The Ukrainian Weekly 1981, No.45 ;?C свОБОДАJLSVOBODA І І і о "в УКРДШСШИИ щоліннмк ^Щ^У UKKAINIAHOAIIV PUBLISHEDrainia BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATIOnN INC . A FRATERNAWeekL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION l ї Ш Ute 25 cents voi LXXXVIII No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, i98i Reagan administration Five years later announces appointment for rights post The Ukrainian Helsinki Group: WASHINGTON - After months of the struggle continues delay, the Reagan administration an– nounced on October 30 that it is no– When the leaders of 35 states gathered in Helsinki in minating Elliot Abrams, a neo-conser– August 1975 signed the Final Act of the Conference on vative Democrat and former Senate Security and Cooperation in Europe, few could aide, to be assistant secretary of state for have foreseen the impact the agreement would have in human rights and humanitarian affairs, the Soviet Union. While the accords granted the Soviets reported The New York Times. de jure recognition of post-World War ll boundaries, they The 33-year-old lawyer, who pre– also extracted some acquiescence to provisions viously worked as special counsel to guaranteeing human rights and freedom, guarantees Sen. Henry Jackson of Washington and that already existed in the Soviet Constitution and Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New countless international covenants. York, joined the administration last At the time, the human-rights provisions seemed January as assistant secretary of state unenforceable, a mere formality, a peripheral issue for international organization affairs. agreed to by a regime with no intention of carrying in announcing the nomination, Presi– them through. dent Ronald Reagan stated that hu– But just over one year later, on November 9,1976,10 man-rights considerations are an im– courageous Ukrainian intellectuals in Kiev moat of portant part of foreign policy, the Times them former political prisoners, formed the Ukrainian said.
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