^ y *~r-*+«r*** ***** ************=** ***++**+************ * + ^ I V O T E* 'Si t AND* _ T*> \ i P R O C E E DH[ NGS; 1 * . ^^ ^) OFTHEEIGHTEENTH t . | GENERAL ASSEMBLY, $ % ^S O F T H E + + * * r\ STATE * O F * : N E W-J E R S E r. * +- * * 4» At a SESSION begun at Trenton on the a2d Day of October 1793, and continued by • Adjournments. * * * •* BEING THE FIRST SITTING. * A : - t m ! ! * - * * X BURLINGTON, * PRINTED BYISAAC NEALE. M.DCC.XCIV. t * * * * «» + * * + * * * * * * * * * 4. * 4. + * * * *. *. 4. 4. = 4. + * * 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4. * 4. * * * * <• * * * + VOTE( 5 ) AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE State of New-Jersey. TRENTON, Tuefday, OBober 22, 1793. THIS being the Time and Place appointed by Law for the fir ft Meet- ing of the General AfTembly, the following Perfons attended, to wit, John Benfon and Peter Ward, as two of the Reprefentatives of the Coun- ty of Bergen ; Caleb Camp as one of the Reprefentatives of the County of EfTex ; Peter Vredenburgh and Thomas M'Dowell, as two of the Repre- Little fentatives of the County of Middlefex ; Jofeph Stillwell, Thomas and James H. Imlay, as Reprefentatives of the County of Monmouth ; Henry Southard, Jonathan Ford Morris and Robert Stockton, as Repre- fentatives of the County of Somerfet ; Samuel Hough and Henry Ridgway, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Burlington ; John Black- Wood and Abel Clement, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Gloucefter ; Bateman Lloyd and Eleazar Mayhew, as two of the Repre- fentatives of the County of Salem ; Matthew Whillden, Richard Townfend and Ebenezer as Reprefentatives of the County of Cape-May Newton, ; Benjamin Van Cleve, Simon Wyckoff and Samuel Stout, as Reprefenta- tives of the County of Hunterdon; Silas Condict, Aaron Kitchel and Da- vid Welfh, as Reprefentatives of the County of Morris ; Ebenezer Elmer and Joel Fithian, as two of the Reprefentatives of the County of Cumber- land ; Martin Ryerfon, William M'Cullough and Peter Sharp, as Reprefen- tatives of the County of Suffex ; appeared in the Houfe and produced the relpe&ive Certificates of their Eleclion, which were read, approved, and B ordered { « ) ordered to be filed. Benjamin Van Cleve, efquire, was appointed agreea- bly to th» Conftitutrotv to qualify Silas Condict, efquire, who, being duly fworn took his Seat accordingly, *id the remaining Perfons returned as Rcprefentatives being qualified by the faid Silas Condict, took their Seats in the Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker, when the honorable Silas Condict was unanimoufly chofen, and accordingly placed in the Chair. The Houfe proceeded to the Election of a Clerk, when Mafkell Ewing was unanimoufly chofen. Mafkell Ewing attended and after taking the Oath of Allegiance, and alfo an Oath for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, he took his Seat as Clerk of the Houfe. Refolved, That David Wrighter be Doorkeeper to this Houfe during the prefent Sitting. Ordered, That Mr. Benfon do wait on the Council, and acquaint them that the Houfe of Affembly have this Day proceeded to Bufinefs, and have chofen the honorable Silas Condict, efquire, their Speaker. Ordered, That Meffrs. Van Cleve, Vredenburgh and Stout, be a Com- mittee to examine the Minutes of the laft Sitting, and to report the Bufi- nefs that was referred or remains unfinifhed. Ordered, That Meffrs. Kitchel, Imlay and Little, be a Committee to bring forward a Draught of Rules and Regulations for the better Govern- ment of the Houfe. Mr. Benfon reported that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Mr. Haring from the Council informed the Houfe, that a fufficient Num- ber of Members of Council have this Day met, elected the honorable Thomas Henderfon, efquire, Vice-Prefident, and proceeded to Bufinefs. Meffrs. Elmer and Fithian, Members from the County of Cumberland, informed the Houfe that John Burgen, efquire, was duly elected as one of the Reprefentatives of that County, and that fince his Election he has de- parted this Life. Wherefore, Ordered, That the Speaker iffue a Warrant, to the Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, to hold an Election agreeably to Law, forchoofinga Reprefen- tativein the Room of the faid John Burgen, efquire, deceafed. The Houfe adjourned until To-morrow Morning ten ofthe Clock. Wednefday, Odlober 23, 1793. -The Houfe met. John Sinni cKson returned as one of the Reprefentatives of theCounty the Reprefentatives of the of Salem ; and John Rattoone returned as one of County of Middlefex, appeared in the Houfe and produced the refpective Certificates of their Election, Which were read, approved, and ordered to be them by the filed ; Whereupon, the ufual Oaths were adminiflered unto Speaker, and they took their Seats, and having rendered an Excufe for their IN on- Attendance Yefterday, the fame was deemed Satisfa&ory. Mr. ( 7 ) Mr. Kitchel from the Committee appointed to bring forward Rules and Regulations for the better Government of the Houfe, reported, The Rules and Regulations agreed to thelaft Year, to be obferved in the Houfe of Aflembly, which were read and being again read by Paragraphs, were feverally agreed to with an Amendment to that Paragraph which di- rects how Committees fhould be appointed, fo as to read, " That all Com- mittees be appointed by the Speaker unlefs the Houfe dire ft other-wife ; And with an Amendment alfo to the Paragraph directing when the Rules fhall be read, fo as to read in the following Words, " That the Rules and Or^ ders of the Hiufe be read over on the qualifying a new Member ," Whereupon, The Houfe agreed to the faid Rules and Regulations with the faid Amend- ments. A Petition from the County of Morris, praying that the Election Law may be amended fo that the Poll may be opened in the Townfhip of Mend- ham during the Election, that the Votes of the People in the faid Townfhip maybe taken within the Townfhip, as they are in every other Townfhip in that County, was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Van Cleve from the Committee appointed to examine the Minutes of thelaft Sitting, and to report the Bufinefs that was referred or remained unfinifhed, brought in the following Report, containing A Lift of Bufinefs unfinifhed before the Houfe of Affembly, in 'June, 1793. 1. The Petition from the Board of Juftices and Freeholders of the County of Burlington, poftponed. 2. The Bill intitled, " An Aft appointing Commijfioners tofettle the Accounts " of Kenneth Hankinfon, efquire, late Colleftor for the County ofMonmouth, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned," poftponed. 3. The Bill intitled, " An Aftfor the relief of James Shay and John Hcp- ** ner," poftponed. 4. The Petition from Egg-Harbour, againft pafTing a Law to dam out Ceder-Swamp Creek, ordered a feeond Reading. 5. The Bill intitled, " An Aft to authorize the Treafurer of the State to " pay unto Jofepb Alfton a certain Legacy left him by the laft Will andTcfta- «' ment of David Alfton, deceafed," ordered a fecond Reading. 6. The Bill intitled, " An Aft to amend an Aft intitled, An Aft to regulate 41 the pafturing of the Lauds, Meadows, and Iflands in common, lying on, and ad- *' joining a certain Beach within the County of Cape-May, known by the Name " of Peek's- Beach, andfor other Purpofes therein mentioned.'" ordered a fe- cond Reading. 7. Tjie Report of Mr. Dayton of the firft of June, on the Petition from the Stage Proprietors—in Part agreed to. The following Bufinefs was referred to the prefent Sitting. 8. The Bill intitled, " An Aft to releafe David and Abraham Haring in " the County of Bergen, from the Payment of a certain Sum ofpublic Money ta- " ken by Robber j." 9. The Petition from James Parker, and the Report of Mr. Smith there- on ; Mr. Parker to be heard on the Subject thereof on the fecond Wednef- day of this Sitting. 10. The Petitions from the Counties of Burlington and Monmouth, pray- ing that a certain Part of the faid Counties within Boundaries therein defcri- bed, . ( 8 ) bed, maybe fet off into a feperate County with the Liberties and Priviledges ufually allowed to Counties, and that the Inhabitants within thofe Bounda- ries may determine by Vote where their County-Houfe mall be built. 1 1 The Bill intitled, " An Aft for the Encouragement and Sup-port of Agri- " culture and dome/lie Manufactures." 12. The Bill intitled, ««• An Ail to authorize the Treafurer of this State to if- " fue a Certificate to Samuel Potter, efquire." i 3 The Bill intitled, tf An Aft to vefi the EJlate of Henry Brockholjl in Truf- *' tees tohejold." 14. The Petition from Matthew Harrifon of the County of Somerfet. 15. The Petition from Burlington County, praying that a Law may pafs to direcl how Sheriffs' unfinifhed Bufinefs mould be performed, where they remove out of the State. 16. The Bill intitled, " An Ac? for laying out, opening, and improving cer- " tain Roads in the Counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucefter, and Burlington " in this State." The Petition from John Freeland, praying that the State would compen- fate him for his Services as a Soldier in the firft New- Jerfey Regiment, with the Certificate of Colonel M. Ogden. 18. The Petition from the County of Bergen, praying that a Law may pafs to direct the Inhabitants to fence againft Sheep. By Order of the Committee, Benjamin Van Cleve. Which Lift was read and the Papers marked No. 1, and No. 4, being read, were ordered to lie on the Table. No. 2, was read and ordered to bedifmiffed. No. 3, was read and committed to Meffrs.
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