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% ^S O F T H E + + * * r\ STATE *


* : N E W-J E R S E r. * +- * * 4» At a SESSION begun at Trenton on the a2d Day of October 1793, and continued by

• Adjournments. * * * •* BEING THE FIRST SITTING. * A


M.DCC.XCIV. t * * * * «» + * * + * * * * * * * * * 4. * 4. + * * * *. *. 4. 4. = 4. + * * 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4. * 4. * * * * <• * * * +


State of New-Jersey.

TRENTON, Tuefday, OBober 22, 1793.

THIS being the Time and Place appointed by Law for the fir ft Meet- ing of the General AfTembly, the following Perfons attended, to wit, John Benfon and Peter Ward, as two of the Reprefentatives of the Coun- ty of Bergen ; Caleb Camp as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of

EfTex ; Peter Vredenburgh and Thomas M'Dowell, as two of the Repre- Little fentatives of the County of Middlefex ; Jofeph Stillwell, Thomas and James H. Imlay, as Reprefentatives of the County of Monmouth ; Henry Southard, Jonathan Ford Morris and Robert Stockton, as Repre- fentatives of the County of Somerfet ; Samuel Hough and Henry Ridgway, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Burlington ; John Black- Wood and Abel Clement, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of

Gloucefter ; Bateman Lloyd and Eleazar Mayhew, as two of the Repre- fentatives of the County of Salem ; Matthew Whillden, Richard Townfend and Ebenezer as Reprefentatives of the County of Cape-May Newton, ; Benjamin Van Cleve, Simon Wyckoff and Samuel Stout, as Reprefenta- tives of the County of Hunterdon; , Aaron Kitchel and Da- vid Welfh, as Reprefentatives of the County of Morris ; Ebenezer Elmer and Joel Fithian, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Cumber- land ; Martin Ryerfon, William M'Cullough and Peter Sharp, as Reprefen- tatives of the County of Suffex ; appeared in the Houfe and produced the relpe&ive Certificates of their Eleclion, which were read, approved, and B ordered { « ) ordered to be filed. Benjamin Van Cleve, efquire, was appointed agreea- bly to th» Conftitutrotv to qualify Silas Condict, efquire, who, being duly fworn took his Seat accordingly, *id the remaining Perfons returned as Rcprefentatives being qualified by the faid Silas Condict, took their Seats in the Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker, when the honorable Silas Condict was unanimoufly chofen, and accordingly placed in the Chair. The Houfe proceeded to the Election of a Clerk, when Mafkell Ewing was unanimoufly chofen. Mafkell Ewing attended and after taking the Oath of Allegiance, and alfo an Oath for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, he took his Seat as Clerk of the Houfe.

Refolved, That David Wrighter be Doorkeeper to this Houfe during the prefent Sitting. Ordered, That Mr. Benfon do wait on the Council, and acquaint them that the Houfe of Affembly have this Day proceeded to Bufinefs, and have chofen the honorable Silas Condict, efquire, their Speaker. Ordered, That Meffrs. Van Cleve, Vredenburgh and Stout, be a Com- mittee to examine the Minutes of the laft Sitting, and to report the Bufi- nefs that was referred or remains unfinifhed. Ordered, That Meffrs. Kitchel, Imlay and Little, be a Committee to bring forward a Draught of Rules and Regulations for the better Govern- ment of the Houfe. Mr. Benfon reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Haring from the Council informed the Houfe, that a fufficient Num- ber of Members of Council have this Day met, elected the honorable Thomas Henderfon, efquire, Vice-Prefident, and proceeded to Bufinefs. Meffrs. Elmer and Fithian, Members from the County of Cumberland, informed the Houfe that John Burgen, efquire, was duly elected as one of the Reprefentatives of that County, and that fince his Election he has de- parted this Life. Wherefore, Ordered, That the Speaker iffue a Warrant, to the Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, to hold an Election agreeably to Law, forchoofinga Reprefen- tativein the Room of the faid John Burgen, efquire, deceafed.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten ofthe Clock.

Wednefday, Odlober 23, 1793.

-The Houfe met.

John Sinni cKson returned as one of the Reprefentatives of theCounty the Reprefentatives of the of Salem ; and John Rattoone returned as one of County of Middlefex, appeared in the Houfe and produced the refpective Certificates of their Election, Which were read, approved, and ordered to be them by the filed ; Whereupon, the ufual Oaths were adminiflered unto Speaker, and they took their Seats, and having rendered an Excufe for their IN on- Attendance Yefterday, the fame was deemed Satisfa&ory. Mr. ( 7 )

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee appointed to bring forward Rules and Regulations for the better Government of the Houfe, reported,

The Rules and Regulations agreed to thelaft Year, to be obferved in the Houfe of Aflembly, which were read and being again read by Paragraphs, were feverally agreed to with an Amendment to that Paragraph which di- rects how Committees fhould be appointed, fo as to read, " That all Com-

mittees be appointed by the Speaker unlefs the Houfe dire ft other-wife ; And with an Amendment alfo to the Paragraph directing when the Rules fhall be read, fo as to read in the following Words, " That the Rules and Or^ ders of the Hiufe be read over on the qualifying a new Member ," Whereupon, The Houfe agreed to the faid Rules and Regulations with the faid Amend- ments. A Petition from the County of Morris, praying that the Election Law may be amended fo that the Poll may be opened in the Townfhip of Mend- ham during the Election, that the Votes of the People in the faid Townfhip maybe taken within the Townfhip, as they are in every other Townfhip in that County, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee appointed to examine the Minutes of thelaft Sitting, and to report the Bufinefs that was referred or remained unfinifhed, brought in the following Report, containing

A Lift of Bufinefs unfinifhed before the Houfe of Affembly, in 'June, 1793.

1. The Petition from the Board of Juftices and Freeholders of the County of Burlington, poftponed.

2. The Bill intitled, " An Aft appointing Commijfioners tofettle the Accounts " of Kenneth Hankinfon, efquire, late Colleftor for the County ofMonmouth, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," poftponed. 3. The Bill intitled, " An Aftfor the relief of James Shay and John Hcp- ** ner," poftponed. 4. The Petition from Egg-Harbour, againft pafTing a Law to dam out Ceder-Swamp Creek, ordered a feeond Reading.

5. The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of the State to " pay unto Jofepb Alfton a certain Legacy left him by the laft Will andTcfta- «' ment of David Alfton, deceafed," ordered a fecond Reading.

6. The Bill intitled, " An Aft to amend an Aft intitled, An Aft to regulate 41 the pafturing of the Lauds, Meadows, and Iflands in common, lying on, and ad- *' joining a certain Beach within the County of Cape-May, known by the Name " of Peek's- Beach, andfor other Purpofes therein mentioned.'" ordered a fe- cond Reading.

7. Tjie Report of Mr. Dayton of the firft of June, on the Petition from the Stage Proprietors—in Part agreed to. The following Bufinefs was referred to the prefent Sitting.

8. The Bill intitled, " An Aft to releafe David and Abraham Haring in " the County of Bergen, from the Payment of a certain Sum ofpublic Money ta- " ken by Robber j."

9. The Petition from James Parker, and the Report of Mr. Smith there-

on ; Mr. Parker to be heard on the Subject thereof on the fecond Wednef- day of this Sitting.

10. The Petitions from the Counties of Burlington and Monmouth, pray- ing that a certain Part of the faid Counties within Boundaries therein defcri- bed, .

( 8 )

bed, maybe fet off into a feperate County with the Liberties and Priviledges ufually allowed to Counties, and that the Inhabitants within thofe Bounda- ries may determine by Vote where their County-Houfe mall be built.

1 1 The Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Encouragement and Sup-port of Agri- " culture and dome/lie Manufactures."

12. The Bill intitled, ««• An Ail to authorize the Treafurer of this State to if- " fue a Certificate to Samuel Potter, efquire."

i 3 The Bill intitled, tf An Aft to vefi the EJlate of Henry Brockholjl in Truf- *' tees tohejold."

14. The Petition from Matthew Harrifon of the County of Somerfet. 15. The Petition from Burlington County, praying that a Law may pafs to direcl how Sheriffs' unfinifhed Bufinefs mould be performed, where they remove out of the State.

16. The Bill intitled, " An Ac? for laying out, opening, and improving cer- " tain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucefter, and Burlington " in this State."

The Petition from John Freeland, praying that the State would compen- fate him for his Services as a Soldier in the firft New- Jerfey Regiment, with the Certificate of Colonel M. Ogden.

18. The Petition from the County of Bergen, praying that a Law may pafs to direct the Inhabitants to fence againft Sheep. By Order of the Committee, Benjamin Van Cleve.

Which Lift was read and the Papers marked No. 1, and No. 4, being read, were ordered to lie on the Table.

No. 2, was read and ordered to bedifmiffed.

No. 3, was read and committed to Meffrs. Elmer, Ryerfon, and Town- fend,

No. 5, No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, and No. 11, were feverally read and ordered a fecond Reading.

No. 7, was read and committed to Meffrs. Southard, Fithian, and Ward. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Report be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

* A Motion was made by Mr. Kitchel, feconded by Mr. Still well, that the fcHoufe go into the following Refolution ; ^KRefolved, That a Committee be appointed to confer with a Committee «>f Council and report to this Houfe, what Bufinefs is effentially neceffary

to be done at this Sitting ; and the Time to which it would be proper to

adjourn :

The firft Part of which Refolution was agreed to, and the following

Members appointed the Committee ; viz. Meffrs. Kitchel, Camp, Ward, Southard, Ryerfon, Ridgway, Blackwood, Stillwell, Mayhew, Fithian, Whillden, Vreden'ourgh, and Wyckoff. Ordered, That Mr. Blackwood, do wait on the Council and requeft them to ( 9 ) to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of thisHou'fe for the above Purpofe. Daniel Marfh and Abraham Spear returned as two of the Reprefenta-

1 lives of the County of EfTex, and Jofeph Cooper returned as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucefter, appeared in the Houfe and produced the refpecYive Certificates of their Election, which were read,

approved and ordered to be filed ; whereupon being qualified by the Speak- er they took their Seats, and having rendered Excufes for their Non-At- tendance before this Time.

Re/olved, That the fame is fatisfactory.

A Petition from the Grand- Jury of the County of SufTex, requefting a Revifion of the Conftitution of this State, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Sundry Petitions from infolvent Debtors confined in the Gaol of the County of Morris, praying a Law for their Releafe from Prifon, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Nicholas Parifet of Trenton, requefting that his Book, intitled " The American Trooper's Pocket Book" may be eftablifhed as the Book of Difcipline for the Cavalry of this State, was read and committed to MefTrs. Little, Marfh and Blackwood. A Petition from Captain Abraham Lyon, praying an Allowance of one Year's Pay while in the Army of the United States, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

An Adjudication of the Court of Quarter Seffions of the County of Mor- ris, in favor of Rachel Channel for the Half-Pay of her late Hufband John Channel, deceafed, formerly a Soldier in Colonel Spencer's Regiment, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Condit from the Council informed the Houfe that the Council had appointed MefTrs. Linn, Condit and Kitchel, a Committee to join the Com- mittee of this Houfe for the Purpofe mentioned in their Meffage of this Af- ternoon.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Report of the Committee made this Morning, and the feveral Papers marked No. 12, No. 14, No. 15, No. 16, and No. 18, were feverally read and ordered a fecond Read- ing- .

The Paper No. 13, was read and committed to MefTrs. Cooper, Benfon and Stockton.

The Paper No. 17, was read and committed to MefTrs. Van Cleve, Lloyd and Morris.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Thurfday, Odtober 24, 1793.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee appointed to confer with a Committee

of Council refpe&ing what Bufinefs is abfolutely neceflary to be done this C Sitting, ( ro )

Sittino- reported, that an Aft for the Support of Government ought to he pafiecl, and a Joint- Meeting for the Purpofe of choofing Officers of Go- vernment, ought to take Place before the Rifing of the Lcgiflature ; whLh Report was read and agreed to. A Petition from Mary Herbert, James Herbert, Jofeph Dorfet, John Smith, and Thomas Bedly, praying that a Law may be enafted to awho - ize and empower James Herbert and Mary Herbert to make and ixtu e a D.ed of Conveyance for certain Lands to James Van Brockler, was read and Leave given to bring in a Bill.

Three Petitions from fundry Perfons confined in Giol fo<- Debt in the County of Cumberland, was read and ordered a fecond Reading-.

A Petition from Jofiah Hornblower, Director of the Gopper>>Mi«ie Af- fociation, praying that a Law may pafs exempting the Workman ol faid Mine from Militia Duty, or that they may be formed into an independent Company, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. On Morion, Ordered, That MeiTrs. Blackwood, Whillden and Southard, be a Committee to bring forward a Bill for the Support of Government. On Motion, Ordered, That Meflrs. Van Cleve, Fithian, Lloyd, Newton, Imlay, Rat- toone, and Welfh, be appointed a Committee to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, and that Mr. Camp do wait on Council and requeft them to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe. Ordered, That Mr. Camp do wait on Council and acquaint them that this Houfe are ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, and requeft them to ap- point the Time and Place of meeting. Mr. Stillwell with Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefent- ed a Bill to authorife James Herbert, Junior, and Rachel Herbert to com- plete a Contract entered into by Richard Herbert with James Van Brock- ler, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. On Motion, Ordered, That a Committee confiding of one Member from each County be appointed to fettle the Quotas of Taxes of the feveral Counties of this

State ; whereupon, Meffrs. Ward, Camp, M'Dowell, Southard, Little, Hough, Cooper, Mayhew, Whillden, Wyckoff, Kitchel, Elmer, and Ryerfon were ap- pointed. On Motion, Ordered, That Meffrs. Stillwell, Stout and Clement, be a Committee to bring in a Bill for levying and collefting a Tax for the Services of theenfu- ing Year. Ordered, That Meflrs. Elmer, Morris and Imlay, be a Committee to examine and correct the Minutes of this Seflion.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Ifaac Nicoll returned as brie of the Reprefentatives of the County of Bergen, appeared in the Houfe and produced the Certificate of his Election, which tf ( )

which was read, approved and ordered to be filed, and being dulv fworn took h's Seat, and having rendered an Excufe for his Non-Attendance be- fore this Time, the fame was deemed fatisfr.c"tory. A Letter from James Mott, Treafurer, together with an Account of State Money cancelled by Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, cfquires, and now in the Treafin y was read, whereupon,

Ordered, That Mcffirs. Marlh, Sinnickfon and Clement, be appointed a Committee to join a G n iritu e of trie Council, to count and burn the cancelled Money now in the Treafury of this Slate, and that Mr. Clement do wait on the Council and requeft them to appoint a Committee for the above Purpofe.

A Petition from the Grand-Jury of Somerfet refpecting the Penal Laws of this State, and requeuing that they maybe meliorated, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Two Petitions from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Gloucefter, praying that before Caufes are removed into the Court of Chancery, Se- curity may be given by the Perfon moving the fame, for the Payment of Colts, and that Suits in Chancery may be limited, were read and ordered a Jecond Reading.

A Petition from the Officers of a Company of Horfe in the County of Morris, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Blackwood from the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for the Support of Government, prefented a Bill which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from fundry Perfons living near Pafl'aick River, praying that the Law for breaking up the Reef near the Little Ealls in faid River, and digging a Canal through what is called Long-Meadow may be repealed, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Levi Silvers, praying that he may be indemnified for the Lofs of a Trail: of Land, purchafed by him at the Sales oftheCommif- fioners of forfeited Eftates for the County of Hunterdon, and from which he has been ejected by due Courfe of Law, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Adjudications of the Juftices for the County of Morris in favor of Sarah Wood, Hannah Whitehead, Sarah Frazee, and Sarah Hathaway, for the Half-Pay of their late Hufbands who were killed in the Service of this State, wr ere read and ordered a fecond Reading. Ordered, That Meffrs. Camp, Nicoll and Sharp, be a Committee to bring in a Bill for defraying incidental Charges.

On Motion, And agreeably to Leave given by the late Houfe of Aflembly,

Ordered, That John Moore White, efquire, have Leave to prefent a Bill authorizing him to build a Draw at his own Expence in the Bridge over Co- hanfey Creek, at Bridgetown, on the fecond Wednefday of the next Sitting, on advertifing the Purport of the Bill and a Copy of this Order in Three public Places in the County of Cumberland, and alfo in the Pennfylvania Gazette three Weeks previous thereto.

Three MefTages from the Council by Mr. Randolph. Council . ;

( fr )

Council-Chamber, October 24, 1793.

Ordered, That Meflrs. Ogden, Condit and Randolph, or either of them, be a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Aifembly, to fettle the Accounts of the Treafurer ; alfo, that Meffrs. Black and Kitchel be a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Afl'embly for the Pur- pofe of counting and burning the cancelled Money in the Treafury, and alfo that Council will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting this Afternoon at five o'CIock in the Aflembly-Room.

The Members withdrew to attend a Joint- Meeting, and after fome Time they affembled again, and then

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Friday, October 25, 1793.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled " An Ail for the Support of Government of the State of Nciu-°Jerfey" was read afecondTime.

Upon the Queftion what Sum the Governor of the State be allowed as

his ? yearly Salary The Votes were as follows ;

For £~joo. For /.600. For £.6oO' For £-(*S°- Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Ryerion, Mr. Cocker, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Camp, Mr. Sharp, Mr. M : Cullough, Mr. Hough, Mr. Clement, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Vredenburgh.- Mr. Imlay, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Southard, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Spear, Mr. Newton, Mr. Little, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Marlh, Mr- Stockton, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Stout, Mr. Morris, Mr. Ward, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Wellh, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Wyckoff.

On the Queftion, what Sum the fecond and third Juftices of the Supreme

? Court be allowed yearly The Votes were as follows ;

For /-300. For £-2^0- For/. 250. For /.250. Mr. Camp, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Marlh, Mr. Clement, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Stout, Mr. Nicoll. Mr. Cooper, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Rattoone Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Ridgway, Mr- Vredenburgh, Mr. Hough, Mr- Ryerfon, Mr. Ward, Mr- Kitchel, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Little, Mr- Sinnickfon, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Southard, Mr. Wyckotf. Mr. Mayhew, Mr- Spear,

On the Queftion, what Sum the Treafurer of the State fhall be allowed

yearly ? The Votes were as follows

For C *3 )

For /-4oo« For /.350. For/. 35o. Mr. Camp, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Clement, Mr- Blackwood, Mr. Southard, Mr- Cooper, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Spear, Mr. Hough, Mr. Filhian, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Stout, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Little, Mr. Morris, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Marfli, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Ward, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Newton, Mr. Weill), Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Wyckoff.

On the Queftion, what Sum the Members of the Council and Houfe of

Aflembly fhall have per Day ?

For 15/. For 12/i For iif. For i2f. 6d.

Mr. Benfon, Mr- Camp, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Mayhew, Mr- Blackwood, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Southard, Mr. ClemenU Mr. Cooper, Mr. Hough, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stout, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Little, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Marjl}, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Stockton. Mr. Morris, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Ward, Mr. Newton, Mr. Welffj, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Sharp,

On the Queftion, what Sum the Clerks of Council and AfTembly fhall have per Day ?

For 1 5/: For 14/: For i4f. For i2f. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Clement, Mr- Stillwell, Mr. Morris, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Hough, Mr. Stout, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Camp, Mr. Little, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Southard, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Wel/h, Mr. Elmer, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Ward. Mr. Wyckoff! Mr. Fithian, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Newton, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Spear,

On the Queftion, it was determined to fill it up with Fourteen Shillings.

Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Bill be poftponed. On Motion, Ordered, That Mefirs. Kitchel, Little, and M'Cullough, be a Committee to examine into the Bufinefs of the Auditor's Office and make Report.

The Bill intiiled, " An AB to authorize 'James Herbert, 'Junior, to com- ** plete a Contrail entered into by bis Father Richard Herbert, ivith James lt Van Brockler," was read a fecond Time and after fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Honfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M. The D ;

( 14 )

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Day and Hopkins, Printers, defiring that they may be appointed to print the Laws and Votes of the Legiflature, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee appointed to enquire what Bufinefs is

neceffary .to be done in the Auditor's Office, reported as follows :

That the Regiftering all the Treafurer's Receipts and the Returns from

County Clerks, are by Law indifpenfably neceffary ; that the Accounts of many Individuals remain unfettled, <5cc. that on the final Settlement of the Accounts of this State with the United States, it is probable that more Bu-

finefs may arife ; that in the Opinion of your Committee it will be proper to continue that Office with an adequate Salary.

By Order of the Committee, Aaron Kitchel.

The Houfe refumed the Confutation of the Bill intitled, " An Aft for ** the Support of the Government of the State of'New-Jetfey ," and after ha- ving gone through the faid Bill,

Ordered, That the fame be engroffed.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An AB to «•* authorize James Herbert, Junior, to complete a Com rati entered into by his " Father, Richard Herbert, with James Van BrocUer," which was read, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

A Memorial from John Maunfell, fetting forth that he is an Alien, and wiffies to be authorized to hold real Property in this State, and praying that a Law may pafs for that Purpofe, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from John Boylan, an infolvent Debtor confined in the Goal of the County of Somerfet, praying the Benefit of an Aft of Infolvency, with Sundry other Petitions on that Subjeft, were read and commited to Meffrs. Fithian, Vredenburgh, and Morris to report thereon.

Sundry Adjudications in favor of Widows whofe Hufbands have been kil- led or died in the Services of the United States, were read a fecond Time and committed to Meffrs. Camp, Mayhew, and Ward to report thereon Mr. Marfh from the Committee appointed to join the Committee of Council to burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury Office, brought in the following Report

An Account of State Money of the Emiffion of January 9, 178 1, cancel- led in the Treafury of the State of New-Jerfey, by Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, efquires, Oftober 24, 1793-

Denominations. ( 15 ) the Treafury of the State of New-Jerfey, by Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, efquires, Oftobcr 24, 1793-

Denominations. ( H )

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Support of Government of the

State of New-Jerfey," was read and compared :

On the QuefKon whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affir- mative, as follows : i7 ( )

** An Aft to vejl the Eftate of Henry Brockholjl in Trufiees to be fold," re- ported as follows : That by the Minutes of the laft Sitting it appears that there was a Petition againft paffing the faid Bill, which cannot at prefent be found, therefore recommend that the Bill and Papers relative thereto, be referred to the next Sitting, By Order of the Committee, Joseph Cooper.

To which the Houfe agreed. Mr. Little from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of

Nicholas Parifet reported as follows : That in the Opinion of your Com- mittee, from converfing with Gentlemen that are acquainted with the Dif- cipline of the Horfe, that the Book intitled, " The American Trooper's.

** Pocket Book," is worthy the Attention of this Houfe. Thomas Little.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time. A Petition from John Taylor, of Perth-Amboy, praying that the Trea- surer may be directed to deliver to him a certain Bond lodged in the Trea- fury Office, given by Thomas Leonard to George Taylor, conditioned for the Payment of four hundred and fifty-two Pounds fifteen Shillings and five Pence, which Bond has been affigned to the faid John Taylor, where- upon, A Motion was made by Mr. Rattoone, feconded by Mr. M'Dowell,

that the Houfe go into the following Refolution ;

Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State is hereby authorized and di- rected to deliver to John Taylor or his legal Reprefentative, a certain Bond in his Office, after making the neceffary Endorfements thereon, paid on Account of the faid Bond given by Thomas Leonard to George Taylor of the Falls Neck, conditioned for the Payment of £.452 15/. §d. dated the fixth Day of Oftober, 1773, and affigned to John Taylor by Mary Ha- gerty, Adminiftratrix, &c. of George Taylor, deceafed, whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Petition and Refolution be committed to MefTrs. Rattoone, Ridgway and Spear. Mr. Camp from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for defraying incidental Charges," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Linn from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Support oj Government of the State of " New-Jerfey," and the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize James Herbert, ** Junior, to complete a Contraft entered into by his Father, Richard Herbert , " with James Van Brockler."

The Houfe adjourned to meet again at the State-Houfe, on the fecond Wednes-

day in January next. VOTES E


Wednefday, January 8, 1794.

The Houfe met agreeably to Adjournment. PRESENT,

. The Speaker, Mr. Mayhew Mr. Mr. M'Cullougb Mr. Nicoll Mr. Ryerfon Mr. Sharp Mr. Sinnickjon -"""> r "" 20 (' ) t i his Election, which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed, whereup- on, being qualified by the Speaker he took his Seat in the Houfe, and ha- ving rendered an E,\.cufe for his Non-Attendance before this Time,

Refolved, That die fame is fatisfactory.

David Moore, efqmire, returned as- a Reprefentative from the County of Cumberland, appeared in the Houfe and produced the Certificate of his ha- ving been elecled in confequence of a fpecial Warrant for that Purpofe, which was read, approved, and ordered to be filed, whereupon, being duly qualified by the Speaker, he took his Seat in the Houfe. Mr. Elmer with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intkled, " An " Ail for we Relief of poor Frifoners committedfor Debt," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow-Morning ten of the Clock.

Thurfday, January p, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. M'Dowell attended and took his Seat, and having rendered an Excufe to the Houfe for his Non-Attendance Yellerday, the fame was deemed fa tisfa (Story. Sundry Petitions from the Grand- Juries of the Counties- of Hunterdon, Burlington, Bergen, Suffjx, Cumberland, Monmouth, and Morris, praying a Revilion and Amendment of the Penal Laws of this State were read.

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be filed. Sundry Petitions from Perfons confined for Debt, praying that an Act may pafs for the Relief of infolvent Debtors, were read and committed to Meffrs. Fithian, Yredenburgh, and Morris.

The Bill intitled, " An Ail to veft the Eflate, lately of Henry Brockholjl, *'* deceafed, in Trujlees to be fold," was read a fecond Time, whereupon, A Petition from Cafparus Schuyler was read, with the Petition in favor of the faid Bill.

Ordered, That the faid Bill and Petitions be committed to Meffrs. Ben- fon, Little, and Lloyd. Two Petitions from Fairfield in the County of Cumberland, praying that Hogs may be permitted to run at Large on uninclofed Lands : — And, a Petition in Oppofition thereto, were read and committed to Meffrs.. El- mer, Ryerfon, and Wyckoff.

A Petition from David Ayares, Adminiftrator, Sec. of David Ayares> deceafed, flaring a Demand againft the Eftate of Daniel Stretch, whofe Eflate Was confifcated and verted in this State, and praying Payment, was read and committed to Meffrs. Fithian, Hollinfhead, and Welfh.

A Petition from the Townfhip of Fairfield, in the County of Cumber- land, praying that an Act may be paffed to authorize them to repair their public Highways by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpofe, was read and committed to Meffrs. Southard, Ridgway, and Sinnickfon.

A Petition from the Committee of the Townfhip of Chefterfield, in the County of Burlington, praying that fome Meafure may be appointed by Law, ( w )

Law, whereby Lands may be purchafed and held by Townfhips for the Purpofe of Burying-Grounds, was read and ordered to be difmifled. A Memorial of Miers Fifher, John Evans, Levi Hollinfworth, and Lewis Affleck, ftating their Oppofition to the Prayer of fundry Petitioners, who Mile themfelves Administrators, &c. of William Burnet, efquire, deceafed, was read and ordered a fecond Pleading. A Petition from David Van Blaricum and others, Heirs of Harmanus Van Blaricum, late of the County of Bergen, praying that a Part of the Eftate of their Father which has not been fold, and which was confifcated to and veftedin this State, may by Law be veiled in them, was read and or- dered a fecond Reading. Two Petitions from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Morris, refpeft- ing the Law to enable the Owners and Pofleffors of Meadows, Swamps, and Low Lands, on the River Paflaick and its feveral Branches between the Little Falls and the Mill-Dam at Chatham, to break up the Reefs near faid Falls, and to dig Canals for the more effectual draining faid Lands, and to raife Money for that Purpofe, &c. were read and ordered a fecond Read- ing.

A Petition from the Truftees, Church, and Congregation of the Firft- pann- Day-Baptifts, at Scotch Plains was read, praying that an Attmay be ed to authorize them to raife for Church-Purpofes, five hundred Dollars by Lottery, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Congregation of the Prefbyterian Church at Rail- way, in the County of EfTex, praying the Benefit of a Lottery, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Board of Juftices and chofen Freeholders of the County of Burlington, praying that a Law may pafs, to authorize the faid County to build a new Court-Houfe, and to fix on the Place for Building the fame by a Vote of that County, was read and ordered a fecond Read- ing- A Petition from Mendham in the County of Morris, praying that David Beach may be reftored by Law to the Privileges of a free Citizen, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Jonathan Ford Morris, Peter Vredenburgh, Matthew Whillden, Richard Townfend, and Ebenezer Newton, efquires, attended and took their Seats, and having feverally rendered Excufes for their Non- Attendance Yefter- day, the fame were deemed fatisfaclory.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Alexander Hamilton, efquire, Secretary of the Treafury of the United States, informing, that on a Settlement of the Accounts between this State and the United States, there is a Balance due to this State, of forty-nine thoufand and thirty Dol- lars, which was read and committed to Meflrs. Elmer, Kitchel, and Still- well.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe, the Bond given by James Mott, efquire, Treafurer, with Sureties for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, which was read and approved of. F Ordered, ( p )

Ordered, That Mr. Hollinfliead do carry the faid Bond to the Council, that they may approve or difapprove of the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Ryerfon be added to the Committee to whom was committed the Report of Mr. Dayton of the firft of June, on the Petition from the Stage Proprietors. Mr. Hollinfliead reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

One Petition from the Townlhip of Alloways-Creek, in the County of Salem, and three Petitions from the Townfhip of Bridgewater, in the Coun- ty of Somerfet, praying that a Law may be palled to direct their Roads to be repaired by Hire, and have Authority to raife Money for that Pur- pofe, were read and committed to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

A Petition from the Townfhip of Greenwich in the County of SufTex, praying that the Act pafTed, directing their Roads to be repaired by Hire may be repealed, was read and committed to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Counties of Somerfet and Morris, praying that a Law may pafs to direct all Actions to be tried in the County, where they originate, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the County of Morris, fetting forth Inconveniences at- tending the late Act, pafTed for laying out of Roads, and praying an A- mendment to the fame, and alfo praying that the Law for working or amending the Roads may be altered, was read and ordered a fecond Read- ing.

Mr. Randolph from Council, informed the Houfe that the Council ap- proved of the Bond given by James Mott, efquire, as Treafurer, for the faithful Execution of his Office.

The Bill intitled, " An Act for laying out, opening, and improving cer- " tain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucejler, and Burlington " in this State." was read a fecond Time and committed to Meflrs. Fithi- an, Newton, Mayhew, Blackwood, and Ridgway.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morroiv Morning ten of the Clock.

Friday, January 10, 1794.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from the Townfhip of Deerfield in the County of Cum- berland, praying that a Law may be pafTed to direct the Roads in that Townfhip, to be repaired by Hire, and that they may be authorized to raife Money for that Purpofe, was read and committed to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

A Petition from Egg-Harbour in the County of Gloucefter, praying, that the Act pafTed directing the Roads of that Townfhip to be repaired by Hire may be repealed, and that they may be permitted to repair their Roads by Labor, agreeably to the old Law, was read and committed to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

A Petition from fundry Perfons confined in the Gaol of the County of Middlefex for Debt, praying that an Act may pafs for the Relief of infol- vent ( 23 )

vent Debtors, was read and committed to MefTrs. Fithian, Morris, and Vredenburgh.

A Petition from the Grand- Jury of the County of Salem, and a Petition from the Grand- Jury of the County of Cape-May, praying a Revifion and

Amendment of the Penal Laws of this State were read :

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be filed.

Mr. Elmer with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An il Aft relative to holding Elections in this State," which was read and or- dered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the County of Su.ffex, praying that the Election Law of this State may be fo altered, that the Inhabitants of that County may be permitted to vote by Ballot inftead of Viva Voce, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, ." An Aft: for the Relief ofpoor Prifoners committed for " Debt," was read a fecond Time, whereupon, A Motion was made, That the Houfe go into a Committee of the whole,

to take the faid Bill into Confideration : To which the Houfe agreed.

The Speaker accordingly left the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve was ap- pointed Chairman of the Committee, and after fome Time the Speaker renamed the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve, Chairman of the Committee, re- ported that the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bill to them referred, and defired Leave to fit again.

Ordered, That the faid Committee fit again.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Abel Clement, efquire, attended and took his Seat, and having rendered an Excufe to the Houfe for his Non-Attendance before this Time, the fame was deemed fatisfactory.

The Petition from the Truftees, Church, and Congregation, of the Firft- Day-Baptifts, at Scotch Plains, read Yefterday, praying the Benefit of a Lottery to raife Money for Church Purpofes, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be difmiffed. The Petition of the Congregation of the Prelbyterian Church at Rail- way, in the County of Effex, read Yefterday, praying the Benefit of a Lottery to raife Money for Church Purpofes, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be difmiffed.

The Houfe Refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole on the Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Relief of -poor Prifoners committed for Debt," whereupon, the Speaker left the Chair and Mr. Van Cleve took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve, Chairman of the Committee, reported, that the Com- mittee were of Opinion that the Bill be fo amended as to enable all thofe who now are or may hereafter be confined in Gaol for Debt, to take the Benefit of the Aft, upon giving up all, or fo much of their Eftate as mail be reafonable for the Ufe of their Creditors under proper Reftriclions. To which the Houfe agreed, whereupon, Ordered, ;

( H )

Ordered, That the faicl Bill be committed to Meflrs. Fithian, Vreden- burgh, Imlay, Morris, Kitchel, Stockton, and M'Cullough. Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred the Petitions from Fairfield in the County of Cumberland, praying that an Ac~t may be palled to permit Hogs to run at Large on uninclofed Lands : —And the Petition in Oppofition thereto, reported the Draught of a Bill int'illed, a- '* An Amendment to the A3 intitled," " An Ailfor the Recovering of Dam " ges for Trefpaffes done by Swine,'* which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. On Motion, Ordered, That Mr. Clement be appointed to join with the Committee for fettling the Quotas, in the Room and Place of Mr. Cooper who is abfent. Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll be appointed to join with the Committee for fettling the Quotas of the feveral Counties, in the Room and Place of Mr. Ward who is abfent.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Saturday, January u, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Southard, from the Committee to whom was referred, the Pe- tition from the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Fairfield, in the County of Cumberland, praying that a Law may be paifed to enable them to repair their Highways by Hire, reported as follows

That it is the Opinion of your Committee, that they ought to have Leave to bring in a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition, By Order of the Committee, Henry Southard.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

Mr. Van Cleve with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled,

" An Ail for the further Payment of the Inter efl and a Part of the Principal *,* of the Debts of this State,'" which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Ordered, That Mr. Stockton have Leave of abfence until Monday Morn- ing. A Petition from Reuben Culver, praying to have a Fine, inflicted on him by the Court of Quarter Seflions of the Peace of the County of Morris, remitted, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. " The Bill intitled, " An Aft relative to holding Elections in this State was read a fecond Time and committed to Meflrs. Benfon, Marfli, Vre- denburgh, Southard, Stillwell, Hollinfhead, Clement, Lloyd, Townfend, Van Cleve, Kitchfel, Elmer, and Sharp.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o''Clock on Monday Morning.

Monday, January, 13, 1794.

The ( 25 )

The Houfe met.

On Motion, Ordered, That Meflrs. Camp, Southard, and Newton, or any two of them, be a Commute to join a Committee of the Council for the Purpofe of fettling the Accounts of the Commiffioners appointed for building the State-Houfe, and that Mr. Hough do wait on the Council and requeft them to appoint a Committee, to join the Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe. A Petition from John Nutter, late a Soldier in the firft New- Jerfey Re- been giment in the Service of the United States, fetting forth that he had difabled while in the Service of the United States, and praying fome Com- penfation from the Government may be made for the Damages which he has fuftained, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Hough reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. A Petition from Robert Nixon, of the County of Middlefex, praying that he may be allowed Intereft for Money which he had paid for a confif- cated Eftate, which Money had been reimburfed to him by Direction of a Compenfation for Improve- iate Law ; and alfo, that they would make him ments by him made on the faid Eftate, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Benajah Parvin, praying that the Legiflature would re- pay him Monies by him paid to their Commiffioners of forfeited Eftates, for Land which he purchafed from them clear of all Incumbrances, and for which Lands he has fince, on Account of an Incumbrance thereon, been obliged to pay a confiderable Sum, was read and committed to Meflrs. Whillden, Moore, and Wyckoff". Two Petitions from the County of Morris, praying an Alteration to the Election Law of the State, in fuch Way that the Votes may be taken in County in Diftrifts in the County ; alfo eleven Petitions from the fame Oppofition to the Prayer of the faid Petitions, were read and committed to Meflrs. Benfon, Marfh, Vredenburgh, Southard, Stillwell, Hollinfhead, Clement, Lloyd, Townfend, Van Cleve, Kitchel, Elmer, and Sharp. A Petition from David Thompfon of the County of Morris, ftating a Demand againft the State, and praying Payment, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from the Officers of a Company of Artillery in the County of Eflex, praying that the Company of which they are Officers, may be re-em- burfed a Sum of Money which they have expended in mounting two Pieces of Ordinance for the Service of the Company, was read and ordered to be filed.

A Petition from the County of Gloucefter, praying that an Act may pafs to appoint Managers, and to enable the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Gloucefter, to erect a Subftantial Bridge acrofs the South Branch of Great Timber-Creek at the Head thereof, at the Place commonly called Cheefe- man's Landing.

A Petition from the County of Gloucefter, praying that a Law may be palled for the Limitation of Suits in Chancery, and to oblige Parties to pay off all Cofts of other Courts before they move any Suit into the Court of Chancery, and give Security for the Coft that may arife by moving any Suit to Chancery, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Grand- Jury of the County of Suflfex, praying a revifionand Amendment to the Criminal Laws of this State, was read and ordered to be filed. G A ( ^ )

A Petition from the Inhabitants of the Town (hip of Gloucefter, in the County of Gloucefter, praying that a Law may be palled to authorize the Inhabitants of th° faid Townmip, to repair their Roads by Hire, and to raife Money for tnat Purpofe, was read and committed to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

The Petition from Morris and Somerfet, refpecting the Removal of Ac- tions, read on the 9th Inftant, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Kitchel, Morris, and Newton.

The Petition in favor of David Beach, read on the ninth Inftant was read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That he have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of faid Petition.

The Petition from Levi Silvers, read on the twenty-fourth of Oftober lafl, was read a fecond Time and committed to Meflrs. Fithian, Stout, and Rattoone. The Petitions from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Morris, read on the ninth Inftant ; and a Petition from fundry Perfons living near Paflaick River, read on the twenty-fourth October laft, were read a fecond Time, and after foine Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Daniel Marfh, efquire, of the County of Eflex, ftating a Demand againft the forfeited Eftate of "William Bayard, ejquircs, whofe Eltate was forfeited to and veiled in this State, and praying Payment from the Treafury, was read and committed to Meflrs. Clement, Vredenburgh, and Lloyd. Mr. Fithian from the Committe, to whom was referred the Petition of David Ayares, Adminiftrator of David Ayares, late of Lower Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, deceafed, refpetting a Demand againft the forfeited Eftate of Daniel Stretch, reported as follows :

That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Prayer of faid Petition ought to be granted, and that the Petitioner have Leave to bring in a Bill for that Purpofe. To which the Houfe agreed, whereupon, Mr. Fithian in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled " An Aft direfting the Treafurer to iJJ'ue a Certificate to David " Ayares, Adminijlrator of David Ayares, deceafed,'''' which Bill read and ordered a fecond Reading. On Motion, Ordered, That Mr. M'Dowell be added to the Committee appointed at the laft fetting, to examine and report on Claims of Widows for Half- Pay, whofe Hulbands have been killed or died in the Service of the United States. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Petitions from fundry In- habitants of the County of Morris, read on the ninth Inftant, and a Petition from fundry Perfons living near Paflaick River, read on the twen-

ty-fourth of Oftobcr laft : Ordered, That the faid Petitions be difmifled, The ( 2 7 )

The Bill intitled, " An Act to authorize the Treafurer of the State of New- " Jerfey, to pay in: to Jofeph Aljion a certain Legacy left him by the lajl Will *' and Teftament of David Aljion, deceafed" was read a fecond Time, de- bated, and ordered to be engrofled. Mr. Linn from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had appointed Mr. Lambert and Mr. Kitchel or either of them, a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly, to fettle the Accounts of the Com- miflioners appointed for building the State-Houfe.

Mr. Linn alfo informed the Houfe that Council had appointed the Vice- Prefident, Mr. Linn, and Mr. Kitchel a Committee with fuch other Mem- bers of Council as choofe to attend, to join a Committee of the Houfe of Affembly (if they think proper to appoint one) in a free Conference on the Subject contained in the Letters from the Governor of Virginia, and the Lieutenant Governor of Maffachufetts, and requefted that this Houfe would appoint a Committee to join the Committee of the Council for that Purpofe.

And the Letters above referred to being read, Ordered, That Meffrs. Elmer, Kitchel, Fithian, Van Cleve, and Stillwell, with fuch Members as choofe to attend, be a Committee to join the Com- mittee of Council for the Purpofe expreffed in their Meffage, and that Mr. Imlay do wait on the Council and acquaint therewith.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Tuefday, January 14, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Kitchel agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petition- er, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to enfranchife David ** Beach," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill intitled, V An A3 for the Relief of James Shay and John Hep tier," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which Bill was read, and after fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Benfon from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill intitled, " An A3 to vefl the EJlate of Henry Brockholf, deceafed, in Trujlees to be " fold," reported that the faid Bill ought not to be palfed by this Houfe

for two Reafons : Fir ft, That there is no Proof that the Executors of Henry Brockholft, ever fold Lands belonging to the Eftate of the faid Henry Brockholft.

Second, And if they have fold Land belonging to faid Eftate, there is no Proof that they have not made good and fufficient Conveyances for the fame.

To which the Houfe agreed.

Mr. Rattoone from the Committee, to whom was referred the Petition of Mr. John Taylor, reported that the Bond againft Thomas Leonard as fet forth in the Petition, was lodged in the Treafury by Mary Hagerty, Ad- ( )

Adminiftratrix of George Taylor, deceafed, which Bond is fince afligned in the of Commit- by Mary Hagerty to John Taylor ; that Opinion your tee, the Refolution moved for ought to be granted. To which the Houfe agreed. Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Refolution, which was en- tered in the Minutes of the twenty- fixth of Oclobcr laft, to the Council for Concurrence. Mr. Imlay reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of the " Legacy him State of New-Jerfey , to pay unto Jofeph Aljlon a certain left " read and by the Iaft Will and Teftament of David Alfton, deceafed," was compared. Refolved unanimoujly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence. Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of John Freeland, praying an Allowance of Pay as a Continental Soldier

in the firft New-Jerfey Regiment, reported as follows :

That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Petitioner hath not produ- ced a fufficient Voucher of his not having received his Pay from the United States, therefore his Prayer ought not to be granted. To which the Houfe agreed.

A Petition from Ifaac Nicoll, efquire, of the County of Bergen, fetting forth that he had purchafed a real Eftate of the Commiffioners of forfeited

Eftates in the faid County, free and clear of all Incumbrances ; fince which, a Suit has been commenced againft him for Dower, and he has loft one Third of the Eftate fo purchafed, and praying that the Legiflature would make him a Compenfation for the Lofs he has thereby fuftained, was read and committed to Meffrs. Camp, Little, and Sinnickfon.

Mr. Moore with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " additional Supplement to the Ail intitled, '* An Ac? to prevent the Importa- " tion of Slaves into the State of New-Je)fey, and to authorize the Manumijfi- " on ofthem under certain Reftriclions, and to prevent the Abufe of Slaves, which Bill was read,

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill be read a fecond Time \ It was

carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas, Yeas. Nays. Mr. Camp, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Clement, Mr. Newton, Mr. Little, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Marfli, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Ridgv^ay, Mr. M'DowelL, Mr. Hollinmearl, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Southard, Mr. Spear, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Stout, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Moore, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Wel/li, Mr. Morris, Mr. Wyckoff. ( *9 )

A Petition from a Number of Practitioners of Phyfic and Surgery, in the Eaftern Counties of this State, praying that an Act may pafs to incor- porate the Society by them formed, by the Name of ' The Medical Society * of the Eaftern Counties of the State of New-Jerfey,' was read and order-

l ed a fecond Reading. A Petition from Luke Mattox, of the County of Cumberland, praying for Reafons therein fet forth, that an Act may pafs to divorce him from Rebecca his Wife, was read and order a fecond Reading. The Petition of John Nutter, read Yefterday, was read a fecond Time, debated, and difmhTed.

The Honfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Wednefday, January 15, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Th irteen Petitions from the County of Morris, praying an Alteration to the Election Law of this State, were read and committed to the Committee to whom was referred the feveral Petitions on that Subject on the eleventh Inftant.

Mr. Elmer agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An AB to authorize John Moore " White, efquire, to ereB a Draw in the Bridge over Cohanfey Creek, at " Bridgtown in the County oj Cumberland" which Bill was read and order- ed a fecond Reading. Mr. Rattoone agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petition- ers, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to prevent the cut- " ting of Timber on the unlocated Lands in the Eaftern Divifion of this State/* which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Return made out by the Treafurer, containing an Account of the Exempts from Militia Duty in the State of New-Jerfey, taken from the Returns made by the Commiffioners of the

feveral Counties, agreeably to the Militia Law ; by which it appears, that there are 3304 Exempts in the feveral Counties of this State, which was read and ordered to be filed. A Petition from Ifaac Neale, Printer, praying that he may be appointed to print the Laws and Votes of the Legiflature, was read, and the Petition from Day and Hopkins, Printers, read on the twenty-fifth OBober laft, was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration of faid Petitions poft- poned.

The Petition of David Thompfon, efquire, read on the 13th inftant, with the Papers accompanying the fame, was read a fecond Time, and af- ter fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the faid Petition and Papers, be referred to Meffrs. Still- well, Stockton, and Imlay.

Sundry Petitions from Prifoners confined in the Gaol of the County of Bergen, and fundry Petitions from Prifoners confined in the Gaol of the County of Hunterdon, were read and committed to the Committee, to whom the other Petitions heretofore received from Prifoners, were referred. H A ( 30 )

A Remonflrance from a great Number of the Inhabitants of the County of Burlington, againfl the Petition before the Houfe praying a Law to di- rect a Vote of the County to be taken, to afcertain where the Court-Houfe fhall be built, was read and ordered a fecond Reading, with the Petitions of the Board of Juftices and Freeholders on that Subject now before the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Jonathan Lippencott, (rating a Demand againfl: the State, and praying Payment, was read and committed to the Committee on the Incidental Bill. A Petition from Abraham Van Bufkirk, furviving Adminiftrator of the Eftate of John Van Bufkirk, deceafed, Hating a Demand againfl: the for- feited Eftate of John C. Meyer, was read and difmiifed. The Petitions from the Counties of Burlington and Monmouth, read on the 22d May laft, praying that a new County may be fet off from the Counties of Burlington and Monmouth, was read, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poflponed.

The Petition from the Board of Juftices and chofen Freeholders of the County of Burlington, read on the ninth Inftant, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to authorize the County by Election, to determine where a Court- Houfe fhall be built in the laid County, and the Remonftrance from a great Number of the Inhabitants of the faid County againfl: the Petition from the Board of Juftices and chofen Freeholders, were read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That the Board of Juftices and chofen Freeholders have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition on Wednefday the 29th Inftant, they advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent, with a Copy of this Order, for at leaft eight Days previous thereto, in each of the Townfhips of the County of Burlington.

The Memorial of John Maunfell, ejquire, read on the 25th of Oftober, 1793, was read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of his Petition.

Mr. Inilay in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to enable John Maunfell, efquire, to hold Lands in Fee 1' Simple within this State," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

" Mr. Cooper attended and took his Seat, and after having rendered an Excufe for his Non-Attendance before this Time, the fame was deemed fatisfa&ory.

The Bill intitled, " An Amendment of the Aft intitled, an Aft for the Re- " covering of Damages for Trefpajfes done by Swine," was read a fecond

Time ;

On the Queflion, whether the Houfe agree to the firft Sedion of the faid Bill?

It was carried in the Negitive, whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be difmifled. The ( 3i )

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Cloch

Thurfday, January 16, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Acl to enfranchise David Beach," was read a fe- cond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

Nine feveral Petitions from the County of Morris, praying for an A- mendment to the General Election Law of this State, were read and com- mitted to the Committee on the Election Law.

The Houfe adjourned to three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engrofTed Bill intitled, " An Acl to enfranchife David Beach,'''' was

read and compared :

Refolved unanimoujly , That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Marfh, agreeably to Leave given at the laft fetting, prefented the " Draught of a Bill intitled, An Acl to fet off part of the Toivnfnp of Eliza- " beth in the County of EJfex, into a fcparate Towt/fip ;" which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

An Adjudication of Half-Pay of the Court of Quarter Seffions of the Peace of the County of Morris, in favor of Alecta Campfield, late Widow of Afahel Shipman, deceafed,

An Adjudication of Half-Pay of the Court of Quarter Seffions of the Peace of the County of Eflex, in favor of Mary Hays late Mary Rofs. An Adjudication of Half- Pay of the Court of Quarter Seffions of the Peace of the County of Effex, in favor of Elizabeth Henderfon, late Widow of Samuel Roberts, deceafed. An Adjudication of Half-Pay of the Court of Quarter Seffions of the Peace of the County of Morris, in favor of Elizabeth Pruden, late Widow of Abel Tompkins, deceafed, were read.

Ordered, That the faid feveral Adjudications of Half-Pay, be committed toMeffrs. Camp, Mayhew, and M'Dowell.

An Adjudication of Half-Pay from the Court of Quarter Seffions of the Peace of the County of Morris, in favor of Stephen Ogden, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Galloway, in the County of Gloucefter, praying that the Acl: directing the Inhabitants of the faid Townfhip to repair their Highways by Hire may be repealed, was read and referred to the Committee to whom was referred other Petitions from different Parts of the State on the fame Subject. A Petition from Benjamin Hooten, praying that a Law may be palled, wlTereby thelaft Will and Teftament of John Hooten, deceafed, fhall be as va- - ( 32 )

valid and lawful to all Intents and Purpofes, as though it had been fubferi-

bed by three Witneffes, it having been fubferibed by two Witneffes only, was read and difmifTed. A Petition from William Chew, Jofeph Chew, Jeffery Chew, and Mary Chew, praying that a Law may be paffed to prevent Caufes being remo- ved into the Court of Chancery, till all the Cofts of other Courts are fully paid, and that a Perfon removing a Caufe to the Court of Chancery, be compelled to give good Security for all the Cofts that fhall arife in the Court of Chancery, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Stillwell from the Committee to whom was committed, the Petition of David Thompfon, cfquire, after examining the Accounts and Vouchers

of the faid David Thompfon, reported as follows : That from the twenty-fecond Day of May, 1778, to the third Day of November, in the fame Year, the faid David Thompfon had paid on Bounties as Commiffioner, the Sum of £.1547 16 6, which reduced by the Scale of Depreciation, is £-598 1 6 Commiffions at 1 1-2 per cent. £. 8 19 8

Specie, £.607 1 2

By Cam received June 12, 1779, °^ tne Treafurer of this State, £.1959 7 o, which reduced by the Scale, is ^• I 4° T 5 °

Balance due faid Thompfon £.466 6 2. Your Committee beg Leave to fugged, that as the State of New-Jerfey has been credited in Account with the United States for the above Balance, as appears to your Committee by a Letter from Abraham Clark, efquire, dated 4th January, ijc)^ It is therefore the Opinion of your Committee, that the Treafurer of this State be directed to iffue a Certificate to the faid David Thompfon for the above

Balance ; which Report was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Petition from the Board of Juftices and Freeholders of the County of Burlington, read on the 13th November, 1792, was taken up and read : Ordered, That the Petition be committed to MefTrs. Hough, Imlay, and Rattoone. Mr. Southard from the Committee to whom was referred, the Report of the Committee of the Legiflature on the Memorial of the Stage Propri- etors, reported as follows : That in the Opinion of your Committee, one Third Part of the Money arifing from the Tax on Stages, mould be expended in improving and re- pairing the Roads where faid Stages run, in fuch Manner as fhall be deemed neceflary by Commiffioners appointed by Law for that Purpofe, and that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill accordingly, whereupon,

An Amendment was moved to the faid Report, to dele the Words one Third Part, and infert one Half: To which the Houfe agreed.

On the Queffion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report as amend-

ed ? It was carried in the Affirmative, whereupon, Ordered, That the faid Report be committed to MefTrs. Nicoll, Whillden and Clement, to prepare a Bill conformable thereto. The ( n )

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock,

Friday, January ij, 1794.

The Houfe met*

Mr. Benson from' the Committe to whom was referred, the Bill in- titled, " An Aft relative to holding Eleftions in this State," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poflponed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Morris with Leave, presented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An ** Aft to repeal the Law prohibiting Jujlices of the Peace holding their " Courts in Taverns," which Bill he read in his Place and delivered at the

Table ;

On the Queflion, whether the faid Bill be read a fecond Time ?

It was carried in the Negative as follows :

Nays. Nays. Yeas, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Moore, Mr. Camp, Mr. Clement, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Newton, Mr. Little, Mr- Elmer, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Morris, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr- M'DowelL Mr. Hollinfliead, Mr. Sharp, Mr. NicoU, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr- Ridgway, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Southardj Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Townfend, Mr- Spear, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Welfli, Mr. Stockton, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Stout, Mr. VanCleve, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr- Wyckoff.

Mr. NicoU from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for improving certain public Roads " or Highways in the State " which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to fet off Part of the Townjhip of Elizabeth in " the County of EJfex, into a feparate Townjhip," was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Blackwood attended and took his Seat, and having rendered an Ex- cufe to the Houfe for his Non-Attendance before this Time,

Refolved, That the fame is fatisfa&ory.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Saturday, January 18, 1794. 1 The ( 34 )

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlo- " cated Landi in the Eaftern Divifion of this State," was read a fecond Time and after fome Time fpent thereon.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to Meflrs. Rattoone, Black- wood, and Ryerfon.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft direfting the Treafurer to ijfae a Certificate to " David Ayares, Adminijlrator of David Ajar es, deceafed," was read a fe-

cond Time ; Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Bill intitled, " An AB to enable John Maunfell, efquire, to hold Lands " in Fee Simple within this State," was read a fecond Time and an A- " mendment made to the Title to read as follows ; An Aft to authorize ** "John Mannfell, efquire, to hold Lands in Fee Simple within this State," and after further Amendments made thereto,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

A Petition from the firft Prefbyterian Church in Oxford in the County of Suflex, praying the Benefit of a Lottery to raife Money for Church Purpofes, was read and difmifled.

A Petition from the Inhabitants of the Townfliip of Knowlton, in the County of Suffex, praying that a Law may be paffed, to direcl their High- ways to be repaired by Hire, and that they may be authorized to raife Mo- ney for that Purpofe, was read and committed to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

A Petition from Knowlton in the County of Suflex, praying Liberty to pay their Deficiency of State Taxes in Specie, at one Dollar for three the State Money, in which it was payable, having been iffued from the Treafury at three for one, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Suflex, praying that the Militia Law may be fo amended, that no Salary be hereafter allow- ed to Brigade Infpe&ors, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. On Motion, Ordered, That Meflrs. Kitchel, Marfh, and Little, be a Com- mittee to enquire at the Treafury Office, into the Propriety of delivering a Certificate to Mr. Bearden, and whether any Frauds have happened in ob- taining of Certificates from the Treafury Office of this State. The Report of Mr. Stillwell on the Application of David Thompfon, of

the 1 6th of January, Inftant, was read a fecond Time and agreed to, .whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid David Thompfon, have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwerthe Prayer of his Petition.

The FLoufc adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Nicoll from the Committee appointed to fettle the Quotas of the feveral Counties, defired Information how they fhould proceed, having no Duplicates or Abftradh from Suffex County, whereupon,

A Motion -was made, That the Quotas be fettled on the feveral Counties according ( 35 ) according to their Number of Inhabitants, and after fome Debate thereon, the iame was pofiponed.

1 The Houfe adjourned until- ten o Clock on Monday Morning.

Monday, January 20, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, <* An Aft to authorize John Maun/ell, efquire, to hold "* Lands in Fee Simple within this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Blackwood, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Southard, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Camp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Morris, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Clement, Mr. . Mr. Cooper, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Stout, Mr. Elmer, Mr. MCullough, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Newton, Mr. Van Clevc, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Little, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Whillden. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

A Letter from Edward Thomas, efquire, of the County of Effex, dating a Demand againft the State and praying Payment, was read and commit- ted to Meflrs. Southard, Moore, and Clement. Mr. Rattoone from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill inti- tied, " An Aft to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlocated Lands in the " Eajlern Divifion of this State," reported the fame with fundry Amend- " Timber ments, and the following Title ; An Aft to prevent the cutting oj " on the unlocated Lands in the State oj New-'Jerfey," which Bill was read and further amended in the Houfe :

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofled. The Petition from William Bond and George Warne, ftating that they are Indebted to this State in a large Sum of Money which they are unable to pay, and praying for Reafons therein contained, that they may be per- mitted to affign Lands to the State in Difcharge thereof, was read and committed to MefTrs. Marfh, M'Cullough, and Townfend.

Mr. Cooper with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An ** Aft to authorize Aliens to purchafe and hold real EJlates -within this State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Whillden from the Committee to whom was committed, the Petition of Benajah Parvin, reported as follows: That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Prayer of the Petitioner cannot be complied with, the

Commiffioners having only fold the Right of the Fugitive :

Which Report was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Cooper with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, «« An « Aft ( 3* )

'" Aft for the carrying into Execution that Part of the fourth Article of the lt Coujlitution of the United States, for apprehending Offenders who Jhall or " may have committed Offences in one, and may be found in another State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from a Number of Inhabitants of the Eaftern Part of this State, praying Permifhon to build a Bridge ovp r P^fiaick River, nearly op- pofite to the Dutch Church/rwitn^Trivilege of a fmall Toll for the Main- tenance of the fame, and Attendance on the Draw for the Navigation of the Boats plying above it, was read ;

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of the faid Petition, on the fecond Wednefday of the next Sitting, on previoufly advertifing the Purport of the Bill they mean to prefent with a Copy of this Order, in three of the mofl Public Places in the Neighbor- hood where the Bridge is to be built, and alfo for three Weeks previous thereto, in the News-Paper printed in Newark.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

On Motion, Rejolved, That this Houfe will go into a Committee of the whole Houfe on Wednefday next, to take into Confideration the Motion made on Saturday lafl, that the Quotas be fettled on the feveral Counties according to Cenfus.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft di- " reBing theireafurer to ijjue a Certificate to David Ay ares, Adminiflrator " ofDavid Ay ares, deceafed, and after debating the fame,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

The Bill intitled, " An Acl to authorize John Moore White, efquire, H " ereEl a Draw in the Bridge over Cohanfey Creek at Bridgetown, in. the '* County of Cumberland," was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to Meffrs. Fithian, Moore, and Lloyd.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Tuefday, January 21, 1794-

The Houfe met.

Mr. Camp from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of Ifaac Nicoll, efquire, of the County of Bergen, reported, That the Property fold to the Petitioner by the Commiffioners of the County of Bergen, was fold free from Incumbrance, and that in Confe- quence thereof, the State received the full Value.

That after the Death of Albert Zabrifkie, the widow of faid Albert reco- vered in the Supreme Court of faid State, the one Third Part of the annual Profits of faid Eftate for her Dower.

That the Petitioner has the fame Right to call for Relief, as other Pur- chafers ( 37 )

chafers of forfeited Eftates in like Cafes, where Dower has been recovered. And your Committee beg Leave further to report, that they are of Opi- nion, that in all Inftances where Commiffioners or Agents have fold con- fifcated Property, free from Incumbrance, and the State thereby has re- ceived an Advantage from fuch Warrant, whatever Damage the Purchafer may fuftain from an Incumbrance on the Property when fold, ought to be Indemnified at the Expence of the State, mould there be any Money in the Treafury arifing from the Sale of faid Eftate.

That it appears to your Committee, there are feveral Lots of Land re- maining unfold in the County of Bergen, which have been forfeited to the State, and there being no Agent for the State in faid County, your Com- mittee are therefore of Opinion, that an Agent ought to be immediately appointed to complete the Sales of the confifcated Property in faid County. Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

A Petition from John Craig, confined in the Goal of the County of Ef- fex for Debt, was read, praying the Benefit of an Aft of Infolvency.

Ordered, That the faid Petition be committed to the Committee, to whom other Petitions on the fame fubjeft were referred. Two Petitions from Stafford and Dover in the County of Monmouth, praying that a Part of the County of Monmouth, with a Part of the Coun- ty of Burlington, within certain Bounds therein defcribed, may be fet off

for a new County, to be called the County of Stafford ; were read, and the Petition from Little Egg-Harbour in the County of Burlington on the fame Subjeft was read,

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the next Sitting. The Petition from David Van Blerkom and others, read on the ninth Inflant, was read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition. Mr. Kitchel reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Act directing the Treafurer to ijjue a " Certificate to David Ay ares, Adminijlrator of David Ay ares, deceafed," was read and compared.

Refolved imanimoiifly , That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Little do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

The Houfe refumed the Confideratiort of the Bill intitled, '-' An Ail: to " fet off Part of the TownfJnp of Elizabeth in the County of Ejfex, into a fe- " parate Townfhip," and after fome Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, That the fame be engroffed. Mr. Fithian from the Committee to whom was referred, the feveral Petitions from Prifoners confined for Debt, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An AB for the Reliefof infolvcnt Debtors," which Bill was read

and ordered a fecond Reading, whereupon ; A Petition from Ifrael Smith was read, and ordered to be read a fecond Time with the faid Bill.

On Motion, Ordered, That the Clerk be direfted to have fixty Copies of

the Bill for the Relief of infolvent Debtors ftruck off ; and that the Houfe K will :

C 38 )

will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the fame into Confideration on Friday next. The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Burlington, rcfpecYmg abfcond- ing Sheriffs, prefented on the 4th of June, 1793, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Hough, Blackwood, and Camp.

Mr. Van Cleve with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to repeal the fifth Seftion of an Aft intitled, an Aft to direft the " Mode of the Examination of Witneffcs in the Court of Chancery, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned" which Bill was read and ordered a fe- cond Reading.

Mr. Little reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

A Petition from Lazarus Adams, ftating a Demand againfl: the State, and praying Payment, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The report of Mr. Whillden on the Petition of Benajah Parvin, was read a fecond Time, whereupon ;

Ordered, That the Confideration thereof be poftponed until Thurfday next, and that on Thurfday next the Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Com- mittee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Application of Benajah Parvin and others, on the fame Subject.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Wednefday, January 22, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Stout from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of Levi Silvers, by his Son Benjamin Silvers, reported,

That the Sum paid agreeably to the Scale of Depreciation, amounts to fifty-fix Pounds, fix Shillings and nine pence, which with Intereft from the Time Judgment was obtained, amounts to fixty-fix Pounds, nineteen Shil- lings and nine Pence—That in the Opinion of your Committee, the above Sums ought to be granted, as there is not any Demands againfl the forfeited

Eflate of John Taber Kemp : Which Report was read and ordered to be referred to the Committee of the whole Houfe, who are to fit To-morrow.

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee to whom was committed, the Petitions from the Counties of Morris and Somerfet, refpecfing the Removal of Act- ions in the Supreme Court, reported as follows

That the AcT: for holding Courts of Nifi Prius in the feveral Counties of this State, makes all the Provifions that are neceffary and proper at this Time, which Report was read, and after fome Time fpent thereon,

Ordered, That the faid Report be committed to the fame Committee, and that Meffrs. Imlay and Fithian be added to the Committee, with Power to examine the Nifi Prius A61, and flate to the Houfe the Difficulties arifing in the Practice of the Law in Confequence of that Acf.

A Petition from the Grand-Jury of the County of Gloucefter, praying an Amendment to the Penal Code of Laws of this State, was read and or- dered to be filed. Mr. ( 39 )

Mr. Kitchel agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An AH for the Relief of David " Thompfou" which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from Andrew Howell, an infolvcnt Debtor confined in the Gaol of the County of Somerfet was read, praying that an Aft may pafs for the Relief of infolvent Debtors, by which he may be releafed from Confinement.

Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole Houfe, to be read a fecond Time, when the Infolvent Aft fhall be under their Confederation.

A Petition from Jane Sleeper, Widow and Relift of William Sleeper, and other Perfons, Adminiftrators, &c. of William Sleeper, deceafed : And a Petition from Edith Sleeper, Widow and Relift of Jonathan Sleeper, and other Perfons, Adminiftrators, ckc. of Jonathan Sleeper, deceafed, were read, praying that they may be authorized by Law to complete a Contraft for the Sale of Lands, made between William Sleeper in his Life-Time, with George Budd of Mount-Holly ; and alfo praying that they may be authorized to complete a Contraft for the Sale of Lands made between Jonathan Sleeper in his Life-Time, with Adam Inger of Northampton, in the County of Burlington.

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be committed to Meflrs. Hollinfhead, Whillden, and Stillwell.

Bill intitled, " The engrofTed An AB to fet off" Part of the Toivnflrip of " Elizabeth in the County of EJfex, into a feparate Townfhip," was read and compared,

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr- Benfon, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Little, Mr. Blackwood, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Southard, Mr. Stillwell, Mr- Camp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Mr. Clement, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Cooper, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stout, Mr. Elmer, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr- Townfend, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Newton, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Hollinmead, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Hough, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp,

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An AB to prevent the cutting of Timber " on the unlocated Lands in the State of Neiv-Jerfey," was read and com- pared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas. ( 40 )

Yeasj Yeas. Nays. Mr. BLakwood, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Glertientj Mr. Newton, Mr. Camp, Mr- Cooper, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Little, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Marlh, Mr. rithidii, Mr. Ryerlbn, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. iiollinfliead, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Southard, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Spear, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stout, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Muyhew, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Moore, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Morris, Mr. Whillden, Mr. M'Cullough,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bills.

Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd do carry the faid Bills to Council for Con- currence.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Consideration the Motion made on Saturday lad, that the Quotas be fettled on the feveral Counties according to their Number of Inhabitants, Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Van Cleve was appointed Chairman of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee of the whole Houfe, reported,

That it is the Opinion of the faid Committee, that the felect Committee proceed to fettle the Quotas of the feveral Counties, agreeably to the Ab- stracts and Duplicates from the feveral Counties, as has been heretofore practifed.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report ?

It was carried in the Affirmative.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morroiv Morning ten of the Clock.

Thurfday, January 23, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Two Petitions from the County of Morris, praying that an Alteration may be made in the general Election Law of this State, was read and or- dered to be read a fecond Time with the Election Bill. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Newark in the County of ElTex, praying that an Act may be pafled to compel the Owners and Proprietors of Meadow adjoining and adjacent to Wheeler's Creek which empties itfelf into Bound Creek, and are benefited by the Dam at the Mouth of faid Wheeler's Creek, to pay an equal Proportion of keeping up a Dam and Water- Works, fo as to prevent the Tide from overflowing fuch Meadows, that each may pay in Proportion to the Quantity of Meadow he may pof- fefs, or the Benefit he may receive therefrom, was read and committed to MefTrs. Cooper, Camp, and Morris. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Newark in the County of Effex, praying that a Law may pafs to compel the Owners and Proprietors of Meadows, ( 4i )

Meadow adjoining and adjacent to a Ditch, called the Great Ditch, which empties itfelf into Bound Creek at a Place known by the Name of Indian Corner, and are benefitted by the Dam at the Mouth of faid Ditch, to pay an equal Proportion of keeping up a Dam and other Water-Works, fo as to prevent the Tide from overflowing fuch Meadows ; or if iti may be the Opinion of the Managers appointed, or a Majority of the Owners of faid Meadows, to remove the faid Water-Works to fome more convenient Place, that each Perfon may pay in Proportion to the Quantity of Mea- dow he may poffefs, or the Benefit he may receive therefrom, was read and committed to the foregoing Committee.

A Petition from a Troop of Light Dragoons in the County of Eflex, commanded by Captain Steele, praying fome Amendment and Alteration to the Militia Law, and that his Troops may be eftablifhed, was read and committed to Meflrs. Nicoll, Moore, Marfh, Morris, and Lloyd. Three Petitions from the County of Eflex, praying an Amendment and Alteration to the General Election Law of this State, were read and order- ed a fecond Reading, when the Bill relative to Elections fhall be read a fecond Time.

A Petition from a Number of Inhabitants in the County of Eflex, in the North-Weft Part of the Townftiip of Elizabeth, and in the P'arifti of New- Providence was read, praying that a Law may be pafled to annex to the Townftiip of Springfield that Part of the Country adjacent, within the Boundaries prefcribed.

Ordered, That the faid Petition be read a fecond Time.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe, a Pamphlet prefented to the Houfe from John Beatty, efquire, containing Papers between Mr. Jefterfon and Mr. Hammond, which was ordered to be placed in the Library for the Ufe of the Houfe.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Report of

Mr. Whillden on the Petition of Benajah Parvin : The Report of Mr. Camp on the Petition of Ifaac Nicoll, efquire : And the Report of Mr. Stout on the Petition of Levi Silvers.

The Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Nicoll was appointed Chairman of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Nicoll from

the Committee of the whole Houfe, reported : That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bufinefs to them referred, and defired Leave to fit again.

Ordered, That the Committee fit again.

Mr. Benfon agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill in titled, " An AQ for the transfer ing the *' Refidue of the confifcated EJlate, late of Harmanius Van Blerikum," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Friday, January 24, 1794. The ;

( 4* )

The Houfe met-

Mr. Fithian from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize John Moore White, efquire, to ereft a ** Draw in the Bridge over Cohanfey Creek at Bridgetown, in the County '* of Cumberland," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, and after having examined and amended the Bill

Ordered, That the fame be engrofled.

<* The Bill intitled, An Aft to authorize the Treasurer of this State to if- " fue a Certificate to Samuel Potter," was read a fecond Time and com- mitted to Meffrs. Elmer, Mayhevv, and Stockton. Four Petitions from the Counties of Bergen, Eflex, and Morris, pray- ing that a Law may be paffed to authorize the opening of a Road to Ho- bocken Ferry were read, and the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill, whereupon,

Mr. Kitchel in Behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " A Supplement to an Aft intitled, an Aft for building Bridges *' over the Rivers Pajfaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein " mentioned," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading-.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for improving certain Public Roads or High- " ways in the Stale " was read a fecond Time, and, A Petition was prefented and read from the Proprietors of the Deligent Line of Stages. Ordered

Dr. JOHNSTEVENS, (late Treafurer,)— 1781, May 16. In Continental - £.48,652 7 6 Sept. 17. In Ditto. - - - - 7i»552 17 6 Dec. 22. In Ditto. - 45^855 o o

£.166,060 5 o

Dec. 22. State Money - £.1009 15 ir

The Charges as fet forth in faid Petition, are in the Opinion of your Com- mittee true, and the Committee are of Opinion, that the faid John Stevens

ought to account for the above Sum of £.5290 2 6 Continental ; and alfo £.3 15 o State Money, as Deficiences, agreeably to the Prayer of the Petition. By Order of the Committee, John Rattoone. To which Report the Houfe agreed, whereupon,

Rejolved, That the Treafurer be directed to lay the above Report be- fore the Attorney General, by him to be inferted as one of the Items of Debt in the Account of this State againft John Stevens, late Treafurer, on which a Profecution hath been directed to be commenced againft the faid John ( 43 )

Ordered, That the faid Bill and Petition be referred to Meflrs. Van Cleve, Imlay, and M'Cullough. A Petition from Cafparus Schuyler and others, was read and difmifled. A Petition from William Darling, ftating a Demand againft the confif- cated Eftate of Cavalier Jouett and praying Payment, with feveral Vouch- ers accompanying the fame, were read and committed to Meflrs. Marfh, Stillwell, and Mayhew.

A Petition from Jacob Fries of the County of Salem, fetting forth that he is pofleffed of a furplus Certificate for thirty-one Pounds, feventeen Shillings and eleven Pence, that there is no Provifion at prefent by Law for the Payment of either the Principal or Interefl thereon, and praying that the Treafurer may be direfted to receive the fame and give him a State Note in lieu thereof, to be payable when the State of the Treafury will permit, was read, Ordered, That the fame be committed to Meflrs. Kitchel, Whillden, and Moore, who are directed to prepare and prefent a Bill toanfwer the Prayer of faid Petition, and others in like Circumftances. Mr. Imlay from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of a Committee from the Board of Juftices and Freeholders of the County of Burlington, reported as follows :

That they have examined the Books of John Stevens, late Treafurer of this State, and on Examination thereof, it appeared to your Committee, that the faid John Stevens hath credited John Coats, formerly Collector of the faid County of Burlington, for the feveral Sums of Money in the faid

Petition mentioned, in the Manner following :

-in Account with the County of Burlington, Cr.

By Counterfeit in this Sum - - £-2,255 5 o By Ditto. - - 2,646 o o By Ditto. - - - - 388 17 6

£.5,290 2 6

By Miftake - - - _ £-3 15 o

John Stevens, and that the Colle&or of Burlington be permitted to delay Payment of the above mentioned Sums of £.5,290 2 6 Continental Mo- ney, and £.3 15 o State Money, until the Iflue of the Profecution may be known.

Ordered, That Mr. Marfh do carry the faid Report and Refolution to the Council, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Refolution.

Mr. Elmer with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, «« An " Aft directing an equitable Dijlributim of infohent Ejiates," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Bill intitled, ** An Ait for the Reliefof infohent Debtors," Mr. ( 44 )

Mr. Speaker left the Chair. Mr. Vredenburgh took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair and Mr. Vredenburgh from the Com- mittee of the whole Houfe, reported,

That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bill to them refer- red, and defired Leave to fit again,

Ordered, That the Committee fit again. A Petition from the Owners and PoffeiTors of Meadow on Delaware River and Oldman's Creek, praying Leave to prefent a Bill to repeal the Act. intitled, " An Act to enable the Owners and PoJJeJJors ofSzvamp, Marfh, " and Meadow, adjoining Rachel Dalbo's Fajl Land, and bounding on the " Delaware River and Oldman's Creek to Ifaac Pedrick's Faft Land in the *' Tovjnfhip of Upper Venn's Neck,_ <&c/' and praying Leave to prefent a Bill for the better Improvement of the faid Meadow, was read and com* mitted to MefTrs. Cooper, Camp, and Morris.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Letitia Woodward, praying for Reafons therein con- tained, that an Act. may pafs to divorce her from her Hulband Thomas

Lewis Woodward, was read : Ordered, That me have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of lier Petition, on Friday next, fhe caufing the faid Thomas L. Woodward to be ferved with a Copy of this Order for three Days previous thereto. On Motion, Ordered, That MefTrs. Newton, Cooper, and Morris, be a Committee to revife and amend the Supplement to the Road Act, where- upon, The feveral Petitions refpecYing Roads were read and referred to the faid Committee.

Mr. Marfh laid before the Houfe a Certificate and Affidavit from William

Hereman, which was read :

Ordered, That the fame be committed to MefTrs. Stillwell, Ridgway, and Spear, to examine the fame and report thereon.

Agreeably to Order, the Houfe again refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, on the Bill for the Relief of infolvent Debtors.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair. Mr. Vredenburgh took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Vredenburgh re-

ported :

That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bufinefs to them referred, and defired Leave to fit again.

Ordered, That the Committee fit again.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Saturday, January 25, 1794. The :

( 45 )

The Houfc met.

Mr. Camp from the Committee appointed to join the Committee of Council, for the Purpofe of examining the Accounts and Vouchers of the Commiffioners appointed by a Law of this State, pafled the twenty-fecond Day of November, 1791, to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accomoda- tion of the Legiflature, having carefully Infpecled the fame fince the former Settlement, do report

That the faid Commiffioners have received at fundry Times out of the Treafury of this State, the Sum of one thoufand five hundred Pounds, and for feveral Articles fold belonging to the State, forty Pounds one Shilling and nine Pence ; alfo, from the Inhabitants of Trenton by Subfcription, the Sum of fixteen Pounds feven Shillings and fix Pence in Cafh, amount- ing in the whole to the Sum of one Thoufand five hundred and fifty-fix Pounds, nine Shillings and three Pence—And it appears to the Committee by the Accounts of the faid Commiffioners, and the Vouchers produced to them from No. o, to 100, that they have expended in ere&ing the faid Building, the Sum of one Thoufand fix hundred and thirty-eight Pounds, one Shilling and two Pence three Farthings, and that there is a Balance due to the faid Commiffioners of eighty-one Pounds eleven Shillings and eleven Pence three Farthings—And further, it appears to the Committee that there are Demands againft the faid Commiffioners from fundry Perfons for Materials for faid Building, to the Amount of twenty- feven Pounds ten Shillings Specie.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of this State to iffue a Certificate to " Samuel Potter, efquire," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which Bill was read, debated and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. Clement from the Committe to whom was referred, the Petition of Daniel Marfh, efquire, reported as follows :

That the Charges againft the Eftate of William Beyard, efquire, appears to be juft, but from the Length of Time, and the Neglect of the Petiti- oner, it appears to the Committee that the Account ought not to be allowed.

Ordered, That the faid Report be read a fecond Time.

Mr. Fithian from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill inti- tled, '* An Acl for laying out, opening, and improving certain Roads in " the Counties Cumberland, Salem, Gloucejler, and Burlington, in this State," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which Bill was read and poftponed.

Mr. Blackwood from the Committee to whom was referred the Pe- tition of fundry Inhabitants of Burlington County, refpecling obfconding Sheriffs, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Acl authorizing " Plaintiff's to fue out Writs o/Scire Facias in certain Cafes," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Uoufe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

M The ( 4* )

The Houfe met.

A Petition from of fetting John Doughety the County of Burlington ; forth that there is a Note in the Treafury Office which he has purchafed, and has an Order to receive, and which, for fome particular Reafons, the Treafurer does not choofe to deliver him, and praying that the Legiflature would direft the Treafurer to deliver the laid Note to him, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A Petition from fundry Proprietors of Meadows lying on Stony Brook, in the Counties of Middlefex and Hunterdon, praying that an Aft may pafs to amend the Aft intided, " An Aft to enable Owners of Swamp and Mea- " dow Ground to drain the fame, and to repeal a Law heretofore made for " that Purpofe," was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten 0''Clock on Monday Morning.

Monday, January 27, 1794-

The Houfe met.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from James Mott, efquire, Treafurer, defiling Direftions refpefting the paying Monies out of the Fund eftablifhed by the Militia Law, was read and referred to Meffrs Ni- coll, Moore, Marfh, Morris, and Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Billintitled, " An Aft for the Relief of David Thompfotit" was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrolfed.

The Billintitled, " An Aft to releafe David and Abtaham Hating in the " County of Bergen, from the Payment of a Sum of public Money taken by Rob- " hers," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrolfed.

Agreeably to Order the Houfe again refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Bill intitled, M An Aft " for the Relief of infohcnt Debtors." Mr. Speaker left the Chair. Mr. Vredenburgh took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Vredenburgh from the Committee of the whole Houfe, reported the faid Bill with fundry A- mendments, which Bill with the Amendments were read, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the fame be committed to Meffrs. Elmer, Kitchel and Imlay.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, Mr. Van Cleve prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled " An Aft to incorporate into a Townfnp, that Part " of the Town/hip of'Trenton which is not incorporated into a City, to he " called and hereafter known by the Name of the Townjhip of Independence," which Bill was x'ead, whereupon, A : :

C 47 )

A Petition from the Citizens of Trenton was read, praying that the faid Bill may not be enabled into a Law.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time on Thurfday next, and that the Parties for and againft the Bill, be then heard before the Houfe.

Mr. Camp from the Committee to whom was referred, the two Petiti- ons refpecling the Dam and other Water- Works at Wheeler's Creek and

Indian Corner, reported as follows :

That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Adl to enable the Owners of Tide Swamps and Marflies to improve the fame, and the Owners of the Meadows already banked in and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in good Repair, paffed at Princeton, November 29, 1788, and an Aft to enable the Owners of Swamps and Meadow Ground to drain the fame ; and to repeal a Law heretofore made for that Purpofe, are fully fufficient to anfwer the Prayer of the Petitioners. To which the Houfe agreed.

The engrofTed Bill intitled, *,* An AB to authorize the Treafurer of the " State to iffue a Certificate to Samuel Potter," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yeas, Yeas. Nays. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Camp, Mr. Southard, Mr. Clement, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Spear, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Fithian, , Mr. Marfh, Mr. Stockton,, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Stout, Mr. Hough, Mr. Moore, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Morris, Mr. VanCleve, Mr. Little, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Wellh, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Newton, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Ryerfgn, Mr. Sharp,

The engrofTed Bill intitled, " An AB to releafe David and Abraham Ha- ring in the County of Bergen, from the Payment of a Sum of Public Money taken by Robbers," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Camp, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Hough, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Moore, Mr. Morris, Mr. Nicoll, ( 43 )

The engroffed Bill intititled, " An AH for the Relief of David Thompfon," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows.

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr- Benfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sinnicklbn, Mr. Clement, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Southard, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Camp, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Spear, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Moore, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Whillden- Mr. Elmer, Mr. Morris, Mr- Stockton, Mr. Fithian, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stout, Mr. Hollinfliead, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr- Hough, Mr. Nitoll, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Little, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Wyckoff.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid feveral Bills.

Ordered, That Mr. Marfh do carry the faid feveral Bills to Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Cooper from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition from the Owners of Meadow on Delaware River and Oldman's Creek, in

Upper Penn's Neck in the County of Salem, reported as follows : That the Acl: intitled, " An Aft to enable the Owners and Pojfejfors ofSwamp, Marf}, " and Meadow, adjoining Rachel Dalbo's Fafl hand, and bounded on " Delaware River and Oldman's Creek to Ifaac Pedrick's Fajl Land in the " Townjhip of Upper Penn's Neck in the County of Salem, to ereel, maintain, " and keep in Repair the necefary Banks, Dams, and other Water-Works, " and to ercc~l Drains to prevent the Tide from overflowing the fame," is liable to do great Injuftice between the different Owners of faid Meadow ; therefore ought to be repealed agreeably to the Prayer of the Petitioners t But that the general Law of the State refpecYing Banking and improving Meadows, will anfwer the good Purpofes of the Petitioners, better than the Draught of a Bill prefented with the Petition.

Which Report was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Mansfield-Wood- houfe, in the County of Suffex, praying that a Law may be paffed to au- thorize them to repair their Roads by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpofe, was read and referred to the Committee to whom other Petitions on the fame Subjecl were referred.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

. Tuefday, January 28, 1794.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Samuel Pleafants, ftating a Demand againft a for- feited Eftate, and praying Payment, was read and committed to the Com- mittee of the whole Houfe. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Hunterdon County, praying that the Militia Law may be fo amended or altered, that no Mihtia Officers fhall ( 49 )

fhall be allowed an annual Salary from the Government, was read and committed to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to amend the Militia Law. A Petition from Sophia Terrill, {fating a Demand againft a forfeited Eftate, and praying fome Meafures may be taken to allow her Payment, was read and committed to Meffrs. M'Dowell, Spear, and Welfh.

The Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to the Aft intitled, an Aft

" to prevent the Importation of Slaves into the State of New-Jerfey , and to *' authorize the Manumiffion of them under certain Rejlriftions, and to prevent 41 the Abufe of Slaves," was read a fecond Time, and a Petition from Jo- feph Bloomfield, flyling himfelf Prefident of a Society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery, was read, praying that fome Meafures may be efta- blifhed by Law, to promote the Abolition of Slavery.

Ordered, That the faid Bill and Petition be committed to Meflrs. Van Cleve, Cooper, and Moore.

Mr. Black from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of the State of New-Jerfey, to pay unto " Jofeph Alflon a certain Legacy left him by the lafl Will and Tejlanient of " David Alflon, deceafed." The Bill intitled, " An Aft to enfranchise " David Beach of the T'ownflrip ofMendhamin the County of Morris." The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize John Mannfell, efquire, to hold hands " in Fee Simple within this State," and the Bill intitled, " An Aft to fet " off Part of the Tovjnjhip of Elizabeth in the County of Effex, into a fepa- " rare Townfrip," are pafled by Council without Amendment; and that Council difagree to the Kefolution, relative to a certain Bond filed in the Treafury Office, and faid to be affigned by Mary Hagerty to John Taylor- A Petition from Aaron Lone-ftreet, (latins; a Claim asainft the State, and praying that Meafures may be taken to fatisfy the fame, was read and committed to Meffrs. Elmer, Kitchel, and Stillwell.

The Petitions from a Number of Inhabitants in the County of Effex, on the North Weft Part of the Townfhip of Elizabeth, and in the Parifh of

New-Providence, read on the 23d, Inftant, was read a fecond Time ;

Ordered, That Mr. Marfh have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of the faid Petition.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize John Moore White, " efquire, to ere ft a Draw in the Bridge over Cohanfey Creek, at Bridgetown " in the County of Cumberland," was read and compared. Refolved, That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

On Motion, Ordered, That the Speaker be requefted to direcf the Door- keeper to conduct Perfons who may come to the State-Houfe, to attend the Houfe of Affembly as Spectators, to the Gallery of the Affembly-Room where fuitable Accommodations are provided, the feveral State-Officers, the Members of Council, and fuch Perfons as may be occafionaliy introduced by a Member excepted.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft relative to holding Eleftions in this State," was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time fpent thereon. N The ( 50 )

The Houfc adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Ho nfe met.

A Letter from the Treafurer of the State, giving Information refpecl- ing the Arrears of Taxes in feveral Counties, was read and committed to Meffrs. Kitchel, Stillwell, and Ridgway.

The Ho ufe adjourned until To-morroiu Morning ten of the Clock.

Wednefday, January 29, 1794-

The Houfc met.

Mr. Marsh agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to annex Part of the " Townflnp of Elizabeth, to the Townflnp of Springfield" which Bill was read and ordered afecond Reading.

Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill in- titled, " An additional Supplement to the Act intitled, an Ail to prevent the " Importation of Slaves into the State of'New- J erfey, and to authorize the " Manumiffion of them under certain Reflriftions, and to prevent the Ahufe of " Slaves," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which were read and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

Mr. Rattoone agreeably to Leave given and in behalf of the Petitioners, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Manumiffion of *' certain Negro Slaves, late the Property of William Burnet, deceafed," which Bill was read, whereupon,

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Petition from Amboy, praying that if the faid Bill mould be palled, it fhould be fo provided, that the Eftate of William Burnet, fliould be bound to fecure the Townfhip from any Ex- pence, if the Negroes therein referred to mould become chargeable. Agreeably to the Order of the Day, Mr. Hollinfliead prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for building a Court-Houfe in the County " of Burlington,'''' which Bill was read, and the Parties in favor of and againft palling the fame, were heard.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition from Zebulon Jones, Attorney of Elizabeth Garrifon, fetting forth, that a Certificate of Half- Pay given to the faid Elizabeth Garrifon, had been miflaid or is loft, and praying that fome Meafure may be taken to give her a Warrant in lieu thereof, was read and committed to Meflrs. Vredenburgh, Mayhew, and Little.

The Hiufe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Thurfday, January 30, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Jacob Fries, reported : That —

( 5i )

That as the Certificates referred to in faid Petition, were iflued by Col- lectors in the different Counties, and no fufficient Checks to be obtained to prevent Fraud ; it would not be fafe to open any Office at prefent for their Liquidation —And as they have Reafon to believe, that there are fome Con- tractors' and other Certificates now remaining in the Hands of fome of the Citizens of the State, your Committee are induced to recommend that fome fit Perfon be appointed to receive and give Receipts for all fuch Cer- tificates, and the Vouchers accompanying them tending to eftablifh their

Claims ; and that they be laid before the Legiflature at their next Sitting, in order that fuch Meafures may be taken to do Juftice to the Holders, as may appear fafe ; in order to which, they offer the following Refolution, viz :

Refolved, That Aaron Dunham, Auditor, be directed to receive from any Perfon who may produce the fame, any Contractors' Surplus or other Certificates, with any Vouchers that may be offered in Support of the Claims of the Holders on the Public, at any Time before the firfl Day of

November next ; and that he give his Receipt to the Perfon prefenting the fame and lay them before the Legiflature at their next Sitting, in order that fuch Provifion may be made for their Allowance and Settlement, as will be moft likely to do Juftice to the Holders and fafe for the Public And that two hundred Copies of this Refolution be ftruck off in Handbills and diftributed through the feveral Counties of this State, which Re- port was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Nicoll with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An ** Aft to authorize the Jujlices and chofen Freeholders of the feveral Counties * ' in this State, to call to a Settlement the Treafurcrs of the different Regi- " ments and Battalions in their faid Counties, who were appointed by an Aft *' for the regulating the Militia, paffed January the eighth, feventeen hundred il and eighty-one," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Blackwood moved for Leave to prefent a Bill to repeal Part of the Act intitled, " An Aft to prevent the Importation of Slaves into the State of 11 New-Jerfey, and to authorize the Manumijjion of them under certain Re- "Jlriftions, and to prevent the Abufe of Slaves."

On the Queftion, whether he have Leave to prefent a Bill for that Pur-

pofe ?

It was carried in the Negative as follows.

Nays. Nays. Yeas. Yeas. Mr. Benfou, Mr. Southard, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Camp, Mr. Spear, Mr. Clement, Mr. Sinnickfon. Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Little, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Marfi, Mr. Stout, Mr. Fithian, Mr. M'Cullougb, Mr. Town/end, Mr. Holliufead, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Van Clcve, Mr. Hough, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Lloyd,

Mr. Rattoone t Mr. Whillden, Mr. Moore, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Morris, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Newton,

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to incorporate into a Townflnp that Part of the (t Town/hip of Trenton which is not incorporated into a City, to be called and ** hereafter ( 52 )

" hereafter known by the Name of the Town/hip of. Independence'," was read

a fecond Time ; and the Parties for and againft the faid Bill by their De- puties attended, and informed the Houfe that they had agreed to fubtnit the Bufinefs to the Decifion of the Houfe, after the Reading of the feveral Pe-

titions ; whereupon, the Petitions for and against the Paffing of the faid Bill were read.

Ordered, That the further Consideration of the faid Bill be poftponed.

The Houfe refumed the Consideration of the Bill intitled, ** An Act re- '* lative to holding Elections in this State," and after fome Time fpent

thereon :

Ordered, That the further Consideration thereof be postponed.

A Motion was made by Mr, Elmer feconded by Mr. Moore ; that a Committee be appointed to prepare and prefent a Bill to divide the State into five Districts, and to authorize each District to elect one Perfon to re- prefent this State in the Congrefs of the United States.

To which the Houfe agreed ; -whereupon, Meffrs. Elmer, Camp, and Van Cleve, were appointed a Committee for that Purpofe.

A Petition from Jofiah Hornblower, read on the 24th October last, was read a fecond Time and referred to the Committe on the Militia Bill.

The Houfe adjourned to Three'Clock, P. Ad.

The Houfe met.

A Motion it/as made, That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Re- folution for the appointment of a Commissioner or Commiffioners, to ad- vertife for the Reception of Propofals for striking an accurate Map from actual Surveys of this State, delineating the Boundaries of each County

and Townfhip ; together with the Situation and Lengths of the Navigable and other principal Waters, and fome of the moft public Roads, Cities and large Villages, &c. and to contract with fuch Perfon as they may think moft advantageous, and be allowed for the Purpofe not exceeding the Sum of

To which the Houfe agreed ; whereupon, Meffrs. Cooper, Nicoll, and Townfend, were appointed the Committee.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, '* An Aft to " incorporate into a Townflnp, that Part of the Townfhip of Trenton which is ** not incorporated into a City, to be called and hereafter known by the Name *' of the Townfhip of Independence," and after having gone through the fame by Paragraphs ;

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee to whom was referred the Letter from

James Mott, efquire, Treafurer, reported :

That they are informed that all the Counties are taking the neceffary Meafures to bring forward the Arrears of Taxes, except the County of Morris—That in the County of Morris, the Amount of the Arrears on the firft of January, 1784, in

State ( 53 )

- State Money was £. 853 19 7 And in Specie - - 5968 9 7 That all that has fince been paid amounts only to 423 4 o

Which leaves a Balance in Specie, befides the State Money, of £. 5545 5 7 Your Committee are not poffeffed of any Documents to fhew the Occa- sion of thofe Arrears not being brought forward ; but from Information they believe, that they have heen in Part or in Whole afleffed, but that the Commifhoners of Appeal in two Townfhips, to xvit, Morris and Mendham, have taken it upon them to take off the whole of fuch Alfeffments ; and the Collectors have not thought themfelves authorized to return the Names of the Perfons fo afleffed, to have Warrants of Diftrefs iffued for the Recovery the Propriety of faid Taxes ; your Committee therefore would fuggeft, of calling for the neceffary Information from the County Collector, to form a Determination upon, and to adopt fuch Meafures as fhall be neceffary to bring forward thofe Arrears, and to do Juftice to the State at large. Which Report was read and referred to the Committee of the whole

Houfe, whereupon ; Ordered, That the Houfe will go into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the faid Report into Confideration immediately.

The Speaker accordingly left the Chair. Mr. Van Cleve took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve, Chair- man of the Committee, reported :

That it is the Opinion of the Committee, that the Speaker be requeftcd to write to Caleb Ruffel, efquire, late Collector of the County of Morris, directing him immediately to tranfmit to the Legiflature, Information of what Meafures have been taken to collect the Arrears of Taxes in faid County, and what remains unpaid from each Town, and what Difficulties are in the way of collecting faid Taxes. To which Report the Houfe agreed.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to annex Part of the Townjlrip of Elizabeth, " to the Town/hip of Springfield," was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engroffed. Agreeably to Order, the Houfe again refolved into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Report of Mr. Whillden on the Petition of Benajah Parvin ; the Report of Mr. Camp on the Petition of Ifaac Nicoll, efquire ; and the Report of Mr. Stout on the Petition of Levi Silvers.

The Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Nicoll took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Nicoll from the Com- mittee of the whole Houfe, reported : That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bufinefs to them referred, and defired Leave to fit again. To which the Houfe agreed.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Friday, January 31, 175)4. O The :

( 54 )

The Houfe met.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Aft to incorporate into a Townfip, that ** Part ofthe Town/hip of Trenton -which is not incorporated into a City to be cal- " led and hereafter known by the Name of the Town/hip of Independence," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas, Yeas. Nays. Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Newton, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Camp, Mr. Sharp, Mr- Clement, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Hough, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Southard, Mr- Little, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Stockton^ Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stout, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Lloyd, Mr- Townfend, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Marfii, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Spear, Mr. Morris, Mr. Wellh, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Wyckoff.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to annex Tart of the Toivnfbip of Elizabeth to the Townjhip of Springfield" was read and compared.

Refolved unanimonjly , That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bills.

Ordered, That Mr. Morris do carry the faid Bills to Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Ellis from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had pafled the Bill intitled, " An Act to releafe David and Abraham Raring in the County ** " of Bergen, from the Payment of a Sum of public Money taken by Robbers without Amendment.

Mr. M'Dowell from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of Sophia Terrill, reported as follows:

That by the Will of John Watfon, the Eftate was bound for the Payment of her Legacy, and as it appears that the Teftator left a large Eftate, it is the Opinion of your Committee, that the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill agreeably to the Prayer of her Petition. To which Report the Houfe agreed.

Ordered, That the faid Sophia Terrill have Leave to prefent a Bill ac- cordingly.

Two Petitions from infolvent Debtors confined in the Gaols of Somerfet and Burlington, were read and ordered to be read a fecond Time with the Infolvent AcL A Petition from fundry Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Bergen, praying for Reafons therein mentioned, that the Bill intitled, " A " Supplemental Aft to an Aft intitled, •" An Aft for building Bridges ever t( the Pajfaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," may not be enacted into a Law.

Mr. Nicoll from the Committee appointed to fettle the Quotas of the feyeral Counties, reported

An Eftimate ( 57 )

Which Eftimate was read and agreed to.

The Bill intitled, '* An Aft for transferring the Refidue of the confifcated e< real EJlate late of Harmanus Van Blaricum," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be difmhTed.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize Aliens to purchafe and hold real *' EJlates within this State ," was read a fecond Time, debated and ordered to be engrolTed.

(t The Bill intitled, An Aft for building a Court-Houfe in the County of Bur- " lington," was read a fecond ,Time and debated, and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Cooper from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, brought

in the following Refolution :

Refolved, That his Excellency the Governor of this State, be requefted to advertife for the Reception of Propofals for furnilhing an actual Survey of this State, delineating the Boundaries of each County and Townfhip,

the Situations of the Cities, Towns, and principal Villages ; and likevvife fhewing thereon the principal navigable Waters and other Streams, public

Roads, Sec. the Chart whereof to be the exclufive Right of the State ; and alfo Propofals for flriking a Map thereof for the Ufe of the State, confer- ring on the perfon who may contract to furnifh the fame, the exclufive Priviledge of felling the faid Map after the State fhall be furnifhed with fuch

Number as may be agreed on ; and lay the Propofals he may receive before the Legiflature of this State at the next Sitting. To which the Houfe agreed.

Ordered, That Mr. Moore do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Morris reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned to three o' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Agreeably to the Order of the Day, on the Petition of Letitia Wood- ward, Mr. Vredenburgh in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled " An Aft to divorce Letitia Woodward from her Husband *« Thomas Lewis Woodward," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Mayhew from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had pafled the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of this State to ijfue '« a Certificate to Samuel Potter," and the Bill intitled, " An Aft to au- «' thorize John Moore White, efquire, to ere ft a Draw in the Bridge over <{ Cohanfey Creek, at Bridgetown in the County of Cumberland," without Amendment.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft for " building a Court-Houfe in the County of Burlington" and after fome Time fpent thereon.

Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed. Ordered, That Meflrs. Morris, Rattoone, Marfli, Little, Southard, Stillwell, Blackwood, Wykoff, and Cooper, have Leave of Abfence until Monday next. The ( 58 )

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Saturday, February i, 1794. 1

The Houfe met.

A Petition from Daniel Hunt of the County of Suffex, ftating a De- mand acrainft the State and praying Payment, was read and ordered a fe- cond Reading. Mr. Hollinfhead with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, *< An Aft to authorize thefolemn Affirmation to he adminiflered to fuch Perfons " as have confcientious Scruples againjl taking an Oath," was read and or- dered a fecond Reading. A Petition from Sylvanus Church of the County of Cape-May, praying for Reaions therein contained, that an Act may pafs to divorce him from

Judith his Wife, was read :

Ordered, That he have Leave to prefent a Bill on the fecond Wednefday of the next Sitting, on producing Witneffes to fubftantiate the Fa&s fet forth in his Petition, and giving his faid Wife three Weeks Notice of his Application, and ferving her with a Copy of this Order. The Petition from Luke Mattox of the County of Cumberland, praying for Reafons therein contained, that an Aft may pafs to divorce him from Rebecca his Wife, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That he have Leave to prefent a Bill on the fecond Thurfday of the next Sitting, on producing Witneffes to fubftantiate the Facts fet forth in his Petition, and advertifing his Intention of prefenting a Bill on that Day with a Copy of this Order, for at leaft three Weeks previous thereto in the Pennfylvania Gazette.

The Bill intitled, ". An Aft to authorize the Juflices and chofen freeholders " of the feveral Counties in this State, to call to a Settlement the Treafurers " of the different Regiments and Battalions in their faid Counties, -who tuere

" appointed by an Aft for the regulating the Militia, paffed January eighth , " feventeen hundred and eighty-one," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Bill intitled, " An Ad to repeal the fifth Seftion of an Aft intitled, " An AB to direft the Mode of the Examination of Witneffes in the Court of *' Chancery, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. The Petition of Reuben Culver, read on the eleventh Inftant, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of his Petition. The Petition from John Dougherty, praying that the Treafurer may be directed to deliver him a Certificate in the Treafury Office, was read and difmiffed. The Petition from Bergen County, defiring a Law may pafs to direct the Inhabitants to Fence againlt Sheep, was read a fecond Time and dif- miffed. The :

( 59 )

"The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock on Monday Morning.

Monday, February 3, x 794'

The Houfe met.

The Houfe adjourned to Tbree'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Three Petitions from Morris County, praying that a Law may pafs to amend the Election Law, fo that the Townfhip of Mendham may have the fame Advantages in the Election, as the other Townfhips in the County, were read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Election Law. A Petition from Lucas Van Beverhoudt, fetting forth that he had been taxed a large Sum of Money to drain the drowned Lands on Paffaick Ri- ver, that the Commiffioners appointed to attend to that Bufinefs have re- linquifhed the Work, and praying that fome Meafures may be taken to direct the Completion of that Bufinefs, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Officers of the firft Regiment of Hunterdon Militia, praying an Amendment to the Election Law, was read and committed to Meflrs. Nicoll, Moore, Marfh, Morris, and Lloyd. Mr. Camp from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petitions of fundry Widows, praying the Allowance of the Half- Pay of their late de- ceafed Hufbands, reported :

1. That in their Opinion Electa Campfield, formerly the Wife of Afahel Shipman, deceafed, ought to be allowed the Half-Pay of her deceafed Huf- b and, from the i6thjuly, 1776, until the 15th December, 1783.

2. That Sarah Woods, late Widow of Ifaac Woods, deceafed, is entitled to the Half- Pay of her deceafed Hufband, from the firft Day of October, 1781.

3. That Elizabeth Henderfon, late Widow of Samuel Roberts, deceafed, is entitled to the Half-Pay of her late deceafed Hufband, from the 24th October, 1777, until the 29th of December, 1784.

4. That Hannah Genung, late Widow of Timothy Whitehead, is enti- tled to the Half-Pay of her late deceafed Hufband, from the firft of Febru- ary, 1777, until the tenth of May, 1779.

5. That Sarah Frazer, late Widow of Daniel Hall, deceafed, is entitled to the Half-Pay of her late deceafed Hufband as Sergeant, from the fourth of October, 1777, until the third of December, 1778.

6. That Elizabeth Pruden, late Widow of Abel Tomkins, deceafed, is entitled to the Half- Pay of her late deceafed Hufband, from the ninth of March, 1777, until the fixteenth of March, 1783. Your Committee further Report

7. That Mary Hays, late Widow Rofs, ought not to be allowed on her prefent Application, as fhe has already been allowed the Half-Pay of her late deceafed Hufband, until her fecond Marriage, as appears by the Trea- furer's Accounts. P 8. That ( 6o )

8. That the Petition of the late Widow Channel, is not properly fup- ported, and ought not to be allowed. Which Report was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Agreeably to Order, the Houfe again refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into Confideration the Report of Mr. Whillden on the Petition of Benajah Parvin ; the Report of Mr. Camp on the Peti- on of Ifaac Nicoll, efquire ; The Report of Mr. Stout on the Petition of Levi Silvers, and the Petition of Samuel Pleafants,

The Speaker left the Chair. Mr. Nicoll took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and Mr. Nicoll, Chairman of the

Committee of the whole Houfe, reported : That the Committee had agreed to the following Refolution, which they fubmitted to the Confideration of the Houfe:

Refolved, That James Kinfey, efquire, Chief Juftice, or Ifaac Smith, ef- quire, Second [ultice of the Supreme Court, with Aaron D. Woodruff, Attorney General, and James Mott, Treafurer, be appointed Commiffio- ners, to receive all Claims that may be exhibited before the firft Day of Oclober next, againft this State, for Loffes fuftained by the Purchafers of confifcated Eftates, under the A61 of Confifcation, either by Reafon of a Defecl in the Title of the State to the Lands confifcated and fold, or on Account of any Legacy or other Incumberance with which the Lands flood charged, with the Documents and Evidences to fupport faid Ckiims, and report a regular Statement thereof with their Opinion as to the Lega- lity of the fame, to the Legiflature at this or their next Sitting, which Re- folution was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Tuefday, February 4, 1794.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Gloucefter County, praying that all Shopkeepers who retail ftrong Liquors, may be compelled by Law to take a Licence for that Purpofe from the Court of Quarter Seffions, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. The Report of Mr. Camp, from the Committee appointed to join the Committee of Council for the Purpofe of examining the Accounts and Vouchers of the Commiffioners appointed by a Law of this State, paffed the twenty-fecond Day of November, 179 1, to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation of the Legiflature, was read a fecond Time and agreed to. Ordered, That Mr. M'Cullough do wait on the Council and acquaint them that this Houfe agree to the faid Accounts and Report. Mr. M'Cullough reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Lambert from Council prefented a Bill intitled, '* An Aft for af- '« ccr taming the Fee s of Sheriff's and Coroners," to which he requefted the

Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. --

( 6i )

Mr. Moore reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Lambert from Council, informed the Houfe that Council had parted the Bill intitled, «' An Ad for the Relief of David Ihompfon," without Amendment. The Report of Mr. Camp Yeflerday, on the Petitions of fundry Wi- dows praying the Allowance of the Half-Pay of their late Hufbands, was read a fecond Time and agreed to, except the third Item, making an Al- lowance to Elizabeth Henderfon, which was difagreed to.

Ordered, That Warrants do iflue accordingly. Mr. Nicoll with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An *' Aft to appoint an Agent in the Comity of Bergen, to take Charge of and fell << the forfeited E/iatcs not fold in faid County ," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft for *' laying out, opening, and improving certain Roads in the Counties of Cumber " land, Salem, Gloucefler, and Burlington, in this State," and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An All for Ai laying out, opening, and improving certain Roads in the Counties of Cumber ** land, Salem, Gloucefler, and Burlington in this State," and having deba-

ted the faid Bill by Paragraphs and gone through the fame ;

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Manumifion of certain Negro Slaves, " late the Property of William Burnet, deceafed," was read a fecond Time and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the fame be committed to Meflrs. Rattoone, Vreden- burgh, and Newton.

The Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to the Aft intitled, an " Aft to prevent the Importation of Slaves into the State ofNezv-Jerfey, and " to authorize the Manumiffion of them under certain Reflriftions, and to pre- " vent the Abufe of Slaves," was read a fecond Time.

On the Queftion, whether the firft Section in the following Words, to wit, " Be it enacted, &c. That no Child whatever, born after the palling of this Ac!:, fhall be held in perpetual Bondage or Slavery during Life with- in this State; but that every Child who fhall hereafter be born of a Negro

or other Slave within this State, fhall be, and is hereby declared free, and

fhall not be retained in Servitude, after it fhall attain the Age of twenty- eight Years, any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary in any Wife

notwithftanding," do pafs ?

It was carried in the Negative as follows :

Yeas. ( 62 ) :

( ^ )

The engroifed Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize Aliens to furchafe and " hold real Eflates within this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Black-wood, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Sinnickfon. Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Camp, Mr. Mayheiu, Mr. Southard, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Clement, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Mr. Wyckof. Mr.. Cooper, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Elmer, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stockton, Mr. hollinjhead,. Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Stout, Mr. Hough, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Van Clove,

Mr. Kitehe I, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Weljh, Mr. Little, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Whill den.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid feveral Bills.

Ordered, That Mr. M'Dowell do carry the faid Bills to Council for Concurrence.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft for laying out, opening, and impro- " ving certain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucejier, and " Burlington in this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays. Mr. Camp, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Ben fon, Mr. Newton, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Clement, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Spear, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Southard, Mr. Hough, Mr. StillweH, Mr. Little, Mr. Stout, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Vredenburgh. Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Welfli, Mr. Moore, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Whillden, Mr- Morris, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr- M'Dowell,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bill.

Ordered, That Mr. M'Dowel do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Elmer from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft direfting the Manner of choofing " Reprefentatives for this State in the Congrefs of the United States," which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from the Proprietors of the Line of Stages from Philadelphia

to New-York ; called the New-Line Difpatch, praying a R.epeal of the Law compelling them to Pay forward for a Licence £-150 per Annum, was read and committed to Meflrs. Van Cleve, Imlay, and M'Cullough. A Petition from the Owners of Water Lots on Raritan River, above the Bridge now building acrofs the fame, and others interefted in the free Navigation of faid River, fetting forth that the Managers for building the d faid :

( 64 )

faid Bridge, have fixed the Place for the Draw directed to be put in the faid Bridge, in an improper Place, and praying that they may have Leave to prefent a Bill to direct: the Managers to erect the Draw over the great- eft Depth of Water in the River.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfvver the Prayer of their Petition on Wednefday next, on piving three Days previous Notice to the Managers who fuperintend building the faid Bridge, or any one of them, and ferving them with a Copy of this Order.

Mr. Hollinfhead from the Committee to whom was referred, the Peti- tion and Vouchers of Jane Sleeper, Widow of William Sleeper, John Sleep- er, Junior, and John Perry, Adminiftrators of William Sleeper, deceaied, reported as follows

That your Committee have examined the Contents of the Vouchers laid before them, and it appears to your Committee, that John Perry was au- thorized by William Sleeper to bargain and fell for him, and to tranfacl: his Bufinefs by Power of Attorney—And that the faid John Perry did bargain with and fell to George Budd, a certain Lot of Land as is fet forth by the Petition, for the Sum of forty-one Pounds, and that John Perry hath re- ceived the purchafe Money for the fame—And it appears to your Com- mittee, that William Sleeper did at different Times, receive fundry Articles of faid Perry to a confiderable Amount, and that William Sleeper did in a Letter to John Perry, fet a Time on which he would come down with his Wife and execute the Title for the Lands fold — And it alfo appears, that the faid John Perry did enter into an Obligation for the Sum of two hun- dred Pounds to the faid George Budd that the faid William Sleeper fhould make him a Title for the Land bought of him, and that William Sleeper died Inteftate, and did not make a Title to faid George Budd, and no Per- fon now being authorized for that Purpofe, it is the Opinion of your Com- mittee that the Petitioners ought to have Leave to prefent a Bill to an- fvver the Prayer of their Petition. To which the Iioufe agreed.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill agreeably to the Prayer of their Petition.

The Houfe refumed the Confederation of the Bill intitled, " An Aft for " building a Court- Houfe in the County of Burlington," and after fome Time fpent thereon ;

Ordered, That the faid Bill be referred to the next Sitting. The Petition from Captain Abraham Lyon, was read a fecond Time and ordered to be filed.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Bowes Reed, cfquire, Secretary of the State, defiring a further Compenfation for his Trouble and Expence in making out Military Commiffions, which was read and committed to Meffrs. Cooper, Jmlay, and Camp.

The Petitions from feveral Printers, praying to be employed to print for the State, were read and committed to Meffrs. Nicoll, Kitchel, and Still- well.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to divorce Letitia Wood-ward from her Huf- " band ( <> 5 )

** bandThomas Lewis Woodward," was read a fecond Time and Teftimony produced' to the Houfe, to mew that the faid Thomas had been guilty of Adultery. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofled. The Warrants entitling Sarah Wood, Hannah Genung, Elizabeth Pru- den, Sarah Frazier, and Electa Campfield, feverally to receive the Amount of their late Hulbands, Half-Pay, were read and approved.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid feveral Warrants.

Ordered, That Mr. M'Dowell do carry the faid Warrants to Council for Concurrence.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Ail to divorce Letitia Woodward from *' her Husband Thomas Lewis Woodward," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows:

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr. Black-wood, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Southard, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Camp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Mr. Little. Mr. Clement, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stillwell,

Mr. Cooper, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stout, • Mr. Elmer, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Town/end, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Newton, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr- HoU'mJhead, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. lmlay, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. IVelfh, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Marfh, Mr. Sinnickfon,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. M'Dowell do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

Mr. M'Dowell reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The R.eport of Mr. Camp on the Petition of Ifaac Nicoll, efquire, was read a fecond Time.

On Motion, Ordered, That it be amended by ftriking out the fourth Pa- ragraph— the Remainder of the Report was agreed to.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to appoint an Agent in the County of Bergen, to y take Charge of, and fell the forfeited EJlates not fold in faid County," was read a fecond Time and committed to Meflrs. Elmer, Whillden, and Lloyd.

A Petition from James Davenport a Foreigner, praying for Reafons therein contained, that an Aft may pafs to naturalize him was read ;

Ordered, That he have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfvver the Prayer of his Petition, whereupon,

Mr. Kitchel prefented in behalf of the Petitioner, a Bill intitled, " An " Ad to naturalize 'James Davenport," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Rattoone agreeably to Leave given, and in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Sale of the Re- " mainder of the confifcated EJfate of Alexander Waifon, and for appropria- " ting the Proceeds thereof," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. A 66 ( )

A Memorial from Alexander Colhoun ; a Memorial from Alexander Douglals, and a Memorial from Jofeph M'Cullough, all praying that Ti- mothy Brufh and Andrew Howell, may not be admitted to the Benefit of an Acl; of Infolvency, were feverally read and committed to Meiirs. Kitchel, Elmer, and Imlay.

A Petition from Alexander Colhoun, fetting forth that he is a Priibner to the Sheriff of Hunterdon County, for Debts he is unable to Pay, owing to Brufli and Howell's not performing their Engagements, and praying that a Law may pafs to prevent the Confinement of his Perfon, on his ren- dering up to his Creditors the whole of the Property in his Hands, was read and committed to Meffrs. Kitchel, Elmer, and Imlay.

The Resolution reported by the Committee of the whole Houfe on the third Inftant, was read a fecond Time and agreed to.

Ordered, That Mr. Clement do carry the faid Refolution to Council for Concurrence.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Thurfday, February 6, 1794.


Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treafurer, to—

On Account of Taxes levied in Conti—

To Deficiencies not paid in on the lad Specie or Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money. Bergen, £. 266 14 n

Monmouth, 1 148 16 o Burlington, 2816 15 8

Hunterdon, 402 5 9

Morris, 69 14 3

£• 4704 6 7 ( 67 )

The Houfe met.

Mr. Vredenburgh from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of Zebulon Jones, Attorney for Elizabeth Garrifon, reported as follows :

That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Treafurer mould be direc- ted to pay, Elizabeth Garrifon, formerly Widow of Daniel Miller, or her Order, forty-one Pounds five Shillings, for the Balance due on a Warrant iffued in June laft, entitling her to the Half-Pay of her late Hufband, from the firft of Auguft, ijj6, until the fecond of May, 1782 ; (which Warrant it appears is loft,) upon Condition that the faid Elizabeth or her Attorney, give Bond with fufficient Security to the Treafurer, to refund the faid Sum with Interefl, fliould the Warrant be found and the Money due thereon be recovered from the State. To which the Houfe agreed.

Ordered, That the faid Zubulon Jones have Leave to prefent a Refolu" lion to anfwer the Prayer of his Petition.

Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee, appointed to join a Committee of Council to fettle the Accounts of the Treafurer, brought in the following Report:

-the State of Neiv-Jerfey, Cr.

-nental Money and reduced to Specie.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in Specie or

by the Counties of Lawful Money. Bergen, £. 266 14 11

Monmouth, 1 148 16 o Burlington, 34 6 6i Hunterdon, 402 5 9

Morris, 69 14 3 Balance carried to Account Current 2782 9 iV

November, 1, 1793. £. 4704 6 7

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. II 6S ( )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, treasurer to-

On Account of Tax for raifing £. 50,000-

To Deficiencies not paid in on the lafl: State Money-

Settlement by the Counties of and Certificates.

Burlington, 2750 5 4*

Suflex, 578 19 7£

£• 3329 5 o

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treajttrer, to-

On Account of Tax for raifing £. 50,000 State Moneys

To Deficiency not paid in on the lafl: State Money Settlement by the County of and Certificates. Suflex, £. 1239 & °3"4 ( 6 9 )

<>• -the State ofNew-Jerfey,

-State Money and Certificates, due December I, 1781.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the State Money Counties of and Certificates. Burlington £.1268 13 o 1-4

Suffex, 578 19 7 3 '4

Balance carried to Account Current 148 1 124

£• 3329 5 o

November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

State —to the of New-Jerfey, Cr.

--and Certificates, and £.25000 Specie, due April 1, 1782.

By Deficiency not yet paid in State Money and

by the County of Certificates. SufTex, £-1239 80 3-4

November 1, 1793* By Order of the Committees,

Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. ——

( 7° )

Dr- J A M E S M T T, Treafurer, to—

On Account of Tax for raifing £.50,000 State

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft: State Money Settlement by the Counties of & Certificates. Specie. Eflex, £ m 49 j Monmouth, £-1041 3 33-4 Burlington, r? 15 41-2

Hunterdon, 978 6 3 Morris, 853 19 71-2 Suflex, 1090 12 5 385 8

£.3964 1 71-4 £.488 3 51-2

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, - Ireafurer, to—

On Account of the Proportion of the firft Payment

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of State Money. Specie. Burlington, £ >2I ° l 5 ll Suilex, £- 2I 4 ° 3

£.214 o 3 210 15 11 ( 7* )

— the State ofNe-w-Jerfey. Or*

—Money and Certificates and £.25000 Specie due July I, 1782.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in State Money by the Counties of & Certificates. Specie. Eflex, 49 ° l Monmouth, 382 6 31-2 Hunterdon, 781 12 6

Morris, . 853 19 73-2 Suffex, 464 4 2 237 6 7 Balance carried to Account Current, 1481 19 o 201 16 9 1-2

£.3964 1 71-4 £.488 3 5i-2

November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, B-enjamin Van Cleee.

—the State of New-Jerfey, Cr.

—of Tax for raifing £.90,000 due October I, 1782.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of State Money Specie.

Burlington, £- 2I ° 1 5 i:

Suflex, jC.2.14 o 3

£.214 o 3 £.210 15 11

November ift, 1793* By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve —

C 7* )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to—

On Account of the Proportion of the fecond Pay---

To Deficiency not paid in on the lafl: Settlement by the County of State Money. Suflex, £. 5 0S 14 9

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to—

On Account of the Proportion of the fecond Payment

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Specie.

Burlington, £. 475 6 3 3-4 Hunterdon, 880 11 11 3-4 Morris, 119 7 10 SuiTex, 1060 o o

£. 2535 6 1 1-2 C 73 )

•the State of Neiv-Jerfej,. Cr.

ment of Tax for raifing £. 90,000 due January 1, 1783.

By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of State Money.

Suflex £. 568 14 9 November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

—the State of New-Jerfcy, Cr.

— of Tax for raifing/". 90,930, due January 1, 1784.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in

by the Counties of Specie. • Burlington, * £.475 6 33-4

Hunterdon, 801 3 73-4 Morris, 119 7 10 Suflex, 1060 o o

Balance carried to Account Current, 79 8 4

£. 2535 6 1 1-2

November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees,

Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. ( 74 )

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treafurer, to-

On Account of Tax for railing £.10,000 Specie for-

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Specie.

Hunterdon, £-5-y l % 4 Suflex, 633 18 7

£. 1 163 16 11

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to-

On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of—

To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement by the County of Lawful money. Suflex, £'369 14 8

Dr. JAMESMOTT, Treafurer, to-

On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of-

To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement by the County of Lawful money.

Suflex, £-614 7 " ( 75 )

•—the State ofNew-Jerfey, Cr.

—finking /. 30,000 in Bills of Credit, due December 1, 1785.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Specie Hunterdon, /. 529 18 4 Suffex, 633 18 7

£.1163 16 11 November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

—the State of Nevu-Jerfey, Cr

—/. 31, 259 5, in Bills of Credit, due December 1, 1785.

By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of Lawful money. Suffex, X.369 14 8

November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

— the State of New-Jerfey, Cr.

—^•3 1 >259 5, in Bills of Credit, due December 30, 1786.

By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of Lawful Money.

SufTex, £. 614 7 1

November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. T —

( 7^ )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Ireafurer to—

On Account of Tax for railing a Revenue of—

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money.

Hunterdon /«94 1 3

Suflex, 334 * 5 6

£. 4^8 16 9

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treajurer, to—

On Account of Tax for raifing a Revenue of—

To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement by the County of Lawful Money.

SufTex, £.335 9 7

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treafurer, to~

On Account of Tax for raifing

To Deficiency not paid in on the laft Settlement by the County of Lawful Money.

Suflex, £.215 1 10 ( 77 )

the — State of New-Jerfey, Cr.

—£.31,259 5 in Bills of Credit due December 30, 1788.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in by the Counties of Lawful Money.

Hunterdon, £.46 6 9 SufTex, 334 1 5 6

Balance carried to Account Current, 47 1 4 6

£.428 16 9

November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

—the State of New-Jerjey, Cr.

-£.31,259 5 in Bills of Credit due December 30, 1789.

By Deficiency not yet paid in by the County of Lawful Money. SufTex, £.335 9 7

November 1, 1793. By Orxler of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

the State ofNew-Jerfey. Cr.

~£. 30,000, due December 30, 1790.

Lawful Money.

Amount carried to Account Current £-215 1 !°

/.215 1 10

November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. ( 78 )

A M E S M O T T, Treafurer, to— Dr . J

On Account of Tax for railing—

To the Quotas of the faid Tax payable into Lawful money. the Treafury by the leveral Counties. Bergen, £- IOI 7 5 6 o EfTex, I0 3o 18

Middlefex, £-1242 9 ° To the third annual Payment of the Sum or-") dered to be charged to the County of Mid- C 75 ° ° dlefex, by a Law pafled June 12, 1790. j>

£.1317 9 °

By the Sum ordered to be deduced from the ~) Quota of the County of Middlefex, by aV 1500 Law pafled November 24, 1790. J

£.1302 9 o £.i$02 9

Monmouth, H95 J 9 Somerfet, 1283 3 4

To the Sum ordered to be added to the Quo- ") ta of the County of Somerfet, by a Law v 15 o o pafled November 24, 1790. j

£.1298 3 4 £.1298 3 4 IO Burlington, J 7° 6 ° 6 8 I0 Gloucefter, I2 Salem, io 33 " 9 6 6 Cape-May, 2I 9 ° Hunterdon, x 99 8 ° Morris, I0 94 4 " o 10 Cumberland, 526 1156 3 Suflex, 3 £.15075 o o ( 79 )

-the State of'New-Jerfey, Cv

-£,15,000 due December 30, 1792.

Lawful money. Amount carried to Account Current £.15075 o o

£-15075 o o

November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. ——

( 8o )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to—

On Account of Tax in Specie due October I, 1782, which was payable

28, 1789, is made payable

To Deficiencies not paid in on the Iaft Specie or Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Moneys

Hunterdon, £-4 2 5 ll ° Morris, 398 16 10

SufTex, 1 1 64 4 o

£.1088 ii 10

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treafurer, to—

On Account of Tax in Specie due January 1, 1783, which was payable-—

28, 1789, is made payable—

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Specie or Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money. Monmouth, £"1863 2 8

Somerfet, 1692 9 1

Burlington, 3062 9 I Hunterdon, 4063 o o Morris, 2478 13 4 Cumberland, 212 7 4 Suflex, 2400 o o

£•15772 1 6 ( 8i )

—the State of Netu-Jerfey, Cr.

—to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, but by a Law pafled November into the Treafury.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in Specie or by the Counties of Lawful Money. Morris, £-398 16 10 Suflex, 605 4 o Balance carried to Account Current, 984 10 3

£.1988 11 10

November I, 1793.

By Order of the Committees,

Samuel Ocden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

—the State of New-Jerfey, Cr.

—to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, but by a Law pafled November —into the Treafury.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in Specie or by the Counties of Lawful Money. Monmouth, £-54-8 15 7 Somerfet, 1336 6 8

Burlington, 3062 9 I Hunterdon, 3623 11 7

Morris, 2478 J 3 4 Cumberland, 185 13 11 Suflex 2400 o o Balance carried to Account Current, 2136 11 4

November 1, 1793. Z". 15772 1 6

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve. ( 82 )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to—

On Account of Tax in Specie, due October i, 1783, which was pay—

ber 28, 1789, is made pay-

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Specie or Settlement by the Counties of Lawful Money. Monmouth, £.1465 10 o Somerfet, 1293 o o Burlington, 154° 6 4 Hunterdon, 368 6 2 Morris, 1239 6 8 Cumberland. 411 17 o

Suflex, 1049 9 6

£•7367 15 8

£r. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer to-

On Account of Tax in Specie due January 1, 1784, which was pay-—

ber 28, 1789, is made pay-

To Deficiencies not paid in on the laft Specie or Settlement by the Counties of Bergen, Eflex, Middlefex, Monmouth Somerfet, Burlington, Hunterdon, Morris, Cumberland, Suflex, C S 3 )

'the State o/Netu-Jer/ey, Cr.

-able to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, but by a Law pafled Novem-

-able into the Treafury.

By Deficiencies not yet paid in ( 84 ) 3&* o w w w o o a z H W

S* ( 85 )

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State ofNezv-Jerfey, Dr.

On Account of Cam received of fundry Perfons. 1792. Lawful money.

Nov. 7, Received of Edmond William Kingfland, efquire, per Henry Berry, efquire, in lawful Money, by virtue of a Law pafled June 1, 1792, £'5& 5 °

8, Eleazer Hand, efquire, Sheriff of Cape-May County, per Jeremiah Eldridge, efquire, on Account of Fines impofed by the Court in faid County, 139 Jan. 1, David Potter, efquire, Sheriff of Cumberland County 1793* Per Almerine Brooks, on Account of Fines impo- fed by the Court in faid County, J 4 15 o 10, [ames Hynfhaw, efquire, late Sheriff of SufTex Coun- ty, on Account of Fines due from William Kerr, efquire, former Sheriff of faid County, it being Part of an Execution in his hands againfl the faid Kerr, 40 o a

July 8, William Paterfon, efquire, late Governor, per William Forman, being a Surplufs of £.850, remitted to him for the Payment of the third Inflallment of 100 Shares fubfcribed to the Manufa&oring Society on the Part of this State, 25 12 o

£•137 l 5 9

November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees,

Samuel Ogden,

Benjamin Van Cleve.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of Ne-w-Jerfej, Dr.

On Account of Cam received for Licences given by virtue of a Law

paffed November 24, 1786. !793'

Jan. 1. Received of Stephen Page, John Vandegrift, William Jones, Henry Gulick, Nchemiah Varnon, Jofeph Lyons, Samuel Sears, and Thomas Ward, to run a Line of Stages through this State for one Year from this Date. L' l 5° ° ° May 1, Amos Hutchin, per Mafkell Ewing, efquire, to run a Line of Stages from Amboy to Burlington twice a Week, for one Year from this Date. 20 o o June 1, John Van Emburgh and Robert M'Kean, to run a

Amount carried forward, £* l 7° ° ° ( 86 )

Amount brought forward, /. 170 o

Line of Stages from Amboy to Bordentown twice a Week, for one Year from this Date 20 o

efquire, July 9, John N. Cumming, per Aaron D. Woodruff, to run a Line of Stages through this State for one Year from the firftDay of January laft, 150 o

10, John N. Cumming for John N. Cumming, Michael Wartman, John M'Collum, John Gulick, John Voorhies, John Manning, and Samuel Craig, to run a Line of Stages through this State, for one Year from the 7th Day of May laft, 150 o

Auguft 19, Abraham Sheridan, Charles Beflbnet, Jofeph Broad- hurft, Benjamin Gulick, Jofhua Mercereau, and Patrick Shays, to run a Line of Stages thro' this State for one Year from this Date, 150 o

£.640 o o

November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

JAMES MOTT, Ircafurer to the State ofNew-Jerfey, Dr.

On Account of Cafh received of the CommifTioners of the new Loan-Of-

fice, on Account of Intereft. 1792. Dec. 15, Received of Thomas Anderfon, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Suffex County, on Account of the 6th Year's Intereft on the Sum loaned in faid Coun- ty, due the 4th Inftant, £- IIJ 6 o 27, John Black Commiffioner for Burlington County, on Account of Ditto, due Ditto, 400 o o

28, William Phillips, Commiffioner for Hunterdon Coun- ty, per Ralph Phillips, on Account of Ditto due

Ditto, 355 1 5 6 Jan. 5, William Phillips one of the Commiffioners for Hunter- 1793. don County, per Ralph Phillips, on Account of the 6th Year due December 4, 1792, 252 6 » 15, Samuel Hugg and Jofeph Champion, Commiffioners of Gloucefter County, on Account of Ditto due Ditto, 378 7 2 John Baker, efquire, one of the Commiffioners of Cape-May County, per John Baker, Junior, on Account of Ditto due Ditto, 79 2 8

Amount carried forward, £.1576 17 4 ( 87 )

Amount brought forward, £-^57^ 17 4 1793- 22, Received of Ifaac Wheaton, one of the Coramiffioners for Cumberland County the Amount of Ditto due Ditto, !8o 9 2 28, John Myer, one of the CommifTioners for Middlefex County, the Amount of Ditto due Ditto, 378 18 o 30, Abraham Staats, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Somerfet County, per Samuel Annin, on Account of ditto, due ditto, 423 17 I Feb. I, Hendrick Voorhies, one of the Commiffioners for Mon- mouth County, the Amount of ditto due ditto, 470 7 1 5, William Phillips, one of the Commiffioners for Hunter- don County, per Ralph Phillips, on Account of dit- to due ditto, 1600 13, Jofeph Beavers, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Hunterdon County, per Jacob Benjamin efquire, on Account of ditto due ditto, 580 19, Henry Berry, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Bergen County, the Amount of ditto due ditto, 176 9 1 27, Jonas Wade, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for EfTex County, per Daniel Sayer, the Amount of ditto due ditto, 346 10 8 28, John Black, one of the Commiffioners for the County of Burlington, the Balance of ditto due ditto, 106 12 o Jofeph Lewis, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Morris County, the Amount of ditto due ditto, 364 4 o March 2, Thomas Anderfon, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Suflex County, per William Alexander Ander- fon, in full of ditto due ditto, 343 4 5 28, Abraham Staats, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Somerfet County, per Abraham Dubois, in full of ditto due ditto, 17 18 I

April 10, John Holme, one of the Commiffioners for Salem 1

County, per Edmund Wetherby, on Account of I

ditto due ditto, £.98.13 9 • 34-7 Edmund Wetherby, one of the Commiffioners for .' Salem County, the Balance of ditto due ditto, |

£.248 7 4 j May 16, Jofeph Lewis, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Morris County, per Alexander Carmichael, efquire, being for three Months Intereft on a Mortgage foreclofed of £.95, 186 17, William Phillips, efq. one of the Commiffioners for the County of Hunterdon, per Ralph Phillips, the Ba- lance of the 6th Year due December 4, 1792, £.1 9 10,

Amount carried forward, £'4755 4 ^ X 1

( 88 )

Amount brought forward, Z-4755 4 6 1793- Alfo 3 Months Intereft on £-25 being a Mortgage foreclofed, yf 6d, 1 17 4 20, Samuel Hugg, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Gloucefter County, on Account of the 6th Year's Intereft due December 4, 1792, 300

June 3, Hendrick Voorhies, one of the Commiffioners for Monmouth County, per John Covenhoven, ef- quire, for three Months Intereft on a foreclofed Mortgage of £.25 up to March 8, 1793, 076 Oft. 23, John Baker, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Cape-May County, the Balance of the 6th Year's Intereft on the Sum Loaned in faid County, due December 4, 1792, £.1 15 8, Alfo three Months Intereft on the Sum of £.29 14 o foreclofed in faid County, 8 n, 247

November 1, 1793- £.4762 13 1

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

JAMES MOTT, Treafurer, to the State of New-Jerfey, Dr.

. On Account of Loan-Office Money of 1786, received of the Commiffi- oners of the new Loan -Offices in the fever al Counties, cancelled by their refpeftive Boards of Juftices and Freeholders. I 793- May 14, Received of John Black and Samuel Hough Commiffi- oners of Burlington County, a Sealed Bundle of Loan-Office Money of 1786, cancelled on the 8th Inftant, faid to contain, £.1101 10 o

May 14, Jofeph Annin and Abraham Staats, efquires, per Frederick Freelinghuyfen, efquire, Commiffioners for the County of Somerfet ditto cancelled on ditto, ditto, 249 5 o

15, Evi Adams and Thomas Anderfon, efquires, Commif- fioners for Suffex County, ditto cancelled ditto, 411 14 o John Outwater and Henry Berry, efquires Com- miffioners for Bergen County, ditto cancelled ditto, 416 1 o Abraham Schuyler and John Myer, efquires, Com- miffioners for Middlesex County, ditto cancelled ditto, ditto, 476 o o

16, Jofeph Lewis, efquire, one of the Commiffioners for Morris County, ditto cancelled ditto, ditto, 340 3 o

Amount carried forward, £.2994 13 o C 89 )

Amount brought forward, £.2994 13 J 793> 16, Received of John Holme and Edmund Wetherby, Commiflioners for Salem County, per John Sinnick- fon, efquire, ditto cancelled ditto, ditto, 286 9

17, Jofeph Reading, Jofeph Beavers and William Phillips, Commiflioners for Hunterdon County, ditto can- celled ditto, ditto, 711 3 20, Samuel Hugg and Jofeph Champion, efquires, Com- miflioners for Gloucefter County, ditto cancel- led ditto, ditto, 354 15 May 22, Peter Covenhoven, one of the Commiflioners for Monmouth County, ditto cancelled ditto, ditto, 270 7 Ifaac Wheaton, efquire, one of the Commiflioners for the County of Cumberland, per Joel Fithian, ef- quire, ditto cancelled, ditto, ditto, 122 2

June 3, , efquire, one of the Commiflioners for Eflex County, ditto cancelled, ditto ditto 156 15

Oct. 23, John Baker, efquire, one of the Commiflioners for Cape-May County, ditto cancelled, ditto ditto, 203 14

£•5099 18 c

November 1, 1793.

By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

JAMES MO TT, Treafurer to the State of New-Jerfey, Dr.

On Account of Notes or Certificates received of fundry Perfons. 1792* Certificates. Nov. 15, Received of Daniel Hendrickfon, efquire, late Sheriff of Monmouth County in State Notes, on Acccount of impofed in Fines by the Court faid County, £-$5 9 4 24, Jofeph Hugg, efquire, Commiflioner of the old Loan- Office for Gloucefter County, in State Notes, Prin- cipal and Intereft to October 24, 1792, on Account of Debts due to faid Office, agreeably to a Refolu- >UMV tion of November 21, 1792, 1168 13 2 Jan. 11, Nathaniel Hunt, efquire, Commiflioner of the old Loan Office Hunterdon County in State Certifi- 1793, cates, on Account of Monies due from faid Office, agreeably to a Refolution pafled November 21, 1792, 144 5 4

Amount carried forward, £.1348 7 10 —

( 9° )

Amount brought forward, £-1348 7 10 i?93- March 18, Nathaniel Hunt, efquire, Commiffioner of the old Loan-Office, Hunterdon County, in State Notes on Account of Debts received by him due to faid Office, per Refolution of November 21, 1792, 53 14 7 21, Samuel Hayes, Commiffioner of the old Loan-Office, Effex County, in State Certificates on Account of Debts received by him due to faid Office, per Refo- lution palled November 21, 1792, 739 13 10 May 16, Pruden Ailing, efquire, late Sheriff of Morris Coun- ty, in State Certificates on Account of Fines im- pofed by the faid Court in County, 47 1 5 4 18, Caleb Camp, efquire, Sheriff of Effex County, in State Certificates, two Fines againft John Ogden, former Colleftor of Effex County (recovered before the Chief Juftice) with Intereft, excepting the She-

riffs' Commiffions which he retained in his Hands, 26 1 1 6

Sept. 4, Elifha Walton, efquire, Sheriff of Monmouth Coun- ty, in State Certificates, (CondicYs) on Account of Fines impofed by the Court in faid County, 29 8 3

£.2245 11 4 November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treajurer, to—

Account Current ia

To Amount of Notes or Certificates received of fundry Perfons, £'2245 ll 4 To Amount of Ditto received of the Agents of forfeited Eftates, 2514 18 6

£.4760 9 10 1

( 9* )

JAMES MOTT, Treajurer, to the State of New-Jerfey, Dr.

On Account of Notes or Certificates received of the Agents of forfeited Eftates. Lawful 1793* Certificates. Money. March 21, Received of Samuel Hays, Agent of- for- feited Eftates for Efiex County, in State Certificates as follows, viz.

On Cavalier Jouet's Eftate (perfonal) ] £-9*3 5 3 I John Richard's ditto 215 80 1*2043 Thomas White's ditto 595 2 6 Philip Brafier's ditto 127 13 4 Barrack Lands, 19 13 5 J Received by Virtue of a R.efolution paffed November 21, 1792, 25, Of Samuel Hays Agent of forfeited Eftates for EfTex County as follows, viz.

On Cavalier Jouet's Eftate (perfonal) ~) 343 10 11 C 409 96 Philip Brafier's do, 65 18 73 Tuty 3» Jofeph Gafton, efquire, Agent of forfeited Eftates for Suflex County, on Account of the forfeited Eftate of Oliver Delancey, 6266 Jofeph Gafton, efquire, Agent on Account of the aforefaid Eftate, £>%o o o

£.2514 18 6 /.30 o o November 1, 1793. By Order of the Committees, Samuel Ogden, Benjamin Van Cleve.

— the State of New-Jerfey. £r.

—Notes or Certificates,

By Amount of fundry Notes or Certificates examined and allowed, £-4760 9 IO

November 1, 1793. WE the Committees of Council and AfTembly, appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, having examined the above do find the fame juftly ftated, Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, Joel Fithian, David Wellh, John Rattoone. 11 —»

( 9* )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treafurer to—

Account Current in—

To Balance due the State on Settlement made November I, 1792, viz.

In old State Money, £-543 r 9 4 Ditto/. 1092 8 3* lawful Money, received") at one for three on the Sinking Fund Tax£^277 4 I0|

not exchanged, equal in State Money to _)

/.3821 4 2| To Balance on Tax in State Money and Certificates, due December 1,1781, 148 12 4 To ditto ditto due July 1, 1782, 148 19 o

£. 6784 15 61

November 1, 1793. of the Council and Aflembly, appointed to fet— WE the Committees lance of one thoufand and ninety-two Pounds eight Shillings and—

due December 1, 1785, and not yet exchanged; equal to three thoufand

penny old State Money, remaining in the Hands of the faid Treafurer— ( 93 )

—the §tate ofNcw-Jerfey,

— old State Money.

By Amount of old State Money cancelled by Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, efquires, April 19, 1793, and burned by a Committee of both Houfes May 25, 1793,

Of the Emiflion of January 9, 1781, /«o34 17 o Ditto of June 9, 1780, 2429 16 8

/.3064 13 8 By ditto cancelled by ditto October 24, 1793, and burned by ditto October 25, 1793, Of the EmifTion of January 9, 1781, 29 12 9 Ditto of June 9, 1780, 413 43

442 17 o By Balance due the State £.1092 8 3Mawful Money, re- ceived at one for three on the Sinking Fund Tax and not yet exchanged, equal in old State Money to 3277 410?

£.6784 15 6*

—tie the Treafurer's Accounts, having examined the above, do find a Ba- —three Pence half penny lawful Money, received on the Sinking Fund Tax —two hundred and feventy-feven Pounds four Shillings and ten Pence half -—agreeably to the above Statement. Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, Joel Fithian, David Welfh, John Rattoone. -

( 94 )

Dr. JAMES MOTT, Treajurer, to—

Account Current in—

To Balance due the State in lawful Money, on Settlement made November i, 1792, £.3208 4 10 To Balance on Tax levied in Continental Money and reduced to Specie, 2782 9 14 To ditto on Tax in Specie due July 1, 1782, 201 16 yi To ditto January 1, 1784, 79 8 4 To ditto Revenue Tax due December 30, 1788, 47 14 6 To ditto on Tax in Specie due December 30, 1790, 215 1 10 To ditto December 30, 1792, 1-5075 ° ° To ditto on Tax due October 1, 1782, which was payable to the Receiver of Continental Taxes, 984 10 3 To ditto due January 1, 1783, ditto 2136 11 4 To ditto due October 1, 1783, ditto 284 o io* To ditto due January 1, 1784, ditto 200 o o To Amount received of fundry Perfons 137 15 9 To ditto received for Licenfes 640 o o To ditto received of the Commiflioners of the new Loan-Offi- ces on Account of Intereft, 4762 13 11 To ditto received of ditto, being Loan-Office Money, cancelled by their refpe&ive Boards of Juftices and Freeholders, 5°99 l % ° To ditto received of Jofeph Gafton, Agent of forfeited Eflates, 3000

Amount carried forward. £.3.5885 5 6* ( 95 )

-"-the State o/Ncw-Jerfeji Cr.

—lawful Money.

By Amount of feven Militia Notes received of John Black, Collector of Burlington County, on Account of Arrears of Taxes in Continental Money and reduced to Specie, with his and the Town Collector's Affidavits, agreeably to a Re- folution palTed November 28, 1788. £.38 18 3

By Amount of fundry Vouchers from No. 1 to No. 170, in- clufive for Cafh paid to the Members of the Legiflature for their Wages, to their Clerks, to Doorkeepers, and to the Printer, 3485 15 3

By ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 28, for Cafh paid to the Officers of Government on Account of their Salaries, and to the Judges of the Supreme Court for holding Courts of Oyer and Terminer, 31 39 711

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 42, for ditto paid for fundry Incidental Charges, 3513 5 I0f By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 45, for ditto paid on Warrants of Half- Pay, 1859 * 3

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 72, for ditto paid to the Commiffioners and Deputy Commiffioners in the feve- ral Counties for enrolling the Militia, 864 8 8

By ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 9, for ditto paid for one Years' Intereft on old State Money, 45 11 10 3y ditto of ditto, No. 1, for ditto, paid for one Years Intereft on Continental Certificates figned by John Pierce, efquire, Commiffioner, which was originally received by John Peck, late Agent to the 2d Jerfey Regiment, and en- dorfed thereon at that Time, and has fince been depofited in the Treafury by him to be paid to the Proprietors of faid Notes, o 10 4

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 17, for Cafh paid for one Year's Intereft on Certificates figned by Silas Condict and Mafkell Ewing, Commiffioners, 70 4 5

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 2, for ditto paid for In- tereft on depriciation Notes, 12 15 9

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 36, for ditto paid for Intereft on Notes given by the Commiffioners in the feveral Counties for the Militia Services, 97 7 8

By ditto of ditto from No. 1 to No. 35, for ditto paid for In- tereft on forfeited Eftates Notes, in full to June 1, 1792, 683 4 1

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 36, for ditto, paid for one fourth of the Principal due on forfeited Eftate Notes, 697 4 5

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 65, for ditto paid for In- tereft on Notes figned by the Treafurer and counterfigned by the Auditor, and given for Demands againft forfeited E- ftates for one Year on the * of the Principal of faid Notes, 1268 7 7

Amount carried forward, £.15776 3 3* z ——

( 9* )

Dr. J A M E S M T T, Tnafurcr, to~

Account Current in—

Amount brought forward, £.35885 5 6£

£-35885 5 61

November 1, 1793. tttE the Committees of Council and Affembly, appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, VV to No. i7oinclufive, from No. i to No. 28 Do. from No. 1 to No. 42 Do. from No. 1 — 17 Do. from No. 1 to No. 2 Do. from No. 1 to No. 35 Do. from No. 1 to No- 36 Do. lrom to 1 to 1 Do. No- 1, 3 Do. from No- 1 to No. 5 Do. from No. 1 No. 9 Do. from No. No. 1 hundred and fuueen Pounds, four Shillings and Seven Pence half-penny lawful Money, remain ( 97 y V

—the State ofNevj-Jerfey q-

—lawful Money-

Amount brought forward, £. 15776 3 3J By Amount of Vouchers from No. 1 to No. 65, for Cafh paid for the fecond fourth of the Principal of faid Notes, 7049 7 4 By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 3 for ditto, for Inter- ell on fundry Notes iflued by Virtue of fpecial Laws and Refolutions of the Legiflature, in full to June 1, 1792, 49 6 7 By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 5, for ditto for one 4th

of the Principal of faid Notes, 361 1 5

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 9, for ditto for one Year's Intereft on the * of the Principal of Notes iflued by Virtue of fpecial Laws and Refolutions to June 1, 1793, 179 16 9

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 11, for ditto for the fe- cond fourth of the Principal of faid Notes, 11 36 o 8 By ditto of one Voucher No. 1, for Cafh loft on £.46 5 in Coppers (the Coin of the State) received into the Treafury at 15 to the Shilling, and paffed them at 24 for a Shilling a- greeably to the Refolution of November 27, 1792, 17 6 10*

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 2, for Cafh delivered to Benjamin Van Cleve and James Ewing, efquires, and cancelled by them the 17th and 18th of April, 1793, and burned by a Committee of both Houfes, May 23, 1793, a- greeably to a Law paffed November 30, 1789, Revenue Money, £.2800 o o Loan- Office ditto, 2000 o o 4800 o o

By ditto of ditto, from No. 1 to No. 2, for Loan-Office Mo- ney (which was cancelled by the Juftices and Freeholders of the feveral Counties) agreeably to a Law paffed Novem- ber 24, 1788, and burned by the Committees of both Houfes on thefollowing Days, viz. 1793, May 30, '£; 4^729 9 ° Oft. 25, 360 9 o • 5°99 J 8 o Balance due the State 141 6 4 7*

£.35885 5 61-

—having examined the Above, and the Vouchers relative thereto, VIZ. No. 1, and from No. r

—to No. 45 Do. from No. 1 to No. 72 Do. from No. 1 to No. 9 Do. No. 1, from No. 1 to No. —No. 1 to No. 36 Do. from No. 1 to No* 65 Do. from No. 1 to No. 65 Do. from No. 1 to No. —from No. 1 to No. 1 Do. and from No. 1 to No. 1, do find a Balance of one thoufand four —ing in the Hands of the faid Treafurer, agreeably to the above Statement. Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, Joel Fithian, John Rattoone. David Welfh, ( 98 )

S O T T, Treafurer to— £>r , J A M E M

Account Current in—

To Amount of 23 Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Ste- vens, late Treafurer, remaining in the Hinds of James Mott, prefent Treafurer, on Settlement made November £.1106 11 31 1, 1792, amounting to

£.1106 11 3i

Dr. J A M E S M O T T, Treafurer, to—

Account Current in—

To 756 Notes iflued and figned by the Treafurer, and Co. Signed by the Auditor, agreeably to a Law pafled Decem- I x 8* ber 23, 1783, amounting as per Account to £«372 3 3 ( 99 )

—the State ofNew-Jerfey, Cr.

—Notes of Depreciation.

By Amount of one Voucher, no. I, for three Notes of De- preciation, delivered to David Garman, £'*7 15 5" Remaining in the Hands of James Mott, Treafurer, 20 Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Stevens, late Treafurer, a- mounting to 1088 15 10

£.1106 n 3i November 1, 1793. WE the Committees of Council and AfTembly, appointed to fettle the Treafurer' s Accounts, having examined the above and the Voucher relative thereto, do find twenty Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Ste- vens, late Treafurer, amounting to one thoufand and eighty-eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten Pence remaining in the Hands of the faid Treafur- er, agreeably to the above Statement. Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, David Welfh, John Rattoone.

—the State of Neiv-Jej-fcy. Cr.

—forfeited Eftate Notes.

By 696 Notes delivered to the Owners thereof, amounting as per Account rendered, to £'3&53° 4 41 By 60 Notes remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer, as per Account rendered, amounting to 701 9 4

£.37231 13 Si November 1, 1793. WE the Committees of Council and Aflembly, appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, having examined the above and the Vouchers relative thereto, for the delivery of fix hundred and ninety-fix Notes given for Demands againfl: forfeited Eftates ; do find fixty Notes amounting to feven hundred and one Pounds nine Shillings and four Pence, remaining in the Hands of the faid Treafurer agreeably to the above Statement, Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, Joel Fithian, John Rattoone, David Welfh. A 2 —

( *°° )

r ' & JAMES MOTT, Treafurer to~~-

Account Current in-—

Dolls, ootha. To 353 Notes depofited in the Hands of the Treafurer by- John Peck and John Blair, Agents, agreeably to a Law paffed March 7, 1786, amounting as per Receipt and Account to 1 11 15 85

Dr. JAMESMOTT, Treafurer, u~

Account Current in Notes iflued by virtue

To 24 Notes figned by James Mott, Treafurer, agreeably to the Direction of fundry fpecial Laws and Refolutions, paf- fed by the Legiflature of this State, amounting to £-4632 3 8 —

( ioi )

- O. the State ofNew-Jerfey, ,

—Final Settlement Notes.

Dolls, ooths. By 300 Notes delivered to the Owners thereof, by the Treafurer, amounting as per Account rendered to 9913 84 By 53 Notes remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer as per Account rendered amounting to 1201 89

11115 83

November 1, 1793. WE the Committees of Council and AfTembly, appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, having examined the above and the Vouch- ers relative thereto, for the Delivery of three hundred Final Settlement Notes, do find fifty-three Notes, amounting to twelve hundred and one Dollars and eighty-nine Ninetieths, remaining in the Hands of the faid Trea- furer agreeably to the above Statement. Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, Joel Fithian, John Rattoone, David Welfti.

—the State of Neiv-Jerfey, Cr.

—of fundry fpecial Laws and Refolutions,

By Vouchers from No. 1 to No. 12, for 24 Notes delivered to the Proprietors thereof, amounting to £.4632 3 8

November 1, 1793. WE the Committees of Council and Aflembly appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Accounts, having examined the above and the Vouchers relative thereto, for the ifluing and delivery of twenty- four Notes, do find the fame juftly ftated. Samuel Ogden, John Condit, Benjamin Van Cleve, Bateman Lloyd, Ebenezer Newton, James H. Imlay, Joel Fithian, John Rattoone, David Welfh. :

( 102 )

Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of

Aaron Longftreet, reported :

That the Claim of Mr. Longftreet is fpecifically againft the United States, and would have been allowed by them if Application had been made in Sea- fon—That the Legiflature have no Means in their Power to detect Fraud and prevent Impofitions, if they fliould open a Door for the Reception of fuch Claims, and would moreover, be fubject to fuftain the whole Burthen of them, as probably Congrefs will not hereafter admit any Demands of

the individual States : The Committee therefore, are of Opinion, that the Petition fhould be difmifled.

To which the Houfe ao-reed.

Ordered, That the faid Petition be difmifled.

The Bill intitled, '* An Aft to naturalize James Davenport," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled. A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Eflex County, praying that John Roff may not be allowed the Benefit of an Act of Insolvency, Was read and referred to Meflrs. Kitchel, Elmer, and Imlay.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Somerfet County, praying that no general Act may pafs for the Relief of infolvent Debtors, was read and referred to Meflrs. Kitchel, Elmer, and Imlay. A Petition from Morris County, praying that a Law may pafs to amend the Election Law, fo that the Townfhip of Mendham may have the fame advantages in the Election as the other Townfhips in the County, was read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Election Law.

A Petition from fundry Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Somerfet, fetting forth, that they are fatisfied with the prefent mode of E- lection, but if any Alteration fhould be made, they pray that they may be allowed to hold their Elections in Townfhips for Reprefentatives, was read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Election Law.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for afcertaining the Fees of Sheriff s and Coro-

That in their Opinion, the Treafurer ought not to deliver to any Ap- plicant for fuch Certificate, whether the Application be made in Perfon or by Order or Warrant of Attorney, unlefs it fhall fully appear to his Satis- faction, that the Perfon applying as above, fhall be the real bona fide Own- er of the fame.

Which Report Avas read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Nicoll from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of Ifaac Neale, and a Petition from Day and Hopkins, Printers, reported as

follows : Minutes That Ifaac Neale is willing to undertake to print the Laws and in a correct Manner, at fifty Shillings per Sheet for one thoufand Copies.

Day and Hopkins at four Pounds five Shillings for iooo Copies.

Ifaac Collins at four Pounds ten Shillings for iooo Copies.

Which Report was read, whereupon ; Ordered, That Ifaac Neale be employed to print the Minutes of this Houfe. :

C io 3 )

Refolvtd, That Day and Hopkins be employed to print the Laws of this Seffion.

Ordered, That Mr Newton do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engrofled Bill intitled, « An AB to naturalize James Davenport," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs I It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Ben/on, Mr. Newton, Mr. Hough, Mr. Black-wood, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Little, Mr. Camp, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Vredenhurgh, Mr. Clement, Mr. Ridg-way, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Elmer, Mr, Sharp, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Hallinfiead, Southard, Mr. . Mr. Imlay, Mr. Spear, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Marjh, Mr. Stout, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Moore, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Morris, Mr. Welfh, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Whillden. Mr. M'Do-well, Mr. Wyckoff.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Nicoll reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Marfh from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of "William Darling, Executor of Thomas Darling, deceafed, reported :

That they have examined the Vouchers to them delivered, to fubftantiate the Fafts fet forth in faid Petition—That the faid William Darling, as Exe- cutor of the faid Thomas Darling, ought to be paid by the Treafurer of this State, the Sum of thirty- five Pounds State Money, at the Rate of eight Shillings for each Spanifh milled Dollar with Intereft, if fomuch of the neat Proceeds of the fale of the confiscated Eftate of Cavalier Jouet flill remains in the Treafury.

Which Report was read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to rprefent a Bill for that Pur- pofe.

Mr. Marfli from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition of William Bond and George Warne, reported : B 2 That -

I0 C 4 ) That they had taken into Confideration, the whole of the Bufinefs fet forth in faid Petition, and are of Opinion, that it will be moft advantageous to the State to grant the Prayer of the Petitioners ; which report was read : the On Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the fame ?

It was carried in the Negative, whereupon ;

Ordered, That the faid Petition be difmifled.

On Motion, Ordered, That MefTrs. Imlay, Blackwood and Morris, be a Committee to bring in a Bill directing Sheriffs to deliver over their unfinifh- ed Bufinefs to their SucceiTors in Office.

A Petition from the Townfhip of Downs in the County of Cumberland, praying that a Law may be paffed to authorize them to maintain their public Roads and Bridges by Hire, and that they may be authorized to raife Money for that Purpofe, was read and committed to MeiTrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.

The Bill intitled, " Aft the Payment the Inter and An for farther of eft a " Part of the. Principal of the Debts of this State," was read a fecond Time,

and after fome Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Oo-den from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An Aft to divorce Letitia Woodward from her Husband Thomas- Lewis " Woodward," and the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize Aliens to- pur " chafe and hold real EJlates -within this Sfate," are paffed by Council with-

out Amendment ; and that Council have rejected the Bill intitled, " An " Aft to repeal the fifth Seftion of an Aft intitled, an Aft to dire ft the Mode " of the Examination of Witnejfes in the Court of Chancery, and for other Pur- " pofes therein mentioned."

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Sale of the Remainder of the coufif- " cated Eflate of Alexander Watfon, and for appropriating the Proceeds " thereof," which Bill was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrolTed.

The Petition of Daniel Hunt, read on the firft Inftant, was read a fe- cond Time and difmilTed.

' On Motion, Refolved, That Peter S. Demareft and Martin Powles, have Leve to prelent a Bill to direct the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate for the Amount due on a certain Bond given by John Duree to them the aoth Day of April, 1773, which Bond was examined and allowed by two of the. Judges of Bergen County as a good Claim againft the forfeited

JEftate of faid Duree ; but has never been paid, having been miflaid in the Auditor's Office of the State. The Report of Mr. Clement of the 25th ultimo, on the Petition of Da- niel Marfh, efquire, was read a fecond Time, and difagreed to.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Friday, February 7, 1794.

The : :

( B« )

The Houfe met.

Mr. Southard from the Committee to whom was referred, the Accounts and Vouchers of Edward Thomas, formerly Barrack- Matter, reported: That they have examined the Accounts and Vouchers to them referred, and that it does not appear to the Committee, that faid Thomas had any Appointment as Barraek-Mafter under the Authority of this State, and that his Accounts are properly againft the United States, and ought

not to be paid by this State i To which the Houfe agreed.

Ordered, That the faid Accounts and Vouchers be difmifled. Mr. Nicoll agreeably to Leave given and in behalf of the Petitioner, prefented die Draught of a Bill intitled " An Act directing the Treafurer

" to iffue a Certificate to Martin Powles and Peter Simon Demarefl," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft directing the Manner of choofing Reprefen- " lathes for this State in the Congrefs of the United States," was read a fecond Time, and after fome Time (pent thereon ; Ordered, That the further Conftderation thereof be poftponed. The Houfe having difagreed to the Report of Mr. Clement, a Motion was made that Daniel Marfti, efquire, have Leave to prefeint a Bill to an- fwerthe Prayer of his Petition.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree thereto ?

It was carried in the Negative, whereupon

Ordered, That the Petition of Daniel Marfh, ejquire, be difmiffed. Mr. Beardflee from Council, informed the Houfe that the Bill intitled, *' An Act to naturalize, fames Davenport,'''' is paffed by Council without Amendment.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to prevent the Imprifonment of any Perfon for " /mall Debts," was read a fecond Time, and committed to MelTrs. Benfon, Elmer, and Cooper.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Caleb RufTell, efquire, late Collector of Morris County, Hating the Arrears of Taxes, and the Caufes of thofe Arrearages, in Anfwer to a Letter which the Speaker wrote to him on that Subject, by Direction of the Houfe, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Act for afcertaining the Fees of Sheriff s and Coro- *' tiers, was read a third 1 lme.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows ( K* )

Yeas, Yeas-, Yeas, Nays, Mr- Benfon, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Southard, Mr. Camp, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Mr. Little- Mr- Clement, Mr- Morris, Mr. StiilwelV "If- Cooper, Mr. M'Cdlough, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Elmer, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Stow, Mr. Fithiatl, Mr. JSJew-torij Mr. Townlend, M-. Hollinfhead, Mr. Nicoll,. Mr- Van Cleuey Mr. Imlay,. Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Vredenburgh- Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Welfli, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. WhilldetV, Mr. Marfli, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr- Sinnickfon,

Q-rderetk, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Rattoone do wait oft Coutttit atrd; mform themv that the fame is pafl'ed by this Houfe Without Amendment.

The Bill intitled, " A Supplementtil A3 to an Aft intitled, ait Ac! for •* building Bridges over the Rivets Paffaick and Hdckiapuk, and for other ' Pwpofes TiMWffottoRkkdjM Was- read a fee ond Time, and after forrte Time fpent thereon ;

Ordered, That the fai<$ B4# be coWrafated wMfiifrs. Nicoll, Blackwood, and Ryerfon.

A Petkitlon1 fi»6m fundry Prifonefs confined in die Gaol of the County of Somerfet, praying the Benefit of an A& of Infoivency, was read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Infolvent Aft.

Mr. Haringfrom Council presented a Bill in titled , " An Aft to authorize ** the Truftees oj the Burlington Academy ; the Trujlces of the Salem Academy ; " the 'Truftees of the Grangedate Academy, and the Trnjlees of Middleto-wn ' Academy, to raife Money by way of Lottery," to which he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe, which Bin* was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until To-msrrbiv Morning ten of the Clock.

Saturday, February 8, 1794.

The Houft met.

Sundry Petitions from Woodbridge in the County of Middlefex, pray- ing an Acl may be pafled to authorize them to repair their public Highways by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpofe, was read and referred to Meflrs. Moore, Morris, and Imlay.;

Mr. Condit from Council, informed the Houfe that Council had paffed the Bill intitled, " An Ail to authorize the JufiCes and chofen Freeholders of *' the feveral Counties in this State, to call to a Settlement the Trcafurtrs of " the different Regiments And Battalions th&rein" without Amendment.

Mr. Imlay from the Committee to. whom wafc referred, the Bill intitled, " An Aftfor the Relief ofinfolvent Debtors," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which Bill with the Amendments were read, and the fame having been read by Paragraphs and debated ;

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed. Ike ( i°7 )

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Rattoone reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Siillvvcll from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to raife the Sum offifteen thoufand *' Pounds, in the Tear one thoufand [even hundred and ninety- four," which Bill was read anJ ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Benfon from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill intitled, '• An Aft to prevent the hnprifonment of any Perfouforfmall Debts," report- ed the fame with an Amendment, which Bill was read and after fomc

Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

Mr. Hollinlhead from the Committee, to whom the Petition of Edith Sleeper, Widow of Jonathan Sleeper, late of Burlington County, deceafed, John Sleeper, Junior, and John Perry, Adminiftrator to faid Sleeper, was referred, reported as follows :

That the Committee have examined die Papers laid before them, and it appears to the Committee, that Jonathan Sleeper did fell to Adam Inger, a Lot of Land in faid County, and died Inteftate without figning a Title for the fame ; and it is fet forth, that faid Inger has paid Part of the pur- chafe Money and improved the Lot, and as there is no Perfon authorized by Law to make a Title, in the Opinion of the Committee the Petitioners ought to have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition.

To which Report the Houfe agreed.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize Plaintiff's to fue out Writs oj " Scire Facias in certain Cajes," was read a fecond Time, and after fomc

Time fpent thereon ;

Ordered, That the fame be difmifTed.

(e The Bill intitled An Aft direfting the Treafurer to ijfue a Certificate t« " Martin Powles and Peter S. Demarejl," was read a fecond Time, deba- ted and ordered to be engrofled.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o* Clock on Monday Morning.

Monday, February 10, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from Robert Morris, efquire, ftating Reafons why it would be proper for this State, to make Provifion for difabled Militia- Men, which was read and referred to the next Sitting. The Settlement of the Treafurer's Accounts, reported by Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee appointed to join a Committee of Council for that Purpofe on the fixth Inftant, was taken into Confideration and agreed to.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft for C 2 the ( io8 )

" the Relief of James Shay and John Hefner," and after fome Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, That the further Con fideration thereof be poftponed. The Letter from Caleb Ruffel, efquire, read on the feventh Inftant, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Blackwood, M'Dowell, and Hollinfhead. The Report of Mr. Kitchel on the Application of Jacob Fries, with the Refolution therein contained, was read a fecond Time and agreed to. Ordered, That Mr. Ridgway do carry the faid Refolution to Council for Concurrence.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Sale of the Remainder of the " confifcated EJlate of Alexander Watfon, and for appropriating the Proceeds " thereof'' was read and compared,

Refolved unanimotijly, That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Ridgway do carry the faid Bill to Council for Concurrence.

On Motion, Refolved, That the Commander in Chief of this State, be requefted to apply to the Federal Government for the Loan of fuch Number of Field Ordinance with their Apparatus, as may be fufficient to furnifh fuch of the Companies of Artillery of this State, as are not already fuppli- ed, and give fuch Receipt for the fafe Keeping and Returning the fame as may be needful.

Ordered, That Mr. Ridgway do carry the faid Refolution to Council for Concurrence.

The Bill intitled, " An Ac! for the Encouragement and Support of Agri- " culture and domejli'c Manufactures " was read a fecond Time and difmifled. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Act for (i the Relief of James Shay and John Hepner," and after having debated

the fame ;

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engroffed.

Mr. Ridgway reported that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe.

Mr. Randolph from Council, delivered to this Houfe the Bill intitled, " An Act to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlocatcd Lands in the " State of New-Jerfey," with the Amendments made thereto by Council, to which Amendments he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe, which Bill with the Amendments, was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Petition from Gloucefter, reflecting the Removal of Caufes into

the Court of Chancery, read on the 24th of October laft ; the Petition from

the fame County read on the 13th ultimo ; and the Petition of William Chew and others read on the 16th ultimo, were feverally read and committed to Meffrs. Elmer, Imlay, and Blackwood.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled , " An Aft " directing the Manner of choofing Reprefentatives for this State in the

" Congrefs of the United States," and after fome Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, I0 ( 9 )

Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to Meflrs. Vredenburgh, Whillden, and Hollinfhead.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize thefolemn Affirmation to be admi- *' nijlered to fuch Perfbns as have confeientious Scruples againjl taking an *f Oath," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill intitled,

" An Aft to appoint an Agent in the County of Bergen , to take Charge of, and " fell the forfeited Eflates not fold in faid County" reported the fame with

fundry Amendments ; which Bill was read and the Confideration thereof poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Tuefday, February n, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Rattoone from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill Intitled, " An Aft for the Manumiffion of certain Negro Slaves late the Pro- " perty of William Burnet, deceafed," reported the fame with fundry A- mendments, which Bill was read and debated : Ordered, That the fame be engrolfed. Mr. Nicoll from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for regulating and governing the " Militia of the State of New-Jerfey," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Stillwell agreeably to Leave given and in Behalf of the Petitioners,, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize John Perry " tocompleat a Contra ft made by him with George Budd, in Behalf of William " Sleeper ; and alfo to compleat a Contraft made by Jonathan Sleeper, with " Adam lnger," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Whillden from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill inti- tled, " An Aft directing the Manner of choofing Reprefentatives for this State " in the Congrefs of the United States," reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which was read and poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Cl-ock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Linn from Council, informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An Aft to incorporate into a Townfhip, that Part ofthe 7 own/hip of Tren- " ton which is not incorporated into a City to be called and hereafter known by *' theNameoftheTownfnp of Independence," is rejected by Council. That Council had agreed to the Refolution, permitting the Collector of Burlington to delay Payment of a certain Sum of Money into the Trea- fury, &c.

Mr. Linn alfo prefented the Bill intitled, «•« An Aft for laying out, open- *' ing, and improving certain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Ghucefler :

( "0 )

Gloucefter, and Burlington, in this 9tote," with the Amendments made thereto by Council, to which he rcquefted the Concurence of this Houfe, which Bill was read with the Amendments, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Acl to authorize the Truflees of the Burlington Aca- " the flees demy j the Tru flees of the Salem Academy ; Tru of the Orangedale " Academy, and the Tru flees of Middletown Academy, to raife Money by " way of Lottery," was read a fecond Time and amended. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time with the Amendments. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled " An Acl di- " reeling the Manner of choojing Reprefentatives for this State in the Congrefs ** of the United States," and after fome Time fpent thereon : Ordered, That the faid Bill be difmuTed.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Ail to authorize the folemn Affirmation " to fuch Perfens as have concientious Scruples agadnfl taking an Oath," was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

( III )

" Garrifon, late Widow of Daniel Miller, deceafed," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, «' An AB for regulating and governing the Militia of lc the State of New-Jerfey," was read a fecond Time, and referred to the next Sitting. On Motion, Ordered, That Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Fithian, and Mr. Morris, be a Committee to prefent a Bill to amend certain Defects in the prefent Militia Law.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock*

Wednefday, February tz, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An AB to authorize the Trujlees of the Burlington €l Academy ; the Trujlees of the Salem Academy ; the Trujlees of the Orangedale *< Academy, and the Trujlees of Middletown Academy, to raife Money by " -way of Lottery," with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe, was read a third Time. On the Queftion, whether the fame as amended do pafs? It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas. Yeas. Nays.

Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Camp, Mr- Stockton, Mr. Clement, Mr- Imlay, Mr. Stout, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Toiunfend, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Mdrfh, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Vredenbugh, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Morris, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Hough, Mr. M'Doiuell, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Little, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Moore, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Newton, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Southard, Mr. Spear, Mr. Whillden.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bill and Amendments.

Ordered, That Mr. Sharp. do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and re- queft their Concurrence in the faid Amendments.

The engrofTed Bill intitled, " An AB directing the Treafurer to ijfue a " Certificate to Martin Powles and Peter S. Demarejl," was read and com- pared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows .-

D2 Yeas. ;

( II* )

Yeas, Yeas. Nays.

Mr. Benfon, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Clement, Mr- Blackwood, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Little, Mr. Camp, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Cooper, Mr- Ryerfon, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Sharp, Mr- Fithian, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Southard, Mr. Hough, Mr. Spear, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Stout, Mr- Marfh, Mr. Townfend, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Moore, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr- Morris, Mr. Welfli, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Newton, Mr. Wyckoff.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bill.

Ordered, That Mr. Sharp do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

The Bill intitled, " Afupplemental Ad to an Aft intitled, an Aft for build- ** ing Bridges over the Rivers Pajfaick and Backinfack andfor other Pujpofes " therein mentioned," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

Mr. Rattoone with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " A *' Supplement to an Acl intitled, an Ad for the more eafy Partition of hands " held by Co-parceners, Joint Tenants^ and Tenants in common, pajfed No- *' vember eleventh, feventeen hundred and eighty-nine," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond reading. Mr. Cooper from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, reported the Draught of a Bill intitled, An additional Supplement to an Ad intitled an " AQ for regulating Roads and Bridges," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Ad to " raife the Sum of fifteen thoufand Pounds, in the Tear one thou[and feven '** hundred and ninety-four," which was read and after fome Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

TheBill intitled, " An Ad for the Relief of Elizabeth Garrifon, late Wi- " do-w of Daniel Miller, deceafed," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. Sharp reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Petitions from Stafford and Dover in the County of Monmouth and the Petitions from Egg-Harbour in the County of Burlington, praying that a new County may be fet off from the Counties of Monmouth and Burlington, were read a fecond Time.

Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petitions on the fecond Wednefday of the next Sitting, they previoufly advertifing this Order in three of the mod public Places in the Townfhips of Stafford, Dover, and Egg- Harbour, for three weeks previ- ous thereto.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'clock, P. M. The ( "3 )

The Houfe met.

Mr. Black from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had pafTed the '" Bill intitled, An AH for the Sale of the Remainder of the confifcated EJlate *' of Alexander Watfon, and for appropriatiitg the Proceeds thereof" without

Amendment ; and that Council have agreed to the Warrants in favor of Sarah Wood, Hannah Genung, Elizabeth Pruden, Sarah Frazier, Elizabeth Campfield, &c.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill in titled " An Aft to st raije the Sum of fifteen thonfand Pounds, in the Tear one thoufand feveu «« hundred and ninety -four," and a Petition from fundry Owners of Veffels, was read and confidered, and after debating faid Bill by Paragraphs, it was ordered to be engrolfed.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to prevent the cutting of Timber on the unlo- < ( cated Lands in the State of New-Jerfty," with the Amendments made thereto by the Council, was read a fecond Time and agreed to.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engrofled with the Amendments made thereto by Council. The Report of Mr. Southard of the eleventh ultimo, was read a fecond Time and agreed to.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morroiv Morning ten of the Clock.

Thurfday, February 13, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Marsh agreeably to Leave given, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft direfting the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate to William *' Darling, Executor of Thomas Darling, deceafed" which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Ellis from Council, informed the Houfe, that Council difagree to the Refolution relative to requefting the Commander in Chief of this State, to apply to the Federal Government for Field-Pieces ; the Refolution re- lative to direfting the Auditor to receive from any Perfon, Contraftors'

Surplus and other Certificates ; and the Refolution that Day and Hopkins be employed to print the Laws of this Seflion. The Bill intitled, " An Aft for laying out, opening, and improving certain

" Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloncefter , and Burlington, " in this State," with the Amendments made thereto by Council, was read a fecond Time.

Refolved, That the Houfe agree to all the Amendments made thereto, except the Fourth, and in that Refpeft do adhere to their Bill.

Ordered, That Mr. Southard do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Council and acquaint them therewith.

The Bill intitled, M An Aft for the further Payment of the Interejl and a " Part of the Principal of the Debts ofthis State," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrolfed.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize 'John Perry to compleat a Contra ft " made :

( iH )

'* made by him -with George Budd, in Behalf of William Sleeper ; and alfo to " comfleat a Contract made by Jonathan Sleeper, with Adam Ingcr," was read a fecond Time debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Ail for the Reliefof infohent Debtors,'*

was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Morris, Mr. Cooper,

Mr. Black-wood, Mr. M' DowelI, Mr. Tithian, Mr. Camp, Mr. Nicoll. Mr. Hollirfbead, Mi Clement, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Little, Mi Elmer, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. M'Cnllough, Mr. Hot/zh, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Newton, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Sinnickjon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Kitcbel, Mr. Spear, Mr. Southard, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Marjh, Mr. Siout, Mr. Tovjnfcud, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Moore, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Wcljh, Mr. W hillden.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Sinnickfon do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

The re-engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to prevent Perfons holding Shares *' of Propriety, from cutting Timber on the unlocated Lands in this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. M'Cul lough, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Camp, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr- Cooper, Mr. Clement, Mr. Newton, Mr. Little, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Southard, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Spear, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stout, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Moore, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Morris,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Spear do carry the faid Bill to the Council and in- form them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe with their Amendments. Mr. Moore from the Committee to whom was referred, fundry Peti- tions from different Parts of the State, praying that an Aft may pafs to authorize them to repair their Roads by Hire—And alfo Petitions from fe- veral Townfliips, praying a Repeal of the Afts which oblige them to re? pair ( "5 )

Roads by Hire, pair their prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " A " Supplement to the intitled, an AB AB to enable the Inhabitants of fundry " this Town/hips in State, the City of Perth-Amboy, and the Burrough of " Elizabeth, to repair their public Highways by Hire," which Bill was read I and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfc adjourned to three o'CIock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Sinnickfon reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to an AB intitled an AB for *' regulating Roads and Bridges," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

Mr. Spear reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Southard reported that he had obeyed the order of the Houfe.

The Bill intitled, " A Supplement to an AB intitled, an AB for the more *' eafy Partition of hands held by Co-parceners, Joint Tenants, and Tenants *' in common, pajjed November eleventh, feventeen hundred and eighty-nine," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled.

Mr. Rattoone with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " AB to authorize the Treafurer of this State to deliver the Bonds lodged in *< his Office, for the recovery of Debts due from forfeited Eftates" which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Mayhew from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill intitled, " An AB to authorize the folemu Affirmation to be admi- " niflered to fuch Perfons as have confcientious Scruples againjl taking an Oath," without Amendment. Mr. Mayhew from Council, returned the Bill intitled, " An AB for lay- 11 ing out, opening, and improving certain Roads in the Counties of Cum- " berland, Salem, Gloucefler, and Burlington, in this State," with the A- mendments and informed the Houfe that Council recede from their fourth Amendment.

Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engrofled. The Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Maidenhead and Princeton, read on the 25th ultimo, praying an Amendment to the Act to enable Owners of Swamp and Meadow Ground to drain the fame, was read a fecond Time and difmifled.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An AB for the Relief of Elizabeth Garrifon, " late Widow of Daniel Miller, deceafed," was read and compared. Refolvedi That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Stillwell do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

The 'Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock. Friday, E2 : :

( "6 )

Friday, February 14, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft directing the Treafurer to ijfue a Certificate to «' William Darling, Executor of Thomas Darling, deceafed," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

Mr. Stillvvell reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft directing an equitable Diflribution of infolvent " EJlates," was read a fecond Time and referred to the next Sitting.

Mr. Stillwell from the Committee to whom was referred, the Vouchers of William Harriman, reported as follows

That in the Opinion of your Committee, the Vouchers are not fufficient to authorize the iffuing of a new Certificate, in lieu of the one faid to be loft. To which the Houfe agreed.

Mr. Cooper with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " Ail for rendering the Decifion of civil Canfes as fpeedy,. and as little cxpen- " five as pojfible," was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Southard with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An *' Ad to regulate the iffuing of Writs of Certiorari," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to raife the Sum offifteen thoufand " Pounds, in the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four," was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Camp, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Clement, Mr. Moore, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Morris, Mr. Elmer, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Fithian, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Hollinmead, Mr. Newton, Mr. Hough, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Little, Mr. Ryerfon, :

( "7 )

Mr. Elmer from the Committee appointed to enquire into, and make

Report of, the outftanding Debts againft this State, reported :

That they have paid all due Attention to the Bufinefs referred to them, and fubmit to the Houfe a Statement made by the Treafurer, including as well the old State Money remaining in Circulation, as the feveral Species of Certificates heretofore made fundable by Act of Congrefs, but not fubfcri- bed ; which they have examined and believe are as accurate as can at pre- fent be obtained. Ordered, That the faid Statement be filed.

Mr. Kitchel with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " AB to repeal Fart of an AB therein mentioned" which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Cl-ock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Stockton reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

On Motion, Refohed, That the Clerk of the AfTembly be directed to procure fo many Copies of the Laws of the State of New-York and Penn- fylvania, as (hall make up two compleat Sets of the Laws of each State, comprehending thofe paflfed at the prefent Sedions of their refpective Le- giflature, for the Ufe of the Legislature of this State.

Ordered, That Mr. Stout do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled " An AB to " appoint an Agent in the County of Bergen, to take Charge of, and fell the " forfeited EJlates not fold in faid County," and after having gone through the fame ;

Ordered, That it be engrofTed.

The Bill intitled, " An AB to authorize the Treafurer of this State To " deliver the Bonds lodged in his Office, for the Recovery of Debts due from " forfeited EJlates," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engrofled. engrofTed " The Bill intitled, An AB for the Manumiffi'on of certain Negro *' Slaves, late the Property of William Burnet, deceafed," was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yeai, ( "8 ) C "9 )

*' Academy, and the Tru(lees of Woodbury Academy, to raife Money by way of 41 Lottery," with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe.

Mr. Lambert delivered from Council, a Bill intitled, " An Act to pro- " cure a more equal Reprefentation in the General Ajjembly of this State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Lambert alfo delivered from Council, a Bill intitled, " An A3 to ** prevent unnecejfary Cojls in collecling of Debts,'' which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Lambert from Council delivered a Bill intitled, " An Aftfor regula-

" ting Divorces," which Bill was read : On the Queftion, whether the fame be read a fecond Time.

It was carried in the Negative as follows : Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. M'Do-well, Mr. Camp, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Clement, Mr. jyewton, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Southard, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Ridgzuay, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Still-well, Mr. Hollin/kead, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Kitchd, Mr. Stout, Mr. Little, Mr. Spear, Mr. Morris, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Town/end, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Vredenbugk. Mr. Marjlj, Mr. Weljh, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Moore, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. M'Cullough,

Ordered, That Mr. Van Cleve do wait on the Council, and inform them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe. Mr. Van Cleve reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Morris from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An addition to a Supplement of an Acl for " organizing and training the Militia of this State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Fithian from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill intitled, " A Supplement to the At~b intitled, an Acl to enable the inhabitants of fundry <( lownjhips in this State to repair their public Highways by Hire," report- ed the fame with fundry Amendments, and after having confidered the fame,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofl'ed.

The re-engroffed Bill intitled, " An Ail for laying out, opening, and im- (t proving, certain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucefer, «* and Burlington in this State," was read and compared:

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows : I*° ( )

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Vredenburgh do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and acquaint diem that die lame is parted by this Houfe with their Amendments. The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Ail for the further Payment of the lnter- " ejl and a Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State," was read and compared. Refolved unanimoufly. That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Welfh do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An AB directing the Treafurer to iffue a " Certificate to William Darling, Executor of Thomas Darling, deceafed," was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

Tt was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas,. Yeas. Yeas.

Mr. Benfon, Mr. Moore, Mr- Stillwell, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. MoTris, Mr. Stockton,, Mr. Camp, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stout, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Nicoll, Mr- Vredenburgh, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr- Rattoone, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Hough, Mr. Ridgway, Mr- Wyckoff. Mr. Imlay, Mr- Ryerlbn, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Sharp, Nays. Mr. Little, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Southard, Mr. Clement, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Spear, Mr. M'Dowell,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Whilden do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An AB to appoint an Agent in the County " of Bergen, to take Charge of, and fell the forfeited Eflates not fold in faid

" County," was read and compared :

Refolved unanimoufly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. WyckofF do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An AB to authorize John Perry to compleat " a Contrail; made by him with George Budd, in Behalf of William Sleeper ; " and alfo to compleat a Contrail; made by Jonathan Sleeper with Adam Inger," was read and compared : Refolved unanimoufly, That the fame do pafs.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Benfon do carry the faid Bill to Council fof Con- currence.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An AB to authorize the Treafurer of this " State to deliver the Bonds lodged in his Office, for the Recovery of Debts (i due from forfeited Eflates," was read and compared :

Refolved unanimoufly , That the fame do pafs. Ordered, :

( a* )

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Blackwood do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

' The enorofTed Bill intitled, ' An additional Supplement to an Att intitlcd i( an Att for regulating Roads and Bridges," was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Marfh, Mr- Sinnickfon, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Camp, Mr. Mayhew, Mr- Southard, > Mr. Clement, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Mr. Elmer, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Fithian, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Stout, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Hough, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Little, Mr. Ryerfon,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Camp do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Stillwell with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An to " Aft declaring -what Jhall be a fufficient Conveyance from a Feme Covert " bar her Right of Dower," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'CIock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Welfh reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Blackwood from the Committee to whom was referred, the Letter and Statement of the Arrearages of Taxes of Morris County, from Caleb

Ruffel, efquire, reported the following Refolution :

Re/olved, That Caleb Ruffel, efquire, Collector of the County of Morris, be requefted to ufe due Diligence for the Collection of the Arrears of Taxes due from faid County, and make Report to the Legiflature at their next Sitting, of the Means he has taken to collecT: the fame, and the real Caufe why faid Taxes have not been heretofore paid.

Ordered, That the faid Refolution be read a fecond Time.

The Bill intitled, " An Att to regulate the ijjuing of Writs of Certiorari" •was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

Mr. Wyckoff reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. ,> The Bill intitled, " An Att to repeal Part of an Att therein me>itio!ied, was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. WhiUden reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Vredenburgh reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Imlay from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill intitled, *' An Att for improving certain public Roads or Highways in this State,' " reported the fame with fundry Amendments and the following Title : A " Supplement :

( l» )

" Supplement to an Aft intitled, an Aft for raififtg a Revenue from certain " Stages, Ferries and Taver/u, " which Bill was read, debated by Para- graphs, and ordered to be engrofled.

On Motion, Refolved, That the Clerk of the Aflembly be directed to fur- nifli a Printer with a Copy of the Bill intitled, " An Aft for laying out, " opening, and improving certain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, " Salem, Gloucejler, and Burlington, in this State," and direct thirty Co- pies thereof to be ftruck off for the Ufe of the Commillioners appointed for laying out the Roads therein referred to.

Ordered, That Mr. Elmer do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

the Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock on Monday Morning.

Monday, February 17, 1794.

the Uoufe met.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Aft to regulate the iffuing of Writs of " Certiorari," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Moore, Mr. Southard, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Camp, Mr. Morris, Mr. Spear, Mr. Clement, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stout, Mr. Elmer,. Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Newton, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Welfli, Mr. Hough, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Little, Mr. Ryeri'on, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Marfh,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the faid Bill.

Ordered, That Mr. Fithian do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Benfon reported that had obeyed he the Order of the Houfe.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Aft to repeal Part of an Aft therein " mentioned" was read and compared:

On the Queftion whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows.

Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Nays, Mr- Camp, Mr. Newton, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Spear, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Hough, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Clement, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Southard, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr- Little, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Stout, Mr. Moore, Mr- Mayhew, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Morris, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr- Ryerfon, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Welfli, Mr. Sharp, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Sinnickfon, Ordered, C 123 )

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Hollinfhead do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Camp reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The engroffed Bill in titled, " A Supplement to the Aft intitled, an Aft ** to enable the Inhabitants of Jundry Town/hips in this State, to repair «.* their public Highways by Hire" was read and compared:

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Mr. Benfon, Mr- May hew, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Moore, Mr. Camp, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clement, Mr- M'Cullough, Mr. Elmer, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Newton, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Hough, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr- Sharp, Mr. Marfli, Mr. Sinnickfon, ( W4 )

The Hoiife met.

Mr. Cooper returned and took his Seat. Mr. Elmer reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Kitchel from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had agreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Clerk of the Aflembly, to procure

the Laws of the States of New-York and Pennfylvania ;

Alfo to the Refolution directing the Clerk of the Aflembly, to furnifh the Printer with a Copy of the Bill intitled, " An Aft jor laying out, opcn- " ing and improving certain Roads, &c ;"

Likewife, the Refolution requeuing the Governor of this State, to ad- vertife for the Reception of Propofals for furnifhing an actual Survey of this State, &c.

Mr. Kitchel from Council, informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Manumijfon of certain Negro Slaves, late the Property of " William Burnet, deceafed," the Bill intitled, " A Supplement to an Aft " intitled, an Aft for building Bridges over the Rivers Paffaick and Hackinfack " and for other Purpofes therein mentioned;" the Bill intitled, " An Aft tl for the Relief of Elizabeth Garrifon, late Widow of Daniel Miller, decea- " fed;" and the Bill intitled, ** An Aft to raife the Sum of fifteen thou- ;" " find Pounds, in the Tear fevent een hundred and ninety four are pafled by Council.

Mr. Kitchel from Council prefented a Bill intitled, " An Aft to alter the " Appropriation of Fees on paffing private Laws," to which he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe, which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to procure a more equal Reprefentation in the " General Affembly of this State," was read a fecond Time.

On the Queflion, whether the Houfe agree to the firfl: Section of the faid Bill?

It was carried in the Negative, as follows :

Nays. Nays. Yeas. Yeas. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Camp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Little, Mr. Stout, Mr. Clement, Mr. M'Do-well, Mr. Morris, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Newton, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Vredenhugh, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Spear, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Hough, Mr. Town/end, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Southard,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be difmiffed.

Ordered, That Mr. Imlay do wait on Council and acquaint them, that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until to-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Tuefday, February 18, 1794.

The ( «5 )

The Houfe met.

Mr. Hough reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Two Petitions from the Conftables of Hunterdon County, praying that they may be allowed fome Compenfation for their extra Trouble and Ex- pences in attending Courts, was read and referred to the next Sitting. Mr. Hollinfhead reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Report of Mr. Little on the Petition of Nicholas Parifet, of the 26th OBober laft, was read a fecond Time.

On the Queftion whether the Houfe agree to the faid Report ?

It was carried in the Negative.

Ordered, That the Petition of Nicholas Parifet be difmifled. Mr. Ogden from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had rejected the Bill intitled, " An AB for the Reliefof infolvent Debtors" Mr. Fithian reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Imlay reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Addition " to a fupplement of an AB intitled, an AB for organizing and training the «* Militia of this State," and after fome Time fpent thereon ; Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill intitled " A Supplement to an AB intitled, an AB ** for raifing a Revenue from certain Stages, Ferries and Taverns," was read and compared:

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Spear, Mr. Little, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Marjh, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Camp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Clement, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stout, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Cooper, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Newton, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Hollinfiead, Mr. Ridgway Mr. Weljh, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Southard, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Kitchel,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Kitchel reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe,

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled " An Ad- " dition ( ri )

" dition to a Supplement of an Aft intitled an Aft for organizing and training " this the Militia of State," and after having gone through the laid Bill ; Ordered, That the fame be engrofled.

Mr. Marfh with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill iniitled, " An " Aft to continue an Aft in titled an Aft to dire ft the Time and Mode of elect- " tng Reprefcntativcs in the Congreft of the United States for this State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to prevent unneccfary Cofls in collecting of " Debts," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Beardflee from Council informed the Houfe, that Council have dif- agreed to the Resolution, relative to appointing Commiffioners to receive Claims that may be exhibited againft this State for Lofles fuftained by the Purchafers of confifcated Eftates, ccc.

Mr. Beardflee from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An Aft to regulate the iffuing of Writs of Certiorari," the Bill intitled, " An Aft for the further Payment of the Inter eft and a Part of the Principal " of the Debts of this State," the Bill intitled, " A Supplement to the Aft " intitled, an Aft to enable the Inhabitants of fundry 7 own/kips in this State *" to repair their public Highways by Hire," the Bill intitled, " An Aft di- " reftiug the Treafurer to ijj'ue a Certificate to William Darling, Executor " of Thomas Darling," and the Bill intitled, " An Aft to appoint an Agent in " the County of Bergen, to take Charge of, and fell the forfeited Eflates not f< fold in faid County," are pafl'ed by Council without Amendment. The Report of Mr. Cooper from the Committee to whom was referred, the Letter from the Secretary, entered on the Minutes the 14th Inftant, was read a fecond Time.

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree thereto ?

It was carried in the Negative ; whereupon,

A Motion was made, that the Houfe agree to the following Refolution :

Refolved, That the Treafurer of the State, pay to the the Secretary the Sum of twenty-five Pounds, to enable him to pay the Expences of print- ing, filling up, and forwarding to the refpeclive Brigadier- Generals, the

Commiffions for the Officers of the Militia of this State, that is or may be appointed by the Legislature during the prefent Year, which Refolution was read and confidered, and after fome Time fpent thereon : Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morroxv Morning ten of the Clock.

Wednefday, February 19, l 7^

The Houfe met.

Mr. Van Cleve with Leave, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled^ " An Aft for the Relief of Ifrael Smith," which Bill was read and referred to the next Sitting.

The Report of Mr. Blackwood on the Letter of Caleb RufFel, efquire, entered on the Minutes of the fifteenth Inftant, was read a fecond Time and agreed to. Mr. :

( i27 )

Ordered, That Mr. Cooper do carry the Refolution therein dated, to the Council for Concurrence. Mr. Haring from Council, prefented a Bill intitled, " An AB to repeal " an Ac! intitled, an Aft for the Relief and Support of maimed and difabled

< ( Officers, Soldiers, and Seamen, and of tbe Widows and Children of fuch as " fall in Battle or other-wife loofe their Lives in the Military or Naval Ser- " vices," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred, the Letter from the Secretary of the Treafury of the United States, on the 9th ultimo, re- ported the following Refolution

Rejolved, That the Treafurer be directed to Caufe the Balance reported by the Commiffioners for fettling the Accounts between theUnited States and the individual States, in favor of the State of New-Jerfey to be funded a- greeably to the feventh Section of the A£t of Congrefs, for fettling the Ac- counts between the United States and the Individual States. To which the Houfe agreed. Ordered, That Mr. Little do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to continue an Aft intitled, an AB to direB the " Time and Mode of eleBing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs ofthe United Slates " for this State," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be en- grafted.

On Motion, Refolved, That the Speaker have Power during this Seffi- on, to convene the General Aflembly whenever any extraordinary oc- cafion fhall, in his Opinion, render it neceffary.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to an AB intitled *' an AB for organizing and training the Militia of this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Nays, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Blackwood, Mr- Ridgway, Mr. Camp, Mr. Sharp, Mr- Clement, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Southard, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Kitchel, Mr- Spear, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Little, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Marlh, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Hough, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Stout, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Morris, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Moore, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Newton, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd do carry the faid Bill to Council for Con- currence.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An AB rela- " tive to holding EleBions in this State,"

Ordered, That the faid Bill, and the feveral Petitions for an Alteration in the Election Law, be referred to the next Sitting. A Petition from Mary Cutter, praying, for Reafons therein contained, that an Acl may pafs to divorce her from her hufband Ebenezer Cutter, was read. H 2 Ordered, ( "8 )

Ordered, That the Petitioner have Leave to prefent a Bill on the fecond Wednefday of the next Sitting, flie caufing her faid Hufband to be ferved with a Copy of this Order for at leaft three Weeks previous thereto, and producing Witnefles before the Houfe to fubftantiate the Fa&s fet forth in her Petition. Mr. Morris with Leave prefented a Bill intitled, " An Ad for the Re- *' lief of certain infolvcnt Debtors," which Bill was read.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill be read a fecond Time ?

It was carried in the Negative as follows ; Yeas. Nays. Nays. Mr. Elmer, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Moore, Mr. Camp, Mr. Newton, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clement, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Southard, Mr. Fithian, Mr- Ryerfon, Mr. StillweU, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Stout, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Spear, Mr. VanCleve, Mr- Kitchel, Mr. Stockton,, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr- Little, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Welfli, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Wyckoff.

The Bill intitled, " An Ail declaring what fhall be a fufficient Conveyance ** from a Feme Covert to bar her Right of Dower," was read a fecond Time. On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the firft Seclion of the faid Bill? It was carried in the Negative. Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft to continue an Aft intitled an Ail to " direct the Time and Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the " United States for this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Clement, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Camp, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Southard, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Spear, Mr. Hough, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. StillweU, Mr. Little, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Lloyd, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Stout, Mr. Moore, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Ridgway,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Marfh do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Little reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Refolved, That the Treafurer be and he is hereby directed, to pay any Sum not exceeding one thoufand Pounds, of the Monies in the Treafury, to the ( "9 ) the Commiffioners appointed by an Aft intitled, an Aft to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation of the Legiflature, to be by them expend- ed in completing the Buildings by them erefted for that Purpofe, and that their Receipt or the Receipt of any Four of them, fhall be a fufficient Vou- cher to the faid Treafurer for fo much Money in the Settlement of his Ac- counts. And it fhall be the Duty of the Commiffioners, to finifh and com- pletely furnifh, out of the Monies fo to be drawn, the Council and Altera- bly Rooms.

Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence. Mr. Lloyd reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Cooper reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Members withdrew to attend a Joint- Meeting ; and being returned, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and then

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

Thurfday, February 20, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to -prevent unneccjfary Cojls in collecting Debts," was read a third Time.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows : : :

( 'So )

permit, and not determined with refpect to the Propriety of palling an Aft, report the Petitions, and recommend that the fame be referred to the next Sitting. To which the Houfe agreed.

Mr. Kitchel from the Committee to whom was committed, the Petition

from the Counties of Morris and Somerfet, reported : That from the Multiplicity of Bufinefs, they have been prevented from

making the necelfary Enquiries in the Bufinefs, and as the Sitting is pro- bably near the Clofe, they recommend the Petitions to be referred to the next Sitting. To which the Houfe agreed.

Mr. Condit from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had difagreed to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to pay any Sum not exceeding one thoufand Pounds, to the Commiflioners appointed to pro- vide fuitable Buildings for the Accomodation of the Legiflature.

The Bill intitled, " An A3- to alter the Appropriation of Fees on paffing of *' private Laws," was read a third Time.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as folio vys

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays. Mr. Ben/on, Mr. Mayheiv, Mr. Blackvjood, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Camp, Mr. Morris, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Clement, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Hough, Mr. Whilldsn. Mr. Cooper, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. hnlay, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Elmer, Mr- Sharp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Hollinjhead, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Pfewton, Mr. Little, Mr. Stout, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Town/end, Mr. Southard, Mr. Marjb, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Spear,

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. M'Dowell do carry the faid Bill to the Council, and acquaint them that the fame is pafled by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for defraying fundry incidental Charges" was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned to Three o'clock, P. M.

The Ho life met.

Mr. Van Cleve with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft to direft the Treafurer to pay a certain Sum of Money to the Com- " miffioners herein after mentioned," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Elmer with Leave prefented a Bill intitled, " An Aft to afcertain ** in certain Cafes the Fees of the Secretary of the State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Aft for defraying fundry incidental

" Charges," was read and compared :

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows Yeas. ( i3i )

Yeas. Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. ( W )

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Ridgvvay do carry the faid Bill to the Council (ov Concurrence.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Friday, February 21, 1794-

The Houfe met.

The Refolutions prefented from Council Yefterday by Mr. Linn, were read a fecond Time.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Refolutions be referred to the next

Sitting ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows : ( ni )

The Houfe adjourned to three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

ivfr. Black from Council informed the Houfe that the Bill intitled, " An << \& to direct the Time and Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the Con- «« grefs of the United States for this State," is rejected by Council.

Mr. Cooper with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " Act to repeal Part of an Act intitled, an Act to direcl: the Time and Mode ** of electing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this " State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Act for the carrying into Execution that Part of " the fourth Article of the Conftitution of the United States, for appre- " hending Offenders who mail or may have committed Offences in one and " may be found in another State," was read a fecond Time and difmiffed.

The Bill intitled, " An Act declaring what fhall be a fufficient Convey- " ance from a Feme Covert to bar her Right of Dower," was read a fecond Time and difmiffed.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to repeal Part of an Act intitled, an Act to " direct the Time and Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs *' of the United States for this State," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to beengroffed.

Theengroffed Bill intitled, " An Act to repeal Part of an Act intitled, " an Act to direct the Time and Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the " Congrefs of the United States for this State," was read and compared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ? carried It was in the Affirmative, as follows : y

Yeas, Yeas, Yeas, Nays, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Little, Mr. Southard, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Spear, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Camp, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Vredenburgh. Mr. Clement, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Morris, Mr. Stout, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Newton, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Hough, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Whillden, Mr- Kitchel, Mr. Sinnicldbn, Mr. Wyckoff.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Ryerfon do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Ryerfon reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Randolph from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, y An Acl to repeal Part of an Aft therein mentioned," the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of this State to deliver the Bonds " lodged in his Office, for the Recovery of Debts due from forfeited Eflates," the Bill intitled, ** An additional Supplement to an Acl intitled an Acl for ** regulating Roads and Bridges," the Bill intitled, An Acl to direcl the " Treafurer to pay a certain Sum of Money to the Commiffioners therein men- " tioned" the Bill intitled " An Acl for raifing a Revenue from certain " Stages, Ferries and Taverns," the Bill intitled, ** An Acl to afcertain ** in certain Cafes the Fees of the Secretary of the State," the Bill intitled, " An Acl directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate to David Ay ares, Ad- miniflr ator ( *34 )

" miniftrator ofDavid Ay arcs, deceafed," the Bill intitled, " An Addition to " a Supplement of an Aft intitled, an Aft for organizing and training theMi- ** litia ofthis State," the Bill intitled, " At Aft to^ repeal part of an Aft inti- " tied, an Aft to direft the Time and Mode of elefting Reprefentatives iiy the " Congrefs of the United States for this State," and the Bill intitled, ' 'An " Aft for defraying fundry incidental Charges," are paffed by Council. And that Council agree to the Refolution relative to directing the Trea- furer to Caufe the Balance due in favor of this State with the United States to be funded, &c. —The Refolution relative to requiring the Collector of the County of Morris, to ufe due Deligence in the Collection of the Arrears of Taxes, &c. —And to the Refolution appointing Ifaac Collins to print the Laws, &c.

Mr. Randolph from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize "John ferry to complete a Contraft made by him with " George Budd in behalf of William Sleeper ; and alfo to complete a contraft " made by Jonathan Sleeper -with Adam Inger," is rejected by Council.

The Houfe adjourned fine die. . -f— s X o Tsa? s £& <£<*V^JV


O F T H E^f I G _



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O F //////////fKl n e; w-j e r s e y-

At a SESSION begun at Trenton, on the 2,2d Day ofOctober, 1793, and continued by Adjournments.



'Act pMg


State of New-Jersey.

TRENTON, June n, 1794.

AGREEABLY to a Summons iflued by the Honorable the Speaker for convening the Legiflature this Day, the following Members met Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. Benfon, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Clement, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Hollinfhead, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Hough, Mr. Spear, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Stout, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Moore, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Morris, Mr. WyckolF. Mr. M'Cullough,

Ordered, That Mr. Benfon do wait on Council and acquaint that Houfe, that a Quorum of the AfTembly have this Day met agreeably to the Sum- mons from the Speaker, and proceeded to Bufinefs. The ( 4 )

Tlie Speaker laid before the Houfe the Aft of Congrefs intitled, ** An " Aft direfting a Detachment from the Militia of the United States," accompanied with a Letter from the Secretary of War ; wfyjch were read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjonr tied until To-morrow Morning nine oftbe Clock.

Thurfday, June 12, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Messrs. Imlay, Nicoll, Southard, Ward, Stillwelland Little, attended and took their Seats, and having rendered Excufes for their Non-Attendance before this Time, the fame were deemed fatisfaftory.

Sundry Petitions from Perfons confined in the different Gaols of this State for Debt, were read, praying that an Aft may pafs for the Relief of infolvent Debtors.

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be read a fecond Time. The Aft of Congrefs intitled, " An Aft direfting a Detachment from the Militia of the United States," with the Letter from the Secretary of

War, were read a fecond Time ; whereupon, A Motion was made, That the Houfe go into a Committee of the Whole, to take the faid Aft and Letter into Confideration. To which the Houfe agreed. The Speaker accordingly left the Chair, and Mr. Van Cleve was ap- pointed Chairman of the Committee ; and after fome Time fpent thereon, the Committee rofe, and the Speaker refumed the Chair, and the Chairman of the Committee reported to the Houfe the Committee were of Opinion the Detachment called for from the Militia of this State, fhould be rjiied by Voluntary enliftment. To which the Houfe agreed.

Ordered, That the faid Aft and Letter be committed to MefTrs. Elmer, Kitchel, and Nicoll, and that they be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill to comply with the Requifition contained in the faid Aft of Congrefs.

An Adjudication of Half-pay in favor of Abigail Lupton, formerly Widow of Anion Davis, made by the Court of General Quarter Seffions of the Peace of the County of Cumberland ; was prefented and read with the feveral Vouchers accompanying the fame.

Ordered, That the Adjudication with the Papers, be committed to MefTrs. Marfh, Stillwell, and Blackwood, to report thereon.

y The Houfe adjourned to three o Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

MefTrs. Newton, Whillden, and Welfh, attended and took their Seats, and having rendered to the Houfe their Excufes for their Non-Attendance,

Refolved, That the fame are fatisfaftory. The ( 5 )

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from his Excellency the Governor, accompanied by a Folio Volumn of the La,vs of Pennfylvania, prefented by the Legislature of that State to the Legiflature of this.

Refohed, That his Excellency the Governor be requefted to acknowledge the Receipt of the faid Volumn, and to communicate the Thanks of this Houfe to the Legiflature of the State of Pennfylvania for the Favor con- fered, and affure them that when the new Edition of the Laws of this State now compiling by Mr. Paterfon are publiihed, a Set will be pre- fented to the Legiflature of Pennfylvania.

Ordered, That Mr. Blackwood do carry the faid Refolution to the Coun- cil for Concurrence.

The feveral Petitions from Perfons confined in the different Gaols of this State for Debt, praying an A 61 might pafs for the Relief of infolvent

Debtors, were read a fecond Time : On the Queftion, whether the Houfe will appoint a Committee to bring in a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of the faid Petitions ?

It was carried in the Negative, whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Petitions be difmiffed.

The Houfe adjourned till To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Friday, June 13, 1794.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Benfon reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Haring from Council, informed the Houfe a fufficient Number of Members of Council had met and proceeded to Bufinefs. Ordered, That Meffrs. Fithian, Whillden and Southard, be a Committee to prepare and prefent a Bill for defraying Incidental Charges. A Petition from William Tatem, Robert Sparks, David Eldredge and Samuel Driver, of the County of Gloucefter, praying that the Petitions from Gloucefter County reflecting the Removal of Caufes into the Court of Chancery, and the Petition from William Chew and others for the fame purpofe may be difmiffed, was read and referred to the next Sitting. Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred the Act of Con- grefs, and the Letter of the Secretary of War, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act to authorize the Commander in Chief to felect a " Detachment from the Militia of this State," which Bill was read, and ordered a fecond Reading-.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Commander in Chief to '« felect a Detachment from the Militia of this State," was read a fecond

Time : whereupon, A Motion was made that the Houfe go into a Committee of the Whole, to take the faid Bill into Confideration.

To which the Houfe agreed. B The ( 6 )

The Speaker accordingly left the Chair, and Mr. Vredenburgh was ap- pointed Chairman of the Committee, after fome time fpent thereon, Mr. Vredenburgh Chairman of the Committee reported Progrefs, and defired

Leave to fit again. To which the Houfe agreed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o' Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Ordered, That Mr. Clement have Leave of Abfence during the remainder of this Sitting.

Mr. Randolph from Council informed the Houfe, that Council concur in the Refolution of this Houfe, refpefting the reception of the Laws of Pennfyl- vania.

The Houfe again refolved itfelf into a Committee of the Whole on the Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Commander in Chief to feleft a " Detachment from the Militia of this State," whereupon,

Mr. Vredenburgh took the Chair of the Committee, and after fome Time fpent thereon the Speaker refumed the Chair, and the Chairman of the Committee reported the faid Bill with fundry Amendments, which was read and the further Confideration thereof postponed.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Saturday, June 14, 1794.

The Houfe met.

A Petition from the Captains commanding the four Troops .of Horfe in the County of Morris, dating Difficulties which arole in confequence of the Eftablifhment of a Company of Horfe in the faid County, raifed by Abraham Kinney was read, praying the Militia Law paffed laft Sitting as far as refpefts the Eilablifliment of the faid Troops, may be repealed. Ordered, That the faid Petition be committed to Meffrs. Rattoone, Moore, and Ryerfon. A Petition from Ifrael Smith, a Prifoner confined in the Gaol of the County of Hunterdon, praying the Legiflature would pafs a Bill to relieve him from Confinement, he having delivered up for the Ufe of his Creditors,

all his Eftate both Real and Perfonal ; which was read and ordered a fecond Reading with the Bill referred to this Sitting, intitled, " An Aft for the Relief of Ifrael Smith." Mr. Mayhew from Council prefented a Refolution of the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, with a propofed Amend- ment to the Conftitution of the United States, refpefting the Suability of States by Individuals, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Aft to " authorize ( 7 )

**' authorize the Commander in Chief to felect a Detachment from the " Militia of this State," and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from the Treafurer, accom- panying an Act of Congrefs intitled, " An Act making Provifion upon a " final Settlement of the Accounts between the United States and the indi- " vidual States," and informing the Houfe he had received Affurances from the Comptroller of the Treafury, the Balance due this State from the United States, fliould be placed to the Credit of this State on the Books of James Ewing, Commiffioner of Loans in this State, the Letter was ordered to be filed.

The Speaker laid before the Houfe another Letter alfo from the Treafu- rer, accompanying a Statement of the prefent State of the Treafury, which was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petition from John Mulford, efquire, late Collector of the County of Cumberland, ftating he had paid the late Treafurer John Stevens, efquire, £- 5°3 5 3 nard Money, and £. 280 7 I State Money, for which he had not received a Credit, and praying a Time might be affigned for a Hearing before the Legiflature.

Ordered, That he have Leave to appear before this Houfe on the third Tuefday of the next Sitting, with Witneffes to fupport the Fa«ts fet forth in his Petition.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill intitled, " An Act to «« authorize the Commander in Chief to felect a Detachment from the " Militia of this State;"

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the fixth Seclion of the

faid Bill I

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays.

Mr. Benfon, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Spear, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Southard, Mr. Hough, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Little, Mr. Stout, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Wellh. Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Townfend, Mr- Lloyd, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Marfh, Mr. Newton, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Moore, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Ward, Mr. Morris, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Whillden, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Ryerl'on,

An Amendment was moved to the Title of the Bill, to add after the Words Militia of this State," the following Words, " Agreeably to a late Act of Congrefs for Organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand Men from the Militia of the United States," To which the Houfe agreed. The ( 8 )

The Houfe having gone through the faid Bill. Ordered, That the fame be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned until Monday Morning nine of the Clock.

Monday, June 16, 1794.

The Houfe met. {

On Motion, Ordered, That MefTrs. Van Cleve, M'Dowell and Lloyd, be a Committee to prepare and prelent a Bill to direct the Time and Mode of electing Members to reprefent this State in the Congrefs of the United States.

A Petition from Lois Hand, praying for reafons therein contained, that ihe might have Leave to prelent a Bill to divorce her from her Hufband George Hand, was read,

Ordered, That the faid Lois Hand have Leave to prefent a Bill to an- fwer the Prayer of her Petition, on the fecond Thurfday of the next Sit- ting, fhe ferving the faid George Hand with a Copy of this Order, three Weeks previous thereto, and producing before this Houfe, Teftimony to fubftantiate the Facts fet forth in her Petition.

The engrofled Bill intitled, " An Act to authorize the Commander in " Chief to felecl a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably " toa late Aft of Congrefs for Organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thou- " fand Men from the Militia of the United States," was read and com- pared.

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Fithian, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Lloyd,

Mr. Kitehe I, Mr. Stout, Mr. Morris, Mr. Little, Mr. Toivnfend, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Marf, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. Southard, Mr. Moore, Mr. Whillden, Mr. Spear, Mr. M'Cullongh, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Newton, Mr. Ward, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Weljh.

Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Elmer do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence.

Mr. Elmer reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned to three o 'Clock, P. M. The ;

( 9 )

The Houfe met.

Mr. Camp attended and took his Seat in the Houfe, and having rendered an Excufe to the Houfe for his N on- Attendance before this Time.

Refolved, That the fame is fatisfactory. Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, pre- sented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Act to repeal an Act intitled, *' an Acl: to repeal Part of an Acl: intitled, an AcT: to direct the Time and *' Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States *' for this State, and to revive an Act to direct the Time and Mode of ** electing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this " State," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Marfh from the Committee to whom was referred the Adjudication and Vouchers in favour of Abigail Lupton, late Widow of Anion Davis,

reported as follows :

They have examined the Books of the Treafurer, and the faid Adjudica- tion and Vouchers, and are of Opinion, that agreeably to Law fhe ought to be allowed the Half-pay of her late Hufband, from the Time of his deceafe, until her Intermarriage with John Lupton.

To which the Houfe agreed ; whereupon,

Ordered, That a Warrant do iffue in favor of the faid Abigail Lupton, late Abigail Davis, for the Sum of Twenty-five Shillings per Month, from the laft Day of January 1777, until the 25th Day of December 1780, during which Time fhe remained the Widow of Anion Davis, who died

while in the Service of the United States ; whereupon, A Warrant for this Purpofe was read and approved. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Fithian do carry the faid Warrant to the Council for Concurrence.

Mr. Rattoone from the Committee to whom was referred, the Petition from four Captains of the Troops of Horfe in the County of Morris, laid before the Houfe their Report, which being read was ordered a fecond Reading.

A Motion was made, That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to raife the Sum of five thoufand Pounds for the Exigencies of the State and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed. A Petition from James Poe, a Prifoner confined in the Gaol of the County of Effex, praying the Benefit of an Act of Infolvency, which was read and difmifled.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Tuefday, June 17, 1794.

The ( *° )

The Ho life met.

Mr. Fithian reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Motion made Yefterday, to appoint a Committee to bring in a Bill to raife the further Sum of five the current Year for the thoufand Pounds Exigencies of the State ; On the Qiieftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Motion?

It was carried in the Affirmative ; whereupon,

Ordered, That Meffrs. Imlay, Benfon, and Mayhew, be a Committee for that Purpofe. The Report of Mr. Rattoone of Yefterday, was read a fecond Time and agreed to ; whereupon,

Refolved, That the Law eftablifhing a Troop of Horfe in the County of Morris, under the command of Abraham Kinney, paffed 21ft Day of Fe- bruary, ijyq., was not intended to interfere with the Rank of the Officers of the Squadron in the County of Morris ; and that the Commander in Chief be requefted to give Orders that no Precedence of Rank be eftablifhed among the Officers of the Cavalry of faid County, before the next Meeting of the Legiflature, unlefs with the Confent of the Officers of faid Squadron ; but that the Parties do fubmit the Matters in Controverfy refpecling their Hank to the Decifion of the Legiflature, on the third Wednefday of the next Seffion ; and that the Petitioners applying for this Purpofe, ferve a Copy of this Refolution on Captain Abraham Kinney, fix Weeks previous to the Time appointed for a Hearing.

Ordered, That Mr. Hough do carry the faid Refolution to the Council for Concurrence.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to repeal an Act intitled, an Act to repeal " Part of an Acl intitled, an Acl; to direct the Time and Mode of electing " Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this State, .'* and to revive an Acl to direct the Time and Mode of elecling Repre- " fentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this State;" was read a fecond Time, and the Title amended to read as follows :

" An Acl; to revive an Act, to direct the Time and Mode of electing " Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this State;" and after fome Time fpent on the faid Bill, Ordered, That the fame be referred to Meffrs. Elmer, Camp and Southard.

The Houfe adjourned to three o''Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Hough reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Lambert from Council informed the Houfe, Council had paffed the Warrant intitling Abigail Lupton late Abigail Davis, to receive the Amount of her former Hufband's Half-pay.

Mr. Elmer from the Committee to whom was referred, the Bill intitled, " An Act to revive an Act, to direct the Time and Mode of electing Re- " prefentatives ( » )

" prefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this State ;"

reported the fame with fundry Amendments, and the following Title : *' An Aft to revive an Aft intitled, an Aft to direft the Time and Mode " of elefting Reprefentatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this " State ;" which Bill was read, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. Fithian from the Committee appointed for that Purpofe, prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An Aft for defraying Incidental Charges," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

A Petitition from Nathaniel Leonard, Attorney for Elias Bearden, Quarter-Mafter-Sergeant, late in the firft New-Jerfey Regiment, praying that the Treafurer may be direfted to iflue him, the Certificates made out for the faid Elias Bearden's Depreciation of Pay, was read and committed to Meffrs. Kitchel, Little, and Morris, to report thereon. Mr. Morris with Leave prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An " Aft to repeal Part of an Aft therein fpecified," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Ogden from Council informed the Houfe, Council had concurred in the Refolution fent up this Morning, refpefting the Rank of the Officers of the Cavalry in the County of Morris.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning nine of the Clock.

Wednefday, June 18, 1794. L^\

The Houfe met.

A Petition from John Stevens, efquire, and others of the County of Bergen, praying further Powers might be given the CommifTioners for lay- ing out the Road from Hackinfack Bridge to Hobockin, was read ; where- upon,

Mr. Nicoll prefented the Draught of a Bill intitled, " An additional " Supplement to an Aft intitled, an Aft for building Bridges over the Rivers *' Paffaick and Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," which Bill was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Kitchel from the Committee, to whom the Petition of Nathaniel

Leonard was referred, reported :

That on Examination in the Treafury Office, they find that Elias Bearden, Sergeant, has received two Notes for £. 92 6 6, in the Whole which were delivered to himfelf ; that they alfo find in faid Office two Notes made out in the Name of Mr. Bearden, Quarter-Mafter-Sergeant, the Books one for £.83 2 6, the other for £. 27 14 2 ; that on examining in the Auditor's Office, they find the Name of Elias Bearden, Sergeant, of Sergeant with the Sum of £. 92 6 6 annexed ; they alfo find the Name Bearden, Ouarter-Mafter-Sergeant, with the Sum of £. no 16 8 annexed, and both in the firft Regiment ; that it appears probable to your Commit-

tee that it is the fame Perfon, and that the Miftake has arifen from his afting at one Time as Sergeant, and at another as Quarter Mafter Ser-

geant, has accidentally occafioned a double Return : Your Committee are therefore :

( « ) therefore of Opinion, that there can be nothing du" to faid Bearden, more than the Difference between the two Sums, and that the Notes in the Treafury Office ought to be cancelled.

By Order of the Committee,

Aaron Kitchel.

Ordered, That the faid Report be referred to the next Sitting.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Act to revive an Acl: intitled, an Acl: " to direct the Time and Mode of electing Reprefentatives in the Congrefs*

" of the United States for this State," was read and compared ;

On the Queftion, whether the fame do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows ( '3 )

Amendments he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe ; which Bill with the Amendments were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft to alter the Mode of Collecting Militia " Fines from Delinquents, and to enforce the Collection of the fame," read a fecond and referred the was Time, to Committee of the Whole ; the Speaker accordingly left the Chair, and Mr. Camp was appointed Chairman of the Committee, and after fome Time fpertt thereon, the Speaker refumed the Chair, and the Chairman of the Committee reported Progrefs, and defired Leave to fit again. To which the Houfe agreed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe again relolved itfelf into a Committee of the Whole, on the Bill intitled, " An Act to alter the Mode of Collecting of Militia Fines " from Delinquents, and to enforce the Collection of the fame;" the Speaker accordingly left the Chair, and the Chairman of the Committee

refumed the fame ; after fome Time fpent thereon, the Speaker again took the Chair, and Mr. Camp Chairman of the Committee, reported the Committee had gone through the Bufinefs to them referred, and had made fundry Amendments to the faid Bill, whereupon it was read with the Amendments.

A Motion was made to amend Sect, ill. Page 2. after the Word *« Cofts," at the end of the ninth Line to ftrike out, " And for want of «' Goods and Chatties, to commit the Delinquent to Prifon, for one Month, and no longer."

On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the faid Amendment ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows :

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays. Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Newton, Mr. Benfon, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Camp, Mr. Southard, Mr- Fithian, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Hollinlhead, Mr. Ryerfon, Mr. Little, Mr. Stout, Mr. Hough, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Mar ft, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Morris, Mr. Ward, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Townfend, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Welfti, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Vredenburgh, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Moore, Mr. Whillden. Mr. Nicoll,

The Houfe having gone through the faid Bill, and made fundry Amend- ments thereto ;

Ordered, That the faid Bill with the Amendments be read a third Time.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning eight of the Clock.

Thurfday, June 19, 1794- D The


( *5 ) fhould be of Opinion, that it is the Intereft of the State to interfere, he is directed to proceed therein, as he fhall think mofl proper, and flate his Proceedings if any, before the next Legiflature.

To which Refolution he requefted the Concurrence of this Houfe. Which Refolution was read and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill intitled, ** An A 61 to authorize the Commander in Chief to " felecl: a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably to a late " Acl: of Congrefs, for organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand M Men from the Militia of the United States," with the Amendments made thereto by Council, was read a fecond Time ; On the Queftion, whether the Houfe agree to the Amendment made by Council, to ftrike out the fix th Section of the Bill, and infertinlieu thereof

the following Section :

" And be it further enacled, That after the faid Detachment fhall be com- pleated, it fhall be the Duty of the feveral Captains or Officers command- ing Companies therein, to affemble their Companies at fuch Times and Places as may be moft convenient, at leaft three Days befides the ufual Days of Training, for the Purpofe of teaching their Men Military Exer-

cife and Difcipline ; for which Service the Captains and fubaltern Officers

fhall be entitled to receive the ufual Pay, in lieu of Pay and Rations ; and the Non-Commiffioned Officers, Muficians and Privates, fhall receive three

Shillings and Nine-pence per Day for each Day they may be fo employed ; •which Pay the Treafurer is hereby authorized to deliver to the Paymafter of the feveral Regiments or Battalions in faid Detachment, on Pay-Roils being made out, and fworn to by the Captains or commanding Officers of faid Companies." It was carried in the Negative, as follows

Nays. Nays. Nays. Yeas. Mr. Benfon, Mr. Marlh, Mr. Sinnickfon Mr. Morris, Mr. Blackwood,, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Southard, Mr. M'Dowell, Mr. Camp, Mr. Moore, Mr. Spear, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Elmer, Mr. M'Cullough, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Vredenburgh. Mr. Fithian, Mr. Newton, Mr. Stout, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Hollinlhead, Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Hough, Mr. Rattoone, Mr. Van Cleve, Mr. Kitchel, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Ward, Mr. Little, Mr. Ryerlon, Mr. Wellh, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Whillden.

The Houfe having gone through the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That the fame be read a third Time with the Amendments, as agreed to by this Houfe.

The Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to an Aft intitled, an Acl: " for building; Bridges over the Rivers PafTaick and Hackinfack, and for '* other Purpofes therein mentioned," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned to three o 'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill intitled, " An Acl to authorize the Commander in Chief to " feleft 16 ( )

*i feleft a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably to a late " Aft of Congrefs for Organizing a Detachment of Eighty Thoufand Men " from the Militia of the United States.," was read a third Time with the Amendments made thereto by Council, and agreed to by this Houfe.

On the Queftion, whether the faid Bill with the Amendments agreed to

by this Houfe do pafs ?

It was carried in the Affirmative as follows t

Yeas. Yeas. Nays. Nays.

Mr. Benfon, Mr. Southard, Mr- Blackwood, Mr. NicoJl, Mr- Camp, Mr. Spear, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Rattoone, Mr- Kitchel, Mr. StillweH, Mr- Fithian, Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Little, Mr. Stockton, Mr. Hollirdhead, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Marfli, Mr- Stout, Mr. Hough, Mr. Townfend, Mr. Morris, Mr. Van Gev-e, Mr- Imlay, Mr. YVhillden. Mr. M'Ciillongli, Mr- Vredenburgh Mr. Lloyd, Mr- M'Dowell, Mr. Ward, Mr- May hew, Mr- Ryerfon, Mr. Welfh, Mr. Moore, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Wyckoff. Mr. Newton,

Ordered, That Mr. Kitchel do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to Council, and acquaint them that this Houfe agree to all die Amendments made by Council to the faid Bill, except the fifth and fixth Amendments, and the two lafl Sections propofed as Amendments from Council, and in thofe refpefts do adhere to their Bill, Mr. Kitchel reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Bill intitled, " An Aft for repealing part of an Aft therein fpecified," was read a fecond Time, and referred to the next fitting.

The Bill intitled, " An Act to raife the Sum of Five Thoufand Pounds " for the Defence of the State," was read a fecond Time and difmifled. Mr. Ellis from Council informed the Houfe, that the Bill intitled, " An " Aft to revive an Ad intitled, an Act to direct the Time and Mode of " electing Representatives in the Congrefs of the United States for this

" State," is rejefted by Council.

Mr. Kitchel from Council, returned the Bill intitled, " An Act to autho- " rize the Commander in Chief to feleft a Detachment from the Militia of ** this State, agreeably to a late AcT: of Congrefs for organizing a De- " tachment of Eighty Thoufand Men from the Militia of the United " States," with the Amendments, and informed the Houfe that Council

recede from their Amendments difagreed to by the Houfe of Aflembly ; whereupon,

Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning eight of the Clock.

Friday, June 20, 1794.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to an Aft " intitled, an Aft for building Bridges over the Rivers Paffaick and Kack- " infack, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," was read and compared, Rcfohcd ( *7 )

Refolved unanimoufly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Little do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence. On Motion, Ordered, That the feveral Perfons who had Leave at the laft Sitting to prefent Bills at this Sitting, have Leave to prefent their Bills on the fame Day in the next Sitting, as they had Leave to in this, on pre- vioufly advertifmg again agreeably to the former Orders ; and that the Members of Affembly be requefted to notify the Perfons in their feveral

Counties who have petitioned this Houfe, of this Order ; and that all Peti- tions and other Orders referred to this Sitting, be in like manner referred to the next Sitting.

The re-engroffed Bill intitled, «« An Acl to authorize the Commander " in Chief to felecl a Detachment from the Militia of this State, agreeably << to a late Acl: of Congrefs," was read and compared, Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Camp do carry the faid Bill to Council, and acquaint them that the fame is PafTed by this Houfe with the Amendments agreed to.

The Bill intitled, " An Acl: for defraying Incidental Charges," was read a fecond Time, debated, and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. Little reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The engroffed Bill intitled, " An Acl for defraying Incidental Char-

" ges," was read and compared :

Refolved unanimoufly, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame.

Ordered, That Mr. Camp do carry the faid Bill to the Council for Con- currence. Mr. Camp reported he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Refolution from the Council of Yefterday, on the Memorial of the Honorable Thomas Henderfon, was read a fecond Time. Refolved, That the Houfe do concur therein. Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd do wait on the Council and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Haring from Council, prefented the re-engroffed Bill intitled, " An " Acl to alter the Mode of collecting Militia Fines from Delinquents, and " to enforce the Collection of the fame," and informed the Houfe that Council had paffed the faid Bill with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe, which Bill was read and compared. Ordered, That the Speaker do fign the fame. Mr. Condit from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill intitled, " An additional Supplement to an Acl intided, an Acl for " building Bridges over the Rivers Paffaick and Hackinfack, and for other " Purpofes therein mentioned," without Amendment. Mr. Randolph from Council informed the Houfe, that Council had paffed the Bill intitled, " An Acl for defraying Incidental Charges."

The Houfe adjourned fine die.
