

Le rapp ort dactivite du Service de Physique Theorique est etabli tous les deux ans Celui

ci resume lactivite scientique du SPhT durantlaperio de juin mai et servira de

do cumentdebasepourlevaluation du lab oratoire qui aura lieu a lautomne

Pour la premiere fois la partie scientique de ce rapp ort est ecrite en anglais Il y a plusieurs

raisonsa cela Dune part un nombre imp ortantdecollegues etrangers pas tous francophones

particip enta notre conseil scientique exterieur CSE Dautre part ce rapp ort est aussi une

vitrine de nos activites le fait quil soit redige en anglais la langue de la ma jeure partie de

nos echanges scientiques nous p ermet une plus grande diusion

Levaluation du lab oratoire a jusquapresent eu lieu durant un collo que de deux a trois

jours au cours duquel les physiciens du SPhT presentaient leurs travaux a leurs collegues et

aux membres du CSE Ce collo que remplissait donc deux fonctions lune de communication

interne lautre devaluation Pour satisfaire lob jectif de communication interne le collo que

fut le plus souvent organise loin du lab oratoire de facon aliberer chacun de ses sollicitations

quotidiennes Mais leloignementdeParis allonge le temps de deplacemen t des membres du

CSE dont certains viennent de loin Nous avons donc choisi de decoupler a partir de cette

annee collo que interne et evaluation et de faire levaluation dans le lab oratoire Les membres

du CSE p ourront ainsi rencontrer les physiciens sur leur lieu de travail et mieux p ercevoir les

multiples asp ects de la vie du lab oratoire Par ailleurs degages des contraintes de levaluation

nous p ourrons lors du collo que que nous organiserons lan pro chain nous concentrer sur la

communication interne

Les eorts dans ce domaine essentiel p our un lab oratoire comme le SPhT sont sans cesse

a renouveler Rapp elons que lexistence meme dun gros lab oratoire de physique theorique se

justie par les p ossibilites exceptionnelles ouvertes par la pluridiscipl in arite de ses activites

On p ourrait citera lappui de nombreux exemples de mobilites thematiques reussies ou de

fertilisations croisees entre domaines eloignes Mais la pluridiscipl i naritecontient aussi ses

dangers et lemiettement des activites ou le manque de coherence thematique ontete soulign es

a plusieurs reprises par notre CSE Les eorts de communication interne visent dab ord a sensi

biliser chacun a linteret des travaux de ses collegues Le seminaire du mardi cense rassembler

tous les physiciens du lab oratoire y contribue et cette annee de nombreux collegues ontpu

sy exprimer mais cela ne sut pas Tout en p oursuivant la plupart des actions entreprises

les annees precedentes comme le journal du SPhT ou la journee des theses ou les do ctorants

presentent au moins une fois par an leur travail a lensemble du lab oratoire de nouvelles

formules ontete essayees Par exemple les matinees thematiques internes au SPhT ontete

suivies et apprecieesilyenaeudeuxcetteannee une en physique des particules une autre

vec la biophysique Au delade presentant des activites de physique theorique alinterface a

ces asp ects dechange dinformation nos eorts de communication interne visentegalementun

autre ob jectif Le contexte dans lequel nous decidons de nos recrutements a change nous y re

viendrons Pour que les choix que nous sommes amenes a faire conduisentaundevelopp ement

harmonieux du lab oratoire il est essentiel quils traduisent un certain consensus Ceci exige

debat confrontation dob jectifs et de priorites scientiques parfois contradictoires Le conseil

scientique du lab oratoire est le lieu naturel p our de tels debats Ils ont sans doute cette annee

ete facilites par lexercice que sest imp ose le conseil scientique en consacrant une journeea

ecouter chacun de ses membres exp oser ses propres activites et centres dinteret

Tous ces eorts seront p oursuivis Nous devrons aussi reechir a la structure du lab oratoire

et aux consequences du decoupage actuel en trois group es Ceuxci corresp ondent aux trois

grandes categories dactivites du lab oratoire ainsi quelles sontpresentees dans le rapp ort et

auxquelles est asso cieunvoire deux seminaire regulier physique mathematique le lundi

matin et le vendredi matin physique statistique le lundi apresmidi physique nucleaire des

particules et dastrophysique le mercredi apresmidi Certes ce decoupage en trois group es

deectifs comparables est commo de p our la gestion et garantit un minimum de discussions

collectives sur les invitations de visiteurs ou le choix des p ostdo cs Il est indeniable quil

es du lab oratoire comme dans intro duit une certaine coherence dans la presentation des activit

ce rapp ort Mais il faut bien reconnatre que les group es ne jouent quun role assez mo deste

sur le plan scientique En fait la structure est un p eu lourde et ne favorise p eutetre pas

autant quelle le devrait les initiatives en particulier celle des jeunes

Nos eorts internes saccompagnent dactions douverture vers lensemble de la commu

naute ainsi que vers la DSM Les journees Claude Itzykson sontdevenues une tradition du

lab oratoire Elles connaissent un grand succes et ont rassemble une b onne centaine de partici

pants lan passe ainsi que cette annee Notons que cette annee ces journees etaient organisees

conjointementavec le SPEC Le SPhT a accueilli p our des stages dun an des chercheurs du

CNRS D Bo ose C Monthus ainsi que deux p ostdo cs francais C Chandre G Misguich

Les cours du vendredi continuenta fonctionner avec succes Cette annee deux de ces cours

ontete acceptes comme cours de lecole do ctorale de la region parisienne Ces cours sont

regulierement suivis et contribuen tentre autre avaincre notre isolementgeographique ag

grave parfois par les dicultes dacces au lab oratoire liees aux questions dites de securite

Avec la DSM des liens profonds existent et ce depuis longtemps Des membres du SPhT

particip ent aux conseils scientiques de trois services du DAPNIA SPP SPhN et SAP Les

activites du SPhT sont distribuees sur cinq segmentsduCEAetacetitredesphysiciens du

SPhT particip ent aux reunions de segment corresp ondantes Le SPhT co organise les rencontres

de la DSM a mis en place le conseil scientique p our le calcul centralise de la DSM que deux

de ses membres animent particip e au comitederedaction de Phases Magazine Des collab

orations explicites existentavec le SPP et avec le SPEC Cela dit des liens scientiques plus

forts p ourraientetre tisses et on p eut avoir le sentimentquelesrichesses qui nous entourent

ne sont pas pleinement exploitees

Le geste douverture le plus imp ortant de ces deux dernieres annees reste celui concer

nant nos recrutements sur p ostes CEA La decision douvrir ces p ostesa des jeunes formes

a lext erieur du lab oratoire etait souhaitee par la DSM et fortement recommandee par notre

conseil scientique exterieur Meme si elle a pu au debut etre ressentie assez durementpar

nos jeunes do ctorants et provo quer des discussions vives a linterieur du lab oratoire elle etait

me sembletil indisp ensable et b eaucoup saccordenta en reconnatre aujourdhui le caractere

p ositif Tout dab ord meme si ce nest pas le plus imp ortant il est b on de le souligner

le fait quil existe des p ostes en physique theorique au SPhT contribuea faire connatre le

lab oratoire aux etudiants preparant une these ailleurs il nous p ermet aussi de rencontrer ces

etudiants et dapprecier leurs travaux Mais surtout la diversite des excellents candidats qui se

presentent sur nos p ostes nous p ermet de comp oser lavenir dans une perio de de changements

profonds lies au renouvellement des p ersonnes qui prennent leur retraite ainsi qualevolution

de certaines thematiques traditionnelles du lab oratoire

Certes setre donne de plus grandes p ossibilites de choix a rendu ces choix plus diciles

Ceci nous a amenes a mettre en place une pro cedure rigoureuse et transparente qui a ete

appliquee p our les recrutements decides en et ouverture de p oste examen des

candidatures par le conseil scientique etablissement dune liste courte audition approfondie

des candidats de la liste courte Le president du conseil scientique exterieur assiste ala

derniere reunion ou sont arretees les prop ositions de recrutement Bien quaucune regle nait

eteetablie a ce sujet les decisions de recrutements se prennenttypiquement en premiere annee

de p ostdo c An que les choix eectues jouissent dun minimum de consensus le lab oratoire est

tres largement consulte Remarquons p our nir que si les etudiants formes dans le lab oratoire

se trouventencompetition avec tous les autres ils ne sont pas p our autantsystematiquement

ecartes ainsi que les derniers recrutements lontmontre

Il est b on aceniveau de faire quelques remarques concernant notre p olitique scientique

Soulignons tout dab ord que si lexigence sur lexcellence scientique des jeunes physiciens

que nous recrutons na pas change il est indeniable que le p oids des arguments lies au choix

de disciplines sest accru Ceci est lie au fait que les sujets dans lesquels nous recrutons ne se

limitent plus aux quelques sujets des theses preparees dans le lab oratoire ainsi quaux profonds

changements thematiques qui ont eu lieu dans le lab oratoire En particulier par suite de departs

a la retraite et devolutions thematiques de membres du SPhT certains sujets de recherche

sont en train de disparatre completement Cela nest pas en soi dramatique et p eut reeter

levolution naturelle de certaines discipline s Mais cela devient un sujet de preo ccupation si lon

remarque que les discipli nes touchees sont celles qui concernent les activit es les plus concretes

en particulier en physique nucleaire et en physique des particules Si nous avons pu accueilli r

en these un etudiant travaillant sur des problemes de structure nucleaire labsence de David

Kosower en conge depuis avril p our creation dentreprise va aecter profondement lactivite

en physique des particules Une reexion se p oursuit sur ce quil conviendra de faire p our ces

deux disciplines traditionnellement fortes au SPhT Je voudrais souligner ici que cest en partie

dans lesprit de renforcer des activites en contact etroit avec les developp ements experimentaux

que nous avons p oursuivi durant ces deux dernieres annees leort de recrutement en matiere

condensee Le depart prevu a la n de cette annee de Thierry Jolicur nous invitera p eutetre a

p oursuivre cet eort Sur toutes ces questions dorientations scientiques les recommandations

evelopp ementde de notre CSE nous sonttres precieuses Elles ont guidenoschoix p our le d

nos activites en matiere condensee Elles nous ont conduits a des actions volontaristes p our

developp er la theorie des cordes Deux recrutements ontete eectues dans ce domaine lun au

niveau p ostdo c Pierre Vanhove lautre a plus haut niveau Michael Bershadsky Ce dernier

nous a quittes p our prendre un p oste a lUniversitedeToronto Il nous faudra sans doute

songer a le remplacer

Je voudrais maintenant ab order un autre sujet celui de nos relations avec le CNRS Rap

p elons que des liens forts unissent le SPhT et le CNRS les chercheurs du CNRS representent

environ un tiers des chercheurs du SPhT lactivite du lab oratoire est examinee regulierement

par la section du Comite National des membres du SPhT siegentregulierement au Comite

National le president sortant est membre du SPhT depuis un chercheur CNRS par

ticip e a la direction du lab oratoire en tant quadjoint ou depuis n en tant que chef du

SPhT Cep endant malgre lexistence de ces relations le SPhT na pas de statut lui p ermettant

detre reconnu comme une unite CNRS Actuellement le lab oratoire est considere comme une

structure non contractualisee SNC et les chercheurs CNRS y sontmisa disp osition

selon des mo dalites precisees par une convention particuliere Au momentou ces lignes sont

ecrites une asso ciation plus forte est envisagee sous la forme dune unite de recherche asso ciee

URA Cette asso ciation est souhaitee par le departement SPM p our rendre plus visible son

implication en p ersonnel au SPhT et les membres du SPhT y sonttres ma joritairement favo

rables Elle devrait p ermettre de faciliter laectation au SPhT de chercheurs du CNRS que

ce soit par recrutement ou par mobilite

Je terminerai cette intro duction en remerciantceuxquiont pris une part imp ortante dans

lelab oration de ce rapp ort Cette annee la peparation a ete co ordonnee par Alain Billoire

Bertrand Eynard VincentPasquier Francis Bernardeau et Kirone Mallickont regroupe les

dierentes contributions individuell es en trois parties qui reetent les grandes directions scien

tiques du lab oratoire Le travail dedition nale a ete assure par Alain Billoire et Marc

Gingold Que tous soient remercies ici du travail fourni Je voudrais egalement remercier par

avance les membres de notre conseil scientique exterieur davoir acceptelatache dexaminer

nos activites et de nous aider par leurs critiques et suggestions




This part gathers works done on the various mathematical structures that app ear in physics

The rst section is devoted to a traditional strong p oint of our activity

from rigorous results of axiomatic eld theory to applications of the renormalization group to

random surfaces The second section is devoted to integrable systems namely statistical physics

mo dels that can b e exactly solved The study of the eigenvalue distribution of large random

matrices another ap ex of our activities is the sub ject of section three The fourth section

groups together sp ecic works on classical gravity and string theories Random matrices and

integrable systems metho ds nd b eautiful applications here more applications can b e found in

the Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter part The fth section contains mathematical

works on quantum chaos and dynamical systems Other mathematical works triggered by

sp ecic physics problems can b e found in the last section


Quantum Field Theory and phase transitions

Exact Renormalization Group Equations C Bervillier

Improved Borel transform metho d and precise nonp erturbative estimations of

critical exp onents R Guida J ZinnJustin

Self avoiding random surfaces F David

Renormalization group for matrix mo dels G Bonnet F David

Complex angular momentum and quantum eld theory J Bros

Generalization of the Fourier Transform in a curved space J Bros

Integrable systems

LeeYang mo del R Tateo

Boundary conditions and conformal invariance JB Zub er

Random matrices

Coupled random matrices G Mahoux ML Mehta JM Normand

Multicut matrix mo del G Bonnet F David B Eynard

NonHermitian random matrix mo dels NHRMM R Janik

Determinant of random quaternion selfdual matrices ML Mehta

Sp ectrum of random incidence matrices M Bauer O Golinelli

Knots JB Zub er

Gravity and strings

Exact results in Gravitation

Exact solutions and symmetries of gravity equations D Bernard N


Branes in a black hole background V Pasquier

String theory

String theory and sup ersymmetric matrix mo dels I Kostov

Matrix string theory P Brax T Wynter

Lattice version of the matrix mo del of Mtheory R Janik

Quantum Chaos and Dynamical Systems

Analytical solution for the D Schrodinger equation with general p olynomial

potential A Voros

Asymptotics of high order noise corrections A Voros

Dynamical systems Hamiltonian mechanics PMoussa

Study of the distributions of matrix elements for quantum systems with a mixed

phase space D Bo ose


Sup ercorrelation B Giraud

Ultrametric correlations B Giraud

Representation of exp onentiated matrices as Laplace transform P Moussa

Zero es of random p olynomials G Mahoux ML Mehta JM Normand

coupling This renormalized tra jectory ex Quantum Field

ists also in four dimensions making the Gaus


sian xed p oint ultraviolet stable and the

and phase transitions

renormalized eld theory asymptotically free

but with a wrong sign of the p erfect action

Field theory is traditionally develop ed at the

We also show that very retarded classicalto

SPhT to analyze phase transitions byuseof

Ising crossover may exist in three dimensions

the renormalization group These techniques

in fact b elow four dimensions This could

have recently b een extended to study matrix

b e an explanation of the unexp ected classical

mo dels and random surfaces Wehave gath

critical b ehavior observed in some ionic sys

ered here these contributions with some of a

tems T

more mathematical character suchasquanti

zation in curved backgrounds

Improved Borel transform

metho d and precise

Exact Renormalization

nonp erturbative estimations

Group Equations

of critical exp onents

C Bervillier

R Guida J ZinnJustin

A critical review of the use of the exact

Perturbative series of anomalous dimensions


renormalization group equation ERGE in the

of the Quantum Field Theory in di

framework of the scalar theory is presented

mension d andd have b een

T Welay emphasis on the existence

resummed with an improved Borel transform

of dierentversions of the ERGE and on an ap

metho d and some precise nonp erturbativees

proximation metho d to solve it the derivative

timations of critical exp onents for the systems

expansion The leading order of this expan

in the universality classes of N

sion app ears as an excellent textb o ok example

have b een derived

to underline the nonp erturbative features of

A study of the next to leading nite size

the Wilson renormalization

corrections for a ve dimensional Ising mo del

Using the lo cal p otential approximation of

on a p erio dic lattice is in progress

the exact renormalization group equation we

determine the various domains of the param

Self avoiding random

eters of the O symmetric scalar Hamilto

surfaces F David

nian In three dimensions in addition to the

usual critical surface S attraction domain of Wecontinued the study of selfavoiding teth


the WilsonFisher xed p oint we explicitly ered surfaces These systems can b e studied

show the existence of a rstorder phase tran by metho ds which generalize the eld theoret

sition domain S separated from S by the tri ical metho ds used for p olymers and one of the

f c

critical surface S attraction domain of the main achievements of the last years was the


Gaussian xed p oint S and S are twodis pro of by three SPhT physicists that these

f c

tinct domains of repulsion for the Gaussian mo dels for self avoiding surfaces are renor

xed p oin t but S is not the basin of attrac malizable and that an expansion for scal


tion of a xed p oint S is characterized by ing exp onents and other universal quantities


an endless renormalized tra jectory lying en makes sense In the last twoyears we made

tirely in the domain of negativevalues of the the rst attempts to study nonp erturbatively

tically the numb er of op erators app earing in these mo dels The large order b ehavior of

the renormalization pro cess For example one the p erturbative expansion has b een derived

obtains a precision on the p osition of by semiclassical metho ds and weshowed that

the critical p ointofatr onematrix mo del this large order b ehavior is controlled by a clas

instead of a previous found by Higuchi sical solution instanton of a nonlo cal eec

et al It is showed that critical exp onents tive theory A factorial growth is obtained as

converge this is not always true when one for lo cal eld theories describing critical sys

do es not reduce enough the numb er of op era tems p olymers However the equation

tors app earing in the renormalization pro cess for the instanton conguration is nonlo cal

One recovers the qualitative renormalization and can b e only solved within some approx

ows and the xed p oints whichwere pre imation scheme We prop osed suchascheme

dicted in this case byFDavid Finally using based on a variational approximation that was

renormalization group techniques go o d ap shown to lead to go o d results and proved to

proximations of the critical p oints and ows b ecome exact in the limit of large space dimen

for the matrix Ising mo del are also found sionality this is not a simple fact as for the

T meaneld approximation in lo cal eld theo

ries but results from subtle diagram cancella

tions Attempts to go further these approxi

mations and to go b eyond the leading large or

Complex angular momentum

der term by calculating the eects of the uc

and quantum eld theory

tuations around the instanton are underway

J Bros


Some time ago T we proved that the

Renormalization group

four p oint function is analytic in the complex

for matrix mo dels

angular momentum variable for a eld theory

G Bonnet F David

satisfying lo cality Lorentz invariance p ositiv

ity of the energy and which increases mo d

Random matrix mo dels allow to construct

erately in the ultraviolet regime More re

mo dels of dimensional quantum gravity The

cently the mechanism of Regge particles gen

central charge c of matter elds can b e de

eration including hadrons and glueballs from

rived from the critical exp onents of the ma

the fundamental elds which do or do not sat

trix mo del by the KPZ Knizhnik Polyakov

isfy conning prop erties has b een understo o d

Zamolo dchikov formula This formula how

and analyzed in the preceding framework

w no ever is not valid for c and up to no

random matrix mo del has b een solved which

in the continuous limit would allowtorecover

Generalization of the

a quantum gravity plus matter mo del with

Fourier Transform in a

central charge c

curved space J Bros

We studied the renormalization group

Results complete in two dimensions ab out ows of random matrix mo dels under a shift

the generalization of the Fourier transform to on the size of the matrix The main purp ose

a curved spacetime of de Sitter or anti de is to understand b etter this c barrier

Sitter typ e have b een presented at a mathe The renormalization group techniques are im

matical congress T proved by using lo op equations to reduce dras

Integrable systems Boundary conditions

and conformal invariance

JB Zub er

This section contains contributions which use

integrability to answer questions raised byeld

The determination of b oundary conditions

theory and more sp ecically conformal eld

consistentwithtwodimensional conformal in


variance is an old problem which has received

new attention due to applications to critical

systems to systems with quantum impuri

ties and to the theory of strings and branes

LeeYang mo del R Tateo

The problem has b een reconsidered T

T T it has b een proved that

The sp ectrum of the LeeYang mo del was

the general solution to a consistency equation

studied via a generalization of the truncated

due to Cardy which determines the b ound

conformal space approach to the system with

ary states in rational conformal theories

b oundaries and via the b oundary thermo dy

is equivalent to the problem of nding all

namic Bethe Ansatz T This allows

representations over non negativeinteger val

reection factors to b e matched with sp ecic

ued matrices of the Verlinde fusion algebra

b oundary conditions and leads us to prop ose

roughly sp eaking the op erator algebra of the

a new family of reection factors see also

theory This gives a direct interpretation

T The equations previously pro

of the ADE classication of theories with a

p osed for the ground state are found to break

sl current algebra Capp elliItzyksonZub e r

down in certain regimes we found the neces

and more generally justies a program

sary mo dications by analytic continuation

of classication of conformal theories in terms

Access to the nitesize sp ectrum enabled us

of graphs initiated twelveyears ago byDi

to observe b oundary ows when the bulk re

Francesco and Zub er It also gives new insight

main massless and the formation of b oundary

on the algebraic structure underlying the com

states when the bulk is massive The TBA

putation of the couplings of b oundary elds

metho d can also b e used to gain information

More generally it recasts in a unied picture

on systems For dierent

various results obtained over the last years on

reasons Z symmetric spin systems playan


conformal theories and on lattice integrable

imp ortant role in condensedmatter physics

mo dels in the bulk or in the presence of a

The qualitative form of the phase diagram of

b oundary

these systems is b elieved to b e strongly con

strained by the prop erties of conformal p oints

in the phase space In T b oth exact

Random matrices

TBA and numeric Monte Carlo metho ds

were used to study the Z symmetric spin

Intro duced by Wigner in the s to elucidate

mo dels near to the decoupling surface and

the statistical prop erties of nuclear sp ectra

this suggested that the standard phase dia

they found applications in statistical physics

gram needs to b e mo died

of disordered systems and quantum chaos and

with the remark of tHo oft that QCD at large

numb er of colors generate planar diagrams

they found applications in statistical physics

on random planar lattices random surfaces nj co ecients The extension of these results

twodimensional quantum gravity string the yet unpublished for n larger than is still an

ory op en question

SPhT was a pioneer and is still very active

in this eld The p erio d has seen

Multicut matrix mo del

signicantcontributions to the understanding

G Bonnet F David

of the universal statistical prop erties of the

B Eynard

eigenvalues as well as exact results for enu

The Hermitianmatrixmo del has b een ex

merating random graphs and in particular ap

tensively studied in its simplest onecut phase

plication to mathematics with the counting of

Less well known is the multicut phase where


the supp ort of eigenvalues is not connected

Surprisingly this was considered as already

Coupled random matrices

solved in the literature The long range

G Mahoux ML Mehta

smo othed correlation function was known and

JM Normand

so on The results presented in the literature

were actually wrong An imp ortant mecha

Coupled random matrices mo dels app eared in

nism had b een missed

the study of planar diagrams in quantum eld

The multicut matrix mo del is a matrix

theory and were used later in twodimensional

uctuating within a p otential with several

quantum gravity Real symmetric complex

wells The eigenvalues tend to accumulate at

Hermitian or quaternionic selfdual matrices

the b ottom of the wells and in average hav e

dep end up on their eigenvalues and the so

acontinuous density with a nite but discon

called angular variables characterizing the or

nected supp ort The free energy is obtained

thogonal unitary or symplectic matrices which

by minimizing the action For instance in the

diagonalize them To remain with quantities

cuts case n eigenvalues lie in one well and

which only dep end up on the eigenvalues one

N n in the other One has to extremize

has to integrate over these angular variables

the action with resp ect to the o ccupation ratio

the expressions one considers For two coupled

x nN and nds the extremum for x x

n n matrices A and B this integration for the


expression exptrAB has b een expressed in What was forgotten in previous calcula

terms of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of tions is that when n Nx is not an in

c c

a Hamiltonian closely related to the Calogero teger the minimum is never reached When

Hamiltonian T This generalizes a this eect of the discreteness of the number of

well known ItzyksonZub er formula for com eigenvalues is carefully taken into account an

plex Hermitian matrices For n n additional term is added to the free energy matrices

This additional term dep ends on N quasi A the integration over the angular variables


p erio dically through thetafunctions Whence of pro ducts of terms ftr A A each denoted

i j

the quasip erio dic b ehavior sometime depicted graphically by a link b etween vertices i and

as chaotic in numerical simulations of the j can b e p erformed for n for all kind

early s It also explains the striking para of diagrams Up to now only op en chain or

doxes raised by several authors ab out the dis tree diagrams can b e treated Using tensor

agreementbetween dierent metho ds obtain algebra it is shown that for anynumber of

ing dierent results for the same quantities lo ops in the diagram these integrals can b e

Moreover this eect has some imp ortantcon expressed in terms of Wigner j symb ols and

tion when the edges of the graph are inde sequences for instance it implies that the free

p endent and when the average connectivity energy admits no p erturbative top ological ex

remains xed as the number of vertices gets pansion as p owers series of N contrary to

large Although the supp ort of the distribu the cut case From the expression of the free

tion is unb ounded wehaveshown that the mo energy including this new term one derives

ments determine the distribution completely exact expressions of the correlation functions

This metho d can b e mo died to handle the and asymptotics of the orthogonal p olynomials

case of random trees Wehave computed a T

lo cal prop erty of the eigenvalue distribution

namely the height of the delta p eak at the ori

NonHermitian random

gin The case of random trees is published

matrix mo dels NHRMM

In the case of random graphs wehave a con

R Janik

jecture whichisproved only in certain ranges

We derived a simple formula for calculating

of connectivity Our formula implies an un

exp ected phase transition in the sp ectrum at the prop erties of left and righteigenvectors for

a wide class of nonHermitian random matrix

mean connectivity ewell ab ove the classi

mo dels NHRMM T T

cal p ercolation transition at T


Knots JB Zub er

quaternion selfdual matrices

It is well known that integrals over large matri

ML Mehta

ces maybeinterpreted in terms of expansions

The probability density function for the deter

over diagrams of planar top ology and may

minantofan n random Hermitian matrix

thus give a metho d of counting planar ob jects

taken from the Gaussian unitary ensemble has

This idea has b een applied to a problem of

b een previously calculated T This re

knot theory namely the counting of alternat

sult has b een extended to random quaternion

ing links and tangles ie of knotted structures

selfdual matrices thanks to the evaluation of

in whichover and undercrossings are met al

the sp ecial determinant deta j ib j

ternatively along the string The census of al

i T

ternate tangles is obtained through the study


of the simple integral dM exp tr M

gM after a suitable removal of redundancies

Sp ectrum of random

has b een carried out and repro duces a result

incidence matrices

obtained recently in knot theory using combi

M Bauer O Golinelli

natorial arguments The census of alternating

The quantum transp ort prop erties for free par

tangles in whicheach closed lo op is weighted

ticles moving on a graph is closely related to

by a factor is given by the analogous two



the study of sp ectral prop erties of the inci

matrix integral dAdB exp tr A B


dence matrix of the graph A p ossible wayto

g A B AB g A B


take disorder into account is to consider ran

whose computation is much more dicult and

dom graphs and the asso ciated random matri

has b een achieved only recently T


the result is given in terms of elliptic func

Wehave given recursion relations to com tions and the counting up to crossings and

pute the moments of the eigenvalue distribu its asymptotic b ehavior have b een obtained

a p ossible rst step towards a quantization of T T

this sector of Gravity T

Gravity and strings

Branes in a blackhole

background V Pasquier

String theories are the b est known candidates

to realize the unication of all interactions in

Wehave explored the p ossibility to lo cate a

cluding gravity They have exp erienced ma

brane in a black hole background It is equiv

jor advances in the past few years after the

alent to put p erfectly reecting b oundary con

discovery of dualities relating weak and strong

ditions on a sphere surrounding a black hole

coupling regimes of dierent or same string

Consistency of the Einstein equations requires

theories It has now b ecome p ossible to get

that some kind of matter lives on the brane If

an insight on nonp erturbative results For in

the brane is put suciently close to the horizon

stance the ADSCFT corresp ondence conjec

of a Shwarzschield black hole we nd that the

ture gives a more precise meaning to the in

equation of state takes the form of a Chaplin

tuitive relationship b etween Gauge Field The

gas which describ es the hydro dynamics of a

ories and Strings Another famous conjecture

membrane quantized in the light cone gauge

claims that string theories admit a nonp ertur


bative denition as a random matrix mo del

Both those hyp othesis and others havebeen

String theory

explored at SPhT

Prior to string theories let us presentsome

String theory and

new exact results ab out classical gravity

sup ersymmetric matrix mo dels

I Kostov

Exact results in Gravitation

It is known from the early days of the string

theory that the lowenergy excitations of a

Exact solutions and symmetries

theory containing op en sup er strings are de

of gravity equations

scrib ed by a sup ersymmetric YangMills the

D Bernard N Regnault

ory In the last decade as a result of sev

eral sp ectacular discoveries it has b een re

Einstein equations can sometimes presenta

alized that the relation b etween strings and

chaotic or integrable b ehavior In the presence

gauge theories is in fact much deep er than

of a sucientnumb er of Killing vectors those

that First a dimensionally reduced U N YM

equations p ossess a large symmetry group Ge

theory can in principle repro duce in the limit

ro chs group We studied this group and devel

N the whole sp ectrum of the string the

op ed an algebraic metho d to obtain exact solu

ory and not only its lowest excitations Sec

tions of Einstein equations for metrics with two

ond the matrix formulation allows to describ e

Killing vectors Those solutions corresp ond ei

also various nonp erturbative phenomena asso

ther to rotating disks or to interacting gravita

ciated with the dynamics of the extended soli

tional waves T This integrabilityas

tonic ob jects in string theory the Dbranes

p ect of Einstein equations allows for a detailed

Quantitative information about the structure analysis of the phase space and the Poisson al

of the vacuum and the b gebra of physical observables a dicult prob ound states of the su

lem without the Killing vectors This w ork is perstrings and their dual objects

Matrix string theory The Dbranes can b e obtained by calculat

P Brax T Wynter ing the partition function of the dimensionally

reduced sup er YangMills theory with p e

The matrix string theory is a nonp erturbative

rio dic b oundary conditions for the fermions

candidate of string theory Wehave studied

The partition function of the N SYM the

the smallstring coupling regime and the con

ory reduced on a twodimensional torus has

nection with ordinary string p erturbation the

b een calculated quasiclassically T

ory In particular wehave identied the mo d

and it was conjectured the pro of was pro

uli space of matrix string theory and string

vided afterwards byFumihiko Sugino that the

theory in the large N limit N is the size of

quasiclassical result is actually exact

the matrices The WeilPeterson metric on

Dimensional ly reducedYMtheories

the mo duli space is retrieved for large N This

The dimensionally reduced YM theories

identication is also extended to the fermionic

with lower sup ersymmetry N are not

mo duli leading to the inclusion of a picture

less interesting since they describ e the dynam

changing op erator at the interaction p oints

ics of the dual ob jects Dstrings Dparticles


and Dinstantons in various compactications

of the string theory Some particular sectors

of these theories can b e mapp ed onto exactly

solvable cohomological eld theories and reveal Lattice version of the matrix

the integrable structures of some well known

mo del of Mtheory R Janik

hierarchies of dierential equations T

Wehaveformulated a lattice version of the


matrix mo del of Mtheory which enables one

The simplest example is the N SYM

to use techniques and algorithms from lat

reduced to zero spacetime dimensions which

tice The numerical study of

describ es the hightemp erature b ehavior of D

this mo del is esp ecially interesting in view of

particles in a theory of sup erstrings with six

various predictions from string dualities We

compactied dimensions It has b een shown

investigated numerically a quenched simpli

that this theory contains a sector describ ed by

ed version and studied its phase structure

the KadomtsevPetviashvili KP integrable


hierarchy T The integrability has

b een used to calculate explicitly the generating

function of certain class of op erators

This analysis has b een then generalized for

Quantum Chaos and

the N SYM theory to a p erio dic light

Dynamical Systems

cone time T After mapping the

theory to a cohomological eld theory the par

This section presents progress done in the de

tition function with p erio dic b oundary condi

v elopment of exact WKB metho ds and dy

tions regularized by a massive term app ears

namical systems which are the continuation of

to b e equal to the partition function of the

works undertaken at SPhT several years ago

twisted matrix oscillator The theory remains

It also includes a study of the chaotic b ehavior

solvable after b eing p erturb ed by a holonomy

of a quantum system

around the time circle The p erturb ed parti

tion function is shown to b e a tau function of

Toda integrable hierarchy

The previous exact formalism was rst Analytical solution for the

enlarged to homogeneous conning p otentials

D Schrodinger equation with


V q jq j of o dd degree giving three imme

general p olynomial p otential

diate applications

A Voros

a The cubic oscillator a Stokes multiplier

In the development pro cess of exact WKB

gets determined thereby solving a functional

metho ds for quantum mechanics an analytical

equation written for this multiplier by Sibuya

solution has b een reached for the D station

in the s This equation carrying a hidden


ary Schrodinger equation h d dq V q

symmetry of order also enters the mon

E with a general p olynomial p otential

odromy of the nonlinear Painleve I equa

V q Previously only sp ectra of homogeneous

tion and the exact integration of some D


even p olynomials V q q were exactly

eldtheoretical mo dels

treatable by semiclassical analysis an indirect

b The Airy functions Ai and its deriva

exact WKB metho d invoking Borel transfor

tive Ai viewed as sp ectral determinants for

mation with resp ect to h a la BalianBlo ch

j exhibit not only their classic the p otential jq

plus resurgence relations led to one master

prop erties in a much wider setting but also

bilinear functional relation for two unknowns

newer ones arising by transp osition from ear

the even resp o dd sp ectral determinants

lier quartic oscillator results via a duality link

This then generates exact quantization condi


V q V q i the exact quan

tions of a BohrSommerfeld form whichhow

tization conditions themselves now yielding

ever only dene equilibriu m constraints involv

the zeros of the Airy functions ii countably

ing all the even resp o dd energy levels Still

many sum rules for these zeros eg for Ai

when those formulae are applied iteratively

their unsigned inverse cub es sum up to unity

the exact energy sp ectra numerically app ear as

iii a nonlinear ternarysymmetric func

stable xed p oints ie they emerge up on re

tional equation ob eyed by the pro duct func

laxation from approximate semiclassical data tion Ai Ai T


c Thermo dynamical Bethe Ansatz Dorey +1 0 V


and Tateo have found that the same mas 0 0

3 ter functional relations for homogeneous p o


tials solvecertainintegrable D statistical 2 ten


mechanical and conformaleld mo dels thus

1 V

ween the Ther 3 creating exact connections b et

0 3.41014 and sp ectra of ho E0 mo dynamical Bethe Ansatz 4


mogeneous Schrodinger op erators 5 2


The master functional relation has now 3

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

ed by a direct exact semiclassical ap

q b een deriv

proach whichavoids Borel transformation and Exact calculation of the ground state wave function

also readily works for an arbitrary p olynomial q for the quartic anharmonic p otential V q


potential it basically exploits the constancy q q dashed curve with groundstate energy level

of the Wronskian of solutions The exact E  dashed horizontal line The solid

sp ectrum is again found as a xed p ointfor curve is the wavefunction q asevaluated byanu

an explicit selfconsistency system of quanti merical integration program whereas the show p oints

zation conditions and it can again b e reached calculated by the exact metho d

This is the purp ose of the pap er T byspontaneous relaxation under numerical

were weshowhow the singular b ehavior on the iterations fed by approximate semiclassical

real axis is approached from complex values data as tested only up on mo derately inhomo

of the variable The construction of this com geneous p otentials of degrees or More

plex extension is a dicult problem which uses over as a ma jor extension of the ab ove treat

complex analysis hyp erfunction theorynum ment of Airy functions the wavefunction q

b er theory a complex extension of continued itself at any p oint can b e analogously sp ec

fraction expansion and also some prop erties ied now through an explicitly q dep endent

sp ecic to the socalled mo dular group which system This amounts to an analytical in

plays a central role in recentachievements in tegration scheme for solving D p olynomial

the theory of mo dular forms In particular Schrodinger equations with the help of a xed

such functions app ear to b e what is called a p oint metho d and of zetaregularized pro ducts

co cycle under the mo dular group T T T T

Study of the distributions

Asymptotics of high order

of matrix elements for

noise corrections A Voros

quantum systems with a

Exact asymptotic metho ds were put to use

mixed phase space

on a sto chastic dynamical system a discrete

D Bo ose

Langevin equation p erturb ed by a Gaussian

Generic quantum systems with a small num

noise Several expansions in the noise strength

b er of degrees of freedom have a phase space

for the trace of the evolution op erator were

that is partitioned into a numb er of separate

found to diverge factorially and their large

regions in which motion is either regular or

order b ehaviors were computed T

chaotic It is therefore interesting to study how

statistical prop erties of generic quantum sys

Dynamical systems

tems are aected in the semiclassical limit of

Hamiltonian mechanics

Quantum Mechanics by the co existence of reg

P Moussa

ular and chaotic phase space regions Wehave

carried out such a study for the distributions Brujno functions are real functions with a sin

of matrix elements which are generated byan gular b ehavior at every rational numb er The

op erator p erturbing a classically mixed quan rst example was intro duced in byYoc

tum system whose phase space structure is the coz in order to describ e the size of the stabil

same at all energies The numerical compu ity domains in homomorphic dynamical sys

tems and they provide a supp ort for the Dio tations illustrating our study have b een done

phantine condition intro duced previously by in the case of the Hydrogen atom in a strong

Brujno In previous pap ers T and magnetic eld Wehave found that the dis

T weha ve shown that these functions tribution of diagonal matrix elements is the

may furnish a universal mo del for singular sup erp osition of statistically indep endent com

ities generated by small divisor problems in p onents eachofwhich corresp onding to a par

Hamiltonian dynamical systems These topics ticular region of phase space On the one hand

are discussed in the pap er T It was any comp onent corresp onding to a region of

therefore imp ortant to understand the math chaotic motion is a Gaussian distribution of

ematical characterization of such functions matrix elements which cannot b e lab eled by

applications for neural networks and more gen quantum numb ers the semiclassical value of

erally any architecture where p o or qualityre its mean has b een identied with the average

lays can via parallelism reinforce information of the Weyl transform of the p erturbing op er

It can also inuence inverse problems b ecause ator along an ergo dic tra jectory of the consid

strong correlations are not necessarily pro ofs ered region On the other hand anycompo

of strong direct interactions T nent corresp onding to a region of regular mo

tion consists of sequences of matrix elements

which can b e lab eled by quantum numbers all

Ultrametric correlations

sequences converge to a common semiclassical

B Giraud

value that has b een identied with the aver

In several domains of biology and physics ex age of the Weyl transform of the p erturbing

p erimental observables are not indep endent op erator around the stable p erio dic orbit of

b ecause of underlying ultrametric correlations the considered region Our numerical calcu

Indep endent observables have b een dened to lations indicate that the probabilities of most

disentangle such spurious correlations Fur transitions b etween eigenstates from dierent

thermore in the sp ecial case of disordered sys regions of phase space are much smaller than

tems and in particular for those epidemiologi the probabilities of most transitions b etween

cal studies where p opulations can b e randomly eigenstates from the same region Any distri

disturb ed by displacements and identity prob bution of transition matrix elements can there

lems such observables have b een proved to b e fore also b e separated into statistically inde

in part robust under such a p ossible disorder p endent comp onents in the semiclassical limit

This allows a b etter detection of eg genetic Wehave nally shown that the semiclassical

diversication T value of the variance characterizing the dis

tribution of transition matrix elements asso ci

ated to a region of chaotic resp regular mo

Representation of exp onentiated

tion is prop ortional to the Fourier transformed

matrices as Laplace transform

auto correlation function of the Weyl transform

P Moussa

of the p erturbing op erator this auto correla

Let A and B b e Hermitian matrices or op er tion function b eing computed along an ergo dic

ators The function Z Tr expA B tra jectory resp around the stable p erio dic

is expressed as the Laplace transform of a orbit of the considered region T

distribution This distribution is made of a

discrete Dirac part with p ositiveweights and


acontinuous part It was conjectured in

that the continuous part is also p ositive so

In this section wehave presented mathemati

that the whole distribution is in fact a p osi

cal works related to physical applications con

tive measure The problem arose in statistical

sidered elsewhere in this rep ort

mechanics and the p ositivity prop ertywould

allow to dene exact b ounds for the partition

Sup ercorrelation B Giraud

function from the knowledge of a nite num

b er of terms of the p erturbation expansion A new physical eect named Sup ercorrela

T The conjecture is not yet resolved tion was discovered It deals with informa

even for threedimensional matrices New re tion coherence and is distinct from the well

known coherence eects for amplitudes It has sults on this conjecture are presented in a

pap er T which present also a review

on the sub ject In this review the connec

tion is also made with other questions and

conjectures arising in the inverse problems for

matrices and problems of commutation with

derivatives in noncommuting algebras

Zero es of random p olynomials

G Mahoux ML Mehta

JM Normand

The zeros of the average of a p olynomial with

random co ecients have already b een dis

cussed in several circumstances It has b een

checked up to n and conjecture for larger

values of n that the zeros of the p olynomi

als P z hdeta i lie on the unit circle

n ij

in the complex z plane These p olynomials

are dened by a c i n j

ij ij 


n and a z j n


the c b eing real indep endent random num


b ers and the average hi is taken over the c with


an even density probabilityT This

problem o ccurs in Pade approximants of ex

pansions with noisy co ecients




Nuclear and particle physics are traditionally strong activities of SPhT and more recently

astrophysics and cosmology have develop ed These theoretical activities parallel the corre

sp onding exp erimental ones at the DAPNIA In some particular cases there exists direct

collab orations b etween physicists at DAPNIA and SPhT

Nuclear structure is investigated by eectiveinteractions using mean eld approximations

Eective eld theories are used to study hadronic matter in various states and environments

in solar interior neutron stars or during heavy ion collisions where the signature of quarkgluon

plasma is actively lo oked for

Many eorts are devoted to the understanding of Quantum Chromo dynamics in various

regimes p erturbative and nonp erturbative

Search for new physics b eyond the standard mo del leads to mo del building eorts based on

sup ersymmetric theories and their extensions

Our department has played a signicant role in the recent eorts to develop viable cosmo

logical mo dels on branes This theme which emerged recently from quite sp eculative asp ects

of sup erstring theories reinforces our activities in early Universe physics and tends to bridge

the gap b etween high energy physics and observational cosmology

The latter is still very active and has enriched its domains of investigation from the sta

tistical description of the largescale structures of the Universe to the physics of the Cosmic

MicrowaveBackground detailed mechanisms of galaxy formation or the physics of gravitational



Nuclear physics

Nuclear structure P Bonche T Duguet

Deformed nuclei

Sup er heavy elements

Correlations b eyond meaneld approximation

Screening of the Coulomb barrier in the solar plasma


Eective eld theories

Firstprinciple nuclear physics M Rho

Astrohadron physics M Rho

Achiral quark mo del for nucleons G Ripka

Phenomenology of heavy ion collisions

JY Ollitrault M Dinh

Langevin equation in the vicinity of saddle p oints


Quantum Chromo dynamics

Perturbative QCD DA Kosower PUwer

Radiative corrections in p erturbativeQCD

Collinear limits of amplitudes splitting amplitudes

and the AltarelliParisi kernels

Mass eects in e e jets at nexttoleading order

Polarization and spin correlations of top quarks

at a future e e collider

Error estimates in parton distribution functions

Pertubative non p erturbativeinterface

Gauge theories at strong coupling

R Janik R Peschanski

Conformal invariance for hard pro cesses S Munier

H Navelet R Peschanski

Comparison with exp erimental data

R Peschanski

High temp erature QCD and quarkgluon plasma

High temp erature QCD JP Blaizot

Numerical simulations of High Temp erature QCD A Morel

Physics b eyond the standard mo del

Broken Rparity in SUSY mo dels

M Chemtob G Moreau

The SUSY avor problem C Savoy

Mo del building issues

Connement and dualityP Brax C Gro jean C Savoy

Orbifolds and orientifolds S Lavignac

The early Universe

Branes world scenarios C Gro jean S Lavignac

G Servant

Metric uctuations in curved space

J Bros R Schaeer

Quintessence from a Sup erGravity p oint of view

P Brax

From Cosmic MicrowaveBackground anisotropies

to galaxies

Largescale structure formation

Perturbation Theory results F Bernardeau

Analytical and observational asp ects of structure formation

R Schaeer PValageas

Gravitational lenses

Weak lensing by the largescale structures

F Bernardeau PValageas

Gravitational lensing phenomenology of cosmic

strings F Bernardeau

Lens eects on Cosmic MicrowaveBackground

prop erties F Bernardeau

nuclei are calculated exactly with all the time Nuclear physics

odd components of the force included For

Eorts done tend to bridge the gap b etween

pairing correlations the LipkinNogami pre

the physics of elementary hadrons and the

scription has b een used which amounts to an

physics of manyb o dy systems from nuclei and

approximate pro jection of meaneld intrinsic

nuclear matter to compact stars These stud

states onto go o d particle numb er The overall

ies concern our understanding of nuclear struc

agreement with exp eriment is quite satisfac

tures development of eective hadronic theo

tory These new results in this mass region

ries as well as some astrophysical issues We

further establishes the validity of the Sly in

also present here phenomenological works con

teraction together with a surfacedelta pairing

cerning relativistic heavyion collisions

eld for microscopic nuclear studies Indeed

this work puts very dierent constraints on the

force Namely nuclear prop erties at normal

Nuclear structure

deformation the oneproton and oneneutron

PBonche T Duguet

separation energies are consistent with exp er

Microscopic studies of the nuclear structure

imental data the dynamical moment of in

at SPhT are based on the meaneld approx

ertia of SD bands that implies large deforma

imation The fundamental input of these ap

tions away from ground state prop erties and a

proaches is an eectivetwob o dy force which

delicate interplaybetween pairing whichfavors

acts b etween nucleons within a nucleus Once

pairs of particles coupled to zero angular mo

such a force is xed calculations can b e done

mentum and rotation which gradually breaks

for all p ossible nuclei including nuclei away

these pairs to build up angular momentum as

from the stability line and for nuclei in any

the rotational frequency increases

extreme conditions such as sup erdeformation

Sup er heavy elements

Deformed nuclei

Applications of this meaneld approach has

also b een done in other mass regions and for

Following this strategy a complete analysis

other phenomena For instance an exploratory

of sup erdeformed SD rotational bands has

calculation has b een done for sup er heavy el

b een achieved in the A  mass region

ements Recen t exp erimental evidences for

T Sp ecial attention has b een given

Z Dubna and Z Berkeley have

to the understanding of the socalled identical

motivated this work The same Sly interac

bands The meaneld calculations are done

tion has b een used but with a dierent pair

with the HartreeFock Bogoliub ov approxima

ing eld a volumedelta force whose strength

tion with the Sly Skyrmelike eectiveinter

has b een adjusted to repro duce the average

action derived in earlier works see T

proton and neutron pairing gaps in the even

and T The pairing eld is describ ed by

even nuclei around Fm the heaviest nu

a surfacedelta densitydep endentinteraction

cleus with enough data for that t Prop erties

Such a pairing interaction has already b een

of nuclei ranging from Z to Z have

used and tested in the HgPb region with suc

been investigated together with the p ossible

cess In the present study the validity of this

decaychains of these sup er heavy elements

choice for the pairing eld has b een conrmed


for the A  mass region without anyread

Works are now in progress T to justment of the parameters SD bands in o dd

and the deformed conguration in this partic study in details the prop erties of the No and

ular nucleus seems to dep end up on ne de No nuclei for which rotational bands have

tails of the interaction Further investigation b een recently observed up to angular momen

of these correlations b eyond meaneld are re tum h The same Sly interaction is used

quired b efore one can draw denite conclusions but now with the surfacedelta pairing force

concerning the interaction Nevertheless the which has proven to b e quite successful for the

calculation conrms the weakening if not dis A  and A  mass regions Results

app earance of magicity for N away from are in go o d agreement with exp eriment A

stability line complete analysis of the heaviest known ele

ments with Z is also in progress again

The GCM metho d with pro jection onto

with the same Sly and pairing interactions

particle numb er only has also b een applied to

in preparation to p ossible future exp erimental

sup erdeformed Hg and Pb isotop es to study

programs at GANIL

o ctup ole degrees of freedom On a qualitative

level the agreement with exp eriment is rather

go o d A b etter description of o ctup ole corre

Correlations b eyond

lations at SD minima requires a coupling b e

meaneld approximation

tween the two q and q mo des whichwere

At the other end of the mass table namely

intro duced separately in the present study

for Mg nuclei Z study of dripline nu

T W ork along this line is in progress

clei has b een done T T The

Finally the decay out of SD states through E

primary aim of this work was to study corre

electric monop ole transitions has b een studied

lations b eyond the meaneld approximation

for these nuclei In most cases it is shown that

This has b een achieved by mixing states with

E transitions cannot comp ete with E tran

dierent deformations The to ol is the Gen

sitions to low lying states even for the light

erator Co ordinate Metho d GCM with the

est Hg and Pb where the excitation en

quadrup ole deformation used as the generat

ergy of the SD bands is lower and where E

ing co ordinate Such a metho d has already

transitions are substantially enhanced Tran

b een extensively used in this context How

sitions to excited states in the rst well are

ever in the present study an exact pro jection

more favored so that one should search for

onto particle number and angular momentum

rays lower than say Mevtohaveanychance

has b een implemented A rst application has

to detect such E transitions if any T

b een done for Mg which lies along the

stability line These pro jections esp ecially

es the overall on angular momentum improv

Screening of the Coulomb

agreement with exp eriment For instance the

barrier in the solar plasma

calculated BE rate b ecomes very

B Giraud

close to the exp erimental value The study

has b een rep eated for the exotic Mg which The famous solar neutrino problem is sensitive

corresp onds to the N neutrons shell clo to nuclear fusion rates which in turn are sen

sure For this nucleus however the calculated sitive to the screening of the Coulomb barrier

state is to o high in energy and the corre in the solar plasma This screening has b een

sp onding BErate to o low underestimating calculated by means of the nite temp erature

the collectivity of that state However the del HartreeFock metho d Slight but signicant

icate balance b etween the spherical minimum dierences with previous estimates were found

give an eective eld theory treatmentasin But they still do not not solve the solar neu

zerodensity regime with a fascinating conse trino problem T

quence suchasOverhauser eect Higgs phe

nomena etc on the structure of the core

Eective eld theories

of compact stars eg neutronstar co oling

Firstprinciple nuclear physics

as well as in heavyion collisions at RHIC or

M Rho



Eective eld theory of strongly interacting

A spino of this class of research is the

hadronic systems that is a lowenergy non

birth of a new subeld of physics called

p erturbative approach to QCD has b een for

astrohadron physics which purp orts to cor

mulated a la Wilson and Weinb erg and applied

relate what is understo o d in the proton struc

with a remarkable success to twonucleon sys

ture to that of nuclei and hadronic matter

tems T T T T

and ultimately provide the equation of state of

T This maybeviewed as the rst

matter relevant to the interior of neutron stars

rstprinciple calculation in nuclear physics

and to the collapse to BetheBrown lightmass

Generalizing the notion of eective eld the

black holes T T This devel

orytoasystemendowed with a Fermi sur

opment is admittedly at its embryonic stage

face we obtain nuclear matter emerging nat

encompassing on the one hand such a topical

urally as a xed p oint in Landau Fermi liquid

sub jects as the proton spin T and

theory T T This theory im

on the other hand the more recent activityon

plements the BR scaling intro duced by Brown

AdSCFT duality in highenergy elastic scat

and Rho in in the formulation of many

tering T

b o dy problems and provides a simple descrip

tion of how hadrons b ehave in medium when

density increases toward the chiral phase tran

Achiral quark mo del

sition p oint as exp ected to o ccur in heavy

for nucleons G Ripka

ion collisions or in neutron stars T


The structure of nucleons has b een calculated

using a chiral quark mo del A new and more

Astrohadron physics

realistic regularization was used The calcu

M Rho

lation is a bit harder but the soliton describ

ing the nucleon is found to b e stable without

QCD predicts that when a hadronic matter is

the need to intro duce articial constraints to

compressed to a sup erhigh density the color

maintain the elds on the chiral circle Such

as well as avor symmetries could b e sp onta

constraints are found not to b e satised dy

neously broken with the colorful quark pairs

namically T

condensing into the vacuum This is pre

dicted to lead to color sup erconductivity In The quantum uctuations of the quark

addition the color and avor can get lo c condensate ha ked ve b een evaluated and found to

and give rise to a sp ectrum which closely re b e surprisingly large The vacuum stability

sembles that of matterfree systems This im is studied under a constraint prop ortional to

plies an intriguing continuity from hadrons at the squared quark condensate New instabili

low density to quarksgluons at high density ties have b een discovered which are due to the

The symmetry breaking pattern allows one to Lorentz invariant regularization T

NA collab orations at CERN and the large Phenomenology of

ow of pions with low transverse momentum

heavy ion collisions

seen by NA T More recentlywe

JY Ollitrault M Dinh

have shown that global momentum conserva

Collisions between lead nuclei at

tion pro duces a backtoback correlation b e

GeVnucleon are realized at the CERN

tween particles whichiseven larger than the

SPS in order to study nuclear matter at ex

correlation due to ow for protons with high

treme densities where a quarkgluon plasma

transverse momenta Taking this correlation

might b e formed Up to particles are pro

into account one nds that the direction of

duced in such collisions Their directions are

impact determined by NA is wrong by

characterized by a p olar angle the collision

However other correlations also exist in par

axis b eing the p olar axis and an az

ticular those due to resonance decays which

imuthal angle Itwas predicted a few years

cannot b e estimated quantitatively This sug

ago by one of us that for collisions with non

gests that the current metho ds are unable to

zero impact parameter the azimuthal angle

pro duce quantitative results T

of outgoing particles should b e correlated with

the direction of impact due to nal state


Langevin equation in the

interactions In particular one exp ects that

vicinity of saddle p oints

the average value of cos  is p ositive


B Giraud

This phenomenon was subsequently observed

in in several exp eriments p erformed at

Analytically soluble mo dels were found for the

the Bro okhaven AGS and the CERN SPS

Langevin equation in the vicinity of saddle

and referred to as inplane elliptic ow Its

points Suchmultidimensional mo dels are use

magnitude is sensitive to the pressure achieved

ful for the study of ssion and heavy ion fusion

during the collision which is one of the quan


tities one aims to measure

Unfortunately the impact direction is not


known eventbyevent so it is not obvious

to measure the ab ove mentioned correlations

Chromo dynamics

Our recentworks show that the metho ds cur

The study of strong interactions remains one of rently in use are not reliable they assume

the ma jor sub jects of particle physics it is one that the only azimuthal correlation b et ween

of the main scientic investigation at the very particles results from their correlation with

high energy colliders like LEP leptonlepton the impact direction Wehave shown that

HERA leptonhadron and Tevatron hadron there are several other sources of direct cor

hadron Prosp ects for LHC and other future relations which are of the same order of mag

accelerators are also involved in these studies nitude First quantum correlations b etween

Among other p ending physical phenomena to identical pions also known as the Hanbury

b e understo o d one of the main goals is the Brown and Twiss eect pro duce a short range

need to go b eyond the small coupling approxi azimuthal correlation Wehaveshown that

mation either by a resummation of the p ertur this eect alone explains several puzzling ex

bative expansion or more ambitiously to the p erimental results the socalled higher har

strong coupling regime where the still myste monics ie nonzero values of cos n 


rious connement of quarks and gluons takes with n observed by the NA and

ref T place It should b e noted that the ongoing Works on the calculation of

researchtowards higher precision is not only the double b oxintegral are still in progress

interesting on its own but is also a necessary

ingredient for the new physics searches at the

Collinear limits of amplitudes

future colliders

splitting amplitudes

and the AltarelliParisi kernels


Gauge theory scattering amplitudes showa

DA Kosower PUwer

simple b ehavior in the collinear limit of two

or more partons in this limit amplitudes can

Calculations in p erturbative QCD reect three

b e factorized into a lower p oint scattering am

main strands of activity a the development

plitude and universal functions the socalled

and application of new techniques for the cal

splitting amplitudes It has b een demon

culation of virtual corrections to QCD pro

strated in the past that the splitting ampli

cesses b the application of these new tech

tudes are very useful to construct general al

niques to general questions in gauge theories

gorithms to p erform higher order calculations

c the development of a new framework for

in p erturbative QCD In particular the leading

assigning uncertainty estimates to parton dis

order results have b een used in nexttoleading

tribution functions and to observables dep en

order NLO jet calculations The NLO split

dent on them

ting amplitudes are necessary for nexttonext

toleading order NNLO jet calculations

Radiative corrections in

The factorization at the amplitude level is

p erturbative QCD

similar and related to the factorization of cross

Activities at SPhT include developmentoffor sections whichwas proven more than years

mal metho ds for lo op calculations in gauge

ago to all orders in p erturbation theory Al

theories The fo cus shifted from onelo op cal though in some sense more fundamental the

culations to twolo op ones in particular the

factorization of amplitudes was proven to all

simplest helicity amplitude in QCD has b een orders only one year ago in T where

worked out at this order with all helicities a new metho d to calculate the splitting am

identical It is one of the two whichvanish at plitudes in higher order of p erturbation the

tree level and which therefore are nite at one ory was also given In ref T this new

lo op and simpler at two lo ops than the most metho d has b een used to calculate all the split

complicated helicity amplitude This calcu ting amplitudes relevantinQCDatNLOac

lation required extending the unitaritybased curacy By this calculation we extend the ex

metho d that has b een used extensively in one isting results to all orders in the dimensional

lo op calculations to two lo ops

regularization parameter This extension is

necessary for NNLO jet calculations The re

Not surprisingly the resulting integrals are

sults are valid in two dierentvariants of di

more dicult than onelo op ones In particu

mensional regularization the conventional di

lar one of the integrals requires sp ecial care

mensional regularization scheme and the four

b ecause of its analytic structure the lackof

dimensional helicityscheme

a Euclidean region and in general the com

putation and checking of the integrals turns The splitting amplitudes can b e used not

out to b e the most timeconsuming part of only in jet physics but also to calculate the

the calculation whose result is describ ed in AltarelliParisi kernels describing the evolu

Polarization and spin tion of parton distribution functions While

correlations of top quarks the relation b etween the twoiswell known

at a future e e collider at leadingorder the exact relation at NLO

was unknown until recently In T rst

It is known that top quark pro duction at a

results elucidating this relation at NLO have

future e e linear collider provides an excel

b een presented the nal results should app ear

lent p ossibility to study p olarization phenom

so on

ena of quarks without hadronization ambigui

By this derivation one gets deep er insight

ties in a clean environment Such analyzes

into phenomena related to collinear limits

can b e used to study the fundamental interac

In addition the extension of our analyses to

tions in more details To this aim p olarization

NNLO provides a new metho d to calculate the

eects and spinspin correlations of top quark

AltarelliParisi kernels at NNLO The NNLO

pairs pro duced in e e annihilation have b een

AltarelliParisi kernels are demanded by the

reviewed T The study includes the

increasing precision of to days exp eriments

NLO QCD corrections The low and high en

ergy limits of the predictions are discussed

Mass eects in e e jets

The results presented in are a necessary ingre

at nexttoleading order

dient for the search of anomalous top couplings

as they present the Standard Mo del prediction

Taking advantage of previous works the jet

including the NLO QCD corrections

cross section in e e annihilation has b een

calculated for six dierent jet algorithms at

NLO accuracy for massive bquarks T

Error estimates in parton

T The mass dep endence of the jet

distribution functions

rate allows to t the bquark mass bycom

The parton distribution functions PDFs of

parison with the available exp erimental results

the nucleon are the nonp erturbative input

from SLD

needed in addition to the strong coupling


Taking correlations b etween the dierent

in order to describ e shortdistance hadron

algorithms into accountwe obtained from a

hadron and leptonhadron scattering pro

combined t of the six dierent jet algorithms

cesses using p erturbative QCD The PDFs

the following result for the running bquark

used in presentday calculations are those


determined in global ts to exp erimental

data deeplyinelastic scattering and DrellYan

m M  stat syst

b Z

data primarily by Martin Rob erts and Stir

ling MRS and by the CTEQ collab oration

theor GeVc

However these ts do not provide for uncer

tainty estimates that are of increasing imp or

This result is in go o d agreement with lowen

tance on precision measurements for example

ergy determinations and measurements from

of the W mass

the LEP exp eriments The high energy de

terminations of the running bquark mass or A formalism that would allowsuch errors

more precisely the mass renormalized in the to b e estimated has b een set up reecting the

the mo died minimal subtraction scheme pro original exp erimental errors in the data used to

vide for the rst time direct exp erimental evi extract the PDFs Our solution relies on p er

dence for the running of the mass parameter forming a numerical Monte Carlo integration

over dierent candidate PDFs weighting each vestigation of amplitudes o dd under charge

by the dierential probability of its providing a conjugation corresp onding to the o dderon ex

suitable t to exp erimental data In particular change Its description within leading loga

it avoids theoretical prejudices and takes into rithmic p erturbative QCD involves a strongly

account the nonGaussian nature of the distri coupled interacting system describ ed byanef

butions around the b estt value This re fectiveintegrable spin chain with a noncom

quires a co de to evaluate observables for tens of pact group Earlier in collab oration with J

thousands of PDFs a task made p ossible with Wosiek wesolved the relevant Baxter equa

computer programs that had b een develop ed tion and derived quantization conditions which

previously at SPhT T put together gave a prediction for the o dd

eron intercept for vanishing conformal spin

The initial numerical work T was


based on the H and BCDMS deeplyinelastic

scattering data shows as examples estimates

of uncertainties in F measurements and in the

Conformal invariance for

W and Z cross sections as measured in the

hard pro cesses S Munier


H Navelet R Peschanski

The resummation of the QCD p erturbative


expansion at high energy is a full domain of

non p erturbativeinterface

investigation since it is invoked for the de

scription of many hard pro cesses under ex

Gauge theories

p erimental study In fact at leading loga

at strong coupling

rithm order the eective coupling constant

R Janik R Peschanski

is g log E whichmay b e of order one even

A new stimulating direction in the dicult

when g is small a b eautiful new symmetry

problem of understanding gauge eld theo

app ears conformal invariance in transverse

ries at strong coupling has b een provided

space We found a series of prop erties and

by the Maldacena conjecture the socalled

applications of this intriguing symmetry eg

AdSCFT corresp ondence a dualitybetween

the study of the conformal spin comp onents

certain gauge theories at strong coupling with

T the derivation of their conformal

a sup ergravitational string theory in one more

couplings generalizing ClebshGordon co e

dimension and with nonat Anti de Sitter

cients T the calculation of onelo op

metrics We established the link using corre

contributions to elastic amplitudes T

lators of Wilson lines and lo ops b etween the

T Particular attention has b een de

string formalism in AdS space and the high

voted to the multiparticle amplitudes for

energy scattering amplitudes in gauge theo

which a formalism inspired bytwodimensional

ries T T First computation

conformal eld theory T proved to b e

of these observables allowed us to study the

very useful

relation b etween connement and the Regge

The conformal invariance was used in par

prop erties which are exp ected but nev er de

ticular to investigate the Pomeron  ver

rived from general SMatrix arguments This

tex for any conformal spin Exact results re

old problem has never b een addressed to in

lying heavily on a series of analytical results

this mo dern context

for integral calculations T have b een

obtained for the conformal spin T A second area of our researchwas the in

It turns out that due to the conformal invari study

ance only the conformal spin n and n

Finally the funny empirical phenomenon of

are present

hard diraction a hard interaction which

At nexttoleading level now under inves

leaves the proton intact has b een analyzed

tigation conformal invariance is broken in a

in terms of a sp ecic QCD picture T

sp ecic waywhich requires a thorough inves


tigation whichwe started from a phenomeno

logical p oint of view

High temp erature QCD

and quarkgluon plasma

Comparison with

High temp erature QCD

exp erimental data

JP Blaizot

R Peschanski

At high temp erature T   Mev

While the evolution of the proton structure


andor large densitychemical p otential 

functions with q is well repro duced by the

hadronic matter b ehaves as a weakly

QCD p erturbative renormalization group the


interacting g T  quarkgluon plasma

truly hard collisions are not yet understo o d

Such a system exhibits collective phenomena

in particular the energy dep endence whichis

over large spacetime scales typically of order

parameterized by the socalled Pomeron inter

 g T Such collective eects can b e taken

cept This problem is directly related to the

into accountby appropriate resummations of

nexttoleading level already mentioned ab ove

the p erturbative expansion Alternativelyas

In a series of pap ers in collab oration

shown in our previous studies the physics at

with exp erimentalists T T

the soft scale gT can b e describ ed byki

T we prop osed a new metho d for ex

netic equations of the Vlasovtyp e Solving

tracting the necessary information from the

these equations is equivalenttointegrating

data and analyze it in terms of leading and

out the hard degrees of freedom with typical

nexttoleading logarithm order predictions It

momenta k  T toleaveaneective theory

app ears that an unconsistency remains b e

for the soft mo des with momenta k  gT

tween theory and exp erimental data Interest

Recently this analysis has b een extended

ing comparisons with LEPI I photonphoton

in two directions

and Tevatron dijet data lead to further

study Prosp ects for the LHC have b een pro

iWehave shown that the eective the

vided at working groups

ory for ultrasoft mo des with k  g T

The future program RUNI I which results from integrating the hard and

at Tevatron suggests a more basic comparative soft mo des involves a Boltzmann equation for

study b etween a virtual photon prob e as at color degrees of freedom T T

The main diculty in establishing this equa HERA and a virtual gluon prob e provided

tion was to build a collision term from QCD at hadronic colliders by forward jets Inter

using a succession of approximations whichex estingly enough the investigation in congura

ploit the scale separation and preserve gauge tion space T T leads to striking

symmetry The resulting eective theory can dierences b oth in range much longer for the

b e used in numerical simulation of the ultra gluon and in interpretation in terms of wave

soft dynamics that is needed for instance in functions on the lightcone Phenomenologi

problems of baryogenesis cal consequences of these facts deserve further

is obtained by comparing the Polyakovloop iiWehave devised an approximation

correlations PLC and spatial string tension scheme which allows us to include non

resulting from QC D at nite T and from the p erturbatively the eects of the soft mo des in

reduced action Scaling prop erties asso ciated the thermo dynamics of QCD The results ob

with the continuum limit are veried The tained are in excellent agreements with lattice

analysis of the large distance b ehavior of the calculations when comparison can b e made

PLCs gives evidence for the existence of a De T T Our strategy rests on

bye screening length It corresp onds to a true a skeleton representation of the free energy

color singlet excitation whose mass is mea such as b een develop ed long ago by Luttinger

sured rather than to a pair of massive electric and Ward or De Dominicis and Martin for in

gluons as usually stated for D A dier stance The central quantity to b e calculated

ent reduced action with a global Z symmetry is the entropy for whichwe can construct self

ov lo op eective similar to that of the Polyak consistent approximations with a rather sim

action has now b een designed and the way ple ultraviolet b ehavior The metho d can b e

how this symmetry is realized is under inves extended to systems with a nite chemical p o

tigation tential for which lattice calculations are not

yet p ossible T

Physics b eyond the

Numerical simulations of High

standard mo del

Temp erature QCD A Morel

Sup ersymmetric mo dels and their natural ex Nonp erturbative prop erties of the quark

tensions sup ergravity and sup erstrings mo d gluon plasma are currently investigated via

els are the most p opular candidates for de numerical simulations of a socalled dimen

sionally reduced theory In D dimen

scribing the physics beyond the standard

mo del Signatures of these mo dels are actively sions at nite temp erature T the integra

searched for This is the case for the pro duc tion of the Lagrangian over the imaginary

tion of sparticles with future accelerators or time co ordinate is restricted to the interval

indirect eects at lowenergies SPhT has also T At high T this denes a classically

made contributions to more fundamental is reduced action S obtained by setting in

sues related to mo del building the Lagrangian to b e supplemented by quan

tum corrections S coming from the p erturba

tive path integral over the dep endent non

Broken Rparity

static eld degrees of freedom T

in SUSY mo dels

Some of the numerical results obtained in

M Chemtob G Moreau

the physical dimension D by dierent

Rparity acts as a custo dial symmetry to pro groups are somewhat inconclusiveorcontro

tect the sup ersymmetric mo dels against a vi versial A study of the case D where very

olation of baryon and lepton numb ers while similar questions can b e answered for a smaller

ensuring an absolute stability to the light computing eort even though the IR situation

est sup ersymmetric particle An approximate is more severe has led to the following results

breaking of Rparity should have imp ortant Dimensional reduction with S computed an

implications esp ecially with resp ect to a dis alytically at one lo op order works extremely

covery of sup ersymmetry well for temp eratures as lowas T This


odd interactions T We examined the eects of the lepton num

b er violating Rparity o dd interactions on sin

gle pro duction of fermion charginos and neu

vor problem The SUSY a

tralinos and scalar sleptons and sneutrinos

C Savoy

sup erpartners at leptonic colliders for center

Exp erimentally fermions app ear in twelve

of mass energies up to GeV  TeV

sp ecies called avors e udcstb

T An analysis is carried out for


However the pattern of these fermions ap

the rates and branching fractions asso ciated

p earing in three families is not understo o d

with the ve basic b o dy pro cesses


This avor mystery whose elucidation pre

e e l e e e e


sumably needs a new theoretical framework

l W e e Z Z e e

well b eyond the present standard theory has

In an extension to the previous work wedevel

several lowenergy avatars the hierarchies in

op ed a similar study for the single pro duction

the fermion masses the values of their weak

ofachargino at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

interactions mixing angles the violations of


the CP parity violations of the baryon and

The Rparity o dd coupling constants could

lepton numb ers neutrino oscillations This

incorp orate complex phases whic h mightcon

problem is more easily formulated in sup er

stitute new sources of CP violation The main

symmetric extensions of the standard the

purp ose of the work presented in T

oryHowever wehave also to face new prob

T was to develop a quantitative study

lems all directly related to the intro duction

of the asymmetries due to CP violation which

of b osonic matter namely the scalar quarks

might b ecome observable at the high energy

and leptons and of fermionic forces induced

leptonic colliders We examined the eects

by gauge fermions This sup ersymmetric a

of the R parity o dd renormalizable interac

vor problems are certainly amongst the seven

tions on avor changing rates and CP asymme

deadly sins of the tantalizing sup ersymme

tries in the pro duction of fermionantifermion

try hyp othesis But they could also provide

pairs at leptonic colliders In the reactions

clues for the physics across the present energy

l l f f l e the pro duced

frontiers T

fermions may b e leptons downquarks or up

One sup ersymmetric avor problem is re quarks and the center of mass energies may

lated to the preservation of the exact lo cal range from the Zb oson p ole up to GeV

symmetries of Nature the electric charge and Some work has also b een fo cused on the

the quark colors Weha asso ciated pro duction of a top quark anti ve to imp ose more

quark with a charm antiquark quark at the or less arbitrary conditions on the parameters

leptonic colliders which app ears as a favor that represent the breaking of sup ersymme

able case from an exp erimental p ointofview try in our mo dels An analysis of these con

T We study a CPo dd observable as straints must b e done b oth at zero and nite

so ciated with the top spin which leads to an temp erature to takeinto account the evolu

asymmetry in the energy distribution of the tion of the Universe They could only b e re

emitted charged leptons for the pair of CP placed by strong cosmological assumptions or

conjugate nal states bl c and bl c A similar interestingly enough by the explicit violation

study has b een develop ed for the pro duction of the lepton and baryon numb ers at a level

of sleptonantislepton pairs of dierentavors that is still consistent with the exp erimental

at the leptonic colliders through the Rparity b ounds T T This brings out

anomalies in the theory formulated in terms of another sup ersymmetric avor problem In

the elementary elds and the corresp onding deed automatic or accidental global symme

ones in the theory formulated in terms of gauge tries of the standard theorylikebaryon and

invariant p olynomials of these elds Actu lepton numb ers are not so anymore in its su

ally the realization of this condition b ecomes p ersymmetric extensions They must b e as

more nebulous when these p olynomials are al sumed or ensured to a high degree in order to

gebraically constrained by the relations that resp ect many exp erimental results In partic

are called syzygies Recently it has b een ular there would b e sup ersymmetric contribu

shown that the t Ho oft condition is satised tions to neutrino masses that seem in contra

if and only if these syzygies are derived from an diction with the observed pattern of neutrino

analytic function of these p olynomials which oscillations T

corresp ond to the sup erp otential of the con

A sup ersymmetric CP problem arises also

ned theory This also corrob orates a previ

A small but nonzero CP asymmetry is ob

ous denition of connement in sup ersymmet

served in the weak interactions but not in

ric gauge theories whichwas rather formal but

the strong interactions A striking example

quite useful in practice T

is provided by the electron and the neutron

electric dip ole moments which are predicted

to b e quite small in the standard theoryin

Orbifolds and orientifolds

go o d agreement with the present exp erimen

S Lavignac

tal b ounds if one assumes that the strong

Most of the early attempts to describ e the

CP problem has b een solved Instead in the

known particles and interactions in the frame

sup ersymmetric mo dels there are new phases

work of string theory have relied on compact

which are generically present in the sup ersym

ications to four spacetime dimensions of the

metric interactions whose contributions could

E E heterotic string Semirealistic mo dels

exceed the exp erimental limit The resulting

containing the Standard Mo del gauge group

b ounds on these phases turn out to b e sig

SU SU U and three families of

nicant T A real insightinto this C L Y

quarks and leptons have b een obtained in this

question is made dicult by our lack of under

way In the last few years a new class of four

standing of the origin of CP asymmetryOne

dimensional string mo dels has b een discov

p ossibilitynow under investigation is sug

ered These mo dels known as typ e I IB orien

gested by the analysis of the realization of the

tifolds are op en string compactications ob

CP parity as a lo cal symmetry in the frame

tained from orbifolds of typ e I IB string theory

work of string theory

orldsheet parity that re by mo ding out the w

verses the orientation of the string This class

Mo del building issues

of mo dels oers new p ersp ectives for string

phenomenologysuch as new scenarios of gauge

Connement and duality

coupling unication or new mechanisms of su

P Brax C Gro jean C Savoy

p ersymmetry breaking and although no real

istic mo del for particle physics has b een con

Sup ersymmetry also shreds new lightontwo

structed so far it deserves further study

b eautiful physical phenomena connement

An interesting feature of orientifold mo d and dualities The t Ho oft condition is in

els is the presence of anomalous Ab elian gauge strumental in the approaches to these prob

symmetries showing many dierences with the lems as it requires the matching b etween the

orientifold symmetries hold at the quantum heterotic anomalous U Such a symmetry

level can provide us with a b etter knowledge app ears indeed in a large class of heterotic

of the lowenergy eective Lagrangian of ori string compactications where it has b een

entifolds which is required for phenomeno shown to play an outstanding role in several

logical studies It has b een found T phenomenological problems such as the origin

that even in the simplest orientifold mo dels it of the quark and lepton mass hierarchies su

is not p ossible to comp ensate simultaneously p ersymmetry breaking or ination The gener

for the mixedgauge and mixedgravitational alized GreenSchwarz mechanism ensuring the

anomalies asso ciated with these symmetries comp ensation of Ab elian anomalies in orien

through a GreenSchwarz mechanism other ef tifolds has b een describ ed in detail T

fects presumably of nonp erturbative origin T and it has b een shown that the

would b e necessary Also the structure of anomalous U s are broken close to the string

onelo op corrections to the gauge couplings is scale while their FayetIliop oulos terms con

not compatible with suchamechanism This trary to the heterotic case have arbitrary val

gives a new argument against the p ostulated ues asso ciated with the mo duli of the mo del

orbifoldorientifold duality This last prop erty strongly restricts the phe

nomenological interest of orientifold anoma

lous U s

The early Universe

The description of the cancelation mecha

nism of Ab elian anomalies has made it p ossible

While observational cosmology has b een de

to test the conjectured dualitybetween typ e

velop ed at SPhT for quite a while now inves

I IB orientifolds and orbifolds of the SO

tigations on the physics of the early Universe

heterotic string whichwas exp ected to b e

have emerged only recently These studies con

a fourdimensional manifestation of the het

cerned very fundamental issues related to the

erotic typ e I duality in ten dimensions In

understanding of quantication rules in curved

those pap ers some discrepancies at the level

spacetime as well as mo del building issues in

of the gauge group and massless sp ectrum b e

theories inspired by sup erstring theories

tween mo dels that were previously thoughtto

b e dual have b een found T T

Branes world scenarios

Although these discrepancies could b e resolved

C Gro jean S Lavignac

by nonp erturbative eects they cast doubts

G Servant

on the validity of this fourdimensional duality

In the KaluzaKlein picture it is well kno whichhave b een reinforced by the computa wn

tion of onelo op corrections to gauge couplings that if there exist some extradimensions to

in orientifolds byAntoniadis Bachas and Du our Universe an innite numb er of massive

das states will b e asso ciated to each usual D eld

Symmetries of the mo duli space the space Because these KK mo des havenotyet b een ob

of vacua corresp onding to a giv served their masses havetobebeyond the ex en compacti

p erimental range of energies accessible in col cation scheme which are describ ed by the val

liders  TeV This is why in this sce ues of scalar elds called mo duli playanim

nario the size of extradimensions cannot ex p ortant role in heterotic string mo dels where

ceed scales of the order of  m they constrain not only the treelevel eective

However the discovery of pbranes ex Lagrangian but also its onelo op structure

tended ob jects spanning p spacetime di Thus investigating whether the corresp onding

mological constants are given as an eective mensions in string theory has suggested an

description of the dynamics of the lowenergy alternative scenario in which the Standard

degrees of freedom of string theory and we Mo del gauge interactions are conned to a

have shown that the previous picture was con four dimensional hyp ersurface while gravity

sistent with the equations of motion can still propagate in the whole bulk space

time In such a scenario the constraints on

The necessity of a netuning has b een

the extradimensions evade the standard ones

challenged in some particular setup whichwas

and are solely determined bythebehavior of

prop osed to explain the smallness of the cos

gravity alone at short distances The b ounds

mological constant without any netuning

on the extra dimensions are nowmuchlower

The idea is that the curvature of the higher di

 mm However this analysis was not yet

mensional spacetime can adjust itself so as to

complete b ecause it assumes a particular fac

cancel anycontribution of the elds living on

torizable geometry asso ciated to the higher

the brane to the eective fourdimensional cos

dimensional spacetime b eing a direct pro duct

mological constant It has b een however shown

of a D spacetime with a compact space

T that this mechanism requires ad

Recently this last assumption has b een

ditional contributions to the fourdimensional

overcome in a work by Randall and Sundrum

cosmological constant implying some hidden

unveiling a very rich source of physical ef


fects The most exciting one reveals the non

incompatibilitybetween noncompact extra

Metric uctuations in

dimensions and exp erimental gravity The cru

curved space

cial p oint is the existence in some curved back

J Bros R Schaeer

ground of a normalizable b ound state for the

The primordial uctuations of the energy den metric uctuations whichcanbeinterpreted as

sity eld are the result of quantum pro cesses the usual D graviton Of course there still ex

in the expanding Universe at the remote ep o ch ists an innite tower of KK mo des even a con

where the scale of these uctuations was of the tinuum sp ectrum without gap but the shap e

order of the microphysics scale However ex of their wave functions is such that they al

cept in the case where the kinetic and p oten most do not overlap with the D graviton and

tial energies exactly cancel the spacetime is thus maintain the deviations to the Newtons

curved due to gravity Canonical quantization law in limits which are still very far from ex

p erimen tal b ounds by mo de expansion do es not provide an un

In T and T wehave stud ambiguous answer in this case One do es not

ied the cosmological expansion of such a brane know which mo des to include in the expansion

Universe and computed the Hubble parameter Those that are L summable as exp ected from

that measures the time variation of the ex elementary quantum mechanics or those that

pansion factor on the brane in terms of the corresp ond to all elds whichbehave at most

energy density It has b een found that up as a constant at innity as seems required if

to corrections suppressed at the Planck scale one is willing to treat all theories with p osi

the standard FRW cosmology is recovered at tive m It turns out that the latter is true

the cost of a ne tuning required to lo calize Wehave cleared out this problem shown why

gravity on the brane in the RandallSundrum this is consistent with quantum mechanics and

scenario havegiven metho ds to handle these only ap

In T interpretation of these cos parently nonnormalizable mo des The an

From Cosmic Microwave swer to the ab ove problem that amounts to

nd the correct expansion of a D twop oint

Background anisotropies

function into D correlation functions with

to galaxies

time dep endentweights can b e used in a much

more general context Indeed it provides a

This section is devoted to the presentation of

relation that works b oth ways b etween the

research topics more directly related to phe

twop oint np oint function in a curved space

nomenological asp ects of cosmologySomeis

of dimension d and the twop oint np oint

sues are related to the content of the Universe

functions of particles with a given mass sp ec

the existence of a nonzero cosmological con

trum in one dimension less For instance the

stant is a formidable challenge from a high

BunchDavis twop oint function in de Sitter

energy physics p oint of view others to struc

space can b e obtained as a sup erp osition of

ture formation mechanisms in the Universe

Minkowski twop oint functions in one dimen

sion more T The AdSCFT corre

sp ondence can also b e viewed the same way

Largescale structure

and we nd not only the corresp ondence b e


tween the physics in antide Sitter space and

The observed structures in the Universe dark

Conformal Field Theory but much more gen

clouds galaxies groups of galaxies or rich

erally a corresp ondence of the former with

galaxy clusters are the result of gravitational

QFT T Similarly there is a corre

collapses of tiny irregularities preexisting due

sp ondence of the physics in branes with the

to quantum uctuations in the primordial

one in a bulk with extradimensions T

Universe This is in general a complex issue

b ecause of the intricate nonlinearities that the

gravitational dynamics contains The regime

Quintessence from a

which corresp onds to only slight deviations

Sup erGravity p oint of view

from the linear b ehavior has b een studied in

P Brax

detail during the previous years at SPhT and

is still an active topic Most of the eort in

Recent observations seem to indicate that the

thisdomainhavehowever b een devoted to the

Universe contains a new typ e of matter with

strongly nonlinear regime where observational

negative pressure A p ossible candidate is a

consequences can b e drawn more directly

scalar eld called quintessence Weha ve stud

ied quintessence mo dels and shown that they

have to b e describ ed in a Sup erGravity the

Perturbation Theory results

ory context due to the large value close to

F Bernardeau

the Planck mass of the quintessence eld at

present time Wehavegiven a general class Numerous results have b een obtained using

of such sup ergravity mo dels and investigated p erturbation theory applied to the initial den

their stability with resp ect to quantum correc sity uctuations of the Universe A review pa

tions The phenomenology of these mo dels is p er presenting the state of the art in this do

promising due to the lowvalue of the pressure main is actually in preparation for Physics Re

energy density ratio This has lead us to study p ort These results actually lead to b etter un

the CMB anisotropies in this class of mo dels derstandings of phenomenological asp ects re

T T T lated to the largescale velo cityows T

pretation of this description within the more T as well as to p ossible estimate of

general framework of multifractals T nite volume eects in data analysis T

shows that this bifractal mo del is the simplest

realistic description of the nonlinear density

Analytical and observational


asp ects of structure formation

Using these results and the mo del of galaxy

R Schaeer PValageas

formation develop ed in a previous work one

The previous investigations havehowever in

can draw a complete picture of the nonlinear

trinsic limitations b ecause the observed astro

structures which ll our Universe For in

physical ob jects are nowadays extremely dense

stance one can simultaneously account for the

ob jects that are more suitably describ ed by

Xray emission from clusters of galaxies indi

a nonlinear theory The theoretical investiga

vidual galaxies and quasars T In a

tions are somewhat simplied b ecause at the

similar fashion it is p ossible to describ e the

scales involved ob ject formation is the result

prop erties of the diuse intergalactic medium

of the sole gravitational interaction through

which lls most of the volume of the Uni

a pro cess that is called hierarchical cluster

verse and surrounds these highdensity ob jects

ing the smaller mass condensations form rst

T Then lo oking back in time one can

contain nearly all the matter in the Universe

reconstruct the reionization history of the Uni

but o ccupy a negligible fraction of space these

verse by the rst stars and quasars T

condensations then cluster together forming

This analytic study agrees with the available

larger asso ciations with almost all the mass

results from numerical simulations eg the

surrounded by nearly empty regions This pro

gas was reionized at z  within the frame

cess rep eats itself resulting in a mass distri

work of current cosmological mo dels and it

bution that is selfsimilar at all the relevant

allows one to cover the whole range of interest

scales Ob jects then exist only after some ad

while simulations cannot extend b elow z 

ditional physical prop erties are imp osed for

down to the presentepoch b ecause of limited

instance galaxies form at lo cations where co ol

resolution Moreover it provides a conve

ing rates are rapid enough compared to the

nienttooltoinvestigate hyp othetical scenarios

accretion rate

whichmay b e needed to explain some obser

Wehave b een able to nd an analyti

vations eg large reheating of the intergalac

cal description of the density eld as well

tic medium to recover the observed entropy

as to attach and derive the relevantphys

o or of the gas within clusters T

ical and clustering prop erties to the astro

This domain of high redshifts when the age

physical ob jects T These results

of the Universe was smaller byafactor

constitute the most elab orate mo del of mat

have only recently b een accessible to observa

ter clustering prop erties in hierarchical mo d

tion and should b e explored in detail in future

els Our approach has b een comforted by

observational pro jects

checks against observations T as well

as against numerical simulations T

Gravitational lenses

T Moreover this is the only available

mo del that can cop e with suc Anumber of works describ ed in the previous h a large variety

paragraphs deal with the statistical prop erties of ob jects overdensed as well as underdensed

of the cosmic matter eld at large scale One structures and which can describ e substruc

very ecientway of revealing these prop erties tures Besides it has b een noted that a reinter

instance Wehaveinvestigated general phe is to takeadvantage of the socalled gravita

nomenological asp ects of string detection with tional lens eects Any mass concentration

gravitational lensing eects Wehave shown is indeed deects the photons that are passing

particular that the lo cal convergence is always by These slight deections induce sp ecic pat

zero except on the pro jected angular p osition terns on the background ob jects that can b e

of the string and exhibited the source term analyzed to reveal the shap e of the pro jected

for the deformation eects T p otential of the lenses

Weak lensing by the

largescale structures

F Bernardeau PValageas

The theoretical interests of such observations

for mapping the largescale structures had

b een explored in a previous pap er T

This work has b een complemented bynumeri

cal investigations that have conrmed our pre

dictions T T Moreover very

recently the rst rep ort of weak lensing de

tection at large angular scale has b een made

T which reinforce the interest of such

metho ds for exploring the largescale structure

prop erties of the Universe

Further analytical works have b een devel

op ed that allow to compute the full probabil

ity distribution of the convergence whichmea

sures whether the light b eam gets broader or

thinner in this regime was prop osed T

T It agrees with the results of numeri

cal simulations and it explicitly shows howone

can recover the prop erties of the densityeld

Numerical exp eriment showing the amplication map

from the measure of such eects

of a straightPoisson string The brightest pixels cor

resp ond to innite magnication they form the critical

Gravitational lensing

lines The solid lines corresp ond to the caustics p osi

phenomenology of cosmic

tions of the critical lines in the source plane The exter

strings F Bernardeau

nal dashed lines are the counter images of the critical


Although current observations rather favor

mo dels with initial adiabatic scalar uctua

tions for seeding the largescale structures of

the Univ erse the formation of cosmological To obtain a more phenomenological pic

relics such as cosmic strings cannot b e a pri ture of such string induced lens eects wehave

ori excluded This is a natural outcome of ex also develop ed a mo del of strings where the

plicit inationary scenario in SUSY context for energy p osition and shap e uctuations of the

string are describ ed by a random lineic energy

uctuation with a vanishing coherence length

In such a mo del it app ears that most of the

lens phenomenology structures of the criti

cal lines caustics can b e explicitly calculated


Lens eects on Cosmic

Microwave Background

prop erties F Bernardeau

If the lens eects that are most commonly en

countered are those induced on background

galaxies they can also b e signicant on the

prop erties of the Cosmic MicrowaveBack

ground anisotropies Completing previous

studies we have shown that the orienta

tion of the CMB temp erature patterns could

b e revealed by crosscorrelation examinations

of CMB maps with weak lensing surveys

T However the most dramatic eects

turn out to b e the one on the p olarization

prop erties Taking explicitly into account that

in usual inationary mo dels the CMB p olar

ization is dominated by scalar mo des primary

pseudoscalar mo des induced by tensor uctu

ations are negligible wehaveshown that this

prop ertydoesnotsurvive lens eects As a

result the socalled B typ e CMB p olarization

can b e used to unveil lens eects on the CMB

plane whether it is b ecause of top ological de

fect relics T or b ecause of the large

scale structures of the Universe T



A great variety of sub jects is gathered in this chapter devoted to Statistical Physics The

ma jority of the topics presented here b eneted from the crossfertilization b etween dierent

metho ds originally develop ed in other branches of Physics integrable systems quantum eld

theory mathematical physics thanks to collab orations and discussions b etween memb ers

of our lab oratory having very dierent backgrounds Thus although the sub jects in whichwe

have b een interested may seem extremely diverse and sometimes rather mathematical their

unity stems from our desire to understand actual problems in Physics with the use of a handful

of techniques however sophisticated

This chapter is divided in four parts The rst section is devoted to general asp ects of

Statistical Physics we describ e various mo dels related to combinatorial problems graphs

folding of p olymers meanders to Brownian walks and to classical mo dels formulated on

random lattices Exact solutions of such mo dels are often obtained with the help of related

matrixmo dels a longstanding sp eciality of our lab oratory More generally clever mappings

to related D Quantum gravity mo dels and the identication of a central charge haveallowed

to determine nontrivial exp onents Time dep endent systems are treated in the rst section

from a traditional viewp oint kinetic theoryhydro dynamic instabilities turbulence The

techniques involved here are typical of applied analysis stability criteria mo de decomp osition

sho cks and sto chastic equations

This leads us naturally to the rst theme of section nonequilibri um statistical physics

ailable The techniques Mo del solving plays again a crucial role since no general theory is yet av

used are b orrowed from traditional mathematical analysis one also needs algebraic tricks the

renormalisation group and numerical simulations to reveal and enco de the combinatorics of the

mo dels under investigation Systems out of equilibrium are related to disordered systems Path

integral metho ds are well suited to calculations concerning disordered systems eg they were

used to obtain an eective description of a random medium when coupled to sup ersymmetry

techniques they provide an ecient to ol to describ e sup erconductors with impurities Among

disordered systems the study of spin glasses remains an active eld in the SPhT An essential

and outstanding question in spin glass theory is to discriminate b etween two mo dels the

droplet description and the Parisi replica symmetry breaking scheme Numerical simulations

and analysis of the uctuations around Parisis mean eld solution conducted bymemb ers of

our group seem to favour replica theory

The third part of this chapter is devoted to Quantum systems Fieldtheoretic metho ds

are p erfectly suited not only for mo deling correlated electrons and spin chains but also for

quantum uids such as BoseEinstein condensates D electron systems or sup erconductors

The reader will nd here a collection of techniques applied to concrete problems in condensed

matter largeN expansion for the temp erature transition of a weakly interacting Bose gas

integrable mo dels and conformal eld theory for the Hall eect ChernSimons action or duality

for calculating magnetization curves

In the last part of this chapter we describ e soft condensed matter and biological systems

Here again path integral representations are invaluable to describ e p olymers proteins and self

avoiding membranes Moreover space geometry and combinatorial top ology start now playing

a preeminent role p olyhedral tilings to understand sphere packings tensorial order parameters

to describ e conformational phase transitions secondary structures and folding mechanism of

proteins Coulombic systems suchaspolyelectrolytes are relevant b oth for industrial purp oses

and to understand biological uids For instance from variational descriptions of p olyelec

trolytes one calculates phase diagrams for the stabilityofavesicle in water that mayserveas

a simple mo del for drug delivery in a target cell


Statistical Physics and Mo dels

Pedagogical asp ects of Statistical Physics

R Balian JP Blaizot

The free energy at a rst order transition Condensation and metastability

A Morel

Graphs and discrete folding problems

Incidence matrices of random trees M Bauer O Golinelli

Membrane folding PDiFrancesco O Golinelli E Guitter

Polymer folding meanders and fullypacked lo ops

PDiFrancesco O Golinelli E Guitter

Random walks and random lattices

Brownian motion and Quantum Gravity Exact electrostatics of

conformally invariant fractals

B Duplantier

Lorentzian gravityPDiFrancesco E Guitter

The Potts mo del and the sixvertex mo del on a random

surface G Bonnet B Eynard I Kostov

Fullypacked lo op mo dels on random triangulations

PDiFrancesco E Guitter

Kinetic theory and hydro dynamics

Discrete Kinetic Theory H Cornille

Hydro dynamical instabilities C Normand

Lagrangian tra jectories in turbulentows

M Bauer D Bernard

Two dimension turbulence D Bernard

Time Dep endent and Disordered Systems

Spin Glasses

Systems out of equilibrium

Persistence M Bauer JM Droue JM Luck

Sinai Mo del E Guitter

Exact solutions for the Exclusion Pro cess K Mallick

Population dynamics in a random environment

I Giardina

Mo dels of comp etitive learning

JM Luck

Glassy dynamics violation of the uctuationdissipation

theorem JM Luck

Disordered Systems

Electromagnetic prop erties of disordered media H Orland

Disordered two dimensional systems D Bernard

Sup erconductors and disorder M Bo cquet D SerbanTeo dorescu

Sp ectral prop erties of the onedimensional disordered

Dirac equation M Bo cquet


Numerical simulation of the EdwardsAnderson mo del with

the multioverlap algorithm

A Billoire

Replica metho d and dimensional reduction

C De Dominicis

Temp erature chaos in spin glasses A Billoire

Quantum systems

Strongly correlated electrons

Suppression of ferromagnetism in at band double exchange

mo dels R Lacaze K Penc

Dynamic dielectric resp onse of D cuprates K Penc

Quantum Magnetism

ChernSimonsHofstadter theory for the magnetization

curveoftwodimensional magnets

T Jolicur G Misguich

Quantum spin chains O Golinelli T Jolicur

BoseEinstein condensation JP Blaizot J ZinnJustin

Quantum Hall eect and mesoscopic systems

Fractional statistics M Bergere

Dip oles and fractional quantum Hall eect

V Pasquier

Edge excitations in the fractional quantum Hall eect

V Pasquier D SerbanTeo dorescu

Mesoscopic sup erconductivity K Mallick

Soft condensed matter and biological physics

Granular materials A Gervois

Capillarity JY Ollitrault

Polymers and selfavoiding membranes

Proteins and p olymers T Garel H Orland

Knotted p olymers in two dimensions

E Guitter E Orlandini

Coulombic systems electrolytes

and p olyelectrolytes H Orland

In the D q states Potts mo del ab ov Statistical Physics e q


co oling the system from a high temp era

and Mo dels

ture favors the alignment of spins inside do

mains droplets whichgrow and eventually

Pedagogical asp ects

condense at q This droplet picture has


of Statistical Physics

b een adapted a la Fisher to incorp orate the

R Balian J P Blaizot

knowledge accumulated on the mo del in par

Two articles containing some suggestions on

ticular in previous numerical and analytical

the p edagogy of Statistical Mechanics ap

works also p erformed here An explicit ana

p eared in a sp ecial issue of The American Jour

lytic function of represents the free energy

nal of Physics In the rst pap er we present

in the thermo dynamical limit It has an essen

a synthetic approach to Statistical Mechan

tial singularityat q characterized in terms


ics based up on dierenttyp es of relevanten

of the correlation length and of the critical

tropies which dep end not only on the state but

indices and at the end p oint q which


also on the coarseness of the description of a

explains quantitatively the b ehavior of en

system The use of these relevantentropies

ergy cumulants measured in numerical exp eri

sheds light on the second law b oth in equilib

ments Standard Van der Waals phenomenol

rium and in irreversible thermo dynamics and

ogy metastability is recovered by replacing

unies many approximation metho ds of non

this singularityby an eective one lo cated

equilibrium statistical mechanics In the sec

slightly awayfrom q end of metastabil


ond pap er we review dierent asp ects of the

ity spino de Peculiar scaling prop erties

physics of stars their workings and their evo

and nitesize eects in energy distributions

lution which is a goldmine of problems in sta

follow sp ecically from the singular structure

tistical mechanics and thermo dynamics Sta

of the free energy and they also compare suc

tistical Physics indeed plays a ma jor role in

cessfully with numerical results on lattices of

the understanding of the fundamentals of stel

various sizes T

lar machines Hence statistical physics can b e

The droplets invoked are not genuine ge

taught via a suitably crafted course on astro

ometrical ob jects their surfacep erimeter ra

physics T T

tio scales as R R notR as it is

in the classical condensation mo del of round

shap ed droplets At the relativeweightof


The free energy at a rst order

one large disk like droplet unprop erly called

transition Condensation

critical dropletb ecause it giv es the system

and metastability

achance to tunnel to another equally prob

A Morel

able phase is estimated in a capillary wave

calculation Although it is found extremely Perhaps b ecause they are not directly related

small its contribution is detected in one ex to eld theory rst order phase transitions are

isting simulation These ndings reconcile the often considered less app ealing than continu

geometric and Fishers views of what a droplet ous transitions Nevertheless they exist in Na

is b oth typ es exist This situation should b e ture as well as in theoretical mo dels and their

generic at least when a rst order line ends at thermo dynamical prop erties if not universal

a critical p oint If there is not to o close to are suciently generic to b e describ ed b etter

the twocontributions can in principle b e than is done in the Van der Waals theory of

disentangled p ossibly by using b oth equilib condensation

T rium and dynamical prop erties of the system

in preparation

Membrane folding

PDiFrancesco O Golinelli

Graphs and discrete

E Guitter

folding problems

Wehavebeenworking for a few years on var

Incidence matrices of random

ious folding problems inspired byphysics and

trees M Bauer O Golinelli

biology mainly of the two follo wing classes

tethered membrane folding the study

The study of random graphs is closely re

of folded congurations of a twodimensional

lated to the problem of p ercolation The sp ec

lattice allowed to interp enetrate itself phan

trum of the incidence matrix of such a random

tom folding

graph provides information on a dierent prob

uid membrane folding same problem lem that one may call quantum p ercolation

for uid versions of the lattice namely tessel There is go o d numerical and analytical evi

lations of Riemann surfaces of arbitrary genus dence that global prop erties of the sp ectrum

moments for instance do not give all the rele

In the particular case of the two

vantphysical information So we studied lo cal

dimensional squarediagonal lattice a detailed

prop erties such as the height of the delta p eak

study of the folding congurations has led

at the eigenvalue in the sp ectrum Since ran

to a reformulation in terms of two underly

dom graphs with small connectivity are assem

ing Temp erleyLieb algebras themselves cor

blies of trees wewere led to study the kernel

resp onding to a twocolor fullypacked lo op

of incidence matrices of trees By a classical

gas on the square lattice leading to various

result in graph theory the numb er of lab eled

b ounds on the folding entropyTA


trees on n vertices is n We endow the

numerical study using transfer matrices has

set of such lab eled trees with uniform proba

ledtoaninteresting phase diagram display


bility giving weight n to each tree Each

ing b oth rst and second order phase transi

tree comes with an n n symmetric incidence

tion curves T

matrix with entry ij equal to if there is an

A number of general results on these

edge b etween vertices i and j and to other

questions have b een collected in a research

wise Eachsuch matrix has n real eigenvalues

exp ository article T This work shows


eigenvalues for This leads in turn to n n

in particular some generic connections b etween

the whole set of lab eled trees on n ver

lattice folding problems and the physical sys

tices We call z the total multiplicity of the

tems formed by fullypacked colored lo op gases



eigenvalue in this set of n eigenvalues

dened on the same lattices or tessellations to

The rst terms of the sequence z are

b e folded

n n

given by We found

in closed form a generating function and an

Polymer folding meanders

asymptotic estimate for the sequence z

n n

and fullypacked lo ops

In particular we showthattheaverage frac

PDiFrancesco O Golinelli

tion of the sp ectrum o ccupied by the eigen

E Guitter

value in a large random tree is asymptotic to

x where The statistics of meanders it ie counting the

x is the unique real ro ot of x expx number M of congurations of a road cross


the FPL mo del with two coexisting systems ing a river through n bridges is a long stand

of lo ops This identication with a c con ing problem whichinterests us since many

formal eld theory coupled to gravityallowed years in particular in relation with the com

us to obtain exact predictions for many exp o pact folding of p olymers the onedimensional

nents including the conguration exp onentof selfavoiding version of the membranefolding

the original meander problem and those corre problem Wehave followed several approaches

sp onding to various other geometries several

by making use of the representa

rivers river with a source whichbranching

tion theory of the Temp erleyLieb algebra

points We then p erformed a systematic

T also present in most integrable lat

check of these asymptotic predictions by a di

tice mo dels in two dimensions but also in the

rect enumeration using a transfer matrix ap

theory of links and knots

proach of the generalized meandric ob jects

using random matrix mo dels T

corresp onding to these various situations All

a class of integrals providing generating func

our numerical estimates T agree with

tions for random graphs that can b e reinter

our theoretical predictions

preted as folded congurations of p olymers

using various algorithms of direct enu

meration in particular a new Monte Carlo

Random walks

metho d has b een intro duced to study this

and random lattices

problem which randomly constructs large me

The mo dels presented in this section have b een

anders by recursion This algorithm is partic

studied via mappings to D Quantum prob

ularly ecient on a parallel computer allow

lems and the use of sp ecic techniques such

ing large simulations T In particular

as the KPZ formula or random matrix mo dels

precise critical exp onents related to the count

These elegant metho ds allowed to nd subtle

ing and the shap e of meanders havebeenes

prop erties of Brownian paths and of some frac

timated T

tals ensembles and also to solve random lat

tice versions of classical mo dels of Statistical


Brownian motion and Quantum

Gravity Exact electrostatics of

conformally inv ariant fractals

B Duplantier

Classical statistical problems in the standard

The semimeanders of size The road is the nonself

twodimensional plane R have b een solved by

intersecting lo op The semiinnite river is the half

D quantum gravity metho ds and extensions

line starting at the source black dot The size is the

thereof In T the nonintersection ex

numb er of bridges

p onents describing the probability that a given

number of Brownian paths diuse without in On the theoretical front wehavemadea

tersecting conjectured in havebeende crucial step T T by identifying

rived from that technique The structure so the meander problem as b eing the gravita

revealed also allows mixing Brownian paths tional version ie the random lattice ver

and p olymers and deriving the exact statis sion of a particular fullypacked lo op mo del

with suchangle is found to b e tical mechanics of arbitrary D cop olymers

T The related critical exp onents are


no longer rational but algebraic real numbers

f f

One can also mix Brownian paths with the

p ercolation problem T to get the har

with c the central charge of the conformal eld

monic measure b ehavior near a critical p er

theory describing the critical mo del Values of

colation cluster Alternately a direct study

c are for instance c for an Ising cluster

of the probabilistic geometry of a p ercola

c for the frontier of a Brownian motion

tion cluster allows deriving a family of path

T for a selfavoiding walk T

crossing exp onents T Both yield the

as well as for a critical p ercolation cluster

Hausdor dimension D for the external

T One thus nds for c that

p erimeter of a p ercolation cluster conjectured

these three b oundaries all have the statistics


ofaselfavoiding walk with a unique external

The multifractal MF distribution of the

p erimeter dimension D sup f


electrostatic p otential near any conformally in

which establishes and extends Mandelbrots

variant fractal b oundarylike a critical O N

conjecture for the frontier of a Brownian mo

lo op or a critical Qstate Potts cluster has

tion For anyvalue of c the Hausdor dimen

b een solved in two dimensions T The

sion of the frontier D sup f f


results can b e stated as follows Consider

and the typical harmonic angle satisfy

a single conformally invariant in a statisti

D For a critical Potts cluster the di


cal sense critical random cluster generically

mensions D of the external p erimeter which


called C Let H z b e the p otential at exte

is a simple curve and D of the clusters hull


rior p oint z C with Dirichlet b oundary con

which p ossesses double p oints ob ey the du

ditions H w C on the outer simply

ality equation T

connected b oundary C of C andH w

on a circle at ie of a large radius scal



ing like the average size R of C H z is iden

tical to the harmonic measure ie the prob

indep endently of the mo del A corollary is that

ability that a Brownian motion started at z

the maximal Hausdor dimension of a simple

escap es to without having hit C The mul

ie non selfintersecting and conformally

tifractal formalism characterizes subsets C

invariant curve in D is the symmetric p oint

of b oundary sites w byaHolder exp onent

D of Eq A related covariantMF

and a Hausdor dimension f dim C

sp ectrum similar to result is obtained for

such that the p otential or harmonic measure

any other critical system wetting the fractal

content of a ball B w r of radius r centered

cluster b oundary

at w lo cally scales as

Lorentzian gravity

PDiFrancesco E Guitter

H B w rjw C rR r

A discrete version of twodimensional quantum

gravity mo dels uses in general random trian

gulations A particular case of such mo dels is By Eq a Holder exp onent thus denes a

that of the socalled Lorentziangra vityob lo cal equivalent harmonic angle and

of the b oundary subset tained by demanding that the triangulation is the MF dimension f

randommatrix mo del allowed us to nd new organized into constant time layers of trian

results for the q states Potts Mo del on a ran gles This layer structure allows for the use of

dom lattice Wederived a closed set of equa transfer matrices to study the problem Intro

tions of motion leading to a functional equa ducing in addition to the weight t p er triangle

tion for the resolvent function of the mo del aweight a asso ciated with the intrinsic curva

With some analyticity assumptions this equa ture of the triangulation weshowed that the

tion could b e rewritten as the equation of the problem b ecomes integrable ie the trans

O n mo del this mapping enabled us to de fer matrix T t acommutes with the trans


rive exact analytical solutions In particular fer matrices T t a onaline t F a ta


q for rational values of q of the form which allows for an explicit solution of the

cossr the resolvent satises an algebraic problem We also showed the existence of a

equation of degree r this prop ertywas pre direct equivalence b etween Lorentzian gravity

viously known only for q The equa with intrinsic curvature and Brownian walks

tions of motion metho d in principle allows one with extrinsic curvature which allows to con

to study the mo del b eyond the spherical limit nect many of their resp ective statistical prop

eg the Potts mo del on a torus T erties For instance the lo oplo op correlator of

the gravitational problem translates into the

Although most of the classical solvable

large excursion probability of the Brownian

mo dels have b een generalized and solved on

walk T

a random graph ab out ten years ago the six

vertex mo del of Baxter resisted until recently

all attempts to b e solved in spite of the fact

The Potts mo del and the

that its formulation as a large N matrix mo del

sixvertex mo del on a random

was known The solution of the mo del was

surface G Bonnet

nally obtained using rather traditional meth

B Eynard I Kostov

o ds It was shown as exp ected that the parti

Weha ve studied the general Pottsq mo dels on

tion function of the mo del coincides with that

planar random surfaces using the lo op equa

of a c string theory compactied at some

tions metho d In these mo dels q matrices are

length dep ending on the vertex coupling This

coupled to each other thus making the resolu

is however not true for the correlation func

tion of the mo del dicult We showed for the

tions b ecause of the dierent op erator content

states Potts mo del that there exists a closed

of the two theories Precisely the vertex

set of lo op equations although this do es not

mo del on a random surface is related to the

generally app ear to b e the case for q or

compactied c string theory by duality

q Using the invariance by circular p ermu

its geometrical interpretation is that of a gas

tation of traces we related all the exp ectation

of dense nonintersecting oriented lo ops cou

values of the op erators of the Potts mo del

pled to lo cal curvature defects on the lattice

on planar random surfaces to only unknown


op erators These were in turn determined by

a onecut assumption and we nally obtained

Fullypacked lo op mo dels

an algebraic equation of degree for the resol

on random triangulations

vent as well as the critical p oints and exp o

PDiFrancesco E Guitter

nents of the mo del T

The fullypacked O More generally a new approach based on n mo del describ es the

the equations of motion of a corresp onding statistics of lo ops drawn on a twodimensional

lattice and constrained to visit al l the vertices netic theory have b een intro duced by Bo

of the lattice This mo del allows in particular and Spiga fteen years ago These mo dels

to study the folding onto itself of the underly add to elastic collisions a background medium

ing lattice for n On the regular hon external sources and sinks eects of absorp

eycomb lattice the fullpacking constraint tion and generation due to inelastic scatter

makes the mo del dierent from the usual O n ing etc In these mo dels the usual conser

mo del in whichvacancies are allowed This vation laws are mo died by including non

dierence app ears as a shift c c in conservative terms for instance p olynomi

the central charge of the asso ciated conformal als of the density either linear or quadratic

theory which in particular implies a change Recently exact traveling wave solutions and

in the critical exp onents When dened on a dimensional solutions were found In

random lattice wehaveshown that a similar order to test the traveling waves as sho ck

phenomenon of shift in the central charge o c waves WhithamLax criteria and sho ck in

curs provided the random lattice is bipartite equalities we consider mo dels in which mass

ie the dual random triangulation is Eule conservation is satised ie we restrict the

rian with an even numb er of triangles around parameters in the nonconservative mo dels in

eachvertex The dep endence of the critical suchaway that the sum of sources plus sinks

b ehavior on such a rened detailed structure is zero We nd rarefactive with pressure and

is unusual in critical phenomena This result mass decreasing sho c ks Wehave b een able

was rst corrob orated byanumerical study to construct traveling waves for a large class

of the n limit of the problem describ of DVMs and we found conditions for the Lax

ing Hamiltonian cycles on random Eulerian criterion and sho ck inequalities to b e satised

triangulations whichhasavery simple for We also nd that a criterion for oversho ots of

mulation in terms of arch statistics T the internal energy established previously for

In spite of its apparent simplicitysuch a sys conservative mo dels still works for nonconser

tem is found to exhibit an irrational value of vative ones T

the congurational exp onent The shift in the A general approach to the problem of con

central charge for Eulerian triangulations was structing DVMs for binary planar mixtures

then conrmed in the case n for whichan with masses equal to and M for the two

exact mapping onto a recently solved random sp ecies was intro duced recently byBobylev

matrix mo del describing the critical p ointof and Cercignani These planar mo dels have

the six vertex mo del was found T invariants only for the mass of the heavy

sp ecies for the light sp ecies for the mo

menta and for the energyHowever the rst

Kinetic theory

constructed DVMs for mixtures having re

and hydro dynamics

sp ectively and p ossible values for the

discrete velo cities and M app eared

Discrete Kinetic Theory

to have some other invariants called spuri

H Cornille

ousin variants It is therefore a challenging

diculty to nd normal or physicalbi We study two dierent classes of discrete ve

nary mo dels having no such spurious invari lo city mo dels DVM of kinetic theory mo dels

ants Wehave studied twophysical D VMs without conservation relations and DVMs for

the rst with velo cities and masses equal gas mixtures Non conservative discrete velo c

to and M the second with ve ity mo dels also called Extended discrete ki

p erature or acceleration of gravity is mo du lo cities and masses equal to and M

lated in time Another example is provided For these mo dels wehave studied exact sho ck

bycentrifugal instabilities of the ows gen waves determined a criterion predicting that

erated by the timep erio dic forcing of one or the internal energy will haveoversho ots and

b oth cylinders of the TaylorCouette system veried this criterion for dierentvalues of M

T Weinvestigated the stabilityof T Secondlywehave found an an

pulsed ows characterized by a pure torsional alytical metho d to prove whether a mo del is

oscillation of b oth cylinders with the same am physical or not Wehave b een able to con

plitude and frequency either inphase or out struct a class of v v v physical mo dels

ofphase Our analysis takes into account the Furthermore using our analytical metho d we

gap size eect and investigates the inuence have also shown that the v M Bobylev

of a sup erimp osed mean angular rotation of Cercignani mo del whichwas susp ected to

the whole system In case of no mean rota have spurious invariants by dierent p eople

tion the nite gap geometry is found to aect with p owerful computers was in fact physi

the shap e of the stability diagrams obtained cal T Finally we develop ed a metho d

in the narrow gap approximation In particu to construct physically acceptable large size

lar in the outofphase conguration a new low DVMs for binary gas mixtures The mo dels

frequency branchw so obtained have an arbitrary number of mo as found enabling b etter

menta and all integer co ordinates of the plane agreement with exp erimental results When

are lled We start by constructing a small cylinders are oscillating inphase and sub ject

size preliminaryphysicalmo del Then with to a whole rotation our results provide the

geometrical to ols the simplest b eing squares evolution of the critical Taylor number versus

or rectangles with previously known mo the rotation number for twovalues of the fre

e enlarge the class of physical menta w quency Amaximum of instability is found

mo dels and at the end all the co ordinates of for an intermediate value of the rotation num

the plane are lled We apply our technique b er in agreement with exp erimental results A

to mo dels with M T general tendency towards a restabilization of

the ow is rep orted when the rotation num

b er and the gap size are of the same order as

Hydro dynamical instabiliti es

well as when the rotation increases These two

C Normand

features are attributed resp ectively to the near

Timep erio dic states are encountered in hydro cancellation of centrifugal and Coriolis eects

dynamical systems when one of the parame on one side and to the stabilizing inuence of

ters of the equilibriu m state is mo dulated in Coriolis force on the other side T

time Dep ending on the prop er tuning of the The end structures of thermo capillary

amplitude and frequency of the mo dulation driven ows in an extended horizontal liquid

the stability prop erties of the timedep endent layer are considered as p erturbations of the

system can b e very dierent from that of the plane parallel core ow The spatial stability

unmo dulated one leading either to a p ositive analysis of the plane ow leads to an eigenvalue

or a negative shift for the instability threshold problem for the wavenumber of the perturbed

Prototypal problems having p erio dic time vari state The end ow structures are related to

ation include parallel shear ows likePoiseuille the nature of the eigenvalue with the lowest

ow driven by a sinusoidal pressure gradient real part A nonvanishing imaginary part re

convective systems when the equilibrium tem veals the existence of recirculation eddies It

Lagrangian tra jectories in was found that dep ending on the Prandtl num

turbulentows b er recirculation eddies can exist either near

M Bauer D Bernard the hot sidewall or the cold one Our results

provide a direct interpretation of the spatial

Imp ortant prop erties of turbulence are en

b ehaviours observed in exp eriments and nu

co ded in the b ehavior of Lagrangian tra jec

merical simulations T Thermo capil

tories the tra jectories of marked particles

lary ows induced by a radial thermal gradi

that are transp orted by the ow without dis

ent in a cylindrical geometry exhibit instability

turbing it For instance do tra jectories of ini

in the form of hydrothermal waves Dierent

tially nearby particles separate exp onentially

patterns have b een observed dep ending on the

fast Do tra jectories have a tendency to join

height of uid and on whether the cell is heated

in a nite time Do es the energy ow to large

from the center or the outside Including cur

or to small distances in the cascade The an

vature eects in the temp oral stability analy

swers to these questions can b e used to orga

sis reveals that the instability pattern is not

nize turbulentows in families Wehave stud

uniform through the whole extent of the uid

ied this problem for the toy mo del of Burg

layer in agreement with exp erimental obser

ers decaying turbulence in dimensions


in the Kida statistics This case is interest

ing b ecause the statistical prop erties of the

velo city eld are strongly correlated in time

Wehave computed gluing probabilities sho ck

statistics and certain p ersistence prop erties

The same metho ds can b e applied to the case

with forcing but the situation is much more

complicated T

Two dimension turbulence

D Bernard

According to Kraichnan D turbulent sys

tems do not b ehavelik eDones Namely

as the system starts to owatagiven scale

the turbulent energy cascade propagates to

wards large scales whereas enstrophy cascades

towards small scales Wehaveshown how

to mo dify Kolmogorov classical arguments in

Shadowgraphic picture of hydrothermal waves in a

order to take this phenomenon into account

cylindrical cell heated from the outside radial ex

An exact formula for the third order velo city

tent mm height of uid mm Curvature

structure function follows T

eects give rise to inhomogeneous instabili ty patterns

Exp eriments show that the energy injected

like these twointerp enetrating spiral waves rotating in

into a D turbulent system is extracted by the

opp osite directions with dierent frequencies Cliche

friction with the container wall We discuss

Nicolas Garnier et Arnaud Chiaudel Group e Insta

dierent scenarios of the inuence of friction

bilites et Turbulence SPEC CEASaclay

on the enstrophy cascade T

the following what is the probability that an Time Dep endent and

asymmetric random walker remains up to time

Disordered Systems

n on the left of an obstacle moving ballisti

Spin Glasses

cally with velo city v There are three dierent

regimes dep ending on the value of the drift

Systems out of equilibrium

of the random walk compared to v that we

study thoroughly In the most intricate one

Persistence M Bauer

the problem can b e reformulated mathemati

JM Droue JM Luck

cally as the law of the maximum of the average

The concept of p ersistence has b een recently

sp eed of the walker Wehaveshown that this

intro duced in order to shed some new lighton

law is made of jumps and given algorithms to

the dynamics of systems far from equilibrium

compute these jumps Thereisanicecon

such as a ferromagnet quenched b elow its criti

nection with combinatorics elementary num

cal temp erature For instance if one considers

ber theory algebraic functions and algebraic

a spin system at zero temp erature the ques

curves dened over the rationals T

tion is to determine the fraction of space Rt

which remains in the same phase up to time t

Sinai Mo del E Guitter

while the system evolves from a completely dis

ordered state For the Ising mo del two phases

The Sinai mo del describ es the diusion of a

co exist corresp onding to all spins equal to

particle in a onedimensional random energy

or to Rt is therefore equivalently dened

landscap e The asymptotic large time prop

as the probability that a spin never ipp ed up

erties of this mo del are well understo o d and

to time t ie was never swept byaninterface

rely on a prop erty of lo calization of the parti

At nite temp erature this notion of p er

cle in the deep est accessible minimum of the

sistence is more subtle since thermal uctu

potential Dynamical prop erties of the Sinai

ations induce ips in each phase Several ex

mo del are then related to the statistics of min

tensions have b een prop osed but they app ear

ima of the landscap e We tested how this

to b ecome numerically unstable as the tem

asymptotic equivalence is mo died at smaller

p erature raises A new prop osal is to con

time scales This is particularly imp ortant

sider the mean value of a given spin b etween

for the interpretation of numerical simulations

times and t and to compute the probabil

We computed exactly the statistics of minima

ity Rt x that this quantity remains always

reached at nite times and compared it with

greater than some value x up to time t This

that observed numerically for the dynamical

is a generalization of the previous denition

system We nd that the equivalence is still

retrieved for x Extensivenumerical

valid at short times at least for low enough

simulations for the and dimensional Ising

temp erature T

mo del show that this quantitybehaves as a


power law t in the whole low temp erature

Exact solutions

phase when jxj Hence this metho d

for the Exclusion Pro cess

allowed us to dene a p ersistence exp onent

K Mallick

valid in the coarsening region TTandto


study its dep endence with resp ect to temp er

The onedimensional asymmetric exclusion

ature T

pro cess ASEP has b een extensively stud

A problem closely related to p ersistence is ied as one of the simplest mo dels for non

can either die or give birth to new random equilibrium b ehaviour in statistical mechan

walkers at a rate which is random outlier ics The ASEP is a mo del of particles dius

random walkers that havebychance traveled ing on a lattice driven by an external eld and

a distance much greater than the squarero ot with hardcore interactions This mo del can

of time may b e particularly prolic and lead b e adapted to describ e a variety of phenomena

to sup erdiusive motion The resulting b e such as sup erionic conductors trac ows

haviour of these twocombined mechanisms reptation of p olymers or interface growth Ex

is the problem wehaveinvestigated A one act results have b een obtained recently using

lo op rg analysis close to the critical dimension a matrixpro duct Ansatz This Ansatz has led

d predicts a second order phase transition to new results ab out the stationary state of


between a sub diusive regime and a sup erdif diverse mo dels and ab out uctuations in the

fusive regime This is however at variance with stationary state Finding a suitable matrix

our numerical results in d which suggest Ansatz involves solving an algebraic represen

that a new stable mixed xed p oint app ears tation problem one has to construct explic

In order to understand qualitatively the ob itly a set of op erators with nite trace that

served diusivebehaviour at this mixed xed solve a set of quadratic equations uniquely de

pointweintro duce the idea of proliferation as ned by the evolution or transfer matrix of

sisted barrier crossing and give some heuristic the system under study Wehave b een able

Flory like arguments in preparation to nd an exact solution for an exclusion pro

cess with three classes of particles and va

cancies Our solution involves tensor pro d

Mo dels of comp etitive

ucts of quadratic algebras and shows that the


matrixpro duct Ansatz is a versatile metho d

JM Luck

that can b e adapted to solvevarious multi

Wehaveintro duced two mo dels of comp eti particle pro cesses and related combinatorial

tive learning Such mo dels aim at describing problems T

eg the dissemination of a new technology

through a p opulation Individuals sitting at

Population dynamics

lattice sites can b e of twotyp es saytyp e

in a random environment

if they have adopted the new technology and

I Giardina

typ e otherwise They learn and eventually

switchtyp e from comparing their own p er We studied the comp etition b etween barrier

formance to those of their neighb ors accord slowing down and proliferation induced su

ing to some lo cal sto chastic rules The rst p erdiusion in a mo del of p opulation dynam

mo del is interfacial an individual surrounded ics in a random force eld More precisely we

by neighb ors of its own typ e will not switch fo cused on twomechanisms which lead when

typ e The second mo del is co op erative col considered indep endently to opp osite mo di

lectiveconversions of a cluster of individuals cations of the normal diusion b ehaviour ran

from one typ e to the other are allowed We dom walks in a random p otential are trapp ed

investigated the b ehavior of the mo dels at co in deep p otential wells leading to subdiusion

existence where no typ e is globally favored ie the typical distance trav eled by the walk

over the other Their phase diagrams p ossess a ers grow more slowly than the squarero ot of

richvariety of phase transitions and esp ecially time On the other hand in the case of ran

a phase involving a novel kind of nonequi dom proliferation where each random walker

romagnetic Ising chain with Glaub er dynam librium b ehavior called oscillatory coarsening

ics and for the spherical mo del in any dimen T

sion while numerical results are available for

the Ising mo del in two and three dimensions

Glassy dynamics violation


of the uctuationdissipa tion

theorem JM Luck

The study of the nonequilibrium dynamics of

Disordered Systems

glassy systems has b een pursued on several

mo dels The emphasis has b een put on the

Electromagnetic prop erties of

aging prop erties of correlation and resp onse

disordered media H Orland

functions in the twotime plane waiting time

Wehave prop osed a new metho d to compute

and observation time and on the socalled

the eective prop erties of nonlinear disor

uctuationdissipation ratio measuring the vi

dered media We use the fact that the eective

olation of the uctuationdissipation theorem

constants can b e dened through the minimum

The rst work in this area deals with the

of an energy functional We express this mini

backgammon mo del a meaneld dynamical

mum in terms of a path integral representation

urn mo del which exhibits a vitreous phase

allowing to use manyb o dy techniques and the

transition at zero temp erature Wehavede

replica metho d Wehave obtained the p ertur

termined analytically the scaling b ehavior of

bation expansion of the eective constants to

the correlation and resp onse functions of the

second order in disorder for any kind of non

density uctuations and of the asso ciated

linearityWe apply our metho d to the case of

uctuationdissipation ratio throughout the

strong and weak nonlinearities Our results

scaling regime of low temp erature and long

are in agreement with previous ones and could

times T

easily b e extended to other typ es of nonlinear

The same quantities have b een investigated

problems in disordered systems T

in the situation of a ferromagnet quenched

from innite temp erature to its critical p oint

It has b een shown that such a system is also

Disordered two dimensional aging in the longtime regime b ecause of crit

systems D Bernard ical slowing down The twotime correla

tion and resp onse functions of the spins and

Recentworks have brought to light the ex

the asso ciated uctuationdissipation ratio are

istence of new universality class for the

nontrivial scaling functions in the twotime

lo calizationdelo cal iz ation transitions in two

plane Wehave shown in particular that the

dimensions These transitions may app ear in

uctuationdissipation ratio p ossesses a limit

certain sup erconductors with impurities We

value in the regime where the observation

have analyzed a eldtheoretical mo del for

time is much larger than the waiting time

such a transition For some particular values

The latter limit app ears as a dimensionless

of the external control parameters there ex

amplitude ratio and is therefore a new uni

ists a remarkable decoupling b etween spin and

versal characteristic of nonequilibri um critical

charge degrees of freedom T

dynamics intrinsically related to the memory

of the initial state A complete set of analytical

predictions has b een derived b oth for the fer

fermions the random XX spin chain mo del in Sup erconductors

a transverse magnetic eld or the sto chastic and disorder M Bo cquet

diusion of a classical particle in a random D SerbanTeo dorescu

force eld These mo dels for which the dis

The eect of disorder on sup erconductors de

order is called odiagonal exhibit a singu

p ends on the symmetries of the Hamiltonian

larity atzeroenergyFermi energy b oth in

which are preserved by the impurities There

the density of states and in the lo calization

exist four symmetry classes dep ending on the

length It is reminiscent of the existence of at

fact that time reversal symmetry and spin ro

least one extended state at this energy Using

tation invariance are preserved or not We

replicas and original algebraic to ols we calcu

have studied the case when spin rotation in

lated those thermo dynamic quantities exactly

variance is present and time reversal invari

not only for odiagonal disorder but also for

ance is broken class C realized in a vor

a diagonal one scalar p otential and even in

tex in a typ e I I sup erconductor or in high T


a mixed case We showed that the Dyson sin

sup erconductors T T see also

gularity app earing in the odiagonal case is

the previous rep ort The next case wehave

smo othed out byany other random Gaussian

studied corresp onds to broken spin rotation

forward scattering p erturbation Our for

invariance and time reversal invariance class

malism can b e develop ed in the framework of

D This symmetry class is also that of Dirac

sup ersymmetryWehave also shown how the

fermions with random mass in two dimensions

odiagonal mo del can b e mapp ed onto the di

or by squaring the partition function that of

agonal one through a non trivial nonunitary

the random b ond Ising mo del Wehave shown

transformation This reasoning can b e seen

that for more than two Dirac fermion sp ecies

asatoymo del for the D case where sucha

or for two fermions with anisotropy there ex

mapping would b e hepful to reach the integer

ist three phases insulator thermal quantum

quantum Hall xed p oint supp osedly nested

Hall phase and metallic phase The metallic

in the D random Dirac fermion phase dia

phase can b e describ ed via a sigma mo del For

gram T

a single sp ecies of Dirac fermions the metallic

phase is absent Wehave also solved a con

Spin Glasses

troversy concerning the density of states at

zero energyby showing that the densityof

Numerical simulation of the

states go es to a constant in the metallic phase

EdwardsAnderson mo del with

but go es to zero for a single fermion sp ecies

the multioverlap algorithm


A Billoire

Wehave p erformed a largescale simulation

Sp ectral prop erties of the

of the d and d EdwardsAnderson mo del

onedimensional disordered

using an original Monte Carlo algorithm de

Dirac equation M Bo cquet

signed for systems whose phase space is made

Man of distinct regions separated by large free y onedimensional disordered systems ap

energy barriers Two real replicas t p earing in condensed matter physics are re wo copies

lated to the b ehaviour of a Dirac fermion in of the system with the same quenched ex

a random onedimensional medium Among change interactions are simulated using an ar

them the random hopping mo del for spinless ticial Hamiltonian designed to level barriers

features exp onents etc of the RFIM in di as much as p ossible The bias intro duced can

mension D are the same as those of the pure b e exactly comp ensated when computing ther

system in D In preliminary work wehave mo dynamical averages For each realization

shown that one should takeinto account more the Parisi overlap parameter q is dened by



where the sum go es over couplings that were so far considered in the q


i i


the total number N of spins of the system and standard replica approach And in so doing

the spin sup erscripts lab el two replicas of the one discovers that the standard stable xed

same realization Our simulation allows for the pointgiven by the renormalization group b e

rst time to measure the probability distribu comes unstable Besides in order to get a

tion P q in the whole range of q as well as the more physical grasp wehave repro duced our


averaged canonical probability P q which also result using a dynamical approach instead of

contains imp ortant information on the system the technique of replicas and given a connec

T T T T tion b etween replica numb er and waiting time


Replica metho d

and dimensional reduction

Temp erature chaos in spin

C De Dominicis

glasses A Billoire

There is a long standing controversy ab out

A disordered system is said to b e chaotic in

the real nature of the spin glass phase ie

temp erature if a typical conguration at tem

whether it is describ ed by the droplet picture

p erature T T is very dierentfromatypi

as prop osed byBray and Mo ore and Fisher

cal conguration at temp erature T The pre

and Huse or whether it preserves features of

cise denition involves the probability distri

the mean eld theory with ultrametric orga

bution of the overlap q between two


nization of states as favoured byParisi and

real replicas at temp erature T and at


the Rome scho ol In our recentwork wehave

temp erature T T q

TT T i i



pursued the analysis of the eld theory of uc

Temp erature chaos is predicted by the phe

tuations around the Parisi mean eld solution

nomenological droplet picture of spin glasses

These uctuations have a complicated struc

and was up to recently b elieved to hold also

ture with massive ones in the longitudinal sec

in the mean eld approach It has also b een

tor and bands of massless but also of small

used to interpret the co oling rate indep en

mass uctuations in the transverse sectors

dence of spin glass aging exp eriments We

Wehaveshown that with the small mass b e

have p erformed largescale simulations of the

having like the square of the marginal coupling

SherringtonKirkpatrick mo del an unphysical

constant w a p erturbation expansion in w

mo del that can b e solved using mean eld

leads to a pile up of infrared divergences and as

techniques the socalled dilute mean eld

a consequence one has to work with the com

mo del with xed connectivity and the d

plicated structure of the transverse propaga

EdwardsAnderson mo del In all three cases


we nd no evidence of temp erature chaos for

systems with up to spins and temp era Another long standing problem in the eld

tures T T T Assuming that our of phase transitions in disordered systems

c c

results are not sp oiled by small system arti is the Random Field Ising Mo del RFIM

facts an assumption always implicit in numer and why the dimensional reduction fails that

ical simulations our results rise serious doubts states that near the Curie line the universal

on the relevance of the droplet picture for d coupling limit of the Kondo lattice with in

spin glass T nite long range hoppings can b e solved ex

actly using the underlying spl dynami

cal sup ersymmetry On this particular lat

Quantum systems

tice we found that the ferromagnetic ground

state is not favored Finallywe argued that

Strongly correlated electrons

these results can b e extended to nite dimen

sional lattice likeKagome D or pyro chlore

Suppression of ferromagnetism

D From our analysis we deduced the fol

in at band double exchange

lowing phase diagram for low densities b e

mo dels R Lacaze K Penc

lowD the usual double exchange mecha

The recent exp erimental activity on man

nism will stabilize the ferromagnetic phase in a

ganites La A MnO where ACaSr or

large parameter range whereas for high densi

x x

Ba motivated by their colossal magneto

ties larger than D the physics is governed

resistance has stimulated the interest of theo

bytheantiferromagnetic term For intermedi

rists for these comp ounds It is b elieved that

ate densities b etween D and D there are

some asp ects of the electronic prop erties of the

indications of a kind of ferrimagnetic state In

strongly correlated transition metal oxides can

order to verify this scenario wehave carried

b e revealed by considering the Kondolattice

outanumerical simulation where classical core

Hamiltonian with ferromagnetic exchange b e

spins are integrated byMonte Carlo whereas

tween the lo calized and itinerant electrons

conduction electrons are integrated out ex

In this Kondolattice Hamiltonian the kinetic

actly Preliminary numerical results supp ort

part characterized by a coupling t describ es

terme our exp ected phase diagram with an in

the hopping of electrons on a lattice while the

diate density region characterized by a phase

interacting part includes two terms the

separation T

interaction of strength J between the con


duction electrons and lo calized core electrons

Dynamic dielectric resp onse

the onsite Coulomb repulsion b etween the

of D cuprates K Penc

electrons of strength U which is of the

order of J

QuasiD materials based on cuprate com


p ounds have b ecome new candidates for ideal Wehave considered the mo del where the

mo del systems which allow to study basic hopping is innitely long ranged Numeri

physical concepts in onedimension Informa cal diagonalization on small clusters show that

tion on the electronic structure and the dy the sp ectrum separates into welldened bands

namics of the charge carriers is highly de when J is large enough It app ears that


sirable esp ecially against the background of with long ranged hopping the low est band

spincharge separation exp ected in D Be b ecomes simple in the limit J t it


sides the oneparticle sp ectral function ob is indep endentofU and has huge degenera

tained by photo emission the dielectric func cies In order to understand this b ehavior we

tion is the most basic and imp ortant quan intro duced Schwinger b osons to describ e the

tity reecting the electronic structure of a spin degrees of freedom and noticed that the

solid The dielectric resp onse is accessi form of the eective strong coupling Hamil

ble using electron energyloss sp ectroscopy tonian b ecomes remarkably simple for U

EELS oering the p ossibility to study the J Then wehave shown that the strong


momentum dep endence of the electronic exci

tations ie the dynamical dielectric resp onse

Imq Wehave rep orted the rst

exp erimental and theoretical investigations of

the Imq of single crystal Sr CuO

While for small momentum transfer wesee

a broad continuum of interband plasmons

ab ove the gap on the way to the zone b ound

ary a sharp p eak develops Weshow that the

data can b e understo o d within an extended

eective oneband Hubbard mo del and that

b oth the spincharge separation which o ccurs

in D as well as excitonic eects are essential


Quantum Magnetism

Band structure of noninteracting fermions in a uniform


magnetic eld on the ShastrySutherlan d lattice with

theory for the magnetization

tightbinding Hamiltonian The ux horizontal axis of


this sp ectrum is measured in units of ux quanta p er


square plaquette here hce J resp J


T Jolicur G Misguich

is the hopping amplitude along the b onds of the square

lattice resp diagonal b onds Here J J The


The discovery of the quantization of the Hall

meaneld consequence of the uxattachmentisthat

conductance of a twodimensional gas of


the fermion density should b e prop ortional to the sta

electrons in a strong p erp endicul ar magnetic

tistical ux This constrain implies that the blue bands

eld has op ened a new chapter in condensed

are o ccupied by the fermions in the meaneld ground

matter physics This phenomenon the Quan

state and that the red ones are empty

tum Hall Eect QHE leads to plateaus in the

curve of the transverse conductance as a


function of the magnetic eld More recentlya

rather dierent class of Fermi systems has lead In this work we apply some metho ds de

to plateaus phenomena lowdimensional spin velop ed in the context of the QHE to the mag

systems and plateaus in their magnetization netization plateau problem We use an exact

mapping b etween the spin Hamiltonian and curve Among the recently studied comp ounds

spinless fermions interacting with a statisti exhibiting magnetization plateaus the copp er

cal gauge eld with ChernSimons CS ac oxide SrCu BO studied by H Kageyama et

tion derived byEFradkin in This al and K Onizuka et al gives clear evidence

twodimensional version of the JordanWigner and of plateaus at MM MM

sat sat

transformation attaches a ux tub e to each MM This system can b e describ ed


fermion in order to mo dify its statistics from by a quasi twodimensional spin Heisenb erg

fermionic to b osonic as it should b e since rais mo del on the ShastrySutherland lattice a

ing and lowering spin op erators S square lattice with one additional b ond along commute


the diagonal of every other plaquette from one site i to another j The princi

we discuss the nature of the excitations of the ple of the statistical transmutation is to mo d

spin mo del from the p oint of view of the eec ify the statistical phase obtained in the adia

tive action for the gauge eld The next task batic transp ort of one particle around another

to p erform is now to lo ok for spatially inhomo by an AharonovBohm phase This additional

geneous solutions of the meaneld equations phase is generated by the interaction b etween

when the magnetization has a quantized value one fermion and the ux tub e attached to the

and to relate them to p ossible strip ed struc other When the ux is precisely equal to one

tures of the spins in preparation ux quantum the fermionuxcomp osite

particle is b osonic

The way to p erform such a ux attachment

is to couple the fermions to a CS Ab elian

Quantum spin chains

gauge eld We discuss the construction of

O Golinelli T Jolicur

the microscopic CS action on a lattice with

frustration Then following previous work of

S M Girvin et alwe use a meaneld and

Wehave studied the magnetic excitation sp ec

Gaussian treatment of the gauge eld At

trum of a quantum spin chain with a bilinear


the meaneld level the fermions are non

and biquadratic Hamiltonian H cos S



interacting and feel a uniform statistical

S sin S S This family of Hamil

i i i

magnetic eld ie the well known Hofstadter

tonians includes the familiar Heisenb erg mo del

problem This oneb o dy Hamiltonian gives

for For tan one recovers the

complex sp ectra with fractal structures We

Aeck Kennedy Lieb and Tasaki AKLT

compute these sp ectra numerically see g

Hamiltonian the ground state of whichisex

ure and deduce the meaneld magnetization

plicitly known and is given by the Valence

curve of the spin mo del We nd magnetiza

Bound Solid VBS state Our study fo cused

and asin tion plateaus at MM


in the range where the spin chain

exp eriments on SrCu BO One additional

is in the gapp ed Haldane phase W e found that

plateau at is also predicted for values of the

for the biquadratic intensity a critical value

magnetic eld whichhave not yet b een inves

app ears When for example

c c

tigated exp erimentally

the Heisenb erg Hamiltonian the lowest exci

Fermions can b e formally integrated out

tation has momentum k whichmeansthat

to obtain an eective action for the gauge

the corresp onding state is spatially p erio dic

eld At the Gaussian level and in the low

with p erio d two lattice units When


momentum and lowenergy limit this eec

the momentum of the lowest excitation is now

tive action contains Maxwell and CS terms

dierent from and varies continuously as a

Plateaus can only app ear when the CS co

function of the momentum b ecomes


ecient do es not vanish This co ecientis

incommensurate However in b oth cases the

simply related to the Hal l conductance of


lowest excitations remain isolated in the sp ec

the fermions We compute this and nd

xy trum This value is dierent from other sp e


that the CS term vanishes except at the mag

cial value previously known in this quantum

netization where plateaus are observed at the

system such as the VBS p oint or the Lifshitz

meaneld level and Furthermore

point T

the stability of the plateaus against higher or

der uctuations is insured by the top ological

quantization of this conductance Eventually

d expansion is determined and in the sec BoseEinstein condensation

ond case we recovered the universal chiral

JP Blaizot J ZinnJustin

partition function for exclusion statistics of

The eect of weak repulsivetwobody interac

Berkovich and Mc Coy T Finally

tions on the temp erature of the BoseEinstein

we established a relation b etween the com

condensation of a dilute gas at xed density

p osite particles and the mo dels of Calogero

is an old but controversial problem and con

Sutherland and RuijsenaarsSchneider Then

icting results can b e found in the most recent

we used the vertex op erator formalism to give

literature Mo deling the atomatom p otential

a representation of the comp osite particles in

in terms of the swave scattering length awe

p osition space In the sp ecial case where the

haveshown that the change in the transition

comp osite particles are b osons adding one ex

temp erature is prop ortional to a when a

tra quasiparticle or quasihole we could con

with a p ositive co ecient The value of the co

struct the ground state wave functions corre

ecient can not b e obtained from p erturbation

sp onding to the Jain series pnp of

theoryHowever recognizing that the Hamil

the fractional quantum Hall eect T

tonian of the system under study which also

describ es the helium sup eruid transition is

Dip oles and fractional

a particular example of the general N vector

quantum Hall eect

mo del with N wehave b een able to cal

V Pasquier

culate the value of this co ecient using a large

N approximation Our result is in remarkable

Some time ago wehave prop osed a simple

agreement with recentnumerical simulations

theory to explain the o ccurrence of the


state in the quantum Hall eect The

fundamental particles are neutral fermions

Quantum Hall eect and

built up on a b osonic incompressible

mesoscopic systems

charged vacuum Semiclassically an excitation

is made by the electron and its correlated hole

Fractional statistics

and moves as a b ound state p erp endicularly

M Bergere

to its dip ole momentum Wehave generalized

We mo died Haldanes formula which deter this picture to describ e the lling fractions of

mines the numb er of p ossible congurations the Jains series around and

for N particles distributed over d dieren In this case the charge of the electron diers t

from that of the hole so that the excitation states in fractional statistics so that it makes

carries a fractional charge The surprising out sense for any nite N and d without changing

come is that the wave functions of the b ound its thermo dynamic limit As a result weob

states are universal indep endent of the inter tained a quasigeometric rearrangement of the

action p otential They are the seeds to con particles into comp osite particlesT

struct Jains wave functions Wehave used We calculated the partition function for the

this mo del to compute the masses of the com comp osite particles and for any nite number

p osite fermions in go o d agreement with exp eri d of states In the cases where the states have

mental results In particular wehave predicted the same energy or where the energy is linearly

the equality of the masses at the and distributed over the states the partition func

lling fractions T T tion is obtained as a nite sum of terms which

T exhibit trivially their d dep endence The large

Edge excitations in the particular a series of jumps in the magneti

fractional quantum Hall eect zation curve corresp onding to the successive

V Pasquier entry of ux lines into the sample was ob

D SerbanTeo dorescu served exp erimentally Wehave p erformed a

theoretical analysis of these systems Our ap

Motivated by recent exp erimental results we

proach is based on sp ecial prop erties of the

have reconsidered the theory of the edge exci

two dimensional GinzburgLandau equations

tations for the fractional Hall eect at lling

satised for a particular value of the ratio of

factors pnp We prop osed to mo d

the twocharacteristic lengths called the self

ify the standard conformal eld theory for the

dual or Bogomolnyi p oint In an innite

edge with u sup symmetry byintro duc

system the GinzburgLandau equations have

ing twist elds This has the eect of removing

a purely geometrical interpretation at the self

the conserved charges asso ciated to the p

dual p oint Wehave extended these prop erties

neutral mo des while keeping the right statis

to a nite system with b oundaries We applied

tics of the particles The Greens function of

our results to the calculation of the thermo

the electron in the presence of twists decays at

dynamic prop erties of a mesoscopic sup ercon

long distance with an exp onentvarying con

ductor and to the interpretation of the recent

tinuously with consistent with the exp eri

exp erimental results Our analytical expres

mental results T

sions are in excellent agreement with the ex

p erimental data T T T


Mesoscopic sup erconductivity

K Mallick

The ability to detect and manipulate vortices Soft condensed matter

with great sensitivity in systems of small size

and biological physics

such as mesoscopic sup erconductors or atomic

condensates has generated an outgrow of in

Granular materials

terest in the mechanism of creation and an

A Gervois

nihilation of vortices and in the study of sta

ble and metastable vortex congurations Re The analysis of real D granular media is a

cent exp eriments conducted on aluminum well very dicult task even in the case of spher

b elow its sup erconducting transition temp era ical grains b ecause the centers of the parti

ture haveallowed to measure the magnetiza cles are randomly p ositioned and maymove

tion of small sup erconducting discs containing under stress or shaking Therefore numeri

only a few vortices Such systems are called cal pac kings of spheres are extensively stud

mesoscopic since their dimensions are compa ied and many eorts have b een devoted to the

rable to the two sup erconducting characteris elab oration of ecient algorithms A granular

tic lengths ie the London p enetration depth medium is mo deled as an assembly of spheri

and the coherence length As surface eects cal b eads either monosize all the spheres have

are of the same order of magnitude as bulk the same radius or p olydisp erse Assemblies

eects the magnetic resp onse of such a meso of spheres can b e generated byseveral numer

scopic disc to an applied magnetic eld is very ical metho ds static algorithm collectivere

dierent from that of a macroscopic sup ercon organization or molecular dynamics In par

ductor and dep ends strongly on its size In ticular in the case of hard sphereswehave

develop ed a simple version of molecular dy in hard sphere crystallized systems T

namics calculations event driven algorithm T T

which allows to create assemblies of up to

Another way for analyzing D spherical

spheres very large compared to assem

monosize or p olydisp erse systems consists in

blies generated from molecular dynamics with

p erforming random planar sections or cuts

soft LennardJones interactions and therefore

in samples Provided that these sections are

more suitable to statistical analysis

large enough the quantities measured in the

Geometrical asp ects of packings of spheres

D cuts maygivevaluable information on the

can b e studied using a Voronoi tessellation

D assembly A stereological analysis in D

for mono disp erse spheres or a radical tes

monosize sphere packing was carried out in two

sellation which generalize Voronois construc

dierent non commuting manners First we

tion to p olydisp erse systems We b egan with

analyzed a D cut of the classical Voronoi p oly

the study of a binary assembly of discs in D

hedra tessellation of the D monosize sphere

the binary disp erse system can b e considered

assembly In the second metho d we start by

as the situation opp osite to the mono disp erse

cutting the D monosize assembly of spheres

one a p olydisp erse assembly b ehaves in b e

to obtain a D p olydisp erse system of discs

tween these two extreme cases We found

and then we p erform a radical tessellation on

that the two sp ecies b ehave separately like

this D assembly to generate a D frothWe

froths if one considers top ological prop erties

showed that the D froth b ehaves like an ordi

but not regarding metric prop erties dier

nary random assemblies of discs whereas the

ences are however less pronounced when pack

D cut b ehaves dierently T We are

ing fractions are lower

presently trying to investigate how crystalliza

Molecular dynamics calculations in D

tion may app ear in these sections

compact systems ie in the solid phase with

packing fraction greater than lead


after a long equilibration time to an ordered

JY Ollitrault

crystalline phase which in the hard sphere

case is rather of the fcc face centered cubic When a narrow tub e is put in contact with

typ e We studied this transition of the glass awetting liquid the liquid rises in the tub e

crystalline typ e in the Voronoi frame Top o up to a height where the capillary force bal

logical parameters such as the number of edges ances the w eight of the liquid column In the

of each face change drastically as crystalliza case of a liquid with small viscosity oscilla

tion b egins but they do not vary anymore as tions around the equilibrium heighthave b een

the crystallization go es on Therefore in order observed recently Wehave prop osed a sim

to characterize how the packing restructures ple theory which is able to repro duce quan

itself we measured more sensitive parameters titatively the shap e of these oscillations We

such as the rotationally invarian t lo cal and haveshown in particular that even in the limit

global parameters intro duced byNelsonet al of zero viscosity they are damp ed due to ed

which are well dened only in the Voronoi dies at the entrance of the tub e Taking this

frame in whichneighb ours are dened un dissipation into account one obtains two uni

ambiguously We found that the crystallized versal dierential equations which describ e the

structure is a mixture of fcc and hcp hexag rise and the fall of the liquid in the tub e re

onal compact clusters and as exp ected the sp ectively Remarkably b oth equations admit

fcc symmetry is more stable than the hcp one a simple integral of motion despite the ex

istence of a source of dissipation thanks to between the native state and the rst excited

the fact that turbulent damping is quadratic state with a dierent conformation Other

rather than linear in the amplitude of the os mo dels suggest that the corresp ondence b e

cillation T tween gap and rapidity do es not hold We

have studied the eect of the gap on protein

folding in the framework of the dynamics of

a Random Energy Mo del Wehave shown

that the folding can b e either accelerated or

slowed down dep ending up on the choice of

the transition probabilities b etween dierent

states T

Schematically proteins can b e represented

as compact selfavoiding walks On a lattice

these corresp ond to the socalled Hamiltonian

paths Forawalk of N steps the number of


ws as where is a Hamiltonian paths gro

characteristic of the lattice This exp onential

numb er of paths is reminiscent of the number

of metastable states in a spin glass Wehave

therefore computed the distribution law of the

fraction of common b onds or overlaps b e

Oscillation s of a liquid column under the inuence of

tween two Hamiltonian paths Wehave shown

gravity inanopentubewhoselower extremityisim

that two paths have a minimum and a maxi

mersed at a depth of cm b elow the surface of the

mum p ossible overlap This means in particu


lar that two compact Hamiltonian paths with

overlap greater than the upp er limit must b e

identical Such a prop erty can b e crucial for

Polymers and

counting the numb er of constraints needed to

selfavoiding membranes

sp ecify the structure of a protein T

We had studied earlier the eect of the p ep

Proteins and p olymers

tic b ond electric dip oles on the folding of a

T Garel H Orland

protein We had shown that the dip olar order

Wehave studied amphiphilic chains with a

that may app ear could b e identied with the

p erio dic hydrophobicity along the sequence

secondary structures of proteins Wehavenow

This mo del maybeofinterest in various situa

considered a simplied mo del consisting of a

tions protein folding p olysoaps The com

magnetic p olymer on a lattice such that each

p etition b etween intrachain phobic attractions

monomer carries a spin Ising XY or Heisen

and philic repulsions may lead to compact or

b erg like with shortranged ferromagnetic in

branched phases whichwehave studied in two

teraction Wehaveshown that as a function

dimensions through Monte Carlo lattice simu

of temp erature such a p olymer undergo es a

lations T

phase transition b etween a swollen high tem

p erature phase without magnetization and a Some recentnumerical studies seem to in

collapsed magnetic low temp erature phase dicate that fast folding proteins are those with

Besides a magnetic eld can b e used to con a large gap ie a large dierence of energy

trol this phase transition Synthesis of such Coulombic systems

materials could b e of great practical interest



and p olyelectrolytes H Orland

Some proteins suchaschlorophyll havea

Wehaveinvestigated the b ehaviour of p oly

function of electron transp ort through cellu

electrolytes made of weak acids in acidbase

lar membranes To assure this transp ort the

neutralization reactions in collab oration with

proteins undergo conformational transforma

the exp erimental group of L Leibler ELF

tions We are currently studying a mo del of

CNRS The following problem though a ba

a random chain on a lattice the chain b e

sic question in p olymer chemistry has scarcely

ing a classical selfavoiding walk that repre

b een studied what is the titration curve

sents the protein Along the chain electrons

of a weak p olyacid by a strong base In

considered as quantum ob jects can hop from

the system under studythepolyelectrolyte is

site to site with a hopping constant t tight

weakly charged in pure water and is in a col

biding mo del Besides we supp ose that if

lapsed phase b ecause it is built of hydropho

two monomers are spatially close an electron

bic monomers By adding NaOH the weak

can jump from one monomer to the other

acid disso ciates and the p olymer swells due to

with a hopping constant t Wehave shown

the presence of charges on it We calculated

that for this mo del there is a collapse phase

the titration curve of this p olyelectrolyte and

transition at high temp erature the chain is

also the liquid structure function whichisbe

swollen b ecause of entropy at lower temp er

ing measured currently

ature as the chain collapses its entropyde

Wehave studied a simple mo del for drug creases but lateral jumps of electrons are ener

delivery a drug is inserted in a vesicle lipidic getically favoured this comp etition provokes

bilayer and is to b e delivered into the cell the phase transition in preparation

The following exp erimental technique is under

study the drug is intro duced inside the vesi

Knotted p olymers

cle together with a w eak p olyacid as the pH

in two dimensions

inside the cell is higher than outside the p oly

E Guitter E Orlandini

acid disso ciates if the lipid forming the vesicle

Once closed onto itself a p olymer forms in

is suitably chosen such that the vesicle is desta

general knots which limit its accessible cong

bilized at high pH the drug is lib erated into

urational space The statistics of a p olymer in

the cell Therefore we studied a system with

the presence of knots is still p o orly understo o d

three phases water lipid and a weak p olyacid

We develop ed a lattice mo del for knotted p oly

The interactions b etween water and the lipids

mers allowing to explore this statistics numeri

are repulsivethus stabilizing the vesicle and

cally in two dimensions pro jected knots Our

they are weakly repulsivebetween the lipids

main results are the localization of primary

and the neutral p olyacid The p olyacid is hy

knots along the p olymer chain and the ex

drophobic at weak pH when it is neutral but

istence of a transition b etween a selfavoiding

becomes hydrophilic at higher pH due to the

regime and a branched p olymer regime by in

presence of ions on its skeleton The phase

creasing the fugacity asso ciated with the num

diagram thus obtained is rather complex and

b er of crossings in this twodimensional pro

reveals that the vesicle is destabilized at basic

jection of the knots T

high pH We are actually lo oking for inter

action strengths for which the destabilization

of the vesicle is of the rst order so that it ties can b e related to exp erimental observ

o ccurs in a given region inside the cell and not ables T Lastlywehave calculated

progressively in preparation the lowdensity expansion of the Coulombgas

The PoissonBoltzmann equation is a with one or two comp onents taking into ac

meaneld equation that relates the charge count the hardcore Wehavethus shown

density of an electrolyte to the electric p oten that this expansion is singular the rst term

tial It was solved in the b eginning of the is of the typ e c and the next one is c

century by Gouy and Chapman for the case In the case of the twocomp onent plasma op

ofacharged plane in a solution of opp ositely posite charges form pairs at low temp erature

charged ions Recent Monte Carlo simula T

tions haveshown that the meaneld result In order to takeinto account the eect of

do es not correctly describ e the density prole the hardcore repulsion on coulombic systems

of the counterions esp ecially in the vicinity wehave derived a mo died PoissonBoltzmann

of the charged surface We calculated ana equation A signicant new result is the sat

lytically the lo op corrections to the mean uration of the adsorption layer of the elec

eld result and showed that the corrections to trolytes on a charged surface These results

the PoissonBoltzmann equation can b e signi have b een exp erimentally conrmed F Ron

cant Besides we calculated the selfenergy of delez Curie Institute by the study of adsorp

an ion and the eectiveinteraction b etween tion of large ions on charged Langmuir lms

two ions in the solution All these quanti T

a b


Packing with hard spheres packing fraction C at stages of the crystal

lization Atoms are colored following their lo cal environment fcc yellow hcp white

and others red a Amorphous state b b eginning of crystallizati on small hcp and fcc

clusters b egin to app ear c end of the pro cess fcc atoms are dominant and are clearly

organized along parallel planes with hexagonal symmetry

This picture of the ENOLASE protein shows ribb onlike strands of the main chain The

CO links are drawn Carb on atoms b elonging to the main chain of the protein are

represented in gray and Oxygen atoms in red This CO link materializes a dip olar

moment from O to C that strongly inuences the secondary structure of the protein

This structure is called a b eta barrel b ecause the strands enclose a region having the shap e

of a barrel

Rib onuclease inhibitor ay main chain Alpha helices are pink b eta sheets yellowand

lo ops gray There are amino acids


SPhT preprints b etween June and May

T COMTET A JOLICOEUR T OUVRYSDAVID F Eds Top ological asp ects of low

dimensional systems Les Houches Summer Scho ol Session LXIX Les Houches France July

EDP Sciences SpringerVerlag pp

T BALIAN R Symetrie et brisure de symetrie les etats de la matiere et leurs symetries Collo que

Physique et Interrogations Fondamentales So cieteFrancaise de Physique France mai

Cohen Tanoudji G Sacquin Yeds EDP Sciences pp

T ABEL SA SAVOY CA On metastability in sup ersymmetric mo dels Nucl Phys B


T BREZIN E DE DOMINICIS C New phenomena in the random eld Ising mo del Europhys

Lett condmat


BONCHE P Radius evolution of so dium isotop es in meaneld and generator co ordinate

metho ds Phys Lett B

T BALIAN R VENERONI M Comment on Causality and Symmetry in TimeDep endent

Densit yFunctional Theory Rapp ort Interne SPhTT

T KOPELIOVICH BZ PESCHANSKI R Highlights of the TheoryWorking Group B th

International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD DIS Brussels Belgium April

hepphinvited pap er Coremans G Roosen R eds World Scientic


T DE TORO ARIAS S LUCK JM Anomalous dynamical scaling and bifractality in the

onedimensional Anderson mo del J Phys A condmat

T RHO M Eective eld theories for nuclei and dense matter NATO Advanced Research

Workshop The Structure of Mesons Baryons and Nuclei invited pap er Cracow Poland May

Acta Phys Pol B

T BROWN GE LI GQ RAPP R RHO M WAMBACH J Medium dep endence of the

vectormeson mass dynamical andor BrownRho scaling NATO Advanced ResearchWorkshop

The Structure of Mesons Baryons and Nuclei invited pap er Cracow Poland May Acta

Phys Pol B

T CHEMTOB M MOREAU G Broken R paritycontributions to avor changing rates and

CP asymmetries in fermion pair pro duction at leptonic colliders Phys Rev D

pp hepph

T SERVICE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE Rapp ort dactivite juin mai Rapp ort

Interne SPhTT

T BRAX P WYNTER T Limits of matrix theory in curved space Nucl Phys B


T WYNTER T Anomalies and large N limits in matrix string theory Phys Lett B



T MOUSSA P On the representation of Tre as a Laplace transform Rev Math Phys

T MOREAU G CHEMTOB M Systematics of single sup erpartner pro duction at leptonic

colliders Phys Rev D pp hepph

T CHEMTOB M MOREAU G CP violation avor asymmetries in slepton pair pro duction

at leptonic colliders from broken R parity Phys Lett B hepph

T DUPLANTIER B Random walks and quantum gravityintwo dimensions Phys Rev Lett

T DAVID F WIESE KJ Large order b ehavior for selfavoiding membranes Nucl Phys B


T MUNIER S PESCHANSKI R ROYON C Hard diraction at HERA in the dip ole mo del

of BFKL dynamics Nucl Phys B hepph

T BESSIS D MEHTA ML NORMAND JM A conjecture ab out some random

p olynomials soumisa SIAM Rev

T GROJEAN C MOURAD J Sup erconformal D theories in sup erspace Class Quantum

Gravity hepth

T LEGOLL F Noyaux bulles Rapp ort de stage de n detudes Ecole p olytechnique Palaiseau France

avril juillet

T DI FRANCESCO P New integrable lattice mo dels from FussCatalan algebras Nucl Phys

B FS hepth

T DI FRANCESCO P Folding the squarediagonal lattice Nucl Phys B

T DI FRANCESCO P Folding transitions of the squarediagonal lattice Nucl Phys B

T IANCU E Classical eective theory for hot QCD Pro ceedings of the Third Workshop on

Continuous Advances in QCD Minneap olis Minnesota USA April hepph

invited pap er Smilga A ed World Scientic pp

T BREZIN E DE DOMINICIS C Dynamics versus replicas in the random eld Ising mo del

CR Acad Sci I I condmat

T LAMARCQ J Calcul de chanes de spins quantiques sur ordinateur parallele Rapp ort de stage

de n detudes Ecole Superieure dElectricite avriljuin

T BEHREND RE PEARCE PA ZUBER JB Integrable b oundaries conformal b oundary

conditions and A D E fusion rules J Phys A LL

T PARK TS KUBODERA K MIN DP RHO M The p ower of eective eld theories in

nuclei the deuteron NN scattering and electroweak pro cesses Nucl Phys A


T CHAVE J GUITTER E Statistical and Dynamical Prop erties of the Discrete Sina Mo del

at Finite Times J Phys A

T NAVELET H PESCHANSKI R The elastic QCD dip ole amplitude at onelo op Phys Rev

Lett hepph


bulk and b oundary conformal eld theories Phys Lett B

T VAN WAERBEKE L BERNARDEAU F MELLIER Y Eciency of weak lensing surveys

to prob e cosmological mo dels Astron Astrophys astroph


Asymptotics of knotted lattice p olygons J Phys A

T WEINZIERL S QCD corrections to e e  jets These de Do ctorat UniversiteParis XI


T CORNILLE H Sho ckwaves for discrete velo city nonconservative except mass mo dels J

Phys A

T BALIAN R Correlation functions through variational metho ds Pro ceedings of the NATO ASI

on Quantum Field Theory Persp ective and Prosp ective Les Houches France June NATO

ASI Series C DeWittMorette C Zuber JBeds Kluwer Academic Publishers


T DUPLANTIER B Random Walks Polymers Percolation and Quantum GravityinTwo

Dimensions in Pro ceedings of the th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics

StatPhys invited pap er Paris France July Physica A Gervois

A Iagolnitzer D Moreau M PomeauY eds

T GUITTER E ORLANDINI E Monte Carlo Results for Pro jected SelfAvoiding Polygons

ATwodimensional Mo del for Knotted Polymers J Phys A

T CREAGH SC WHELAN ND A Matrix Element for Chaotic Tunnelling Rates and

Scarring Intensities Ann Phys


quasiparticles in a disordered vortex Nucl Phys B condmat

T BRAX P GROJEAN C SAVOY CA Anomaly Matching and Syzygies in N Gauge

Theories Nucl Phys B hepth

T DROUFFE JM GODRECHE C Stationary denition of p ersistence for nite temp erature

phase ordering J Phys A Math Gen

T PITARD E Mo deles theoriques du repliement des proteines These de Do ctorat UniversiteParis

VI juin

T CHARLES L Feynman path integral and To eplitz quantization Helv Phys Acta

T CORNILLE H Sho ckwaves for nonconservative except mass mo dels Pro ceedings of the

Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics Granada Spain Septemb er Garrido

PL MarroJ eds Europ ean Physical So ciety pp

T ORLANDINI E GAREL T Phase transitions of a two dimensional p erio dic hydrophilic

hydrophobic chain th International Conference on the Discrete Simulation of Fluids invited pap er

Oxford UK July Int J Mo d Phys C


analyses of the elastic scattering of MeV protons from targets of diverse mass Phys Rev


T KOSTOV IK VANHOVE P Matrix string partition functions Phys Lett B



gravitational clustering D and D dynamics Mon Not R Astron So c



tion of disordered quasiparticles in the mixed sup erconducting state Phys Rev B


T IANCU E Classical eective theory for nonp ertubative dynamics in hot QCD th

International Workshop on Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications invited pap er Regensburg

Germany August hepph

T VOROS A Airy function exact WKB results for p otentials of o dd degree J Phys A

T KAZAKOV VA KOSTOV IK NEKRASOV N DParticles Matrix Integrals and KP

hierarchy Nucl Phys B hepth

T FRIMAN B RHO M SONG C Scaling of chiral Lagrangians and Landau Fermi liquid

theory for dense hadronic matter Phys Rev C nuclth

T BALIAN R Distribution of galaxies scaling vs fractality Les Houches Winter Scho ol on Order

Chance and Risk Ap erio dic Phenomena from Solid State to Finance From Quasicrystals to more

Complex Systems Les Houches France February March Axel F Denoyer F Gazeau

JP eds EDP Sciences Course No pp

Quantum relativistic theory of an electron in terms of lo cal observables T DES CLOIZEAUX J

Eur Phys J B

T DOREY P TATEO R WATTS G Generalisations of the ColemanThun mechanism and

b oundary reection factors Phys Lett B hepth

T NAVELET H PESCHANSKI R Nonforward double Pomeron exchange in QCD in

Pro ceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Chromo dynamics invited pap er The American

UniversityofParis Paris France June hepph


SCHAEFFER R Biasing and highorder statistics from SSRS Astrophys J


T DOREY P PROVEROP TATEO R VINTI S On the phase diagram of the discrete Z

spin mo dels J Phys A LL hepth

T ZINNJUSTIN J Determination of critical exp onents and equation of state by eld theory

metho ds th International Conference on Path Integrals From PeV to TeV Florence Italy

August hepth

T DEWITTMORETTE C ZUBER JB Eds Quantum eld theory p ersp ectiveand

prosp ective Pro ceedings of the NATO ASI on Quantum Field Theory Persp ective and Prosp ective

Les Houches France June NATO ASI Series C Kluwer Academic Publishers

T KOSTOV IK Random Matrix Mo dels as Conformal Field Theories Conference on Integrable

Mo dels and Applications to Statistical Mechanics Third Claude Itzykson Meeting Workshop on

Random Matrices and Integrable Systems invited pap er Paris France W arwick Angleterre July

Novemb er hepth

T GIRAUD BG HEUMANN JM LAPEDES AS Sup eradditive correlation Phys Rev


T LEE HJ MIN DP PARK BY RHO M VENTO V The proton spin in the chiral

bag mo del Casimir contributions and Cheshire Cat Principle Nucl Phys A


T PITARD E ORLAND H The role of the energy gap in protein folding dynamics Europhys

Lett condmat

T LANGFELD K RHO M Quark condensation induced symmetry breaking and color

sup erconductivity at high density Nucl Phys A hepph


T BIALAS A NAVELET H PESCHANSKI R Diraction at small M Q in the QCD

dip ole picture Eur Phys J C

T ZINNJUSTIN J Renormalization and renormalization group From the discovery of UV

divergences to the concept of eective eld theories in Pro ceedings of the NATO ASI on Quantum

Field Theory Persp ective and Prosp ective Les Houches France June NATO ASI Series

C DeWittMorette C Zuber JBeds Kluwer Academic Publishers

T GUITTER E KRISTJANSEN C NIELSEN JL Hamiltonian Cycles on Random Eulerian

Triangulations Nucl Phys B FS

T GOLINELLI O JOLICOEUR T SRENSEN S Incommensurability in the magnetic

excitations of the bilinearbiqu adratic spin chain Eur Phys J B cond


T BALIAN R Radioactivite un siecle de physique Centenaire de la Radioactivite Paris France

Novembre Academie des Sciences pp

T MUNIER S PESCHANSKI R QCD conformal invariance and the twoPomerons Eur

Phys J C hepph

T BONNET G DAVID F Renormalization group for matrix mo dels with branching

interactions Nucl Phys B hepth

T BAUER M GODRECHE C LUCK JM Statistics of p ersistentevents in the binomial

random walk will the drunken sailor hit the sob er man J Stat Phys


T DUPLANTIER B Harmonic measure exp onents for twodimensional p ercolation Phys Rev

Lett condmat

T BOCQUET M Some sp ectral prop erties of the onedimensional disordered Dirac equation

Nucl Phys B FS condmat


Trends in Nuclear Physics Years Later Ecole dEtedePhysique Theorique Session LXVI Les

Houches France Juillet Aout Elsevier Science BV

T FRANZ S GAREL T ORLAND H Overlap prop erties and adsorption transition of two

Hamiltonian paths Eur Phys J B condmat

T OLLITRAULT JY Mecanique quantique relativiste DEA Champs particules matiere et

Magistere interuniversitaire de physique eme annee Annee universitaire

T BALIAN R Radioactivity One century later Centenaire de la Radioactivite Londres Angleterre

Decembre Ambassades de France et de Pologne

T MAHOUX G MEHTA ML NORMAND JM Integration over angular variables for

two coupled matrices Conference on Random Matrix Mo dels and Their Applications invited pap er

Berkeley California USA January Basor E Bleher P Its A Tracy C eds

MSRI Bo ok Series Cambridge University Press

T BARTHELEMY M ORLAND H Apathintegral approachtoeective nonlinear medium

Eur Phys J B

T MERCIER JF NORMAND C Flow driven by a hot wire immersed in a horizontal liquid

layer in Abstracts of the th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics StatPhys

Paris France July Gervois A Gingold M Iagolnitzer Deds

T BOCQUET M JOLICOEUR T Generalized nonlinear sigma mo del approach to alternating

spin chains and ladders Eur Phys J B condmat

T RHO M Chiral symmetry in nuclear physics APCTPRCNP JointInternational Scho ol on Physics

of Hadrons and QCD The YITP Workshop on QCD and Hadron Physics Osaka Japan Kyoto

Jap on Octob er Octob er

T BAUER M BERNARD D Sailing the deep blue sea of decaying Burgers turbulence J

Phys A chaodyn

T BRAX P WYNTER T Matrix theory in curved space Peyresq Physics invited pap er

Peyresq France juin juillet Int J Theor Phys

T JANKE W BERG BA BILLOIRE A Energy barriers of spin glasses from multioverlap

simulations in Pro ceedings of the th WEHeraeus Seminar Berlin Germany Octob er

Ann Phys Germany condmat

T JANKE W BERG BA BILLOIRE A Multioverlap simulations of freeenergy barriers in

the D EdwardsAnderson Ising spin glass in Pro ceedings of the Conference on Computational

Physics CCP invited pap er Granada Spain Septemb er Comput Phys Commun

T KOSOWER DA Perturbative Quantum Chromo dynamics Les Houches Summer Scho ol

Session LXVI I I Probing the standard mo del of Particle Interactions Les Houches France July

Septemb er Gupta R Morel A De Rafael E David Feds Elsevier Science BV

Part I pp

T GIRAUD BG Indep endent statistical observables for ultrametric disordered p opulations

Phys Rev E

T BROS J VIANO GA Complex angular momentum in general quantum eld theory Ann

Henri Poincare

T MERCIER JF NORMAND C Stabilitedelecoulement induit par un l chauant

e sous la surface libre dun liquide eme Collo que sur le chaos temp orel et le chaos spatio plac

temp orel Rouen France decembre Letellier C Mutabazi I RozeCeds CORIA


T KOSOWER DA AllOrder Collinear Behavior in Gauge Theories Nucl Phys B


T LEONIDOV A OSTROVSKY D Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy owin

hadron and nuclear collisions soumis aPhys Rev D hepph

T GOLLI B BRONIOWSKI W RIPKA G Solitons in a chiral quark mo del with nonlo cal

interactions Phys Lett B


Pro ceedings of the th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics Paris France July

Physica A v Nos


th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics Paris France July SPhT

T ABEL SA SAVOY CA Charge and colour breaking constraints in the MSSM with non

universal SUSY breaking Phys Lett B

T BLAIZOT JP RIPKA G Quantum Theory of Finite Systems Traduction russe Editions

Phenix Kiev pp

T BLAIZOT JP Breathing mo des and compressibility in Pro ceedings of the Topical Conference

on Giant Resonances GR invited pap er Varenna Italy May Nucl Phys A c

c Sp ecial Issue Part I From single particles to collectivemodes Bracco A Bortignon


T ZACCAI G MASSOULIEJDAVID F Eds From cell to brain the cytoskeleton intra

and intercellular communication the central nervous system Les Houches Summer Scho ol Session

LXV Les Houches France July NorthHolland pp






SAVOY CA SIROIS Y VALLEE C Rep ort of the GDR working group on the Rparity

violation hepph

T DUPLANTIER B Conformal Multifractality of Random Walks Polymers and Percolation

in Two Dimensions Conference on Fractals Theory and Applications in Engineering Dekking M

Vehel JL Lutton E Tricot C eds SpringerVerlag pp


Monop ole strength and decay out of sup erdeformed bands in the A mass region from

theories b eyond the mean eld Phys Rev C


prop erties of identical bands in the A mass region Phys Rev C


J MEYER M Generator co ordinate metho d and sup erdeformation in A nuclei in

Pro ceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC Paris France August

Nucl Phys A Frois B Goutte D GuillemaudMueller Deds

T BONCHE P FINON D SCHAPIRA JP Preface in Pro ceedings of the Workshop Innovative

Options in the Field of Nuclear Fission Energy in Honour of Raimond Castaing invited pap er Les

Houches France April May J Phys IV Collo q France p

T QUERE D RAPHAEL E OLLITRAULT JY Reb ounds in a capillary tub e Langmuir

T MUNIER S Structure du proton a HERA et QCD ahauteenergie Rencontres Jeunes

Chercheurs RJC Grasse France decembre Brom JM Mathiot FF eds SFP


T BRUNEL V BOCQUET M JOLICOEUR T Edge NMR logarithmic corrections prob ed

by impurity Phys Rev Lett condmat

T WEINZIERL S KOSOWER DA QCD Corrections to Fourjet Pro duction and ThreeJet

Structure in e e Annihilation Phys Rev D hepph

T MOREAU G Etudes phenomenologiques de la violation de R parite Rencontres Jeunes

Chercheurs RJC Grasse France decembre Brom JM Mathiot JF eds SFP



A Nonlinearityandstochasticity in the densityvelo city relationship Mon Not R Astron

So c astroph

T BERNARDEAU F MELLIER Y VAN WAERBEKE L from weak lensing survey Wide

Field Surveys in Cosmology Pro ceedings of the XIV IAP Symp osium Paris France May

Colombi S Mellier Y Raban Beds Editions Frontieres pp

T GAREL T ORLAND H ORLANDINI E Phase diagram of magnetic p olymers Eur

Phys J B condmat

T JANIK RA PESCHANSKI R Conformal invariance and QCD Pomeron vertices in the

N limit Nucl Phys B hepph



Random Eulerian Triangulations Nucl Phys B condmat

T NETZ RR ORLAND H Beyond PoissonBoltzmann Fluctuations and Correlations Eur

Phys J E condmat

T BERNARD D On the three p ointvelo city correlation function in d forced turbulence Phys

Rev E chaodyn

T CERCIGNANI C CORNILLE H Sho ckwaves for a discrete velo city gas mixture J Stat


T VOR OS A An exact solution metho d for D p olynomial Schrodinger equations Rapp ort

Interne SPhTT

T KIM Y RAPP R BROWN GE RHO M Aschematic mo del for density dep endent

vector meson masses AIP Klaus KinderGeiger Memorial Meeting RHIC Physics and Beyond invited

pap er Bro okhaven USA Octob er AIP Conference Pro ceedings nuclth

Muller B Pisarski Reds

T NETZ RR ORLAND H One and twocomp onent hardcore plasmas Eur Phys J E


T BERNARD D REGNAULT N Vertex op erator solutions of d dimensionally reduced

gravity Commun Math Phys solvint


eigenvectors for nonHermitian randommatrix mo dels Phys Rev E cond


T AOUIDEF A NORMAND C Coriolis eects on the stability of pulsed ows in a Taylor

Couette geometry Eur J Mech B Fluids

T BONNET G Solution of Potts and Potts matrix mo dels with the equations of motion

metho d Phys Lett B hepth

Phys T DUPLANTIER B TwoDimensional Cop olymers and Exact Conformal Multifractality

Rev Lett

T RICHARD P OGER L TROADEC JP GERVOIS A Geometrical characterization of

hardsphere systems Phys Rev E

T MERCIER JF NORMAND C Inuence of the Prandtl numb er on the lo cation of

recirculation eddies in thermo capillary ows soumisaIn t J Heat Mass Transf

T AIZENMAN M DUPLANTIER B AHARONY A Path Crossing Exp onents and the

External Perimeter in D Percolation Phys Rev Lett condmat

T DI FRANCESCO P Truncated meanders International Confererence on Ane and Quantum

Ane Algebras and Related Topics Representations of Ane and Quantum Ane Algebras and Their

Applications invited pap er Raleigh USA May Contemp orary Mathematics

Jing N Misra KC eds American Mathematical So ciety

T BLAIZOT JP IANCU E A Boltzmann Equation for the QCD Plasma Nucl Phys B


T VALAGEAS P LACEY C SCHAEFFER R Scaling laws in gravitational clustering for

countsincells and mass functions Mon Not R Astron So c astro


T GROJEAN C MOURAD J Sup er vebranes near the b oundary of AdS xS Nucl Phys

B hepph


thermonuclear fusion in stellar and lab oratory plasmas Astrophys J

T MEUNIER JL MOREL A Condensation and mestability in the D Potts mo del Eur

Phys J B condmat

T VOROS A Exact resolution metho d for general D p olynomial Schrodinger equations J

Phys A Erratum submitted

T KOSOWER DA UWER P OneLo op Splitting Amplitudes in Gauge Theory Nucl Phys

B hepph

T RICHARD P GERVOIS A OGER L TROADEC JP Order and disorder in hard sphere

packings Europhys Lett

T DUGUET T Etude de la force dappariementdanslesnoyaux Rapp ort de Stage DEA de

Physique Quantique Ecole Normale Superieure janvier avril

T BERGERE MC Fractional statistic a paratre dans J Math Phys condmat

T GODRECHE C LUCK JM Correlation and resp onse in the backgammon mo del the

Ehrenfest legacy J Phys A condmat

T ZINNJUSTIN P ZUBER JB Matrix integrals and the counting of tangles and links

Pro ceedings of the th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Agebraic Combinatorics

invited pap er Barcelona Spain June mathph

T PICHON C BERNARDEAUFVorticity generation in largescale structure caustics

Astron Astrophys astroph

T BERNARD D Inuence of friction on the direct cascade of the d forced turbulence

Europhys Lett chaodyn

olution of Lyman absorb ers T VALAGEAS P SCHAEFFER R SILK J The redshift ev

Astron Astrophys astroph

T BONCHE P Ed Electronucleaire Une presentation par des physiciens Publication du Cercle

dEtudes sur lEnergie Nucleaire CESEN CEADSM pp

T PARK TS KUBODERA K MIN DP RHO M On making predictions with eective

eld theories in nuclear physics Workshop on Nuclear Physics with Eective Field Theories

II Washington USA February nuclth invited pap er Bedaque PF

Savage MJ van Kolck Ueds World Scientic in Pro ceedings from the Institute for

Nuclear Theory Vol

T BALIAN R Incomplete descriptions and relevantentropies Am J Phys


T MARCHAL N PESCHANSKI R Conformal couplings and azimuthal matching of QCD

Pomerons aparatre dans Eur Phys J C hepph

T GOLINELLI O AMonteCarlo study of meander Eur Phys J B cond


T BRAX P MARTIN J Quintessence and Sup ergravity Phys Lett B



of the running bquark mass using e e  b bg events Phys Lett B hep


T VOROS A Exact quantization metho d for the p olynomial D Schrodinger equation Toward

the Exact WKB Analysis of Dierential Equations Linear or NonLinear Conference on Algebraic

analysis of singular p erturbations Kyoto Jap on Novemb er Decemb er Howls C Kawai

T Takei Yeds Kyoto University Press pp

T PESCHANSKI R Hard diraction and QCD multiPomeron vertices DIS Zeuthen

Allemagne April Nucl Phys B Pro c Suppl hepph

T VALAGEAS P Weak gravitational lensing eects on the determination of and from

SNeIa Astron Astrophys astroph

T MEHTA ML WANG R Calculation of a certain determinant soumis aCommun Math


T BENABED K BERNARDEAU F Cosmic string lens eects on CMB p olarization patterns

Phys Rev D pp astroph

T BERNARDEAU F SCHAEFFER R Halo correlations in nonlinear cosmic density elds

Astron Astrophys astroph

T BLAIZOT JP CAMPI X PLOSZAJCZAK M Eds Nuclear matter in dierent phases

and transitions Pro ceedings of the Workshop on Nuclear Matter in Dierent Phases and Transitions

Les Houches France March April Kluwer Academic Publishers pp

T BLAIZOT JP IANCU E REBHAN A The entropy of the QCD plasma Phys Rev

Lett hepph

T BERNARDEAU F Ed Gravitational Lenses Ecole dEte de Cargese Theoretical and

Observational Cosmology Cargese France Aout astroph LachiezeRey M

ed Kluwer Academic Publishers pp


comparison b etween a tessellation of the D cut of a sphere packing and a D cut of a D

Vorono tessellation Eur Phys J B

T ZINNJUSTIN J Renormalization of gauge theories and master equation Symp osium in the

Honour of Professor CN Yang Stony Bro ok New York USA May Mo d Phys Lett A


T BLAIZOT JP IANCU E Ultrasoft amplitudes in hot QCD Nucl Phys B


T BONNET G EYNARD B The Pottsq random matrix mo del lo op equations critical

exp onents and rational case Phys Lett B hepth

T JANIK RA WOSIEK J The p erturbative o dderon intercept Rencontres de Moriond

Moriond France


Minkowski and de Sitter quantum eld theory Phys Lett B hepth

T PARK TS KUBODERA K MIN DP RHO M Eective eld theory approachto

n p  d at threshold Phys Lett B nuclth

T VALAGEAS P SILK J The reheating and reionization history of the universe Astron

Astrophys astroph

T CLINE JM GROJEAN C SERVANT G Cosmological Expansion in the Presence of

Extra Dimensions Phys Rev Lett

T MARMI S MOUSSA P YOCCOZ JC Complex Brjuno functions soumis a Acta


T CORNILLE H CERCIGNANI C A class of planar discrete velo city mo dels for gas mixtures

J Stat Phys

T GROJEAN C Symetries et brisures de symetries audela delatheorie electrofaible These de

Do ctorat UniversiteParis XI mai

T BRUNEL V Systemes de spins quantiques unidimensionnel s Desordre et impuretes These

de Do ctorat UniversiteParis XI juin

T ZINNJUSTIN J Transitions de phase et phenomenes critiques universalite et group e de

renormalisation Cours de DEA donnes a lUniversite de CergyPontoise en

T GREEN MB VANHOVE P Lowenergy expansion of the onelo op typ eI I sup erstring

amplitude Phys Rev D pp hepth

T HOPPE J KAZAKOV VA KOSTOV IK Dimensionally reduced SYM as solvable

matrix quantum mechanics Nucl Phys B hepth


and Random Walks Nucl Phys B hepth

T PASQUIER V Dip oles at in Pro ceedings on Comp osite Fermions and Connement

Moriond France March condmat Glattli C Sanquer Meds

T BRAX P MARTIN J Robustness of quintessence Phys Rev D pp

T RICHARD P GERVOIS A OGER L TROADEC JP Crystallization in hard sphere

systems a structural analysis Ecole de Cargese Physics of glasses structure and dynamics Cargese

France May AIP Conference Pro ceedings Jullien R Jund P


T BAYM G BLAIZOT JP ZINNJUSTIN J The transition temp erature of the dilute

interacting Bose gas for N internal states Europhys Lett condmat

T CORNILLE H CERCIGNANI C On a class of planar discrete velo city mo dels for gas

mixtures Xth International Conference on Waves and StabilityinContinuous Media WASCOM

Vulcano Eolie Isles ME Italy June

T JANIK RA PESCHANSKI R High energy scattering and the AdSCFT corresp ondence

Nucl Phys B hepth

T BERGERE MC Comp osite particles and the eigenstates of CalogeroSutherland and

RuijsenaarsSchneider a paratre dans J Math Phys condmat

T PASQUIER V Dip oles and fractional quantum Hall masses soumis aPhys Rev B cond


T PASQUIER V Dip ole at Conference on Noise Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness La

Chap elle des Bois France April condmat PlanatMed Springer

T BRUNEL V OERDING K VAN WIJLAND F Fermionic eld theory for directed

p ercolation in dimensions J Phys A condmat

T GUPTA R MOREL A DE RAFAEL E DAVID F Eds Probing the standard mo del of

particle interactions Part I I I Les Houches Summer Scho ol Session LXVI I I Les Houches France

July Septemb er NorthHolland pp


rational conformal eld theories Nucl Phys B hepth

T MEHTA A LUCK JM Mo dels of comp etitive learning complex dynamics intermittent

conversions and oscillatory coarsening Phys Rev E condmat

T VANHAECKE N FIDANZA S Rayonnement du trou noir Espaces de de Sitter Rapp ort

de stage doption scientique Ecole p olytechnique Palaiseau France avril juillet pp

T ABE Y BOILLEY D GIRAUD BG WADATDiusion over a saddle with a Langevin

equation Phys Rev E

T GIRAUD BG HORIUCHI H Complex co ordinate rotation for soluble mo dels of tunnel

eects and resonances soumis aFewBo dy Systems


temp erature of the dilute interacting Bose gas Phys Rev Lett cond



for np oint functions soumis a Nucl Phys B hepth

T RHO M Eective Field Theory for Nuclei Dense Matter And The Cheshire Cat th Nuclear

Physics Summer Scho ol and Symp osium th International LightCone Workshop on New Directions

in QCD Kyung ju Korea June nuclth

T HONG DK RHO M ZAHED I Qualitons at high density Phys Lett B


T RHO M SIN SJ ZAHED I Elastic PartonParton Scattering From AdSCFT Phys

Rev B

T BERG BA BILLOIRE A JANKE W Spin Glass Overlap Barriers in Three and Four

Dimensions Phys Rev B condmat

T MUNIER S NAVELET H The BFKL Pomeron vertex for any conformal spin Eur

Phys J C hepph

T BERGERE MC The partition function for comp osite particles soumisa J Math Phys


T PESCHANSKI R On the QCD dip ole content of hard photon and gluon prob es in

Pro ceedings of the QCD Euro conference invited pap er Montp ellier France July Nucl

Phys B Pro c Suppl hepph Narison Sed

T CHEMTOB M MOREAUGRparity violating contributions to avor changing and CP

violation eects in fermion and sfermion pair pro duction International Workshop on Linear

Colliders LCWS Sitges Spain April MayhepphWorld Scien tic

T GREEN MB KWON Hh VANHOVE P Two lo ops in eleven dimensions Phys Rev D

pp hepth

T BALIAN R BLAIZOT JP Stars and statistical physics a teaching exp erience Sp ecial

theme issue Thermal and statistical physics invited pap er Am J Phys cond

mat Gould H Tobochnik Jeds

T BALIAN R Presentation des Travaux en Physique Theorique Luvre de Jules Horowitz

Deloche R Arnaudet L DautrayReds Commissariata lEnergie Atomique

Tome I pp

T BLAIZOT JP Signals of the quarkgluon plasma in nucleusnucleus collisions in Pro ceedings

of the XIV International Conference on UltraRelativistic NucleusNucleus Collisions invited pap er

Torino Italy May Nucl Phys A hepph

T VALAGEAS P Nonlinear gravitational clustering smo oth halos substructures and scaling

exp onents Astron Astrophys

T BALIAN R The Danger of an AntiScience Ideology The Bars des Sciences The Malvern

Seminar Malvern UK Septemb er Tibell Ged Europ ean Physical So ciety

T BESANC ON M MOREAUGExp erimental asp ects of sup ersymmetry with Rparity

violating couplings at the e e linear collider International Workshop on Linear Colliders

LCWS invited pap er Sitges Spain April May World Scientic

T GODRECHE C LUCK JM Resp onse of nonequilibri um systems at criticality Exact

results for the Glaub erIsing chain J Phys A condmat

T CLINE JM GROJEAN C SERVANT G Inating Intersecting Branes and Remarks on

the Hierarchy Problem Phys Lett B hepth

T GOLINELLI O Une metho de MonteCarlo p our les meandres sur ordinateur parallele

Calculateurs Paralleles condmat

T JANIK RA Gauge Theory Scattering from the AdSCFT corresp ondence NATO ASITMR

Summer Scho ol Progress in String Theory and MTheory Cargese France May June


T JANIK RA NOWAK MA PAPP G ZAHED I Greens Functions in Nonhermitian

Random Matrix Mo dels in Pro ceedings of the Workshop on Dynamics of Complex Systems Dresden

Germany May condmat

T GROJEAN C CLINE JM SERVANT G Sup ergravity inspired warp ed compactications

and eective cosmological constants a paratre dans Nucl Phys B hepth

T BLAIZOT JP IANCU E REBHAN A Selfconsistent hardthermallo op thermo dynam

ics for the quarkgluon plasma Phys Lett B hepph

T PESCHANSKI R Hard jet prob es in terms of colorless QCD dip oles soumis aModPhys

Lett A hepph


pro duction at Tevatron Run I I Phys Lett B hepph

T MOUSSA P MARMI S Diophantine conditions and real or complex Brjuno functions

Conference on Noise Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness La Chap elle des Bois France April

PlanatM ed Springer

T KOSOWER DA UWER P One lo op splitting amplitudes and the AltarelliParisi kernels

International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics Tamp ere Finland July

Huitu K KurkiSuonio H Maalampi Jeds IOP Publishing Bristol UK


determination of the running bquark mass m M International Europhysics Conference High

b Z

Energy Physics Tamp ere Finland July Huitu K KurkiSuonio H Maalampi J

eds IOP Publishing Bristol UK

T BILLOIRE A MARINARI E Evidences against temp erature chaos in mean eld and

realistic spin glasses a paratre dans J Phys A condmat

T VAN WAERBEKE L BERNARDEAU F BENABED K Lensing eect on the relative

orientation b etween the Cosmic MicrowaveBackground ellipticiti es and the distant galaxies

soumis a Astrophys J astroph

T SZAPUDI I COLOMBI S BERNARDEAUFCosmic Statistics of Statistics Mon Not

R Astron So c astroph

T RIPKA G GOLLI B Nonlo cal regularization of chiral quark mo dels in the soliton sector

International Workshop on Hadron Physics Eective Theories of Low Energy QCD Coimbra Portugal

Septemb er hepph

T BLAIZOT JP Breathing mo des and compressibilities RIKEN Symp osium and Workshop

Selected Topics in Nuclear Collective Excitations NUCOLEX RIKEN Hirosawa Wako

Saitama Japan March RIKEN Review No pp Dinh Dang N

Garg U Yamaji S eds

T CHEMTOB M MOREAU G Polarized single top pro duction at leptonic colliders from

broken R parityinteractions incorp orating CP violation Phys Rev D pp


T BOCQUET M SERBAN D ZIRNBAUER MR Disordered d quasiparticles in class

D Dirac fermions with random mass and dirty sup erconductors soumisa Nucl Phys B


T DI FRANCESCO P GOLINELLI O GUITTER E Meanders Exact Asymptotics Nucl

Phys B condmat

T LAVIGNACSHeterotic Typ e I duality in four dimensions in the presence of anomalous

Us in Pro ceedings of the Meeting of the Europ ean Network on Physics b eyond the Standard

Mo del Trieste Italy February


noise corrections soumis a J Stat Phys

T BERG BA BILLOIRE A JANKE W Numerical simulation of the EdwardsAnderson

mo del with the multioverlap algorithm Electronic Pro ceedings Workshop Monte Carlo and

Structure Optimization Metho ds for Biology Chemistry and Physics Florida State University USA

March Binder K Janke W Landau DP Okamoto Y Parisi G Shera ga

HA Swendsen RHeds transparencies

T KOSTOV IK Exact solution of the sixvertex mo del on a random lattice Nucl Phys B FS


T DI FRANCESCO P Matrix Mo del Combinatorics Applications to Folding and Coloring a

paratre dans MSRI Lecture Notes mathph Its A Bleher Peds MSRI

T BRANDENBURG A FLESCH M UWER P Polarization and spincorrelations of top

quarks at a future e e collider International Workshop Symmetry and Spin PRAHASPIN

Prague Czechoslovakia Septemb er Czech J Phys Suppl S

T BRAX P MARTIN J Cosmological implications of the Sup ergravityTracking Potential

Ann Phys invited pap er

T BAUER M GOLINELLI O On the kernel of tree incidence matrices J Integer Sequences

p condmat

T RHO M Selected Topics in AstroHadron Physics Going from a Proton to Nuclei to Neutron

Stars Bull Asia Pacic Center Theor Phys No nuclthinvited pap er

T RHO M WIRZBA A ZAHED I Generalized Pions in Dense QCD Phys Lett B


T PARK BY RHO M WIRZBA A ZAHED I Dense QCD Overhauser or BCS Pairing

soumis aPhys Rev D hepph

T VALAGEAS P SILK J The entropy history of the universe Astron Astrophys


T DINH PM BORGHINI N OLLITRAULTJY Eects of HBT correlations on ow

measurements Phys Lett B

T BRAX P The sup ermo duli space of matrix string theory soumis a JHEP hepth

T BERNARDEAUFGravitational Lenses for Cosmology in Pro ceedings of the Conference on

Structure Formation in the Universe invited pap er Newton Institute Cambridge UK July August

aparatre dans NATO ASI Series Crittenden R Rubakov V Turok Neds Kluwer

T VANHOVE P Metho ds in Mtheory Cours du SPhT Intro duction to String Theory CEASaclay

SPhT Septemb er Decemberpp

T PASQUIER V SERBAN D CFT and edge excitations for the principal series of quantum

Hall uids soumis aPhys Rev Lett condmat

T NORMAND C Stability of timep erio dic ows in a TaylorCouette geometry a paratre dans

in Pro ceedings of the th International CouetteTaylor Workshop Physics of Rotating Fluids Bremen

Germanya paratre dans Lect Notes Phys Vol Egbers C Pfister G eds Springer


T BAUER M Intro duction alacom binatoire des graphes de Feynman Seminaire sur la

quantication a lEcole Normale Superieure de la rue dUlm Paris France January

T VALAGEAS P SCHAEFFER R MultiplicityFunctions and Xray emission of Clusters

Groups and Galaxies a paratre dans Astron Astrophys astroph

T BERN Z DIXON L KOSOWER DA ATwolo op FourGluon Helicity Amplitude in

QCD JHEP pp hepph


Sup erstring theory and AdS  S as a coset sup ermanifold Nucl Phys B

T GIELE W KELLER S KOSOWER DA Parton Distributions with Errors Conference

Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee dAoste La Thuile Val dAoste Italie February March

T KIM Y RAPP R BROWN GE RHO M ASchematic Mo del for a Mixing at Finite

Density and InMedium Eective Lagrangian The Carl Dover Memorial Meeting invited pap er

Bro okhaven USA Decemb er nuclth

Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena International Series of T ZINNJUSTIN J

Monographs on Physics p index rd edition rd revision Oxford University Press

T MALLICK K MALLICK S RAJEWSKY N Exact solution of an exclusion pro cess with

three classes of particles and vacancies J Phys A

T AKKERMANS E MALLICK K Vortices in GinzburgLandau Billiards J Phys A

T POKORSKI S ROSIEK J SAVOY CA Constraints on Phases of Sup ersymmetric Flavour

Conserving Couplings Nucl Phys B hepph

T SAVOY CA Some Sup ersymmetric Flavour Problems Summer Scho ol of Cargese Hierarchies

of Fermion Masses and Gauge Interactions Cargese France July

T BAUER M Intro duction alacombinatoire des graphes de Feynman Rencontres Mathematiques

Glanon France juin juillet

T PENC K LACAZE R spl dynamical sup ersymmetry and suppression of ferromagnetism

in atband doubleexchange mo dels Europhys Lett

T DUPLANTIER B Conformally InvariantFractals and Potential Theory Phys Rev Lett

T LALAK Z LAVIGNAC S NILLES HP String Dualities in the Presence of Anomalous

U Symmetries Nucl Phys B hepth

T BALIAN R Compte rendu de lAudition Publique sur Limp ortance des synchrotrons p our la

recherche et les pro jets dans ce domaine en France et en Europ e in Les conditions dimplantation

dun nouveau synchrotron et le role des tres grands equip ements dans la recherche publique et privee en

France et en Europ e Tome Les conditions dimplantation dun nouveau synchrotron Paris France

Cuvilliez C Tregouet R eds Assemblee Nationale No Senat No pp



eld studies of nuclei far from the stabilityline International Symp osium on Mo dels and Theories

of the Nuclear Mass invited pap er WakoShi Japan July RIKEN Review No pp

T CLINE JM MOORE GD SERVANT G Was the Electroweak Phase Transition Preceded

by a ColorBroken Phase Phys Rev D pp hepph


FM SCHLICHTING I WOLYNES PG Group Rep ort Are There Common Themes in

the Function in the Energy Landscap e and Dynamics of Proteins rd Dahlem Workshop

on Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic Acids Berlin Germany May

Frauenfelder H Deisenhofer J Wolynes PGeds Dahlem University Press Berlin


T ZINNJUSTIN J Fonctions de variables complexes intro duction Cours dintro ductionala

theorie des fonctions analytiques CergyPontoise France er semestre de lannee universitaire

T ZINNJUSTIN J Renormalisation et Group e de Renormalisation Les Innis en Physique

Microscopique Contemp oraine Collo que de la So cieteFrancaise de Physique Physique et

Interrogations Fondamentales invited pap er Paris France o ctobre

T CHANDRE C MACKAY RS Approximate renormalization for the breakup of invariant

tori with three frequencies soumis aPhys Lett A

T GODRECHE C LUCK JM Resp onse of nonequilibriu m systems at criticality Ferromag

netic mo dels in dimension twoandabove soumisaJPh ys A condmat

T ZINNJUSTIN J The Regularization Problem in Chiral Gauge Theories Workshop Chiral

Taip ei China Septemb er

T RHO M SHURYAK E WIRZBA A ZAHED I Generalized Mesons in Dense QCD

soumis a Nucl Phys B hepph

T ZINNJUSTIN P ZUBER JB On the Counting of Colored Tangles soumisaJofKnot

Theory and its Ramications mathph

T BAGNULS C BERVILLIER C Exact Renormalization Group Equations An Intro ductory

Review a paratre dans Phys Rep hepth

T ZINNJUSTIN J Precise determination of critical exp onents and equation of state by eld

theory metho ds Conference Renormalization Group Taxco Mexico Mexique January


T BALIAN R Grains de sel dun physicien Postface de louvrage LHomme aux semelles de foudre

Ayerdhal Flammarion collection Quark Noir pp


coherent p olarization opp osition eect J Opt So c Am A USA


QCD Dimensional Reduction at Work soumis a Nucl Phys B heplat

T REISZ T ROTHE HJ Chiral symmetry restoration and axial vector renormalization for

Wilson fermions soumis aPhys Rev D heplat

T DOREY P DUNNING C TATEO R New families of ows b etween twodimensional

conformal eld theories soumisa Nucl Phys B hepth

T MOREAU G PEREZ E POLESELLO G The threeleptons signature from resonant

sneutrino pro duction at the LHC Rep ort of the SUSY working group for the Workshop Physics at

TeV Colliders Les Houches France June hepph hepph Abdullin

S Drees M Martyn HU Polesello Geds

T BROS J MOSCHELLA U Fourier analysis and holomorphic decomp osition on the one

sheeted hyp erb oloid Complex Geometry Meeting Paris France July Norguet F Ofman

S eds AMS Conference Pro ceedings

T CONTRERAS JG PESCHANSKI R ROYON C A new determination of the Pomeron

intercept in hard pro cesses soumis aPhys Lett B hepph

T PESCHANSKI R ROYON C A determination of Pomeron intercepts at colliders Workshop

QCD and Weak Boson Physics in Run I I invited pap er FERMILAB Batavia Illinois USA November

T PESCHANSKI R ROYON C Pomeron intercepts at colliders Workshop Standard Mo del

Physics at the LHC invited pap er FERMILAB Batavia Illinois USA May Octob er


T AKKERMANS E MALLICK K Vortices in small sup erconducting disks Pro ceedings of the

rst Euro conference on Vortex Matter in Sup erconductors at Extreme Sclaes and Conditions Crete

Greece Septemb er Physica C condmat Moshchalkov VV Kes PH

Brandt EHeds

T DI FRANCESCO P Exact asymptotics of meander numb ers th International Conference

Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics Moscou Russie June cond

mat Krob Ded

T AKKERMANS E MALLICK K Geometrical description of vortices in GinzburgLandau

billiards Top ological Asp ects of low Dimensional systems Les Houches France July

Comtet A Jolicoeur T Ouvry S David Feds SpringerVerlag pp

T VALAGEAS P Statistical prop erties of the convergence due to weak gravitational lensing by

nonlinear structures Astron Astrophys

T BERNARD D REGNAULTN Poisson algebra of d dimensionally reduced gravity JHEP

pp hepth

T BAGNULS C BERVILLIER C Renormalization group domains of the scalar Hamiltonian

a paratre dans Condens Matter Phys hepth

T MOREAU G PEREZ E POLESELLO G Resonant sneutrino pro duction in Sup ersym

metry with Rparity violation at the LHC soumis aNuclPhys B hepph


Numerical Check soumis a Nucl Phys B FS condmat

T DI FRANCESCO P Folding and Coloring Problems in Mathematics and Physics Bull Am

Math So c

T BERNARD D LECLAIR A SpinCharge Separation and the Spin Quantum Hall Eect

soumis aPhys Rev B condmat


aPhys Rev D astroph the Largescale Structures of the Universe soumis



FORT M JAIN B SCHNEIDER P Detection of correlated galaxy elliptici ties on CFHT

data rst evidence for gravitational lensing by largescale structures Astron Astrophys


T BOCQUET M Chanes de Spins Fermions de Dirac et Systemes Desordonnes These de

Do ctorat Ecole p olytechnique Palaiseau Francejanvier

T JANIK RA PESCHANSKI R Minimal surfaces and Reggeization in the AdSCFT

corresp ondence soumis a Nucl Phys B hepth

T GERONIMO JS NAVELET H On Certain Two Dimensional Integrals that App ear In

Conformal Field Theory soumis a Comm Math Phys mathph


Quantum Fields on Branes soumis aPhys Rev D hepth

T BONNET G DAVID F EYNARD B Breakdown of universalityinmulticut matrix

mo dels soumisaJPh ys A condmat

wo T MONTHUS C GAREL T ORLAND H Cop olymer at a selectiveinterface and t

dimensional wetting a grand canonical approach soumis aEurPhys J B condmat

T JANIK RA WOSIEK J Towards the matrix mo del of Mtheory on a lattice soumis a

Phys Rev Lett hepth


Polarization with Lo cal Large Scale Structures Rencontre de Moriond Energy Densities in the

Universe Moriond France January

T RIPKA G Quantum uctuations of the quark condensate soumis a Nucl Phys A hep


T BORUKHOV I ANDELMAN D ORLAND H Adsorption of Large Ions from an

Electrolyte Solution A Mo died PoissonBoltzmann Equation soumisa Acta Electro chem


T BRAX P MARTIN J High Energy Physics and Quintessence in The Pro ceedings of Energy

Densities in Universe Moriond Les Arcs France January astroph

T BALIAN R Recension de louvrage Quelle energie p our demain Pierre Bacher X

Nucleon Paris La Jaune et la Rouge No pp mai

T CORNILLE H CERCIGNANI C Large Size Planar Discrete Velo city Mo dels for Gas

Mixtures soumisaJPh ys A

T BRAX P MARTIN J RIAZUELO A Exhaustive Study of Cosmic Microwave Background

Anisotropies in Quintessential Scenarios soumis aPhys Rev D astroph

T BRAX P SAVOY CA Mo dels with Inverse Sfermion Mass Hierarch y and Decoupling of

the SUSY FCNC Eects soumis a JHEP hepph

T AKKERMANS E GANGARTD MALLICK K Analytical study of vortices in a

mesoscopic sup erconductor soumis a Eur Phys J B

T KOPPER C MULLER VF REISZ T Temp erature Indep endent Renormalization of

Finite Temp erature Field Theory soumis aNuclPhys B hepth

T BORGHINI N DINH PM OLLITRAULT JY Are ow measurements at SPS reliable

a paratre dans Phys Rev C nuclth

T GIRAUD BG Symmetries of indep endent statistical observables for ultrametric p opulations

soumis aPhys Rev E

T UZAN JP BERNARDEAUFCosmic Strings Lens Phenomenology General Prop erties

of Distortion Fields soumis aPhys Rev D astroph

T BERNARDEAU F UZAN JP Cosmic string phenomenology mo del of Poisson energy

distribution soumis aPhys Rev D astroph

T BROS J De la geometrie du cercle a lespacetemps de la relativite Semaine de la Science

invited pap er Lycee francoallemand Buc Yvelines France o ctobre

T DELARUE M ORLAND H General formalism for phase combination and phase renement

Meaneld optimization in recipro cal space soumisa Acta Crystallogr A

T ZINNJUSTIN J Quantum Field Theory at Finite Temp erature An Intro duction Cours

donne au SPhT Printemps hepph


Nucleonnucleus scattering a microscopic nonrelativistic approach soumis a Adv Nucl Phys


T DUGUET T BONCHE P HEENEN PH Rotational band and ssion barriers of No

Seventh International Conference on NucleusNucleus Collisions Strasb ourg France July

soumis a Nucl Phys A Guerreau D MetagVeds

T MUNIER S Forward jets in the colourdip ole mo del soumis aPhys Lett B hepph

T BLAIZOT JP IANCU E REBHAN A Approximately selfconsistent resummations for

the thermo dynamics of the quarkgluon plasma I Entropy and density soumis aPhys Rev


T KIM Y RHO M Comp etition Between Induced Symmetry Breaking Co op er Pairing and

Chiral Condensate at Finite Density soumis aPhys Rev C nuclth

T LALAK Z LAVIGNAC S NILLES HP Targetspace Duality in Heterotic and Typ e I

Eective Lagrangians a paratre dans Nucl Phys B hepth

T FORSTE S LALAK Z LAVIGNAC S NILLES HP Acomment on selftunning and

vanishing cosmological constant in the brane world aparatre dans Phys Lett Bhep


T CHANDRE C MOUSSA P Scaling la w for the critical function of an approximate

renormalization soumis a NonlinearitynlinCD

T RICHARD P OGER L TROADEC JP GERVOIS A Comparison b etween a D froth

and a cut of D froth Conference on Foams Emulsions and Applications Eurofoam Delft

PaysBas June Zitha Ped

T KAMENSHCHIK AY MOSCHELLA U PASQUIER V Chaplyginlike gas and branes

in black hole bulks a paratre dans Phys Lett grqc

T BOOSE D MAIN J Distributions of transition matrix elements in classically mixed quantum

systems Phys Rev E

T BONCHE P Microscopic Description of LowEnergy Nuclear Collisions Review and

Persp ective The th NishinomiyaYukawa Memorial Symp osium Frontiers of Nuclear Collision

Dynamics invited pap er Nishinomiya Japan Novemb er J Phys Jap

T VALOR A HEENEN PH BONCHE P Conguration mixing of meaneld wave

functions pro jected on angular momentum and particle numb er application to Mg Nucl

Phys A


electrolyte Tritration Theory and Exp eriment soumisaJPh ys Chem B H Poly

T DOREY P PILLIN M TATEO R WATTS GMT Onep oint functions in p erturb ed

b oundary conformal eld theories soumis a Nucl Phys B hepth

T ZUBER JB CFT BCFT ADE and all that Lectures at Quantum Symmetries in Theoretical

Physics and Mathematics Barilo che Argentina January

T BRAX P MANDAL G OZ Y Sup ergravity Description of NonBPS Branes soumis a

Nucl Phys B hepth

T KOSTOV IK Exact Solution of the Threecolour Problem on a Random Lattice soumis a

Phys Lett A hepth

T PITARD E GAREL T ORLAND H Sur le repliementdesproteines Phases Magazine La

Lettre du DRECAM et du SPhT No pp

T BERNARDEAUFThe largescale structures of the Universe Pro ceedings of the Sixth

International Workshop Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics TAUP College de

France Paris France Septemb er Nucl Phys B Dumarchez J

Froissart M Vignaud D eds NorthHolland

T MEYERORTMANNS H REISZ T Dynamical Linked Cluster Expansion for Spin Glasses

a paratre dans Recent ResearchDevelopments in Statistical Physics condmatTransworld

ResearchNetwork India

T VOROS A Exercises in exact quantization soumis aJPhys A mathph

T BERNARD D REGNAULT N New Lax Pair for d Dimensionally Reduced Gravity a

paratre dans J Phys A invited pap er


ZABRODIN A function for analytic curves MSRI Workshop Matrix Mo dels and Painleve

Equations Berkeley California USA hepth


SPhT pap ers b efore June that are referenced in the text

T MARMI S MOUSSA P YOCCOZ JC Continued fraction transformations Brjuno

functions and BMO spaces Note CEA N

T MARMI S MOUSSA P YOCCOZ JC The Brjuno functions and their regularity

prop erties Commun Math Phys

T BERNARDEAUFVAN WAERBEKE L MELLIER Y Weak lensing statistics as a prob e

of and p ower sp ectrum Astron Astrophys

T KOSOWER DA Evolution of parton distributions Nucl Phys B


and excited states Phys Lett B

T MEHTA ML NORMAND JM Probability density of the determinant of a random

hermitian matrix J Phys A


parametrization from subnuclear to neutron star densities Part I I Nuclei far from stabilities

Nucl Phys A


parametrization from subnuclear to neutron star densities Nucl Phys A

T PARK TS KUBODERA K MIN DP RHO M The solar proton burning pro cess

revisited in chiral p erturbation theory Astrophys J astroph


Les theses soutenues au SPhT

Prix medailles et distinctions

Encadrement de jeunes chercheurs

Activites pedagogiques

Edition scientique

Livres et chapitres de livres

Actions de vulgarisation

Organisation de conferences ou decoles

Collab orations institutionali sees

Administration de la recherche

Le group e de do cumentation SPhTSPEC

Le secretariat administratif

Linformatique au SPhT

Les physiciens au SPhT



QCD corrections to e e  jets these de lUniversitedeParis soutenue le

Christophe GROJEAN

Symetries et brisures de symetries audeladelatheorie electrofaible these de lUniversite

de Paris soutenue le


Systemes de spins quantiques unidimensionnel s desordre et impuretes these de lUni

versitedeParis soutenue le


Chanes de spins fermions de Dirac et systemes desordonnes these de lEcole p olytech

nique soutenue le



Ocier de lOrdre du merite

Fellow of the Institute of Physics


Prix Compaq de la So cietefrancaise dastronomie et dastrophysique septembre


Prix Thibaud decerne par lAcademie de Lyon

RHO Mannque

Prix de la National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Korea

Elu a la Korean Academy of Science and Technology


Harris visiting scholar du MIT


Theses en cours au SPhT


Liste des etudiants preparantunethese au SPhT au juin Entre parentheses

gurent le nom du directeur de these et lannee prevue p our la soutenance

Gabrielle BONNET F David

Karim BENABED F Bernardeau

Guillaume DE SMEDT J M Luck

Mai DINH JY Ollitrault

Thomas DUGUET PBonche

Gregory MOREAU M Chemtob

Stephane MUNIER R Peschanski

Nicolas REGNAULT D Bernard

Geraldine SERVANT C Savoy

Theses exterieures

Les physiciens du SPhT encadrent completement ou partiellement des etudiants apparte

nanta dautres organismes francais ou etrangers


Codirection de la these de PatrickRichard Rennes soutenance le juin

NORMAND Christiane

Directeur de these de Nathalie Mukolobwiez soutenue en juin aOrsay

Stages DEA


Stage de DEA de Thomas Duguet DEA de physique quantique


Stage de DEA de Nils Marchal DEA de physique theorique

Stages X


Frederic Legoll


Nicolas VanhaeckeetStephane Fidanza



Julien Lamarcq stage Sup elec printemps


Stage de jeunes chercheurs etrangers Leszek Motyka et Beata Zia ja


Sont indiques ici uniquement les cours donnes dans des Universites ou des Grandes Ecoles

p endant les annees scolaires et et ceux ayant donnelieua une publication

Premier et deuxieme cycle dUniversite


TDdeFORTRAN Licence de physique fondamentale Orsay

Cours et TD de C Licence de sciences physiques Orsay

TDdeFORTRAN Licence de physique fondamentale Orsay

TD de C Maitrise EEA Orsay

BONNET Gabrielle

DEUG biologie Orsay et


Premier cycle PCEM Orsay et

DAVID Francois

Mecanique quantique avancee Magistere interuniversitaire de physique ENSUlm

DE SMEDT Guillaume

Cours et TD DEUG SNV Sciences nature vie a Jussieu


TDdephysique en PCEM Orsay


TD dinformatique en classe preparatoire logiciel Maple Lycee Lavoisier


Enseignemen t en classe de preparation aux concours des ENSI a lUniversiteParis VI I


TD de thermo dynamique physique du DEUG Sciences de la nature et de la vie SNV

a lUniversiteParis VI I DenisDiderot



Cours de mecanique quantique relativiste Magistere interuniversitaire de physique

annee commun avec le DEA CPM et



Pro jet professionnel annee de DEUGaOrsa y

SERVANT Geraldine

TD delectromagnetisme DEUG MIAS Mathsinformatique

TDetTPdephysique p our DEUG Sciences de la vie

Probabilites et statistiques p our la Licence du Magistere EEA Electronique electrotech

nique et applications et


Universite de CergyPontoise Fonctions analytiques cours de Licence


Magistere interuniversitaire de physique annee Integrale de chemin

Grandes Ecoles


Ecole p olytechnique jusqualete Cours de physique statistique Organisation de

loption de physique theorique


Ecole p olytechnique Application de la theorie des group es alaphysique Approfon

dissementdephysique nucleaire



TDdemecanique quantique annee de lEcole centrale de Paris

GIRAUD Bertrand

Reseaux de neurones Ecole des mines de Paris



Ecole p olytechnique TD Mecanique statistique annee Theorie statistique des


champs annee



ESPCI preceptorats de physique quantique annee preceptorats de me

re e

tho des mathematiques et annee

RIPKA Georges

TPenmecanique quantiqueetenmecanique statistique a lENSTA

Troisieme cycle dUniversite


Cours doption de cosmologie au DEA Astrophysique et techniques spatiales Meudon


BRAX Philipp e

TDdeTheorie de jauge et Mo dele standard au DEA de physique theorique et


Universitefederale Rio Grande do Norte Natale Mecanique statistique des systemes

critiques aoutseptem bre


Mecanique statistique et gravitation bidimensionnell e DEA de mathematiques Paris

Mo deles de matrices integrables DEA de mathematiques Paris


DESS Biologie et pharmacologie du vieilli ssement Institut Jacques Mono d Universite

Denis Diderot et

LUCK JeanMarc

Cours au DEAMecanique et energetiquea lIUSTI Institut universitaire des systemes

thermiques industriels ChateauGomb ert Marseille Intro duction aux systemes desordonnes

et aux transitions de phases et

Coursal ecole do ctorale de Strasb ourg Systemes desordonnes unidimensionn els

MUNIER Stephane

TDdemecanique quantique relativiste tronc commun du DEA de physique quantique


NORMAND Christiane

DEA Dynamique des uides et des transferts et


Cours de mecanique quantique relativiste DEA CPM champs particules matiere


Cours de theorie quantique des champs DEA physique quantique


Metho des semiclassiques en mecanique quantique Analyse semiclassique

et applications DEA de mathematiquesa lUniversiteParis

Metho des de quantication semiclassique exacte Ecole do ctorale de lUniversitede



Universite de CergyPontoise Intro duction au group e de renormalisation DEA de

Physique Statistique

Cours ayant donne lieu a publication


Les Houches mars Distribution of galaxies scaling vs fractality dans Order

chance and risk SpringerEDP Sciences

Les Houches juin Correlation functions through variational metho ds dans

Quantum Field Theory Persp ective and Prosp ective Kluwer


Ecole JoliotCurie de physique nucleaire Maubuisson septembre


Cours a lEcole de Cargese Gauge Hierarchies and Fermion Hierarchies juillet

ZUBER JeanBernard

Cours a Barilo che Argentine CFT BCFT ADE and all that T janvier

en cours de publication

Cours du vendredi au SPhT Saclay


Bases de la mecanique statistique hors dequilibre


Turbulence p our et par des amateurs juin


String theory o ctobre


Theorie des champs a temperature nie janviermars

BRAX Philipp e

La violation CP dans le cadre de la serie de cours quelques sujets chauds en physique

des particules

BROS Jacques

Asp ects structurels de la theorie quantique des champs mai


Theorie des champs des systemes desordonnes


Theorie des cordes et mo deles de matrices


Les neutrinos f evrier dans le cadre de la serie de cours quelques sujets

chauds en physique des particules


Physique des saveurs janvier


Metho des de quantication semiclassique exacte


Quantum Field Theory at Finite Temp erature an Intro duction


Des physiciens du SPhT contribuent en tant que redacteurs en chef editeurs ou membres des

bureaux editoriaux a diverses revues scientiques


Editeur p our la serie Texts and monographs in physics Springer

Editeur p our les comptesrendus de lAcademie des sciences jusqua n


Editeur de International Journal of High Sp eed Computing


Editeur de Physics Letters B

BROS Jacques

Membre du Comitederedaction des annales de lInstitut Henri Poncare section physique

theorique jusquau


Advisory Editor aPhysica A


Membre de lInternational Editorial Council de Acta Physica Polonica


Editeur a The Europ ean Physical Journal B


Annales de lIHP jusquen

RHO Mannque

Editeur Int J Mo d Phys E


Membre du Comiteeditorial du Journal of Physics A depuis janvier


Nuclear Physics B

Forsc hritte der Physik

Journal of Physics A jusquen juin

ZUBER JeanBernard

Annales de lInstitut Henri Poincare



Les etats de la matiere et leurs symetries dans Symetrie et brisure de symetrie EDP


Presentation des travaux de Jules Horowitz en physique theorique dans le tome I de ses

uvres CEA

Postface sur les problemes energetiques dans un livre de Ayerdhal Lhomme aux semelles

de foudre Flammarion


Traduction russe de Quantum Theory of Finite Systems Blaizot and Ripka T


CFT PDiFrancesco P Mathieu et D Senechal GTCP Springer seconde edition


Redaction dun cours avec E Akkermans p our lEcole Top ological Asp ects of Low

Dimensional systems juillet


Troisieme revision de la troisieme edition de Quantum Field Theory and Critical Pheno

e e

mena Clarendon Press Oxford ed ed pages



Trois Articles dans la Jaune et la Rouge Mathematiques et sciences de la nature

Centenaire de la radioactivite Problemes energetiques

Conference donnee dans le cadre de Physique et interrogations fondamentales de la SFP

so ciete francaise de physique sur les symetries

Conferences sur la Radioactivite un siecle apres donnees lune sous la coup ole de

lInstitut lautre a lAmbassade de Pologne a Londres n Publie par lAcademie des


Participationa deux emissions de radio France Culture et

Participation a plusieurs Bars des sciences de la SFP Paris et banlieue Normandie


Membre du Conseil dadministration de ScienceContact organisme dinformation scien


Assistance a plusieurs journalistes scientiques

Membre du jury du Prix Rob erval decernea des ouvrages technologiques depuis


Resp onsable du CESEN Cercle detudes sur lenergie nucleaire

Co ordination scientique et membre du comitederedaction du livre Electronucl eaire

Une presentation par des physiciens publication du CESEN Cercle detudes sur lenergie

nucleaire Publication DSM ISBN X


Festival des sciences de Chamonix MontBlanc mars Internantinvitea

une rencontre intitulee Peuton se passer du nucleaire

BROS Jacques

Conference dans le cadre de la Semaine de la science destinee aux eleves

du lycee francoallemand de Buc De la geometrie du cercle a lespacetemps de la relativite


DAVID Francois

Organisation de conferences grand public dans le cadre de lEcole des Houches

GIRAUD Bertrand

Semaine de la science intervention au College Bergson de MontignyleBretonneux


Comiteeditorial de Phases Magazine la lettre du DRECAM et du SPhT


Semaine de la science deux interventions au College Pierre de Nohlac de Versailles


Article douverture dun dossier sur la matiere noire aparatre dans La Recherche


Renormalisation et group e de renormalisation les innis en physique microscopique

contemp oraine Collo que de la So ciete francaise de physique Physique et interrogations

fondamentales Paris France T o ctobre conference a lUniversitedeLille

sur un sujet voisin



BAUER Michel et DI FRANCESCO Philipp e

Journees C Itzykson satellite de la conference Stat Phys Institut H Poincare


Nuclear Matter in Dierent Phases and Transitions workshop Les Houches mars

avril avec X Campi et M Plosza jzak

Coorganisateur de la conference NucleusNucleu s Strasb ourg Juillet


Co organisateur de la conference INPC aout Paris

Membre du Conseil scientique de lEcole JoliotCurie

DAVID Francois

Ecole detedephysique theorique des Houches Session Asp ects top ologiques de la

physique de basse dimension juillet

Ecole detedephysique theorique des Houches Session Astronomie spatiale infra

rouge aujourdhui et demain aout

Ecole detedephysique theorique des Houches Session LUnivers primordial juillet

Ecole detedephysique theorique des Houches Session Ondes de matiere coherentes



Directeur adjoint de lIHP


STATPHYS juillet

GUIDA Riccardo

Cours du vendredi du SPhT et



STATPHYS conference internationale IUPAP de physique statistique juillet


TH Conference internationale en physique theorique Paris juillet en prepa

ration copresident


Session de mois a lInstitut Henri PoincareFermions fortementcorreles

LUCK JeanMarc


Coorganisation avec Claude Go dreche SPEC de la Rencontre Claude Itzykson Sa

clay juin Dynamique des systemes hors dequilibre


Membre du Comite dorganisation de lEcole de GifsurYvette depuis


Coorganisateur dune ecole detea lISI Turin sur le repliement des proteines n juin


Coorganisateur avec R Netz MPI Teltow de la rencontre Claude Itzykson Theo

retical approaches to soft and biological matter Saclay n juin


Workshop on smallx Physics Zeuthen Jerusalem Oxford

Deep Inelastic Scattering session theorique Bruxelles

RHO Mannque

Cochair International Workshop on Explosive Phenomena in Astrophysical Compact

Ob jects Korea Institute for Advanced Study Seoul Korea


Membre du Comite dorganisation des Rencontres de Moriond jusquen


Les Houches juillet LUnivers primordial

ZUBER JeanBernard

Coorganisateur avec C De Witt du workshop des Houches Quantum Field Theory

Persp ective and Prosp ective juin


A linterieur du CEA

Le SPhT particip ea segments CEA

Physique des particules

Physique nucleaire


Chimie et ingenierie moleculaire

Science des materiaux et nanostructures

Supraconductivite magnetisme et cryotechnologie


GDR Structures non p erturbatives en theorie des champs et des cordes resp onsable


Programme national de cosmologie BERNARDEAU SCHAEFFER VALAGEAS

GDR GEDEON Gestion des dechets par des options nouvelles BONCHE

GDR Asp ects theoriques et experimentaux de la recherche de la sup ersymetrie res

p onsable P BINETRUY BRAX resp onsable du group e saveur CHEMTOB GROJEAN


GDR Structure des systemes nucleaires dans des conditions extremes


GDR PMHC Physique des milieux heterogenes complexes remplaceaupar

le GDR MIDI milieux divises GERVOIS

GDR Fermions systemes fortementcorreles systemes quantiques mesoscopiques sys

temes de spins resp onsable M GABAY PASQUIER PENC

GDR Structure interne des etoiles SCHAEFFER

Programmes Internationaux

Reseau TMR Integrability Non Perturbative Eects and Symmetry in Quantum Field



Reseau TMR Gravitational Lensing New constraints on Cosmology and The Distribu

tion of Dark Matter resp onsable R ELLIS BERNARDEAU

Reseau TMR Physics b eyond the Standard Mo delresp onsable I ANTONIADIS LA


Reseau TMR Quantum Chromo dynamics and the Deep Structure of Elementary Particles


Reseau IHP Discrete Random Geometries from solid state physics to quantum gravity

a partir de mars resp onsable Des JOHNSTON BONNET DAVID DI FRANCESCO


Europ ean ResearchTraining Network Mathematical Asp ects of Quantum Chaos a

partir de resp onsable J ROBBINS VOROS

Reseau ESF SPHINX Statistical physics of glassy and nonequilibriu m systems res


Centre francoindien p our la Promotion de la Recherche Avancee CEFIPRA


Programme dactions integrees Amadeus MAE avec Vienne Termine en BLAI


Programme COFECUB MAE avec les Universites de Sao Paulo et Natal De DOMINI


Conventions de subvention CEAMAE collab oration avec lUniversiteEotvos Buda


Programme de collab oration sur la construction dun accelerateur lineaire europeen dans

le cadre du Europ ean Commity for Futur Accelerators ECFA a DESY MOREAU

Accord CNRSCNR Italie renouv ele p our collab oration avec JC

Yo ccoz College de France et S Marmi Universites de Florence et Udine Italie MOUSSA

Programme de collab oration COFECUB MAE avec le Bresil ORLAND

Programme dactions integrees francop olonais Polonium du MAE et


Programme ECOSSud MAE avec le Lab oratoire TANDAR CNEA Buenos Aires Ar

gentine VOROS



President puis vicepresident de la So ciete francaise de physique et

activites asso ciees rapp orts avec les p ouvoirs publics relation avec dautres so cietes savantes

en France et aletranger animation scientique problemes denseignement et demploi edition

congres exp ositions jurys de prix etc

Delegue de la section de physique de lAcademie des sciences activites dorganisation

membre du Comitedereexion sur la reforme de lacademie

President du group e de prosp ective sur les neutrons elab oration dun rapp ort

Membre du Conseil scientique de lEcole normale superieure de Lyon

Membre du Conseil dadministration du Lab oratoire Leon Brillouin

Membre du Comitedevaluation externe du CNRS

Participation aux travaux de lOce parlementaire devaluation des choix scientiques et

tec hnologiques sur Les conditions dimplantation dun nouveau synchrotron et Le role des

tres grands equip ements contributions au rapp ort tome I

Membre de la Commission de reexion sur lenseignement des mathematiques aupres du

Comite national des programmes

Contributions au seminaire de Malvern organise en par la So ciete europeenne de phy

sique sur lavenirdelaphysique son appreciation par le grand public et la desaection des

etudiants p our la science


Membre du Comitescientique exterieur du lab oratoire de physique mathematique et theo

rique LPM de Montp ellier


Membre du Conseil scientique p our le calcul centraliseDSM

Membre du Comite dorientation de linformatique scientique et des reseaux DSM

Membre du group e de travail NuPECC Computational Nuclear Physics rapp orta paratre


Membre du Conseil de departement SPM du CNRS jusquen

e e

section a Orsaymembre suppleant section Membre de la Commission de specialistes

a Nantes membre nomme


Resp onsable du segmentPhysique nucleaire CEA

Membre du Conseil scientique du GANIL

Membre du CSTS du DAPNIASPhN

Chairman du PAC VivitronEUROBALL

ECT Europ ean Center for Theoretical Physics and related areas Link memb er p our la

France Representant du CEADSM a lEJFRC Europ ean Joint Finance Review Committee

DAVID Francois

Directeur de lEcole de physique des Houches

Membre du Comite scientique exterieur du CPT Marseille

Membre du Comite scientique du LPTHE de Jussieu UMR du o ctobre


Membre de la Commission de specialistes UniversiteParis section

LACAZE Rob ert

Membre du Comite dexploitation des moyens de calcul centralises du CEA COMEXCalcul

Membre du Comite CP systemes mo deles de lIDRIS CNRS


Membre du Comite daudit du CNRS du lab oratoire de Physique theorique de lUniversite

Paul Sabatier de Toulouse novembre

Membre du Comite national de la recherche scientique depuis fevrier

SAVOY Carlos

Membre du Comitedeselection des b ourses CERN INP


Membre du CA des Editions de physique de la Commission des publications de lEPS

Commission calcul du HLRZ Julic h organisme charge de fournir des moyens de calcul

centralise aux universites allemandes

Conseil scientique externe du lab oratoire de physique theorique de lInstitut Dubna

Exp ert aupres de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG p our les theorie des champs

sur reseau

COS et Conseil scientique de lInstitut detudes scientiques de Cargese

Membre du CA de lEcole des Houches

Presidence du Conseil scientique p our le calcul centralisedelaDSM

Membre des CSTS du Service de physique des particules DAPNIA

ZUBER JeanBernard

President de la Commission du Comite national de la recherche scientique


Notre bibliotheque de proximite est riche dun fonds de plus de ouvrages et souscrit a

plus de ab onnements a des revues scientiques

Une attention toute particuliere est app ortee au maintien de la qualiteetaudevelopp ement

de cet outil de travail indisp ensable p our la physique theorique Un comitedeselection des

acquisitions anime par Bruno Savelli rassemble regulierementdesphysiciens du service p our

choisir les nouveaux ouvrages qui viennent enrichir notre fonds

Jusqua son depart a la retraite en mars Jeanine Delouvrier a assure parmi toutes ses

activites lessentiel de la b onne tenue des lo caux du materiel et des ouvrages Lensemble de

ces taches sont p oursuivies par Bruno Savelli et Philipp e Fontaine qui est arrive dans le service

au debut de lannee Claudine Verneyre assure la maintenance informatique lo cale et gere

la base des annonces de seminaires

Le secretariat scientique assure la gestion des publications et Liliane Dumets particip e egale

ment au secretariat dedition dune revue scientique A la suite du d epart de Josiane Beucher

le secretariat scientique a ete reconstitue par larrivee de Nathalie Pelletier en mars

Le serveur Web externe du SPhT wwwsphtceafrpresente lactivite du service et ore

un acces alessentiel des informations creees en interne textes des publications annonces de

seminaires etc Une nouvelle version de ce serveur Web est en cours de developp ement

Le group e de do cumentation sous la resp onsabilite de Marc Gingold joue un role de supp ort

imp ortant dans lactivite du SPhT Les dernieres annees ont vu a la suite de retraites et de

mutations un changement imp ortant du p ersonnel Ces faits asso cies aux progres de linfor

matisation sont source de p erturbations et impliquent un eort dorganisation et de formation

Josiane BEUCHER Secretariat scientique jusquau decembre

Jeanine DELOUVRIER Bibliotheque partie a la retraite le mars

Liliane DUMETS Secretariat scientique


Philipp e FONTAINE Bibliotheque arrivele janvier

Marc GINGOLD Resp onsable du group e


etariat scientique arrivee le mars Nathalie PELLETIER Secr

Bruno SAVELLI Bibliotheque

Claudine VERNEYRE Informatique


Le secretariat administratif est assure par deux p ersonnes p our un eectif moyen des presents

dans le lab oratoire de La charge qui pese sur le p ersonnel administratif va croissante en

raison de leet conjugue de lalourdissementdestaches et de la mise en uvre des heures

Outre le secretariat courant dun lab oratoire dont le resp onsable a rang de chef de departement

Sylvie Zaanella assure principalement la gestion du p ersonnel CEA CNRS et do ctorants de

toutes les missions et des commandes fournitures de bureau materiel informatique mobilier

travaux La gestion nanciere est assuree par le group e administratif du DRECAM

AnneMarie Arnold a p our taches principales la gestion des dossiers et laccueil de lensemble

des visiteurs de courtes et longues durees francais et etrangers et relevant de statuts tres

divers p ostdo c CTE EGIDE IFS stagiaires A cela sa joute entre autre une tache de

supp ort logistique p our lorganisation annuelle des Journees Claude ITZYKSON

AnneMarie ARNOLD



La gestion du systeme informatique est commune au SPhT et au Departement de recherches sur

letat condense les atomes et les molecules DRECAM En les dierents sousgroup es

informatiques du DRECAM ontete regroupes sous la direction de Brigitte GageyPour le

SPhT la gestion informatique reste p our lessentiel assuree lo calement par une equip e interde

partementale de quatre p ersonnes Laurent de Seze resp onsable du group e et Anne Cap dep on


du DRECAM Catherine Bourgois et Nathalie Ravenel du SPhT Une p ersonne presente

a temps partiel Claudine Verneyre assure un supp ort specique au SPhT Par ailleurs le

service benecie du supp ort technique p our les PC scientiques et administratifs app orte res

p ectivement par les equip es dAlain Buteau et de Christian Juret du DRECAM Larchitecture

retenuea base de serveurs Unix de terminaux X de PC et de MacIntosh p ermetal equip e

systeme dassurer ladministration de plusieurs dizaines de serveurs et stations et de plusieurs

centaines de terminaux X repartis sur lensemble du site de SaclayLesysteme est en constante

evolution p our sadapter aux b esoins des utilisateurs et suivre les progres technologiques

Les serveurs

yenne en batch Le supp ort des p ostes de travail les services interactifs et les calculs de taille mo

sont assures par des serveurs Sun UltraSparc Le SPhT disp ose en propre dun serveur Sun

UltraSparc bipro cesseur wasa renouvele en milieu dannee assurantentre autre la

gestion de lensemble des comptes login du service de deux stations Sun elfe et manure

va destinees en priorite au calcul formel avec les logiciels MacSyma et Mathematica et aux

applications graphiques et dune station SGI O daisyb elle Un serveur Sun kontiki est

utilise en particulier p our la do cumentation et le Web

Les p ostes de travail

Le p oste de travail standard est le terminal X equipe dun ecran couleur environ

p ostes Deux serveurs Windows multiutilisateurs Metaframe orentlacces aux logiciels

bureautiques standardsa partir des terminaux X Une vingtaine de PC et une dizaine de Ma

cIntosh p ermettentderep ondrea des b esoins speciques entre autre au niveau des secretariats

scientique et administratif Lutilisation sur ces ordinateurs p ersonnels dun logiciel serveur

XWindow p ermet dacceder au systeme Unix dans les memes conditions que les terminaux X

Le calcul centralise

Les physiciens disp osent p our leurs gros calculs des moyens de calcul centralises du CEA civil

un ordinateur vectoriel VPP Fujitsu a pro cesseurs et un ordinateur parallele Compaq

a pro cesseurs Les pro jets imp ortants font lob jet dun examen au niveau DSM par un

e par Jean ZinnJustin qui juge de la validite du pro jet Comite scientique le CSCC presid

et de ladequation avec les machines et alloue un contingent dheures par semestre Citons

parmi les pro jets imp ortants du SPhT des simulations en mecanique statistique et des calculs

de structure nucleaire

Communication et information

Les caracteristiques du cablage des lo caux et la mise en place au debut de nouveau com

mutateurs rendent p ossible un fonctionnementdureseau informatique avec un debit de

Mbits Les physiciens utilisent lensemble de la panoplie des outils dacces au reseau message

rie connexion transfert de chiers News WebUnserveur Web interne httpwwwsphti

p ermet aux utilisateurs dacceder aux bases de la do cumentation SPECSPhT recherche dou

vrages listes de pretirages rapp orts Comme p our le Web externe une nouvelle version du

Web interne est en cours de developp ement Des bases bibliographiques generales INSPEC

Science Citation Index ZentralblattMATH sont accessibles par le serveur de la DIST

Depuis le debut une commission informatique se reunit regulierement Son ob jectif est

davoir une reexion sur les ev olutions des moyens informatiques dorganiser et de decider

en accord avec la direction les rep onsesa donner aux b esoins exprimes et de jouer le role de

comite des utilisateurs du SPhT p our le group e informatique DRECAMSPhT

Catherine BOURGOIS


Nathalie RAVENEL arrivee en septembre

Laurent de SEZE DRECAM Resp onsable lo cal du group e informatique





Situation au mai

Roger BALIAN conseiller scientique CEA








Paul BONCHE CEA directeur de recherches DSM

Philipp e BRAX CEA

Jacques BROS conseiller scientique CEA


Henri CORNILLE chercheur emerite CNRS


Cirano DE DOMINICIS conseiller scientique CEA


JeanMichel DROUFFE CEA exp ert senior DSM







Riccardo GUIDA CEA







Stephane LAVIGNAC CNRS depuis le

JeanMarc LUCK CEA exp ert senior DSM


Madan Lal MEHTAchercheur emerite CNRS

Andre MOREL conseiller scientique CEA








Rob ert PESCHANSKI CEA exp ert senior DSM

Mannque RHO CEA exp ert senior DSM

Georges RIPKA conseiller scientique CEA


Richard SCHAEFFER CEA exp ert senior DSM


PatrickVALAGEAS CEA depuis le

AndreVOROS CEA exp ert senior DSM

Jean ZINNJUSTIN CEA directeur de recherches DSM

JeanBernard ZUBER CEA directeur de recherches DSM


Cristel CHANDRE a partir du

Steven CREAGH du au

Irene GIARDINA a partir du

Romuald JANIK a partir du

Gregoire MISGUICH a partir du

Enzo ORLANDINI du au

Karlo PENC du au

Rob erto TATEO du au

Peter UWER a partir du

Thomas WYNTER du au


Laurent CHARLES du au

Laurent LAFFORGUE du au


Visiteurs du SPhT ayantsejourne un mois ou plus durantlaperio de de juin a mai

Steven ABEL CERN Suisse

Armen ALLAHVERDYAN Yerevan Armenie

Gordon BAYM Illinois Univ Urbana USA


Andrzej BIALAS Univ de Cracovie Pologne

Dominique BOOSE CNRS Strasb ourg

Andrea CAPPELLI Univ de Florence Italie

Carlo CERCIGNANI Polytechnique Milan Italie

James CLINE McGill Univ Montreal Canada

Patrick DOREY Durham Univ UK

Joshua FEINBERG Technion Hafa Israel

Silvio FRANZ ICTP Trieste Italie

Alejandro GONZALESRUIZ Harvard Univ USA

Lev KOFMAN Inst dAstrophysique Honolulu USA

Imre KONDOR Univ Eotvos Budap est Hongrie

Alan LAPEDES Los Alamos National Lab USA

Andre LECLAIR Cornell Univ USA

Andrei LEONIDOV Leb edev Inst Moscou Russie

Valeri LOUTCHNIKOV Univ de Novosibirsk Russie

Stefano MARMI Univ de Florence Italie

Alexander MATVENKO JINR Dubna Russie

Gheorghe MEZINCESCU Inst de Physique Bucarest Roumanie

DongPil MIN Univ de Seoul Coree du Sud


Moshe MOSHE Tokyo Inst Jap on

Ugo MOSCHELLA Univ de Come Italie

Lesjek MOTYKA Univ de Cracovie Pologne

Paul PEARCE Univ de Melb ourne Australie

Stefan POKORSKI Inst de Physique Theorique de Varsovie Pologne

Pal RUJAN Univ dOldenburg Allemagne

Hub ert SALEUR Univ of South California USA

Michael SCHICK Univ de Washington USA

Mykola SHPOT Inst de la Matiere Condensee Lviv Russie

Semjon STEPANOW Univ de Halle Allemagne

Igor SUSLOV Inst PL Kapitza Moscou

Tamas TEMESVARI Eotvos Inst Budap est Hongrie

Alba THEUMANN Inst de Physique Porto Alegre Bresil

Gab or VATTAY Eotvos Inst Budap est Hongrie

Nicolas WSCHEBOR ENS Paris

Thomas WYNTER Princeton Univ USA


Visiteurs du SPhT ayantsejourme moins dun mois durantlaperio de de juin a mai

Yasuhusba ABE Kyoto Univ Jap on

Viktor ABRAMOVSKI I Novgoro d Univ Russie

David ANDELMAN Tel Aviv Univ Israel

PatrickAURENCHE LAPP AnnecyleVie ux

Alexander BELAVIN Inst Landau Russie

Bernd BERG Florida State Univ USA

Nihat BERKER MIT Cambridge USA

Gautam BHATTACHARYA Saha Inst Calcutta Inde

Celine BOEHM Univ de Montp ellier

David BOILLEY Kyoto Univ Jap on

Itamar BORUKHOV TelAviv Univ Israel

Arnd BRANDENBURG DESY Hamb ourg Allemagne

Franco BUCCELLA Univ de Naples Italie

Arnaud BUHOT Oxford Univ UK

Alessandra BUONANNO Caltech USA


John CARDY Oxford Univ UK

Domenico CARLUCCI ENS de Pise Italie

Christophe CHATELAIN Univ de Nancy I

Subhash CHATURVEDI Hyderabad Univ Inde

Pierre CHIAPPETTA CNRS Marseille Luminy

Barbara COLUZZI Univ de Rome Italie

Amah Sena dAlMEIDA Univ du Benin Togo

Rava Da SILVEIRA MIT Cambridge USA

Francois DELDUC ENS Lyon

Lance DIXON SLAC Standford Univ USA

Gerald DUNNE Oxford Univ UK

Ruth DURRER Univ de Geneve Suisse

Gab or FATH C Cavendish Lab Cambridge UK

Giovanni FELDER ETH Zurich Suisse

Sergio FERRERA Division Theorique CERN Suisse

Silvio FRANZ ICTP Trieste Italie

Katy FREESE Michigan Univ USA

Masafumi FUKUMA Kyoto Univ Jap on

Yan FYODOROV Essen Univ Allemagne

Laurent GALLOT Univ de Turin Italie

Enrique GAZTANAGA IEEC Barcelone Espagne

Francois GELIS LAPP AnnecyleVieux

Irene GIARDINA Oxford Univ UK

Harold GRIESSHAMMER Washington Univ Seattle USA

IlyaGRUZBERG Santa Barbara USA

Arthur HALPRIN Univ of Delaware USA

Thomas HALSEY Exxon Research Annandale USA

Johannes HAUSSMANN Univ Carl von Ossietzky Oldenburg Allemagne

Peter HASENFRATZ Univ de Berne Suisse

PaulHenri HEENEN ULB de Bruxelles Belgique

Malte HENKEL Univ de Nancy

Dan HONE ITP Santa Barbara USA

Jens HOPPE Postdam Allemagne

Romuald JANIK Univ de Cracovie Pologne

Rachel JEANNEROT SISSA Trieste Italie

JeanFrancois JOANNY Inst Charles Sadron Strasb ourg

Hannes JUNG DESY Hamburg Allemagne

Gordon KANE Univ of Mic higan USA

Stephane KELLER CERN Suisse


Imre KONDOR Univ Eotvos Budap est Hongrie

Charlotte KRISTJANSEN Niels Bohr Inst Cop enhague Danemark

Herve KUNZ Inst Phys Lausanne Suisse


Denis LACROIX Ganil Caen

Kurt LANGFELD Univ de Tubingen Allemagne

Stephane LAVIGNAC Univ de Bonn Allemagne

Michel Le BELLAC Inst Non Lineaire Nice

Andre LECLAIR Cornell Univ USA

Hyunkyu LEE Stony Bro ok USA


Andrei LEONIDOV Leb edev Inst Moscou Russie

Julien LESGOURGUES Sissa Trieste Italie

Lev LIPATOV SaintPetersburg Russie

Valeri LOUTCHNIKOV Univ de Rennes I

Nico demo MAGNOLI Univ de Genes Italie

Giusepp e MAIELLA Univ de Naples Italie

Uri MAOR Tel Aviv Univ Israel

Enzo MARINARI Univ de Cagliari Italie

Alexander MATVENKO JINR Dubna Russie

Nikolai MEDVEDEV Ins Cinet Novosibirsk Russie

Anita MEHTA Clarendon Lab Oxford UK

Ramon MENDEZGALAIN Univ de Montevideo Uruguay

JeanLouis MEUNIER SophiaAntip olis Nice

Jacques MEYER IPN Lyon

Frederic MILA Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse

Pronob MITTER Univ Montp ellier I I


Ugo MOSCHELLA Univ de Come Italie

Thomas MULLER Inst LaueLangevin Grenoble

Inno centMUTABAZI Univ du Havre

Taro NAGAO Osaka Univ Jap on

Henri Claude NATAF Lab Geophysique Grenoble

Carolina NEMES Heidelb ergMax Planck Inst Allemagne

Roland NETZ MPI Teltow Allemagne

Bruce NORMAND Univ de Bale Suisse

Enzo ORLANDINI Univ de Padoue Italie

Andrew OSBALDESTIN Loughb orough Univ UK

Gergely PALLA Univ Eotvos Hongrie

Olivier PARCOLLET Rutgers Univ USA

Paul PEARCE Univ de Melb ourne Australie

Karlo PENC Inst Phys Budap est Hongrie

Catherine PEPIN Oxford Univ Angleterre

Bengt PETERSSON Univ de Bielefeld Allemagne

Valentina PETKOVA Soa Bulgarie

Toni PICH Univ de Valencia Espagne

Iveta PIMENTEL Univ de Lisb onne Portugal

Alain POCHEAU Univ St Jerome Marseille

Didier POILBLANC Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse

Alain PUMIR Inst Non Lineaire de Nice

Anton REBHAN Vienna Univ Autriche

Thomas REISZ Univ Heidelb erg Allemagne

Patrick RICHARD Univ Rennes


Jonathan ROBBINS Bristol Univ UK

Janusz ROSIEK Univ de Varsovie Pologne

Mikhail RYSKIN Inst Nucl SaintPetersb ourg Russie


Gavin SALAM Univ de Milan Italie

Ara SEDRAKAYAN Yerevan Armenie

Qaisar SHAFI Bartol Inst Delaware USA

Pragya SHUKLA Indian Inst of Banglore Inde

Michelle SIMINIONATO Univ de Parme Italie

CP SINGH Univ de Benares Inde

Sergei SLAVIANOV Univ St Petersb ourg Russie

Lola SMARAGDA Division Theorique CERN Suisse

Dmitri SOKOLOVSKI Univ Belfast Univ UK

Vikram SONI Nat Phys Lab New Delhi Inde

Erik SORENSEN Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse

Nicolas SOURLAS ENS Paris

Raymond STORA LAPP AnnecyleVieux

Fumihiko SUGINO Inst Part Nucl Ibaraki Jap on

Istvan SZAPUDI Univ of Durham UK

Noburu TAKIGAWA Tokuru Univ Jap on

PatrickTALOU Los Alamos National Lab USA

Tamas TEMESVARI Eotvos Inst Budap est Hongrie

Veronique TERRAS ENS Lyon

Jean THIERY DEVM Cadarache

Gudmar THORLEIFSSON Univ de Bielefeld Allemagne

Julian TING INSERM Strasb ourg

Alexei TSVELIK Oxford Univ UK

Alexander TURBINER Univ de Mexico Mexique

E UEGAKI Akita Univ Jap on

JeanPhilipp e UZAN Univ de Geneve Suisse

Arkady VAINSHTEIN Univ of Minnesota USA

Ludovic van WAERBEKE Univ of Toronto Canada

Pierre VANHOVE DAMTP Cambridge UK

Gab or VATTAY Univ Eotvos Hongrie

Vicente VENTO Univ de Valencia Espagne


Achim WEIGUNY Univ de Munster Allemagne

Paul WIEGMANN Enrico Fermi Chicago USA

Kay WIESE Univ Essen Allemagne

Thomas WYNTER Princeton Univ USA

Michael ZAKS Inst Phys Postdam Allemagne

Alexei ZAMOLODCHIKOV Univ de Montp ellier

Philipp e ZANGG CRM Montreal Canada

BG ZHAKAROV Landau Inst Russie

Beata ZIAJA Univ Cracovie Pologne

Paul ZINNJUSTIN Rutgers Univ USA

Gennady ZINOVJEV CERN Suisse

Martin ZIRNBAUER Univ Cologne Allemagne

Rita ZORZENON dos SANTOS Univ de Fluminense Bresil