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House of Representatives 3198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 3 Robert S Swikart Robert H. Weeks Bruce E. Browning William F. Morgan we· humbly confess that we are often Arthur J. Tallet Benjamin F. Weems Howard M. Camfield John R. Mulder afraid to look into the future for it ap­ Gene E. T~llmadge Thomas G. Weilepp, Allen F. Chapman Donal J. Murphy pears so dark and full of mystery. Help Alvin Taub Jr. · Laurence E. · Clark Wilford K. Murphy us to see the rainbow promise of Thy Charles McK. Taylor Bennett Weinbaum · Robert E. Clemency John V. Nalley Harold M. Taylor William E. Welch Richard L. Covey · Jesse E. Nash grace and go forth with a grateful ac­ Kirk S. Taylor Robert F. Wellner John F. Curran, Jr. John D. Naughtin knowledgment that hitherto Thou hast Donald W. Temby Robert F. Wentworth Jack R. Day Robert J. Niehaus blessed us and with a continuing faith Robert M. Terry Walter B. Wentz John P. Doney James W. Norris that in all our days Thy presence will be John R. Teuschl John R. Werner James E. Dowdey Douglas J. Olson our joy and strength. Bruce W. Tharp Charles E. Werts, Jr. John H. Dunlevy William H. Peters Grant that in communion with Thee Oerald E. Thomas Robin A. Westbrook Anthony T. Ellis, Jr. Melvin N. A. Peterson we may have those gracious experiences Richard T. Thomas Robert H. Westerfield Phillip A. Finnegan Frank Pickard, Jr. Pitt G. Thome John R. Wettroth Paul W. Floyd, Jr. John R. Praeger · which always come to all who truly David A. Thompson William P. Whallon, John R. Forbes Charles E. Rice pray. May we also find poise and peace R aymond C. Thomp- Jr.· Robert Mee. FreeburgHubert W. Saaristo for our restless spirits, enlightenment for son Peter B. Wheeler Duane E. Gale Edward S. Schles- our confused and troubled minds, guid­ Robert M. Thompson Walter Whetstone III Claude G. Gillette, Jr. inger ance in the midst of disturbing circum­ Bertil Thoren Jerome V. Whisler Lewis V. Girard John S. Schofield III .stances, and inspiration and hope for our Raymond H. Thorn- Gordon W. Whitaker Howard M. Grant Leonard McC. Shinn noblest plans and purposes. ton, Jr. Douglas C. White Edgar F. Greer Joseph J. Simon Robert R. Thornton John E. White Samuel H. Guymon Hugh M. Slattery In Christ's name we off er our prayer. Mlton F. Thrasher IIJohn K. White Joseph L. Hannah Herbert R. Smith Amen. John R. Timberlake Richard L. White Richard H. Hedrich James D. Smith The Journal of the proceedings of Ralph W. Tobias Kenneth R. White- Theodore R. Hender-Jimmie H. Smith yesterday was read and approved. Glenn A. Tomlinson house shot Rembrandt B. Snyder SchuylP.r W. Tompson.Frederick H. Whitte- R ichard A. Herrle Herman G. Speckman PRIVATE CALENDAR Jr. more ·Kenneth E. Hill Robert P. Stouder The SPEAKER. There being only Henry W. Toren, Jr. William A. Whitte- Richard S. Howell Dene B. Stratton LeRoy C. Tozzer more John H. Ingle, Jr. Nelson W. Taylor four bills on the Private Calendar today, William H. Trafzer Richard A. Wiita Alexander Jackson William E. Thrutch- that calendar will not be called, if there Charles Traub III Edward A. Wilde, Jr. Donald C. Johnson ley is no objection. Lewis N. Travis Homer W. Wile Jack G. Johnson John J. Tracy, Jr. There was no objection. Charles W. Treat Miles R. Wilkerson David L. Kick Reginald D. Tumble- ELECTION TO COMMITTEE ON INTER­ Arthur G. Tressler Edwin S. Wilkins John R. Kilman son Robert M. Tucker, Jr.Robert C. Wilkins Gerald H. King Walter· W. Umstead, STATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE George P. Turci Alfred J. Williams Calvin B. Koonce Jr. Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I Clyde T. Turner, Jr. Charles D. Williams John B. Lewis John McD. Wagy off er a resolution (H. Res. 176) and ask Robert R. Turner Charles K. Williams Kay E. Lewis John E. Walsh for its immediate consideration. Elton G. Turnipseed, Gerald P. Williams James I. McArthur Allen C. Ward Jr. Gordon D. Williams Quintin E. Marlow Maxwell G. Ward, Jr. The Clerk read as follows: George E. Twining James H. Williams Richard "J" Maw-George H. Webb Resolved, That MORGAN M. MOULDER, of William A. Ulmark Richard s. Williams horter George H. White Missouri, be, and he is hereby, elected a Eugene A. Ulrich Robert G. Williams Jack R. Meister Carroll E. Whitney member ·of the standing Committee of the Walter Uldch, Jr. Joseph W. Williamson, Francis H. Holmes (civilian college grad­ House of Representatives on Interstate and Alfred A. Umberger Jr. uate) to be a lieutenant commander in the Foreign Commerce. Jack L. Underwood Lee F. Williamson Medical Corps of the Navy. John M. Updegraph, Francis R. Willis The resolution was agreed to. Jr. John H. Willis, Jr. Earl R. Williams (civilian college gradu­ A motion to reconsider was laid on the Richard H. VanMeter Raymond E. Willis, Jr. ate) to be a lieutenant (junior grade) -in table. Matthew H. Vanorder Donald s. Wills the Medical Corps of the Navy), in lieu of CALENDAR WEDNESDAY lieutenant (junior grade) in the Dental Richard J. Veenstra William B. Wilmer VI I Frank H. Veith, Jr. Charles B. Wilson Corps of the Navy, as previously nominated Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, ask David C. Venable Harold H. Wilson and confirmed. unanimous consent that the business in Joseph F. Vercellotti Herbert E. Wilson, Jr. The foliowing-named (civilian college order on Calendar Wednesday of this Harold W. VonReaden, Joseph R . Wilson graduate) for temporary or permanent ap­ week may be dispensed with. Jr. Sheldon R. Wilson pointment to the grade and corps indicated: The SPEAKER. I& there objection to Edwin H. Vrieze III Warren R. Wilson The following-named for temporary ap­ the request of the gentleman from Ten­ Harold G. Wachenfeld William E. Wilson, Jr. pointment: nessee? Robert C. Waddel William R. Wilson There was no objection. Donald R. Wade Paul F. Winkles LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, DENTAL CORPS Donald R. Wageck Robert E. Wishon Eugene C. Walter 1951 AMENDMENTS TO THE UNIVERSAL William E. Wagle Lester H. Wittenberg The following-named for permanent ap­ MILITARY TRAINING - AND SERVICE William F. Wagner William E. Witzell pointment: ACT David M. Wakelee Donald C. O. Wobser Benjamin S. Walker William M. Wolff, Jr. ·LIEUTENANT, DENTAL CORPS Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Charles B. Walker David w. Wolgast Eugene C. Walter I call up House Resolution 171 and ask Frank A. Walker, Jr. Carr w. Wright, Jr. The following-named to be ensigns in the for its immediate consid3ration. Joe A. Wall Howard R. Wright :Nurse Corps of the Navy: The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ Charles J. Wallace Irving V. Wright lows: Andrew J. Walsh Philip H. Wright Eugenia M. Barnard Lucy C. Vigil Eugene J. Walsh Ralph M. Wright Mary T. Henen Ruth Williams Resolved, That upon the adoption of this Warren A. Wanamaker Richard L. Wright Jeanne F. Moriarty resolution it shall be in order to move that Joseph T. Warkoczew- Robert M. Wunderlich the House resolve itself into the Committee ski David c. ·wylie of the Whole House on the State of the David D. Warriner F'ranz s. Yeomans Union for the consideration of the bill (S. 1) Leroy Washenfelder Bruce C. Young to provide for the common defense and se­ Rodney T. Waters Joe R. Young, Jr. .HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES curity of the United States by authorizing Clarence L. Watson Robert E. Young. universal military training and service, and Donald A. Watson Benny A. Younglove TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1951 for other purposes, and all points of order Thomas W. Watson Dean R. Youngman against said bill are hereby waived. That. Donald T. Watters James E. Yourison The House met at 12 o'clock noon. after general debate, which shall be confined James H. Wear David A. Zeller, Jr. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ to the bill and continue not to exceed 4 days, Earl J. Weaver Kenneth V. Zerda to be equally divided and controlled by the kamp, D. D., offered the following chairman and ranking minority member of John L. Weaver John C. Ziemba prayer: James R. Webb Jay W. Zink the Committee on Armed Services, the bill James E. Webster Robert L. Zwart o Thou who art the companion and shall be read for amendment under the 5- minute rule. It shall be in order to consider The following-named (Naval Reserve Of­ counselor of all mankind, we rejoice without the intervention of any point of ficers Training Corps) to be ensigns in the that in our times of doubt and uncer­ order the substitute amendment recom­ Supply Corps of the Navy: tainty and greatest need we may un­ mended by the Committee on Armed Serv­ Alfred E . Ahbey Richard G. Binning- burden ourselves to Thy listening ear and ices now in the bill, and such substitute for Thomas K. Armitage ham understanding heart. the purpose .of amendment shall be consid- 1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3199 ered under the 5-minute rule as an original Oregon' [Mr. ELLSWORTH], and I now that no member of the armed services is bill. At the conclusion of such considera­ yield myself 20 minutes. subjected to combat until he passes the tion, the Committee shall rise and report the It bill to the House with such amendments Mr., this rule provides for the age of 19. seems to me that is a very as may have been adopted, and any Mem­ consideration of Senate bill 1 which is fair compromise. I do not think that is ber may demand a separate vote in the House the so-called draft and universal military going to be much in controversy when on any of the amendments adopted in the service bill.
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