Key Concepts to Investigate Agri-Environmental Contracts – Shared Conceptual Framework
Co-Design of innovative contract models for agri-environment and climate measures and the valorisation of environmental public goods Key concepts to investigate agri-environmental contracts – Shared Conceptual Framework Deliverable 1 / 1.1 Main Author/s: Katrin Prager (UNIABDN), Bettina Matzdorf (ZALF), Céline Dutilly (CIRAD) Co-Author/s: Erling Andersen (UCPH), Rena Barghusen (ZALF), Birte Bredemeier (LUH), Lenny van Bussel (WU), Jennifer Dodsworth (UNIABDN), Salomon Espinoza Diaz (UNIPI), Eszter Kelemen (ESSRG Kft), Marina García-Llorente (UAM-IMIDRA), Dieter Mortelmans (EV-INBO), Roberta Moruzzo (UNIPI), Francesco Riccioli (UNIPI), Jens Rommel (SLU), Claudia Sattler (ZALF), Christoph Schulze (ZALF), Francis Turkelboom (EV-INBO) Reviewed by: Bettina Matzdorf (ZALF), Erling Andersen (UCPH), Sven Defrijn (ABC-Eco²) Deliverable nature: Report Dissemination level: Public Work Package: WP 1 Date of delivery: Contractual: 30/04/2020 Actual: 29/04/2020 Keywords: Contract design, transaction costs, collaboration, collective contracts, institutional analysis, governance, ecosystem services, payments for ecosystem services, environmental goods D 01 / 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Contracts2.0 project aims to develop novel contract-based approaches to incentivise farmers for the increased provision of environmental public goods alongside private goods. The background to this work is the current imbalance in the provision of private and public goods from agricultural land management. This complex problem can best be addressed by using insights and methods from a range of disciplines. However, for methods and researchers to complement each other and contribute to the project aim, the parts must be brought together as a coherent whole. We developed a conceptual framework which draws on different concepts to explain the issues underlying the delivery of private and public environmental goods from agriculture.
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