Aquidneck Island's Reluctant Revolutionaries, 16'\8- I 660
Rhode Island History Pubhshed by Th e Rhod e bland Hrstoncal Society, 110 Benevolent St reet, Volume 44, Number I 1985 Providence, Rhode Island, 0 1~, and February prmted by a grant from th e Stale of Rhode Island and Providence Plamauons Contents Issued Ouanerl y at Providence, Rhode Island, ~bruary, May, Au~m , and Freedom of Religion in Rhode Island : November. Secoed class poet age paId al Prcvrdence, Rhode Island Aquidneck Island's Reluctant Revolutionaries, 16'\8- I 660 Kafl Encson , presIdent S HEI LA L. S KEMP Alden M. Anderson, VIet presIdent Mrs Edwin G FI!I.chel, vtce preudenr M . Rachtl Cunha, seatrory From Watt to Allen to Corliss: Stephen Wllhams. treasurer Arnold Friedman, Q.u ur<lnt secretary One Hundred Years of Letting Off Steam n u ow\ O f THl ~n TY 19 Catl Bndenbaugh C H AR LES H O F f M A N N AND TESS HOFFMANN Sydney V James Am cmeree f . Dowrun,; Richard K Showman Book Reviews 28 I'UIIU CAT!O~ S COM!I4lTT l l Leonard I. Levm, chairmen Henry L. P. Beckwith, II. loc i Cohen NOl1lUn flerlOlJ: Raben Allen Greene Pamtla Kennedy Alan Simpson William McKenzIe Woodward STAff Glenn Warren LaFamasie, ed itor (on leave ] Ionathan Srsk, vUlI1ng edltot Maureen Taylo r, tncusre I'drlOt Leonard I. Levin, copy editor [can LeGwin , designer Barbara M. Passman, ednonat Q8.lislant The Rhode Island Hrsto rrcal Socrerv assumes no respcnsrbihrv for the opinions 01 ccntnbutors . Cl l9 8 j by The Rhode Island Hrstcncal Society Thi s late nmeteensh-centurv illustration presents a romanticized image of Anne Hutchinson 's mal during the AntJnomian controversy.
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