PRESS RELEASE Suresnes, February 19, 2019 DomusVi opens a new residential home in Ourense, Spain • The DomusVi Barra de Miño centre offers 47 places for elderly residents in a restored riverside “pazo” Press Office Tel.: +33 (0)1 57 32 53 00
[email protected] Copyright DomusVi Group After managing two residential homes in Ourense for many years, DomusVi has opened a new residential centre for the elderly, just a few kilometres from the city in Barra de Miño, in the municipality of Coles. It is a restored former manor house (“pazo”) with views of the river Miño. With its unique natural setting surrounded by vineyards, its welcoming facilities and carefully arranged spaces, this centre is a unique offering for elderly people, with the best health and social care and a friendly service. The new residential home offers a total of 47 places, distributed between 30 rooms in a new building, whilst the common areas are located within the restored country house, which also contains the kitchen. The centre will have its own catering service. The building is also surrounded by a large garden. The elderly residents will have access to a technical team of professionals responsible for their physical and emotional wellbeing. This team includes a physiotherapist, a social worker, a team of doctors and nurses, a socio-cultural coordinator, an elderly care team and staff providing hotel services. 1/2 DomusVi Group Headquarters: 1 rue de Saint-Cloud – 92150 SURESNES (France) – Tel.: +33 (0)1 57 32 53 00 PRESS RELEASE DomusVi in Galicia DomusVi manages four residential homes in the province of Ourense (Ourense Centro, Ourense Barbadás, Bande and Larouco).