Oregon Land & Trading
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STEAMER. WRECKED. WEST DEFEATS Historic Portland Beating to Pieces SENATE WILL PACIFIC ^^^■■^■jgJB^IN SU RAN CE on Alaskan Coast. BOWERMAN Cordova, Alaska — Lying at the BE REPUBLICAN HOME COMPANY mouth of the Katalla river, with an unobstructed sweep of the ocean beat MUTUAL FIRE Republicans Get Both Represen ing in upon her, the steamer Port Democrats Gain 5 6 in House land, Captain Frank Moore, o f the tatives In Congress. Alaska Coast company line, seems and Lose Only Six. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON doomed to be added to the already long list o f vessels that have been wrecked along the treacherous Alaska coast. Prohibition is Defeated and Home Creeping through the inky darkness, Montana Goes Democratic—Beveridge Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent Rule Carries Small—Woman’s made worse by a blinding snow storm, Loses Seat in Senate—Twenty- Suffrage Is Swamped, the vessel struck an uncharted rock Seven Governors Chosen. rock off Martin island at 6 o’clock in the morning. The winners in Oregon: The heavy jar when the vessel New York— The political upheaval ground upon the rock brought the pas Congressman, First district -W. C. of Tuesday was followed by a general sengers to the deck in their night Hawley, Marion county, Rep. survey of the field, which disclosed in Oregon Land & Trading Co. clothes, but the excellent discipline of Congressman, Second district — A. the officers and crew soon restored or greater detail and precision just what W. Lafferty, Multnomah county. Rep. der. The pumps^were set to work, but had been accomplished. Latest calcu Edward Seymour, Mgr Governor — Oswald West, Clatsop the inrush of the water was too great, county, Dem. lations on the national house of repre and Captain Moore headed the vessel Secretary of state— F. W. Benson, sentatives, based on complete but un for the Katalla river, where she was DouglaB county, Rep. Farm and City Property beached at high tide with a calm sea. official returns, show that the Demo State treasurer — Thomas B. Kay, TheJ passengers were landed in the crats will have a majority of 60. Marion county, Rep. ship’s boats without harm. Both Phones Justices of Supreme court, four-year The outcome of the United States Forest Grove, Oregon Launches from Katalla were soon term— Henry J. Bean, Umatilla coun senate is now definitely settled. The alongside and took off the mail, ex ty, Rep.; Thomas A. McBride, Clacka Republicans are assured of 17 new sen press and baggage. mas county, Rep., Dem., non-political ators, which, with 34 hold-over sena Captain Moore thought he could judiciary. tors, gives them a total of 51. The make temporary repairs at low tide. Justices of Supreme court, six-year Democrats are assured of 16 new sens Attention is now being directed to year term—George H. Burnett, Marion tors, which, with 25 hold-overs, give If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy save freight on barges. The main county, Rep.; Frank A. Moore, Colurr, them a total o f 41. boiler is out of commission and the plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made bia county, Rep., Dem., non political Returns latp from Montana are to hold o f the vessel is filled with water. judiciary. the effect that the Democrats have The steamer Alameda, now off Cape get in touch with the practical plumber Attorney general—A. M. Crawford elected at least 63 members of the St. Elias, has been ordered to the Douglas county, Rep. next state legislature, which means scene o f the wreck to lend assistance Superintendent of public instruction that a Democrat will be elected to if possible, but heavy swells are be — L. R. Alderman, Lane county, Rep. succeed United States Senator Carter. ginning to come in and it is believed Fifty-two votes are necessary to con N. L. DECKERT State printer — Willis S. Duniway the vessel will pound to pieces. Multnomah county, Rep. trol on joint ballot. The senate will Shop 431 Independent Phones Residence 45251 Commissioner of labor and inspector be Republican by a vote o f 11 to 17, of factories and workshops — O. AMERICAN SHOOTS MEXICAN while the house will be Democratic Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon Hoff, Multnomah county, Rep. by 42 to 32, according to practically Railroad commissioner — Frank Also jWounds Gendarme in Defend complete returns. These determined totals, however, Miller, Linn county, Rep. ing His Home Against Mob. State engineer — John H. Lewis leave a Republican majority in the sen Guadalajara, Mex.— Carlos B. Caroth- WALTER ROSWURM A. E. MOULTON Marion county, Rep. ate as follows: Total membership, 92; ers, a real estate dealer, shot and necessary to majority, 47; Republi With more than half the vote in the killed Jesus Loza, a 14 year old Mexi cans, 51; Democrats, 41. state counted, Oswald West leads Jay can, and wounded Prudencio Chaxez, a The table o f losses and gains in the Roswurm & Moulton gendarme, in defending his home Bowerman in the contest for governor house shows that Democrats won 56 Successors to by more than 1,800, and apparently the against an attack by Mexicans. seats previously held by Republicans, estimate made at first indications that Carothers surrendered to the author while only six Republicans took places Roswurm & Co. West had been elected by a plurality ities and was placed in the state peni away from Democrats. tentiary at midnight. Following a of 3,000 to 4,000 will be borne out by The 63d congress will be composed preliminary examination he was placed Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, the final count. as follows: The expectations aroused by the incommunicado. Democrats— Alabama 9, Arkansas 7, Ice, Coal and Wood early count as to West’s plurality in Although the entire police force Colorado 3, Florida 3, Georgia, 11, Multnomah county have not been ful foot and mounted, and the Tenth regi Illinois 6, Indiana 11, Iowa 1, Ken Forest Grove Oregon filled. Later returns partly closed the ment of cavalry were called out, riot tucky 8, Louisiana 6, Maryland 3, gap between the two, but Bowerman ing, which began at 8 o ’clock at night, Massachusetts 4, Minnesota 1, Missis apparently has no hope of carrying the was suppressed only after three hours sippi 8, Missouri 10, Nebraska 3, Ne county. West will have about 1,000 of vigorous efforts and after additional vada 1, New Jersey 3, New York 12, damage to property had been done. plurality in Multnomah. The figures North Carolina 7, Ohio 8, Oklahoma, The affair was a continuation of the TH IS IS TH E MAN TOO NEED given include 129 of the 182 precincts 2, Pennsylvania 5, South Carolina 7, previous night’s violence by student« o f the county, where the count hns Tennessee 8, Texas 15, Virginia 9, and workmen. If the hoofs of your horse need to been completed, and fair percentages Wisconsin 1; total 172. Carothers, who declared at the po o f the vote cast in all other counties Republicans— California 8, Connecti be shod. I have the metal, the lice station that he was a Mexican, but Columbia, Curry, Josephine, Kla cut 5, Delaware 1, Idaho 1, Illinois 19, knowledge, the skill and the will born at Saltillo, state o f Coahuila, but math, Lake, Sherman and Wheeler. Indiana 2, Iowa 10, Kansas 8, Ken whose parents were Louisianans, was ingness to put your horses right With returns in covering fully 80 tucky 3, Maine 4, Maryand 3, Massa guarding his home in the western part per cent of the vote cast on the home chusetts 9 Michigan 12, Minnesota 8, when they need a firm footing. of the city, the windows and doors of rule liquor amendment to the constitu Missouri 6, Monatana 1, Nebraska, 3, I also do General Blacksmithing, which had been broken in the first tion, the measure has a majority in New Hampshire 2, New Jersey 7, New night’s rioting, when the mob ap anything and everything. the state of 3,335. The remaining re York 25, North Carolina 3, North Da proached. turns will cut this majority down con kota 2, Ohio 13, Oklahoma 3, Oregon siderably and the amendment, if 2, Pennsylvania 27, Rhode Island 2, Joe Lenneville ried, will have a small majority, pos NINE KILLED; MANY INJURED South Dakota 2, Tennessee 1, Utah 1, sibly not more than 1,000. Vermont 2, Virginia 1, Washington 3, The state at large, outside of Mult IN TROLLEY CAR SMASHUP West Virginia 5, Wisconsin 10, Wy nomah county, has given a substantial oming 1; total 215. A summary of the contest for gov vote against the amendment, but Mult Kalamazoo, Mich. — Nine persons nomah's majority for it o f 5,000 seems ernorships in 27 states shows that 13 were killed here when a fast Michigan to have turned back the tide. Republicans and 13 Democrats won, Central express train hit a Main street Home Baking Co. Elections under the local option law Idaho being in doubt. The successful car. Nearly a dozen were injured, were held in 15 counties in Oregon at candidates with their pluralities fol Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day some fatally. The known dead; Mo- the time of the general election and low : torman Ward Abbott, Harry Holtz, the reports received therefrom indicate Pennsylvania, Tener, 33,000; New Miss Bertha Hensler, James Breeze, that five, and possibly six, counties Hampshire, Bass, 70,000; Rhode Is W e sell 6 loaves of bread for2§f William Shafer, Hazel Hart.