT ROUSSEAU .. ,... . ADVERTISING Maria Dinan 11 •Kercheval has a good it 'so it did not aUect DetrcH. assurance because deadline into the remotest crevices of Seventy. five li~htweight I CHARLES DICKSON,.. .. ,ADVERTISING Still there was opposition for this article is before the light in the observable uni- vignettes on how people en. selection of colog~es, scarves, purses, jewelry, PHYLLIS NEAL, ,...... , , ....ADVERTISING from ba~ owners: We talk.ed last chapter can be written. verse and reveals that its joy themselves are the sub. skirts, blouses, long and short dresses and NEAL NEVEJANS ,...... ADVERTISING with their lobbYist and with Hopefully we wi':'l concur diameter is 25,000 million stance of Julius Fast's THE accessories . • . all to make someone happy 10 MULHERIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Municipal Le8gue officials. in the Sen'ate change and llght.year5 and will remain PLEASURE BOOK, (St~in on Christmas day. DOROTHY SCHIMANSKY, CLASSU!~IED ADVERTISING The bar owners wan t t: d send the bill back to the Gov. so until we Invent 'an Instru. lInd Day). Fas'fs theme is SHIRLEY ARNOLD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING other change.> if this one was ernor. IC we do, this time he ment that measures speeds to introduce the idea that it JEAN LOUGH....., CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FROM $5 to $10 , ,•, mini suggestions from to occur. Those other c~anges wiil sign it. We will try to faster than light. Is okay to enjoy yourself and LINDA LOUGH , ,..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING THE GREENHOUSE, 117 Kercheval ..• un. wer~ hlghlr c()lllroverslal. get him to sign it right away. He also corrects Shake- that you can "expand your FRAN BACHA , " , CIRCULATION Fmally, It was agreed to go So that is the !Story the usual phone books, telephone pads and pencils speare's Caesar who said consciousness" by listening wit~ the bill the way I had. it, story of how my simple 'Uttle to match scarves in assorted colors, old fash- "I am ill8 constant 'as th~ nonjudgmentally to 0 the r taking Detroit out of th.e bIll. bill to give equity to our com. ioned ho~ses as planters, French Rigard can- Then an Oakiand legIslator munitie3 came to be a com. northern star," When Caesar Ipeople talk about. their pleas- was alive, "there wasn't any' ures and by trymg some of dles from Paris in all sizes, large individual ll'tor ~anted to piggy back. on the plex bill of someone else and bars of soap, jewel~y, belts and some lovely Letters to the Ea bill to broaden it to mclude nearly got itself vetoed North Star!" Mr. Asimov's these yourseLI. '- "- liquor stores, to Indlude off. Paddle to the Sea 'never explanation is rather compli. Nightwalking, lunch - hour Christmas ornaments. Then for the young- I cated, but he's right. movies, massage; (not' the sters animals on a stick including reindeers presentation of an extremely ~remise as well a',) on. premise had such a wild adventure. To the Editor: complex, delicate subject. licenses. . Ever get the feeling nothing He also discusses the "parlor" variety), cycling, and horses ... the grown-ups enjoy these as Tbeboardof the Grosse That was agreed, provIding is simple theseday.;? chemical inevitability of life soaring, puttering with plants, much as the children. Pointe Branch of the Ameri. Recognizing that Mr. Stor. it would not kill lhebil!. No 'meditating, "creative cook. can Association of University aska's film is not only full objections were -raised. ing," going nude, taking traIn Short sleeve cruise •wear shirts have now Women joins the Macomb of showmanship but poten. Then another representa. trips, whitewatering, raising arrived at Picard & NortQn, 92 Kercheval, in kittens""'a pleasure gamut of County Chapter of NOW, the lially dangerous, organiza. tive came to me. What could I terry cloth, seersucker kriit and stripped cot- tions have joined a coalition he do, he ex.plained, to get a Know Your Schools N a t ion a 1 Organization of all the senses. to improve the quality of bill similar to mine. He wa'.; I ton. • Women and the Detroit po. By Dr. William Coats, The key to Mr. Fast's suc. Kitty Carey and Dorothy Mooney invite lice In objecting strongly to rape presentation programs being hounded by his cons tit. coos lies in his casual, non. in Macomb County. uents because of topiess bars Superintendent of Schools you to come in and visit their new shop, the the film made ~yauthor didactic approach illS well as in his western Wayne County CM Gallery, 17 Kercheval. They carry a beau- Pet e r Storaska entitled, On Monday, January 17, at conununity, which rus city in his variety and scope. "How to Say No to a Rapist Last week I referred to Skills are the social and This is not a book that is tiful selection of brass, copper, fur- 7:30 p.m., the coalition will council couldn't control. The our current project of reo natural sciences and the arts. niture ... 'in fact a little bit of ev- and Survive." review and evaluate other legr.>latlve ~ e r vie e bureau destined to become a classic, C vising the school system's It is our goal to help all stu. erything for gifting. Brass busts rape prevention 'films in or. would not give him a new bill but it is a pleasure to read. M This rape film is being philosophy s tat e men t to denbs attain a significant will .be here Friday a.m .. Open der to recommend films more because I had the bill aI- THE MINUTEMEN AND 5hown by the 51. Clair Shores cover seven basic goal area'S measure of competence in Thursday ni.ghts 'til 9 p.m. until police and the Michigan suitable for rape prevention ready. But he had promised which reflect the major pri. all the subject. areas which THEIR WORLD, (Hill and programs. The meeting will to introduce a bill. Christmas. • State 'Police who lend it to orities for the entire school theY study during their school Dang), by Robert A, Gross, take place at Faith United So, I told him'} would help __ Visit the LEAGUE SHOP, 98 other law enforcement agen. system, with the indication years. . brings to life the community Church of Christ, 12221 Mar. him. L gave him the changes KerCheval before Christmas. They- cies fer public viewing. It that future columns would be But this is just the begin- of men who began the tin Road, Warren, between we were !l'eady to make to my have lovely small pieces of furniture is also available through devoted to a more detailed ning. Of great importance Arne r i can Revolution on Hoover and Schoenherr. bill. He cOl.lld get a new bill April 19, 1775, .at the Old Ik J~.>I!IJt. from $50 and up. A gift that will help several libraries such as the with the new language. description of each of the to the learner andros or her North Bridge in Concord, .~;; you ~o remember this Christmas for Dearborn library. He did and we moved the goal .areas. development are these addi- ~ Our AAUW branch will be Mass. Contrary to his title, Mr. represented and we urge bill out of committee and The first of the seven goal tional .areas of Basic Skills: -7 a long time. Storaskaadvises women to other concerned and interest. through the House and SeD- area'S is Basic Skills nor- the development of thinking Through intensive study of submtt to rape and gives ed readers of the "Grosse ate. It went to the Governor. mally enumerated 1IIS read- processes, creativity and the family genealogies, diaries, Remembrance ... •is a ring other. advice which could be Pointe News" to attend. We The Governor',.> staff LSaid"no ing, written expression and acquisition of knowledge. tax lists ,and other public at Christmas time from Pongracz . dangerous if followed. His do not want Mr. Storaska's 'problem" and the Governor mathematics. We are greatly concerned records, the author has re- Jewelry, 91 Kercheval. See their would sign it at the end of created the daily pattern of statistics .. nd oversimplified film shown in Wayne County Other subject areas which that our stl,ldents not only display of ladies and men's solid the 14-day waiting period he pre-Revolutionary life: how advice go ,against studies of or Grosse Pointe, but we do are of great importance and understand facts and infor- gold signet rings in plain gold or experts in the fieid. He has recognize the importance of has to study bills brought be. 'malion, but that they' have individual farmers, artisans which we view also 'as Basic with stones. There are also many no .background or qualifica. a good film on rape preven- fore him. the ability to organize and, and 'merchants earned a liv- special itt~ms to choose from at tions as an elCpert other than tion. Then a P'Tob1em arose. Sud. dassify knowledge and to ing, I\aised their families and having seen a rape. denly, the Liquor Control Honor Austin bring .that knowledge to bear carried on their politics in this time. Christine C. Leibbrand, Commission had severe !reser- in solving problems. We a New England country town M!?!,eover, his presentation vations about including liquor President, want our students to be ISble before the coming of the war, Holiday Special at •HAMLIN'S ... a large is based on repeated jokes stores in the bill. not about Prep Students to ~hink clearly and to rea. jar of Hawaiian Macadami nuts in a jar ... about rape, interspersed with Grosse Pointe my language but about the Within this setting, Mr. Branch AAUW language we allowed to .piggy Among .the IStudents whose so~ logically. We want them Gross masterfully traces the large 9 oz. $4.85 value $3.69 per jar . . . 89 b.a~~,c,~~.,. . '-."~;'J." -',...... ,.:. ~~::J~~Tb.a~Jla_ back onto our bill. names ana biographies will to be able to evaluate, to growIng intrusion of the Rev~ Kercheval, TU 5-8400. The Governor's legal ad. be included in the 197~77 synthesize and to inter,pret olutionary crisis into the af- data. • ,. visor agreed, There was a "Who's Who Among Ameri- fairs of the town and shows Wide selection of last minute gifts . . . ~ ,serious probiem. The Gov. can High School Students" We also hope to foster how local conflicts shaped imports, stuffed toys, everything from a small ernar wouUd pro b a b i y be are 57 Pointers -attending creativity in a number of responses to Birtlsh policy. size rocking horse to a giant Paddington bear forced to veto the bill Austin Catholic PJrep SChool. ways. We want our students His lively narrative carries at Young Clothes, 110 Kercheval. He better not was iny reo The students were recom- to develop originality of through to the beginning of !Sponse and ,that of the new mended for the honor by thought and to be able to mobilization, and then fol- The• Sign of the Mer- sponsor. Let us can It back their high .school instructoN express themselves crea- lows individual Minutemen maid has the most delightful ~nd remove the "pff-premlse" and qualified on the basis of tively. . from the first battle through language. But the Oakland theIr grade poInt average and Finany, we are eager that the succeeding war to their hand carved animals. Just The Swiss high frequency watch, with its constant heart- legislator wanted Ulat langu- involvement In 'School activo our students not only build a postwar careers. perfect for those " to buy beat, is one of the most treasured timepieces in the world. Its age, and he agreed to its reo ities. foundation for learning, but It's a vividly dawn picture fors" on your list. They feel spectacular performance is achieved without revolutionary moval oniy after being con- Among those honored at that they acquire a desire for of the small tc:lwn New Eng. so great. We were crazy change. It is still simple, practical, elegant, and as eCHY to Austin were George Van continuing to learn long after landers who played decisive about their new extremely service as other conventional timepieces. Although of recent WATER Antwerp, Daniel Bober, Fred. their formal schooling ends. roles in the American Revo- handsome salt and peppers, creation, the high frequency watch retains the main features of rick Hickey, John Gorzal ski, Thus, the Basic Skills in lution. too. Don't overlook the won- ieweJled-lever wristwatches. It is eosily finished and repaired. Paul Kawsky, Gary Gogli8r. which we hope our students Her own rather dramatic derous gift certificate. The an- And because it is inexpensive, it is the most practical approach HEAlER. di, Mark Diehl, Thomas Hess. excel are not limited just to to ultra.high precision. ... bU'rg, Paul Gracey, David Ap- midlife crisis prompted Gail swer to almost any problem! ple,gate. John Salkowski and the ,basic subject areas of Sheehy to study the various Sign of the Mermaid, 75 Ker- If your watch is not working p;operly, bring it in to us at Eugene Belanger, reading, writing and arith. phases and crisis periods cheval, 882.1610. metic, ,but encompass a VALENTEJEWELRY.16601 East Warren at Kensington, Detroit. I I More are Joseph Dr9lsha. common to many adults in 881-4800, for reliable service. Whether you are making a pur. I gen, Theodore Gebauer, Rob- broader range of activity our culture. From this study throughout their Ilves. chase or having an item repaired, our reputation is your guar- ~. . art Neville, David Baratta, has come her new book t 1 t' 1 t' D' Ch . t h '? C . -... IRalph Basile, F'rank Willard, PASSAGES: THE PRE- an ee 01 sa ISIOC Ion. o'"g your ns mas sopping ome '" PLUMBING&HEATING Craig Henritz", James Hookl, DICTABLE CRISIS OF and ask about our convenient layaway plan. You may olso ' Center Hosts use Master Charge and BankAmericard. We have many items David VanEgmond, Eugene ADULT LIFE, (Dutton) . . lS304 I('UCHEVAL.. VA 2.9070 I Boyle, Alan Devine, Kevin in all price ranges ior everyone on your Christmas list. I . Burke, Michael 'Emmerlck College Night The book begins with a sur. I vey of current theory: Erik ••• a ong I and Ga'ry Farrar. , Erikson, Daniel Levinson 'and Other honored Austin stu. The War Memorial will hold others who ilia ve postulated dents are Peter Got£redson, a Collegian Night on Friday. definite ,growth and transi. Fred Maddock, Sean Murphy, December 17, at 7:30 p.lll- to Brian Murray, Greg Nehra, welcome college students 18 tion stages in the normal James Nichola. Robert 0'. or over home for the holi. psychological development of By Pat Rousseau Har8, Tom Phillips, Tom days. adults. To flesh out theory, the .author interviewed many Pierson-Interiors-East, 377 Fisher Road Mews Shee, Patrick Shugart, Mark Focal points will be the people who seemed to ex. Stieber and Mark Szymanski. huge Christmas tree in the has a most distinctive selection of brass crvstal emplify the conflicts and Still more aTe Tim Wagner, Great Hall of the Center and china and accessories for the most discri~inating John Alfonai, Chris Blake, the refreshment stand in the .attitudes characteristic of person on your gift list. Bill Belton, Ricardo Borrego. marble bre8kCast room and each stage. Joe Evancho, Dave Denis, conservatory where poP,beer Ms. Sheehy shows how • Mark Hanna, Terry Hopman, and wine will be available by male and female life stages There's still time to get that small decorated Peter Kingsley. Henry Kodan. the cup. differ and examines the typi. tree ... table top or larger at THE PLACE SET- Russell Krausmann, Mike There will be a demonstra- cal clashes that result from TING' 403 Fisher Road. Leslie, George Roney. Don tion and free instruction in these differences. This is an Schmid, Al Shaheen, Joe the latest disco-dancing by intelligent and informative • Surmont. Jame.> Vaughn and Ricky Dove of . There Jooef Zehetmair. ~reatment of. a subjec~ t~at I The lovliest pure silk chiffon hand COLOGNES. will be a live band, Cypress : ~:run 1 v era 1 10 ItS ?yed flo~ts and long coats to wear over I toiletries, Kanon, GLOVES. Pigskin. Cape and -_----- ..------Rock. playing in the library PP . Jump SUits, pants or dresses have just .. Grey Flannel, and, hopefully, a folk guitar- Deerskin Leather ':Although much has been i arrived from a one-of-a.kind collection • , . Jockey Club. Braggi, lined and unlined. CUSTOM TAILORING ist by the Christmas tree. Royal Copenhagen. WHALING'S wrItten .about Adolf HItler,' at THE MARGARET DIAMOND .~ from. S10.00 by The admission is $1 plus he remams a creat~re of le. SHOP 377 Fishe R d from '5.00 has great 50 cents for a refreshment of gend, myth and mlsconcep- I ' r oa. your choice. tion," So states John Toland -----.-- GIFTS for in his monumental biography MEN ADOLF HITLER, (Double. Pointers Play day). who care GINO In writing this long and Hockey for U.M' impressive book, Mr. To. land conducted 25() inter. Rick Palmer and Pete views with people acquaint. Wen z e i I both from The ed with Hitler and unearthed Woods, will 'be playing In this previously unpublished ma. year's Great Lakes Invita. terials from U.S. and British tional, (GU), college hockey National Archives. P.J.'s tournament at Olympia Str.. Although he devotes a from dium, according to Rosanne good deal of space to trac. Monogrammed jump suits a great Christma:; '12.50 Kozerski, stadium informa- ing the Jabyrlnthine path of idea at the SMALL SCENE ' tion director. Hitler's antl.Semitism, Mr'l . Dacron and cotlon. In pull oyer and coal. Plain and fancy palterns, Rick. a junior, and Pete, Toland does not .attempt any .., • SUITS a freshman, both play for "psychohlstory" analysis of Holly Berry or Bay Berry soray II • SPORTS JACKETS the University of Michigan, ~Is. subject, but admits that to put the fragrance of Christmas in. ' ~ • TUXEDO RENTALS GLI defending C'hampjons . HIller was far more com. your home at KALEIDOSCOPE ~rl.lmaI Houra: The tournament will be plex and contradictory than .. lOWNTOWN, Dlily 9:30 to 5:30 Gino Invites his friends I had imagined." • FI510 BlDG., Dilly 9:00 to 5,30 and customers to come held at Olympia StadIum on Tuesday.Wednesday, Decem- Mr. Toland has molded his THE SIGN OF THE LION has a beautiful dis II.-IIAM, Monday lhrufrid.~till 9 by and say hello at his MEN'S WEAR materials into a smooth flow. play of lamps for Christmas delivery ...... till 5:30 NEW LoeA nON ber 28.29. ing narrative that focuses on .' 120 WOODWARD, DOWNTOWN UETROIT • FISHER BUILDING 20129 MACK AYE. The youth who takes care Hitler himself and neatly BIRMINGHAM, 203 PIERCE . (near Oxford) - of his .senses will have dol. keeps the su~mari~~ of mi~i. ilfcei"ftrli}m PICCADILLY The Pastry Shop I 885-5171 lars to take care of him in tary an? political history In T ~ &1 ... for the joy of entertaining 881- his old age. lhe ba('Kground, 0600, .

I f ~_.. .---..... ~. __.- . -...... ~. _1-_, --I.-..-.-....-...... -.....--~_~ __ ~_~.c_._._..~ -.- ~ __ ~ __ ~ ~~ .-.....-...... L..OI6.~.~~~.~~_--..-.~~ __ ..- ...... -- ---,.-....-~._~~.~-~ -_ .....--~~~.~~--.----.-----.

Thursday, December 16, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen Serving on GP Newcomers Board Parties Presented By Junior League CI1ristmas Celebrations Featuring Dinner and En- tertainment Are Hoded for Senior Cititens and League for TI1eHandicapped-Goodwill The Christmas spirit came alive for 400 senior citizens Saturday, December 11, when the Junior League of Detroit sponsored a traditional Christ. mas dinner with all the trimmings and a program of entertainment at Butzel Middle School. WOM •• '. PAG.S The party is a JunIor ' League tradition: the The League for the Handi. League's gift to Adult capped, which debuted in Service Centers, founded 1921, and ,the Junior League From Another Pointe by the Junior League as hosted itJi annual Christmas party for the Detroit League Short and to the Senior Center in for the H8ndicapped.Goodwill of View 1953. Industries yesterday after- The Pointe Festivities began at noon. noon, Wednesday, December By Janet Mueller Channel 62 news director 15. MR. and MRS. JAMES C. Doug Morrison acted as mas. Three hundred and twenty. ter of ceremonIes. live guests enjoyed a com. Santa's elves could take lessons from Mrs. GREEN, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, announCe the birth of Another urgaull.li.Uon founu- plele lurkey diuner and en. George Hefferan, whose special talents include ed by the Junior League is tertalnment by Les Cochons the Gift of Making Things Beautiful. a daugbt ...r. JUlJE ANNE, August 10. Mrs. Green is the I Bleus, (the Blue Pigs), the Mrs. Hefferan's fine touch is evident every- lormer NAN C Y IVANSO, GILLS, of Huntington Beach, Detroit Pollee Department's where at The Thompson Home, where rooms and daughter! of the EUGENE CalU. Present too were the rock band, and the Joe Vi. Serving on Grosse Pointe New- halls, mantels, mirrors and dining tables express IVANSOS, of Lakepointe ave. THOMPSON, president, and CAROL Anniversary Pair's other son. tale Quartet. . the Spirit of Christmas. nue. Paternal grandparents comers board in 1976-77 are, (stand- and RICK SEMACK, treasurer; (on In.law and daughter, MR. and Assisting the Junior League are MR. and MRS. J. C. ing, left to right), MIKE and BON- floor, left to right), ILZE WILLI- MRS. ARNOLD FORD, of in serving at this party were She does, of course, have something rather G R E E N, of Birmingham. NIE CROW, social chairman, MARY SON, who with her husband Tom, Plymouth, and their three the Junior Group of Goodwill wonderful to work with, for The Thompson Horne, Little Julie has a four. year. and STEVE HERBEL, membership (not pictured), is past-president, and children: DEBBIE, JOHN Industries, the b a a r d of recently designated an Historical Landmark, is one old brother, JONATHAN. chairman, CAROL and. DANNY and PAM. Very specla~ guests League.Goodwlll and memo PETE and ERMA PERANI, social bers of B'nai B'rith. of Detroit's most gracious centenarians. LEE, secretary, and JENINE and Were MR. and MRS. •• • chairman. Cocktails in board memo The Junior League Garden. MR. and MRS. MICHAEL CHARLES MIL L E R. of • • • DON BOURDON, membership; bers' homes will precede Newcom. ers decorated the dining room A. SATMARY, JR., of Shore. GreenQck, Scotland, who The Thompson Home eelebrated its tOOthbhtb- (seated on couch, left to right), ers' Holly Ball dinner dance this Sat- and wrapped gifts. pointe lane, announce the made their first trip to the day this year, It was founded by Mrs. David BONNIE and DENNIS PERKINS, Many community groups birth of a daughter, CHAR. urday at the Grosse Pointe Yacht United States to attend his Thompson, widow of a Miehigan lumber pioneer, vice-president, MAY and, R U S S and businesses throughout the LOTTE BRINA, October 31. Club. brother's anniversary cele. in 1876,in accordance with his wish to estabUsh a bration. metropolltan area traditlon. Mrs. Satmary is the former benevolent institution. ally join in the preparation ADELE MEYER, daughter HUNTS, of Trombley. road, OLESAK, of St. Clair shores;1 AnnIversary on Thanksgiving • • • for these parties, donating The present Victorian Gothic building at the of DR. and MRS .. GILBERT has been elected secretar}', were winners of a special Day in the Meeting Room at Receiving degrees at the gifts, prizes, favors and candy comer of West Hancock and Cass avenues dates MEYER, of' Balfour road. treasurer of the Student Gov. end of summer sessiom from one.s~ssio": game at Pitts- Plymouih's Mayflower Hotel. and providing corsages Paternal grandparents are ernment at Pine Manor Jun. Central Michigan University lor from 1884, It stood then in one of Detroit's most burgh s WIlliam Penn Hotel MR and MRS CALVIN MA. the 18dles. the M I C H A E L A. SAT. ior College, where she is a were JOSEPH J. GARDNER, fashionable residential districts. to. rank among Master Point GILL, of Rola'nd road, were Co.chl\lrmen of the two MARYS, of Hampton road. member of the Class of '78. of Bishop road, 'Bachelor of wIDners at. the 1976 ~al1 tbere to congratulate her par. Science In Business AdminIs. Christmas celebrations were It remains a reminder of that by-gone time and II • * place, a "window on the past" where retired ladies • • • N~rth Amencan ~hamplon. ents, bringing with them tration, DAVID T. WAG. Mrs. Craig Curtlss and Mrs. MR. and MRS. PAUL DR. JAMES H. KALOGER, shIp of ~e American Con. DAVID and SANDY. Aiso on (Continued on Page 22) Social Studies Department NER, of McKinley avenue, Edward B. Palm, assisted by GUARESIMO, of Harper tract BrIdge League. hand were MR. and MRS. Master of Arts, and HER. head and teacher at Grosse Mrs. Michael Heath, Mrs. Woods, announce the birth of • • • THOMAS MAGILL, of Pointe South High School, Mil. BERT N. RUSH, of Anita John Speer, Mrs. Richard C. a son, DAVID PAUL, Octo. It was a family affair when waukee, the CHARLES MA. 'avenue, Bachelor of ScIence has been selected as a memo Hin, Mrs. Edward H. Jewett, ber 8. Mrs. Guareslmo is the MR. and MRS. JOHN ?tULL- GILLS, 01 L i n den, who in Management and Supervj. ber of the National Commit. III, Mrs. William J. Wood, former GAIL GARCEAU, ER, of Somerset road, cele.1 brought their d a ugh t e r sion. tee for Accrediting Teacher Mrs. Stuad M. Dow and Miss daughter of the ,MILTON brated their Golden Wedding KATIE, and the GARY MA. (ConUnued Oil Page 3Z) Clare B. Morison. GARCEAUS, of LittleStone Education and, with other road. Patemal grandparents members of the Committee, are the ANTHONY GUARE. will visit teacher preparation SIMOS, of Vernier road. institutions to evaluate them on the quality of their train. • • • ing. The National EducatIon Grosse Pointe South H1gh Association has been instru. Scbool graduate GEORGIA mental in establishing teach. IJISTON, daughter of the er representation on this in. JACK LISTONS, of Bishop dependent Committee. Dr. road, 'as won a varsity ten. Kaloger is a member of the nls pili at nlinois Wesleyan Grosse Pointe Education As. University, where sbe is a sodation, currently serving junior. Nail Wrapping Manicure II • II on its Tests and Measure. ment committee. Navy Ensign ARTHUR J. No longer hide your hands because of unsightly VANDBRSCHAAF, i r Ii d \I. • • • finger tips. "Nail Wrapping" bY .Miss:JUdy,:will '? aM . tlils. )tifti' from the ,.AmonR 19 We.tern Michl. gan University ROTC cadets transform broken, split nails, will grow into long Uiitted States Naval Academy with a Bachelor .of Science who receJved awards for their hard glamor nails. If you do what Miss Judy tells de'ree, soD of th~ CLAR. performance during the past you, she guarantees it will work. ,She'll do the ENOE VANDERSCHAAFS, semester Is llophomore VIC. TORIA POST, daughter of the same for you. Allow 2 hours. Have attractive of Lincoln road, has been graduated from the Navy's ARTHUR L. POSTS, of Brys nails af! the time. drive, who received the Suo A v i a t i 0 D Indoctrination Course, first step in the perior Military Academics BART EDMOND training program 'leading to Award and the Distinguished designation as a naval avia. Military Leadership Award. Hair, Skin & Make-Up Salon tor. • • • 21316 Mack Ave., Grosse Pte. Woods II • • Member of Western Mlchi. 886-6080 ELIZABETH P. HUNT, gan University's w 0 men's Open iii 9 p.m. dally daughter of the GEORGE C. field hockey team is Univer. sHy Liggett graduate SUSAN HINDLE, a Physlcial Educa. tion major, daughter of the WILLIAM HlNDLES, of Haw. thorne road WMU junior Susan plays 'forward on the team. • • • Grosse Pointe South High School graduate JAMES M. ! WILSON, son of DR. and MRS. F. M. WILSON, of L e w i s ton road, has been elected to Phi Beta Kappa at Albion College, where he is a senior Chemistry major. • • • MR. and MRS. DAVID ROBB, of Windmill Pointe drive, announce the birth of a daughter, G R E T C HEN MARIE, September 28. Mrs. Robb is the former DrANE KAZMAREK. daughter of the ROBERT KAZMAREKS, of Blairmoor court, Gretchen has a big sister: one-year-old JULIA ANN ROBB. • • • ROBERT EMKE, of West Kings court, a:ld ARLINE Cora f clullon wil~ a tll~ Sprinkling 01 THE Jewelj MITCHELLS HOURS; Grosse Poillle: Open '019p.m 18554 Mack ThundaysandPridl)'l (near Warren) Somrr~ Mall: Open 10 I,m '019 p.m MorkiIY' dvou&h fridaY' Kllown for fill' 181~C,"tlry Slturdlys open '01 7 p.m. IlItlqlU and Iccmllrl .. slnte 1928. Furnllore. porcel.llls. ,lass, sliver, cov.rl.ts 'lld ol~.r '.; " 'Ibrlel. Rlre ,rills Illd '1IIItllI". 8.111."lIllIlfll 1I•• s II Store Hours: goodlilt. 'lld Open Daily IIldlSt prices. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CLOSED SATURDAYS Hours 10 a.m, to 4:45 Jht shop.$ of 3 Kercheval Ave., Appointments desirable for Thursdays. at Fisher Road We Accept Punch and Judy 810ck 882-4724 &nkAmencard Wallolt.Pi~rc~ TU 1-1505 d M Ch 16821 K.cheYll ' lnsse ,... l-_a_fJ __ IlS_t_er __ tJ_rg_e &1 s-wt III • Tr., I Free Parking in Rear I 21 --_-10

., 2 $ " " _ ...... ' on ~.,c eM. $ Tn • 7 i _I"~ sa Z b t .. me ' ... . _on:. ,"'Ed * t, sO' • nt P.ge Eight.. n GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 16, 1976 Society News Gathered from the Pointes 'I I James Farley McClelland, lll~ Claims Bride in East .1 Mrs. John Schiessler I Autumn Wedding j James Farley MCClelland,/ Best ~------man was Chris Got. making his home. Harvard Business School. I lIl, SO:l of Mr. and MfI3. fredson, son of Mr. and Mrs. He attended Groton School, )1The bride, an alumna of Ii Jame3 Farley ~IcCleIland. Law r e n c e Gotfredson, of was graduated from Yale Saint Timothy',> School, is a For Mary Albrecht Jr., of Beacen Hill, claimed Grosse Pointe boulevard. and holds graduate degrees graduate of Bennington Col Joan FitzGerald, daughter of Ushers were Breck Denny, from Johns Hopkins and, lege. the late. Mr. and Mors. Des- Thomas Dibl:J!ee, Roger Aus------Or. and Mrs, John Allen Sehie.ler Vocation in Las mond FitzGerald. of Wash. tin and Robert Lawrence. Vegls Iffe~ Sepfember Rites Followed by ingten, D.C., a'> his bri~e :'frs. McClelland chose a Reception at War Memorial Satu~day. ~ecember 11: m short dress and jacket en. Gwroetown s Grace EplSCo- semble of aqua silk brocade You can spend your money Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church was pal Church. for her 50n',> wedding. She but the setting for the Saturday. September 25, wed- The 3:30 o'clock rites, for pinned white camellias to her good taste js hard to find. ding of Mary Gretchen Albrecht and Dr. John Allen which the bride wore her purse. Schiessler, who are now making their home in East grand!Jl0ther's .wedding gown The newlyweds a.re at Lansing. ------1 of satm and IrIsh l~ce, were home in I followed by a reception at the where the bridegroom, grand. The bride is the da~gh- mat rOD Mrs. Christopher McLean, Va., home of Mr. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. hamla tee of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Slowik and bride~maids Mrs. and Mrs. John Bross. James Turner, of Provencal mens haircuttIng tee A. Albrecht, Jr., of I Phili? Nad~r and Denise I Desmond FitzGerald, Jr, road, and the late Mr. and Perrien place the bride- DOSSIn, cousIns of the bride. gave his !Sister in marriage. Mrs. James McClelland, of 16239 mock 885-5946 'f M d and Mrs. Terrence Dean, of I groom th e son 0 r ..an ADn Arbor. tbe bridegroom's She wa,s attended by Pamela Greenwich, Conn .• hliis been Mrs. Ma:tm ~. Schless- sister. McClelland, the bridegroom's ------s is t e r , Virginia Cowles, lee, of BIrch ~a~e. . ' Joseph Weber came from I Katharine Potti~k and Trudy For the 5:30 0 dock ntes Lake Stevens Wash to act Day. at which Dr. Robert Linthi- as Dr. Schies~ler's b~st man. cum officiated, the former In the usher corDS were Wal. Miss Albrecht chose a Vic- ter Albrecht ni the bride's Uhalik-Steiger Pre CHRISTMAS SALE torian.necked Empire gown, brother Dr' A' Lee Town- trimmed with Cbanillly lace send, df E~st Lansing, and Troth Is Told and feduring a chapel train. Dr. Craig Sawka, of Grosse A REAL CHRISTMAS BONUS Her ]ong "ell, edged 1n IJe. matching lace, fell from a Mrs. Albrecht selected a j A June wedding is being FOR MARTHA'S lOYAL CUSTOMERS Juliet cap. White rosebuds long gown of golden yellow Photo bv J. S, De Forest planned by Lori E. Steiger. and orchids formed her bou. chi f f 0 n, high-necked and Married to Dr. Schiessler, son of the Martin daughter of t!ie late Mr. and quet. styled with an attached, J. Schiesslers, of Birch lane, Saturday, Septem- Mrs. Arthur Steiger, of New Dressed in pale blue, Em- fioating cape of matching , ber 25, in Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Baltimore, and Dennis J, pire-wa i s t e d frocks and chiffon, for her daughter's Church was MARY GRETCHEN ALBRECHT, Uhalik, son of the Bernard matching jackets, carrying wedding. She wore an orcbid daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter A. Albrecht, Uhaliks, of Newcastle road. yellow mums, were honor wrist corsage. Jr., of Perrien place. The bride's uncle, The Reverend G. Jewel. The bridegroom's mother's R. will long gown of aqua chiffon come from Auburn, Ind" to featured a beaded bodice and officiate at the rites in matching capelet. She pinned Grosse Pointe Congregational ~ a while gardenia to her Church. ...~rr purse. Among the guests • Holiday EVENING DRESSES .. iir'Y""/ were the bride's grandpar. End Suburban Women ..::':._ ...... "... entsj Mrs. John F. Battle, of Golfers' Year at Party Mount Pleasant. and former • long EVENING SKIRTS Pointers Mr. and Mrs. Wal. ter Albrecht. Suburban Women Golfers • PANT SUITS • All Weather COATS Aftet a reception in the celebrated the close of their Grosse Pointe War Memo. season with a dinner dance • A Selection of CAMEL COATS rial's Crystal Ballroom, the at the Grosse Pointe Yacht neWlyweds vacationed in Las Club. Mrs. Francine Florek Vegas. was in charge 'of the eve. ning's arrangements ...... ----- Prior to the party, Mrs. October Rites John C u 5 h man and. her BEGINNINGTODAY, THURSDAY, DEe. 16th daughter, Mrs. William Fair, For Miss Kay hosted a cocktail fete for ONE WEEK ONL Y! board members at the Fair Setting. for the wedding of home in Lakeland avenue. Cynthia Ann Kay and Dr. Trophies and prizes were Kenneth L. Goldsmith Sun. awarded during the dinner day, October 10, was the dance to winners of the Sep- Grosse Pointe Hunt Club, tember tournament. D S For Your Added Shopping Convenience ..~here III reception followed f':'. • ,:"WE'lL.BE,OPEN;MQN., DEC.~?~ TIl9 P.M . .the 6:30 o'clock riles. Cyndee is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Richard W. 1851 Kay, of Rivard boulevard. Ken is the son of Mr. and HOLIDAY CHEER SERVED THROUGH the Of.New York's 729,551 residents, Mrs. Richard Goldsmith, of 12acquired Patek Philippe timepieces For 125 years Southfield. CHRISTMAS SEASON - from 2 p.m. daily I the proportion has remained approximately the same. P.8. Rabbi RDbert Syme, of Temple Israel, presided at PATEK PHIUPPE the service, for which the bride chose II gown of ivory peau de soie, featuring 'a net bodice <8nd sleeves appliqued CWA..R1~Rl-I0ll6b @ co. with Alencon and Viennese ALL We Honor Gemologists and Personal Jewelers lace. SALES BankAmericard 16835 KERCHEVAL Matching lace trimmed her and sheer veIl. She carried an MASUR CHARGE Grosse Pointe, Michigan 885- 1232 arrangement of white and FINAL ivory roses, carnations, steph- Open Weekday evenings 'ti/ 8:30 thru Christmas anotis, baby's.breath ollnd ivy. Mrs. Charles B. Rosenberg, honor matron for ber sister, wore a gown of fiowing brown chiffon styled with a bodice ~E!_~~ __-' of woven ivory ribbon. Her OPEN EVENIf'JGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS fiowers were pink roses, ,. '1lJJfu IJ)QJtU PHARMACY Bursting" baby's.breath and ivy. Seven.year.old Megan and i with special gi'ts to give ana get! ." five.year-01d Amy Rosen. berg, in long, brown velvet frocks trimmed with ivory eyelet and ~ace, carrying baskets fill e d with pInk Vanity Organizers for balh or Sweetheart roses, baby's- breath and ivy, were flower bedroom plated with 24 K gold girls for their aunt. that won't tarnish. Trays, Leonard Goldsmith was his Lipstick Caddies, Tissue Boxes, twin brother's best man. Soap Dishes, Waste Baskels. Guests were seated by Je!. freyand RDbert Goldsmith, two other brothers, and brothers-in.law Larry Bello and Mr. Rosenberg. savory tidings to give. Mrs. Kay chose tau p e I Qiana, featuring a straight From a delicious assortment, skirt .and a draped, cape-type back, for her daughter's these from Swiss America. wedding. The bridegroom's mother wore a beige Qiana A. Solid ash cheese board, dress and jacket ensemble. '., : They selected pink glamc!ia 19W'Lx7*'W. complete with I Pme Framed Prints Icor.sages. and Plaques After a fall color vacation stunning gilts in nortilern Michigan, the inlaid cutting tile, cheese lor Ihe home, newlyweds are at home in Also antiqued Denver. Colo., where the knife, and good things to eat. pine curio cabinets. Antiqued Figurines depicl bridegroom is in residency shelves. spoon at Saint Luke's Hospital and Included: 4-oz. sharp cheese spread, 8-oz. cooked boneless Holland ham, 4.oz. and spice racks. professions. Doctor, lawyer, Ithe bride is a para.legal as. plant and fern del"ltist, broker, teacher, sistant with a law firm. cheese spread with peppers and onions, 2-oz. hot mustard for sausage, 2-oz. hot stands, painter to name a few. sweet mustard, and 8-oz. all.beef summer sausage from Wisconsin. $20 See our B. Delicious strawberry preserves from terrific selection Notre Dame PHARMACY 1 rr; of stocking stutters. Northwest Oregon, packed for Jacobson's in • FullService ,,"A".ACT , a reusable French canning jar. n~-Ibs., $6 • FREE DELIVERY I ' GROOR j I • Cosmetic IUUTIOUE • NURSING PANTRY AND SWEETS SHOP • Gift IOUTIOUE '8 HOME • Daily. Sunday IN YOlKTIMES I • Russell Stover CANDY ..; .RO I.; H~T JUn:H.;O\ DEnIOIT. \IILII, '.clllged LIquOr De,II, .'. 1!t3 F1 t IftIINII'I8d, DtIIM;JtIc ' _ IW , ...... 821-3525 --' Jacob Sons Quality /\illr~iflp Carp 2 HOURS FREE PARKING. . JACOBSON'S Will VALIDATE YOUR TICKET ~~----- I ..

. t •. " ~ • I I . ~ I '. J ,

ft . e- La", s',.' • .'~ ... • .' • .. y r OJ ~~ .....L....s..',.~ .....'_... ~~':M...I...A..-~.41'." •• ' ." t ...... - -- ~~.",....----.---..~--- ,-_._ _. __ ••__ e_--"" ~.,..,i.4....,' ..C 41111Q14.. ;jIIII4 _e ---_. eI""'lUl4_~~_e e CO $ IIS 4 IIPII~ .$IIS .. _ ••

Thursday, December 16. 1976 GROSSE POI NI E NEWS Page Nineteen Women's'Page by, of and for Pointe Women

Beta Xi's Auction, Aids Scholarships I Senior Scouts Help Shoppers Notre Dame Parents Mllsellnl Hosts Wassail Day.~ I '-_ .. ---- Present Dinner Dance I Need a helping hand with Others are Kim Jel'ons, Illastminute Clttistmas pre. Laura Johnston Kathie Kre.1 For nearly 1,800 people'l reservations are now being parations? Members of Girl her, Priscilla Langs, Janet NoIre Dame High School the holidays begin with an I placed for Wassail '77, at $35 Scout Troop 327 from Grosse Liebling, Marie Livermore. Parenls Guild will sponsor evening in the Court of Eliza. and $40 per person - with PDinte North High School Pat Matheson, Judy Olsen, its annual. New Year's Eve belh I, at the Detroit Insti. close to 25 percent already I will be glad to wrap those Peggy O',Rourke, . Juliann~ dinner dance Friday De. lule oC Arts WassaH Feast. sold! Dates for Wassail '77 I final gifts at their boolh 10. Payne, Kun Peatlle, Shen " Now a Detroit tradition, are Tuesday, December 13. I cated in the Eastland Shop. Plumb. Cindy Politowicz and cember 31, al Notre Dame Wassail is in Its fifth year through Saturday, December -j ping Center. Phyllis Raymond. ' High School in Kelly road, and is being celebrated Tues. 11. Further information may )' The w rap pin g service Scouts Car 0 I e Ruwart Harper Woods. day, December 14, through be obtained by callir,g the started December 10 and wial Mary Sanders, Karen Schu: Admission is $12.50 per per. Saturday. December 18, in Art Institule at !132~'130. .• I be in operation right up mer. Martha Shover. Suzanne son, covering dinner, dancing the museum's Romanesque Last \'l'ar lhe museum's

I ",,\\ I ! / ' (\ \ \ \ \ ) 'J \ \, \ ,\ 1/ t;1'/1\\ \) /,' .' \ ..- " 1/ \ ! \\, ~,\ \ \ U i 1,1/ Nutria ~Immed Nalural / I with Fox collar Mink Coal I and culls. Natural Mink 1 DAVID I trimmed In Fox AND ;Y{ay ~.JiJW(jf!lwM u.. 0" C,""o"" Jewelers i 0' G:'''' P"". . lA::.~;,:d::O I 19261 MACK (near Maron) next to Woods Theatre 'Ti' 8 p.m:..J 20902 MACK. Grosse Pointe Woods. 886-3050 I 886~7715 ~------_.._--.----_ .._-

I .

r at $ $ , te' _. • t b t z<.,h '1'!d".,...... -.-... _ ..... :...... ,...- _.~ •• _;~. __ ~ __ .-....-...... ~ __"""""'_.M __ '" i_" __ .- ...... _ .. L" _ ...... _. ...00.- ..... _ ...... _ ... _ •• ~ ~ ..• _ , .• ~h + "' M • --..~ .... -~ ...... - ...... -- .... _ .... _-,.....-_ .... --. __ ...... -.------,.". .. CI'lAIIII!"I'..CIllC ... , ...q.. _, ...... 'IIdI'•• _ .... ppllll_.. _ ••_ .. ,.... ~ ... _ ...C ... IlO'OI__ .W .. $.... C"'$ "'''$.& ...... ,_, ...... ,

P.ge Twenty G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, December 16, 1?76 ------~------Society. News Gathered from the Pointes Audience May October Join 'Messiah' Eastern Wedding For Michael E. Kolowiches Detroit's backyard bajiso honeybear brown, oriental where the newlyweds are and Mrs. William King and profundos and shower 50. Heirloom Veil of Brussels Lace Is Worn by Katha- blue and copper faille. now in residclJCe after a trip Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jen. pranos fin a 11 y get their rine Walker Shaplei9h: Pointers Travel to Their bouquets were fash. to Bermuda. nings. !tom Louisville, Ky., chance Tuesday evening, De. ioned of yellow dried mums, Out.qf.town guests included and, from. Grosse Pointe, the cember 21, at 8:30 o'clock Massachusetts for Rites I baby's.breath, s tat ice and] the bride's aunt Mrs. Barney bridegroom's g ran d ( ather when DSO conductor.in.resi. Michael Edmund Kolowich, son of Mr. and English ivy. Bowie Holland. of Fort Robert Convery, Mr. and dence Paul Freeman leads ' Murray L. Feldman, of Worth, Tex., the bride's uncle Mrs. Philip J. Meathe. Mr. Mrs. Raymund Frederick Kolowich, of Touraine the Detroit Symphony Or. East Providence, R.I., was Lindsey Bradford, of Stoning- and Mrs. John L. King, Dr. chestra, four vocal soloists, road, claimed Katharine Walker Shapleigh as his best man. In the usher corp:> lon, Conn .. the bridegroom's and Mrs. Robert Frear and the Kenneth Jewell Chorale bride Saturday, October 23, in Harvard University's were R. Bradley Kolowich I great-aunt Mrs. Chester An- Mr. and Mrs. Fred J, Somes, and the audience in a sing. Memorial Church. and Brian D. Kolowich, the thony. of Albany, N,Y., Mr.1 Jr. along performance of H~n. Presiding at the 3 lantern sleeves. bridegroom's brothers, John del's "Messiah" in Ford Au. o'clock rites in Cam- Her veil of BrusseLs lace C. Shapleigh, of Jefferson ditorium. bridge, Mass., was The was a t':lree-generation fam. City, Mo.• the bride's brother, Anyone with a voice and and Philip B. uvy, of Fram- CREATIVE LIGHTING Most Reverend Francis i1y heirloom. She carried a "A Full service Lamp Shop" the desire to use it is wel. X. Gokey, S.S.E., Superi- cattelya orchid centered in ingham, Mass. come to join the singalong. or General of the Society English ivy, baby's-breath, The mother of the bride Those who would raGlet It!. • liMp R.palr • L.dtd Tiff.. , S~ldlS of Saint Edmund. stephanotis !lnd euclllyptus wore a blue and green gown main listeners/spectators are ~ with a dark green cuat .. The • Custom Halld Sewn S~ldfS invited to sit in the balcony. , Musicians were The Rever. foliage. bridegroom's mother chose Also A Fine Selection 01 Table & Floor Lamps end Dom Ambrose Wolver- She was attended by her Seats are unreserved, but ", green wool trimmed in ultra. 20'%. OFF on All Custom !!...... _ ushers will belpaudience ton, on organ, and '!be Rev. sisters, Barbara. Shapleigh, suede. Bc~h wore corsages of •. , !lW~ members take places in the erend Dom Anselm Hufs/ad. of New York, N.Y., in a Eucharis lilies. Sha ..... through Dee.mlter ~ . marked vocal sections of er, flute, former teachers of square-necked frock of em. The reception following 24621 HARPERBllwlII 9110 Milt. St.•ClairS~.rll their preference, (soprano, the bridegroom at Ports. erald green faille, as honor Ihe ceremony was held at the aHo, tenor or bass). mouth Abbey School, Ports- maid, and Louise Shapleigh bridegroom's home in Straw. -774-4280- Vocal scoreli ot the DSO mouth, R.I. Starcher, of Leed sville , Va., bury Hill road, Acton, Mass., HOURS: Mon.- Thun.: 1:30.tI. Fri.: 1:30.1; S••• : 1-4 singalong choral selections The bride, daughter of Mrs. in cranberry faille, as matron in "Messiah" are available Bradford Shapleigh, of Ches. of honor, and by bridesmaids for $1 at the Ford Auditori. terfield, Mo., and Dr. John Sara Lynn Kolowicb, the urn box office or by mail, Blasdel Sbapleigh, of St. bridegroom's sister, Mary R. and will be for sale the night Louis, Mo., wore a gown of MacMiHen and Mary Mead, of the performance. ivory cltiffonetle styled with both of Hanover.; N.H., in Singers may, of course, bring their'own scores if they ;R\ •...•..:;).'.i•• "Ribbon Farms Meets Monday wish. The audience will not have Exchanging marriage vows in Cambridge, Members of Ribbon Farms luck and show-and. tell pro. to sing the entire evening, Mass., in Harvard University's Memorial Church Chapter of the Questers, Inc., gram in which participants Saturday, October 23, were KATHARINE but will occasionally be al. will meet Monday, Decem. will focus on antique or. lowed to sit back and listen WALKER SHAPLEIGH, daughter of Mrs. Brad- ber 20, at 12;30 o'clock at the an nament or memories of a to some of i1Messiah's~' best- ford Shapleigh, of Chesterfield, Mo., and Dr. John Cloverly road home of Mrs. loved solo pieces, performed Blasdel Shapleigh, of St. Louis, Mo., and MI- Ralph Urto for a festive pot. very special Christmas. by soprano Candace Goetz, CHAEL EDMUND KOLOWICH, son of Mr. and contralto Lou i s e Parker, Mrs. Raymund Frederick Kolowich, of Touraine tenor Maurice .Stern and ; bass-baritone Benjamin Mat. road. o thews. o The Kenneth Jewell Cho- . rale, directed by Eric Freu. To Celebrate Holy Seas~n ;. digman, also will perform Old

~ world · -'- -~_~""'~'~ .. )< ....,~~-i' ~

Apothecary Shop "Duchess" blanket by Fariba of pure wool with a -:,LJ lacy handwoven look. Perfect for yeaHound use. _c.:: ~;jS 121 Kercheval . •c .>,,- on-,he.hill Yellow, blue, green, camel or white colors. 97 Twin size, $25 Full size, 530 881-5688 Queen size, 535 King size, 542 Includes Day of 'Mlek feature, 14 kt. gold-filled' case and bracelet, $425. If this new Pulsar doesn't have everything, it comes splendidly close, Flick your wrist for the hours andmin- A rich chocolate utes. Press a button for brown colors a seconds, the month, date smartly tailored suit and day of week, (And in separates of 100% look! It's easy to read) Ac- virgin wool. Blazer, curate 10within 60 seconds $84.00; Vest, $35.00; a year. Engineered for Skirt, $35.00; Shirt, more than a century of nor- $22.00, mal use. Ask to see Pulsar's full 3-year warranty.

Pulsar; I ~£ ~,' .. IJ 'j'C,; r I " •

"Slumbetest" comforter by SUr:lergrade; diamond, quilted sateen filled with lofty Dacron II r)Dlyes. ter. Pastel blue, pink, bone, yellow or white colors. JQartlep tg Twin size, 535 Full size, 545 Dual size, 565 ((ountrp 'lane Gemologists and Personal Jewelers 16835 KERCHEVAL Grosse Pointe, Michigan 885-1232 Open Weekday Evenings fI1 8:30 rhru Christmas 886-0824 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S Will VALIDATE YOUR TICKET HOURS: 10 to 5:30

, C _ ... _--~--( _ort b One t e + t. ~+'_-'~..:..J...... -.-~-"~_~~~AJt'~' __ '-...,_~ __ ~-"""""~~,-",,,-~ L~h ~__ b. .-ooL-'""'''' _,L. ~.," _. _ '~, ~, .., _ .L_. ~ "__ ~. • Page Twenty~Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December i6, 1976

I t ~

I From Another Pointe of View Hunt Club Officers Take Their Bows Artists Market Slates Exhibit in January I The Detroit Artists Market troit Institute of Arts, wiR 29. opens an all. media show by continue at the Market gal. Gallery howrs are 10 to 5 , ' (Continued from Page 17) I the Faculty of the Center for lery in Ran dol p b street o'clock Monday through Sat. 1 of the present enjoy today'. comforts in the setting Creative Studies Tuesday, through Saturday, January urday. of • warm and beautiful home. January 4, with a 4 to 7 • • • o'clock reception, Every year, The Thompson Home's trustees, The exhibit, complement to (who, through the years, have included members the 50th Anniversary School of Arts and Crafts show cur. Look of the city's most prominent families), give a Christ- rentl)' on display at the De. mas party for "their" ladies. The halls are decked a few days before the Busy Year Continuing Your partY'Mrs. Hefferan and her helpers, the Mesdames Robert McKean, Cyril Moore, Harold Tyree, Men- For Alpha Zeta Chapter Holiday nen Williams and William Laurie, were delight- , Beta Sigma Phi's Alpha fully busy with that task last week. . Zeta. Chapter, formed in The party took place Sunday. Mrs, Irving Grosse Pointe with 15 active Best Book, president, trustees Mrs. John Bayne, Mrs. members in November, 1969. has always been involved in Henrr T. Ewald, Jr., Mrs. J. Jenness Newcomb, various activitie!l ano proj. WITH A NEW HAIR 00 FROM ROSELLES Mrs. Ferdinand Cinelli, Mrs. William Ledyard, Mrs. ects. . G. Thomas McKean and their husbands were there, This year, the Ways and as were friends and families of The Thompson Mea n s committee's Avon Home residents, making merry in the midst of party proved a very success. * SEN.IOR CiTIZENS Christmas beauty. ful fund.raiser. The Service (Continued on Page 3%) committee bas adopted a SPECIALS every Mon., Tues., Wed. Pictured taking their bows at GPHC PRESIDENT and MRS. ED- pony at the zoo, donated a the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club's WIN V. LARSON, VICE-PRESI-. Thanksgiving basket to a needy family and helped HEAT WAVE PERMS President's Ball, declared a huge DENT and MRS. FRANK HUSTER * SHOP FOR chi ld r e n make Christmas success by the more than 100 Point- and SECRETARY ."nd MRS. JOHN cards and ornaments a't the Now Available Hand made Holiday Fashions ers in attendance, are, (left to right), FRAKES. Detroit Historical Museum. Jewelry and accessories Tile Social committee has ' .* EXPERIENCED MANICURIST . G· I K · B sponsored an apple. picking . at your Service Camp. FIre f,r s eep"ng usy outing at Rapp's Orchard /'C;lJ'iji. • ORIGINAL DESIGNS and a trip to the Detroit Zoo Inquire about our door prizes /. ....' • UNUSUAL MATERIALS (C •• ed I p.. %1) I. . d' t t t d it bt.. d h as well as participation in * on .. DII rom ... t! gaDlze m 0 wo earns an , pe er, 0 aJDe researc ma. hit. ~ '- . • INDIVIDUAL, UNIQUE themselves, the gIrls were or. with tbe help of Mrs. Han. teriais covering both sides of t e annua state conven lon, for your church social event ------tbe issue. which took place at Hillcrest Country Club. The result was a vital and President Linda HoeClein * Make Your Holiday Appointment Early t:.~'. nis SAT•• DEe, 18 . informatiVe debate and a arranged a surprise anniver. 1.•.• for her real learning experience for. k 10 5' .•. debators and audience alike. sary dmner a few wee sago at the Slag and Hounds Res. . 1417 Seminole, Last y..ear, as a service taurant. This month's activi . GEOFFREY project, the group helped the ties include a Christmas INOIAN VilLAGE Meals on Wheels program at Walklslelghride at Green. "Robelle's

II"; - Saint Ambrose Church, under field VHlage and Alpba Zeta's "We Curl Up and Dye For You" 824-7858 evenlngs BEENE 1.:' l' the .leadership of Sister Helen annual Christmas potluck Edwards. First they viewed party, to be held in a few 19027 MACK AVE., at Moross 884-1130 ~h Truett ...Ma.ry.AnnVan ~oelvoorde -perfumes a film about the special qual. days. -cologne ities and problems of senior A mystery. trip by bus to citiz;ens. an unknown destination bas -soaps Then they were divided inlo been scheduled for January. -bath oils pairs. Each pair was as. Alpha Zeta seeks to render signed a senior citizen. (or community services as well did you know that" "" adopted grandparents, as one as to provitie social and girl called them). The teams service outlets for its memo wrote letters to and phoned bers. " their new senior friends, then ------SPURliN' GAL .• visited them, at first accom- 28635 Northwestern Highway •f. paniedby their parents. South of 12 MI.. next to Victoria Station Another service project was ." the painting and decorating " .., of fireplugs in Kercheval aVe- '-ii'• nue in The Park in honor of HAS HIIH FASHION Apothecary Shop the Bicentennial. EStGNE:1tQ.OTHES ;'1.- The girls in the Yakonieka o , Discovery Club really enjoy ALL STORES 1-"21Kercheval their pampF;4'~" ..~~, a~tiy~- ...i)J'~,&S'Fft~~PRICES? ,o"-,he~hiU. tles-and a short conversa- . . ;~i. Wexwood., 10.99 Open Mon.-Fri. 9.7 881-5688 tion with Mrs: Hanpeter can. Sat. '-6 vinces you she does, tool Felipe .' -: ! .. 13.99 ~r"Deliv.ry "I reaHy feel good about watching the girls grow and Felipe, Caressa, Nina ...... 15.99 develop theIr potential," she Storewide C••• r.nce Deliso, Ama1fi, Felipe, Nina , , . 17.99 says. "The basic group All Fall and Winter merchandise started when the girls were Johansen, Nina, Andrew Geller, Eskiloos • • • only in first grade. They're - Mr. Seymour, Felipe, Jack Rogers ..... 19.99 in seventh grade now. and 50'. OFF. Women's Waterproof many of the 'veterans' are Rosina Ferragamo Schiavone, stilI in the group." Charles Jourdan, Andrew Geller, Mr. Seymour, Boot Mrs. Hanpeter is enthusI- "1tIfI1 CrlIMIH HtlIUy ell'" Bruno Magli, Anne Klein. , '.' .... " ... 23.99 astic about the program and , encourages other women to Arrt'1IJ lilli,... 2ft .If II lUll '.. Sizes 1O~-11 Downtown and Northland only. consider being Camp Fire $2 extra, No maU, phone or c.o.d's. Allsales final, - Girls leaders. "Any woman ,'. P.S. We're not boasting BUT we do have , Not all brands at an stores. Allstores except Fairlane. -from young adult to re- , tiree-who enjoys the chal. the prettiest purses, jewelry and lingerie , lenges and rewards of work- you will see In any part of town ing with yoJ,lllg girls, who 2ft off also. likes to go places and do {pings and who likes to help groups arrive at decisions store Haura: lion. - .... 10 10 4:30 and carry them out would be 1'1HndI, 'till p.m. 'tit Chrtatm.. Downtown. Birmingham, welcome in the Camp Fire Grosse Pointe, Northland. Warm and Dry Feet for Sure! Girls program. Westland, Dearborn, "The program emphasizes Brialwood/Ann Arbor 356-8880 or 358-8881 BROWN or BLACK small groups, service activi- ties and family involvement. Only 21.00 The groups meet in memo bers' homes. There is. an ex. OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS cellent training and orienta" tion program for adUlt lead. Ullage SHOES ers." Qirls can join Camp Fire (formerly locobell Shoes) Girls at the end of the first grade and may continue in 17112 KERCHEVAL AVENUE the program through high In The Village 881-1191 sehool. Open Mon. - Fri. 'Til 9 'Til Christmas Further information about BankAmericard and Mo.te, Charlie Accepted becoming a Ctlmp Fire Girl or a Camp Fire Girl ~eader 'GREETINGS OF THE SEASON' may be obtained by calling Delores Gross al 886-1309.

Sample Wedding Gowns, Bridesmaid

Dresses and Headpieces

Outstanding savings on one-of-a-ki~d

styles, in many moods ... organzas,

jerseys or satapeaus ... 8, 10 and 12 sizes. Jacobson'S I. HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S Will VALIDATE .R TICKET


.... ' " ,'.. .' ..' . ... ,

Thursday, December 16, I

Yes ... we can g.ive your home a new look! Give l";::.' :! that tired-looking furniture a new lease on life ... clcu/'-eJApparel ,:" have it restyled to match your new decor and reo .' . 12Y2-26Y2 6-20 J,Jpholstered with beautiful Scotchgard .fabrics. " " W~ also custom make slipcovers (cloth &. plastic) , & Drapes. . . NA TlONALL Y ADVERTISED BRANDS .' .UPHOLSTERY C.O. GOWNS DRESSES SPORTSWEAR . formed). at 8800 K erehe.a/, 14322 Mark SWEATERS BLOUSES LINGERIE A & C nOIe or HOSIERY BRAS GIRDLES " 12339 Hayes , VA 2-9600 : SCARFS HANDBAGS O;'pr 30 yea... expuience Free rltlmate. . . t 3jabette ~ Sunday, December 19 at 7 p.m . r 884-7980 The Chancel Choir and Orchestra in Concert ,.j' 16434 E. WARREN at E. OUTER DRIVE i' (Ne.' 10 Sondef5) MASTER CHARGE BANKAMEIlICARD pr~ent;n8 rOLGA'S~ ------_._---"---- "NIGHT OF MIRACLES" - by John W. Peterson .' • 0 .~A~~H~~~J.'- Friday, December 24 at 11 p.m. Order c'ustom designed ~. PLACE Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Holiday ..~~skets NOW C You will flip over our ."".\~' - Beautifullyaecorated Sanctuary '. p~~ @i . . .. ,.~ • Chancel Choir, organ stylings by Doris Steinhart '. C. ,.', complete Nail-Care Salon. Fresh Fruits .:t:~:' . i\'G >::: A Night of Worship and Inspiration Wines /I • Manicure • Peticure Cheeses , Meats \;.~.: • Nail Wrapping • Extended Nails Dessert Cakes I ~::'m.I.•(~;. Friday, December 31st 9:30 p.m. ALSO I ~\.'l' Huts t r };,'" New Year's Eve Program BuHer Cookie. .~ ~: • Facials • Perma Lashes Imported Candies % ,\;,..... J~ ~. • Dramat;c Film Presentation Frvit Cakes '\:S_.,//} .~ Jellies ''R31 "HELD FOR RANSOM" ~I '.~ ----- Eastland • Communion ~ Service Shopping

Center Only the fines quality items go into our baskets, We design and decorate each one to mMt your needs. Commercial accounts welcome. Major For Appointment credit cards honored. • WE DELIVER l'iLA • anywhere in Ih. U.S.A. liIJK 521-0410 ~886-2352 ,mitrme !" 21131 MACK AVE.,

00 1 • t GROSSE PTE. WOO.OS _, . IAt 11;•• H~""~~A ~_4KJ


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Tri-Deltas Give Party at Children's Hospital Working to Promote Opera Week Coiroful Fires Can Be Christmas Gifts For the over l00,OOOcolleg. ranging in age from four to Here's a novel gift idea These chemicals are cor. Up to a point, the longer the iate and alumnae Tri.Deltas 14 enjoyed the afternoon af. for the firebugs in your life: 'rosive. For this reason, wear malerial soak.;;. the more in- across the nation, the first fair, which began with the pine cones, kindling or news- rubber gloves to protect yottf tense and long.lasting the col- Tuesday in December is breaking of a pinata and paper logs treated with chem- hands." or will be. Sleighbell Day, when Tri. games. icals to add colors to the fire. After the chemical is dis- .Expcriment to see how long Deltas everywhere work for Program highlight was a place. solved, soak the materials to it takes 10 produce the in- or donate to their national magic show by Bob "Doc" Michigan State University be treated for a day or two. tensity ot color you want. philanthropy, the support of White who, when he's not Extension forester Randy hospitals which focus reo performing. is an athletic Heiligmann says that -s~u. search on childhood cancer, trliiner at Wayne State Uni- tions of the following chemi- YORKSHIRE oncology and hemotology. versity. Party food and fa- cals may be used ,to produce TELEVISION SERVICE In recognition of SleighbeU vors followed. thC'3e colore: copper sulphate Day. the Detroit. Grosse to color flames green, cal- 778-4050 Pointe Alumnae chapter of Assisting chairman Mrs. cium chloride for orange, Delta Delta Delta gave a Donald Ball were committee copper chloride for b:ue, • WARRANTY SERVICE CENTER FOR: party for a ward at Chilo members Mrs. A. Jack Bai. lithium chloride for red. so. ZENITH, ReA, QUASAR dren's Hospital Tuesday, De. ley, Ms. Linda Korver, Mrs. dium chloride for yellow and cember 7. Sam MinneUa and Mrs.' Don 'potassium chloride for pur- AN!ENNA SERVICE - Forty - five Venderbush. ple. Chemical -supply compan- 25 Years In This Area! ies, agricultural chemical outlets. hardware stores and 21915 MACK Between 8 & 9 Mile Rds. drug stores are likely sources of these chemicals Because ; , of the high pU'l'ity of the chemicals they handle. drug .stores are likely to be the most expensive piaces to buy them. To make a solution for soaking pine cones, newspa. per dogs, kindl1ng or other materials. dissolve one pound .~---'GROSSE POINTEand AREA-.-- .... of the desired cllemical in one gallon of water. Use only Grolle Pointe Among Pointers named to key chairman, at a recent meeting of the one chemical in each batch United positions for Opera Week promo- Detroit Grand Opera Association at of solution. METHODIST tions are MRS. MARK VALENTE, the Mack home in Country Club "An old paint can or cer- CHURCH (left),. outsta te advertising chair- drive. The DaOA sponsors the an- amic crock is a good con- tainer to mix and treat in," ~ 211 M..... """ man, and MRS. CHARLES DA- nual spring visit of the Metropolitan Heiligmann says. "Don't \!Se 886.2363 WOOD, (right), co-chairman, dis- Opera to Detroit's Masonic Audito- a good metal container un- cussing their assignment with MRS. rium. Iless you want to see it 9:15 Famlly Worship Ijy Johlli. Brink WILBER HADLEY MACK, general ruined." and Church School Home maintenance chores and repairs worry or bewilder 11;15 Worship Service most people when they first purchase 0 house. Yet, you will Women Accountants Hold Holiday Program TIl, Grou, Point. and. Nursery find thot systematic attention to the condition of your property Detroit's Chapter Number at the Top of the Flame on MEMORIAL CHURCH Perry A. Thomas SQves both time and money in the long run. Thre& principal S of the American Society of the 26th {{oor. Unit.d 'resb'l'er;an points which should receive regular attention ar~, the central let us create Women Accountants met at Gas Company representa. utility systems of plumbing, heating, electricity, and gas, the the Michigan Consolidated lives conducted the demon. 16 Lake Shore Road Gas COlUpany's Consumer stration of holiday delicacies For The Grolle Pointe structure af the building, roof, floors, windows, and doors, and a glamorous new informatloD night or Services Auditorium, on the and included some pointers day call 88%.5330, dial a Congr:ilationol special problems such as pest control, moisture, shrinkage and holiday hair style second floor at One Wood- on energy conservation. A pra)er 88Z.8170. Church eXpOnsion, ward avenue. Tuesday, De. Christma! cookbook was giv. Grosse Pointe VVorship Services for you! cember 14. en to each diner. 9:30 and 11:30 American Baptist Whether your plans for 1977' include buying or selling A demonstration on Christ- 10:30 Study Hour Church property feel free to come by GROSSE POI NTE REAL ESTATE mas food began at 6 o'clock. 240 CHALFONTE at LOTIfROP CO., 20087 Mock Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, 882.0087 and Cocktails and dinner followed CITY OF "Our God Is Able" Ray H. Kiely Worship Services and ask us any questions you moy have. We are equipped to handle Church School all forms of real estate including commercial, vacant and resi- Quality cosmetics .. , a welcome gift. We carry the ,' . .1 ~rn.a.a.e 9:30 and 11:15 dential property as well as forms. "Exclusively in Grosse Po'inte" .:omplete ORDER "The Christmas Spirit' Hours: Man-Sot. 9.5, Sun, noon-5, 24 hours answering service. 'Utut.e S!. Lu~ 2:1-14 WE WISH YOU AND YOURS A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON. NOW Crib' Room thru 8th grade 'ark Dr. Roy R. Hutchoon :;" ~EVERSE THE AGING PROCESS Rev. Terry J. Gin~ ,< :rf~;~:;.~:'-.J.~,~_iii'~~~,~~Jr~::~t..g:~.jj:c.KPOin!~20f:it~=:.~t .,NO'l'I(:E OF .ll. " ~~'; 50(:0 '(HI' Old .. rNCn.-". "IOJLA1~ HOLIDAY ~'.~: HEll L1H IfAU1Y * 'M~vn HAil, COMIlUIOH Fillt ("llli.h .. ' nCHNIQUE • Un! 'ACI. oao ...... s, .lIST RUBBISH COLLECTIONS Ebenezer Ev. Lutheran Baptist Church INTRODUCING A STAND UPSIDE DOWN Residents of Grosse Pointe Church ;~ I I 21001 Moroll Rd. 'i Park are hereby advised Vlrn'.r Ito.rt .t W.dll.woall THE WORLD'S MOSl 88Z.27B ill Drlv., Groll. POln,. Woods 8 EHEF1C~L EllEltCIS£ of change in schedule 884.5040 ACCOMIHSI1!'D IV ANYONE for the collection of rub. Sunday School 9:45 UQUIDBLFACHYOU SA'ELY • IASHY ION 'HE 'II$.T TIll bish. THERE WILL BE Worship Service 11:00 Church Services NO C 0 L L E C T ION S 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. PORfA:vOGA Rev. Ron Kernahan Sunday Church School Lr'll GoICII~7WO,*'el< You" MADE ()N DECEr.mER . DONTHAVETO Evening ramify Service 9:30 a.m. 24, DECEMBER 27 NOR .... VIJ,l,1. ..., ....ruu.\. 6:30 . ' ILt.Ol.'UL IX'UI'NCl ON JANUARY 3. - R.v. P. K.ppl.r .' '0' 'fO'lf Rlv. Larry Mlch .. l. BE roUSE. IWllt 10;1. I.'...... &1,,11I. Loll Rubbish regularly sched- Rev. Ron Kernohan uled for collection on De- cember 24. or December 27 should be set out on GROSSE POI NTE St. James We know how squeamish you feel the night of December 27 BAPTIST CHURCH Lutheran Church . about using liquid bleach. for pick.up on December 21338 Mack Avenue "On \The Hill" . Grosse Pointe Woods McMillan "elllr Kerchevol 28. Rubbish scheduled for Christmas Program Which is precisely why we January 3 should be set 9:4:l0,m. TU 4-0511 Sunda V Sch 00' invented Snowy~liquid, a safe, '39.95 out on that date, for pick- 11 a.m. Christmas Program Worship Services Color 0 Black Color 0 White up on January 4. Morning Wprship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. non ..chlorine liquid bleach. 1 P.m. We ask the cooperation of Chof, and It whitens, it brightens Orelles',a Conel" (Nursery, Both Services) all residents in this spe- prelentlng "Nlgflt 9:30 a.m. Sunday School cial holiday schedule. of Mf,aele," and it's strong enough to C" GSales Nursery 6724 E. Davison 01/ services Rev. George E. Kurz N. J, Ortisi Rev. Ed Steinhart take out all but the most Detroit, Ml. 48212 I Rev. Georg. M. Schelter impossible stains. City Clerk 365-9522 GPN-12-16-76 and 12.23.76 GROSSt POINTE But it's safe enough WOODS so you don't have to CHRISTIAN p,.e~t'Jferian CITY OF SCIENCE worry about it destroy .. First Church of Chrisl, ing your clothes. Church SclenUst ~rn!i,6.e'nitttr mnO~.6 1~50 MACK A VI!:, at TORnEY Grosse Pointe Fanns ROAD 886-4300 282 Challonte 11: 00 Worship Services near Kerby Road NO'TICE OF HOLIDAY and Church School Services The Chancel Choir Annual Sunday 10:30 A.M. OFFICE HOURS AND Christmas Concert Wednesday 8:00 P.M. "Rejoice In The Lamb" Sunday School 10:30 A.M. SBIJUIII' Dr. Linthicum RUBBISH COLLECTION Infant care provided. .liqUid':,,;;,,' .· SCHEDULE LHE LIQUID BLeACH YOU DON'T Notice is hereby given that the City Hall office First Ohurch of The Grosse Pointe will be CLOSED as follows: Understanding UNITARIAN CHURCH Thursday, December 23 Noon "New Thought In Action" 17150 Maumee _',N.l Friday, Docember 24 All Day Grosse Pointe War 881-0420 ...lil~!j~ Memorial - Family Service 10:30 Thursday, December 30 Noon Worship Service 11:00 ••\.'i'.'III1.'jil~••••••• Friday, December 31 All D.a,y "My Gift and Your Gilt" "The Christmas Mirror" • INTRODUCING • 882.5321 Notice is hereby given that during the weeks Rev. Fred Campbell .• AN OUTRIGHT BRIBE TO • of December 20th and December 27th, the fol- • GET YOU TO USE IT. • lowing rubbish collection shall be observed: All regular daily MONDAY THROUGH t THURSDA Y rudbbish collection sched- St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Ohurch ules will be maintained as usual. Chalfonte and Lothrop ; 20 OFF ; CHRlSTMAS SCHEDULE • Mr. De"'er '.GOLD SEAL COMPANY" will redeem thiS coupon !or 20C I All regular daily FRIDAY rubbish collec- Sunday, Dec. 19-9:30 a.m.-Advent Worship p;us 5!' for Mn<1linS. prr>v'rted It IS laken ,n part,al payment lor any • Sunday, Dec. 19-11:00 a,m.-Advent Worship s,ze of ..Sno ....6'. Iiqul<1 bleach as specilied herein Ma,l coupon to tion schedules will be postponed until the • GOLD SEAL C MPANY. Ro~ 1698, B,smarc~. N.D, 58501. Invoices Sunday, Dec. 19-4:00 p.m,-Sunday School proving purchase of suff,c'ent stock to (o~r coupons presented for following Monday; i.e., December 27th rertemptlon must t

'" L, .."J#.~.j i I : ~'C ~,. J" .... , •• ".~'::~,: •.:.,_l~"..:.~..::.~:: _: :~..:. ..~.~~~ ~.: ~~ !~:~~'.~.::...... :.l~ ::_~..::..~A-:':'.: i.:, ~~/...::'~•..~i."---'---"'-':...--~ ..:'~~~~.:' 4 p ; p »p ,. " t

T.hursday, December r 6, 1976 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Five Women's Page by, of and for Pointe Women Well-Received Recipes Make a Hostess Happy Safe 'Decking' Win Calnp Fire Art Contest Citations Win n e r s and honorable Camp Fire Girls Detroit comb co u n tie s. National There's nothing that makes Northeast Guidance Center, turing main dishes, accom-I combine ~ater and butter. Tips Offered I I mentions in the Detroit area Area Council is a Torch Camp Fire, founded in 1910, a holiday. hostess happ;:r sequel to the Assistance paniments and desserts suit.: Place over moderate heat and Ihan knowmg her party. IS Dacoraling inside the home Council division of Camp Drive Agency serving 6,000 j is the oldl'st intl'rracial, non. League's 1973 "Happy Hos- able to the occasion. I stir until butter is melted and going well. and there's noth- tess." For instance: supJ:ose you mixture comes to a boil. He. with evergreen boughs is a Fire Girls' fourth annual girls and adult volunteers in . scclarian organization for ing that makes a holiday That first "Happy Hostess" have ladies coming for lunch duce heat to low and add hcJiday tradition for many National Art Competition in Wa~'ne. Oakland and Ma.: women in Amcrica. party go better than lots of sold off the shelves. The sec- early in January, and there's I flour and salt. SUr vigorous. families. Michigan Stale Uni.. elude Pointers Paula Ban. ------delicious food and drink ... ond threatens to do the same, leftover Christmas turkey, ly over heat until mixture versity Extension specialists peter, 12, awarded second CREAT IVE L IGHTIN G and that's where "The Happy One really nice thing about leftover New Year's ham in forms a ball and leaves sides offer these tips for safe use place in the category o[ Hostess Entertains" comes "The Happy Hostess Enter- your refrigerator, and you'd of pan, (about 1 ml!'l!t .. ). Re. of holiday greenery. black and white photographs A F into the pictUre. [or her entry, "Happiness," " ull service Lamp Shop" tains" is its {I)fmat: it's di- Uke to serVe something move trom heat. Cool sUght. Use freshly cut evergreens and Kathy Gibney, 13, second d It's a cookbook, compiled vided into sections according simply super. AND you'd Uke ly. whenever possible. Except and third places in color • La., Repair • Laded Tiffany Sha IS and published this year by to party types, brunch to buf. to use up some of t!lat ham Add egg~, one at a time, for pines, which should be pJotography for grades seven • CUlla. Hand Sewn S~ld.. the AssistanCe League to the fet. dinner to barbecue, fea. and turkey, beating well after each addi. pruned in early summer, through 12, for .... al.ne Har- F FI L '" I Also A iM Selection 01 Table & oor 8mps Daphne Ottens' recipe pro- tion. Continue h~atlng until most landscape evergreens bar at Dusk" and "Low .~ vides a marvelous solution smooth and satiny. Drop can be pruned now to yield Tide." I ~. 20~ OFF on All Custom I!!!!! to that problem: level teaspoons of the batter boughs for decorating, Use Debbie 'Gibney, 12, received Sh.des through December':;; SWISS TURKEY.HAM BAKE onto greased cookie sheet ~harp tool.s and proper prun- honorable mention for her 24621 HARPER BIIWII. 9 & 10 Mil•. SI. Clair Shores lh cup chopped onion about 1~ inches apart. Bake mg techruques. black and while "Baby Fon- 2 Tb. margarine at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. Store cut greens in water I ~ie," . - 774-4260 - 3 Tb flour Reduce oven temperature to in a cool place until you're Janel Gross, 11, was a third HOURS: Mon.-Thur •. : 9:30.6. Frl.: 1:30-8; S.I.: 1.4 1~ t 'p' salt I 375 degrees and bake 15 mln- ready to use them, place winner in the color , :>. I utes longer, until sides of lf4 tsp. pepP'7' puffs feel rigid. Coolon wire War m tl!mperatures and category for grades 'five and 1 3-oz. can shced mush •. racks. low humidity in the home six, for her "Shadow in the cause even fresh greens to Shadows," and Renee Col. rooms Cut a slice off top of each dry out quickly. Whenever letti, 12, received honorable Announce SUN SPOT - BONAIRE cup light cream puff. FlU with ~ rea me d We proudly 1 possible, des i g n arrange. mention for "Betsy," her 2 Tb. dry sherry chicken. Replace tops and For the harried businessman, the rQlJtine-plagued house- ments so that the greens can grades seven t h r 0 ugh 12 wife, honeymooners or relirees, Bonaire is a picturesque escape 2 cups cubed cooked place puffs on cookie sheet. be kept in water. entry in color. turkey Refrigerate. When re:-.Jy to from the 20th century. There's no pollution, noise, or over. Keep greens away from Winners were selected on crowding anywhere. Only bright, "bon" air wafted by the 1cup cubed cooked ham serve, heat in 250 degree oven any source of heat, such as the basis of universal appeal, trade winds, and the dearest waters in the world, Of the myriad 1 5-oz. can water chest- about five minutes. vents, radiators, fireplaces or impact, skill in executin~ isl~nds dotting the Caribbean, Bonaire is the spot where tran- nuts, drained and Creamed C~lcken for Puffs apraiances that give off heat. selected techniques. composi' quility, peace and natural beauty reign supreme. A vast sub- sliced % cup mll~ Ke

on , a 9.;'t to use * 200\lol

PICTURE 96 FRAMIN(; ~ J TENNIS .~ CLASSES ro"r hnllr .'tIake Your Own frames, '1\ r prnvidl' ,onl. 'and I''luipmrnl. I MEMBERSHIP I SAVE 30%-50% j'ntrod ..("torJl IEnjoy BOTH Facilities for the Price of 1t ART SALE * * 17 Courts * 3 Surfaces * Angel sculptures in shining copper and OriJ.(inlll Oil "aintinIC" ~ ELASTURF GRASSTEX" OUTDOOR CLAY COURTS to * brass hold the candles that bring a glow 89 89.' to Christmas. Choose them in pairs or trios J.i Ihogrllph" 1\ rl I'o"tf'rs for a table centerpiece or mantel decoration. WIMBLEDON ~ ~ LAKESHORE from '19.00 * I , Racquet Club Tennis House ,~" 6" angel, $9; 10" angel, $20; 15" angel, $45 U-DO-IT PICTURE FRAME WORKSHOP ~ 20250 E. 9 Mile Rd. 23125 Marter Rd. 't'" 16633 E. Warren St. Clair Shores 48080 St. Clair Shores 48080 "eOr Cadieux * *' ~Jacobson's . 882-3250 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET * For information Call 774-' 300 *' .:~;~;~:~:~;~;t9E,'''E''~:~:~:*'~:~:~!~''~:~:~;~:~:*

.J... • , ,~ ;l, IIIl.-, ...... I •'-'-", .... - '.""'""" -.~-:i~"~~--';--"'--.---".--"r~.Y--~, .....~ ow, ( .. '?'"\ P., • $iD4 'F44t4 CY054fW'1"4) ...... , ...... -.-.-..r"Ii ..... ~"-~~.-~..---". .- .

Page Twenty-Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 16, 1976

.~ j \,:

,: , : \ j 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANT~-S=siTUATION 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT ..-, '6B-ROOMS TORENT-.60.:..VACATIOt:.l----r. lA-PERSONALS GENERAL GENERAL WANTED . UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED 'EMPLOYED--WOMAN-o~ RENTALS __ WILL DRIVE your car to ClAN J ------WA """'E D' -~ ---responsible------.MATURE----.-----woman wants-- con. LARGE--- 1 bedroom apart- I ALTER ROAD-Duplex near I you n g man, attractive COMI."ORTABLEh III -a l' b56'0 r Florida. January or Fell- ELECTRI • - ourney. St f . t Windmill Pointe. 3 bed. room, all house pri\ileges. Springs orne, seeps -'. P f man II'cense preferred, res. people'T' to ,"operate a food vaieseent work or companion ment. ave, re ngera or, A '1 bl by week ow ruary. 3.4 weeks. re er l'dentia'l commercl'al and processing plant in Grosse to one person. References. gas heat. CIean, qUle,. t eIe- rooms, stove. No pets. $180. Near s hop pin g center, valk a de 8847823 L'. .-.------escorting lady . TU 46553-. industrial work. For jnfor. Pointe area, 2 nights a 2824941 or 1517.652.9896. vator buHd'mg. G00d trans. ED 1.3358 after 6 p.m. transportation. Availablen wce en. . . BE-".'UTY WI'thout Cruelt",, mation call 8!l2.&420. wpek.'h 4 to 8 ours war,.k ------.. ----- portation. No children. or ------DEUGHTFUL 2 bedroom Janua':,y. 1. 885.318 ... eve. F---A'B-ULO-U'SMarathon_ Kev.. r INVALID Care. ExperIence. pets. $175 plus security de. mng3 FI 'd 45 ill' from Ke 175 W. 12th Street, Newl $3 a hour. Colli 8;>.4.1120. 'l f Townhouse in private com- __ -:..______on a, . m s vJ EXPERIENCED York City 10011, Furs and hairdresser 1------Exce. ent r e ere n c e s, posit. Call 822-&,'.1 from munity. $330 per mooth, SPACIOUS room with home Wes.t Beau t'f1 uIIy furnishe" u: cosmetics sold without with some following 'Ior 4A-HELP WANTED Available January 3rd. 935. 10 a.m ..8 p.m. only. available January 15 or privileges. After 6. 824 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooll) P cruelly in any lorm to ani. Grosse om. te Be.aufy S'a DOMESTIC. __5322. alter 4 p.m. ~__ 3 BEDROOM -----RANCH, near sooner. 771.1746 after 8 p.m. 9266. Condos WI'th POO 1 and1 k'rec - mals Irom the England Ion 65% p~us benefits. ---t A BARTENDER for your d realion room, over 00 109 office. 881~182. . WANTEDHousekeepers.- LiveColijn Porl eous, private party. Eff"IClent , 9Lakeshore.Mile. $365betweenper month.8 an DUPLEX near Gros3e Pomte. 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT water and golf course. Su- I SECRETARY for manufac'l Maids, Cooks. Day Work. professionally t r a in ed, 884-8907 after 6 p.m. Spacious, modern, decor. TO LEASE _ Office 5pace, perb fishing. Call 7318Ll3 REAL people wear lake turer's agent. Grosse Pointe ers for private homes. .available between Decem. ated. $185 plus utilities. De- .285 sq. ft. Carpeted. In. before 8 p.m, or 731-6248 furs. Fund for animals, oCfice. Shorthand, typing, Cro;;.)!; Pointe .\g~ncj'. 885 bel' 25 10 Januarv 14, Call LOVELY INDIA."Il' VILLAGE posit. 371.1081. eludes air C'ondilioningand after 8 p,m. 2841 Coiony Rd., Ann Ar. simple bookkeeping. Call 4576. Matt TU 2.4(}79.- I home for le813e. 4 bed. GROSSE POINTE PARK, 31 heat. Second story. Morang SKIERS, SNOWMOBILER&, bor 48104 886-0420. ------.:------... - rooms, library, 3 full baths, bedroom upper flat. $200 at the corner of Wayburn, WINTER 'SPORTS 2-ENTERTAINMENT 14 MOTHERLESS children HAVE EXTRA WORK? Ex- 2 fireplaces (one in master month plus security depos. $150 month. 371.6300. ENTHUSIASTS; REAL ESTATE Salespeople need I1vein housekeeper. perienced secretary attend, bedroom), 2 sun porches, it. Immediate occupancy. I . h Ch I BAND AVAILABLE, full va. w.anted full or part time, 886-2434. ing school will do your mod ern kitchen, large Lease. 9 MILE and Jefferson, 2 Completely furms ed 'a et riely of. excellent music for salary, 'profit soaring, com. bookkeeping and typing. fenced yard, partly furn. GROSSE POINTE FARMS- rodm suite, new building, in Boyne Country (Petos. , . 731 mission. Call Serge Yan. BABYSITIER for 5 month 774.4123. ished. I>eposii and refer. $160. 771.3449. key). Fireplace, TV, small all SOCial OCc8'Slons. . h k 822 ... ". for appoint old baby in my home, start. 1______ences required. 867-2128 ti1 3 bedroom Colonial. $400 ______or large group. 647.7233. " 6081. c u,'MN'I - k So month plus security depos. 1 000 ment. ing 1.10-77. Mac. merset BOOKKEEPER, full charge, 8 p.m. 't I d' t VERNIER near X.way. 4, OCEANF'I'ONT CONDO ------area. References. 885.8742. 1 -----:-- I. mme la e occupancy. f 2 . t ff \ 2A-MUSIC EXECUTIVE secretary, reo ------~- through financia state. EASTLAND AREA-Cavalier Lease sq. I., 1 prlva e 0 Ices, Lauderdale by sea, 2 bed- EDUCATION sponsible, accurate typing NEEDED - Woman for, day inent, wishes to relocate Manor. Large luxury 1 and HiGBIE MAXON security system, ample room townhouse, private 50 wpm. Excellent fringe work - cleaning. Require east side. Excellent back. 2 bedroom apartment and 886.3400 parking, beach, pool. 936-3123, eve. GUITAR LESSONS, for in. benefits and vacations. Ap- references, own transpor. ground. Quarterly taxes. townhouse. New appli. I -----'------FISHER corner Maumee; 6 ning.;; 884-7944. (ormation, call 777'()375 or ply to Box M.10, Grosse tation. Call 885.6284 after mature, reliable, '250 per anCC3, ear,pet, carport, cen- GROSSE POINTE, St. Clair room office suite, formerly _ 88.}.7677. Pointe News. 6 week. Please reply Box tral air From $205, 772- 5'treet off Jefferson. 3 medical office, has dark ,BOYNE COUNTRY. Com.; __ p_._m_. M.O. Grosse Pointe News. 3649. . blocks from city park. Low. room and lab. 2 room' of. pletely furnished all elec- PIANO and voice, classical . t' 2 t' Ch I t u STUDIO CAMERA is hinng 4C-HOUSE SITTING I ------1 er flat, 2 bedrooms, living fice, private lav., front and rtc, ler a e. pper and modern, aduit and full time personnel for aU SERVICES COLLEGE student in dire VAN ANTWERP - Grosse room with fireplace, dining rear entrance. Nearby: tier-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, school.age programs. 885- sales departments. App1i. need of employment, part Pointe Woods, 3 bedroom room, large kitchen with One 71x20 office, FISHER kitchen living room with 7671 or 886.3215. cants must be able to work EXCELLENT CARE for your or full time. Small shop or Colonial, in good condition, eating area. Sun room, ga: MEWS. fireplace. Lower ticr _ 3 "';, MILDRED BRIGGS evenings, and have some home. Either house.sit, or similar, 'excellent driving new ca~peting. Immediate rage .and patio. $325 a KELLY' NO. of 8 Mile. 654 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, PIANO AND THEORY 'knowledge of photography. will furnish housekeeping record. Please ca11886-7138, i occupancy. $375 a month., month. Call 886.9637. sq. ft., ready for your lay- living room with fireplace. PUNCH AND JUDY BLDG. Far interview appointment, and cooking in exchange ------882-5567. ------out. Eleo"ant new building, ~iers int.:':"conn('''+?d if dc. TU 2.5680 call Ahmed at 881-6200. for living accommodations ~l:ATURE lady. Nurses aide OWER' FLAT D f ld 1 parking Sired. Ski reservations now and salary .. Write-Grosse and companion. References. L - eaeons Ie amp e. being taken. 425.8933, PIANO LESSONS, qualified START OFF the New Year Pointe News, Box B.2!. Call after 6 p.m. 882.6416. 2 bedroom, carpet, drapes Virginia S. Jeffries Realtor 1------teacher, my home.~' as a sales agent with a $195 plus utilities. Call TU 2.0899' FORT MYERS Beach, Florida. 7772. leading Grosse Pointe Real S-,.,SITUATION INCOME TAX 882-6806. 1----- I Beautifully furnished, com- Estate company which firm WANTED -D-U-P-L~E-X---M-a-n-is-ti-q-u-e,-l-b-e-.d. COLONIAL EAST, 9 Mile. I pletely equipped 2 bed. DISTINGUISHED instruction averaged over $66,000 per Guaranteed to take every ad. room, appliance5, paved I Harper. 2 room suite, car. room, 2 bath. Wrap around in Piano 'and Theory. U. of sale in 1976. Super~ com. IF YOU'LL name the job you vanlage available. parking. Reasonable. TU I pet, drapes, janitor. Near balcony, right on Gulf .• M., B.M. 881.2280. mIssions with bonus incen. want done, we'll do it. 886-6400 4.0128 everu.ngs. Expressway. Reasonable. Heated pool, wide sandy'. tives. The job should be Stokes Multiple Services. I 881-6436. beaches, nearby shopping, ~ 2B-TUTORING AND worth at least $15,000 your Lict'nsed, Ins u red. VA SA-SITUATIO.N VERNIER-MARTER. 2 bed. ------dining, golf, tennis, Avail- EDUC;:ATION first .year. Please reply 4-9172. DOMESTIC room, family' room, $375. PRIVATE FRONT OFFICE, able January 1 to Febru- Box 5 Gros3e Pointe News. Security deposit. Adults. 12x12. Air conditioned, ary 20. 8855370. . THE READING TONY VIVIANO EXPERIENCED and de. 882.3164 evenings. parking, carpeted, excep. I RAILROAD CLERK.TYPIST Handyman pendable woman wishes I-----i------tional1y attractive, service ST. PEI'E, FLORIDA-l bed. A Readi~g Improvement Cen. Good typing, answering tele. Carpenter Work days. Generill house clean- TWO HOUSES for rent. A drive of Ford Expressway. room condominium, lease . ' ;' ult phone, some collating, gen. and All Other ing. 521.7234. two bedroom near the VB. 19934 Harper, H a r p er for 3 months minimum . ter Professional Fac y. era 1office. 881.7755. Ask for Miscellaneous lage and Bon Secours Hos- ' Woods. 882-0866. Security deposit required. Now enrolHng for Fall pro. Shirley. LADY wishes domestic work pital. A three bedroom I Responsible adults only. gram. Repairs on a weekly basis. East- near Mack 7 Shopping and OFFICE for rent, sublease~ No children. No Pets. In- 886-0750 GAS STATION attendant, 881-2093 side and suburbs preferred. Saint Johns Hospital. R. G.l secretarial and telephone formation 293.6837. ------must be 18, 'and .able to after 5 p.m. Call Rev. Stier, 821.6593 Edgar & Associates, TV 'answering service avail- I 'i PRIVATE TUTORING work mornings. Apply at evenings. I 6.6010. able if desired. New build. DELRAY BEACH, Flol'ida". ,in 18184 Mack. PRIVATE NURSING ------ing on East Ten Mile Road IjUJeu,rious 2 bedroom, 2. YOUR OWN HOME Around the Clock SC-CATERING DUPLEX-Harcourt. 3 bed. near '1-94. Approximately baths, garden type condo.:,.. All subjects; all levels. MAINTENANCE - Expert. In home, hospital or nursing rooms, 2 baths, private 400 square feet. 296-1061 or Complete country club prill- r AdultB and childriln. Cer. eneed, dependable person home, RN's, LPN's, Aides, JAC LIN'S parkty Pllannin?- drive. $375. 772-3510, 465.4140. i1eges, teoni~, pool, ctc: tHied teachers. l' t d . I tt d dinners, coc ta.i parties, _ for. ful hme s ea 'I em. compamons, ma e a en - box lunches, hors d'oeu- FOREST LAKE ap~rtments 6D-YACATION' Q~ll 362.3669 between 9. r , ' :., I " . ~aU: '., . ~St.'Ap:nll''S'l\\ino " ants. live-ins. Screened arid \ :"'r~s".'" Se-r'viri.!!s.' 1 and 2 be.'dr'0' o'm' f'rom RENTALS _'_a_.._ _-_5__p._m_._. '.__ " DETROIT AND SUBU.RBAN "'lngp~mebt.Home)' ~;Cadieltt' . at bonded. 24 hour service; v e. 'a'vaiIablc. . 's," m_. TUTORING SEJiVICE Harper. 886-2502. il Licensed nurses for insuf- 331.7846 or _82_1_'8_7_17_.___ ~~~: For information, 791 -T-A-M-P-A-.S-t-.-P-e-te-.-W-a-te-l'-fr-o-ntPOMPANO BEACH, Florida' .. 356.0099 ance cases. 6-FOR RENT 3 condo, furnished, 2 bed- 2 bedroom luxury furnisb. MATURE Women: Are you DENTAL Hygenlst. Part or POINTE AREA NURSES UNFURNISHED FOR LEASE I-bedroom up- s rooms, 2 baths, pool, ten. ed Condo on the Intra-,' 30 years or older? Are you full time. Top 'wages. 822- TU 4-3180 . fit Cadieux Mack h .ois, clubhouse activities. Coastal. Available season" II' head of a household? Are 8915. ALTER-Wayburn. 4 rooms,) per a, . I- Janua I M rch 20 886 or monthly. Cull 6,J362(;:)." ;~ BABYSI'ITERS available. Ex- appliances, utilities, eleva- area, perfect for smg e per. cry. a . - I you in need of more ad. SERVICE STATION needs perienced women available tor b u i I din g. decorated. son. Stove, ref,rigerator, ry _9_0_83_.______LAUDERDALE by the Sea- vaoced training? Are yol,! evening manager or drive- to 'do babysitting. Dolly's Adults. $125. 821.6833. $190 month includes all util- m BOCA RATON luxury condo. Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath in need of training in a way attendant. Standard Babysitting Service. state ------~---- iLies. Plus security deposit. 1 bedroom, den, 2 bath. home on Intra.Coastal. Afr new field? CheCk the So- station-I.94 lInd Chalmers. licensed and bonded since NEW DELUXE HI.RISE References. No pets or chH- r rooms, club house, golf and heat. Super 'location. roptimist Club of Grosse 822:9310. 1961. 585-3Hi8: 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS dren. 885.4281. d course, :pool, tennis. No January 15March 1. 646 POI'nte Retraining Awards. TV SENTRY SY;;:TEM Call this week for applica. 19-25 YEAR OLD, with great TEACHER.WRITER seeking Many More Features.. ----CHATSWORTH-Outer Drive e children. $250 per week, 5930. tions. 886.0670. driving record, to drive wor k t 0 f.mance further Lake SI. Clair Area Metro 1.94 5 roo m s, 2 bedrooms. Ma:rch and April. 1-522------HILLSBORO Beach, Florida. ------company vehicle. Pic~up study. Available for paint- 296.2320 463.5857 5570770 Working adults preferred 2255. Oceanfront 2 bedroom, 2 2F-:-SCHOOLS and delivery of electric-a I ing, wallpapering, plaster. $175 month. Security. 886- FLORIDA, 2 bedroom, 2 bath luxury apartment. GROSSE PO INTE bids. Good pay, fringes. ing, minor carpentry, al- 3 BEDROOM flat for rent at 0052. bath Condo on' Bon ita Available February 1st for 9214030. , most any interior/exterior 1095 Beaconsfield, very OUTER DRIVE W b 2 Beach. 268-7146-539-7930. 6 weeks at $300 per week .• _ INSTITUTE OF decoration of home im. clean, mature couple want- - ay urn- MUSIC MATURE woman - Days. provement need. Experi. ed. See owner at 1093 Bea. upper 5 rQQms, 2 be.dr.ooms 1 ------COMFY 3 bedroom Chalet- WriteBox G.50.Grosse Pointe News, Clerking. Typing required. enced. Reasonable rates. consfield. heat inc!uded. $185 month sleeps 11, fireplace, con-' _ Register now for Apply in person - Manor Prompt response. Call Ray, -----.------security. Working adults venient to Boyne areas. ~IODERN lake front chalet Second Semester Pharmacy. 22600 Mack, SI. 886-6395. GROSSE POINTE - Neff. preferred. 8860052; r 778-4824. at !Boyne Mountain. Fir~. Private or Class Instruction Clair Snores. Available January 1. Low. m place, all conveniences, car., 1.1USIC-piano, voice, strings , NEED SOMETHING moved. er 2 bedrooms, large den, HARPER-Dickerson area e ,SKI reservations, Boyne area, peted throughout. 751-4765 guitar. wind instruments. EXPERIENCED BEAUTI- delivered or disposed of? fireplace, carpeting. Adults efficiency apartment (no m 'Secluded Chalet on Lake, after 6 p,m. ' ART-Drawing, painting. all ClAN wanted in Grosse I Two Pointe residents will No pets. $350. Lease. 886. bedroom). heated, appli I fireplace, phone, color TV. media. commercial design Pointe salon offering cli- move or remove large or 2763 after 6:30 p.m. ances. Adults. No pets 778-4055. FOR RENT 27-£00t ~Ioto'r-- Distinguished faculty en tel. 886.2800. small quantities of furni------$125 plus secllII'ity. Avail ----______Home, sleeps 6, fully equip. TU 24963 ture. appliances or what WOODBRIDGE EAST 'atle January 1st. 521-5110 3 FLORIDA, Marco Island - ped. 569.3050, 8852687. 16237 Mack at Three Mile Dr CHILD CARE WORKER: have you. Call for free esti. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, covered --- . Renting beautiful water. REQUIREMENTS. MA- mate. 343-0481. I carport. fenced in patio, TWO BEDROOM flat. War front condominium villa, OCEANF1WNT P 0 D1 pan 0 3-LOST AND FOUND TURE H.S. GRADUATE full basemcnt. all appli. ren.Outer Drive. Stove, re .. bi-weekly, mqnthly, fishing, Beach _ furnishcd beauti 1 LOST, pair of dark horned I OR COLLEGE DEGREE. LAUNDRY DONE in myanccs, drapes (custom), friger~tor, heat. Security boating, pOOl, etc. Sleeps 4 fully. Southeast b a 1con y rim glasses. 886.5031. POSITION R E QUI RES home, pickup and delivery. central air. No children or depo51t. Call Gene, 582.5757 adults. new completely fur. with' shutters, Georgeous OVERNIGHT SLEEP IN.8Bl.2281. pets. $350 month. Rep]y to I_O~~82'2201. nished. TU 1-4982. 1 view, private beach, heal. LOST - Money 11-30.76, vi- cinitv of Rivard.JeUerson ::IMMEDIATE OPENNGS. 2 GIRLS experienced at servo P.O. Box 611, 5t. Clair UPPER FLAT. 5 rooms SARASOTA SIESTA KEY. I ~(~.~fa~~l~~;~~~~~~'~ ~~~~~~: in National Bank of De- E QUA L OPPORTUNTY ing parties and cleaning Shores, 48083. : s:ove and refrigerator jn New luxurious one and two April or longer. 563.5'107. troit envelope or private EMPLOYER. SEND RE. houses. 886-7096. , ALTER.EAST JEFFERSON, I eluded. ':'ery c~ean. Mack GROS~E POINT bl:droom furnished apart. ._. ._ parking lot of Walton SUME TO CHILDREN'S ------2 room apartment, reIrig. and CadIeux area. 885.0648." 3 bedroom bungalow. Re ments on Gulf beach. In. CLEARWATER 011 Gulf, HOME DETROIT, 900 FURNITURE ref i n ish. rato I ra 11 •. j 'bl I 1 881 door.outdoor pool, tennis, Sand Kpy Cluh, deluxe 2 Pierce. 771.7184. COOK ROAD, GROSSE ing, painting. odd jobs. Ex. e r an< nge! a U,ll.r ------ALTER ROAD, small studio sponSI e peop e on y. - I I POINTE WOODS. MI 48236 cellent quality. Need work lJe~, . clean, qUIet adult apartment, all utilities, 4530, 8866309. I recreation room, boating. ~rdroh~lI1, 2 baths Condo. FOlINO-German Shepherd d . f bUlldmR', reasonable, rcfer. stove and refrigerator ad- . fishing, garage. Month or • ont y, sea son a I. By male. Vicinity of Fleet. ATTN: DIRECTOR. uring vacatIOn or college ences, security. 499.2838. ult I $115 884-3883 EF~ICIENCY apartment In season. Write Mrs. Vale, Owner. 821-0042. wood and Jackson. 881.5015. ------finances, Chuck. 882-3716, -- -" .----.-~-- _.~ _. ~_ s on y. " . prJvate home. $135 a month. 8750 llfidnight Pass Road, PART 'TIME HELP - Pay. -TWO COI_I.EGF.':--s-t-u.('I'enl~ CROSSE POINTE CITY, BUCKINGHA.'J 1 bedroom Utilities included. 882-4468. Sarasota, Florida 33581. 6F-SHARE LIVING roll and clerical work, ex. - Nolr(' Dame near Jeffer. r' d h t 1------QUARTERS 4-~:~~R'1tNTED perience not necessary. available for painling and. son. large attractive four ~;~~~.e~:~~n~~ss a~ P:t~, I;lARCOURT _ Super 3 hed. _81_3_'3_49_.7_09_3_. __ .... __ . "_._. __ .. ------. . .~-- East Side location. Call household repairs during i bpc!rnolJ] flat, two baths, $185, Security deposit. 885. room, 21,~ baths, natural KEY LARGO, Florida, 2 bed. EAST IJ~'l.ROIT-2 bedroom. FXCELLENT working candi Mrs. Koester for appoint. I'.pmester break. Past ex 1 I fireplace Garage. room new deluxe Town. ~Iatule genl1eman. 77(]. i r'l1i1ng . r ace "'t'Ions an'd benef'tIS for ex'- 1______ment 921.6880. 58perience in bolh6' areas. dInJng rOlltllloom. w,tlarge1 lkr~pItChen,, 6259.---- __ ._____ JOHN S. GOODMAN. INC. house. Be a c h. marl'na, _ 3520, Security. ..__._ pcrienced Dental Assistant. DENTAL assistant. Full time, __ ~~~~ or 526.12 4. ! s('1e('nc'd porch, $435 per, l3 ROOM lower flat, 945 Not. 886.3060 886.3060 large rccreation hall, ten. WOHKING woman will sharc S'alary open. 4 day week. Please send qualifications HOTEL RESTAURANT ma. i month. no C'hilc!rrn or pets. I lingham. $220 Carpeted !. COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom I nis, pool. By wcek, month hOllsc privilcges same.

Eastside - JeCferson Ave. or resume' to Box 5.100, jor would like to preparc. II ~r,0443. I 465-.')069, . . h If' h cl I or season. For reservatIOns ~Iust hC' responsible and nuc. Send resume to Grosse G P . t " a I If. , furllls el or un urnls e " call TU 1.931.') 1 F Il h . rasse Oln e .,ews. serve, nc c can or your I 1'1"Y)(' J .-- .. ~.- C"Dll'~UX.MACK are a. _ near hus, garage; refer'i :.. ._.. ma urC'.. xce ('nt S oppwg Pointe News. Box E.25. ------holiday parlies. Call: ~'al' I) A n: a (l1serimlnat.. l cn-'es. 881.0258. WATERF'RO',"T VII.I'l\ _ 2 arca. Aftcl4 p.m.1l1l4.2863. ------RESPONSIBLE glr. I or coup Ie garet 884.3728. . I" In.:( coup Ic. sC'ck'mg com. Beautiful 2 hedroom apar . ~ ,~ _ , ._. ._ CIRCULATION Department, desiring room and board in , lort

wcr.kly newspaper - Inter- return for child care after 37-YEAR.0i~n. former husi.: lc'n'" with new carpeting, trr and appliances. Now All uti 1i tie s. Excellent Sarasota1 Florirfa area. - . _ e,ting job {or person good school. occasional evenings !less teacher with degrC'C'. new appliniai, Available F LOR I D A .-- R('r1inglon - __ . _.. Lon. 881.9554. nmgs. an d wee ken ds. I'la ble. se If.mo t'lva ted •,ypc "co'I (Of'. 111~.,." I p:(JJlllse IIla,t erence .• required. 6 rooms January 15, 1977 for 6 ShorC's, Gulf(ront. D('ligill. 1,11\Jo: TO 1'1',';\'1'\ Ilnllll'111'.sllc'd - --- ... ------..------...--- Excellcnt rdcrcnrC's, (;oor! .\'011 \\111 100'c'lIlis Inl1y l')(', f,'l'shly decorated (Heat months to 1 year in the fulluxury Condo unit ncar 3 !ll'lirOlllll hOIlll' 10 Grosse JlF:L1A13U: habysitter, Mon. DISHWASHER wanted, Apply ~:artjn~ salary and hC'nellts i ('(,'pll<)llal. 2 llC'droom lower., included). Ten an'l musl heart of Grosse Pointe, 51. Petcrsburg 2 hcdroollls Point(' arC'.l. r~xeculiv('. !la" and W('dnesday after- in person. Mama Rosa PIZ' , t t 8P.5"353 II Nc p I (r cl Ill' 11 I many extras, $600 per I 2 hath. completcly furnish: I !'Ilarri{',1 with 3 C'hl'ldren. nCJ~n. Own transportation. zelia, 15134 Mack. After I ~~~go~,~n, ... "". a er ~{~o':~c,'1(,:l~I/ (' . P caie, ~~:~~~~ ~~~~rit~nd d;~~~i1: month plus security de ed, Monthly minimum. DC': l'knsc call 881)2773 after AA20288 4 p.m. --- ~. . --- -.1 N h posit. Referenl'e required. I cember, January, April.: 8 p.m, or 9G23236 10 a.m. . . .. ----.----.-----. ------SCANDINAVIAN 1 i g h l nl';DROO\l with new car: 10 c i1dren, no pets. LA STRONGMAN, KELLY & ' Owner. 824.0351. and ask for Chef.

" housekeeping fo'r elderly or prt, freshly decorated,; 7.4839 after 5:30 p.m. ASSOC 1 .... .'_'. _. _ ... baby silting, refercnc('s, near Harper.Whittier. No i V~;iiNrE;R:iiARTER-. 2-be--d. 8890soO GMC, 26' motor home. fully I YOU:'-:Gatt~l~nC'~-;;~king ~~r 8863678 A k f A pets 5595939 eqUlpped, sleeps 4, Ideal ria"c hou"c, flnt or ".llnl'lar . . "s or nn. ' ... '._ ... ' I rooms, family room, Ad. - .-- { k' k ,,"" , WANTED - GROSSE POINTE CITY, FUR. or S I wee .ends, Ile

Iime or open houses. A most unique opportunity- 7829. month. CtHlplc>; only, No' ~I'A('IO' .US-'lo' ... -. 'O--t-- BEDROOMS, UP PER, 1-" . '_...... -.- -. I' 6J-HALLS FOR RENT "ts', l'll 44'''')7. : " • wer a. reo FOR RE~T 27 foot ~'otor interesting and profitable. No age or sex require. ------f), VI' .. _ 'I C'(:nl1y redecorated, Grosse HUGE STORAGE, FUR. ." . '. I' - -"- ... _.-- mcnt. COl_LEGE student wishcs to NISHED ROOM AND PRIV. Home, sleeps 6. fully equIp H do typing at home. Experi. GRATIOT. Whittier arC'a -. I Pointe. LiVing room, for. lLEGES FOR CARETAK. ped. 569.3050, 885-2687. ALL FOR RENT 882-0087 enced. accurate. Call Julie nlcC', elc'nll dficiency apart: mal dining room. Florida I". G. BROKER. TV 5.4415. -'-- - -- . ----'" Arnvets Post #57 882.7223. mc'nt in (Iui('t I)l/ilrllll~ for: room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, .~ GAYLORD - Luxury 6 h~d', Grosse Pointe Real Estate ------.-- - middle agcJ or clderly i c('nlral air conditioning .. 6-B...--.-R-O-O-M-S-T-O-RENT room Chalet, near OtsC'i:o, :c~~r~~cI~;?ns BABYSITTER available dur. women $flO including uli!.' $42.'i month. Heat included. Boyne, etc. Available by L Co. , iog daytime. 3722375 till iliC's. SeC'lIntv, . (epo,lt.I . ,I'26 . Aval'labf e Ja nuary 15. 882. ROOM FOR REN...... "-to qulAt weck or whAkhnd,"" " .'ftcf" 197:lfJIInrper, lJ~rp('r Wds I 6 p.m. 551G-- 372 5U35. 2844--882.9552. young women. Call 777'()375. January 3. 881.7433. lIall IlJanagCI, 8868034

I , , '0• .; .... .4....6...2h .;;t...i;Ie..' _ 1.._ ... 'i ...... , 'h* ....+W~ '';d"''.''. ...., Ie '. 'M« _' ...... '. .' . . , •

Thursday, December /6, 1976 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Twenty-Seven ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLIS FOR SALE 8-:ARTICLES FOR SALEI8-AR!!CL~!~R SA~~I8-A~T-I-~~-~-S-..!-~-~SA-L-E-8-ARTICLES FOR SALE II-ANTIQUES l1-CARS FOR SALE ARN SIDING - AutlJentic F,JREPLACE WOOD De- "MIGHTY CASEY,'" you 7 FOOT Fisher pool table, lit 0 DEL RMLROADERS, HEAD 360 Skis, 195 CM FOR SALE -19-72-MA-RKIV, 33,000 miles. I" wea~ered, band hewn, livered FREE. On~ day ride train, holds up to 5 1 pieee slate and acces. serious hobbyists, 5x9 frame Marker bindings, poles. Ex. ESTATE items, 'apartment All options. Lealher in nalural.timber. H63.2179. service. Mixed varieties. years old, including track sories, $350. 885.8239. layout, wired. Many collec. cellent condition. All for sale-Indian ViIlage, 1005 interior, Ziebarted, melalic IREPLACE wood. Hard.. Call 716.6925~ and cars~ 371.2546. -----.----.-. tors items. Honing stock. $100. 885-3975. Parker. Detroit. Saturday. green. Not another like it. ood .$30 $32 b.t b " . HAND painled plates and a s c rat c h. built and .kit D be 18 9 through P f t 'ft f S nta w ". - W I e Irch ,.'IOU.E" LIQUIDATION ROB ".' fIrewoo d' mIxe d har d- G.E. Mixmaster. Call 823. from 193B to 1970. Passen. CHRISTl-fAS.. SALE _ BI'kes, ecem r • er ec gl or a . $35 Stacking $4 949-0995 SALES ET AL 00d k' dl' $27 . . 1 Th' S t d 4. p.m. only. 824.2183. Items. $4,650. 882.7930. . . . w - I~ 109, per 5468. ger and freight, buildings. Jewe ry. IS a ur ay, mirrors, lurniture, chan. ..__ OKTIQUE. use d books In~..ites you to visit their shop. cord, DelIvered ... Call 296.. --~------l\lisc. equipment. Engines, 10-5, 704 Washington. deIier, art. noveau waif 1976 PACER _ 3,800 roBes. bought and sold. Noon until Every Thursday from 10 3345 or 286.2705.. ROTISSERIE broiler - grill steam and diesels. Almost Loaded, 8 track, radials. a.m.-2 p.m. at the Ray ------and stand. $20. 88.(.0264. TUXED.o, size 48, $30. 881. sconces. ,Tue sda y through Satur. Smith Building, 15115 Char- NEW custom made lined ._ impossible to find. Approxi. 4986. power s tee r i n g, power ay. 15243 Mack Avenue, levoix, Grosse Pointe. This draperies. 88 x 92. Imported GENERAL E L E CT Rl C mate ~a.lue $2,300. WilJ ac. . WICKER doll carriage, Circa brakes, etc. Silver/black 885-2265, week's feature -14K gold chintz.. White rose and double oven stove, $75; cept hlg:est offer. Call 886. HART SKIS, SSL Glas, 175 1920. 884.2395. interior. $4.400. 823.4550. OUSEHOLD SALES' AND double guard ring, origi. lime green on beige back- General Electric conver. C6W :Jter2~ p,m. 8:30 10 5 CM, Brand new, never used, 1 WEDGEWOOD Bicenh~-;;niall1973--piNTO, 32,000 miles. STATE LIQUIDATIONS nally $150 now $75-import. I ground. 884:9148.. tible wood lQp dishwasher, ca 9.0 . $100. 886-4197. plate series, limited edition. Good <,ondition, $995. 884. pral'sals - Free Consulta- ed wooden 5 tired Christ------.------$100. Excellent condition, liRA-PES. aniiq;l;'gold sail;;, ------.- 6 plates, price $350. 821.1 8939. HARTWICK gas range ro- Aft "7754355 STEREO-Receiver, AWFM ions. A&R Pointe Service, mas tree. Dunbar round tisserie broiler above, oven er v- ._.:..__:_ .. __ 1 pair, 119x82. One pair. with cassette recorder and 1523. ------.---.----- 1.7518 or 886-0559. dinette with 4 chairs, 1 doz. and spec)'al bro.I'/er unl't '1976 JACOBIAN 20" Impe. 93x82, plus val a nee s . pla"er. built.in dual VU 1966 Ml1STANG v.n, new en Herend dem'tI asse. Many below, Like new. $200. I rial \Snow thrower. 5 h.p. . Double cur t.am ro ds, 2"pair, meters, $60. 886-2080, 1877 PARLOR pedal organ tires. good molor, auto. TOMOBILE Owners auto- Christmas gilt l'deas. Se. 132" each 8826903 Ml,lson am! HamUn, beauti. malic transmission, Borly 822.1883.. 1 Briggs and Stratton engine, .'. ---~------. ;) ohile insurance with quar. lected items taken on con. --- .... self propelled. Excellent ~N-T..I..Q...U._-;--. - .. _-- - 2 REGULATION size hockey ful condition, action work rough. Best offer ov~r $10 . erly ;payments as low as signments. CAMERA/LENSES _ Ricoh ' I E dmlOg room. dark I $20 885-8798 needs adjustment, 5 octave, 823.4398. 16.27. TU 1.2376. ------~-- condition, $325. 8867074. English Coventry can'ed goa s, ~. ._' . $550. 189! Ben Franklin ._... ._ PRICES REDUCED on se. ~::;;.2~~~:i~~5~ml~n:~: ~iOViNG iALE= ..K~~~ston solid oak, 9 p:eces. Excel. CARPETING. fur nit u r e, typewriter, $00; blanket 1975 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, ASONED FIREWOOD lected items for Christmas lenl $1050 371 6837 1 oihest cI'rna is<'' walnut, Excel1('nt condition. One elivered, $25 a face cord. 63 52.7007, selling. From $1 to $15. ;;;~~~~r~a~Il~82~;5 ":r~~~ ~;::5 r~~~, ~:~~I1~I.ie~~~e:e~ 2 GE~N"-E.R.'-A...L~-\',h.....I:t.e..\\'~-I.-ls--b-.e-I-t.~~:~;~gsat~~:a.y.e~~.12~5 $139; a p~ir QfCzechoslo. owner. Extras. $6,100. 886. boCarnival1 Li glass vase and 6:00 p.m. K a r a s t on kismet shllP. ed g' • - t' vakian crystal <,andelabra, _~ 3_1.8._60.r___ 839.0004_,_ _.._~ .. ,.. w . moges pIates, cups npper snow Ires. SE(~RETARY desk, $75. Gate. It' $129 8829303 INSTANT COPIES IOC ------12x12, red orange basketball II7B 14 E II t t d - e ec nc, . . . 1971 PLYMOUTH Salcllite, CRATCH PADS. 3Sc LB. and saucers. cut and pat- ROUND pine table, Formica , x. ,xce en rea, leg table, $20. Coach seat, tern glass. Candy dishes, toppe. Lange boot, carpeting Rnd pad, blue, excellenl condition (bar. $1,500 batlery. $550. 882-4871. ed. $4,000 or best offer. K & B w Ilook Nevada Grand .men's, 'size9lh, $25. Henke green, a bargain at $85 for gain,) $115. 352 Belanger, 371.0660 584'{)852. Prix bindings Ski boots, buckle boot, boy's 4, $15. all. VA 1.6502. Saturday 1.5 p,m. WURLITZER ORGAN. Ex- 1972 FORD Galaxie 500. 2 _ ASSOCIATES Heierling, size 9.. 839-5637. Garmont foam buckle boot 0'-- cellent condition. Appoint. door, hardtop, air, power BUICK 1967 -.., Needs lillie boy's 7, $20. Lange Com: DINING room :set, ta.ble, 6 AK CABINETS and shelves, sleering, power brakes. work, runs.' good. $350. 569-0237 ROSS. SOL 444. 886-2798. petition, men's, size 10%, chairs, buffet, china cabi. approximately 23l.F. x 8 fl. I ment only. 886-0608. New tires, battery, brakes. Firm. 885.6734 after 6. ROYAL CREST Sterlfng-4 $35. 886.5450. net, also piano. 885.4066. in height. Sacrifice. 882- BALDWIN ORGAN, two key- Dependable.' $1,300. 776. 0154. boards, full ""dais, like 1769. 1976 DODGE Viln. Trades. six-piece place settings, FIGURE SKATES new. ELECTRIC Coppertone stove, $395 777"'5'4 9 man B.100. Silver with CLOCKS Castle 'Rose design. Never Bauer. Blue sued~ Wom. $100. Like new. Hanging EXCELLENT ITEMS- G.E., new, . - 3, 1974 VOLVO 142 GL. power chrome bumpers and mir. randfather, wall, mantle used. $500 Irish linen table. en's size 9. 777.8659'. walnut lamp, electric type. dishwasher; double oven QUEEN GRAND piano, good brakes, power steering, air, rors, a deluxe cab nnd in: ALES AND REPAIRS cloth, 70xI06, double Dam- writer. 1.469.3784. G.E. stove, avacado; Early condition, lignt antique fin. automatic, sun lI'oof.leather sulated. 18,000 mil~, $3,50~. ask, 12 napkins, never 23" COLOR console TV, American t a b'l e, chairs, ish. Rea-,onab!e. 824.9108 interior. Excellent condi. 343.0621 evenings. HELSEA HOUSE used. $125. Evenings 839. $350. 23" TV $95. Bollt MAGNAVOX stereo for sale. hutch. lalI curio bookcase; after 5. tion. Days 568-6317 Eve-. ._~ 8 E. Warren 521-6755 9429. like new. 884-2250 Good condition, $50. 886. boys 20" 10.speed Schwinn I __ ~~ __ ~____ nings after 6. 882.66Oa. TRIUMPH 1974, TR'6, lIard 'Chg. B'KARD Am.Exp. ------0778. b i k e. ",Noritake" china. CLARINET with case. Like top. ExceJJent condition. CUSTOM 300 PA system, BLACK Koflack Leather ------884.0375. Basement Sa 1 e new. Best offer. 886-4325. 1972 CADILLAC Coupe de 886.8052. Dual I5's and Alter horns buckle ski boots, size 7, call l\fOVING - Furniture base. 'Veek.end. 3553 Bishop, De~ ----~-~--____ . 'Ville. Immaculate. 839 MOL - ..0--- _ in each column .. Anti.feed. after 7:00 p.m. 886.0763. ment sale. Saturday.Sun. troil. EVETTE-SCHAISSER wood- Evenings 264.8140 1973 PONTIAC G.T,O,. air, FIREPLACE back controls and extras. $25. day, December 18 and 19, en cla,rinet, perfect condi. AM.FM stereo, 40J 4.bllr. WOOD 5'cu1>a gear, U.S. Diver ~--~------J9792 Edshire off Cuok. OAK CHINA cab:net and 62 tion $90. Cello German 1974 SATELLITE 2 door 6 rei. buckets. console, ra!ly equipment, one tank, full 170 CM HART'S Camaro ------inch buffel. Excellent can made S~radivllJri\ls copy. automatic. Power sleering, wheels, power steenng, Face cord. delivered gears plus extras. 884.6396 black metal skis with TWO handmade braided wool dilion, $150. 886.6331. Excellent student instru. 15,000 miles, radio. $2,250. pO\l'er brake,. Excell('nt $33 -885-4098. Gez!! bindings. ski poles, rugs size 5x6 feet. Gold ~------ment. $895. 882-9303. 329.2314. condilion. Make offer. Besl call after 7:00 p.m., $120. 32nd'degree Mawn charm. TIRE - Uniroyal Glass Bell. ----~----~------buy in town. Grosse Pointe I % face cord. delivered TRAIN TABLE, 8' x 5 h', 886'{)763. TU 58494. ed whitewall, mounted. H78 SB-ANTIQUES 19 77 .DOFDuIGlyEcTu'Salodmes).mzedan,~~~~.2~!l8~~_~~_B&. 5.~73 .. Ih"thick, finished ply. ------.. -- x14 (BRAND NEW-NEV. FOR SALE I v an $19 \\'ood. H ..O. track included. WEDGEWOOn Bicentennial 29 GALLON aquarium O'Dell f:R USED). $30, 771-9586 ------~----- air, 8 track stereo, ice box, 1973 COUGAR XH7. 39,000 Kindling wood 776.1985. plate series, limited edi. polo' lite set up includes after 4:30 p.m. . ABLE TO PAY top dollar carpeted, captains chairs. miles, AM!"M stereo, ail', tion. 6 plates, price $350. florescenl lights, sliding -- .--.------..-- .. --- for used Oriental rugs. 885-8530. power hrakes, power steer. $1.75 MUST SELL! Modern furni. 8211523. glass cover, heater and DINING ROOM SET 545-4483. ----.. inq-, $2500. 88G.]8-18. er bundle ture-7 pieces $350 or best -----.------dynaflow filter, $10. Call Traditional mahogany table I ------~----- TIRE-NEW, Uniroyal Glass j _ oUer. 886.1810. MAHOGANY Duncan Phyfe wilh 6 matching chairs, FURNITURE refinished, reo Belted whitewall mounted 1974 MALIBU Classic, super 881-0292 dropleaf table plus 2 leafs, ~86'~6: Also, includcs large buffel paired, stripped, any Iype II 7Bx14. Never used, $30. sharp! Air, lint. puwer BEAUTIFUL Weiman can. custom pads, 4 chaire, $125. 50 GALLON acquarium with and graceful breakfront, of caning. Free estimates, 771 ~~~Il Ilfl"r 4:30 p.m, I steerinl(. power brakes, sole or sofa table; 64" 821.1631. Diaton filler and extras $195. 881.4789 evenings. 474$53. . ~__ ... _ Colonial love seat; unusual FLEA-MARKET- $85. 8862787. ' 5:-..JO-W'BI:OWF:ii-:' Ja~~b~~ -P-R--I-C-ES--R-E-D-U-C-E-D-o-n-s-e- HOLIDAY FASHION f:P;~~~~.w~~~e~~;~~n~o~~~: Every ,Wednesday 9 to 5 ~\:TIQUE~;~rdrobe closet, electric, u,ed once. $200. lected items for Christmas tion. Phone 775.5682 be ALCO:\to'S CASTLE 882-7155. 881i0349 after 3:30 p.m. selling. From $1 to $15. HOLIDAY CAR SALE BOUTIQUE tween 1 and 5:30 p.m. onl". 21801 9 Mile Rd. ----- .. ---- .-- - - ..-- -"- .-- -. - Carnival glass vase and , MOVING - Must sell, pink CLOSING ESTATE SALE - bowl. Limoges plates, cups I End.of.year clearance nique selection of one of Dealers Welcome 4319 If d R JBL.S8 stereo system. Best------..~ ..__. .. electric stove, large mir arvar d., D('troil. and saucers, Cut and pat. kind handmade clothing 1976 aids Cutlass Supremes offer. 881.3451 or 549.8394. S ELL IN G OUT furniture ror, fireplace equipment, Saturday, 9 10 5, Sunday, tern glass. Candy dishes, I nd jewelry. ----.--.------from a 30 room mansion. kitchen tahle. LA 18298. 12 to,4. Elahorate dining sail dips, wine glasses, etc. STAR SAPPHIRE, 12 point Sofas. lamps~ loveseat, lea. ~____ roo m set, Grandfather Small framer! oil paintings. fr~m $10 TO $100 6,2 carats, not mounted.. ther top desk, end table 2 MICHELlN (205.14) (GH clock, crystal, plus cntire Sterlin~ silver spoon, etc. $4/395.00 1417 Seminole Very fine Star, plum color. and cocklail tables, rugs, 78-14) ,teel belted, while contents. Special selection of an. Landau tops, air, power steerinR, all co:ors. All cars In Indian Village $400. 884.8955.. dining room iSets, ice cream walls, mud and snowlires- SAN ~1AHCO ye)]~~-high lique jewelry. Doll fumj. available with 12,000 mile or 12 mo. warranty. o a,m. 5 p.m. -~------chairs, bar stools, mal~e I 5::0 miles, $100. VA 4-4651. b k k' I '" II ture, sun catchers and FIREWOOD-$25 I ac s I lOOtS. J',xce enl I SAT., DEC. 18 264-4500 desk, chest, Armoic drum SMALL- 16" hoy's hi~YcJe condition. Fits ~irl 6 orl more. more. USED CAR CLEARANCE top table,. Karastan rugs. w'lth tral'nl'ng wheel~ I'lke hoys 5 $35 81l6.872:l ~Ii"a Lorle Antique Galleries t968 'MERCURY COUGAR with 48,000 miles. Real ------.-- ._..- '--1 \Small office re~rigerator . ", . .... '_ _ .. ,~". 23220 Mack H;520 Win d mill Pointe: new. $50 v,alue for .$25. NEW $1,900, while, twin set, at Nine Mile Road miles. One owner and sharp! Only $1,095.00. Starting Wcdnc,day 9 to 5 8112.5021l. Call evenmgs triple dresser, mirror, de 775.1970 1972 MERCURY COMET 2.door. Tlcaulirul red anti "Hassle Free " SHOPPING! l ready to R:0. Priced. at only $t ,589.00. SJr~:'~~~0:;~:~~:i~~~r~'11::t:rc:~.E m~d~I-~f G;;;al Spri_ng.~, DI(~~I~~~.i~)~:::J~UE • Handcrafted POTTERY from 50 cents ~~~,~:i~~~~s, 1975 REGENCY COUPE with all lhe toyS and tape, eeiver, absolutely perfec!. Lakes sidewheel steamer COLOR RCA 25" rot! abuut, DEALF.RS Heautiful sil\'er anll burgundy, Priced at only • GIFT BOOKS (new and antique) I $200, Afler 6 p,m, 773. "Planet" (l855). $2,000. first $250. 8815771. The nation's largest inside $5,289.00. 5644. Call Mr. McCutcheon week. - . Flea Market is opening an. • Handmade ORNAMENTS I ------.-. --'. . days 2375608, evenings 924 m:AtJTIFUL Irwin Maholpny other market at Dixie High . 1976 CUTLASS OLDS SUPRf<:MES--5 to choose from! 2 YEAR OLD IS cubiC ft. 1609 dining room set with large way and Telegraph road . AU colors 8nd lots of equipmel1t with low milc- • Fine Old LITHOGRAPHS and upright freezer, $125. 886.' table and Kerwin Oriental Reservations are being tak. aRI:' Priced from $4,395.00. PHOTOGRAVURES 1914. SIMMONS hidcahed sofa, ru~, 9 ft. 10 ins. hy 131 fl. en at the Counly Fair An. • GIFT CERTn'ICATES oNiicidin~~t-b~d~$i5a-;;;i upholstered in !Ierculan, 10 ins ..8R5.06B6. tique Flea Market east of one (olding hed, $18. 885 $55. 778.3252. SUED!'; COAT with mink 8 Mile .and Schoenherr, PATMON 0533 -.-..... collar and matching hal. Warren. For information BOOKTIQUE l . RABRIT fur coat, fur jackel, Like nl'W Slle 10. SM. caU 779.3070. : O-RIENTAL-~arpct-AI1-~~~i. stole, tweed coat, heautlfull 886-2466. -- .. ---- ..---- OLDSMOBILE 15243 Mack (between Beaconsfield and Lakepointe) eompletely handmade. 6,7 condition, broiler oven. sU'1 .. " BUY the ultimate Christmas I 885.2265 by 3.7. Was $300, now $200. luki 'nolorcycle, 8845577. :'.lISCELLANEOUS antiques I Rift; 1950 Whizzer Sports. 1 15205 E. Jefferson Christmas Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. everyday 884.8783 I - . -. . including -- Victorian love II man molor bike, rough but. between Alter and Cadicul( Have you seen the crowds at EASTLAND? ------'--. --._._... .. SKI BOO T S, men's 91.o!>. seat, Queen Anne eha1r, restorable. $200, title and EXERCIZER bike, new, $60. j Henke Royal Hart skis. 343. marble top table, more. spare paris included. 885. 821-5000 COME SEE US! TU ].8296. 0537 after 6. 881.1047. Ot59.

reo •• I. rmm .e.'..' 'n' '. gC'ri.! rim .. fa st y .Ji .. «e •• nt...... 4*~ ..~ . 1 , ,.' '. . .~ . . . .. '...... ~ ... ',;

Page Twenty.Eight 'GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu"day. December 16. 1976 E l1-CARS FOR SALE 1l-CARS FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-~~LSlt~TE !i~~LS1l~ATE 13-RE~~ Elltl OLDSMOBILE '75 Delta 88 JEEP Commando with snow THREE beautifully wooded plow, 1968. New tires, top Deluxe, loaded. B84+3058 OCEANFRONT Condo, Pom- 20198MORNINGSIDE. Build. after 5 p.m. er's home. 4 bedrooms, 3 ten acre parcels: two small and paint. Low mileage. pano Beach. 2 bedroom, 2 acreages on black top road Reuonable. 882.7141. TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES bath, beautifully furnished baths, powder room, pan. 1972 PONTIAC Firebird Es. eled library, paneled fam. near St. Clair; one ten acre and decorated, all appU. parcel, treeless, on private 1971 .CHEVROLET Impala pitlt. Power steering and ances, balcony, direct view 11yroom, main 1100r laun. custom, automatic, power brakes, air, excellent oon- The Gallery of Homes@ of ocean from all rooms. dry, paneded basement rec- road; ~veral lots with ,steering. power brakes, air, dition, 40,000 miles. $2,500. Real steal! Ready for oc. l'eaUon room with carpet, water and sewer. 882.1211. DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LIVING-FIRST OFFERING-Execptlonally fine $800. 881.6959. cupancy. Act fast, could sprinkling system, central OWNER will sell $85,000 in every facet, this 3 bedroom, 2~ bath, center entrance Colonial home will be In by Christmas. Grosse air. All large rooms. 6 1974 ELDORADO loaded, 1972 BUICK LeSabre, 4 door thrill you. Decorated exquisitely with new custom drapes, carpeting and wall 6 bedroom home in Grosse hardtop, power steering, Pointe owner selllng, Call yea r s old. Appointment Pointe Park for $75,000, if 16,500miles. triple copper. paper. Spacious rooms inclule formal living room with natural fireplace, agent collect, Minnie Zach. only. New condition. $5,775.882. brakes, air, AM.FM radio, dining room, family room, kitchen with color coordinated appliances, break- sold before January 15. good tires. $1,150. 886-8700 ary, office area code 305- Call 88f>.0725.No brokers, 5242. fast room with bay, reC room with fireplace and attached garage. 772-2412, resident area PAUL JANKOWSKI 886-2665 please, 1971 LINCOLN Continental, GIVE HER 982 ANITA FOR CHRISTMAS-This 3 bedroom Ranch is just right code 305-943.42.35. 1972VEGA G.T. wagon, good 4 door, very clean. Excel. tires, engine, air, runs for a couple or family. Easily maintained. Includes natural fireplace, aluminum lent condition. Low mile. trim, central air, priced slightly below mid fifties. Immediate occupancy. good, Needs bod> work age, $1.995. 885-0159. $350. 681.2492. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M. JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE 1974 PINTO Squire station 728 PEMBERTON-OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M.-Why look fur:her than this French 1972OLDSMOBILE98 sedan, wagon, automatic, linow THREE GROSSE POINTE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU excellent condition, $1,800. Normandy wiih 4 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, updated kitchen with eating space, tires, other options. 16,500 living room with fireplace, dining room and paneled family room. 16610MACK 82 KERCHEVAL 19790 MACK Full power, new battery, miles. Excellent condition. exhaust snow tires, 886. AT HARVARD ON THE HILL NEAR COOK ROAD Leaving country, must sell, QUALITY TO SPARE-Ths spedal home on qu:et street has 2 large bedrooms, 881-4200 884.0600 881-6300 78844evenings. only $2,000. 884-8513. plus library or 3rd bedroom, 21,2 baths, spacious living room, dining room, 1974 M.G. MIDGET Good kitchen and much more. Air conditioned and sprink~er system. Immediate oc- ROSLYN-Terrific 3 bedroom COLONIAL. with delightful ~en, paneled games 1976 MONTE CARLO ,fully room, occupancy at close and under $40,000. Young marneds should see this condition. AM.FM radio. equippe

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Thursday, December 16, 1916 "' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Nine ~J-aIAL mATI FORSALE .13-IEAL .ESTATE FOR SALE -----1 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE /13-REAL ESTATE JOHN s. fOR SALE FOR SALE FIRST OFt'ERlNG-An elegant ranch on a quiet IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 927 FISHER ROAD ...,. Cape street which ends at Lake 81. Clair. Beautllidly MODEL HOME Cod with 2 bedrooms, 1,2 WATCH THE SHIPS GO BY decorated and recently carpeted, this home also GOODMAN 28 FO~ROFT bath up, 1 bedroom, full INC. features a new kitchen, and a great Florida room 4 bedroom. taml1yroom and bath down. Living room from one of Grosse Pointe's most elegant homes. which overlooks the well landscaped grounds. den.laundry room. O~ with fireplace and dining FOR PROFESSIONAL HELP AND PERSONAL Lovely gardens, heated pool, studio llpartment FISHER ROAD-The classic center entrance Colo- Sunday or call for appo.mt. room with new carpet, ATrENTION over 3 car garage. TIle interior is exquisitely nial. Four bedrooms, modern kilcllen, a 2Q.foot me~t. Other home Sites with fireplace and \2 bath. decorated and maintained. Five bedrooms one 886-3060 screened terrace (l.nd many other surprises.

~ --~.------.~ .nson.) t d MsW." rt Wrrf Edd *""..... dm« de« _ad '.,. t. .-* b t a- ~-'-.;"7-.~, -_---.~.-'t~..~-'.,fD_,_'_""-.-'....-, -.~~~~- ::,~.",,,,,,...;,,-.,..---:,-r-:.~"""i:f:P""."":' .,...... ,- ...... -.- ...l•.-- ...< "'_, _,_ .. ~....-.--.~-~,,~~-~~.,~-.,-. ~,-~_ ..~IjWO~,,_-.;_.~_-,,W_"'",,_...... -...... _~~- ---- ..------~

Thur5~OY, December 10, 1976 Page nifty G ROSS E POiNTE NEW S U-REAL ESTATf 13-REAL ESTATE 168-.-PET GROOMING 21F-HOME 21.I-PAINTIHG, 21K-WINDOW 215-CARPENTER Pair Re-eleeted FOil SALE FOil SALE IMPROVEMENT DECORATING WASHING SERVICE DOG GROOMING BEDFORD, eomer Kercbe. MARK MONTEROSSO. U CUSTOM FOUR SEASONS FRANK B. WILJ..IAMS, Li. To AAA Posts: FLORIDA-Port Richey, San censed builder. Custom \'11, brand new 3 bedroom, SpecialiUng' in SChnauzers c.ensed ~uilder, mode!niz a. MAINTENANCE CO. Clemente East, 2 bedroom, 882.3911' DECORATI NG home improvements, porch 2~ baths, library and fam. family room, built.ins, 11k hon mamtenanr.e. Kitche n B '0 . WINDOW CLEANING Two Pointers were re~ and bath Y 'B B" WALL WASHING enclosure.!, finished base. elected director.> of the 1.2- i1y rOom: Builder mUlt baths, air conditioning, car. s 2O-GENERAL SERVICE 882.608' 881~ Interior-exterior, carpet sale FREE ESTIMATES menb3, additions,altera. million. member Automobile sell. Open weekends or by peting, drapes, attached ga. and inst'al1ations, waill pa - INSURED 871-1906 tions All work personally Club of Michigan at its an' appolntrilen t. 881,5853, lJlI6. tale .. Extras. 5 years old, n. pering, etc. Fall saving s • PLUMBING ALL REMODELING, carpe supe;vised. Small jobs a're nual board of director,s mee(. 6201. $26,900. 886-8464. try, electrical, plumbing now through December 5th K . WINDOW Cleaning Com. • PLASTERING welcome. For prom.pt cour. ing Tuesday. December 7. ; • PAINTING painting, paneling, etc. I' Ii Bob Weigel, 15216 CharI e. pany. Storms, S'Creens, gut. teous, e x per t service, I BLAIRMOOR 1108- Execu. BY OWNER - Attractive Hans Gehrke, Jr. and outbid any price, time an d voix. Evenings, 331-9902 ters, aluminum cleaned. plea.se call me at 882.7776, f tive 4 bedroom brick Co. brick Colonial. Unique 33' • CARPENTRY Roberl J. Vla~ic. both Shores • MASONRY material. Warranty work ALL WORK GUARANTEE D Free estimates. 882'()688. lonial, living room with family room with 24' slid. residents, were named ti) t • VIOLATIONS P:10ne. Jo, 885.7053. fireplace, din i n groom. ing thermo-pane glass door. FLOOR SANDING. All fin A - OK Window C 1e a n e r s BARKER lhree.year terms, as direc;. ! CORRECTED ~ kitchen with built.ins, large walls and radiant gas heat. r Service ,on storms and CONTRACTORS. Inc. • NOTHING TOO S'MALL 21G-ROOFING isbes, dark staining ou to:". family room, enclosed Large modern kitchen, SERVICE specialty, 3rd generation screens. Free estimates. Modernization • Alterations Mr. Gehrke is board chaii.- porch, 2 car attached. GOOd panelled den, 6 bedrooms Licensed. 37Hl830. Monthly rates. 521.2459. Additions • Family Rooms man of First Federal Saving$ GUY DE BOER Kitchens & Recrea.tion Areas 8% mortgage. Immediate. plus sun rooms, 3lk baths. 776.3708 8854624 and Loan Assoc. of Detroit Good condition. Early oc. RE-ROOF PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand CALLEBS & SON Estate Maintenance and a director ()~ Delmil Fully in. BEDFORD 1084 - Reduced! cupancy. $72,5W. 1114 HANDYMAN - Home main. ing and finishing. Speda 1. Window cleaning. JAMES BARKER Renaiso.>ance. He i3 a truste~ 1,000 Sq. Ft. $39500 prices. Spacious 3 bedroom brick Berkshire Rd., G r 0 sse tenance. Small r e p a Irs, Ranch Home ' izing in dark staining sured. Reasonable 886.5044 of United HOJpitals of Detroit Free estimates. 772.9555. ~!onial, living room, din. Pointe Park, 882-6415. electrical, plumbing, paint. INCLUDES "Supply own .power." Ca 11 and Detroit Medica'l Cenle~ CARPENTRY by European . mg room, den, rec. room, ing, wall washing. Bill, 884. • 240 lb. seal tab shingle !' for free estimate. W. Abra . Corp., and past chairman' of 21M-SEWER SERVtCE Kitchens, attics, finished 2 car attached. N ear 13B-CEMETERY 9363. 15 years guarantee ham, 979.3502. the G'reater Detroit Chamber - basement, house decks. Li. schools and parks. PROPERTY • All labor and material SEWERS CLEANED, broken of Commerce and Delroil censed. Free estimate. Call D &: S MAINTENANCE CO. • Expert in aluminum 'MIKE'S PAINTING Sewers repaired. Guaran- Central Busine33 0 is t r i c 1: LAVON-"Boaters Delight"! ROSELAND PARK--4 graves. me. save money. 882.3255. Section 13, lot 217. 823-4805. G e n era 1 cleaning: wall • Siding.Gutters.Trim Interior, exterior, wallpaper teed. Reasonable rat e s. Assoc. : Handsome 4 bedroom Colo. washing. f I 0 0 r swashed. ing, minor repaim, patch 881.0063 ,or 779.1225. He is past president of th~ • Roof Vent-Repairs ALL TYPES of remodeling- nial on wide 70 ft. Canal. 15-BUSINESS stripped waxed, pa'inting, mg, plastering. Free est i- U.S. Savings and Loa FREE ESTIMATE Wooden and steel railings; n. Will llIccommodate large OPPORTUNITIES dry wall, stucco work and mates. Reasonable and oon ELECTRIC sewer cleaning. League, the Michigan SavingS wooden porches, wooden boal. This gem features X-ELENT ROOFING e,t. Referentes. Call any . No footage charge. Tele. and Loan League. Detroit living room dining room, ACCURATE---l :;;l:orp ~:l{~~~tr~~ti~~~~f:~ time. European. phone price. 20 years of Sleps. Real Estate Board and Mort. 757-2953 DE SENDER 822.1201 country kitchen, f.amily YOGURT guaranteed. Call Blrent 791. 758.2846 experi~nce. Cal Roemer, gage Bankers Assoc. , room, 2 car attached. Plumbing. TU 2.3150. FREEZER 7615 or Vince,371.2279. ALL HOME repairs. Roofs, Mr. Vla'3ic is chakman and 6~% assumption. ROOFS and DECKS SMALL TALENTED GROUP 21 N-ASPHAL T WORK porches. gut t e r s, brick chief executive officer of 20A-CARPET LAYING GUTTERS AND Creative painters and decora . Vlasic Food" Inc., the na. CUSTARD-&lft Ice Cream DOWN SPOUTS work, chimneys, carpentry. D. DAY REALTY tors, custom paperhanging , C & J ASPHALT tion's largest proce,.,or and - Slush. Shake - Freezern. CARPET LAYING Gutters cleaned and flushe d . Licensed. 293.7755. 21304 MACK 886.3300 antiquing and wood finish PAVING, INC. marketer of 'Pickles, peppers Pretzel bakers. Complete NEW AND OLD New and Repair Work ing. Put your borne in our Improve the value 'Of your REMODELING and relishes. He also is the BY OWNER - 3 bedroom service, paxtsand supplies, . Stairs Carpeted Shifted t Licensed al'd Insured hands. Please let us mee home with a professional ma'1aging partner of Vlasic brick ranch, 3 baths, see Don Preston &: Associates. Repairs of All Types HOME BUILDING 884-9512 with you for an estimate job. Over 20 years serving Co., an investment company through fireplace between ~675. Cigarette Burns Re.Woven by ADVANCE M\INTENANCE R. C. Mowbray Associates , Grosse Pointe in driveways with interest; in vehicle leas. dining Ifoomand living ALSO L 0 0 KIN G for insurance 331.3230. OUr guarantee. sealing. esti. BIDIGARE BROS. ing and real estate develop- room. Family room. Muts. and Free agency where general agent NEW CARPET SALES SPECIA LIZING ment, and ~s a director of the chIer kitchen, laundry room INTERIOR-Exterior painting mates. Owner supervised. INC. is planning o,n retiring in Samples 'Shown in rn Extra rboms, dormers, attics , Culver Educational Founda. Large 5creeped ,porch, 2lk Quality work by experi References. Your Home ALUMINIUM - kitchens, recreation tion and Hauserman, Inc. car attached garage, cen- , the next year or two. And t CALL ANYTIME rooms BOB TRUDEL GUTTER~ AND TRIM enced college students a Mea n w h i I e William M. tral aiT, custom drapes and would like to bring In a . 773.8087 Licensed and Insured 294-5896 For estimatn call TU 1.8170 a reasooable price. 822 Skillman was ife-elected carpeting throughout. $65,' junior on a buyout agree. Remodeling loans to $7,500 Riehat'd Willertz, 3942. 21O-CEMENT AND preo.!ident or ,the Auto Club 900 or best offer. 771-8376. mimt, which 'would be bene. No down payment, 10 years 20~-1 NSULA TION 50 R(lslyn Road BRICK WORK and will serve his second con. Open Sunday 1-5. ficial to both parties. Ex. PAINTING, wallpapering to pay. perienced in Life, Health, 772-5715 TU 1.6988 secutive full.year term ui PREPARE NOW for sky. t and paneling lit lowest cost CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION Property, Casualty and. FROM THE outside job tha that office. . GROSSE POINTE FARMS .- rocketing fuel bills whHe . Estimate cheerfully given All types cement and brick N.A.S.D. Licensed. 7 years was never finished to in HARRY SMITH 216 Ridgemont, ranch, 3 insulation costs are reason. 'Side work that will look at no charge. Call 882-9234 work. Licensed and in. bedroom 2 baths, central experience in combined BUILDING CO. The man who is short of: able. It doesn't cost, it great for Christmas. Roof or 179-6823. sured. air, 2 car garage and other ~rsonal Production Man. Established .in ca.sh is usually short on opli~ pays to insulate your home. leaks gutters, bot tar to 885.Q612 desirable features. Owner agement. 882-3151. Grosse Pointe Area Since 1937 mlsm. Sudro Insulation Company inside painting or panel. GROSSE POINTE lW-6511. Residential and Commercial !BEAUTY SALON since 1948. 881.3515. ing. Call the rest - Price PAINTERS, INC. CHAS. F. JEFFREY Painting interior.exterior, pa . MASON CONTRACTOR Remodeling 21W-DRESSMAKING 20716 HUNTINGTON Newly remodeled S a lon, the best. 774-G547or 775. perhanging and paneling LICENSED • INSURED Alterations and Maintenance & TAILORING HARPER WOODS ample parking, great loca. 21-MOVING 3553. Free estimate cheerfully • Brick • Block • Stone New Construction ALTERATIONS - Dresses; 3 bedroom ranch, large din. tion. Land Contract avail. STUDENT MOVERS. Pro- 885-3900 885.7013 J. D. CANDLER given. • Cement Work pantsuits, coats, any extra ing.family room, Datural able. 371-6959. fessional moving. Cheap! fireplace, indoor barbeque. ROOFING CO 882-9234 779-6823 • Wate'rproofing things. Reasonable. 839- We also rent helpers. 861- New 2lh.car garage. Large 16-PETS FOR SALE 97 Years Reliable Service • Tuck Pointing CUSTOM 7096. • 0900. R. & T. PROFESSIONAL corner lot. $48,500. 881.2809. Residential and. Commercial • Patios of any kind DECORATING GERMAN SHEPHERD pups painting, interior and ex - "PORCHES A SPECIALTY" SEAMSTRESS and dressmak': Open Sunday 2.5 p.m. 12 weeks old, 2 males, 1 All types of Roofs and Decks BY "BOB" 21A"':'PIANO SERVICE terior, wall papering. Free 882-1800 Formica counter tops, recre. ing. Satisfaction guaran.' female. Champion b1ood. Gutters and Downspouts , SHORE POINTE Condomini. estimates. 462 Roland ation rooms, carpentry , teed, your patterns. 77~': line and good tempera- PIANO TUNING and repair. REPAIRS CEMENT WORK of any kind. 0219. • um Townhouse in Grosse Grosse Pointe F.arms. 882 carpet lnstallati!)n, etc. ment. Will h 0 I d until ing. W 0 r k guaranteed. No Job Too Large-or Sman Bonded, licensed, insured. Pointe Woods offered by Free Estimates 4586. Bob Weigel. 15216 Charle. owner. Popular Empress Christmas. 886.9215 (On Member AFM. E d war d TU 2,9988, after 6 p.m. 21Z-SNOW REMOV"":t Call 899-2100 voix. Evenings 331.9902. unit includes miniature weekdays after 5 p.m.) Felske. 465-6358. .& LANDSCAPINCj Insured Workmen TED'S 21.P-WATER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED private iard, 2 fireplaces, MU1'T - FREE - Good with COMPLETE piano service. WALLPAPER REMOVING PROOFmG TRIMMING, removal, sprat: and 2lh baths. Large wal. FRANK B. WILLIAMS, Li- kids. Spayed. Has all sho~. Tuning, rebuilding, refin. 21 H-RUG CLEJ,NING EXCLUS1VELY ing, feeding and shimp nut paneled living room 886-1495. ishing. M em b e r Piano Free Estimates - Insured BASEMENTS WATER- censedbuilder. Speciallz removal. Free es.timatc5: and dining L. Spacious 53i,.7555 ing in home up.datingand Technicians Guild. Zech. SUPREME Carpet Furniture PROOFED - Reasonable Corl!plete tree service. Cll' master bedroom and twin FAT and sassy Christmas kit. guar. B08sner, 731.7707. and wall washing Co. Any rates, workmanship all minor or major repairs Fleming T r e e Service.: size guest bedroom. Unit is tens. Free. to good homes. EXPERIENCED painting and living room and hall car- anteed. 881.0063 or 779.1225. Doors adjusted, book TUxedo 1.6950. ;', 1 year old and has luxuri. 885-8340 after 3:30 p.m. and plastering, .reasonable rate , 21B-SEWING pet cleaned $18.95. Steam shelves installed, paneling , ous carpeting throughout weekends. excellent references. C811 CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION EASTERN TREE AND'; MACHINE slightly more. Wall wash . new counter tops, vanities including large family room Barry Collins. 822-2439. Basement waterproofing. We Code violatioM corrected STUMP J\EMOVAL ;: FREE to any former Siamese ing by machine. SaUsfac dig. Work guaranteed. Li- ~l in lower leveL Central air COMPLETE Tune.Up, $3.95, For courteous expert assist . INSURED ~;'.; cat owner. Beautiful love. tion guaranteed. PR 1-8726 COLORS byRon at Jay. Paint . cebsed and insured. .' conditioning. Eltlr.ordinary al makes, al ages. ;~ . 'ance in improving your 293.4069 . , . throughout. Very reason. able male Seal Point, 1 ing and wallpapering. Rea 885.Q612 year old. 884.7083. part stocked. 885.7437. ' sonrrble. Eleven years ex . home in any area, please 'FALL CLEAN-UP; able at $65,000. No agents. K-CARPET CHAS. F. JEFFREY call me at 882-7776.. ! Call 885.2629 for appoint. perience. Free estimates IRISH SET T E R puppies, 21e-ELECTRICAL CLEANING Also 'carpet "steam" clean 882-1800 • SNOW REMOVAl:; ment. - AKC,Champion blood line. SERVICE ing. 882-6900. • Basement Waterproofing CARPENTER WORK - Pan 24 HOUR SERVICE COMPANY eling, partitions, ceilings , N. BRYS - Brick ranch, 3 Will hold till Christmas. • Underpin footings CARPET kitchens, small jobs, re bedrooms or 2 bedrooms 775-1377. HARBOR ELECTRIC GROSSEPOINTE • Cracked or caved,jn walls SPECIALISTS pairs, etc. TU 2.2795. SHOREWOOD::~ and library, family room, • Steam Extraction CONTRACTORS References GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Violations Corrected Licensed Insured dinette, natural fireplace, AKC, snow white, good FREE ESTIMATES • Shampoo CUSTOM PAINTING AND 21T-PLUMBING AND LANDSCAPE)CO:~ Ilk baths, 2 ear attached temperament, intelligent. • Spot and Stain Removal WALLPAPERING 21Q-PLASTER'WORK garage. Low 60's. By ap- 882-9420 HEATING See parents. 774.3834. • Upholstexy Cleaning EXPERT ANTIQUING 773-2828 ;: pointment. TU 4-0131. Licensed and insured con. . at affordable prices 885-8155 SPECIAUZING in repairs PLUMBING . IRISH SET T E R puppies, tractor, residential, com. for 18 years. C.r:acks elimi. GROSSE POINTE. WOODS, 882-0688 FREE ESTIMATES NO SERVICE CHARGE K.MAINTENANCE CO. ;,: ,AKC, excellent breeding. mercial and industrial. Black. 1991S4Clalrview Court East. INSURED nated. Clean .• Tam Smail or large jobs, electric Guarantee. $100. Show qual. well. VA 1-7051. • SNOW REMOVAL.~ ..; Quiet Court. 3 or 4 bed. ity. 777-6044. S &: J ELECTRIC MUTUAL Michael Satmary Jr. sewer c I e ani n g. Fri. 24 Hour Service : • room, family room, dining Residential • Commercial. MAl NTENANCE PLASTERING ill Pointes yate plumber. SmaN home Residential 'llnd Commercl~l' ~. room, kitchen built-Ins, DOBERMAN PINCHERS, KURT O. BAEHR repairs. Reasonable. 886. 'i. No job too small. since 1949. Clean profes. Free Estimates • ;.c:'\.' finished basement, central AKC, $140. In time for CORPORATION CUSTOM Painting and Deea- ,-slonal work. No job too 3537. t air. 882-8472. Call for ap- 88~.2930 PRE-HOLtDA Y SPECIAL rating. Wall pap e r i n g. 882-0688 Christmas! 882-1798. small. Free estimates. FOR CLEAN and dependable pointment. Entertain your holiday guest Guaranteed. F r e e esti- Walter Spriet. 886.3421 :.. SCHNAUZER, male, AKC, 8 ALL TYPES of electrical - service, call ELMERS on professionally "steam" mates. LA 1-4546. 886.8052. IGLOO SNO\V ST..CLAm SHORES-Centeno weeks, $110. 771-3679. work. Ranges, dryers in. clean carpet and upholste- PLUMBING and HEAT. SERVICE nial duplex with lake view. stalled - remodeling. Elec. ry. Hurry and have your COMPLE1'E decorating. Pa lNG, Plumbing License FREE PUPPY. Housebroken. 21R-FURNITURE LOW RATES 3 bedrooms, 2 stOry's each trical. repairs, fixtures in. living room and dining perhanging. Insured, guar . #04556. TUxedo 44882. Terrier, 12 weeks old. 774- REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES side. Large remodeled stalled, city violatlons. Li. room steamed clean for anteed. Al Schneider, TU 0477. . EASTLAND P L tIMB lNG, rooms, sup e r b location, censed and insured. Col- only $29.95 with an addi- 1-G565 or Ralph Roth, 886 ARE YOUR CHAIRS, an . 886-0957 new and repair, commer. $59,500. Agent, 774-155l. LHASA.APSO pups, top qual. ville Electric Company. tional room of your choice 8248. tiques or furniture loose or cial, industrial, all city vio. ity breeding, AKC, shots, Evenings 774-9110. Days at our regular price of 15c broken? Excellent work. SNOW 3 DUPLEXES, both sides NTERIOR and exterior lations corrected. 881.8395. LA 6.7352. . per square foot. All work I , 775.7396. REMOVAL : $13,500. Open for offers. precious Christmas pres. painting and paper hang. ents. 517.351.5105 or 778. is guaranteed. Call now. Of. Active Real Estate Co., GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY ing. Reasonable rates, 30 FURNITURE il'efinilshed, reo 21\V-DRESSMAKING 754-2339 755-127~ Joseph Simon, 882-5444. 7076. fer expires at the stroke of paired, !Stripped, any type & TAILORING years experience. R'ay Bar. SNOW REMOVAL .• midnight, December 31, of caning. Free estimates, nowsky, 371-2384 after, 6 CUSTOM sewing and altera. Reasona ble Prices HOOVER 1976. p.m. 474-8953 or 956-7492. OUTSTANDING FIRST OFFERING FACTORY AUTHORIZED tions. Men and women's Commercial or Residential: 468-6077 ultra suede. 823,6837,822. Dependa ble . BY OWNER FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE HAPPY HOLIDAYS PROFESSIONAL painting, SPECIALIZING in c h air 5093. 882-0241 .• OCCUPANCY MUTUAL 'MAINTENANCE papering and staining. Free caning and imitation 'I1ISh POINTE VACUUM 6eat work. 771-4844. 1% story brick ranch on a quiet court. with a 2!h FREE PICKUP AND CORP. estimates. John Sacco car garage and large fenced yard. Grosse Pointe DELIVERY Italian journeyman. 371- WE SHAMPOO AND STEAM 21S-CARPENTER schools and Star of the Sea Parish. 1st' floor, NEW REBUILT PARTS 8988. CLEAN YOUR CARPET SERVICE living room with natural fireplace, formal dining To Advertise Under •. TU 1-0700' for 10c square foot. $30 DONALD BLISS LETO room and den. 2 bedroom and tile bath. Large 21002 MACK . JOANNA WESTERN rooms. Modernized kitchen with buiJt.ins and m I n i m u Ill. Couch, $30, Decorator BUILDING COMPANY chairs, $15, love seat, $25. Free Estimates Since 1911 WfN06w SHADES "GUIDE TO breakfast bay. 2nd floor, large bedroom with 21E-STORMS AND tw,) alcoves, full bath. Many built.in storoge Velvets. white, and bleed. TU 1-7050 Custom Building PAlNT SHufTUS .• 1INDS SCREENS ers, couch $35, chair $17. Family rooms our speciaUy, Il:,t,U'MANN GOOD SERVICE" closets and drawers. Attic fan. Basement a dream, 40 Years in Grosse Pointe STOftM OOOI!» ANO WINOO¥u love seats $30. PR 8.1680. alterations, kitchens. paneled, complete kitchen. Wet bar and ¥or bath. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CALL 882-6074 Gas H.A., new ell,ctronic air filter. TU 2.3222 AND WINDOWS. IMPERI. CALLEBS & SON JEFF'S WALLPAPER REMOVING AL DOORWALLS. FREE Carpet and Upholstery clean. QUALITY WORK by carpen. MOVE-IN CONDITION. 20057 BERNS CT. QUALITY GRA" TOP' ESTIMATES. ing. Fast drying. Free esti. ter with over 20 years ex. HANDY ANDY BY APPOI NTMENT 8~4-5197 Free Estimates - Insured All Home Repairs FRED'S STORM 839.4311 mates. Fully insured. 772. perience in Grosse Pointe. • CAlrpon'''I 0 R ..... eo;Ii.... 779.5235 9555. Kitchens remodeled,. base. SALES AND SERVICE • "-t.ri,., Paho,ti"'G & wan,..,."", EASTVIEW ments paneled, room addi. 'ISOII KEICHfVAL .' . • hok • Outten. & hM .. FRANZ MARTIN t;fltlf(Jrt,NJ 16-PnS FORSALE 21-1-PAINTING AND tions, etc. Ccnscientious. ... , of AI... 0 i. 1M ,."t AN WOtA PAPERHANGING TU 5.6000 ALUMINUM INC. DECORATING Small jobs acceptable. 882. B. F. GOODRICH 293.4184 - Free Estimates o-I~. 52..'173--52..7014 1004. V,INYL PRODUCTS BIRMINGHAM HUMANE SOCIETY LET A college student take , ALCOA BUILDING PROD. QUAUTY PAINTING i Peak Performance For Your. Auto - Hah It Tested With THESE PETS NEED LOVING HOMES SERVICE care of your painting jobs. , DIAGNOSTIC OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Storm Windows. Doors, Also, general house and CUSTOMCRAFT - 995 Awnings, Porch Enclosures INTERIOR- .,', . COMPUTER' only 524.1181 • 64702710 • 852.7821 building maintenance. Call Construction Company I SUN 2001 Siding - Seamless Gutters EXTERIOR Jim. 88s.I965. ~erbit£nt£r, ~nr. J.M. Seal Tab Roofing . mess's PURE BREDS-Beautiful Irish Setter, Boxer, Aire. 20 years professional BUILDERS'• Storm and Screen Repair CO LOR S by Ron & Jay. 15302 I. I.ft.rson at B.aconsfl.leI dale, Doberman, German Shepherd, German short experjence & REMODELERS haired Pointer, Old English Sheep Dog, Cocker Licensed, Insured, Bonded MATT FLETCHER Painting and wallpaper. . 8~2-5434 hanging. Reasonable. Elev. Spaniel-spayed, West Highland Terrier. LA 7-5616 or LA 7.7230 415~ Buckingham TU 6-41102 Additions,•Dormers 15030 Houston.Whittier en years experience. Free MIXED BREEDS - CAIRN TERRIER, Schnauzer, Rec. Rooms. Bathrooms JOHN'S PAINTING est i mat e s. Ailso carpet Kitchens, New Homes SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES German Shepherd, Golden Labrador-sp8yed, Si. 2O-GENERAL SERVICE Interior, exterior, patching, "steam" cleaning. 882.9500, berian Husky-spayed, Collie.Husky, Poodle, window puttying, caulking • FOR OVER '/.2 CENTURY 21J-WALL WASHING Custom Garages and Doors Cock.A.Poo, Pek.A.Poo. NEED HOUSE and plastering. wallpaper. ing. Free estimates. Good • Inry Sty" .f F.rte. PUPPIES - POODI,E.PULI, Australian Sheep Dog, REPAIRS? K. MAINTENANCE Com. Free Estimates and Planning Cocker SpanIel, Cooka.POD. Terri.poo, Malamute work. Reasonable prices. pan Y, Wail Washing, floor mix. Schnauzer mix, Terriers, Corgi mix (7 lbs. call Grosse Pointe trelerences. cleaning and waxing. Free FINANCING •ARRANGED .rect,,' 'or '" Can anytime. European. neutered). estimates. 882-0688. WA 1.&282 THE HOUSE John. 368-5098. • SIAMESE mixed black spayed and declawed, 7 DOCTOR 21K-WINDOW 881-1024 '"ell/clift, months. Other cats and kittens. Plumbing WHITEY'S WASHING Ch'in Link AII.St •• 1 and Electrical A non-profit charitable organization supported entire. • Wall Papering G.OLMIN • Alties • Porch Enclosures , Ru.tic Styl •• Painting Iy. by individual donations. All contributons tax • Interior Painting WINDOW CLEANING • Additions • Kitchens General Buildings deductible. • ReaS()nable Prices SERVICE • Commercial R. DUMAS • Good Work FREE ESTIMATES JIM SUTTON MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. WE WISH YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS. • Call - 'no job too small WE ARE INSURED 1677 Brys Drive 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL Signed the "Wee Ones". 886-4561 526-9987 372-3022 TUE 4.2942 TU 2.2436

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Thursday, December 16, 1976 _. GR;OSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-One



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Page Thirty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 16, 1976 * * * Feature Page * * * * Pointers of Interest Shortandto FromAnother Pointe of View] fiJ-

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