The Glengarry News
THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1925 VOL. XXXm—No. 42. $2.00 A YEAR. Ottawa (Two Members), McClenaghan, Con. Chabot, Con. former labor Member Rev. A. McLean Now Pester Enibusiastic Reception len- Oxford North, Sutherland, Con. fEDERIL BimiE UNDECISIVE Oxford South, Sutherland, Con. ParkdalCv(Toronto), fepence, Con, Collapses at Meeiiop At Mount Lehman, R.C. dered Rtlon. Arthur Meighen Parry Sound, Arthurs, Con. Cobalt, Oot. 26—Angus McDonald, Nows has been received from Rev. Peel, Charters, Con. The much advertised visit to Glen- IN THNNSDirS EEECTION who represented the Riding of Tim- A. McLean, late of Dunvegan, that he garry, in the interests of Mr. Angus Perth North, Wright, Con. iskaming in the last House of Com* has settled at Mount Lehman, British Perth South, Sanderson, Lib. McGillis, Conservative candidate, of mona, collapsed while addressing a Columbia.* Tlie congregation of the Peterboro West, Peek, Con. the Opposition Leader, Right Honor- uiccunK in Kirkland Lake last night, place voted in favour of union, but Opposition Leader May Yet Have Majority of One or Twro-Prime Port Arthur-Thundcr Bay, Laueworthv. able Arthur Meighen, is an event of and now is confind to his room in a the minister was an anti-unionist with Con. ■■ .. the past and it is generally conceded Minister King and Eight Cabinet Ministers Defeated-Mr. Arch’d. nOi/Cl Luere. His condition, while im- a few of the members of the church. the reception- accorded that gontleman Prescott, Evauturcl, Ind.-Lib. piOvcu, is giving is to concern. He Ho and they organized a non-concur- Prince Edward-Leiinox, Hubb.
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