Department of Scandinavian University of California M. A. Jacobs 6303 Dwinelle Hall Berkeley, CA 94720
[email protected] Education Ph. D. in Scandinavian and Medieval Studies (joint degree), 2014 Dissertation:“'A Most Splendid Tree': Hákon Hákonarson and the Norwegian Royal Court as a Site of Literary Production” University of California, Berkeley M. A. in Medieval Studies, 2007 Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto B. A. (honors) in History and French, Magna cum laude, 2005 Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Teaching Experience present Lecturer, Department of Scandinavian, University of California, Berkeley Scandinavian 123: Viking and Medieval Scandinavia Reading and Composition B: “Fantastic Voyages” 2009- Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Scandinavian, University of California, 2014 Berkeley Reading & Composition A: “Fantastic Voyages,” “Heroes and Legends in Old Norse Literature,” “Vikings in Love: Gender, Relationships and Gender Relations in Old Norse Literature” Reading & Composition B: “Romance in the North,” “Fantastic Voyages,” “Heroes and Legends in Old Norse Literature,” “Outlaws of Scandinavia and England” 2011 & Graduate Student Reader, Department of Scandinavian, University of California, 2013 Berkeley Scandinavian 160: Scandinavian Myth and Religion 2005- English-Language Teaching Assistant, Lycée Emiland Gauthey, Chalon-sur-Saône, 2006 France Publications “Hon stóð ok starði: Vision, Love, and Gender in Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu” Scandinavian Studies 86.2 (2014): 148-68 “'Undir ilmöndum laufum ok nýsprungnum blómstrum': Sensual Pleasure in Old Norse Arthurian Romance” forthcoming 2014, Arthur of the North: Histories, Emotions, and Imaginations (Special issue of Scandinavian Studies) “The Life of Saint Petronilla: A Study of her legend with an edition of her life from the South English Legendary” (with Helen Marshall and Teresa Russo, University of Toronto; forthcoming) Conference Lectures 2014 “The King's Mirror and the Court of Norway.” Yale Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies.