
Journal of Nematology 30(3):313-340. 1998. © The Society of Nematologists 1998. Review of penetrans: , Ecology, and Biological Control Potential 1


Abstract: Pasteuria penetrans is a mycelial, endospore-forming, bacterial parasite that has shown great potential as a biological control agent of root-knot . Considerable progress has been made during the last 10 years in understanding its biology and importance as an agent capable of effectively suppressing root-knot nematodes in field soil. The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the biology, ecology, and biological control potential of P. penetrans and other Pasteuria members. Pasteuria spp. are distributed worldwide and have been reported from 323 belonging to 116 genera of free-living, predatory, plant-parasitic, and entomopathogenic nematodes. Artificial cultivation of P. penetrans has met with limited success; large-scale production of endospores depends on in vivo cultivation. Temperature affects endospore attachment, , pathogenesis, and completion of the life cycle in the nematode pseudocoelom. The biological control potential of Pasteuria sl0p. have been demonstrated on 20 crops; host nematodes include longicaudatus, spp., Meloidogyne spp., and Xiphinema diversicaudatum. Pasteuria penetrans plays an important role in some suppressive soils. The efficacy of the bacterium as a biological control agent has been examined. Approximately 100,000 endospores/g of soil provided immediate control of the peanut root-knot nematode, whereas 1,000 and 5,000 endospores/g of soil each amplified in the host nematode and became suppressive after 3 years. Key words: bacterium, Belonolaimus longicaudatus, biological control, biology, cyst nematode, dagger nematode, ecology, endospore, Heterodera spp., Meloidogyne spp., nematode, Pasteuria penetrans, review, root-knot nematode, sting nematode, Xiphinema diversicaudatum.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND covery in Moina rectirostris Leydig, a member of Daphnidae. The genus Pasteuria Metchnikoff, 1888 Cobb (1906) was the first to report an or- was first described as a bacterial parasite of ganism resembling Pasteuria sp. infecting a water fleas, magna Straus. Metchni- nematode, Dorylaimus bulbiferus. He mistak- koff (1888) named the bacterium Pasteuria enly suggested that the spores inside D. bul- ramosa and stated, "Pasteuria sp. was able to biferus were "perhaps monads" of a parasitic undergo as many as five longitudinal divi- sporozoan. The idea that these organisms sions at the same time, giving it a character- were sporozoan parasites remained in the istic fan shape" (Sayre, 1993). Metchnikoff literature for nearly 70 years. Micoletzky (1888) also tried to culture the bacterium (1925) suggested their placement in Dubo- but was unsuccessful. scqia Perez, 1908. In 1940, a parasite from Metchnikoff's paper, with its concept of pratensis (de Man) Filipjev was longitudinal division of a named Duboscqia penetrans on the assump- and the accompanying drawings that tion that it was similar to the nematode para- showed "stalked" spores, intrigued other in- site described by Micoletzky (Thorne, 1940). vestigators. The bacterium, however, was not It was not until the mid-1970s, when the found again; consequently, Metchnikoff's nematode parasite was examined with elec- work was considered erroneous until the tron microscopy, that its relatedness to bac- 1970s (Hirsh, 1972; Migula, 1900), when teria rather than protozoa was recognized, Sayre et al. (1977, 1979) reported its redis- and it was named penetrans (Mankau 1975a, 1975b). However, B. penetrans was not included in the approved lists of bacterial Received for publication 5 August 1997. 1 Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. names (Skerman et al., 1980). R-05899. Supported in part by a grant from the Southern Re- Sayre and Start (1985) drew attention to gion IPM Grant No. 93-34103-8396. 2 Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Professor, Entomol- the fact that B. penetrans resembled the acti- ogy and Nematology Department, Institute of Food and Agri- nomycete (Metchnikoff, cultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611- 0620. 1888; Sayre et al., 1979) and renamed the E-mail: [email protected] organism Pasteuria penetrans. Recently, Ebert 313 314 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998 et al. (1996) rediscovered P. ramosa infecting genus (Ebert et al., 1996). The other three Daphnia magvm, the organism with which species of Pasteuria are parasites of plant- Metchnikoff originally worked, and the evi- parasitic nematodes: P. penetrans on Meloido- dence presented suggested that the parasite gyne spp., P. tho~vzei on Pratylenchus spp., and infecting Moina rectirostris (Sayre et al., 1977, P. nishizawae on cyst nematodes of the gen- 1979) was not the type species of Pasteuria era Heterodera and Globodera (Sayre and and belonged to another species. The genus Starr, 1989). Two undescribed species of Pasteuria as described by Metchnikoff has Pasteuria have been reported, one from Het- been conserved (Judicial Commission of the Erodera goettingiana Liebscher in Germany International Committee on Systematic Bac- (Sturhan et al., 1994) and the other from teriology, 1986; Starr et al., 1983). Current Belonolaimus longicaudatus Rau in Florida research emphasis is mostly on species of (Giblin-Davis et al., 1990, 1995). Pasteuria that parasitize plant-parasitic The taxon Pasteuria penetrans is often mis- nematodes. takenly used to represent other Pasteuria members (Ciancio, 1995b; Ciancio et al., MEMBERS OF PASTEURIA 1992; Fattah et al., 1989; Singh and Dhawan, 1994; Vovlas et al., 1993). Pasteuria penetrans Pasteuria species are gram-positive, di- originally was suggested to mean 'members chotomously branched, endospore-forming of P. penetrans group' (Sayre and Starr, with septate mycelium (Mankau 1985), but the species was later delineated to and Imbriani, 1975). Endospores are a non- P. penetrans sensu stricto, which infects M. in- motile form of the organism that lie in the cognita, and P. thornei, which infects Prat- soil matrix. When a suitable nematode host ylenchus spp. (Starr and Sayre, 1988). Pasteu- enters its domain, the endospore attaches to ria penetrans now is a valid taxon (Sayre and the nematode's cuticle. One to several hun- Starr, 1989), which according to the nomen- dred endospores may attach per nematode; clatural code (Lapage et al., 1975) must re- however, a single endospore is sufficient to fer only to the parasite of M. incognita. We infect the nematode host. The infection pro- suggest that other indefinitive isolate (s) be cess involves the formation of a germ tube addressed as Pasteuria sp. (spp.), or Pasteuria that penetrates the nematode body wall. Pri- member(s). mary colonies are formed from the germi- There is still considerable confusion nating tube after it penetrates inside the about the of Pasteuria spp. be- nematode pseudocoelom. These colonies cause of the criteria currently used for dif- are shaped like cauliflower florets or clusters ferentiating species within the genus. These of elongated grapes. Daughter colonies are criteria (ultrastructure, morphology, life formed by fragmentation of the mother cycle, and host preference), once seemingly colonies, and the daughter colonies in turn explicit, are challenged by the numerous produce clusters of sporangia. The terminal new isolates of Pasteuria spp. collected from hyphae of the mycelium elongate to form plant and soil nematodes. Some isolates of sporangia, and these give rise to endospores. Pasteuria spp. display cross-generic parasit- Endospores are resistant to desiccation. ism of nematodes. Also, isolates from differ- Pasteuria spp. have not been grown suc- ent nematode genera often appear superfi- cessfully in pure culture. Species of the ge- cially similar under light microscopy in re- nus must be cultured on a nematode or wa- gard to development within the nematode's ter-flea host. Four species of Pasteuria have pseudocoelom and endospore morphology. been described; they are differentiated by Furthermore, recent evidence indicates that their host preference, developmental char- morphology of sporangia and endospores of acterisfics, and size and shape of sporangia 69 Pasteuria members were correlated with and endospores (Sayre and Starr, 1989). Pas- some host characters (Ciancio, 1995a). Di- teuria ramosa, which parasitizes water fleas of ameter of sporangia varied from 1.5 pm for the genus Daphnia, is the type species of the an isolate from Criconemella sp. in Florida Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 315

(Z. X. Chen, pers. obs.) to 8 pm for an iso- Tylenchulus semipenetrans, appeared to be late from Axonchium valvulatum in Sri Lanka host-specific (Kaplan, 1994). Endospores of (Ciancio et al., 1994). Distinct groupings of the isolate did not attach to the body of M. Pasteuria spp. by sizing sporangia and endo- incognita, M. javanica, Radopholus citrophilus, spores were not obtainable. It is apparent or R. similis, whereas several T. semipenetrans that the taxonomy of Pasteuria spp. will re- J2 and males were observed with endospores main unclear until more efforts are allo- developing inside their bodies after 20 days' cated to the problem. incubation. Some isolates of Pasteuria spp. display Pasteuria spp. are reported to selectively cross-generic host ranges and varying bio- parasitize different developmental stages of logical and ecological characteristics. Iso- nematodes (Abrantes and Vovlas, 1988; Dav- lates of P. penetrans reported from China ies et al., 1990; Noel and Stanger, 1994). (Pan et al., 1993) and the United States Davies et al. (1990) reported a Pasteu~a sp. (Mankau, 1975a; Mankau and Prasad, 1972; isolate that completed its life cycle in J2 of Oostendorp et al., 1990) parasitize both Heterodera avenae but not in females and Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus spp. An iso- cysts. Abrantes and Vovlas (1988) reported late reported from India parasitizes both an isolate of Pasteuria sp. parasitizing juve- Heterodera spp. and M. incognita (Bhat- niles and males of Meloidogyne sp. An Illinois tacharya and Swamp, 1988), whereas an- isolate of Pasteuria sp. was first reported to other Indian isolate parasitizes Globodera infect both J2 and males ofHeterodera glycines spp., Heterodera spp., and Rotylenchulus reni- but not females (Noel and Stanger, 1994); formis (Sharma and Davies, 1996). however, endospore-filled females are now Cross-generic attachment of Pasteuria sp. recognized (Atibalentja and Noel, 1997). In has been confirmed by laboratory experi- H. goettingiana, Pasteuria sp. exclusively para- ments. The endospores obtained from sec- sitized J2 (Sturhan et al., 1994), while in ond-stage juveniles (]2) of H. avenae at- Tylenchulus semipenetrans J2 and males be- tached to J2 of H. schachtii, H. glycines, Glo- came infected with Pasteuria sp. (Kaplan, bodera rostochiensis, G. paUida, and M. 1994). javanica, but the completion of their devel- Pasteuria penetrans has been reported to opment in females was not observed (Davies develop endospores only in females of et al., 1990). Hewlett and Dickson (1994) Meloidogyne spp. (Sayre and Starr, 1989). tested endospores of P. penetrans collected However, endospore-filled J2 of a Meloido- from M. arenaria race 1 females for attach- gyne sp. from turfgrass in south Florida has ment to other nematode species. The endo- been reported (Giblin-Davis et al., 1990). spores attached to Aphelenchoides sp., Cricone- Recently, we observed a high proportion of mella sp., an unknown Meloidogyne sp., and spore-filled J2 from populations of Meloido- Tylenchus sp., but it was not ascertained gyne sp. on turfgrass and Meloidogyne spp. whether the bacterium completed its devel- (mixed population of M. incog~nita and M. opment in the latter three species. Many at- javanica) on tobacco in northern Florida tempts were made to infect Aphelenchoides (D. W. Dickson, pers. obs.). Hatz and Dick- sp., but these attempts never met with suc- son (1992) observed males of M. arenaria cess. Endospores of Pasteuria sp. obtained race 1 filled with mature endospores when from H. goettingianaJ2 were able to attach to infected tomato roots were incubated at J2 of Cactodera cacti, G. artemisiae, G. paUida, temperatures above 35 °C. These workers G. rostochiensis, H. carotae, H. cruciferae, H. suggested that the endospore-filled males filipjevi, H. glycines, H. humuli, H. schachtii, H. were a result of sex reversal. No males with a trifolii, H. urticae, and Meloidodera alni single gonad were observed to be infected (Winkelheide and Sturhan, 1996), but, by P. penetrans. Furthermore, no attachment again, development of the bacterium in of endospores was observed on males of M. each of these species was not determined. arenaria race 1 following exposure of the An isolate from the citrus nematode, males to seven isolates of P. penetrans from 316 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

Florida (Freitas, 1997). However, all seven gyne spp. in Palm Beach County (Giblin- isolates attached readily to J2 of M. arenaria Davis et al., 1990). race 1. Page and Bridge (1985) reported an In some cases two different isolates of Pas- isolate of Pasteuria that developed mature teuria spp. appeared to parasitize a single endospores in juveniles, males, and females nematode species at the same location. Gib- of M. acronea; however, the apparent thick- lin-Davis et al. (1990) reported large- ness of the germ tube in their figure (ca. 5 endospore and small-endospore isolates of pm in diameter) would be unusual for a Pasteuria spp. parasitizing both B. long@auda- member of Pasteuria. tus and H. galeatus in Broward County, Several genera of nematodes may be para- Florida. A Criconemella sp. was parasitized by sitized by Pasteuria members at the same two morphologically different isolates of Pas- field site. In a field survey in Puerto Rico, teuria spp. in Florida (T. E. Hewlett, pers. both Pratylenchus spp. and Meloidogyne spp. comm.). These distinct endospores ob- were parasitized by Pasteuria members, but tained from the same host nematode at the there was no evidence that the Pasteuria same location most likely belonged to differ- member that parasitized Pratylenchus sp. also ent species of Pasteuria. parasitized the Meloidogyne spp. or vice versa The current uncertainty in taxonomy of (Vargas and Acosta, 1990). Second-stage ju- Pasteuria members probably will not be re- veniles of Heterodera avenae, and juveniles solved until the bacterial genome proper- and adults of Pratylenchus sp. and Tylencho- ties, such as size, base composition, and rhynchus sp., were infected with Pasteuria DNA-sequence similarity, are revealed by hy- members in a nematode-suppressive soil in bridization. Recent success in DNA sequenc- England (Davies et al., 1990). Although the ing of P. ramosa might facilitate the molecu- lar taxonomy of Pasteuria spp. (Ebert et al., endospores from the three nematode hosts 1996). In addition, artificial cultivation is were similar in size, it was not clear whether crucial to helping us understand the com- they belonged to a single species of Pasteu- plex biology and taxonomy of Pasteuria spp., r/a. Similarly, juveniles and adults of Aphel- but such cultivation has met with only lim- enchoides sp., Helicotylenchus sp., and Prat- ited success. ylenchus sp. were filled with Pasteuria endo- spores at an experimental site that had been infested previously with P. penetrans endo- BIOLOGY OF PASTEURIA.PENETRANS spores (Z. X. Chen, pers. obs.). A survey of Life cycle: The first step in the life cycle of sugarcane fields in South Africa revealed P. penetrans is the attachment of endospores that endospores of Pasteuria members at- to the cuticle of J2 of Meloidogyne spp. This tached to species of Helicotylenchus, Meloido- occurs when the J2 move through soil in- gyne, Pratylenchus, ScuteUonema, and Xiphi- fested with endospores ofP. penetrans. Endo- nema (Spaull, 1981). Small endospores (2.9- spores that attach to the nematode cuticle 4.4 × 1-2 pro) from H. dihystera, M. incognita germinate within 4 to 10 days after the en- J2, and P. zeae were assumed to be P. pen- dospore-encumbered J2 enters a plant root etrans, and larger endospores (4.3-6.6 × 2.0 and begins to feed (Sayre and Wergin, pm) from Scutellonema sp. and Xiphinema sp. 1977b; Serracin et al., 1997). The germ tube were considered to be a different species. In emerges through a central opening in the a survey of turfgrass in southern Florida, the basal layer of the endospore and penetrates following nematodes were parasitized by the nematode body wall. The process of pen- Pasteuria spp. at various sites: Belonolaimus etration seems to be enzymatic (Mankau, longicaudatus, Helicotylenchus microlobus, and 1975a, 1975b; Mankau et al., 1976), but the Meloidogyne spp. in Collier County; B. longi- trigger mechanism for germ tube penetra- caudatus, Hoplolaimus galeatus, Meloidogyne tion is unknown. After entering the nema- spp., and Tylenchorhynchus annulatus in Bro- tode pseudocoelom, the germ tube develops ward County; and H. microlobus and Meloido- into a cauliflower-like microcolony consist- Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 317 ing of a dichotomously branched septate base compositions differing by more than 10 mycelium. Daughter colonies form when mol percent of guanine (G) plus cytosine the intercalary cells in the microcolony lyse (C) content (%GC) should not be regarded (Sayre and Starr, 1989). Due to unknown as members of the same genus, and popula- triggers, the colony fragments, and the ter- tions differing by more than 5% GC values minal cells of each fragment enlarge and should not be regarded as the same species undergo sporogenesis. Eventually, doublets (Bull et al., 1992). A genomic method of and quartets of developing sporangia pre- separation for species is based on strains dominate in the nematode body cavity and having I>70% relatedness and >15% diver- finally separate into single sporangia, each gence of DNA; both parameters must be containing an endospore (Hatz and Dick- used (Goodfellow and O'Donnell, 1993). son, 1992; Serracin et al., 1997). The mature Currently, endospore-forming bacteria endospores are released into soil when the are placed in 13 genera, which are separated plant root, with its complement of parasit- by morphology, physiology, and genetic di- ized root-knot nematode females, decom- versity (Table 1). When the %GC rule is ap- poses. plied, the three genera Bacillus, , Sporogenesis: Although the endospore ul- and Desulfotomaculum are heterogeneous. trastructure of each Pasteuria spp. appears to Because Pasteuria spp. have not been cul- be unique, all species that have been studied tured axenically, their DNA base composi- share the typical sequence of a gram- tion remains unknown. However, some mo- positive, endospore-forming bacterium lecular evidence indicates that P. penetrans is (Chen et al., 1997b; Sayre, 1993). Sporogen- a deeply rooted member of the Clostridium- esis has been divided into seven stages (Figs. Bacillus line of descent, neither related to 6,7, and 9 in Chen et al., 1997b). In stage I, the actinomycetes nor closely related to the mycelial terminal cells elongate and become true endospore-formers (Berkeley and Ali, fully septate. Stage II is characterized by the 1994). The 16S rDNA of P. ramosa was se- formation of a transverse septum that sepa- quenced and compared with those of other rates the forespore from the endospore endospore-forming bacteria using maxi- mother cell. In stage III, the forespore is mum likelihood and maximum parsimony engulfed by the endospore mother cell and analysis (Ebert et al., 1996). Pastearia ramosa condensation of the forespore protoplasm belongs to the low GC branch of eubacteria occurs. Parasporal fibers are initiated in and is phylogenetically close to Alicyclobacil- stage III. Formation of the cortex, coat, and lus cycloheptanicus, A. acidocaldarius, and Ba- occurs in stages IV to VI. Ma- cillus tusciae. Recently, the 16S rDNA of P. ture endospores are formed in stage VII. The dichotomously branched vegetative my- TABLE 1. Described genera of endospore-forming celium of P. penetrans has been assigned as bacteria and their DNA base composition, a stage 0, which is similar to the vegetative cells of Bacillus spp. Genus Mol % GG b Systematics and phylogeny: Modern bacterial Alicyclobacillus 52-60 systematics depends on both phenotypic 36-38 and molecular biological characters. The Bacillus 32-69 phenotypic characters are currently more Clostridium 22-54 important than molecular biological charac- Desulfotomaculum 38-52 Sporohalobacter 30-32 ters in classification and identification of Sporolactobacillus 38-40 . In recent years, nucleic-acid 40-42 techniques have been used to determine Sulfobacillus 54 Syntrophosphora 38 bacterial genome properties, such as size, Thetvaoactinomyces 52-55 base composition, and DNA-sequence simi- a From Berkeley and Ali, 1994. larity as revealed by hybridization. It is now b Mol %GC = tool % guanine (G) plus cytosine (C) content; commonly accepted that bacteria with DNA no information available for Oscillospiraand Pasteuria. 318 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

penetrans isolate P-100 that originated from should be based on established parasitism, an unknown Meloidogyne sp. in Florida was whereby a given parasite-isolate infects a sequenced and showed a 92% similarity with nematode, develops, and produces viable P. ramosa (J. Anderson, pers. comm.). mature endospores. We use the term 'host Host records and geographical distribution: preference' to cover the context of endo- From comprehensive reviews, we find host spore attachment and host specificity. records of Pasteuria-like organisms associ- Start" and Sayre (1988) concluded that the ated with 196 species of soilborne nema- host range of P. penetrans isolates is limited todes belonging to 96 genera, from 51 coun- to Meloidogyne spp. Stirling (1985) specu- tries on five continents and on various is- lated that host preference of P. penetrans lands in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian might be related to nematode populations oceans (Ciancio et al., 1994; Sayre and Starr, rather than species. Recent studies showed 1988; Sturhan, 1988). An updated host that P. penetrans can produce heterogeneous nematode record list includes 20 new gen- endospores (Davies et al., 1994; Davies and era, 127 new species plus unidentified spe- Redden, 1997). These heterogeneous sub- cies, and 29 new countries (Table 2). The populations of endospores showed prefer- new host records include free-living, preda- ences to various nematode populations. cious, plant-parasitic, and entomopatho- Therefore, P. penetrans may develop numer- genic (Steinernema glaseri) nematodes (K. ous genomic variations that undergo a host- Nguyen, pers. comm.). adoptive process that allows endospores to Very little research emphasis has been di- attach and infect nematodes present in a rected to understanding the mechanism of given environment (Davies et al., 1994). the cosmopolitan distribution of Pasteuria Host preference of a particular isolate of spp. A survey in the Hawaiian Islands may Pasteuria sp. can be induced experimentally provide a unique insight for the distribution to shift from one host to another by continu- and dispersal of Pasteuria spp. (Ko et al., ally propagating the bacterium on a new 1995). Occurrence of Pasteuria spp. was host nematode (Davies et al., 1988b; Oosten- more abundant in lowlands (moist-wet ar- dorp et al., 1990). However, studies with eas, <900 m in elevation) and on the older some isolates from M. javanica and M. incog- islands of Kauai and Oahu than in subalpine nita showed that endospore attachment is and alpine regions (dry areas, >900 m in not always related to the species from which elevation) and on the young islands of Maul the endospores were obtained, nor to the and Hawaii. Pasteuria spp. were not found in species of the recipient nematode (Stifling, areas with a mean annual temperature be- 1985). low 10 °C, and the occurrence was more The true nature of host preferences abundant in areas with a mean annual tem- among isolates of P. penetrans still remains to perature >21 °C compared with 10 °C to 21 be elucidated. Recent results suggest that °C. Pasteuria spp. also were more frequently proteins on the nematode and endospore associated with introduced plant species surface may be involved (Davies, 1994; Dav- than endemic plants (Ko et al., 1995). These ies et al., 1999). In-vitro binding" of endo- results suggest an ancient presence of Pas- spore extracts has been attributed to a 190- teuria spp. in the Hawaiian Islands and an kDa glycoprotein derived from a cuticle ex- enhanced dispersal of Pasteuria spp. by hu- tract of M. javanica J2 (Davies, 1994). man activities. Different protein antigens were observed in Endospore attachment and host preference: different isolates of P. penetrans (Chen et al., Most reports on Pasteuria spp. are based on 1997a), and concanavalin A and wheat-germ attachment of endospores to the cuticle of agglutinin were reported to inhibit endo- nematodes rather than parasitism, where it spore attachment to M. javanicaJ2 (Bird et is established that the bacterium develops al., 1989). Recent work showed that fibro- and produces endospores inside the nema- nectin in the nematode cuticle is involved in tode's pseudocoelom. Host specificity endospore attachment through hydropho- Review of P. penetrans: Chert, Dickson 319

TABLE 2. Host nematodes associated with Pasteuria spp. and geographical distribution.

Nematode Location Reference Achromadara micoletzkyi Germany Sturhan, 1988 Acrobeloides buetschlii Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 A. nanus Germany Sturhan, 1988 Acrobeloides sp. Germany Steiner, 1938 Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 USA (California) Ciancio and Mankau, 1989a Actinca sp. Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Aglenchus agricola England Sturhan, 1988 Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Alaimus sp. Germany Sturhan, 1988 Amplimerlinius globigerus Germany Sturhan, 1988 A. icarus Belgium Sturhan, 1988 Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 A. maerurus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Amplimerlinius sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Anaplectus grandipapiUatus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 USA Sturhan, 1988 A. granulosus Germany, Iceland Sayre and Starr, 1988 Aphanolaimus sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Aphasmatylenchus nigeriensis Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 Aphelenchoides bicaudatus h-an Sayre and Starr, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 A. composticola Germany Sturhan, 1988 Iran Sayre and Starr, I988 A. dactylocercus Italy Roccuzzo and Ciancio, 1991 A. megadorus USA Allen, 1941 A. parietinus Germany Steiner, 1938 A. rutgersi Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 A. saprophilus Germany Sturhan, 1988 Aphelenchoides sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 Aphelenchus avenae Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Turkey Elekciogiu, 1995 Aphelenchus sp. Mozambique Sturhan, 1988 AporcelaimeUus simplex Germany Sturhan, 1988 A. obtusicaudatus Germany Sturhan, 1988 AporcelaimeUus sp. Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Aporcelaimus eurydorus Germany Sturhan, 1988 USA (South Dakota) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Aulolaimus bathybius Germany Sturhan, 1988 A. nannocephalus Germany Sturhan, 1988 A. oxycephatus Germany Smrhan, 1988 Aulolaimus sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Axonchium nairi Germany Sturhan, 1988 A. valvulatum Sri Lanka Ciancio et al., 1994 Basiria gracilis Germany Sturhan, 1988 Basiria sp. Finland, Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Basirotyleptus penetrans Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Basirotyleptus sp. Nicaragua Sayre and Start, 1988 Bastiania longicaudata Germany Sturhan, 1988 Belondirella sp. Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Belonolaimus gracilis USA (Florida) Sayre and Start, 1988 B. longicaudatus USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Belonolaimus spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 Boleodorus thylaetus France Sturban, 1988 Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Cactodera cacti Bolivia Sturhan, 1988 Cephalenchus leptus Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Cephalobus persegnis Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 320 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference Clarkus papillatus Germany Smrhan, 1988 CosIenchus acceptus Russia Subbofin et al., 1994 C. andrassyi Germany Smrhan, 1988 C. costatus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 C multigyrus Germany Sturhan, 1988 C. turkeyensis Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Criconemella onoensis Nicaragua Sayre and Starr, 1988 Criconemella spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 Cylindrolaimus commums Germany Sturhan, 1988 Italy Ciancio et ai., 1994 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Diphtherophora sp. Germany, Ivan Sayre and Starr, 1988 Discoo~conemella mauritiensis South Africa Sayre and Starr, 1988 Mauritius Ciancio et al., 1994 Discolaimus bulbiferus Iran Sturhan, 1988 USA (Hawaii) Sayre and Start, 1988 D. major Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Discolaimus sp. Zaire Sayre and Start, 1988 Ditylenchus sp. Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Dolichodorus obtusus USA (California, Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Dolichodorus sp. Mozambique Sayre and Starr, 1988 USA Mankau et al., 1976 Dorylaimellus demani Ge~aany Sturhan, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Do~ylaimellus sp. Chile Sturhan, 1988 D. virginianus Switzerland Sayre and Starr, 1988 Dorylaimida Azores, Germany, Iran, Madeira Islands, Nicaragua Sayre and Starr, 1988 Dorylaimoides mitis Ethiopia Ciancio et al., 1994 Dorylaimus carted Denmark Sayre and Starr, 1988 Dorylaimus sp. Switzerland Sayre and Starr, 1988 Doryllium minor Germany Sturhan, 1988 Do~yllium sp. Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Ecumenicus monohystera USSR Sturhan, 1988 Encholaimus taurus Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Epidarylaimus consobrinus England Sturhan, 1988 Eucephalobus oxyuroides Germany Smrhan, 1988 Uzbekistan Subbodn et al., 1994 Eucephalobus sp. USA (California) Ciancio and Mankau, 1989a E. striatus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Eudo~flaimus morbidus Venezuela Sayre and Starr, 1988 E. parous Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Eudarylaimus sp. Scotland Sayre and Starr, 1988 Brazil, France, Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Eumonhystera vulgaris Germany Sturhan, 1988 Eutobrilus husmanni Ukraine Subbotin et al., 1994 Filenchus attenuatus France Sturhan, 1988 F. helenae Germany Smrhan, 1988 F. miseUus Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Filenchus sp. Austria, Germany, Switzerland Stm-han, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 F. thornei Germany Sturhan, 1988 F. vulgaris Germany Sturhan, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Funaria maryanneae Germany Sturhan, 1988 Geoce~namus nanus Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 G. rugosus Tadzhikistan Subbotin et al., 1994 G. tartuensis Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 G. tenuidens Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 321

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference Globodera pallida England Davies et al., 1990 India Sharma and Davies, 1996 G. rostochiensis Japan Sayre and Starr, 1988 England Davies et al., 1990 India Sharma and Davies, 1996 Helicotylenchus californicus Peru Ciancio et al., 1994 H. canadensis Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. crenacauda Algeria Ciancio et al., 1994 H. depressus New Zealand Yeates, 1967 H. digonicus Algeria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Malta Ciancio et al., 1994 Estonia, Kyrgystan, Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Germany, Switzerland Sayre and Start, 1988 H. dihystera Azores, South Africa, USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Algeria Ciancio et al., 1994 USA (California) Mankau and Imbriani, 1975 H. erythrinae Madeira Islands Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. krugeri South Africa Sayre and Start, 1988 H. /obus USA (California) Ciancio et al., 1992 H. microcephalus Mozambique Sturhan, 1988 H. microlobus USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. paxilli Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. pseudodigonicus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 H. pseudorobustus Algeria, Italy, Peru Ciancio et al., 1994 Azores, Germany, Iran, Madeira Islands Sayre and Starr, 1988 Greece Vovlas et al., 1993 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Helicotylenchus sp. Azores, Brazil, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic, Sayre and Starr, 1988 Germany, Haiti, India, Iran, Mozambique, Nigeria, Samoa, USA Ivory Coast Sturhan, 1988 Kyrgystan, Russia Subbotin et aL, 1994 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 USA (California) Mankau and Imbriani, 1975 USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 H. varicaudatus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Ivory Coast Sturhan, 1988 H. vulgaris Germany, Romania Sayre and Start, 1988 Algeria, Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Hemicycliophora spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 Heterodera avenae Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 England Davies et al., 1990 H. cacti Bolivia Ciancio and Mankan, 1989a H. cajani India Sharma and Sharma, 1989 H. elachista Japan Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. fici Italy Abrantes and Vovlas, 1988 H. glycines Japan Sayre and Starr, 1988 India Sharma and Davies, 1996 USA (Illinois) Noel and Stanger, 1994 H. goettingiana Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 H. leuceilyma USA (Florida) Sayre and Start, 1988 H. schachtii Germany Sturhan, 1988 India Sharma and Davies, 1996 Heterodera sp. Germany, Nicaragua Sayre and Starr, 1988 India Sturhan, 1988 USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 H. trifolii India Sharma and Davies, 1996 Hirschmanniella gracilis Germany, USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. mucronata Philippines Sturhan, 1988 H. oryzae Philippines Sturhan, 1988 322 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference Histotylenchus histoides South Africa Sayre and Starr, 1988 Hoplolaimus galeatus USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. indicus India Sayre and Starr, 1988 Hoplolaimus sp. USA (California, Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. tylenchiformis USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 H. uniformis Netherlands Sayre and Starr, 1988 Hoplotylus montanus Japan Sturhan, 1988 H. silvatieus USA Sturhan, 1988 Hypsoperine spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 [ronus ignavus Sweden Sayre and Starr, 1988 Isolaimium nigeriense Nigeria Sayre and Starr, 1988 Labroneraella sp. Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Laimydorus reversus USA (South Dakota) Sayre and Start, 1988 Lepton&us sp. Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Limonchulus buophilus Nicaragua Sturhan, 1988 Longidorella europaea Genlaany Sturhan, 1988 L. paroa Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 LongidoreUa sp. Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Longidorus attenuatus Romania Ciancio et al., 1994 L. caespiticola Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 L. elongatus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 L. euonymus Bulgaria Sturhan, 1988 Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 L. laevicapitatus Ethiopia, Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 L. leptocephalus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 L. proft~ndcq'ura Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Longidorus sp. Sri Lanka Ciancio et al., 1994 L. vineacola Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Malenchus &yophilus Russia Subbofin et al., 1994 Megadorus megadorus USA (Utah) Sayre and Start, 1988 Meloidodera floridensis USA (Florida) Sayre and Start, 1988 Meloidodera spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 Meloidoderita sp. Iran Sayre and Start, 1988 Meloidogyne acrita USA (Florida) Sayre and Start, 1988 M. acronea Malawi Sturhan, 1988 M. ardenensis Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. arenaria China Pan et al., 1998 Netherlands, USA (California, Florida) Sayre and Start, 1988 Spain Verdejo-Lucas, 1992 Turkey Etekcioglu, 1995 M. coffeieola Brazil Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. exigua Colombia Sayre and Start, 1988 M. fujianensis China Pan e~: al., 1993 34. graminicola S6n~gal Duponnois et al., 1997 M. graminis Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. hapla China Pan et al., 1993 Japan, USA (California, Maryland) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Spain Verdejo-Lucas, 1992 M. incognita China Pan et al., 1993 Colombia Ciancio and Mankau, 1989a Germany" Sturhan, 1988 India !Bhattacharya and Swarup, 1988 Japan, Mauritius, South Africa, Togo, Sayre and Starr, 1988 USA (California, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland) Pakistan Maqbool and Zaki, 1990 Puerto Rico Vargas et al., 1992 S6n6gal Duponnois et al., 1997 Spain Verdejo-Lucas, 1992 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 Review of 19. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 323

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference M. javanica Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, Mauritius, Sayre and Starr, 1988 USA (California, Florida, Maryland) China Pan et al., 1993 Pakistan Maqbool and Zaki, 1990 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 M. lusitanica Portugal Abrantes and Vovlas, 1988 M. naasi Finland, Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Meloidogyne sp. Germany, Nicaragua Sayre and Start, 1988 Cuba Sturhan, 1988 Meloidogyne spp. China Lin and Chen, 1992 Puerto Rico Vargas and Acosta, 1990 Merlinius bavaricus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. brevidens Germany, Italy, Madeira Islands Sayre and Starr, 1988 Turkey Elekcioglus, 1995 M. joctus USA Sturhan, 1988 Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. mac'rur~s USA (California) Mankau and Imbriani, 1975 USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. rnicrodarus Germany, Iran Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. nanus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 M. nothus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 M. processus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Merlinius sp. Germany, Iran Sayre and Starr, 1988 Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 M. stegus Iran Barooti, 1989 M. tessellatus USA, Netherlands Mankau et al., 1976 Sayre and Starr, 1988 Mesodorylaimus bastiani Germany Sturhan, 1988 Mesorhabditis sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Monhystera paludicola Denmark Micoletzky, 1925 Mononchus papillatus Scotland Sayre and Start, 1988 Mumtazium mumtazae Uganda Sayre and Start, 1988 Mylonchulus boveyi SUA Ciancio et al., 1994 M. brachyuris Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Nagelus camelliae Iran Sayre and Starr, 1988 N. leplus Germany, Iceland Sayre and Starr, 1988 Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 Neopsilenchus magnidens France Sturhan, 1988 Nygolaimus parabrachyurus USA (South Dakota) Sayre and Start, 1988 Nygolaimus sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Opisthodo~ylaimus sylphoides Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Ox~ydirus oxycephalus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Paralongidor~s cirri Sri Lanka Ciancio et al., 1994 P. hartensis Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 P. sali India, USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Paraphelenchulus pseudoparietinus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Paratrichodorus minor USA Stnrhan, 1988 Paratrichodorus spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 Paratrophurus anomalus Algeria, Silo Tom6 Ciancio et al., 1994 Paratylenchus bukowinensis Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 P. mutabilis Australia Sturhan, 1988 P. pandata Nigeria Sturhan, 1988 Paratylenchus sp. Canada, Nicaragua Smrhan, 1988 Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 17. straeleni Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Plectus acuminatus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Russia Subbofin et al., 1994 P. cirratus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 P. parvus Russia Subbotin et al., 1994 324 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference P. rhizophilus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Plectus sp. Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Pratylenchoides bacilisem~nus Canada Sturhan, 1988 P. crenicauda Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Kyrgystan, Russia, Tadzhikistan Subbotin et al., 1994 P. laticauda Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Pratylenckoides sp. Canada, Finland, Germany, Ivan, Italy Sayre and Start, 1988 Pratylenchus brachyurus USA (Florida, Georgia, Maryland, South Carolina) Sayre and Start, 1988 Ivory Coast Sturhan, 1988 P. convallariae Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 P. crenatus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 P. fallax Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 P. flakkensis England Sturhan, 1988 Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 P. neglectus Austria, Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Croatia, Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 P. penetrans Germany, Netherlands, USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 P. pratensis Germany, Netherlands Sayre and Starr, 1988 P. scribneri USA (California) Sayre and Start, 1988 USA (Florida) Oostendorp et al., 1990 Pratylenchus sp. China Pan et al., 1993 Germany, Greece, USA (Florida, Illinois, Sayre and Start, 1988 Maryland, Oregon) P. thornei Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 P. zeae Dominican Republic, Mozambique, Sayre and Starr, 1988 South Africa, USA (Florida) Prionchulus sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Pungentus engadinensis Germany Sturhan, 1988 P. silvaticus Azores Sturhan, 1988 Pungentus sp. Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Quinisulcius curvus Dominican Republic Sayre and Starr, 1988 Q. sulcatus Israel Sayre and Start, 1988 Radopholus gracilis Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Rhabditis sp. Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Rotylenchulus macrosomus Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 R. pa*vus Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 R. reniformis India Sharma and Davies, 1996 Rotylenchus capensis Greece Vovlas et al., 1993 R. fallorobustus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 R. goodeyi Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 1L incultus South Africa Sayre and Starr, 1988 R. laurentinus Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 R. quartus Germany Sa)we and Starr, 1988 R. robustus Switzerland, Netherlands, USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Rotylenchus sp. Germany, Israel Sayre and Starr, 1988 R. unisexus South Africa Sayre and Starr, 1988 Scutellonema brachyurum South Africa Ciancio et al., 1994 S. clathrycaudatum Sierra Leone Ciancio et al., 1994 S. quad~'ifer Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 S. rugosus Iran Sayre and Start, 1988 Scutellonema sp. Nigeria Sayre and Starr, 1988 Malawi Sturhan, 1988 Scutellonema spp. USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 S. truncatum Sonth Africa Sayre and Starr, 1988 Scutylenchus sp. Germany, Ivan Sayre and Starr, 1988 S. tessellatus Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 Seinu.ra tenuicaudata Germany Sturhan, 1988 Semitobnlus gag'a*~ni Ukraine Subbotin et al., 1994 Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 325

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference Sphaeronema californicum Canada Sayre and Starr, 1988 S. rumicis Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Tanzanius coffeae Tanzania Siddiqi, 1991 Thonus circulifer Germany Sturhan, 1988 Tobrilus gracilus Armenia Subbotin et al., 1994 Trichodorus similis Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 T. sparsus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Tripyla monohystera USA Cobb, 1916 Trophonema okamotoi USA (Florida) Inserra et al., 1992 Tylencholaimus minimus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Tylencholaimus sp. Azores Sturhan, 1988 Tylenchorhynchus annulatus USA (Florida) Giblin-Davis et al., 1990 USA Sturhan, 1988 T. brassicaz Canary Islands Sayre and Starr, 1988 T. dubius Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Scotland, Sayre and Starr, 1988 USA (Florida) T. lamelliferus Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 7". maximus Austria Sturhan, 1988 Germany, USA (Maryland) Sayre and Starr, 1988 T. microphasmis Germany Sayre and Start, 1988 T. nanus Belgium, USA (Florida) Sayre and Starr, 1988 T. nudus USA (South Dakota) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Tylenchorhynchus sp. Cuba Sturhan, 1988 USA (Colorado) Sayre and Starr, 1988 Tylenchorhynchus spp. USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 Tylenchulus semipenetrans France Sturhan, 1988 Iran Maafi, 1993 Iraq, Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 Samoa Sayre and Starr, 1988 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 USA (Florida) Kaplan, 1994 Tylenchulus sp. South Africa, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Sayre and Starr, 1988 Romania, USA (Florida) Tylenchus eIegans Iceland Smrhan, 1988 Tylenchus sp. Iran Sturhan, 1988 Turkey Elekcioglu, 1995 Tylenchus spp. Azores, Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Tylolaimophorus minor Germany Sturhan, 1988 Xiphinema ame~canum Peru Ciancio and Mankau, 1989b Sri Lanka, USA Sayre and Starr, 1988 X. bakevi Canada Sayre and Starr, 1988 Peru Ciancio and Mankau, 1989b X. basiri Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 X. bergeri South Korea Ciancio et aL, 1994 X. brasiliense Peru Ciancio and Mankau, 1989b X. brevicolle Poland Ciancio et al., 1994 X. chambersi Peru Ciancio and Mankau, 1989b USA (South Dakota) Sayre and Starr, 1988 X. coxi Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Peru Ciancio and Mankau, 1989b X. diversicaudatum Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 Italy Ciancio, 1995b Peru Ciancio and Mankau, 1989b X. ebriense Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 X. elongatum Mauritius, South Africa, USA (Florida) Sayre and Start, 1988 Philippines, Sri Lanka Ciancio et al., 1994 X. ifacolum Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 X. imitator South Africa Sayre and Starr, 1988 X. index Iran Sayre and Starr, 1988 X. ingens Ethiopia Ciancio et al., 1994 326 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

TABLE 2. Continued

Nematode Location Reference X. insigne Ethiopia Ciancio et al., 1994 X. longicaudatum Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 X. magaliesmontanum South Africa Sturhan, 1988 X. pachtaicum Canary Islands Sturhan, 1988 Iran Sayre and Starr, 1988 Hungary, Italy Ciancio et al., 1994 X. pseudocoxi Germany Sayre and Starr, 1988 X. radicicola Sri Lanka Ciancio et al., 1994 X. rivesi USA Sturhan, 1988 X. rotundatum Liberia Ciancio et al., 1994 X. setariae Ethiopia, Sri Lanka Ciancio et al., 1994 Xiphinema sp. Azores, Zaire Sayre and Starr, 1988 Liberia, Somalia Ciancio et al., 1994 USA (Florida) Hewlett et al., 1994 X. turcicum Israel Ciancio et al., 1994 X. vuittenezi Hungary Ciancio et al., 1994 Zeldia odontocephala Germany Steiner, 1938 Zygotylenchus guevarai Germany Sturhan, 1988

bic interactions (Davies et al., 1996). Fur- Mankau (1986) developed a method to thermore, Davies and Danks (1993) demon- grow P. penetrans in M. incognita on excised strated that a carbohydrate-protein mecha- tomato roots. A P. penetrans-infected female nism is involved in endospore attachment to was placed on a small block of agar close to M. incognita; N-acetylglucosamine residues the roots and squashed to release the endo- on the endospore surface recognized carbo- spores and then a single M. incognita egg hydrate-recognition domains on the nema- mass was placed on the agar block. Endo- tode surface. Carbohydrate residues, carbo- spores attached to J2, which, in turn, in- hydrate-recognition domains, and a 250-kDa vaded the roots. Diseased females were antigen on the cuticle surface of M. javanica found after 58 days. The culture was im- juveniles were shown to be involved in P. proved using a four-element system contain- penetrans endospore attachment (Spiegel et ing M. incognita, P. penetrans, and tomato al., 1996). Therefore, variations in endo- roots transformed with Agrobacterium rhizo- spore attachments may be attributed to dif- genes (Verdejo and Jaffee, 1988). Unfortu- ferences in the surface composition of nately, the process is not cyclic. The spore- nematode species, races, and populations, as filled females do not readily break down, well as to the heterogeneity of the endo- thereby releasing endospores back into the spore surfaces. media because of the aseptic conditions of Cultivation: Current methods of mass- the culture. It appears that commercial use producing P. penetrans rely on the multipli- of the pathogen will most likely require cul- cation of the pathogen in its nematode host tivation in culture. on greenhouse-grown plants (Stirling and Various media have been tested for their Wachtel, 1980). The plant system has been ability to support the growth of isolates of optimized (Sharma and Stirling, 1991), and Pasteuria spp. from Pratylenchus brachyurus, recently a hydroponic cultivation system has Heterodera glycines, and Meloidogyne incognita been reported (Serracin et al., 1994). Sug- (Reise et al., 1988). Diseased nematodes gested improvements for the plant system were surface-sterilized and then crushed in include culturing the nematode and patho- various media that were modified by addi- gen in excised or transformed root cultures tion of organic and mineral supplements. (Verdejo and Jaffee, 1988; Verdejo and Increased production of mature endo- Mankau, 1986). For example, Verdejo and spores, sporangia, and vegetative cells was Review of P. penetrans: Chert, Dickson 327 observed. Growth closely resembling bacte- that infects both Heterodera spp. and M. in- rial structures found in diseased nematodes cognita completed its life cycle in M. incognita gradually decreased to marginal growth and in 49 days at 10 °C to 17 °C (Bhattacharya ceased after three to five transfers (Reise et and Swarup, 1988). In contrast, two differ- al., 1988). However, Reise et al. (1988) did ent Florida isolates of P. penetrans developed not give the details of the media that they more quickly within their host at 30 °C and used for cultivation of Pasteuria spp., and 35 °C than at 25 °C or below (Hatz and Dick- their study was published only as an abstract. son, 1992; Serracin et al., 1997). Mature en- Williams et al. (1989) and Bishop and Ellar dospores of an isolate from M. arenaria race (1991) gave detailed descriptions of several 1 were obtained from females after they microbial media for cultivation of P. pene- were incubated for 35, 40, 81, and 116 days trans outside the nematode host. Williams et at 35, 30, 25, and 20 °C, respectively (Hatz al. (1989) screened a wide range of simple and Dickson, 1992). An isolate fl'om M. are- and complex media that were developed to naria race 2 produced mature endospores cultivate fastidious organisms; media con- after they were incubated for 28, 35, and 90 taining root extract, soil extract, or crushed days at 35, 28, and 21 °C, respectively (Ser- nematodes; media suitable for the growth of racin et al., 1997). Growth of P. penetrans nematodes; and media containing sterol within females of M. javanica and M. are- compounds. Endospores and vegetative my- na,4a was not observed at 10 °C (Hatz and celial bodies were used as the initial inocu- Dickson, 1992). lure, but the cultivation was not successful Endospore attachment to J2 increased (Williams et al., 1989). Bishop and Ellar with increasing temperature, up to ca. 30 °C (1991) reported two defined media: one (Ahmed, 1990; Singh and Dhawan, 1990; maintained inoculated 'ball-mycelia' of P. Stirling et al., 1990). The rate of endospore penetrans in an apparently viable state for up attachment at 27 °C was approximately to 1 month with low yields of mature endo- double that at 18 °C (Stirling et al., 1990), spores, and another gave a small increase in but the maximum number of P. penetrans the number of inoculated 'ball mycelia,' but endospores attaching to Meloidogyne spp. J2 lysis resulted. A patent was obtained for a was observed at 30 °C (Ahmed, 1990; Hatz cultivation system that involved adding ex- and Dickson, 1992; Orui, 1997). Above 30 planted tissue from Ascaris suum to an en- °C, the number of endospores attached per riched medium, but this work was never J2 declined (Hatz and Dickson, 1992). An published (Previc and Cox, 1992). isolate of Pasteuria sp. parasitic on H. cajani showed higher numbers of endospores at- ECOLOGY OF PASTEURIA PENETRANS tached to H. cajani at 25 °C than at 15 °C or 35 °C (Singh and Dhawan, 1990). Suspend- Temperature: Pasteuria penetrans is a meso- ing M. arenariaJ2 in 30 °C water before ex- philic bacterium, with an optimal growth posure to endospores increased J2 receptiv- temperature between 28 °C and 35 °C (Hatz ity to endospores when compared to treat- and Dickson, 1992; Serracin et al., 1997). ments at 25 °C and 35 °C (Freitas et al., Based on this established temperature 1997). Higher temperatures (35 °C to 40 range, Chen and Dickson (1997a) reported °C) decreased J2 receptivity to endospore the minimum temperature at which P. pene- attachment. In P. penetrans-infested soil, trans will develop as 17 °C. Ko et al. (1995) highest attachment occurred when soil was reported that Pasteuria spp. did not occur in maintained at 20 °C to 30 °C for 4 days. the Hawaiian Islands in areas with a mean Higher temperatures (>30 °C) greatly re- annual temperature below 10 °C. However, duced endospore attachment. After sonica- different temperature requirements may ex- tion in water, the number of endospores ist for different isolates of the bacterium be- that attached to J2 increased markedly, with cause of its cosmopolitan distribution. As an increases in temperature from 15 °C to 30 example, an Indian isolate of P. penetrans °C (Orui, 1997). 328 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

Relatively high temperatures generally fa- before adding M. incognitaJ2 increased en- vor endospore germination. Germ tubes dospore attachment (Brown and Smart, formed and penetrated the body wall of J2 1984). Isolates of P. penetrans survived for of M. a'rena~a race 2 approximately 9 to 10, several weeks in dry, moist, and wet soils and 6, and 4 to 5 days after inoculation at 21, 28, in a soil with fluctuating moisture levels and 35 °C, respectively (Serracin et al., without loss of their ability to attach to their 1997). Endospores attached to M. incognita nematode hosts (Oostendorp et al., 1990). germinated 6 to 8 days after inoculation at Interestingly, soil moisture was reported 25 °C (Sayre and Wergin, 1977a). The to affect the growth of P. penetrans within mechanism by which temperature causes Meloidogyne sp. females (Davies et al., 1991). these effects is unclear; however, tempera- The number of P. penetrans-infected females ture effects on the host nematodes may in- per root system decreased with increasing fluence germination of endospores. soil moisture. The development of P. pene- Pathogenesis also was favored by high trans in infected females also was delayed in temperature. At 30 °C, P. penetrans prolifer- high soil moisture treatments. However, P. ated extensively within the pseudocoelom of penetrans developed normally in Meloidogyne female nematodes before they reached ma- females grown on tomato in a hydroponic turity, whereas, at 20 °C, females often de- solution (Serracin et al., 1994, 1997). veloped mature gonads containing eggs be- Soil texture: In field surveys, P. penetrans oc- fore infection prevented further develop- curred more frequently in sand and loamy ment (Stirling, 1981). sand than sandy loam, loam, and clay Numbers of endospores per root system (Spaull, 1984). Mateille et al. (1995) re- also were related to temperature. At tem- ported that sandy soils favored endospore peratures of 20, 25, 30, and 35 °C, the aver- attachment to Meloidogyne spp. and reten- age number of endospores per root system tion of endospores in the upper soil hori- was 12.5, 14.7, 115, and 113 million, respec- zon. However, P. penetrans was determined tively (Hatz and Dickson, 1992). The num- to be more abundant in sandy loam than ber of endospores per female also increased loamy sand in kiwi orchards (Verdejo-Lucas, with increasing degree-days between 469 1992). A sandy soil (>92% sand) allowed en- and 684 degree-days, based on a threshold dospores to be distributed readily with per- temperature of 17 °C (Chen and Dickson, colating water (Oostendorp et al., 1990). 1997a, 1997b). pH: Endospore attachment was affected Moisture: Little is known about the effect by pH (Ahmed, 1990; Davies et al., 1988b; of soil moisture on endospore attachment Orui, 1997). Attachment was highest at pH 9 and development of P. penetrans; however, and decreased at low pH values (Ahmed, endospores in soil are resistant to desicca- 1990). However, Davies et al. (1988b) ob- tion (Williams et ai., 1989). Endospores of P. served that attachment was higher at pH 7 penetrans are not motile, and attachment to than at pH 4 or 9 in tap water, but lower at J2 is dependent on nematode movement in pH 7 than at pH 4 or 9 in distilled water. soil (Stifling et al., 1990). Because the move- With sonicated endospores, attachment was ment of nematodes through soil is affected higher at pH 7 than at pH 4 or 9 either in by soil moisture conditions (Van Gundy, distilled water or tap water, and sonicated 1985), endospore attachment also should be endospores attached in higher numbers per affected. However, studies on soil moisture J2 in tap water than in distilled water (Davies and endospore attachment have produced et al., 1988b). Orui (1997) reported that at- variable results. In one investigation, no cor- tachment was generally greater at a higher relation was observed between the number pH after spore sonication. Recent studies of endospores attached per J2 and the soil have demonstrated that the endospore sur- pore size or moisture levels (Dutky and face has a net negative charge, which is Sayre, 1978). Conversely, moistening air- greatest at neutral pH and is reduced with a dried soil containing P. penetrans for 3 days change of pH away from neutral (Afolabi et Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 329 al., 1995). Electrostatic forces between the J2 at 30 °c to I>8 endospores/J2 at 60 °C to nematode cuticle and the endospore surface 100 °C. Heating of J2 above 40 °C, either in opposed attachment because the charges on water or in endospore-infested soil, de- the nematode cuticle also were negative. creased their receptivity to endospores to al- Reasons for the pH effects remain unclear most zero. Conversely, Giannakou et al. (Afolabi et al., 1995). (1997) observed that endospore attachment Suroival: Little is known about the long- was greater when endospore suspensions term survival of endospores of P. penetrans in were heated 2 hours daily for 8 days at 60 °C soil. In a peanut field in Florida, P. penetrans than at 40 °C and 50 °C. However, the high- endospores maintained suppressive levels temperature treatment decreased the inci- for M. arenaria over 10 years (D. W. Dickson, dence of P. penetrans infection of root-knot unpubl.). Microplots initially infested with nematode females. relatively low numbers of P. penetrans and M. Mechanisms for the long-term survival of arenaria became suppressive to the nema- bacterial endospores include lack of high- tode after 3 years and were highly suppres- energy compounds (ATP and NADH); high sive in years 4 through 7 (E. Weibalzahl- content of 3-phosphoglycerate, dipicolinic Fulton, pers. comm.). acid, and divalent cations (Ca z+, Mg 2+, and Laboratory studies have shown that P. pene- Mn2+); of ; dehydration trans endospores resist various chemicals of protoplasm; and presence of a thick cor- and environmental conditions (Bird et al., tex and coat (Setlow, 1994). Heat resistance 1990; Williams et al., 1989). In the labora- can be predicted from the optimal growth tory, endospores of Pasteuria sp. were viable temperature of the bacterium, endospore for a period of more than 1 year at 10 °C to protoplasm water content, total and specific 36 °C (Mani, 1988). Endospores subjected mineral content, temperature for optimum to a prolonged storage of up to 6 years were sporulation, and cortex size (Gerhardt and able to attach to the host nematodes, but Marquis, 1989). Chemical resistance is re- infection did not occur (Espafiol et al., lated to the impermeability of the proto- 1997). However, an isolate of P. penetrans re- plasm membrane and endospore coat layers mained infective after 11 years of storage at (Setlow, 1994). Endospores of some bacteria room temperature, but the number of indi- survive in soil for periods of up to 9,000 viduals infected were less than that which years (Nilsson and Renberg, 1990; Setlow, occurred with fresh P. penetrans. The ability 1994). To date, the ultrastructure, morphol- to attach was not affected by storage (Gian- ogy, sporogenesis, and chemical properties nakou et al., 1997). of Pasteuria spp. endospores appear similar It has been documented that endospores to those of other endospore-formers (Bird can survive high temperature and desicca- et al., 1990; Chen et al., 1997b; Williams et tion. Williams et al. (1989) observed that in- al., 1989), which suggests that they have the fectivity of P. penetrans endospores was re- ability for prolonged survival in soil. duced after heating endospores at 100 °C Natural enemies: Endospores appear to be for 5 minutes, but attachment was not mark- resistant to various environmental condi- edly affected by heating at 100 °C for 15 tions; thus, their survival in soil may be af- minutes. Endospores also were resistant to fected largely by biotic factors. Natural en- desiccation and sonication (Williams et al., emies of P. penetrans endospores in soil have 1989). Another test revealed that endospore not been reported, but there have been attachment occurred at up to 80 °C, but in- some observations of hyperparasites attack- fection did not occur at this temperature ing endospores (M. A. McClure, pers. (Dutky and Sayre, 1978). Freitas et al. comm.). We have observed rod-shaped, (1997) reported that suspending endo- gram-negative bacteria adhering to endo- spores in water at temperatures higher than spores when they were attached to the body 30 °C for 5 hours daily over a 10-day period wall of Meloidogyne spp. J2 (Fig. 1). The ul- decreased attachment from 61 endospores/ trastructure and morphology of the endo- 330 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

Cross-generic suppression of nematodes also has been observed (Bhattacharya and Swamp, 1988; Mankau and Prasad, 1972). Pasteuria penetrans simultaneously reduced population densities of Pratylenchus scribneri and root galls induced by M. javanica and M. incognita in tomato (Mankau and Prasad, 1972). An Indian isolate of P. penetrans para- sitized both Heterodera spp. and M. incognita (Bhattacharya and Swamp, 1988). Endo- spores of P. penetrans were mass-produced on M. incognita, and when endospores were FIG. 1. A gram-negative bacterium (arrowhead) at- incorporated into soil, number of cysts of H. tached to a Pasteuria penetrans endospore that is at- tached to the body wall of a second-stage juvenile of avenae on wheat roots was reduced. Meloidogyne arenaria. Scale bar = 1 pln. A successful example of the biological control potential of P. penetrans for manage- spores remained intact with the presence of ment of root-knot nematodes on peanut was the bacterium, which indicates that the lat- reported recently (Chen, 1996; Chen et al., ter may not have been an endospore para- 1996). Endospores of P. penetrans were in- site. The bacterium Ensifer adhaerens was re- corporated into field microplots in year 1 at ported to prey on endospores of Bacillus sub- 0, 1,000, 3,000, 10,000, or 100,000 endo- tills (Casida, 1982). Because of the similarity spores/g of soil. Root galls and pod galls in endospore properties between B. subtilis were significantly reduced at 100,000 endo- and P. penetrans, it is likely that P. penetrans spores/g of soil in the first year. In year 2, also has similar predators. More research root galls and pod galls were reduced at should be directed to this area for under- 10,000 and 100,000 endospores/g of soil. standing the fate of endospores in soil. Pod yields increased 58% and 94% at 10,000 and 100,000 endospores/g of soil, respec- tively (Chen et al., 1996). In year 3, root galls PASTEURIA PENETRANS AS A BIOLOGICAL and pod galls were nil at 100,000 endo- CONTROL AGENT spores/g of soil, and were reduced at 1,000, Biological control potential: Pasteuria pene- 3,000, and 10,000 endospores/g of soil. Pod trans is a very promising biological control yields were increased 180%, 291%, 221%, agent against root-knot nematodes. The role and 272% at 1,000, 3,000, 10,000, and of P. penetrans in suppressing plant-parasitic 100,000 endospores/g of soil, respectively nematodes has been tested on many crops, (Chen et al., unpubl.). Population densities mostly in greenhouse pot tests (Table 3). of J2 in soil at harvest also were significantly Pasteuria penetrans suppressed Meloidogyne reduced at 10,000 and 100,000 endo- spp. on brinjal, chickpea, cucumber, egg- spores/g of soil in the third year. Appar- plant, grape, hairy vetch, kiwi, mung, okra, ently, the establishment and amplification peanut, pepper, rye, soybean, tobacco, to- of P. penetrans in the field microplots played mato, and wheat (Table 3). Some isolates of an important role in the increased suppres- Pasteuria spp. have been reported to sup- sion of root-knot nematodes over the 3-year press Belonolaimus longicaudatus on ber- period. Oostendorp et al. (1991) also re- mudagrass (Giblin-Davis, 1990), H. avenae ported that amplification of P. penetrans to and H. zeae on unspecified crops (Bhat- suppressive levels took 3 years. tacharya and Swamp, 1988), H. cajani on Isolates of Pasteuria spp. failed to suppress cowpea (Singh and Dhawan, 1994), H. ela- populations of Meloidogyne spp. on sugar- chista on rice (Nishizawa, 1987), and Xiphi- cane (Spaull, 1984), Helicotylenchus lobu6 on nema diversicaudatum on peach (Ciancio, turfgrass (Ciancio et al., 1992), and 1995b). Tylenchulus semipenetrans on citrus (Ciancio Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 331

TABLE 3. Summary of completed experimental work that used Pasteuria spp. as biological control agents for plant-parasitic nematodes.

Nematode, host Results Reference

Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Soil infested with Pasteuria ap. endospores was not Giblin-Davis, 1990 bermudagrass suppressive to B. longicaudatus on bermudagrass in the first 6 months, but caused a significant de- crease in nematode populations after 1 year in a greenhouse study. Helicotylenchus lobus, No correlation found between nematode density and Ciancio et al., 1992 turfgrass the percentage of nematodes with endospores in a soil infested with Pasteuria sp. Delayed increase in parasitism observed. Heterodera avenae and H. Direct mixing of endospore-infested soil was effective Bha~achmTa and zeae, unspecified crops for suppression of cyst nematodes. Swarup, 1988 Heterodera cajani, cowpea Pasteuria penetrans reduced root penetration of J2, Singh and Dhawan, and numbers of cysts and J2 in soil were reduced 1994 by 87% and 99%, respectively, at a level of >40 en- dospores/J2. Heterodera elachista, rice Pasteuria sp. suppressed the nematode population Nishizawa, 1987 after 4 years of exponential increases of the nema- tode population in a reclaimed area. Meloidogyne spp., tomato Pasteuria penetrans reduced J2 mobility in soil. Mankau and Prasad, 1977 Meloidogyne spp., tomato Meloidog3,ne spp. population infested with P. penetrans Mankau, 1980 approached extinction in 4 to 5 genel-ations in the pot culture. Meloidogyne spp., tomato The application of P. penetrans endospores resulted in Channer and Gowen, significant control of root-knot nematodes. 1988 Meloidogyne spp., brinjal Pasteuria penetrans and Paecilomyces lilacinus applied ZaN and Maqbool, and mung individually or in combination enhanced shoot and 1990 root weight and length in brinjal, and reduced root-gall indices on brinjal and mung. Meloidogyne spp., sugarcane Observations in sugarcane fields in South Africa re- Spaull, 1984 vealed that more females were infected by P. pene- trans in coarse soils than in fine-textured soils; populations of Meloidogyne spp. were generally greater in fields infested with P. penetrans than in noninfested fields, and data collected from one field showed that the level of parasitism was greater at higher densities of the host. Meloidogyne acronea, tomato Pasteuria sp. infection of juvenile stages, males, and Page and Bridge, females resulted in almost complete destruction of 1985 nematode populations in a greenhouse. Mdoidogyne arena~¢a, A soil infested with P. penetrans and suppressive to M. Minton and Sayre, tomato arenaria on peanut was tested in a greenhouse; re- 1989 ductions of root penetration by J2, root galling, and nematode reproduction were observed. M. arenaria, peanut, rye, Three years after the initial inoculation of endospore- Oostendorp et al., and vetch encumbered J2 in different cropping systems, pea- 1991 nut yield increased in plots treated with P. pene- trans. M. arenaria, peanut The incorporation of P. penetrans endospores into Chen et al., 1996 microplots reduced root galls and pod galls, and increased pod and foliage yields. The suppression of root-knot nematodes required 10,000 endo- spores/g of soil. M. arena.ria, peanut Numbers of eggs per root system, J2 per 100 cm s soil Chen et al., 1997c at harvest, root galls, and pod galls decreased with increasing P. penetrans infestation levels. Meloidogyne graminicola, Pasteuria penetrans reduced root galls and increased Duponnois et al., tomato the root biomass. 1997 332 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

TABLE 3. Continued

Nematode, host Results Reference

Meloidogyne incognita, Yield increases were observed in field plots treated Brown et al., 1985 tobacco, soybean, and with P. penetrans endospores. hairy vetch M. incognita, tomato Root penetration of J2 was inhibited by P. penetrans in Brown and Smart, laboratory and greenhouse tests. 1985 M. incognita, tomato, M. incognita was controlled more effectively and yields Dube and Smart, tobacco, soybean, hairy of host plants were greater when Paecilomyces lilaci- 1987 vetch, and pepper nus and P. penetrans were applied together in field microplots than when either was applied alone. M. incognita, M. javanica, Soil from a vineyard was able to suppress egg masses Bird and Brisbane, and Meloidogyne sp., produced on tomato in pot tests; suppressiveness 1988 tomato was removed by autoclaving the soil. M. incognita, tomato Tomato root invasive by J2 was reduced by 86% when Davies et al., 1988b J2 with >115 endospores attached were added to soil; numbers of second-generation nematodes were reduced by 82% to 93% when J2 with 1 to 15 endospores were added to soil. 3/1. incognita, tomato Pasteuria penetrans reduced root invasion by J2 and De Channer, 1989 resulted in the improved growth of tomato. M. incognita, tomato, The inoculation of endospore-encumbered J2 in one Ahmed, 1990 eggplant, and wheat crop and reincorporafion of the P. penetrans-ii1- fested roots after successive crops were successful and resuhed in fewer galls and egg masses on the host plant. M. incognita, tomato Pasteuria penet,rans reduced root penetration by J2, Sekhar and Gill, 1990 gall formation, and nematode reproduction. M. incognita, tomato Egg masses were reduced by 66% in pots treated with Ahmed and Gowen, 9,000 endospores/g of soil t991 5/1. incognita, tomato Pasteuria penetrans reduced the motility of J2 and the Davies et al., 1991 number of females that developed in roots. M. incognita, tomato Application of P. penetrans and carbofuran, individu- Sekhar and Gill, 1991 ally or in combination, reduced gall formation and improved growth of tomato in a pot experiment. M. incognita, okra Paecilomyces lilacinus, Talaromycesflavus, and Bacillus Zaki and Maqbool, subtilis, used individually or in combination with P. 1991 penetrans, increased the length and weight of shoots and reduced root-gall indices. M. incognita, tomato Verticillium chlamydosporium and P. penetrans in combi- De Leij et al., 1992 nation tended to complement each other, reducing the population density in pots by 92% at the sec- ond harvest. M. incognita, tomato In three greenhouse experiments, P. penetrans re- Vargas et al., 1992 duced root-gall indices, numbers of J2 in soil, and egg mass numbers on roots. M. incognita, M. arenaria, In a kiwi orchard, the number of females per gram of Verdejo-Lucas, 1992 and M. hapla, kiwi roots showed seasonal fluctuations and was posi- tively correlated to the percentage of females with P. penetrans; parasitized females also were corre- lated to percentage of J2 with endospores. M. incognita, cherry tomato Numbers of J2 in soil and root-gall indices were re- Kasumimoto et al., duced with incorporation of P. penetrans endo- 1993 spores to soil. M. incognita, tomato A mixture of M. incognita and P. penetrans endospores Adiko and Gowen, resulted in suppression of root galls (81%) and 1994 nematode reproduction (97%). M. incognita, tomato Pasteuria penetrans applied 2.5 cm deep in soil was Ahmed et al., 1994 more effective than when applied at the soil surface and at 5 cm deep. Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 333

TABLE 3. Continued

Nematode, host Results Reference

M. incognita and M. javanica, Pasteu*ia penetrans applied alone and with oxamyl Gowen and tomato and cucumber reduced root galling, egg production, and juve- Tzor~akakis, nile population densities. 1994 M. incognita and M. javaniea, Root galling and egg masses on tomato were re- Tzortzakakis and tomato and cucumber duced in plots treated with P. penetrans and ox- Gowen, 1994 amyl; the efficacy of the parasite was enhanced by oxamyl applications; root galling, number of egg masses, and J2 in soil were reduced after growing cucumber for 10 weeks in treatments with P. pene- trans, oxamyl, and solarization; the efficacy of P. penetrans was enhanced with oxamyl application and probably in solarized soil. M. incognita and M. javanica, In a nematode-suppressive soil in Florida, P. pene- Weibelzahl-Fulton et tobacco trans reduced numbers of root galls, egg masses, a1.,1996 and eggs of M. incognita and M. javanica. , M. incog- Pasteuria penetrans reduced root galls and sup- Mankau and Prasad, nita, and Pratylenchus pressed P. scribneri populations in soil and in 1972 scribneri, tomato roots. M. javanica, tomato and grape Root galls and the soil J2 at harvest were reduced Stifling, 1984 by P. penetrans when tomato root material con- talning endospores was incorporated into nema- tode-infested soil. Numbers of J2 penetrating roots decreased with increasing endospore con- centration and distance that J2 moved in soil; in pot experiments with grapes, there were fewer J2 in vineyard soil infested with P. penetrans than without P. penetrans. M. javanica, tomato In greenhouse pot trials, treatment of M. javanica- Brown and infested soil with P. penetrans endospores as well Nordmeyer, as aldicarb or carbofuran reduced galling by- a 1985 factor of 10. M. javanica, tomato Application of P. penetrans in combination with Maheswafi et al., nemaficides improved plant growth and reduced 1987 root galling. M. javanica, tomato Pasteunia penetrans reduced the multiplication of the JayaRajandMani, nematode and increased the weight of shoots and 1988 roots. M. javanica, tomato Pasteuria penetrans and Paecilomyees lilacinus applied MaheswariandMani, individually enhanced plant growth; combined 1988 application of the two organisms was more effec- tive and increased dry weight of the shoot and lowered soil J2 populations. M. javanica, tomato Pasteuria penetrans as well as four types of oil cakes Maheswari etal., reduced nematode infection and improved plant 1988 growth, and the combined treatments increased their effectiveness. M. javanica, grape Oxamyl and phenamiphos reduced abundance of J2 Walker and Wachtel, and rate of P. penetrans infection for periods of 1989 ~2 months; soil solarizafion increased rate of P. penetrans infection for at least 10 months but did not reduce abundance of M. javanica. M. javanica, tomato Pasteuria penetrans suppressed galling and egg Daudi et al., 1990 masses and increased the shoot weight. M. javanica, tomato Pasteuria penetrans and oxamyl alone, or in combina- Daudiand Gowen, tion, inhibited the production of egg masses. 1992 34. javanica, chickpea Pasteuria penetrans reduced root galling by 81% and Sharma, 1992 58% in two greenhouse tests. M. javanica, brinjal and mung Application of P. penetrans and P. lilacinus alone, Zaki and Maqbool, and in combination, increased yields and reduced 1992b root-gall indices. 334 Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 3, September 1998

TABLE 3. Continued

Nematode, host Results Reference

3/1. javanica, okra Application of root materials containing endospores Zaki and Maqbool, of P. penetrans into a nematode-infested soil re- 1992a duced root-knot nematode infection and in- creased lengths and fresh weights of plant shoots and roots. M. javanica, tomato In a factorial experiment, results suggested a den- Ciancio and sity-dependent relationship between P. penetrans Bourijate, and M. javanica on tomato. 1995 Xiphinema diversicaudatum, Parasitism of X. diversicaudatum by Pasteuria sp. was Ciancio, 1995b peach density-dependent. and Roccuzzo, 1992). A survey in sugarcane requirements of P. penetrans. A medium fields in South Africa revealed that popula- similar in nature to the chemical composi- tion densities of Meloidogyne spp. were gen- tion of the pseudocoelomic fluid of nema- erally higher in fields infested with P. pene- todes may be required to provide adequate trans and that the level of nematode para- nutrients for development of Pasteuria spp. sitism was greater at higher nematode However, only the pseudocoelomic fluid of densities (Spaull, 1984). On turfgrass, there large, -parasitic nematodes has been was no correlation between the population even partially characterized, and there are density of Helicotylenchus Iobus and the per- no known reports of a Pasteuria or Pasteuria- centage of nematodes with endospores like organism parasitizing these nematodes. (Ciancio et al., 1992). However, an increase Consequently, models of the chemical com- in parasitism was observed 2 months after a position and physical environment of the 10-fold nematode population growth (Cian- pseudocoelomic fluid of plant-parasitic cio et al., 1992). nematodes are crucial for comparing the Mode of action: Pasteuria penetrans reduced biological and physiological differences be- the number of J2 penetrating roots (Brown tween plant-parasitic and animal-parasitic and Smart, 1985; Davies et al., 1988a, 1988b; nematodes. The clues for rearing Pasteuria Sekhar and Gill, 1990), number of females spp. may be revealed once the chemical in roots (Davies et al., 1991), female fecun- composition and physical makeup of the dity (Bird, 1986; Bird and Brisbane, 1988), pseudocoelomic fluid of plant-parasitic number of J2 in soil (Chen et al., 1997c; nematodes is understood. Davies et al., 1988a, 1988b), and number of With the abundant distribution of P. pene- eggs on roots (Ahmed and Gowen, 1991; trans in soil (Dickson et al., 1994; Hewlett et Bird and Brisbane, 1988; Chen et al., 1997c; al., 1994; Sayre and Starr, 1988; Sturhan, Weibelzahl-Fulton et al., 1996). Movement 1988), it may be possible to amplify the soil and mobility of J2 were reduced and their endospore densities to levels that provide ability to locate host roots was affected when biological control of nematodes (Stirling, J2 were encumbered with endospores (Dav- 1991). Currently, we are investigating the ef- ies et al., 1991; Mankau and Prasad, 1977). fects of root-knot nematode tolerant and susceptible crops on amplification efficiency FUTURE PROSPECTS of P. penetrans under a continuous monocul- ture system. Unfortunately, technology for The lack of efficient technology for the the quantification of endospores in soil is large-scale production ofP. penetrans is a ma- not yet available, thus limiting our under- jor impediment to the marketing of this or- standing of the ecology of endospores in ganism as a biological control agent. It is soil. readily apparent that mass cultivation de- Cross-generic parasitism of Pasteu~a spp. pends on fully understanding the nutrient has been observed (Bhattacharya and Swa- Review of P. penetrans: Chen, Dickson 335 rup, 1988; Mankau, 1975a; Mankau and Pra- parasite of nematodes in Iran. Iranian Journal of Plant sad, 1972; Oostendorp et al., 1990; Pan et Pathology 25:9-10. Berkeley, R. C.W., and N. Ali. 1994. Classification al., 1993; Sharma and Davies, 1996), but and identification of endospore-forming bacteria. Pp. there have been few investigations using al- 1-8 in G. W. Gould, A. D. Russell, and D. E. S. Stewart- ternative hosts to culture P. penetrans. Rela- Tull, eds. Fundamental and applied aspects of bacterial spores. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific Publications. tively low-cost cultivation of some nema- Bhattacharya, D., and G. Swarup. 1988. Pasteuriapene- todes on media has been developed (Fried- trans, a pathogen of the genus Heterodera, its effect on man, 1990). If such systems could be nematode biology and control. Indian Journal of transferred to the cultivation of P. penetrans, Nematology 18:61-70. Bird, A. F. 1986. The influence of the actinomycete, it might be possible to produce large quan- Pasteuria petzetrans, on the host-parasite relationship of tities of endospores for field application. the plant-parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne javanica. Protein lectins, ligands, and collagen that Parasitology 93:571-580. appear to be involved in the attachment of Bird, A. F., I. Bonig, and A. Bacic. 1989. Factors af- fecting the adhesion of micro-organisms to the surfaces endospores to the nematode cuticle require of plant-parasitic nematodes. Parasitology 98:155-164. further qualitative and quantitative analyses Bird, A. F., and P. G. Brisbane. 1988. The influence (Davies, 1994; Davies et al., 1992; Persidis et of Pasteuria penetrans in field soils on the reproduction al., 1991). Recent evidence indicated that a of root-knot nematodes. Revue de Ndmatologie 11:75- 81. hydrophobic interaction originating from fi- Bird, A. F., P. G. Brisbane, S. G. McClure, and bronectin on the nematode cuticle was in- R. W. L. Kimber. 1990. Studies on the properties of the volved in endospore attachment (Davies et spores of some populations of Pasteuria penetrans. Jour- al., 1996). It is likely that such information nal of Invertebrate Pathology 55:169-178. Bishop, A. H., and D.J. Ellar. 1991. Attempts to cul- would facilitate our understanding of the ture Pasteuria penetrans in vitro. Biocontrol Science and nature of attachment and help elucidate the Technology 1:101-114. mechanism of host preference. Brown, S. M.,J. L. Kepner, and G. C. Smart, Jr. 1985. Increased crop yields following application of Bacillus penetrans to field plots infested with Meloidogyne incog- LITERATURE CITED nita. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17:483--486. Abrantes, I. M. O., and N. Vovlas. 1988. A note on Brown, S. M., and D. Nordmeyer. 1985, Synergistic parasitism of the phytonematodes Meloidogyne sp. and reduction in root galling by Meloidogyne javanica with Heteroderafici by Pasteuria penetrans. Canadian Journal of Pasteuria penetrans and nematicides. Revue de N~ma- Zoology 66:2852-2854. tologie 8:285-286. Adiko, A., and S. R. Gowen. 1994. Comparison of two Brown, S. M., and G. C. Smart, Jr. 1984. Attachment inoculation methods of root-knot nematodes for the of Bacillus penetrans to Meloidogyne incognita. 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Chen, Z.X., and D.W. Dickson. 1997b. Effects of sion of Pasteuria penetrans to the cuticle of root-knot ammonium nitrate and time of harvest on mass pro- nematodes (Meloidogynespp.) inhibited by fibronectin: duction of Pasteuria penetrans. Nematropica 27:51-58. A study of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. Chen, Z.X., D.W. Dickson, L.G. Freitas, and J. F. Parasitology 112:553-559. Preston. 1997b. Ultrastructure, morphology and sporo- Davies, K.G., and C. Danks. 1993. Carbohydrate/ genesis of Pasteu~4a penetrans. Phytopathology 87:273- protein interactions between the cuticle of infective ju- 283. veniles of Meloidogyne incog'nita and spores of the obli- Chen, Z.X., D.W. Dickson, R. McSorley, D.J. gate hyperparasite Pasteuriapenetrans. Nematologica 39: Mitchell, and T, E. Hewlett. 1996. Suppression of 53-64. Meloidogyne arena~'ia race 1 by soil application of endo- Davies, I~ G., C.A. Flynn, and B.R. Kerry. 1988a. spores of Pasteuria penetrans. 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