illinois Vo l u m e 4 7 , N u m b e r 4 J u l y / Au g u s t 2 0 1 6 PARKS AND RECREATION PThe magazineR of the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association aquatics IN THIS ISSUE 4 From the Editor Summer is the time to enjoy your agency's pool and water parks Get on Board 6 The Power of Parks: Beyond the Playground 8 Eye on the Profession Dear Summer Staff, Welcome to Our Professional Community! Statehouse Insider 10 Legislative Process on Approved Bills Continues During Summer What if I Told You the Industry Could Be 12 Changed with Just a Snap? The Park District of Oak Park shares how social media is instrumental in training staff Park It This Summer at Blue Island 16 Park District Blue Island Park District writes about the successful 12 aquatic amenities they offer Make A Splash That Lasts - 20 Marketing Pools, Water Parks, and Aquatic Facilities Year-Round The Wheaton Park District gives some tips for marketing aquatic facilities year-round 22 WebXtra Other agencies tell us about their aquatic programs 24 People and Places 16 20 Faces and places making news around the state I L L I N O I S P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N illinois FROM THE EDITOR PARKS AND RECREATION The sun is shining and the air feels warm on my skin. PR 211 East Monroe Street, Springfield, Illinois 62701-1186 217.523.4554 FAX 217.523.4273
[email protected] I have just finished mowing the yard and the Managing Editor Graphic Design heat feels like it may be a PETER M.