Journal of the Newport Historical Society

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Journal of the Newport Historical Society Updated 12/11/2019 Newport History - Journal of the Newport Historical Society NO. VOLUME DATE AUTHOR TITLE 1 January 1912 Hamilton B. Tompkins Newport County Lotteries, Part I 2 April 1912 Hamilton B. Tompkins Newport County Lotteries, Part II 3 July 1912 Annual Reports of the Society 4 October 1912 Lloyd M. Mayer The Battle of Rhode Island 5 January 1913 Sarah K Birckhead Governor William Coddington 6 February 1913 French E. Chadwick The Visit of General Washington to Newport in 1781 7 April 1913 Maud Lyman Stevens Early Inhabitants of Rhode Island 8 July 1913 Mary Edith Powel Election Day in Newport: A Recollection of Childhood, Part I 9 October 1913 Hamilton B. Tompkins On the So-called Portrait of Governor William Coddington in the City Hall of Newport 10 December 1913 Robert S. Franklin Newport Cemeteries 11 January 1914 William McDonald The Old State House in Newport at the dedication of the tablet to mark this historic building 12 April 1914 Edith May Tilley The Newport Historical Society in its Earlier Days 13 July 1914 Thomas W. Bicknell The Quakers in Ancient Newport 14 October 1914 George Parker Winship Newport Newspapers in the Eighteenth Century 15 January 1915 Mary Edith Powel The Story of Election Day, Part II 16 April 1915 Mary Edith Powel Some of Our Founders Sixty Years Ago 17 July 1915 Hamilton B. Tompkins Annual Reports of the Society 18 October 1915 Charles Warren Lippitt The Battle of Rhode Island 19 July 1916 Annual Reports of the Society 20 August 1916 William Paine Sheffield The Scope and Purpose of an Historical Society in Newport 21 January 1917 F.H. Shelton More Light on the Old Mill at Newport 22 April 1917 Roderick Terry The First European Visitors to Narragansett Bay 23 July 1917 Annual Reports of the Society 24 January 1918 Maud Lyman Stevens The Romance of Newport 25 April 1918 Darius Baker The Coddington Portrait 26 July 1918 Maud Lyman Stevens Measures of Defense in Old Newport 27 October 1918 Roderick Terry The History of the Liberty Tree of Newport, RI 28 January 1919 Lloyd M. Mayer Recollections of Jacob Chase 29 July 1919 Annual Reports of the Society 30 October 1919 Hamilton B. Tompkins Benedict Arnold, First Governor of Rhode Island 31 January 1920 Mary Edith Powel Miss Jane Stuart, Her Grandparents and Parents 32 April 1920 Katharine Johnstone Wharton The Old Newport Loyalist 33 July 1920 Maud Lyman Stevens The Old Hazard House Annual Reports of the Society 34 October 1920 Roderick Terry The Early Relations Between the Colonies of New Plymouth and Rhode Island 35 January 1921 Maud Howe Elliott Some Recollections of Newport Artists 36 April 1921 Marie J. Gale Some Old Newport Houses 37 July 1921 Annual reports of the Society The Pillory 1 Updated 12/11/2019 38 October 1921 Mary Edith Powel A Few French Officers to Whom We Owe Much 39 January 1922 Charles P. Coggeshall Some Old Rhode Island Grist Mills 40 April 1922 Jonas Bergner The Old House on Franklin Street 41 July 1922 Annual Reports of the Society 42 October 1922 Anna Wharton Wood The Robinson Family and Their Correspondence with the Vicomte and Vicomtesse de Noailles 43 January 1923 Darius Baker The Newport Banisters 44 April 1923 Roderick Terry The Commission of Governor Coddington and the Early Charters of Rhode Island 45 July 1923 Mary Edith Powel Presidential Visits to Newport Annual Reports of the Society 46 October 1923 Anna Wharton Morris The Romance of the Two Hands 47 November 1923 H.W.H. Powel Butts Hill Fort Celebration 48 January 1924 Mrs. William W. Covell Historic Types of Newport Houses 49 April 1924 Maud Lyman Stevens Colonel Higginson and his Friends in Newport 50 July 1924 Roderick Terry The Influences Leading to the First Settlement of Newport The Settlers’ Stone Annual Reports of the Society Lloyd M. Mayer 51 October 1924 Roderick Terry The Story of Green End Fort at the Siege of Newport Account of the Proceedings at the Fort The reception be the Newport Historical Society of Green End Lloyd M. Mayer Revolutionary Fort August 27, 1924 52 January 1925 A.O’D. Taylor “Jamestown” 53 April 1925 Anna F. Hunter A Decade of Newport as seen by Two Wandering Sons 54 July 1925 Mary C. Sturtevant The East Shore of Middletown Since 1872 Annual Reports of the Society 55 October 1925 Mary Edith Powel A Few Words about some Old Buildings in Newport 56 January 1926 George B. Smith Memories of the Long Ago 1839-1925 57? 58 July 1926 George B. Smith Formation and Service of the First Regiment Rhode Island Detached Militia Annual Reports of the Society 59 October 1926 Maud Lyman Steven The House at 17 Broadway Jonas Bergner The Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House 60 January 1927 Edith May Tilley David Melville and his Early Experiments with Gas in Newport 61 April 1927 Anna F. Hunter A Newport Romance of 1804 62 July 1927 Roderick Terry Same Old Papers Relating to the Newport Slave Trade Annual Reports of the Society 63 October 1927 Roderick Terry History of the Old Colony House at Newport Newport in the Fashionable Fifties: A Short Account of the Pageant of August 10th Lloyd M. Mayer 64 January 1928 Mary Edith Powel The Old Easton Farm 65 April 1928 The Newport Mercury Alva. H. Sanborn 66 July 1928 Theophilus T. Pitman The Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House Jonas Bergner Report of the Technical Work in the restoration of the W-L-H House Annual reports of the Society 67 December 1928 Maud Lyman Stevens Newport Streets 68 January 1929 Mrs. William W. Covell Sea Coasts: Their Influence on History 69 April 1929 Edith May Tilley Items of Newport Interest in Early Boston Newspapers 70 July 1929 Annual Reports of the Society 2 Updated 12/11/2019 71 October 1929 Mrs. William H. Birckhead Recollections of my Uncle Edward King Ethel K. Simes-Nowell Story of “Oldport Days” Mrs. Harrison S. Morris Letter of the Late Joseph Wharton 72 December 1929 Theophilus T. Pitman Unveiling of the Bronze Tablet in the Memory of Founders of the Society The History of the Tablet Some Recollections of the Founders and Contemporaries 73 January 1930 Mrs. R. Sherman Elliot The Seventh Day Baptist Meeting House Roderick Terry The Why of a Newport Marine Museum Our Windmill: Summary of “Some Old Rhode Island Grist Mills” Charles P. Coggeshall 74 April 1930 Edith May Tilley More Items of Newport Interest in Old Boston Newspapers Our Marine Museum Jonas Bergner 75 July 1930 Annual reports of the Society 76 July 1930 B.W. Brown The Colonial Theater in New England 77 October 1930 Maud Lyman Stevens Trinity Church and Some of its Members Roderick Terry Some Old Newport Broadsides 78 January 1931 Edith May Tilley A Newporter’s Wanderings in Genealogical By-Paths 79 April 1931 Roderick Terry Excerpts from the European Diary of the Rev. Doctor Thayer 80 July 1931 Annual Reports of the Society 81 October 1931 Henry Bull IV The Bull Family of Newport 82 January 1932 Lloyd M. Mayer The Third Coming of the French 83 Aprils 1932 Anna F. Hunter Kay Street During my Life 84 July 1932 Maud Lyman Stevens Washington and Newport Annual Reports of the Society 85 October 1932 Don Juan de Riano, trans. A Spaniard’s Visit to Newport in 1784 (Francisco Miranda) The Bi-Centennial in Newport 86 January 1933 Mrs. William W. Covell Newport Harbor and Lower Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island during the American Revolution 87 April 1933 Lloyd M. Mayer New Lights from Old History 88 July 1933 Edith May Tilley More Wanderings of a Newporter in Genealogical By-Paths 89 October 1933 Maud Howe Elliot Newport, The Cradle of American Sports 90 January 1934 William King Covell Steamboats on Narragansett Bay 91 April 1934 In Memory of Dr. Roderick Terry, President, 1918-1933 92 July 1934 Jeanette H. Swasey Rhode Island Almanacs of Long Ago Dr. Stephen Bleecker Luce Stephen Bleecker Luce, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy 93 October 1934 Mrs. W. W. Covell Military Events on Rhode Island, from the Diary of a British Officer 94 January 1935 Morris A. Gutstein The Touro Family in Newport 95 July 1935 Leander K. Carr Gathering News in the Nineties 96 January 1936 Anna Wharton Morris A Trip Across the Bay Ruth B. Franklin Some Early School and Schoolmasters 97 July 1936 Maud Lyman Stevens Mawdsley House Annual Reports of the society 98 September 1937 Allyn J. Crosby Our Beloved Constellation 99 August 1938 Lloyd A. Robson Anne Hutchison and her Neighbors Annual Reports of the Society Death Notices of Miss Edith May Tilley and Mr. Edwin P. Robinson 100 March 1939 Elizabeth Nicholson White A Record of William Coddington, Esq. 101 January 1940 John H. Greene, Jr. A Brief History of the Catholic Church in Newport Morris A. Gutstein Jewish Synagogue in Newport 3 Updated 12/11/2019 Stanley C. Hughes Early Days of Trinity Church Ernest L. Wismer Congregational Church in Newport Wilbur Nelson Dr. John Clarke and the Baptist Beginnings in Newport Joseph Cooper The Methodist Church in Newport Dwight F. Mowery Founding of Unitarianism Harry Fulton Cost Presbyterian Church in Newport T. Francis Manchester Society of Friends, an Inventory of Church Archives Harold R. Crandall The Seventh Day Baptist in Newport and Westerly Extending G. Benjamin Utter the Seventh Day Baptist Horizons Karl G. Stillman 102 May 1942 William Wager Weeden Samuel Gorton Annual Reports of the Society 103 January 1945 Elizabeth Greene Covell The Visits of Benjamin Franklin to Newport, RI Annual Reports of the Society 104 March 1948 Susan Braley Franklin Division Street-A Memory and a Warning 105 November 1960 By-Laws of the Newport Historical Society 106 July 1961 Lloyd A.
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