
.' ~ THEATRE Weather' Review Plrtly cloudy focI,y Ind hnl,ht. Hl,h focI,y Ql 'owan in the lOs. Further outlGok for Frid4ly: Selt· t.red thund.r,,",wen with little eMn.. In See Page 3 Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City

Established in 1868 Aasociated Prell Leued Wire aDd Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Thursday, July 12, 1962, Iowa City, Iowa o3 "3 o ) 2 0 o 0 3 Q Summer Visitors Find Iowa o2 ) 2 o 0 ~ ~ Several Thousand Protest 1 0 4 1 Not As Bad As Stereotype 5 0 1 0 1 3 By SUZANNE MONTGOMERY with their surroundings during the \hought the Amana colonIes were 1 0 Staff Writer first few weeks. IDteresting and unique. Many of o 0 o 0 Few families, having spent most Activities for the families have the families who toured there have 1 I of their lives in New York City, included a Fourth of July picnic gone back again. ?:I IZ Washington, D.C., or Pasadena, and a tour of the Amana colonies. Mrs_ Anthony B. Giordano, wife Canadian Calif., would choose Iowa as the Medicare Plan Plans are being made for a boat· of Dr. Anthony B. Giordano, de· o1 "3 ideal place to spend an 6-week ~ . o 1 ing exsursion on the Mississippi partment of Electrical Engineer­ o 0 summer vacalion. But the wives this weekend . ing, Polytechnic Institute of Brook­ J 0 and children of over 20 participants 2 0 The families themselves are en­ lyn, Brooklyn, New York, was espe· 2 0 in the summer space study insti­ joying themselves in a variety of cially thrilled by the children in Demonstrate o 0 tute as sur who chose to come Campus Chief 1 0 ways. Activities mentioned include Iowa. 8 0 along to Iowa City for the 8 week swimming, horseback riding, learn­ "Children here are a joy with a 4 0 program are finding that, for the ing to play tennis. rea6ing, study­ capital J," sald Mrs. Giordano. 4 I In Support 1 0 most part, they lovc it! ing at the University, working, They arc cleon, well-bred, pollte, 3 2 Resignation o 0 The study institute, which in· playing bridge. attending concerts, bronzed and all beautiful. o 0 volves leading scientists from all attending plays, relaxing and en­ People in Iowa City are friendly o I over the United States, is sponsor­ joying Iowa City. Of Doctors o 0 and helpful, but respect your pri· o 0 ed by the Space Science Board of Mrs. H. E. Newell, wife of Dr. vacy and let you enjoy it, Mrs. Unclarified o 0 the National Academy of Sciences. H. E. Newell, director of research Giordano continued. Iowa is lovely More British Doctors Dr. James A. Van Allen, head of for the National Aeronautics and and clean, and unlike New York Circumstances surrounding the Will Be Imported the SUI Department of Physics and Space Administration in Washing· City, has no incinerators. resignation of Bruce M. Parker, Astronomy and a member of the ton, D.C., said that her children, The University is really magnifi­ Chief of Campus Police, are still By Government board, is chairman of the program. aged 9 and 14, had never seen farm cent, Mrs, Giordano added. "And unclarified today. Participants in the session are liCe in the Midwest. wc woudn't miss a Repertory The­ SUI officials are willing to veri­ REGINA, Sask. (AP) - Sev­ Because they are living at the atre play for the world." fy that Parker did submit his resig­ eral thousand citizens staged here either on a full-time or a part· nation Tuesday, but apparently are time basis. For those wishing to edge of Iowa City, the children While the space study is in ses· an orderly pro t est outside are able to visit a nearby farm. sion the Giordano's 19-year-old son unwilling to say more than that. bring their families, the Univer­ Saskatchewan's provincial leg­ sity was asked by the Space Sci­ Our family is certainly enjoying is working in the SUI Physics De­ Parker, too, will say little. our stay here, swimming, horse­ partment. P,rkor'. .upervllOr, Richlrd islative building Wednesday ence Board to help arrange hous­ Holcomb, dl,-.dor of Polk. Sel­ ing accommodations. back riding and just relaxing, said Mrs. Giordano said that she against tlle Government's med­ Mrs. Newell. .nc., rofuSld to IIY Wedn.sdlY Under tile direction of Max Haw­ spends a great deal of her time in icare program. The family of Dr. Alexander J_ the library wilere there Is a good whether he hid known of Plrk­ Idns,' field director for sur Alumni or'. plln. to reli,n. H. 1110 "' The turnout fell far below Records, furnished homes were Dessler is now in the process of collection of books on porcelin, her pre­ cllned to commont on the quality vious cstimates that ~anged up to redted in the Iowa City area from moving from California to Dallas, special interest. The whole family Tex. Mrs. Dessler said she felt is interested In antiques and their of Plrko,'1 Slrvlc. during the 12 30,000, but almost every sizeable (amilles Who were leaving for the v.. rs h. ha. b"n chl.f of Clmp· community In this province was summer. Specifications of the that people in Iowa City seemed only regret is that Iowa City has no even frien dlier than those in Cali· antique shops. u. pollc •• represented by delegates backing board requested that the homes, Parker would say only that he the ll-day-old doctors' strike and among other things, be air-condi­ fornia and that the food in Iowa, It seems apparent that the fami­ especially the corn and the meat. lies of the space scientists have is "on vacation for the rest of the demanding suspension of the com· tioned and provided with lawn month" and that he will announce pulsory medical care plan. care. is exceptionally good. not only adopted Iowa City as their Mrs. Dessler saia that her three summer home but are enjoying it. plans "when they are a little more The Canadian Press estimated Additional effort was made to firm." the crowd at 4,000. place families in houses specifi­ small children enjoy swimming and Perhaps many of them feel as one picnics in City Park. I think Iowa space scientist wife who said that Parker has just returned from Premier Woodrow Lloyd figured cally suited to them on the basis the national convention of campus of size, facilities needed, etc. City is especially niee as com­ the greatest disadvantage to a the gathering at between 2,500 and pared to other parts of the Midwcst summer in Iowa City is that just Police at the University of Minne­ 3,000. Police Chief A, G. Cookson, For instance, a family that de· sota, where he was elected secre­ sired a piano was given a home jn I have scen, added Mrs. Dessler. when you are ,etting to know it who sat on a stand overlooking the Mrs. Dessler said that she well, it is time to leave. tary. He said he would be busy with erowd, estimated 15,000 people toolt which a piano was already part of that work for the next few weeks. part. the furnishings. Fred H, Doderer, director of In mort of. holiday mood than According to James Jordan, di­ the SUI P.rlonn.1 OHlce, Slid rector of University RelatIons, the In,ry ch,ll.n,., the d.monltr.. lite Weclne.dly thlt P.rk,r'l tors strotch.d out on the s ...• University has aiso providcd a Card Section May Change Iett.r of rlll,nltlo" hid r.ach.d service to help fulfill special reo cious I,wn in werm tunshint, hll offic. "Iom.tlm. durin, the III"hing Ind talkIn, w~ile .pelk· quests the families might have diY, but I r.. ny don't ch.ck while in Iowa City. Located in the ers donounced the Socl,lIst Goy· Format for 1962 Football thoSl thlnl' too clos.ly." The let· .rnment of Lloyd. Ie. cr.,m ven· Main Library, where the conIer­ tor "V, a. Plrk.,', relson for ence activity itseU is housed, this dors elflned up, Mlny d.mOll· Iowa's card section may not op­ rcctor of Athletics, Forest Eva· I.,vin, SUI only "re.I,nln,." Itrltors brou,ht their chlldr.n. "secretariat" arranges such things Doderer said SUI employs about as car rentals, swiming or tennis erate "strictly as a card section" shevski, said Wednesday night. Placards bobbing up (rom the for 1962 football games, Iowa Di· But Pep Club will still use the 8,000 people and resignations come crowd seemed far more bitter, lessons and transportation connec­ in evcry day. He said the first he tions. customary 900 seats for perform­ R.he.rslng "The Lesson," I mod.rn Fro"ch one· Mader, Center Point, Ind 0,1. Norton, Wood­ however, than the crowd's mood. ing a new set of stunts. had known of Parker's resignation Ict pl,y to be pro ..nted this Iftirnoon by the stock, III. Thr.. other pllYs liso will be pr.. It has also been in charge of was what he read in Wednesday's Lloyd's government, meanwhile many social affairs for the families Starlight Dance Evashevskl said the Board in lummer high school workshop In dramltic art sented, on. after the other, b.,lnnin, It 1:30 In put out a call for 200 British doc· Control of AthleUcs has discussed DI. as a group. Holcomb said he was considering Ir., from I.ft, Mlrty Whlrton, Iowa Cityi Camie the Old Armory. Admission Is free. tors for temporary practice here An attempt has been made to operation of the card section with during the strike. London agents Set for friday Pep Club and has been discussing several possible replacements for -Photo by Jot Lippincott wclcome the families into all Parker, but declined to name of the Saskatchewan Medical Care pbases of Iowa City life, Jordan Come dance under the stars Fri­ the possibility of other activities. Commission were sent orders to day night on the Union Terrace. Pep Club has not been official­ lhem. He would not slaLe whether added. The familles bave been Parker's replaccment would be * * * expand their recruiting campaign made aware of the activities of Union Board is sponsoring a mixer ly notified that the card section beyond the 50 to 100 British doc­ to be held 8:30 to 11:30. In case of will not function in the fall. drawn from the ranks of the camp­ recreational organizations in the us police. AAUN To' Discuss High School tors originally sought. Sixty have Iowa City area. They have receiv­ rain tbe dance is scheduled for the Di'lcullint the possibility of been recruited so far out of SOO ed membership privileges In the River Room. ntW stunts, Evo.... vsld sald, applicants. University Athlctic Club. A week­ The Keith Reed musicmakers "W. would Ilk. to hay. som .. The British doctors are being of­ ly activity bulletin informs the will play and the Union Board will thin, orilinil and completely Home Town Scholarship Fund Students Give Cered $900 to $1,800 a month, about families of events in t11e area in· offer free cokes. TI1E1re Is no ad· low.n In nature. It's been my twice their average earnings at fHling Ind the hen", of P.p c1uding the University, which might mission charge for the mixer. The disposition of $1750 that was Board will meet with Maner to home. interest them. Club thlt th.re ar. other thl",1 Regular Union Board members raised to provide a scholarship deLermine the disposition of the N In. Brlti.h doctors arrived Mrs. James Van Allen has also here for summer school plan ac· they could do." Plays Today from London on Monday night The new stunts have not yet Cheers lor fund for foreign students will be the scholarship fund. been instrumental in making the tivities at the Union during sum· Four modern classical one·act Ind oHlcllls Slid It ....t two wivcs and children of conference mer school. Bob Downer, L2, Ben­ been devised, but Pep Club is now subject of discussion in a future There has been some discussion doz.n more Ire .xpected I,t.r plays will be presented this after· participants feei at home in Iowa ton, vice president of Union Board working on the problem and will meeting of the local chapter of the among members of the group con­ thl. w"k, City. She helped arrange a "fOS­ during regular school year, is pre· meet again before the end of sum­ Ben Bella noon in the Studio Theater in Old mer. American Association for the Unit­ cerning the scholarship fund. Arter Indian-born Dr. Susanta Scn, 55, ter" famlly in the neighborhood of siding over the group this sum­ ed Nations (AAUN). Armory beginning at 1:30 p.m. Ad­ a London specialist, said he did not each new family to acquaint them mer. "Historically, the card section MARNlA, Algeria fAIl - Dissident the disappointment of selecting an Deputy Premier Ahmed ben Bella The money was raised by open­ African student and then learning mission is free. consider hlmseU a strike·breaker. has never been a success," said He said it was not up to him to Evashevski. "It would be better, returned in triumph to this frontier ing a number of line homes in the that he could not accept the schol­ The plays are a climax to the city of his birth Wednesday and Iowa City area to the public. Dona­ arship, some have suggested a summer program of the annual judge whether the Government or for instance, if It were located on the striking physicians were right the opposite side or in the end was given a hero's welcome. tions were received for the tours_ more general use Cor the Lund. high school workshop in dramatic art. The actors are all high school in the controversy over the med­ ·Jruman To Attend zone where Iowa fans can see the In Algiers, about soo mUes to the Twelve hundred dollars was raised Maner suggested to the group students (rom states in various ical care plan. He and others in tricks." east, the regime of Preinier Yous· in May, 1961. This June, the homes that a small portion of the money were opened again and $750 was parts of the country. the group said they were leaving "It il VIf'Y dlHlcult '0 ""bllsh seff ben Khedda was reported be used to bolster his emergency their home practice only tempor. I r.,11y ..... cent lICtion and watching the progress of Ben Bella collected, fund for foreign students. This fund The plays will be directed by in· arily, th.re are only _ or two col· with growing uneasiness. structors in the workshop. Hoover Dedication Prof. Charles Davidson, president is used to inect unforeseen emer­ The plan, designed to provide 11f" thlt do a ttod lob," .lld Already the deputy premier was of the local AAUN, explained that gencies that might befall foreign The four plays to be acted this EVI.h.vskl. H. explained that believed to command the loyalty the group originally decided to medical care for everyone, is {i­ students while studying here. afternoon arc "The Stranger" by nanced by single-person and Cam­ urel lICtion. hive not """ IIIC­ of most of the Algerian National­ make the $1200 raised in 1961 avail­ August , "Tbe Lesson" etllfvl anywhere in the Iii Tift ist Army, and he set out from Mor­ In the past he has used the ily assessments of $12 and $24 a able for a scholarship to a.n African fund to help pay a doetor bill for a by Eugene Ionesco, "Riders to the year and by general taxation. The and thlt they Ire bitter suitM occo showing no disposition to student. Sea" by John Millington Synge, to winner cllm.... where stu­ mend his quarrel with Ben Khedda. foreign student who broke his leg. striking physicians, a majority of The group appointed a scholar· and "The Happy Journey" by the province's act i v e doctors, dtnts III w..... shoI't •• lHv. whit. Ben Khedda's medIators left Another time the money was used ship committee to work with Wal­ to help replace draIting instru­ Thornton Wilder. claim the plan opens the door to shirt., fvrnlshinl I ~ uniform Morocco after talks with Ben Bella lace Maner, Foreign Student Ad­ Government control of the medical beck,round. apparently collapsed early in the ments which were lost. Peter O'Sullivan, Mary Ann Rey­ viser, in the selection of an Af­ nolds, Ann Slemmons, and Jan profession. Evashevski said that the card day. rican student. One was selected, The AAUN is an organization dedicated to furthering internation­ Hieronymous will direct the plays. Officials said the British doctors section's throwing of the sharp· The basic issue appears to be but because of political difficulties have bee n assigned to various edged cards during a 1961 game Ben Bella's opposition to Ben al understanding. Besides raising They are high schools teachers here in his country, hc was unable to for the workshop. posts in the province on one·to­ '.' may have something to do with the Khedda's policy of working with come. By the time the AAUN was money for the scholarship fund, three-month Lerms. They said most revision, but emphasized that France to build Algeria. Ben Bella, notified, it was too late to sponsor the group was responsible for es­ of the m would practice in hos· many factors are figuring in the long jailed by the French, wants another student. tablishing a program in the local pitals. new arrangements. an Arab brand of socialism. schools which made it possible for :. AIter the card throwing incident, The tall, deputy premier stepped In October, 1961, the scholarship foreign students to speak to classes Abe Ribicolf the Student Senate voted to put across the border from Morocco money was deposited with the studying their homelands. Senate Doubles the card section on probation for at an isolated post on the parched SUI Foundation to facilitate its easy withdrawal. Pbillip Kruiden­ The group also sponsored alec· the (irst two games of the 1962 No.rth African plain. He was ture by Charles Osgood whose ap· Money for season. flanked by high officers of the ier, an official for the SUI Founda· Quits,Cabinet u.S. tion, said Wednesday he was . sur­ plication of psychological ~rinci­ Dr. George Easton, President of guerrilla army's Military District pies to international tension has WASHINGTON "" - Secretary Space Program the Board in Control of Athletics 5, who have firmly installed pro­ prised that the money WilS stili on deposit with the Foundation. He been studied alld applied by offi­ of WeUare Al)raham A. Ribicoff said that last Spring a letter was Ben Bella forces in western Al­ WASH.INGTON (,tI - A shouted stated that the $1200 has been draw­ cials in the government. called on President Kennedy on HERBERT HOOVER HARRY TRUMAN received from Student Senate geria. Wedncsday before taking off for chorus of "ayes" in the Senate on recommending that the card sec· Ben Bella, who hac! been brought ing interest. Men:b~rs . of the pre,sent Board Wednesday passed a $3 ,820,515,250 are: Clark . l{oughton, Mrs. Jim Connecticut to seek the Democratic Harry S. Truman, former Presi· tion be "done away with." Easton to the border in a car convoy from Wallace Maner explained Wed­ nomination for the U.S. Senate. spending authorization for tlle rap. dent, plans to join Herbcrt Hoover could not recall board action on Rabat, stepped into an open car nesday that the group attempted to Nesmith, Mrs. John Way, Mrs. idly expanding U.S. space program at the Hoover Library dedication Owen D. Young, the letter. and was sped behind motorcycle find another African student for the Frank Seiberling, Mrs. Virgil His resignation from the Cabinet - more than double the money vot­ in West Branch on August 10, ac· escort into Marnia, a town of 12,- spring semester. He received the Hancher, Mrs. Baldwin Maxwell, post, rumored for weeks, is sched­ ed last year. Financier, Dies Jobn Gerber, Ray Bywater, and uled to be given formally to the cording to William B. Anderson, Navy Denies Firing on 000, mostiy Moslems, six miles to application of three or four African By lopsided votes, tbe Senate president of thc Hoover Founda· the east. stUdents. None mel the qualifica­ Mrs. Jobn O'Bern. President late Thursday, it was beat down amendments by Sen. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. "" learned. tion. Owen D. Young, 87, an Industrial Guards at Guantanamo The caravan, followed by about tions ~f the Registrar. William Proxmire (D-Wls.> to re­ Former Pr~sident Dwight D. Ei· 30 carloads of spectators, slowed The AAUN will hold a meeting to­ Jury Frees Pilot Involved Ribicoff declined Lo comment on quire competitive bIdding for space senhowcr wlll not be able to attend leader whose skill as a monctary WASHINGTON (,tI _ The Navy down for grouP$ of Moslem men, his meeting with the President af projects and set up a presidential expert brought him international said Wednesday "there is abso. women and children along the road­ night at 8 p.m. in the East Lobby the ceremony as he will be in Conference Room of the Iowa Me­ In Cable Car Crash the White House. commission to study the ill'ij)aet - Europe, and President Kcnnedy recognition, died Wedncsday. lutely no truth" to Cuban claims side, who shouted and waved to the especially on manpower - Df ,he morial Union. The Board has met DIJON, France (.4'1 - A French He said he would make an an­ '. may not bc ablc to attend because The former head of two giant that American forces at the Guan­ home-town boy. mushrooming progr8J11. American corporations succumbed tanamo naval base had fired shots three times the past year, but this military court acquitted air force nouncement about the resigoltion of business in Washington. Thursday night during a television The authorization measure for The Foundation had hoped to at his Florida home where he towards guards in Cuban terrItory. ISRAELI DEFENSE will be the first meeting of the Capt. Bernard Ziegler on a charge entire group in over a year, ac- of involuntary homicide Wednesday address. the Ciscal year that started. July have all four living Presidents at had spent the winters for many This terse denial was issued afl­ JERUSALEM, [sraeli Sector "" . . 1 now goes back to the House, the dedication . years. He had been JlI several er the latest In 8 series of charges cording to Mrs. Riehard Lloyd- in the Alpine cable car tragedy " - The Israel Government weather· The ConnectJcut staLe Demoeratic: which had pared down President The Herbert Hoover Library­ weeks. against Americans stationed at the ed three motions of non-confidence Jones. Mrs. L1oyd·Jones is chair- last summer which took the lives convention, at whH:h the nominee Kennedy's requesta by ,16 mil, Museum will display the papers of Young and Charles G. Dawes in U.S. base in southeast Cuba. on its handling of tRe Robert Sob­ man of the nomination committee. of six tourists. for the Senate will be named, lion Cormer President Herbert Hoover. 1923 and 1924 were unofficial U.S. The Cuban Armed Forces Min· len affair Wednesday. The primary purpose of tonight's Ziegler, 29, !\ying an F84 jet meets Friday and Saturday. M~t of these slashes were reo .: In addltlon to the dedication representatives on 8 committee of istry had said in Havana earlier Premier Ben·Gurion de· meeting will be to elect new mem- fighter, cut the cable on the Alpine Rlhlcoff, ' 52, would be the first stored by the Senate, which added '. ceremonies, ex·President Hoover experts assembled by the AUled In the day thit 25 shots were fired nied accusations in the Knesset­ bers to the Board, according to line across the Vallee Blanche on man to resign from the Kennedy more Cunds to fuel the far-flung will receive honorary degrees from reparations committee to devise a at Cuban sentries outside the hase Parliament - that Soblen's "hasty Mrs. John Way, secretary of the the French.Italian border while on Cabinet. He also was the first man program and faclIlties of the Na- the University of Missouri and st. formula for fixing war damages to between noon Sunday and dusk expulsion" resulted frOUl foreign group. a low·flying reconnaissance mission 8IllloUDced by Kennedy in 1960 as a tional Aeronautics and Space Ad. ~Wa Ullivorait.\J .. ____ ~ pald hi Gcrm(lll¥. Molldll¥. ______prosUfo. AccordillB to Dnvjd8on. the DOW lllil AUj. :Wi cboice for biB Cllbillet. miIIiItratiOlls .

I} Need More LeHers to the Editor- Satire, Not Foreign Grad Student Eclitoriol Page - Defines IFull Timel More Humor To the Edilor: as 12 s.h. which is full·lime work (EDI TOR'S NOTE: While John Wednesday's editorial on lhe on a half.lime appointment (how Crosby is on v.coItion, his column Bedi case asserts that "full time this remarkable feat is to be will be wriHen bY IV.stS'. TOd.y'S contributor Is Vidor S. "'Ivasky, student status is a term that accomplished I leave for you to editor of Monodl, • qUlrterly is subject to very broad usage imaginel. of pOlittcl1 ... Ur. In the process 0' converting 10 • monthly.) and interpretation even wit hin d. with a Cull-time appointmellt a Single university." Nothing to support himself, takes onc­ By VICTOR S. NAVASKY u Racial Justice could be further from the truth. fourth work (4 s.h. or less) (one "Why," I have been asked, Consider the Graduate School at or O? l. Pr id nt Kc nned h. r pc tedl) been a~hod if and Sul. A (ull lime student is one As any fool can plainly see, a "does America need another hu­ who: what he wa going to do bout raeilll di crimination in fed­ mor magazine?" I assume the full time student is one who, de­ a. (defined by semestcr hours) pending on circumstances, takes tnkl!s 15 hours of COUTse Work. ral hou ing. "another" refers to the fact that anywhere from one (or 0) to I .~ ' b. I defined by student (e~sJ we already have a passel oC hu­ semester bpurs of course work in So f r, he has countered the queries by pointing to tak~s 9 or more s.h. mor magazine - l-Uc, McCall's, ,any given semesLer. actions lready taken and being ta\.; n by the Justice D - e, with a half·time appoint" Time, The Rroder's Digest, etc. mept to support himsel!, takes John M. Keyes, G pnrtment. He s.}' that he is wniting for. n "appropriate" Aclually I don'l believe that halC·time wOi'K ('5 to 8 s.h.); he Foreign Studen., etc, ., tim to sign an e ut1\'e order outlawing di crimination in Americo does need another hu· may, incidentally, take as I)igh 618 E. Jefferson St. fed roily financed housing. mor magazine, What America A report given to the President recently taJ.es on a really needs is a satire maga­ J , special importun in light of Kennedy' reluctallc so fnr. zine, and a political satire maga­ Asks' Huit to Justify zine at that. The report - submitted by the National Association of Home Builders - waml'd of a serious drop in new resi­ The difference between humor l dential building if such an order wus signed. and satire is the difference be­ His Role In Bedi Case :'/ tween atlacking Ike and attacking A study made for NAIlS by CEIR, a private firm of Jack. James Thurber once ob· To the Editor: zation Service was interested j. _ economic consultants, said that 42 per cent of th 6,000 erved: "Humor makes its own Some lime ago r wrote a leiter only in the student's academic builders' responding to the survey said the order would balances and patterns out of the to the DI in which I asked Mr. status, and asked university of­ curtail their building plans. ficials to clarify this status. Why, di50rganization of life around Huit to justify his position ns It predicted a drop of more than 50 percent in dwell­ Dean or Students within an edu­ then, was Dean Huit asked to en­ it. . ." Thus Ike was a natural calional institulion. (The exact ler the picture? Mind, ] am not in~ Mancell with federal mort gag insurance or vet­ subject for humor. Every time date of that letter escapes me, asking if a mistake was made" ' erans' loan guaranI S. nc-third predict d a drop of more he gave a speech he sounded like although it can be precisely de· in Dean Weaver 's consulting Mr. "' than 75 per cent. Huit. Rather, I am asking why I a dictaled·but nol·read recording termined when Mr. Huit "checks" my file and finds it.) academic (lfCicials feel it neces· TI1e NAIlB interpreted findings as meaning about a of a U.S. Army Manual on the one-third drop in new home construction and 0 los~ of . ''1 That request was met with the sary 10 consulL Dean Huit in mat­ Use o[ lhe M·1 Rifle. He inspired biJ]ion to $6 billion in total nationa lout Pllt. These figures expecled ex cathedra silence in ters academic. were based on 1962 expreted production of 1.4 million lhe Gettysburg Address in Eisen. which the college adminlstrlltioll Granted, a foreign-student aJ· howerese ("] haven·t checked viser is attached to l~tr. Huil's J ' houses and apartmrnts. specializes. On the baSis or the these figures yet, but eighty·seven recent and so-called "deporta­ entourage in University H~ll. N JlS urged "major, nationwide educntionnl eum ­ years ago I lhinl< It was. , .") His tion" proceedings against a for­ Presumably it is his [unctiqn to j paign to lessen misunderstanding nnd tension" and 10 roster adminislration had some o[ the eign sludent I call again for Mr. ' facilitate an adjustment of for· "community acceptance of changing living patterns." aspects of a situation comedy ]fuit to explain his function in el~n students to a strange en· , ("Life with a Father Figure"?) We r wond ring if th uappropriote" time has been lhe educational process of this vi~onment; this is a necessary which one had only to report to university, and . commendable thing for a , pushed farth r into th fllturc as a result of the report. 's Right. Kids Today Aren't Active Enough' 'KeJ1J1 edy ridicule. From tt\e accounts of the Bcdi University to undertake. l -Larry lIotfield aHair it would appear that the However, does this function ~f ,! JACK, WHOSE public utler· Mr. Huit's office justify his ap­ ------ances are as polished as the spit­ student's department considered parent power in making an aca· l Matter of Fact -: loon at the Harvard Club, is a him a quaJi[ied student. He had been given an assistantship for demic determination? This is a More, IDream Games diCfercnt cup of chowder. Thurh­ question I would like Dean Huit ;. er anlicipated Jack's administra­ the fall semester and was con­ sidered to be resuming a full aca­ himself to answer. tion when he went on to say that Richard S. Wells, G of the disorganization which gives demic load. Question Grain to China 106 Riverside Park On the Way, Fans l'ise to humor "has been wiped The Immigration and Naturali- If you missed the annual major lea~1C All-Star game out by organ izalion ... group ac­ Uon . . . and the like. These are T\1 day, don't worry about it. There will be another of good Cor salirc but they put a r th e udream gam s" on Jtdy 31, and, just like that otIH.'r Still a Problem for JFK trait jacket on humor." The What Was Adequate one it will feature an incomparable galaxy of stars (same Kennedy shop, with its task By JOSEPH ALSOP for China. lie answered, quite any judgment by any highly­ hl1nch). And the latest "scoop" from the world oC sports forces, surveys, statistics, Lou ," , As of today, the United States simply, that we had not been ptaced committee is always as­ Horris polis. etc., is more organ­ t us tll major agu rs hnve voted to continuo thr two­ lJs I government stands at least lhree- asked to do so. Leading Ameri­ sumed to be as lrue as Hoty Writ, ized lhnn the personnel section at Evidence for HU'it? Star Came plan at least tl1TOugh 1963. IBM. quarters committed to give mas- can and foreign newspapermen at unlil, as SIl often happens, it is To the Editor: .' would be willing to tak~ t~o ex ";". The players also vot d to ask release from the 162- sive aid in food to the Chinese once inquired what was behind proved to be laughably incor. When the U-2 went down, Ike's No douht others will voice more tra semester hours to avoid cle.~ popularity went down with it. But gnm schedule which requires too many "inconveniences" Communists, on condition lhat the this answer. On the basis of in­ rcct. extensive objections to the ac­ . portation. • 4/1r' when the mud settled in the Bay It seems reasonable to con such as .arriving in cities at odd hours, playing too many Peking government asks for this formation from the highly placed On the basis o( the December or Pigs, Jack got everyone from tions o( the administration in the aid, and on other conditions not officials who favor feeding China, Bedi casco I wish to focus upon elude that rather than demand· , doubl h d rs and taking more whirlpool baths to reli ve judgment, therefore, the grain­ Harry Truman to Gen. MacAr­ publicly stated. these neWSpapermen then pub- ior-Chino advecates could argue, what may have been the crucial ing that only a single arbitralj"''' lhur to endorse one of the great· (arm Of evidence be admitted, .' ad and pains ancl assorted charley· horses suffer 'el on This is a deeply important lished the flat, unqualified report and did argue, that "we know est diplomatic blunders in Am­ momenL and the crucial deciSion, the diamond. though little understood govern- that we would indeed feed China that the Chinese Communi t sys· in an effort to throw light upon when it was impossible to obtain erican history, and his popularity evidence in that form, adequate mental posture; and it will be at China's request. And this reo tem is not going to break down galioped onward and upward. ~ne particular aspect of the sitl:­ •Wc' d~n't blame the slnrs for wnnting that extra game. useful to begin by showing how port has not been denied to this anyway. So nothing wilt be lost, ation. It was, according to Pro­ use of the evidence at hand After all, it provid 's money for pension funds, very valu­ the government got into this day. no opportunity wili be sacrificed, AND JACK has recognized the fessor Loomba' s letler to Presi­ should have been made. It is im- I denL Hancher, at about 3:20 )l.m. portant 10 note that.. no matt~r, . posture. FOR THE Communists, this if we feed Communist China at uses of wit. Al a recent Madison able for athleles who fail to save anv oE the "$2.'5 thousand Square Garden medicare rally for on June 28 that Dean Huit in­ what evidence had been present, " SOME TIME AGO, in brief kind o( undenied publication con· Communist China's request. And per year th y probably rec ivc. Indeed, if one's bllst'ilUll we shaH also gain by dOing the the agcOS- down i( the governmenL's follies, Kennedy style, which is built to come and not on the quality of horses (Or do tlleY live that long?) failures, and cruel lies pass a cer­ lure and also those whose con­ governmentaL committee meet- lUre to be in. frustrate the kind of humor aimed cern is the broader implications Dean Huil's guarantee. . ings. In this connection, anolher sc- tain point. This feat of ponlical at Ike - an affectionate humor And d crease Ulat 162-game schedule, too. If the design may perhaps be accomp­ o( the situation should ask some SOD1e reD1arks see01 to be The meetings included the As- ries of government meetings last harking hack to Wilt Rogers, the called for concerning action. It players continue to exert th InS over the summer-long lished in lhe H-bomb age, but it questions concerning the neces· sistant Secretary of State for December is decidedly relevant. man who said, "I don't make sity and suHiciency of such a per· does not appear to be suffiCiently !?find, they won't live long enough to enjoy the pension. Political Affairs, George McGhee, In these rallies, the representa­ has nol been accomplished yet, in jokes. I just watch the govern­ CommunisL China or anywhere sonal interview for the type o( recognized lhal lhe refusal to ad - Jerry Elsea the Assistant Secretary for the lives of the huge intelligence ap­ ment and report the facts." 1£ decision which was required o( is an action itself, for which one , Far East, Averell Harriman, and paratus joined with other policy etse. For instance, if the Chinese the New Frontier's facade is to . CommunisL army suddenly sides Dean Huit. We should wish 10 can and should be held morally.. • other interested and qua i-inter- makers, to consider a crucial come tumbling down, slronger know what should have consti­ resPQnsible. One cannot claim ... with the people, as the Hungarian stuf( is needed. ested parties. The meetings pro- que s t ion. The que tion was Communist army did, the regime tuted adequate evidence for Dean after failing to apply the brakes, Business Is. Everybody doced a negative answer to the whether the Chine e Communist We must look beyond the Will Huit to have endor/led a reversal. that "1 didn't do a thing so i~. West Coast grain dealers. But system might break down under of Mao Tse-tung will come to an end, there ond then. Rogers tradition to that o( Mark To answer such a question we couldn't have been my fault." This is the Administration, you will remember, which th y also reveal- the strain of its own cruelties and Twain, Peter Finley Dunne, H. L. should keep in mind that ~'r. Paralysis is an extravaganGt}~ What is more important, how­ iftomised to get Am rien moving in the 1960 campaign, ed some senti- follies. Mcncken, and Ring Lardner, who Wilson of INS was .reques!ing that a University cannot afford, ment, though by At that time, the (earful char- ever, is the fact that the grounds drew their victims' blood without a guarantee that Mr. Bedi wouid In closing I wish to state that Now there is the growing realization, thanks to the stock no mea n s a Beter of the present situation in lor the December judgment have hesitation. Nor is such satire a enroll in a full c(lurse load in I believe the University shoul~ market break, that th fe is no possible way to get Amer­ unanimous sen- China was hardly beginning to be been drastically altered in the in­ negative enterprise. As a wise old September. In light o[ this lhe take sleps to facilitate Mr. Bedl's terval. Under pressure of new and ib movJng without the whole hart d cooperation and con­ timent, [or pro- appreciated in government cir- Englishman once put it: "No ty­ question to be asked can be re­ return at the earliest possible, viding grain for c1es. In government, olficial esli- better statistics from Hong Kong, rant, no tyrannous idea ever fined. We wish to know what date. I find it incomprehensibl~ ~ f!dence of business and private capital, which is the only Chi n a in re- mates made in the past, how- the experts have reluctantly re­ came crashing to earth but it was kinds o( communications, from that Dean McCarreL should wis~. r~l creative force in our free economy. sponse to a di· ever deeply erroneous, always treated (for all experts hate first wounded by the shafts of whom, via what media, could this case to be closed so far a~" rect r e que s t exercise much influence on pres- cbanging estimates 1 from an esti­ satire; no free man, no (ree idea have provided Dean Huit with the University is concerned. Now we know that "busine s" doesn't consist of a little mated Chinese diet-level of 1,800 from the Chi· ent officiat opinion. Hence the De- ever rose to the heights but it adequate assurance that Mr. II calories pel' person per day, to an Richard S. Bogam group of executives sitting around a table in some board of nese g 0 vel' n- · • cember rallies reached the judg- endured them." Bedi would indeed enroll in a 9- estimated diet·tevel o( about 1,500 Assistant Professor directors room. It's every employe down to the newest night ment, and under ALSOP ment that the Chinese Commu- hour load in September. Iowa Child Welfare , . conditions controlling the grain's nlst regime could not and woutd calories per person per day. ENG LAN C HAS PUNCH, watchman. Business is verybody. Clearly no one, not even Mr. Research Station distribution and the attendant not break down under any cir­ This is a difference between France has Le Canard Enchaine, State University of low; • Douglas I Germany has Simplicissimus, Bedi. could have stated with ab­ deUvered a -The Mason City Globe·Gazelle publicity which the Chinese Com· cumstances. general misery and potential ca­ solute certainty Lhat he would munists would find very hard to IN THE subsequent grain-for- tastrophe. FUrthermore, the ex· Italy has Candido, Argentina has He was ab Tia Vicente - topical satire do so. He could only assert his steady disil meet. China meetings, this high power- perts are veering towards a ten­ sincere intention to do so. He talive forecast of another defi­ magazines all. America, where Or So '. ' His use of Subsequently, the President at ed (but wholly illogical) Decem­ such satire is enjoying a renais­ could have done this by tele­ . I !rayed a 81 a press conference was asked ber judgment had much influence. cient harvest in China this year, phone. Why should a person at J \. 1h~1)aily Iowan which means, if correct, that sance in the night spots (Mort acting 'inst whether he woutd provide grain Government being government, Sahl, Dick Gregory, The Pre­ (and also at the time, impossi­ They. Say sacrifice of China's downward spiral will ble) meeting have been re­ ------continue. Hence there is now a mise) and the press (Jules Feif­ When they do things in Texas, was a com fer. Wolt Kelly), and even a quired? We have already become clear possbiiLity (though nothing acquainted, in another context they do them in a big way - even ~mplete, like a certainty) that the Com· boomlet in the novel ("The Man­ stealing from the Government. University Bulletin Board churian Candidate," "Catch 22"), discussed by OUL' "smalt but vo· munist regime may suffer some cat minority," with Dean Huit's -Algona Adv.n~ University 'ull.lln 'OIrd nollces mult .,. rec.lved .t Th. D.lly Iowan kind of final breakdown. In this certainly seems ready and ripe State offlc., Room 20'. Communications C.nt .., by noon of th. dlY before pub­ for a political satire magazine of preference for personal encoun­ • • • lication. Th.y mu.t be t,pld and Ilgn.d by In ad.l .. r or officer of the 0'­ light, the question o( grain·for­ Conflicts of opinion about a tax I.nlullon being publlclted. Pur.ly lOdal funcllon. Ire not .lIllbl. for its own. ters rather than evidence ob· ..... t THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1962 .... City, , .. thl. section. China will be examined in a final tained by telephone, so we can cut make it unlikely this year, UNIVERSITY LIiRAItY HOURS: Family nlihl Is held Wednesday Irom report. Plenty of our magazines are in at teast point to his cO'l6istencr and possibly not even next year . 1962: PubllabeT •.•.... . Edward P. Bauett Monday through Friday - 7:30 I.m. 7:15 to 9. The swimming pool Is open Copyrlghl the business of providing The - Dubuque Telegraph.Herald a.m. stalf New York Herald Tribune, Inc. in such matters. But we are con­ AUOIT...... IUIlIA .. Edkor ...... Je~ Elsea Lo midnight; Saturday - 7:30 to lor students, faculty and daUy, Truth. What this country needs is Of' 5 p.m.; Sunday - 1:30 p.m. to mid· Monday throulh Frlday, 12·2 p.m. cerned with what should have • • • C.IlCULATIONI ~;'tt~t~~~t.~ ::::: . J::~An~~:!~ night. Desk Hours: Monday throuah a publication in the business o( ex­ constituted reasonabte evidence, It takes a lot of laws to make New. EdUor ...... Tim c.Uan Thursday - a a.m. to 10 p.m. (Reter· CANOES are aVIUable tor student, OFFICIAL DAILY BUUmN posing the half-truth. There are Aaabtant City EdItor and ence and Reserve De kl closed 5 to racully and staff use 12-8 p.m. seven rather than with what would a world, and what is considcre.'d PiabI1ahe4 by Student PubUcaUona. New. Eclltor ...... Fran Smllh 6 p.m.); Friday and Salurday - 8 days a week. Canoes may be n!nLed few more effective instruments have been the best possible form TIXI 1IIe •• CommUIlkaUODl Cantu, Jowa a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday - 2 to 5 .t the canoe shacll north of the a $100 fine one place, is just a ett" •Iowa, dally ucepl SundlY and Sports Edllor ...... Je« Gebrlnger available toword this end than of evidence, since even if we ad­ 'Arthur Chlel Pboto,rapber .. Joe LlpplDCOlt p.m. No reCerenee service on Sun· University Theatre. Univ.nity little legal amusement center fn ...-da1, aM lepl bollde,.s. Entend AMlstant to the Manano, d.y. wit, caricature, mockery, irony, mil that a personal con(ronta­ .. MeOlICkIaa mat~r It the post RECREATIONAL SWIMMING for another. Makes one wonder, 6I'lke at low' CItY under lbe Act Editor ...... E'i!l~ Donhowe all women sludel1t1, Monday Lhroueb ridicule, and satire. tion would have been ideal, such doesn't it? fIl CoIIIrtu of 2, 1m, AJ,.dvertlstnll Director Bob OlaCcke THE DEPARTMENTS OF MUSIC Calendar dvertUin, Manaler Dennis Binning AND DRAMA In conjuncUon with Friday, 4:15·5:15 p.m., ae the Women'. Some people say contemporary a meeting was impossible. -Algona Upper Des Molr •• Fu ClassUled Mana~r ...... LaIT)/ Prybll lhe Fine Arts Festlval present TIlE Gym. ihei , ..," fr_ nOOll tel mldnl,bl to aeLS, life is too grim to satirize. Others te,.n ~WI ItemI, womtn'. \I&Ie Cl1'eulaUon Manarer _..... LeAl West CRUCIBLE, an opera In Cour Dca n Huil's responsihility, • • hlill1l to compleLe with tull orchestra, scene· IOWA MEMORIAL UNION HOURS Thursday, July 12 S:lY it is too absurd. I say it is and announctJDenti The ry, and costumes, July 31, August I, Friday and SaLurda.y - 7 a.m. Lo then, as I see it, was to make a In other words, farm ers ought ! JhUy Iowan, EdItorial oIl1ce. are III 8 p.m. - Summer Repertory too grim and absurd not to satir­ tile CelDDaDlaUona Centu. T'Ultee., ....,eI of Sludent PubliCi­ S, and 4, 1962. Mill 9rdera accepLed, mldnlJht. reasonable, albeit uncertain, esti­ to have a fail' choice between the ttom, Ine.: Lee Thet.n, 104' Larry and UCKet sale ,rart July L71h Tbe Gold Featber Room I. open Theatre presents Moliere's "The 1 from 7 a.m. to 11 ; t5 p.m. on Sunday ize. don't happen to be one of mate of the likelihood that iIII'. compulsory system and an eca­ ..1IeeI1...... Iletn: By earrler tl\ PrybU 104; Nancy Shinn, Al; Prot. lbrourb August 4th daUy 9:30 '.m. Lo Miser" - University Theatre • those who believe that Francis 15 ftntl ~ or '10 Dsle ~nlz . Unlverstly Llbral1'; Prof. 5:30 p.m., East Lobby' Tkkct Desk, throuch Thursdsy, and from 7 a.m. Bcdi would enroll in a full course nomical price leveling pion bas\-d ..... at,. lo l1:ts p.m. on Friday and Satur· ,...,. III Idl'ance:;' aIx aontb,l, Leslie G. Moeller, 5cbool or Joumal· Iowa Memorial Union. All ..all reo Friday, July 13 Gary Powers should have used load in September. As indications on free mal'ket prices. .; three ..,nthJ, . By mall 1ft Ism, Michael Maduer, At; Dr. Georll~ a.erved. $U5. day. Jl:aston. Colle,e or Denlll\ry; IIlchard Th. Oafeterla Is open 'rom 11 :30 8 p.m. - Summer Repertory the poison pin; but to me, the · of this he had (11 the guarantee -Wat.r1oo Couri,r wI, .. ~r ,.r; mODUlI, 10; PARENT'S COOPiRATIVE .A.Y. a..... to 1 p.m. tor luneh and rrom , ~ mon P. All other mall 11J~ A. MIller, At. 5 6:45 Theatre presents Jean Girau­ silence and solemnity which sur­ of Mr. Bedl's sponsor, (2) the of­ lll ..... ~..pUou, ,1 per year; aIx monUd, SITTING Leawe IS In Lhe charie oC p.m. to p. .m . for dinner. No • • • brtakruu are .lOrved and dinner Is doux's "The Madwoman of Chait­ rounded his grotesque rehabilita­ IJlI.WI tIu'M _ntM, P.JII. Mr . Van AUa throulh July 24. Call Dot IOrved on SaturdaY .nc! Sunday. fer of gUaI'antees from other pr~­ To us, the Retirement Home 18 M D.. I ,-4," If Zdo not ncelve ,our 7-5348 ror I ~lUer. For Informallon Jot" - University TheaLre. tion berore a Congressional in­ fessors. (3) the opportunity to one of the greatest Christian ex­ ". ~ Pre.... atIdId n­ DaJlJ 10'" ':30 l.m. TIM DaUy abouL Idtue membership ull Mrs. IGwan ellftla 1\ office ItI lbe Cal· John Urodlnma at 8·'7331. SUI OISEltVATORY atop lhe vesligating committee indicate calt Bedi, Dnd 141 the obvious pressions - helping our fellow Ad ~ toi:1- for republication Is Saturda." July 14 fI an tbe 1 ne~pr1nted In this mWllcaUoDi center I. oPen from • Phy.lco Bulldlnr opel! to Lhe pub­ the need for an irreverent maga­ r .... _ III AP ..... a.lll. to • p.a. IIcmcIa.Y lbroud! Frl­ lic every Monday from a to 10 p.m. 8 p.m. - Summer Reperlory outcome of 0 sub. equent refusal men by shol'i ng the material __..... "'= ... .. and from t to 10 a.m. Satu.rday, FI.lD HOUSI jlLAYNIGHTS for when !Ieles are cle.r. It Is .110 open Theatre pl'esents Arlhur Miller's zine, unafraid to usc the poison on th e parL of Bedi to lake a lull things that /lave been trusted to !IIr . ~ .. p_ alh-lOcMl IJ8mce 01\ IIIla.4 papen IUmmer Hulon "udent., lacu1ty a"d tOivlte .roup. F~da evenlrli by pen. Is not polllllt6, bitt eft17 eltan 1r.U1 starr are held eaoh T\I1Isdaf anel FIi­ " ~ ~.tv.tlon LlI r~f . S~· "Death o( a Salesman" - Univer- coarse load , in lilhl of whicl\ our stewardship. day nl,hl rrom 7:30 to t:SO. Adm ... 101 . Mltaushlld, I ,Sl Ph)llcli COP'yrlllht 1962: be made to correct .rron wllll the sity Theatre. . New York IleuJd Trlbllne, Inc. one would certahily IYet that he -~lIwOoci lncMr -* Iuue. lion IS by I.D. card or IlaIl card. BuUdIt\f. THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-ThursdIlY, July 12, '962-Pa,.' - Play Review- Laxity Admitted Senate Group Salesman Well Presented On Estes Deals Reiects Ho~se -, t work -Engrossing (how the type oC allotment transfers in­ Iy WALTER KELLER WASHINGTON t.fI - Past and written), with a steadily mounting present Texas farm aid o({jcials volved. Dividend Bill "U's not what you do -it's who degree of invention and subUety. testified Wednesday they left di­ ~u ~~ Davenport was chairman of the WASHINGTON (.411 - The Senate ,OU know and the smile on your ROMm.ry H...trup, a. Lind .. rectives unread and did nothing Texas Stale Agricultural Stabili· face. Contacts. it's contacts." wa. a bit I.cld", In cen.i.t.ftcy. F(nance Committe knocked the ~eJlt to hall questioned cotton acreage 2:ation and Conservation Commit­ withholding system on dividends Tbese are Willy Loman's words At times ... r.nMnd the char­ allotment transfer deals by Billie onc- J tee until March 1961. an appointee and intcrest out oC President Ken· {one which are delineators of his per­ acter In .11 Its str.lnl", cenflid Sol Estes. of (ormer Secretary of Agricul· IOnalily and indicate the timeli· and contradiction. with force .nel "What kind of a railroad are we nedy's tnx revision bill Wednesday 'I conviction, but ...... w.re cru· ture Ezra Tart Benson. Price is but approved plans for a 7 per cent ness and timelessness DC thIs trag­ running here?" Sen. John L. Mc­ his Democratic successor. edy. 'l11e present, 1962, is not the clal moments int~rstc! in iuvet ment credit. Clellan (D-Ark.l, exploded heated· Davenport said thaI. while he ooJy time wherein the selling of mlllY of the SC:_I when .he ly at one point as the story un· The swift . votes, 10·5 and 10-7 the soul for the almighty buck would clellYer a 11111 with III in­ folded before his Senate investiga· was chairman. the commltlee rl'spectively, raiscd Ihe possibility and tbe blank smile rule the hour. approprI.t. fI ttnesl W hie h tions subcommittee. made no effort to check out a the House-passed bili can be ready ...mtc! to me out of key. It i. Both Baldwin P. Davenport of warning that the cotton acreage fol' floor conSIderation by next Linda, Willy's wife. describes ellfficult to .ustaln _'s sym· transfers by Estes might be il· him as "just a little boat looking Stamford, Tex., and Ralph T. Tuesday when iL was to have been pathy for • ct..ridtr when the legal. for a barbor." She does little to Price of Bryan, Tex., told the sub· set aside if committee processing actor occasion.'1y 'b.tray.' the committee their state committee He said he couldn't remember were noL completed. belp him find the kind of harbor 'cenflcIerIc:.' of the lIudi.nc•• that will lead to any lasting con· relied heavily on its full·time staff whether his group ever saw a The committee actions were both tentment and happiness. Her idea Barry Witham. as Hap, showed and knew little or nothing about memo (rom Washington issued a severe setback and a victory for DC an ideal harbor for Willy con.· a good deal oC morose energy Dec. 20. 1960, saying tbat the cot· the Administration. and in reverse. lists of one in which an endless which is so necessary to the part. ton deal was a scheme to violate the same for Sen. Harry F. Byrd. encouragement of his selI -delusion Daniel Alkofer. as Biff, had some regulations and should be reject· !D.Va.). '1q the committee's veleran is provided. of the most stirring moments oC International ed. chairman. Moves to reverse both Willy's the evening, such as the scene Neilher could Davenport remem· actions probably will be made on near the end of tbe play when for his ultimate StudyPlanned ber whether he had seen an earli· the Scnat~ floor. bappiness caMot he sinks physically before bis fa­ er memo by Estes' lawyers which ther. But a certain physical move­ Kennedy had counted heavily on IUCceed. Cor he claimed the transfers were legiti· the plan for withholding 20 per cent ment pattern, which he has used mate. constantly [eeds in all his roles, and wbich was not By SU I Doctor of all dividends and interest pay· his insatiable ap­ Both Price and Davenport tes· ments as a means of picking up an pctite with still especially inappropriate until now. A clearing house for a coopera­ tified they uSlially devoted only marred this performance. estimated $650 million in annual mar e warping tive international study oC hand de· two or three days a month to their tax revenues now reportedly lost exaggerations. His Mr. Alkofer tends to protrude formities caused by rheumatoid jobs; thai th y had relied heavily through failure of individuals to dreams are un· his jaw repeatedly and resort to arthritis and the results of treat· on advice of subordinates. and report. short, intense, nervous jerks of his had not even seen some key attainable; his ment may be established at the And he pu hed the investment methods of pursu- head and hands. and sometimes Old Old Capitol SUI College oC Medicine. memoranda which pllrportedly his upper body. This tends to dis· had called the Estes cotton allot­ credit as an incentive to bu;M>s ing them are out KELLER Although the project is still in to moderni2:e equipment and1ftp of touch with any significant !ipate his energy and compromise A few dlYs lifter Lineoln's assassination in 1165, from the windows and pillars of the building the planning stages, Dr. Adrian E. ment deals into question as long and defocus his specific acting in­ this crowd mused in front of Old Cllpitol to which WIIS then 2S years old . This is one of the ago as December 1960. America competitive in an expand­ semblance of reality. Flatt. associate professor of or­ ing world economy, claiming about tention at a given moment. An mourn his dellth. Funeral bunting WIIS draped earliest photographs of the SUI campus. He inculcates his sons with pro­ thopedic surgery at SUI. said that Price said that although he half the revenue cost would be re­ elimination of some or all of this -01 Photo European physicians he recently knew nothing about the allotments jectionS" of his own self·punish. habit, I tbink, would benefit him covered through dividend and in· ments. Through these BiCf and conCerred with were enthusiastic at the time. the machinery for tere-t withholding, . greatly. about it. transferring allotments was set up Hap are doomed to their own per· when he took office in late March Byrd. an opponent of both pro· IOnal disasters and aberrations. Jim Pugh. as Bernard. was oCten Dr. Flatt has pioneered in sur· posals. sponsored and the commit· relatively inaudible. He tended to gical techniques in which metallic 1961. tee adopted an amendment be This play is regarded by many drop his pitch at the ends of sen­ JFK Predicts Tax Reform finger joints are used to replace However, when the official han­ people as the finest modern Arner· claimed would permit the Treas­ tences. He also directed many of joints crippled by rheumatoid dling the transfers, HCnlY Mar­ ury to pick up much of the tax Jcan theater piece. After viewing his lines toward the general di­ arthritis. shall, died under mysterious cir· It for the first time on Tuesday monies now lost. rection oC the floor - thereby cut­ The proposed clearing house cumstances. Price said the section It would rcquire all banks. sav· night I would be hard pressed to ting his projection considerably. would use a standard form de­ heads decided to call for an in· ings and loans and other interest· disagree. When reading plays and Will Strengthen Economy This is an engrossing evening of veloped by Dr. Flatt at SUI to re­ vestigation oC Estes' land trans· paying organizations to report to_ not seeing them performed Jive. cord the condition of the band be· theater. Whatever ,flaws there are. WASHINGTON (.411 - A $l'~ bil­ changes will, in itself. more than Ihe most sweeping overhaul of tbe fers. the Internal Revenue Service an­ many of us tend to forget that lion .. tax cut" for American busi­ wipe out the $5OO·miilion surplus tax depreciation system in at least fore surgery, for reviewing results The investigation eventually reo nual intere t payments to anyirr: reading and seeing are vastly dif· are minor. Mr. Schaal and his company have done MiUer's play ness was announced Wednesday which KCMedy forecast in Jan­ two decades . It was accomplished after surgery, and for comparing suited in cancellation oC the 1961 dividual in excess of $10. The limit ferent activities. It is a common by President Kennedy, who said it uary. entirely through administrative ac· treatment methods. allotments and a heavy Cine levied is now $600. pastime to indulge in Intellectulll more justice than it usually re­ ceives in performance. will spur economic growth and lion and will go into eCCect at once Analysis of the information would on Estes. The amendment also would stiC· approbation or condemnation of a However, Dillon emphasized that provide physicians with guide lines Gaylord F. Osborn. who was the create jobs. The action permits the Treasury expects much of the without any action by Congress. (en penalties (or failing to file the play, but to have one's emotions larger tu deductions Cor firms that would indicate the best type of committee's state executive officer information returns. aroused and strained by a live loss to be offset after the first The purpose of depreciation de· that keep their plants up to date. ductions is to enable business to treatment for a particular case and and No. 1 aide until his retirement Sccretary of the Treasury Doug· ( performance Is quite anotber story. year. He said part, if not all, of point the way to improved tech· March 1. 1961, testified he had Red China, Secretary of lhe Treasury Doug­ the loss would be recouped "as set aside each year funds which las Dillon told t he committee the I think that the mlilority of wlll be used to replace machine or niques. delegated to subordinates both plan would be clumsy and inerfec· las Dillon pointed to the move as higher depreciation charges in_ Dr. Flail has just returned from work and responsibility. the .udi.nc., after the pl.y, evidence that the Kennedy Admin· crease the flow of cash to corpora· other business assets when they th·c. lle said it would swamp the shartcl my fHlings, to some dr­ wear out or become obsolete. five weeks oC lecturing and demon· Treasury with 250 million informa· istration is pro·business. And he tions and this money finds its way strating surgical techniques in COMMITTED II'M, of having b"n put thnKI,h India Argue predicted an immediate upward directly into new investment, thus tion returns. eight European countries. a trip LOS ANGELES (.411 - Authori- The investment credit was ap­ II cement·mixer, wllshl", ma· impact on the economy. creating jobs and taxable income chin., clothe. dry.r combination. that was climaxed when he deliver­ ties say Helen Hcrbert, 52. who proved in principle and will con­ The steel industry, which had a for business and individuals." Gayno Smith Trial Miller btgi", building up II ed a Hunterian Lecture at the Roy­ tried to donate $11.000 to the Black tinue under di cussion in the Cl)m­ c:rushln" elramatic prts.ure lind Over Border notable falling-out witll the Admin­ Kennedy said the depreciation al College of Surgeons of England Muslim movement. agreed to com­ mittee today. tension. Sinc. there is only _ istration over an April attempt to reform might prompt busin(;ss to Begins as Jury on June 14. mit herself to a private hospital. (A'I - Int.rmi$lion, t h I play,"," NEW DELHI India and raise prices. will he among the increase its annual outlays Cor A Fellow of the Royal College of She was released Tuesday from "sn't really have tim. to Red China accused each other principal beneficiaries of the tax moderni2:ation and expansion by as Hears One Witness Surgeons since 1953 Dr. Flatt spoke General Hospital. "catch his breathl" In .hort, Wednesday of waging a campaign changes. much as $6 billion. on "The Surgical Rehabilitation Police said she was carrying "'if play is not rlCommendtcl tor Howlver, the effects will be "By 'ncourllging Amerlclln SIGOURNEY .(.411 - A seven- of the Rheumatoid Hand." Although $41.000 in cash and stocks last of encirclement oC each other's felt by 1111 businesses - big and business to repillce its mllchinery member grand JUry ~as se!ected he occupied the Hunterian Chair Thursday when she orrcred Mus· those looIIlng for light summer outposts in a snowy three· mile high thellt.r flirt. littl. - and by 1111 professional more rllpldly, we hope to make Wednesday to hea~ eVldenc~ 10 the for only a day, he will be entitled lims money "to help kill the white valley in their Himalayan border­ people lind fllrmers . American products more cost· case of Gayno Gilbert SmIth, 24, to use the term "Hunterian Pro. people." Willy Loman's fantasy is steadi· land. Vanishing with the announce· competitive, to step up our rat. of Martinsburg. charged with mur· fessor" on al\ official occasions and She is caucasian. ly made more complex and simul· der in the slaying of five relatives. publications for the rest of his HCe. In an exchange of urgent notes, ment were whatever slim hopes of recovery and growth lind to taneously more understandable might have remained for a bal· provide expanded job opportuni. OCCiciais oC the Keokuk County Of the more than 8.000 Fellows in through Miller's skillful use of each charged the other with ag­ ties for 1111 American workers," District Court said the jury met, the college, usuaUy fewer than 12 daydream sequences. It is all anced federal budget in the 1963 gression in the narrow Galwan fiscal year, which began July 1. he said in II statement. heard one witness and then re- are chosen each year for the Hun· blended so smoothly tbat tbe view· Valley and each warned the other The revenue loss Crom the tax The IiberaliUltion represented cessed until next Tuesday. terian Professorships, which have er is sometimes caught somewhere The grand jurors were sworn in been seals of recognllion 01 excep­ on the fringe of past and present, of the reSpOnsibility if shooting '. . just as Willy Loman, himself. is war breaks out over the disputed by District Judge L. R. Carson of tional surgical ability for more than unable to distinguish his remem· Oskaloosa. 150 years. border. Growth of SU I Cited as Judge Carson also officially ap· ----- R brance of the past witb the press· ing present. From the New Delhi account an pointed Stephen C. Gerard, Sig- PAY UP OR ELSE Indian detachment was caught by ourney attorney, to repr('sent TAIPEI. Formosa (.411 - Repre- Mr. David Schaal directed this Smith. sentalives of 13 hospitals ha ve surprise when 25 Chinese soldiers Economic Benefit to Iowa strong production. and he was am­ Smith 'has been in jail since May threatened to send charity patients ply aided by the mutiple·use set of wbo had infiltrated the valley with· A future doubling of enrollmenl The SUI professor emphasized out detection suddenly appeared 30 when he was captured in a barn to the City Hail unless the city A. S. Gillette. and the subtle light· at SUI would have an economic ef­ that tuition (or Iowa students at on a southeast Iowa farm. He is government pays up its old bills Ing design of Nick Scott. Special only 200 yards from the Indian de­ fect surpassing that oC attracting the University need not be raiscd to Ihe hospitals. mention should also be made of the fense position. a new industry as large as any sin· nor would taxes need to be in· accused to the rifle·shotgun slay- carefully controlled lighting con· Military sources said 400 Chinese gle existing manufacturing firm creased for such a program. ings of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and trol job turned in by Wayne Kru· eventually moved up to positions now in the state. an SUI economics Instead. he explained, only the Mrs. Andrew McBeth and three of mel and Daryl Schultz. This pro­ only 50 to 70 yards from the In· professor said Wednesday. tuition for out·oC-state undergradu· their teen·age children. Smith lived duction depends heavily on tech­ dians on the east, west and south. Clark Bloom, assistant director ate students, who would be active· with the McBeths. nical precision. Any mistakes - There was no change in the sit· of the SUI Bureau of Business and ly recruited, would be increased, Smith also has been questioned even minute ones - on thc tech· uation at dusk, and the military Economic Research, cited the Uni· Their tuition would be raised to a concerning the death of bis step· Announcementl nical side might easily destroy the sources said the Indian sentinels versity's seiling of high quality level which would cover the cost mother. Mrs. Juanita Smith, 46, mood at a given moment. faced a second all·nlght watch for educational services to the rest of of providing this educational serv­ whose body was found June 12 in a Mr. Schllli ha. bllll abl. to Chinese encircling maneuvers in the nation as resulting in e~treme­ ice at tbe University. he said. shallow grave outside a home in An accompanying feature of this ellrtct hi. actors with skill In the snowy moonlit landscape. Iy high benefits for the state of Hedrick. Lassie's c.... tlng the long bullels toWlrd Iowa. growth in size, resources and capa­ The scene, the Indian nole Y If 1ht ch,rllcters havt. Sine. to Bloom, who envisions a student city to orrer research and service BELL DANCER OK charged, was in the Ladakh area body of 25.000 at SUI, SpOke at a at the University, would be an in· CAIRO (.411 - The United Arab tmOtIonal peak. which to mlny near the junction of the borders of mllny of these builds lire to ex­ four·week SUI seminar for Iowa crease in the ability to aUract Republic has lifted its ban on belly Kashmir, China's Sinklang Provo school administrators. other business to the state, he said. dancers appearing on television. ulltntly macle, they Ire rln' ince and Chinese-held Tibet. Now cltreel bell.yable ancI the procIuc. tllll as I whol. benefits greatly. The Indians said the post is 10 ~ The overaU p.ce is .Iso clellml­ miles west of even the line that Iv controlltc! throughout the ma­ China claimed as its territory in Offers lorlty of the 'Vlnln". 1956. WIN TWO FREE SEATS ---;:::: Douglas Brown, as Willy Loman, A simultaneous protest broad· delJvered a powerful performance. cast from Peiping claimed the Gal­ FOR BEARS-EAGLES GAME! He was able to bring across the way Valley is part of Sinkiang , steady disintegration of the man. Province, and accusing India of REGISTER establishing four new military out­ COMPLETE DINING ROOM .. t His use of body' and voice por· NOW MOE WHITEBOOK'S ,.\ trayed a skillCul use of the whole posts in Sinleiang and one in Tibet. acting 'instrument.' There was no The Chinese, instead of invading Fasllions of distinction for ladies and gentlemen SERVICE sacrifice of one for the other. This India 10 miles, were being har­ at seVIn south dubuque strett, lowli City was a complete actor playing an assed 10 miles inside their own iDcomplete. complex character (as territory. Peiping declared. e ate now oifetin~ NOTHING TO BUY! ln Olaer to improve service to OUI customeIs, W . . N i\l nave a wa\ue s State University of Iowa Fine Arts Festival comt"l\ete d.inin~ toom seMce. oW 'Iou w Lucky winner will receive two FREE $5.00 tickets to the Chicago Bears­ r . . . All\ CON- pre.. n" Philadelphia Eagles Charity Pro-Football Game to be held Saturday, to take yout Olaer ana brin,& it to you. Dlne m August 18, 1962, at Kingston Stadium in Cedar Rapids. Just fill in DlTIONED conUOtt at Lassie's. The Crucible name, addre$S and phone number below and deposit at A Four Act Opera MOE WHITEBOOK'S, before 5 P.M. July 27th. Text by MUllc by .Arthur Miller lobert Ward NAME ••••• 1 ••••••••••• : •• •• •••••••• •••••• •• •• ••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • •••••••••••• • with Full Cast - Co.tumes - Scenery - Orche.tra Macbrlcle Auelltorlum ADDRESS (air condltlon"1 Tue.day, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday CITY ...... July 'I, Au.ust 1, " i, 1962 I P.M. PROMPT TELEPHONE ...... ,...... ,...... " ...... ~II ..... nSlrvN All tlcko .. $US This II OFFICIAL COUPON, others will not be acceptedl * LUCKY 13 Nt To Ask For You, Moil Ortlerl .cceptM July 17 th,.",h July 26, 1962 DRAWING will Be Made by Miss West Cedar Rapids, Add,.ss: OPERA, low. MImorI.1 Union, low. City 2 P.M. Saturday, Jrtly 28th (Phone IlIt, 22111 LASSIE'S R . ENU CAR~ ... Enclos. S.If·Addr ....d Stomped Env.lopo July men's and women's CLEARANCE SALE now in progress 715 South Riverside Drivo ED BARN Tick... on III. low. Unlen, .lIt Lobby Desk DRIVE THRU _ TAKE-OUTS Dial 8.7533 bt,lnnln, July 17, '''2 - ':30 '.m... 5:. p.m. - DINING ROOM • 5 ,~ ...... •...... •, ... ' .-...... -.... , .... ~. N.Y. May Widen A.t. Lead; Phils Continue ~~Imer' 5 71 TW9 off Pace; ,~ The Dail Iowan ,~ , , To Dominate Nicklaus At 8-0ver-Par 80 , , To-Wire Race Seen in N.L. , ., TROO , colland (AP) - mold Palmer, aching back and , , all, started defense of his British Open Coif Championship By MURRAY ROSE , , Houston, 6-1 , , witf1 a I-under-par 71 Wednesday but his chief American Assocl.ted Press Sports Writer , , PHILADELPHIA l4'I - The Phil­ The r and I-powered 'ew York Yankees may pry open Joe , , rival, young Jack Nickh,lUS, virtually blew himself out of con­ Lucas May ~" •• "~,~_ •• ~ •• ,.,.,•••••••• , •••_ ••••••• ,.,~,J adelphia Ph illies continued their Cronin's" hoehorn" American League race in the next couple of weeks amazing success against the Hous­ tention with a fat BO, little," the latrobe, Pa., st.t but the League appew-s headed for another one of its tingllng Page 4-THE DAilY IOWAN-low. City, I.,-Thursday, July 12, 1962 ton Colts Wednesday night by Nicklaus, lh~ reigning U.S. Open 'aliona~ Get Ral·se sllid. "But it'$ better than it was battles to the wlre_ I beating the Texans [or the eighth champion, and Gene LitUer of San striaght time this season as right· DiegO, the man he succeeded, both yesterday. I've had heat trut· - Th t' one outlook on the pen- going to be a hot fight. A lot of ment, And I'm wearing long IIn­ I N B A hander Art Mahaffey posted his w-~ In danger of tailing to make nant batlles as t~~ ~eams pre~e Ihe clubs are much stronger and n Sports dtrwear to keep It warm," 10 r ume activities today l1\ the Tigers are going to be rough I ••• 11th victory, 6-1. in a five-hit efCort. the cut after Thursday's round the . econd half or the season 101- when they're healthy_" Roy Sievers drove in Lour runs when the field will be sliced to a Peter Thomson, four-lime win­ lowing the three-day All-Star Game The ntxt couple of _eks m.y .CL~VELAN? - Clevela~d In Brief with his ninth and a double maKlmum 01 .50 players. ner from Australia, was in second break_ tell the story, though. Mentt,', Piper s P~esldent George Stem- and rookie Ted also con­ Littler, one of the preliminary place behind MacDonald with 36· Cronin. the American League home run hitting has inspired brenner sal~ Wednesday ~erry Lu- Iy The Assoclat.d Pr.1I nected for the circuit as the Pbil­ favorlles. like Nicklaus had trou­ 34-70. Thep came Palmer and Kel pre ident. looked over the circuit's home run king Roger Meris end ca~, three-time All-America from FT, RILEY, Kan. - Paul Hor­ lies made good use of their six hits ble with Old Troon's 7,045 yards of Nagle, the AustraUan who beat tanding before the AU-Star gam fired up the rest of th' lineup. OhiO Slate, m~y get mo~e money nung, Green Bay Packer halfback, off southpaw Hal Woodeshick and heather, gorse and sand and came Palmer by one stroke for the Brit­ in Washington and beamed with The Angels get their crack at the ~ow that the Pipers ar.e ~n the Na- has requested early release from right-hander Dick DroIt. in with -a 79. "I don't want to talk Ish title in 1960. They were tied at ·· · p!ea~ure at, the unusual. ~ight. of Yank Thursday night in the opener Iional Basketball AssocJalion. Army duty so he can report to Tony Taylor, back in the Phillies about iI," Littler told interviewers 71. -, nme teamq bunched wlthm nme of the three-game set in Los Steinbrenner said he was sure NATIONAL LEAGUE the National Football League team line-up for the first time since grumpily. Five players were at 72, two at games . Angeles. In the other American "Lucas will play with us - even W. L. I'ct. G.I. for the start oC practice this he put a gash in the big toe of his Palmer's ,teady round pl.ced 73 and nine at 74. LOI Annlos .. . 58 31 _652 month. The 74 shooters included Gory The Yankets wlr. In first League action, the Indians at Bal- if only on wt'ekends, becau~e of his San Francisco ... 57 31 _648 ~ left foot by kicking a clubhouse h m only two ,hot, back of the place, '$ usual, but only • game timore the Washington Senators at educational plans. He's the boss Plttsbureh 52 34 .605 4 ~\ The Ft. Riley information of[ice stool in San Francisco on June 2'~, first round leader, 32-Yllr·old player, Harold Henning, Arthur ClllclnnaU 46 36 .58l .~ Finne, Bruce Devlin and Eric In front of Cleveland', lurprlsin\l Minne 'ala and Boston Red Sox at and l'm sure we can reach an St. Louis 47 311 .553 t said Wednesday Hornung's re­ had a pair of doubles. Keith MecDo"eld of a famous , Indl.ns who pulled out of a tall· Kansas City. agreement about his availability." Milwaukee . _ . 42 43 .494 14 quest has been forwarded to the Mahaffey. who has won fi"e Df Et'\llish and Scettlsh gaHlng clan, Brown. Philadelphia . _ 37 49 _430 19~ spin to get back into the conten- In the National Leaaue, the Steinbrenner said he would talk 5th Army at Chicago. his last six starts and completed who shot 3S-34-69. The field will be cut to a maxi· ­ Houslon 33 50 _398 22 mum oC 50 low scorers afler Thurs­ tion. Even more .stonishing were league-leading Los Angeles Dodg- with Lucas this weekend in Cleve­ Chlc.eo 32 58 .36t ~~ Hornung is assigned to the 896th all of them, had a no-hitter going He was the only one o[ the eight New York 23 59 . 280:n~ day's round for the final tl\lO the pl.cings of the los Angelt. ers take on the Mets in New York; land about when he wiu play Wilf1 Engineer Company, a ational until the fourth when Joe Amalfi­ American qualifiers in a strong WEDNESDAY'S RISUL TS Guard unit from Linton, N.D., rounds Friday. Angels in third by 21/z glmel San Francisco's runner-up Giants the Pipers if he decides Po con­ Philadelphia 6, Houston 1 tano blooped a double to right contending position as the tourna­ and Minnesota in fourth by 41h. play the Phils at Philadelphia; tinue his schooling, and "a few lonly came scheduled) which is due for release Aug. 1. filed_ ment moved into Its second round. Detroit in rifth by only £ive Pittsburgh's threatening, third- other things_" TOOAY'S PROIAILE I'ITCHIIRS The National Football League's It was Mahaffey's third win over Closest Yank to him was Phil games, was the team the Yankees place Pirates host the Houston Clnclnnall (Jay 11.8) at Chlca,o scoring Icader, and its most valu­ Houston this season. Rodgers, the pudgy former Marine Meet your friends "If it's more money he wants, (Cardwell 4-10) able player last season, began his Houlton 000 000 001- 1 5 0 were most concerned about, how- Colts; Cincinati's fourth-place Reds San Francisco (Pierce 8·2 or San­ Philadelphia . 301 020 OOx- ' , 0 from La Jolla, Cam., with 75 and ever, Thc Yanks urged back into meet the Cubs in the only day we'll be glad to give it to him," rotd 9-6) at Philadelphia [Hamill on tour of duty last fall . Wood •• hlck, Droll 15), TI.fenouer a trio at 76 - Sam Snead, the SO· at the Annex. he said. 5·6) - nl,ht • • (I) and Ranew ; Mahaffey and While. fir t wh n ailing Mickey Mantle, game, Dod Sl. Louis takes Dn the Los Anceles (pod res '.7) at New • W- Mahaff.y (11-9). L - Woodeshlck year·old tournament veteran from Whitey Fm-d and Luis Arroyo re- Braves at Milwaukee. Steinbrenner made tbe state­ York ICrar, 5-11) _ nl,ht lONOON - British boxing writ- (3-7). W)1ite Sulphur Springs, W. Va.; Beer just naturally ments at a news conference at llouston (Johnson 4-11) at Pltts- ers called Sugar Ray Robinson a Hom. run. - Phll,d.lphla, SI,YI .. Jack Isaacs o( the Langly Va. Air turned to action and started mak- The speedy, pitching-loaded bur,h (McBean 8-5) - nl,ht h b Wed sd d'd hi (t), S,y.g. (6)_ ing like they did in 1961. Dodgers were only a half-game in which he outlined the plans for St. LouIs (Jackson 7-8) at MUwaukee as- een nc ay an SOl S Force Base and Don Essig, the tastes better at Manauer Ralph Houk realizes the [ront of Ihe power-hiUing Giants the Pipers, who were awarded a (Ilendley 5·6 or Burdette 7·5) - nlcht fight with British middleweight former U.S. Public Links Cham­ 'Doc' ConneWsl Tiger are going to start snarling foUowing their head-to-head erie franchise by the National Ba ket­ AMERICAN LEAGUE champion Terry Downes should be Floods Have Improved pion from Indianapolis. for real when Dul£ielder A1 Kaline last weekend_ The two figure to be ball A sociation (N BA) Board of w, L. Pet, G.I. called ofL ILk F' h' Palmer, one of the game's il'eat makes his expected return this within a breath o[ each other the Governors at a meeting in ew New York .... 46 33.582 The 42-year-old former weller- owa a es IS '"g competitors, carded a 36-35 over month and FrankLary regains his rest of the way. York Tuesday. e:~v~~~~I';s . ::. : :~ ~; :~ l'h weight ~nd five-time middleweight Fishing should improve in the the par 36-36-72 layout 4espite the The Annex J Mlnnesola 45 41 .523 4~ champion was blasted by the cril- flooded areas of northwest Iowa, agonies of an aillng back. winning pilching form. K line was Now attending summer sessions Detroit . • 3 40 .518 5 , f Il . b' d . I I t St t Co t' C .. f 26 E, Colleg. he dod for a tremendous season Baltimore .. 4~ 43 ,493 7 ICS 0 owmg IS eCls on oss 0 a e nserva Ion omnusslOn 0 - "My !lack still troubles me a I al Ohio State, Lucas has said he Chlca,o .,. ... 43 4$ .489 7102 un ranked Phil Moyer of Portland, fieials said recently. The heavy wh n he suffered a broken collar Mrs. Johnstone, is uncertain about playing in the bone in a spectacular catch that ~~~~a~ Clty :::···· :~ :~ 1~~ ~ Ore_, at Los Angeles last Monday rains nush out the lakes and tend NBA, but wants a raise over his 2- Washln,ton . 26 54 .325 2O'h night. Moyer and his brother Den- to decrease algae growths for one sav<'c1 II game against the Yankees Miss Creed year, $60,000 contract if he does. WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS ny, who handed the once gl'eat thing. Another benefit is the fact IOWA ClTY two months ago. lIe still has another term left at (no ,ames scheduled) Sugar Ray a severe bealing last that Dowing inlets of the lakes "We're going finc now," said Win in Western Ohio State after the summer ses- TDOA v's PROIAILE PITCH US February, are known here. cause fish to congregate there for MERCHANTS BASEBALL Houk before the team departed sion. for Los ' Angeles and a thre -day atBo~t~~•• ~con~r& 9 - ~R:~gw Wl~~:n :;,2J The writers said Robinson no food. Bullheading and white bass SOUTH BEND, Ind. (.4'\ - Mrs. Lucas rejected a contract offer Pfl.ter l-7) (2) - nleht longer is a worthy opponent for fishing should be especially good, srrics with the Angels. "But it's Ann Casey Johnstone o[ Mason from the Cincinnati Royals of the IR~~~~~a~~3,tG~m~~~tl) at Bailimor. Downes, 26-year.old cockney who and at night, walleyes wiu be DANCE' City advanced to the quarterfinals NBA to sign with the Pipers, ciling Detroit IMo I 7-8) at Chlcaco [PI- recently was co-holder of the coming in to feed. of the Women's Western Amateur the long NBA season as one rea­ zarroWuhln,ton 7-7) - nl'ht IStenhouse 8-4) at )[lrl., wor Id 11'11'ddl ewelg. hl t'Itl e. Th ey are W'ater 1S fl owmg. heavi '1 y thraug h Hawk Ballroom gol[ tournament by stopping her son. ne o~ (KraU~k (1-8) - nl,ht scheduled to meet in London S pt. the East Okoboji inlet raceway New York (Ford H) at Los An- f S · 't Lak 0 f th b t Friday, July 13, Dancing from 9 to 1 Two Lefties second opponent in match play ,elcs (Bowsfleld HI _ night 25. rom pm e. ne 0 e es Wednesday. ...::...------::----,----- spots for bull head fishing any­ Music by' HOWDY ROBERTS Mrs. Johnstone, a Curtis Cup Hawklets, Solon where in the stale is East Okoboji DOCIiltion $1.00 r player and 1960 Western Amateur where the water 1I0ws (rom tbe Help Support Your I.,ocal Team Lead. Maiors champ, won the first two holes from Win in District Admiral'sVoyage, Ridan raceway . . Mrs. C. Richard Fulmer, lndian· opolis city tiUist, and went on to The Iowa City Little lIawks ad­ a 4 and 3 victory_ vanced into tbe sectional semi-fin­ Doubtful Starters In E.R.A. als oC the Boys Stale High SchoDI Arlington Favorite Clifford Ann Creed of baseball tournament here \Vedncs­ , NEW YORK l4'I - Southpaws Alexandria, La., missed a hole-in­ CIJICAGO (AP) - Fred W. Hooper's Admiral's Voyage Sandy Koufa" of the Los Angeles one by only an inch in winning day by virtue of a 3-1 win over Cedar Rapids Prairie. arrived at Arlington Park \Yedne day from California - but Dodgers and lIank Aguirre of De- a second round 4-and-3 victory over it still was uncertain if the 3-year-old colt will run in Saturday's Here's the sale that's troit lead the major leagues in Jane Nelson Weiss of Indianapolis, John Rhoades and Jesse Schulte earnrd run average Wedne day as former Curtis Cup team member. each gave up Dnly sL'{ hits. '7.5,000 added Arlington Classic, been worth waiting forI the 1962 campaign head into it$ The lOO-pound Louisiana preci. Rhoades, winning his sixth game Also questionable was J. G. W. ------­ against two losses , struck out eight Stable's Rillan, who has made s('c~nd half. . sion player matched par for the and walked none. Farm's Jam-Toolin, Rellerie Knoll Figures compiled by The Asso- 15 holes at South Bend Country more news Ihe last three weeks by Farm's Sharp Count, F. and B. elated Press show Koufax tops the Club Bob Farnsworth, with a triple, not starting. National League with an ERA or : , Rollie Ostrander and Don Rhoades Farm's Good Fight and Fourth 2.t4 and Aguirre paces the Amcri- Allce 0 Neal Dye, another vet· with singles gave the Hawks a 2-1 ,Trainer Chuck Parke will test can with 2.09. eran Indianapolis tourney player, lead in the third and a walk to Dave Admiral's Voyage over the Arling- Estate Stable's Times Roman. Koufax has yielded 40 earned earned a meeting with Miss Creed Mo s, a stolen base and a pinch-hit Lon strip today. He and Hooper I runs in 168 innings while winnhfg in ~oday's quarte~ finals by de- single by Dave Schapira gave the t1,len wil! de~ide If he goes in the Twin Favorites 13 games and losing four. He also featmg Brenda. High o( Glasgow, Hawklets their final run in the nch I-mIle fixture. has struck out the most National Ky " runnerup m the Western Jun­ sixth. The frequently raced Admiral'S starting Leai ue batsmen, 203. The Dodger ior, 3 and 2. Cedar Rapids got its only run in Voyage finished second Saturday In $100,000 fireballer hn. posted two shutouts. Mary Lou Daniel of Louisville, the top of the seventh after two at Hollywood Park in California, in Aguirre has permitted 20 arned the Western Junior champion, was were oul. the 1".-mile Hollywood Derby. He Hollywood Cup runs this year. He ha a 7-3 record eliminated by Mrs. Michael J. In the first game, Solon defeated lost by a neck to Drill Site whUe Today . . . Lisbon, 12·6. INGLEWOOD, Calif. (.4'\ - Olden with onc shutout. Skala of Roseburg, Ore., 4 and 3. spotting the winner 16 pounds. Times and Prove It, Rex Ells­ Dick Donovan of Cleveland is tho Barbaro Fay White of Shreve· OLD SHEP DEPORTED Ridan is assumed to be a start­ worth's formidable pair, shape up Our American League runner-up. The port, La., was a one-up winner over er although the father-son train­ as top contenders for Saturday's veternn right-hander, who won the Nancy Rotb of Hollywood, Fla. BUCK PASS, Miss. - Canine ing team of and Leroy $182,100 Hollywood Gold Cup at ERA title last season, has given Other second round winners connoisseur Irving Finster filed a Jolly has not committed itself. Hollywood Park. up 42 earned runs in 197 innings were Julie Hull, a Purdue student protest to NACH (National Asso· for a U6 mark. He has a 12-3 from Anderson, Ind.; Carol Sor­ ciation of Coon Hounds) headquar­ Ridan was withheld from both With 13 possible entries for the Semi-Annual won·lost record including a pair enson o[ Janesville, Wis., and Doris ters here Wednesday after his su­ lhe Wright and Swaps Handicaps mile and a quarter classic, train­ of shutout victories over Boston Phillips of St. Louis. perlative Old Shep was suddenly at Arlington because the slable er Mish Tenney is Hoping to saddle and onc over Baltimore. forced to leave the state. The did not like the weight assignments. his first winner in the "1'3Ce or Boh Shaw of Milwaukee, acquired GRID CARDS SIGN 2 NACH headquarters told reporters However, the Classic is an allOw- champions" since Swaps won the from Kansas City of the American ST_ LOUIS (.4'\ - The St. Louis that Old Shep's visiting cooner's ance race and Rldan's weight has I~956 running. League last winter is second in the Football Cardinals have signed two permit h.ad expired and Finster been ~gged at 123 pOun.ds. Prove It won the Inglewood and National League with a 2.38 aver­ veteran players, center Don Gil­ had been warned to get a renewal. If Rldan runs, the big son of American Handicaps in his last ClEARANCE age. He has given up 37 earned lis and deft:nsive end Gerry Perry, Asked if an investigation is pend­ Natallah will be a prohibitive fa- two outings. runs in 149 innings and posted who is alsD the team's field -goal ing, the NACH said the case is vorite. If Admiral's Voyage is not 'd ·u b But there are man, top contend- all gentlemen'S a !J-G record witb onc shutout. kicker. closed. cntere,d RI an WI e held at 2-5 er$ challenging the favorites. or less although he had no run since losing by a nose to Greek Wmard Johnson's Harpie, a sur­ Money in the May 19 Preakness. prising third in the American seasonable Since then he has turned in four Handicap, has a record of four Irregulc;uities in Academy or five blazing workouts. wins and two losses for the meet- Seven other 3-year-olds are ing. merchandise is lated starters. They are Dixlalf. Other 8trong eligibles include Stable's Sing Along, Mrs. Ethel Alberta !ranches' Flutterby and )\ppointments Charged flaffa 's Mighty Fennec. T. A. Gris- Vicgray Stable's New Zealand stars sam's Gushi ng Wind, Spring Hill Cadiz and Braganza . WASHINGTON (.4'1- Rep. Samuel appointment procedures of all three ments, which are, by law, made _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;... ;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii ___ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. S. Stratton

SECOND BIG WEeK OF OUR GOOD GRIEF!! 86 Now $6 Ladies' Sportswear Clearance You haven't sampled one of George's deli­ All MERCHANDISE REGROUPED AND REPRICED cious 14 varieties of pizza yet? Life is too short, man, try one tonight II 33 1/3 to 50,0 off ·

PHONE 8·7545 I--~' moe whJt€oook GEORGE'S "MARl GOURMET Shown Fashions of distinction for ladies and gentlemen "MAJ« 114 S, Dubuque St. SIIoII Across Frem ~ - • Alterations at cost Hotel Jefftrson r ree Delivery on orders over 3.95 ROBERT DELUCA Cltld by Ifr,"," TH~ DAILY IOWAN-Iowa CIty, la.-Thurtc!ay, July 12, 1m-PilI_ J • • -~ iF Focus On IHighway ' Proposa( Stocks Continue To Rise New TV Sets Must Recommended NEW YORK IA'I - Once again however, the list was encouragcd Get All Channels Health To Commission the stock market had some good by the leadership or AT&T, which WASIUNGTON!A'! _ President Iy The Assocllted Pre .. news to nourish il Wednesday and was bought heavily following the Kennedy signed a new law Wed. StrilY Blood Cells AMES Lft - A proposal that prices advanced :OJr the third successful launching of its Telstar nesday requiring television manu. 'those fuzzy specks and hairlike By LARRY BARRETT Iowa 142 be prOjected three and a straight session. Trading was lair· ended the day a Ihe most active • objects you sometimes see floating Written for Til. D.lly lowln holl miles west of its junction with Iy active . stock, up 3':' at 113 V• on 105,800 (acturers to make sets capable o[ in your eye are actually stray red EMERGING AFRICA gets more U.S. 63 to Iowa 58 wa recommend. This lime Wall Street was heart· communications satellite. AT&T receiving programs on all chan· blood cells. tlltention today at WSUI (in fact, ed to the Iowa Highway Commis· ened by news that the Senate Fi· shares. nels, both ullra ' White of the University of Cali· by Aug. I, it certainly won'l be Tn a report, Deputy Chief Engi· eliminate dividend and interest tax age closed at 589.06 for a net gain The effective dale is to be fixed tornijl, began wondering about our faulll. The Georgetown Uni· withholding from the tax revision of 3.05. neer R. M. Tullon said a county by the Federal Communications them while recuperating from an versity Forum at 8:30 this morning road bridge over Black Hawk bas bill - a provision generally dis· The Associated Press average Commission. operation for detached retina. will discuss "Changing Africa"; been seriously damaged because liked in the financial community. of 60 stocks rose 1.30 to 219.50 with He and Dr. Paul Levatin of then, at 2 p.m., we'll have an Afri· of the number of trucks using the The news came a day after the industrials up 1.10, rails up .50, Of the approximately 55 mmion Oakland, Calif. , who performed the can Forum program devoted to bridge. market had rallied vigorously on and utilities up 1.50. television receivers noll' in use. sUrg~ry, determined that the float· "Understanding African Culture." He said Black Hawk County is word that the Federal Reserve Of 1.266 issues traded, 696 ad· only 9 million can receive UHF ing patterns come from diffraction faced with either closing the bridge Board had eased margins for lock of light rays passing around a THE INTERNATIONAL CHAR· vanced Dnd 328 declined. New lows signals. As a result about 93 per ACTER of transmissions from or rebuilding it. purchases to 50 per cent from 70 for lhe year totaled 10. The single tiny object, and that red cells per cent. cent of the UHF station assign· Dormally do leak Qut (rom small Broadcasting House is evident in The commission approved a sur· new high was Pendleton Tool In· ments are nol being used. blood vessels into the aqueous the 'music as well as in the dis· I'ey of tbe proposed segment. Even before the tax news came, dustries. layer in froDt of the retina. They cus ion programs. At 10 a.m. to· tell the story in Scientific Am· day you'll henr music by Nether· erlcan. lands composers - two of them - bolh members or the Andriessen Mentill Ilines. family. At 1 p.m. the Internationnl We are bamboozling ourselves Rostrum of Composers sel'ies will if we expect a vaccine or drug be devoted exclusively to the Piano , cure for mental illness, a psychia· Concerto of the contemporary trist warns. Viennese Hans Enrich Aposlel. Tranquilizers and other drugs CLASSIFIEDS Music from ihe 1961 Bergen Festi· have calmed mental patients, and val, at 6 p.m., will fealure string some differences have been found quartets by Milhaud and Typing .. House, For Rent 14 Help Wanted in the body chemistry of schizo· played by the Parrenin Quartet. I phrenics compared with normal TYPING. Experienced, reasonable. Dial SMALL, furnished modern house. WANTED : Baby Itter In or near persons, wriles Dr. Don D. Jack· FURTHER EVIDENCE of the Advertising Rates 7.2447. 11-12 Adults only. 01.1 7·2909. 7·14 StadIum Park. Dial 8·7336 arter 5 son of Stanford University School global nature of thinjls at WSUI JERRY NYALL Electric Typln, Servo SIX room modern house In Solon. p.m. 7·]4 of Medicine. Student at Work I as if any more were required I CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS Ice. Phone 8.1330. 8.l2 Available Au,. 1. $85 per month. Dial WAITRESSES, day or nl,hl shirt. Ap- 337-29:14. Evenln,.. 7·1 3 ply In ~rson . La les Rc4 Barn. But most mental problems arise is inherent in the fact that our For Consecutive Insertions TYPING, elecIrlc IBM. Accurate ex· 713 South Riverside Dr. 7·14 .i An unidentified SUI student makes a fine arl of forty winks in the daily, 11 a.m. classroom bl'oadcast t from personal relationships, he de· Three Days ...... 15c a Word perleneed, DIal 7·20l.. .!OR Apartmenl' For Rent 15 clares. lun on the lawn of the Fine Arts BuUding. Recent sunny weather is called "World Population Prob· y Six Days ...... 19c a Word TYPING, mtmeollraphln'lloNotary Pub· 3 ROOM furnished apt. Carpeled, DIS· ______Work Wanled _20 Aglinst Soft Drinks calls for Ileeping in the shade. -01 Photo lems." If you would eschew bu· lIc. Mary V. Burn •. (I low. State 23c B.nk BuIl4ln,. DIal 7-2656. 7·29 pasll, WasherlDryer, Freezer. Blby School lunch rooms should not colic or parochial radio, you must Ten Days ...... a Word welcome. Must De wlUlng 10 do house. lRONINGS . Fut servlee. Dlal 7.7~~1' come to terms with 910 kilocycles. One Month ...... 44c a Word hold work lor porl or lhe rent. $90. , • sell candy and soft driks, declares Dia l 7·5:149 or HI548. 7·14 the Council on Foods and Nutrition Child Care 5 HOUSEWORK or babyslltln,. DIal OUR GOOD FRIEND, and one· !Minimum Ad, 8 Words) ______. 12 BEDROOM Duplex .pt. All modern. ~8.;..14~:~8.=_-7'7""---:-:-.,..,..,-_ of the American Medical Associa· $51000 Grant Awarded time wsur announcer, Bryan Red· One In,ertion I Month .... $1.35" WILL baby.lt In my home Monday Sto>e, refrleerltort eleClrlc washer WANTED washln,s .nd Ironlngs or tion. dick has a play called "Philocte· throu,h FridlY. 8.551l. 7.l4 .nd dryer. Dfal 7·2Iu5. 7-13 Ironlnl' only. 8-4585. 7·13 Five In5ertlons I Month ... $1.15" • Children may be tempted to --- SMALL baeh~lor apartments. 530 tes Unbound' which he offered to Ten Insertions. Month ..... 1.05" WANTED: Baby illlln,. Day or night. North Cllnlon. 7.5MB or 7-54B7. 7.29 spend lunch money for them and our Evening·at·the·Theatre pro· Phone 8.j!707. 7·13 Business Opportunitiel 21 thus develop poor food habits or To SUI Researchers 'Rates for Elch Column Inch ducer for airing tonight at 8. For Rooml For Rent lose appetite for regular meals. no clear reason ~'(cept that Bry· 16 PART lime •• Ies, full Ume Income Two researchers at SUI who are degree he was granted shortly Automotive B ------.ellln, 10 colle,e students. Manl,e. Breathing stri ving to take some of Ihe guess· afterwards. The thesIs was pub· an's play is short. it has been cou· ______NICE room •. 8·2518. 7·30 ment opportunltfe. aHer IIraduallOIl, pled with "The Cult" - a Write Box 4S Dally Iowan . Give back· Light a paper match, and hol~ work out of ship hull design have lished in the "Journal of Ship Re· 1952 M.G. Convertible. Excellent can· GRADUATE men and women: Rooms; ,round and qua~~I~ ~ i( three inches from your mouth. piece about the Scotch poet. dltlon. Dill 8·8968 belween 4:30 and cook In" lar,e &t1l4l0, small eotta,e been awarded a $5,000 grant by search," June, 1962. 5:30 p .m. 7·14 $30 and Up. Graduale House. Dral Try to blow it out, wilh your mouth the Department of the Navy tu The remainder of the projecl ThursdlY. July 12, 1962 FOR SALE: Pontiac 1951. Good shape. 7-3703 or 8-3975. 8-f wide open. complete their three·year study. 8:00 Mornln, Cha~1 will be spent in replacing the origi· 8:15 News Dial 1·37B3 around ti p.m. 7·14 NEW unfurnished I bedroom duplex, If you can, your maximum The two are Professor Louis nal crude measurement system 8:30 Mornln, Feature - Ceor,e· .Iove. N!frl,eralor. Whltln,·Kerr EMPLOYMENT lown Unlve ..lty Forum: Realty Co. 7.2123, evenln,l. 8·0477. breathing capacity is up to stand· Land weber , a research engineer with a speedier, more accurate Chan,ln, Arrlca Misc. For Sala 11 7·30R ard. If not, it indicates some at SUI's Institute of Hydraulic Pc· electronic system. The new system 9:00 Music Summer or full-time 9:30 BookKhelt COOL room, cookln'l .howers. 530 chronic obstructive pulmonary dis· search, and Jin Wu, a gradullte will be coupled to the University's 1959 - 2 Unit Slereo·Ma,navox. $100. North Cllnlon. 7·58(& or 7·5487. 7.29 9:55 News Dial 7·3285. 7·15 LARGEST Company of ease, Dr. C. Robert Olsen of La student from Formosa who is a high. peed digital computer. 10:00 Music GRADUATE men .na women: Rooms, Jolla, Calif., wriles in the Ameri· research assistant at the institu:c. 11 :00 World PopulaUon P~oblems Phone 7-4191 LARGE, heavy pluUc b.,I, %5 •• Mr· cookln,; lar,e .Iudlo; mill eotta,e. "We hope to shorten the lime 11 :58 New. Caplu I. cooled Downtown LlundeN!lle. %26 $30 up. Graduale HOlise. Dill 1-3703 or Its Kind Has Several can Review of Respiratory Dis· it takes to complete a set of vis· 12:00 Rhythm Rambles Working with model ship hul!s 12:30 News From 8 iI,m. to 4:30 p.m. week· South Clinton. 8-4 &-3975 . 7.17R eases. in a 300·foot long trough in the cous drag measurements - now a 12:45 News Back,rou nd Interesting Job ~avs, Closed Siturdays, An Hydraulics Labol'atory, they havt! month 01' more - to a day or less. 1:00 Music Homes For Sale 12 Help Wanled 19 2:00 African Forum Experienced Ad Tlker Will Opportunities FQr developed a new technique to This will make such measurements 2:30 Music Help You With Your Ad. measure some of the forces which feasible for practical applica· 2:45 New. ------GOOD three bedroom home. Close tn. WANTED: Dealer for profitable Rlw· YalidAsksAid 2:50 MUllc Dial 7-f843. 7·24 lelih busIness In S.W. Johnson Coun· Personal Young M~n In hampel' a ship's performance ns tions," Dr. Landweher said. 4:25 New. THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES -- - Iy. Good ltvln, .t IlIrl. Write Raw· it cuts through the water. They .:30 Tea Time 3 BEDROOM $2200 down. Total $151~92 lellh Dept. lAG-640·101, Freeporl, Jll. 5:15 Sporls Time THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY by Augusl 1. lOIO Hudson. Dial 8'01125 Cedar Rapids Area I I London have also developed an improved 5:30 News ADVERTISING COPY. or 7 ·~84(J. 7·14 system to do the measuring. Iowa Federal Tax 5:45 News nack,round 6:00 Evenln, Concert REQUIREMENTS: The forces resisting a ship's 8:00 Evenln, al tbe Theatre - TYPEWRITER~ REDDICK, "Phllocleles Un· Mobile Homes For Sale 13 High School Graduate Art Theft movement are partly due to Lhe Receipts Increase bound" .,.-__,-- ______:_ • RIPAI •• Age '8·25 wake, or waves, which trail behind Ma.DlARMID, "The Burns Instruction 1954 SCHULT. 38' by 8'. Slnllle bed· Congenial Ll'NDON IA'! - Scotland Yard it. Another part of the resistance DES MOINES IA'! - rowans paid Cull" room. Excellent condition, annex, • tALIS $27,435,010 more in all federal 9:00 Trio Cenced lot at lIU1lop. See and make Nut Appearing calred for international police as- is caused by the viscosity, or 9:45 News Final TUTORING lQ Ger!"an and French. QUer, Dial 11-7740. 7·12 • RENTAL. No Experience Necessary sist(lnce Wednesday to track down "stickiness." of the water. taxes during the (irst six months 9.55 Sports Final 10:00 SIGN OFF PHone 8·8424. • 7·18 ,.::======; Transportation Provided a gl!ng of d~ft bur~lar~ Wll~ li~ted Modern snip.design theory dates 01 1962 than in the same period a Authorl!ed ROYAL 1lH1., $100 Weeklv Salary year ago, the Iowa office of the 35 valuabl? lrt;presslomst pamhngs bnck some 100 years to William LONG COURTSHIP Who Does It? 2 WASH 9x12 RUGS In ondon s biggest art thelt. Froude, an English civil engineer. Federal fnternal Revenue Service LIMA, Peru IA'I - 0 car Olive PORTABLES STANDAR~ said Wednesday. in the BIG BOY at the Fo/' Dc/ails Ca/llmmec/ialcl!l J~cques O'Hana , owner of the Froude ~onvlnced the British Ad. Vergara hesitated for more than ALTERATIONS by Marla Lloyd. DIal 7-47!!4. 7·14 lir·cooled 100 d private gallery, said the mirally thol he could predict the W. R. Null, assistant director, 50 years 01 court hlp before going MI'. Majors (9 A.M.·] P.M.) t)1e DOWNTOWN LAUNDERETTE WIKEL sto n works by such modern mas· performance and power require. soid total revenue lor the first to the altar with JoseCina Rastely HAGEN'S TV. Guaranteed television Cedar Rapids 366·0479 tel' as , , Cezanne, I ments of a new ship by testing a haH of 1962 was $489,612,681. This Reyes. service by certllied servicemen 224 S. Clinton Utrjllo and Toulouse Lautrec, were model of it. compares with $462,177,671 for the Now, 87, Oliva Vergara married anytime. 8-1089 or 8·3!!42. 8·l8R TYPEWRITER CO. Collect wo,.th at least $700,000 but might "Froude elevated ship design out first half of 1961. lhe 95·year·old Jo efina Tuesday . brillg $1.12 million on an open of the realm of an art into the Nutt said also that refunds to lIe said he had " lost enough lime" MONEY LOANED maJket. more precise area of engineering," Iowans for Ule first six months of in making up his mind. Diamonds, Cilmeras, NOW.! A,h. insurance broker, who of- Dr. Landwebcr snid. "But his this year totaled $59,032,428 an in. Tvpewriters, Watches, Luggage, ferOd a $56,000 reward fOr return theory contains certain approxi. crease of $3,076,928 over the same Guns, Musical Instruments Nurses: Choose Milwaukee!· of $Je paintings, said they were in· mate assumptions which make period last year. Diill 7-4535 you can order For e_ ..... 'e,.._I_IIhctTol ..Itw ..... Hospital oHem sur~d for $560,000 and that this some practical applications of lhe HOCK·EYE LOAN a copy of the wa$ only about half their value. theory little morc Lhan educated Doors Open 1: 15 'l:lie O'Hana theft was an expert guesses." University Edition • lig City nursing ud IIvin, conditio., oWation. It cleared out nearly the One of these is the part 01 the FINE PORTRAITS of • Cult.,.I, .due.lion.l, proll"ionll, en~re exhibition that had been ar- , resistant forces due to viscosity. rec,oation.1 .nd ,hopping faciliti •• ra~ed for the summer, the owner Froude's theory doesn't give an ac· ItrrrtD •• low II The Daily Iowan • JCAH Iccndil .. d hospil.~ sail. curate way to estimate this part STARTS TO-DAY 3 Prints for $2.50 for only ..c.llont staff ~me of the works were taken, of the lolal drag. Pro.feUional Party PIcture. • Nowly ,.mod.l.d ~oo b.d hOlpit.1 fra~es and all, Others were neat· When Wu and Dr. Landweb. er SHOWS • 1 :30 • 3:25 • 5:30 ut from their frames. began work in 1960, no other reo 7:30 • 9:15 • "FEATURE 9:30" YOUNG'S STUDIO • Mlnutol.awoy Univorslty ucl Iy 3 So. Dubuque Soci.1 .dvantagll , hey knew exactly whal they search had yet developed a more • N•• ,by b.. chlS, tho.t.n. doro •• w~ doing," O'Hana said. "I precise method. "We had to prove The Year's most rut.u .. nh, ote. cs 't see. any point in this theft. first that It was possible to make Uproariolls, Adult Easy Ways To SOc • lilo In,uronco, p•• ,ion pl.n, p.id Th . e pamtmgs wlll be useless to this sort of measurement and be Vlc.tion plans. sick leav. SALARY RANGE Ih thieves." sure it was sufficiently accurate," Sophisticated Order Your Have it sent to you at your • Position. in qo,,,"1 duty steH, e was convinced they could not Dr. Landweber said. Comedy! WANT ADS I summer school or job loca. .urgtry. m.dlcint, ob.t.tric.. $329 lIP t. 5415 be in France, Switzerland This stage oC the project, com· 3 , speci.1 Clre per mOllth Doors• Open 7:00• tion and see whal is in store or possible other Western pleted in January, 1961, was the • Rohling hOUri, pr.miulII for Credit Given Show At 7:30 P.M. for the fall term. tv.ning, night duty cottltriE!S. But an effort might be subject of Wu's thesis for an M.S. Ci\RY\DORIS For E.perience to sell them in South Amer· 1. PHONE IN • Congoni.1 hom ...... y .from.hom. GRANT DAY 2 Color 7·4191 .tmolph"t 4 behind lhe Iron Curtain, he Cartoons Send name, mailing address and SOc to: :Write or C~ Collect to Person ..' Departmellt the looting was discovered The Famous 2. COME IN for d.t.il.d inform.lion Ind InlWt" to va.r qutstionl police alarm was sent Communicltions Cifeulatioll Manager Scotland Yard ordered a spe· Center Tlte Daily lowall watch at all ports and air. BIC; BEATS formerly with - With­ Communications Center ·MILWAUKEE HOSPITAL to block smuggUng the works ..11 __ 3, WI&. the country. Ricky Nelson AUDREY MEADOWS 3. MAIL IN IOlVa City boo W.1U11tetn A_ DI.1-1500 Ditk Clilrk Show GIG YOUNG Th. DlilV lowiln BreAthtaking Thrillers I TONIGHT ONLY Screaming Speed & Plus . Color Cartoon 3 By JohnDy Hart fffii'f1B "ROCKET RACKET" Excitement On HighwlY & Track ~.<" . "ENDS NO FRIDAY" Special In Color II W "S"RI~n. y StDNEY" IIHELL ON WHEElS PETER! ;>, BIG FEATURES HELP ME! I S~LL T~EM! S.,..d Show Program • BOTH" IN OOLO'R.! YOu'VE GeT 1bbEr.RID ....;;---- IVINT NO.l---­ OF Tr-le5E Ends Tonite-Walt Disney'S 'BIG RED' Screeching Thrills In FRt:CKLES! I A Blazing Story of Starts FRIDAY! The Race Track • , • -ttftfffij "Born To Speed" Together . .. In Their Newest Movie JOHNNY SANDS c .... tt.., .. w,...... The Stars 01 "Anatomy 01 A Murder" ,-~ ... , " .. ,...... COlUIISIA f'lCTW,rROOTS' ---- IiVENT NO. 2 ---­ • ~ E6w1RDS PIIIOucTKlN Dart·DnUs On Wheels By MORT WALKER In The Most Dlngerous BEETLE BAILEY Sport On Earth ••• GLENN FORD GEE! IT ll I DON'T SAY. SO- •• "The Racers ZERO, T~E ~EeULATl0N5 dF 'T1-IE SOUNDED L KIRK DOUGLAS YOLl'~e UNITED STATES A~MY \.lOST LIKE Cinemlseo.,. , Color SUPPOSED SAYS 50! llEi SAID TO STAND up IT! W~EN AN :----- I!VENT NO. , ---­ OFFICEI':. Whirling W.... ,s I ENTE~Sm ROlri", Pipel In A ~OOM Shoeking Story 01 Horror "MARINES LIT'S GO" On Our HI",w.ys •• , Shown •• 1:" - ~:40· ':45 "Devil On Wheels" "MAJORITY Oil ON!" TERRY MOORE Shown ., 3:10 & 7:25 " 'a.. ~THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa Ch., I - ,...... , .."y. July 12. 1"2 , Veteransl Kin ~:S:w~:':id$ ITe/stdr Brings Europe Shows SUI Opera 32 Negroes Jailed Get Noyes ~~::G;.r:~ TheN.t~,_ To American TV Screens Ticket Sales For Protest March aIislration Aeronautics invited andindustry Space Wednes.Admin· EW YORK t.4'I _ The remark- Start Tuesday ALBANY, Ga. 1.4'1 - Negro demo Walker oC Atlanta, saHI, "You have Scholarships day to submit bids immediately able Telslar satellite, spinning onslrators protested on Wednes· the honor of joining Dr. King aDd Forty-one students at S J have for development of a two-man Wednesday night, brought French Iowans will have a chance to day the jailing of integration lead· Abernathy." "I.. n~r exe"-I'on vehicle." and Brili h lelevl'sl'on dir~t to h' f er Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., King earlier Issued a st.te· been awarded LaVerne oyes ~~ ~o~" attend t e fIrst per orm:mce out· . h h th tided h'ch 1-" the American home screens. Wit a prayer Jllarc . a an ment in W I he cll... 45. scholarships Cor the 1 2·63 aca· The craft would be launched on side of New York City of a new them in J·ai!. d.y 'Iall sentanc:- lm~"" on him . h h I The first east·we~t link oC Eu· • • ...... demic )'ear. according to Charles the same boos ler Wit I e Apo 10 • h . . opera this month at SUI. Th- group of 32 Negroes, unl'ust and said If he and Aber. M. Mason, coordinalor of student h shi d Id be bl rope WIt America Via outer space • mro II er · P't an Wc °thu lh eapa C came through with as much clarity Robert Wnn!'s "The Crucible," heided for a prayer sellion at nlthy paid $171 fines levied on ald, o an d109 lliO 0 e ree·man 'f he f C '1 City H.II, w.s arr-sted I nd herd. th. m "w. would b. partners In crew on the 's surface and a I t Y came rom a ew ml cs based on the Arthur Miller play • th . f ..... ·ttl· The $290 scholar hip, modc away. ed into the polic:. station after e c:rlm. 0 "nl 109 away our possible under the terms of the returning them to the mother shill '. with the same name, will be pre· marching th~ blocks. freedom." oy will, are granted to blood ID. an or b'It aroun d th e moon, for a Telstar brought an eight· minute sented July 3t and Aug. I, 3 and 4 ,- In Washington, President Kea· descendants of World War 1 vet· t rth French program onto all three .. This southern Geor"ia city's pa- re urn to ea . major U.S. networks during lis 15th • as a feature of the 24th annual lice force remained "nOOyon standby has asked the Justice De· erans. An above average scholas· orbit around the earth at a speed Summer Fine Arts Festival at alert for possible new demonslra- partment for a report on the jail· tic The third crewmao would remain record and need for financial at all times in the mother ship or of 16,000 m.p.h. the University. Commissioned by lions over the jaiLing of King and ing. of King and Aberna thy, the assistance are required for award· On its next orbit iI relayed a Ihe Rev. Ralph Abernathy for an White House disclosed Wednesday. ing of the cholnrships. command module, which is cur­ the Ford Foundation, the opera Press secreta"" PI'erre Saling Recipients are: rently being developed by North program from England's Goon. identical march last December. ., er American Aviation Inc., Los An· hilly Downs transmiter for 12 was first performed last fall in Police Chief Laurie Pritchett reo said the President talked with his Charles Streit. AI. Algona; Jo· minutes. the New York City Center. It has peated his warning that any demo brother, Atty. Gen. Robert F. Ken· seph Cook, 1.2, Bloomfield; Karen geles. The space agency also announced The French program, which since received a 'Pulitzer Prize and onstrators would be jailed. nedy, and asked him ior a report Egger, A3, Cedar Rapids; Marcia made singer Yve Montand the 1n sending out tbe marchers, on the situation. Salinger gave no Files, AI, Cedar Rapids; Nancy at a new conference that: the Drama Critics Award. details. I Files, A4 , Cedar Rapids ; Su an I. Development of the huge Nova first European enterlainer ever to Mail orders for tickets for the King's aide, the Rev. Wyatt T. Indications were that the Ne. II i telecast direct acro the Atlantic, • Jones, AL. Cedar Rapids; David vehicle, for direct flights to the was recorded on vidco tape earlier SUI presentation will be accepted groes might stage a series of pro- Lamb, A4. Cedar Rapids ; James moon, would be deferred at least "'- ed T I f from July 17 to July 26, announced test marches. While, M. Cedar Rapids. an d t hen ""am to e tar rom $1 5 Mlollolon Walker, while not dluulg'lnl two years. There are to be active a station in Brittany. William Adamson, business man· • s".ciflc: plans. told .~ 200 ' Gary Lindqu.sL. AI, ~harilon; and continuing studies of the con· Roger HoeCt, A3, Charles City: cept. Several hours later American ager for the opera. They should be I SUI GOft Negroes at the Shiloh B.ptist Carolyn Briggs, Al, Davenport : viewers on the CBS network saw sent to OPERA, Iowa Memorial n I 5 c:hurc:h prior to the m.rch: "It 2. There will be continuing stud· David Ives, AI, Davenport; Donna an actual live telecast from Coon· Union, Iowa City, Iowa, with a m. y be that some of us will . Chrlstillnsen, Al , Denison; Rose· ies of the feasibility of an earth· hilly Downs, showIng British of. stamped, self-addressed envelope S t R d join the others in • m.tter of mary O'Conner. 4. Donahue: Di· orbit rendezvous technique of Cicials explaining the transmitter enclosed. Checks should be made e 5 ecor days. But if it takes the whole ana Smith, AI, Farmington; Fran· landing men 00 the moon. These controls there and pra! ing the payable to OPERA, State Universi· Negro population of Alblny WI studies involve use of the advanced cis Olson, A4, Ft. Dodge. American achievement in space ty of Iowa. Gifts, grants and contract funds will break down the Wills of Jack Pringle, AI, Garner: Jo· C·S Saturn rocket with a spacecraft communication. All seats for the [our perform· totaling $1,528,379 were accepted s.gregation." seph Bergman, A2, Iowa City; AI· somewhat mailer than the three· The versatile 170·pound Telstor onces in air-conditioned Macbride for SUI in June by the finance The city has a population of 58,·' bert , A4, Iowa City; man Apollo vehicle now under con· communications satellite was boost· Auditorium wUl be reserved. Tick· committee of the State Board of 000 of which about 24,000 are Ne.' Don Irwin, A4, Iowa City; Ellen tract, using oniy II two·man module ed into orbit Crom Cape Canaveral ets, priced at $2.25 each, also wUl Regents. groes. I I ~ I or compartment. Kiser, A2, Iowa City; Diane Bryan, at 2:35 a.m. (Central Standard go on sale at the East Lobby Desk The total is a record amount for Walker dl'!'ected the formatl'oD Time) 00 Tuesday. in the Union Tuesday. The desk. th . h of the marchin.. group at the A4 , Jefferson; Bonnie Laidley, AI, · d ' If I C f . a smgle mon . PreVIously t e rec· .... Laurens; Paul Tyler, A2, Lenox; It fIxe Itse n a range 0 rom wUl be open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 ord was $1,332,236 accepted in church after a brief service. The, il th h Telstar Dale Sundberg. A'l., Unn Grove; 600 to 3,500. m esb ' a bo ve d e earth . p.m. daily. February. The gifts are for reo Negroes selected for the dem on. Linda Gates, A2, Marengo; John Atomic Blast In its Sixth or It Tues ay nig t, "The Crucible" is based 00 Mil· search of mentally retarded child· stration form-""" ranks of two in the III d t I Scholz, A4, Marengo; Janis Glal, the yar d ·wi de sate te r eI aye e· Thi s photo of the Telstar satellite is a copy of the origina l print ler's dramatizatioo of 17th cen· reno church aisle and then walked out evision pictures from this country tllli' witch·hunting in Salem, Mass. into the 93-