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N E W'J E R S E Y.

Convened in GENERAL ASSEMBLY at Trenton, on Tuefday the 2 2d Day of 0(flober 1793.

Being the firft and fecond Sittings of the eighteenth Session.


\ . M.DCC.XCIV. . fe ^ ^f?


LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL. Bergen^ Peter Haring,

Efex, John Condi t, Middle/ex^ Samuel Randolph, Monmouth^ Thomas Henderfon, V. P.

Somerfet^ cS James Linn, Burlington^ John Black, O Gloucejlery c Jofeph Ellis, EfquireSk o Saleniy Mayhew, ffi- John Cape-May^ Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon^ John Lambert, Morris^ Abraham Kitchel, Cumherlandy Samuel Ogden, Sufexy Charles Beardflee,

LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Peter Ward, Bergen^ Ifaac Nicoll, John Benfon, Caleb Camp, Ef.ex. Daniel Mardi, Abraham Spier, Peter Vredenburgh, Middle/ex^ Thomas M'Dowell, John Rattoon, Jofeph Stillwell, Monmoutby Thomas Little, James H. Imlay, Henry Southard, Soinerfety Robert Stockton, Jonathan F. Morris, Thomas Hollinfhead,

BurlingfoTiy Henry Ridgway, , Samuel Hough, Jofeph Cooper, Gloiicejler^ John Blackwood, > Efquircs. Abel Clement, John Sinnickfon, Sdeniy Eleazer Mayhew, Bateman Lloyd, Matthev/ Whilldin, Cape-May^ Richard Townfend, Ebenczer Newton, Benjamin Van Cleve, Hunterdon^ Samuel Stout, Simon WyckofF, Silas Condidl, Speaker^ Morris^ Aaron Kitchel, David Welfli, Joel Fithian, Cumberland^ , David Moore, Martin Ryerfon, Safeex. William M'CulIough, Peter Sharps, , f^^^fX^ r^.'^r^.^ t +r^- J »«-»<» »^* ^/r^ , W-,-ff ".V^ JXt^l U'»«"*r» r t ^ vrv -4 W^il .^;i- Vr-^ »-*^»>*VW



State of New-Jersey,

Tuefday, OSloher 22, I70 3.' MEMBERS PRESENT, The Honourable John Black, John Mayhew, James Linn, John Lambert, Peter Haring, Thomas Henderson, Abraham Kitchel, Samuel Randolph, Samuel Ogden, John Condit. JOHN MAYHEW, Samuel Randolph, Pctcr Harinj;, James Linn, John Con- dit, John Lambert, Samuel Ogden and Abraham Kitthcl, Klquires, icverall v produced Certificates of their being duly elected Members of this Houfe, which were read and approved, and they thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before Thomas Hendcrfon, Efquire, one of the Members returned for this Houfe, and took their Seats in Council.

Thomas Hcnderfon, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elecflcd a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before Samuel Ogden, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council.

John Black, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elecfted a Mem- ber of this Houfe, which Vv'as read and approved, and he (being one of the People called Quakers) took and fubfcribed the Affirmations required by Law before Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council. The Honourable Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, was elcded Vice-Prefidcnt of the Council, purfuant to the Conftitution, and he thereupon took the Oath of OfEce, and was fcated in the Chair, B Bowes : ;

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Bowes Reed was unanimoufly eledled Clerk of the Council, and took the Oath of Office accordingly. John Weft was appointed Door-keeper. Ordered^ That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that a fufficient Number of Members of this Houfe have met, elecled the Honourable Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, Vice-Prefident, and proceeded to Bi;finefs. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Air. Benfon, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that a Quorum of the Houfe of Alfcmbly had met, eleifled the Honourable Silas Condi(fl, Efquire, their Speaker, and proceeded to Bufinefs.

The Houfe adjourned luitil ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

. . Wednejday^ OSlober 23, 1793-

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met.

His Excellency the Governor came into Council. Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly had appointed Meffrs. Kitchel, Camp, Ward, Southard, Ryerfon, Ridgway, Blackwood, Stillwell, Mayhew, Fithian, Whilldin, Vreden- burgh and Wyckoff a Committee to confer with a Committee of Council, and re- port what Bufinefs was effentially Nec'elTary to be done at this Sitting ; and requefted Council would appoint a Committee to join the faid Committee for that Purpofe. Ordered^ That Meffrs. Linn, Condit and Kitchel be a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly for the above Purpofe, and make report and that Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of Affembly and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Governor laid before the Houfe a Letter from Samuel Adams, Efquire, Lieutenant-Governor of Maffachufetts, with fundry Refolutions refpedling the Propriety or Expediency of a Sifter State commencing a Suit againft the State at large, and requefting this State to join in an Application for an Amend- ment of the Conftitution in that Refpecft j which were read and ordered a fe- cond Reading. The Lloufe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

T'hurfday, QBober 24, ^I'^Z'

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed Yeflerday to join a Com-mittee of the Houfe of Affembly, made the following Report TLIE Joint-Committee of the Council and Alfcmbly, appointed to confer on the Subject of what Bufinefs is effentially Neceffary to be done at this Sitting, beg Leave to report, as their Opinion, That an Aci for the Support of Government ought to be palled, and a Joint-Meeting, appointed for the Purpofe of ( 7 ) of choofing OiBcers of Government, ought to take Place before the Riling of the Legiflature. Which Report being read, Refolved^ That the Houfe approve thereof. Mr. Camp, from the Houfe of Ailcmbly, acqxiainted this Houfe, that they Ysrere ready to go into Joint-Meeting, and requclled Council to appoint the

Time and Place of Meeting ; and alfo, acquainted this Houfe that Alcfirs. Van Cleve, Fithiaji, Lloyd, Newton, Imlay, Rattoon and Welfh were appointed a Committee to join a Committee of this Houfe for the Purpofe of examining and fettling the Trcafurer's Accounts, and reqxiefled this Houfe to appoint a Committee to join the faid Committee for that Purpofe. Ordered^ That MefTrs. Ogden, Condit and Randolph, or either of them, be

a Committee to join the Committee of Affembly for the above Purpofe ; and that Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Affembly and acquaint them therewith. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

Charles BeardHee, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly eledled a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before the Vice-Prefident, and took his Seat in Council. Mr. Beardflee having given his Reafons for Non-Attendancc until this Day, Refolved^ That they are fatisfadlory. Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of AlTembly, acquainted this Houfe that they had appointed Melfrs. Marfli, Sinnickfon and Clement a Committee to join a Committee of Council for the Purpofe of counting and burning the cancelled Money now in the Treafury, and requefted that this Houfe would appoint a Committee to join the faid Committee for faid Purpofe. Ordered, That Meffrs. Black and Kltchel be a Committee to join the faid

Committee for the foregoing Purpofe ; and that Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Alfembly and acquaint them therewith. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe will he ready to go into a Joint-Meeting this Afternoon, five o'clock, in the Aflembly-Room. Mr. Randolph reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of this Day. A Petition from Samuel Sharp and Edward Sharp, of the County of SufTex (Overfeers of Iron-Works) praying an Exemption for their Labourers employ- ed at faid Works from Militia Duty, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe withdrew to attend a [oint-Meetlng ; after fome Time the Houfe returned and adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, OSioher 25, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prcfent as before.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfb met.

The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; after fome Time the Houfe returned and adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday^ :

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Saturday, OSfober 26, 1793.

The Ho-afe met—Prefent as before. His Excellency the Governor came into Council and took and fubfcribed tlie Oaths of Allegiance and Office, and alfo the Oath to fupport the Conllitu- tion of the United States, before the honourable the Yice-Prelident. The Governor withdrew. Mr. Cooper, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- cxirrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An A«5l for the Support of the Government of the * State of New-Jerfey ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Elmer, from the Eloufe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to authorize James Herbert, junior, to com- * plete a Contratfl entered into by his Father, Richard Herbert, with James Vaa * Brockler ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Eldredge having given their Reafons by Letter for their Tvfon- Attendance, Refolved^ That tliey are fatisfa6lory. Mr. Black, from the Committee appointed to count and burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury, made the following Report the Committee of both Hovifes, do hereby certify, that James Mott, WE,Treafurer, has delivered to us the Sum of Three Hundred and Sixty Founds Nine Shillings Loan-Office Money, cancelled in the feveral Counties by their refpedlive Boards of Juftices and Ereeholders, agreeably to Statement, which we have examined, counted and burned. By Order of the Committee, JOHN BLACK, DANIEL MARSH. 0(5lober 25, 1793.

do hereby certify, that James Mott, Efquire, Treafurer, has delivered WE Twenty-nine Pounds Twelve Shillings and Nine- to us the Sum of 9th, alio, pence old State Money, of the Emiffion of January the 1781 ; Four Hundred and Thirteen Pounds Four Shillings and Three-pence of the Emif- Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, fion of June the 9th, 1 780, cancelled by Efquires, agreeably to the Statement, which we have examined, counted and burned. By Order of the Committee, JOHN BLACK, DANIEL MARSH. Odober 25, 1793-. Refolved^ That the Houfe approve thereof.

The Bill, intitled, ' An kdi for the Support of the Government of the State * of New-Jerfey,' was read a lecond Time and ordered a third Reading. The faid Bill was read a third Time—-On the Queftion, Whether the fame

follows : do pafs ? It was carried ia the Affirmative, as Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr- Black. Mr. Condit, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Linn, Mr. Bcardilee. Mr. Mayhew. The :

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The Bill, intitlcd, ' An Adl to authorize James Herbert, junior, to complcat ' a Contract: entered into by his Father, Richard Herbert, with James Van * Brockler,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading. The faid Bill was read a third Time—On the Queltion, Whether the laid

Bill do pals ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Vicc-Prefident do fign the faid two Bills. Ordered^ That Mr. Linn do wait on the Houfe of Alfembly, and acquaint them that the faid two Bills are paifed by this Houfe. Mr. Linn reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Honourable Silas Condicft, Efquire, Speaker of the Houfe of Affembly, came into Council, and acquainted the Prcfulent that the Houfe of Alfembly had adjourned to the fecond Wednefday in January next Whereupon Council adjourned to the fame Time.

Wednefday, yanuary 8, 1 794.

The Houfe met purfuant to Adjournment. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, The Vice-President, Mr. KiTciiEL, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Black, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Haring, Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Affcmbly, and acquaint them that a Quorum of this Houfe have met and proceeded to Bufincfs. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Fithian, from the Houfe of Alfembly, acquainted this Houfe that a Quorum of the Houfe of Alfembly had met and proceeded to Bulinefs. His Excellency the Governor laid before the Houle a Letter from the Go- vernor of Virginia, accompanying certain Refolulions relative to theSuabilitv of a State by an Individual in the Federal Court, which were read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

T'hurfday, yanuary 9, 1 794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Randolph. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met.

Jofeph Ellis, Efq. produced a Certificate of hii> being duly elevftcd a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon (being one of the People called Quakers) took and fubfcribed the Affirmations required by Law before the Vice-Prefident, and took his Seat in Council.

Mr. Hollinfhead, from the Houfe of Affi.mibly, brought to this Houfe a Bond given by James Mort, Efquire, for the faithful Execution of his Office

as Treafurcr, for Approbation : Rcfulved, That the Houfe approve thereof. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly and acquaint them therewith. C Mr. 10 ( )

Ml*. Randolph reported, that he had obeyed die Order of the Houfe. The Letter from the Lieutenant-Governor of Maflachufctts, accompanying certain Refolutions refpecliilg the Suability of a State by an Individual in the

Federal Court ; and alio, the Letter from the Governor of Virginia, accompa- nying certain Refolves on. the f^me Subject, \fas read a fccond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned, until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, yamiary lo, 1794.

The Honfe met—^Prefent as before.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, January 11, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Condit. A Petition from the Truftees of the Prefbyterian Church, and of the War- dens and Veftry of the Epifcopal Church, In the City of Trenton, praying a Lottery to enable them to build a new Prefbyterian Chmxh and to make repairs in the Epifcopal Church, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning ten o'ClocL

Idonday, 'January 13, 1794.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, The Vice-President, Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Black, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Ellis, Mi-. Kitchel. Mr. Linn, Mr. Hough, from the Lloufe of Aflembly, acquainted this Hovife that Meffrs. Camp, Southard and Newton, or any two of them, were appointed a Commit- tee to join a Comm.lttee of this Houfe for the Purpofe of fettling the Accounts of the Commiihoners appointed for building the State-Houfe, and requefled this Houfe to appoint a Committee to join the fald Committee for the faid Purpofe.

Orderedy That Mr. Lambert p.nd Mr. Kitchel, or either of them, be a Com- jnittee to join the Committee of the Iloiiie of AiTembly for the Purpofe men-

tioned in the foregoing IVleflage ; and that Mr. Linn do V\"ait on the Hoiife of Ailcjnbly and acquaint them therewith.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon. The ( M )

The Houfe met.

Ordered^ That the Vice-Prcfidcnt, Mr. Linn and Mr. Kitchel be a Commit- tee, with fuch other Members as choofe to attend, to join a Committee of the Houfc of AiTembly, if they think Proper to appoint, in a free Conferrencc on the Subject contained in the Letters from the Governor of Virginia and the

Lieutenant-Governor of MaiHichnfetts, fent herewith ; and that Mr. Linn do wait on the Houfe of AiTembly, and requeft them to appoint a Committee for the above Purpofe. Mr. Linn reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of this Day. The Houfc adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

'Tucfilay, ya/iuary 14, 1794.

The Koufe met—Prefent as before.

• Mr. Lmlay, from the Houfe of Afll^mbly, informed this Houfe that the Houfe of Aircmbly had appointed Meffrs. Elmer, Kitchel, Fithian, \''an Cleve and Stllhvcll, with fuch other Members as choofe to attend, a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe for the Purpoie exprefled in the MelTage of this Houfe of Yefterday Afternoon.

The Houfe went into a Court of Errors, and adjourned vintll three o'Clock in the Afternoon. The Houfe met and went into a Court of Errors—Adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

TVednefday, 'January 1 5, 1 794. The Houfe met—Prefent as before. The Houfe went into a Court of Errors—and adjourned until To-morrow Morning.

Thurfday, yanuary 16, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before. The Houfe went into a Court of Errors—and adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten o'Clock.

Friday, yanuary 17, 1794.

The Lloufe met—Prefent as before. The Houfj went into a Court of Errors—and adjouriied until ten o'Clock

To-morrow Morning.^O'

Saturday, yanuary 18, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before. The Houfe went into a Court of Errors—and adjourned until Monday Morning ten o'Clock.

Monday, yanuary 20, 1794.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vice-President, Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr. :

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Mr. CoNDiT, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Black. Mr. Linn, The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met. .

Mr. Kitchel, from tlie Houfe of AlFembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con-

currence the t~hree following Bills : A Bill, intitled, ' An AS. to authorize John Maunfell, Efquire, to hold * Lands in Fee-Simple within this State ;' A Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to authorize the Treafurer of the State of Nevv- * Jerfey, to pay to Jofeph Alfton a certain Legacy left him by the laft Will * and Teflament of David Alfton, deceafed ;' A Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to enfranchife David Beach, of the Townlhip of * Mendham, in the County of Morris j' which feveral Bills were read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Kitchel alfo brought to this Houfe for Concurrence the following Re- folution * Refolvcd^

* •" fl ^HAT the Treafurer of this State is hereby authorized and direcfled to * Jl deliver unto John Taylor, or his legal Reprefentative, a certain Bond ' in his Office, after firft making the neceffary Endorfements thereon, paid on * Account of faid Bond, given by Thomas Leonard to George Taylor, of the * Falls-Neck, conditioned for the Payment of four hundred and fifty-two ' five dated the 6th of Pounds, fifteen Shillings and Pence, Day Odober 1 773, * and afhgned to John Taylor Ly Mary Hagarty, Adminiflratrix of John * Taylor, deceafed.' Council having taken into Confideration the foregoing Refolutlon, Ordered^ That it be committed to Mr. Linn and Mr. Condit. The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten o'ClocL

'Tuefclay^ January i\^ 1794-

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except the Governor. The Bill, intitled, ' An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of the State of New- ' Jerfey, to pay to Jofeph Alfton a certain Legacy left him by the laft Will ' and Teftament of David Alfton, deceafed,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Kitchel, Linn and Randolph. Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed on the Refolution of the Houfe of Aflem.bly, refpecling a certain Bond filed in the Treafury Office and faid to be afligned by Mary Hagarty to John Taylor, reported, THAT no fafficient Evidence hath been produced of the Bond being af- figned as fet forth in faid Relblution ; and that the faid Bond having been filed in the Treafury Office agreeably to the Diredions of a Law of this State, that a Refolution of the Coimcil and AfiTembly will not be Sufficient to authorize the faid Treafurer to deliver up the fiiid Bond to the Perfon applying. Refohed, That the Houfe approve of the fliid Report. Ordered, That Mr. Black do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Refokxtion is difagreed to by this Houfe. Mr. Kitchel, with Leave of the Houfe, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An Adt * to direct the Pavment of Fees on the PafTing of private Laws to be paid into * the ;

( M )

' the Trcafury of the State, for the Ufe thereof j' which was read and ordered a fecoiid Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to enfranchife David Beach, of the Townflijp * of Mendham, in the County of Morris,' was read a fecond Time ami ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Little, from the Honfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to dired the Treafurer to iifuea Certificate * to David Ayres ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met.

Mr. Kitchcl, from the Committee to whom was referred the Rill, intitled, * An AS. to authorize the Treafurer of the State of New-Jerfey, to pay to * jofeph Alllon a certain Legacy left him by the lall Will and Tellament of ' David Alrton, dcceafed,' reported, THAT it was the Opinion of the Committee that the Bill ought to be paflcd into a Law. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

TVedneJclay, yannary 22, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before. Ordered^ That Mr. Linn, Mr. Condit and Mr. Randolph be a Committee to bring in a Bill to regulate the Fees of Sherifi's and Coroners, &r.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to autliorize the Treafurer of the State of Ncw- ' Jcrfev, to pay unto jofeph Alllon a certain Legacy left him by the latt Will * and Tellament of David Alllon, deceafed,' was read a fecond Time, with the Report of t:ie Committee, and oixlered a third Reading.

The Houfe adjourned imtil ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurjday, yannary 2 :>, i 794.

The Houl'e met— Prelent as before.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to autliorize the Treafurer of tlie State of Ncw- ' Jerfey, to pay unto Jofeph Alllon a certain Legacy left him by the lalt Will ' and Telbiment of David Alflon, deceafed,' was read a third I'imt

On the Qncflion, Whether the laid Bill do pals ? It was carried in the Af- iirmative, Nc:n. Con. Ordered^ That the Vice-Prcfidcnt do fign the fune. 'Ordered^ That Mr. Black do wait o-a the Houfe of Affembly, and accjuainr them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amemiment.

The Bill, intitled, * An Acl: to direct the Payment of Tees on palling private ' Laws to be paid into the Treafury of the State, for the l^l'e thereof,' was read a fecond Time, with an Amendment to the Title, :o wir, ' An Act to alter the ' .^jipropria'tion of Fees on palTing of private Laws ;' Ordered^ That the further Conuderation of the f ild liill be pouponetl.

Tlie Hjufe adjourned until To-morrov\' >!orningten o'C^IocI:. D /^ •/;,-, ( H )

Friday^ 'January 24, 1794*

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe rcfumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, " Aa A(5l to altef ' the Appropriation of Fees on paffing of private Lawa,' and having gone through the fame, Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

Mr. Lloyd, from the Houfe of Affembly, pfefented tta this Houfe for Con-

currence the two following Bills : A Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to fet off Part of the Townfliip of Elizabeth, in ' the County of EfTex, into a feparate Townfliip ;' A Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlocated ' Lands in the State of New-Jerfey ;' which feveral Bills were read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'CIock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, * An At^ diredling the Treafurer to ilTue a Certificate to ' David Ayres, Admlniflrator of David Ayres, deceafed,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to fet off Part of the Townfliip of Elizabeth, in ' the County of Effex, into a feparate Townfliip,' was read a fecond Time and the further Confideration thereof poflponed.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'CIock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday , yanuary 1^, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Ellis, with Leave of the Houfe, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An A.(5l to ' procure a more equal Reprefentation in the General Affembly of this State, ' from the refpecflive Counties therein;' which was read arid ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(fl to authorize John Maunfell, Efquire, to hold ' Lands in Fee-Simple \vithin this State,' was read a fecond Time and order- ed a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acfl: to enfranchife David Beach, of the Townfliip ' of Mendham, in the Morris,' a third County of was read Time ;

On die (Vueflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prciident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Black do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Lambert, from the Committee appointed to examine and fettle the Ac- counts of the Commiffioners who have had the Superintendance of the build- ing of the Statc-Houfe, reported as follows :

7E, tiic Committee from the Council and Affembly, for the purpofe of examining the Accounts and Vouchers of the Commilhoners appoint- ed by a Law of this State, paffed the 2 2d Day of November 1791, to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation of the Leglfkture, having carefully infpevfled the fame fmce the former Settlement, do report. That the laid Com- milhoners have received, at fundry Times, out of the Treafury of this State, the ( '5 )

the Sum of one thoufand five hundred Pounds ; and for feveral Articles foM, belonging to the State, forty Pounds one Shilling and nine Pence ; alio from the Inhabitants of Trenton, by Sublcription, the Sum of fixtcen Poumis fcvcn Shillings and fix Pence in Calh, amounting in the Whole to the Sum of one thoufand five hundred and fifty-fix Pounds nine Shillings and three Pence. And it appears to the Committee, by the Accounts of the laid Commifiioners ajid the Vouchers produced to us, from No. o to loo, that they have expended in creeling the faid Buildings the Sum of one thoufand fix hundred and thir- ty-eight Pounds one Shilling and two Pence three Farthings ; and that there is a Balance due to the faid Commifiioners of eighty-one Pounds eleven Shil- lings and eleven Pence three Farthings. And further it appears to the Com- mittee, that there are Demands againft the laid Commifiioners, from fundry Perfons for Materials for faid Building, to the Amount of twenty-feveu Pounds ten Shillings, Specie. John Lambert, Abraham Kitcjiel, Caleb Camp, Henry Southard, Ebenezer Newton. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. The Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning ten o'Clock.

Idonday, 'January 27, 1794.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, The Vice-President, Mr. Linn, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. CoNDiT, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Haring, Mr. Randolph. Mr. Lambert,

The Houfe refumed the Confidcration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to fct ' ofi^"Part of the Townlhip of Elizabeth, in the County of Efl'ex, into a fepa- * rate Townlhip,' and after fome Time fpent therein, the faid Bill was order- ed a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to authorize John Maunfell, Efquire, to hokl * Lands in Fcc-Simplc within this State,' was read a third Time ;

On the Quellion, Whether the faid bill do pals ? It pailld in the Afiirma- tive, Nem. Clon. Ordered, That the Prefidcnt do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Black do wait on the Houlc of Afi"cmbly, and acquaint them that the laid Bill is palFed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to procure a more ccjual Reprelcntation in the ' General Allcmbly of this State, from the reljiciflivc Counties therein,' was read a lecond Time and the further Conilderation thereof pofiponctl.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlocatcd * Lands in the State of New-Jerfey,' was read a lecond 'Fime and the further Confidcration thereof poflponed.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon. The —

( i6 ) ,

The Plonfb met.

Tlic Bill, intitled, ' An Aifi to fit off Part of the Townfliip of Elizabeth, in * the of Effex, into a feparate Townihip,' was read a third County Tinie ; On the Quellion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. OrdereJ. That the Prefident do fi9;n the fime Ordered, That Mr. Black do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them that the fiiid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

A Petition from the Officers of the Epifcopal Church in Middletown ; and alio of ieveral of the Members of the Prelln'terian Congregation in Communi- on of faid Town, praying a Lottery to raiie a certain Sum of Money for the repairing of faid Church, was read and ordered a iecond Reading. The Report from the Committee of both Houfes, for the Purpofe of fettling the Accounts of the Conimiffioners appointed to build the State-Koufe, was read a fecond Time ; Rcfdved, That the Houfe approve thereof.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

T'uefday, 'January 28, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

A Petition from the Truftees of Salem Academy, and a Petition from the Trnllces of Burlington Academy, praying a Law to raife Money by Lottery for the Ufe of faid Academies, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the firil Prcfbyterian Congregation of Woodbrldge, in the County of Mlddlefex, praying a Law to raife Money by Lottery for enlarging their Church, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from fundry Ereeholders and Inhabitants of Woodbrldge, in the County of Mlddlefex, praying a Law to raife Money by Lottery for rep^.iring a certain Caufeway, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Marfli, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con-

currence the three following Bills :

A Bill, Intitled, ' An Acl to authorize the Trcalurer of this State to iffue ,a * Certificate to Samuel Potter ;' A Bill, intitled, ' An Atft: to releafe David and Abraham Haring, in die ' County of Bergen, from the Payment of a Sum of public Money taken by ' Robbers;' A Bill, intitled, ' An Kdi for theRellef of David Thompfon ;' which feveral Bills v/ere read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Marfh alfo brought to this Houfe the following Refolutlon for Con-

currence :

' Mr. Imlay, from the Coinmittee to whom was referred the Petition of a Committee from the Board of Juftlces and Freeholders of the County or Bur-

lington, reported as follows : HAT they have examined the Books of John Stevens, late Treafurcr of

this State ; and on Examination thereof it appeared to your Commit- tee, that the faid John Stevens hath credited Jolm Coats, formerly Collector of the lliiil Connty of Biulington, for the feveral Sums of iMoney in the laid Petition mentioned, in the Manner following

« Dr. ( 17 )

* Dr. John S it.vens ()ate Treafnrer) in Account witli the County of Burlington, Cr.

/< « May i6th, In Continental, ^.48652 7 6 By « Sept. 17th, In ditto, 7i5$2 17 6 By • Dec. 22dv in ditto, 45^55 00 I i8 )

Lotteries to raifc Money for tlic Ufe of faid Inflitutlons, were read a fecond Time; whereupon, Ordered^ 'I'hat the Petitioners h^ive Leave to prefent a Bill. The Petitions from Members of theChurches of Middletown andMiddletown-

Point ; of the Epifcopal and Prefbyterian Churches in Trenton, and of the firft Prefbyterian Congregation of Woodbridge, praying Laws to raife Money by Lotteries for the Ufe of the fiid Churches, were read a fecondTime; whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent Bills. The Petition from fvmdry Inhabitants and Freeholders of Woodbridge, in the County of Middlefex, praying a Law to raife Money by Lottery to repair

a certain Caufeway, was read a fecond Time ; On the Queftion, Whether the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill ? It was carried in the Negative. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Hovife met.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfday, yamiary 2^, 1794*

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Bill, intitled, • An Ad to releafe David and Abraham Haring, in the * Coimty of Bergen, from the Payment of a Sum of public Money taken by * Robbers,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A&. for afcertaining the Fees of Sheriffs and Coro- * ners,' was read a fecond Time, amended and ordered to be engrolFed.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(ft for the Relief of David Thompfon,' was read a fecond Time and committed to Mr. Linn and Mr. Kitchel.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A61 to releafe David and Abraham Haring, in the ' County of Bergen, from the Payment of a Sum of public Money taken by

' Robbers,' was read a third Time ;

On the Queftion, Whether the faid bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af-

firmative, as follows t Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ellis. Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Linn, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Black, Mr. Beardflee. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Hotile of AfTembly, and acquaint tiiem that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Hendcrfon, purfuant to Leave, prefented the following Bills : A Bill, intitled, ' An AS. to authorize the Truftees of Burlington and Salem ' Academies to make a Lottery for the Benefit of each Academy;' A Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to authorize the Church Wardens and Vcftry of * Middletown ; the Church Wardens and Veftry of the Epifcopal Church in

* the City of Trenton ; the Truftees of the Preityteriau Church in the fame Place, ( ^9 )

* Place, and the Truftees of the firfl; Prefbyterlan Congregation of Wood- * bridge, and the Trullees of the firfl Prefbyterian Congregation of Oxford, in * the County of Svilfex, to make a Lottery for the Benefit of faid Churches * and Congregations ;' which were read and ordered a fl^cond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday^ yanuary ^o, 1 794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Ellis reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yeflerday. Mr. Morris, from the Houfe of AfTcmbly, prefented to this Houfe for Con-

currence the two following Bills : A Bill, intitled, ' An Aifl to incorporate into a Townfliip that Part of the * Townlhip of Trenton which is not incorporated into a City, to be called and * hereafter known by the Name of the Townfhip of Independence ;' A Bill, intitled, ' An A€t to annex Part of the Townfhip of Elizabeth to * the Townfliip of Springfield ;' which feveral Bills were read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill in Favour of Colonel Potter, reported, THAT Colonel Potter appears to have a Claim on the State for the Sum of one thoufand five hundred and fifty-two Dollars, in Continental Currency, being a Balance due to him for hiring Subflitutes, in Purfuance of a Law paffed the 23d of September 1777 ; which Claim hath been laid before the Legifla- ture feveral Years pafl. Your Committee are of Opinion that there is due to the faid Colonel Potter the Sum of two hundred and fifty Pounds lawful Mo- ney, being the real Value of faid Continental Currency at the Time it was advanced by him ; and that the fame ought to be allowed. Which Report being read, Refolved^ That the Houfe approve thereof.

Mr. Kitchel, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill of David Thompfon, reported, THAT the State hath been credited by the United States for Money advan- ced by him, for which the faid David Thompfon hath not been compenfated, and therefore his claim ought to be allowed. AVhich Report being read, Refolvedy That the Houfe approve thereof.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, * An Act for the * Relief of David Thompfon,' and after fomeTime fpent therein, the faid Bill was ordered a third Reading.

The Houfe ref\inied the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, * An Acl to au- * thorize the Treafurer of this State to ilTuc a Certificate to Samuel Potter,' and after fomc Time fpent therein, the faid Bill was ordered to be read a third Time.

Mr. Kitchel, with Leave of the Houfe, prefented a Bill, intitled, * An Act ' to prevent unnecciriry Coils in coUccling of Debts,' which was read ami ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe .idjourncd \intil three o'clock P. M.

The ( 20 )

The Houfe met^

The Bill, intitled, ' Aft Atfl to authorize the Treafurer of this State id ifluc

' a Certificate to Samnel Potter,' was read a third Time ;

On the Que (lion, Whether the laid Bill do pais ? It was carried in the Af- tirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, arid acquaint them that the faid Bill is palTed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe refumed the Confidefation of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to pre- * vent the cutting of Timber orl the unlocated Lands in the State of New-Jer- ' fey,' and after fome Time fpent therein, the iaid Bill was committed to Mellrs. Kitchel, Linn and Condit.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Aifl to authorize John Moore White, Efquire, to * eredl a Draw in the Bridge over Cohanfey Creek, at Bridgetown, in the

* County of Cumberland,' was read a third Time ;

On the Qucftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of AfiTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is pafifed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning eleven o'Clock.

Monday, Febrtiary 3, 1794-

The Houfe met. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Ogden, Mr. BeardsleEj Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Haring, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Lambert. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon. The Houfe met.

Mr. Mayhew reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of lafl Friday. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday, February 4, 1 794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and MefTrs. Ellis, Black, Linn, Randolph and Condit.

The engroflfed Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l for afcertaining the Fees of Sheriffs * and Coroners,' was read and compared ; On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Lambert do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of Alfem- bly, and requeft their Concurrence therein.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad for the Relief of David Thompfon,' was read a third Time ; On ^-I ( )

On tlie QuL-fti'jn, "Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Ncni. Con. Ordered^ That the Prefidcnt do fign the Tame. OrJcrtffI, That Mr. Lambert do wait on the Hoti fo of Aircmbly, and acquaint them that the laid Bill is palled by this Hwufe without Amendment.

Mr; Moore, from the Houfe of AU'embly, prcfentcd to tliis Houfe for Con- currence the following ReiblutioU : ' RcfolvaU * nS^HAT His Excellency the Governor of this State he reqnefled to adver^ ' A ^^^'^ ^<''' tl^'^' Iveroption of Propofids for furniihing an actual Survey of * this State—delineating the Boundaries of each County and Townlhip; the ' Situation of the Cities, Towns and princijial Villages ; ;\nd likewiili Ihewing ' thereon the princi})al navigable Waters and other Streams, public Roads, &c. ' the Chyrt whereof to be the cxdulive Right of the State. And alio, I'ropo-

» Jills for Itriking a Map thereof, for the Ufe of the State ; conferring on the * Perfon who may coiitracl to furnilh the fame the e^cclufIve Privilege of felling * the faid Map, after the State iiiall be furnilhcd with fuch Number as liiall * be agreed lav Propofals he miy receive befi)re the Legiflature on ; and the ' of this State at their next Sitting/ Mr. M'Cullough, from the Houfe of Allcmbly,

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to annex Part of the ToWnfliip of Klizabeth to ' the 'I'ownlhip of Springfield,' was rcatl a Second Time and ordered a third Reailing. A Petition from the Inhabitants of Orange-dale, praying a Lottery to raife Money tor the XTie of an Academy, was read and ordered to be read a fecond Time, with the Bill for railing Money by Way of Lottery for the Ufe of Salem and Burlington Academies. Mr. Lambert reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of this Day. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Cloclc P. M» The Houfe met.

The Refolution fi'om the Houfe of Aflembly, with the Report of their Com- mittee, relative to directing the Attorney-General to charge jolin Stevens, late Treafurer, with the Sum of five thoufand two hundred and ninety Pounds two •Shillings and iix Pence., Continental Money, and three Pounds fifteen Shillings, State Money, in Favour of the Countv of Burlington, was read a lecontl Time and committed to Meflrs. Henderion, Linn and lilack.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to annex Part of the ToWUfliip of Elizabeth to * the Townlhi]) of Springfield,' was read a third Time ;

On the (^leftion^ Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Win. Con. Ordered, That the Prcfident do fign the fame. Ordered^ That Mr. Kitchel do wait on the Houfe of AfTernblv, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amenchnent.

'I'hc Bill, intitled, ' An Aci to .lUthori/.e the Trnllees of Burlington ?.nd Sa-^ * lem Academies to make a Lottery for the Benefit of each Academy,' was F read { 12 )

read a fecond Time and committed to Meflis. Henderfon, Gondit and Ellis, with a Petition from Monmouth and Orange-dale on the fame fubjedl.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten o'Clock.

TV^ednefciny, February 5, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before. ^Tr. Kitchel reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yef- terday. '

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from the Truftees and others of the firft Prefbyterian Congrega- tion in Oxford, in the County of Sulfex, praying a Law to raife Money by Lottery for hnifliing faid Church, was read and ordered to be read a fecond Time, with the Bill before the Houfe for the fame Purpofe as to other Churches in this State.

The Petition of Ifrael Smith, of Hunterdon County, praying an A€t of In- folvency in his Favovir, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from a Number of the Inhabitants of the County of Monmouth, praying that the Law now before the Houfe, intitled, ' An A&. to prevent the * cutting of Timber on the unlocatcd Lands in the State of New-Jerfey,' was read and committed to the Committee on the faid Bill. Mr. M'Dowell, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for

Concurrence the five following Bills : A Bill, intitled. ' An A61 to divorce Letitia Woodward from her Hufband, * Thomas L. Woodward ;' A Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l for laying and opening and improving certain ' Roads in the Counties of Cumberland and Salem, Gloucefler and Burlington, * in this State ;' A Bill, intitled, * An Ad; to repeal the fifth Scdion of an Adl, intitled, " An " A<51 to direct the Mode oi the Examination of WitnefTes in' the Court of " Chancery, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned ;" A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Juftices and chofen Freeholders * of the feveral Counties in this State, to call to a Settlement the Treafurers of * the different Regiments and Battalions therein ;' The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to authorize Aliens to hold and purchafe real * Eftates within this State ;' which feveral Bills were read and ordered a fe-r cond Reading. Mr. M'Dowell alfo brought to this Houfe for Concurrence the following

Warrants : A Warrant in Favour of Sarah Wood, Hannah Genung, Elizabeth Pruden, Sarah Frazer and Fllizaheth Campfield, feverally, to receive the Amount of tlieir late Hufbands' Half-Pay.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

'Thtirfday, February 6, 1 794-

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Warrants in Favour of Sarah Wood, Hannah Genung, Elizabeth Pruden, Sarah ;

( ^3 )

Sarah Frazcr and Elizabeth Campfield, were read and committed to MefTrs. Linn and Condit.

The Bill to divorce Leticia Woodward fVom her Hufband, Thomas L. Woodward, was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Henderfon, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitlcd, * An A«5l to authorize the Trullces of Burlington and Salem Academies to * make a Lottery, for the Benerit of each Academy,' reported the lame with an Amendment to the Title, and alfo fundry other Amendments ; which Amendments were agreed to, and the laid Bill ordered to be engrolled. Mr. Kitchel, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An Acl to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlocatcd I.jiids in the * State of New-Jerley,' reported the faid Bill with i'undry Amendments which Bill and Amendments were read, and the further Confuleration thereof pollponed.

The Bill, intided, ' An A(fl to authorize Aliens to hold and purchafc real ' Eflates within this State,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a tliird Read- ing- The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met.

Mr. Newton, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Refolution : ' RcfolvcJ, That Day and Hopkins be employed to print the Laws of this * Selhon ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to divorce Lctitia Woodward from, her hufband, ' Thomas Lewis third Woodward,' was read a Time ;

On the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Prefident do fign the fame.

The Bill, intitled, * An A«fl to authorize Aliens to purchafe and hold reai * this Ellates within State,' was read a third Time ;

On the Queflion, Whether the fiiid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do wait on the Houfe of AfTcmbly, and acquaint them that the two foregoing Bills are palFed by this Houfe withe- at Amend- ment.

The Bill, Intitled, ' An Acl to repeal the fifth Se^lion of an Ai^, intitlcd, " An Acl to direct the Mode of the Examination of WitnelFes in the Court " of Chancery, and for other Purpoles therein mentioned," was read a fecond

Time ;

On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill be read a third Time ? It was car- ried in the Negative, as follows : Nay. ( H )

Ordcrcii^ Tliat the Vice-Prefident, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Linn, be a Conlmittee to prepare and bring in a Bill iV;r the Purpoie of afcertaining the Cauies of Divorce from the Bands of Matrimony, and for ellablilhing a Court to try Complaints of that Nature and make Decrees thereon, Mr. Nicoll, froin the Houfe of Allembly, preiented to this Houfe for Con- currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to naturalize James Davenport ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The faid Bill was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Ogden reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of this Day.

The Hoxife adjourned tiiltll teii o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday^ February 7, 1 794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before*

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ai5l to authorize the Juftices and chofen Freeholders ' of the ieveral Counties in this State, to tall to a Settlement the Treaiurers of ' the different Regiments and Battalions therein,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to naturalize James Davenport,' was read a third Time ;

On the Qucftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- lirmaLive, Ncm. Con. Ordered^ That the Prefident do fign the fame^ Ordered^ That Mr. Bcardllce do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, aftd acquaint then that the faid Bill is paifed by this Houl'e witliotit Amendment. Mr. Bcardflee reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, ' An hdi to avithorl/.e the Church Wardens and Veftrv

• of MiddletfAvn ; the Church Wardens and Veflrv of the Epilcopal Church

in the City of Trenton ; the Truftecs of the Prelhyterian Church in the

' fime Place ; the Trtillees of the Firll Prefbyterian Congregation of V/ood- ' bridge, and the Trullees of the Pirll Prelbyteriaa ('ongregation at Oxford, ' in the County of Sufl'ex, to make a Lottery for the Benefit of faid Churches

• and Congregations,' was read a fecond Time and ordered to be engrolfed. Mr. Hendcrfon, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Acfl to authorize the Truilees of the Burlington Academy; the Truflees " of the Salem Academy, and the Truflees of Middletown Academy, to raile ' Pvfonev by Way of Lotteries,' reported the lame, witli an Amendment to the Title, inferting ' Orange-dale Academy ;' and alio fundry other Amendments. Ordered^ That the faid Bill be engrolfed with the faid Amendments.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Ad: to authorize the Truflees of the Bur-

' lington Academy ; the Truilees of the Salem Academy ; the Truflees of the • Middletown Academy, and the Truftees of the Orange-dale Academy, to

' raife Money by Way of Lotteries,' was read and compared ;

On the Quetlion, Whether the faid bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, as follows :

Yea. ( 25 )

Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhcw, Mr. Harinp;, Mr. Henderfon, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Black, Mr. Ogden, ^'fr. Linn, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Kitchcl. Ordered^ That the PrcHdent do fign the fciid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of AfTembly, and requeft their Concurrence therein. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Rattoon, from the Houfe of Aflembly, brought to this Houfe the Bill, intltled, ' An Adl for afcertaining the Fees of Sheriffs and Coroners,' and ac- quainted this Houfe that the fame was pafTed by that Houfe without Amend- ment.

The Bill, intitled, * An AcH: to incorporate into a Townfliip that Part of the * Townfliip of Trenton which is not incorporated into a City, to be called and ' hereafter known by the Name of the Townfliip of Independence,' was read a f.xond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An \di for laying out, opening and improving certain * Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Glouccller and Burlington, in * this State.' was read a fecond Time and committed to Meilrs. Ellis, Black, Mayhew and Ogden.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturdayf February 8, 1794*

The Houfe met—^Prefent as before.

The Bill, intitled, ' An AcT: to authorize the Juflices and chofen Freeholders * ot the feveral Counties in this State, to call to a Settlement the Treai'urcrs of ' the different Regiments Battalions therein,' was read third and a Time ; On the Quefliion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of Affcmbly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe refumcd the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to pre- * vent the cutting of Timber on the unlocated Lands in the State of Ncv/- * Jerfey,' with the Amendments ; Ordered, That that the faid Bill be read a third Time with the Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to prevent unneceffary Cofts in collecling of * Debts,' was read a fecond Time and committed to the Vice-Prefident, Mr. Kitchel and Mr. Linn. Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning ten o'Clock.

G Monday ;

( 26 )

Monday^ February lo, I794«

The Houfe met. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, The Vice-President, Mr. CoNDiT, Mr. Black, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Haring, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Linn. Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden, from the Committee appointed to join a Committee of the Houfe of AlTembly to fettle the Accounts of the Treafurer, reported a Statement of the Accounts, which were ordered to be laid on the Table for Infpedtion.

The Houfe adjourned vintil three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, * An A61 to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlo- * cated Lands in the State of New-Jerfey,' was read a third Time, with the

Amendments ; On the Qucllion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Black, Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Henderfon, Mr. Beardllee. Mr. Linn, Ordered^ That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered^ That Mr. Randolph do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Aflembly, and requefl their Concurrence in the faid Amendments. Mr. Randolph reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Air, Ridgway, from the Houfe of Affeinbly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Sale of the remainder of the ' confifcated Eftate of Alexander Watfon, and for appropriating the Proceeds * thereof;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Ridgway alfo brought to this Houfe for Concurrence the following

Refolution : ' Refolvedy TILAT the Commander in Chief of this State be requefted to apply to the Federal Government for the Loan of fucli Number of Field Pieces, with their Apparatus, as may be fufficicnt to furnilla fuch of the Companies of Artilleiy of this State as are not already fupplied, and give fuch Receipt for the fafe keeping and returning the fame as may be needful.' Mr. Kitchel, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Jacob Fries, reported, * ""HAT, as the Certificates referred to in faid Petition were iffued by Collec- I _g_ tors in the different Counties, and no fufficient Checks to be obtained to prevent Fraud, it would not be fafe to open any Office at Prefent for their Liquidation ( ^7 )

Liquidation : And, as they have Reafon to believe that there are fome Contrac- tors' and other Certificates now remaining in the Hands of fonic of the Citizens of the State, your Committee are induced to recommend, that ibme fit Perlbn be appointed to receive and give Receipts tor all Inch Certificates, and the Vouchers accompanying them tending to ellablifh their Claims, and that they

be laid before the Legillature at their next Sitting ; in Order that fuch Mea- I'ures may be taken to do juflice to the Holders as may appear fafe. In Order

to which they offer the following Reiblution : Refolved^ That x^aron Dunham, Auditor, be diretfled to receive, from any Perlbn who may produce the fiuiie, any Contractors' Surplus or other Certifi- cates, with any Vouchers that may be offered in Support of the Claims of the

Holders on the Public, at any Time before the firfl Day of November next : And that he give his Receipt to the Perfon prefenting the fame, and lay them

before the Legiflature at their next Sitting ; in Order that fuch Provifion may be made for their Allowance and Settlement as will be moll likely to do Juflice

to the Holders and be fafe for the Public : And that two hunched Co})ies of this Refblution be ftruck off in Hand Bills, and diflributed through the feveral Counties of the State. Which feveral Rcfblutions were read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Tiie Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuejday, February ii, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except the Governor.

Mr. Ellis, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An * Act for laying out, opening and improving certain Roads in the Counties ' of Cumberland, Salem, Cilouccfler and Burlington, in this State,' reported

the fame, with fundry Amendments j which Amendments being read were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered^ That the faid Bill be read a third Time, vvith the Amendments.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for afcertalning the Caufes of Divorce, &:c. reported a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for regulating ' Divorce^ ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to incorporate into a Townfhip that Part of the * Townlhip of Trenton which is not incorporated into a City, to be called and * hereafter known by the Name of the Townlhip of Independence,' was read

a third Time ;

On the Quellion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Ne-

gative, as follows : Nay. Nay. Yea. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Linn, Mr. Beardflce. Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Black, Mr. Ogden. Ordered^ That Mr. Linn do wait on the Houfe of Alfcmbl)-, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is rejecled by this Houfe.

The lioufc adjournetl until three o'CIock P. M. The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for laying out, opening and improving certain ' Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Glouceller and Burlington, in ' this State,' was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; On ( 28 )

On the Queflion, Whether the fliid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was cafrlcd in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordirid^ That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments.* Ordered^ That Mr. Linn do carry the laid Bill and Amendments to the Houle of Aflembly, and requefl their Concurrence in the faid Amendments. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Refolution from the Houfe of AlFembly, relative to dire»5ling the Attorney-General to charge John Stevens, late Treafurcr, with the Sum of live thoufand two hundred and ninety Pounds two Shillings and fix Pence, Continental Money, and three Pounds fifteen Shillings, State Money, in Favour of the County of Burlington, reported, THAT they had examined the late Treafurer's Books, and the Receipts re- ferred to in the Memorial of the Board of Juftices and Freeholders of the

County of Burlington, and find that the Facis therein fet forth are true ; and that, in the Opinion of the Committee, the Refolution ought to be agreed to. "Which Report being read, Rcfoivedy That the Fioufe approve thereof. Ordered^ That Mr. Linn do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that the faid Refolution is agreed to by this Houfe.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Aifl to pro- ' cure a more equal Reprefentation in the General Aflembly of this State, * from the refpecfive Counties therein,' and after fome Time fpent therein, the faid Bill was committed unto MeflVs. Linn, Condit and Randolph. Mr. Linn reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill, Intitled, ' An Acft for the Sale of the Remainder of the confifcated ' Eftate of Elexander Watfon, and for appropriating the Proceeds thereof,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The HoUfe adjottrned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Wednejday, February I 2, i 7^4.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Condit, from the Committee to whom was referred the Warrants in Favour of Sarah Wood, Hannah Genung, Elizabeth Pruden, Sarah Frazer and Elizabeth Campfield, reported, THAT they had examined the Vouchers which accompanied the fame, and found them according to Law ; and that, in the Opinion of the Committee, the faid Warrants ought to be allowed by Council. Which Report being read,

Re/olved, That the Houfe approve thereof ; and that the Vice-Prefident do of AlFembly, fign faid Warrants ; and that Mr. Black do wait on the Houfe and acquaint them that the faid Warrants are palled by Council. Ordered, That Mr. Linn, Mr. Kitchel and Mr. Black, be a Committee to bring in a Bill to repeal the Aft, intitled, ' An AcT: for the Relief and Support * of maimed and difabled Officers, Soldiers and Seamen, and of the Widows * and Children of fuch as fall in Battle or otherwife loie their Lives in the mi- * litary or naval Service.' Mr. Sharps, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefcnted to this Houfe for Con- currence the three following Bills : ;' A Billj intitled, * An Ad for the Rehef of James Shay and John Hepner A Bill, ( 20 )

A Bin, uitidcd, ' An Atfl to authorize the folemn Aifirmatlon to be admini- * fLcrecl lo ilich Perfons as have conicicntious Scruples againll taking, an Oath ;' A Bill, iiititled, ' y\n Ad direvfling the Trealurer to ill'iie a Certificate to * Martin Bowles and Betcr Simeon Demareft ;' which leveral Bills were read aild ordered a iecond Reading.

Mr. Sharps alio brought back to tills Houfe the Bill, intltlcd, ' An Acl to

' authorize the Truftees of the Burlington Academy ; the Trullees of the Sa-

* lem Academy ; the Truilees of Orange-dale Academy, and the Truftees of * the Middletown Academy, to raifc Money by Way of Lottery,' with fundry

Amendments ; to wliich Amendments he requelled the Concurrence of this Houfe. Council having taken the fald Amendments into Confideration, 'Refolveify That the Houfe ageee thereto. Ordered^ That the f:ild Bill be re-engrofled with the Amendments.

Mr. Kitchel, from the Gommittce to whom were referred the Bill, intltlcd, An Acl to ]irevent unnecellary Cofts in colledling of Debts,' reported the fame, with fundry Amendments ; Avhich were read and ordered a lecojid Reading. ^'*

The Bill, intVtled, * An A61 for the Sale of the Remainder of the confifcatcd ^ Eftate of Alexander Watfon, and for appropriating the Proceeds thereof,' was U read a third Tinie ;

On the Qucftion, Whether the fald Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Vlce-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered^ That Mr. Black do Wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that the ihid Bill is paficd by this Houle without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met.

The Bill, Intltled, ' An AtTt for regulating Divorces,' w^as read a fecond Time and ordered to be engroifed.

Mr. Black reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of this Dav. The Refblutlon from the Houfe of Aflembly, relative to employing Day and Hopkins to print the Laws of this Sellion, was read a fecond Time ; Rcfdvedy That the Houfe dilagree thereto. Ordendy That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The Rcfolution, relative to requeftlngthe Commander in Chief of this State to apply to the Federal Government for Field-Pieces ; and the Reiolutlon, rela- tive to directing the Auditor to j-eceive from any Perfon ContracT.ors' Surplus or other Certificates, fent up for ConciUTence the loth Inll.mt, were read a fecond Time ; Refolved, That the Houfe dlfigree thereto. Ordered, Tliat Mi*. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The Bill, intltled, ' An KCt for the Relief of James Shay and John Hepncr," was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideratlon tiiercof poUponed.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morninj-;.

II Tburfdoyy :

( 30 )

Thurfday, February 13, I794.

The Houle met—Prefent as before.

INIr. Ellis reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday«

The Bill, intitled, * An A61 to authorize the folemn AfRrmation to be ad- ' mlniftered to fuch Pcrfons as have confcientious Scruples againfl taking an * Oath,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to Mdiom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An A(fl to procure a more equal Reprefentation in the General AlTembly of * this State, from the refpeclive Counties therein,' reported the fame, with an

Amendment to the Title, and alfo feveral other Amendments ; which Amend- ments were read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Amendments to the Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to prevent unneceflary Cofls

* in colle6ling Debts,' were read a fecond Time ; On the Queflion, Whether the Houfe agree to the faid Amendments ? It was carried in the Affirmative. ' Ordtrcdy That the faid Bill be engroffed with the Amendments.

The Koufe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M,

The Houfe met.

The Bill, Intitled, ' An Act direcfling the Treafurer to ifTue a Certificate v.i * Martin Powles and Peter Simeon Demarefl,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Amendments to the Bill, intitled, ' An A&. to procure a more equal ' Reprefentation in the General Afl'embly of this State, from the refpeckive ' Counties therein,' were read a fecond Time, and the Amendments agreed to. Ordered^ That the faid Bill be engroffed with the laid Amendments. Mr. Sinnickfbn, from the Houfe of Ailembly, prefented. to this Houfe for Concurrence the following Bill A Bill, intitled, ' An Ad for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Southard, from the Hoiife of AfTembly, brought to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' An Adl for laying out, opening and improving certain Roads in the * Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Glouceller and Burlington, in this State,' with the Amendments made thereto by Council, and acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly had agreed to all the Amendments except the fourth, in which refpecT: they adhered to their Bill. On the Queflion, Whether the Houfe will recede from their Amendment difagreed to by the Houfe of Affembly ? It was carried in the AfHrmatlve. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do carry to the Houfe of Affembly the faid Bill and Amendment, and acquaint them therewith.

Mr. Spier brought to this Hoxife the re-engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to * prevent Perfons, holding Shares of Propriety, from cutting Timber on the im- * located Lands in this State,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by that Houfe with the Amendments made by this Houfe : Which re- engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fmie.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to authorize the fblcmn AfErmation to be ad- * miniftered to fuch Perfons as have confcientious Scruples againfl taking an * Oath,' read was a third Time ; On ( 31 )

Oil tke Quefllon, Whether the fakl Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af-

firmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Haring. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Linn, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Black, Mr. Beardllec. Mr. MayheW, the Vlcc-Prefulent do fign the faid Bill. f! Ordered, That / Ordered, That Mr. Mayhevv do wait on the Houle of Aircmbly, and acquaint them that the laid Bill is paiTcd by this Houlc without Amendment. The Houfe adjourned tmtil ten ©'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, February 14, 1794*

The Houfe nnet—Prefent as before.

Mr. l\iayhew reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yefterday.

The Bill, intltled, * An Acl directing the Treafurer to ifTue a Certificate to

* Martin Powlcs and Peter Simeon Demarell,' was read a third Time ;

On the Quellion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Lambert do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is palfed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Still well, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitlcd, ' An A61 for the Relief of Elizabeth Garrifon, * late Widow of Daniel Miller ;' which was read and ordered a lecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' was read a fecond Time and committed to Meifrs. Linn and Condit. A Petition from Ifrael Smith, praying that his Body may riot be imprifoncd, on Account of his Debts, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Adl for the * Relief of James Shay and John Hepner,' and after fome Time fpcnt there- in, the fiid Bill was ordered a third Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Stockton, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfo for Concurrence, A Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Ad, intitlcd, " An Aift for building *' Bridges over the Rivers Pallaick and Hackiniack, and for other Purpofes ;" *' therein mentioned A Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to raife the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds in * the Year one thouland icven hundred and ninctv-four ;' A Bill, intitlcd, ' A Supplement to an Ad, intitlcd, " An Ad for the mf)re *' eafy Partition of Lands held by Coparceners, Joint-Tenants and Tenants in " Common," palfed November the i ith, 1789 j which fcvcral Bills were read and ordered a lecond Reading.

Ti i!^

( J3 )

'• ^T^HAT'the Clerk of the Afll-mbly be tlircfled to procure fo many Copies * \_ of the Laws of the States of New-York and Pennfylvania as Ihall make * up two complete Sets of the Laws of 6ach State, comprehending thofe palled * at the prelent SefTion of their refpci^ivd Legiflaturcs, for the Ufe of the Le- ' giflature of this State.'

Mr. Van Cleve, from the 1-Irtufe of Aflcmhly, prefentcd to tliis Houfe for Concurrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad for tlie. Manumifhon of certain \cgro * Slaves, late the Property of \Villialn BUrnet, deceafed.'

The engrolTed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Cliurch Wardens

* and Veltry of the F.pifcopal ChUrch of Middletown ; the Church Wardens

' and Veftry of the Kpifcopal Church iii x\\t City of Trenton ; the Truftees of

' the Prcibyterian Church in the fame Place ; the Trultees of the Firll Prel'oy- ' terian Congregation of Woodbridge, and the Truftees of the Fii'lt Prefl^yteriaii ' Congregation at Oxford, in the County of Suli'ex, to make a Lottery for the

* Bcnctit of fliid Churches and Congregations,' was read and compared ; On the Queftion, Whether the fuid Bill do pals ? It \v;is carried in the Ne- gative, is follows ; Yea. Nay. Nay. Mr. Conditi, Mr. Haring, Mr. Mayhew,

. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Linn, Mr. Kitchel, * Mr. Lambert, Mr. Blacky Mr. Ogden. Mr. Beaixlllee. Mr. Ellis, The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, February i 5, i 794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before. Mr. Lambert reported, that he had obeyed the leveral Orders of the Houfe t)f Yefterday. Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe agree to the Refolution, recjueiling the Governor of this tJtate to advertife for the Reception of Propolals for furniihing an actual Sur- vey of the State.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for the ManumlfTion of certain Negro Slaves, ' late the Property of William Buniet, deceafed,' was retid a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An A(5t for building *' Bridges over the Rivers Paflaick and Hackinllick, and for other Pnrpofes " therein mentioned," was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Rcatling.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5t for the Relief of Elizabeth Garrifon, late Widow ' of Daniel Miller,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(ft to raifc the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pound.s, ' in the Year one thouflind fevcn hunch'ed and ninety-four,' was read a Iccond Time and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Van Clcve, from the Ho\ife of Aflembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Bill, intitled, ' An Aifl for regulating Divorces,' was rcjccTied by that Houfe. Ordered^ That Mr. Kitchel do wait on the Houfe of Ailembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe agree to the Refolution dirtclingthe Clerk of the Aflem- bly to procure the Laws of the States of New-York ami Pennfylvania.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. iM. 1 The -

( 34 )

The Hoiife met.

Mr. Wclfii, from tlic Houfe of Allembl-y, prelented to this Houfe for Con- cvirrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An At5l for the further Payment of the Intereft ani ' a Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State;' which was read and or- dered a fecond Reading. Mr. Wyckoff, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefentcd to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to appoint an Agent in the County of ' Bergen, to take Charge of and fell the forfeited Eflates not fold in faidCoun- ' ty ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Whilldin, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented tOi this Houfe for Concurrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Aci diredling the Treafurer to iffue a Cer- ' tiiicate to William Darling, Executor of Thomas Darling, deceafed ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Vredenburgh, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought back to this Houfe the re-engrolTed Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for laying out, opening and improving * certain Roads in the Counties of Cuiriberland, Salem, Gloucefter and Bur- ' lington, in this State,' and acquainted this Houfe that the lame was palled by that Houfe, with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe. Which re-engrolTed Bill having been read and compared, Refolvcd^ That the fame do pafs. Ordered^ That the Vice-PrefidenC do fign the fame.

The Houfe adjoximed until Monday Morning ten o'Clock*

Monday, February ly, ly^^*

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vice-President, Mr. Lambert, Mr. KitcheL, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Haring, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. MayheW, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Condit, Mr. OgdeN, Mr. Linn. Mr. Benfon, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con-* currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to axuhorize John Perry to complete a Con-

* tradl made by him with George Budd, in Behalf of William Sleeper ; and * alio, to complete a Contradl made by Jonathan Sleeper with Adam Inger ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Conciu-rcnce, a Bill, intitled, ' An A61 to authorize the Treafurer of this State * to deliver the Bond lodged in his OlHce for the Recovery of Debts due from * forfeited Eflates ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Camp, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An additional Supplement to an Acl:, intitled, " An A61: for regulating Roads and Bridges ;" which was read and ordered a iecond Reading.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An * Acfl: for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' reported the fame with fundry A- mcndments ; which Amendments being read were agreed to by the Houfe, and the faid Bill was ordered to be read a third Time with the Amendments. The ( 3S )

Tlie Bill, intldeJ, ' An AS: for the MiiramiliHon of certain Ke.^ro Slaves, ' late tlic rropcrly of William Ikirnct, deceafed,' was read a third Time;

Oil the (h^ielliun. Whether the laid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Vice-Prefidcnt do figil the f.ime. Ordered, That Mr. Kitthel do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad^ to raife the fum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds, * in the Year one thoufand {even hundred and ninety-four,' was read a third Time ; On the QueRlon, Whether the faid Bill do paf& ? It was carried in the AiBrmative, Neiii. Con.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Elizabeth Garrifon, late WI-

' dow of Daniel Mdler,' was read a third Time ;

On the Queftion« Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordcrcd,,T\\;\t the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bills. Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bills are palled by this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M,

The Houfe met.

Mr. Fithian, from tlie Houfe of AlPembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- turrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to regulate the iiPuing of Writs of Certio- * rari,' which was read and ortkred a feCond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Si>pp!ement to an Act, intitled, " An h€t for buikllng " Bridges over the Rivers Pallaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes *' therein mentloncdj" was read a third Time ;

On the Queflion, Whether the laid Bill do pafs ? It was cai'ried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefidcnt do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amendment. Mn Hollinfliead, from the Houfe of AlTcmbly, brought to this Houfe for Concurrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to repeal Part of an A(fl therein men- * tioncd,' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engroded Bill, intitled, ' An A

On the Quellion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af-

firmative, as follows ; Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Linn, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Condit, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Beardllec. Mr. Lambert, Mr. Ogden. There not being a fufficient Number of Members prefent, voting for the faid Bill, the Vice-Prefident gave his Vote in the Affirmative, and therefore the fame paflcd into a Law. Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the fame to the Houfe of Aflembly, and requcfl their Concurrence therein.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad dlrcdlng the Trcafurer to IfTue a Certificate to W^illiam ;


' { 3M

read a fecond ' Wnilani Darling-, Y.xccutor of Thomas Darling, deccafed,* was Time and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Hough, from the Houle of AlFembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con-

' of fundry Town- currence, a'lJlll, intitled, x-\n Ad to enable the Inhabitants ;' which was * fhips in this State to repair their public Highways by Hire read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Elmer, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Refolution : ' Rcfolvedy , , with Co- ' rTpHAT the Clerk of Affembly be directed to furnilh a Printer a

' " out, opening and improv- X Py of tlie Bill, intitled, An Acl for laving " ing certain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucefter and ftruck off, " Burlington, in this State," and dired thirty Copies thereof to be * for the Ufe of the ConlmilTioners appointed for laying the Roads therein * referred to.' Council having taken the foregoing Refolution into ConflderatiOUj Refohued^ That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Kitchcl do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquamt them therewith. ^ ^ r ' Mr. Kitchel reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Hdufe. Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- cvirrence the following Refolution :

' Rtfohed, r ^ Smith, Efqun-e, * npHAT James Kinfey, Efqulre, Chief Juftice, or IfaaC ' Court, with Aaron D. Woodruff, J[ Second Juftice of the Supreme Commiffioners * Attorney-General, and James Mott, Treafurer, be appointed ot Odober * to receive all Claims thaf may be exhibited before the firft Day of confifcated * next againft this State, for LolTes fuftained by the Purchafers a the * Eilates under the Ad of Contilcation, either by Reafon of Dcied m Account of any * Title of the State to the Lands confifcated and fold, or on charged, with ths * Legacy or other Incumbrance with which the Lands flood report a regular State- * Documents and Evidences to fupport faid Claims, and fame, to the Le- * ment thereof, with their Opinion as to the Legality of the * giflaturc at this or their next Sitting. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday, February i8, 1794.

The Houfe inet—Prefent as before, and Mr. Black. this Houfe that the Mr. Imlay, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted * equal Reprefentation m the General Bill, intitled, An Act to procure a more Houfe. * Affembly of this State,' was rejeded by that

* Infolvent Debtors,* WaS read a The Bill, intitled, An Ad for the Relief of

Amendments • third Time, with the t j It was carried On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ?

in the Negative, as follows : Nay. Nay. Yea. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Lambert, . Mr. Linn, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Kitchel, Beardflee^ Mr. Black, ^^^' ( 37 )

brJcrcJ, Tliat IMr. Ogdcn do wale on the Houfe of Aflcmbly, and acquaint them that the laid Bill is rejeded by this Houfe.

"Six. OgdcA reported, that he hid obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed to brirtp; in a Bill to repeal the Law for the Relief and Support of maimed and difablcd OtTlrers,

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to regulate the iifuinj; Writs of Certiorari,' was read a I'econd Time arid ordered a third Readinji-.

The Bill, intitlcd, ' A Supplement to an Ac5l, intitled, " An Acl for the " more eafy Partition of Lands held by Coparceners, Joint-Tenants and Te- " nants in Common," jjafTed the iith Day of November 17H9, was read a le- cond Time and the further Conhdcratlon thereof poltponed.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l for the further Payment of the Interefl and a * Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, Intitled, ' A Supplement to the Ad, intitlcd, " An Ad to enable *' the inhabitants of fundry Townihips of this State to repair their public " Highways by Hire," was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading. Council having taken into Confideration the Accoujits of the Treafurer, as reported by the Committee, Refolvcd^ That the Houl'e approve thereof.

Council having taken into Conllderation tlic Refolution from the Houfe of Alfembly, relative to appointing Commiifioners to receive Claims that may be exhibited againfl the State by the Purchafers of confifcated Ellates, RefolvcH, That the Houle dUagree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do v/ait on the Floufe of AlTembly, and acquaint them therewith*

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to appoint an Agent in the County of Bergen, ' to take Charge of and fell the forfeited Eftates not Ibid in faid County,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Ad, intitled, " An Ad to enable " the Inhabitants of fundry Townihips in this State to repair their public " Highways by Hire," was read a third Time;

On the Quellion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordcnd, That the Vice-Prcfident do fign the fmie. Ordered, That Mr. BeardOee do wait on the Houle of Afi'embly, and acquaint them that the laid Bill is palfed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, intitlcd, ' An additional Supplement to an Ad, intitled, " An Ad " for regulating Roads and Bridges," was read a fecond Time and the further Confideration thereof pollponcd.

The Bill, intitlcd, ' An Ad to repeal an Ad, intitlcd, " An Ad for the Re- " liet and Support of maimed and dil.'iblctl (^Ulcers, Soldiers and Seamen, and " of the Widows and Children of fuch as fall in Battle, or otherwifc lofe their R " Lives :

( 38 )

" Lives in the military or naval Service," was read a fecond Time and ordered to be engrolled.

The Bill, intitled, ' An AS: to appoint ah Agent in the County of Bergen, ' to take Charge of and fell the forfeited Eltates not fold in faid County,' was read a third Time ; On the QuetUon, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con.

The Bill, intitled, * An A&. for the further Payment of the Interefl and a

* Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State,' was read a third Time ; On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act direding the Trcafurer to ifTue a Certificate to ' William Darling, Executor of Thomas Darling, deceafed,' was read a third

Time ; On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardflec, Mr. Condit, Mr. MayheWj Mr. Randolph, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Linn, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Black, Mr. Ogden.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l to regulate the ifluing of Writs of Certiorari,'

"was read a third Time ; On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Vice-Prefident do fign the four foregoing Bills. Ordered^ That Mr. Beardflee do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the four foregoing Bills are pafTed by this Houfe without Amend- ment. Mr. Kitchel, from the Houfe of AfP^mbly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence, a Bill, intitled, * A Supplement to an Ad, intitled, " An Adl *' for raifing a Revenue from certain Stages, Ferries and Taverns j" which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Beardllee reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of this Day. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

JVednefday^ February 19, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The engrofTed Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to repeal an Ad, intitled, •' An Ad * for the Relief and Support of maimed and difabled Officers, Soldiers and * Seamen, and of the Widows and Children of fuch as fall in Battle, or other- *' wife lofe their Lives in the military or naval Service," was read and compared;

On the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, as follows Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit. Mr. Linn, Mr. Kitchel,

Mr. Black, ' Mr. Ogden, Mr. ElHs, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Mayhew, Ordered^ ::

( 39 )

Ordered^ That the Vice-Prcfident do fign the Taid Bill. Ordered^ That i\'r. Hai'hig do carry the laid Bill to the Hoiife of AfTcmbly, and requcft their Conturreiice therein.

Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Floufe.

The Bill, iiltitled, ' An Acl to authorize John Perry to complete a ContraeT: ' made by him with George Biidd, in Behalf of William Sleejier, and alio to ' complete a Contrad: made by Jonathan Sleeper with Adam Ingcr,' was read a I'econd Time and ordered a Tliird Reading.

Thd Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an A(f^, intltled, " An A(fl: for raifing *' a Revenue from certain Stages, Ferries and Taverns," was read a fecond Time and the further Confideration thereof poftponcd.

The Houfe refumed the Confidei'ation of-the Bill, intitled, ' An additional * Supplement to an Ad for regulating Roads and Bridges/ and, after lijme Time Ijpcnt therein, the laid Bill was again poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A<51 to authorize the Treafurer of this State to deli- * ver the Bonds lodged in his Office for the Recovery of Debts due from for- ' feited Ellates,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Cooperj from the Houfe of Aflcmbly, prcfented to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Rcfolution ' Refolved^ * qpHAT Caleb RuflTel, Efquire^ Colleaor of the County of Morris, be re- * JL quired to ufe due Diligence for the Colledion of the Arrears of Taxes * due from laid County, and make Report to the Legiflature at their next * Sitting of the Means he has taken to colletfl: the fame, and the real Caufe ' why the faid Taxes have not been heretofore paid.' Mr. Little, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefeuted to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Rcfolution ' Refolved, T 4iAT the Treafurer be diredled to caufe the Balance reported by the X Commilfioners for fettli«ig the Accounts between the United States and the individual States in Favour of the State of Ncw-Jerfey to be funded, agreeably to the feventh Section of the Acl of Congrefs for fettling the Ac- counts between the United States and the individual States.' The Bill, intitled, * An A<51 to repeal Part of an Ad therein mentioned,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Lloyd, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Addition to a Supplement of an Ad, inti- * tied, •' An Ad for organizing and training the Militia of this State ;" which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; after fome Time the Houfe retvirncd and adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten o'Clock.

Thurfday^ February 2C, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before. Mr. Moore, from the Houfe of Afembly, acqxialnted this Houfe that the Bill, intitled, * An Ad to prevent unnerelfary Colls in colleding Debts,' was paffed by that Houfe without Amendment. Mr. : : —

( 40 )

Mr. Marfli, A-om the HouTc of Aflcmbly, presented to this itoufc for Cbn- cnrrence, a Bill, intitlcd, ' An Acl to dirccl the lime ;iiul Mode of eleding * Reprcfcntativcs in the Congrefs of the United States for this State ;' which •was reatl and Ordered a fetond Reading. Mr. Mayhew, from the Houfe of Aifembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Refolution ' Refolved, ' '"I^^HAT the Treafurer be and he is hereby directed to pay any Sum, not * X exceeding one thoufand Pounds, of the Monies in the Treal'ury to the * Commiffioners appointed by an Aifl, intltled, " An AcT: to provide fuitable " Biiildings for the Accommodation of the Legiflature," to be by them ex-

* pended in completing the Buildings by them erecled for that Purpofe ; and ' that their Receipt, or the Receipt of any four of them, fliall be a fufficicnt * Voucher to the faid Treafurer for fo much Money in the Settlement of his

' Accounts ; and it fliall be the Duty of the Commilfioners to finilh and com- * pletely furnifh, out of the Monies fo to be drawn, the Council and Airembly * Rooms.' Council having taken the foregoing Refolution into Confideration, Rcfolved^ That the Houfe diiagree thereto. Ordered^ That Mr. Condit do wait on thfe Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them therewitli.

Mr. Condit reported, that lie had obeyed the Order of the Hdufe^ Mr. Linn, from the Committee of Conferrence on the Comrhunications of Mailachuietts and Virginia on the Suability of an Individual againll a State, reported, That the Confcrrees hAd met and come to no Concluiion on the Subjevft. Whereupon the faid Communications were called fof, and the following Refolutions agreed to THE Communications from the States of MalTachitfetts and Virginia, rela- tive to procviring an Alteration of that Part of the Conllitution of the United States which authorizes the Suability of a State by a Citizen of another >State, having been laid before Council and fully confidered 1. RESOLVED, That it is derogatory to a Government, founded on the Principles of equal Liberty and equal Jultice, to fuffcr any to lupplicate that Juftice which is due of common Right to all, and which ought to furniih Remedies commenfurate with honeil Claims. That Jullice, mutual and une- quivocal, is particularly due to Individuals, who are too often itnequal to in- fluence, and fometimes proflrate before Government, which fhould own no other Sovereignty than that of doing Right. 2. RESOLVED, That the Article in the Conftitution of the United States romplained of in the Communications from Mailachufetts and Virginia afore- iaid, and charged with Confcquences quite improbable, is founded upon pub- lic Virtue, with which republican Security is always co-extenlive ; and that this State ought to decline any Meafure, however recommended, which might obviate the Purpoli;s intended by that Article of our invaluable Conftitution.

3. RESOLVED, That his Excellency the Governor be requelled to tranfmit certified Copies of thefe Refolutions to the Executives of Mailachufetts and Virginia. Ordered^ That Mr. Linn do carry the foregoing Refolutions to the Houfe of Ailembly, and reqviell their Concurrence therein. Mr. Linn reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. M'Dowell, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Bill, ( 4^ ) hlli, intulcJ, ' An A*fl to alter the Appropriation of Fees on pafTing private ' Laws,' was palled by that Koule without Amendment.

7'he Bill, intitlcd, ' An Aift to repeal Part of an A<51 therein mentioned,' was a third Time read ;

On the Qucllion, ^yhether the faid Bill do pafs ? It war. carried in the Affirmative, Ncm. Con.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Atfl to authorize the Treafurer of this State to deli- ' vcr the Bonds lodged in his Odice for ttie Recovery of Dcbt^ due from for- ' felted Klhites,' rc;id was a third Time ;

On the Queltion, Wlierher the laid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Vicc-Prefident do fign the fiid two foregoing Bills. Ordered, 1 hat Mr. Raniiolph do wait on the Houle of Aifemhly, and acquaint them that the laid two Bills are palled by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

His Excellency the Governor came into Council.

Ordered, That ^'^r. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Afrembl)% and ac- quaint them that the Houfe agree to the Refolutioa, relative to diredling the Trealurer to caufe the Balance due in Favour of this State with t!ie United States to be funded, &c. and alfo, the Refoludon requiring the Colleclor of the County of Morris to ufe due Diligence in the CoUeclion of the Arrears of Taxes.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Addition to a Supplement of an Ad, intitled, " An " Acl for organizing and training the Militia of this State," was read a I'econd Time, and after Ibme Time Ipent therein laid Bill was ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to coniiniie an Acl, intitled, " An A(5l to diretft " the Time and Mode of electing Reprefeiitatives in the Congrefs of the United " Stares for this State," was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Morris, from the Houfe of AlTcmbly, prefcnted to this Houfe for Con- cnrrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for defraying fundry Incidental Charges ;' wiiich was read and ordered a lecond Reading. Mr. Newton, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefcnted to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Rcfolution: ' Rejolved, That Ifaac Collins, Printer, of Trenton, be appointed to print ' the Laws paifed by the Legillature of this State at this and the lail Sitting.' A Petition from Adjutant-General White, praying further Compenfation for his Services, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, February i\, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, excepc Mr. Kitchel. Mr. Ridgway, from the Houfe of Afifembly, prcfentcd to this Houfe for Concurrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to dirccl t!ic Trealurer to pay a certain • Sum of Money to the Commilfioncrs therein mentioned ;' wdiicli was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yeflerday. L The ( 4^- )

The Houfe rcfumed the Coufulcratlon of the Bill, iiltitied, ' An additional ' Supplement to .in A(5l for regulating? Roads and Bridges,' and after i'omc Time fpcnt therein, the laid Bill was ordered a third Reading. Mr. Rattoon, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefeilted to this Houfe for Con- currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to afcertain, in certain Cafes, the Fees of the ' Secretary of State ;' which was read and ordered a iecond Reading. The Governor withdrew.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for de:^raying fuiidry Incidental Charges,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An additional Supplement to an AS:, intitled, " An Acl' *' for regulating a third Time Roads and Bridges," was read ;

On the Queilion, Whether the fl\id Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af-

iirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Haring, Mr. Black, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Linn. Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardllee. Mr. Mayhew, Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. R-andolph do wait on the Houfe of AlTembh'-, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, * An Acl to authorize John Perry to complete a Contract; * made by him with George Budd, in Behalf of \Villiam Sleeper, and alio to * complete a Contraifl made by Jonathan Sleeper with Adam Inger,' was read a third Time ;

On the Queftion, Wliether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Ne- gative, as follows : Nay. Nay. Yea. Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Linn, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardllee. Mr. Black, Mr. laiis. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do w\ait on the Houfe of Alfembly, and acquaint them th.^t the faid Bill is rejetted by this Houfe.

The Houfe refumed the Conllderation of the Bill, intitled, ' An A(5t for * raifmg a Revenue from certain Stages, Ferries and Taverns,' and after fome Timefpent therein, the faid Bill was ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to afcertain, in certain Cafes, the Fees of the Se- ' cretary of State,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l to diredl the Treafurer to pay a certain Sum of * Money to the CommifTioners therein mentioned,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A61 for defraying fundry Incidental Charges,' was read a third Time ;

On the (s)ueftion. Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It w\as carried in the Af- firmative, as follows : Yea. Nay. Lambert, Mr. Randolph. Ogden, Beardllee.

Ordercdy ( 43 )

Ordered^ That the Vicc-Prcfitknt do fign the faid Rill. Ordered, I'liat Mr. Rindol])!! do wait on the Houic of Afllmbly, and acquaint tlicm that the fliid Bill is pafied by this Houfe.

The l^lil, intitlcd, ' An Ad to continue an A(5l, intitled, " An Ad to diretT: " th.e Time and Mode of electing Repref'entatives in the Congrefs of theUnit- " ed States for this State," a Time was read third ;

On the QnclVion, Vv'hether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Ne-

gative, as fr.liows :

Nay. Nay. "Vca. . Mr. Linn, Mr. Mavhew, Mr. Ilaring, Mr. Black, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Beardllee. Ordered, That Mr. Black do wait on the Houfe of AiVembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is rejeded by this Houfe.

Mr. Black reported, that he had obeyed tiie Order of the Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Aa direcT:ing tlie Treafurcr to ilTuc a Certificate to * David Ayres, Adminiflrator of David Ayres, deceafed,' was read a third Time ; On the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- ilrmative, Nem. Cort. Ordered, That the Vicc-Prcfidcnt do fign tlie fame. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is pafied by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, * An Ac'\ to afcertain, in certain Cafes, the Fees of the ' third Time Secretary of the State,' ^vas read a ; On the Qucftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, Nem. Con.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to direcH: the Treafurerto pay a certain Sum of * Money to the CommiiTioners therein mentioned,' was read a third Time ; On the Qucfllon, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Af- firmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ilaring, Mr. Linn, Mr. Larnbert, Mr. Randolph. Mr. Henderfon, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Black, Mr. Beardllee. Mr. Ellis, Ordered, That the Prcfidcnt do fign the two foregoing Bills. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of AiVembly, ancj acquaint them that the faid two foregoing Bills are pafied by this Houfe without A- niendmcnt. Rcfolved, That Mefirs. Day and Hopkins be appointed to print the Journals of Council and Joint-Meeting. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on -the Houfe of Aficmbly, and ac- quaint them that the Houfe agree to the Reiblution relative to appointing Ifaac Collins to print the Laws. Mr. Ryerfon, from the Houfe of AlTcmbly, prcfentcd to this Houfe for ('oucurrence,



InGENERALASSEMBLY, convened at Trenton

on Wednefday the 1 1 th Day of June, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-four.

Being the third Sitting of the eighteenth Session.





State of New-Jersey.

JVednefday, June ii, 1794. PRESENT, Peter Haring, John Lambert, Samuel Randolph, Abraham Kitchel, John Mayhew, Samuel Ogden.

There not being a Quorum to proceed to Buliacfs, adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten o'Clock.

Thurfclay Forenoon, June 1 2, 1794.

The fame Members met as before.

Adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon,

TbttrfJay :

( 4 )

Thurfday Afternoon. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Haring, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardslee. Mr. Lambert, Mr. Benfon, from the Houfe of AfTembly, acquainted this Houfe that a Quortim of the Houfe of AfTembly had met and proceeded to Bufinefs. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and ac- quaint them that a fufficient Number of Members have met, and proceeded to Bufinefs.

Adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten o'Clock.

Friday Forenoon, June 13, 1794. PRESENT, The Governor, Mr. Haring, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Linn, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardslee. Jeremiah Eldredge, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly

eleded a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved ; and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before the Governor, and took his Seat in Council. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Meffrs. Linn, Ellis and Beardflee, having given their Reafons for Non- attendance, Refolved, That they are fatisfa6lory. The Governor laid before the Council a Letter from the Governor of the State of North-Carolina, and certain Refolutions of the Senate and Houfe of Commons of that State, refpedling the Suability of States by Indivi-

duals : On Motion, Ordered, That die fame be filed. On Motion, Ordered, That Meffrs. Ellis, Linn and Kitchel, be a Committee to bring in a Bill to repeal that Part of the Militia Laws of this State which relates to the Exempts not authorized by the Militia A61 of the United States, and to alter and amend the Mode of collecling the Fines on Delinquents.

Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence tlie following Refolution

Houft ( 5 )

* Houfe of AJfcmbly^ June 12, 1794. ' Tlie Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from his Excellency the Go\Trnor, accompanied with a folio Volume of the Laws of Pennfylvania, nrefentcd by the Lcgillature of that State to the Lcgillature of this State ;' ' Rcfilvcd, 1~^ II A T his' Excellency the Governor be requeftcd to acknowledge the Receipt of the faid Volume, and to communicate the Thanks of thio Iloufo to the Lcgjiflature of the State of Pennfylvania for the Favour conferred, and allure them that when the new Edition of the Laws of this State, now compiling by Mr. Paterfon, are publiihcd, a Set will be prefented to the Lcgillature of Pennfylvania.'

' Council Iiaving taken the foregoing Refolution into Confideration, Rejhhved^ That the Houfe concur therein. OrdcrcJ^ That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them therewith.

Tlie Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Randolph reported, that lis Iiad obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Petition of Benjamin Hunt, Elifiia Moore, Philip Palmer, Ifaac Larowe, John Vliet, and John Vanderback, Prilbners confined in the Gaol of the County of Hunterdon for Debt, praying for the Benefit of an A(fl of Infolvency, being read, was ordered a Iccond Reading.

Adjourned until ten o'Clock To-Morrow Morning,

Saturday Forenoon, jfune 14, 1794.

Prefent as Ycflerday.

His Excellency laid before Council a Rcfolution of the Senate and Houfo of Repreientatives of the United States of America in Congrefs allembled, with a propofed Amendment to the Conftitution of the United

States refpet^ing tlie Suability of States by Individuals ; whereupon. On Motion, Ordered, That the faid Refolution be delivered to the Houfe of Aflembly. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly therewith.

Adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

Saturday Afternoon.

Prefent as in the Forenoon. •

Mr. Mayhew reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Adjourned-until Monday Morning ten o'Clock.

B Mondas ( 6 )

V Monday Forenoon, June i6, 1794. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, Meffrs. Harino, Lambert, CONDIT, KiTCHEL, Randolph, Ogden, Ellis, Beardslee. Mayhew, Mr. Elmer, from the Houfe of Affembly, prcfcnted to this Honfe for Concurrence a Bill, inritled, ' An A61 to authorize the Commander in * Chief to feledl a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably to a * late A»51: of Congrefs for organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufind ' Men from the Militia of the United States,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr- Kitchel, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported a Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to enforce the Colleiflion of Militia Fines from De- linquents,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Adjourned until three in the Afternoon.

Monday Afternoon.

The Houfe met—Prefent as in the Morning and the Vice-Prefident.

Ordered^ That Mr. Eldredge have Leave of Abfence during the Sitting, he being rendered incapable of Attendance by Indifpolition.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to enfoixe the Collecflion of Militia Fines from. Delinquents,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Condit, Randolph and Kitchel.

Mr. Fithian, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concvirrence a Warrant in Favour of Abigail Lapter, late Abigail Davis, to receive the Amount of her former Hufband's Half-Pay for the Time fhe was his Widow, which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l to authorize the Commander in Chief to fe- ' led a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably to a late A61 of ' Congrefs for organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand Men from the ' Militia of the United States,' was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

Adjourned until To-morrow Morning nine o' Clock.

Tuefday Forenoon, June 17, 1794.

The Houie met—Prefent as Yefterday Afternoon.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An A

( / )

* auCiior*i;:c the Ccnim.inckr in Cliicf to fdcO: a Detachment: from the * IMilitia of this State, agreeably to the hit;c Act of Conc;refs for organizing ' a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand Men from the Militia of the United * States,' and, after fome Time fpent thereon, it was committed to the Vice- Prefidcnt, MeflVs. Ellis and Condit.

The Warrant in Favour of Abigail Laptcr, late Abigail Davis, with the Vouchers, being read a fecond Time, RcfolvcJ^ That the Houfe approve thereof, and that the Prcfidcnt do fign the laid Warrant. OrJcrcdy That IVIr. Lambert do wait on tiie Houfe of Aflembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Warrant is paiTed by Council.

Mr. Hough, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for

Concurrence the following Rcfolution : ' Rcfolvcd, ' Tn HAT the Law eftablifliing a Company of Horfc, in the County of * j|_ Morris, under the Command of Abraham Kinney, pafl'cd the 2ifl: * Day of February, 1794, was not intended to interfere with the Rank of * the Officers of the Squadron in the County of Morris ; and that the Com- * mandcr in Chief be rcqiiefted to give Orders that no Precedence or Rank * be eftabliflied among the Officers of the Cavalry of the faid County before * the next Meeting of the Lcgiilature, unlefs with the Confent of the * Officers of faid Squadron, but that the Parties do fubmit the Matter in ' Controverfy refpetfling their Rank to the Decifion of the Lcgiflature on

* the third Wednefday of the next Seffion ; and that the Petitioners, for * the Purpofe applying, ferve a Copy of this Refolution on Captain Abra- * ham Kinney fix Weeks previous to the Time appointed for hearing * thereof j' Which being read, with the Petition accompanying the fame, was or- dered a fecond Reading.

Adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

Tucjclay Afternoon.

The Floufc rrtet—Prcfent as in the Morning.

Mr. Lambert reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Rcfolution from the Houfe of Aflembly, refpeding the Rank of the Officers of the Cavalry in the County of Morris, was read a fecond Time Whereupon, on Motion, Rcf'jhcd unanh'.i'.ufiy. That this HoUfe concur therein. 0.i\lcrcu\ That Mr. Ogdcn do wait on the Houfe of AlFcmbly, and ac- quaint them therewith. Mr. Ogdcn reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Condit, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to alter the Mode of colleding Militia Fines from Delinquents, ' and to enforce the Collection of the lame,' reported the Bill with fundry Amendments, which being read, and the Amendments agreed to. Ordered^ Tha'c the faid Bill be engrolfcd, witli the Amendments. The ( 8 )

The Vice-Prefident, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to authorize the Commander in Chief to feledl a Detach- ' mcnt from the Militia of the State, agreeably to a late A61 of Congrefs ' for organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand Men from the Militia of ' the United States,' reported fundry Amendments to the faid Bill, which being read. Ordered^ That it be read a third Time with the Amendments.

Adjourned until To-morrow nine o'Clock.

IVednefday, "June i8, 1794.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Governor, Mr. Haring, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. CoNDiT, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Kitciiel, Vice-President, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Linn, Mr. Beardslee. Mr. Ellis,

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to alter the Mode of colledling Militia Fines from Delinquents, anc| to enforce the Colletftion of the fame,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill fliall pafs ? It was carried unanimoufly in the Affirmative. Ordered^ That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill Ordered^ That Mr. Beardilee do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and re- queft their Concurrence therein. Mr. Beardilee reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Adl to authorize the Commander in Chief to fe- ' lecl a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably to a late Adl ' of Congrefs for organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand Men, from ' the Militia of the United States,' was read a third Time, with the Amend-

tlie faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It ments ; on the Queftion, Whether was carried in the ArErmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Kitchcl, Vice-Prefident, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Ellis, Ordered^ That the PreCdent do fi^n the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered^ That Mr. Linn do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of AiTembly, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amendments. Mr. Linn reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. HoUinfliead, from the Houfe of AfTeaably, prefented to this Houfe ' for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to revive an Ad, intitled, Aa " Ad to d;.red the Time and Mode of Eleding Reprefentatives in the ^ " Congrefs ;

( 9 )

*' Congrcfs of the United States for this State," which was read, and ar- il crcd a fecond Reading.

The Petition of William Parke, JelTe Smith and John Bovvlfby, praying to be commiffioned Oflicers of a Volunteer Company in the County of Hunterdon on a Certificate not authorized by the Militia Laws of this State, being read, Ordered unauimonjly^ That the fame be difmifleti.

The Hovife adjourned imtil three o'clock in the Afternoon.


The Houfe met—Prefent as in the Morning.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l to revive an Acl, intitled, " An Adl to direct *'. the Time and Mode of electing Reprefentativcs in the Congrefs of the *' United States for this State," was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

A Memorial from the Honourable Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, of the Coimty of Monmouth, was prefented and read, fetting forth, that an Exe- cution had been obtained in the Supreme Court of this State at the Sviit of "William Walto:i, furviving Executor of William Walton, late of New-York, deceaf'cd, againft Cyi'cnius Van Mater^ furviving Executor of Gilbert Van Mater, late of the County of Monmouth, deceafed, for Three Hundred and Tiiirty-fix Pounds, Seven Shillings and Six-pence on a Bond which has been Forty-eight Years (landing ; that Inquifition had been obtained and final Judgment entered againll the Plaintiff in the above Ad;ion ; that there is the ftrongefl Ground for Sufpicion of Collufion on the Occafion, whereby the Eftate may be eventually injured, which was ordered a fecond Reading. Adjourned until To-morrow Morning nine o'Clock.

Tburfday, 'June 19, 1794.

The Houfe met—Prefent as Yeflerday.

The Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County qf Suflex, praying a Law to incorporate the Truflces of Markfborough Academy, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Petition of Ann Gilford, confined in the Gaol of the County of Monmouth, praying for the Benefit of an Acl of Infolvency, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Memorial of the Honourable Thomas Henderfon was read a fecond

' Time ; whereupon, Refolvcd, That the fiid Memorial be referred to the Attorney-General

that he is hereby direcletl to make Inquiry into the Facts ftated therein ; and i^ he fliould be of Opinion that it is the Intcrcft of the State to intei*- fcre, he is diratled to proceed therein as he fliall think raoft proper, and to (late his Proceedings if any before the next Lcgillature. C Ordered^ ( >o )

Ordered^ That Mr. Condi t do carry the foregoing Refolution to the Houfe of Afi'embly, and reqxiefl their Concurrence therein. Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed tiie Order of the Houfe; The Petition of Ann GifFord, praying for an Aft of Infolvency, was read

a fecond Time ; whereupon, Refvlved, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill. The Petition of James Pol, a Debtor confined in Newark Gaol, and George Leavert, confined for Debt in Cumberland Gaol, praying an Acl of Infolvency, which being read, v/as ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Imlay, from the Honfe of AfTembly, brought back to this Hoiife the Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to alter the Mode of collecling Militia Fines from Delinquents, and to enforce the Colledlion of the fame,' with fundry Amendments, to v/hich Amendments he requefhed the Concurrence of this Houfe, which being read, was ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition to incorporate the Truflees of Markfborongh Academy was read a fecond Time ; whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill.

Ml-. Beardllee, with Leave, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An A61 to incorpo- * rate the Subfcribers to a Scheme for fetting on Foot the Building of a free ' School in the County of Suffex, by the Name of the Truflees of Marks- * borough Academy,' which being read, was ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Suffex, praying, for Reafons therein fet forth, for a Law to appoint and authorize fuitablet Perfons to take Charge of the Eflate of a certain John Hunnewill, being^ read, was ordered a fecond Reading.

Adjourne-d until three o'Clock, P. M.


The Houfe met—Prefent as Yeflerday, except xht Governor.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A(5l to incorporate the Subfcribers to a Scheme * for fetting on Foot the Btiilding of a free School in the County of Suffex,

' by the Name of the Trviftees of the Markfborough Academy,' was read a. fecond Time, and fome Progrefs being made therein, was committed to Meflrs. Linn, Beardflee and Condit. " The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to revive an Ad, intitled, An Ad to dired " the Time and Mode af Eledirfg Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of

" the United States for this State," was read a third Time ; on the

Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Negative, at.- follows : Yea. ' Nay.

Mr. Haring^ Mr. Linn, > Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr, Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Beardflee. 'Mr. Ogden.

Ordered^ C " )

OrJered^ That Mr. Ellis do wait oa thcHoufc of Aflcmbiy, and acqliaini: them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houle. Mr. Ellis reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Kitchel, from the Houfe of A-.fcmbly, brought back to this Houfe the Bill, intitlcd, ' An Acl to authorize the Coinmandcr in Chief to fclc

fpccls adhered to their Bill ; which being read, Refolved^ That this Houfe recede from their Amendments difagreed to by the Ho\ife of Alfembly. Ordered^ That Mr. Kitchel do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them therewith. Mr. Kitchel reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill, intltled, * An S.€t to alter the Mode of colleding Militia Fines * from Delinquents, and to enforce the Colledion of the fame,' with the Amendments made by the Houfe of Affembly, was read a fecond Time j whereupon, Ordered^ That the fame be re-engroffed with the Amencbnents^

Adjourned until To-morrow Morning eight o'Clock.

' Friday, June 20, 1794.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vicc-Prefident and fame Members as before.

The rc-engrofied Bill, intitlcd, ' An Acl to alter, the Mode of colleding * Militia Fines from Delinquents, and to enforce the Collcdlion of the fame, being read and compared, Refolvcd^ That the I'ame ilo pals. Ordered, That the Prefident do hgn the faid re-engroffed Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of AffemWy, and ac- quaint them that the faid re-engroffed Bill is paffed by Council, with tlic Amendments of the Houfe of Affembly. Mr. Haring reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr, Little, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefcnted to this Houfe for Con-

' currence the following Bill : An additional Supplement to an Adt, inti- * tied, " An Ad for Building Bridges over tlic Rivers Paffaick and Hack- " inlack, and for other Purpolcs therein mentioned," which was read, aiKl ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Camp, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefcnted to this Ho\ifc for Concurrence a Bill, intltled, ' An A&. for defraying incidental Charges,' which WiiiS read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intltled, ' An additional Supplement to an Act, intltled, " An "Acl { 12 ;

*' Acl for building Bridges over the Rivers Paflalck and Hackinfack, and " for other rurpofcs tiiercin mentioned," was read a fecond Time, and ordered a tliird Pleading. Mr. Camp, from the Houfc of AcTembly, brought to this Houfe the re-engrollcd Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to authorize the Commander in Chief • to detail a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably to the late * Ad of Congrefs,' and informed Council that the fame was paffed by the Houfe of Affcmbly, with the Amendments agreed to by both Houfes. Refolvcd^ That the faid re-engrofled Bill do pafs. Grdered., That the Prefxdent doJign the fiime.

The Bill, intitled, ' An A6t for defraying incidental Charges,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading

The Bill, intitled, ' An additional Supplement to an A61, intitled, " An *'' A61 for building Bridges over the Rivers Paffiiick and Hackinfack, and " for other Purpofes therein mentioned," was read a third Time; on the

Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ; It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Prefldent do fign the fame. Ordered^ That Mr. Condlt do wait on the Hovife of AfFembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment. Mr Condit reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Lloyd, from the Houfe of Aflembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly have concurred in the Refokition on the Memorial of the Honourable Thomas Henderfon, Efquire.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Adt for defraying incidental Charges,' was read, a third Time, and, on the Queftion, Whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con, Ordered^ That the Prelident do fign the fame. Ordered^ That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment, Mr. Randolph reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe, The Honourable Silas Condid, Efquire, Speaker of the Houfe of Affem- bly, came into Council, and acquainted the Prefident that the Houfe of Affembly had gone through their Bufmefs, and adjourned fine Die. Whereupon Council adjourned fine Die likewife.