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1+1 ,,A, Du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions Et Bibliographie Services Services Bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395 NatIonal Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 ,,a, du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington OttawaON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON KIA ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, disûibute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microfonn, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/nIm. de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fkom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGUES .......................................................................... v * . ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ vn 1. INTRODUCTION ............................ ............................................ 1 3 . HISTORY .................................................................................. 4 2.1 The Advent of Passenger Service in Canada .................................. 4 2.2 Inaugural Railways in Canada ................................................... 6 2.3 Early Railways in Canada East .................................................. 8 2.4 Railways and Stations in the Maritimes ....................................... 16 2 -5 Transcontinental Railway Building ........................................... -22 2.6 Railtvays in Modern Times ...................................................... 29 3 . CURRENT STATE OF HEFUTAGE RAILWAY STATIONS l[N CANADA AND THEIR HISTORICAL ATTRIB UTES ......................................... -32 3.1 Recent Attitudes to Station Preservation in Canada ........................... 32 3.2 Stations Remaining in Canada .................................................... 34 3.3 The Historical Attributes of Hentage Railway Stations .................... -36 3 2.1 Historical Associations ..................... ... ........................ 37 3 -3-2 Architectural and Technologicai Evaluation ......................... -37 3 -3-3 Environmental Associations ............................................ -39 3-3 -4 Economic Evaluation ..................................................... 40 4 . CURRENT PRACTICE AND AVAILA%LE FUNDING FOR RAILWAY STATION CONSERVATION ............................................................ -42 4.1 Modem Approach to Station Conservation in Industriaiized Nations ...... -42 4.1.1 Arnerican Standards ........................................................ -42 4.1 -2 British Practice ............................................................. -44 4.1 -3 Canadian Practice ........................................................... 46 4.2 Available Funds for Station Rehabilitation ....................................... 50 4.2.1 Federal Assistance ......................................................... 50 4.2.2 Provincial Assistance ....................................................... 51 4.2.3 Private Assistance ......................................................... -53 TAE3LE OF CONTENTS Page 5. ECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 54 5.1 Railway Operations .............................................................. 54 5.2 Regional and National Policies ............................ .. ... ................ 55 5.3 International Policies ............................................................ -56 5.4 Recommended Procedures for Future Railway Hentage Preservation ... -58 5.5 Recommended Station Preservation Strategies Based on Use ............. -59 6 . APPENDICES .............................................................................. -61 7. NOTES ......................................................................................76 7 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................ -79 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1: Champlain and St . Lawrence Railroad. 18 36 . (Nick and Helma Mika, 1972) .................................................................... 5 Figure 2: Early train temiinal on Champlain and St Lawrence Railroad (CN Archives) ....................................................................................... 6 Figure 3: Eady Great Western Railroad construction standards (Ontario Archives) .................................................................................. 9 Figure 4: Great Western Railroad expansion in southem Ontario (Nick and Helma Mika. 1972) .................................................................... 9 Figure 5 : Early Grand Trunk station. Cornwall. Ontario (Ontario Archives) ................................................................................ 10 Figure 6: Grand Tnink station. Brampton. Ontario (CN Archives) ......................... 11 Figure 7: Ottawa's first train station (National Archives of Canada) ...................... 12 Figure 8: Ottawa station. 1855 (National Archives of Canada) ............................. 13 Figure 9: Grand Tdlines. 1856 (Nick and Helma Mika. 1972) ........................ 14 Figure 10: Moore Park station near Toronto. built in 1888 (Metro Toronto Reference Library) ............................................................ 15 Figure 11 : Toronto's kstunion station (Metro Toronto Reference Library) ............ 15 Figure 12: European and North Amencan Railway terminal. Saint John (Provincial Archives of New Brunswick) ...................................................... 16 Figure 13 : Rothsay. New Brunswick station (Peter M . Latta, 1998) ....................... 17 Figure 14: McAdam. New Brunswick station (Ross Harrisson) ............................ 17 Figure 15: Sandford Flemming style station in Maritimes (Commander L.B. Jenson and Nimbus Publishing Ltd.) ......... .................--.-..-.*.18 Figure 16: RaiIways in the Maritimes in 1867 (Shirley E . Woods. 1992) ................. 18 Figure 17: Intercolonid Railway route through the Maritimes (Nick and Helrna Mika, 1972) ...................................... .. ................. 19 Figure 18: Former Intercolonial Railway station in Halifax (Public Archives of Nova Scotia) ............................................................... 20 Figure 19: Orangedale. Nova Scotia station (Orangedale Station Association) ........... 21 Figure 20: Canadian Pacific station in Liverpool. Nova Scotia (Hank Snow Country Music Center) ........................................................... 21 Figure 3 1 : Montague. Prince Edward Island station @rince Edward Island Public Archives) .................................................... 22 Figure 22: Standard Canadian Pacific station in the prairies (Glenbow Museum Archives) ................................................................... 24 Figure 23 : Canadian Pacific station in Vancouver (CP Corporate Archives) ............. 25 Figure 24: Standard Canadian Northem station for the prairies (Public Archives of Canada) ..................................................................... 27 Figure 25: Canadian Northem station in Edmonton. Afberta (Provincial Archives of Alberta) ................................................................ 27 Figure 26: CN Rai1 station in Jasper. Alberta (J . Edward Martin. 1980) .................. 28 Figure 27: Former Canadian Pacific station in West Toronto (Metro Toronto Reference Library) ............................................................ 31 Railroad stations are a part of the architectural heritage of this country which are often taken for granted and left to deteriorate in communities that at one thedepended on the station as their primary means of transportation and livelihood. They are a symbol of a technological legacy which came to form this continent to a great extent, and allowed its vast expanses to be conquered and settled by this country's occupants. The development of the locomotive essentially transformed the country fiom an agricultural to an industrial nation, and its ability to traverse large expanses of land and facilitate the transportation of goods and people allowed for the development of the industrial revolution on this continent. The remaining histonc railroad stations in this country are the architectural product of this era of growth and expansion. With changes in transportation and passenger trends, the reliance on rail travel has declined considerably within the past several decades and countless numbers of stations have been demolished across the counh-y. Many of the remaining stations continue to be threatened with removal at any tirne, and are fkequently unoccupied and in a state desperate disrepair. Station owners usually prefer to build small new shelters when required rather than maintain the older ones for economic reasons and the existing stations are often given only basic maintenance while stmcturally they deteriorate, or they are abandoned altogether. Althougli new regdations adopted in past decade provide a certain amount of protection to a select few stations, most are immune to protection programs and subject to the will of the railway
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