THE SUPERS REPORT JUNE- 2013 Vol. 20 Issue 06

This Super’s Report is one that will be short and maybe sweet. Short being that it won't be MAP for 9 JUNE MEET IN RENOVO AREA long and sweet being that you won't have too much to read from me. The weather is warming up and most of us are now outside doing work in the yard? Good weather for G scale outside layouts. The rest of us are probably working on our layouts off and on. Our Jamboree I think went well. We had a number of members there to put the layout up and ready to run on Friday evening. Things just on Saturday, the day of the show. It moved along well. I believe the members also did a great job. The next meeting is at Paul's and we’ll run his lay- out of the during the 1950's. Come and run on the layout and have some good fel- lowship. See you there, ROLLY FUN TIMES ON By Bob Ginter In 1982 I was riding the Texas Eagle to San Antonio. Bob Ginter's mom died; "Roland Miller" We stopped in Fort Worth for fuel and a crew change. I was not as lucky as a few of you guys that you got to (Trains magazine reported the Eagle switched to KCS for know one really special lady. The lady I talk about is Bob a few miles then to SP for the rest. The KCS job was Ginter's mother, Frances. I learned that she was what us the shortest trip in America, a full day pay for a few guys might say a lucky girl, because her Dad worked for miles.) We stopped near Tower 55 and there outside the PRR and got to see a lot of places that PRR went. So was a GP7R and a slug. Spotless. No way a picture. she must have had to drag young Bob kicking and scream- Here comes the Conductor. “Can I get off and get a pic- ing (LOL) to the train and railroad hobby. All I can say is ture of them?” “Sure, here is my radio, I’ll call you.” Thank you Frances for dragging poor Bobby into this hobby. There are probably many stories that many of our How about that!?!? Off I go, a few prints, a few slides members can tell? Thanks for dragging him into the and run back on. The other passengers just stared. hobby so we get to pick on each other. Bob, all I can say In the mid 90’s AAA offered a free Amtrak ticket is THANK YOU for letting us be a part of your mom’s with purchase of one using your card. BINGO life. Little Rodney and I are going to . We ride Rolly and the Div 11 members- down on the , and take the Broadway Lim- ited back (or Vice Versa). On the return Rodney is hungry. I give him a few dollars and send him back to the diner. After I relate this to his mother, My sister, she Redbank Railroad is appalled. “You let him go alone???. “Yea, it’s going Rolly Miller Owner/Operator 70 MPH. How’s he going to get off ?? Offices at: 110 Hamilton St. New Bethlehem, PA 16242 Email: [email protected] I bet your MOM was proud of you that time. ED

Transportation for: Oil, Fuel, Coal, and Lumber through the forests of Elk, Forest, Jefferson, McKean, and Warren Counties. Northwest PA. Since 1947 DCC The New York Electric Air Line Railroad By Bob Netzlof (Sweet Old Bob) It piques my interest because, as nearly as I can deter- mine, the proposed route would have passed through The closing years of the 19th Century were a heady time. southern Elk or northern Jefferson county (The data are “We can make it bigger, better, faster, more powerful. We have fuzzy, and every time I run the numbers I get a different the technology!” As the old century closed and the new one answer.) Calculating based on two points on the grade out began, dreamers and schemers alike looked eagerly to the fu- in Indiana, the line would have passed just south of the ture. What marvels where yet to be achieved? In the next few Ridgway reservoir and continued on through downtown years, many were achieved. The Wright boys from Dayton got a Ridgway. Doing the same based on the eastern end of the heavier than air contraption to actually fly. That Ford fellow grade and a point in downtown Weehawken says the line was setting up a factory where they made automobiles one after would have crossed US 119 about half-way between Eri- another, like peas in a pod. ton and Sykesville.

Others were hatching grand schemes in transportation. Iron- No doubt about it, the Chicago New York Electric Air hulled, steam-powered ocean-going ships were getting bigger Line qualifies as a ghost railroad, particularly ghostly in and faster. The continuing success of the Suez Canal had people this case. It never had a chance. Imagine what it would looking again at that failed Isthmian Canal project down in take in terms of cuts, fills, tunnels, viaducts to maintain Central America, and a party of Army Engineers was in Nicara- “uniform grade” and “straight line” across the Allegheny gua surveying route for a canal there, in case the Isthmian route Plateau Division. But it's nice to dream. Think of the rail- didn't pan out. Folks in Europe were drumming up interest in a fanning possibilities. Arise bright and early, drive a few tunnel under the English Channel, some blue-sky thinkers were miles, spend a morning watching and photographing the pushing for a tunnel under the Bering Strait to connect Alaska 75+ mph trains as they whiz by, then an easy trip back with Siberia, and another party of Army Engineers was survey- home for lunch. ing a route for a railroad to connect North and South America. The modeling possibilities are more exciting. No need Some never worked out, of course. The Bering Strait Tunnel worry to about whether one's minimum radius is too tight, tripped over the fact that once you get to Siberia, there is an there are no curves. No need to fuss with adjusting trucks awful lot of Siberia between you and the eastern end of the to swivel freely, they don't need to swivel. No need for a Trans-Siberian Railway. For that matter, getting to Alaska is no helix. No need for a room, even. You can build a proto- treat. Some railroads were built in Mexico and Central America typically correct layout on a 6 inch wide shelf in a hall- on the route proposed for the Panamericano, but nothing close way. With the prototype's continuous 75+ mph speed no to a continuous line. The Channel Tunnel did eventually get need for DCC, OnBoard, nor a rheostat, just a ON/OFF done, but some 80 years later. switch. With constant speed on dead straight track on a barely perceptible grade, both Proto Operation Purists and While this was going on, some folks organized a company to KODTRAK enthusiasts could be satisfied all at the same build and operate the Chicago New York Electric Air Line Rail- time. All you would need would be an electric locomotive, road. (In those days “air line” meant what we today mean by half a dozen coaches, and probably a diner. “bee line” or “as the crow flies”.) They envisioned a railroad which started in downtown Chicago, more or less followed the shore of Lake Michigan until it was south of the lake, then a straight shot from there to New York (actually, to Weehawken or Hoboken or some such).

Rather than dirty, smelly, smoke belching steam locomotives, trains would be drawn by electric locomotives of unprecedented power, traveling the entire distance at an average rate of 75 miles in each hour! Ten hours or less for a trip which the steam Solution to last month's puzzle: railroads, following their old-fashioned, curvy, hilly, round- EAST BROAD TOP COAL AND RAILROAD COMPANY about routes strained to do in 18 hours. Truly a Marvel of Mod- ern Technology! This month's puzzle started in life as a narrow gauge railroad, became the property of a well-known coal company which It is not clear whether the promoters of this grand plan were lengthened and widened it. Then it was absorbed into charlatans, or merely naïve. The company did actually construct The Standard Railroad of The World. a line from Gary to Portage, then blew their construction funds on massive embankments across valleys east of Portage 6 words (remember, “uniform grade”). The company floundered on, operating conventional street cars between Gary and Portage, AAAAAA C DD EEE H II LL M NNNNNNN OOO then finally gave up the ghost. PP RRRR SS TT V W YY The McKays stormed into Strasburg The convention attendance was over 500, a new re- Thursday morning and discovered cord, and there were at least twice as many models they were to be on a shop tour that displayed, now that this organization has done away very hour. With some negotiating, with model contests. The lectures were, as always, we spent the first several hours of truly befitting of the Standard Railroad of the World. our vacation at the PRRT&HS The banquet was at the museum, on one of the large convention learning about Belpaire platforms. All of the layout tours were much to the east on Sunday afternoon, a real pity for someone from the Allegheny Plateau! fire boxes, stay bolts threaded and either peened or with a huge nut, and top sheet thickness with formulas. I must say it was riveting, because there was some of that too. THE ARRAY OF MA- CHINERY FROM AN- CIENT TO FULLY COM- PUTERIZED WAS SUR- PRISING IN THEIR MOD- Above, Strasburg Model Railroad Club module of the EST BUT QUITE COM- museum, with correct equipment in place! Large HO. PLETE SHOP. THEY DO STEAM, DIESEL AND COACH WORK, PLUS BOILER WORK FOR SMALL GAUGE EQUIP- MENT. I WAS SCHEDULED FOR THE SHOP TOUR ACROSS THE STREET, BUT ONE GRAND TOUR PER VACATION Can you believe this is N scale, the fruit of a published SEEMED TO BE A LIMIT. I article by Doug Nelson. Has tender drive. ATTENDED A COUPLE OF LECTURES AND DISPLAYS HO module of Lane below OF RARE BACK ROOM ITEMS AT THE MUSEUM, AND TOOK SCADS OF HORRIBLE PICTURES OF THE E44 IN HOPES OF FINISHING MY SHAPEWAYS PROJECT BACK HOME.

Pennsylvania RR Co. Susquehanna Division - Eastern Region Construction & Transportation Office at 1267 Treasure Lake Dubois, PA 15801

N Scale/Digitrax DCC

Division Super: Bob McKay [email protected] The Regional at Dayton Track work on the Northern Division With Paul Kurutz and Galon Tonell Wednesday I picked Galon up about 9am and seven Track work between Drury and Driftwood is coming hours later got to the Convention Center . Wed night we along. At Westport a coal tipple and siding is in- signed up for the Dalmatian Switching District. The little stalled. The siding was completed and DG Wertz coal layout was quite challenge We spent an hour switching company out of Greensburg will soon be building industries. Saturday morning we ran into Alan Keller of their coal tipple there to load for Berwind. The re- Great Model Railroad Videos. He invited us to sit with him alignment of track from Keating to Driftwood is com- and Jim Heidger of MR to have breakfast. Eight o'clock we pleted. There were a few minor adjustments in grades were on the road to our ops session at Bob Bartizkin that needed to be reworked. At Driftwood, switches in Lebanon. This is a fantastic o-scale layout in a 70 X 30 and a crossover waere installed for the Low Grade basement. All steam Pennsy; Friar eat your heart out. connection. A third rail was installed at Keating for Everything ran like a Swiss watch. At noon, we were on the interchange with the NYC line to Clearfield and to our way to the Cincinnati Model Railroad Club. This also keep a set of pushers when needed for trains going was an 0-scale layout. Their club is in the basement of a West. church. This is the W.Va & Harmony Creek RR. Galon At Emporium major improvement have been taking was working the yard, I had a couple of road jobs and a place. The sidings to several industries have been re- local switch job. Everything ran great. This was another lined. A new turntable was installed along with a great layout. We managed one clinic Thurs. night. roundhouse rebuilt and repositioned. Several new Friday we had another morning ops session at Curt switches have been installed at Emporium and a team LaRue’s In West Chester. Curt does the PRR Panhandle track on the lower end of Emporium yard. On the Division from Steubenville to Burgettstown. Trains run Ridgway branch, scenery continues to make progress from Steubenville out and back. This is a very nice layout. going to Phillipston. No work has been done in Phil- Curt uses Lenz DCC and all of his motive power runs lipston yard this year. flawlessly. In the Afternoon we went to Entertainment Junction. On Friday back from the Cincinnati Club we stopped there but they were closing and we were invited back the next day . This is an amazing place, it starts in the early 1800’s transitioning up to modern day 2013. His latest addition will be Coney Island. As we were finishing up our tour, he led us behind the scene where they do all the building of the layout. Friday night we were going to the BOD but got hung up, doing some more of the switch- ing layout. Saturday morning we went to Jim Rollange’s lay- Signals have been delivered and two are installed in out, The Denver & Pacific in dc. Jim operates with a dis- the area between Westport and Keating, but will be patcher and switch list. Trains are ten car length. Lots of inoperatable for some time. A signal bridge is in place local & long passenger trains; Steam and diesel, Big boys, at Driftwood but signals have not been built as of yet.. Challengers, twelve wheelers, Passengers trains are Steam Coal trains seem to be steady along with freight to and and Diesel. Saturday afternoon Galon checking how much from Erie. Emporium yard is very active. booty he had won. I got pulled over in a speed trap at a Hope to see everyone on June 9 We will be starting school zone and —yes—I was above the speed limit. I got about 10am or so. off with only a warning. PAUL Paul Kurutz

MERCHANDISE SERVICE PRR NORTHERN DIVI- SION Mainline from Drury Tower to Riblet Yard Paul Kurutz HO/Lenz DCC Lewistown & The Shoe Sandy and I rode behind Engine 765 along with two Heri- tage Units PRR and Conrail on Saturday the 25th starting at Lewistown Station going West thru Altoona around the curve thru the loop at Galitzon and back to Altoona for a two hour layover. We walked a block or so East and North to Texas Hotdogs on 12th ave. and had probably the best dogs with sauce I have had along with fries a coffee and soda all quite reasonably priced I might add. We then boarded at Altoona and headed back to Lewis- town. It was a Great Ride! Feeling that steam engine pulling the grade at the curve was awesome. We were in NS 28 and the 7th car back from the power so we had good views thru the window of the 765 working. I have never seen so many fans lining the right of way as well as Horseshoe Curve and had my photo taken more times than I can count. I will try and send some photos but the camera battery was dead from the get go so did not get any stellar shots however photos don't tell the tale as you had to be there to experience it. NS also was gracious enough to have lots of trains running including an oil train headed by the Interstate RR unit as well as a Hertzog Unit stone train which required four pushers to get it up the hill. All in all a really cool day. Spoke to Rich McCartey who was in line with his Mrs to board at Lewistown. Only person I saw that I knew out of the 600 or so on board.



2013 Station Stops and Host OFFICERS& COMMITTEE Heads JAN Brookville Gary Lasher SUPERINTENDENT: Rolly Miller [email protected] 814-275-2521 FEB Punxy Bill Drummond ASST SUPER/Events: Harry Dunworth [email protected] 814-371-2616 MAR Chicora Howard Heltman TREASURER: Bob McKay [email protected] 814-591-5415 APR StMarys Larry Brown CHIEF CLERK: Steve Waltman [email protected] 814-849-3398 MAY Dubois Mall JAMBOREE N/L EDITOR: Bill Drummond [email protected] 814-938-6173 JUN Renovo Paul Kurutz N/L PUBLISHER: Bob McKay [email protected] 814-372-2065 JUL Field Trip KISKI RR ACHIEVEMENT Paul Kurutz [email protected] 330-592-1800 AUG Reynoldsville Galon Tonell BRING&BRAG Steve Waltman [email protected] 814-849-3398 SEP St. Marys Alan Morean MODULE PROGRAM: Larry Brown [email protected] 814-335-4714 OCT NewBethlehem Rolly Miller ACHV’NT PRG: Chris Lasher lasher,[email protected] 814-856-2354 NOV Treasure Lake Bob McKay BUILD&BRING Chris Lasher lasher,[email protected] 814-856-2354 DEC Dubois BANQUET WEBMASTER/MEM: Bob Netzlof [email protected] Bring & Brag Highlights for MAY 2013

Steve Waltman B&B Chairman As a reminder, all modelers must register their models on the Sign-Up sheet. Fill out a descrip- tion card for your model. One model, each Date: Friday, May 24, 2013 11:03 AM 5/6 amx1343 Green & white engine with G&W #45,,5/7 1346amx Green&Whute,102,3119. 5/8 3343,3342,452,3301,302 A&R with 82 cars., 5/8 Bill Drummond 20 Rolly Miller 7 6072,3332,459,3301, 60car coal train out lady jane. 5/9 3341,458,3323,2031,3119 northbound. 5/20 Larry Brown 15 Bob Ginter 6 462,3328 OhioCentral,3345,3064 ,95cars Harry Dunworth 13 Bob McKay 6 northbound.44 &3119 at FC yard using as switchers.

Rich McCarty 10 Chris Lasher 5

Bruce Slinger- Bob Netzlof 10 land 4

Gary Lasher 10 Zack Roush 4 Truble Report IDispr NX, Punxy Pa Jan 22 - 1964 Mike Rabbitt 10 Alan Morean 3 Weather 12 noon 78 to 96 part coudy calm. Paul Kurutz 7 Galon Tonell 3 300pm Chif dispr HSB Weather 90 clear calm ,12 mn Sala reports heavy fog. SWTR de- Bring & Brag Categories for 2012/2013 layed 55mns pickup 32 loads 1 mty at June ’13 mineral handling car Mosgrove. Inc 31 coke. NETR delayed at July ’13 open loads - anything Fennelton 55mins , meet SWTR, delay due to August ’13 something kitbashed both NETR and SWTR having to long train to September - RR related Structure October - RR intermodal related meet at Cowan. November - Your latest project Punxy,Pa. Dec 3 1963 Work extra 8422 Condr January ’14 – open loads - mineral Carmody, Engr Bright, Ordered E Sala. 645-am February ’14 - Something whimsical - would to work between Bradford and Mt Jewett Train a RR really own one of these? rady at 815am at 845am Engr Bribht reported March ’14 – work train cars/equipment trouble with feed valve Unit 8422 - repairs made This is the standing schedule for the B& B for and Eng ok at 930am train dep 932am. Delayed 2013/14. Please note any changes from previ- 2hr 30mins. OHF OF. ous schedules and this schedule may be subject to change at any time and also as needed to ac- commodate meeting schedules and locations. Updated 2-19-2013

The Is Published Pittsburg & Shawmut RR MONTHLY by - DIVISION 11 MCR NMRA Inc. Main Line from Freeport to Brockway, PA - with interchanges at Mosgrove and Brookville - Articles for contribution may be hand written, E-mail, or - Mosgrove [Chessie] - Brookville [Conrail] - Brockway [Chessie] - sent in WORD FORMAT To Bill Drummond EDITOR [email protected] Office Located at: Digitrax DCC 37 Short Street Control System Notice! Subscription Rates are now $12 a year, due each Brookville, PA 15825 HO Point to Point Phone (814) 849-6227 Jan. 1 Add $5 additional if you prefer a monthly Pike AD. Operation Check or M/O payable to : DIV 11 MCR NMRA Inc. Mail Al Crate—Superintendent & CEO The TIMETABLE CONGRATULATIONS! By Bob Netzlof

NEWS FLASH FROM DAYTON Jun 5-9 National Garden Railway Convention Cincinnati OH PAUL KURUTZ TAKES Jun 6 50th Anniversary Celebration Rockhill Furnace PA POPULAR VOTE Jun 8 Youngstown Steel Muesum Open House Youngstown OH Jun 8 Work Car Day 2013 Rockhill Furnace PA BEST-IN-SHOW Jun 9 Allegheny Plateau Division Mee ting Shintown PA Jun 15-16 OC & T RR Train and Hobby Show Titusville PA Jun 22-23 Great Scale Model Train Show Timonium MD Jun 26-30 National N Scale Convention Milwaukee WI Jun 29 Steamtown Excursion - Delaware Water Gap Scranton PA Jul 4 Buffalo Harbor Tour Buffalo NY Jul 12 Allegheny Plateau Division Field Trip Schenley PA Jul 13 Steamtown Excursion - Gouldsboro Scranton PA Jul 13-14 Greenberg's Great Train Show Monroeville PA Jul 20-21 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix & Car Show Pittsburgh PA Jul 14-20 NMRA National Convention Atlanta GA Jul 20 Buffalo Harbor Tour Buffalo NY Jul 20-21 Model Train Flea Market Williams Grove PA Aug 4 Buffalo Harbor Tour Buffalo NY Aug 8-11 Steel Mill Modeling Seminar & Workshop Kent OH Aug 10 Summerail at CUT Cincinnati OH Aug 11 Allegheny Plateau Division Meeting Reynoldsville PA Aug 17-18 Pennsylvania Elk Expo Benezette PA Aug 18 Buffalo Harbor Tour Buffalo NY Aug 18 Northeastern Ohio Train Show Niles OH Aug 17-18 Lake Shore Rwy Museum Steam Weekend North East PA Aug 28-31 National Narrow Gauge Convention Pasadena CA Aug 28-Sep 1 Magarac Society Meet Pittsburgh PA

E44b #4465 at the Railroad Museum of Pennsyl- Now a stub siding, vania . If you have never been to Strasburg, this will soon be the there is equipment from all over the state on PRR lead to John- display, not to mention the Strasburg RR across sonburg, with im- the street. Those shiny surfaces were obviously portant industry not made by Shapeways. tracks for the paper mill.

BR&P Railway Co. 109 Jackson Run Road Punxsutawney, PA 15767 Butler to Bradford 1st & 2nd Main Subdivisions

Agent: W.R. Drummond [email protected] HO Digitrax since 99’ JUNE 9 Host: Paul Kurutz 24 George st. Renovo PA 17764 NEW WORLD TRAINS Tele # 570-923-2001 E [email protected] Specializing in HO scale FRATESCHI electric trains of Brazil

B & B: Mineral Handling Car Email: [email protected] We are going to serve sloppy joe, ham & cheese, roast beef & cheese sandwiches; macaroni Alan C. Morean Rolling Stock that is salad, and devil eggs! There will be donuts, cook- 19 Cedar Avenue NOT on everybody St. Marys, PA 15857 ies, brownies to snack on. We have pop &water to else’s layout! drink. You can bring chips, pretzels and drinks which will also be appreciated. PAUL BUFFALO & PITTSBURGH RR A Model Representation Dreaming About Your Business Since 1993

MIKE ZOLLITSCH, GENERAL MANAGER General Offices: Phone (570) 398-1022


Fischel’s Hobby Center TRAIN RIDE at KISKI Jct. 517 LIBERTY BLVD., DUBOIS, PA 15801 Check with Super Rolly Miller. N, HO, LGB, LIONEL TRAINS, RC CARS, RC PLANES PLASTIC MODELS, ROCKETS,WOOD BOAT MODELS There will be a Lunch at a restaurant . DIE CAST CARS, DOLL HOUSES, BALSA A meeting and B & B OPEN LOADS (anythng) GAMES, ARIBRUSHES, X-ACTO & DREMEL “YOUR BETTER HOBBY SHOP” Opinions of the Authors are not necessarily those of Division 11

INSIDE NMRA MCR Division 11 A is for Amtrak C/O Bill Drummond Editor 109 Jackson Run Road B is for B&B Punxsutawney, PA 15767

C is for Chi-NY

D is for Dayton TO: H is for da Shoe

S is for Strasburg

W is for Winner

Visit our Division at