.' ~ THEATRE Weather' Review Plrtly cloudy focI,y Ind hnl,ht. Hl,h focI,y Ql 'owan in the lOs. Further outlGok for Frid4ly: Selt· t.red thund.r,,",wen with little eMn.. In See Page 3 Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868 Aasociated Prell Leued Wire aDd Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Thursday, July 12, 1962, Iowa City, Iowa o3 "3 o ) 2 0 o 0 3 Q Summer Visitors Find Iowa o2 )2 o 0 ~ ~ Several Thousand Protest 1 0 4 1 Not As Bad As Stereotype 5 0 1 0 1 3 By SUZANNE MONTGOMERY with their surroundings during the \hought the Amana colonIes were 1 0 Staff Writer first few weeks. IDteresting and unique. Many of o 0 o 0 Few families, having spent most Activities for the families have the families who toured there have 1 I of their lives in New York City, included a Fourth of July picnic gone back again. ?:I IZ Washington, D.C., or Pasadena, and a tour of the Amana colonies. Mrs_ Anthony B. Giordano, wife Canadian Calif., would choose Iowa as the Medicare Plan Plans are being made for a boat· of Dr. Anthony B. Giordano, de· o1 "3 ideal place to spend an 6-week ~ . o 1 ing exsursion on the Mississippi partment of Electrical Engineer­ o 0 summer vacalion. But the wives this weekend . ing, Polytechnic Institute of Brook­ J 0 and children of over 20 participants 2 0 The families themselves are en­ lyn, Brooklyn, New York, was espe· 2 0 in the summer space study insti­ joying themselves in a variety of cially thrilled by the children in Demonstrate o 0 tute as sur who chose to come Campus Chief 1 0 ways. Activities mentioned include Iowa. 8 0 along to Iowa City for the 8 week swimming, horseback riding, learn­ "Children here are a joy with a 4 0 program are finding that, for the ing to play tennis. rea6ing, study­ capital J," sald Mrs. Giordano. 4 I In Support 1 0 most part, they lovc it! ing at the University, working, They arc cleon, well-bred, pollte, 3 2 Resignation o 0 The study institute, which in· playing bridge. attending concerts, bronzed and all beautiful. o 0 volves leading scientists from all attending plays, relaxing and en­ People in Iowa City are friendly o I over the United States, is sponsor­ joying Iowa City. Of Doctors o 0 and helpful, but respect your pri· o 0 ed by the Space Science Board of Mrs. H. E. Newell, wife of Dr. vacy and let you enjoy it, Mrs. Unclarified o 0 the National Academy of Sciences. H. E. Newell, director of research Giordano continued. Iowa is lovely More British Doctors Dr. James A. Van Allen, head of for the National Aeronautics and and clean, and unlike New York Circumstances surrounding the Will Be Imported the SUI Department of Physics and Space Administration in Washing· City, has no incinerators. resignation of Bruce M. Parker, Astronomy and a member of the ton, D.C., said that her children, The University is really magnifi­ Chief of Campus Police, are still By Government board, is chairman of the program. aged 9 and 14, had never seen farm cent, Mrs, Giordano added. "And unclarified today. Participants in the session are liCe in the Midwest. wc woudn't miss a Repertory The­ SUI officials are willing to veri­ REGINA, Sask. (AP) - Sev­ Because they are living at the atre play for the world." fy that Parker did submit his resig­ eral thousand citizens staged here either on a full-time or a part· nation Tuesday, but apparently are time basis. For those wishing to edge of Iowa City, the children While the space study is in ses· an orderly pro t est outside are able to visit a nearby farm. sion the Giordano's 19-year-old son unwilling to say more than that. bring their families, the Univer­ Saskatchewan's provincial leg­ sity was asked by the Space Sci­ Our family is certainly enjoying is working in the SUI Physics De­ Parker, too, will say little. our stay here, swimming, horse­ partment. P,rkor'. .upervllOr, Richlrd islative building Wednesday ence Board to help arrange hous­ Holcomb, dl,-.dor of Polk. Sel­ ing accommodations. back riding and just relaxing, said Mrs. Giordano said that she against tlle Government's med­ Mrs. Newell. .nc., rofuSld to IIY Wedn.sdlY Under tile direction of Max Haw­ spends a great deal of her time in icare program. The family of Dr. Alexander J_ the library wilere there Is a good whether he hid known of Plrk­ Idns,' field director for sur Alumni or'. plln. to reli,n. H. 1110 "' The turnout fell far below Records, furnished homes were Dessler is now in the process of collection of books on porcelin, her pre­ cllned to commont on the quality vious cstimates that ~anged up to redted in the Iowa City area from moving from California to Dallas, special interest. The whole family Tex. Mrs. Dessler said she felt is interested In antiques and their of Plrko,'1 Slrvlc. during the 12 30,000, but almost every sizeable (amilles Who were leaving for the v.. rs h. ha. b"n chl.f of Clmp· community In this province was summer. Specifications of the that people in Iowa City seemed only regret is that Iowa City has no even frien dlier than those in Cali· antique shops. u. pollc •• represented by delegates backing board requested that the homes, Parker would say only that he the ll-day-old doctors' strike and among other things, be air-condi­ fornia and that the food in Iowa, It seems apparent that the fami­ especially the corn and the meat. lies of the space scientists have is "on vacation for the rest of the demanding suspension of the com· tioned and provided with lawn month" and that he will announce pulsory medical care plan. care. is exceptionally good. not only adopted Iowa City as their Mrs. Dessler saia that her three summer home but are enjoying it. plans "when they are a little more The Canadian Press estimated Additional effort was made to firm." the crowd at 4,000. place families in houses specifi­ small children enjoy swimming and Perhaps many of them feel as one picnics in City Park. I think Iowa space scientist wife who said that Parker has just returned from Premier Woodrow Lloyd figured cally suited to them on the basis the national convention of campus of size, facilities needed, etc. City is especially niee as com­ the greatest disadvantage to a the gathering at between 2,500 and pared to other parts of the Midwcst summer in Iowa City is that just Police at the University of Minne­ 3,000. Police Chief A, G. Cookson, For instance, a family that de· sota, where he was elected secre­ sired a piano was given a home jn I have scen, added Mrs. Dessler. when you are ,etting to know it who sat on a stand overlooking the Mrs. Dessler said that she well, it is time to leave. tary. He said he would be busy with erowd, estimated 15,000 people toolt which a piano was already part of that work for the next few weeks. part. the furnishings. Fred H, Doderer, director of In mort of. holiday mood than According to James Jordan, di­ the SUI P.rlonn.1 OHlce, Slid rector of University RelatIons, the In,ry ch,ll.n,., the d.monltr.. lite Weclne.dly thlt P.rk,r'l tors strotch.d out on the s ...• University has aiso providcd a Card Section May Change Iett.r of rlll,nltlo" hid r.ach.d service to help fulfill special reo cious I,wn in werm tunshint, hll offic. "Iom.tlm. durin, the III"hing Ind talkIn, w~ile .pelk· quests the families might have diY, but I r.. ny don't ch.ck while in Iowa City. Located in the ers donounced the Socl,lIst Goy· Format for 1962 Football thoSl thlnl' too clos.ly." The let· .rnment of Lloyd. Ie. cr.,m ven· Main Library, where the conIer­ tor "V, a. Plrk.,', relson for ence activity itseU is housed, this dors elflned up, Mlny d.mOll· Iowa's card section may not op­ rcctor of Athletics, Forest Eva· I.,vin, SUI only "re.I,nln,." Itrltors brou,ht their chlldr.n. "secretariat" arranges such things Doderer said SUI employs about as car rentals, swiming or tennis erate "strictly as a card section" shevski, said Wednesday night. Placards bobbing up (rom the for 1962 football games, Iowa Di· But Pep Club will still use the 8,000 people and resignations come crowd seemed far more bitter, lessons and transportation connec­ in evcry day. He said the first he tions. customary 900 seats for perform­ R.he.rslng "The Lesson," I mod.rn Fro"ch one· Mader, Center Point, Ind 0,1. Norton, Wood­ however, than the crowd's mood. ing a new set of stunts. had known of Parker's resignation Ict pl,y to be pro ..nted this Iftirnoon by the stock, III. Thr.. other pllYs liso will be pr.. It has also been in charge of was what he read in Wednesday's Lloyd's government, meanwhile many social affairs for the families Starlight Dance Evashevskl said the Board in lummer high school workshop In dramltic art sented, on. after the other, b.,lnnin, It 1:30 In put out a call for 200 British doc· Control of AthleUcs has discussed DI.
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