The Ingham County News, Wednesday, August 26, 1964 - Page A-2
-~:) I WARMER. lo Warmer Thuruclay; a bit coo/~r. · (') ,\! Friday ar Saturday; warming trunci ~! j l".l Sunday or Monrlay. Showor# Friday ;( ! J .,.J .,. :·.r / or Saturday. r:J .;-!J ·" :,., ' ..,r. I ., I !,.\ I• ' ~ .. ' ,, ,. I r.,' .. I ( UJ UJ Volume 105, No. 35 . 5 Sections- 32 Pages Including Special Back-to-School Section 1~ per copy Mason Voters Approve Swi,mm,ing Pool Bond Issue Mason will have Its swimming to design the pool and the bull that there was a relatively high pool. ding to house It, That may com~ turnout for the election, While * * '* By a thumping vote of nearly up at a meeting Septem~er 9, the votes In some elections on Yeggs Hit 2 to 1 voters In the school dis It will require 6 or a weeks money Issues in the past several trict went to the polls Monday and to obtain the approval of the years have been larger, 1,167 cast the majority of their ballots Municipal Finance commission voters Is a good turnout and is Restaurants In favor of building the $200 000 1 for the project, representative of the feelings of faclllty, Another 2 or 3 weeks will be Mason police are Investigating the school district, Secondly, the required for advertising and sale size of the majority of •yes' 2 breakins which occurred here The vote was 770 for the pool of the $200 1000 bond issue. votes reflects a strong feeling In on 2 consecutive nights during issue and 413 against it, Mter the bonds are sold It the past V"'lek, wtn the district In favor of the facil The Issue of a pool for the use require another 3 weeks before Ity," Burglars broke into the Fami of children and adults In Mason the money is made available.
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