Abuse, 56, 57, 137, 138 Alison Hindell 'Casualness,'
INDEX Abuse, 56, 57, 137, 138 Bechdel Test Movie List, Alison Hindell 68, 74 ‘casualness,’ 12 Bechdel–Wallace Test, 17, circumspect, 15 64–66 criticism, 19 female relationships, 64 feminist, 11 methodology, 66–67 plot devices, 13 The Bell, 97 women, role and status, Bible, 51 17 Big Society, 119 ‘Altruism in pursuit of Bipolar disorder, 133 social stability,’ 126 Black Panther, 147 Altruistic motivations, Borsetshire Mental Health 121 Trust, 29 Ambridge Cricket Team, Bridge Farm, 15, 40, 43, 173 45, 73, 123 Ambridge Farm Machinery, Bridge Farm Tea Room, 183 181 Ambridge support network, British popular culture, 41 31–32 Brookfield cow issue, 14 Anorexia, 136–138 Business, Energy and The Antiques Roadshow, Industrial Strategy 181 (BEIS), 156 Archers/Bechdel–Wallace Test (ABW Test), 66, Calculating conversations, 68, 69, 72 67–70 Audience survey, 144 ‘Casualness,’ 12 ‘Auditory voyeurism,’ 25 Celebrity Big Brother, The Avengers, 66 146–147 197 198 Index ‘Civil society,’ 117, 118 Estimated science capital, Collective citizen action, 117 162–163 Communication studies, ‘ – Fall of The House of 53 55 ’ ‘gestures,’ 82 Aldridge, 14 Family, 94, 102, 109 gossip, 52 Fawcett Society, 145 non-verbal, 6, 78 Female characterisation, Compact Code on 64, 80 Volunteering, 122 Female relationships, 64 Confederation of British Female representation, 74 Industry (CBI), 155 Female writers, 22, 23 Constituency, 17 Contraception, 106 Feminine, 145 Feminisation, 22 Coronation Street, 41, 43 Formal and informal power Cradle to Cradle, 181 relations, 117–118 Cricket,
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