Sue Donaldson

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Sue Donaldson Sue Donaldson Independent Researcher, Author, and Animal Advocate (Kingston, Canada) Research Associate, Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University (since 2016) Co-founder of Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (APPLE) at Queen’s Email: [email protected] Mail: Department of Philosophy, Watson Hall, Queen’s University, Kingston ON, Canada, K7L 3N6 Academic Publications BOOK Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. Co- authored with Will Kymlicka. 329 pp. Paperback edition, 2013. • Awarded the 2013 Biennial Book Prize, Canadian Philosophical Association. • Topic of symposia in Historical Social Research Vol. 40/4 (2015), pp. 47-69; Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol 23/3 (2015) pp. 282-344; Law, Ethics and Philosophy, Vol. 1 (2013) pp. 113-160; Journal of Animal Ethics, Vol. 3/2 (2013), pp. 188-219; Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, Vol. 52/4 (2013), pp. 725-86; and Les Cahiers Antispécistes, numéro 37 (2015). • Topic of joint meeting of Canadian Philosophical Association and Canadian Political Science Association, June 2013; meeting of the German Political Science Association, March 2014; and Institute for Value Studies workshop at the University of Winchester, June 2016. • Translated into German as Zoopolis: Eine politische Theorie der Tierrechte (Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2013), 608 pp. • Translated into Turkish as Zoopolis: Hayvan Haklarinin Siyasal Kurami (KU Press, Istanbul, 2016), 358 pp. • Translated into French as Zoopolis: une théorie politique des droits des animaux (Alma Editeur, Paris, 2016) 408 pp. • Translated into Polish (Oficyna 21, Warsaw), forthcoming • Translated into Japanese (Shogakusha, Tokyo, 2016), 406 pp. • Translated into Spanish (Editorial Ad-Hoc, Buenos Aires), forthcoming • Chapter 2 excerpted as “Universal Basic Rights for Animals” in the Animal Ethics Reader 3rd edition, eds.: Susan J Armstrong and Richard G. Botzler (Routledge), forthcoming 2017. • Chapter 5 excerpted (in French translation) as “Des productions animals sans exploitation des animaux?” Les Cahiers antispécistes, numéro 38 (2016) 1 ARTICLES/CHAPTERS: Forthcoming “Rights”, in Lori Gruen (ed) Critical Terms in Animal Studies (University of Chicago Press). [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Children and Animals” in Gideon Calder, Jurgen De Wispelaere and Anca Gheaus (eds) The Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Childhood and Children (Routledge). [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Metics, Members and Citizens” in Rainer Bauböck (ed) Democratic Inclusion: A Pluralist Theory of Citizenship: Rainer Bauböck in Dialogue (Manchester University Press). [Co- authored with Will Kymlicka] “Inclusive Citizenship beyond the Capacity Contract” in Ayelet Shachar, Irene Bloemraad, Maarten Vink and Rainer Bauböck (eds) Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (Oxford University Press). [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Rethinking Membership and Participation in an Inclusive Democracy: Cognitive Disability, Children, Animals” in Barbara Arneil and Nancy Hirschmann (eds) Disability and Political Theory (Cambridge University Press). [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Animals in Political Theory” in Linda Kalof (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies (Oxford University Press). Article published online July 2015. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] 2016 “Locating Animals in Political Philosophy”, Philosophy Compass, Vol. 11/1 (2016), pp. 692- 701. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Between Wild and Domesticated”, in Bernice Bovenkerk and Jozef Keulartz (eds) Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring boundaries in human-animal relationships (Springer 2016), pp. 225-239. [co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Make it So: Envisaging a Zoopolitical Revolution” in Paola Cavalieri (ed) Philosophy and the Politics of Animal Liberation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 71-116. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “A Sustainable Campus: The Sydney Declaration on Interspecies Sustainability”, Animal Studies Journal, Vol. 5/1, (2016), pp. 110-151. [Co-authored with Probyn-Rapsey, Fiona; Ioannides, George; Lea, Tess; Marsh, Kate; Neimanis, Astrida; Potts, Annie; Taylor, Nick; Twine, Richard; Wadiwel, Dinesh; and White, Stuart] 2015 2 “Animal Citizenship” in Byron Williston (ed) Environmental Ethics for Canadians, second edition (Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 39-43. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] • Translated into German as “Staatsbürgerschaft” in Arianna Ferrari and Klaus Petrus (eds) Lexikon der Mensch/Tier-Beziehungen (Transcript Publishers, Bielefeld, 2015), 329-333. “Farmed Animal Sanctuaries: The Heart of the Movement?” Politics & Animals, Vol. 1 (2015), pp. 50-74. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] • Reprinted, in abridged form, in Animal Lovers (Verlag der nGbK, Berlin) forthcoming “Interspecies Politics: Reply to Hinchcliffe and Ladwig” The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 23/3 (2015), pp. 321-344. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “From Polis to Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights” in Karen Wendling (ed) Ethics in Canada: Ethical, Social and Political Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2015), pp. 255-63. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] • Translated into German as “Von der Polis zur Zoopolis: Eine politische Theorie der Tierrechte” in Friederike Schmitz (ed) Tierethik: Grundlagentexte (Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2014), 548-583. • Translated into Spanish in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Criticos Animales, forthcoming “Animal Rights and Aboriginal Rights”, in Vaughan Black, Peter Sankoff and Katie Sykes (eds), Perspectives on Animals and the Law in Canada (Irwin Law, 2015), pp. 159-186. [Co- authored with Will Kymlicka] • To be reprinted/excerpted in Eldon Soifer, ed. Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians (7th edition, forthcoming) 2014 “Animal Rights, Multiculturalism and the Left”, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. 45/1 (2014), pp. 116-135. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Unruly Beasts: Animal Citizens and the Threat of Tyranny”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 47/1 (2014), pp. 23-45. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Animals and the Frontiers of Citizenship”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 34/2 (2014), pp. 200-219. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] • Translated into German as “Bill and Lou in der Zoopolis: Über Tiere als Mitbürger,” in Mittelweg 36 (Hamburg) Vol. 23 (2014), 5-26. • Translated into French as “Étendre la citoyenneté aux animaux”, in Tracés: Revue de sciences humaines, Vol. 15 (2015), 139-166. • Translated into Spanish in Derecho y Humanidades (Universidad de Chile, forthcoming) 2013 3 “Reply: Animal Citizenship, Liberal Theory and the Historical Moment”, Dialogue, Vol. 52/4 (2013), pp. 769-86. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “Reply to Svärd, Nurse, and Ryland”, Journal of Animal Ethics, Vol. 3/2 (2013), pp. 208-219. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] “A Defense of Animal Citizens and Sovereigns”, Law, Ethics and Philosophy, Vol. 1/1 (2013), pp. 143-160. [Co-authored with Will Kymlicka] INTERVIEWS: “Die Theorie multikultureller Bürgerrechte eröffnet auch eine spannende Perspektive auf die Frage der Tierrechte”, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Vol. 62/1 (2014): pp. 108– 119. [Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka interviewed by Hilal Sezgin.] “Liberalism and Animal Rights: An Interview with Sue Donaldson” Published online by Human Animal Research Network, University of Sydney (2014). [Sue Donaldson interviewed by Dinesh Wadiwel.] content/uploads/2014/09/Liberalism-and-animal-rights.pdf “An Interview with Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka”, Between the Species Vol 17/1 (2014): pp. 140-165. [Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka interviewed by Angus Taylor.] “Women’s Rights, Civil Rights…Animal Rights?” CBC Radio program “Tooth and Claw”, July 30, 2013. [Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka interviewed by Peter Brown.] REVIEWS “Linking Animal Ethics and Animal Welfare Science” (2016) Animal Sentience 2016.051 (Vol. 1, issue 5, article 5), 1-4. [Commentary on Donald Broom, co-authored with Will Kymlicka] Academic Talks & Workshops Guest speaker (via Skype) to discuss Zoopolis, in Dr. Andrew Fenton’s course: ‘Work in Critical Animal Philosophy’ (PHIL 4220/5220), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Dec. 6, 2016. Guest speaker to discuss “Queen’s Animal Defence: A Profile in Advocacy” in Dr. Samantha King’s course: ‘Animals, Health & Society’ (HLTH 495) Queen’s University, Nov. 8, 2016. Panelist for author’s panel at Kingston’s inaugural VegFest, October 22, 2016. Speaker at “Zoopolis Examined” workshop at Institute for Value Studies, University of Winchester, June 6, 2016. 4 “Inclusive Citizenship” presentation at The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship Authors’ Conference, European University Institute, June 2-4, 2016. (Co-presented with Will Kymlicka). Commentator on Eva Meijer’s “Interspecies encounters and the political turn: from dialogues to deliberation” at the workshop on “Political Animals: Agency, Participation, and Representation”, Montreal, March 5, 2016. Co-sponsored by APPLE, and the Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ) at the Université de Montréal. Skype participant in University of Sydney workshop on “Veg*n Sustainability” sponsored by the Human-Animal Research Network (HARN)), February 16, 2016. “Interspecies Politics” talk at panel on “Animal Rights and Political Theory”, American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division) annual meeting, Washington DC, January 9, 2016 (Co-presented with Will Kymlicka).
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