Honduras: Hurricane Eta, Municipalities and P-Codes

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Honduras: Hurricane Eta, Municipalities and P-Codes San Antonio de Cortes San Nueva Arcadia Trinidad MA108 v1 Honduras: Hurricane Eta, Municipalities and P-codes Proteccion San Luis San Jose de Colinas HN0507 Antonio La JiguaHN0413 HN1626 San Francisco Santa Cruz El Paraiso Florida HN1616 HN1620 HN1619 Ilama HN0415 HN0411 de Yojoa de Yojoa Municipalities and P-cCoopdaen s: LemHpNir04a09 HN0410 Gualala HN1611 San Nicolas HN0508 HN0510´ Ruinas HN1610 HN0419 Naranjito Nuevo Celilac HN0404 San Trinidad Copan HN1613 HN1614 Cortes Jeronimo de Copan Santa Barbara HN0416 HN05 HN04 HN0422 Atima San HN16& Santa Concepción Dolores Veracruz San Jose HN1603 Nicolas Santa Santa Rita San Vicente Barbara HN0403 HN0407 HN0423 HN0417 HN1622 Barbara HN0421 Centenario HN1601 Arada Las Vegas Dulce Nombre Lepaera HN1624 HN1602 Concepcion HN1627 HN0408 HN1313 San Lempira San Juan Ceguaca del Sur Meambar Agustin La Union HN1607 de Opoa HN1605 HN0310 HN0414 HN1311 Santa Rosa HN0418 Cabana Lempira San Pedro de Copan El Nispero HN0402 Santa Zacapa HN0401 HN1609 Taulabe G u a tt e m a ll a HN13 Rita HN1623 La Union HN1625 HN0321 HN0412 San Jose de Cucuyagua San Rafael San Francisco San Talgua Comayagua Fernando HN0406 Las Flores HN1320 de Ojuera La Encarnacion HN1323 HN0314 Comayagua HN1410 HN1310 HN1618 HN1406 San Jorge La Iguala HN03 HN1412 San Pedro HN1309 Siguatepeque Gracias San Francisco Fraternidad Lucerna HN0420 HN0318 HN1301 de Opalaca HN1405 HN1408 & Gracias San Corquin HN1017 Isidro HN0405 HN1011 Concepcion Dolores Jesus El Rosario Belen HN1403 Merendon de Otoro HN0303 HN1404 La Labor Sensenti Belen HN1302 HN1007 HN1415 Ocotepeque HN1407 Gualcho La Campa San Francisco HN1402 San Manuel Comayagua Santa Fe Sinuapa HN1308 del Valle Colohete HN1414 HN14 HN1416 Intibuca HN0301 HN1411 HN1319 San Juan Ocotepeque San Marcos HN1006 Ajuterique HN1012 HN1401 San Marcos de Caiquin Masaguara HN0302 HN1413 HN1328 HN1009 San Santiago de San Santa Cruz Miguelito Puringla Mercedes Sebastian HN1322 HN1014 Intibuca HN1218 HN1409 HN1321 Cololaca La Paz HN10 Santa HN1304 HN1201 Maria Dolores La Esperanza Yamaranguila HN1217 San Pedro Tomala HN1005 HN1001 Humuya HN1016 San Jose de Tutule HN1325 San Andres HN0305 Erandique HN1212 HN1214 Guarita Tambla HN1316 HN1307 HN1305 San Sebastian HN1324 Chinacla HN0317 Marcala HN1205 San Juan Valladolid San Marcos HN1208 Lamani Guarita HN1326 San HN0307 HN1318 Gualcince Francisco de Sierra La Paz HN1306 HN1013 HN1317 Yarula HN12 Guajiquiro La Virtud Candelaria Santa HN1219 HN1206 Elena HN1312 HN1303 Piraera Concepcion HN1216 E ll S a ll v a d o rr HN1315 Mapulaca HN1004 HN1314 Virginia HN1327 Camasca Colomoncagua Cabanas San Juan HN1002 HN1003 San HN1203 HNS12a1n3 Antonio Magdalena Santa Ana Opatoro Antonio HN1010 HN1008 HN1215 HN1210 del Norte HN1211 Mercedes Department de Oriente Santa Lucia Data sources: HN1209 Municipality HN1015 OCHA, GADM Map created by MapAction (06/11/2020).
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