Project Camelot Interviews Vol 1
Our Future, The End of the World, UFO’s, Aliens, Free Energy, 2012, The NWO, NASA, Mars, the Moon, World Economics, the United States, The Illumnati and more. TThhee PPrroojjeecctt CCaammeelloott IInntteerrvviieewwss VVooll.. 11 With Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy Many who are challenging our current way of life have concerns about coming forward publicly and telling what they know. Project Camelot's purpose is to provide a vehicle for those researchers and 'whistleblowers' to get their stories of truth out to the public. Interviews With: Richard Hoagland, David Wilcock. Dan Sherman, Robert O. Dean, Bill Holden, Jim, Sparks, Dr. Dan Burisch, Duncan O’Finioan, David Corso, Sgt.Clifford Stone, Gorden Novel, Michael St. Clair, Ralph Ring, John Lear, Gary McKinnon, Bill Hamilton III, Mr. “X”, George Green, Luca Scantamburlo, Arthur Newman a.k.a. “Henry Deacon” & Benjamin Fulford. WARNING: Unless you have an open mind and are ready for some significant reality checks, do not open this book or read these interviews. They will tell you the truth, or as close to it as we can get at this time. And you may not be able to handle the truth. Remember to read between the lines where information conflicts. As Richard Hoagland says, “The lie is different at every level.”…….. The Path is Dangerious…. Remember ….You Were Warned! PRINTED FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY TThhee TTrruutthh WWiillll OOuutt - William Shakespeare Not For Sale Anyone is completely free to download, copy, circulate, or distribute any Project Camelot interviews, with the provision that it remains unedited and unaltered, there is no commercial use, and that Project Camelot is referenced.
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