« c %3 •Syf^ 'V--', journal' PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL STATEOF T H B O F N E W'J E R S E Y. Convened in GENERAL ASSEMBLY at Trenton, on Tuefday the 2 2d Day of 0(flober 1793. Being the firft and fecond Sittings of the eighteenth Session. TRENTON: PRINTED BY MATTHIAS DAY, \ . M.DCC.XCIV. fe ^ ^f? I LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL. Bergen^ Peter Haring, Efex, John Condi t, Middle/ex^ Samuel Randolph, Monmouth^ Thomas Henderfon, V. P. Somerfet^ cS James Linn, Burlington^ John Black, O Gloucejlery c Jofeph Ellis, EfquireSk o Saleniy Mayhew, ffi- John Cape-May^ Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon^ John Lambert, Morris^ Abraham Kitchel, Cumherlandy Samuel Ogden, Sufexy Charles Beardflee, LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Peter Ward, Bergen^ Ifaac Nicoll, John Benfon, Caleb Camp, Ef.ex. Daniel Mardi, Abraham Spier, Peter Vredenburgh, Middle/ex^ Thomas M'Dowell, John Rattoon, Jofeph Stillwell, Monmoutby Thomas Little, James H. Imlay, Henry Southard, Soinerfety Robert Stockton, Jonathan F. Morris, Thomas Hollinfhead, BurlingfoTiy Henry Ridgway, , Samuel Hough, Jofeph Cooper, Gloiicejler^ John Blackwood, > Efquircs. Abel Clement, John Sinnickfon, Sdeniy Eleazer Mayhew, Bateman Lloyd, Matthev/ Whilldin, Cape-May^ Richard Townfend, Ebenczer Newton, Benjamin Van Cleve, Hunterdon^ Samuel Stout, Simon WyckofF, Silas Condidl, Speaker^ Morris^ Aaron Kitchel, David Welfli, Joel Fithian, Cumberland^ Ebenezer Elmer, David Moore, Martin Ryerfon, Safeex. William M'CulIough, Peter Sharps, , f^^^fX^ r^.'^r^.^ t +r^- J <J-r^-> »«-»<» »^* ^/r^ , W-,-ff ".V^ JXt^l U'»«"*r» r t ^ vrv -4 W^il .^;i- Vr-^ »-*^»>*VW ( 5 ) JO U R N A L THE PROCEEDINGSOF OF THE LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL OF THE State of New-Jersey, Tuefday, OSloher 22, I70 3.' MEMBERS PRESENT, The Honourable John Black, John Mayhew, James Linn, John Lambert, Peter Haring, Thomas Henderson, Abraham Kitchel, Samuel Randolph, Samuel Ogden, John Condit. JOHN MAYHEW, Samuel Randolph, Pctcr Harinj;, James Linn, John Con- dit, John Lambert, Samuel Ogden and Abraham Kitthcl, Klquires, icverall v produced Certificates of their being duly elected Members of this Houfe, which were read and approved, and they thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before Thomas Hendcrfon, Efquire, one of the Members returned for this Houfe, and took their Seats in Council. Thomas Hcnderfon, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elecflcd a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before Samuel Ogden, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council. John Black, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elecfted a Mem- ber of this Houfe, which Vv'as read and approved, and he (being one of the People called Quakers) took and fubfcribed the Affirmations required by Law before Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council. The Honourable Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, was elcded Vice-Prefidcnt of the Council, purfuant to the Conftitution, and he thereupon took the Oath of OfEce, and was fcated in the Chair, B Bowes : ; ( c ) Bowes Reed was unanimoufly eledled Clerk of the Council, and took the Oath of Office accordingly. John Weft was appointed Door-keeper. Ordered^ That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that a fufficient Number of Members of this Houfe have met, elecled the Honourable Thomas Henderfon, Efquire, Vice-Prefident, and proceeded to Bi;finefs. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Air. Benfon, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that a Quorum of the Houfe of Alfcmbly had met, eleifled the Honourable Silas Condi(fl, Efquire, their Speaker, and proceeded to Bufinefs. The Houfe adjourned luitil ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning. Wednejday^ OSlober 23, 1793- The Houfe met—Prefent as before. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met. His Excellency the Governor came into Council. Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly had appointed Meffrs. Kitchel, Camp, Ward, Southard, Ryerfon, Ridgway, Blackwood, Stillwell, Mayhew, Fithian, Whilldin, Vreden- burgh and Wyckoff a Committee to confer with a Committee of Council, and re- port what Bufinefs was effentially Nec'elTary to be done at this Sitting ; and requefted Council would appoint a Committee to join the faid Committee for that Purpofe. Ordered^ That Meffrs. Linn, Condit and Kitchel be a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly for the above Purpofe, and make report and that Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of Affembly and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. The Governor laid before the Houfe a Letter from Samuel Adams, Efquire, Lieutenant-Governor of Maffachufetts, with fundry Refolutions refpedling the Propriety or Expediency of a Sifter State commencing a Suit againft the State at large, and requefting this State to join in an Application for an Amend- ment of the Conftitution in that Refpecft j which were read and ordered a fe- cond Reading. The Lloufe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning. T'hurfday, QBober 24, ^I'^Z' The Houfe met—Prefent as before. Mr. Linn, from the Committee appointed Yeflerday to join a Com-mittee of the Houfe of Affembly, made the following Report TLIE Joint-Committee of the Council and Alfcmbly, appointed to confer on the Subject of what Bufinefs is effentially Neceffary to be done at this Sitting, beg Leave to report, as their Opinion, That an Aci for the Support of Government ought to be palled, and a Joint-Meeting, appointed for the Purpofe of ( 7 ) of choofing OiBcers of Government, ought to take Place before the Riling of the Legiflature. Which Report being read, Refolved^ That the Houfe approve thereof. Mr. Camp, from the Houfe of Ailcmbly, acqxiainted this Houfe, that they Ysrere ready to go into Joint-Meeting, and requclled Council to appoint the Time and Place of Meeting ; and alfo, acquainted this Houfe that Alcfirs. Van Cleve, Fithiaji, Lloyd, Newton, Imlay, Rattoon and Welfh were appointed a Committee to join a Committee of this Houfe for the Purpofe of examining and fettling the Trcafurer's Accounts, and reqxiefled this Houfe to appoint a Committee to join the faid Committee for that Purpofe. Ordered^ That MefTrs. Ogden, Condit and Randolph, or either of them, be a Committee to join the Committee of Affembly for the above Purpofe ; and that Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Affembly and acquaint them therewith. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfe met. Charles BeardHee, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly eledled a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law before the Vice-Prefident, and took his Seat in Council. Mr. Beardflee having given his Reafons for Non-Attendancc until this Day, Refolved^ That they are fatisfadlory. Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of AlTembly, acquainted this Houfe that they had appointed Melfrs. Marfli, Sinnickfon and Clement a Committee to join a Committee of Council for the Purpofe of counting and burning the cancelled Money now in the Treafury, and requefted that this Houfe would appoint a Committee to join the faid Committee for faid Purpofe. Ordered, That Meffrs. Black and Kltchel be a Committee to join the faid Committee for the foregoing Purpofe ; and that Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Alfembly and acquaint them therewith. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe will he ready to go into a Joint-Meeting this Afternoon, five o'clock, in the Aflembly-Room. Mr. Randolph reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of this Day. A Petition from Samuel Sharp and Edward Sharp, of the County of SufTex (Overfeers of Iron-Works) praying an Exemption for their Labourers employ- ed at faid Works from Militia Duty, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Houfe withdrew to attend a [oint-Meetlng ; after fome Time the Houfe returned and adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning. Friday, OSioher 25, 1793. The Houfe met—Prcfent as before. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock P. M. The Houfb met. The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; after fome Time the Houfe returned and adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning. Saturday^ : ( 8 ) Saturday, OSfober 26, 1793. The Ho-afe met—Prefent as before. His Excellency the Governor came into Council and took and fubfcribed tlie Oaths of Allegiance and Office, and alfo the Oath to fupport the Conllitu- tion of the United States, before the honourable the Yice-Prelident. The Governor withdrew. Mr. Cooper, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- cxirrence, a Bill, intitled, ' An A«5l for the Support of the Government of the * State of New-Jerfey ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Elmer, from the Eloufe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence, a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to authorize James Herbert, junior, to com- * plete a Contratfl entered into by his Father, Richard Herbert, with James Vaa * Brockler ;' which was read and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Eldredge having given their Reafons by Letter for their Tvfon- Attendance, Refolved^ That tliey are fatisfa6lory. Mr. Black, from the Committee appointed to count and burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury, made the following Report the Committee of both Hovifes, do hereby certify, that James Mott, WE,Treafurer, has delivered to us the Sum of Three Hundred and Sixty Founds Nine Shillings Loan-Office Money, cancelled in the feveral Counties by their refpedlive Boards of Juftices and Ereeholders, agreeably to Statement, which we have examined, counted and burned.
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