THE EVENING STAR. Fl BLISHET) DAILY, Except Sunday, IT THE STAR BUILDINGS, 3d Edition. T«rtW»st Corner Pennsylvania Ave. mnd 11th St.. by Tke Evening Star Newspaper Company, GEO. W. ADAMS. I*rest. T** r*F>»!«a St«w is served to imhwin*i« fn ths r ty fcv rsrrVrs. on their own »cronnt st 10 r*ntni*r OF MAINS *< 1 or 44 cents i*r month. Copies at the counter. J BLAINE, f»l t- mrh B>'. . t < etau'- I r*Io foreign corporations. grout VIEW. Cfflce No. 908 G street. Prepares plans and Keeekn. Also, a from of the laughter. specifications for all communication the Secretary almost a panic. % and POINT LOOKOUT. classes of buildings and Convention refused to take recess. Call of states; Interior In their erection. Je.>-lm 4th ballot ordered. transmitting. reply to a recent senate It was found Impossible to start the fourth ballot Aaat Casta. Gorg.' us Costumes. Magnificent Scenery. Returning Monday Morning: superintends a of the commissioner of the Steamer GEORGE LEAKY, from 7th-street r^*» personal taxes. BLAINE GAINS 14 1-2 ON ONE resolution, report for some time. The couveutlon was almost in a wharf, t- v Assessor's ARTHUR 278. general land office clvlnc Information as to Exhibition DrilL SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, at 6p.m. Je6-2t Office, The Stock .Market Stronger. lands held pane. Delegations were on their feet shaking _ Washington. d. c.. June 2.1884. by foreign such as M-3* on Pers nal an advance over yesterday's price3. the corporations, their fists at each and hundreds were all Taxpayers Property are hereby notifi-d, in AND 25 ON THE OTHER. New Estes Park company, the Arkansas other, RIVER'S SUMMER OAR DEN. obedience to law, that they are required to make out Yore. June 6, Wall street. 1:45 p. m..The Land and Cattle and others.Valleyspeaking at the same time. Mr. for the Grand Excursion and retnrn to this office a statement of their Personal Post says: The stock market, dull this company, Roosevelt, BT THI MEMBERS OT under though The commissioner of the land oftlce iu his report Arthur men. moved to whl h was lost By direct Special Wire the Ful! Returns of the Property, oath, within foriy-five days from this w«s firmer than yesterday, and at one time,forenoon,states that no adjourn, hy GERMANIA No. K. OF date and in default of such return the assessor is entries have been made by these a terrinc of "no." was over LODGE, 15. P., about 10:30 o'clock, the general rante of the seven but that the tliein are held yell It circulated all CHICAGO CONVENTION To Marshall Hall, on the commodious steamer Mary required bylaw to make out such statement from the oest EDMUNDS or most lands held by corporations, senator had i- to information that can be 93. eight active stocks wasnoni 1 to per under was to Logan ,<>raphed Washington, obtained aud add thereto a cent above the of last assignments. When It attempted transier his vote to Mr. Blaine, if true, . of 50 i>er centum. closing prices night, though Into the examine which. Will be announced from the Stare to-day and to-night. sunday. l'ne 8. penalty his friends 18:90 legality of the claims and would nominate him on the next W.A. Admission, each person. 50 cents; children from 10 to Blank schedules can t,e obtained at this office. cheering. by o'clock the larger part of this was lost and the witnesses for the government d.dassignments,n< >t ballot, G. Admission free. 15 years, 25 cents: under 10 Tears free. Tick its sold for By order of the Commissioners ot the District of regained. The expectation that ttie settlement of appear, and It waa believed that had been the exca&ion are Columbia. ROBERT the they By Amociat"d Pr-na. Sunday. May 18th. rood lor this P. DODGE, long-pending litigation between the elevated Many claims are for Intimidated. REGULAR OPENING OF GARDEN MONDAY. Jew* 9. Friz* shooting sud prize bowling for valuableexcursion. Je2-Ct Assessor. D. C. the roads would benefit tlie stock market was fulfilled, The suspended The w ild prizes. Stt-amer will leave 7th street wharf at 9 a.m. decisive day. The commissioner represents that investigation.there enihnklakm for IHaiee at and ra» CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. W AND 13TH buying of stocks for foreign account, which are now 600.000 claims of record beiore the land the float- of the I tiird Hal lot. ATTRACTIONS. 2 p.m. brothers of-ister Lcdtres are welcome. J6-2t* ^ » was a feature GREAT sts. n. v., Washington. D. C.. 27th May, 1884 .A they claim his election on In the market ten days ago, has dls- office, Involving To.000.000 acres. Chicago. June 6..The result ot the third balk* SUNDAY EXCURSION. meeting- of the Incorporators of the Children's Hospital appeared, and the majority of stocks bought then »5 ADMISSION 10 AND 25 CENTS. QRAND of the District of Columbia will be held at the Hospital have been resold. The commission brokers also The Ifioiihe. was announced at 8:10 o'clock. The gains made on Building on MONDAY. June 9th, 1884, at 8 o'clock p.m., the next ballot. say that there is little out-of-town On motion of Mr. Poland a Senate bill was the Blaine and the the COMIQUE. to consider the ot tills corporation availing EXCITING SCENES EAST comparatively (VL), vote, understanding that fpHKATRE advisability NIGHT AND business In stocks. passed to authorize the construction of a vote would The First Excursion of the Season under the New itself of the provisions of the act of Congress entitled TO-DAY. highway Logan probably be transferred to Blaine, TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY. JFNE 5,> the Great Glove "An act to amend the Revised Statutes of the United New Yoke. June 6, Wall street, noon..Stdcks bridge across that part of the water of Lake produced another storm of and wild Coi test between JOH \ H. 'STEPHENS and REDDY States relating to the Di.-tric-t of and for have been weaker cheering Management will be given to other Columbia, The Great Crowd Outside and Inside under the leadership of Lake lying between the towns of North Herochumplaluand for Blaine. Mr. of a purposes," approved Apiil 23. 1884. Shore and BinKhain, enthusiasm V BITE takes place.Soft Glove*.'to Finish. the Hall.Rumor* of SCENES DURING THE BALLOTING. Lackawanna. Prices declined \ to % Alburg, in the state of Vermont. * f SAMUEL V. NILES, President. combinations but at a Mr. Phelps, of New Jersev, and one or Fu l how. Admission. 50. 35, 25 and lOcts. BLACKISTON'S ISLAND. JAMES H. SAVIlLE, Secretary. my28-llt This per cent, midday firmer tone prevailed. On motion of Mr. Lewis ^La.), Tuesday next was Pennsylvania; inornlny. Business moderate. set apart lor the consideration of tlie , two colored delegates endeavored to get a hearing TO-MORROW (FRIDAY SIGHT) the Great Wnwtling The Monte Criato of Lower |T"iara WASHINGTON MARKET CO.. Special Dispatch to Ths Evening Star. Special dispatch to The Evening Stab. Baton and and vorlierated and without Oeatukt between Potomac, 19th, 1884. Sullivan and Mitchell to Spar. Kouge Vicksburg forfeiture MIL gesticulated A May Chicago, Junes..The scenes in the convention Chicago, June 6..It was lust half-past eleven Mr. Henley (CaL) gave notice that when that bill in betng lie.trd. their voices Ui MATSADA Dividend of 40cents a share(No.l5jhasbcen declared last Boston, June 6..A match has been ar- was being drownedsucceeding SORAKICHI, ON SUNDAY NEXT. JUNE 8TH. on the catvital stock of this anil the same night and this morning almost baffle when the convention in order and the roll-call sparring disposed of he would call up tor action the tumultuous company, will got between John the ' cheers and demands for a call ot Champion of and be j able at ranged L Sullivan and Mitchell, Northern Pacific land yells, Japan, pa the office of the company in Center Thousands of counterfeit tickets havedescription.been of states began. Every candidate in Alabama was English to occur at Madison Sauare Gar- grant bill. the rolL EDWIN BIBBY. for$S00. On the Elegant Steamer on and after the 10th day of June next. TransferMarket and pugilist, the private calendar. books will be closed June 4th, at 4 o'clock. issued, the result is that the convention hall is applauded, delaying the vote till a Btorm or hisses den, New \ork, on June 30th. The contest will be Not deterred by th^lr failure, Mr. Roosevelt, of Associated Press Teleimuns from Chicago read from JANE MOSELEY. my28-2w SAMCEL W. CURRIDEN, Treasurer. literally packed to suffocation. The aisles are restored Arkansas a four-round one, the winner to take 65 and the The House then, at 12 o'clock, on motion of Mr. partial quiet. voted, and was loser 35 cent of the net Sullivan win New York, carried away by the excitement, jot tag-- strain to-. inht. je5 LUMBER. blocked, the are the is and were per receipts. McMllllnJ(Tenn.),went Into committee of tne whole ~ LUMBER galleries packed, stage challenged, polled. Loud cries made train down to and will Into upon h^ scat, waved his arms and as if and the floor of the hall is from the thirty pounds ill?, go (Mr. Wellborn, of iexas,ln the chair) on the appeared RUMMER GARDEN. almost overflowing floor to clear the noisy training on Monday next. calendar. privatehe was saying something, but uot a word was 813 E street northwest. The Cuisine will be under the personal supervision of There is a impassable. which a At 2 KULB-S . seating capacity for 9,100, and it had good effect. The Blainegalleries, o'clock, without transacting any business, heard from him. WILL BE OPr Xf'D lO-XlOHT Mr. ED. ABNER. assisted by Mr. Meyer, of the is estimated that there were vope In Arkansas was what was The Mew York Woman Suffragists. the committee and With Music. Je5-2t OWING TO THE GREAT INCREASE IN OUR 18,000people In the hall 8.Just New June 6..The woman rose, the House took a recess Finally, at 2.30 the of the fourth ballot Schuetzen Park hotel, and Mr. Stuckel, late of before the convention met. In the Delaware gave Blaine 6.a decided gain,expeetedi Yore, suffrage party's until 8 o'clock, the evening s**3lou to be for the taking THEATER WE HAVE OPENED A NEW YARD ON 14TH, pandemonium when Florida was called a arose as to the county committee, at its annual meeting last consideration of bills. was begun. and Welcker's. All the delicacies of the season BUSINESS.last night all of the beautiful shields of the states vote quarrel elected Mrs. Dr. Clemence S. pension RATIONAL Delmonico'sBETWEEN B AND C STREETS of alternates, and the state was polled, giving night, The a motion for Keeem voted Down Aasld JUNE MTU. FOB THE BENEFIT OF will be served at city prices. A Magnificent Orchestra NORTHWEST, were torn down, together with all of the and Blaine 1, and Arthur 7 votes. cast solid Miss E. Blake secretary, Miss J. McAdarn District iu Congve**. ( rent WHERE WILL BE FOUND A COMPLETE STOCK OF flags 34 Georgia treasurer, and Miss C. Schoonmaker viceLozler"president, Exrlfrnrnt. ITHE CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS* HOME. has been under the of Prof. W. decorations of the galleries. Some of these were Arthur votes. lllionols gave Blaine 3, president. damages ik case of death. Before the vote of Alabama was there waa enga^vd. oonductorship FLORIDA PINE. THIS WILL ENABLE US TO Arthur 40. Indiana Edmunds Resolutions were adopted denouncing by name the The House given Under tii» auspices of the following committal: F. Weber. A salt-water thrown on the stage on ladles, who fainted from 3, Logan gave committee on judiciary to-day another uproarious scene, in which delightful, CARRY A but who were 1, senator Sherman 2, Arthur 8, Blaine 18. fifteen assemblymen from tills city whose votes W W Corr*. E ! on. John H Kiwvnr. WHITE PINES AND HARD hall bill suits lor ^ Brow-:. WOODS. WHICH WE there were so vote of 26. was polled, and resulted. their constituents to retire them. The resolutions authorizing damages where deatu parts. It arose upon tLe tcLnical prominentthat a Bcija J. i'.. U»isir, Hoa J C. S. Blackball the order of the occasion. many thousand that the police also thanked sheard and General H usted results from the point bfLAtjrC. 11. ^ bii ^ G*»a. John 13 Gordon. MEAS SHALL BE IN THE INTEREST OF THOSE the doors and lor hours barricadedBlaine, 12; Hawley, 1; Arthur. 4; Logan, 1. Up to Speaker wrongful act or neglect of any motion to take a recess had been yck. Th i Moseley will leave her wharf, foot of 6th street, at let no one in or out the vote Blaine had lor their of the bill. or lu the person made and WHOSE ORDERS WE HA\ E THE PLEASURE TO of the building. gained 8 votes above the support corporation District of Columbia. had been d»»clded the chair In the MISS GERALDINE GREY. 8:30 a. of this then estimate the of by negative, m.; returning, reaches the city at 10 p. m a sknsation. morning. Kentucky gave valuation district real estate. calls had been made a *ith the following cast. will present the great of FILL. 1, Lincoln l, Blaine and ArthurSherman A Sharp Advanc e in Stocks. for vote by states.although play 50 cents. All information can be obtained at wm. & Among the sensational incidents was the Logan 5# New June 6, Wall li a. m..Stocks In response to a Senate resolution, the District At la&t a Blaine delegate to his friends to ADRIENNE LECOUVREUR Ticketa. Mclean son, 16. Louisiana gave Arthur 10, Bialne 2, with one York, street, have appealed Summer Garden. E street. Je4-4t of a man way under the with a vote absent. Maine her 12 votes for opened steady and then advanced sharpiv under Commissioners to-day transmitted a report ot the the vote on the recess taken by states, and at Gera'dine Abner's 13TH B stage lighteddiscovery gave Union half-past 2 the vote states The Illinois Adrlenne Let&uviwnr Miss Grey my27 AND STREETS NORTHWEST. torch. He to be for a Blaine with a cheer. Maryland cast for large purchases. Pacific, Missouri" Pacific, valuation of real estate in the by began. de Bo kLoii Mi* p.^ *.Yt»e*u£ LODGE. No. 2. "THE pretended searching Blaine ringing Western Union and Lackawanna were the and District, including delegation requested it few moments for fnncsw < WASHINGTONv chair, but as there were no cnalrs there 8, Arthur 6. Senator Hoar cast the special grounds Improvements, according to the last I'm. h«sse «!e Mir>*roi* ^ lr-a Hcuainson bKKJ* will give a select Moonlight ExcursionGROWLvto I. M. It is vote for features. Prices rose to 1 % per cent. The assessment. as to Its vote, and then It was announcedconsultationasM >'*d*moiseiie Jo".ivenot j Marshal. Hall; on xteamer W. W. Corcoran, on FRIDAY HERMANN, D.-PRAC 1TCE LIMITED believed he intended to lire the Edmunds 25, Blaine 1, .MassachusettsArthur of to 15. Mvhoanet ...... Mi Orjrpti PaJnsoni EVENING. June 6th. 1884. to Diseasn of Eye, 1 ar. and Throat. Office building. The vast stage Is built or and 2. Michigan cast 2 votes for Gen. Sherman, 15 the Elevated troubles had a favorablesettlement Hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. 912 I street pine, for 7 effect. Many rose 8 to 58 and the common 6 to 56. Capitol Topics. '1 he vote was challenged (showing that it wil Jtuurice. Count 1*: Saxa ...Mr. G* I" Erdinsu Boat lesves 7th street wharf at6:30p.m. sharp; would have burned easily, causing a panic that Blaine, tor Edmunds and 2 lor Arthur. providing for a Mr. Jhs. A Mahcusv at 12. returningnorthwest. my27-lm* would put thousands of in The Minnesota gave 2 Blaine, 7 Arthur. In Missouri Later there was a reaction of to 1 per cent, but forfeiture of land. regarded as important,) and the result or the ^nc-edeBotiiitonAbi*de cl-sze.iil.. M« W.C. Mu crl Tickets to l»e obtained from the members and at the people danger. John at n o ciock the market is Ilrrn at a The House committee on lands of the Illinois delegation was; for rtoesa,polling rTp DR. DONNALLY, DENTIST. 1321 F STREET streets were noisy all night with music of bands, Sherman got l vote. New Hampshire gave again partial public to-day 13. 81; Qnmauit *»Ir, S uair-ia^ Eiiiott boat. Music.Schroeder's Orchestra. northwest, may now be found at his the cheers for the Edmunds 4 and Arthur 4. New Lincoln recover)'. agreed to a bill for against Mr Jo&,: w. Pal.uon. The Lodm* ir^rves the of office, having candidates, and the treneral Jersey gave report providing the forfeiture 1 he vote of New York was v rigbt refusing any tickets recovered from the effects of a burn which 2 9 for and resulted: ?l^u« ;1 Boy.'i-I -he-. He... fc Gcortre Mills and necessitated shouts oi the rabble. votes, Blaine, 6 for Edmunds and l for John of 85,000 acres of land north of Slour polled, refunding money. Je4-3t his absence from office the past three weeks. my27-lm Sherman. There was a buzz when New York The Frisia Towed into Portland. Immediately Ayes. 42; noes. 2i». ktmci- Muni ei. Mr. John Masterson Combinations to Defeat Blaine. great New Yore, June 6..The agents in this of the City, Iowa, which is claimed the Sioux and The vote ot was l* 5 sheet »t Br- ntanos. Thursday, June 5th. J«4-5t SERIESTOF EXCURSIONS rSr1 REMOVAL. was called. It cast l for Lincoln, 23 for Bialne, 31 for city St. by City Pennsylvania polled.ayes 11, Will be given by the This morning the field Is to make Arthur and 12 for Hamburg-American packet Hue slated to-day that Paul railroad company. noes 4S. Tennessee gave 24 votes In the negative, DR. J. B GTBPS. Dentist. endeavoring Edmunds. There was a loss for their so MAT:'> BANl> AND SATURDAY EVENING CLUB No. 1336 Riggs street, near 14th all possible combinations to defeat Blaine. The Arthur oi 2 votes. South Carolina steamer, the Frisia, which broke her shaft the wise-massev case to be reopened. lhat, although the vote still goes on, the motion ' li-iiifhed for Pjcnks. northwest, street. gave Arthur 17 when fourteen miles from had been lor a recess was defeated. I Iictirsioas,ORCHESTRA..FIRSTreat t beerinf over tlie Vote, on or has also a 21 for Arthur and 2 for by U».ai..4to7p.iu y. -3., The entertainments will consist of Dancing. Vocal about June 5th, at 5J4 lath street had conference and agreed in delegationcertain Virginia gave Bialne. West General Foreign Xews Cable* they decided to In favor of John S. The convention refused to adjourn by a vote oC Recitations, fcc. with a full line * t the latest improved to nominate Gen. Virginia gave 12 sollJ votes for Bialne. Wisconsin by report Wise Music, The machinery.northwest,contingencies Sherman. the in his 386 (O 455. CrHNEEWlTTCUEN SNOW Di:OP..THIS BEAU The Steamer MARY WASHINGTON will leave her finest work in the District iruarauterd. P. D. Effort to Unite the gave 6 for Arthur, 10 far Blaine and ti for Edmunds. dynamiters france. seat, and will report In favor or theretaining reprt*-"te,i ju German wharf at 6:30 p. m.. returning at 11 p. m. MELCKEK. H. F. LYON, formerly with Swiss Delegation on 1 he District of Columbia tor London, June 6..The has contestant, Mr. Mnssey. They say that the first The announcement of the vote by \i Senator Sherman. gave l Bialne and 1 English government caused gnat Misa M VKI>-. a1 I S->\E*. s, a well-known German Ladies.' Complimented Gentleman's Ticket, 50 cents. uiyJ4-2w*I.auudp' for Arthur. Carson voted for Bialne. drawn the attention of the French authorities to decision was brought about by the absence of some cheering, wav rng ot hats and handkerchief!, teacher, and 5 7i-ils. at Lincoln Hall, on FRIDAY. To be had of the committee ana at the boat Je4-3m An effort has also been made in the Ohio In North the immunity enjoyed by dynamiters in Paris in of the democrats from the committee room when at _her..30 p. ni. lull scenery and costumes In JOHN H. MAGRUDER, Carolina Arthur got 19, Bialne 2 and FOR GREAT FALLS AND CABIN JOHN 1417 New York avenue, to unite on Senator Sherman. delegation 1. Ohio gave Bialne 21 and John Sherman 20. laying plans and making preparations for outrages. the vote was taken, and that such a decl»lou wou.d muss.- hy pu; lis. trun.enta! desires to inform the t>ubiic Logan be a reversal of that In Gt-n- ral admission. 25 i ts.; reserved seats, 50 cts. HO! BRIDGE that ho has pure Virtrinia The floor of the convention is filled with Oregon was solid for Blaine. Pennsylvania gave t minister morton's couktes? to tub cocnt of the Parrel-Paul case. 1 ic»ets at MrtZcrott's. t* The Ste m Packet "EXCELSIOR** will make her Claret only $1 per gallon. my21-lin and It is hard to Arthur 11, Blaine 47, Edmunds l. When paris. minor notes. my31- to the as rumors, believe whatbewilderingany 1, Logan trips above points follows: TUESDAYS,regular ICE CREAM SO Da one says, but that a and final Blaine's vote was announced there was wild June The democrats of the 15th ohlo district XT OPEN TO ALL BOATS FRIDAYS and SUNDAYS, at 8 o'clock, from wharf, WATER. desperate effort la The official Paris, 6..The Morton Incident, as It Is FOE I^S? 5c. PER GLASS. made to unite the Held on a result was received in renominated, acclamation yesterday PRESIDENT: street and being candidate is profoundcheering.called; that the honor by Beriali CJLYM..i or terms, apply to j High Canal. For iurther informationcorner At MUNCASTER & so is, alleged special paid by Wllklns, J. OKVELLE JOHNSON. apply at office of J. G. k J. M. WATERS. HOWARD'S Pharmacy. on every hand. As the convention approachesevidentsilence, anxious was the vast audience to hear it, Minister Morton to the c ount of 1' to be made present Incumbent for Congress. The delegates to _ , p21 Cor. 7th aiid I streets northwest. the 41 y Penna. avenue n. w. Je--lm 1045 32d street. West Washington. the first ballot the excitement and interest are very G. W. A. the occasion of an to the national convention were instructed lor my22-5Hw interpellation government and Hendrlc s. JAMES 0. BLAINE. FOR THE GREAT FALLS AND CABIN JOHN FJSr* JNO. A. PRKSCOTTT great. It is going to take some time to restore In both the senate and the chamber of deputies. Tilden ICYCLES, ltd? Real Estate Broker. order. G. w. A. Associated M. Schoeleher will move Jud,re Glides' constituents renominated him "g> TRICYCLES HO BRIDGE. HfiSTenioved By Press. the Interpellation in the for I> NOTICE..The new Excursion Steamer will be ready h:s office to SECOND senate and M. Lochroy in the deputies. Congress by acclamation yesterday afternoon. AND ACCESSORIES. for charter on and after JUNE 15TH, with capacity of No. 132ft I" street northwest. By Associated Press. BALLOT* Representative Bralnard has returned from TOl v BICTCLFS and VELOCIPEDES A SPECIALTY 200. Houses and Building Lots For Sale Cheap. Official second ballot: Whole number of Business Failures PURCHASERS TAUGHT FREE. For my8-3m Money to Loan. BALLOTING AT CHICAGO. footings During' the Week. Pennsylvania.James g. Blaine was nominated on the fourth executed in the most akillful further information apply to delegates, 82a Whole number of votes 818. New June 6. .The repairing promptly CAPT J. E. WAGNER, GAS STOVES. cast, York, business failures of the manner. my31-lm 3221 Bridge street, Georgetown. CfiT GARDEN A Great Crowd.Entrance to the Hall Necessary to a choice, 411. last seven days throughout the country, as News and ballot i Boys' Bicycles sold ou instalments. HOSE. James G. Blaine reported to K. G. Dun & Co., of the mercantile Washington Gossip Vjj. c. . _ . GAS FIXTURES, &O Blockaded.Police Sent For. 349 tCHIBNER'S Stoves that will do all cooking. Chester A. agency, number for the United States 199, and for Receipts Rir>rs a Schocl, Look! ^Gas Family Chicago, June 6..The entrance to the Arthur 276 Canada or a total of 215 as Government To-dav..Internal scexes a hoit 110*t t- street northwest. F. 16, failures, compared the city. 80 BOLES hall is at this hour (10:30 a. m.) so conventionblocked George Edmunds 85 with a total of 177 last week, an Increase of 38. $513,431.30; customs, 1593,606.46. revenue, FOR 25c. 32 MILES FOR 15c. E. F. BROOKS. with John Am people that it is impossible for ticket holders Logan 61 Acting Paymaster the deep interest at thk white HOrSE. FALLS AND my21. 631 15th street, Corcoran Bull'line. and members of the John Sherman The Baltimore Markets* General..During LECTURES? OCCOQUAN MARSHALL HAT.T^ convention to obtain entrance. 28 June of the paymaster general. Major A. E. Bates,absenceThe deep interest In the result of the convention (TrS1* JOHN H. MAGRUDER. 1417NEW YORK A message has been sent to the chief of Joseph It. 13 BALTIMORE. C..Virginia sixes, dmt-due HI E LECTURE ON THE "ART OF Steamer MARY nne. his Just bottled a of AVE%C33 Just police Hawley 36: U"\v threes, J3ii'- North Carolina sixes, eourjns,old. paymaster U. S. army, will, by direction of the In and about the White House was more manliest s WASHINGTON will make Excursion large quantity, him Bobert T. '^1*EM'^K> c A BOYD, at Y. M. C. A. Zinfandel Claret, which is considered the finestCaliforniaasking to send all the help possible to assist In Lincoln 4 06 bid to-day. President, take of the office of the to-day than at tlir.e heretofore. The Bui.dinir. J409 NewhKfiork avenue FRIDAY EVENING Trips to the above places. Occoquan Falls every ever to this market. Win, T. BALTIMORE. June 6.Cotton dull. charge any regular ' brought my21-lin preserving order. Sherman 2 middling. 11*;. general and his duties. paymaster June 6. at 8 -lock 100 wonls and figures will be Flour steady and street and western perform Friday Cabinet meeting was held as usual, but the (1 leaving 7th street wharf at 9 a. m. returningWEDNESDAY. THE ATTENTION 10:45 a. m..The convention quiet.Howard at or OF VISITORS has not Cabinet officers ackward forward after hearinir them oncereI- AND yet The Second Ballot in Detail. super, 2.75a3.50; do. extra. 3.50*4.50: do. family.4.50a5.7j; Promotions in seemed to know that the meeting read froti the blackboara. which any one may do aft.-r 8 p. m. Fare, round trip, 25c. Marshall idents is particularly cal'ed to PHt>SVITJ2,RES»'»the and the of mills euj'er, 3.0")a3.50; do. extra. do. ltio Office of Controller of the wouid not be devoted to the Hall, every new and l'.rain and yelling the crowd outsideassembled,of the The from the first ballot were as city 3.50a4.50; customary subjects, " Lonir Poem's recited backward popular Nerve Tonic and changes brands, 5.f>2a5.75; Pataiwco family. C.25; do. Ccrrenct..W. K. McCoy, from assistant and hence were In no to rea< h i he White I-V'^ra'^strucaou.I nbl.c invitoJe5-2t* SATURDAY, leaving at 9 a.m. and returning at 4:30 p.m. against Malaria. For sale areat<-d by the glassSaleguardor doors rivals the uproar of lastnight when the names G.7.». Wheat.southern hurry in bottles W. C. follows:patent. easy, withsuperlativetrots! to chief of $2.20.); C. H. House before the returns from the could Fare, round trip, 15c Dancing on fine waxed deck down by MILBURN, Sole Inventor and were presented. demand; western easier and dull; southern rwl. 1(15 division, Cherry,bookkeepercome in. balloting 1429 Pennsylvania avenue. apllManufacturer. Alabama.Arthur, 17; Bialne, S; Logan, 1. at. 10; do. amber. l.OSai.13; No. 1 from fourth class to assistant $2,000: C. Secretary chandler was the first and back. No objectionable allowed on boat. The Hall Maryland, Lllal.ll^; bookkeeper, to arrive, tollowed BOOKS, t\rc. parties GAS COOKING RANGES AND Opened. Arkansas.Blaine gains 8; Arthur loses l: No. - western winter red. sjH>t, and June, 1 02.feal.03: E. Brayton. from third class to fourth class, fl,SU0; shortly by Secretary ...._ STOVES. 10:55..One of the who rode over from the War iny31-4m ». S. doors being opened and the loses 2. EdmundsJuly. 1.02^h1.o2H; Auirust. 1.02al. rjfe. Miss C. L. Pennock, from fttOO to (1.200. Lincoln, FLEURON. RANDALL, Manager. GARDEN HOSE crowd being in a measure repressed the hall filled California.No change. lower tor white: western steadyCornsouthernand All the o»herv, except Secretary department.Teller, Pa* GEORGES OHNET. dull southern wiiite, t"a70; do. yellow. 62a63; Examined and came later. the who LiTE V up At this hour Colorado.No change. Focnd A"ll Right..The Including Attorney General, ii. FISCHER, LAWN VASES AND SETTEES. rapidly. nearly 1,000 people are In Connecticut.No western mixed, spot, VlfeaCS: June, 61 bid: in the frum Philadelphia this murnlnt. Postmanreturned JaS-Im 52915th street, opp. U. S. Treasury. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. the hall, and outside the doors, in the immediate change. July, 61i»a62. Oats hisriier and firm.southern Burnslde case roused a generaldevelopmentsfeeling ter General with his office " FINE GAS FIXTURES. Delaware.No change. and 37a40. western of On-sham, large poruoilo POOK^ to more are Pennsylvania, white, 3-a4l. do. Insecurity as regards all disbursing officers. M r. under his arm. as if he hud no of Viw r PLUMBING, HFATING, AND *i-T. JOBBING vicinity, 3,000 4,000 standing eager for Florida.No change. mixed. H5a3i. Kye quiet. 08a7 >. Hay quiet and easv. ''joking thoughts X* Ponian Sinir-ni. By Crawford. PROMPTLY DONE admittance. Georgia.No change. prime to choice Pennsylvania anil Maryland, ll.OOa Lawton. the disbursing officer of the War chlcagc, w as th»* last u> put in an uppesrance, and Rapid Ram'.li! rfs in E irope: FaJkner. Special Inducements At An Indiana Illinois (the roll or 16.00. Provisions qui t and prices nominal. Mess pork, requested secretary Lincoln to have department,an the result of the first ballot was known before hut Practical l_*^ays. B»in SAML. S. Idea. delegates called).No change. 00. made of his examinationI horse was driven to ' SHEDD, Indiana (the roll called).No 18 Bulk meats.shoulders and clear nb sides, packed. accounts. Inspector gray up the White House door, ^V \'lant"s R -b~. Atisfey. ap25 4V.i 9th str-et northwest. 11:05 aim..It Is said Indiana will cast 19 votes Iowa.No change. 7fea9fe. Bacon.shoulders, 8X; clear rib sides, 10j*. Sackett was accordingly directed to makeGeneralthe i he Cabinet meeting was very brief, and those Qtii. k&auds .Mrs. Wisuer for Maine and 11 for Arthur on first to change. Hams, 14 4al5&. Lard.refined, 934 Butter dull and he has The present soon distributed themselves l -» r-- \v », Oecc a Man. K*rr. francs, one-price, visit C. s. PRTCE'S PHARMACY ballot, get Kansas.Bialne gains 1; Arthur loses 2; John lower.western examination,which completed. accounts about the Eu-tis. Rob': V Doit. jFs^~* 426 7th street as many as possible for Harrison on second ballot. Sherman loses packed, Kal5; creamery, 17*20. were tound correct, and everything mansion, and either conversed or reflected southwest, 2; Logan gains 2; Hawley gains 1. firm. K?al6>s. Petroleum nominal and quiet.refined, satisfactory. the Put a Ph'lisr-ne. 1 ownsend Cobjtsx and get a refreshing glass ot pure soda water The Blaine IVen mean Business. Kentucky (the roll called).Arthur Blame 7,'«a8. C"tfec lower and du 1.ltio carvoes. to upon all-important subject. Private dispatches The Great Armimeut. Thompson. 7th 15d d. Prescrijitions carefully compounded. gains l; ordinary Col Burnside's Successor. . The Postmaster and Assoclau-d Press bulletins were received at Round the W my3 The Blaine men have determined to vote loses Logan loses fair, 8?ia9\. SUK'ar lower.A Bolt, Ck. copper refined orltL C nietrie. down Louisiana.(Roll Arthur quiet. l;>xul3Ji. Whisky steady. 1.15. Freights to General has appointed Mr. Richard Devens short intervals by Private Secretary Phillips, and Ar' R«-cr atioasi. Kembie any resolution to adjourn until a result is reached. called).Bialne gains 2, steamer with their contents were at once Out ..f Town p,ac««. Mit hell loses 1, Logan loses 1. per steudy. moderate inquiry.cotton,Liverpool of the Post Office building and disbursingsuperintendent communicated oy him Manners and Social U«a»re». Sherwood. Arthur iTIen Will Try to Force an Maine.No change. ll-64d.: flour, Udals.; irraiii hVher, 2Jta3d. lteceipt«. officer to the President. Secretaries Frelinghuysen, Gr O W EST. flour, 1,536 barrels; wheat, *1,000 bushels j corn 24.000 tor that department, vice J. O. P. Burnslde, I Chrtndler. Lincoln and ex-Attornev General WM H. MORRISON. Maryland.Blaine gains 2, Arthur loses 2. bushels; oats, 4.000 bushels: li.Ot'O dismissed. Mr. Devens Is a son or J** *"5 avenue. Celluloid Collars, all styles, 20c. value 25c. Adjournment. rye. bushels. ex-Attorney of New York, formed an animated group lu Pennsylvania 11:10..It is said that the Arthur men have Massachusetts.Arthur gains 1, Edmunds loses 1. Shipments.wheat. 43,000 bushels: corn. 26 000 bushels, General Devens; was formerly disbursing offcer of Mr. Plerrepont, Celluloid Cuffs, all value Michigan.Arthur gains 2, Edmunds loses 2. bales.wheat, 52.000 bushels; corn, 1J.000 bushels. the of Phillips' office, and by their munner and handy companion. styles, 40c., 50c. to try and lorce an adjournment after a lewdecidedMinnesota.No Department Justice ard, at the time he showed how important the day s eventsconversation For Constant The time is now when a change. received his new was a The, Use. Undershirts, value 75c. approaching good many of U9 ballots. The Petroleum Klarket* appointment fourth-class were to the President ana his advisers. lu a nut»heii, edited by a select corps of 45c., will be on the Some of us Mississippi.No change. PTTTttBUhG, Pa.. June 6..Oil clerk In the Post Office ?SucL go. will seek the healing Convention Called to firmer, but not department. senatorial comments on the sbcond baluot. exl*ni. India Gauze, sizes 34 to value waters and cooling breezes of the others Order. Missouri.(Koll called).Bialne gains 2, Edmunds much doinir. Pries opened at 743*. advanced to 76, LAYS, the newest and beat 8. S. music 50.50c, $1.00. mountains; 11:20..Convention called to loses 1, Logan loses 2.(one absentee). back to 75, but rallied at noon to Senators prefer the briny ocean with its a tractions and order. dropped 75J». Fatal Accident to an army Officer..The George, Pugh, Jonas, Call, Farley. ^FUL Genuine French Guyota An earnest Nebraska.No change. Vest and Hawiev rem aired in the Senate CROQUET from one to five dollars. Suspenders, 35c. ; but go somewhere we will, and we will drawbacksa consultatl on Is going on among the Nevada.No The Chicaeo barkers. War department Is Informed that 1st Lieut. Cockrell, my»t> C. c. MT'.-VELL. Hcokm 419 9th buy New York change. CHICAGO III., June 6. 1 Rice, ller. 9t. n.w. White Shirts, all the latest thousand articles, some of them very useless we find, to delegates. New Hampshire.Arthur Edmunds loses p. ni.Clonic? prices: regimental quartermaster of the 23d fell chamber. Bulletins were promptly delivered tc styles, including 12 and 16 A resolution was but gains 1, Oats.June. 333,: Julv. 33 ; Autmet. 29»j; year, 27*,. infantry, prepare ourselves for our trip. We beir leave to mention offered, the chair would Wheat.June. nominal: July. 90'i, Aumist, 92-,; from a train early yesterday morning, near Mexico, Senator Hawley, and read out to the crowd. On plaits, at a few articles you all will need, which you will find us entertain nothing but votes for nomination of New Jersey.No Corn.June, 55. nominal; Mo., and was killed. It Is that the second ballot the bulletins announced only the A Souvenir American change. July, 56\. August, 57^ supposed it was a on OftaThe at all times, and which we ofTer so reasonable thatful President. New York.(Roll called).No change. nominal; September. 5$*,. nominal. Pork.June, 19.20, case ot somnambulism. His remains and effects changes, the opposite side of the chamber sat the make in FIRST North Carolina.Blaine gains Arthur loses L non.i- al: July, 19.20; Auirust. 19 20. Lard.June, 8.05, will be taken to Detroit. Senator Cameron, of w is., chatting with several FFF RRR A Nil I* « savings you them will help vastly to pay BALLOT. l, t> , ^ WASHINGTON. CCO RSS« Ohio.Bialne Sherman nominal; July, 8.17)4: August, 8.30. friends and no attention to the bulletins. F^n and Pt-nri]PI^TT-RFSQUKS£^trheii of it» iiren^nr. Tradi F RR AA - 3 your txip. James G. Blaine gains 2, loses 2. paying HiHtorr NNNOO 5 334# Oregon.No change. Naval H. M. Wells ordered to Durlug the first ballot Mr. Kohert Blaine, brother Ufe" Gr*S'hic Descriptions FF RRR A A N N N C SSSo '1 he first thing is a traveling Satchel. We offer a good Chester A. Arthur Judge Wm* D. Kelley Approves the Orders..Surgeon of the watched of« «°,r^.te a, .To. *au!>V'la]1 < !.»rr»T«s, T,hthe White House and the R R AAA sun O O Rubber bair. larre at 278 Pennsylvania.No change. at the naval ex-Senator, every Ugure closely. FI; s 3 Water-proof size, 79c., 8t9c. and 99c. F. Rhode Island.No Platform* temporary duty laboratory. New York, When the vote ot New York was reached on tbe Ootrrmuect Dej artmeuts. t.«ether with Artistic Views & R A A N NN CCO bSSS r All Leather Traveling Bags from 41.9S. Ueorge Edmunds 03 change. In addition to his Passed r t>" Washington.and 1 in- Leat er Bound Canvas Bajrs from $2.25. John A Logan South Carolina.No change. The following is a copy of a telegram sent this present duties; Assistant second ballot the opinion among the senators was 'heE-mU;uisMS1>ufV'-V'-Aongress. By Joseph West strictly Extra flue Buff Grain l.eathe- Bags from $3.98. 63# Tennessee.No change. morning by Judge Kelley to Hon. Wm. Engineers Jefferson Brown and Chas. F. Nagle to that Blaine still had the best chance. "He's on one-price, Rubber Cloth Hand Satchels John Sherman . 30 McKlnley, at New from 79c. Texas.No change. chairman of committee on of the special duty York; LleuL Kossuth Nllesii rl-mg ground.'' remarked Senator George, "and will Juat received and for sale »>y H CORNER 7TH AND D. All Leather Hand Satchels, ii.' t and Mack, from 99c Joseph R. lflawley 13 Vermont.No Jr., resolutions detached from the Washington navy yard and be nominated." < A WHITAKER Grain Leather Hand Satchels from $1.98 change. Republican national convention: ordered to the . Robert T. Lincoln 4 Virginia.No change. "The resolutions the Powhatan, and on her arrival at blaine stoce ooes VT. BookveLer and stationer. ladies' Shopjnnir Bu«.'s. of every ind and style, in West adopted by convention Lisbon to for duty on board the " y ^ 1105 Peans> lvama avenue. Just Opened. Alligator and other L. atliers. from 49c up Win. T. Sherman 2 Virginia.No change. the spirit of the report Lancaster; The Senate was recruited Senators _ progressive republican party.expressPassed Assistant John party by Traveling and Lunch Baskets in the utmost i rofn«ion Wisconsin.Blaine gams l; Edmunds loses L The Is an advance on its Surgeon H. Hall irom the A LOT OF to suit in The First Ballot in Detail. Arizona.No platform predecessors, arid Minnesota and ordered to the nd, Vance and Colquitt, and, when the result of SUMMER SCARFS FOR 50c, WORTH tL every taste, all shapes md qualities frour change. I dedicate my pen and voice to its exposition ana naval hospital, OarIn ^EW Books. 25c. up. Roll of states for first ballpt: Dakota.No change. deiense. Wm. D. Brooklyn, N. Y. the second ballot was announced, Blaine stock went A Iloman Sj.wvr by F Marion Crawford LARGE LINE Hammocks we will all want. We have Hammocks for District of Kelley." Senator Edmunds left the and went e 17. Columbia.No change. up. Capitol At Hot in Italy, by Mrs. E. D K BianciardL Of the baby, at 49c.: hammocks to hold 300 pound", at 99c Alabama.Blaine, 1; Logan, l; Arthur, Idaho.No A Personal Encounter..Mr. Brown, the law home soon after t he Senate G veriuut nt it-ven ues, by Ellis H. Roberta and the best genuine Mexican which Arkansas.Blaine, 8; 4; 1. Roll change. The Bell Punch as a Weapon of Defense.. adjourned. 1 ntailed ' SUMMER UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Hammock, wili Arthur, Edmunds, Montana.No change. The conductor and driver of car No. clerk of the Patent office, and Mr. Pollock, a a mock session op the HOrSE. Ti»« Hst. by "Gath h Id all you canj ile in at $1 69 and $1.99 of delegates of Arkansas demanded. New Mexico.No 74 on the W. patent in,r Chancollo.. a L'fe . : fcismar k. by Moritz Bnsrh Toilet Articles of every descript.oii. change. and ti. railroad put a man, named Joseph Fleming, lawyer, had some high words yesterday while the after the of the th" orli. by Andrew FINE DRESS SHIRTS TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. Toilet Traveling Cases ( 16. Utah.No Directly adjournmert Houm, Carnegie. 99c. ombs of all kinds from California.Blaine, change. off their car. at 8th street east this morning, on latter was In the room of the former. A personal Mr. Van Eaton took the and all the ARCHERY. CROQUET AND LAWN TENNISL 5c up. Tooth, Nail, Hair < lothes. Flesh. Shoe, Hat. Colerado.Blaine. 6. Washington.No change. of Flemings disorderly conduct. Alter accountencounter but the chair, members, THOMPSON'S SHIRT FACTORY. \ elvet and o her Brushes. A hisks. Puff Boxes " followed, combatants were r and visitors assembled In the ^ ^ Balu*nt'NE* SONS* and Puffs 12. Wyoming.No change. off the car Fleming dealt the conductor a blowgetting before any was done. separatednewspap m-n, ha!l mvl3 428 «th CHARLES HYATT. Shaving Implements. &c., kc. Connecticut.Hawley, on the the and was damage and a mock amid the wildest atr^et. Proprietor. In and out door gamesof every d< scription Anything D?laware.Blaine, 5; 1. The Blaine IVIen Exuberant. nos<\ drawing blood, about to began session, my27 iir F street northwest, Patent office. in the line of T< ys you may want lor the littl- Arthur, strike him agalu when the conductor dealt his Gen. Babcock's Remains en rout* to ment. Mr. Belford was asked to take th» floor. _ opposite The result of the second ballot was announced memi Rattan Carnages f,,r the bab es oneSmall Florida.Arthur, 7; Blaine, l. Roll of Florida a blow over-the head with his bell punch,assailant from He said that his friend, James G. Blaine, would from $3 50. In tact thousands of totakeaiong at 1:20 and the Increase of Blaine's vote was the an cut. dispatch Jacksonville, receivedWashington..a CST articles you all need. demanded. making ugly Officer Clinton arrested In Baltimore late last have been nominated in 1876, but some one Louis A. Dieter, J All good and all dirt cheap. Georgia.Arthur, 21. cause of an exubarent manifestation on the part of who was lined flO by Judge SnelL Dougherty, night, says: "The steamer turned out the gas, and In the JOB the audience. Jennie Lane, with the remains of General Babcock R. B. Hayes was nominated. Have*'darkness. RECEIVEDA LOT OF Illinois.Arthur, i; Blaine, 3; Logan, 40. The Recent Mcrder Cases..In the case of on board, arrived at her wharf name was with derisive *13 F STREET NORTHWEST, THIRD yestenhut morning. greeted laughter. In this 100 DOZEN FRENCH HALF HOSE, m. silve^iBERG 4 co.. Indiana.Edmunds, l; Sherman, 2; Arthur, 19; BALLOT. Loulsia carpenter, who Is charged with the murder They were taken In charge by Underflker O ik, manner the session continued, the clerk reading WaaaiVQTOX, Blaine, 18. The convention then proceeded to the third bal- of her husband, her counsel, Mr. T. J. Mackey, says embalmed and forwarded to Washington on the the dispatches as they came In over the wire. which we will close at $2 per dozen. These goods are £12 7th Street and 313 8th Stbket N. W. Iowa.Blaine, 26. lot, with the following result: that there has been no admission of the crime being 2:30 p. m. train. Accoinpanlng the body were Mr. Between the regular announcement of the ballot, worth $3. We would adfiw all in need of inch goods to committed by her. He says that strict wiu D. In charge at fictitious were to be the 80 rail early, as can't last James G. proof George Benjamin, Mosquito InM, ! dispatches read, alleged And N. HOWARD STREET. they Ion*. Je2 Near Pennsylvania avenue. Kansas.Blaine, 12; Logan, l; Arthur, 4; Hawley, Blaine 375 i be required as to her guilt, and. If then the and Mr. B. B. Smith, of the sixth light house "latest by giving hints and rumors of Aluo. a full line of SUMMER UNDERWEAR. 1. Roll of Chester A. Arthnr defense or will be set proven, who I grajievine." Baltikobk. 11ES and SCARFS, at SUMMER delegates demanded. 274 I Insanity up. In the case of joined the vessel at Charleston." Thedistrict,combinations, first on Gre>ham, then on Edmunds, Kentucky.Lincoln, l; Logan, 2#; Blaine 5*; George F. Edmunds 69 Frenchy Ross, charged with the murder of Isaac funeral services will take place from his late and so on through the various candidate*. Blaine's F. R | Tlnney, Mr. Mackey is also and tne 2024 G street northwest, at 10 o'clockresidence,name met with the loudest ELLERV3, Our Plan 16; Sherman, 1. Arthur,John A. Logan 53 will be self defense. willengaged, The applause. PAFERHANGIXGS John It be claimed thatdefense remains are expected to arrive heretomorrow. the uptown departments. 1112 F street northwest Is to *11 only the medium and best grades of Louisiana.Arthur, 10; Blaine, 2; Logan, 8. Roil Sherman...! 25 he had been knocked down, kicked In the temple, to-night. of demanded. B. and a twice In Bulletins were received in all the uptown A*D poods.the lowest grades are not kept at alL delegates Joseph Hawley 13 pistol snapped his face before he "TINEST DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDE& Maryland.Blaine, 10; Arthur, 6. IVm* T. Sherman 2 used the knife. The Railroad and the clerks managed tc keep themselvsa INTERIOR X only t'A Beginning with men's sufts, at $10 and $12, Question. well posted without neglecting theirdepartments,work DECORATIONS, we give a better article thau can be made up Minnesota.Blaine, 7; Edmunds, 2; L Robert T. Lincoln 8 a petition presented in the senate to-day. fix Fine Dress Shirts made to order, only 11 Arthur, Kelser Taken from the Hospital to the CorRT. railroad bill Eretty) any extent. HOVEL AND PECULIAR DESIGNS. new to sell at those prices by marking down Mississippi.Blaine, l; Arthur, 17. John the young white man it is the to be called up ne*t . 1 Jnest Linen Collars, all styles, 50 The Third Ballot in Detail. Kelser, who, thursday only SI per dozen. higher cost suits that for one reason or Massachusetts.Edmunds, 25; Arthur, 2; The attempted with two others to rob Robertalleged, The Associated Charities..The board for the Finest Four-Ply Lilian Cuffs, only 26 «*«ts another have not sold Blaine, changes from the second ballot are as on the 25th of last and In the Senate to-day Mr. Morrill a subdivision. Associated held a pair. per freely. 1. follows:Magee month, who dunng presented eighth Charities, At $15. $16, $1* and $20 and above the Alabama.No the fracas received four severe cuts across the back, from the 'most substantial citizens of petitionmeeting last evening. Present, W. C. Dodge, vies THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. a Michigan-Blame, 15; Edmunds, 7; Arthur,8; w. change. in the and has been In Dr. J. b. MraW. c. Closing out large lot of Unfinished Dress Shirt* at is immense and the of our groin lungs, Providence asking early consideration of the president, presiding, Carpenter, (icents, worth 65 cents. quality workvariety T. Sherman, 2. Arkansas.No change. hospital ever since. This morning officer question,Washington,"l>odsre, Mrs. Charles Junken, 8. c. McDowell, Justites us in handing to every a California.No Saddler, of the removal of the Baltimore and esq., All KOOUS anarautaad to purchaser Maine.Blaine, 12. change. of the first was ordered to the hospital Potomac Chas. Junken. esq., treaa.; a. m. Kanouse, sec. Ten give satisfaction. LEGAL GUARANTEE ticket, which warrants Colorado.No change; to take Kelserprecinct,to the Police Court. and tracks from 6th street aDd embraclnsr EQUAL TO ANY IN THIS COUNTRY. Missouri.Arthur, 10; Logan, 10; iMmnnii» c; Illinois.No change. I When he Maryland depotfamilies, fifty-two persons,were reported At MEGINNIS9. the prices and goods by agreeing to exchange arrived at court he was charged with simple Mr. Morrill said that while Congress having been aided with groceries and fuel, over or refund money for returned Blaine, 6; John Sherman, 1. Indiana (after a few minutes in consultation). but the took his thirty visits two assisted to reach 1002 F street anything Arthur 1; Edmunds loses L Judge personal bonds assault,on the question of forfeiting the lands of made, persons northwest and to ii ake good losses on uninjured Nebraska.Blame, 8; Arthur, 2L gains account of his condition, as he was evidently which had not been consideringdistant points, where they could obtain work or EMBRACING EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW AND 6. Iowa.No change. and ordered completed, he wantedrailroadsto three in admittance to prove unsatisfactory. whatever Nevada.Blaine, Kansas.Blaine Arthur loses 2. greatly, him to be sent backsufferingto the urge the District committee to consider whether or support, gaining hospltaL New gains 2; hospltaL Kelser Immediately swore out a warrant and two In getting employment Amount expended National Office Store open until 8 o'clock to-night Hampshire.Edmunds, 4; Arthur, 4. Kentucky.Bialne gains Arthur loses 1. mm not the land occupied by the Baltimore & Potomac IN Furniture. 1, against Robert Magee, charging with assault so as to $138.37. BEAUTIFUL New Jersey.Blame, 9; Edmunds, 6; 5 Louisiana.No change; and battery with intent to kilL road, occupied Injure much valuable f FORGE John Sherman, 1. Maine.No change. property, ought not to be forfeited. Mr. Ingalls Ranks or m thermometer..'Tbe following m. j. wine, PPRANST. Maryland.No gave notice that on next Thursday, at S p.m, be WALL one-price clothier and New York.Lincoln, l; Edmunds, 12; change. Firing Into a Crowd..About 6:15 yesterday would call the bill to define the were the readings at theofflceof the chief agaal DECORATIONS, tailor, 28; Massachusetts.No change. afternoon quite a riot took place on I5ih up routes of steam officer today:."a. m., 06.8; n a.m.. 82-4. tffua., 8A0 MANUFACTURER OF THE NATIONAL DOCUMENT 607 SEVENTH STREET, Arthur, 31. Michigan.Blaine gains Arthur loses Gen. and V. street, railroads in Washington. He said, however, that FILES AND 8, 2, U it appears from the statementbetweenof that bill did not contain for Mafcunum. 86.5; minimum. M.& no* THI FILES CABINETS. Je2 Opposite U. S. Post Offiea. North Carolina.Arthur, 19; Blaine, 2; Logan, 1. Sherman loses 1. witnesses that a party of young colored men were any provision the John Minnesota.Arthur Edmunds loses L of the Baltimore and Potomac depot andremovalLtect. Kosbcth has been detached (ms No. 929 F Stukt lomvaB. Ohio.Blame, 21; Sherman, 25. gains 1, playing base ball, and the residents objecting they tracks. Mr. Morrill asked that the be 6. North Carolina.Blaine 1: loses L moved off a short distance, to where a of petition at the and ordered to CHEAPEST PAPER AT 13c. PEB ROLL TO THE ATTENTION! Oregon.Blaine, gains Logan party to the District committee, that It might takerelerredduty Washington oavy yard DANIEL G. HATCH. Manager. myl3-lm J^ADIES Pennsylvania.Edmunds, 1; Logan, 1; Arthur, 11; Ghlo.Blaine gains 2; Sherman loses 2. white youths were engaged In a similar game. The cognizance of the question of the removal of these dnty on board tbe Lancaster, of tbe European *~ATrsT FRENCH AND ENGLISH NOVELTIES. Oregon.No change. colored players attempted to take possession of tracks. It was so referred. station. He will take passage on tbe Powhataa ta Goods. LATEST PARISIAN MODE* rv WATR GOODS, Bhdne, 47. Pennsylvania (roll called).Blaine gains 8; Arthur their ground by driving off the white youths, but Lisbon. Spring m'lle m. j. prandi Rhode Island.Edmunds, & losesa. were successfully resisted and put to flight. in a The Star Route Inquiry. mytt.3w.latp AT MRS. M. j .HUNT'S. 1309 F Stkerl South Carolina.Arthur, 17; Blame, 1. AN ANGRY CONTROVERSY. short while, however, they rallied, and returned to The Dolphin..It was expected that the »ew best selected GREY SHAD- S! the charge, firing an Indiscriminate from MB. COLE EXPLAINS HIS CONNECTION WITH THE Tfce largest and stock of 8UIT1NGB ever RHEA WAVE8! SHINGLED Tennessee.Arthur, 16; Blame, 7; Logan, L During the poll of Pennsylvania there was an volley CASES. dispatch boat Dolphin would arrive at the offered for gentlemen to select from at the BANGS! between and New their pistols Into the players and crowd of next week ITbi Best These styles never need lie in the hairdressers hands. Texas.Blaine, 18; Arthur, ll; Logan, 6. angry controversy Pennsylvania Some six or eight shots were fired, spectators. Mr. Chas. C. Cole, the law partner of Mr. Win. A. navy yard within the Washingtonto ha LEADING TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OF Always in order by plain cimbuig. Hair Dressed ""v Vermont.Edmunds, 8. York delegates, the charge of lobbying being made 110 one was injured. One before the committee finally fitted out, but It has been decided that she 1 SliVH Shingled. Hn. gentlemanbutrortunatelysays rw^i appeared Springer will remain at Chester to be "'Se'SS3S, VkAfcHlNUTON. Virginia.Arthur, 21; Blaine, 8; i-ngan, 1. on one side and angrily repelled on the other. that the firing was done all by one colored man, He testified that he was attorney (or Rerdell partially fitted, and West Rhode Island.No change. who emptied his revolver. today.then prooeed to New York, probably. H. D. BARR. schillinger artificial 6tone Virginia.Blame, 12. South Carolina.Blaine Arthur loses 1. la the first ulal of the star route cases, but was not nihil 1111 Pennsylvania avenue. fjphje com* Wisconsin.Edmunds, 6; Arthur, iq, gains 1, with the second trlaL Witness Tbe will of John Flood.*filed to-day, bequeathes of the district of columbia, 6; maim*, Tennesse.Arthur gains 1, Logan loses 1. Jonadabs Make a Niqht of It..Last, evening connected was his estate to his widow, Ann Flood. WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Is now prepared to lay. at short notice. Sidewalks and Arizona.Blame, 2. Texas (rote being polled).Blaine gains L Logan Grand Chief T. F. Miller and other officers and by Rerdell himself. Witness wm spokenemployedto W. rjlHJC Footways of any size or color Cellars concreted and all Dakota.Blame, 2. loses 1. members of the Grand council Sons of Jonadab, to by Cabell and Boone, and was retained by Colgrove The ahoemskers' strike in Phllsdelphls li in firm Pennsylvania Avenue. No 918 Pennsylvania avenue northwest. other work execut* d for which District of Vermont.No change. the number of twenty, paid a visit to Friendship who feared Indictment, witness advised lng in and It Is the PORTLAND Cl-MENT, GERMAN AND Columbia.Arthur, 1; l Council at in Colgrove proportions, thought that Trunks and Satchel, in Hot*1 vaults with ASPHALT ARE MASTIC, 2. gains S, Arthur loses 1, Logan "T.B.," Prince George's county. Ml to see the government counsel, and make a Knights of labor will order out at least 6.000 see*. 1^1°1?n*1 With its fire and burwlar proof all the SUITABLE/ Idaho.Arthur, They left here at 3:80, at their destination He did and he was Tbe latest improvements, ana a structure unsurpsaaed iu h. j. Mclaughlin. Manager. 1. ^Virginia.Blaine arriving of his that, notstatement Philadelphia cricketers yesterday defeated on il for a Office. 1420 New York avenue Montana.BUdne, 1; rammt^ West Virginia.No change. about 7 o'clock. After an agreeable time In the colgrove witness several hundred the gentlemen of Ireland team at Dublin. rrz^°aus-ipark stamped character and completeness by any building my24-3m northwest New Wisconsin.Arthur W. T. Sherman council room the entire paid in^^4 PAPER purpose in the country. similar Mexico.Arthur, 2. gains 4, gains company, Including many in fees for various senrtoss rendered. dollarsThe English Grand Lodge of fee MtsonV- ^"ALL WINDOW^HADeaTia 204 IOth STREET Utah.Arthur, 2. 1, Edmunds loses &. ladies, sat down to a fine supper, at which speeches has adopted s resolution regretting thefraternity ^ Whl g Metaerott, Prea't. Ssml Crosa. Sec. and Treaa WALKER'S.Lining Felt, Shoemaker's Anti-squeakNORTHWESTCari>et Arizona.No change; were made and songs sung till 8 o'clock. The The republican victory In Oregon is greater than encyclical letters of the pope, and saUmasonlc dU-I* 'UOtDEBtiON^ a OO^ John T. Lssnian. V. P. W. W. Otwenltold. Aast Sec ana K. Top Cements. Lima Plastor. latch.PortlandFelt, Washington Territory.Blaine, M. Dakota.No change. Jonadabs arrived home at 8 o'clock was at first the UOQ and that the law. the uu r Northwsst Xmt. Xuts. Me. thinWashington supposed, majority being lng practice and the Uadtttoaa at Hair. Crocks. *14 Wyoming, Arthur, & District of Columbia.No change. morning. hotii houses tiie keflauoure being repobiioaa masonry prove the pope's chargee to be uahwamik