Madame Chancellor: I have the honour to present the Honourable Mr. Olafur Johannesson, Professor of Law at the of and Prime Minister of Iceland. Olafur Johannesson was born in Skagafjordur in 1913. He graduated from Akureyri College in 1935 and went on to earn his law degree from the University of Iceland in 1939. As well, Olafur did post graduate research in law at both the University of Stockholm and the in 1946-47. - I understand that in order to attend college, Olafur had to travel a considerable distance from his home. He was therefore provided with a special pair of shoes called Eilifdarskor. Translated, this word meqns eternal shoes. The contributions and accomplishments of Mr. Johannesson suggest that he has indeed filled those shoes. Madame Chancellor, Mr. Johannesson has had a distinguished career as a scholar of legal matters as well as an equally distinguished career in the application of his scholarship to the benefit of the Icelandic nation and beyond. Olafur Johannesson has written several books, primarily on constitutional law, and has contributed numerous articles to scholarly periodi9als both in Iceland and other Scandinavian countries. However, his career has by no means been limited to academic endeavors. In addition !o being Professor of Law at the University of Iceland from 1947-71, during the period 1939-43 he was lawyer and auditor for the Federation of Iceland Cooperative Societies. Member of the Commercial Council 1943-1944. Legal advisor of the Federation of Iceland Cooperative Societies 1944-1947. Member of the State Radio Council 1946-1953. Delegate to the United Nations Assembly 1946. Member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iceland 1957-1964. Member of the Central Committee of the Progressive Party since 1946. Vice Chairman of the Progressive Party 1960-1968 and Chairman since 1968. Alternate Member of the 1957 and Member of the Althing since 1959. Alternate Member of the Nordic Council 1959-1964 and Member 1964-1969. Parliamentary leader of the Progressive Party 1969-1971. Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastic Affairs 1971-1974. Minister of Commerce and of Justice and Ecclesiastic Affairs 1974-1978 and Prime Minister since 1978. Madame Chancellor, I would like to bring to your attention another of Olfur Johannesson's achievements. He played a very significant role in bringing the "cod war" to a successful and amicable settlement. This represented a masterpiece of negotiation and diplomacy that has been an inspiration to a large part of the world. We in Canada should be particularly appreciative because that incident provided a significant step in the international recognition of 200 mile coastal fishing rights so important to us. In recognition of his achievements he has received the following decorations: The Grand Cross of the White Rose of Finland The Grand Cross Royal Order of St. Olav (Norway) The Grand Cross of the Danish Order of Dannebrog and last but not least the Grand Cross of the Order of the Icelandic Falcon. Mr. Johannesson is accompanied by his charming wife Dora Gudbjartsdottir. Madame Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon the Honourable Olafur Johannesson, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

D.R. Campbell President May 31, 1979.