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PHLF News Publication Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation 1 Station Square, Suite 450 Pittsburgh, P 15219 -1134^ Address Service Requested Punusnno FoR THE MEMBERS oF THE PrrrseuRcH HISToRy s{ LANDMARKS FouNDATToN No. 150 August 1"998 Landmarks Assists Manchester and South Side in Obtaining $S Million Commirmenr Duquesne Light and Pl{C Bank, major corpora,te sponsors, utilize State tax-credit program to assist Pittsburgh neighborhoods In, this issue: TVfe are pleased to inform 5 W ou, -embe.s of major The Courthouse: grants to the South Side A Progress Local Development Report Company (SSLDC)and Manchester Citizens 10 (MCC), Corporation two Pittsburgh-and neighborhood organizations with whom we have worked Landmarks-Inspire f.or many years. As a result Main Street Participants of our technical assistance and their excellent proposals, Duquesne Light and PNC 20 Bank will provide Manchester Passing the Torch: Arensberg, t: and South Side, respectivel¡ Van Dusen, Hallen with funding commitments for ten years under the È Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania's Department of Community and Economic Development Neighborhood Our Partners Comment PNC Bank is excited about thß iruestment oppor- Assistance Program/ Comprehensive tuníty. Tlrc strength of the partrærs-South Síd,e From lcft to rþht : Howard B. Slau4hter, Gouemor Rid,ge ß excited, about the role that the Service Program. Incal Deuelopment Company, the Pittsburgh Jr., director of P reseruation Seraices Neighborhood, Assistanc,e Program,/ Samuel A. McCullough, secretary Hßtory & lrtnd,marks Found,arion, and, Brashear Comprehensiue Senice Program nill play in our of the Department of Community and a,t Landmørlts; Mayor Tom Murphy; Association-in terms of their operating perfor- ongoing eforts to reaitalize the communiries in Economic Development (DCED), Sy Holzer, president of PNC Banh; mance and, historíc d,ed,ícation to improuing the the Píttsburgh regíon. Lo,nd,marlæ' hnonledge of announced that the State is providing Dr. Steue Sícgel, presidnnt of the SSLDC; South Síd.e community-is irnpressiue. PNC Manchester and, the South Sid,e fostered the part- a 70'/. tax credit to PNC Bank for Samuel A. McCullough, secretøry of Bank's commitment tofund, #250,000 eøch year nerships that ne now share wíth Pittsburglt committing $250,000 a year for ten the Department of Cornmunity and for ten years is signifi,cant, but the needfor qual- National Banlt and, the South Side l,ocal years to the SSLDC, and to Duquesne Economic Deuelopment íty programs and, seruices is eaen greater. of the Deuelopment Company, and wíth the Manchester Light for committing a year Therefore, ne mwt, aII use our contacts to leuer- $250,000 C ommonw e akh of P enns ylu ania ; Citízerx Corporation and, Duqu,esne Light. The for ten years the age oTher resources lo ensure that thß to MCC. and Hugh Brannan, executiae d,irector Pittsburgh Howing Authoríty plays a signfficant Several years ago, Pennsylvania Compreheruiae Senice Prograrn ß successful. of the Brøshear Associtttinn, lnc. role by setting the stage for a new approach to The seruice area extends beyond the South Sid,e passed legislation to stimulate long-term public hou"singfor the NAP/CSP communíties. flats and, slopes into Arlíngton Heights and St. private-public partnerships aimed at The Department of Community and, Economic Clair Víllage. Here, we hope to buíld, upon the comprehensive community development nical assistance to each, as well as pre, Deuelopment is proud, to participate in thß pub- progress alreod,y mad,e by the City of Pittsburgh through the use of tax credits for the development funding to SSLDC. The Iic/priuate partnership to build strong, heahhy Housíng Authority in other Pitxburgh public for-profit entities. The program, which application process took over one year. communities for all resid.ents. howing communities. We support the directíon was originally utilized only in Phila- Landmarks will have a continuing to,ken by Stanley lnwe: through, the seraices delphia, provides a classic win-wi¡ role in the educational work of the so,**",t#ffiff*",#î auailablc in this program, we can public situation: the non-profit community South Side program and the Brashear ffir ltousíng resid.ents choíces and opportunities Du,quesne Light has a long tltat development corporation receives a Association will assist the SSLDC in hßtory of supportíng they so long haae been d,enied,. projects and, programs that respond, for long-term funding commitment from providing social services. to the needs of peoplc in the communities it serues. Cathy A. Niederberger the private W are sector, while the for-profit "People think of Landmarks' Vice President pleased, to partner with the Manchester Citieens and Manager, entity receives valuable state tax credits. Preservation Loan Fund primarily in Community Development Deparfment, Corporatiory an organization with a prouen trach Most significantlg the communiry bene- terms of the low-interest loans that it PNC Bank record,. We welcome the opportunity to contribute fits because the comprehensive program provides," said Howard. "Equally to the technical andfirnncial resources needed to is required to address education, human valuable, however, are the technical South Side's reaitalíeation ß at a critical junc- support the reaitaLization ffirts on the Northsid,e. services, job development, drug preven- services that we provide every day to ture. Wether or not r,he reaítalízation can con- tion, anti-violence, housing and leader- many neighborhoods and other non- tinue and, be swtained depend"s on our abílity to Public Arïairs, d:t:Jå'ü* ship development. profit preserv ation or ganizations. The continue imporr,ant efforts, inclucling the Main Landmarks' director of Preservation Manchester and South Side programs Street Program. and expand our programming to Through our partnership uith tlrc State and, Services, Howard B. Slaughter, are examples of the kinds results address qualíty of life i"ssues that ffict all resi- Jr., of that Duqttesne Light, the Manchester Citizens d,ents of the seruice area. Not only worked with the DCED to identify \Me can achieve partnership are we extend,- two in with Corporation wiII be able ro moue our neighbor- potential ing our programming, but we are ertend,ing our communities that could benefit community-based organizations that are hood, deaelopment strate gy initiatiue ard. forw seraice area as well. The South Sidc Local from an allocation of new tax credits. working to preserve the architectural W are uery appreciatiue of all the technical Deuelopment Cornpany is excited about this Landmarks notified both neighborhood integrity of their communities and assistatue that has been proaid,ed, to us by the opporrunity to reach beyond and, work in n¿w organizations about the importance of encourage resident participation. " Píttsburgh History & ktndmarlr Foundation. Laays to reuitalize the South Síde. the State tax credits, and provided tech- u**'"T;il:å:îTå Carey Hanis Executive Director. SSLDC Page 2 PHLF News August 199B WèIcome [Yew Members The Hearst Foundation Awards Grant to the (as of July 1.4,1998) Preseraation Loan Fund welcomes the The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation On June 30, Robert M. Frehse, Jr., executive director of The Hearst Foundation, following new members who recently ioined Landmarks. We look Inc., notified Landmarks that the Foundation awarded a grant of $35,000 to the forward to their participation in our work and special events. Preservation Loan Fund for work in Pittsburgh's historic neighborhoods. The Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1945 by publisher and philanthropist Ron Baraff Maureen E. Lang Hearst Hearst. The Foundation is an independent, priYate philanthropic John A. Baranowski Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Leber and family \Tilliam Randolph Victoria L. Batcha Cynthia Lennox institution op.." separately from the Hearst Corporation. The charitable goals ' Jennifer Beck Dr. & Mrs. Paul Lerry of the Foundation reflect the philanthropic interests of l7illiam Randolph Hearst: Terry Lorince and Craig Parke Barbara L. Bolas education, health, social service, and culture. Mr. & Mrs. Russell I. Bradley Mr. 8¿ Mrs. Lawrence T. is a significant gift," said Howard B. Slaughter, director of Landmarks' William P. Buckley Magasano "This Jr., Esther Mallouh Preservation Services, "because it is the second major gift we have received from John Capretti 'Sle Nat Carbone and family Linda March a foundation outside of Pittsburgh. believe this award is in recognition of the A. M. Carlson and S. E. Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. national prototype we have developed for assisting historic inner-city neighborhoods, Marchesani, Sr. Virginia Cicero low-income neighborhood residents, and minority entrepreneurs to develop and Gloria R. Clark Oak Glen Middle School programs that help sustain neighborhoods." Grady Clendening and family Barllara and Lester Parker finance sound restoration Gwen Dakis Partners for Sacred Places At the suggestion of Howard, Ms. Ligia Cravo of The Hearst Foundation came Professor J. R. Daniels Marilyn C. Pavlik to Pittsburgh to tour various neighborhoods and meet with leaders and residents. Kathy Petruska Sandra M. Danko She was impressed with Landmarks' ability to leverage grant dollars with other Marlene Demarest Providence Preservation Society funding sources. Cheryl DePasquale and family Anne Rawlinson gave gtaît to Landmarks in support of its Robert L. Digby Ceil and Jim Rockovich Yeari ago, The Hearst Foundation a John B. Donaldson Cynthia A. Rosky restoration efforts. \7e appreciate this new and continuing support. Britta C. Dwyer Ann Fay Ruben East Lawrence Elementary School J. N. Runyan Eisenhower Elementary School Diane N. and Paul A. Sabol Stephanie K. Ellegood and family Barendeld Family Fund Esrablished Judith Esposito Maria Santiago '$7e Mike Fackovec and family Robert B. Schaub are pleased to announce that a new Named Fund intended to benefit historic V/hitney A. Finnstrom Janet E. Schlarb North Side religious properties has been generously created with a major gift from Laura and Chester Fisher Debra and Henry Schleuter the Ellwood Group, Inc.
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