Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey
I, ; & & VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATEOF THE O F NETV-JERSET, At a SESSION begun at Trenton on the 27th Day of Oftober 1795, and continued by Adjournments. BEING THE FIRST SITTING. TRENTON: PRINTED BY ISAAC COLLINS. M.DCCXCV. •• ? • — , List of Persons returned as Members of the Legislative-Council. Bergen Peter Haring, Efex, John Condit, Middlefex, w Ephraim Martin, -1 Monmouth, a Elifha Lawrence, V. P. Somerfet, < James Linn, Pi Burlington, & John Black, O Glouccjler, ^ Jofeph Cooper, \ Esquires. Salem, O Thomas Sinnickfbn, Cape-May, X Matthew Whillden, Hunterdon, John Lambert, Morris, Ellis Cook, Cumberland, Eli Elmer, Sujfex, .Charles Beardflee, List of Persons returned as Members of the General Assembly. Adam Boyd, Bergen, John Haring, Benjamin Blacklidge, Elias Dayton, EJfex, Jonas Wade, James Hedden, C Peter Vredenburgh, Middlefex, -< Benjamin Manning, £ James Morgan, ~ Jofeph Stillwell, Monmouth, Elifha Walton, James H. Imlay, Henry Southard, Somerfet, Peter D. Vroom, _ Robert Stockton, f Samuel Hough, Burlington, -j George Anderfon, /Stacy Biddle, Abel Clement, Cloucejler, Samuel French, > Esquires. Thomas Somers, John Sinnickfon, Salem, Eleazer Mayhew, William Wallace, {Richard Townfend, Cape-May, Eleazer Hand, Reuben Townfend, {David Frazer, Hunterdon, Simon Wyckoff, Benjamin Van-Cleve, {John Starke, Morris, David Thomfon, John Debow, f Ebenezer Elmer, Speaker, Cumberland, < Benjamin Peck, £ Ebenezer Seeley, William M'Cullough, {" Sujfex, Peter Sharps, George Armftrong, n ; ( 5 ) V O T E S AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE State of New-Jersey. TRENTON, Tuefday, OSiober 27, 1 795. THIS being the Time arid Place appointed by Law for the firft Meeting of the General AlTembly, the following Perfons attended, to wit, Benjamin Blacklidge, as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Bergen ; Elias Dayton, Jonas Wade and James Hedden, as Reprefentatives for the County of Effex Benjamin Manning and Peter Vredenburgh, as two of the Reprefentatives for Stillwell, Elifha Walton and H.
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