oW _ • ......--..... .. • • All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News ---------------------------------------------------._---_._----_._-------- _._---------------------------- VOL 37-NO. 51 1...-;::.';;fJ:.:: ~::lt~:,.~...I::.tit, GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1976. 2::.0:.~.~Y"'~r 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section One I - HEADLINES IReporter Visits Zoning La,,' 01 tile VariaJICe WEEK Forever Family Approved A. CompU" by the Grone Polnle New. 'n Woods ITwo Car.e-;;-;'ien May House l Now Live Together .in Home in Ken- Thursday, December • I HOUSE D E M 0 C RAT S Carries on Own Investigation of Allegations Made sing ton road LAMBASTED the S e n ate by Neighboring Residents; Finds Members of By James J. Njaim House Atomic Energy Com. mittee for failing to ade- Religious Group Evasive to Questions A November 22 tie quately supervise the nation's By George Polgar Jr. vote, which virtually de- nuclear power pOlicies and "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when nied two career men a vated Wednesday night to brothers dwell in unity" (Psalm 133:1). permit to live together, strip the 30-year.old panel of all bill. writing power. The With hand lettered posters bearing this and was broken on Monday, move to turn the once-power. other Biblical quotes decorating the sta~k bright- December 13, when the \ ' ful committee into little more I ness of their living room, members of the Forever Park Council, sitting as than an advisory group was Family remain oblivious to the neighborhood a Board of Appeals, np- led by Rep, Jonathan Bing- furor surrounding them. ---------- proved the pair's right to ham, of New York, who said Commenting on allegations Arb:trat:OJ. t live in the Same house. the panel has outlived its made against them at the II II The approval also cancelled usefulness. The Democratic Woods Council's m e e tin g an eviction notice served on caucus decision is certain to Monday, December 6, by res. On Hor:zon the two to vacate their living be approved by the full idents of Roslyn road, a II quarters by a November 30 House, since the party will group member named Alice deadline. This notice was ex: control the next Congress by told the NEWS, "Our. neigh- I,t GP Woods tended 10 Monday night's about 2 to 1. bars are being terribly un- session for a review. fair. We are here doing the . Don Mazzola and Richar4 Friday. December 10 work of Jesus and we are be. No Progress Made after Gronan, who have been living THE CHAIRMAN OF the ing persecuted just as He Mediation Session; Ec- at 143.5 Kensington r 0 ad. state Public Service Com. was." onomic Issues Main since early September, prior missian, (PSC), proposed h to an issuance of a permit Thursday that gas utilities Dozens of Pointe youngsters are busy this GEL. Playful dwarfs in the back, (from left to While the neighborhood as Problem Area granting them a variance 10 yet to ask for public crud. z 0 n i n g ordinance 22, had pay 10 insulate and make week putting finishing touches on their roles in right), are LYNN PELLERITO and LIZ JOHN- fixions, residents have clear- d I other energy-saving improve- the Children's Theater Christmas package for SON. The play will be presented four times at ly indicated that they want By Roger A. Walta move nto the house in good faith. They expecllld lhnt a ments in over one mHlion The Pointe-a three.act musical version of "Snow the War Memorial's Fries Auditorium on Satur- Michigan homes, saving the the youthful religious group Arbitration remains a permit would bo grnnted as White and the Seven Dwarfs." In the front are average customer with a gas day, December 1B, and Wednesday, December 29. out. And after two years of reality in The Woods as a matter of formality. furnace up to $80 a year. The AMY DIETZ, as the charming Snow White, and (See story, page 9). frustrated legal attempts, ap~arently no progress Creates Furor capital cost of the plan, esti. the dashing Prince Valor, played by ANDY VO- hall serious rumblings could was made during a medi- Taking up residence In the mated at $650 million, would result in more direct tactics. ation session between house, owned by the Verhey. be recovered thraugh higher Attitude of Citizens representatives of the den Funeral Home, Inc., cre. utility rates averaging per- Firemen, Council's Action Policemen The intensity of the neigh. Grosse Pointe Woods Po- ated a furor among residents haps $20 a year per customer. Woods borhood ill-will could be lice Officers Association, living within 300 fcet. and But the insulation and other sensed in the tumultuous out- (GPWPOA), and the city along Kenslnglon, at a previ. improvements would produce CPC Okay Pleases Senior Citizens, Cited for breaks at the Woods Council ous hearing. a net fuel cost saving for an meeting. A visit to the For- Monday afternoon, De- Citizens claimed that the average customer af from ever Family home can reo cember 13, toward a new two men living tog e the r $40-$80 a year, according to New Pact Beautification Groups Heroisln veal further traces of the agreement which will af- wou~d ruin the single family the PSC staff. neighborhood. attitud,e... ~~ct 37 officers, including" charac1er of their neighbor. • " (, But Q~e~tion of Consoli- Recreation('51 Program .Incorporllted into Budget Four Officers Receive Parking ,a car across the three corporals. fiooa .anu "dfcrea~e 'property i valUes. Saturday, December 11 dation Remains Unde- for Seniors, While "Veteran's Memorial Parkway" Plaques at Grosse street from the house br ngs NegotiatioDS. Which began surrounding neighbors to early this Silmmer, <appear to The opposing forces ap. THE NATIONAL ACAD. cided', At.'bitr~totWil.1 Projeet.Takes-Big First Step Forward Pointe Lodge No. darkened windows peering have reached an impasse pea red at a public hearing EMY OF SCIENCES has ?' • on October 25 In numbers, given a relatively clean bilI Make Decision By Roger A. Waha 102'5 Presidential wit h a "now wh at. ' expec. particularly in the a.rea of and presented the Board of of health to Project Seafarer, h Wh 1 (C W) Ball tancy. Strollers on tree.lined -economic .l.ssues. Ap\Jeals with a 77.name pc. the controversial submarine By Susan McDonald Two Committee of t e 0 e, - ,recom- Roslyn r08d loo.k .askance at From his perupectlve, Of- tltion requesting that the per. communications s y s t em Grosse Poi n t e City mendations, one which pleased members of the By Roger A. Waha the peeling paJ1lt .and sag. ficer Michael VanDeGinsle mlt be denied to Mr. Mazzola h. h th N t Senior Citizens Commission and the other mem- ging porch of the Forever ,president of the GPWPOA: and Mr. Gronall. Many per. w IC e avy proposes 0 reached agreement with Four police officers build l'n M' h'g , U bers of the Beautific.ation Commission, were un- Family bungalow and shake said the city has received the sons ill lhe audience also o IC I an s pper its firefighters last week Peninsula. In a preliminary animously approved by the Woods Council at its were honored for merito- their heads. association',g last best offer voiced verbal opposition to NAS report delivered Friday on basic wage and fringe regular meeting Monday, December 6. rious service at the an- (Editor's Note: Based on as far as negotlations Me the granting oC the permit, by the Navy to the Michigan benefits for the 1976-77 nual Presidential Ball 1)£ the observations of NEWS concerned. With the Board short one Environmental Review Board, year. The one-year set- For the council approved Grosse Pointe Lodge No. reporter George Polgar Jr. VIew Shores Pact vote, (as Councilman Clay. Seafarer was portrayed as tlement, calling for a 7.2 the formulation of a reerea. mendations on the type of program they would like to 102, Fraternal Order of during two visits to the For. A major Hem in l1Je econ- ton Alandt, an executive di. presenting no substantial haz- percent increase in base tional pragram by the Senior eve Family house last week, omlcs area Is "the cost of rector of the funeral home Citizens Commission with see." Police, Monday evening, ard to the health and safety pay, will add about Parks and Recreation Direc. December 15, at the many of the allegations made living roll. in \Such a\$ The disqualified himseln,thre~ of "plants, humans or other $23,000 to The City's tor Donald J. Hallmann and After the seniors decide an ~rosse Pointe Y a c h t by neighttors concerning the Shores has," he stated, while Board members, Mayor Mat. ani~alls." However, the reo yearly budget, Clccording City Administrator Chester what they would like to have. Club. Each officer re- condition of the property ap. noting there was "some trou. thew C. Patterson and Coun. they will meet with Mr. Hall. par s not likely to prod uce to City Manager Thom- E. Petersen. At the same pear to have been exagger. ble" on salary for a patrol. cllmen George Verdonckt and a wide acceptance oC Sea- mann and then recommenda. ceived a plaque. ated.) man with four year''S duty. On (Continued on Page 2) farer in the UP, where elec. as Kressbach.
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