1220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. J .ANUAliY 26, Philadelphia, Pa., indorsing House bill No. 887, to provide for passage of the bill to establish an admiralty court at Buffalo, adding and completing specimens and productions, etc., to be ex N. Y.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. hibited in the Philadelphia museums-to the Committee on Inter Also, papers in behalf of the people of the Seneca Nation, New state and Foreign Commerce. York Indians-to the Committee of Indian Affairs. By Mr. BURLEIGH: Petition of post-office clerks of Augusta, By Mr. SHACKLEFORD: Petitions of the publishers of the Me., in favor of the passage of House bill No. 4351-to the Com Weatherford Democrat, Granville Herald, Shiner Ga2ette, Shn mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. .lenburg Sticker, Corsicana Truth, Lancaster Herald, Denton Moni By Mr. CLARK of Missouri: Protest of the American Federa tor, Bonham News, Comanche Exponent, Dublin Progress, Myrtle tion of Labor, against the· ceding of large areas of the public Springs Herald, Georgetown Sun, Circo Roundup, Honey Grove domain to individuals and corporations-to the Committee on Citizen, Bryan Eagle, Greenville Observer, Greenville Independ Labor. ent Farmer, Jacksonville Reformer, Goldthwaite Eagle, Farmers By Mr. COWHERD: Papers to accompany House bill granting ville Times, Garland News, Brenham Banner, Hillsboro Mirror, a pension to Gevert Schutte-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Temple Times, Waxahachie Enterprise, Gainesville Register, By Mr. DALZELL: Resolutions of Manufacturers' Club of Itasca Item, Longville Times-Clarion, and Henderson Times, all· Philadelphia, Pa., indorsing House bill No. 887, to provide for in Texa.s; NewYorkMillsUusi Kotimaa, Minnesota; Dover (Del.) adding to and completing specimens and productions, etc., to be Sentinel, Gloucester (Mass.) Breeze, Willows (Cal.) Journal, exhibited in the Philadelphia museums-to the Committee on Waukegan (Ill.) Gazette, Toronto (Ohio) Tribune, Cleveland Interstate and Foreign Commerce.
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