PHLF News Publication
Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation 1 Station Square, Suite 450 Pittsburgh, P 15219 -1134^ Address Service Requested Punusnno FoR THE MEMBERS oF THE PrrrseuRcH HISToRy s{ LANDMARKS FouNDATToN No. 150 August 1"998 Landmarks Assists Manchester and South Side in Obtaining $S Million Commirmenr Duquesne Light and Pl{C Bank, major corpora,te sponsors, utilize State tax-credit program to assist Pittsburgh neighborhoods In, this issue: TVfe are pleased to inform 5 W ou, -embe.s of major The Courthouse: grants to the South Side A Progress Local Development Report Company (SSLDC)and Manchester Citizens 10 (MCC), Corporation two Pittsburgh-and neighborhood organizations with whom we have worked Landmarks-Inspire f.or many years. As a result Main Street Participants of our technical assistance and their excellent proposals, Duquesne Light and PNC 20 Bank will provide Manchester Passing the Torch: Arensberg, t: and South Side, respectivel¡ Van Dusen, Hallen with funding commitments for ten years under the È Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania's Department of Community and Economic Development Neighborhood Our Partners Comment PNC Bank is excited about thß iruestment oppor- Assistance Program/ Comprehensive tuníty. Tlrc strength of the partrærs-South Síd,e From lcft to rþht : Howard B. Slau4hter, Gouemor Rid,ge ß excited, about the role that the Service Program. Incal Deuelopment Company, the Pittsburgh Jr., director of P reseruation Seraices Neighborhood, Assistanc,e Program,/ Samuel A. McCullough, secretary Hßtory & lrtnd,marks Found,arion, and, Brashear Comprehensiue Senice Program nill play in our of the Department of Community and a,t Landmørlts; Mayor Tom Murphy; Association-in terms of their operating perfor- ongoing eforts to reaitalize the communiries in Economic Development (DCED), Sy Holzer, president of PNC Banh; mance and, historíc d,ed,ícation to improuing the the Píttsburgh regíon.
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