Int J Front Sci Water: The Elixir of Life Review Article The International Journal of Frontier Sciences Water: The Elixir of Life Muhammad Aslamkhan1,2* This article is open access under terms of Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is cited properly. 6. Editor-in-Chief Submitted: November 10, 2018 7. Health Research Division, Sundas Foundation Lahore, Accepted: December 25, 2018 Pakistan Published Online: January 1, 2019 *Correspondence:
[email protected] doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2539510 How to cite this: Aslamkhan, A. 2019. Water: The Elixir of Life. Int J Front Sci, 3(1), 64-72. Water is a chemical compound made up of floats in water. This phenomenon is very two elements, Hydrogen gas, which is important for the survival of aquatic life in a combustible and Oxygen gas, which causes frozen lake where the ice, instead of sinking, to burn. But the union of two atoms of floats on the surface and act as a barrier for Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen results in the aquatic life below, which overwinter the a colourless and odourless liquid, known as harsh cold season. water, which extinguish fire. Water, under normal climatic environment, On this planet earth water is one of the most occurs as liquid, which makes it a suitable plentiful compound that exist as solid, liquid habitat for millions of plants and animal life, and gaseous state. In nature it also occurs as as well as a mode of transportation for living snow, ice packs, icebergs, glaciers, fog, dew, organism.