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The BG News March 16, 2006

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DISAPPOINTING: The BG hockey team looks to PM SHOWERS rebuild after frustrating I [Kill 41 LOW 24 season; PAGE 11 independent student press VOLUME 100 ISSUE 116

Wood County Traveling south of the border library looks into new lot Spanish 395 students live out what they have prepared for all semester for parking By Meaghan Geraghty poverty in Mexico. HEP0RIER Thus, the class was divid- With passports in hand and ed and groups served at two Re-zoning restrictions freshly exchanged pesos in differing local organizations, slow new addition to pocket. I along with 18 other Caritas and Matraca. Caritas. University students furthered an organization which kept its library parking area our study on the effects of glo- Catholic religious affiliations, By Knsten Vasas balisation as we journeyed offeied many services to area REPORTER to Mexico City and then onto homeless and disadvantaged The expanse of yellow dust and Xalapa. Mexico over spring including: pharmacy services, break. mud that now sits on the corner soup kitchens and low-cosl of North Church and West Court Our trip to Xalapa and study child-care whilealso providing streets is still just that: a sandy, at the University of Vera Cruz clothing and shoes to needy barren tract. was the main focus of our Mexican families. The lot, which at one time was Spanish 395's class syllabus Alternatively, while Caritas occupied by a two-story while his- along with academic prepara- took care oT the Immediate toric home surrounded by hun- tions made for our trip through needs of the locals. Matraca dred-year-old tiees, was razed in class readings and lectures lead focused on teaching much August in order to make room for by Federico Chalupa. profes- needed skills to the forgotten a new |>arking lot for the Wood sor and chair of the Romance children of Mexico — those liv- Language Department. County District Public library. ingand working in the streetsof I he library intended to pur- Yet, even with Mexico. chase the plot of land from much prepara- Freshman and tion nothing could Robert Maurer. the property's fellow University owner and local real estate officially prepare favorite part classmate Angela the entirety of our developer after the land was re- of the trip Cogar, recently zoned by City COundl from an classes for the dif- was being reminisced about R-2 Single Family Residential to fering experiences her favorite part of an 1-1 Institutional lot. we were to face. able to hang the trip. She high- However, in October council Stepping off the out with the lighted a time when members voted unanimously plane our adventure a child street worker 6-0, against zoning changes for began with a large locals..." was particularly the property according to Maya dose of reality as persistent about JEN STACY, JUNIOR Quinn. we found ourselves getting classmates Also, in lanuary Maurer with- forced to communi- to buy roses she drew the re-zoning request undei cate in a language which was was selling Instead of giving the instructions of the library itsell fluent only to a select few in our her money the group bought due to the controversy that the group. But fortunately we were her food, Cogar said. parking lot had caused within the able to navigate around Mexico "My most memorable part community, City with few difficulties. of our trip was taking an area Now the library is in the pro- We made our way to the working girl out to dinner with cess of selling another one of Tapo Bus station for the main our entire class. It was not their properties: the historic brick part of our visit to Xalapa, and planned it just sorta happened Muirhouseon North Church that then stayed with local host — twice," she said. also was involved in the August families and studied alongside Afternoons on the trip were excavation. Mexican college students at the a bit more relaxing as we spent The library bought the property University of Vera Cruz. time enjoying the traditional for S250,000'on )ulv 28 and hopes Our week was tightly filled aspects of Mexican culture to sell the house for $150,000, with community service in the which included long lunches Maurer's property is also being morning and lectures in the with our host families and sies- sold for $150,000.' evening. Morning service work tas (afternoon naps). According to library Director was an essential aspect for stu- Following (he traditional lilaine Paulett, the library board HISTORIC: A side view of pyramids that students discovered off the beaten path in the lungi dents to experience first-hand pyramids were all religious temples, some of which were first discovered in the late 1800s. how globalization perpetuated TRIP, PAGE 6 LIBRARY, PAGE 6

Speaker argues for the SUNSHINE WEEK OPEN (iOVERNAIKXT SERIES ' rights of Latino youth Information access laws restricted Ohioans deal with tion. in response to the Sept. 11 ter- Ohio House voted to allow restrictions Lack of opportunities, 100 years, but we're still Latinos," The Department of Health rorist attacks and out of more on what reporters can access. PAGE 7 Viramontez-Anguiano said, inability to get public acceptance surround denied access to the material general concerns about privacy FBI unit infiltrates peace group that adding that the Latino youth records since Sept. 11 by citing a new law allowing raised by identity theft and the opposed Iraqi invasion. PAGE 10 Hispanic children in America should still embody the agency to hold back such Internet's growth. their culture even though they By Andrew Welsh-Higgins records during a health crisis. Rep. Bill Seitz, an advocate By Cassandra Shofar have been brought up around THE ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTER None of the six state laws of protecting personal infor- more and more records with Midwestern mainstream influ- COLUMBUS — When hun- dealing with records that mation contained in public more and more potential to Imagine being in the land ences and culture. dreds of people became ill on were enacted since 2001 made records, said the changes law- destroy people's privacy, we of opportunity, seeing that "The reality of it is that these a Lake Brie resort island two it easier for Ohioans to get makers have made are respon- need to rein in those which American dream, but never qu ite children are caught between two years ago, businesses eager for information maintained by sible reactions to the Internet have that potential." said Seitz, able to grab it worlds," Viramontez-Anguiano answers asked the state for the schools, cities and state agen- age. This is the case for many Latino said. "Fncourage our children to results of its ongoing investiga- cies. Restrictions wereapproved "As we continue to create SUNSHINE, PAGE 6 and Hispanic children who ate embrace their culture and lan- not considered American resi- guage, even if it [is) Spanglish." dents and arc therefore denied The way for I-atino youth to higher education. take a place on their communi- This issue was part of a pre- ties social table is tograduate, said sentation called "Hispanic/ Viramontez-Anguiano, adding Balance in marriage keeps it together Latino Aspects of Education in that college education for latinos Our Community," presented by and llispanics allows them to Ruben Viramontez-Anguiano, become United States residents Professor's study gives cian for the Center for Family income and contributing to complexities within marriages. assistant professor in the school and then citizens. Therefore they and Demographic Research, is childcare. The term equitable, when of family and consumer sciences can pay higher taxes and become four factors to help currently under review Wendy Manning, relating to marriage, is defined at the University. a part of the middle class. couples' relationships by a social-psychology director of the by DeMaris as "the extent that Viramontez-Anguiano was "Our children should have, journal. Center for Family each spouse's rewards from the one of two speakers at the whether Latino or immigrated By Nifcki lardine The study focused and Demographic marriage are proportionate to Commission on Hispanic/Latino Latino, the same opportunities as REPOBTER in on four major fac- Research, said "as a their contributions." Affairs meeting yesterday after- other children in this country do," The amount of give and take in tors that can cause a sociologist, 1 would say One finding showed wives noon in Olscamp. a marriage can have an effect higher risk of divorce these results are con- were more aware of how bal- "We've been here for almost LATINO, PAGE 6 on how likely a couple is to stay when spouses contri- sistent with the litera- anced and fair they considered together. bution is uneven. The ture and seem to follow their marriages, regardless of The findings in the study four factors included AL DEMARIS patterns observed." how happy or unhappy they "The Role of Relationship how fairly each spouse PROFESSOR Manning said one were in the marriage. The hus- 'WITHOUT A TRACE': FCC imposes fines on Inequity in Marital Disruption," contributed to spend- good thing about bands on the other hand, were conducted by Al DeMaris, pro- ing money, contributing to DeMaris' study was how he CBS for sexual indecencies in program; PAGE 10 fessor of sociology and statisti- household chores, working for reflected some of the real-life MARRIAGE. PAGE 2

FOUR-DAY FORECAST FR,DAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY The four-day forecast is taken Cloudy High: 38' Snow 1 Ugh: 35' Sunny High: 37' Sunny High: 39' from Low: 20' Showers Low: 18' Low: 21' Inw- 25"

FOR ALL THE NEWS VISIT WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Thursday. March 16,2006 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Poverty too common in cities Professor speaks will prosper. Blair also gave banization of regions, and lack a 7-11. And a grocery store, for the example that many poli- of effective public transporta- example, would add to the econ- out about inner city cies help the wealthy. Blair tion, people are unable to get to omy as people of the area would transportation, jobs explained that the idea behind their jobs. have jobs there and spend their the policy is that if the wealthy "What good does it do to hear a money in the area By Meghan DurbaK are doing well, they will spend plant is hiring 20 miles from your But often times people don't REPORTER more money which will help home if you can't get there?" he know how to communicate with Half a mile stands between the everyone in the economy. asked. institutions like banks so they can impoverished unemployed and With this idea in mind, what Another problem Blair could get the loans necessary to open a the thriving new shopping center Blair wanted to know was if the see is that many impoverished local business. in Dayton. metropolitan areas were thriv- people have been unable to "And there are opportunities Jordan Flower BGMews That shopping center, along ing, would the inner cities ben- obtain either the technical or for entrepreneurs to make profits UNITING: Chelsea Lambdin spoke yesterday at the Brown Bag Luncheon with others like it all over the efit as well? behavioral skills necessary in inner cities," Blair about words against women. The event happens every Wednesday. country, has several job positions After surveying some of the to work in the metropolitan said. that need to be rilled. But as the poorest neighborhoods in the jobs that would better their After listening bus stop falls half a mile short for country and applying numerous financial situation. intently to Blair's those who can't afford a car, so economic theories addressing "Some of these people presentation, junior Talk on global issues does the opportunity to get work. the issue of poverty, Blair con- you wouldn't hire if they Summer Donaldson And while the region surround- cluded that the problems inner were free," Blair said. had a question for ing the mall will prosper eco- cities face "are probably going to But the biggest problem him. Growing up in encourages activism nomically, lohn 1' Blair, a Wright get worse." Blair could see was the lack Detroit, Donaldson State economics professor, said As of 2004, The U.S. Census of communication among said that one reason Women could impact abortion clinics outside of the iOHN P. BLAIR United States. the inner city areas will be left reported 37 million people in the institutions involved in the PROFESSOR people in urban areas behind. United States living in poverty, inner city communities and were unable to get world, students say in Because of this, 500,000 women Working with the University's 12.7 percent of the population. In those of the metropolitan ahead was because Brown Bag Luncheon are dying of unsafe or illegal abor- Center for Regional Development, fact, the number of people living areas. Blair said that often people people in suburbs didn't cam She tions each year, according to con- Blair gave a presentation yester- in poverty, many living in inner tried to improve inner cities by said these people seem to ask, By Addie Curlis ference attendees. REPORTER day on his research looking at cities, had increased from the focusing on housing And while "Why should I help the inner city? Due to the millions of dollars the relationship between inner previous year. he did not want to discount those My economics are fine" Many Americans consider the cut from the budget, the Planned city neighborhoods and regional But why? activities as important, he said While she agreed with much of United States to be the number Parenthood in Bowling Green was development. Using the economic theories the focus should he on opening Blair's presentation, Donaldson one country. But despite being shut down. Using an old expression, Blair on poverty as a reference point. businesses up in the inner cities. wished he would provide mote one of the richest countries, Ninety-one percent of coun- asked, "Does a rising tide lift all Blair gave several explanations as He said that when interview- solutions. the United States ranks 11th in ties in the United States do not boats?" to why people living in poor inner ing residents of these poor inner ()ne solution Blair did offer was terms of donations to provide for have abortion clinics provided He was referring to the the- city neighborhoods arc often city neighborhoods, a comment direct linkage programs I Ic said health benefits and family plan- for them. ory that if a policy helps one unable to get ahead. several people make is that they ning services. "I think students should write to region specifically, all regions One idea was that with subur- need a grocery store other than INNER CITY, PAGE 6 In light of March being Wbmen's die University on the importance I listory Month, five students who of educating people on abor- attended a feminism conference tion so everyone can be heard," discussed these and other findings said Luce Tomlin-Brenncr, who at the Women's Center Brown Bag attended the conference. luncheon yesterday afternoon. Secondly, they discussed how The conference took place in oil usage is a main concern con- Equity perceptions lead to divorce early November at Case V\festem sidering Ohio has the most popu- Deserve University in Cleveland. lated air in the country, and the It showed the importance of possibility of cutting die country's MARRIAGE, FROM PAGE 1 "Objectively, the greater the butions to paid labor and to was definitely well-conducted global issues being brought into oil use in half by the year 2020. husbands' contributions in the housework, the lower the risk of and considers DeMaris to be a the light and making people aware Some tips to think about include only aware of the levels of fair- areas from physical disability divorce," accordingto DeMaris. top scholar at the University. of their seriousness. bringing your own bag to the gro- ness when they reported to be and closeness to the spouses' In disenchanted marriages, "I've never seen anything "Our university could really cery store, using paper instead of unhappy in the marriage. kin, the greater the risk of however, the "greater the hus- had from him," Osgood said of impact others globally consider- plastic bags and riding your bike The study looked at both sub- divorce," DeMaris said. bands' contribution to these DeMaris' research. "It makes ing we are a group of 20,000 peo- instead of using fuel. jective and objective aspects of There's also significant find- areas, the greater the risk of sense when you think it through ple," said Chelsea Lambdin, who Another session die students marital equity, or the balance of ings in the differences between divorce," DeMaris said. The — (the inequityl would be a attended the conference. attended was entitled "ladies each individual spouses' input a well-functioning marriage, more spouses focus on their cause for problems," she said. The students discussed each First" and dealt with women and and output in the marriage. verses a disenchanted marriage individual needs, instead of the The study included 1500 cou- session they attended in much hunger. The subjective findings — where spouses are more needs of the couple, the risk of ples who have been married less detail. More than one million people showed that "only wives' per- focused on individual needs divorce increases. than 20yearsand have children Family planning was discussed, live on less than SI a day and this ceptions regarding equity mat- as opposed to the needs of a The study was well conduct- between the ages of 5 and 18. and how the United States isn't is usually women and children. tered. In particular, the more couple as a unit. ed based on the presentation The first portion of the study doing all it could be — Instead "Chronic hunger cannot be the wife felt under-benefited, The well-functioning mar- said Aurea Osgood, a sociology involved face-to-face interviews giving only one-third of what solved by just food," Tomlin- the greater the risk of divorce riages showed "the greater graduate student. with the couples between 1987 was promised for health benefits, Brenner said. "People need edu- was," according to DeMaris. the husbands' relative contri- Manning said the research and 1988. The second part of reproductive and family planning cation, good jobs and therefore the study was telephone inter- services. higher income." views with the same couples The global gag rule was also between 1992 and 1994. introduced, denying money to WOMEN, PAGE 6 this Summer... take a course or two at Cleveland State University ...and transfer those credits back to the college you're attending. Spend it with us • More than 900 courses • Accelerate your degree program... Green Beer All Day or get back on schedule $1.75 Drafts • Complete general education courses • Complete a two-semester science course sequence in $2.50 Cherry Bombs just 12 weeks! Biology, Chemistry or Physics • Affordable tuition Open at 8:00am • Day and evening classes Free Breakfast • Easy admission and registration Sausage, Eggs, Bacon, Hash Browns, Toast Check out our course schedule and download a visiting student application at 9:00am - 1:00pm Jeremy Cullpepper Or call toll-free 9:00pm - close 1-888-CSU-0HI0 Make the smart choice this summer...choose... Nick Brownell Cleveland State University WWW.BGNEWS.COM Thursday. March 16. 2006 3

COUNCIL HOLDS BROWN BAG LUNCHEON Hie Native American Unity Council will hold a brown bag talk with guest speaker Lynda Dixon (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma). The talk is tided "Mamaw's House," and is about Dixon's Cherokee grandmother. The event will take place today from noon to 1 p.m. in 103 East Hall and is open to the public. CAMPUS NEW HEIGHTS Pro Musica provides travel funding for music students Endowments aid Students are fortunate to nun seKes in ways that they couldn't master teachers and other stu- do otherwise. undergrads in higher dents, but they are also expi 8© I Kisnta Ionian, a second-year level competitions to other cultures as well. graduate assistant, received aid "In , they experience the from Pro Musica when she took By Brian Pauline art of Florence. The city is a phe- part in a two-day competition in IEP0STER nomenon itself, you get a com- Akron. .Although Ionian didn't Music students looking to take pletely different kind of experi- heai about Pro Musica until her trips or compete in interna- ence there." Cormier said. second semester, she applied tional competitions can get Students get exposed to lan- In the fall of 2(105 and received help deferring the cost through guage, food, art and help in paying for Pro Musica. customs thai an'mil "To have the an accompanist and Through two programs, grants their own, she said. I ravel expenses. and scholarships, students uish- Pro Musica gives resource According to ing to compete at higher levels students the oppor- of Pro Ionian, the problem can receive aid for domestic tunity to raise their is coming up with and international travel. The standard and com- Musica was the money to travel pare themselves to Jordan Flown BGNews money is donated by friends of a lot more up front, but I'm HEEL FLIPPING: Senior Ryan Beavers 180s the six set in front of the math and science building. the University and pays for stu- students all around helpful than Musica helped her Beavers was out with the warm weather killing time before he goes to set up his art piece for dents to travel to competitions the world. to participate in an display in the art building. and conferences. "I think it is impor- investing audition lour. Pro Musica President Ramona tant to see how the) "Most times, (.(irmier said it allows students to rank with other out and people use it |Pro compete and take master classes dents, and you gel never getting Musical for confer- in an effort to broaden the experi- to do this when you ences, auditions oi ence that diey otherwise couldn't travel and perform,'' anything competitions and get in BowUns Green. Cormier said. hack." traveling to other Students have traveled to Richard Kennell, states and other KISMA JORDAN, Greece, Ghana, and dcanof the College of regions.'' Ionian said. GRADUATE ASSISTANT with Pro Musica awards Musical Arts, agrees "You have the oppor- of SSOO for travel abroad and that it gives students tunity to take your- S3S0 for domestic travel. a broadening perspective. He self out of your counterparts While there's no criteria that has seen many student winners and out of Howling Green. a student must meet to be con- at national conferences. Ionian prepares for fall region sidered for a grant or scholar "All die students are winners al opera companies who do ship, the student must be an because they are prepared to com- auditions for the next year. She getaJifehtlp-V/owils.bgsiu'du/ undergraduate and enrolled in a pete at diat level Kennell said. auditioned with the Pittsburgh Baccalaureate program. Kennell wants to promote Opera Center. membership by increasing con- 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The American Marketing Union Lobby Cormier wants to increase the "To have the resource of Pro tributions, which are allocated Musica was a lot more help- Research Project Clinics Association will be selling St. endowment to cover more schol- arships. Funding comes from to students. ful than investing out and The University Libraries once Patrick's Day items 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. membership fees and gifts. Students who are Interested never gelling anything back," again offer Research Project Union Lobby h2o Live In her two years as president in receiving money through Pro lordan said. Clinics (RPCs) to undergradu- Hang out with hundreds of of Pro Musica, Cormier has wit- Musica need to talk to their pro According to lordan, the feed- ate students. RPCs provide 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. students who want to get their nessed students compete at the fessor and fill out an application back from the Pittsburgh Opera undergraduate students with the DM Sweatpants Sale questions about God answered. highest level. form. A board critiques the pro was positive and encouraged opportunity to work one-on-one Sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega For more information: www. "We have a student that has posal and makes their decision. her to keep on, It allowed her with a librarian on a specific Union Lobby been admitted to a program in According to Kennell, Pro to be focused and rest assured research assignment. RPCs are Union Multi-Purpose Room Prance It's the center for die study Musica gives opportunities for rhat she could he her best for offered Mondays through Fridays, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in saxophone," Cormier said. students to challenge them her audition. from March 13 to April 7. For more Hunger Banquet Sign-up information call the reference Sponsored by Campus desk at 372-6943. Involvement Jerome Library Union Lobby

10 a.m.-2 p.m. 11a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pot O'Luck Drawing Tech Trends: Podcasting - An Sponsored by American Red Cross Apple Presentation BGSU Chapter This presentation by Jeff Feeman Union Lobby 01 Apple Computer will provide an overview of the recording, editing, 10- 11.30a.m.,2- 3 p.m. and publishing processes involved Soccer Raffle with podcasting and Apple's new Women's Soccer will be raffling initiative called iTunes U. off certificates, a laptop, and a 201 Union digital camera Unio" Lobby 2 - 5 p.m. Sales of St. Party's Day Gear 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sponsored by Delta Zeta Jabberwock Ticket Sales Union Lobby Sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Union Lobby 2:30 - 4 p.m. Dinner Ticket Sales 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sponsored by For Your Lollipop Sale Intertainment Sponsored by Sigma Kappa Union Lobby Union Lobby 2:30-4:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Fall Survey Nutrition Month Info Sponsored by UAO Sponsored by Bacchus/Gamma Union Lobby Union Lobby 3 - 5 p.m. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Gamingfest Info St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser Sponsored by the Gaming Society Ribs

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> 4 Thursday. March 16.2006 WWW.BGNEWS.COM QliH'KI \groiK "Every clay that goes by is a day that per- mits the Iranians to get closer to a nuclear weapons capability."

US Ambassador John Bolton. OxBtofiawn) OPINION ST.UTKDITOMAI. Bad planning ends in empty lot

1 I lu ra/ed to make way for YOU DECIDE a real estate developer, who, inci- there for up to two years. tion of more parking, they can't safely demolish a building but the new Wood County 1 jbrary dentally, is also the [K-rson who According to Paulett, the enjoy the dusty square sitting only one sentence mentioning |).u kiiij; lot is silling just as il was What do you think should be had the lot razed. Maurer property will not be avail- in limbo. that "No person shall demolish a Mi seven months ago: empty done with the empty lot? Send It seems that die library and the able for sale to the library until Most blame for this empty lot building or other structure with- The fact thai a historic two- an e-mail to thenews@bgnews city haw done this entire transac- 2008. In the meantime, the lot sits fiasco lies with city administra- out obtaining a permit from the story house and several trees com and tell us what you think, tion backward. The lot was razed there, collecting weeds. tors. They allowed demolition of public works director." more than a hundred years old or post feedback on our Web in anticipation of the library Maurer needs to either apply a centrally located building that This is too weak. Property own- were demolished an whal origi- site parking lot before the library ever for re-zoning and sell the prop- WM not only functional, but his- ers should be required to notify nalh laised controversy in the owned the property. The city gave erty to the library or put the lot toric — all without making sure the neighborhood of planned community Maurer the |)ermit to demolish back on the residential market. the owner had any feasible plans. demolitions, just as they current- Now community members are regarding the lot in the future. die building, despite the fact that If that isn't possible, he should Those same administrators ly must for planned re-zonings. arguing there is no need to put in What is shocking about the sit- the house was occupiable. work with local leaders to make must show that they've learned The city must prevent prop- any additional parking, library uation is the library does not even Now die city of Bowling Green a temporary park of the property. from the situation. Currently, erty owners from tearing down Director. Maine I'atilrtt says the own the property yet. The prop- is left with an eyesore in the mid- While the community may or the city's ordinances spend six more real buddings for imagi- library will be holdingdiscussions erty is owned by Robert Maurer, dle of downtown and it may sit may not agree with the installa- pages telling exactly how to nary pipe dreams

•yriv KILSTOTIIKKDITOR, PEOPLE BG needs stricter ON THE STREET smoking bans to oiler line-item vetoes for medi- dent input was ignored and that Core values cal procedures we do not need students deserve for the Board to more vulnerable to disease access to or about which we hold have transparent meetings. What are your plans Regardless, this should be a supported by some moral disagreement. As an at-large senator in for St. Patrick's Day? wake up call to revive the efforts lor instance, let us imagine the Undergraduate Student to make Ohio smoke-free. Board decision dial a number of students find Government I represent all Opinion Columnist A Newsweek article shows sta- meat-eaters' lifestyle damaging, undergraduate students and I tistics that women are more vul- [he Hoard of Trustees decision dangerous, and immoral. Such a will work on this issue to die best This spring break I headed nerable lo lung cancer than men to make the abortion clause of position does not mean diat diese of my ability. In return, I request to Connecticut to visit a and when they are diagnosed the student health insurance students haw a right to require your support in writing members friend, and for those of with lung cancer, they "...usually plan optional is not only fair, but meat-eaters to pay additional fees of the Board of Trustees lo express you thai haven't been there, it's have had less tobacco exposure also sup|M>rts the University's for the cardiovascular nigliDiiares your opinion and demand pretty nice. than men to get the disease, and values initiative". HGSU's dial undoubtedly await their mor- your right to some answers at The beach is always nearby, they're more likely to be diag- BC.Xperience program encour- ally questionable lifestyle choices. l>gsulili("\ and are nosed at an earlier age..." ages students to think critically Of course I am being sarcastic, within a two-hour drive and die I don't think our generation is .ihoui his or her personal values but die similarity between die fic- NIK1MESSM0RE JENNY P0MERANTZ Appalachian Mountains create concerned enough about this and act accordingly tionalized "radical vegans" I speak UNDERGRADUATE SOPHOMORE, a more diverse landscape than issue. Only 11 out of 50 states Those students who took it about and diose who want to nmcssmo&' pancake-flat Ohio. have passed strong smoke-free upon themselves to voice their resold women's access to medical HOSPITALITY But the one thing that really laws. concerns about abortion being a procedures is not a far stretch. Logic leads MANAGEMENT struck me about Connecticut According to the part of die insurance plan were was the fact that I was able to SmokeFreeOhio Web site, Toledo, simply doing what the University IUILEHAUGHT 'To be the only one in walk out of a liar or restaurant and Bowling Green are encourages them to do. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT to selective class. without the stench of smoke per- among the 21 Ohio cities that It is unjust to irquire a student walterit" meating my clothes and hair. have passed smoke-free laws to pay for something to which he responsibility As I entered a bar with my — hold up Bowling Green is on (ir she is morally opposed and an Disrespect of friend 1 noticed the smokers were that list? institution of higher education Thank you, Mr. Green, for forced to come outside to enjoy The last time I went to a bar in should avoid putting a student in your provocative thoughts in their cigarettes. Bowling Green, I'm pretty sure I that position all togedier. students comes Wednesday's BG News. According to smokefreeworld. went home feeling like I smoked There are literally lives at stake. I invite you to reconsider your com. in Connecticut in 2003 at least a pack of cigarettes. Abortion is the most funda- from Board logic though: Those who smoke, smoking was banned in the According to the Bowling mental social justice issue in drink to excess, overeat, engage in workplace, including restaurants Green Code of Ordinances, society today and there needs to All over Ohio public officiaLs have violent sports, or, for that matter, STEVE MORRIS and bars. smoking is limited to bar areas he an option for those who are been accused of ethics violations. risk contracting STDs, should like- Ohio isn't a smoke-free state, whether they be in a restaurant or op|M>scd toahonion. So why should we be surprised wise, according to your thinking FRESHMAN, FINE ARTS but in February. Columbus not, and only restaurants without 1 am offering my support for when our own Board of Trustees pay extra for health insurance "Head up to Toledo celebrated its one-year anni- bars proliibil smoking entirely. the decision to make the abortion discusses an important policy It is curious that you would versary for a smoking ban in This ordinance isn't good CO\ Brags optional. Every person decision regarding the waiv- choose selectively to teach per- to hang out with restaurants and bars. However, enough for me and it shouldn't has the right ;uid duty to follow er health insurance in a closed sonal responsibility. friends." according to the Columbus be good enough for others that his or her conscience and tilis meeting without any student Dispatch the smoking ban is live here. option will allow for students to leaders or media? TIMOTHY P0GACAR still a contentious issue. Bar owners focus on the thoroughly examine their con- The Health Services Advisory FACULTY MEMBER Some people appreciate the monetary losses involved with sciences, so they can act accord- Committee provided dieir health cleaner air but others have a a smoke-free bar, but there are ing to their "values". insurance recommendation that problem with it. benefits. As one of the students who included a legal medical proce- Health care Those that are against the ban Employees who don't smoke went around collecting signatures dure (abortion) that a majority of say that it affects revenue for work in a safer environment, to support taking abortion out of students supported. bars and restaurants and that non-smokers aren't exposed the coverage, I found that many Yet, the Board, who pride them- option proves 1 people don't have to enter a bar to second-hand smoke and students wen very willing to sign. selves on BGSU's Cxtre Values, that allows smoking if they don't maybe some smokers will quit This is not a "gray area" kind of which include "Respect for One democratic JOROIAN ROSS want to. if they can't smoke in most issue. Students simply should not Another," disrespected the entire I however, feel it's my right to public places. In- required to pay for something student population by choos- Not to keep dragging out this FRESHMAN, breathe clean air and I shouldn't they are against. A fall 2004 survey by the ing to speak in a closed meet- insurance plan situation, but it ELECTRONICS AND have to choose where I spend Wellness Connection showed ing where they cannot be held irritates me to see that the com- my money based on if smoking that 30 percent of students on LAUREN WAITER accountable. COMPUTER TECH mittee who was supposedly not is allowed. campus smoked a cigarette dur- UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT IK iSI I claims it has "shared heard in this closed session widi Til probably find a The topic of smoking bans ing the last 30 days. walterk" governance" and dial students are the trustees thinks everything little party and wear has faded from the headlines in This is a pretty high number included in decision-making. they did was for all BG students. recent months but the death of and the issue of smoking is big But on March 3 our governing green." Floodgates I beg to differ. Dana Reeve should spur people statistically, but it isn't getting a Ixxly scorned that idea and decid- As a pro-life supporter, I lo again take notice of the issue. lot of attention on campus. opened by ed to reject a recommendation would not hesitate to find thai Dana Reeve was the wife A stricter smoking ban in IISAC spent months researching "comparable insurance" to the of paralyzed "Superman" star Bowling Green is the first of many It is clear students must start University's plan because I do Christopher Reeve who died in steps to creating a smoke-free compromise asking the hard questions. Now not want any part in abortion. 2004. Ohio dial die Board has shown their The plan that is now $60 is still Dana Reeve announced her This is a student issue and it's The University's decision to not disregard for the shared gover- much better than an upward diagnosis of lung cancer last one that student organizations provide mandatory coverage nance and student input, who fee of $400 you would find at an summer and she had never been should address and bring to the for abortion procedures is dis- knows what else they will decide abortion clinic. Now eivryone a smoker. She died a week and forefront criminatory and is in no way a for us next without hearing our has the option on whether or SAMANTHA a half ago on March 6 — only compromise. opinions? Having a smoking ban won't not they want part in this part of seven months after she was diag- solve all our health problems but The only thing compromised Their personal opinion and PENINGT0N the plan. How is that not demo- nosed at the age of 44. it will decrease our risk of lung in the University's decision is political affiliations should not cratic? SENIOR, SOCIOLOGY Experts suggest her time spent cancer and we'll all breathe a women's health. The burden of sway their vote because they singing in smoky bars in the little bener. the additional SfiO for abortion are here for us. the students STEPHANIE THEAKER "I'll be at the bars at 1980s could have increased her coverage is unfair. Group health Students deserve to hear the UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT 1 6:00 a.m." risk, or the stress of caring for her Send comments to Erin at insurance plans arc not intended Board's explanations on why stu- theakesl ' husband might have made her [email protected]. •8**

LAREN WEBER MANAGING EDITOR BRIDGET THARP CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR HOLLY ABRAMS CITY NEWS EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy ANDREA SLIVKA FEATURES EDITOR BGNEWS MATT CLARK IN FOCUS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR arc lo be fewer POLICIES E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an attach- than MO words. These are usually Letters to the Editor and Guest JESS WA6NER PULSE EDITOR ment to [email protected] BOB MOSER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF in response lo a current issue on the Columns are printed as space on the with the subject line marked "Letter BRANDON NOBLE DESIGN EDITOR University's campus or the Bowling Opinion Page permits. Additional to the EaWor "Guest Cohimn."Only Green area. Letters to the Editor or Guest 210 West Hall AMY OEHRING ONLINE EDITOR e-mailed letters and columns will be Columns may be published online. considered for printing. All letters are Bowling Green State University RYAN AUTULLO SPORTS EDITOR GUEST COLUMNS are kmger pieces Name, year and phone number subject to review for length and clarity Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 ERIN BZYMEK 0PN0N EDITOR between 600 and 800 words. These should l\' included for verification before printing. Phone:(419)372-6966 are usually also in response to a cur- purposes. Personal attacks, unverified JULIE DIFRANCO PHOTO EDITOR K-mail: thenewstn' rent issue on the University's campus information or anonymous submis- Opinion columns do not necessarily Web site: PATRICK MAYNARD COPY CHIEF or the Bowling Green area. sions will not be printed. reflect the views of The BG News. I WWW.BGNEWS.COM OPINION Thursday. March 16.2006 5 Bush censure proposal gives terrorists a sense of victory sity in the form of response lust imagine what would DAN to emergencies. It anticipates happen if the shoe were on the LIPIAN that events will occur or situa- other foot. tions will arise that we cannot Imagine if a bunch of Opinion Colunmist anticipate through our laws; Al-Qaeda leaders went on Al- d it anticipates what we cannot lazeera, stood on their camels, Wilhout question, anticipate. and proclaimed that Bin laden Americans are liv- The legislative and the judi- was a failure, he is taking us ing through the most cial powers (and the executive down the wrong path, and dark and dangerous times in insofar as it merely executes somebody needs to find him the history of our great coun- laws) represent our choices as and behead him. try, liver since September 11, the) base been fixed in law. our What do you think the the threat of another terror- foresight as far as it goes. American people's reaction ist attack has permeated our The Constitution mixes would be? We would exuber- hearts and minds. choice and necessity, reflecting antly exclaim "we are winning! As a result, the men and our desire for self-government Well thanks to Russ Feingold, women of the government (which takes effect in our leg- that is exactly the message that Ben Siiiml. courtesy ol Th« Associjtion ot Hmtrican Editorial Cartoonists are trying their utmost to islation) and our recognition we are giving the terrorists who ensure that we will be safe of the limitations of human want to blow up our buildings from terrorism. foresight and the Imperfection and kill us. But what happens when of human laws.' The terrorists think they are individuals within the govern- Even Democrats agree with winning, I hey are in Iraq right ment that are duty bound to these findings. now blowing tip and beheading Board of Trustees gets an protect us are actually the ones On Monday, senators from out brave men and women. undermining our legitimate both aisles of the political livery time we achieve a efforts in the war on terror? spectrum voiced small victory, Perhaps we should ask their disapproval "...he/Sen. demoralize them, undeserved reputation Democratic Senator Russ ofFeingold's and make prog- Feingold of Wisconsin who accusations. Russ Feingold] had the opportunity to speak ress, men like Russ MIKE University for the Sebo Athletic is a prime offender, favor- Speaking knows full Feingold come with each member, I gave them < enter. They've established the ing virulent politicizing and on the floor right along and WOODALI. our support information, and Bob and Karen Sebo lecture obfuscation over the protec- of the senate. well that the demagogue I he discussed the cause. Series, a seminar for entrepre- tion of our nation. Democratic President President, give One section of the meeting neurs. They've even been recog- A few days ago, Feingold pro- Senator )oe the terrorists the Guest Columnist was "closed door." The executive nized by Falcon Athletics with an posed that congress censure I.ieberman of had every emotional ammu- session is a time where mistees I lonoraryVarsity letter. President Bush as a possible Connecticut right to use nition they need, speak with legal council and dis- Debra Ryan donated first step toward impeachment argued that, "this and essentially Since the decision was cuss legal matters. 250,000 dollars to create the for authorizing the wiretapping Iwiretappingl is a wiretapping embolden them reached to make the abor- The Board didn't "hide" in the "Patrick L and Debra Schectz of terrorists hiding in America. critically impor- as a means to continue their tion coverage in closed meeting It was legal, and Ryan Endowed Professorship According to Mr. Feingold, tant program to insurgency. the insurance policy there's been in accordance with the Sunshine in Biology." "what the President did, by the prevention of prevention It is time for unfair assaults against the Hoard I aws ol Ohio. I low do I know this? Raquel Colon has been consciously and intentionally of terrorist acts by way of these dissemina- ofTrustccs. I had a copyofthe Sunshine laws the President of the latino violating the Constitution and here in the United the executive tors of misinfor- Seeing as I, coordinator of the with me. Student Union. the laws of this country with States, and I do mation to be quiet, students against abortion cover- They may have talked about They sponsor "The Board of this illegal wiretapping has to not know a per- power clause." stop playing poli- age. attended the Hoard's March 3 the coverage, but everyone was Trustees leadership Scholarship" be answered." son here in the tics, and rernembei meeting, 1 feel it's necessary lo set given the (>j>|>ortunity to have which gives thousands to stu- He went on to accuse the Senate who is what the great the record straight. their opinions heard. dents. The Board doesn't deserve presidenfofacting"asif against this program." I homas lefferson once said: "II Ilnda Dohb. executive vice \.\li\l had the opportunity. the reputation they've been given. the Bill of Rights and the Ueberman and the other the present congress errs in too president of BGSU, and secretary I ISA(: and US( i members had the I'm sure the supporters of the Constitution were repealed on Senators exp< isetl I ei ngi >ld for much talking, how can it be of the Hoard of Trustees, ensured opponuiiiry. every student had health care plan cherished the September 11." playing politics and as a result, Otherwise in a body to which me all Board meetings were open the opportunity, but none took it. Board when they voted to make il I find Feingold's vociferous the ostentatious Senator from the people send one hundred to the public. I he Board of Trustees aren't a mandatory for all students. pontificating to be quite absurd Wisconsin ran off the floor of and fifty lawyers, whose trade it At the I irclanris meeting we secretive group as VVagener and The Board did have a say, as because he knows full well that the Senate like a little coward is to question everything, yield were greeted and invited to sit in Khoury have displayed them. we all did, but they didn't have the President had every right while Senator Aden Specter of nothing, and talk by the hour?" on committee meetings. I was At that meeting alone they a vote in the matter, td Whipple to use wiretapping as a means Pennsylvania contemptuously Hopefully Russ Feingold ensured by the USG President, voted on lonrializing the made the decision and should be of prevention by way of the beckoned him to "Come on. remembers those words next ciss President, and Linda i lobb insurance pool with the other held accountable. The Board and executive power clause in the Come on back and debate this, time he thinks about playing that the Board didn't vote on the Universities comprised of the 1UC our group pressured him and he Constitution. let's debate this and have a vote." politics at the expense of our policy and wouldn't lie taking any which has saved the University acted accordingly. Harvard political philoso- However, regardless of the national security. such action. During the meeting millions of dollars over the last I'd like to thank the board pher Harvey Mansfield puts fact that he was mocked by his So should we. for if we do tiiey discussed committees, voted five years. for the work they've done for it best. In an article he wrote base and his censure proposal not, if we take our liberties for on proposals, and let University In September, they sent a BGSU, and hope they continue for the Weekly Standard, he was thrown out the window. granted and give these politi- officials speak, budget request asking to fund to listen to students who bring repudiates the unfounded the lugubrious aspersions of cians free reign, one of these USG President Aaron an addif'on to the Health Center, their concerns. I guess you can allegations and childish finger Russ Feingold should not be days we may just lose the free- Shtimaker failed to address replace the Student Services expect to see more students at pointing of Russ Feingold. taken lightly because this type doms that we hold dear. the abortion coverage during Building, and rehabilitate sev- your next meeting. According to Mansfield, "In of vicious, irresponsible com- his address. eral halls. the Constitution executive mentary by any politician puts Send comments lo Dm al Ihnugh I was unable to Robert Sebo and his wife have Send comments to Mike at power represents neces- our country in danger. dliplanQbgsiLedu, address the Board of Trustees. I given millions of dollars to the [email protected].


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I WWW.BGNEWS.COM 6 Thuisdaj. March 16.2006 'Dream Act' to unite minority groups Blair offers solutions

LATINO. FROM PAGE 1 agreement around the room. "At ing into contact with other dif- "Language is about politics to inner city problem and about dominance," lesse the end of the day, when the time ferent cultural groups, "If the game is rigged against conies, we have to figure out who The dominate group wants said. INNER CITY, FROM PAGE 2 Vframontez-Angulano added you. you aren't going t" fed like A solution thai he mentioned will get us there, and that will be to "assert" themselves and they Ezra C. Escudero, execu- playing the game," he said want the Other group to "assimi- tive director of the commission one such program would have but which has not been passed done through voting and elec- VAliile some like Donaldson late" their culture, language, etc., spoke his opinion about lesse's inner city business owners sign was The Dream Act which Is tions." weren't completely satisfied with to give up what is theirs, lesse speech and the Ohio fnglish a contract agreeing to hire a set aimed to takechildren who aren't following Viramonter- all of Blair's ideas, senior Ryan official United States residents Anguiano's stimulating words said. Unity Act. amount of people from the area. "Thesethingsarenatural reac- "What kind of message does A similar program was imple- I ilxMi said thai the presenta- Into consideration for higher was speakei Neal lesse, asso- tion reaffirmed some of his own tions by a dominant group to suchrestrictivelegislationsend?" mented in Portland, Oregon,and education therefore giving them ciate professor in the politi- reasons for wanting to further a the opportunity to become resi- cal science department tit the the reflexive groups." lesse said, he asked the rest of the com- Blair expects it to work. mission, adding that In response to why people career in economics dents and then citizens, accord- 1 Iniversity, who spoke about the adding thai Studies "Economics speaks to some- show that "groups even though the act should care about inner city ing t he ViramontcvAngu iano. "Ohio fnglish Unity Act," which "The idea one's desire to reach out and that are threatened would give funding poverty, Blair said it is "because I le also talked about the nega- is aimed at making fnglish the say I want to help you.' Hint's or [X'rceive a threat behind to the commission, it social cohesion depends on it.' tive media that still exists today official and symbolic language why his talk specifically w-as wry ... will read in these does not meet other I le explained that if certain peo- which discriminates against of Ohio. language heartfelt and pointed, and meant latinos and llispanics but is State Representative Courtney certain ways." commission recom- ple always feel left out. Ibex won't The common restriction is mendations such as feel thai it is necessary to abide to address the idealism of social ttcci'i rted by the mains) ream. I le Combs, who Introduced the bill. betterment" Eiben said used Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs, believes it will further unite Ohio assumption that not new to funding for fnglish by the rules. cable news program anchors, as and get rid of any disunity that fnglish is easier to language education. examples. exists in the state. learn than other the world." This may imply "We don't hear about those However, lesse thinks it will languages and is a that the commis- Latinos that have fought and not benefit the state much and Superior language sion is only inter- died for this country ... even could lx' problematic for iudi- is a farce, accord- NEALJESSE. ested in their own though this is not their country \ iduals who don't know the lan- ing to lesse, who ASSOCIATE agency's agenda, and Safety in restrictions 1 PROFESSOR that is not the case, but the) want to be a part of it, guage and may not lx able to lias learned various SUNSHINE, FROM PAGE 1 ing a pre-Sept. II exemption Viiamontc-Angttianosaid. read emergency or hazard signs languages himself Escudero said. available for police officers. A In response to Viramcintiv- or know where to go for help. including Spanish, "Without the key a Republican from I inciunati. bill pendingin the I louse would focus being on education, noth- Anguiano's speech, lesse also said that the idea of Russian and even Irish-Gaelic. The state's first response to expand that protection to pro- ing else matters," he added. Commissioner Humberto language restriction has been "The idea thai the English the attacks, a bill enacted into bation and parole officers. After discussing possible loop- (ion/ale/ said thai registered around fora long time. language is superior and can lx' law in 2002. banned the release In 2003, lawmakers put the holes In the Act and possible Latino/Hispanic voters are the The idea behind language learned easily is kind of silly." be of security and infrastructure names of people withconrealcd said, adding that studies have political implications that ma) people who can make changes. restriction is not new to the records kept by public offices weapons permits off-limits to shown that any language is just result from it, the commission "Thais the way ibis country world," lesse said, adding that out of concern the) could fall the public while reluctantly as hard or easy (depending on unanimously voted to reject the can change, through politics." language restriction acts come Into the wrong hands. agreeing to allow reporters to the person) to learn as English. Gonzalez said, causing nods of about by uniform cultures com- Ohio English Unity Act Later restricrionsandpropos ask for the names by county, als had more to do wtth general A 2004 survey by The privacy issues. Associated Press and other A 2(k)2 proposal thai died in media organizations found thai committee would have restrict- public employees followed the Students reflect on Library looks into ed the release mi the Internet of law only about half the time photos oi homes and business- when asked to provide-common es made for reappraisals, out ol records on an unconditional cultural experience land to build parking a concern criminals could use and timely basis. the information to plan break- In response, Rep. Scott ins. (lelslager, a Republican from exploring Xalapa. for issues TRIP. FROM PAGE 1 LIBRARY. FROM PAGE 1 meter. Another 2IKI2 bill thai did (union, introduced legislation such as the implications of I'aulett said that the library become law prohibited the that would require public offi- NAFTA and United States/ was always planning on selling the monitors the existing parking lot lunch, classmates navigated release of the home addresses cials to provide records within Mexican binder issues includ- Muir house. in order to keep downtown simp the bills of Xalapa learning to of firefighters and emergency III days with extensions allowed ing the reported human rights pers from staying too long and barter for goods at area streel "Wife haven't sold the property medical technicians, expand- based on the size of a request markets and stores. violaiions of immigrants were id." she said. "We do have a few taking up valuable spaces. Fellow classmate and covered. proposals though and people "We would make sure that this University junior |en Stacy, Graduate assistant for the always indicate interest about the new lot was monitored as well," found shopping to be one of class, Nick Kaplan, had much property." I'aulett said. "Hie library will do her most enjoyable to say about the Along with the future plans to everything in its power to make parts of her stay in experience in terms sell the brick property, I'aulett also this work." Women lead in the Mexico. "At times it of its impact on stu- sakl the lihtan has the option to I lowever, some effects brought "Being able to is difficult dents. purchase the Maurer property about by the new lot cannot be shop and commu- for us as "For many of the sometime in 2(X)H. monitored or fixed by public economic world nicate In an entirely students on the We do not'own the property forums. differentlanguageis trip it was their first yet." she said. "Right now, we're ludy Ginilx-ar, who lives beside Americans "I was always aware of these such a thrill," Stacy real experience of focusing on the controversy sur- the flattened lot, will never have WOMEN. FROM PAGE 2 to see the issues, but I can Ix'ttcr connect said. "However, my volunteering and rounding the lot. The library will the chance to save the tilings ideas now." said I lannah Ccycr, fovorite part of the culture of working with peo- be holding public forums in the she loved through talks with the It is statistically proven that the trip was being able poverty..." ple who live within futuR' that will deal with parking library — there is no bringing back better the women do economi- a conference attendee, "I see to hang out with the constraints of and other library issues." the trees and wildlife that lived in cally, the better the whole coun- bow action in one area can help the locals and with NICK KAPLAN, the culture of pov- According to citizens who live in the lot. try is Women therefore need spread the word in other areas." the cultural aides GRADUATE ASSISTANT erty." he said. "At the lown ami around thedestfoyed "We had a whole ecological sys- to be taken more seriously and These students hope to edu- that the Universit) limes it is difficult lot. public forums and discussions tem here," Conibear said. "We had invested in to better our coun- cate the rest of campus on the paired us up with." for us as Americans are just what the library needs all kinds of wildlife. In the winter, tries. importance of these global Stacy further explained that it to see the culture of poverty In Kim l-ayden. president of the pheasants would come up and Support for microfunding issues, wanting others to real- was during conversations with the US because the system tries lioom Town Preservation Society then' would be tilings you would and credit, support lor women ize the importance of access to her cultural aide and Mexican to hide it . .. but the reality is is convinced that more parking for never think of being in the city." as entrepreneurs and impmving education, the right to choose college student Angel, that she poverty does exist |even| if we the library is not warranted. Whether the land returns to women's work conditions can IK an abortion and health care for truly grasped the impacts of do not see it." "I have yet to see that lot full," the natural habitat it once was, achieved to help women in the women, globalization and differences Kaplan further added that she said. "My fear is because or becomes the new expansion workplace. "This talk was enlightening In Mexican popular culture. one of our responsibilities as they don't charge for parking, the for the library's proposed park- Some oilier disturbing statis- in a way thai isn't quite encour- Evenings lectures from Vera students is to do something Inewl lot is going to be used by ing lot, for now it remains unused tics presented by students were aging, but it gives us a good Cruz professors were just as about the realities of poverty people shopping downtown who and barren, as it has Urn since its thai one-third of the world has starting point to become active fascinating as the time spent once we graduate. don't want to put 25 cents in the bulldozing seven months ago. no water and women make up in spreading die word." said 70 percent of the worlds poor. Warren Chan, senior.

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I WWW.BGNEWS.COM STATE Thursday, March 16.2006 7 Cuyahoga campaign Weapon lists to clam up getting interesting Votes split on whether year ago but hung up for months took a calm approach after the Cincinnati Republican, over the awarding of attorney to make concealed vote, saying lots can change as Reporters' ability to look at Group of candidates had the comic lion expunged. fees and the timeliness of provid- the bill goes to the Senate. permit holders names is the Drug-tainted allegations ing records. gun lists private "We have plenty of opportuni- only way for the public to review include one with a reappeared In 2003, after Current law shields the names ties to address this issue and plen- the system, said I rank Deaner. RUSH'S brother-in-law ace used By Andrew Welsh-Huggins of people allowed to carry hid- smoky history 1K£ ASSOCIAIfD PRESS ty of time to do it," said Oelslager, executive director of the Ohio her and her husband, I rank, of den guns. An excep- a Republican from Newspaper Association. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The CLEVELAND (AP)—Thepros assaulting him at the family's tion allows reporters Canton. He protested the char.H ttffea- Ohio House voted yeslcrday to "It's a little ecutor in Ohio's largest coun- Thanksgiving dinner, to ask the sheriff of Rep. Dan Stewart, lion of newspapers as abusing the allow restrictions on reporters' ty is opposing a local judge Yiiue RUSSO, a convicted each county for the ironic to a Columbus privilege of access to the names access to the names of people who lie says is lazy and sofl marijuana dealer, sued ill,'(mi list of permit holders. Democrat who "Freedom of the press in our holding concealed weapon per- get up and on criminals. The problem, pie for assault and battery, He I tie measure approved opposed the change, Society means that the journalist mits, a last-minute addition to a talk about some say, is that the candi- later accused Christine Russo yesterday allows per- said "it's a little ironic Is entitled to do what the journal- date Bill Mason is backing has bill meant to improve access to of conspiring with him to set mit holders to direct open records to get up and talk ist will do with that infonnation," open records. a troubled past that Includes a up a pot-growing business and sheriffs not to release about open records he said. "If you restrict what the The proposal still must pass when we drug arrest iii laundering his dmg profits, their names. when we jusi clnst'd journalist can do with that infor- the Senate. A message was left All three—MasoaCuyahoga I le produced a tape thai he said Rep. John just closed some records." mation, that's censorship." for Gov. Bob Taft, who has said County Common Pleas Fudge hacked up his claims. Willamowski, a But Rep. Tom Ilnlil the concealed weapons Ann T. Maniien and judicial repeatedly he would veto any bill Republican from Lima, some Russo denies bet brother-in- Brmkman said the vole, the biggest surprise in the candidate Christine Agnellii laws allegations, restricting access to the names. said the media had records." restrictions were hill was a proposal making pub- Russo—are Democrats. "I'm the victim here," she The GOP-controlled House abused its discretion necessary because lic any documents included in Court documents show said, accusing Yiiue RUSSO oi approved the restriction 51-43 by routinely publishing REP. DAN STEWART, publicizing the government audits performed by that police in suburban Berea King in min her judicial aspi- along bipartisan lines wjth some entire lists of permit OHIO HOUSE names of permit private companies. arresied RtlSSO in 1994 on a rations. "And I'm naive. I very I taiiocratssupportingtherestric- holders' names. holders helped The House Civil and charge of possession of mari- time I try to lend these peoples tions and some Republicans "Why would we publicize this defeat the point of carrying a Commercial Law Committee juana while she was employed hand, the) bhemy arm off." opposing it. The House then infonnation lor the benefit of crim- concealed weapon. approved the proposal follow- passed the entire public records as an assistant county prosecu- ( hristine Russo and her In- inals who would rob or burglarize Themeasuresu|i|)orts"()hioaiis ing reports earlier this week that tor. She resigned from her job bill overwhelmingly. laws are unrelated to any ol the these permit holders to steal hand- who have a deep concern for Auditor Betty Montgomery, cit- but later insisted that Masons The surprise move put a county's six Russo-surnamed guns?" Willamowski said. their privacy, for their safety and ing stale law. dented a request for predecessor forced heroin. damper on efforts by Rep. Scott judges or In county \iidilin Oelslager said he had five min- for really the reasons why the) documents collected as part of a Russo pleaded no contest Oelslager to pass the records leg- I rank Russo, utes' notice yesterday that the got a concealed carry permit in to drug abuse in lanuary 1995 islation, Introduced more than a change would be brought up. He DM first place," said Brinkman. a GUNS. PAGE 8 and paid a $100 fine. She later RACE, PAGE 8

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.' 8 Thursday, March 16.2006 STATE WWW.BGNEWS.COM Senate to vote STATE on gun privacy BRIEFING Priest gets temp, layoff B G NE WS Vi: R f .OUR C : laws in Ohio "We understand that the archdiocese has say whether he has been saying Cinci to put more GUNS, FROM PAGE 7 Retired clergy banned been unable to say whether he has been Mass at any churches since his gay rights on books from celebrating mass, retirement," said Christy Miller, CINCINNATI IAII — city review ol Ohio's unorthodox $50 faces sex investigation saying Mass at any churches since his co-leader of the Cincinnati Council volccl yesterday to million investment in rare coins. retirement. We don't know if anyone was chapter of the Survivors Network extend protection against "If we're paving for this as a CINCINNATI (AP) — The of those Abused by Priests, a discrimination to homosex- public entity, (lien those records Archdiocese of Cincinnati put put in harm's way since he retired, and national support organization uals and transgender people, should be open for inspec- a retired Roman Catholic priest we have no way of notifying people if we for clergy abuse victims. "We the city's first action to pro- tion." said Rep, lodil Book, ,i on administrative leave Tuesday don't know if anyone was put vide such protection since Portsmouth Democral who pro- because of child sexual abuse don't know where he's been." in harm's way since he retired, the repeal of Cincinnati's and we have no way of notifying posed the change. allegations stemming from his CHRISTY MILLER. SURVIVORS NETWORK OF THOSE ABUSED BY PRIESTS ban on gay-rights laws. Hook gol strong support from time as a pastor in Urbana nearly people if we don't know where The ban on gay-rights laws Hep Bill Seitz, a Cincinnati three decades ago. Shelander engaged in inap- The accusation also was he's been." that was repealed in 2004 Republican nor always seen as As a result of the action. propriate sexual, behavior with reported to legal authorities, She said self-reporting by the was the only such ban in the an open records adv I rcate. Donald I Shelander cannot him when the man was 14 to 18 the archdiocese said, but details archdiocese doesn't work. Her nation. "if the documents are prepared celebrate the sacraments or years old. A private investigator weren't immediately available. group has repeatedly argued It had forced elimination of bythe governmental agency, they present himself as a priest in for the archdiocese looked into Thearchdiocesesaid Shelander, that accusations of abuse by homosexuals from the city's would In' public." Seil/ said, "Von any way. Shelander. pastor of die allegations, and the archdio- 69, was ordained in 1970; served priests need to be investigated human rights ordinance. cannot shroud them in secrecy Si Mary Parish in Urbana In cese found that they had "the as associate pastor of St. Bernard, by an independent third party. By an 8-1 vote, council b) delegating thai duty to a prl- 1977-83, retired in 2002, the semblance of truth." However, Springfield (1970-741; associate The Cincinnati archdiocese amended the current human vate entity." archdiocese said. Tuesday's action by Archbishop pastor at St. Mary, Urbana (1974- pleaded no contest in 2003 to rights ordinance to extend If approved, the change would "So far as we can determine Daniel I.. Pilarczyk doesn't mean 77); pastor at St Mary (1977-831; charges that it failed to inform protection against discrimi- not affect am currently complet- from our records, these are the a presumption of guilt, the arch- pastor of St. Patrick, Hcllefontaine authorities that its priests had nation to homosexuals and ed audits, in ,i letter to die com- first allegations of sexual abuse diocese said. (1983-94). and then pastor at Sts. been accused of sex abuse. to transgender people in jobs initlee. investigators expressed against him," said archdiocese Shelander could not be Peter and Paul. Newport, Ohio The 19-county archdiocese and housing. their concerns about opening spokesman Dan Andriacco. reached for comment yesterday. (1994-2002). also agreed to set up a $3 records telated to coin dealer An adult male recently There was no answer to tele- "We understand that the million fund to compensate Tbm Noe. reported to the archdiocese that phone calls to his home. archdiocese has been unable to abuse victims. Kent, OU team up for nontraditionals By Rachel Abbey of access," President Carol U WIRf Cartwright said in a statement. KENT, Ohio — Kent State KentStateand Ohio University University is partnering with will serve students in 33 coun- Ohio University to increase ties, Book said. Students will available higher education be able to choose a major in 12 opportunities for non-tradi- areas of study, sharing programs tional students across the state that only one of the universi- in a program called "Complete ties have. Campuses will base to Compete." t heir offered courses on demand "We lag behind the state and from that area. the nation in terms of bachelor's There are more than 300.000 completion in Northeast Ohio," people in these counties with said Pat Book, vice president for some college education and regional development. about 100.000 with an associate The two universities will use degree. Hook said. their regional campuses to serve "About 4.r)0,000 people have place- and time-bound students, the potential to finish bachelor's especially adults with job and degrees that would make them family restrictions, Book said. more competitive in the job "Through our combined net- market," Book said. work of 14 campuses, we can do The program hopes to what other Ohio public univer- increase educational levels and sities cannot — supply higher degrees in Ohio, Important fac- education and student support tors in keeping Ohio economi- to a wide geographic area, using cally competitive, according to existing programs and points the press release.

Campaign heats up RACE, FROM PAGE 7 skeletons probably will come out eventually, alt hough she declined According to The Plain Dealer, to discuss them herself, Dimora party! nsiderssaid Mason pledged recalled.The committee declined to back Russo while he com- to endorse either candidate. piled a list of complaints against "There's no point in mudsling- Mannen and discouraged others ing," Mannen said. "I don't con- from entering the primary. sider it ethical. If that's what it Mason has since begun to takes for me to win. then 1 don't distance himself from Russo want the job." and said he won't campaign for Mannen said she is proud of her. lie said he was unaware of her judicial record and denies her arrest record or the lawsuit's being soft on criminals or lazy. allegations. She confirmed, however, that As for Mannen, Mason still a former court administrator opposes her election. "As far as scolded her several years ago for I'm concerned, anybody else but working short hours and allow- Mannen is going to be better," ing her docket of pending cases he said. to become clogged. . Mason, asked for further com- Last year Mason criticized ment yesterday, said through his Mannen's record in 36 non-jury spokeswoman, lamie Oalton, that bench trials: half the defendants he hadn't endorsed anyone in the were acquitted and charges were race and didn't intend to. reduced against 13 others. Five Mannen, 50, a judge for eight were convicted as charged. years, maintains that Mason and Mannen defended her bench- the party bosses had ample warn- trial conviction rate and estimat- ing about Russo. At last month's ed yesterday that it exceeded the executive comminee meeting on rate of convictions in jury trials in endorsements. Mannen said there her courtroom. were "issues and problems in lames Satola also filed to Russo's background that an- much run against Mannen in the worse" than any of the criticisms Democratic primary. The win- being lodged against her, party ner will face former Common chairman Jimmy Dimora said. Pleas Judge Peggy Foley Jones Mannen predicted Russo's on Nov. 7.

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DRUG TESTS CAUSE ILLLNESS IN SUBJECTS I.ONDON (AP) — Six men participating in a trial for a new drug to treat autoimmune diseases and leukemia were seriously ill in a hospital after suffering adverse reactions. British drug regulators ordered an immediate suspension of tests of the drug, known as TON 1412. All six fell ill on Tuesday night. WORLD WORLD BRIEFING Saddam testifies, reprimanded BC KE*S WISE SOURCES Water in Kenya Former leader calls for the invaders and their backers Don't fight among yourselves," he holds a high cost Iraqis to unite against said, praising the insurgency. OHOPOYI. Kenya (AP) —Water United States troops "In your resistance to the inva- security in Kenya has become sion by the Americans and Zionists an ever-growing matter. The By Bassem Mroue and their allies, you were great You Turkana tribe of East Africa IHE ASSOCIAtED PRESS were great in my eyes and you has recently had to make some BAGHDAD. Iraq — Saddam remain so.... It's only a matter of hard decisions in what to give Hussein, testifying yesterday for time until the sun rises and you'll up to get water for their fami- (he Erst time in his trial, called on be victorious," he said. lies and animals. Many people Iraqis to stop killing each other Abdd-Hahman shouted at him in this tribe have resorted to and instead fight U.S. troops. The again and closed the session for crossing the Kenyan border judge reprimanded him for mak- 90 minutes, ordering journalists into Uganda to get water. ing a rambling, political speech out of the room and the delayed This crossing is dangerous, and ordered the TV broadcast cut while however, because of the Dados cameras switched off. Saddam finished tribesmen of Uganda. Clans in Saddam began his "It's only a reading his speech. Uganda are supplied with fire- speech by declar- matter of The stormy arms and ammunition by the ing he was the elected exchanges were a government, but Kenya is not president, touching time until stark contrast to off a shouting match the sun rises the past few ses- Body of Milosevic with chief judge Raouf sions, when each of Abdel-Rahman. and you'll be Saddam's seven co- returned to home "You used to be a victorious. defendants took the BELGRADE, (API head of state. You are a stand, one by one. — The body of Slobodan defendant now," Abdel- SADDAM HUSSEIN. and were questioned Milosevic returned home Rahman told him. DEFENDANT by the judge and from yesterday. Saddam, dressed in a prosecutor about Milosevic dies last weekend black suit and wearing the crackdown in in a UN. detention center in large reading glasses, repeatedly die Shiite town of Dujail after a the Netherlai ids near the war brushed off the judge's demands 1982 assassination attempt on the crimes tribunal that was try- mat he address the charges against then-Iraqi president. ing to charge him for com- him — the killing of 148 Shiites Even Saddam's half-brother, mitting acts of genocide and and the imprisonment and torture former intelligence chief Baizan crimes against humanity. of others during a crackdown in Ibrahim — who has frequently Toxicology results have not the 1980s. caused an uproar in the court in been released yet onthereason Instead, he read from a pre- the past — submitted to more of Milosevic's death. Marko, pared text, addressing the "great than three hours of questioning Milosevic's son, believes that Iraqi people" — a phrase he earlier yesterday. He denied any his father was poisoned, but often used in his presidential role in the crackdown, and as the tribunal says that he had a speeches — and said he was prosecutors presented a series of heart attack. "pained" by the recent wave of intelligence niemos on the arrests Jacob SilMrbtrg AP Photo Sunni-Shiite violence. allegedly with Iris signanires, he WAITING HIS TURN: Saddam Hussein listens at court while his attorneys argue his case. Saddam and seven "Let the people unite and resist insisted each was a forgery. co-defendants are on trial lot torture, illegal atrests and the killing of nearly 150 people.

U.S. raid results in 11 deaths By Steven R. Hurst the village of Isahaqi. relatives. The victims were cov- tME ASSOCIATED PRESS An Associated Press reporter ered in dust with bits of rubble BAGHDAD, Iraq — A U.S. raid at the scene said the roof of the tangled in their hair. north of the capital yester- house had collapsed, three cars The U.S. military said the day killed 11 people — most were destroyed and two cows target of the raid was a man of them women and children, were killed. suspected of supporting for- said police and relatives of the The 11 victims were wrapped eign fighters of the al-Qaida in victims. The American military in blankets and driven in three Iraq terror network, and he was confirmed the attack but said pickup trucks to the Tikrit captured. only four people died — a man, General Hospital, about45 miles "Troops were engaged by two women and a child. to the north, relatives said. enemy fire as they approached PoliceCapt.l-aithMohammed AP photographs showed the the building," said Tech. Sgt. said the attack near Balad, bodies of two men, five chil- Stacy Simon, a military spokes- 50 miles north of Baghdad, dren and four other covered woman. "Coalition forces involved U.S. warplanes and figures arriving at the hospital returned fire utilizing both air armor that flattened a house in accompanied by grief-stricken and ground assets."

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NATION Miners return to site after tragedy Remaining Sago Mine employees grieve those employees before the expk) Winemiller said he had been just kind of getting back into die ing. But it was not until yesterday sion, and neariy all of them were hearing the same thing. swing of things," that die mining of coal resumed. lost, return to mine they deem 'safe' for work expected to go back, in what "the word is they'll be in the Ron Grail completed his shift The mine produces 800,000 tons Starkey called an eerie but ncces- safest mine in West Virginia. and pronounced it "a good day." per year. By Vicki Smith 1/2 months ago, san experience. For how long, we don't know. Federal inspectors met with Starkey said he will not fully 1HE ASSOCIATED ■'HESS "Everybody I've talked to is "To me. it's a peace of mind But that's what they're think- miners during the day, and the come to terms with what hap- BUCKHANNON, W.Va. — With ready to go back," said Rocky thing. I've got to go settle with ing," he said. company "told us to take it easy," pened until he sees the sealed- the tragedy still fresh in their Starkey; who woiked al the mine myself," said Siarkey. 49. Winemiller said many min- said (irall, who was a member of a off area where the blast occurred. minds, miners went back under- for three yean before the Ian. Starkey said he feels safe going ers were also glad to be back. crew that escaped the explosion. On Tuesday, die mine's owner. ground yesterday and Mailed 2 accident that killed his gotxl back into the mine, and at the Iiecauso most had ben working In the past month, some of International Coal Group Inc., digging coal al the Sago Mine lor Mend and longtime roof-bolting Country Store in I linkleville, at other more-distant mines and the Sago miners had gone back said a lightning bolt probably the iirsi lime since the explosion partner, lorry droves. where many miners grab a driving hours even- day. "It's good underground to help clean up the ignited methane gas that had thai killed l2ofthetrcomiades2 The Sago Mine had 145 takeout lunch, shop clerk leff for the community'," he said. "It's place and get it ready for reopen- built up in the space. FCC cracks down on CBS for indecencies Outraged 'Without a sexual orgy." last year. The proposed fine was "The number of complaints a Trace' viewers among decisions from the received by the commission complain ahout orgy agency stemming from more has risen year after year," said than 300,000 complaints it the FCC's Martin. "I share the By Jennifer C. Kerr received concerning nearly 50 concerns of the public—and of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TV shows broadcast between parents, in particular—that are WASHINGTON — The govern- 2002 and 2005. voiced in these complaints." ment proposed a record fine Rejecting an appeal by CBS, Responding to other com- of $3.6 million against dozens the FCC also upheld its previ- plaints, the commission found of CBS stations and affiliates ous $550,000 fine against 20 of that Fox Television Network yesterday in a crackdown on the network's stations for the violated decency standards what regulators called indecent lanet Jackson "wardrobe mal- dttringthe 2003 Billboard Music television programming. function" at the Super Bowl Awards. During the broadcast, The Federal Communications two years ago. actress Nicole Richie uttered Commission said a network These were the first fines the "F" word and a common program, "Without a Trace," issued under FCC Chairman vulgarity for excrement. that aired in December 2004 Kevin Martin, clearing a "Each of these words is was indecent. It cited the backlog of investigations into among the most offensive Chip lithnland AP Photo graphic depiction of "teenage indecency complaints. The words in the Fnglish language," MOTHER CRIES FOR SON: Patricia Davis, center, mother ol Joseph Smith, is helped out of the courtroom in boys and girls participating in commission issued no fines the FCC said. tears after the verdict of death was read against Smith in Sarasota, Fla. Smith convicted for murder FBI unit infiltrates NATION Rapist, murderer Ihe jury that convicted a positive influence on his three BRIEFING Joseph P. Smith recommend- daughters if he was spared B0 NEKS WIRE SOURCES recommends own ed that he he executed, and Owens discounted those peace groups in Pitt. H&R Block Inc. punishment be death the judge agreed. Smith. 39. arguments yesterday, lie said WASHINGTON (KRTI — An Information Act. They showed showed no emotion yesterday Cariie suffered "unspeakable FBI counterterrorism unit that the Joint Terrorism Task sued by New York By Mitch Stacy as Judge Andrew Owens read tenor and physical suffering" monitored — and apparendy Force of the FBI's Pittsburgh NEW YORK (AP) — New THE AJJOUAIED PRESS the official sentence. al Smith's hands. infiltrated — a peace group in office conducted a secret York state filed a $250 million SARASOTA, Fla. — A former I asi month. Smith had tear- Girlie's body was found four Pittsburgh dial opposed die investigation into the activities fraud suit yesterday against in.'eh,uiii convicted of rap- fully apologized during a hear- days after her disappearance on invasion of Iraq, according to of the Thomas Merlon Center H&R Block Inc. accusing the ing and murdering 11-year-old ing, saying: "I take responsibil- the grounds ol a Sarasota church. internal agency documents beginning as early as Nov. 29, tax preparation service of Cariie Brucia, whose abduction ity til my crimes. I don't under- \ewsc it thi' (time shook thecom- released on Tuesday. 2002, and continuing as late as steering more than 500,000 was caught on ,i car wash secu stand how this could have munity, and hundreds turned out The disclosure raised new March 2005. customers into a money-los- titj camera was sentenced to happened. ... I very day I think for memorial services. questions about die extent to William I. Crowley, a spokes- ing retirement account plan. death yesterday for her murder. about what I did and beg God Carlie's stepfather. Steven which federal authorities have man for the FBI's Pittsburgh H&R Block defended the for forgiveness." Kansler, buried his face in been conducting surveillance "Hie e. said that the monitor- plan and said it would fight I le said he had taken heroin his hands as Owens read operations against Americans ing of the center was legal and to see that it remains available and cocaine in an attempt to details of the crimes before since the Sept. 11,2001, attacks. related to an ongoing investi- to its clients "who rely on it kill himself licfore he abducted sentencing Smith. Previous revelations include gation. He didn't provide any as a helpful savings option." Cariie in 2004. Smith said he "I thought I'd feel a lot differ- FBI monitoring of environmen- details of the probe. He said However, in spite of its defense didn't remember much about ent.'' Kansler said afterward. "But tal and animal rights organi- that when the FBI found no of the plan. I I&R Block'sshares thai day and asked Owens to it still hurts. It doesn't change sank more than 6 percent after Management Inc. zations, scrutiny of anti-war link between its investigation spare him for die sake of his fam- am thing I just feel that Cariie organizations by a top-secret and the center, it ended the news of the lawsuit filed by i'\ I lis attorney, Adam Tcbnigge, has been heard. I ler soul is gone Pentagon program and eaves- surveillance. Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. argued that Smith could lead a now. Now it's just a matter of time dropping by the National The ACIJJ contended that It was the latest in a series 3S^*ME.yj productive life in prison and be to wail to watch |oe Smith die." Security Agency on domestic the documents are the first to of problems faced by the tax Visit Onl communications without court "show conclusively" that an preparation firm based in www.meccabg authorization. anti-war group was targeted for Kansas City, Ma Federal officials insist that "its anti-war views." the efforts are legal, although The center, founded in 1972, Bush isn't planning the 1 'ei i tagon has admitted that describes itself as a group of the top-secret TALON program people from diverse faiths who on any changes mistakenly retained in its data- believe in "nonviolent struggle" WASHINGTON (AP) -The Management Inc. base reports on scores of anti- for peace and justice. Merton, question of whether or not I hi' hi MMII- war protests and individuals an American Roman Catholic President Bush will be replac- 120 v Protpecl as part of an effort to identify monk, author and poet, died ing some senior advisors was hWQ 2 ruling lefl terrorist threats against defense in 1968. raised at yesterday's press 675/mo + Utilities facilities and personnel. An FBI report dated Nov. 29, meeting. Close tit Campus A Downtown The documents released 2002, identified the center as Bush's approval ratings con- on Tuesday were obtained by "a left-wing organization advo- tinue to fall, and is currentlty the American Civil Liberties cating among many political being asked why he hasn't Union under the Freedom of causes, pacifism.'" made very many changes in more than five yeats to his Management Inc. KROGER PLAZA inner circle. However, Bush Enterprise House 1062 N. MAIN ST. said he wasn't planning on 114 \. Enterprise Bowling Green making any large changes. Iwo I btlnns left 352-9055 : *• Starling al S350/mo + Utilities GRADUATE Close to Campus and Downtown STUDENT HOUSING •I'M -I'M 'I'M 'I'M 'I'M 'I'M 'I'M 'I'M 'I'M Historic Millikin Summit Street Stressed?!?! Management Inc. @OK

\ h i BGSEQKES ftRJJBFING WELCOME TO MIAMI: DAUNTE CULPEPPER ROLLS OUT OF MINNESOTA. PAGE 12 Miller tabbed with another honor BGSU 's Curt Miller has been THURSDAY named Region 4 Coach of the Year by theWfomen's Basketball March 16, Coaches Association. Other winners include, C. 2006 Vivian Stringer (Rutgers), Sylvia Hatchell (UNC), Pat Summit! (Tenn.), Sherri Coale (Okla.), lim Wiedic (ISU), Don Hanagan (NMU) and Charii BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Thome (Arizona State).

HOCKEY Falcon icers reflect on underachievements Forgettable season December as they went 3-10-1 total points the Falcons had on ity of the season. Only 44 of the in the first 14 games. the season as BG became one Falcons 122 goals came with ends with Falcons Things got belter around of the top offensive teams in the extra-attacker as they only losing 10 of 11 games Christmas as the team won 7- the country, finishing with a converted on 17.5 percent of of-8 to get back to middle of 3.26 goals a game average. their power play chances. By Kevin Shields the league standings, but fol- Foster finishedtheseason sev- "Our biggest offender on the IEP0ITEI lowing what may have been enth nationally in points with power play was probably our Finishing in last place and get- their biggest win of the season 51 and ranked third in assists lack of consistent puck retrieval ting swept in the first round of against Michigan, BG with 40 helpers. which gets you the puck back to league playoffs is never an easy dropped lOof their last "This year We Matsumotoranked make plays." Paluch said of his pill to swallow for the BGSU II games to finish the showed Qt '3|'1 nationally power play unit. "Then there hockey program. year 13-23-2. with III points and was times we just didn't score This year, especially, it wasn't "I liked this team, I times that led BG in goals on the power play; we bad ter- easy as they came into the sea- thought it was a good with 20 while Falk rific movement, terrific execu- son with high expectations fol- hockey team," BGSU we could finished with 26 tion and just didn't score." lowing last season's 16-16-4 coach Scott Palnch really play points. Time after time during the record that saw them finish fifth said. "We had a tough the offensive "There has been season the Falcons were given in the Central Collegiate I loekey start in terms of wins a pretty good quality chances to change Association and earned them and losses, but I was game..." continuation of the game on the power play, their first home ice playoff series very pleased with SCOTT PALUCH, just being a bet- including in their season finale since 1995. They returned a lot of how we were able to COACH ter offensive team against Miami where they were talented players and were look- rebound and really get each season," given several two-man advan- ing to keep moving up as they things back into mid- Paluch said. "This tages late in the game trail- had the previous three seasons lanuary. We just couldn't make year we showed at times that we ing by one, but couldn't take in the CCHA standings in their those plays we were making could really play the offensive advantage of them. quest to regain the prominence down the stretch." game in a lot of different areas Missed opportunities haunt- BG once had in the league. Most of the plays the Falcons and he pretty dangerous." ed the team all year as they had However, the season start- were making came from their What made the Falcons' trouble finishing breakaways ed rough as they dropped a top line which consisted of offensive numbers even more or finding the net alter making Jordan Flower 8G New very winnable home game to Mike Falk, Alex Foster and impressive was the fact they great passes. CRASH: The Falcons showed positive signs this season before finishing Merrimack in the first game and Jonathan Matsumoto. The line did it despite having a power couldn't get things together until combined for 125 of the 334 play that struggled the major- last in the CCHA and finishing 13-23-2. BG lost 10 of its last 11. RECAP, PAGE 12

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Wo-Mann among girls in conference Junior adds MAC The Falcon star controlled the boards in Thursday's 73-61 quar- tournament POY to terfinal win over Northern Illinois impressive resume with 15 rebounds to go along with 12 points and five assists. By Matt DeiRhton She scored 14 points, adding IE CO IT El nine rebounds and four assists Regular season Mid-American in Friday's 68-46 semifinal win Conference MVP Lindsay against Toledo. Shearer was no match for BGSU Mann and the red-hot Falcons forward Ali Mann in the Falcons' played with poise and stability 64-39 victory over Kent State on during the three-day straight ven- Saturday in a conference cham- ture of defending its MAC title. pionship game. During that time, the Falcons, Shearer, the MAC's leading who returned all five of their scorer, finished with 18 points, starters from a year ago, clearly but was bested by Mann and the showed their versatility as a multi- Falcons in the title game for the dimensional team and executed second straight year. a game plan that's worked to near Josh Phillips BG N»s Mann's 14 points and seven perfection all season — a strong UNITY: The BGSU women's basketball team will make their second straight appearance in the NCAA tournament when they play UCLA on rebounds in the title game and team concept. Sunday in West Lafayette, Ind. BG, a No. 12 seed, is ranked two spots ahead of the Bruins in the USA Today/ESPN Coaches Poll. double-double averages in the "We all worked so hard as a tournament (13.3 ppg, 10.3 rpg) team and got where we want- earned her the MAC Tournament ed to be through team effort," MVR and consequently our pick Mann said. for Athlete of the Week. The Falcons are winners of 19 straight and have won six straight Falcons ready for UCLA "I was completely unexpect- ing of the honor," Mann said of in the MAC tournament dating the MVP award. "Everyone on back to the 2003-04 season when this team played just as well and Team is educated from last year's tournament berth equally deserved it." MANN, PAGE 13 ByRyanAutullo than that. with their height and athleti- watched this on TV last year SPORTS EDITOR BG and UCLA will meet cism. Seniors Nikki Blue and and this year we're standing BGSU will open the NCAA at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in West Lisa Willis average 12.5 and here, we're on TV,'" said point Women's tournament against Lafayette, Ind., following an 17.7 ppg, while Noellc Quinn, a guard Kate Achter. T think it a team coming off a Pac-10 earlier game between fourth- 6-foot junior, contributes 18.3 was a little shock at first and it tournament tide, ranked in the seeded Purdue and ppg to go with 8.2 took us a little while to finally Former Patriot finds nation and boasting eight play- Missouri State, the "We like to rebounds. get into it, but I don't think that ers 6-foot or taller. 13 seed. "Unbelievable will be the case this year." But UCLA wasn't exactly BG and UCLA break it down talent," said BGSU The Bruins won't wait comfort in Cleveland doing handstands, either, are flip-flopped on defense coach Curt Miller. around for the Falcons on when it received the news in the USA Today/ "Thev have three offense, as they like to push ByloeM*cia McGinest was a member of ESPN Coaches Poll and get stops, not only WNBA the ball up court and score in three Super Bowl winners and Monday that it would face THC ASSOCIttEO PIESS the Falcons, whose nearly and the Associated and they players, but 1 transition. They average 78.2 BEREA, Ohio — After 12 years had been with the Patriots since Press Poll, with the think, future stars ppg, while allowing a less than being drafted in the first round in impeccable resume' normally expect to in New England, it took Willie wouldn't equate to a low No. Falcons ranked 21 and starters in the stellar 71.6 ppg. The Falcons, McGinest just one trip to 1994. He was cut by New England and 23, and the WNBA." in contrast, score 69.4 ppg, last week in a salary cap move, 12 seed. run..." ( lc\ rlaiid to find his new home "If you look at our record, Bruins at 23 and 21. BCi has not won while holding opponents to a visited Cleveland on Tuesday and KATE ACHTER. Being reunited with Browns you see that we've won a lot of BG (28-2) earned an NCAA tourna- meager 55.7. reached the deal yesterday with- SOPHOMORE coach Romeo Crennd made his games," said BGSU forward Ali its second straight ment game since it Achter sounded like a coach decision easy. out visiting any other teams automatic berth topped Cincinnati, in the making while breaking The two-time Pro Bowler Mann. "Any team that has a McGinest signed a three-year, $12 record like that, you're going to to the NCAA tournament by 69-59, in 1989 before falling to down the Bruins on offense. million contract with the Browns would have carried a salary cap demoralizing the field at the top-seeded Maryland, 78-65 in "I think they're going to have figure of more than $7 million be a little scared to play." yesterday: The deal includes $6 mil- The Bruins, who topped Mid-American Conference the second round. In their most to adjust with our style of bas- ikm in guarantees and bonuses next season in New England. Stanford in overtime, 85-76, to tournament last week. recent appearance, the Falcons ketball," she said. "We like to The 34-year-old linebacker spent McGinest looked a bit out of But when the Falcons dis- were defeated 70-60 by fourth- break it down on defense and place holding a No 55 Browns win the Pac-10 tournament on seven seasons with Crennel in March 6, would have appre- sect videotape of the Bruins seed Kansas State in last year's gel stops, and they expect to New England, including lour with jersey at a news conference and ciated not opening against a starting today, they'll notice opening round in Seattle. The run and run. We're going to Crennel as defensive coordinator. acknowledged it seemed odd. He their opponent doesn't exactly thrills of such a grand stage take pride in what has gotten said he held no animosity toward team on a 19-game win streak "He's a big reason why I and ranked two spots ahead of resemble Northern Illinois or may have negatively affected us to this point and get stops came," McGinest said. "He's New England for releasing him Toledo. The Bruins (20-10) pos- the team, according to some of on defense and run while we're and looked forward to helping them in the USA Today/ESPN like a father. He makes you feel Coaches Poll. Most fifth-seed- sess a trio of starting guards its players. comfortable and gives you that ed teams get treated better that will give the Falcons fits "We were all like, 'wow, we EXPERIENCE, PAGE 13 family atmosphere." BROWNS, PAGE 13


GET YOUR BRACKETS TO US BY NOON TODAY: Don't forget, today is your last change to enter The BG News' NCAA Tourney Pool Contest. Brackets Ten questions with Brandon McFarland can be printed off of any sports news Web site, like or espn. com. Turn them in at 210 West Hall by noon today for your chance to By Jackie Giammara because for a while they had year, and hopefully we have a the team. It is a great family we RfPOBIt B three excellent pitchers on their very successful season. The train- have growing, and we hope to win one of the three prizes below. BG News: I low long have you staff. I loved watching them play ing has been very strenuous, but continue growing as the season been playing? What pre-cnllege because they always put on a now that it is season time, I am continues/There are small dis- experience have von had in base- good show. Since then I have just very glad that 1 pushed myself putes at times, but all families GRAND PRIZE ball? always cheered for them on a hard, and it is showing now in have these, and in the end, we frequent basis. the spring. become closer. Brandon McFarland: I have been playing baseball since kin- BGN: How do you maintain BGN: What goals have you sot BGN: What are some of your Win a $60 Gift Certificate dergarten. I have loved the game focus on the field when your for yourself this year, and how strengths and weaknesses? from Campus Pollyeyes ever since I started. The team is struggling? do you pUut on reaching those best experience I have ever goals? BM: I love hitting. I would had was my sophomore BM: There have consider hitting for average and year in high school my been many occasions BM: Coming in I didn't really power arc my biggest strengths. high school team went to when I was not in the know how much I would get to I would say that defensively I statcs.That was one of the starting line-up. Our play. I made a goal for myself to could use a little work, but over- best experiencesof my life KM roach always tells us to take advantage of the opportuni- all I would say I'm rather solid. and I wouldn't trade that stay loose and to "stay ties I get, and be thankful for any- My weakness list is topped by — i for anything in the game'' because time I would get as a freshman. I speed. I am not the fastest guy on SECOND PRIZE BRANDON you never know when would say to myself, "make coach the team, and everyone knows ! BGN: Growing up, who MCFARLAND you will be put in. I try take you out of the lineup, don't that. I have worked on this very Win a BGSU did you idolize? BASEBALL to always stay on my take yourself out of the lineup much in die off-season, and 1 will Sweatshirt valued bookstore 1 feet in the dugout and by performing at a low level." So continue to work on this over the at $4(1 BM: Growing up truly try to be the loudest far this has worked out well. I summer. There are many Other I idolized my parents. They got "cheerleader" for my teammates. haw been taking every advan- things that I need to work on to me going at baseball at a young When I get my shot, I do my best tage I have gotten, and thanking truly perfect my game, but hope- age. and throughout the years to come through for my team- God everyday for the abilities and fully 1 can make great strides this THIRD PRIZE they have missed very few games. mates. chances he has given me. summer and come back next fall Win a S25 Gift with these things worked out. They both drop everything to Certificate from BGN: As an incoming fresh- BGN: What major accomplish- come and watch me play, and Main Street BG whether were winning or losing man, what were some of your ments do you hope to see of the BGN: Besides baseball, what '-. 1 I can always hear them cheering expectations of BG's baseball team this season? else do you deem important in for me. Growing up my favorite team? your life? player was Ken Griffey, Ir. I le was BM: Overall, I want a MAC a left-handed j>ower hitter like BM: I live in Perrysburg, which championship. Since day one BM: In my life, God and family me. and I really loved how he is only 15 minutes away. I had diat's been our goal, and we're come first. Until the season start- Falcons struggle played the game. constantly heard about BG's suc- not about to back down now. We ed, I tried to attend church every cess in the MAC. Coming in I all hope to have fun this season, Sunday, and spend time with my BGN: What's your favorite pro expected myself to have the most when you are winning it is fun. A family. Being so close to home baseball team? amount of respect for the team, MAC Championship would be a has allowed me to keep both of with power play and I hoped to assist in die future great achievement for this team. diese tilings important in my life. RECAP. FROM PAGE II after showing a lot of promise BM: My favorite teams are success of this program. Also I God has given me the ability to in his first year of play. the Oakland Athletics and the expected the training to be very BGN: What kind of relation- play this wonderful game, and BG's opponents however, "We were really, really Cleveland Indians. My clad has tough, but very rewarding in ship have you established with my family has always been sup- didn't have much trouble fin- pleased with Jimmy down always loved the Indians and it the end. So far it is everything I teammates? portive. Of course these aspects ishing their opportunities, the stretch," Paluch said. "We has kind of rubbed oil on me. expected and much more. I feel are the most important things in as odd-man rushes became were really pleased with what Oakland is also a favorite of mine that we have a good team this BM: I truly love all the guys on my life. a common problem for the he was able to do throughout Falcon defense all season. the year and we feel really "We have to give up less good about where he is right goals," Paluch said of his now." defense that gave up 3.8 goals Despite losing Foster to a game. "A major factor in the Maple Leafs and Culpepper all smiles about new home in Miami our finish was the number being unsure as to the future of goals we gave up over the of Matsumoto with this sum- By Ion Krawczynksi top 51 selections, which could The Vikings turned the century "I think the trade will work out IHE ASS0CIAIED PRESS conceivably be packaged to move with Culpepper. a frightening mix well for the Vikings and work out course of the year. There were mer's draft. Paluch and the up for a high pick — perhaps for of speed, power and size, at quar- well for Daunte," Vikings coach stretches of the year where Falcons are already looking MINNIiAPOIJS — Culpepper to despite out-chancing a lot of forward to next season. New Moss was supposed to be the one of the top quarterbacks. terback, and Moss, the super-fast Brad Childless said in a state- After Culpepper passed a med- "Super Freak," at receiver. With ment released by the team. "We teams we still gave up way too talent will be on the way in 21st century version of Montana key positions and a strong core to Rice, only faster and more fun ical exam in South Florida, the those two leading the way, the wish him the best." many goals." Dolphins announced the deal Vikings became one of the most While most weren't surprised Despite the onslaught of of players returning will make to watch. the Falcons a team to be reck- The Minnesota Vikings all but yesterday, nearly 24 hours after it prolific and cutting-edge offenses by the headaches Moss caused quality chances at times, the was first reported. in the game. toward the end of his stay in Falcon net-minders played oned with in the CC1IA. closed the book on that identity "This is not where we want I'uesday. agreeing I" Hade quar- Culpepper will happily leave Now Moss is in Oakland and Minnesota — from leaving the strong in the second half of Minnesota after seven up-and- Culpepper is in Miami, both field early in Washington to his the season after a rough start. to be — that's stuck in every- terback Oaunte Culpepper to the body right now." Paluch said. Miami Dolphins for a second- down seasons, highlighted by- having grown disgruntled in infamous "I play when 1 want to Ion I Inn I'll and limniy Spratt round draft pick, the 51st overall. all those deep passes to Randy Minnesota and all but forcing play" comment — Culpepper's traded most of the starts dur- There is no question there is a The Vikings now have three of the Moss. their exits. ing that stretch and gave BG a hurt right now based on where MIAMI, PAGE 13 chance in some big games. we are and now we have to Ilorrell will be lost to gradu- turn the page and the 2006-07 ation, but Spratt will return season has begun for us."

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Mann, a freshman, scored 12 build the 6-10 Browns into a points in a 65-56 loss in the tide winner. game. The Falcons have proven "I didn't want to go to they know how to play when a team to sign a contract competition heats up in early and get some money," said March and, at least in the MAC, McGinest, wearing a Browns have somewhat of an edge in cap. "I wanted to be a part of tournament play. a family. They made me feel "Playing so well in the tourna- like family. They made me feel ment starts with attitude," Mann needed, like I could come in said. "We know what we have to and help them." do to reach our ultimate goal. It's Besides Crennel, recent- more of a purpose for us." ly signed nose tackle led Mann leads the Falcons to Washington encouraged his the NCAA Tournament for the former teammate to come to second consecutive season, as Cleveland. The two played on they will face fifth-seeded UCLA die Patriots' 2003 champion- at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in West ship team. Lafayette, Ind. Linebacker Andra Davis, Mann expects this season to who will line up inside next be different from last, when die to McGinest in die Browns' team fell 70-60 to Kansas State in 3-4 defense also wooed him the opening round of the NCAA to Cleveland. Davis sat in on tournament. yesterday's news conference, "No matter what seed you are, looking pleased. it's going to be a tough game, but "We're going to be aggres- we'll be ready to step up to the sive and go at people and hit plate," she said. people," McGinest said of die Mark Duncan APPMi Regardless of the outcome, it role he and Davis will play. BIG WILLIE STYLE: Cleveland welcomed the addition of former New has been another excellent sea- The Browns, with nearly England Patriot Willie McGinest yesterday. McGinest is a 12-year pro. son Mann, who has not taken for S25 million to spend on free granted such a successful tenure agents, have been one of the The deal for McGinest devel- other players to Cleveland, atBGSUthusfar. most active teams Uiis offsea- oped quickly after pass rusher much die v\.i\ the late Reggie "1 have never been on a losing son, previously signing center Kalimba Fdwards, who was in White did in Green Bay team and it's been great to come LeCharles Bentley, wide receiver talks with the Browns, re-signed "lie brines a tremendous here and keep winning at the col- with IX'troit. amount of credibility lo Mil Brandon Heiss BGNews loe lurevicius, offensive line- lege level," she said. "It's absolutely McGinest has 711 career team," Savage said. UP STRONG: BG's Ali Mann averaged 13 ppg and grabbed 10 rebounds man Kevin Shaffer, punter Daw amazing and a dream come t rue." Zastudil and Washington. sacks, including six lasi season, The Browns also signed in the team's three wins during the MAC tourney last weekend. But they hadn't addressed and is the NFI.'s postseason offensive lineman Hob llallen their pass rushing, an area gen- sacks leader with 16, to a two-year contract yester- eral manager Phil Savage listed Not only will McGinest day, as a priority after die Browns improve the Browns pass rush. Quarterback ends ties with ranked last in sacks last season. Savage said he will help bring Vikings after seven seasons Nine Falcons return to tourney MIAMI. FROM PAGE 12 The Dolphins showed the 37-year-old lohnson as their No. EXPERIENCE, FROM PAGE 11 last year's squad, including all live ketballon Its grandest stage, most interest, with coach Nick 1 guy, though Childress said on of this team's starters. Freshmen "Freshman year, YOU win the fall from favor took everyone by Saban making quarterback Saturday that he wouldn't rule on offense." Lindsey GoMsbeny lasmine MAC and then you're going to the surprise. one of the team's highest pri- out bringing in another veteran Achter is among nine current McCall and lessica McKen/ie will \(.\\ tournament Its just really Less than a year ago, after orities heading into free agency. if the fit was right. Falcons who were members of lie getting their first taste of has exciting," \ii Keredesaid, Moss was traded to the Raiders, Meanwhile, the Vikings' iden- The Dolphins' plan is for the Vikings were set to build tity will be forever altered. Culpepper to take over for around Culpepper, the charis- Childress is bringing his Gus Frerotte, who backed up matic leader who always West Coast offense Culpepper in Minnesota and had a smile on his face. from Philadelphia, guided Miami to a 9-7 season That smile disap- which features short- last year. Frerotte was released peared quickly in 2005, er, higher-percent- Tuesday but might be re-signed first with hisstruggles on age passes than the for less money as a backup. the field without Moss, vertical game that lit then a highly publicized up the Metrodome in V>eech fpl boat party scandal on recent seasons. W N I I () M K ■ Lake Minnetonka, and The three-time Pro finally withasevere knee Bowler dazzled fans COMMUNITIES, LLP OAUNTE injury in a game against with his uncanny CULPEPPER Carolina on Oct. 30. DOLPHINS ability to scramble Management Inc. Culpepper retreated to and throw, but also seclusion in his Florida maddened them with Now Renting for home, rarely making public a propensity for turnovers. 2006/2007 appearances while he started He signed a 10-year, S102- Call 353.5800 rehabbing after surgery to million contract after another Visit Online repair thiee torn ligaments in Pro Bowl appearance in 2003. his right knee. He steadfastly But the deal was relatively low proclaimed his innocence of in guaranteed money, and misdemeanor public indecen- Culpepper started asking for cy charges stemming from the raises following his finest sea- boat party, then fired his agent son in 2004, when he threw for Management Inc. and started representing him- more than 4,700 yards and 39 Hillsdale Apts. self. TDs. 1082 Fairview Avc He clashed with Vikings The Vikings put their faith I & 2 bdrms / 3 bdrm Twnh management, which wanted in Culpepper when they traded Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal him to rehab in the Twin Cities, Moss to Oakland before last sea- Air Condition/Washer/Dryers in and never saw eye-to-eye with son, but that didn't work out. 2/3 bdrm./Internet special/ new coach Brad Childress. Culpepper threw 12 intercep- Carports/ BGSU Bus Shuttle It all came to a head last week, tions and only six TDs in their when Culpepper said he didn't 2-5 start. Backup Brad lohnson like the tone of an e-mail he then led Minnesota to a 7-2 fin- received from the front office ish. /(fEfcCA and requested to be traded or Under lohnson, the Vikings Management Inc. released. were much more conservative, Ilt'ili/silr 710 N. Enterprise With his health in ques- relying on an improved defense 1 & 2 bdrm apt tion, and his relationship with and play-making special teams Dishwasher/GarbageDisposal Childress off to a rocky start, unit to carry the load. A.C./washer, Dryer in 2 bdrms. the Vikings moved quickly to It could be a sign of things to Free Internet/Walk to Campus accommodate Culpepper's come. The Vikings appear set request. on starting the season with the /ttEfcCA Management Inc. 403/405 S. Church 2 bdrm Apt/ 2 bdrm Twnh VILLAGE GREEN 1 bath/ close to downtown APARTMENTS

Management Inc. 215 E. Poe Eff. I bdrm/2 bdrms Starting at $255/mo Laundry on site 15 minute walk to campus BGSU Bus Route

SPACIOUS APARTMENTS • EXCELLENT LOCATIONS Management Inc. EXTRA AMENITIES Trey Aubrey 842/846/850 Seventh St. Two story duplexes "Home away from Home" 3 bdrm/ 2 baths/ dishwasher/ garbage disposal Air condition/ • OFFICE HOURS • Laundry on site Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Weekends By Appointment • Anytime By Appointment FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Call 419-354-3533 Stop by the Office at 1045 NAVim St. or visit ot check ^website . 480 Lehman Avenue Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 (or complete listing 14 Thursday. Match 16,2006 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

Help Wanted For Rent The Daily Crossword Fix Cftjft^p brought to you by ^^^alaW (PP»^^^ Summer Job & Inlernship Fair 12 mo avail.ln May. W/D. C/ Wednesday. March 22, noon-4 00 A, 1 1/2baths. 4 bdrm., 2 car Student Union Ballroom I Razor sharpener garage.$1350 mo plus dep. Over 50 companies recruiting! 2 Old hag 419-836-7674 or 3 More inexperienced 'BARTENDING' up to $300/day No 419360 6060 4 Alan ol "The West Wing" CONSOLIDATE YOUR STUDENT exp. necessary. Training provided 2 bedroom house. 131 Crim. 5 Business expense item LOANS. New regulations trom Con- Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. W/D, Non-smoking, quiet area. 6 Desired gress mean in-school consolidation 7 Aids in wrongdoing $700/mo . utilities. 419-353-3855. Is going away July t. 2006 Consoli- TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES with 8 Slangy OK dating is free and will save you the area's fastest growing music 9 Final straightaway thousands Rates as low as 3.45% school. All instruments & early child- 3 bdrm house recently renovated. 10 Witch trial locale Call Toll Free 1 -866-416 6333 or log hood music teachers are needed New D/W and W/D, avail. May. II Mothballs or bnne 41 Passed on www Excellent pay. prolessional 12 mo. lease No pets. $675/mo 12 Earlier 13 2.000 pounds 42 Blackthorn environment 419-878-0380 or plus util. 419-354-8146 after 3 p.m. 21 Ginkgo or palm 43 Heaps www OhioMusicSchoots. com/jobs Personals 22 Vehicular journey 46 Mini-racer 3 bdrm, 1 bath, close to campus, 26 Actress Witherspoon 48 Met highlights City ot Bowling Green-Parks & PJJJ LaB*° S1 M 27 Fe. NM 49 Closet liner ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT soup, salad Recreation Department pels ok $900'mo utilities 28 Espy 50 Blazing Special Program 419-352-6948. and breadsticks M - F 11 2 29 Online chuckle 51 Hog wash $5.25 at CAMPUS POLLYEYES Specialist-Fitness Instructor 31 Weasellike mammal 52 Bum chaser? Part-time, temporary position. 3'4 bedroom available May. 32 Makes flush 54 Skunk River state Pagiais Pizza & Campus Pollyeyes This position is responsible lor in- $800 mo 640 S Summit St 33 Italian appetizer 55 Middle Eastern sul says the Falcon Ladies are hot. "-GEiEgEEE: structing fitness and wellness relat- 419-308-9905. 34 Bom as tanate Go Falcons ed classes tor the patrons ol the 35 Eager 56 Small amount Bowling Green Training and Com- 30 day satisfaction guaranteed. 37 Before, before 57 Mr. Whitney 40 Sharpen Wanted munity Center in the capacity of the 1 bdrm & studio starting at $355. ACROSS multi-purpose room under the direc- 419-3520590 tion of the Facilities Coordinator 1 Abandon 42 Meadowsweet Graduation tickets, willing to pay 6 Customs 44 Luau garland Responsible for ensuring the safety 317 Manville Ave 1 bdrm. apt $25. ea. Price negotiable. 10 Verbal skirmish 45 Corrida cry and satisfaction of Illness class Call Brett Troyan 740-503-8068 Quietsurroundings $335 per mo. 14 Musical refrain 46 Jubilant users and enforcing all safety and plus gas& elec. Need sublsr for smr. 15 Skeptic's retort 47 Republica Portuguesa neigh- Summer sublsr wanted. Copper health rules uniformly. Knowledge of May-Aug. Contact Lindsay 16 Jason's ship bor Beech Townhomes 1-4 bdrm. unit. community center staffing and pro- 937-307-0905 17 Rough customer 49 Lovebirds' words? Personal bdrm & bath. Furnished. gramming related to fitness pro- 18 Brown quickly 50 Iron-pumper's pride ANSWERS Internet & cable included Deposit & 19 Bolshevik Trotsky 53 End of quote grams and services m a municipal 4 BR 2 BATH HOUSE @ 1220 E. rent negotiable. 419-203-0580. 20 Start of Jules Renard quote 56 Lucy's love M i ■■! KJ <^H i Mvallso ija parks and recreation setting prefer- WOOSTER AVAIL 5/2006 23 For each 58 Soft drink ■4 ■! H v IHH A v ->H* I i|v red. This is a part-time, temporary 1200 /MO * UTIL. 419-352-1104. 24 Galena and misplckel 59 Writer Zola ■J 1 1 A ->"■* I' '"' "■ ' ** -jf position without fringe benefits Help Wanted 25 Race officials 60 Utah ski resort 1 1 7oS?33ld3HV ■ Work may involve irregular hours in- )v|sOO0|vNVdS BGApts-818/822 2nd St 28 Rosebud, e.g. 61 Pitcher in picture? cluding night andor weekend meet- 29 Math letters 62 Shirt size |||av~io|3io| 1 31 2 BR Apts. avail May or August Summer Camp Counselor for chil- ing and programs Applications will 30 Stephen or Chris 63 People flicks V 3 d ldS|3U3Mlina dren w disabilities Must have be accepted Mon-Fri from 8am- $490 ♦ gas/elec 12 mo lease 31 Paper fastener 64 Flit II <3i||ONUV N3AV3HDN|3TdvI strong work ethic & be interested in 4:30pm in the Personnel Depart- Smith Apt Rentals 419 352 8917. 34 Part 2 of quote 65 Villain's expression v 3^ | a 5i | a 3 i s | | | making a difference in the life of a 36 Cartoonist Peter ment. City of Bowling Green, 304 N. S a 3 A 1 1 | 5 3UO | d 3 d child. $7-$11 hr. 35 hr;Wk. summer 37 Snakelike fish Church St. Bowling Green. Ohio. ||S3b3HlHiMV3NO only. 5 sites in Summit County. OH. 38 Three-piece suit piece Resumes alone are unacceptable Close to campus $490 mo plus all N n q IIH v -i ftl* n w o H 39 Part 3 of quote Must enjoy outdoor activities. Visit For more information call the Per- util Small pets OK w'dep Available n 1 H vH 1 q H 1 ■« M 1 wwwakroncyo-org to download an 1 V A C^Q » V vf^ V H !\ K sonnel Department at (419) immed., May or Aug. 419-409-1110. application from the Job 354-6229 Email address: Opportunities link. EOE. [email protected] go to Close to campus. 3 bdrm home. THINKING ABOUT GRAD SCHOOL? LAW SCHOOL? MED SCHOOL? Attention Needed At earn www Deadline for mak- A/'C. basement, newly decorated $1600 mo No experience necessary ing application is 4:30 p.m. Avail, in May $875/mo. 'IlKilll K SfORIS (ill VRANTII I) OR YOUR M()NIY BACK" training is provided Immediate March 23. 2006 AA/EEO 419-878-5626 Spring Break & Summer work is KAPLAN available. Scholarships & paid ENGLISH MAJOR TUTOR/WRITER Great house.& location. 3/5 bdrm. internship programs available with to help with composition of format 3 bath large yard., 2 car garage, 1 8(10 KM' II SI • WWW.KAPTI.ST.COM this company. Apply now to hold essay Call 419-4090313. this position Call now for interview. patio, AC. WD 353-7374 Full and Part-Time positions 419-354-2069. available for lawn maintenance Houses & Apartments AWESOME SUMMER JOB1 CAMP (419)-354-1923 For Rent For Rent For Rent 12 month leases only WAYNE FOR GIRLS - Childrens INTERPRETER WANTED S Smith Contracting. LLC sleep-away camp. Northeast Penn- We are in need ot an interpreter 419-352-8917 - 532 Manville Ave sylvania (6 17- 8'13'06» It you love "Houses Avail.06-07 Next to BGSU Brand new apt in walking distance Subleaser Needed thatspeaks MANDARIN and/or OfficeOpen10-2M-F children and want a caring, fun 5-6 bdrm 321 E. Merry #C from campus. 1 bdrm. Ig living Big. Spacious House CANTONESSE lor a Kndg & 1st envi-ronment we need Counselors 3 bdrm 315 & 309 t'2 E Merry room, no pets, off street parking grader Please contact Fremont $275 mo. - utilities. 330-701-8575 and Program Directors for Tennis. 2bdrm 304E CourtUp.326 Leroy Dn $450'mo. Available now. City Schools. 1220 Cedar St Swimming (W.S.I, preferred). Golf. Large 3 bedroom. C/A 125 Crim. Apts.t & 2 bdrm 316 & 311 E Merry 419654-5716 Fremont OH 43420. Suited for Grad..'Senior Housing Gymnastics. Cheerleading. Drama, 12 mo lease, available in August. * More see Cartyrentals com or Attn: Greg Clark (419) 334-5433. Highland Management High & Low Ropes. Team Sports. $1000/mo. . util. (734)-769-8477 call 419-353-0325 9am-9pm. Also Seeking 1 aoditional lemale room- Waterskung, Sailing. Painting/Draw- mate 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, house on S Homesteadliberty Mike's Party Mart is a popular, fun, Apts & rms. avail now. low as $199 ing. Ceramics Silkscreen. Printmak- Summit, trom 815/06-8/15/07. Rent 1 and 2 bedrooms friendly family owned business. 2 LG 2 BR TOWNHOUSE, VAULTED ing. Batik. Jewelry. Calligraphy. is $350/month . utilities. Call Kristi t2 month lease only part-time sales clerk positions avail- CEILINGS, SPIRAL STAIRCASE. Roommate needed May 06-07 Photography. Sculpture, Guitar lor details at 419-494-6911 www bghighlandmgmt com able. 14-27 hours per week Must GARAGE. DWASH. A/C Aerobics. Self-Defence. Video, Pia- Close to campus. 419-354-6036 be friendly, neat, honest, depenable. CALL 419-352-1104 Call216'789-7200 no. Oher staff: Administrative. CDL Quiet Tenants Desired Driver <2U>. Nurses (RNs and good work ethic, desire steady em- Sublsrs. needed May-Aug. 2 bdrm.. Nursing Sudents). Bookkeeper. ployment throughout the year, and 1.5 bath, close to campus. W/D. Marten Rentals - 352-3445. One 3 bdrm.S one 4 bdrm houses. Mothers' Helper On campus Inter be available weekends and some D/W, huge bdrms. $277 ea. room • 2 bdrm furn apts 704 5th 1 bdrm apt. All avail May. 1 yr lease Summer rmtes. needed. Fully furn. views March 22nd. Select The weeknights. Apply 3/15-3/17 from 419-310-0005 or dgottfr@bgsu edu ' leases for summer only. 9 mo. S yr Close to campus 419-787-7577. 3 bdrms., 2 baths. Close to campus. Camp That Selects The Best Staff' 8am 4pm 834 S Main St BG • 2 bdrm. unfurn 710 7th St. $400 mo. incl. util. 419-262-1368 Call 1 800 279 3019 or apply on- (locat-ed by Blockbuster Video) • 601 Third. 1 bdrm. lor grad studts Suited for Grad Senior Housing line at Retired teacher and professor will 419-352 9259 • Very nice large house avail May Highland Management share house with graduate student 130 E Washington Street' Three Bedroom Houses for Rent or other professor. 5 bdrm. 2 wood 419-354-6036 12 mo. lease - starting May 06 burning fireplaces, wooded lot. 12 month lease only 453 S Prospect A - $690 + util. 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments GREAT JOB $255/ mo. includes all utilities. Call Office Open 9-3 M-F 605 5th St A - $699 * util OPPORTUNITIES! after 7 and leave message. www.highlandmgmt com 609 5th St ■ $900 * util From Only $475! (419)352-5523 Quiet Tenants Desired 419-352-8917

On selected floor plans

• Ground floor ranch • Private entrance • Patio • Spacious kitchen Route Delivery & Packaging • Pets welcome! Positions Available $7.00 -$12.00+ Par I FREE HEAl Part-Time, Year Round vnusnr SQU4RI Full Time in the summer •Mitrmin* Ml FIFTH ST: • TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS vtrww.hornecitvice.corn WITH BALCONIES AND PATIOS, FREE WATER AND SEWER. I N 03 Lock in your summer job now! TENANT PAYS ELECTRIC AND GAS. LAUNDRY ON SITE i—i '.•, t ^mssftii ! ""SMSSS 3W HIGH ST- TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED/FURNISHED 5201. MID ST: ■ IARGE TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. FREE WATER AND SEWER TENANT PAYS APARTMENIS ACROSS FROM CAMPUS. LAUNDRY ON SITE, ELECTRIC AND $30 MONTHLY FOR UNLIMITED GAS. LAUNDRY FREE WATER AND SEWER TENANT PAYS ELECTRIC. VARSITY SQUARE 709 5th Street 1 ON SITE. apartments APARTMENTS NEWIPVE Stop by or Call us at: • (419) 352-5620 Rentals

419-353-7715 t=J 332 S. Main NOW LEASING 2006-2007 Bowling Grwn ncwlovcinio" (k fiirr I rni*i(ftjft^ai Georgetown Manor 800 3d St. I & 2 Bedroom Apartments l^£ £i t msAfc \f tf/c/rru*) Parking ond laundry Facility Gm, Wofer, & Sewer paid. 2 Bdrm., 2 Full Bath, C/A The "Blue House"616 2* St. Shuttle stop across the street 906 INTERSTATE DRIVE 1 & 3 Bedroom Apartments $500/month Full Year Lease l-Jtit 159 ( orncrof I--3 ,in 2 Bedroom Upper Duplex ]■■'! t -■ ■ or -. IMill I ,-.' '"!> - Contact Jack at 1 till for Information Downtown, Newly Remodeled 1-800-829-8638 2 Day Advance Ticket Sales F4MILV OWNED & Off RATED or Steve at V FOR VENDETTA|R) 1001 EIGHT BELOW (CGI 1304 IS 7 00 CONTACUUCIE 419 354-9740 ^ (419)352-1150 Jf FIREW«U|PC-13I 9 20 Management Inc. THE PINK PANTHER IPO11 « ' 30 7 00 9 30 CURIOUS GEORGE IS) 100305510715 WHEN A STRANGER CALLS IPC-11) 1 00 3T0 5.20 7:30 9:40 j 2 FREE VISITS FAKtURE t0lAUNCH«-ll|1 304 15 710940 THE ; With any 10 visit KEEP WATCHING FOR SPECIALS THE SHAGGY D0GirC|12 45300515 730945 THE HILLS HAVE EYESlR) I 45 4 20 7 00 9 30 TANNING ! package purchase AQUAMARINE IPOI 1:454:15 7 00 9 30 LOG ON TODAY TO: 11IL0CKSIK-UI 130 4 30 7 15945 CENTER ; exp. 3/31/06 • View our 2006/2007 availability MAOEA'S FAMILY REUNION IP6-13] 145 Ser»*jK| &« f?80 4:30 7 009 30 • View pictures, map of locations, . UlTFUVMLETiPO-13) 1 10 3 20 5 30 7 40 9 50 f 1 MONTH paperwork and other info to rmake ke UA7EM0VIE[PO-U|1 15 320525'30935 32 ROOM!: AvAiUblei 42i X In the standard beds your search easier. ¥h,dtau O N - "' only $25.25 u. • WINIIAYTHUMHYAIJ.SMrV AU UMBItua l»ri).\YMM.\l AIJ.SM1Y All SHIMS M.yi WE HEAT ! fg&Jl!$SBfm

" Lr NOW RENTING FOR 2006-2007 UNDERWORLD: EV0LUTI0N|A|4 00 7 00 9:30 419- 352-3588 doutt to ctmpui lotions always — Stop by office for listing! THE RINGER IPS-11) 510 710 9 20 SOUTHSIDE LAUNDROMAT FUN WITH DIM t JANE iPO-lll 5 20 7 20 9:30 993 S Main _ j M, J K,J DOO 25% off! VOURS. MINE ANO OURS