THE EVENING STAR. Fl BLISHET) DAILY, Except Sunday, IT THE STAR BUILDINGS, 3d Edition. T«rtW»st Corner Pennsylvania Ave. mnd 11th St.. by Tke Evening Star Newspaper Company, GEO. W. ADAMS. I*rest. T** r*F>»!«a St«w is served to imhwin*i« fn ths r ty fcv rsrrVrs. on their own »cronnt st 10 r*ntni*r OF MAINS *< 1 or 44 cents i*r month. Copies at the counter. J BLAINE, f»l t- mrh B> n.ai'. t < etau'- I r*I<ud.SOctllU a mouth. 1 vesr. #f Six months. 8 * Frtfml at the Po«t Oftes at Washington. D. C-.il iecvfcd-« las* n.r.il matter J 1 »r * mn St*».published on Friday.Si a rw, ^ * BALLOT. r» ti«* pr»-:i»i L Sit months. .V) cents NOMINATED ON THE 4TB All mail snhsrriptions mnst be paid In advance: l I"»T*i 9* lit 1* mrer than is paid for. V01- 63-N? l it«c cl »dv< rtisina-made known on appHcation. j 9,709. WASHINGTON, D. 0., FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1884. TWO CENTS. ^............i^.... - scrAia the awvcurnoju AMUSEMENTS. w ild f.ntViu«la«m 0»er EXCURSIONS, &c. SPECIAL NOTICES. Idaho.Blaine pnjns one. Arthur loses one. PICNICS, Montana.No change. AT THE CAPITOL TO-DAY. m. I'anl* Urtorv (hr 4lb HallM. THEATER JX^E 9 A 8PECIAL MEETISO OF ORIFNTAL New Specrtl to Star 3Xoonlight Excursion. No. 312. Royal Arrauun, will be held Mexico.No Chang's. Diapatch The Etikixb RATIONAL TO-MOltRott. the 7th inst., at 5 o'clock p.m., at Grand t*Uh-No change. Chicago, June 6..There «u * Hall. 9th and D great 40 MILES DOWN THE RIVER AND RETURN, Army streets, for purpose of U Washington.No change. at the announcement of tbe second ballot. Tbe 1st BOTH HOUSES IN By order of Edition. Edition. SESSION. demonstraUon A GRAND EENEFIT initiation. Wyoming.No change. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE GUILD OF ST Attest. J. R. GISBURNE, Regent entire convention, except some of the Arthur and PAUL'S PARISH. J. H. CARMIENCKE, Secretary. If Blaine'* Friends Claim His Election on TO TBI the Xeit Edmunds delegates. anwe to their feet and gave SPECIAL NOTICE! Ballot* LANDS OWNED BY FOREIGN cheer after WASHINGTON CONTINENTALS MONDAY. JUNE 9. 1684. j Blaine's friends claim his nomination on the next CORPORATIONS. cheer.waving handkerih.ef8.bats,ranes, etc. When order »as Uie third ballot STEAMER W. W. POTOMAC STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S STEAMERS BLAINE!! ballot. restored Bv the Celebrated CORCORAN* LEAVF8 7TH STREET GEORGE LEARY AND begpn. WHARF AT 5:30 P. M.; RETURNING, WILL LAND EXCELSIOR. THE Blaine gained 25 on this Arthur COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE 9th. FIRST BALLOT. ballot; gained 8; The Senate. AT WHARF AT 10:30 P. M. Ti e third which Blaine a rise, B A R RE T T CLUB! Kates of fare on this line «ill be as Edmunds lost li; lost a ballot, pare steady MU*IC AND REFRESHMENTS. Norfolk and Fortress followsTo Logan The chair laid before the senate a was taken amid irre.tt contusion. were wat) '* Monroe *1 25 Delegations B. auUful Drama, tickets fifty cents; to be at the " " Illinois Gotk for Blaine on Xext Ballot* ak^speare's _ round from the commissioner of the communicationland boat. , A trip 2:00 general all over the and there were je6-2t To Piney Point aad Cornfield Harbor 1.00 2:15 p. m..Reported telegram received from conferring hall, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ! office to the Secretary of the Interior, and by that of a but none occurred. NIGHT EXCURSION TO round trip... L50 TWO MORE Logan that Illinois will go to Blaine on next ballot. break, indication* WM. P. WELCH, BALLOTS. officer referred to Congress, asking for additional Tiir. district's divided vot*. And the Laughable Farce, ^ATURDAY Je5-4t General BLAINE 334 1-2. Blaine's friends claim Illinois' total rote will go NORFOLK mud FORT MONROE. VIRGINIA Agent. to him on clerical force. The District of Columbia's divided vole created !n next ballot. Great excitement* lands held bt "MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE REACH and OCEAN PINEY POINT XlcP* JAMES H. McGILL. ARCHITECT^ >o foreign corporations. grout VIEW. Cfflce No. 908 G street. Prepares plans and Keeekn. Also, a from of the laughter. specifications for all communication the Secretary almost a panic. % and POINT LOOKOUT. classes of buildings and Convention refused to take recess. Call of states; Interior In their erection. Je.>-lm 4th ballot ordered. transmitting. reply to a recent senate It was found Impossible to start the fourth ballot Aaat Casta. Gorg.' us Costumes. Magnificent Scenery. Returning Monday Morning: superintends a of the commissioner of the Steamer GEORGE LEAKY, from 7th-street r^*» personal taxes. BLAINE GAINS 14 1-2 ON ONE resolution, report for some time. The couveutlon was almost in a wharf, t- v Assessor's ARTHUR 278. general land office clvlnc Information as to Exhibition DrilL SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, at 6p.m. Je6-2t Office, The Stock .Market Stronger. lands held pane. Delegations were on their feet shaking _ Washington. d. c.. June 2.1884. by foreign such as M-3* on Pers nal an advance over yesterday's price3. the corporations, their fists at each and hundreds were all Taxpayers Property are hereby notifi-d, in AND 25 ON THE OTHER. New Estes Park company, the Arkansas other, RIVER'S SUMMER OAR DEN. obedience to law, that they are required to make out Yore. June 6, Wall street. 1:45 p. m..The Land and Cattle and others.Valleyspeaking at the same time. Mr. for the Grand Excursion and retnrn to this office a statement of their Personal Post says: The stock market, dull this company, Roosevelt, BT THI MEMBERS OT under though The commissioner of the land oftlce iu his report Arthur men. moved to whl h was lost By direct Special Wire the Ful! Returns of the Property, oath, within foriy-five days from this w«s firmer than yesterday, and at one time,forenoon,states that no adjourn, hy GERMANIA No. K. OF date and in default of such return the assessor is entries have been made by these a terrinc of "no." was over LODGE, 15. P., about 10:30 o'clock, the general rante of the seven but that the tliein are held yell It circulated all CHICAGO CONVENTION To Marshall Hall, on the commodious steamer Mary required bylaw to make out such statement from the oest EDMUNDS or most lands held by corporations,thefl.jorth.il senator had i- to information that can be 93. eight active stocks wasnoni 1 to per under was to Logan ,<>raphed Washington, obtained aud add thereto a cent above the of last assignments. When It attempted transier his vote to Mr. Blaine, if true, . of 50 i>er centum. closing prices night, though Into the examine which. Will be announced from the Stare to-day and to-night. sunday. l'ne 8. penalty his friends 18:90 legality of the claims and would nominate him on the next W.A. Admission, each person. 50 cents; children from 10 to Blank schedules can t,e obtained at this office. cheering. by o'clock the larger part of this was lost and the witnesses for the government d.dassignments,n< >t ballot, G. Admission free. 15 years, 25 cents: under 10 Tears free. Tick its sold for By order of the Commissioners ot the District of regained. The expectation that ttie settlement of appear, and It waa believed that had been the exca&ion are Columbia. ROBERT the they By Amociat"d Pr-na. Sunday. May 18th. rood lor this P. DODGE, long-pending litigation between the elevated Many claims are for Intimidated. REGULAR OPENING OF GARDEN MONDAY. Jew* 9. Friz* shooting sud prize bowling for valuableexcursion. Je2-Ct Assessor. D. C. the roads would benefit tlie stock market was fulfilled, The suspended The w ild prizes. Stt-amer will leave 7th street wharf at 9 a.m. decisive day. The commissioner represents that investigation.there enihnklakm for IHaiee at and ra» CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. W AND 13TH buying of stocks for foreign account, which are now 600.000 claims of record beiore the land the float- of the I tiird Hal lot. ATTRACTIONS. 2 p.m. brothers of-ister Lcdtres are welcome. J6-2t* ^ » was a feature GREAT sts. n. v., Washington. D. C.. 27th May, 1884 .A they claim his election on In the market ten days ago, has dls- office, Involving To.000.000 acres. Chicago. June 6..The result ot the third balk* SUNDAY EXCURSION. meeting- of the Incorporators of the Children's Hospital appeared, and the majority of stocks bought then »5 ADMISSION 10 AND 25 CENTS. QRAND of the District of Columbia will be held at the Hospital have been resold. The commission brokers also The Ifioiihe. was announced at 8:10 o'clock. The gains made on Building on MONDAY. June 9th, 1884, at 8 o'clock p.m., the next ballot. say that there is little out-of-town On motion of Mr. Poland a Senate bill was the Blaine and the the COMIQUE. to consider the ot tills corporation availing EXCITING SCENES EAST comparatively (VL), vote, understanding that fpHKATRE advisability NIGHT AND business In stocks. passed to authorize the construction of a vote would The First Excursion of the Season under the New itself of the provisions of the act of Congress entitled TO-DAY. highway Logan probably be transferred to Blaine, TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY.
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