URBANISM and ECOLOGY Carlos Lope Tamara Martínez 17-06-2016 Carles Crosas Jorge Perea BCN El Papiol

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URBANISM and ECOLOGY Carlos Lope Tamara Martínez 17-06-2016 Carles Crosas Jorge Perea BCN El Papiol BCN_El Papiol Description Territory New connections Analysis: Possible Hipothesis El Papiol is a town located in the region In the present territory we have the The new connection, between AP-7 and A-2 The project hypothesis includes the of Bajo Llobregat (Barcelona), which presence of Mountain Collserola, right on (El Papiol-Castellbisbal), with 2.4 km continuity of Collserola through a linear stretches between the mountain ranges of the edge of the beginning. This position long, will join the Baix Llobregat park located on the edge of Rubí Stream. Collserola, the Llobregat river and the can produce new connections with motorway (A-2) and the Mediterranean stream of Ruby. It has a population Collserola, acting on the edges, and new motorway (AP-7) up to Castellbisbal / Is about sewing all limits between the around 4000 people. Most of the points of interest. Papiol. It will also connect with the Stream and the entrance of Collserola. municipality is surrounded by mountains, C-1413 through a roundabout at different with the highest top Puig Madrona (336 m) All this set can create a new entry to levels. Much of the route will consist The new park will be provide of different and a large part of the park is part of Barcelona, a new door in Barcelona. of two viaducts over the river Llobregat. areas of outdoor sports using the natural Collserola. resources of the area like Papiol and Now, there is not a good connection Berta quarries. About the history, the municipality was between both tracks, because you have to formed on a hill 160 meters high, around go through the toll Martorell or make an Also will take advantage of the rest of the castle, which is documented since extra journey of 12 km, down the A-2 to natural resources like the large area 1115. In 1315, population had grown link Sant Vicenç dels Horts and returning formed by the industries roofs. enough, so that the parish church was up the AP-7. The new connection will save Solar panels: industries roof moved to the Ermita de la Salud (then these tours to many heavy vehicles. called Santa Eulàlia de Madrona) to the village.Traditionally, it had been a small agricultural and industrial center, with textile industries, but nowadays is a residential center. Barcelona door Barcelona door B-30 Industry: local resources River Llobregat This concept is related to do more effective the organization of the Currently there Rubí treatment plant, resources that we have in the region, for example River LLobregat or the located in the Rubí Stream, whose large area of industrial roof tha we can use to place solar panels and function is to treat the water down the generate energy through our own resources area. stream, whose waters are polluted because of the insdustria pollution in the area. It is also about optimize logistics: reduce the presence of trucks and vans New connections in the city and limit it only in our area, due to high pollution produced by In this way, the water from the Rubí B-30 this type of transport and the amounts that this type represents. Stream comes to River LLobregat previously treated, avoiding Therefore, is about linking production sites to consumption sites. contaminating the LLobregat. Through the deflection of the River Llobregat we can generate a waterfall whose total height from the beginning to the end of the deflection, it produces a 15 meters of altitude. Through this deflection of the River Llobregat, we can generate energy and use this energy to supply the industry located in this area. Actual section Resources of the area Current industry Llobregat River deflection Hypothesis Papiol quarry Berta quarry Berta quarry Papiol quarry Developed area Residential areas Connector park Opportunity zones River Llobregat Rubí Stream New connections New link point River deflection The Llobregat deflection allows create a new source of energy in the area using their own resources to supply energetically the industry located on the banks of the river or in the same area. At the same time, that strategy allows to create new spaces and new routes in the riverbanks of LLobregat. The water jump is produced through microturbines located in different sections of the river. Llobregat River deflection ETSAB- dARQ Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona Professors: Project: Page 1 N URBANISM AND ECOLOGY Carlos Lope_Tamara Martínez 17-06-2016 Carles Crosas_Jorge Perea BCN_El Papiol.
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