United States, Canada, and UK Fiber Processors V2.4 February 2010 CALIFORNIA Morro Fleece Works Alpaca Angora Llama Pygora Sheep Exotic Mohair Other 1920 Main Street Fibers: Yes No Yes Yes* Yes Yes Yes Dog Morro Bay, CA 93442 Dehair Yarn Packaging Roving Batts Felt Minimums Owner: Shari McKelvy Services: No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 805-772-9665 ℡ 805-772-9662 Fax Notes: Fibers: *Pygora Goat – Dehaired Only; Suri Alpaca; Roving: Pin drafted roving; Minimum: 2-lbs
[email protected] www.morrofleeceworks.com CALIFORNIA Ranch of the Oaks Alpaca Angora Llama Pygora Sheep Exotic Mohair Other 3269 Crucero Rd Fibers: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Lompoc, CA 93436 Dehair Yarn Packaging Roving Batts Felt Minimums Owner: Tom & Mette Goehring Services: Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 805-740-9808 ℡ 805-451-4104 Cell Notes: Fibers: Blend with silk & Bamboo; Roving: 50 yd. Bumps and 100-200 yard skeins; Minimum: 3-lbs. 805-714-2068 Cell #2
[email protected] www.ranchoftheoaks.com CALIFORNIA Suri-Al Pacas & Fibers Alpaca Angora Llama Pygora Sheep Exotic Mohair Other 54123 Dogwood Dr. Fibers: Yes No Yes Yes No* Yes Yes Yes North Fork, CA 93643 Dehair Yarn Packaging Roving Batts Felt Minimums Owner: Pat Peddicord Services: Yes Yes -- Yes No No Yes 559-877-7712 ℡ Notes: Fibers: *Wool No – Except in blends; Allergic to wool; Other: Bamboo, Camel, Soy,
[email protected] Silk; Minimum: 8-oz. but minimum charge is 1-lb www.surialpacas.com Prepared by the Donaty’s for the benefit of those who love Fiber and Fiber Arts Page 1 of 17 Forward all updates to Mary Donaty at:
[email protected] February 2010 Disclaimer on Page 17 United States, Canada, and UK Fiber Processors V2.4 February 2010 COLORADO DVA Fiber Processing, LLC Alpaca Angora Llama Pygora Sheep Exotic Mohair Other 1281 S.