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I At a Seffion begun at Trenton on the 25th Day of J + * <-

-$** Odlober, 1 79 1, and continued by Adjournments. I

IZ * ^^X-^STPTwk THE FIRST SITTING. f + '/^64*-islf/L<

+ ?4 1 (/ \(?J ' '"•' * BURLINGTON: * ' t % PRINTED BY I S\A AC N K A U E.

M.DCC.XCI. I * * V

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\ LIST of Perfons returned as MemBrrs of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL. Bergen, [John Outwater, EJJex, , Middlcfex, Samuel Randolph, Monmouth, Eliiha Lawrence, V. P. Somcrfet, ^3W Frederick Frelinghuyfen, u Burlington, o James Kin fey, c Glouccjhr, o Jofeph Ellis, j> Efquire; Salem, X John May hew, Cape-May, _c Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon, John Lambert, Morris, Ellis Cook, Cumberland, Samuel Ogden, Suffex, [Charles Beard flee, LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. -Edmund W. Kingfland, \ Bergen, [ohn Haring, ^ Henry Berry, ( Elias Dayton, EJfex, < Matthias Williamfon, ( Ifrael Hedden,

C_ Peter Vredenburgh, Middle/ex, 3 John Runyan, C [ohn Combs, r Jofeph Stillwell, Monmouth, 3 Thomas Little, q John Imlay, T , Somerfet, < Robert Stockton, C Peter De Vroom^ r George Anderfon, Burlington, 5 Jofhua M. Wallace* Newbold, (_ Caleb { Jofeph Cooper, Gloucejler, ^ Thomas Clark, j Efquires. (John Blackwood, r Samuel Sharp, Salem, ^ Bateman Lloyd, / [ohn Sinnickfon, Elijah Townfend, C Cape-May, \ Richard Townfend, ( Matthew Whilden, ^ Thomas Lowrey, Hunterdon, < Benjamin Van Cleve, (. Aaron D. Woodruff, r Silas Condicf, Morris, \ John Starke, ( Hiram Smith, John Burgin, c Speaker, Cumberland, j , C Joel Fithian, r Aaron tf ankinfon, Helmes, Suffex, \ vVilham (• Voluntine Bidleman, /


N E W - J E R S E Y.

Trenton, Tuefday, October 25, 1791.

THIS being the Time and Place appointed by Law for the firft Meeting of the fixteenth General Affembly, the following Perfons attended, to ivit Elias Dayton, returned as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Effex; Peter Vrcdenburgh, as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Middlcfex; Jofeph SHllivell and John Imlay, as Two of the Reprefentatives of the County of'Monmouth; J ames Linn, Robert Stockton, and Peter D Vroom, as Reprefentatives of the County of Somerfet ; Joflrua Maddox Wallace, and Caleb Newbold, as Two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Burlington; John Blackwood, as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucejler; Samuel Sharp, Batcman Lloyd, and John Sinnickfon, as Reprefentatives of the County of Salem; Elijah Tvwn- fend, as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Cape May; Thomas Loivrey, Benjamin Van Clcve, and Aaron D. Woodruff", as Reprefentatives of the County of Hunterdon ; Silas Condift, John Starke, and Hiram Smith, as Reprefenta- tives for the County of Morris; "John Burgin, Ebcnezer Elmer, and Joel Fi- thian, as Reprefentatives for the County of Cumberland ; Aaron Hankinfon Wil- liam Helmes, and Voluntine Bidlemau, as Reprefentatives for the County of Snf- Jex. The refpeclive Certificates of their Election were read, approved, and or- dered to be filed. Aaron D. Woodruff, Efquire, was appointed agreeably to the Conflitution to qualify Benjamin Van Clcve, Efquire, who being duly fwom took his Seat accordingly, and the remaining Perfons being returned as Reprefenta- tives, being Qualified by the faid Benjamin Van Clcve, took their beats in the Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker, when the Honorable Ebc- nezer Elmer, Elquire, was chofen and accordingly placed in the Chair. B The ( 6 )

The Houfe proceeded to the Eledion of a Clerk, when Mafiel Ewing was unanimoufly cholen.

Majkcl Ewing attended, and after taking the Oath of Allegiance, and alfo an

Oath for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, he took his beat .as Clerk of the Houfe.

Ordered, That Mr. Dayton do wait on the Council and acquaint them that the Houfe of AtVembly have this Day proceeded to Bufinefs, and have cholen the Honorable Ebenezer Elmer, Elquire, their Speaker.

Refohed, That David Wrigbter be Door-keeper to the Houfe during the prefent Sitting.

A MefTage from the Council was delivered by Mr. Gondii, informing that a fufficient Number of Members of the Council have this Day met, elefted the Honorable Elifoa Lawrence, Efquire, Vice Prefdent, and proceded to Bufinefs. Ordered, That MefTrs Woodruff, Linn, and Vancleve, be a Committee to bring forward a Draught of Rules and Regulations, for the better Government of the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morroiv Morning Nine o' Clock.

Wednefday, October 26, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Thomas Clark returned as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Glou- cester ; George Anderfon, as One of the Reprtlentatives of the County of Bur-' lingiou ; Iprael Hedden and Matthias William/on, Junior, returned as Two of the Reprefentatives for the County of Ejfex ; and Richard Towtfend, returned as One of the Reprefentatives for the County of Cape-May, appeared in the Houfe and produced the refpeetive Certificates of their Election, which were read, approved, and ordered to be filed ; whereupon, being duly qualified by the Speaker, they took their Seats in the Houfe, and having rendered an Excule for their Non- Attendance before this Time,

Refohed, That the fame is Satisfactory. Mr, Woodruff from the Committee appointed to report a Draught of Rules and Regulations for the better Government of the Houfe, brought in a Report which was read by him in his place, and being afterwards read by Paragraphs, was agreed to, and ordered to be engroffed, The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Abraham Clark, Efquire, Commiffioner appointed on the Part of this State, to fettle the Accounts ot this State with the United btates, which was read and ordered to be filed.

Ordered, That Mr. Anderfon do wait upon the Council, and inform them that this Houfe are ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, to appoint a Governor, and other Officers of the State, and do requefl that Council will appoint the Time and Place of Meeting. Ordered, That MefTrs. Linn, Helmes, and Woodruff, be a Committee to exa- mine and corredl Bills after a fecond Reading, and before the Engroffing. Ordered, That MefTrs. D. Vroom, Hedden, Wallace, Blackwood, Sharps, Lloyd, and Fithian, or any Three of them, be a Committee to join a Committee of the Council, to fettle the Accounts of the Treafurer, and that Mr. Anderfon do wait on the Council, and requeft them to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe. Refohed ( 7 )

Refolved, That the Speaker have Power during the Seffion to convene the General AiTembly whenever any extraordinary Occalion fhall, in his Opinion, render it neceffary. Ordered, That Meffrs. Loivrey, Linn, and Hankinfon, be a Committee to ex- amine the Minutes of the lad Sitting, and reporc fuch Bulinefs to the Houfe, as remained unfinifhed or was referred to this Sitting.

Ordered, That Meffrs. Van Cleve, Wallace, and Conditt, be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill for defraying incidental Charges. The Petition of John Hepnor, late a Soldier in the Jerfey Line, was read, praying a Compenlation for the Depreciation of his Pay, while in the Service, attended with lundry Certificates, were read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Ordered, That Meffrs Clark and Condi ft be a Committee to examine and re- port what Laws have expired, or are near expiring. Ordered, That Meffrs. Imlay, Burgih, Helmes, Hankinfon, and Anderfon, or any Three of them, be a Committee for the prefent Seffion, to join a Committee of the Council on fuch public Accounts as may be referred to them during the Sitting of the Legiflature; that the faid Committee fettle and report all Accounts, for the Payment of which when fettled, Provilion is already made by Law, and that they deliver all others to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for de- fraying incidental Charges. Ordered, That Mr. Anderfon do wait on the Council and requeft them to ap- point a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe for the above Purpofe. The Petition of Peter Quick, Jun. a Prifoner confined in the Goal of the County of Sujjex, praying that a Law may be palled to liberate him from Con- finement, was read: whereupon, a Petition was prcfented from his Creditors fta- ting reafons why the Prayer of his Petition mould not begranted, and being read. Ordered that they be Committed to Meffrs. Condicl, Williamfon, E To-wnfend, Si ill well, and Sharp.

The Petition from Benjamin Jones and others, Inhabitants of the County of Burlington, praying Liberty to throw a Dam acrofs Rancocus Creek, near a place called Slab-Bridge, for the Purpofe of railing a Head of Water to fupply a Grift-Mill, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Sundry Petitions were prefented from Prifoners confined in feveral Goals of the State, praying aLa* may pafs to Liberate them from Confinement, with fun- dry Petitions from Creditors of Prifoners, praying for Reafons fet forth, that no Law may pafs for that Purpofe, were read and committed to Meffrs. CondiB, Williamfon, E Townfend, Stilt'well, and Sharp. Ordered, That Meffrs. Williamfon, Woodruff', and Linn, be a Committee to examine and correct the Minutes. A Petition from Jonar Ward and others praying the Benefit of a Lottery, the better to enable them to Erect a Wire-Mill, and cany on a Card Manufactory, wasread, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o" Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

Edmund W Kingfland, and John Haring, returned as Two of the Reprefen-

tatives of the County of Bergen ; Thomas Little, as One of the Reprefentatives of the County o( Monmouth ; Jofeph Cooper, as One of the Reprefentatives of the

County of Gloucefter ;. and John Rnnyan, as One ot the Reprefentatives of the County of Middlcjex, appeared in the Houie and produced the refpedtive Certi- ficates ( 8 )

to ficates of their Election, which were read, approved, and ordered be filed ; whereupon, being duly Qualified by the Speaker, they took their Seats in the Houfe, and having rendered an Excufe for their Non-Attendance before this Time. Refohed, That the lame is fatisfa&ory. The Speaker laid before the Houfe the following Account of Monies cancelled at the Treafury of the State. Account of Loan Office-Money cancelled at the Treafury of the State of New-

Jerfey, May 26, 27, and 28th. 179 1 -

Denominations. ( 9 )

WE c'o hereby certify, that in Purfuance of the Direction contained in an Aft of Allembly, parted the 30th Day of November, 1789, we have counted, inlpefted, and cancelled, in the Treasury of the State of New-Jerfey, Fifteen Bundles of the Revenue-Money of the faid State, containing Three Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds, agreeably to the above Invoice. Witnefs, our Hands, May 28th, 179 1. BENfAMIN VAN CLEVE, JAMES EWING. Account of State-Money, of the Emiffion of June 9th, 1780, cancelled, in the Treafury of the State of New-Jerfey, October 22, 179I.

Denominations. ( io )

The foregoing Papers were fevcrally ordered a fecond Reading at the laft Sit- ting.

9. The Memorial of John Stevens, Sen. and the Order of 25th November, in Confequence thereof, for a Hearing on the fecond Thurfday of the next Sitting. 10. The Petition of Jane Stewart, for a Divorce from her Huihand, per Order of November 20, 1790, fhe is to be heard before the Houfe this Sitting.

11. The Petition of Levi Silvers, for a Redrefs on a Recovery of Lands fold by Commiffioners of Hunterdon County to him.

12. The Bill intitled, An Att to enable the Inhabitants of the 7own of Salem to maintain their Roads by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpof ; \v:-h lun- dry Petitions from different Parts of the State, deliring Amendments may be made to the Road Ac!:.

13. The Petition from John Charlton, Executor and Co. of Richard Charlton. 14. The Petition from Richard Cox.

15. The Petition of David Baird, for Redrefs on Recovery of Lands, fold by Commiffioners of Monmouth to him. 16. The Petition of Fulkert Dow, and others.

17. The Petition of Nicholas Bogart. 18. The Petition of William Bond. ly. The Bill intitled, A Supplement to an AB, intitled, An Aft for the Relief and Support of maimed and difabled Officers, Soldiers, and Seamen, and of the Widows and Children offuch as fall in Battle, or othcrwife lofe their Lives in the military or naval Service.

20. The Petition from Jor.n Charlton, and William Axtell. 21. The petition of Jacobus De Kay. 22. The Report of the Committee appointed on the Petition from David Thompfon, of the County of Morris.

23. The Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal an Ail, intitled. An AB for regulat- ing and floor tening the Proceedings in the Courts of Law. The foregoing Bufinefs and Papers were ordered to be referred to the prefent Sitting of the Legiflature.

24. The Memorial of Thomas Gardner lay over without Reading.

The Papers in the foregoing Lift, marked No. 1, No. 2, and No. 5, were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Paper, marked No. 4, was read and difmiffed. The Paper, marked No. a, was read, and committed to MefTrs. Williamfon, Linn, and Fithian.

The Paper, marked No. 12, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Cooper, Linn, Still-well, Sharp, and Woodruff.

The Paper, marked No. 14, was read, and difmifled. Mr, Ran iolph from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council will be ready, to go into a Joint- Meeting on Saturday next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpofe of appointing a Governor and other Officers of the State, at the

AlTembly-Room ; that Mr. Ellis and Mr. Ogden is appointed a Committee of Council to join the Committee of the Affembly, for the Purpofe of counting and burning the cancelled Money in the Treafury ; that Mr. Randolph and Mr. Lam- ber f or , either of them, are appointed by Council a Committee to join the Com- mittee of this Houfe on public Accounts, and that Mr. Cook and Mr. Condit, or either ( *1 )

cither of them, are appointed a Committee of Council, to join the Committee of this Houfe to fett!e the Trealurer's Accounts.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine o'Clock.

Thursday, Odlober 27, 1791.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Jacob Fries, of the County of Salem, praying that the Trea- furer may be direfted to deliver him a Certificate in his Office, made out for him, for the Balance due him from the Eftate of Daniel Stretch, whofe Eflate was confifcated to, and vefted in, this State, was read.

Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave, to prefent a Refolution, for the Pur- pofe mentioned in the laid Petition.

A Petition from Abraham Blauvelt, praying, that he may be appointed to print the Laws and Votes of the prefent Sitting, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Princeton, praying, that if the Affembly ihould remove from Trenton, that they would remove to that Place, and offering genteel Accommodations to the Members if they will repair to that Place, was read and difmiffed.

A Petition from John Anderfon, and others, praying that a Law maybe paffed, confirming the Eledion and Admiffion of the faid John Anderfon, into the Office of Sheriff of the County of Hunterdon, he not having come forward agreeably to Law, to give in Security for the faithful Execution of his Office as Sheriff, was read, and committed to Melfrs. Woodruff, Wallace, Williamfon, Anderfon, and Condift, to report thereon to the Houfe. The Petition of John Hep nor, and the Petition of Fulkert Dow, and others, were read a fecond Time, and committed to Melfrs. Burgin, Dayton, and Lloyd.

A Petition from Lewis Anderfon, late a Soldier in the Service of this State, praying Compenfation for his Services, while in the Service, and while a Priloner with the Enemy, and alfo a Compenfation for his Lofs of Time, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Elnathan Davis, and others, was prefented, and read, pray- ing that a Law may pafs to authorize them to make a Bank acrofs Stow-Creek, below the Fork, near the Place called Longs-Landing, the better to fecure the Meadows adjoining faid Creek from the Overflow of the Tide; whereupon, a Petition was prefented by Job Butcher, and others, praying, that the Requell contained in the laft mentioned Petition may not be granted, which being read, Ordered, That the faid Petitions be read a fecond Time, on Tuefday, the 8th Day of November next, and that the Parties be then heard before the Houfe. The Paper in the Report of unfinifhed Bufinefs, marked No. 15, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Williamfon, Linn, and Fithian.

The Paper, marked No. 17, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Helmes, Day- ton, and Smith.

The Petition of William Bond, marked No. 18, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Hcdden, Haring, and Hank

The Bill, marked No. 19, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Petitions marked No. 13. No. 20, and No. 21. wereread and Committe \ to Meffrs. Linn, Van Cleve, Lloyd, D. Vroom, and Starke. A ( p )

A Petition from Kenneth Hankinfon, praying that he may have Certificates which he has loft replaced to him, under luch Rellriclions as may be thoughc Proper, was read, and ordered a Second Reading.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Monmouth, praying that a Law may be paffed to prevent the Liberation of Negroes by the bupreme Court, without the Intervention of a Jury of the Country, was read, and oideied a Second Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o Clock P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Robert Nixon, and a Petition from Richard Hanley, and George M'Elroy, for a Redrefs on a Recovery of Lands fold by Commiffioners ot Confiscated Eftates, were read, and referred to Meffrs. Williamfon, Linn, and Fithian.

A Petition from the Owners and Poffeffors of certain Marines and Meadows in Lower Penns-Neck, in the county of Salem, praying a Repeal of an Ad paf- fed in the Year 1770, enabling the Owners and PofleiTors of certain Marines and Meadows in Lower Penns-Neck, to drain the lame, was read. Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prelent a Bill on Friday the loth of November next, to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition, on giving One Week's Notice to the Parties, and advei tiling the fame in Three of the moft public Places in the Townfhip of Lower Penns-Neck, in the County ot Salem, One Week pre- vious to the Day in which Leave is given for the Bill to be prefented, and a Copy of this Order.

Henry Berry, returned as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Bergen, appeared in the Houfe and produced the Certificate of his Election, which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed; whereupon, being duly qualified by the Speaker, he took his Seat in the Houfe, and having rendered an Excuie to the Houfe for his Non- Attendance before this time,

Refohed, That the fame is fatisfaclory.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine 0''Clock.

Friday, October 28, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Woodruff, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of John Anderfon, and others, refpeding the Election and Qualification into Office, of the laid 'John Anderfon, as Sheriff of the County of Hunterdon,

Report, That in the Opinion of your Committee, the faid Petitioners have Leave to bring in a Bill, to confirm the faid Election and Qualification of the laid John Anderfon, as Sheriff of the faid County of Hunterdon, agreeably to the Prayer of the faid Petition. By Order of the Committee, A. D. WOODRUFF.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. Mr. Linn, from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petitions of John and Charlton, Fxecutor of Richard Charlton, decealed ; of John Charlton Wil- ham Axtell, Guardians of the Children of the late Matthew Clarkfon, deceafed. and of Jacobus De Kay, of the County of Uljlcr, in the State of Ncw-1'ork, beg Leave to report,

1, That the Demands made by the faid Petitioners againft this State, are for Sums ( '3 )

Sums of Money due from certain Perfons whofe Eftates have been confiscated to the Ufc of this State. 2. That the Debts claimed by laid Petitioners appear to be due to Inhabi- tants of the State of New-York. 3. That there is a Law of this State, pafled the 23d November, 1785, which contains the following Section :

(Section 3. ) And whereas it appears, that by the Laws of the State of New- York, no Inhabitant of this State having Demands againft any Perfon, whofe Eftate hath been forfeited in that State, can procure any Payment from, or Divi- dend of hjch forfeited Eftate, in Confideration whereof, Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Treafurer of this State lhall not, on any Pre- tence whatfoever, pay, or difcharge any Demands, or iiTue Certificates for any Debts which may have been fettled and adjudged, to be due to any of the Inha- bitants of the State of New-York, from any Perfon, whofe Eftate hath been for- feited in this State, unleis particularly directed thereto, by a Refolution ot both Houfes of the Legiflature. 4. That from what appears to your Committee, the Reafons affigned in the faid Section, ftill exift> they are therefore of Opinion, that the Prayer of the faid Pe- titions ought not to be complied with. By Order of the Committee, QCtober 28th, 1791. JAMES LINN, The above Report being read,

Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto ; whereupon

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be difmifled.

A Petition from Ifaac Neale, praying that he may be employed to print the State-Work, and offering Propofals for the Execution thereof, was read, and or- dered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Owners of Lands on the Banks of the Affanpink, praying Leave to prefent a Bill, to direct the Obftru

A Petition from Silvefler Marias, praying Compenfation for his Services in the Militia, and for his Lofs of Time, while confined with a Wound he received, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Helmes, Dayton and Smith. A Petition from William Griffiths, foliciting Permiffion to compile and pub- lifh fuch of the State-Laws, as have been enacted fince the 24th December, 1783,, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. D The ( '4 )

The Bills in the unfinifhed Bufinefs, marked No 7, No. 8. and No. 23, with the Papers accompanying the fame, were read, and committed to Mefiis. Sharp, William/on, Cooper, Condift, Woodruff, Fithian, and Ha> ii.g.

The Houfe adjourned to Three 0' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Memorial from Elijah Allen, and Thomas Allen, Hating a Demand they have againft the confifcated Eitate of Jofeph Barton, and praying that the De- mand may be dikharged from the Monies of his Eftate in the Treasury, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Memoiial from Thomas M. Gardiner, was read, praying a Repeal of the Provifo to the Fee-Bill, fo far as refpecfts Coroners, was read and committed to Meflrs. Condift, D. Vroom, and Wallace.

The Petition from Benjamin Jones, read on the 26th Inflant, was read a le- cond Time ; whereupon

Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill, agreeably to the Prayer of his Petition, he giving previous Notice of his Intention, by publifhing the fame with a Copy of this Order, at leaft Three Weeks in the Burlington Ad- vert ifer.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine 'Clock.

Saturday, Odlober 29, 1791*

The Houfe met.

Mr. Hankinfon, agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of the Petitioner, pre- fented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, At Aft to direel a Sum of Money to be le- vied and collected from the Townfhip of Hardwick, in the County of Sujjcx, which was read ; whereupon a Petition was prelented from the Townfhip of Hardwick, defiring that the fame may not pafs without their having an Oppor- tunity to be heard in Oppofition thereto. Ordered, That the faid Bill and Petition be read a fecond Time.

The Petition of Jonas Ward, and others, praying the Benefit of a Lottery, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Conditt, Linn, Van Clcv:, Wallace, and Stillwell.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Ifaac Collins, exprefling a "Wifh to be employed to print the Laws and Pn ceedings of the Legiflature for the current Sitting; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Borough of Elizabeth, praying to be allowed by Law to rnife Money by a Lottery, to enable them to build a Court-Houfe and Gaol, for the Ufe of the laid Borough, was read, and ordered a ferond Reading. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Bergen, praying Leave to prefent a Bill, to enable the Owners and Poffeffors of the Meadows and Marfhes, lying on and adjoining Peik of Englifli Creek, to ereft a Dam acrofs the fanr-, to flop out the Tide, the better to improve the Meadows adjoining thereon, was

read ; and a Petition was prefented, praying that the Defire contained in the faid Petit on may not be granted, was alio read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the feveial Petitions of David Baird, of the County of Monmouth, Robert Nixon, of the County of Middlefex, Richard Han^ley, and George M'Elroy, of the fame County, and of Levi Silvers, ftating, that they had purchafed certain real Property, from rhe and Agents of forfeited Eftates in New-Jerfey, and paid them for the lame ; that ( *5 ) that the fakl real Property had been recovered from the faid Petitioners by Law, by certain Perfons claiming the fame, and therefore the faid Petitioners pray the Legiflature of this State, to make them a Compenfation for their Lofs. Upon whicli your Committee beg Leave to report, 1. That the Agents for forfeited Eftates were only authorized by Law, to fell the Right of the Fugitives, veiled in the State, by the Aft of Confutation ; and not to warrant the Title of fuch Lands, againfl all Perfons whatfoever. 2. As this was the Condition of Sale under which the faid Petitioners made their feveral Purchafes, they can have no Claims on the Juflice of this State to make up their Lofs ; wherefore, the Committee are of Opinion, that the faid Pe- titions ought to be difmifTed. By Order of the Committee, JAMES LINN. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That Mr. Newbold have Leave of Abfence until Thurfday next. The Members withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting, and being returned, the Speaker relumed the Chair, and then

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning, Ten o 'Clock,

Monday, Odlober 31, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Burgin, from the Committee to whom the Petition of "John Hepnor was referred, reported as follows : That in the Opinion of your Committee the Prayer of his Petition ought to be granted, and therefore recommend the following Refolution : That the Treafurer be directed to iffue unto John Hepnor, a Note for the De- preciation of his Pay, while a Suldier in the Jerfey Line. JOHNBURGIN. Ordered, That the fame be read a fecond Time.

Mr. Clark, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, Ai At~l to prevent the public Records being removed by Writs of Subpoena, which was or- dered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Minifter, Elders, and Deacons of the Reformed Congre- gation of Hackinfack, and Schralenbergh, in the County of Beigen, was read, praying the Benefit of a Lottery, to aid their Finances, the better to enable them to repair and complete their public Buildings, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from John Ettwein, one of the Bifhops of the Church, called JJnitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, and Prefident of the Society of the United Brethren for propagating the Gofpel among the Heathen, praying Leave to pre- fenta Bill, to incorporate the Society for promoting the Gofpel among the Hea- then, formed by Members of the Epifcopal Church of the United Brethren, or

Unitas Fratrum, was read, and Leave given to prefent a Bill for that Purpofe ; whereupon, The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Bill, intitled, Ai AB to incorporate the Society for propagating the Gofpel among the Heathen,formed by Members of the Epifcopal Church oftheUnited Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition from William Griffiths, read on the 28th Inftant, was read a fe- cond Time, and committed to Meilrs. Woodruff, Having, Helmes, Linn, and Wil- liamfon. Ordered :

( 16 )

Ordered, That MefiYs. Clark, Van Cicve, and Condi ft, be appointed a Commit- tee, to prepare and prefent a Bill for the Support of Government.

Ordered, That MelTrs. Little, Bury';!, and Cooper, be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill, to raife Money for the Support of Government, and other Ex- igencies of the State.

The Petition from the Borough of Elizabeth, praying to be allowed by Lav/ to raife Money by Lottery, to enable them to build a Court-Houfe and Goal, for the Ufe of faid Borough, was read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, agreeably to the Prayer of their Petition.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Agreeably to Leave given, the following Refolution was prefented, to wit : Refblved, That the Treafurer be direfted to deliver unto Jacob Fries a cer- tain Note, or Certificate, in his Hands, drawn in Favor of Jacob Fries, for Mo- nies due him from the Eftate of Daniel Stretch, although the Bond given by the faid Daniel Stretch to the faid Jacob Fries, be not delivered up to the faid Trea- furer, on luffieient Security being given to the Treafurer, in a Sum double the Amount of the faid Note, conditioned, That if the Bond fhall ever be found, that the fame fhould be depofited in the Treafury of the State, and that it fhall not be proceeded on, to recover the Mo- ney againfl the original Obligor. Ordered, That Mr. Eurgin do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence. Mr. Condicl, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Jonas Ward, Thomas Osburn, and Abraham Frojl, reported,

That it is the Opinion of the Committee, that the Petitioners ought to have Leave, to prefent a Bill, agreeably to the Prayer of the faid Petition. By Order of the Committee, .

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. Mr. Dayton, from the Committee, appointed to join a Committee of Council, to count and burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury, brought in the follow- ing Report

Account of Revenue-Money, emitted by a Law, paffed December 20, 1783, cancelled in the Treafury of the State of New-Jerfey, on the 28th Day of May,

179 1, by Benjamin Van Cleve, and James Ewing, Efquires, agreeably to a Law, paffed November 30th, 1789. Denomination*. ( i7 )

AMOUNT. 120! o/- T Denominations. ',0/ T/ T2H 7/8 if if) 2/R

Number of 1 I ( i8 ) ( *9 ) drowned, or orherwife dead by Mifadventure, and that fhall provide for the Pay- ment of" the legal Fees, in Cafes where the Decedent hath, or had not, Property iufficient, to difcharge the fame, and to provide for the Payment of Jurors, ferving on Coroners inqueits. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT.

Ordered, That MefTrs. Linn, CondicJ, and Still-well, be a Committee to bring in a Bill, conformable to the laid Report.

A Petition from Anthony Brodereck, dating a Demand againft the State, was read, and referred to the Treafurer, to make a Report thereon.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to incorporate the Society for propagating the Gof- pcl among the Heathen, formed by Members of the Epifcopal Church ofthe United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrnm ; was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

A Petition from Knoiulton, in the County of Sujfcx, praying that Perfons may be appointed by Law, to investigate what Sums have been collected from the faid Townfhip, towards the Difcharge of State Taxes, and in whofe Hands the fame remain, with Power to profecute and recover the fame, was read, and or- dered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morro-w Morning, Nine o'clock.

Tuefday, November i, 1791.

The Houfe met,

Matthew Willden, Efquire, returned as One of the Reprefentatives of the County of Cape-May, appeared in the Houfe, and produced the Cer- tificate of his Election, which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed ; whereupon, being duly qualified by the Speaker, he took his Seat in the Houfe, and having rendered an Excute for his Non-Attendance before this Time, Refolved, That the fame is fatisfaclory. Mr. Clark, from the Committee appointed to examine what Laws have ex- pired, or are near expiring, reported, That they have examined the Laws of this State, and do not find that there is any Law expired, or that will expire this Sitting. By Order of the Committee, THOMAS CLARK. To which the Houfe agreed. Mr. Clark, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, Ai A3 for the Support of the Government of the Reading. State ofNe-u-Jerfey ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Mr. Woodruff, agreeably to Leave given, prefented the Draught of a Bill, inti- tled, An Acl to ratify and confirm the Elcflion of Sheriffs, in certain Counties of this State ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mv.Williamfon, agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught ot a Bill, intitled, An Ad to enable the Inhabitants of Eli- zabeth-Town to rebuild ihsir Court-Houfe, and Gaol, and to complete their Acade- Reading. my, -which -were defrayed by Fire ; which was read, and ordered a fecond A Petition from the Adminiftrators ot Abraham Montforc. deceafed, of Read- ing-Toxvn, in the County of Hunterdon, praying that a Law may be paffed, to impowerthe Adminiftrators to make Sale of and convey the real Eftate of the their Deceafed, the better to enable them to pay fuch of the Heirs, as are of Age, Dividends, ( *o )

Dividends, according to Law, and to put to Intercft the remaining Part, for the Benefit of the younger Children, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Woodruff, Linn, and Runyan. A Memorial from Elias Bou.linot, and others, in Behalf of themfelves, and others, Subfcribers, propoung to eftabliih a Manufactory in Nciv-Jerfey, was read, praying, that the Legiflature would permit them to bring forward a Bill, to incorporate, under certain Limitations, and with certain Privileges, the Sub- fcribers, who propofe to eitablifh a Manufactory in Ncw-Jerfey.

Ordered, That the faid Petition, and the Papers accompanying the fame, be referred to Meffrs. Lowrey, Woodruff, Williamfon, Dayton, Wallace, CondiB, and Linn, to confider the Propriety of permitting a Bill to be presented on the

Principles, and agreeably to the Prayer of the laid Petition ; and that Mr. Clai k do wait on the Council, and requeft them to appoint a Committee, to join the Committee of this Houfe on that Bulinefs. Mr. Burgin, from the Committee, to whom the Petition of Sufanna Bowlsbey, late Widow ©f John Martin, was referred, reported,

That in their Opinion the Prayer of her Petition ought to be granted, and that fhe is intitled to feven Years Half-Pay, of her late Huiband. By Order of the Committee, JOHN BURGIN.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. A Petition from a Number of Inhabitants of the County of EJfex, praying that Melyn Miller, who is confined in the Gaol of the laid County, may have the Benefit of an Act of Infolvency to releafe his Perfon from Confinement, was read, and ordered to be filed.

A Petition from Colonel Samuel potter, Rating a Demand again ft the State, and defiring Payment, was read, and committed to Melfrs. D. Vroom, Eurgin, and Little, to examine his Claim, and report thereon. A Petition from Thomas White, a Prifoner, confined in the Gaol of the Coun- ty of Monmouth, praying the Benefit of an Act of Infolvency, was read, and or- dered a fecond Reading, with the Report of Mr. CondiB.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Report from the Treafurer, and Auditor on the Subject of the Accounts of John Stevens, Elquire, late Treafurer, with the State of New-Jerfey ; which was read, and ordered to be filed. The Report of Mr. CondiB, on the Petitions from Prifoners confined in Gaols, &c. was read a fecond Time, with the Petition of Thomas White, and commit- ted to Meffrs CondiB, Linn, and Williamfon, to bring in a Bill lor the Libera- tion of thofe Perfons, atprelentin Confinement.

The engrofied Bill, intitled, An AB to incorporate the Society for propagating the Gofpel among the Heathen, formed by Members ofthe Epifcopal Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum, was read and compared.

Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Clark do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concurrence.

The Petition from Knowlton, in the County of SuJJex, read yeflerday, was read a fecond Time, and referred to Meffrs. Sharp, Hankinfon, and CondiB, to report thereon.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The ( ftl )

The Houfe met.

A Meffage from his Excellency, the Governor, was delivered by the Secretary, in the following Words : 'Trenton, November i, 179 1. Gentlemen of the General Ajfembly, AFTER the Adjournment of the Legiflature laft Fall, I received from the Speakers of the two Houfes of the General AfTembly of Virginia, certain Relblutions, refpecting the Rights of the Citizens of the United States, to hear the Debates of the Federal Senate, when acting in their Legifiative Capacity; and alfo fundry Resolutions, paffed by the Legiflature of North-Carolina, as In- ftructions to the Senators of that State, in Congrefs, Copies of the faid Refolutions, and of the Letters which accompanied them, I have directed to be laid before you ; I have alfo directed the Secretary to lay before you, the Copy of a Letter, which I have lately received, from his Excellency, Thomas Mifflin, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, reflecting the Navigation of the River Delaware, the

Object which this Letter contemplates, is in a Variety of Views, of fo much mo- ment, as to induce me to fubmit it to your Confideration ; the Originals of the a- bove Relolutions and Letters will be depofited in the Secretary's Office.

The Secretary is directed to lay before you, a Collection of the Acts, paffed at the Third Seffion of the Congrels of the United States of America, and a Copy of the Journal of the Proceedings of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, during the fame Seffion. WILLIAM PATERSON.

Whereupon, Ordered. That the faid Meffage, and the Papers accompanying the fame, be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from the Treafurer, accompany- ing his Report, on the Petition of Anthony Brodereck ; which was read, and or- dered to be filed. Whereupon. Ordered, That Mr. Brodcreck's Petition be difmiffed.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Effex, Bergen, and Mor- ris, praying, that the A.t, palled laft Sitting, in Favor of the Children of Robert Drutnmond, may be re-confidered, and explained, was read, and ordered a l'econd Reading.

Four feveral Petitions from James Parker, and others, who petitioned the Legiflature at their laft Meeting, for a Law to build a Toll-Bridge over Raritan River, above Albany-fir eet, at the City of New-Brunfivick, praying Liberty to lay Information before the Legiflature, reflecting what has palled, relative to the Building the Bridge propofed, were read, and ordered a lecond Reading. A Petition from Stacy Biddle, of the County of Burlington, praying Leave to prefent a Bill, to enable him to erect a Dam, and other Water- Works, acrofs the North- Branch of Rancocns Creek, a final 1 Diflance above the Place called

Slab-Bridge, where Ezg- Harbour Road crofles faid Branch ; with a Petition from a Number of Inhabitants of the County of Burlington, playing that the faid Stacy Biddle may be permitted to erert the Dam propofed ; and it appear- ing to the Houfe, by Advertifements accompanying the faid Petition, that due Notice has been given, that a Bill was to be prefented this Day to anfwer the Prayer of the faid Petition. Whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill, to anfwer the Pray- er of his Petition.

Mr. Out-water, from the Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had ap- pointed Meffis. Ki.ifcy, Cook, and Outjvatcr, to join the Committee of the Houfe F of ( * ) of AfTembly, for the Purpofcs mentioned in the Meff.ige from this Houfe to the Council of this Morning, on the Petition of Ellas BjuMnot.

Mr. Hchnes, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petitions of Eli- zabeth Wordun, Phwbe Leonard, Silvejler Marias, and Nicholas Bogart, biovgM in a Report, which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine o 'Clock.

Wednefday, November .2, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Sharp, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Papers marked 7, 8, and 23. of the unfinifhed Bulinefs of the la ft Sitting, and the Papers accom- panying the lame, reported, for the Conlideration of the Houfe, a Bill, intitled, /In Aft for regulating, the Practice and Proceedings in the Courts of Law, as containing the Subftance of the feveral Papers referred, the Committee not having formed an Opinion, with Refpecl to the Propriety of the fame being palled into a Law. By Order of the Committee, SAMUEL SHARP.

Whereupon, the faid Bill being read, a Queftion was taken, whether the faid

Bill be read a fecond Time, and it was carried in the Negative, as follows : Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr. Berry, Mr. William fon, Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Combs, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Condicl, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Clark, Mr. Hankinjon, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Hiring, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Little, Mr. Fithian, Mr- Loivrey, Mr. Hedden, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Hdr.ies, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Sharp, Mr. King/land, Mr. Smith, Mr. Li in, Mr. Starke, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Stockton, Mr. E. Town/end, Mr. Van Cfve. Mr. R. Townfind, Mr. Whilldcu, Mr. Wallace.

Whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Bill be difmiffed.

Mr. Cocper, agreeably to Leave given, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, Heirs and A 1 Act to authorize Stacy Biddle of the County of Burlington, his Af~ fgfis, to ercfl and maintain a Dam for the Purpofe of accommodating Mills, a- crofs the North Branch of R.ticocus, above a Place called Slab-Bridge, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled An A3 to ratify and confirm the Election ofSheriffs in certain Connies of this State, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be en- grotTed. A Petition from the Owners of Lands on both Sides of South-River, in the County of Middlefox, praying that a Law may be paffed, declaring South-River a legal Fence, as far up the fame as the Fork where the Matehapenax and Pe- nolepy joins, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A ( § )

A Petition from the Members of the Epifropal Church in the Town of Pif- cttavtay, was read, praying that a Lavtf may be paffed, to authorize them to raife Two Hundred Pounds, by a Lottery, the better to enable them to repair their Church, which has been injured during the War, was read, and ordered a iccond Reading. A Petition from Reuben Fitz-Randolph, late a Captain on the Frontiers, in the Service of the United States, was read, praying Compenfation for Wine by him r lurnifhed his Troops, while in the Service, and committed to MelTrs. Woodruff, Imlay, and Blackwood.

The Petition of Lewis Anderfon, was read a fecond Time ; and a Petition from Elijha Jewell', dating a Demand againft the State, and praying Payment, was read, and committed to the laft mentioned Committee. A Petition from John Perrine, Senior, of the County of Monmouth, whofe E- ftate has been confifcated to, and vetted in, this State, praying that he may by Law be authorized, to recover Part of his Property, which has not been taken for the Ufe of the State, from Perfons in whofe Pofleffion it is, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. .The Report from Samuel Wybff, of the County of Monmouth, praying to be re-imburted from the State, certain Expences which he has been put to, in Con- fequence of a Purchaie of real Property from, the State, was read, and ordered a iecond Reading.

The Report of Mr. Burgin, of the 31ft ult. and the Report of Mr. Helmes, of Yefterday, with the Papers accompanying the fame, were read a fecond Time, and committed to MelTrs. Woodruff, Imlay, and Blackwood, to examine the Claims therein let forth, and that they examine and enquire, whether if this State fhould at this Time difcharge to the Applicants their Claims, the State can have Credit with the United States, for the Amount.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to enable the Inhabitants of Elizabeth-Town to re- build their Court-Houfe, and Gaol, and to complete their Academy, which -were de- frayed by Fire ; was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Report in Favor of David Thompfon, which was poflponed at the Jaft Sitting, was read, and referred to MelTrs. Woodruff, Imlay, and Blackwood, to report thereon.

The Hou/e adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine 'Clock.

Thurfday, November 3, 1701.

The Houfe met.

. A Petition from Abraham Bcvier, Efq. of Ulfler County, in the State 6£M/t» 2 ork, was read, praying that the Trealurer may be directed to deliver him a Cer- tificate in his Hands, for Monies due Djtniel Bcvier, over whom he is Truftee, lor the Amount nf his Demand againft the Eilate of Solomon Cot twright, was read, and ordeied to be difmilTed.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Ad to ratify and confirm the Eleclion of She- riff in certain Counties of this State, was read, and compared. RefolveJ, That the lame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. The engrolTed Bill, intitled, An ASl to enable the Inhabitants of Elizabeth- Town to rebuild their Court-Hovfe and Goal, and to complete their Academy, -which were dejlrojed by Fire, was read and compared. Rcjolved :

( *4 )

Rcfolvcd, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr Combs do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concurrence. A Memorial from Edward Thomas, Guardian and Attorney of the Children of Robert Drummond, deceafed, fetting forth, that hy lundry Petitions, which have been laid before the Houie, Fads have been mifreprefented, and praying that the Petitions before the Houfe may be difmiffed, or that he may have Leave to attend the Houfe to fhew that Facts have been mifreprefented, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, with the Petitions referred to.

A Petition from Morris County, praying that a Law may be palled to regu- late Weights and Meafures, was read, and ordered to be filed.

The Petition of Elijah Allen, read on the 28th ult. was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs, Linn, Cooper, and Sharp.

The Order of the Day, on the Petition of John Stevens, Efquire, of the laft Sitting, being called for, On Motion, Ordered, That the Order of the Day, for the Hearing of John Stevens, Jun, late Treafurer, refpecling the Settlement of his Accounts, be poftponed until Thurfday next. The Speaker laid before the Houfe, a Letter from John Stevens, Jun. Efq, which was read, and ordered to be hied. The Petition read on the 27th ult. reipecling the Supreme Court's liberating Slaves, Sec. was read, and committed to Meffrs. Having, Sharp, and Linn, to bring in a Bill, to anfwer the Prayer of the Petitioners. Ordered, That Mr. Hclmes, and Mr. Williamfon, have Leave of Abfence, un- til Tucfday next. Mr. Neivbold returned, and took his Seat in the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morroiv Morning, Nine 0' Clock.

Friday, November 4, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. D. Vrootn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Colonel Samuel Potter, beg Leave to report, that they have examined the Papers and Vouchers produced by the faid Colonel Potter, and alfo the Law of this State, for hireing Subftitutes, paffed September 23, 1777. and that the following appears to them to be a State of Facts 1. That the faid Colonel Potter, in Purfuance of the (aid Law, hired a Number of Subftitutes for the Delinquents in his Regiment, in the Year 1777, and paid them the Sum of 3600 Dollars.

2. That the faid Colonel Potter, in further Purfuance of faid Law, obtained a Warrant of Diftrels, under the Hands and Seals of Amos Potter, and James Campbell, two of the Juftices of the Peace, of the County of EJjtex, againft the faid Delinquents, to the Amount of 5060 Dollars, exclufive of the Cofts, and put the fame into the Hands of a Conftable oi laid County. of 3. That the faid Colonel Potter received from the faid Conftable, the Sum

1868 Dollars, in Part of the Sum, due to him for hireing Subftitutes ; that there remains ftill unpaid on faid Warrant, the Sum of 92 Dollars, and due to Colo- 3 1 nel Potter 1732 Dollars. 4. That )

4. That had the whole Money . n collected on the Difirefs-Warrant, there would have been a Surplus of 146- D liars, which would have been paid into the Treafury. Your Committee are further of Opinion, that the Money due Colonel Potter ought to be colleded from the Delinquents, againit whom the Diftrefs-Warrant was ilfued. By Order of the Committee, PETER D. VROOM.

Whereupon, The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from the faid Samuel rotter, praying on the Subject of the faid Report he may be heard by Council.

Ordered, That the faid Report and Letter be read a fecond Time.

Whereas, by Virtue of a R.efolution, of the Legislature, paffed the 8th of Sep- tember, 1788, Anthony Brodereck did, on the 26th of March, 1789, depofit in the Treafury of this State, Notes iffued by Benjamin Thompfou, Commiffioner, to the Amount of One Thoufand Pounds, for which there was advanced to him the

Sum of One Thoufand Pounds in Money, and as it is neceffary, that the faid Sum fo advanced fhould be repaid into the Treafury ; therefore,

Refbhed, That the Treafurer do give Notice within five Weeks, to the faid Anthony Brodereck, that if he does not redeem the faid Certificates, fo depofited in the Treafury, on or before the firft Day of June next, by paying the Principal and Intefeft of the Money advanced to him, for faid Certificates, that the State will then coniider them as the Property of the State, and that the Treafurer is di- rected to fell them for the Ufe of the State.

Ordered, That Mr. Condifi do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Kinfey, from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council difagree to a Refolution, relative to directing the Treafurer to deliver unto Jacob Fries, a cer- tain Note in his Hands, drawn in Favor of Jacob Fries, for Monies due him from the Eftate of Daniel Stretch, &c.

Mr. Kinfey alfo delivered the Bill, intitled, An Act to incorporate the Society for propagating the Go/pel among the Heathen, formed by Members of the Epifco- fal Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum, with the Amendments

made thereto by Council ; to which he rcquefted the Concurrence of this Houfe

in the faid Amendments ; which Bill with the Amendments was read, and

the Amendments being read in their Places, were agreed to ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engrofl'cd, with the faid Amendments. A Petition from David Johufon, and James Ludlam, of the County of Cape May, was read, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to enable them to flop the North Branch of Dennis's Creek, above the public Bridge lately erected thereon, in Order to build a Grift-Mill, or Mills, on faid Creek; and a Petition was pre- fented, praying that the firft mentioned Petitioners may not be indulged with the

Prayer of their Petition ; which was alfo read ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the Petitioners firft mentioned have Leave to prefent a Bill, on the fecond Wed.ieflay of the next Sitting, to anfwei the Prayer of their Petition, on previoufly advertihng the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, in three of the moft public Places of the County of Cape-May, and alio lor three Weeks previous thereto, with a Copy of this Order, in one of the News-papers printed in Philadelphia. A Petition from the Board of Juftices and Freeholders, of the County of Bur- lington, on the Subjed of a Law palled lalt Sitting, relative to the Deficiencies of

G the ;

( 26 )

the Townfhip of Egg-Harbour, in the Payment of their Taxes, was read, and or- dered a fecond Reading.

The Petition of James Parker, and others, read on the firft Inflant, with fun- dry other Petitions on the fame Subject, refpecting the Proceedings of the Com- miffioners, appointed to afcertain and fix where the Bridge fhould be built over Raritan, at Neiu-Brunfivick, with a Copy of their Report, and a comparative View of the prefent Rate of Ferriage over the Raritan, at Neiv-Brnnfivick, with the Toll, or Rate of Fare, reported by the Commiffioners, appointed by an Ad: of the Legiflature, to fix the Place for building the Bridge over the River Raritan, and the Toll or Rate of Fare for crofting the fame, and with the Toll or Rate of Fare thought adequate to the Expence of building the faid Bridge, and held up to the Commiffioners, as an Offer to the faid Commiffioners, before they made the fecond Report, with the Difference between the two Rates, was read, and

committed to Meffrs. Van Cleve, Raring, Condift, Runyan, and Linn, to report thereon.

Mr. Condift, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft, fupplemental to the Aft, intitled. An Aft to afcertain the Time and Mode of levy- ing Taxes, and the better to inforce the Collection thereof; pajj'ed June 5th 1787 ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Mayhew, from Council, prefented the following Bills, to which he re- queued the Concurrence of this Houfe.

A Bill, intitled, An Aft for the regular Holding of the Courts of Oyer and Ter- miner, and General Goal-Delivery, and Nifi Prius, in the feveral Counties of this State, andfor other Purpofes therein mentioned. A Bill, intitled, A Supplement to the Aft, intitled, An Aft to regulate and fix the Times for holding the Courts of Appeal and Errors ; which faid Bills were ieverally read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Woodruff, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of the Adminiftrators and Heirs of Abraham Montfore, deceafed, reported as follows

That by a Law of this State, paffed the 1 6th Day of December, 1784, intitled. An Aft to afcertain the Power and Authority of the Ordinary and Surrogates, to regulate the Jurifliftion of the Prerogative Court, and to efiablijh an Orphan's Court, in the feveral Counties ofthe State, the Orphan's Court are directed, and have full Power and Authority to order and decree a reafonable Allowance, for the Maintenance and Education of young Children, of Perfons dying inteftate, out of the perianal Eftate of the decealed, if lufficient; and where there is not fufficient perfonal Eftate to pay juft Debts and maintain Children, and there is real Eftate, the Orphan's Court of the County where fuch real Eftate lies, (hall on Application order, direct, and decree, the Executor- Adminiftrator, or Guardian, to make Sale of fuch Parr or Parts of the fame, from Time to Time, as this faid Court fhall judge fufficient to pay juft Debts, and maintain Children.

That in the Opinion of your Committee the Provifions contained in the above mentioned Act are lufficiently competent, to anfwer the Purpofes fet forth, in the Prayer of the faid Petition, and that it would be highly improper for the Legiiia- ture to interfere further with the Rights of Orphan Children, or to pafs a Law to dilpofe of the Property of the Children under Age in the prefent Cafe. By Order of the Committee, A. D. WOODRUFF.

Which Report was read, and agreed to ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the Petition referred to therein be difmifled. On ;

( *7 )

On Motion, The Houfe refolved itfclf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, on the Go- vernor's Mctlage, with the Papers accompanying the fame, of the ift Inftant whereupon the Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Having took the Chair, as Chair- man of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Haring, Chairman of the Committee, reported, That the Committee had made (ome Progrefs in the Bufinefs referred to them, and defired Leave to fit again.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nineo'Clock.

Saturday, November 5, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Van Cleve, agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of John Stevens, Efq. prefented the following Relolution : Refolved, That the Treafurer be authorized and directed to iffue a Certificate, agreeably to the Ad, palled December 23d, 1783, for afcertaining the Value of Debts, due from the forfeited Eftates of certain Fugitives and Offenders, and for directing the Payment of the fame unto John Stevens, Efquire, for the Sum of Ninety-one Pounds, One Shilling and Four-pence, with Intereft, from the 24th Day of November, 1789, being the Amount of what was due to the faid John Stevens, on that Day from the confifcated Eftate of Jofeph Barton, if fo much of the Eftate of the faid Jofepb Barton mould be in the Hands of the faid Treafurer. Ordered, That the faid Refolution be read a fecond Time. Mr. Condift, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled An, Aft for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors ; which was read, and ordered-a lecond Reading.

A Petition from John Jobnfon, in Behalf of himfelf, and Elizabeth, his Daugh- ter, praying forRealbns therein contained, that Thomas Millet, confined in the Gaol of Somerfet County, may not be indulged with the Benefit of an Act of In- folvency, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading with the laid Bill.

Mr. Sharp, from the Committee to whom was committed the Petition from the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Kno-uilton, reported,

That the Supplement to the Act to afcertain the Time and Mode of levying Taxes now on the Files is adequate to the Prayer of the faid Petitions. By Order of the Committee, SAMUEL SHARP. To which the Houfe agreed.

Mr. Sharp, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Atl to direct the, Treafurer to deliver unt$ Jacob Fries a certain Certificate in his Hands ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Van Cleve, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of James Parker, and others, refpecling the Proceedings of the Commiflioners, ap- pointed to afcertain and fix, where the Bridge fhould be built over Raritav., at

New-Brunfwick, with the Papers accompanying the fame, reported as follows :

That they have examined the Petitions and Papers to them referred, and in the Opinion of your Committee they contain Information worthy the Attention of

the Houfe, and interefting to the public in general : your Committee would

therefore ( rt )

therefore recommend, that the Petitioners be indulged with a Hearing before tins Houfe, on the SubjeQ Matter contained in their Petition. By Order of the Committee, BENJAMIN VAN CLEVE. To which the Houfe agreed. Whereupon, Ordered, That a Hearing be had before the Houfe, on Friday, the nth Day

of this Inftant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning ; and that Mr. Parker, in Behalf of the Petitioners, give Notice to Andrew Kirkpatrick, Efquire, one of the Com- mittee of the Subfcribers for building the Bridge oyer Raritan, and alio to thiee or more of the Commiffioners, who were appointed by the Law, paffed lafl Sit- ting, to affix the Place, and afcertain the Rates to be taken for croffing the laid Bridge, at leaft three Days previous to that Day, and ferve them with a Copy of this Order, and the above Report.

A Petition from Little alfo Egg-Harbour, in Burlington County ; and a Petition from Stafford, in the County of Monmouth, ftating Difficulties that arile in the Collection and Payment of their Taxes, and defiring that the old Arrears of Taxes may be difcharged by the laid Townfhip, by paying in the current Money of the State, One Pound for Three Pounds, of the laid Arrearages, weie read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Ail to incorporate the Society for propa- gating the Gofpel iamong the Heathen, formed by Members of the Epifcopal Church, of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum, was read and compared.

Refolved, That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr D. Vroom do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them, that the lame is paffed by this Houfe, with then Amendments.

Mr. Eldredge, from Council, informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An Acl to enable the Inhabitants of Elizabeth-Town, to rebuild their Court- Houfe and Gaol, and to complete their Academy, is paffed by Council, and that Coun- cil agree to the Reiolution, relative to directing the Treafurer, to give Notice to Anthony Brodereck, to redeem certain Certificates, &c.

Mr. Lambert, from Council, informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An Acl to ratify and confirm the ElecJion of Sheriffs in certain Counties of this State., {s palled by Council, without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail to prevent the public Records being removed, by Writs of'Subpoena, was read a lecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Woodruff, Clark, and Sharp.

The Petition of William Rudroiv, and Jofeph Cowperthwait, of the State of New-Jerfey, and of William Follivell, of the State of Pennfylvania, ffating a Demand againlt the confifcated Ellate ot Jacob Hewitt, and praying, that the Treafurer may be directed to illue a Certificate unto them, lor the Amount of their Demand, or Inch Part thereof, as there may be Money in the Treafury to dilcharge, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An AcJ fupplemental to the Aft, intitled, An At! to afcer- tain the Time and Mode of levying Taxes, and the better to iiforce the Collection thereof; paffed, June 5th, J 787, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Condicl. Stillwell, and D. Vroom. Mr. Woniruff, from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of Nicholas Bogart, for an Allowance of Pay and Depreciation of Pay due to his Son, as a Continental Soldier, who was killed in June, 1780; the Petition of John i 19 )

John Tie'pnor, for an Allowance of Depreciation ofTay.as a Continental Soldier; the Petition of Silvejier Marias, for an Allowance of Pay for Six Months and Three Weeks, a? a Serjeant in the Militia, called out on z Month's Service, being fo long confined with a Wound received, in the fame Service-; the Peti- tion of Leioh Anderfcn, far en .Allowance of Pay, a« a Soldier in the Flyinj Camp, from the 16th November, 1776,10 Auptjl 15th, -1782, beitog a Priioner

during that Time ; the Petition of Reuben Randolph, for indemnification for his Property, fold by Virtue of a Judgment and Execution, -obtained againft him for

Wine taken and ufed for Militia Stores, while on Duty 4 the Petitions of Eliza- beth Wordun, Phoebe Leonard, and Martha T-ree-leafe., for an Allowance of the Half-Pay of their deceafed in Hufbands, being Soldiers the Continental Army ; the Petition of Elijha J/.iuell, for an Allowance of Pay, -as an Exprefs to the late

Governor Living/ion ; and alfo the Petition of 'Thomas Flahavan, and others, for Depreciation of Pay, due to his Brother, Captain John Flahavan, late of the Firft Neiu-Jerfey Regiment, decealed, beg Leave to report,

That your Committee, in 'contemplating the Propriety -of the Claims of the faid Petitioners, have thought it necellary, to examine the feveral Ordinances, Refolutions, and Arts of the late, as well as the prefent Congrefs of the United States, in Order to afcertain how far this State can have Credit for the fame in their Settlement with the United States, which they beg Leave to ftate to the

Houfe, and are as follows :

1. An Ordinance of the late Congrefs, of the 7th May, 1787, for the fettling the Accounts between the United States and individual States, by which Com- miffioners were appointed to receive of the States all their Accounts and Vou- chers, for Payments made, on Account of Bounties, Pay, and Depreciation of

Pay, to the late Army of the United States ; and for Advances to the Militia, called out under the Authority of the United States, and aftually in their Service, and to give defcriptive Acknowledgments thereof, which Accounts and Vouchers were ordered to be forwarded to the Commiflioner of Army Accounts, whole

Duty it was to examine and pafs fuch, as are authorized by the Refolves of Con- grefs, and fupported by proper Vouchers, and Hate fuch as may not fall under the above Defcription, together with fuch Remarks, as may tend to elucidate the

Nature of thofe Claims ; that the faid Commiffioners were alfo to receive in -like Manner the Accounts and Vouchers, for Monies paid, and Supplies furnifh- ed, on the Requifitions of Congrefs, made previously >to 'Ottober, 1781, and to forward the fame to the Office of the Comptroller of the Treafury; that the faid Commiffioners were alio to receive and examine all the Claims of the States, ^to which they are appointed, againft the United States, for Advances, or Difburfe- .ments by them made, for the Ufe of the late Commiffary, Quarter- Matter, Cloathing, Marine, and Hofpital Departments, or under any other Defcription whatfovever, to pafs upon allfuch as are authorized by the Refolves of Congrels, •and fupported by proper Vouchers, fo far as itrefpedts the Evidence offered in Support of the faid Claims, and to ftate fuch as are not thus warranted, or lup- .ported, together with fuch Remarks, as may explain the Nature of thofe Ac- counts, and the Reafons offered for the Deficiency of Vouchers.

It is further ordained, that the feveral States be limited to the Space of Six Months, for exhibiting to the proper Commiflioner their Claims againfl the Unit-

ed States, of what Nature the fame may be ; and that fuch States as may ne- glect to exhibit the fame within that Period of Time, after the Commiffioner no- tified the Supreme Executive, that he was ready to proceed on the Bufinefs of his Commiflion, fhould be precluded from any future Allowance, but fhould ne- verthelefs ftand chargeable with all Advances of Money in other Articles, which may have been made to them refpecfively by the United States, and with what- ever Balances may be yet due on their feveral Quotas of the general Requi- sitions. H 2. That : —

( 3° )

2. That on the 24th Jam, 1788, a Refolution of Congrcfs was paffed, al- lowing to the State Three Months, in Addition to the Time limited, by the afore- going Ordinance, for exhibiting to the Diftrict Commiffioners- their refpeclive Accounts againft the United States, and alfo Leave to tranftnit further additional Vouchers, or other Teftimony, in Support of Claims which had been exhibited. 3. That an Act was paffed by the prefent Congrefs, on the 5th Auviijl, 1790, appointing Commiffioners to receive and examine all Claims, which fhall be ex- hibited to them before the ift July, 1791, and determine on iuch as fhall have accrued for the general or particular Defence, during the war, and on the Evi- dence thereof, according to the Principles of general Equity, (although fuch Claims may not be fanclioned by the Relolves of Congrefs, or lupported by regu- lar Vouchers) fo as to provide for the final Settlement of all Accounts between the United States and the States individually, but no Evidence of a Claim hereto- fore admitted by a Commiffioner of the United States, for any State or Diftrift, fhall be fubjecl: to fuch Examination j nor fhall any Claim of any Citizen be ad- mitted as a Charge againft the United States, in the Account of any State, unlefs the fame was allowed by luch State, before the 24th Day of Septem- ber, 1788. Your Committee beg Leave to obferve, that the Congrefs of the United State6 appear to have been dilpofed to receive every juft and reafonable Claim againft them, as charged by the individual States, and that the Claims above referred to your Committee, would have with Propriety been chargeable againft the United States, had they been allowed by this State, before the 24th September, 1788, but that at this Time they would fubmit to the Confideration of the Houfe the fol- lowing Refolution, to wit Refohed,

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— On Account of Taxes, levied in Continen To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Specie, or Settlement, by the Counties of Lawful Money. Bergen, £. 266 14 II Monmouth, 1148 16 Burlington, 2816 15 8 Hunterdon, 402 5 9 Morris, 170 14 4

£. 4805 6 8

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— On Account of Tax, for raifing £. 50,000 State- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft State-Money and Settlement, by the Counties of Certificates. Burlington, £ 3806 3 6 1-4 * Suffex, 578 1 9 7 3-4

£ 4385 3 2 ( 3' )

Refolved, That as all Claims allowed by this State, fince the 24th September. 1788, cannot be received by the Commiffioners appointed to fettle the Account? between the United States, and the States individually, and as this State cannot have credit with the United States for fuch Advances, that this Houfe will not allow any further Claims, as a Charge of this State againft the United States, un- til Congrels mould make further Proviiion to receive the fame, and pafs them to the Credit of this State. By Order of the Committee, A. D. WOODRUFF.

Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Cooper, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft, to repeal part of an Aft, inritled. An Aft to enable the Owners of the Tide Swamps and Mar/bes, to improve the fame, and the Owners of Meadows, already banked Bill in, and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in. good Repair,- which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Ordered, That Mr. Cooper have Leave of Abfence until Tuefday next.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning, Ten 'Clock,

Monday, November 7, 1791*

The Houfe met.

Mr. Wallace, from the Committee appointed to join a Committee of the

Council, to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, reported as follows :

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, —

( ^ ) g>r. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,-- On Account of Tax for raifing 50,0001. State-Money and— To Deficiency not paid in on the laft State Money and Settlement, by the County .of Certificates. Suffex. £. 1307 15 3 3-4

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,™ •On Account of Tax for raifing 50,0001. State-Money, To Deficiencies not paid in on the .State-Money, and laft Settlement, by the Counties of Certificates. Specie. Effex, £. 245 18 8 Monmouth* £. 1370 11 o 3-4 ' Burlington, lQ 34 r 7 J z Hunterdon, 1018 o 6 Morris, 853 19 71-2 Suffex, 1090 12 5 385 8 o

£• 4333 3 7 !-4 £'15*5 8 3 i-«

35r. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- On Account of the Proportion of the firft Pay- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the Counties of State-Money. Specie. Burlington, £. 210 15 11 Suffex, £.214 o 3

£. 214 o 3 £. 210 15 11

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treaiurer,- On Account to'f the Proportion of thefecond Pay- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the Counties of State-Money. Middlefex, £. 80 o o Suffex, 568 14 9

£. 648 14 9 ( 33 )

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY. Cr. -Certificates, and 25,0001 Specie, due April t, 1782. By Deficiency not yet paid in, State-Money and by the County of Certificates. Suflex, £. 1307 '5 3 3-4 November 1, 1791* By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —and Certificates, and 25,000!. Specie, due July I, 1782. By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of ' EiTex, {.49 o 1 Monmouth, £. 1370 11 o 3-4 Burlington, 1342 3 10 1-2 Hunterdon, 978 6 3 Morris, 853 19 7 1-2 Suflex, 1090 12 5 385 8 Balance carrried to Account Current, 30 14 3 788 16 4

6 2 November 1, 1791. £-4333 3 7 I "4£- 2 5 5 8 3 I' By Order of the Committees. JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -ment of Tax, for raifing 90,0001. due Oftober 1, 1782, By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of State-Money. Specie. Burlington, £. 210 15 11 Suflex, £.214 o 3

November 1, 1791. /. 214 o 3 /. 2101511 By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -ment of Tax, for raifing 90,3001. due January 1, 1783. By Deficiency not yet paid in, by the County of State-Money. Suflex, £ . 568 14 9 Balance carried to Account Current, 80

November 1, 1791. £ . 648 14 9 By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDICT, I ISRAEL HEDDEN, —

( 34 )

Dr, JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— On Account of the Proportion of the fecond Pay To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the Counties of Specie. Burlington, £• 475 6 3 3-4 Hunterdon, 938 I n 3"4 Morris, 542 TI I0 Suffex, 1600 3 10 1-2

£> 3556 4 °

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,-. On Account of Tax, for raifing io,oool. Specie, for-- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by .the Counties of Specie. Hunterdon, £' 57 1 4 IO Suffex, 633 18 7

£' 1205 3 5

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- On Account of Tax, for raifing a Revenue of- To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the County of Lawful Money. Suffex, £. 369 14 8

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- On Account of Tax, for raifing a Revenue of 31,2591. 5s.- To Deficiencies not paid on the !art Settlement, by the Counties oi Lawful Money. Middlefex, /. 100 o o Suifex, 614 7 1

£> 7H 7 ' ( 35 )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, ( 3* )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- On Account of Tax, for railing 12,5001. for paying- To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the County of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £. 239 o S

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- On Account of Tax for railing a Revenue of- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the Counties of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £. 194 10 o Sufiex. 334 ] 5 6

£• 529 5 6

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,-- On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of 31,2591. 5s.-- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the Counties of Lawful Money. Middlefex, £. 30 o o Monmouth, 316 16 6 Suffex, 1163 5 9

£.1510 2 3

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- On Account of Tax, for raifing 12,5001. for finking- Deficiencies not paid in on the Settlement, by the Counties of Lawful Money. Middlelex, £. 1 85 10 11 Monmouth, ill 4 3 Somerfet, 481 19 7 Gloucerter, 242 19 o

Suflex, 10 1 12 o

£• 5 9 ( 37 )

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -the Intereft on the State Debt, due December 30, 1787. Lawful-Money. Amount carried to Account Current, /. 239 o 8 November 1, 1791. By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. — 31,259!. 5s. in Bills of Credit, due December 30, 1788. By Deficyficies not yet paid in by the Counties of Lawful Money. Hunterdon, £. 165 4 o Suffex, 334 15 6 Balance carried to Account Current, 29 6 o

November 1, 1791. £.529 5 6 By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN,

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY. , Cr. -in Bills of Credit, due December, 30, 1789. By Deficiencies not yet paid in, by the Counties of Lawful Money. Middlefex, £. 30 o o Suffex, * 524 y 3 Balance carried to Account Current, 955 15 o

November 1, 1791. £. 1510 2 3 By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT. . ISRAEL HEDDEN,

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —the Bills of Credit of this State, due July 10, 1790. Lawful Money.

Amount carried to Account Current, 1123 5 9 November I, 1791. By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN. K ( 38 >

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,-- On Account of Tax for raifing— To the Quotas of the faid Tax, payable into the Treafury by the feveral Counties, Lawful Money.

Bergen, • £> 2034 i » o

Effex, 2061 16 o

•°3S 7 Middlefex, 82* 6 2484 18 o 621 4

Monmouth, 2991 18 3

Somerfet, 2566 6 9

Burlington, 34-13

Gloucester,. 2412 17 9

Salem, 2067 * 5 l-af

Cape-May, } 438 12 10

I Hunterdon, y 3996 o o

Morris, 2188 9 9

Cumberland t 1052 1 J

Suffex. \ 2292 5 1-2

£ 50000 o o

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,-- On Account of Tax in Specie, due OQober 1, 1782, which was payable- bcr 28, 1789, is made pay- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Specie, or Settlement, by the Counties of Lawful Money. Monmouth, £. 697 18 o Hunterdon, 527 16 6 Morris, 398 16 10 Suffex, 1757 l 6

£. 3381 12 10 ( 39 )

•to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr, -30,000!. due December 30, 1790. By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of Lawful Money. Suffex, £. 215 1 10 Balance carried to Account Current, 29784 18 2

£. 30000 o o November 1, 1791. By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.


-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, but by a Law, paffed Novem- -able into the Treafury. By Deficiencies not yet paid in, Specie, or by the Counties of Lawful Money. Monmouth, £. 697 18 o Hunterdon, 425 11 o Morris, 328 16 10 Suffex, 1757 1 6 Balance carried to Account Current, 102 5 6

November 1, 1791. £• 3381 12 10 By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN. ( 40 ) JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— Dr. which was Payable— On Account of Tax in Specie, due January i, 1783. her, 28, 1789, is made pay- Specie, or To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Lawful Money. Settlement, by the Counties of Effex, £- 359 O 2 To Error in Return, made Dec. 10, 1789, by James Ewing, Re- 494 ceiver of Continental Taxes, & corrected by him. May 11,1791, IJ5 ° ° o Monmouth, 2931 o I Somerfet, 1692 9 I Burlington, 3062 9 o o Hunterdon, 4063 Morris, 2478 13 4 Cumberland, 312 7 4 o o Suffex, 2400

£• 1743 £ 19 °

Dr JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- which was payable- On Account of Tax in Specie, due October I, 1783. ber 28, 1789. »s made pay- Specie, or To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Lawful Money. Settlement, by the Counties of Effex, 536 1 2 Middlefex, 61 14 10 Monmouth, 1465 10 o Somerfet, 1293 o o Burlington, * 54° 6 4 Hunterdon, 368 6 Morris, 1239 6 8 Cumberland, 675 Suffex, 1200

£• 8379 5 2

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- Dr . On Account of Tax in Specie, due January I, 1784, which was payable to the Receiver of Continen- To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement, by the Counties of Bergen, Effex, Middlefex, Monmouth, Somerfet, Burlington, Salem, Hunterdon, Morris, Cumberland, Suffex,

/ -Z7°3 ! 9 ° ( 4' )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, —to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, tn

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Cafh received of fundry Perlons. 1790. Received of Jofeph Buck, Eiquire, late Sheriff of Cum- Decem. 1, berland County, per Aaron D. Woodruff, Efquire, on Account of Fines, £.650 14, Eli Elmer, Eiquire, former Sheriff of Cumberland County, per Mafkell Ewing, Efquire, on Account of an Adion againft Enos Seely and William Kelfay, at the Suite of the State, 37 o o 1791. John Stevenfon. being the Sum overpaid for the firft and April 8, fecond Years Intereft, on a Continental Loan-Office Certificate, of the lolloping Defcription, viz. No. 415, dated Auguft 8, 1779, figned by Francis Hopkinfon, and counterfigned by joieph Borden, for 600 Dollars, the firft year's Intereft paid October 5, 1784, the fe- cond paid April 14, 1785, the Sum paid, 20 2~90ths Dollars, the Sum due only 4 28-90ths Dollars, over- paid, 15 64"90ths Dollars, is 5 J 7 IO May 11, Henry Garntfe, former Collector of EtTcx County, on Account of condemned Goods, fold in faid County, Oaobcr 31, 1785, 12 o o 24, Wilton Hunt, being the Sum paid him, January 29, 1787, for two Years Intereft on a Certificate, No. 2440, figned by Benjamin Thomfon, for 70 43-9Qths Dollars, which appears by an Indorfement made thereon, by James Ewing, Efq. Commiffioner, to have been altered from 7 63-90^ Dollars, 334 Sept. 7, Robert Stockton, Efquire, former Sheriff of Somerset County, on Account of Fines, 611 9 John Stillwell, Efquire, Agent of Monmouth County, on Account of forfeited Eftates, 9 3 10

Amount carried to Account Current, 80 I 9 November 1, 1791. By Order of theCommittees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Cafh received for Licenfes, given by Virtue of a Law, paffed November 24, 1786,

179 1 . Received of Stephen Page, John M'Collum, John Polhe- Jan. 1, mus, William Jones, Nehemiah Varnon, John M'Carr, John Mercereau, Thomas Ward, and Samuel Sears, for a Licenfe to run a Line of Stages through, or a- ciols this State for one Year from this Date, £. 150 o o June 1, John Van Emburgh, per Eralmus Edwards, for a Li- cenfe to run a Line of Stages from Bordentown to Amboy, for one Year from this Dare, 20 o o May 1, Amos Hutchin, per Jacob Wolcott, Eiquire, for a Li- cenfe to run a Line of Stages from Builington to Amboy, for one Year from this Date, 20 o o Oct. 15. John Infkeep, per Alexander Chambers, jun. for a Li-

Amount carried forward, £-190 o o ( 44 )

Amount brought forward, £.190 cenfe for John N. dimming, John Heard, John Gu- lick, Matthias Kerlin, and John Infkeep, to run a Line of Stages through, or acrofs this State, for one Year from the firit Day of January laft, 150

Amount carried to Account Current, £. 340 o November 1, 1791. By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT. ISRAEL HEDDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr, On Account of Cam received by the Commiflioners of the New Loan Offices in the feveral Counties, for Intereft. 179 1. Received of Jofeph Beavers, Efq. one of the Commif- Jan. 6, fioners for Hunterdon County, on Account of the fourth Year's Intereft on the Sum loaned in faid

County, £.691 4 g. 14, Jofeph Lewis, Efquire, Ditto, for Morris County, on Account of Ditto, 370 o o 17, Ifaac Wheaton and Eben. Elmer, Efquires, Commif- fioners for Cumberland County, on Account of Ditto, 105 14 o 19, Samuel Hugg, Elquire, one of Ditto, for Gloucefter on County, Account of Ditto, 400 3 3 20, Henry Berry, Ditto, for Bergen County, on Account of Ditto, 283 54 21, Jofeph Annin, Efquire, Ditto, for Somerfet County, on Account of Ditto, 470 3 o 26, Peter Covenhoven, Efquire, Ditto, of MonmouJh Coun- ty, on of Ditto, per Anthony Account F. Taylor, 507 1 4 28, Abra Schuyler, Efquire, Ditto, of Middlefex County, per Peter Ten Eick, on Account of Ditto, 300 17 r Feb. 2, William Phillips Ditto, of Hunteidon County, per Ralph Phillips, in full of Ditto, ,p o II 7, Thomas Anderfon, Efq. Ditto, of Suffex, County, on Account of Ditto, 485 5 6 12, Edmund Wetherby, Ffq. Ditto, of Salem County, on Account of Ditto, 252 14 o John Holme, Efq. Ditto, of Salem County, on Ac- count of Ditto, 01 14 4 19, John Baker and Elijah Hughes, Efquires, Commif- fioners of Cape-May County, per Joleph C. Fifher, on Account of Ditto, 85 7 24, John Black, one of the Commiffioners for Burlington County, per Caleb Newbold, on Account of Ditto, 535 3 March 3, Samuel Hugg, Elquire, Ditto, of Gloucefler County, per Jofeph Whitall, on Account of Ditto, 8 o 5, Jofef h Ltwis, Efquire, Ditto, of Morris County, per Mahlon Dickenion, in Full of Ditto, 30 18 I 10, Jonas Wade, Elquire, Ditto, of EiTex County, per Willi- am Flatt, jun. in Full of Ditto, 364 2 10 26, John Black, Ditto, of Burlington County, in Full of Ditto, 24 1 2

Amount carried forward £. 5214 1 3 1

( 45 )

Amount brought forward £. 5214 I 4 May 30, John Holme, Efquire, Ditto, of Salem County, in Full of Ditto, - l6 5 1 June 16, Jofeph Annin and Abra Staats, Efquires, Commiffioners of Somerfet County, per Jaques Voorheefe, in Full of Ditto, o 10 25, Jofeph Champion, Ditto, of Gloucefter County, in Full of Ditto, 483 Alfo, Three Months Intereft on 35I. up to March laft, on which the Equity of Redemption was foreclofed, o ro 6

carried to Amount Account Current, f, 5237 6 1 November 1, 1791. By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEK.

JAMES MOTT, Treasurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr On Account of Loan-Office Money of 1786, received of the Commiffioners of the New Loan- Offices, in the feveral Counties, cancelled by their refpe&ive Boards ofJuilices and Freeholders. 179 1. Received of Thomas Anderfon, Eiquire, one of the Corn- May 13. miffioners for Suffex County, a fealed Bundle of the Loan-Office Money of 1786, cancelled by the Board of Juilices and Freeholders in faid County, on the nth inft. certified to contain f. 277 15 o 18, John Smock, Nicholas Van Brunt, Hendrick Voorhies, and Peter Covenhoven, Commiffioners for Monmouth County, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto, on the nth inft. certified to contain, 1 83 30 26, Henry Berry, one of the Commiffioners for Bergen County, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto on the 12th inft. certified to contain 614 y 30, John Holme, Efq. one of the Commiffioners for Salem County, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto on the nth inft. certified to contain go I2 June 7, Jonas Wade, Efq. Ditto, for EfTex County Ditto, can- celled by Ditto on the nth May laft, certified to contain r j r 16, Jofeph Annin, and Abra Staats, Efqrs. Commiffioners for Somerfet County, per Jaques Voorhees, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto, on Ditto, certified to contain 228 10 o 25, Samuel Hugg, and Jofeph Champion, Efqrs. Commif- fioners oii Gloucefter County, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto, on Ditto, certified to contain 242 2 o July 13, Abra Schuyler and John Runyan, Efqrs, Ditto, for Mid- dlefex County, per John D. Alvey, Ditto, cancelled

by Ditto on Ditto, certified to contain r c* To John Mills, and joleph Lewis, Efqrs. Ditto, for Morris County, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto, on Ditto, certi- fied to contain 207 2 o Aug. I, Jofeph Reading, Jofeph Beavers, and William Phillips, Efqrs. Commiffioners for Hunterdon County, Ditto,

Amount carried forward, M £. 2148 1 o —

( 4* )

Amount brought forward, £. 2148 I o cancelled by Ditto, on Ditto, certified to contain, 774 2 6 6, John Black, one of the CommifTioners for Burlington County, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto, on Ditto, certified to contain 341 o o Sept. 6, IfaacWheaton, Efq. Ditto of Cumberland County, per James Giles, Elq, Ditto, cancelled by Ditto on Ditto, certified to contain 104 16 o o, John Outwater, and Henry Berry, Efqrs. Commifiioners for Bergen County, per Nehemiah Wade, Eiq. Ditto, cancelled by Ditto on the 4th July lalt, certified to contain 175 2 o Ocl. 26, John Baker, and Elijah Hughes, Efqrs CommifTioners for Cape-May County, per Richard Townfend, Efq. Ditto, cancelled by Ditto on the nth May laft, certi- fied to contain 20 o

Amount carried to Account Current, £. 3563 : November r, 1791* By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT. ISRAEL HEDDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Notes or Certificates received of fund ry Perfons. 1790. Received of Jofeph Black Elq. former Sheriff of Glou- Nov. 15. cefter County, per Franklin Davenport Eiq. on Ac- count of Fines levied in 1785 and 1786, £. 48 15 5 Dec. 29, Adam Boyd Efq. Sheriff of Bergen County, per Jacob Terheun Efq. on Account of Ditto, levied in 1789, 24 5 4 May 11, Henry Garritle, former Collector of Effex County, on

Amount carried forward, £• 7Z ° 9

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,— Account Current in To Amount of Notes or Certificates received of fundry Ferfons, £-478 19 10 To Amount of Ditto, received of the Agent of Forfeited E- ftates, for Suffex County, 736 10 8

£- 1215 10 6 November 1, 1791. WE, the Committees of Council and Aflembly, appointed to fettle the— tive thereto, do find the fame juftly ftated. ( 47 )

Amount brought forward, ^.7} o 9 Account of condemned Goods fold in (aid County Odlober 3r, 1785, 36 7 4 17, Abraham Manning, Efq. late Sheriff of Bergen County, per Nehemiah Wade Efq on Account of a Debt due from him to the State, agreeably to a Refolution paf-

fedjune 3, 1790, 182 1 6 3 July 8, John Blackwood Efq. late Sheriff of Gloucefler County, on Account of Fines levied Decembei Term, 1789, 125 8 10 Sept. 9, William Halfled Efq. Sheriff of Effex County, on Account of Fines, 47 1 9 2 14, John Blackwood Efq. late Sheriff* of Gloucefler County, on Account of Ditto levied in 1789. 13 76

Amount carried to Account Current, 478 19 10 November 1, 1791. By Order of the Committees, JOHN CONDIT, ISRAEL HEDDEN.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Dr. On Account of Notes or Certificates received of the Agents of Forfeited Eftates. 179 1. Received of Jofeph Gallon Efq. Agent of Forfeited E- June 29, dates, for Suflex County, £. 736 10 8 Amount carried to Account Current, November 1, 179 1. By Order of theCommittees, JOHN CONDIT,


—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Notes or Certificates. By Amount of fundry Notes or Certificates, examined and allowed, £.1215 10 6

—Treafurer's Accounts, having examined the above, and the Vouchers rela- ELLIS COOK, JOHN CONDIT, BATEMAN LLOYD, ISRAEL HEDDEN, JOEL F1THIAN, JOSHUA M. WALLACE, JOHN BLACKWOOD, PETER D. VROOM. ———

( 48 ) qu JAMES MOTT, Treafurer.— Account Current in Old To Balance due the State in Old State-Money on Settle- ment made November i, 1790, £• n6 ! 9 01-2 To Balance due the State on Settlement made November received at 1, 1790, in Lawful Money, 105 il. is. lod. one for three on the Sinking Fund Tax, and not then exchanged, equal in Old State-Money to 3153 5 6 To Balance on Tax in State-Money and Certificates

due December 1, 178 1, 909 13 10 To Ditto on Ditto due July 1, 1782, 39 14 3 To Ditto in State-Money due January T, 1783, 80 o o To Ditto on the Sinking Fund Tax due December 1, to, at one 1785, viz. 41 1. 6s. 6d. Lawful Money, equal for three in Old State-Money, 123 19 6

November 1, 1791. £• 442 o 12

"WE, the Committees of Council and Affembly, appointed to fettle the Trea to, do find a Balance of One Thoufand and Ninety-two Pounds Eight Shillings the Sinking Fund Tax, due December 1, 1785, and not yet exchanged, equal and Ten-pence Half-penny, Old State-Money, remaining in the Hands of

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,-- Account Current in To Balance due the State in Lawful Money, on Settle- ment made November 1, 1790, £. 5383 16 2 1-2 To Balance on Arrears of Taxes levied in Continental Money and reduced to Specie, JOI To Balance on Tax in Specie, due July 1, 1782, To Ditto, January 1, 1784, 797 13 10 1-2 To Ditto on State Debt Ditto, December 30, 1787, To Ditto on Revenue Ditto, December 30, 1788, To Ditto Ditto, December 30, 1789, To Ditto on Sinking Fund Ditto, July io, 1790, To Ditto on Tax due December 30, 1790, To Ditto on Tax due October 1, 1782, which was pay- able to the Receiver of Contl. Taxes, £. 102 5 6 To Ditto due January 1. 1783, Ditto, 504 o 2 To Ditto due Oftober j, 1783, Ditto, 61 14 10 To Ditto due January j, 1784, Ditto, 12 17 511 ( 49 )

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. -State-Money. By Amount of one Voucher No. i, for Credit allow- ed John Black, Collector of Burlington County, in Old State-Money, on the Tax due December I, 1781, agreeably to a Law palled November 26, 1783, and to Ditto paffed November 20, 1790, £. 588 4 4 By Amount of Old State-Money, cancelled October 22, 179 1, by Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, Efqrs. and burned by a Committee of both Houfes, per Cer- tificates, viz. Of the Emiffion of June 9, 1780, £. 456 14 2 Ditto, January 9, 1781, 10 1 8 9

558 2 II Balance due the State £. 1092 8 3 1-2 Lawful Mo- ney, received at one for three on the Sinking Fund Tax, and not exchanged, equal in old State-Money to 3277 4 10 1-:

• £. 4423 12 1 1-2

—hirer's Accounts, having examined the above, and the Vouchers relative there- — and Three- pence Half-penny, Lawful Money, received at one for three on —to Three Thoufand Two Hundred and Seventy-feven Pounds Four Shillings --the faid Trealurer, agreeably to the above Statement. ELLIS COOK, JOHN CONDIT, BATEMAN LLOYD, ISRAEL HEDDEN, JOEL FITH1AN, JOSHUA M. WALLACE, JOHN BLACKWOOD, PETER D. VROOM.

-to the State of NEW-JERSEY, „ Cr. -Lawful Money.

By Amount of Nine State Certificates in AbftracT: No. r, received or'JonaCStiles, Efq. former Colledor of Mor- ris County, on Account of Arrears of Taxes, levied in Continental Money and reduced to Specie, agreeably

to a Refolution palled November 28, 1788, £. 101 o 1

By Ditto of 13 Vouchers from No. 1 to No. 13 inclufive, for Receipts for Inteieft paid on Continental Certifi- cates, between November i, 1790, and February 1, 1791, delivered to Aaron Dunham, Efq. Auditor, a- greeably to a Refolution, palTed November 25, 1790, 649 17 8 By Ditto of fundry Ditto from No. 1 to No. 126 inclu- five for Caih paid for ope Years Interett on Certificates figned by Silas Condift, Commiflfioner, 407 19 10 By Ditto of Ditto from No. 1 to No. 168 Ditto for Ditto paid for the fecond Year's Interell on Ditto, 512 6 6

Amount carried forward £. 1671 4 1 N ( 50 )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer,- Account Current in- Amount brought forward, £. 41 178 18 6 To Amount received of fundry Perlons, 8o 1 9 To Ditto received for Licenfes, 340 o o To Ditto, received of the Commiffioners of the New Loan-Offices in thefeveral Counties, on Account of Intereft, 5237 6 II To Ditto received of Ditto, being Loan-Office Money cancelled by their refjpedive Boards of Juilites and

Freeholders, 3563 1 o

Amount carried forward, £. 50399 8 2 1

( 5' )

to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. Lawful Money.

Amount brought forward £. 1671 4 1

By Ditto of Ditto from No. 1 to No. 268 Ditto for Ditto paid for the third Year's Intereft on Ditto, *597 1 2 By Ditto of Ditto from No. 1 to No. 407 Ditto for Ditto paid for the fourth Year's Intereft on Ditto, 59 37 I2 ll By Do. of do. from No. 1 to No. 205 ditto for ditto paid

for 1 Year's Intereft on Certificates given by the Com- miffioners in the feveral Counties for Militia Servicies, 145 18 7

By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 225 ditto for ditto for paid the fecond Year's Intereft on ditto, 233 8 1 r Ditto By of ditto from No. 1 to No. 299 ditto for ditto, paid for the third Year's Intereft on ditto, 888 17 4 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 431 ditto for ditto paid for the fourth Year's Intereft on ditto, 2 378 15 1 Ditto ditto By of from No. 1 to No. 24 ditto for ditto paid for one Year's Intereft on Notes of Depreciation, 159 16 6 Ditto By of ditto from No. 1 to No. 37 ditto for ditto paid for the fecond Year's Intereft on ditto, 405 18 8 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 69 ditto for ditto paid for the third Year's Intereft on ditto, 1305 4 2 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 122 ditto for ditto paid for the fourth Year's Intereft on ditto, 39^2 o 8 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 56 ditto for ditto paid tor the fifth Year's Intereft on ditto, 601 15 I Ditto By of ditto from No. r to No. 45 ditto for ditto paid for the fixth Year's Intereft on ditto, 464 12 3 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 42 ditto for ditto > paid for the feventh Year's / Intereft on ditto, 399 8 9 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 52 ditto for ditto paid for one Year's Intereft on Certificates given by the Treafurer, for Demands againft Forfeited Eftates, r98 Ditto By of ditto from No. 1 to No. 63 ditto for ditto paid for the fecond Year's Intereft on ditto, Ditto of ditto By from No. 1 to No. 103 ditto for ditto paid for the third Year's Intereft on ditto, Ditto By of ditto from No. 1 to No. 143 ditto for ditto paid for the fourth Year's Intereft on ditto, 15.QI Iq 8 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 5 ditto for ditto paid for Intereft on Certificates given by the Treafurer by Virtue of fpecial Orders from the Legiflature, 219 16 I By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 71 ditto for ditto paid to the Members of the Legiflature for their Wages, and to ' their Clerks, Doorkeeper and to the Printer, 1455 1511 By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 24 ditto for ditto paid to the Officers of Government for their Salaries, and to the Judges of the Supreme Court, for holding Courts of Oyer and Terminer, 2855 14 5 Ditto By of ditto from No 1 to No. 22 ditto for ditto paid for fundry Incidental Charges, -43 8 o By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 33 ditto for ditto paid on Warrants of Half-Pay, - g73 5 ( J* )

MOTT, Treafurer,- pr; JAMES Account Current in- Amount brought forward, £. 50399 8 2

8 2 November 1, 1791. £• 5°399

the Trea- WE, the Committees of Council and Afiembly, appointed to fettle relative there- furer's Accounts, having examined the above, and the Vouchers to no. 126 ditto, to, viz. No. 1, from no. 1 to no. 13, inclufive, from no. 1 no. 1 to no. 407 from no. 1 to no. 168 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 268 ditto, from ditto. ( 53 )

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Lawful Money. Amount brought forward, £.29030 II II By Amount of iundry Vouchers from No. 1 to No. 14 inclulive for Cafh paid for one Year's Intereft on Old State-Money, 40 1 8 o By Ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 17 ditto for ditto paid for Principal and Intereft on 1-4 Notes of Deprecia- tion, 1228 6 10

By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for Credit in Specie allowed to John Black, Colleger of Burlington County, on the Tax due in Specie July 1, 1782, agreeably to a Law paffed November 26, 1783, and ditto paffed No- vember 20, 1790, 174 7 6 By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for Cafh paid Eward Howell for taking up a Delerter, agreeably to a Law palled June 17, 1780, 300 By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for ditto paid Lieutenant John Spear for twelve Cords of Wood, fuinifhed the Troops ftationed on the Frontiers in the Year 1782, 12 o o

By Ditto of fundry ditto from No. 1 to No. 10 inclulive for Cafh paid ior one Year's Intereft on Final Settle- ment Certificates, figned by John Pierce, Commiffion- er, which was originally received by John Peck, late Agent to the fecond Jerfey Regiment, and endorfed thereon at that Time, and has fine* been depofited in the Treafury by him, to be paid to the Proprietors thereof, agreeably to a Refolution paffed March 9 1786, 6 16 IO By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for ditto, paid to Jedidiah Swan, AdminiHrator to Ifaac Halfey, Efq. late Pay- mafter to the Militia of Effex County, 200 o O

By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for ditto in Revenue-Mo- ney, delivered to Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, Efquires,and cancelled by them May 28, 1791. and burned by a Committee of both Houfes, October 28, 1791, 3500 o o By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for ditto in Loan-Office Mo- ney, delivered to Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ew- ing, Elquires, and cancelled by them May 26, 27 and 28, »~9i» and burned by a Committee of both Houfes, October 28, 1791, 3500 o o By Ditto of one ditto No. 1 for ditto in Loan-Office Mo- ney, cancelled by the Juftices and Freeholders in the feveral Counties, agreeably to a Law, paffed Novem- ber 24, 1788, delivered to a Committee of both and burned by Houles, them October 29, 1 79 1, 3563 I o Balance due the State, 9 X 4° 6 I

£. 50399 8 2

ditto, from no. 1 to no. 205 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 225 ditto, from no. 1 to

no. 299 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 431 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 24 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 37 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 69 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 122 ditto, from

no. 1 to no. 56 do. from no 1 to no. 45 do. from no. 1 to no. 42 ditto, from no. i to

O no. 52 —

( 54 )

ditto, no. no. T2 ditto, from no. t to no. 63 ditto, from no. I to no. 103 from 1

1 to ditto, from no. to no. 143 ditto, from no. 1 to no. 5, ditto, from no. no 71 ditto, no. 1 to no. ditto, from I to no. 24 ditto, from no. I to no. 22 from 33

j no. from no. 1 no. 1 to no. 14 ditto, from no. to no. 17ditto.no. 1, 1, no. 1, to no. ic, inclufive, no. 1, no. 1, no. 1, no. 1, do find a Balance of Nine Thou- fand

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treaiurer,-- Account Current in To Amount of 25 Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Stevens, jun. tare Treaiurer, remaining in the Hands of James Mott, Treafurer, on Settle- ment made November r, 1790, £- 1 1 1- 14 OI-2 To Amount of two Oiders from the Auditor for making out Notes of Depreciation, agreeably to a Relohnion palled November 15, 1790, viz. One Order in Favor of Lewis I. Coiligin, for £ 34° 5 7 »y Ditto, John Polhemus, for 495 19 7 •&> Y

33* 5 2

November 1 1791. £• 1948 19 21-2

WE, the Committees of Council and AiTembly, appointed to fettle the Trea- furer's Accounts having examined the above, and the Vouchers relative there- to, do find Twenty-three Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer, amounting to One Thoufand One Hundred and Six Pounds Eleven

Whereupon, Ordered, That the faid P«.eport lie on the Table for the Infpeclion of the Members. A Petition from a Committee of the Townfhip of Liftfe Egg-Sdrbour, in the County of Burlingtm, deliring chat the Petition from the Juftices and Freehold- ers of the faid County, read on the 4th Iniranr, may be difmiffed, or that if the Houfe fhould go into any Meafures in Confequence of the faid Petition, that they may be heard in Opposition to the Prayer 01 the faid Petition, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading, with the Petition from the Juftices and Freeholders of the County of Burlington.

The Houfe adjourned to Three 0' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft for regulating and paying the Fees of Coro- ners, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Lo-vrcv, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Elias Boudiiiot and others, reported as follows: That ( 55 ) fand One Hundred and Forty Pounds Six Shillings and One Penny, remaining in. the Hands of the faid Treafurer, agreeably to the above Statement. ELLIS COOK, JOHN COND1T, BATE MAN LLOYD, ISRAEL HEDDEN, JOEL FITHIAN, JOSHUA M. WALLACE, JOHN BLACKWOOD, PETER D. VROOM.

—to the State of NEW-JERSEY, Cr. —Notes of Depreciation. By Amount of Three Vouchers, No. i, 2, and 3, for Depreciation Notes delivered to lundry Perfons, £.842 7 II_ Remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer 23 Notes of ==r Depreciation, figned by John Stevens, jun. Trea-

furer, amounting to 1 106 II 3 1-2

£. 1948 1 9 2 1-2

Eleven Shillings and Three-pence Half-penny, remaining in the Hands of the faid Tieafurer, agreeably to the above Statement. ELLIS COOK, JOHN CONDIT, BATEMAN LLOYD, ISRAEL HEDDEN, JOEL FITHIAN, JOSHUA M. WALLACE, JOHN BLACKWOOD, PETER D. VROOM.

That in the Opinion of your Committee the Petitioners have Leave to bring in a Bill agreeably to the Prayer of the faid Petition. By Order of the Committee, THOMAS LOWREY. To which the Houfe agreed.

Whereupon Mr. Loivrey, in Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Afi to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for ejla- hlijhing ufeful Manufactures, and, for the further Encouragement of the faid So- ciety ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Cook, from Council, delivered to this Houfe a Bill, intitled, An Aftfor the Punijhment of certain Crimes in the State of New-Jerfej, to which Bill he requeued the Concurrence of this Houfe.

A Petition from Stafford, in the County of Monmouth, ftating Charges againft Amos Pharo, Elquire, in the Execution of his Office, as a Magiftrate, in the County of Monmouth, was read, praying that the (aid Magiftrate may be im- peached and difplaced ; whereupon,

A Queftion was taken, whether the Charges as exhibited are fufficient to in- duce this Houfe to go into a further Enquiry into the Truth thereof, and being put, it was carried in the Affirmative. Ordered ( 5« M>

Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Little, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, repoited the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to raife 'he Sum ofFifteen Thoufand Pounds, in the Tear 1701 ; which was read, and ordered a lecund Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morroiv Morning, Ten o Clock.

Tuefday, November 8 , 1701.

Tie Houfe met,

Mr. Hclmes and Mr. Cooper returned and took their Seats. The Houfe took into Confederation the Accounts of the Treafurer, reported Yefterday, and agreed to the lame, as ftared and reported by the Committee.

A. Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Great EggrHarbour, praying that their Roads may be directed to be repaued by Hire, and that a Law may be palled for that Purpofe, was read and committed to the Committee, to whom was re- ferred other Petitions, relpeding the Road Art.

Several Petitions from the County of Burlington praying that a Law may be paffed, to direct the Towns, in the feyeral Counties of the State, to choofe at

their Town-Meetings, Perfons whole paiticular Bulineis it fhall be to enforce the Laws for the Suppreflion of Vice and Immoiality, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Gloucejler County,, praying that a Law may be paffed to di- rect the Supreme Courts to be held in the feveral Counties of the State, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Condi ft, from the Committee to whom was committed the Bill, intitled, An Aft, fupplcmental to the Aft, intitled, An Aft to afcertain the Time and Mode of levying Taxes, and the letter to enforce the Collcftion thereof Paffed June 5, 1787, reported the lame with fundry Amendments; which was read, and the further Confideration thereof poilponed.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eftablifiring ufeful Manufactures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Lime fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the faid Rill be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.

A Petition from John Dalley, a Frifnner, confined in the Gaol of the Coun- ty of Suffsx, praying the Benefit of an Ad of Infolvency, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, with the Bill now before the Houfe. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Charges, which v/ere exhibited

againfl Amos Pharo -, whereupon,

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to produce Evidence before the

Houfe, on Friday, the i 8th inftant, in Support of the Charges exhibited againfl Juftice Amos Pharo, of the County of Monmouth, with giving him fix Days No- tice of the Time appointed by this Houle, for a Hearing, and ferving him at the fame Time with a Copy of the Charges exhibited againft him, and that the Clerk be directed to iffue Subpcenas for fuch WitnelTes, as the Petitioners may requeft Subpoenas for.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from the Treafurer, accompa- nied with a Statement of an Account againfl each Commiffioner in the State, of the Old Loan-Office, which was read and ordered a feaond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M. The ( 57 )

The Houfc met.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, on the Petition of Elnathan Davis, and others, and the Counter-Petition prefented by Job Butcher, and others, the Par- ties were heard before the Houfe for and againft the Propriety of Building a Dam acrofs S'tow-Creek, agreeably to the Prayer of the Petition of the faid FJna- than Davis, and others, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Bill, intitled, An AcT: to repeal Fart of an Act, to enable the Owners of 'Tide Swamps and Mar foes to improve the fame, and the Owners of Meadows al- ready banked in, and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in good Repair, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Melfrs. Haring, Sharp and Cooper.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Wednefday, November o, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Hedlen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Wil- liam Bond, for Demands againft the Forfeited Eltates of James Stewart and

Chriftopher Injlee, reported as follows : That the Demands already exhibited againft the (aid Eftates of Stewart and Inflee, are for a larger Amount than the net Proceeds of faid Eftates, and that the Prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted. By Order of the Committee, ISRAEL HEDDEN. Whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Report be filed, and the Petition referred to, dilmiiTed.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee, tg whom was referred the Petition of Elijah Allen and ThomasAllen, relpedting a Sale made byJofeph Barton, of three certain

Lots of Land in the County of Sufex, to the faid Petitioners, reported as follows : 1. That the Deeds made by Jofeph Barton to the Petitioners of the faid Lots of Land contain Claufes of Warrantee for certain Rights of Propriety, but not of the particular Location of faid Rights on faid Lots of Land. 2. That it doth not appear from the Deeds and Papers produced to the Com- mittee, that the Petitioners have any legal Claims againft: the Eflate of faid Jofcph Barton. By Order of the Committee, JAMES LINN.

Whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petitions, which were referred to the faid Committee, be difmiffed.

Mr. Haring. from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, An A3 to repeal Bart of an Aft, to enable the Owners of the Tide Swamps and Marjhes to improve the fame, and the Owners of Meadows already banked in, and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in good Repair, reported the. fame with fundry Amendments, which being read, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Agreeably to Order the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houle, to take into Confideration the Bill, intitled, An Aft to incorporate the Con- tributors to the Society for eftablijhing ufeful Manufactures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society ; whereupon, The P ( 53 )

The Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Haring was appointed Chairman of the Committee, and after fome Time (pent thereon, The Speaker refumedthe Chair, and MY. Having reported, that the Commit- tee had made fome Progrefs in the Bulineis to them leferred, and delired Leave to

fit again. To which the Houfe agreed.

The Hoitfe adjourned to Three o Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Peter Schenck, praying that a Bond, in the Hands of the Trea- surer, belonging to him, for Monies due him from the Efiate of Thomas Leonard, may be delivered to him, that he may proceed for the Recovery of the Balance due ; and that the Tiealurer may be directed to make a Dividend of the Eftate of John Williams, whofe Eftate was confifcated to, and veiled in this State, in

Favor of his Creditors ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Pleading. A Petition from the Inhabitants of the County of Middlefex, praying that a Law may be paffed, directing that the County of Middlefex fhould hold their Elections in future in the refpedive Townfhips, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, on the Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eftablifhing ufeiul Manufactures,

and for the further Encouragement of the laid Society ; whereupon, The Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Haring took the Chair of the Commit- tee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, The Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Haring, Chairman of the Commit- tee, reported, that the Committee- had made further Progrels in the Bill to them

committed, and defired Leave to fit again. To which the Houie agreed.

The Members withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting, and being returned, the Speaker relumed the Chair. The Accounts againft the Commiffioners of the Old Loan-Office, was read a

fecond Time : whereupon,

Ordered, That Meffrs. Condi t, Hedden, Imlay, Clark and Cooper, take Charge of the faid Accounts examine the fame, and report thereon.

The Houje adjourned till To-Morro%v Morning, Nine o 'Clock.

Thurfday, November 10, 1701.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Charles Suydam, and fundiy Petitions from the Counties of Somerfet and Middlefex, praying that a Law may be palled to authorize the keep- ing up of the Mill-Dam of Charles Sitydam, on Raritan River, were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Samuel Kelly, of the County of Somerfet, praying to be al- lowed by the State, for 30I. Loan-Office Money, by him bundled up for the Fur- pofe ol dilcharging his Loan-Office Mortgage, and which was bvir.

The Bill, intitled, A Supphment to the Acl, intitlcd, An Acl to regulate and fix the Times for holding the Court of A/peals and Enois, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a third Reading. * ( 59 )

On Motion, The Houfe again refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole on the Bill, in- titled, An Aft to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for efiablijhing ufe- ful Manufa&ures, andfor the further Encouragement ofthe faid Society ; where- upon, The Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Raring took the Chair of the Commit- tee, and after fome time fpent thereon, The Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Hating, Chairman of the Commitee, reported the faid Bill, with the feveral Amendments made thereto by the Com- mittee, which was read, and the further Coniideration thereof poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houf met.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Somerfet, praying that fuch Laws as prevent Magifhates from holding their Courts in public Houles, may be repealed, was read and diimilled. Agreeably to the Order of the Day the Houfe went into the Hearing of John Stevens; jun. late Trealurer, refpe&ing the Settlement of his Accounts, and by his Council, Abraham Ogden, offered to leave with the Houle certain Extracts, • which he faid were Extracls from his Books. On the Queftion, whether the Books produced by Mr. Stevens are fo far fatis-^| factory to the Houfe, as to induce them to proceed thereon to a Settlement with^L

Mr. Stevens, it was unanimoufiy determined in the Negative. ^^

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Ten o 'Clock.

Friday, November n, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Woodruff, from the Committee to whom was referred the BUI, intitled, An Aft to prevent the public Records being removed by Writs of Subpwna, re- ported the fame, with fundry Amendments, which was read and debated. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofled.

The order of the Day being called for, on the Petition of Nicholas Van Home' and others, for the Repeal of a Meadow-Law, in the County of Salem, where-

upon the Petition of the faid Nicholas Van Home, and others, was read ; and the Speaker laid before the Houfe a Petition from the fai'd Nicholas Van Home, praying further Time to come forward, with a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of his former Petition.

Alio, The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Petition from Ephraim Lloyd, and others, praying that the faid Nicholas Van Home-, and others, may not be indulg- ed with the Prayer of their Petition, and the faid Ephraim Lloyd and William

Robinfo 1, attending to oppofe the Prayer of the faid firit mentioned Petition, and no one attending in Support thereof, Ordered, That the faid Petition and Application of the faid Nicholas Van Home, and others, be difmiiTed, and that the Petition from Ephraim Lloyd, and others, be tiled. : The Petition from Charles Suydam, and the Inhabitants of the Counties of So-

werfet and Middlefex, read Yeflerday Morning, was read a fecond Time ; where- upon, Ordered, That Charles Suydam have Leave to prefent a Bill on the fecond Thurflay ( 60 )

Thurfday of the next Sitting, to anfvver the Prayer of the faid Petition, on adver- tiling the Purport of the Bill he means to prefent, with a Copy of this Order, four weeks previous thereto, in the New- Brtr/fwick Gazette, and alio in three of the moil public Places in the County of Somcrfet. Three Petitions from the Inhabitants of Hunterdon County, praying that a Law may be palled, to dirert the County Bufinefs to be done in Flcmming-Town, were read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from William Maxwell, and others, Commiffioners appointed by an Aft of Affembly, for building Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack and other Purpoles therein mentioned, letting forth how far they have proceeded in the Bufinels of their Appointment, and praying the Aid of a further Lottery, the better to enable them to purlue the Objects of their Appointment, was read and ordered a lecond Reading A Petition from George Warne, late a Commiffioner of Forfeited Eilates, of the County of Sujfex, praying to be exonerated from the Payment of any Mo- nies, on a Judgment obtained againfl himfelf and William Bond, the other Com miffioner, againfl whom a Judgment hath been entered, and Execution iflued, on his fhewing that he hath paid forward all the Monies by him received, to the Treafurer of the State, and that a Committee may be appointed to examine his Accounts, was read, and referred to Meflrs. Van Cleve, Sharp and Clark, to re- port thereon.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, on the Report of Mr. Van Cleve, of the 5th inilant, on the Petitions of James Parker, and others, the Houle went into a Hearing of the Parties. Mr. Parker, attending on the Part of the Petitioners, and Mr. Kirkpatrick, attending on the Part of the Subscribers, for building the Bridge. Whereupon, A Motion was made, that the faid Petition of James Patker, and others, fhould be difmiffed. On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree thereto ? It was negatived as follows : Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Berry, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Smith. Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Clark, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Combs, Mr. Starke, Mr. Condi ft, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Cooper, Mr. E. Townfetid, Mr. Dayton, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Haring, Mr. Vredenbergk, Mr. Helmes, Mr.' Wallace, Mr. billay, Mr, Whillden, Mr. King/land, Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Little,

Upon which the Houfe proceeded in the Hearing before them, and after fome Time fpent thereon, fered, That the further Confideration thereof be poOponed. The Petition of Thomas Lowrey, piaying that the Trealurer may be directed to obtain an Affignment. on a certain Mortgage therein referred, was read and committed to Meflrs. Williamfon, Condi ft and Linn. The ( h )

The Honfe adjourned to Three o' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, A Supplement to the Ail, intitled, An A3 to regulate and fx the Times for holding the Courts of Appeals and Errors, was read a third Time.

Refolved unanimoufly , That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr Imlav do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the (ame is palled by this Houfe without Amendment. The Houfe relumed the Confideration of the Hearing of the Witneffes before them, on the Petition of James Parker, and others, and after having gone through the Examination of the Evidence offered before them, Ordered, That the lurther Confideration thereof be postponed. Mr. Sharp, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Ail, di- recting the Mode of taking the Minutes of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading,

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine o Clock.

Saturday, November iz, 1791*

The Houfe met.

Mr. Burgin, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition and Re- monftrance of Fulkert Dow, late Sergeant in the Firfl Jerfey Regiment, and Jo- feph S.'ull, John Stewart, John Vanarfdalen, Peter Vanderbergh, and Abraham

Voorhecfe, Privates, reported as follows :

That it is the Opinion of your Committee, that the Prayer of the Petitioners cannot with Propriety be allowed. By Order of the Committee, JOHN BURGIN. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That Mr. Little, and Mr. Stilhvell have Leave of Abfence until Thurfday next.

A Petition from Jonathan I. Foree, late a Soldier in the New-Jerfey Line* praying that he mav receive the Depreciation of his Pay, while in the Service, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, with Mr. Woodruff's Report. Mr. Van Cleve, with Leave, piefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Ail to repeal the third Seilion of an Ail, intitled, Ah AH to empower the Freeholders chofenin each County of this Colony, or the major Part of them, in Conjunction with three Jufiices of the Peace, to direil the Method of affeffing the Inhabitants of each County, and to rejlrain the unnecejfary Meetings of the faid Freeholders ,•

which was read ; whereupon, The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Petition from the County of Hunterdon, praying that the fame may pafs; which was alfo read, and oidered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Glouceflcr County was read, praying that a Law may pafs to direct the Supreme Court to be held in the feveral Counties, and ordered a fe- cond Reading, with the Bill from Council, intitled. An Ail for the regular hold- ing of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, aid General Gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius, <&c. Q^ The ( 6z )

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, A i Acl to incorpo- rate the Contributors to the Society for ejlablijhing ufcfnl Manufactures, and for the further Encouragement of the '(aid Society ; and ai'ter forne Time {pent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponcd.

Mr. Sharp, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, At Acl for the more eafy Partition of Lands, held by Co-parceners, Jo'fit-Tenants, and Te- nants in common ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Morris, praying a Re- peal of the Law for draining the Low Lands in the faid County, as far as affeds the Owners of Lands, lying on Pajfaick River, between Chatham Mill and the Bridge acrofs faid River, near Colonel Ellis Cook's, was read, and ordered to be filed.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Bergen, Effex, and Morris, praying that all Perfons who derive a Benefit and Improvement to their Lands, by the Canal lately dug through the Low Lands, from Pine-Brook to the Deep-a-Vall may be compelled to contribute in Proportion to the Advantages they receive thereby, was read, and ordered to be filed.

A Petition from the Truflees of the Presbyterian Church, at Rahiuay, in the County of Effex, praying the Benefit of a Lottery, the better to enable them to raife Money tor the Repair of their Church, &<;. was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from John Baird, of the County of Monmouth, praying Leave to raife a Sum of Money by a Lottery, the better to erjable him to dilcharge his Debts, was read,

On the Queftion, whether the fame be read a fecond Time ? It was carried in

the Negative. ,

The Houie took into Confideration the Siibjecl: Matter of the Hearing before them Yefterday ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petitions before the Houfe, on which the Hearing was given, and the Papers accompanying the fame, be difmiffed.

The Petition of John Middle ton, praying that the State would make him a Compenfation for his Servant, who was enliiled in the Service of the United States, and who continued in that Service, was read, and ordered to be dif- miffed.

y The Houfe adjourned to Yhree o Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An Acl to incorpo- rate the Contributors to the Society for ejlablifbing ufeful Manujatlures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society ; and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.

Monday, November 14, 170 1.

The .Houfe met.

The Speaker laid before the ^ Houfe a Bond executed by James Mott, Efquire, Trealurer of the State, with Securities; for the faithful difcharge of his Office, which was read, whereupon, Refolved, ( 63 )

Refolved, That the fame is fatisfactory. Ordered, That Mr. Fithian do carry the faid Bond to the Council and re- queft their Concurrence therein. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Morris County, praying that a Com- mifjSoner may be appointed to receive and certify what is due to Individuals, on. Contractors Notes, and furplwfs Certificates, ccc. was read.

On the Queflion, whether the laid Petitions be read a fecond Time ; it was carried in the Negative.

The Petition from Middlefex, read on the 9th Inrtant, was read a lecond Time; whereupon, The Speaker prefented four feveral Petitions from Morris County, praying an Alteration in the Election Law, which were read and committed to Merits. Woodruff, Condicl, Sharp, Combs, and Rimy an. A Petition from William Darling, ftating a Demand againft the Eftate 'of Cavalier Jottit, which was confifcated and verted in this State, and praying Pay- ment from the State, was read and committed to Melfrs. Condid, D. Vroont, and Van Cleve, A Petition from Matthew Harrifon, Aating a Demand againft the forfeited Eftate of George Howard, and praying Relief, was read and Committed to MelTrs. Condicl, D. Vroom, and Van Cleve. A Petition from Cornelius Stout, praying, for Reafons therein contained, that Thomas Prall, now confined in Hunterdon Gaol, may not receive the Benefit of an Act of Infolvency, was read, and ordered to be read a fecond Time, with the Infolvent Act before the Houfe. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Middlefex and Hunter- don, owning Lands on Stony-Brook, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to direct ,the Logs and other Obftructions in the free Courfe of the Waters of faid Stony Brook to be removed, and to provide for the Expence, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from John Frceland, ftating a Demand againft the State, for his Services as a Soldier in the 1 ft New-Jerfey Regiment, was read, and praying Payment,

Ordered, That the fame be read a fecond Time. *

A Petition from Chefterfield in the County of Burlington, praying that a Law may pafs to direct the Roads of that Townfhip to be repaired by Hire, was read and committed to Meffus. Cooper, Linn, Stilhvell, Woodruff", and Sharp. The Petition from Owners of Lands on Affinpink, praying leave to prefent a Bill to direct the Logs and other Obstructions to the tree Courfe of the Wa- ters of Affinpink, to be removed, was read a fecond Time; whereupon, The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Petition from fundry Inhabitants along the faid Creek, praying that the Law, if parted, might not affect the Proprietors of Lands adjacent to the faid Creek, below Jonathan Hutchinfon's Mill, w,hich was read.

Ordered, That the firft mentioned Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled An Ad to incorpo- rate the Contributors to the Society for eflahli/hing ufeful Manufactures, and for the further Ehcouragement of the.faid Society, and after fome Time fpent there- on, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three 'Clock, P. M. The C «4 )

The Ho nfc met.

Mr. Hedden returned and took his Seat. A Memorial from Jofepb Hugg, praying that the TVeafurer may be directed to receive certain Certificates in his Hands, and. by him received as Loan-Officer, in Dilcharge of Loan-Office Mortgages, due to theOld Loan-Office, in the County of Gloucejtcr, was read and committed to the Committee, to whom was referred the Statement of the Deficiencies, due from the ieveral Counties to the Old Loan- Office. The Report of Mr. Woodruff', of the 5th inftant, with the Papers accompany- ing the fame, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the laid Report and the Papers accompanying the fame, be re- committed to the fame Committee. The Houfe relumed the Conlideration of the Bill, intitled, An Acl to incorpo- rate the Contributors to the Society for eflablilhing ufeful Manufactures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society, and after fome Time Ipent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed. Mr. Ellis, from the Council, informed the Houfe, that Council approve of the Bond given by James Mott, Efquire, for the faithful Execution of his Office, as Treafurer.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morroiv Morning Nine o'Clock.

Tuefday, November 15, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Little and Mr. Stillxuell, returned and took their Seats. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An Aft to incorpo- rate the Contributors to the Society for ejlabliflnng ufeful Manufaftures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society, and after having gone through the fame, Ordered, That the fame be engroffed. The Bill from Council, intitled, An Act for the tegular Holding of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius, in the feve- ral Counties of this State, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a lecond Time.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the Title of the faid Bill ; it was

carried in the Negative, as follows : Nays. Nays, Yeas. Mr. Burgin Mr. Runyan Mr. Anderfon Mr. Combs Mr. Sharp Mr. Berry Mr. Condicl Mr. Smith Mr. Bidleman Mr..D. Vroom Mr. Starke Mr. Blackvjood Mr. Hankinfon Mr. Still-well Mr. Clark Mr. Haring Mr. Stockton Mr. Dayton Mr. Helmes Mr. R. To-wnfend Mr^ Fithian Mr. Kingjland Mr. Van Cleve Mr. Hedden Mr. Linn Mr* Whillden Mr. Imlay

Mr. Little Mr. Williamfoil Mt . Lloyd Mr. Woodruff Mr. Neiubold Mr. Sinnickfon Mr. E. To-wnfend Mr. Vrcdenbergh Mr. Wallace. ;

( 8 )

Ordered, That the faid Bill be difmifted.

Ordered, That Mr. Hankinfon do wait on the Council, and acquaint them, that the faid Bill is negatived by this Houfe. On Motion, Ordered, Thar Meffrs. Woodruff, Sharp, Van Qlcae, Linn and Williamfon, be a Committee to prepare and preferrt a Bill for holding of Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Ni'i Prius, in the feveral Counties of this State.

The Bill, intitled, Ah Aft, direfttng The Mode of taking the Minutes cf the Courts of Over and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nif Prius, was read a fecond Time, and committed to the Committee laft appointed.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize Stacy Biddle, of the County of Burling- ton, his Heirs, and Affigns, to crcft and maintain a Dam, for the Pivtofe of ac- commodating Mills acrofs the North Branch of Rancocas, above a Place called Slab-Bridge, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be en- groffed.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Punifment of certain Crimes, in the State ofNew-Jerfej, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a third Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Van Clevc, from the Committee to whom was committed the Petition of

George Warm, reported as follows : That in their Opinion, the Laws of this State, now in Force, are adequate to give Relief to the Petitioner. By Order of the Committee. BENJAMIN VAN CLEVE. Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize Stacy Biddle, of the County of Burlington, bis Heirs, and Affigns, to ere ft and maintain a Dam, for the Pur- J)ofe of accommodating Mills acrofs the North Branch of Rancocas, above a Place called Slab- Bridge, was read and compared. Refblved, That the fame do pais. Ordered, That Mr. Earing do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concur- rence.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Punijhment of certain Crimes, in State of Neza-Jerfey, was read a third Time. Refblved, That the lame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do iign the fame. Ordered, That Having do carry the (aid Bill to the Council, and acquaint them,

that the lame is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

A Petition from Samuel Ogden, Executor of the laft Will and Teftament of Sarah Morris, deceafed, ftating a Demand againft the forfeited Eflate of David Ogden, was read, praying, that the Treafurer may be direcled to provide for the Payment of the faid Demand. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to Meffrs. Woodruff, Condi ft, and Wallace. The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Abraham Ogden, of Coun- his original cil, with John Stevens, jun. informing, that he is attending with Books, fo far as they go to authenticate the Tranlcripts offered on Tintrjday laft R that ( M ) that they are ready for the InfpecYion of fuch Members, as the Houfe may ap- point, to the End, that they may be compared, with the Copies, and the Copies be thereby authenticated -, which was read, and Mr. Ogden attending, was heard before the Houfe on the Subject of his Application, and the Attorney-General was heard in Oppolition to the Proportions of Mr. Ogden.

A Motion was made, that a Committee be appointed to examine the faid Tranfcripts, compare the lame with the Originals, and report thereon.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Motion ; it was carried in the Negative. Ordered, That the further Consideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Ogden, fiom Council, delivered to thi,<- Houfe a Bill, inritled, An Acl to authorize and empower the Reclcr, Chttrchwariiens, and Vcjtrymen of the Prote- ftant EpiTcopal Church, called Chrifi's Church, in lie City of New-Brwifivick, to creel a Lottery, fur the Purpofe therein mcn'io >e.l, to which he requeued the

Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read, and ordered a lecond Read- ing.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine o Clock.

Wednefday, November 16, ij$i:

The Houf: met.

Ordered, That Mr. Combs have Leave of Abfence.

Mr. Conditt, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Mat- thew Harrifon, reported as follows : That they have examined the Treafury Books, and find that there is no Mo- ney in the Hands of the Treafurer of the forfeited Ettate of George Howard, and that the adjudicated Claims againft the Ellate of Alexander Watfon exceed the Amount of the lame in the Treafury. Your Committee are therefore of Opinion, that the Prayer of the faid Petition cannot be granted. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT.

To which the Houfe agreed ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petition be difmifTed.

Mr. Condicl, from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of

William Darling, reported as follows : That Cavalier Jouet, for Value icceived, did afTgn a Debt due to him from Benjamin Williams* on Bill unto Thomas Darling, that the faid Williams was profecuted for the Monies due on the faid Bill, and delivered from Gaol by an

Act of Infolvency. and no Recovery had ; it therefore appears to your Commit- tee, that the Executors of the laid Thomas Darling, have a juft Claim upon the Eltate of the laid 'Jouet, for the Sum of 32I. 13s. 4d. with Interefl from the 14th of 'June, 1774. That in the Opinion of your Committee, if the Proceeds of the Eftate of the faid Jouet , now in the Treafury will admit, the Petitioner ought to receive the Amount of the faid Demand, in the ufual Mode of difcharging fuch Debts. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT. Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from lundry Freeholders and Inhabitants, of the County of Hunter- don, praying that a Law may pafs, appointing Commiffioners, with lull Power and Authority, to fell and convey all the Iflands in the River Dclaxvare, belong- ing ( 67 ) V,f ing to this State, for the Ufe and Benefit of the State, was read, and committed to MelTrs. Fithian, Woodruff, Condicl, Anderfon, and Clark.

A Petition from Samp-toiun, in the County of Middlefex, ftating, that the Firft- Day Baptif Society have not a Meeting-Houle, and praying the Benefit of a Lot- tery, to enable them to ereft a Meeting-Houfe, for the public Worfhip of God, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the County of Middlefex, praying, that Money may be raifed by a Tax on the C ounty, for the Repair of the Road leading from Woodbriflge to the two Blazing- Star terries, was read and committed to the Committee on the Road Aft. Ordered, That Meffrs. Anderfon, Blackwood, and D. Vroom, be added to the Committee on the Road Act.

A Petition from Jacob Arnold, late Sheriff of the County of Morris, praying to be relieved, for the Realons therein contained, from the Payment of a Fine impofed on James Knox, for which he had, by difchaiging the Piiloner, made himlelf accountable, was read, and the Petition in favor of Daniel Freeman's Creditors was read a lecond Time, and committed to MeiTrs. Dayton, Conditio and Hedden,

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Glouceflcr County, praying a Revifioa of the Penal Laws, ot this State, was read and ordered a lecond Reading.

Mr. Woodruff, with Leave prefented tl>e Draught of a Bill, intitled An Acl to provide fuit able Buildings for the Accommodation of the Lcgiflature and Pub- lic Offices of this State, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Gerrad Watfori and Miles Sher brook, Attornies of James Perry and Thomas Hays, dating a Demand againft the State, and praying a Di- rection to the Treafuier to make them Satisfaction for their Claim, was read and committed to Metlrs. William fou, Haring, and Imlay.

The Bill, intitled, A i Aft to direcl the Treafurer to deliver unto Jacob Fries, p certain Cei lifav.c in his Rands, was read a fecond Time, debated, and order- ed to be engrsjlled.

A Petition i'rom Jacob Weft, Mating a Demand againft the State, and praying Payment, v. as read, and committed to Melfrs. Van Clcve, Woodruff, Little,

Newbol , and Ha-.kii (

The Bill, intifrecr, An AS to au'horize and empower the Rector, Churchwar- dens, arid r eftrymen, of tic Protcjlant Epifcopal Cl.nrch, called Chrifts Church, in the Cir> of Ncw-Brurfwick, to erccl a Lottery, for the Purpofe therein men-

tioned, was read a fecond 1 ime, and ordered a thiid Reading.

The Petition from the Societies of Hack'u.fack and Schralcubcro-h, read on the

fl 3 ' ultimo^ praying the Benefit of a Lottery, the better to enable them to re-

build and repair their ( huuhes, was read a lecond Time ; whereupon. Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayej- of their Petition.

A Memorial from Jeremiah Clark, praying that a Law may be pafTed, to di- rect the Treaiuitr to refund to him the Value of qooI. Continental Currency,

being a pi I e Sum of xoocl. paid into the Treaiury by Ifracl Hedden, Elq.

late Sh( ; ifl of Efjex, for a fine imp* led on him, for a Mifdemeanor, which Fine appears to have been ;ool. and no more, was read

; rhat the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill, to anfwer the Prayer of the laid Petition.

A Petition from William Donahlfon, praying the Depreciation of his Pay, while in the Service* of the United States, was read, and committed to Mefirs. Woodruff, hula), and Blackwood, The

I ( 63 )

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act to dirccl the Treafurer to deliver unto Jacob Fries, a certain Certificate in his Hands, was read and compared.

Refo/vcd nnanimou'ly, That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That Mr. Hedden do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Beardjce, from Council, informed the Houfe, that the Bill, intitled, An

Aft to authorize Stacy Biddle, of the County of Bin iington, his Heirs cud y ffgtu\ to creel and maintain a Dam, for the Purpofe of acccmtticdating Ad lis naifi the North Branch ofRancocas, above a Place called Stab- Bridge, is tailed by Coun- cil without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail, fufflcmental to the Ail, intitled. An Ail to apper- tain the Time and Mode of levying Taxes, and the better to enforce tic ColUclion thereof, pafed June 5th, 1787, was read a fecond Time, and after feme Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to Mcffrs. Linn, Hankinfon, and Helmcs.

Mr. Condicl. from the Committee, to whom was referred, the Statement of the Old Loan-Office Accounts, having made fome Enquiry into the faid State- ment, do find, that the Treafurer hath not lufficient Documents in his PolTefilon to afcertain the Balances that doth, or may remain due from the refpedive Counties, and it appears to your Committee, that the neceffary Information can only be had from the Books of Mortgages, and Books of Accounts, directed to

be kept by the Old Loan-Officers of the feveral Counties in this State ; they jikewife fliggeft to the Houfe the Propriety of the following Relolution, viz.

That the Board of Juftices and Freeholders of the refpedrive Counties of this

State be, and are hereby required to tranfmit to the Trealurer of this State, all the Books of Mortgages, and Books of Accounts, which by Law were directed to be kept by the refpeclive Commiffioners of the Old Loan- Office of the feve- ral Counties, except fuch as contain Mortgages unfatisfied, or Accounts unlet- tled, on or before the firft Day of September next, unlefs previous to that Time the faid Boards fhall produce iatisfaclory Vouchers to the Treafurer, for the Mo- nies paid in Difcharge of the Qiiofa of the Money received by the Commiffioner of the faid Loan-Office in fuch County, and that the Treafurer Jerve, or caule to be ferved, a Copy of this-Refolution, on the Cleik of the relj eclive Counties in this State, before the firft Day of May next, and the faid Clerk lhall lay the fame before the Board, at their next ftated annual Meeting.

And your Committee further report, that in Cafes where Certificates have been paid to any of the Commiffioneis of the faid Old Loan- Office, and not yet paid into the Treafury, and on which no Intereft hath fince been paid ; it is the Opinion of your Committee, that the Trealurer be directed to receive the fame, and difcount the Intereft on fo much of the faid Loan Office Debt, from the Time that the faid Certificates were paid and afllgned to the faid Commifhoners for that Purpofe, provided the fame are preiented to the Trealurer, on or belore the firft Day of March next. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT.

Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The s

( <59 )

The Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of William Griffiths-, Efq. report,

l - That whereas by the Constitution of this State, it is declared, " That the com- mon Law of England, as well as fo much of the Statute-Law, as have been here- tofore practised, in this Colony, fhall (till remain in Force, until they fhall be al- tered by a future Law of the Legiflature, fuch Parts only excepted, as are repug- nant to the Rights and Privileges contained in this Charter:" And whereas, fuch of the laid Statutes, as have been generally fuppofed to exten d to the late Coony, and to this State, as well as the Laws of this State, are contained in a great Number of Volumes. And whereas, many of the Acts of this State, contained laid Volumes, are repealed or expired, or Amendments , in and Alterations made thereto by fubfequent Acts.

Your Committee recommend to the Houfe the paffing of a Law, authorising and appointing certain PerSons to collect and reduce into proper Form, under certain Heads or Titles of Bills, all the Said Statutes, and Acts of Affembly, and lay the fame before the Legislature of this State, from Time to Time, as they fhall prepare the Same, that fuch of them as may be approved of by the LegiSla- tture, may be enacted into Laws of this State. By Order of the Committee, A. D. WOODRUFF. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail to authorize and empower the Reclor, Churchwar- dens, and Vejlrymen, of the Protcjlant Epi[copal Church, called Chrijl's Church, in the City ofNew-Brunfwick, to erect a Lottery, jor the Purpofe therein men- tioned, was read a thiid Time.

On the (Question, whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the

Affirmative, as follows : Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Berry Mr. Linn Mr. Anderfon Mr. Bidieman Mr. Little Mr. Blackwood Mr. Burgin Mr. Rum an Mr. Clark Mr. Co.'idiff Mr. Starke Mr. Fithian Mr. Dayton Mr. Stilhuell Mr. Haring Mr. D. Vroom Mr. Stockton Mt . Lloyd Mr. Hankinfon Mr. Van Cleve Mr. Newbold Mr. Redden Mr. Vredenbergh Mr. Sharp i Mr. He 'me Mr. Willi am[on Mr. E. Townfend Mr. Kingjland Mr. Woodrujf Mr. R. Townfend Mr. Wallace Mr. Whillden.

Ordered, That the Speaker do Sign the fame. Ordered, That Mr Uelmcs do carry the laid Bill to the Council, and acquaint

them that the lame is palled by this Houfe without Amendment. Mr. Fithian, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft for Reading. promoting ufful Knowledge, which was read, and ordered a fecond On Motion, Heddcn, be z Ordered, That MeSTrs. Dayton, Linn, Woodruff, Fithian. and of the Laws ot this Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill, to repeal fo much of Religious so- State, as prevent the Drawing ot Lotteries for the Benefit

cieties. . , c i Mr. :


( 70 )

Mr. Berry, agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of the Petitioners, pre- fented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize the Minijiet, Elders, and Deacons ofthe Reformed Congregations of Hackinfack, and Sthralenbergh, in the County of Bergen, to ere ft and draw a Lottery, for the Purpojcs therein men- tioned ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from the Treafurer, requefting Di- rection relpefting the Payment of Intereft on cer'ain Certificates by him iffuedto

Thomas Fennimore, and Moote Futman, Efquires ; which was read, and ordered a lecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Ten o 'Clock.

Thurfday, November 17, 1791.

• The Houfe met.

A Petition from Barnes I. Smock, praying to be re-imburfed the Confedera- tion Money paid forward to the Trealurer, for a confifcated Eftate, which has been recovered from him, was read, and committed to Meffrs. Little, Hating, and Starke.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Act to incorporate the Contributors to the So- ciety ejlab for lifting ufefnl Manufactures , and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society, was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, as follows Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Berry, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Haring, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Little, Mr. Burgin t Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Sharp. Mr. Clark, Mr. Starke, Mr. Condift, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Bay ton, Mr. Stockton, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Fithian, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Van Clcve. Mr. Hcdden, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. Helmes, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Whillden, Mr. King/land, Mr. Williamfon. Mr. Linn, Mr. Woodruf.

Ordered, That the Speaker do lign the lame.

Ordered, That Mr. Linn do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concurrence.

A Petition from Sayrs Crane, ftating an Inconvenience arifing to him from a Refolution of the Affembly, refpecling the Certificate, given to Colonel Mathias Ward, which is at prefent his Property, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from John Pope, Town-Clerk of Mansfield, Burlington County, let- ting forth, that a Law was patTed at Burlington laft Sitting, for choofing a Col- ledorto colled the Arrears of Taxes due the laid Towi fhip, on Account of the Death of Mofes Englif, the Collector for 1780, that the Colletfor was diretfed to be appointed by faid Law before the fame came to the Hands of the Town- Officers, and praying that a Law may pafs, renewing the faid Law, and luggeft- ing ( 7i ) ing the Propriety of the Colle&or being chofen at the annual Town-Meeting, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Woodruff-, from the Committee appointed to prepare and prefent a Bill for the regular Holding of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nil! Prius, in the feveral Counties of this State, report as follows, for the Conhdeiation of the Houfe :

A Bill, intitled, An ACt for H>1 linr of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius, in the feveral Counties of this State, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.

And the faid Committee, to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, An Ad di- reft ing the Mode of taking the Minutes of the Courts of Oyer and Ttr miner, and General Gaol Delivery, and of Nifi Prius, beg Leave to report,

That in the Opinion of your Committee the faid Bill ought not to be paffed in- to a Law. By Order of the Committee, A. D. WOODRUFF.

Which firft mentioned Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

And which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading, with the faid Bill. A Petition from Elizabeth Kearney, Widow of Michael Kearney, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Dayton, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Jacob Arnold, and the Petition in Favor of the Creditors of Daniel Freeman, deceafed, report,

That in the Opinion of your Committee the Prayer of the Petitioners ought to be granted, and beg Leave herewith to prefent the Draught of a Bill for that Purpofe. By Order of the Committee, ELIAS DAYTON.

To which the Houfe agreed ; whereupon,

Mr. Dayton, in Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, in- titled, An Ail to difcharge Jacob Arnold, Efquirc,. late Sheriff" of the County of Morris, from certain Fines therein mentioned ; which Bill was read, and order- ed a fecond Reading.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was committed the Bill, intitled, An Aft, fupplemental to the Ail, intitled, An Ail to afcertain the Time and Mode of levying Taxes, and the better to enforce the Collection thereof, paffed June ^th, 1787, reported the fame with lundry Amendments, and the follow- ing Title, Ai additional Supplement to the Act, intitled, An Act to afcertain the Time and Mode of levying Taxes, and the better to inforce the Collection thereof, paffed at Burlington the fifth Day of June, Seventeen Hundred and Eighty Seven ; which was read, and

A Memorial was prefented, and read, from Jofeph Read, Efquire, ftating Difficulties in bringing County Collectors to Account, with the Board of Jufticee and Freeholders, and after fome Time fpent thereon. Ordered, 2 ( 7 )

Ordered, That the further Conhderation thereof be poftponed.

Mr. William/on, agreeably tn Leave given, and in Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Relief of Jeremiah Clark ; which was read, and ordered a iecond Reading.

The Bill, intitlcd, An Act for holding of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius, in the feveral Counties ofthis State, ' and for other Pitrpofes therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. On Motion,

Ordered, That Meffrs. Sharp, Bidleman, and Still-well, be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill, to anfvver the Prayer of certain Petitions, flating Claims againft; the State.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morroru Morning, Nine o 'Clock.

Friday, November 18, 1701.

The Houfe met. On Motion, Ordered, That Meffrs. Williamfon, Sharp, Condift, Clark, and Hclmes, be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill, to direct the Governor to fubferibe One Hundred Shares, in Behalf of the State, to the Manufacturing Society. The Petition of Sayrs Crane, read Yetlerday, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Condict, Heddsn, Anderfon, Ncwbold, and Vredcubergh, to report thereon.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accommoda-

tion of the Legi/lature, and public Officers of this St ate, was read a fecond Time : On the Queftion, whether James Mott, Efquire, be inferted as one of the

Commiffioners in the Bill ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : .( 73 )

due to the faid Perry and Hayes, from this State, with fuch Intereft (if any) as the Houfe may think proper. By Order of the Committee, MATTHIAS WILLIAMSON. Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition from the Juftices and Freeholders of the County of Burlington. read on the 4th Inftant, was read a fecond Time. A Motion was made by Mr. Wallace, and feronded by Mr. Woodruff, for Leave to prcfent a Bill, to anfvver the Prayer of the Petition.

On the Queltion, whether the Houfe agree thereto ? It was carried in the

Negative ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petition be difmiffed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'CIock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Outiuater, from Council, informed the Houfe, that tjje Bill from this Houfe, intitled, An Aft to dircft the Treafurer to deliver unto Jacob Fries a

certain Certificate in his Hands, is palled by Council without Amendment.

Mr. Outiuater delivered from Council a Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize and cmpoiver the Trujfeer of the Presbyterian Congregations of Hardwick, Inde- pendence, Hardy/fon and Mansfeld, in the County of Sujfex, to ereft a Lottery, for the Purpofe therein mentioned ; and A Bill, intitled, An Aft, empowering the Truftees of the Presbyterian Church, and the Minijler, Wardens, and Vejfry, of the Epifcopal Church in Trenton, to have a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned, to which he iequefted the Concurrence of this Houfe. Which Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Condi ft, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Sayrs Crane, beg Leave to report, That in the Opinion of your Committee, that fo much of the Refolution of

the Legislature, palTed the 1 ith Day of June, 1790, as refpeds the Difallowance of, and Information to be given by the Treafurer, relpedting a Certificate given by Thomas Clark, Commiffioner for fettling Militia Accounts for the County of EJfex, to Matthias Ward, be fufpended from having any Effect in Future. By Order of the Committee. SILAS CONDICT. Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Sharp from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize the Governor, for the Ufe of this State, to fubferibefor One Hundred Shares in the general Manufactory, to be efla-

blifhed in this State , which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An Aft to provide fuitable Buildings, for the Accomodation of the Legiflature and public Offices of the State.

An Amendment was moved to finite out the Words in the firft Section, that fix the Buildings for the Accommodation of the Legiflature of this State at Trenton, and that New-Brunfwick and Woodberry be inferted in the Room thereof.

On the Queflion, whether the Houfe 3gree thereto ? It was carried in the

Negative, as follows : T Nays. :

( 74 )

Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Berry, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Daytcit,

Mr. Blackwood, Mr. S/w/', Mr. D. Vroomt Mr. Burgin, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Linn, Mr. Clark, Mr. Starke, Mr. Little. Mr. Conditl, Mr. Stilhvell, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Fitbian, Mr. £. Toivnfend, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Haukinpm, Mr. #. Toivnfend, Mr. Vredenhrgb, Mr. Haring, Mr. FVrrc C/fy?, Mr. Williamjon. Mr. Hedden, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Helmes, Mr. Wbillden, Mr. Jw/ay, Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Loivrey,

A Motion was made to ftrike out the Letter s, at the End of the Word Build- ings, near the End of the fir ft Sedion.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree thereto ? It was carried in the

Negative, as follows :

Nays. Nays. Mr. Anderfon Mr. Van Cleve Mr. Bidleman Mr. Wallace Mr. Blackwood Mr. Whillden Mr. Burgin Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Clark Mr. Fithian Mr. Hank in (on Mr. Helmes Mr. Lowrey Mr. Lloyd Mr. New bold Mr. Sinnickfon Mr. Starke Mr. E. Townfend

On the Queftion, whether the firft Seftion Affirmative, as follows

Yeas. Mr. ( 75 )

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. yonderJon Mr. Lloyd Mr. Berry Mr. Bidleman Mr. Newbold Mr. Dayton Mr. Blackwood Mr. Sharp Mr. D. Vroom Mr. Burgin' Mr. Sinnickfon Mr. Hating Mr. Clark Mr. Starke Mr. Linn Mr. Condift Mr. E. Townfend Mr. Little Mr. Fithian Mr. R. Townfend Mr. Rutivan Mr. Hankinfon Mr. Van Cleve Mr. St ill-well Mr. Hedden Mr. Wallace Mr. Vredenbcrgh Mr. Heltnes Mr, Whillden. Mr. Williamfoti Mr. Imlay Mr. Woodruff Mr, Lowrey

Whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

Mr. Sharp, with Leave, and in Behalf of fundry Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize the Treasurer to pay certain Sums of Money, due to the Citizens of this State ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Relief of Jeremiah Clark, was read a fe- cond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. Agreeably to the Order of the Day, on the Charges exhibited againft Amos Phato, Efq. the laid Amos Pharo attended the Houle, and Trevor Newland at- tended in Support of the Charges, and after hearing fundry Witneffes on the Subject of the Charges exhibited, A Queftion was taken, whether the Charges are fo far fupported, as to induce this Houfe to exhibit an Impeachment to the Council againll the faid Amos Pha- ro -, it was carried in the Negative. Ordered, That the faid Charges be difmiffed.

Ordered, That Mr. Williamfoti and Mr. Sharp have Leave of Abfence.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.

Saturday, November 19, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Combs returned and took his Seat in the Houfe. On Motion,

Ordered, That the Committee appointed on the 3d In ft ant, to whom was committed the Petition from Monmouth, refpe&ing the Supreme Court's liberating Slaves, &c. be difcharged from that Appointment, and that the faid Petition be difmiffed.

A Petition from John B. Riker, late a Surgeon in the New-Jetfey Regiment, praying Compenfation for the Depreciation of his Pay, was read and committed to Melfrs, Woodruff, Blackwood, and Imlay. A Petition from Penn's Neck, in the County of Salem, praying the Repeal of the Meadow Law, paffed June 24th, 1782, intitled, An Aft to enable the Owners and Pojjejfors of Swamp-Mar (li and Meadow, adjoining Rachel Dalbo"s fajl Land, and bounding on Delaware River, and Oldmans Creek, to Ifaac Pidrick's fajl Land, in the Townfbip of Upper Penn's Neck, in the County of Salem, to e- re ft, maintain, and keep in repair the nccejfary Banks, Dams, and Water -Works, and to cut Drains, to prevent the Tide from overflowing thefame, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A :

( 7* )

A Petition from the Townfhip of Dover, in the County of Monmouth, pay- ing Liberty to pay their Arrearages of Taxes, of the Dollar Money, at one Dol- lar for three of the faid Money, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Condi ft, from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of Tho- mas Loivrey, reported as follows :

That it appears realonable to your Committee, that the Petitioner lhould have Leave to pretent a Bill, to aniwerthe Purpofes mentioned in his laid Petition. Ey Order of the Committee. SILAS CONDICT.

To which the Houfe agreed ; whereupon,

Mr. Linn prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft relative to a cer- tain Mortzaze therein mentioned, which Bill was read, and ordered a lecond Reading. i

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to provide fuitable Buildings for the •^Accommodation of the Legi/iature, was read and compared. On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas. ( 77 )

' Jfaac Antrent's Land, to remove the Ob/lruBions to the free Courfe of the Waters of the fame Brook ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Report of Mr. WoodruffoiThurfday Lift, on the Bill committed, intitled, An A3 dfrcBing the Mode of taking the Minutes of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and of Nifi Prius, was read a fecond

Time, and difagreed to by the Houfe ; whereupon, The faid Bill was read, and the Confideration thereof poftponed. A Letter from 'John Stevens, Efq. on the Subjedt of the Treafury Books, in the Hands of his Son, John Stevens, jun. and afTuring the Houle, that Copies of the Books fhall be made out, and the Original fubjecled to the Infpection of the Houle, or to fuch other Perlons, as may be appointed for that Purpole, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Report of Mr. CondiB on the Petition of Sayrs Crane, was read a fecond f Time and agreed to.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Zachariah Price, ftatrng a Demand againft the State, and praying that a Committee may be appointed to examine his Claim, was read and committed to Meffrs. Linn, Hankinjon, and Little, to report thereon.

The Petition of Samuel K~elly, read on the ioth Inftant, was read a fecond Time. On the Queftion, whether a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill, to

anfwer the Prayer of the Petition ; it was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Berry, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Baring, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Helmes, Mr. Clark, Mr. Smith Mr. Lloyd, Mr. CondiB, Mr. Starke, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr Combs. Mr. Stilhvell, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Hcdden, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Linn, Mr. Vredenhergh, Mr. Little,

Whereupon, Ordered, That Meffrs. Woodruff, Linn, and CondiB be a Com- mittee for that Purpofe. The Petition trom John Pope, read on the 17th Inftant, was read a fecond

Time ; and Mr. Anderfon, with Leave, and in Anfwer to the Prayer of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, A Supplement to the AB, intitled. An Aft to empower the Inhabitants of the Toivnfip of Mansfeld, in the County of Burlington, to choofe a Collector to do the Duty of Mofcs Englifh, one of the late Colicdors offaid Town/hip, pajfed November 26th, 1790 ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Houfe relumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An AB to repeal certain Parts of the AB, intitled, An AB to enable the Owners of Tide Swamps and Marfljes, to improve thefame, and the Owners of Meadows already banked V in ( 78 )

w, and held by different Perfnns, to keep the fame in good Repair ; and after ha- ving gone through the faid Bill, and amended the fame, Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled, An AB to raif'e the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds, in the Tear One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. On Motion, Ordered, That Meffrs. Anderfon, Van Cleve, Dayton, CondiB, and Little, be a Commmittee, to bring in a Bill for the Payment of the Intereft on the State Debt.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Morris, flaring that their Demands againft this State are fo fmall, that they are not worth funding, upon the Principles eftablifhed by Congrefs. and definng that the State will pro- vide for paying the Intereft on their Certificates, was read, and ordered a kcond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning, Ten o Clock.

Monday, November 21, 179 1.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed for that^Purpofe, and agreeably to Leave given, on the Petition of Samuel Kelly, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An AB for the Relief of Samuel Kelly ; which Bill was read, and or- dered a fecond Reading.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An AB, to repeal certain Parts of the AB, inti- tled, An AB to enable the Owners of the Tide Swamps and Marflies, to improve the fame, and the Owners of Meadows already banked in, and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in good Repair, was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An ABto raife the Sum ofFifteen Thoufand Pounds, in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two, was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bills. Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd do carry the faid Bills to the Council for Concur- rence.

The Petition of Peter Schenk, read on the 9th Inftant, was read a fecond Time, and the Petitioner has Leave to prefent a Bill to anlwer the Prayer of his Petition.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An AB dircBing the Mode of taking the Minutes ofthe Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, and of Nifi Prius, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the fame be committed to Meffrs. CondiB, Woodruff, and Linn. A Petition from Elenor Van Mater, of the County of Monmouth, fiatirga Demand againft the Forfeited Eftate of Samuel Osbern, praying Payment, was

read, and ordered a fecond Reading ; with the Bill to authorize the Treafurer to pay certain Sums due to the Citizens of this State.

Mr. Condit, from Council, delivered to this Houfe, a Bill, intitled, An AB relative to the ereBing ofBridges acrofs the Rivers Pajjaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned ;

A Bill, intitled, Afupplement to an AB, intitled, An ABfor building Bridges over ( 79 ) aver the Rivers Paffaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein men- tioned ; And

A Bill, intitled, An Aft to repeal an Aft, intitled, A fupplemental Aft to th? Aft, intitled, An Aft to punif? Traitors and difaffefted Perfons ; to which feve- ral Bills he requefted the Concurrence of" this Houfe. Which faid Bills were feverally read, and ordered to be read a fecond Time.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from James Mott, Efquire, Trea- furer, informing, that the Reprefentatives of the late County Collector of Middle- fex County had prelented to him Orders, drawn by "John Stevens, late Treafu- rer, in Favor of Azariah Dunham, Efquire, and which has been difcharged to the faid Azariah Dunham, to the Amount of 70,0001. Continental Money, of March, 1780, and praying Direction of the Houfe relative thereto, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, A Supplement to the Aft, intitled, An Aft to empower the Inhabitants ofthe Tawnfjip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, to choofe a Colleftor to do the Duty of Mofes Englifh, one of the late Colleftors offaid Toivnfhip, pafed November 2.6th, 1790, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Petition from the Owners of Lands, on both Sides of South River, in the County of Middlefex, read on the 2d Inftant, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill at the next Sitting, to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition, previoufly advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, and a Copy of this Order, for at leaft three Weeks, in three of the moft public Places in the Neighbourhood of South River. Mr. Aiderfon, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize the Treasurer to pay Interefl on

certain State Notes ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Support of the Government of the State of NeTv-Jerfey, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Bill, intitled. An Aft relative to a certain Mortgage therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofTed.

A Petition from Samuel Pleafant, ftating a Demand againft the Forfeited Eftate of Gabriel Devebber, and praying payment thereof from the State, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition from Stafford, and Dover, and the Petition from Little Egg- Harbour, praying that the Arrears of Taxes of the Old Dollar Money, may be paid to the Treafurer in Lawful Money, one Dollar for three of the faid Money,

were read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Condi ft, Little, Wallace, Wbillden, and Fithian, to report thereon. The Treafurer's Letter read this Morning, was read a fecond Time, and com- mitted to Mellrs. Haring, Aiderfon, and D. Vroom, to report thereon.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morroiu Morning, Ten o'Clock.

Tuefday, November 11 1 1791.

The Houfe met. Mr. ( So )

Mr. Van CJeve, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Ja- cob Weft, informed the Houlc, that the Bufihefs to them referred is of that Nan. re, that the Houfe cannot with Propriety interfere, and defiled to be difchaiged

from theil x\ppointmcnt ; Whereupon,

Ordered, That the laid C ( mmittee be difcharged accordingly, and that the Pe- tition of the fatd 'Jacob Weft be difmiffed.

The engroffed Bill, intitlcd, A Supplement to the AB, intitled, An Aft to etn- foiver tic Inhabitants the Toivnfhip oj in tie County of Mansfield, cf Burlingtonf to choofc a CollcBor, to do the Duty ofMofes Englijb, one of the late ColieBors of fai dToivnfip, paffed November 26th, 1790, was" read and compared. Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do lign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Neivbold do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concur- rence.

Mr. CondiB, from the Committee to whom was committed the Bill, intitled, An Aid dircBing the Mode of taking the Minutes of the Coiirts of Oyer and Ter- miner, and General Gaol Delivery, and of Nifi Prius, reported the fame with to fundry Amendments, and the following Tjtle : An AB direB the Mode of ap- pointing a Clerk of the Circuit Courts, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, which was read, debated by Paragraphs, and ordered to be engroffed.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aid for holding the Courts of Oyer and Ter- miner, and General Gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius, in the feveral Counties of this State, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read and compared. Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An AB relative to a certain Mortgage therein mentioned, was read and compared. Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do lign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Sinnickfou do carry the faid Bills to Council for Con- currence.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An All to direel the Mode of appointing a Clerk of the Circuit Courts, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read and compared. Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Smith do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concurrence.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'clock, P. M,

The Houfe met.

In Conformity with the Report agreed to Yefterday, on the Petition of

Sayrs Crane, , Refolved, That the Refolution paffed the 12th June,. 1790, be, and the fame is repealed, except that Part which prohibits the Treafurer from paying Intereft on a Note given by Thomas Clark, Comnpiffioner for fettling the Militia Ac- counts, for the County of Effex, to Matthias Ward. Ordered, That Mr. Bidleman do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Hankinfon, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An AB for the Relief of Know Iton, in the County of Sujfex, which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Randolph, from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had rejefted the :

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the Bill, intitled, An Act to repeal certain Parts of the Act, intitled. An Act to enable the Owners of the tide Swamps and Maries, to improve the fame, and the Owners ofMeadows already hanked, and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in good Repair.

That Council had pafied the following Bills without Amendment, to wit : The Bill, intitled, An Act for the Relief of Jeremiah Clark. The Bill, intitled, An Act to raife the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds, in the Tear Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-two. The Bill, intitled, An Act to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation the of Legi/lature ; And The Bill, intitled, An Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eflablifing ufeful Manufactures, andfor thefurther Encouragement of the faid Society.

Mr. Randolph delivered to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, An Act to prevent the public Records being removed by Writs of Subpvna, with the Amendment made thereto by Council, to which Amendment he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe. Which Bill, with the Amendment was read, and the Amendment being read in its Place, was agreed to. Ordered, That the laid Bill be re-engroffed with the laid Amendment.

Mr. Little, agreeably to Leave given, and in Behalf of Peter Schenk, prefented the following Relolution

Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State, is hereby authorized and directed to deliver unto Peter Schenk, or his legal Reprefentative, a certain Bond in his Office after making the neceffary Endorfements thereon, given by Thomas Leonard to Hannah Harvey, conditioned for the Payment of one Hundred Pounds, dated the 8th Day of March, 1764, and affigned by the faid Hannah Harvey to the faid Peter Schenk, and take a Receipt therefor. Ordered, That Mr. Starke do carry the faid Refolution to Council for Con- currence.

The Bill, intitled, An Act for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, was read a fe- cond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail to empower the Tru flees of the Presbyterian Church, And the Minifler, Wardens, and Vejlry, of the Epifcopal Church in Trenton, to have a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned, was read a fecund Time, de- bated, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail to authorize and empower the Truftees of the Pres- byterian Congregations of Hardwick, Independence, Hardy(Ion and Mansfi'eld, in the County of Suffex, to ereil a Lottery, for the Purpofe therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a third Pleading.

The Bill, intitled, An Ail, to authorize the Miniflers, Elders, and Deacons, of the Reformed Congregations of Hackinfack and Schralcnbergh, in the County of Bergen, to ereil an I draw a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled, An Ailfor the ReliefofSamuel Kelly, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned till to-morrow Morning, Nine o'Clock.

Wednefday, November 23, 1791.

The Houfe met. U The ( 02

The Bill intitled, An Ac~l to authorize and empower the Truftees of the Pref. byterian Congregation* of Hardwick, Independence, Eardyfion, and Mansfield, in the Co:;:;iy of Sufex, to creel a Lottery, for the Purpofe therein mentioned, was lead a third Time.

On the Queilion, whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was negatived,a as follows : % Nays. Yeas. Yeas. Mr. Anderfon Mr. Berry Mr. Van Cleve Mr. Blackwood Mr. Bidleman Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Burgin Mr. Combs Mr. Clark Mr. Condift Mr. Fithian Mr. Dayton Mr. Imlay Mr. D. Vrcom Mr. Kingfland Mr. Hank in Ion Mr. Linn Mr. Ilaring Mr. Lloyd Mr. Hedden Mr. Newbold Mr. Helmes Mr. Sinnickfon Mr. Little Mr. Smith Mr. Lowrey Mr. E. Townfend Mr. Runyan Mr. R Townfend Mr. Starke Mr. Wallace Mr. Srillwell Mr. Whillden Mr. Stockton

And there not being twenty Members in Favor of the faid Bill. Ordered, That the lame be di Unified. The Bill, intitled, An Act to empower the Truftees of the Presbyterian Church, r and the Minijler, Wardens, and Veftry of the Epifcopal Church in Trenton, to have a Lottery, for the Purpofe therein mentioned, was read a third Time.

On the Queilion, whether the fame do pals ? It was negatived, as follows : Nays. Nays. Mr. Anderfon Mr. E. Townfend Mr. Bidleman Mr. R. Townfend Mr. Blackwood Mr. Wallace Mr. Burgin Mr, Whillden, Mr. Clark Mr. CondicJ Mr. Dayton Mr. Fithian f Mr. Haukinfon Mr. Imlay Mr. King/land, Mr. Linn

Mr . Lloyd Mr. Newbold Mr. Smith

and there not being Twenty Members in favor of the Bill, Ordered, That the fame be difmified. Ordered, That Mr. Berry do wait on the Council and acquaint them that the faid Bills are rejected by this Houfe. The engroffed Bill, intitled An Aid for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do lign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Stockton do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concur- rence, The : :

( 8? )

The engrofTed Bill, intitled, An A3 for the Relief of Samud Kelly, was read and compared,

On the Queflion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative as follows Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. little, Mr. Berry, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Liivrey, Mr Dayton, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Ha ring, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Runyan, Mr Helmet, Mr. Clark, Mr. Sinnickfon, Air. lmlay, Mr. Combs, Mr. Smith, Mr. King/land, Mr. Condia, Mr. Starke, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. D. '/room, Mr. Stilhvell, Mr. E. Toivnfend, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Stockton. Mr. R. Toivnfend, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Van Clevt, Air. Wallace, Mr. Hedden, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Linn, Air. Woodruff.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Stilhvell do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur- rence.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to prevent the public Records being removed by Writs of Subpoena, was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do tign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. E. Toivnfend do carry the faid Bill to Council, and ac- quaint them, that the fame is palled by this Houfe, with their Amendment.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize the Minijler, Elders, and Deacons of the Reformed Congregations of Hackinfack and Schralenbergh, in the County of Bergen, to erect and draw a Lottery, for the Purpofes therein mention- ed, was read and compared. On the Queflion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was negatived, as follows Nays. Yeas. Yeas. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Berry, Mr. Little, Mr. Black-vood, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Loturey, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Comhs, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Clark, Mr. Condicl, Mr. Starke, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Fithian, , Mr. Dayton, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Stodkion, Mr. lvilay, Mr. Haring, Mr. Van Cleve, Hedden, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. Linn, . Mr. Mi. Lloyd, Mr. Kingjland, Mc. Woodruff. Mr. Newbold, Mr. Sinnickfon, » Mr. Smith, Mr. E. To-wn/end, Mr. R. Tow/ifend, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Whillden, There not being twenty Members in Favor of the faid Bill, Ordered, That the fame be difmiffed. The Petition from Kenneth Hankinfon, read on the 27th ultimo, was read a fe- cond Time ; whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of his Petition at the next Sitting, previoufly advei tiling the Purport of the Bill he means to prefent, and a Copy of this Order, in two of the public News-Pa- pers, printed in this State, for at leaft two Weeks previous thereto. Mr. Condifi, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An At~l to prevent the Confinement of Debtors ; which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Heading;.& The ( §4 )

The Bill, intitled, An AB to repeal an AB, intitled, A fupplcmental AB to the Aft, intitled, An Aft to punifb Traitors and difaffeBed Pcifons, was read a lecond Time, debated, and ordered to be read a third Time. Mr Outivarer from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council has agreed to

a Resolution in Favor of Matthias Ward in Part : and that Council have paff- ed the Bill intitled, A Supplement to xhc Aft, intitled, An AB to empower the Inhabitants of the Townflip of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, to chocfc a CollcBor, to do the Duty ofMofcs Eng/ijh, one of the late Collectors offaidTown- jlnp, paljed November 26th, 1790, without Amendment.

Mr. Outwater, alfo prefented from Council a Bill, intitled, An AB, appoint- ing Commifponers to run an afcertdin the Partition-Line, between the Town/hips of Newark and Aquackanunk, in the County of Ejfex ; which was read, and order- ed a fecond Reading.

Mr. Wallace, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition from the Townfhip of Little Egg-Harbour, in the County of Burlington, and the Pe- titions from the Townfhips of Stafford and Dover, in the County of Monmouth, on the Subject of Paper-Money, emitted in the Years 1780, and 1781, reported. That they had made fome Progrefs in the Bufinels committed to them, but for Want of Intormation, which they cannot at prelent procure, they are unable to proceed, and therefore beg, that the Houfe will allow them to defer further Re-

port, till the next Sitting. By Order of the Committee, JOSHUA M. WALLACE. To which the Houfe agreed. Ordered, That the faid Committee be continued and directed to report at the next Sitting.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, An AB for the Reliefof Knowlton, in the County of Sitffex, was read a lecond Time, and referred to the next Sitting.

The Houfe relumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, An AB for the Support of the Government of'the State of New-Jetjey, and alter having gone through theiaid Bill by Paragraphs, and agreed to the fame, Ordered, That the laid Bill be engrofled. On Motion, Refolved, That when this Houfe adjourn for the prefent Sitting, they adjourn to meet on the third Tucfday in May next.

The Bill, intitled, An AB relative to the ereBing of the Bridges acrofs the Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofcs therein mentioned, wae read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. CondiB, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An AB for the more equal Reprefentation of the Inhabitants of the fcveral Counties of this Slate, in the Houfe of Affembly, which was read, and ordered a lecond Reading. The Bill, intitled, An AB to enable the Owners of the Low Lands, Meadows, and Swamps, on both Sides of Afanpink-Brook, from Hutchinfons Mill to Ifaac Antrim's Land, to remove the ObflruBions to the free Courfe of the Waters of the fame Brook, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioners for the faid Bill advertife the Purport thereof, with a Copy of this Order, in three of the molt public Places, in the Neighbour- hood, where the laid Creek is to be cleared out, at leaft two Weeks previous to the next Meeting of the Legiflature, with a Copy of this Order. Mr. Van Cleve, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught : :

( 85")

Draught of a Bill, intitled, An A3 to defray fitndry Incidental Charges ; which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, A Supplement to an Ail, intitled, An Att directing the Time and Mode of'collefiing the Arrearages of Taxes, in the fever al Counties in this State, paffed at Burlington the 25th Day of November, 1790, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofkd.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning, Nine 'Clock.

Thurfday, November 24, 1791.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Little, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Barnet

1. Smock, reported as follows : That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Treafurer be directed to iffue a Certificate to Barnes I. Smock, for the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, with fuch, Intereit, as the Legiflature fhall direct. By Order of the Committee, THOMAS LITTLE. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. Mr. Haring, from the Committee to whom was referred the Treafurer's Let-

ter of the 2 1 it Inftant, reported, That in the Opinion of your Committee the County of Middlejex ought not to be credited in the Books of the prefent Treafurer, for the Amount of the Order drawn by the late Treafurer, on the Collector of that County, in Favor of Aza- riah Dunham, or for any Part thereof, until the Legiflature fhall have enquired more fully into the Juftice of the Claim. By Order of the Committee, JOHN HARING. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of X,acha~

riah Price, of the County ot Sufex, reported as follows :

That the Claim of the faid Petitioner on this State, is fimilar to the Claims of Robert Nixon and others, as reported by a Committee of this Houfe, on the

27th of Oclober laft : That the fame Realons which induced that Committee to report againft the Claims of thofe Petitioners, operate againft the Claim of the faid Zacharia Price, and that his Petition ought therefore to be di unified. By Order of the Committee, JAMES LINN. Which Report was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, 'An AcT; to authorize the Governor to fubferibe, for the Vfe of this State, One Hundred Shares in the General Manufactory to be efla- blijhed in this State, was read a fecond Tme On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the ift. Seftion in the follow- ing Words, Be it Enatted &c. That the Governor of the State for the Time being, be and he hereby is authorized and directed, to fubferibe on the Part, and for the Ufe of this State, any Number of Shares, not exceeding ioo, to the Ma- nufactory to be eftablifhed v/ithin this State, agreeably to an A& of the Legifla- ture, intitled ' An Aft to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for the E- » ilablifliing ufeful Manufactures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid

* Society : It was carried in the Negative as follows X Nays ( 8

Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr. Andcrfon Mr. E. 7ownfend, Mr. Blackwood., Mr. Berry, Mr. R. 7ownfend, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Bidlcman, Mr. Whilldcn, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Burgik, Mr. Fitbian, Mr. C/rtr£, Mr. Hedden, Mr Combs. Mr. Helmes, M% Condift, Mr L «;/, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. Haring, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Kingjland Mr. Sinnickfon,

Mr. Little, . Mr. Stockton,

Mr. Runyan, Mr. J^zm C/tw, ' ^F Mr. Smith Mr. Yredenbergh, Mr. Starke, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Stillwcll, Mr. Woodruff.

Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Loivrey, with Leave, and in Anfwer to the Prayer of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, inritled, y^« y&? to alter the Place of the Meet- ing of the Juflices and Freeholders, in the County of Hunterdon, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, which Bill was read and ordered a (econd Reading. On Motion,

Refolved, That J/7?rt<: A/We be appointed to print the Laws of thi9 State, which have been, or fhall hereafter be paffed during the prelent Seffion of the Legiflature, and alfo to print the Journals of the Proceedings of the Council, Af- iembly, and Joint-Meeting, agreeably to the Terms prefcribed by Law, provi- ded an equal Quantity thereof be contained in a Sheet, as was inlerted in the Laws and Minutes of the lafl Seffion, and that the fame be completed in two Months. Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be directed to forward a Copy of

the Laws and of the Journals to each of the following Perfons, viz : The Go- vernor of this State, the fuftices of the Supreme Court, the Secretary of tate of the United States, the Senators and Reprefentatives of this State in the Con- grels of the United States, the Attorney General, the Auditor of Accounts, the Secretary of this State, the Clerks of the Supreme and Circuit Courts, and of the Council and AiTembly, and alfo to the Clerk of the Council for the Ufe of the Council four Copies, and to the Clerk of the Affembly tor the Ufe of the AiTem-

bly fix Copies ; and the faid Treafurer fhall alfo put up the Laws and Journals intended for the Officers and Inhabitants of each County, in four ieparate Bun- dles, and (hall direel and forward a Bundle to each of the Members of" the Le- giflature for each County, and the Proportion of the Laws and Journals for each County fhall be as follows, viz. The County of Hunterdon 112 Copies, the County of Burlington 97, the County of Monmouth 87, the Counties of Midr dlefex, Somerfet and Gloucefter each 77, the Counties of Eflex, Morris and >uf- fex each 67, the Counties of Bergen and Salem each 66, the County of Cumber- land 56, and the County ot Cape-May 36. Ordered, That Mr. Kingjlaud do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Wallace, in Behalf of Benjamin Jones, agreeably to Leave given, pre- fented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, An Aft to authorize Benjamin Jones, jun. of the County of Burlington, his Heirs and Afpgnj, to ere ft and maintain a Dam for the Purpofe of accommodating Mills on the North Branch of Rancncus, near a Place called Slab-Bridge, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The f

( 8 7 )

The Bill, intitled, An Acl to authorize the Treafurer to pay Interefl on- cer- tain State Notes, was read a fecond time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further C'onfideration thereof be postponed.

Mr. Kinfey from the Council, informed the Houfe that Council had agreed f o the Refolution relative to authorizing the Treafurer to deliver unto Peter Scheack a certain Bond, &c. That Council had paffed the Bill intitled, An Acl for holding Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General gaol Delivery, and Nifi Prius, in the fever al Coun- ties in this State, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: That Council had rejeded the Bill, intitled, An Acl for the Relief of Samuel

Kelly : That the Bill, intitled, An Aft for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, and The Bill, intitled, An Acl relative to a certain Mort^aze therein mentioned, are paffed by Council without Amendment.

Mr. Kinfey alfo prefented from Council a Bill, intitled, An Acl to repeal an Acl for regulating and fjjortning the Proceedings in the Courts of Law, and A Bill, intitled, A Supplement to the AB intitled, an Acl to build atoil-Bridge over the River Raritan at the City ofNew-Brunfwick, to which Bills he requeu- ed the Concurrence of this Houfe.

The Bill, intitled An Acl relative to the Eretling of the Bridges acrofs the Ri- sers Paffaick and Hackiufack, and for other purfofes therein mentioned, was read a third Time. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do hgn the fame. Ordered, That Mr Vredenbcrgh do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the fame is palled by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Van CIeve with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, A Sup- i pliment to the Ad: intitled ' An A*d for the Building a Court-Houfe and Gaol « in the County of Hunterdon, and to raife Money for that Purpofe,' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. *

The engroffed Bill, intitled, « A Supplement to an Ad, intitled, » An Act di- * reding the Time and Mode of collecting the Arrearages of Taxes in the feve- * ral Counties in this State, paffed at Burlington, the 25th Day of November. * 1790,' was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Runyan do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur- rence.

The Bill, intitled, An Acl appointing Commiffioners to run and afcertain the * Partition Line between, the Townfbips of Newark and Aquackanunk, in the * County of EJfex,' was read a fecond Time and ordered a third Reading. The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Bergen, read on the

29th ultimo, was read a fecond time ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill on the fir ft Mon- day in the next Sitting, to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition, on advertifing the

Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, for at leaft three Weeks previous there- * >J' ^*-^ to, with a Copy of this Order, in three of the moft public Places in the Precinct . pi Hackiufack. X v f The engroffed Bill, intitled, 'An Ad: for the Support of the Government of fJ & ', the State of New-Jerfey,' was read and compared. > / ^ Refolved unanimoufly , That the lame do pafs. , Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the lame. J 6 ' carry the faid Bill to Concuj- . Ordered, That Mr. Van CJcve do the Council for / , reace. A C> 4 4 // 2- ( 83 )

A Petition from the County of Gloucefier, praying Meafures may be taken to revive and amend the Conftitution of this State, was read, and ordered a iecond Reading.

A Petition from the Townfhip oiRoxhury.. in the County of Morris, praying a Law to direft the Town-Meeting to be held in a different Place, than where they ufually meet, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Peter Smith, praying that the Depreciation of his Pay, while he was a Corporal in the 3d Jet fey Regiment, may be paid to him by the State of New-Jerfey, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three 0' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, • An Aft to repeal an Aft, intitled, A fupplemental Aft to « the Ac!:, intitled, An Aft to punifh Traitors and difaffefted Perfons,' was read a third Time. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Wallace do carry the laid Bill to Council, and acquaint them

that the fame is palled by this Houfe without Amendment. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Hunterdon andMiddlefex praying a Law may be paffed to direft the Obftruftions in the free Courfe of the

Waters of Stony-Brook to be removed, was read a fecond Time. . Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition on the next Sitting, previoufly advertiling the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, and a Copy of this Order, in three of the moft public Places in Princeton, for at leaft three Weeks previous thereto.

The Bill, intitled, « A Supplement to the Aft, intitled, An Aft to build a Toll- « Bridge over the River liar it an, at the City of New-Brunfwick,' was read a fe- cond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Aft appointing Commiffioners to run and afcertain the * Partition Line, between the Townfhips of Newark and Aquackanunk, in the County of Ejfex, was read a third Time. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Whillden do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them, that the fame is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Rcfolved, That when the Houfe adjourn, they adjourn to meet at Trenton.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Aft to defray Incidental Charges,' was read a third Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned till to-morrow Morning, Nine o'Clock.

Friday, November 25, 1791.

The Houfe met.

% The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Aft, intitled, An Aft to build a Toll- * Bridge over the River Raritan, at the City pf New-Brunfwick,' was read a thiid Time. Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Woodruff"do carry to Council the faid Bill, and acquaint

them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment. The Yeas.

( 9* )

Mr. Mayhs% alfo prefented the Bill, intitled, « An Act to direct the Mode of ' appointing a Clerk of the Circuit Court, and for other Purpofes therein men- * tioned,' with the Amendment made thereto by Council, to which he requeued the Concurrence of this Houfe.

Which, was read, and the Amendment being read in its Place, was difagreed to ; Whereupon, Ordered, That Mr. Eidleman do carry the laid Bill and Amendments to the Council, and acquaint them that this Houfe adhere to their Bill.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Governor of this State * to fubfcribe to the General Manufactory, to be eilablifhed in this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It warfarried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yeas. Yeas. Nays.

Mr. Bid/emit, , Mr. Ncwbold, Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Berry, Mr. Condiil, Mr. Sim ickfon, Mr Bwgin, Mr Dayton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Clark, Mr. D. '/room, Mr. Starke, Mr. Comb*, Mr. Fitbian, Air. Stockton. Mr. /faring, Mr. Hedden, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Inlay, Mr Helmet, Mr. Vrsdenbergh, Mr. Kingfland, Mr. Linn, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Little, Mr. Lo-wrey, Mr. WiHiamJon, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Woodruff. Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. R. Tvwnjend, Mr. Whillden.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Lowrey, do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur- rence.

Mr. Lambert, from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council adhere to their Amendments made to the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to direct the Mode of appoint- ing a Clerk of the Circuit Courts, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.

Mr. Eldredge, from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Governor of this State to fubfcribe to the ' General Manufactory, to be eftabhfhed in this State, without Amendment.

Mr. Cook informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill, intitled, * An * Act for defraying Incidental Charges,' without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned to meet at "Trenton, on the third Tuefday in May next. — {4^+^ /iiniiiiiuHiirjjiiiiin™ c

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*+******-M***.*4->}-* + **** + *** 4. ++4. 4. 4, 4, 4, 4. 4. 4 + 4. +4.4. 4. + 4.4.4. & VOTES PROCEEDINGSAND OF THE SIXTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATEOF THE


Trenton, May 15, 1792.

PURSUANT to the Adjournment at the laft Sitting, the following Members met, to wit : Mr. Speaker, Mr. Kingfiand, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Berry, Mr. Win Iden, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Condicl, Mr. Williamfou, Mr. Starke, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. Smith, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Bnrgin, Mr. Linn, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Helmes, Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Bidleman. Mr. Blackwood, Ordered, That Mr. Anderfon do wait on the Council and inform them that a Quorum of the Aflembly have met, and this Day proceeded to Bu- finefs. A Petition from Henry Bragg, a Prifoner confined in the Gaol of the County of Cumberland, and a Petition from Bethuel Ball, a Prifoner confi- ned in the Gaol of the County of Morris, praying the Benefit of an Adl of Infolvency, were read and committed to Meifrs. Helmes, Dayton and Whil- den. Ordered, :

( 4 )

Ordered, That Meflrs. Conditt, Blackwood and. Helmes, be a Committee to examine the Minutes of the laft Sitting, and to report fuch Bufmefs as was referred or remained unfinifhed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o' Clock.

Wednefday, May 16, 1792,.

The Houfe met,

Mr. Wallace, Mr. Woodruff, Mr. Clark, Mr. Combs, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Little, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. hnlay, Mr. Newbold, Mr. FVz;z Cleve, feverally attended and took their Seats, and having render- ed Excufes for their Non-attendance yefterday, Refolved, That the fame arefatisfadtory. Mr. CondiB from the Committee appointed to examine the Minutes of the laft Sitting, and to report fuch Bufinefs as was referred or remain un- finifhed, brought in a Report which was read and ordered to be filed.

The Governor's Meffage of the ift. November laft, was read with the Papers accompanying the fame, and ordered to be filed. The Memorial of John Vreeland was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Woodruff, Imlaj and Blackwood. The Petition from Silas Hopkins, was read a fecond Time and committed to Meflrs. Van Cleve, D. Vroom, Burgin and Helmes to report thereon. The Speaker laid before the Houfe the following Account of Monies cancelled in the Treafury of the State as follows Account of Loan-Office Money cancelled at the Treafury of the State of New-Jerfey, on the 17th, and 19th, Days of March 1792, by Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, agreeably to a Law paffed November 30, 1789. ( 5 ) dred and Forty-two Pounds Seventeen Shillings, agreeably to the above In- voice. Witnefs our Hands this 20th Day of March 1792. BENJAMIN VAN CLEVE, JAMES EWING.

Account of Revenue Money cancelled in the Treafury of the State of New-Jerfey on die 20th March, 1792. ( 6 )

The Petition of Elizabeth Kearney, was read a fecond Time, and the Pe- tition of John Pervine, was alfo read a fecond Time, and referred to Meffrs. Woodruff, Williamfon, and Netvbold, who are directed to bring in a Bill for the Collection of Debts due to the State of Neiu-Jerfey on forfeited Eftates. The Petition of Zechariah Price, and the Report of Mr. Linn of the 29th November, and 28th Oclober laft, were read and ordered for further Conn- deration on Friday next.

The Petition from Roxbury, in the County of Morris, praying that a Law may be paffed to direct their Town-Meetings to be hereafter held at Flanders infaid Townfhip, was read a fecond Time and ordered to be dif- miffed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Greenwich in the County of Sujfex, praying Permiffion to amend their Roads by Tax, was read and referred to the Committee appointed to bring in a Road Act.

Mr. Condi fl: from the Committee to whom was referred the Petitions from Dover and Little Egg-Harbour, on the 21ft. November laft, reported, That in the opinion of your Committee, the Prayer of the faid Petitions ought not to be granted, as the fame cannot be done without manifeft Injuf- tice to other Parts of the State. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time, on Saturday next, with the Petitions referred to therein. The Petition from the County of Gloucefler, praying a Revifion of the Constitution of the State, was read a fecond Time and ordered to be filed.

The Report of Mr. Woodruff'on the Petition of William Griffith, made to this Houfe on the 16th of November laft, was read with the faid Peti- tion, and poftponed for Confideration on Tuefday next. The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the State, praying that Perfons may be appointed to enforce the penal Laws of the State, were read a fecond Time and difmiffed. A Petition from Morris County, on the Subject of Weights and Meafures, was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be difmiffed. The Petition from Gloucefler County, requefting a Revifion of the penal Laws of the State, was read a fecond Time, and poftponed for Confiderati- on on Tuefday next. The Petition from Samuel Pleafants, ftating a Demand againft the forfeited Eftate of Gabriel De Vebber, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Linn, Williamfon, Little, Eurgin and Whilden, to report thereon. Mr. Randolph from Council, informed the Houfe that Council had ap- pointed Meffrs. Cook and Outwater, or either of them, a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe to burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury. The Memorial of Edward Thomas, read on the 3d of November laft, and the Petitions from EJfex, Bergen, and Morris, read on the ift. of Novem- ber laft, were read a fecond Time, and referred to Meffrs. Woodruff, Wil- liamfon, and Newbold. The ( 7 )

The Bill intitled, " An Act for the more equal Reprefentation of the In- " habitants of the feveral Counties of this State in the Houfe of Aflembly," was read a fecond Time and poftponed for further Confideration on Tuefday next, at Three o'Clock, P. M.

A Petition from a Majority of the Veftry and Members of the Epifcopal Church of St. Maty in Burlington, praying certain Alterations in the Char- ter of Incorporation granted to that Society, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " A Supplement to an Act intitled, an Act for the «' Relief and Support of maimed and difabled Officers, Soldiers, and Sea-

" men, and of the Widows and Children of fuch as fall in. Battle, or other- " wife lofe their Lives in the Military or Naval Service," was read a fe- cond Time and dilmifled.

The Houfe adjourned till To-Morrow Morning Nine o'Clock.

Thurfday, May 17, 1792.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to authorize Benjamin Jonej, jun. of the *} County of Burlington, his Heirs and Affigns, to erect and maintain a Dam " for the Purpofe of accommodating Mills, on the North Branch of Ran- " cocus near a Place called Slab-Bridge," was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engrofled. Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of Silas Hopkins of the County of Sujfex, reported as follows,

That although there appears fome Propriety in the Claim of the Petitioner, yet as the Bond given by the Perfon whofe Eftate was confifcated, and a- gainft which his Claim is not produced, nor a Copy of the Judgment obtain- ed thereon, that this Houfe ought not, in the prefent Situation of the Bufi- nefs, to direct the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate for the Petitioner's Demand. By Order of the Committee, BENJAMIN VAN CLEVE.

Ordered, That the Petition and Report thereon, be referred to the next Sitting.

Sundry Petitions from Prifoners confined in feveral of the Gaols of this State, praying the Benefit of an Act of Infolvency, were read and ordered to be referred to the Committee to whom were referred the feveral Petitions heretofore prefented on the fame Subject, and that Meflrs. Woodruff, and Williamfon be added to that Committee. A Petition from Philip Cummins, ftating a Demand againft the State, was read and referred to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for defraying incidental Charges. A Petition from Gafha Ackcrman, ftating a Demand againft the forfeited Eftate of Cornelius "John Van Horn, and praying Payment from the State, was read and referred to the Committee to whom were referred the feveral Petitions ftating Claims againft forfeited Eftates.

A Petition from the Juftices and chofen Freeholders of the County of So- merfet, praying that a Law may be pafled, directing how Prifoners confined in ( 8 ) in the Gaol of then- County fhall be fupported and maintained, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from John Rofe, late a Soldier in the firft Neiu-Jerfey Regi- ment, praying a Compenfation for the Depreciation of his Pay while in the Service of the State, was read and referred to Meilrs. Woodruff, 1 mlay, and Blackwood. A Petition from Thomas Anderfon, Efq. of the County of Suffex, praying that a Law may be pafled to authorize the Profecution of Bonds given by Sheriffs, for the due Execution of that Office before the late Revolution, w as read and committed to Meflrs. Williamfon, Woodruff", and Linn, to report a Bill agreeably to the Prayer of that Petition.

A Petition from Jofeph Alfion, i rating a Demand againft the forfeited E- ft ate of David Aljion, was read and referred to Meffrs. William/on, Linn, Whilden, Burgin, and Little, to report thereon.

A Petition from Jofeph Reeder, of the County of Suffex, was read and dif- mhTed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Condit from the Council informed this Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Warrant entitling Mary Winter to draw the Amount of her late Hufbanu's Half-Pay, fen t to Council laft Sitting for Concurrence.

A MefTage from his Excellency the Governor, was prefented by Mr.

Secretary Reed in the Words following :

Trenton, 17 May, 1792. Gentlemen of the General Affemhly. IL.w before you a Copy of certain Refolutions, paffed by the Legiflature of Georgia, which I lately received from his Excellency the Governor of that State; the Original will be depofited in the Secretary's Office, agreea- bly to an Aft paffed at the laft Sitting of the Legiflature— I fubferibed on the Part, and for the Ufe of the State, One Hundred Shares to the Manu- factory to be eftablifhed within this State, and have made the firft Pay- ment, purfuant to the Direftions of the faid Aft. I lay before you fuch of the Afts paffed by Congrefs at their laft Sefli- on, as have been transmitted by the Secretary of State, and a Return of the whole Number of Perfons within the feveral Diftrifts of the United WILLIAM PATERSON.

Ordered, That the faid MelTage, and Papers accompanying the fame, be filed. Agreeably to the Order of the Houfe, the Report of Mr. D. Vroom, on the Petition of Colonel Samuel Potter, was read a fecond Time, and Colonel Potter being prefent, was heard before the Houfe on the Subjcft of the Fafts ftated in the faid Report.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, it was carried in the Affirmative.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, "An Aft to authorize Benjamin Jones, jun. "of the County of Burlington, his Heirs and Affigns, to ereft and main- '* tain ( 9 )

'* tain a Dan%, for the Purpofe of accommodating Mills, on the North " Branch of Rancocus, near a Place called Slab-Bridge", was read and compared.

Rcfolved unanimoufy , that the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Hankinfon do carry the faid Bill to Council for con- currence.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, "Nine o'Clock.

Friday, May 18, 1792.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Charles Boivlsby of the County of Morris, praying that an Aft may pafs, to divorce him from Catharine his Wife, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading. Mr Sinnickfon and Mr. Hedden attended and took their Seats, and having rendered an Excufe for their Non-Attendance, RefolvedThat the fame are Satisfaftory. A Petition from Benjamin Dunn, by Thompfon Stelle his Attorney, was read and committed to Meffrs. Woodruff, Williamfon, and Newbold. A Petition from Silvanus Addoms, Executor and Co. of Samuel Croivell, deceafed, ftating a Demand for Monies due the faid deceafed, from the for- feited Eftate oijofeph Crowell, and praying Payment, was read and commit- ed, with feveral Obligations accompanying the fame, to Meffrs. Linn, Wil- liamfon, Little, Burgin, and Whilden. A Memorial from William Bcekman, and Paul Millar, ftating a Demand againft the State, and praying Payment, was read and committed to Meffrs. Condicl, Fithian, and Williamfon. A Petition from Andrew Smyth, only Child of John Smyth, late of Amboy, praying that the State would grant him fuch a Part of the real Eftate of his late Father, as remains unfold by the Agents of the State of New-Jer- fey, was read and committed to Meffrs. Woodruff, Williamfon and. Newbold. A.?stixxonfromRachael Cortwright, ftating a Demand againft the forfeited Eftate of Solomon Cortwright, was read and committed to Meffrs. Linn, Williamfon, Burgini Little, and Whilden, to report thereon. The Report of Mr. Little, on the Petition of Barnes I. Smock, as entered the Quefti- on the Minutes of the laft Sitting, was read a fecond Time ; On Lands on whether the Evidence before the Houfe is fufficient Proof that the fold by the Commiffioners of Monmouth referred to in Mr. Smock's Petition, Negative. was fold by them clear of Incumberances ; it was carried in the as On the Queftion whether the Houfe will admit the Commiffioners and WitnefTes under Oath, to prove that the Property fold to Mr. Walton of afterwards fold to Mr. Smock, was by the faid Commiffioners fold clear Effeft all Incumberances, when there is no Covenants of Warranty to that contained in the Deed. It was carried in the Negative as follows. Nays C ( io )

Nays, Yeas, Mr. Anderfofi, Mr. Berry, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Combs, Mr. Black-wood, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Burgin, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Clark, Mr. Hankinfon, Mr. Condifi, Mr. bnlay, Mr. Fithian, Mr. King/land, Mr. Helines, Mr. Little, Mr. Linn, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Loyd, Mr. Smith, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Starke, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Van CIeve, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. Vredevbergh, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. Williamfon, Mr. Whilden, Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Wallace.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the Report of Mr. Lit- tle, it was carried in the Negative as follows.

Nays. Nays. Yeas. Meflrs. Anderfon, Meflrs. Kingfland, Meflrs. Combs, Berry, Linn, Dayton, Bidleman, Lloyd, Imlay, Blackwood, Newbold, Little, Burgin, Sinnickfon, Runyan, Clark, Smith, Starke, Condidl, Stockton, Stillwell, D. Vroom, E. Townfend, Van Cleve, Fithian, R. Townfend, Vredenbergh, Hankinfon, Wallace, Williamfon, Helmes, Whilden. Woodruff.

Ordered, That the tapers on which the faid Report was formed be dif- mifled.

The Houfe adjourned to Three 6'Clock, P. M-

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Francis Hoover, praying, for Reafons therein contain- ed, that an AcT: may be paffed to divorce Mm from Elizabeth his Wife, was read ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill to an- fwer the Prayer of his Petition, on Tuefday the 29th inftant, at Three ©'Clock in the Afternoon, he previoufly ferving his faid Wife with a Copy of his Petition, and alfo with a Copy of this Order, at leafl Eight Days. Ordered, That Mr. Blackwood do wait on the Council, and inform them that this Houfe are ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, and to requeft that Council will appoint the Time and Place of meeting, as foon as may be convenient. Mr. ( II )

Mr. Mayhew from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had pair- ed the Bill intitled, " An A A to authorize Benjamin Jones, junior, his*

'.« Heirs and Afligns, to e reft and maintain a Dam, for the.Purpofe of, " accommodating Mills on the North Branch of Rancocus, near a Place " called Slab-Bridge," without Amendment. Mr. Lambert, from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, on Wednesday "next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon at the AiTembly-Room.

The Report of Mr. Linn, of the 29th October laft, on the Petitions of Robert Nixon, Richard Han Ion, George M'Eliov and others, 'was read a fecojid Time, and the Parties heard before the Houfe on the Subject of that Bufinefs ; Mr. David Olden, Agent of forfeited Eftates for the Coun- ty of Middle/ex, being examined as a Witnefs for the Parties before the

Houfe : On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, it was carried in the Negative.

Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr. Anderfon, Mr. Little, Mejfrs. Blackwood, Mr. Berry, Mr. Runyan, Clark, Mr. Bidleman, Mr. Starke, Condifl, Mr. Burgin, Mr: St illwell, D. Vroom, Mr. Combs, Mr. R. Townfend, Hankinfon, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Van Cleve, Helmes, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Vredenbergh, Linn, Mr. Hedden, Mr. Williamfon, Lloyd, Mr. 1mlay, Mr. Whilden, Newbold, Mr. King]land. Mr, Woodruff. Sinnickfou, Smith, Stockton, E. Townfend, Wallace.

Whereupon, Ordered, That the Petitioners, Robert Nixon, Richard Hanlon, George M*Elroy, and Lewis Silvers, have Leave to prefent a Bill, to anfwer the Prayer of their Petitions.

The Petition of David Baird was ordered to be filed. of , The Report Mr. Linn of the 24th of November laft, on the Petition

of Zechariah Price, was read and difagreed to ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the Petition of Zechariah Price be filed. Ordered, That Mr. Stockton have leave of Abfence until Monday next.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o'Clock.

Saturday, May 19, 1792.

r The H :- e met.

Mr. Clark, from the Committee, appointed to join a Committee of Council, to receive from the. Treafurer the cancelled Money, and to burn the fame, made the following Report, to wit. Account ( 12 )

Account of Loan-Office Money, cancelled at the Treafury of the State of Nevj-Jerfcy, on the 17th and 19th Days of March, 1792, by Benjamin Van Cle've and Jamer Ewing, Efquires, agreeably to a Law palled Novem- ber 30, 1789. ( *l )

A Petition' from the Proprietors of Lands in 'Afh-Stoamf, kiEJjtex Coun- ty, praying L^ave to pre fen t a Bill to enable them to drain the faid Swamp, was read. - •

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, on fhewingie the Houfe that Three Week's public Notice has been given by the Petiti- oners, of their Intention of presenting a Bill for the Purpofe aforefaid. A Petition from James Puff Lofey, and Jofepb Aldricks, infolvent Debt- ors confined in Morris County Gaol, were read, praying the Benefit of an Act. of Infolvency, and committed to the Committee to whom were refer- red the other Petitions from infolvent Debtors.

A Petition from the Surveyors of the Roads of Bergen and EJfex Counties, praying an Allowance of Fees for their Services, was read and committed to the Committee on the Road AcL A Memorial from Job Lippencott, Efq. Coroner of Burlington County, praying that Provifion may be made by Law, to grant a Compenfation to Coroners, for extraordinary Services in the Execution of their Office, was read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Bill for regulating and paying the Fees of Coroners.

A Petition from Monmouth and Burlington, Hating Difficulties in the e- qual Divifion of Lands held by Co-parceners, Joint-Tenants and Tenants in Common, was read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Bill before the Houfe for the Divifion of Lands.

The Report of Mr. Condift of the i6thlnftant, on the Petitions from Do- ver and Little Egg-Harbour, was read a fecond Time ; And the Petition from the Tuftices and Freeholders of the County of SuJJ'cx, was alfo read and the faid Report agreed to by the Houfe ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Petitions be difmiffed.

Mr. Williamfon from the Committee, appointed to bring in a Bill for choofing Reprefentatives in Congrefs, in behalf of that Committee, defired to be informed whether it was the Pleafure of the Houfe, that they fliould bring in a Bill for a general Election or a diftridt Election.

Ordered, That the Houfe immediately refolve itfelf into a Committee of the Whole ; upon which Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve was appointed Chairman of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve Chairman of the Committee, reported that the Committee had made fome Proorefs in the Bufinefs to them committed, and defired acrain Leave to fit ; which the Houfe agreed. To t)

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Mary Van Bufkirk, and Abraham Van Bufkirk, Admini- ftrators of the Eftate of John Van Bufkirk, deceafed, ftating a Demand a- gainft the forfeited Eftate of John C. Meyer, and praying Payment, was read and committed to Meflrs. Linn, Williamfon, Little, Burgin, zntilFbilden.

A Petition from James Tallmau, Adminiftrator and Co. of Chriftopher Tallman, deceafed, ftating that his Eftate was confifcated and veiled in this State, and praying Liberty to profecute and recover the fame, was read committed to Meffrs. Woodruff, Williamfon, and Nexvbold. D The ( H )

The Houfe again refolved itfelf into a Committee of the Whole ; where- upon,

Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve took -the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve Chairman of the Committee, reported, that they had gone thro' the Matters to them referred, and had come to the following Refolution, which he was ready to report when ever the Houfe would pleafe to receive the fame. Ordered, That the faid Report be made immediately, whereupon, The Chairman reported the Refolution of the Committee. Refolved, That the Committee be inftrucled to bring in a Bill for a dif- tricl Election. On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the Report of the Commit- tee, it was carried in the Negative. The Governor's Meffage of the 17th Inftant, which was filed on that Day, was called forward and committed to Meflrs. Redden, Andcrjon, and Dayton, to examine the feveral Papers accompanying the fame, and to re- port thereon.

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.

Monday, May 21, 1792.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Condi {I from the Committee, to whom was referred the Memorial of William Beekman, and Paul Millar, report, that it appears that the faid Paul Millar, at his own Option, hath paid to David Olden, Agent of forfeited E- ftatesfor the County of Middlefex, the Sum of Two Hundred and Ninety- four Pounds and One Penny, on Account of the Eftate of William Walton;

and it appearing that the Monies or Certificates fo paid, was not due to the

faid William Walton, it is therefore the Opinion of your Committee, that the faid Sum of Two Hundred and Ninety-four Pounds and One Penny, ought to be refunded to the faid Paul Millar, or to his Order. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to difcharge Jacob Arnold, Efq. late Sheriff of " the County of Morris from certain Fines therein mentioned," was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

A Petition from Abraham Parfelt and Jacob Parfels, praying that the Le- giflature would order them a Proportion of their late Father's Eftate, which was confifcated to, and veiled in this State, was read and difmiffed. Ordered That the Petitioners of the County of Bergen, have Leave to pre- fent a Bill on the fecond Tuefday in the next SefTion, to enable the Owners and Poffeflbrs of the Meadows and Marfhes, lying on and adjoining Peck or Englijh Creek, to erett a Dam acrofs the fame to flop out the Tide, the bet- ter to improve the Meadows adjoining thereto, agreeably to the Prayer of the Petition, on advertifing a Copy of this Order for at leaft Three Weeks previous ( *5 )

previous thereto, in Three of the moft public Place? in the Precinct of Hack* infack.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfemet.

A Petition from CyreniasVan Mater, Mating a Demand againft the Eftate of Daniel Van Mater, whofe Eftate was confifcated to, and veiled in this State, was read and committed to Meats. Linn, Williamfon, Little, Burgin, and IFhiIden. A Petition from the Members of the Society for the Promotion of Agri- culture and domeftic Manufactures in the County of Burlington, praying the Interpofition of the Legiflature for the Encouragement of the principal Ob- jects of the faid Society, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Monmouth County, praying an Amendment to the Act pafled June 5th 1787, intitled " An Act to afcertain the Time and Mode of " levying Taxes &c," was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled * ' An Act to repeal an Act, intitled an Act for regula- " ting and fhortning the Proceedings in the Courts of Law, excepting the " firft and nineteenth Sections of the faid Act," was read a fecond Time and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Cooper attended and took his Seat, and having rendered to the Houfe, an Excufe for his Non- Attendance before this Time,

Refolved, That the fame is Satisfactory.

Mr. Dayton, from the Committee, appointed to bring in a Bill to repeal the Act prohibiting Lotteries, defired Leave to be difcharged from that ap- pointment, and were difcharged accordingly.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to prevent Perfons being imprifoned for " Debt," was read a fecond Time, and committed to Mefl'rs. Cooper, Con- did, and Van Cleve.

The Houfe relumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, '« An Act to " difcharge Jacob Arnold, Efquire, late Sheriff* of the County of Morris,

" from certain Fines therein mentioned ; whereupon, A Petition was prefented from William Taylor, of the County of Mon- mouth, praying to be relieved from the Payment of Part of a Fine impofed on him by the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Monmouth, which was read and ordered to be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That die further Confideration of the faid Bill, be poftponed until the fecond Reading of the faid Petition. The Report of Mr. Conditf of the 16th of November laft, on the Petition

of William Darling, was read a fecond Time : On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, it was carried in the Negative. " Mr. Kinfey from the Council, prefented a Bill intitled, A Supplemen- <* tary Act to the Act intitled, An Act for the better enabling of Creditors " to recover their juft Debts from Perfons who abfcond themfelves," to

which he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The ( i< )

The Houfe adjourned till To-tnorron Morning, Nine o'Clock.

Tuefday, May 22, 1792.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Helmes from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petitions of

fundry infolvent Debtors, imprifoned in different Gaols of this State ; re-

ported as follows :

That in the Opinion of your Committee, 'James PujFLofcy, confined in the 'Gaol of the County of Morris, and Phenias Brag, confined in the Gaol of the County of Cumberland, are Objects worthy the immediate Attention of

the Legislature, and recommend, that a Law be parted for their Liberation : Your Committee would further beg leave to recommend, that a Law be parted, obliging the Creditors to pay towards the Support of the Debtors imprifoned for Debt, a Sum not exceeding Five Shillings per Week, to be fixed by Two of die Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, for

the County in which the Debtor is confined ; in Cafe the Creditor fliall fail to furnirti fuch Debtor with fuch weekly Support, that in fuch Cafe the Debtor be entitled to a Difcharge from Confinement, on the Surrendering

up all his Property, after due Notice given, for the Benefit of his Creditors. 9 By Order of the Committee, WILLIAM HELMES.

Ordered, That the faid Report be readafecond Time. Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petitions of Eleanor Van Mater, John Stevens, Samuel Pleajants, Gafia Ackerman, and Jofcph Alfton; the Petition of William Rudroiv, Jofepb Copertb-waite, and

William Fohodl ; the Petition of James Perry and Thomas Hays ; The Pe- tition of Racbael Corfwright ; the Petition of Sylvanus Adorns, Executor of

Samuel Crowel, deceafed ; the Petition of Mary Van Bujkirk, and Abraham Van Bu/kirk, Adminiftrators of the Eftate of John Van Bu/kirk, deceafed, (la- tino- certain Claims againft Perfons whofe Eftates have been confifcated to

the Ufe of this State, reported as follows :

1 ft. That the faid Eleanor Van Mater, John Stevens, Gafa Ackerman, William Rudroiv, Jofepb Copertbwaite, and William Folwell, Racbael Cort- ivrigbt, and Sylvanus Adonis, did not entitle themfelves to Payment of their refpective Demands by complying with a Law of this State, parted the 23d. Day of December in the Year 1783, reflecting Demands of that Nature; and no fufheient Reafon hath been alledged and fupported, why the faid Petitioners did not comply with the faid Law—That therefore, their Peti- tions ought to be difmifled.

2d. That the perfonal Property of James Perry and Thomas Hays, to the Amount of £.49 8 6 Specie, had been fold as the confifcated Property of Miles Sberbrook, that therefore they ought to receive Payment of that Sum. 3d. That the Demand of Mary Van Bu/kirk, and Abraham Van Bu/kirk, Adminiftrators of the Eftate of JobnVan Bu/kirk, deceafed, againft the con- fifcated Eftate of John C. Meyer, amounting to the Sum of £.114 14 9,

' New-Tor k Currency, Principal with Intereft from the Date of the Bond ex- ecutedby the {aid John C. Meyer, to the faid John Van Buftiirk ought to be allowed, after deducting Seven Years and Five Months Intereft. By Order of the Committee, * JAMES LINN. ( 17 )

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. A Petition from the Baptift Society at Samptown, in Middlcfex Coun- ty, praying the Benefit of a Lottery, read on the 16th November laft, was read a fecond Time, and the Petitioners had Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of the faid Petition. A Petition from John Dougherty, was read, praying the Treafurer may be directed to deliver Mm a Certificate, which was drawn in favor of Da- niel Bevier, for a Debt due to him from the confifcated Eltate of Solomon Cortwright, he having a Power duly executed to receive the fame, was read and committed to Meffrs. Linn, Williamfon, Little, Burgin, and Whil- deii. A Number of Petitions were prefented from the Inhabitants of Burling- ton, Gloucejter, Salem, and Ctmberland Counties, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to authorize them to erecl: a Bridge over Ranco-.us Creek, at Wal- lace's Ferry, which were read :

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, on the thir- teenth Day of Mai inftant, to anfwer the Prayer of their Petitions, on previoufly advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, with a Copy of "this' Order, Five Days at one of the public Houfes, at New- Mills, Mount-Holly, Moores-Toivn, and at the Lower Ferry on each fide of Rancocus Creek.

The Report of the Committee on the Petition of William Griffith, of the 1 6th of November laft, was, agreeably to the Order of the Day, taken into Confideration and agreed to :

Ordered, That Meffrs. Woodruff', Linn, and Cooper, be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill, to carry into Elfecl, the Objedts of the faid Report. On Motion, Revived, That the Clerk of the AfTembly, be directed to procure Three Copies of the Book intitled, The Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of Majfachufetts, for the Ufe of the Legiflature. Ordered, That Mr. Burgi/i do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

A Petition from William Manning and Ebenezer Ford, late Commiffion- ers of forfeited Eftates of the County of Middlefex, was read and com- mitted to Meffrs. Linn, Williamfon, Little, Burgin, and Whilden. The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Gloucejler County, requefting a Revifion of the Penal Laws of the State, agreeably to the Order of the Day, was taken into Confideration.

Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the next Sitting.

Mr. Runyan, agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill, intitled, " An AcT. to enable the Church- " Wardens and Veftrymen of the epifcopal Church in Pifcataway Town, *' their to repair Meeting-Houfe, which was 'deftroyed by the Enemy ; " and to enable the Firft-Day Baptift Society, to build a Meeting-Houfe «* at Samptown, in faid Pifcataway Townfhip," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading:.

Mr. Cook from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had c-.icur- red in the Refolution, relative authorizing the Clerk of the Afiembly, to procure Three Copies of the Book intitled, The Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of Majfachufetts. E A ( i» )

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of EJfex and Morris County, praying a Law may pafs to repeal the A ct intitled, " An Act to enable the Owners " and PoifefTors of the Meadows, Swamps, and low Lands, on the River " Pajfaick and its feveral Branches, between die little Falls and the Mill- ** Dam at Chatham, to break up the Reefs near the faid Falls and to dig Ca- " nals, &c. was read,

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition, on the fecond Tueflay of the next Sitting, previ- oufly Advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent with a Copy of this Order, in Three of the mod public Places in the Neighborhood of the Canal, and alfo in the public News-Papers, printed in Elizabeth-Town and Newark, for at leaf! Four Weeks previous thereto.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Ifaac Nicoll, of the County of Bergen, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, the Bill intitled, •* An Ad for the " more equal Reprefentation of the Inhabitants of the feveral Counties of " this State in the Houfe of Aflembly," was taken into Confideration, and after fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be difmuTsd.

Mr. Combs, agreeably to Leave given and in behalf of the Petitioners pre- fented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act for the Relief of Robert *' Nixon, George M'Elroy, and Richard Hanlon," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Cooper with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " Acl: directing the Treafurer to advance to the Commiflioners for provi- " ding fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation of the Legiflature, the '* Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds, in lieu of the like Sum, directed to be " paid them out of the Money allowed to be raifed by Lottery, for erect- '* ing Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack ;" which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading-.

The Petitionfromthe Veftry and Members of St. Mary's Church in Burling- ton, read on the 16th Inftant, was read a fecond Time and committed to Meffrs. Wallace, Burgin, Blackwood, Newbold, and Fithian, to report thereon.

The Report of Mr. Linn, entered this Morning, was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof bs poftponed.

The Houfe adjourne^lill To-morrov, Morning, Nine o'Clock.

Wednefday, May 23, 1792.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Woodrujffrom the Committee, to whom were referred the Petitiom from the County of Morris, refpe&ing the election Law, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Acl: to alter the Place of holding the annual ** Election ( i9 )

" Eleftion in the County of Morris," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Woodruff, from the Committe to whom were referred the Petition from Middlefex, on the 14th November laft, defired to be difcharged from from that Committee,

Ordered, That the faid Committee be difcharged accordingly, and that die Petition be difmifTed. The Report of Mr. Helmes, on the Petitions from infolvent Debtors, was read a fecond Time and agreed to by the Houfe ; whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Report be referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Bill intitled, " An Act to prevent Perfons being imgrifoned " for Debt." Mr. Williamfon from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, report- ed the Draught of a BUI intitled, " An Aft to direft the Time and Mode of " electing Reprefentatives, in the Congrefs of the United States for this " State," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading'. Mr. Williamfon from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, pre- fented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft.to authorize the Profecution " of Sheriffs Bonds, given before the fecond Day of July, Seventeen Hun- " dred and Seventy-fix, " which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Elijah Townfend, in behalf of David Johnfon and James Ludlam, and agreeably to Leave given at the laft Sitting, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, '.* An Aft to authorize David Johnfon and James Ludlam to build a " Grift-Mill on the North Branch of Dennis'?, Creek, in the County of " Cape-May," which Bill was read with the feveral Petitions praying the fame may be enafted into a. Law, and alfo the Petitions againft the paffing the fame, and the Parties for and againft the Bill, being prefent, were heard

by the Houfe ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time and committed to Meffrs. Cooper, WhiIden, and Sharp. Mr. Fithian from the Committee to whom were referred, the Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants of this State, praying a Law to appoint Commiffioners, with full Powers to fell and convey the Iflands in the River Delaware, belonging to this State, for the Benefit of faid State, under fuch Regulations as they may think fit, reported, It is the Opinion of this Committee that the Prayer of faid Petition ought not to be granted, as it might interfere with the Rights of Individuals, and that the faid Petition be difmifTed, By Order of the Committee, JOEL FITHIAN. To which the Houfe agreed. A Petition from the Townfhips of Hopewell, Maidenhead, and Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon, were read, prayi«£, for Reafons therein con- tained, that a Law may be pafTed for incorporating a Borough to confift of the faid Townfhips, for the Purpofes of holding Courts for the Trial of Caufes arifing within the Limits of the faid Townfhips, and eftablifh a Gaol

and Court-Houfe within the faid Borough, was read ;

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill on the fecond Tuefday of the next Sitting, previoufly advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, in Three of the moft public Places in die County of Hunterdon, ( 20 )

Hunterdon, and alfo in One of the News-Papers printed in this State, for at leafl Four Weeks. A Petition from the Inhabitants of Trenton, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to incorporate the faid Town, was read. Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition.

The Hoitfe adjourned to Three o'C lock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Combs, agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled " An Aft declarirg South River in " the County of Middlefex, a lawful Fence," which was read, whereupon, a Petition was prefented, praying that the fame may not be enafted into a

Law ; Ordered, That the faid Bill and Petition be read a fecond Time. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Trenton, dating Irregularities in the faid Town, which have taken Place by fundry riotous and diforderly Perfons, at and near the Methcdift Meeting-Houfe, and praying that fome Meafure may be taken to prevent fuch Disorders in future, was rtad and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Edmund W. King/land, Efq. praying, for the Reafons therein contained, that he may have the Liberty of collccling Monies, which were due to the Eftate of John Richards, previous to the fame beii g con- fife ated to, andvefted in this State, and which has not been paid forward, a- greeably to the Direftions of the fubfifting Laws of the State, was read and committed to Meflrs. Williamfon, Woodruff, and Newbold. A Petition from William Wallace, late a Soldier in the New-Jerfey Bri- gade, praying that Compenfation may be made him for the Depreciation of his Pay, while in the Service, was read and ordered to be committed to Meflrs. Woodruff, Imlay, Blackwood, Dayton, Condi cl, and Lloyd. A Petition from John Holmes, confined in the Gaol of the County of Mon- mouth, praying the Benefit of an Aft of Infolvency, was read and committed to Meflrs. Cooper, Condicl, and Van Cleve. The Members withdrew to attend a Joint- Meeting, and being returned, the Speaker re fumed the Chair, and then,

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o'Clock.

Thurfday, May 24, 1792.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Whilden from the Committee to whom was committed the Bill inti- a tled, " An Aft to authorize David Johnfon and James Ludlam, to build " Grift-Mill on the North Branch of Dennis's Creek, in the County of " Cape-May," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, and the the Title, Words '*. and for other Purpofes therein mentioned" added to which Bill was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engrofled. The Petition oiKenneth Hankinfon, read on the 27th Ottober laft, was ta- ken *I ( ) . ken into Confideration and Leave given to the Petitioner, to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of Ms Petition. The Letter from John Stevens, Efquire, read on the 19th of November laft, was read a fecond Time, and his Son John Jtevens, prefented to the Houfe certain Books, which he informed were the oripinal Treafurv Books, together with Copies thereof, and fubmitted them to the Infpeclion of the

Houfe ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Books be committed to Meffrs. Condift, William- fon, Wallace, Fithian, and Hedden, to infpect them, and report thereon.

Mr. Clark, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " Act to preferve Order and Decency in Places of Worfhip," which was read and ordered a fecond Readinp-. A Petition from Effexand Bergen, praying that a Law may be palled, to empower the Juftices and Freeholders, of the faid Counties of Efjex and Ber- gen, to erecl and build another Draw-Bridge over Pajfaick, where the old Bridge formerly flood, or as near the fame Place as conveniently may be, was read.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill agreeably to die Prayer of the faid Petition. A Petition from the Members of the Society for the Promotion of Agri- culture and domeftic Manufactures, in the County of Burlington, read on the 21ft Inftant, was read a fecond Time and committed to Meffrs. Wallace, Black-mood, Lloyd, and Nezvbold. A Petition from JohnLeghton and Wife, ftating a Demand againft a for- feited Eflate, was read and committed to Meffrs. Linn, Williamfon, Little, Burgin, and Whilden.

The Bill, intitled, " An A cl. to enable the Church-Wardens and Veftry- " men of the Epifcopal Church in Pifcataway Town, to repair their Meet- '* ing-Houfe, which was deftroyed by the Enemy ; and to enable the Firft- ** Day Baptift Society, to build a Meeting-Houfe at Samptown, in faid Pif- " cataway Townfhip," was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engroffed. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Burlington and Hunterdon, praying that the Laws of the State maybe fo amended, that the Liberation of Slaves may be made as eafy to the Proprietors of them as Pof- fible, was read and referred to the next Sitting. The Petition of Peter Applsman, of the County of Sujfex, was read and difmifTed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, " An Act to enable the Church-Wardens and «' Veflrymen, of the Epifcopal Church in Pifcataway Town, to repair their " Meeting-FIoufe, wliich was deftroyed by the Enemy, and to' enable the " Firft-Day Baptift Society, to build a Meeting-FIoufe at Samptown, in the " faid Pifcataway Townfhip," wa; read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill do pafs, it was Negatived ; where- upon, F Ordered, ( rf )

Ordered, That thefaid Bill, and Petitions praying therefor, be difmifTed.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize David "Johnfan and James Ludlam, to build a Grill-Mill on the North Branch of Dennis's Creek, in the County of Capo-May, and for other Purpofes therein men- tioned," was read and compared.

Refolved unav.imouih, that the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Clark do carry the faid Bill to Council for concur- rence.

Mr. Little agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Acl for the Relief of Kenneth *' Hankinfon, an Inhabitant of the County of Monmouth, for the Lofs of cer- " tain Depreciation Notes, given by this State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Agreeably to Leave given, Charles Sitydam appeared before the Houfe, and by his Council, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act to " authorize Charles Sin dam to continue a certain Mill-Dam, near Raritan ** Landing Bridge," whereupon a Remonftrance was prefented and read a- gainfl: the Propriety ofpaffing the fame, and Mr. Suydam attending with his Witnefles was heard in fupport of his Bill.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time ; whereupon, Mr. D. Vroom moved and was feconded by Mr. Wallace, that a Day be appointed for the fecond Reading, and that the Sublcribers to the Remon- ftrance, be heard in Oppofition to the Bill.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Motion ; it was carried in the Negative.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, An Aft to au- tf thorize the Treafurer to pay Intereil on certain Notes."

A Motion was made to fubftitute Two Sections in place of the Bill as it at prefent Hands, which were read and the further Confideration thereof pofl- poned.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Upper Allow ay's Creek, in the County of Salem, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to oblige the Inhabitants of Lower Alloway's Creek to rebuild and repair the Draw in Hancock's Bridge, in Order that mailed VefTels may pafs through, was read and a Petition was alfo prefentedfrom Lower Alloway's Creek in Oppofition thereto. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be committed to Meflrs. Sharp, Sinnick- Jbn, and CondiB, to report thereon. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Burlington, praying, that the Road Acl: may be formed to enable the Inhabitants of Burlington, to repair their Roads in fuch Way, as fhall be agreed to by a Majority of the Inhabitants at the annual Town-Meeting, was read and committed to die Committee on the Road Act.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o 'Clock.

Mr. ( n )

Friday, May 2,5, 1792.

The Ho ufc met.

Mr. WiMamfon from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of Elizabeth Kearney and others, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, *' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, an Aft to authorize Perfons whofe " Eftates have been confifcated, or their legal Reprefentatives, to demand " and receive all Debts or Sums of Money, which are due to this State, in " virtue of fuch Confifcations," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Cooper from the Committee, to whom was referred the Bill intitled* " An Act for the Relief of Perfons imprifoned for Debt," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, and the following Title, " An Act relpec- " ting the Confinement of Perfons for Debt," which Bill was read and the further Confideration thereof poftponed. Ordered, That Mr. Runyan have Leave of Abfence during the remainder of the prefent Sitting, on Account of his Indifpofition.

Mr. Williamfon from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of Andrew Smyth, Son of John Smyth, late of Amboy, reported as follows :

That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Prayer of the faid Petitioner ought to be granted, fo far as refpeets the real Eftate, late of the faid John Smyth, which has not been actually feized or taken Pofleflion of, by the Com- miffioners or Agents of forfeited Eftates, and remains at this Time unfold, the faid Andrew Smyth previoufly filing a Statement of the fame, with the e- ftimated Value thereof, in the Treafury-Qffice of this State, and entering into a Bond with fufficient freehold Security to the Treafurer of this State, for the Time being, in the Sum fo eftimated, and conditioned for the Payment to the faid Treafurer for the Ufe of this State, of One Third of the Valuj of the Property he fhall or may recover, within One Year after the Recovery thereof, and your Committee would recommend to the Houfe, that he have Leave to prefent a Bill on the Terms above mentioned. By Order of the Committee, MATTHIAS WILLIAMSON, Jun. To which the Houfe agreed.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to authorize Charles Suydam, to continue a *"* certain Mill-Dam near Raritan Landing Bridge," was read a fecond

Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled. , Mr. Sharp, from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petitions for and againft the Draw in the Bridge over Alloway's Creek, in the County of Salem, reported as follows. That by the Laws of the State the Inhabitants were entitled to build a Bridge over faid Creek, and are not bound to maintain a Draw in the fame, and are of the opinion, that the Petitioners in favor of the Draw have Leave to prefent a Bill, agreeably to the Prayer of their Petition, on the fecond Wednefday in next Sitting, previoufly advertifmg the Purport of their Bill, together with a Copy of this Report, at leaft Three Weeks, in Three qf the moft public Places in faid Townfhip of Lower AUoway's Creek, in the County of Salem. By Order of the Committee, SAMUEL SHARP. To which the Houfe agreed. Ordered, ( H )

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to direft the Time and Mode of elefting Re- '• prefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this State," was read a fccond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize Charles Suydam to " continue a certain Mill-Dam, near Raritan Landing Bridge," was read and compared.

Refolved, That the fame do pafs,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Combs do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concur- rence.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from James Shay, late a Soldier in the New-Jcrfej Line, pray- ing that a Law may be paiTed to make him Compenfation for the Deprecia- tion of his Pay, while in the Service of the United States, was read and com- mitted to Meffrs. Imlay, Blackwood, Dayton, Condicl, and Lloyd.

Mr. TFilliamfon, with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Payment of a Part of the Principal and the Intereft of the " Debts of this State ;" which Bill was read and ordered to be read a fecond Time, with the Bill before the Houfe intitled, "An Ace to authorize the " Treafurer to pay Intereft on certain State Notes."

Sundry Petitions from Eve/ham, praying that a Law may pafs, to author- ize them to repair their Roads by Tax, was read and referxed to the Com- *J mittee on th£ Road Aft.

Sundry Petitions from Burlington and Gloucefter Counties, praying that fome effeftual Meafures may be taken to prevent die Stealing of pine and ce- dar Timber, was read and referred to the next Sitting.

A Petition from Burlington County, from Owners or PoffeiTors of Saw- Mills on Raiuocus Creek, praying that every Obftruftion may be removed as far as Pofhble, to facilitate the Navigation of the faid Creek, and that the Aft to amend an Aft intitled, " An Aft for the Improvement of the Navi- " gation of die South Weft Branch of Rancocus Creek," may be repealed, fo far as refpefts the Fine to be impofedon the Proprietors of Mills for draw- ing the Water from their Ponds, for the Purpofe of floating Rafts down the Creek, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Snjfex County, praying an A- mendment to the Law for the Divifion of real Property, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading, with the Aft for the Partition of Lands.

Mr. Beard/lee from Council, prefented the Bill intitled, " An Aft to au- " thorize David Johnfon and James Ludlam, to build a Grift-Mill on the " the North Branch of Dennis's Creek, in the County of Cape-May, and for '* other Purpofes therein mentioned," with fundry Amendments, which were read and ordered a fecond Reading. Two Petitions from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Burlington and Gloucfflcr, praying an Alteration, for the Reafons therein fet forth, in the Tax-Laws of the State, as far as refpefts the Taxing of covered Market- Waggons, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The ( *J )

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize David Jokt/on and j aim. t L&d- " lam, to build a Grift-Mill on the North Branch of Dennis's Creek, in the ** County of Cape-May, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," with die Amendments made thereto by Council, was read a fecond Time, and the Amendments agreed to.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engroifed, with the Amendments made thereto by Council.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft to di- " reel: the Time and Mode ofeleftiug Reprefentatives in theCongrefs of the " United States for this State," and after having gone through the faid Bill, Ordered, That the famebeengrofled. The re-engrofled Bill intitled, ** An Aft to authorize David J ohnfon and " James Ludlam, to build a Grift-Mill on the North Branch of Dennis's " Creek, in the County of Cape-May, and for other Purpofes therein men- " tioned," was read and compared.

Refolved That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Condift do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and ac- quaint them that the fame is paffed by this Houfe with their Amendments. Mr. Combs, agreeably to Leave given at the laft Sitting, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to enable " the Owners and Polfeffors of the Meadows adjoining Stony Brook, in the " Townfhip of Wind]or, and Meadows in Maidenhead adjacent, to clear out " the Logs, Brufh, and Saplings, in faid Brook, to prevent the overflow- Ving the fame," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Williamfon, agreeably to leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to empower the Jufti- ' * ces and FreehdWfcp of the Counties of Bergen and Effex, to ereft a Bridge '« over the River Fetffaick, near the Church at Acquackanunk," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition from Burlington County, from the owners or PofTeffors of Saw-Mills on Rancocus Creek, read this Morning, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition, on the third Tuefday of the next Sittinrr, pre- vioufly advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, with a Copy of this Order, for at leaft Three Weeks in Three of the moft public Places in the Neighborhood of Rancocus Creek.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o Clock.

Saturday, May 16, 1 792.

the Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Relief of Kenneth Hankinfon, an Inha- *' bitant of the County of Monmouth, for the Lofs of certain Depreciation '* Notes given by this State," was read a fecond Time debated and ordered to be engrofled.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft to '* difcharge Jacob Arnold, Efquire, late Sheriff of the County of Morris, G " from ( *s )

" from certain Fines therein mentioned," and having gone through the faid Bill, Ordered, That the famebeengrofled.

The Bill intitled, " An Act directing the Treafurer to advance to the " Commilfioners for providing fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation " of the Legiflature, the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds, in lieu of the like " Sum directed to be paid them out of the Money allowed to be raifed by " Lottery, for erecting Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack," was read a fecond 1 ime debated and ordered to be eno-rofTed.o Mr. Imlay from the Committee, to whom was re-committed, the Re-> port made to this Houfe at the laft Sitting, together with fundry Petitions for Claims againft this State, reported as follows :

i. That in the Opinion of your Committee the Claims of William Do- naldfon, late a Soldier in Captain Holme's Company, who has petitioned for

Depreciation of Pay ; of John Hep nor, late a Soldier in the third Jerfey Re- giment for Depreciation of Pay ; of Nicholas Bogart, Father of James Bo- gar t, late a Soldier in the fame Regiment, and who was killed in the Service, for Pay and Depreciation of Pay ; of John Freeland, late a Soldier in the

Nine Month Service, firft Jerfey Regiment, for Pay ; of William Wallace, late a Soldier in the Neiu-Jerfey Brigade, for Depreciation of Pay ; of John B. Ryker, late a Surgeon in the Service, and who was deranged before the tenth Day of April 1780 ; of Elifa Jewell, for Pay as an Exprefs to die late Governor Living/ton ; of Captain Reuben Randolph, for Satisfaction of Monies recovered of, and paid by him, on Account of Wine taken and iflu- ed to- the Troops under his Command during the late War; ought not to be allowed by this State, Congrefs having fufpended the Refolutions of the late Continental Congrefs, palled the 2d of November, 1785. and 3d July,

1787 ; limiting the Period for the Admiffion of Claims againft the United States, and authorizing the Treafury Department to liquidate the fame.

2. That the Claim of Silvefter Marias, late a Sergeant in the Militia of this State, who received a Wound while in the Service, with which he was confined for Six Months and Three Weeks, fnould be allowed. That Warrants be iffued to Elizabeth War dun, Widow of Samuel War- dun, late a Sergeant in the Jerfey Brigade, in the fervice of the United States, and who died in Service, the Sum of Thirty Shillings per Month, from the firft Day of September, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-nine. To Phebe Leonard, late Phcbe Luiin, formerly Widow of Squire Limn, late an Enfign in General Heard's Brigade, in the Service of the United States, and who died in Service, the Sum of Ten Dollars per Month, from the fixth Day of Augnjl, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-fix, to the 23d. day of April, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Seventy-eight, being the vAmount of her late Hufband's Half-Pay. To Martha Treeleafe, late Martha Lyon, Widow of Henry Lyon, late a Corporal in the firft Jerfey Regiment, in the Service of the United States, and who died in the faid Service, the Sum of Twenty-feven Shillings and Six-pence per Month, from the firft Day of Augufl, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-eight, to the 10th Day of May, Seventeen" Hundred and Eighty- eight, being the Term of her Widowhood.

To Abigail Minthorn, Widow of Philip Minthorn, late a Sergeant in the firft Jerfey Regiment, in the Service of die United States, and who died in Service ( *7 )

Service, the Sum of Thirty Shilling per1 Month, from the 23d Day of December, Seventeen Hundred and Eighty.

To Sufanna Boiulby, late Sufanna Martin, Widow of John Martin, late a Private in the Militia of this State, and who died in Service, the Sum of Twen- ty-five Shillings per Month, from the firft Day of'February, Seventeen Hun- dred and Seventy-eight, to the nrft Day of April, Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-eight, being the Amount of her late Hufbands Half-Pay. To Sarah Turner, Widow o?Jarzel Turner, late a Sergeant in Colonel ^ Spencer's Regiment, in the Service of the United States, and who died in Ser- vice, the Sum of Thirty Shillings per Month, from the 29th Day of July, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-feven.

To Abigail Carman, Widow of Mofcs Carman, late a Private in Colonel Spencer'?, Regiment, in the Service of the United States, and who died in Service, the Sum of Twenty-five Shillings per Month, from the 28th Day of February, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-eight.

To Rachael Channel, Widow of John Channel, late a Private in Colonel Spencer's Regiment, in the Service of the United States, and who died in Ser- vice, the Sum of Twenty-five Shillings per Month, from the firft Day of June, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-feven. That the Claim of David Thompfon, ought not to be allowed, his Account having been fettled with the State, on the 12th Day of June, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-nine. That the Prayer of the Petition of JohnRofe, ought not to be granted, as it appears from the Entries in the Treafury Office, that the Certificates to iS Two Soldiers by the Name of John Rofe, has been duly iffued and delivered. One of each to Captain Jonathan Forman, and the other to themfelves. By Order of the Committee, JOHN IMLAY.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. The Billintitled, " An Act to alter the Place of holding the Annual Elec- " tion in the County of Morris," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

Mr. Oglen from Council, delivered to this Houfe, a Bill intided, •' An " Aft to authorize and empower the Board of Truftees of the firft Prefby- " terian Congregation of Independence in the County of Sujfex, to ereft a *' Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned," to which he requefted the

Concurrence of this Houfe, which Bill was read ;

On the Oueftion, whether the fame be read a fecond Time, it was carried in the Negative. Ordered, That Mr. Fithian, do wait on the Council, and inform them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe. Mr. Newbold with Leave, and in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, ** An Ail for transfering the Refidue of theconfif- «« cated real Eftate, late of John Smyth," which was read and ordered a fe- cond Reading. The Petition from a Committee of the Board of Juftices and Freeholders, of the County of Effex, praying, that the Legiflature would take up the Re- port of their Committee, who reported in May, 1786 ; That the County of EJfexihould have a Credit on any Taxes that may remain due, on or before the :

( *8 )

the Year 1782, was read and committed to Meflrs. Van Cleve, D. Vroom, and Condift.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County ofMiddlefex, praying that a Law may be pafled, to authorize the Juftices and Freeholders of that County, to erect a convenient Court-Houfe and Gaol, and raife Money to de- fray the Expence, at fuch Place as a Majority of the County by Election may order, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engrofled Bill in titled, «* An Act for the Relief of Kenneth Hankinfon, " an Inhabitant of the County of Monmouth, for the Lofs of certain Depre- " ciation Notes given by this State," was read and compared. Refolved, That die fame do pafs.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Act to difcharge Jacob Arnold, Efquire, " late Sheriffof the County of' Mon'is, from certain Fines therein mention- " ed," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affirm-

ative as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Meflrs. Anderfon, Meflrs. Starke, Meflrs. Berry, Bidleman, Still well, Blackwood, Clark, Stockton, Burgin, Combs, Van Cleve, Cooper, Condict, Vredenbergh, Fithian, Dayton, Williamfon, Helmes, D. Vroom, Imlay, Hankinfon, Lloyd, Kingfland, Newbold, Linn, Sinnickfon, Little, E. Townfend, Lowrey, R. Townfend, Sharp, Wallace, Smith, Whilden.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Act directing the Treafurer to advance " to the Commiflioners for providing fuitable Buildings for the Accommo- " dation of the Legiflature, the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds in lieu of " the like Sum, directed to be paid them out of the Money allowed to be " raifed by Lottery, for the erecting Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaick and " Hackinfack," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affir- mative as follows ( *9 ) ( 3° )

The Houfe adjourned till Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.

Monday, May 28, 1792.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Wallace agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An A£l to incorporate a Part of " the Townfliip of Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engrofled Bill intitled, An Aft to direct the Time and Mode of elecl:- " ing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this State," was read and compared ;

On the QuefHon, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affirm- ative as follows; 3i ( )

Order e-i, That Mr. Dayton do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence. The Report of Mr. Linn, on the 22d Inftant, was read a fecond

Time :

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, as far as it refpe&s the Application, of Eleanor Van Mater, John Stevens, Efquire, Gafoa Ackerman, and William Rudrov.>, Jofepb Copperthwaite, and William

Folwell, it was carried In the Affirmative ; whereupon,

Ordered, That their Petitions and Papers be difmiffed.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, as far as it refpects Racbacl Cortivright's Application, it was carried in the Nega- tive ; whereupon, Ordered, That the Petition and Papers from Rachael Cortiuright, be committed to Meffrs. Helmes. CondicJ, and Hankinfon, to bring in a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of her Petition.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, as far as it refpects the Application of Sylvanus Adorns, Executor and Co. of Sa- muel Croivell, deceafed, it was carried in the Affirmative ; whereupon.

Ordered, That the faid Petition and Papers be difmiffed.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report, as far as it refpe&s the Application of James Perry, and 'Thomas Hays, and the Applica- tion of the Adminiftrators, and Co. of John Van Bufkirk, deceafed, it was car- ried in the Affirmative, whereupon.

Ordered, That their Papers be referred to Meffrs. Helmes, Candid, and Hankinfon, to bring in a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petitions.

The Ihvfe adjourned to Three o Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Samuel Rank, Adminiftrator and Co. of William Runk, praying Leave, for Reafons therein contained, to prefent a Bill, to authorize him to make a Title unto Robert Sharp, and Walter Wilfon, for Lands fold by the Inteftate to them, being an undivided Half-Part of a Tract of Land formerly the Property of Jacob Runk, and a; to the other Half of the faid Tracl of Land, One Part thereof, to vert in him the faid Samuel, agreeably to Contract, and to authorize him to difpofe of the other Part, being the One fourth Part of the faid Tracl of Land, formerly belonging to the laid Jacob Runk, and to pay the Monies thence arifing, to the legal Reprefentatives of the faid William Runk.

Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of his Petition, on the fecond Wednefday of the next Sitting, on previously advertifing the Purport of the Bill he means to prefent, and a Copy of this Order, in Three of the moft public Flaces in the Townmip, of Amwell, for at leaft Three Weeks previous thereto. Mr. Helmes from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petitions of Mary Van Bufirk, of Perry and Hays, and of Rachal Cortivright, prclcnted the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act directing the Treafurer of this " State, to iflhe certain Certificates to the Perfons therein named," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. CD Mr. ( V- )

Mr. Condift, from the Committee to whom were referred, the Books of

John Stevens, Efquire, late Treafurer, reported as follows :

That it appears there are Entries contained in the faid Books, for each Year, from the Commencement to the Termination of Ms Office as Treafu-

rer ; that the original Ledgers do not appear to have been delivered to this

Houfe ; that the Copies made of the Day Books appear not to be correct, many of the Dates being tranfpofed, which renders the comparing the fame

with the Originals very difficult ; that the probable Time of the prefent Sit- ting of the Legiflature, will not admit a full Invefhgation of the Entries

therein contained ; it is therefore the Opinion of your Committee, that fome Perfons ought to be appointed, to examine the faid Books during the Recefs of the Legillature, and report to them at their next Seffion, fuch Matters contained in the faid Books, as may appear to be interefting to the State, or that may any way aid the final Settlement of the public Accounts, and the Opinion of fuch Perfons, whether the faid original Ledgers are ne- ceflary for the Purpofes aforefaid, or not. By Order of the Committee, SILAS CONDICT.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. The Speaker laid before the Houfe, a Letter from John Stevens, defiring that a Commmittee may be Appointed before whom he might attend, to fhew that he ought not to be Accountable to the State, for £.120,000 pla- ced to his Account by the prefent Treafurer, was read and ordered a fecond Reading, with the Report of Mr. Condicl of this Afternoon. The Bill intitled, " An Act to pre ferve Order and Decency in Places of " public Worihip," was read afecond Time and committed to Meflrs. Con- dicl, Clark, and Sharp.

Mr. Van Cleve, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petiti- on from the Board of Juflices and Freeholders of the County of EJJex, re- ported as follows;

That in the Opinion of your Committe the Prayer of the faid Petition

ought to be granted, therefore recommend the following Refolution :

Refohed, That the Treafurer of this State be, and he is hereby authorized ind directed to Credit the County of EJfex with the Sum of on any Taxes that are now due from faid County. By Order of the Committee, BENJAMIN VAN CLEVE.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. Mr. Wallace from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition from the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture and domeilic Manufac- tures, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act for the Encourage- " ment and Support of Agriculture and domeftic Manufactures," which was read and referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill intitled, " An Act refpecting the Confinement of Perfons for " Debt," was read a fecond Time; and the Petition from William Met- calf, was alfo read, and referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to empower the Jufiices and Freeholders, " of the Counties of Bergen and EJfex, to erect a Bridge over the River " Pajjaick, near the Church at Acquackanunk" was read a fecond time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. ( 33 )

Mr. Williamson, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Pe- tition of Edmund William King (I and ; reported, That in their Opinion, the Petitioner fhould have Leave to prcfent a Bill, agreeably to the Prayer of the Petition, upon fuch Compenfation be- ing made to the State, as may appear reafonable and proper. By Order of the Committee. MATTHIAS WILLIAMSON, Jun.

To which the Houfe agreed.

Mr. Williamfon, with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, "< An Aft directing the Treafurer to pay certain Monies to the late Com- << miffioners of forfeited Eftates, for the County of EJjex," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " A Supplement to, an AcT: to authorize Perfons *' whofe Eftates have been confifcated, or their legal Reprefentatives, to " demand and receive, all Debts or Sums of Money, which are due to ** this State, in Virtue of fuch Confifcations, " was read a fecond lime, and committed to MefTrs. Condift, Linn, and Sharp.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Act to alter the Place of holding the

" annual Election in the County of Morris ," was read and compared ;

Refolved nnanimoufly , That the fame do pafs : Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. D. Vroom do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for Cuncurrence.

The Bill intitled, " An AcT: for transferring the Refidue of the confifca- *? ted real Eftate, late of John Smyth," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be enajoflecL to

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o' Clock.

Tuefday, May 29, 1792.

The Hoiife met.

Mr. Condift, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill inti- tled, " An Act to preferve Order and Decency in Places of public Wor- " fhip," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which was read, debated, and ordered to be enorofled. Mr. Imlay, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of James Shay reported, That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Claim of James Shay, late a Soldier in the Nezv-Jerfey Brigade, who has petitioned for Depreciation of Pay, ought not to be allowed by this State, Congrefs having fufpended the Refolution of the late Continental Congrefs, parted the ad November, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty-five, and the 3d July, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty-feven, limiting the Period for the Admiflion of Claims againft the United States, and authorizing the Trea- fury Department to liquidate the fame. By Order of the Committee. JOHN IMLAY. Which I ( 34 )

Which Report was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Congregation of Bedminjler, in the Counties of So- la rfet and Hunterdon, praying that a Law may be pafled, for altering the whereupon, Law for Incorporating faid Congregation, was read ; Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, agreeably to the Praver of faid Petition, on the firft Thur/day in next Sitting, on their a Ivertiiing the Purport of the faid Bill, with a Copy of this Order, Four Weeks previous thereto, at the Meeting- Houfe of the faid Congregation. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Burlington County, praying that -the Laws of the State, respecting the Liberation of Slaves, may be fo amend- ed, as to authorize and induce Slave -Keepers, to liberate them while young, was read and referred to the next Sitting. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Burlington, pray- ing that a Law may be pafled, to authorize Executors and Adminiflra- tors, to fubmit to Referees, the Decifion of controverted Accounts, was read and referred to the next Sitting. A Petition from Kenneth Hankinfon, late Collector of Monmouth Coun- ty, Mating Difficulties in the Settlement of his Accounts with the County, and praying that a Law may pafs, appointing Commiffioners to examine and fettle the Accounts between him and the Board of Juflices and Free- holders of that County; was read with feveral Petitions from the County of Monmouth on that Subject.

Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of his Petition. The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to empower the Juflices and *' Freeholders of the Counties of Bergen and EJfex, to erect a Bridge o-

*.* ver the River Paflaick, near the Church at Acquackamink," was read

and compared : Refolved, That the fame do pafs.

' The engroffed Bill intitled, ' An Act for transferring the Refidue of " the confifcated real Eftate, late of John Smyth," was read and com-

pared :

On the Oueflion, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affirm-

ative as follows ; Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Hankinfon do carry the faid Bills to the Council for Concurrence.

The Bill intitled, " An Acl dire cling the Treafurer to pay certain Mo- *'* nies to the late Commiflioners of forfeited Eftates, for the County of " Ejfex," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrof- fed. -• Mr. Wallace, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition from the Majority of the Veftry and Members of the Epifcopal Church of

St. Mary, in the City of Burlington, reported as follows ; That the Petitioners have exhibited Proofs, of the feveral Matters al- ledgedin their Petition, and that, in the Opinion of your Committee, they be allowed to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer thereof. By Order of the Committee, JOSHUA M. WALLACE.

To which the Houfe agreed. The Report of Mr. Imlay, of the 26th Inftant, was read a fecond

Time :

Ordered, That the firfl Paragraph be poftponed. Ordered, That the Remainder of the Report be agreed to, and that Warrants be iffued in favor of the feveral Perfons therein named, except that of Sylvefler Marius, which was ordered to be referred to the Com- r&'}'^7 mittee on the incidental Bill.

T.he Houfe adjourned to Three 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Warrents entitling, Abigail Carman, Racbael Channel, Sarah Tilrner, Sufanna Bowlshy, late Sufanna Martin, Abigail Minthom, Martha Treeleafe, f late Martha Lyon, Phcbe Leonard, late Pbebe Lunn, and Elizabeth Wardun t f ,/?-*i*'j feverally to receive their late Hufbands' Half-Pay, were read and agreed to : n,."-™ {u Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid feveral Warrants :

Ordered, That, Mr. Redden do carry the faid feveral Warrants to the ' -<.~.*y* Council for Concurrence. » zf Agreeably to the Order of the Day on the Petition of Francis Hover, he / * ./ c* ") attended the Houfe, to fupport the Charges made againfthis Wife, and fhe^' -*^ alfo attended to defend herfelffrom the Charges, and they were both heard ^*< -**• **

with their Witnefles; whereupon, -/~3lL jCt^-* Mr. Sharp prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Acl to divorce * y a tl Francis Hjver, from Elizabeth his Wife," which Bill was read and order*'*

ed a fecond Reading. / . // The engrofled Bill intitled, "An Acl direcling the Treafurer to pay cer- ^A J *' tain Monies, to the late Commiffioners of forfeited Eftates for the County A<*«-~ *" ** of Ejfex," was read and compared. '^

Refolvcd, That the fame do pals.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Hedden, do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence. ;

( 3* )

A Warrant in favor of Mary Sutton, the Widow of Robert Sutton, late a a Private in Colonel Bowes Reed's Regiment of Militia, in lieu of One da- ted the 17th March, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty, for Twenty-five Shillings per Month, from the iothDay of May, One Thou- fand Seven Hundred and Seventy-eight, the fame having been filled with

Endorfements, was read and compared :

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame : Ordered, That Mr. Hedden do carry the faid Warrant to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Outiuater from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled* " An Act for the Relief of Kenneth Hankinfon, an Inhabitant of the Coun- " ty of Monmouth, for the Lofs of certain Depreciation Notes, given by *} the State," — the Bill intitled, " An Act to difcharge Jacob Arnold, , " Efquire, late Sheriff of the County of Morris, from certain Fines there- " in mentioned,"— and the Bill intitled, " An Act, to direct the Time '« and Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the Cpngrefs of the United " States for this State,"— the Bill intitled, " An Act directing the Trea- " furer to advance to the Commiffioners for providing fuitable Buildings '* for the Accommodation of the Legiflature, the Sum of Two Thoufand " Pounds, in lieu of the like Sum directed to be paid them out of the Mo- '* ney allowed to be raifed by Lottery, for the erecting Bridges over the " Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack/'—and the Bill intitled, " An Act for ?* the Payment of Part of the Principal and the Intereft of the Debts of ** this State," are paffed by Council without amendment.

Mr. Williamfon, agreeably to Leave given, and in bdhalf of the Petiti- oners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act to enable the " Owners and PoffefTors of Afh-Swamp In the County of EJfex, t-o make '*. and keep up fufficient Drains, for vending the Water running through " the Swamp," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

- The Report of Mr. CondicT: of Yefterday, was taken up, with the Let

\ ter from Mr. Stevens, and read a fecond Time ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the Books of John Stevens, the late Treafurer, be refer- red to James Mott, Treafurer, and Aaron Dunham, Auditor of Accounts of this State, who are directed to examine them, and report thereon, a- greeably to the Directions of the Report of the Committee.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Nine o'Clock.

"A Wednefday, May 30, 1792.

*'" -'• . The Houfe met.

> Mr. Cooper, from the Committee appointed to report a Road-Act, brought in a Bill intitled, *'. An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Town- " fhips of Northampton, Cheflcrfield, and Evejham, and the Town of Bur- '* lington, in the County of Burlington ; the Townfhips of Wdterford and

" Egg-Harbour , and the Town of Glouccjler, in the County of Gioucejler " the Town of Salem in the County of Salem; and the Townfhip of " Greenwich, in the County of Sujjex, to repair their High-Ways by Hire, " and to raife Money for that Purpofe," which was read ; Whereupon, the Committee defired to be difcharged from their Ap- pointment, ( 37 )

pointment, which was agreed to, and the Bill now reported, with the fe- veral Petitions, ordered to be referred to the next Sittincr.

Mr. Still-well agreeably to Leave given and in behalf of Kenneth Hankin- fon, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act appointing Commif- " fionersto fettle the Accounts of Kenneth Hankinfon, Efquire, late Collec- " tor of the County of Monmouth, and for other Purpofes therein mention- " ed," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Williamfon, agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for transferring the Re- '* fidue of the confifcated Eftate, late of John Richards, deceafed," wMch Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Truftees of the Congregation of Bedminfter, in the Counties of Somerfet and Hunterdon, praying that the Legiflature will rejeft the Petition from the faid Congregation read Yefterday, or that they may be heard in Oppofition to that Petition, was read and ordered a fecond Reading on the firft Thurfday in nert Sitting.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to divorce Francis Hover from Elizabeth his " Wife," was read a fecond Time ; On the Queftion, whether the 2d Section, moved for by Mr. Williamfon, the do pafs, it was carried in Affirmative as follows ;

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. MefTrs. Anderfon, MefTrs. Little, MefTrs. Bidleman, Berry, Newbold, Blackwood, Burgin, Stillwell, Combs, Clark, Stockton, Condift, Cooper, E. Townfend, Fithian, Dayton, Van Cleve, Lloyd. Hedden, Vredenbergh, Kingfland, Wallace, Linn, Williamfon.

The Houfe having gone through the faid Bill, Ordered, That the fame be engrolTed. Agreeably to the Order of the Day, on the Petitions from Burlington, for a Law to authorize the Building a Bridge over Rancocus ; The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Bill intitled, " An Aft for building and maintaining a *'* Bridge over Rancocus Creek at Wallace's Ferry," which was read, and a Memorial from fundry Perfons, defiring that the faid Bill may be refer-

red to the next Sitting, was alfo read ; On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to refer the Bufinefs to the next Seffion, it was carried in the Negative. Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe, a Bill intitled, " A Supplement to " the A ft intitled, an Aft for the Relief of infolvent Debtors," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Williamfon, in behalf of the Petitioner, agreeably to Leave given, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to direft the Treafurer " to kTue a Certificate unto Samuel Ogden, Executor and Co. of Sarah " Morris, deceafed," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. K The ( J« )

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to preferve Order and Decency in " Places of* public Worfhip," was read and compared.

Refolved unanimoufly , That the fame do pafs. The engrofTed Bill intitled, " An Aft to divorce Francis Hover, from E- " lizabetblus Wife," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affirm- ative as follows ; ( 39 )

and the Parties attending, were heard with their Witneffes againft the Bill. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Bill be poftponed, and that the Parties attend again To-morrow Morning.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine o 'Clock.

Thurfday , May 31, 1 792.

The Houfe met.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day on the Bill intitled, " An AR for *« building and maintaining a Bridge over Rancocus Creek, at Wallace's ** Ferry," the Houfe refumed the Confideration of that Bufinefs, and heard Witneffes in Support of the Bill.

Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for the revifing and digefting the Laws of this State," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Cloek, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An A (ft for " building and maintaining a Bridge over Rancocus Creek, at Wallace's " Ferry," and heard Counfel fum up the Teftimony offered refpecfting

tliis Bufinefs ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be referred to the next Seffion, and that the Parties for and againft the fame, be heard again before the Afl'embly, on the fecond Monday of die next Sitting, on the Applicants for the Bill, advertif- ing a Copy of this Order in Mount-Holly, New-Mills, Moores-Town and Bur- lington, Three Weeks previous to that Day. Two Petitions from the County of Cumberland, praying that Meafures .may be taken by a Law, more effe&ually to ftraighten the Roads from Bridgetown and Greenwich, to Philadelphia, were read and referred to the next Seffion. A Petition from the Townfhip of Elfenborougb, in the County of Salem, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to authorize the Inhabitants of that Town- fhip, to repair their Roads by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpofe, was read and referred to the next Seffion.

«' The Bill intitled, A Supplementary Acl:, to the Aft intitled, an A eft for " the better enabling of Creditors to recover their Juft Debts, from Per- << fons who abfcond themfelves," was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered a third reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning Eight o'Clock.

Friday, June 1, 1792.


The Houfe met.

Mr. Linn, from the Committee to whom was referredj the Petition of John ( 4° )

Job'tl Dougherty, William Manning and, Ebenezer Ford; and the Petition of John Leghton, and Elizabeth his Wife, late Elizabeth Meeker , Adminiftra- tors of the Eftate of John Meeker, deceafed, reported as follows:

1. That the Claim of John Dougherty, is, by Virtue of a Purchafe of a Debt, due from the confifcated Eftate of Solomon Cortwright, to Daniel Bevier, of the State of New-York, that to allow his Claim, would defeat the Law of this State, refpefting Claims of Citizens of that State, againft the confifcated Eftates in this State ; that therefore his Petition ought to be difmiffed.

2. That no fuffieient Vouchers have been produced to the Committee, in Support of the Claim of William Manning, and Ebenezer Ford, therefore their Petition ought to be referred to the next Seffion.

3. That the Prayer of the Petition of John Leghton, and Elizabeth his Wife, ought to be granted, fo far as to authorize the Treafurer to iflue a Certificate to them for the Sum prayed for, upon fo much Money being re- ceived by the Treafurer of the confifcated Eftate of John Willis. By Order of the Committee, JAMES LINN.

To which the Houfe agreed.

Refolved, That the Treafurer be, and he is hereby directed, to endorfe Two Year's Intereft, on all the Certificates iffued by him, by virtue of an Aft palled the 29th Day of May laft, intitled, " An Ad for the Relief of " Kenneth Hankinfon, an Inhabitant of the County of Monmouth, for the <( Lofs of certain Depreciation Notes, given by this State," before he de- livers them, except One dated June 26, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty-one, No. 323, figned by John Stevens, Junior, to Poivcl Al- (lon, for the Sum of Sixty Pounds Eight Shillings and Nine-pence.

Ordered, That Mr. Imlay do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for transferring the Refidue of the Eftate, '* late of John Richards, deceafed," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Relief of Robert Nixon, Richard " Hanlon, and Barnes I. Smock," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to enable the Owners and PofTeflbrs of the '•* Meadows adjoining Stony Brook, in the Townlhip of Windfor, and " Meadows in Maidenhead adjacent, to clear out the Logs and Brufh in " faid Brook, to prevent the Overflowing of the fame," was read a fe- cond Time, and referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill intitled, " A Supplementary Aft to the Aft intitled, an Aft for " the better enabling of Creditors to recover their juft Debts, from Perfons " who abfcondthemfelves," was read a third Time:

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affirm-

ative as follows ;

Yeas, ( 4' )

Yeas. Yeas. Nays.

Mr. Aiderfori, Mr. Kingfland, Mr. Blackwood^ Mr. Berry, Mr. Linn, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Combs, Mr. Little, Mr. Fithian,

Mr. Condi'ft., Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Loivrey, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Newbold, Mr. E. Townfend, Mr. D. Vroom, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. R. Townfend, Mr. Uankinfon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Hedden, Mr. Starke, Mr. Vredenbergh, Mr. Helmes, Mr. Stillvjell, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Williamfon. Mr. Whilden.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. King/land, do carry the faid Bill to Council, and ac- quaint them that the fame is pafled by this Houfe without Amendment. Mr. Kinfey from the Council, informed the Houfe that Council had a- greed to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to endorfe Two Year's Intereft on certain Certificates, iffued by Virtue of an Act, paffed 29th May laft, intitled, " An Act for the Relief of Kenneth Uankinfon, &c." —he alfo prefented a Bill intitled, " An Act to ehablfe'the Board of Jufti- ** ces and Freeholders, in the feveral Counties of the State, to fue for, and " compel all Perfons entruftod with public Property, to account for the " fame," to which he requeued the Concurrence or this Houfe. Mr. Kinfey further informed the Houfe, that Council had rejected the Bill intitled, " An Act to preferve Order and Decency, in Places of public " Worfhip."

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Act di- " recting the Treafurer of this State, to hTue Certificates to the Perfons *' therein named," and after having gone through the fame,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed. The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Act for transferring the Refidue of ** the Eftate, late of John Richards, deceafed," was read and compa- red :

Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Little do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Condift from the Committee to whom was committed, the Bill inti- tled, ** A Supplement to, an Act to authorize Perfons, whofe Eftates have " been confifcated, or their legal Reprefentative, to demand and receive, '« all Debts or Sums of Money, which are due to this State, in virtue of " fuch Confifcations," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The engroffed Bill intitled, "An Act for the Relief of Robert Nixon, " Richard Hanlon, and Barnes I. Smock," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs, it was carried in the Affirm- ative as follows ; Yeas, L ( 42 )

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. MeflVs. Anderfon, Meflrs. Sinnickfon, MeflV-. Blackwood, Berry, Smith, Condict, Burgin, Starke, Fithian, Combs, Stillwell, Hedden, Cooper, Stockton, Helmes, Dayton, Van Cleve, Linn, D. Vroom, Vrsdenbergh, Lloyd, Hankinfon, Wallace, Newbold, Imlay, Williamfon. Sharp, Kingfland, E. Townfend, Little, R • Townfend, Lowrey, Wbilden.

Ordered, That the Speaker do f gn the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Lowrey do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Van Cleve, from the Committee, appointed for that Purpofe, pre- fented the Draught of a Bill intitled,

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An AcT: to " repeal an Act, intitled, *f an Act for regulating and fhortning the Pro* " ceedings in the Courts of Law, excepting the firit and nineteenth Secti- " ons of the faid A &," and after fome Timefpent thereon, Ordered, That the fame be referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill intitled, " A Supplement to the Act intitled, an Aft for the Re- " lief of infol vent Debtors," was read a fecond Time, debated, and order- ed to be engroffed.

Mr. Ellis from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had pafl'ed the Bill intitled, " An Acl for transferring the Refidue of the confifcated E- " ftate, late of John Richards," without Amendment. On Motion, Refolved, That the Treafurer be directed to fufpend the Crediting the County of Middlefex, with the Amount of an Order, drawn by .the late Treafurer, on the Collector of the faid County, in favor of Azariah Dun- ham, Efquire, until the Books of John Stevens, late Treafurer, can be exa- mined, and the Propriety of giving fuch Credit be better afcertained ; the Refolution of the 23d Day of December, Seventeen Hundred and Eighty- three, notwithstanding.

Ordered, That Mr. Sharp do carry the faid Refolution to the CounciL for Concurrence.

The Houfe refunaed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An A& to ** incorporate a Part of the Townfhip of Trenton, in the County of Hunter- " don," and after fome Timefpent thereon,

Ordered^ That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed. The :

( 4? )

The Bill intkled, " An Aft to enable the Board of Juftices and Freehol- " ders in the feveral Counties of the State, to fue for and compel, all Per- " fons entrufted with public Property, to account for" the fame," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a third Reading.

The engroffed Bill intitled, ** A Supplement to the Aft intitled, an Aft *' for the Relief of infolvent Debtors," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame dopafs, it was Negatived as follows

Nays. 0"

/ \

\ ^> The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Five d" Clock.

V Saturday, June 2, 1792.

The Houfe met.

The Bill Intitled, " An Act for defraying Incidental Charges," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, to deliver unto Moore Furmati, Efquire, a Certificate or Certi- ficates for the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, Seventeen Shillings and Eight- pence, agreeably to a Refolution of the Legiflature, palled the 25th Day of November, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty-nine, with Jntereft from the 14th Day of September, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty- feven.

Ordered, That Mr. Van CIeve, do carry the faid Refolution to the Coun- cil for Concurrence.

The Houfe adjourned to Nine o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Act for defraying incidental Charges," was read and compared.

Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame, Ordered, That Mr. Wallace do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence. Mr. Hedden, from the Committee to whom was referred, his Excellen- cy the Governor's Meffage, of the 17th Inftant, together with the Papers

accompanying the fame, reported as follows ;

That in the Opinion of your Committee, it would be improper for this Houfe, to interfere, or give any Inftructions whatever, to the Senators appointed by this State to reprefent them in the Senate of the United States, reflecting the Doors being kept open, while fitting in their Legis- lative Capacity.

Your Committee further report, that in their Opinion, there are feve- ral of the Laws of the United States that the Citizens of this State ought

to be made acquainted with : Therefore your Committee recommend to the Houfe, that the Honorable the Chief Juftice, maybe appointed tofelect fuch of them as he may think proper, and have them annexed to the L aws of this State that may be paffed this Sitting of the Legiflature. By Order of the Committee. ISRAEL HEDDEN. To which the Houfe agreed. Whereupon,

Refolved, That the Honorable James Kinfey, Efquire, Chief Juftice, be requefted to examine the feveral Acts and refolutions of Congrefs, and leled ( 4? ) feleft fuch of them, as in his Opinion, ought to be communicated to the Officers of this State, and deliver them to the Printer, to be by him an- nexed to the Afts of the prefent Sitting of the Legislature.

Ordered, That Mr. Stockton do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Mayhe-w from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had re- jected the Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Relief of Robert Nixon, Richard ** Hanlon, and Barnes I Smock," and the Bill intitled, " An Aft for di- '« refting the Treafurer of this State, to iflue certain Certificates to the *« Perfons therein named."

That Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to direfting the Treafurer to fufpend the Crediting of the County of Middlefex, with the Amount of an Order drawn in Favor of Azariah Dunham, &c—and alfo, to the Refolution relative to direfting the Treafurer to deliver unto Moore Fnrman, Efquire, a Certificate or Certificates, for the Sum of £.200 17 8, &c.

Mr. Lambert from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council had paf- fed the Bill intitled, " An Aft for defraying incidental Charges," and that they had agreed to the Refolution requefting the Chief Juftice to examine the feveral Afts and Refolutions of Congrefs, &.c.

The Houfe rofe and clofed the Seffion.
