NEXUS NEW TIMES MAGAZINE Volume 3, Number 6 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1996 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia
NEXUS NEW TIMES MAGAZINE Volume 3, Number 6 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1996 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia < I., .'~ ' 0······ N' N·.... (S'c'; /· .. 'T"(·E·····.. i"'" , .":: ; ,"" , 1 ,,' '.' J..' . LT·',I ... ' C" .' .. ' ". ...'"....: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .4 CEREAL THRILLERS: THE CROP CIRClES OF '96......57 GLOBAL NEWS 6 By Marcus Allen. This year's bountiful crop-circle harvest in the UK has yielded such intricate, awe A round-up ofthe news you probably did not see. inspiring designs as to defy our comprehension. THE PROBLEM WITH POISONOUS PLASTICS..........11 AlIEN AUTOPSY: ROSWELL OR SOCORRO? ..........61 By Barry Densley. PVCs and phthalates have By Michael Hesemann. Evidence suggests that 'the entered our food chain, disrupting our hormones Roswell film' is not a hoax but the alien it depicts and even causing cancer. Should they be banned? was retrieved from an earlier UFO crash at Socorro. REMOTE-VIEWING: THE ESP OF ESPIONAGE..........17 AN ET PERSPECTIVE ON EARTH-Part 3 69 By Turan Rifat. Despite their denials, military and With Alex Collier. We complete this ET contactee's intelligence espionage operatives have been using report with the Andromedans urging us to live and fine-tuning their RV technologies for decades. responsibly in peace and love, or woe betide us. THE "OCTOPUS" CONSPIRATORS-Part 1 25 THE TWILIGHT lONE 74 By Kenn Thomas. Writer Danny Casolaro found Strange tales from around/within/off the world. This more than he expected when he began to uncover issue, a crop-circle creation captured on video, and the crimes of the "Octopus" cabal. He lost his life.
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