– a Nation in the Arctic
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THE FAROE ISLANDS – a Nation in the Arctic Opportunities and Challenges 1 SÍÐA PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE THE FOREIGN SERVICE 2013 Table of Contents Introduction . 4 A Changing Region . 6 The Faroe Islands as a Stakeholder in Arctic Cooperation . 8 On the Northern Sea Route: New Economic Opportunities . 14 Fisheries in the Arctic Ocean . 20 Research and Education . 24 The Environment . 27 Maritime Safety and Emergency Response in Faroese Waters . 32 Sources . 36 List of Acronyms . 37 Overview of Events . 38 Appendix 1 . 40 The original Faroese version of “The Faroe Islands – a Nation in the Arctic” was presented to the Prime Minister in April, 2013 . This English translation was completed in August 2013 . Recent events and developments have been duly reflected in this version . THE PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE THE FOREIGN SERVICE 2 3 SÍÐA SÍÐA Introduction The Arctic has taken a prominent with many associated risks, requires ation consider the commonalities we place on the international agenda high standards for safety and emer- share with other Arctic countries as in recent years . From being a region gency response, both with respect a great advantage in Arctic coopera- largely limited to scientific interest to safeguarding human life and tion, compared with other interna- internationally, the Arctic today has protecting the environment . This tional fora for research cooperation . become a focal point in global poli- increasing activity also brings with it The Faroe Islands should there- tics . The climate is warmer, the ice significant economic opportunities . fore continue to strengthen partici- is melting at an increasing pace, and The number of foreign ships using pation in Arctic research coopera- new land and sea areas are becoming Faroese ports in the future will no tion . accessible . It is becoming possible doubt continue to grow . As a result, The Faroe Islands need to ensure to sail north of Russia and Canada Faroese companies will have more clear policies with respect to deci- Mynd: Kimberley Coole for longer periods of the year than opportunities to provide these ves- sions that will be taken on circum- before . At the same time, previously sels with professional and competi- polar issues in the future . The Faroe the environment and research in the The assessment process of these events is included in the inaccessible sub-surface reserves tive services . Islands have long played an active Arctic context . The assessment is The Foreign Service in the Prime final document . of oil, gas and minerals can now be This will also require effective role in regional cooperation in a intended as a basis for a broader po- Minister’s Office of the Faroe Islands exploited . These changes have huge coordination and marketing in the range of different areas, both as a litical discussion on the place of the coordinated the preparation of the Proposals for follow-up significance for the Faroe Islands . Faroese business sector . Faroese part of the Nordic family of nations, Faroe Islands in the Arctic, and how assessment, in close cooperation Each section of the assessment Climate change can have con- companies are already preparing through cooperation in the West the Faroe Islands can best prepare with relevant government ministries, contains a number of recommenda- sequences for the very basis of our to offer their services and expertise Nordic region and across the North for new conditions in the region . agencies and other interested par- tions . Some are easily implemented, society . Changes in sea temperature as sub-contractors in the fisheries, Atlantic . Strong and visible Faroese The Faroe Islands are a part of ties . An expert advisory panel, with while others may require more effort . can affect the marine ecosystems mining and oil sectors, especially participation in Arctic cooperation, the Kingdom of Denmark’s Arctic representatives from industry, the There is also a large difference in the and ocean currents, and subsequent- in Greenland . With long-term ex- in particular within the framework Strategy 2011-2020, which includes research community and relevant level of funding required in relation ly also our marine resources . Recent perience and initiative working in of the Arctic Council, is a natural Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe public agencies advised the process to the various recommendations . dramatic changes observed in fish the Northern seas as a part of our part of the continued development Islands . The strategy was prepared and contributed their views and After the assessment has been pre- stocks are no doubt also related to maritime identity and culture, Faroe of the Faroe Islands as a reliable and in cooperation between all three expertise to the over-all assessment sented to the Prime Minister, it will climate change . Continued scientific Islanders should make the most of constructive partner in international countries and aims to strengthen of future needs and priorities . Mem- be submitted to the Parliament for a research is therefore necessary in these valuable assets . cooperation . the role of the Kingdom of Denmark bers of the expert panel were: Marita general debate . order to understand these changes The Faroe Islands have long ex- The Faroe Islands have the know- as an active player in the Arctic . Rasmussen, House of Industry; Jan It is suggested that the general better and to strengthen our ability perience in fisheries in the seas of ledge and experience necessary for The joint strategy deals mostly Müller, Faroese Oil Industry Group; parliamentary debate addresses the to make the necessary adaptations . the High North . It is therefore very the further development of fisheries, with areas of overarching interest, Annika Sølvará, Research Council of question of how best to prioritize This must be done in active coopera- important to follow closely negotia- shipping and research, as well as the grounded in fundamental principles the Faroe Islands, Ólavur Gregersen, and implement the recommenda- tion with our neighboring countries tions regarding the future manage- conservation and management of and broad cooperation between the Syntesa; Jákup Mørkøre, Fisheries tions . With a basis in conclusions in the region ment of fisheries in the Arctic sea, in natural resources . In close coopera- parties . The aim is to ensure a peace- Research Fund, Ministry of Fisheries; from the general debate, an action order to ensure appropriate rights to tion with other countries and keep- ful and safe Arctic, with sustainable and Vilhjálmur Gregoriussen, Centre plan for the implementation of the The Faroe Islands have a key posi- participation in any new fisheries in ing a keen eye out for new opportu- economic development that respects of Maritime Studies and Engineer- recommendations should be devel- tion in the region, both in relation to the area . nities, we can target our plans and the fragility of the Arctic natural ing . oped . To this end, it is suggested the Northern sea route and not least The economic and cultural basis further develop our society . The goal environment . Large parts of the joint During the preparation of the as- that a working group with represent- situated as they are at the western of Faroese society is similar to that is to create new opportunities for strategy relate in general to areas sessment emphasis has been placed atives from all relevant government arm of the Northeast Sea Route, of other Arctic peoples . the Faroe Islands, both for individual for which the Faroe Islands have on involving all relevant sectors in ministries is established to prepare which is expected to have the great- In addition, we share many funda- citizens, as well as for the business exclusive competence . The Govern- the process . This has been done by a proposal for an action plan . The est significance in the years to come . mental challenges, such as the con- sector and the research community . ment of the Faroes has therefore for example arranging public de- plan should outline the associated Shipping has already increased in sequences of climate change and the considered it necessary to produce bates and lectures at which a range responsibilities, estimated costs and the seas around the Faroes, and this need to ensure population growth About the assessment a dedicated national assessment of experts, researchers and business work load . It should then be submit- traffic is likely to expand even more and sustainable development . Faro- The strategic assessment outlines with a focus on areas of particular representatives have provided their ted to the Government for final ap- in coming years . Increased mari- ese experts who participate in vari- Faroese interests in relation to in- relevance and interest for the Faroe input to the discussion . An overview proval . 4 time activity in such a large area, ous specialist areas of Arctic cooper- ternational cooperation, business, Islands . 5 SÍÐA SÍÐA NEW SHIPPING ROUTES The Northeast Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean goes through the sea north of Russia and Siberia, A Changing and the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean goes through the sea north of Canada. As the picture shows, the Faroe Islands are well placed for Region access to the Northeast Passage (also called the Northern Sea Route). Picture: AMSA 2009. It has been estimated that the Arctic massive amounts of oil and gas . It rently possible . With time it is also Ocean will be free of ice for large is estimated that up to 30 per cent expected that it will be possible to parts of the year in approximately of all unexploited hydrocarbon re- sail from the Pacific Ocean to the 30 to 40 years . However, research- ers point out that the ice appears to be receding at an even greater pace than expected . If it continues at its current pace, experts estimate that large parts of the Arctic Ocean could be free of ice in just 15-20 years .