Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of The
$sr?JM£?6zfSt*rt*4 4 « * V O T E' Sd+ and >//'-y/^i % ''tut * PROCEEDINGS * * * V * / O F T H E S I XTEENTH $ 7 * I GENERAL ASSEMBLY t + * I j. "b F T H E , 4 1 ' *" :"! ! i r - * C_io \ I - * 1 /S T 'A T E , ! I ? £< n £ ; ! N E W- J E R S % 'Y. I At a Seffion begun at Trenton on the 25th Day of J + * <- -$** Odlober, 1 79 1, and continued by Adjournments. I IZ * ^^X-^STPTwk THE FIRST SITTING. f + '/^64*-islf/L< + ?4 1 (/ \(?J ' '"•' * BURLINGTON: * ' t % PRINTED BY I S\A AC N K A U E. M.DCC.XCI. I * * V * V,v, '* V 4* V"*Cs\ • «* #<» & A . \ LIST of Perfons returned as MemBrrs of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL. Bergen, [John Outwater, EJJex, John Condit, Middlcfex, Samuel Randolph, Monmouth, Eliiha Lawrence, V. P. Somcrfet, ^3W Frederick Frelinghuyfen, u Burlington, o James Kin fey, c Glouccjhr, o Jofeph Ellis, j> Efquire; Salem, X John May hew, Cape-May, _c Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon, John Lambert, Morris, Ellis Cook, Cumberland, Samuel Ogden, Suffex, [Charles Beard flee, LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. -Edmund W. Kingfland, \ Bergen, [ohn Haring, ^ Henry Berry, ( Elias Dayton, EJfex, < Matthias Williamfon, ( Ifrael Hedden, C_ Peter Vredenburgh, Middle/ex, 3 John Runyan, C [ohn Combs, r Jofeph Stillwell, Monmouth, 3 Thomas Little, q John Imlay, T James Linn, Somerfet, < Robert Stockton, C Peter De Vroom^ r George Anderfon, Burlington, 5 Jofhua M. Wallace* Newbold, (_ Caleb { Jofeph Cooper, Gloucejler, ^ Thomas Clark, j Efquires. (John Blackwood, r Samuel Sharp, Salem, ^ Bateman Lloyd, / [ohn Sinnickfon, Elijah Townfend, C Cape-May, \ Richard Townfend, ( Matthew Whilden, ^ Thomas Lowrey, Hunterdon, < Benjamin Van Cleve, (.
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