HERA: An Optimal Relay Assignment Scheme for Cooperative Networks Dejun Yang, Member, IEEE, Xi Fang, Member, IEEE, Guoliang Xue, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Exploiting the nature of broadcast and the relaying is very challenging for the following reasons. capability of wireless devices, cooperative communication is ∙ System Performance: A relay assignment scheme should becoming a promising technology to increase the channel capacity in wireless networks. In cooperative communication, the scheme provide a relay assignment algorithm, which appropri- for assigning relay nodes to users plays a critical role in the ately assigns relay nodes to source nodes such that the resulting channel capacity. A significant challenge is how to make system capacity is maximized. The system capacity is the the scheme robust to selfish and cheating behavior of users while sum of the capacity of all source nodes. guaranteeing the social optimal system capacity. In this paper, ∙ Selfish Behavior: Usually, wireless devices in cooperative we design an integrated optimal relay assignment scheme called HERA for cooperative networks. To avoid system performance networks are not owned by a single entity, but by many degradation due to the selfish relay selections by the source profit-maximizing independent entities. Therefore, even nodes, we propose a payment mechanism for charging the source if an optimal relay assignment algorithm is developed, nodes to induce them to converge to the optimal assignment. To an individual source node may not want to follow the prevent relay nodes from manipulating the relay assignment by assignment, given the fact that it can improve its own reporting transmission power untruthfully, we propose a payment mechanism to pay them for providing relaying service. We also capacity by selecting a different relay node. This selfish show that HERA is budget-balanced, meaning that the payment behavior can result in system performance degradation. collected from source nodes is no smaller than the payment paid ∙ Potential Cheating: As to relay nodes, most of the proto- to relay nodes. cols in cooperative networks assume that all the wireless Index Terms—Relay assignment, cooperative communication, devices are cooperative, and in particular willing to truthful auction. participate in cooperative communications as relay nodes. However, the voluntary cooperativeness assumption may not be true in reality as relaying data for other network I.INTRODUCTION nodes can consume energy and other resources of the HROUGH cooperative relaying from wireless devices relay node. A naive solution is to make payments to the T (generally called relay nodes), cooperative communi- participating relay nodes as an incentive. The question cation (CC) [5] has been shown to have the potential to arising from this naive solution is how much a relay node increase the channel capacity between two wireless devices. should be paid for helping with the cooperative commu- The essence of CC is to exploit the nature of broadcast and the nication. A simple payment mechanism is vulnerable to relaying capability of other nodes to achieve spatial diversity. the dishonest behavior of relay nodes, in the sense that Two primary CC modes have been commonly used, Amplify- a relay node can profit from lying about its true relaying and-Forward (AF) and Decode-and-Forward (DF) [5], de- capability, e.g. transmission power. pending on how the relay node processes the received signal In this paper, we design an integrated optimal relay assign- and transmits to the destination. Because an improper choice ment scheme for cooperative networks, called HERA, named of the relay node for a source-destination pair can result in after the Goddess of Marriage in Greek Mythology. To the an even smaller capacity than that under direct transmission, best of our knowledge, HERA is the first relay assign- the assignment of relay nodes plays a critical role in the ment scheme for cooperative networks, which considers performance of CC [1–3, 12, 21]. both selfish and cheating behavior of network entities We consider the following scenario in this paper. In a while guaranteeing socially optimal system performance. wireless network, there are a number of source nodes and HERA is composed of three components: 1) an optimal relay corresponding destination nodes. Other wireless devices in assignment algorithm, 2) a payment mechanism for source the network can function as relay nodes. We are interested nodes, and 3) a payment mechanism for relay nodes. HERA in designing a relay assignment scheme, such that the total is a centralized scheme, where a system administrator is capacity under the assignment is maximized. responsible for collecting the payment from the source nodes We call the network with CC the cooperative network. and paying the relay nodes. HERA provides the following key Designing a relay assignment scheme for cooperative networks features: Manuscript received February 15, 2011; revised June 19, 2011; accepted ∙ HERA guarantees to find a relay assignment for the August 29, 2011. source nodes, such that the total capacity is maximized. A preliminary version of the result in Section IV has been presented at the IEEE International Conference on Communications [18]. The authors The system model considered in this paper allows a are affiliated with Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. E-mail: relay node to be shared by multiple source nodes. Hence {dejun.yang, xi.fang, xue}@asu.edu. This research was supported in part by it is more general compared with the model in [12], NSF grants 0901451 and 0905603, and ARO grant W911NF-09-1-0467. The information reported here does not reflect the position or the policy of the where each relay node is restricted to be assigned to federal government. only one source node. Our assignment algorithm works regardless of which CC mode is used in the network. It network with only one source node, and then extended it to the is also independent of the relation between the number multiple-source case. The proposed algorithm is an effective of source nodes and that of the relay nodes. In addition, heuristic, but offers no performance guarantee. Xu et al. [17] our algorithm can guarantee that the achieved capacity studied a similar problem with a different objective, which is of each source node under the assignment is no less than to minimize the total power consumption of the network. In that achieved by direct transmission. [7], Ng and Yu jointly considered the relay node selection, ∙ HERA provides a payment mechanism to charge source cooperative communication and resource allocation for utility nodes for using relaying service from the relay nodes. maximization in a cellular network. However, the algorithm is To cope with the selfish behavior of source nodes, our heuristic and not polynomial, as pointed out by Sharma et al. payment mechanism is designed in a way such that the [12]. system possesses a Strictly Dominant Equilib- In [12], Sharma et al. studied the relay assignment problem rium (SDSE), where each selfish source node plays the in a network environment, such that the minimum capacity strategy that brings the maximum utility regardless of among all source nodes is maximized. Following this work, others’ strategies. Furthermore, the SDSE achieves the Zhang et al. [20] considered the relay assignment problem socially optimal system capacity. with interference mitigation. In both models in [12] and [20], ∙ HERA also provides a payment mechanism to pay relay a relay node is restricted to be assigned to at most one source nodes for providing relaying service. To prevent relay node. In contrast, our model in this paper is more general in nodes from lying about their relaying ability (e.g. trans- the sense that it allows multiple source nodes to share the same mission power) to gain profits, the payment mechanism relay node. In addition, different from [12], our objective is uses a VCG-based payment formula to calculate the to maximize the total capacity of all pairs. Although Zhang payment. Under this payment mechanism, reporting true et al. [20] had the same objective as ours, they only provided relaying ability is the dominant strategy for each relay a heuristic algorithm. node. In other words, the relay node can maximize There are few studies on the scheme design for cooperative its payment received from the system administrator by communications in the networking literature, among which the reporting its true relaying ability. works in [4, 13, 14, 19] are most related to our work. In [13], ∙ Finally, from the perspective of the system administrator, Shastry and Adve proposed a pricing-based system to stimu- HERA assures that the system administrator will not late the cooperation via payment to the relay nodes. The goal run the system with any loss. In other words, the total in their scheme is to ensure both the access point and the relay payment collected from source nodes is at least as much nodes benefit from cooperation. In [14], Wang et al. employed as the total payment paid to relay nodes. a buyer/seller Stackelberg game, where a single buyer tries to The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In buy services from multiple relays. The buyer announces its Section II, we give a brief review of the related work in the selection of relays and the required transmission power, then literature. In Section III, we describe the system model con- the relays ask proper prices to maximize their profits. In [4], sidered in this paper. In Section IV, we present a polynomial Huang et al. proposed two auction mechanisms, which are time optimal algorithm to solve the relay assignment problem. essentially repeated games. In each auction mechanism, each In Section V, we study the selfish behavior of source nodes user iteratively updates its bid to maximize its own utility and design a payment mechanism to charge source nodes for function with the knowledge of others’ previous bids. With using relaying service. In Section VI, we consider the potential a common drawback, none of the above works guarantees cheating relay nodes in the system, design another payment the optimal system capacity or considers truthfulness of relay mechanism to pay relay nodes for providing relaying service nodes. In [19], Yang et al. designed a truthful auction scheme and prove the desired properties of the designed mechanism. for cooperative communications, which satisfies truthfulness, We present our extensive experimental results in Section VII. individual rationality, and budget balance properties. Similarly, We conclude this paper in Section VIII. the scheme cannot guarantee the optimal system capacity.

II. RELATED WORK III. SYSTEM MODEL In this section, we briefly review the related work on We consider a static wireless network. There is a set cooperative communication (CC), with the focus on relay S = {s1, s2, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , sn} of n source nodes and a set D = assignment. {d1, d2, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , dn} of corresponding destination nodes, where In [1], Bletsas et al. proposed a novel scheme to select si transmits to di. Other nodes in the network function as the best relay node for a single source node from a set relay nodes. We assume that there is a collection ℛ = of available relays. However, this cannot be extended to a {r1, r2,..., rm} of m relay nodes. As in [12], we assume that network consisting multiple source nodes, which is the model orthogonal channels are available in the network (e.g. using studied in this paper. OFDMA) to mitigate interference. We further assume that Some efforts have been made on the relay assignment or re- each node is equipped with a single transceiver and can either s lay selection problem in cooperative networks. In [2], Cai et al. transmit or receive at a time. Let Pi denote the transmission s r studied the problem of relay selection and power allocation power of source node i and Pj denote the transmission r s s s s for AF wireless relay networks. They first considered a simple power of relay node j . Let P = (P1 , P2 ,...,Pn) and r r r r s r d P = (P1 , P2 ,...,Pm). When node u transmits a signal to where ( i, j ) ∈ A. Hereafter we also omit i in the capacity node v with power Pu, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at node expression. Thus we have Pu v, denoted as SNRuv, is SNRuv = , where N0 is c s ,r ,P r N0⋅∣∣u,v∣∣ R( i j j ) r r r n , if j ∕= 0, the abient noise, ∣∣u, v∣∣ is the Euclidean distance between u c(si, rj , A, P )= j and v, and is the path loss exponent which is between 2 (cDT (si), if rj = r0. and 4 in general. In the expressions above, we take P r (or P r) as a param- For the transmission model, we assume that each source j eter, because a relay node may lie about its transmission node has an option to use cooperative communication (CC) power in the problem to be studied in Section VI. We will with the help of a relay node. A recent work by Zhao et al. explain it in detail later. We define the system capacity, [21] showed that it is sufficient for a source node to choose the denoted by C(S, ℛ, A, P r), corresponding to relay assign- best relay node even when multiple relay nodes are available to ment A and transmission power P r, as the total capac- achieve full diversity. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that ity of all the source nodes in S, i.e., C(S, ℛ, A, P r) = each source node will either transmit directly or use CC with r s s r c(si, rj , A, P ). the help of only one relay node. When source node s transmits i∈S,( i, j )∈A The ultimate goal in the design of the relay assignment to destination node d directly, the achievable capacity is schemeP can be defined as the following optimization problem. c (s, d)= W log (1 + SNR ), where W is the bandwidth DT 2 sd Definition 1: (Relay Assignment Problem (RAP)): Given of the channel. There are two different CC modes, Amplify- S, D, ℛ, and P r, the Relay Assignment Problem seeks for a and-Forward (AF) and Decode-and-Forward (DF) [5]. Let r relay assignment A such that C(S, ℛ, A, P r) is maximized denote the relay node and P be the transmission power of r. r among all possible relay assignments. □ The achievable capacity from s to d under the AF mode is RAP is different from the problem studied in [12], whose W SNRsr ⋅ SNRrd objective is to maximize the minimum capacity among cAF (s, r, d)= log2 1+SNRsd + . ∗ r 2 SNRsr+SNRrd+1 all source nodes. Let A (S, D, ℛ, P ) be the optimal so-   lution to RAP. For notational simplicity, we use ∗ to The achievable capacity from s to d under the DF mode is A denote A∗(S, D, ℛ, P r) and C to denote C(S, ℛ, A, P r) W when the context is clear. Correspondingly, C∗ denotes cDF (s, r, d)= min{ log2(1 + SNRsr), 2 C(S, ℛ, A∗, P r). In the next section, we focus on designing log2(1 + SNRsd + SNRrd)}. an optimal algorithm to solve RAP.

Note that, for given s and d, both cAF and cDF are functions of Pr, ∣∣s, r∣∣ and ∣∣r, d∣∣. Thus whether a source IV. AN OPTIMAL RELAY ASSIGNMENT ALGORITHM node can obtain larger capacity by using CC than it can Due to the possibility of sharing a common relay node by transmitting directly depends on the relay node assigned. among multiple source nodes, solving RAP becomes a chal- The scheme designed in this paper is independent of the CC lenging task. Nonetheless, we can design a polynomial time mode. We use cR to denote the achievable capacity under optimal algorithm to solve RAP by exploiting some special ¯ s ¯ r s CC. Let S = S∪{ 0} and ℛ = ℛ∪{ 0}, where 0 is properties of the problem. r a virtual source node and 0 is a virtual relay node. Let The design of the optimal algorithm for RAP is based on s r s r s r ¯ A = {( 1, j1 ), ( 2, j2 ),..., ( n, jn )}⊆S× ℛ denote a Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. Due to space limitations, all the s r r relay assignment. If ( i, j ) ∈ A, relay node j is assigned proofs in this section are omitted and can be found in [18]. s s r s to source node i under assignment A. If ( i, 0) ∈ A, i Lemma 1: Let A be a relay assignment, where relay d transmits to i directly under the relay assignment A. Note node rj ∈ ℛ is assigned to nj > 1 source nodes. Let s r s r s s that it is possible to have ( i, j ), ( k, j ) ∈ A, for i ∕= k. si ∈ Sj be the source node with the minimum cR, i.e., This is a major difference between our model and the model s r r s r r s cR( i, j , Pj ) = minsk∈Sj cR( k, j , Pj ). Ifwelet i transmit in [12], where a relay node is assigned to at most one source to the destination di directly, instead of using rj , while node. Since we do not enforce such constraints, our model is keeping others the same, the total capacity will be increased. more general. That is C(S, ℛ, A′, P r) > C(S, ℛ, A, P r), where A′ = Now let us consider the case where the same relay node A∖{(si, rj )}∪{(si, r0)}. □ is assigned to multiple source nodes. In this case, we use According to Lemma 1, we can always improve the system r Sj to denote the set of source nodes being assigned j , i.e., capacity if there exists a relay node shared by more than one s s r Sj = { i∣( i, j ) ∈ A}. Note that Sj is dependent on relay source node in the current relay assignment. Unfortunately, the r assignment A. We assume that j equally provides service example in [18, Section 4.A] shows that this procedure may to all the source nodes employing it. This can be achieved lead to a local optimum. Nonetheless, Lemma 1 implies a nice for example by using a reservation-based TDMA scheduling. property pertaining to the optimal relay assignment for RAP. The relay node serves each source node in a round-robin Lemma 2: Let A∗ be an optimal solution to RAP. Each fashion. Each frame is dedicated to a single source node for relay node is assigned to at most one source node in A∗. □ CC. Each source node gets served every nj frames, where Surprisingly, although our model allows multiple source nj = ∣Sj ∣. Therefore, the average achievable capacity for each nodes to share a common relay node, an optimal relay assign- s r r d cR( i, j ,Pj , i) r source node si ∈ Sj is . Let c(si, rj , A, P ) ment preferably assigns a relay node to at most one source nj denote the achievable capacity of si under relay assignment A, node to achieve the maximum system capacity. On the other hand, we know that each source node will either employ (RSG). In this game, the source nodes are players, because a relay node for CC or transmit to the destination directly, they make relay selections. The strategy of each player but not both at the same time. This one-to-one matching is its relay selection i ∈ ℛ¯. The strategy profile = relation in the optimal solution indicates that we can transform ( 1, 2,..., n) is a vector of all players’ strategies. Let any instance of RAP into that of the Maximum Weighted −i = ( 1,..., i−1, i+1,..., n) denote the strategy profile Bipartite Matching (MWBM) problem [15] and solve it using excluding player si’s strategy. Hence, = ( i, −i) is a corresponding algorithms. strategy profile where si plays i and others play −i. Given Now we are ready to present our optimal algorithm for RAP. a strategy profile , we can construct the corresponding relay The pseudo-code is illustrated in Algorithm 1. assignment A = {(s1, 1), (s2, 2),..., (sn, n)}. Given a s r s r s r relay assignment A = {( 1, j1 ), ( 2, j2 ),..., ( n, jn )}, we r r Algorithm 1: ASGMNT(S, ℛ, D, P ) have the corresponding strategy profile , where i = ji for each si ∈ S. In this game, each player si selects a strategy i 1 Construct a set of vertices corresponding to ; U n S to maximize its own utility, which is defined as its achieved ca- 2 Construct a set V of n + m vertices corresponding to s s r s s ′ pacity ui ( ) = c( i, i, A, P ). If ui ( i, −i) > ui ( i, −i), D ∪ ℛ; s ′ we say that player i prefers i to i when others play −i . 3 Construct a set ℰ of edges, where (si, v) ∈ℰ if v = di A strategy i is called a strategy of player or v ∈ ℛ; si if it maximizes si’s utility function when others play 4 for i =1 to n do s s ′ ′ ¯ −i, i.e., ui ( i, −i) ≥ ui ( i, −i) for any i ∈ ℛ. A 5 w(si, di) ← cDT (si); ne ne ne ne strategy profile = ( 1 , 2 ,..., n ) is called a Nash 6 end Equilibrium (NE) [9], if for every player si ∈ S, we have 7 for s and r do ∀ i ∈U ∀ j ∈ ℛ us( ne, ne) ≥ us( , ne) for any ∈ ℛ¯. In other words, s r s r r i i −i i i −i i 8 w( i, j ) ← cR( i, j , Pj ); every player is playing its best response strategy in an NE 9 end and therefore has no incentive to deviate from its current 10 Apply an MWBM algorithm to find a maximum strategy unilaterally. A stronger concept than best response weighted matching ℳ∗ in graph G = (U, V, w); ∗ strategy is strictly dominant strategy [10]. A strategy i is 11 A ←∅; s ∗ called a strictly dominant strategy of player i if it gives 12 for (si, v) ∈ℳ do ∗ ∗ strictly larger utility than any other strategy regardless of 13 if v ∈ ℛ then A ← A ∪{(si, v)}; ∗ ∗ the strategies others play. Correspondingly, a strategy profile 14 else A ← A ∪{(si, r0)}; sd sd sd sd = ( 1 , 2 ,..., n ) is called a Strictly Dominant Strat- 15 end s sd ∗ egy Equilibrium (SDSE), if ∀ i ∈ S, ∀ −i, ∀ i ∕= i , we have 16 return A . sd ui( i , −i) >ui( i, −i). Obviously, an SDSE is an NE, but not vice versa. If a game has an SDSE, then the SDSE is the The correctness and the computational complexity of Algo- unique NE of the game. rithm 1 are guaranteed by Theorem 1. Theorem 1: Algorithm 1 guarantees to find an optimal B. Nonoptimality of relay assignment A∗(S, ℛ, D, P r) for RAP in time bounded As a motivation to the design of our payment mechanism, by O(n2m). we show that an NE of RSG is not necessarily social optimal. Note that RSG is closely related to the Congestion Game in- V. FOR SELFISH USERS troduced by Rosenthal [11]. Specifically, RSG can be reduced System capacity maximization is only desirable from a to the Congestion Game with Player-specific Payoff Function, global point of view, not from the point of view of an individ- which was studied by Milchtaich [6]. Due to space limitations, ual selfish user. Yet most wireless devices in the network are we make reference to [6] for the existence proof of NE and owned by independent profit-maximizing entities. In this sec- the algorithm for computing an NE. This does not degrade the tion, we use the term selection instead of assignment, because rigor of our paper, as the result in this subsection only serves selection is from the user’s point of view while assignment as a motivation to the design of our payment mechanism. is from the system’s point of view. When selfish users have their own preferences on relay selection, several questions may s s s s s s s s arise: Is there a stable state, where no user has the incentive to 1 2 3 ⋅⋅⋅ n 1 2 3 ⋅⋅⋅ n r r deviate from its current selection? How can users reach such a 0 1 1 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 0 1 1 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 r 1 1 5 r 1 1 5 state? If the system performance is not optimized in the stable 1 10 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 10 ⋅⋅⋅ r2 10 10 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 r2 10 10 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 state, how can the system administrator exert influence on the r3 1 5 10 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 r3 1 5 10 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 r r relay selection to achieve social optimum? These questions 4 1 1 5 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 4 1 1 5 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 ...... will be the focus of this section...... rm 1 1 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 10 rm 1 1 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 10 A. Strategic Game Model and Concepts (a) Cne = 10 + 5(n − 1) (b) C∗ = 10n n− TABLE I: An example with POA = 10+5( 1) ≈ 1 To study the relay selection problem with selfish enti- 10n 2 ties, we model it by a game, called Relay Selection Game A common concept to quantify how the selfish behavior s ∗ ∗ of players can affect the social performance is called Price Assume player i plays strategies i and i ∕= i , respectively. Cne of Anarchy (POA), which is defined as P OA = min ne C∗ , We consider all the possible cases: ne ∗ r r where C is the system capacity when players are playing NE Case 1: i ∕= 0 and i ∕= 0. strategy ne. Recall that C∗ is the optimal system capacity. A us( ∗, ) − us( , )= g( , ∗) − g( ∗, ∗) simple example in Table I shows that the selfishness of players i i −i i i −i i i i i ∗ can degrade the system performance by half. = g( i, i ) > 0, where the second equality and the last inequality follow from ∗ C. Mechanism Design to Achieve Social Optimality the definition of g(⋅, ⋅) and the assumption that i ∕= i . ∗ Case 2: ∕= r0 and i = r0. To achieve the optimal relay assignment, we need to exert i s ∗ s ∗ s ∗ ∗ influence on players’ selection of relay nodes. Here we require ui ( i , −i) − ui ( i, −i)= g( i, i ) − cDT ( i) − g( i , i ) ∗ s players to make payments for using relaying service. = g( i, i ) − cDT ( i) > 0, As in many existing scheme designs, we assume virtual where the last inequality follows from the definition of . currency exists in the system. Each source node (player) needs g(⋅, ⋅) Case 3: ∗ = r and ∕= r . to pay certain amount of currency to the administrator based i 0 i 0 s ∗ s s ∗ ∗ ∗ on its relay node selection. In particular, given the strategy ui ( i , −i) − ui ( i, −i)= cDT ( i)+ g( i, i ) − g( i , i ) profile and the corresponding A, we define the payment of s ∗ = cDT ( i)+ g( i, i ) > 0. player si as We have proved that ∗ is an SDSE of IRSG. Hence, ∗ is the unique NE of IRSG. r ∗ 1 ∗ c(si, i, A, P )+ g( i, ) − g( k, ) , ⎧ ⎛ i n−1 k ⎞ k∕=i VI. MECHANISM DESIGN TO PREVENT RELAY NODES s  X pi =  ⎝ if ∕= r , ⎠ FROM CHEATING  i 0 ⎨ ∗ 1 ∗ g( i, i ) − n−1 k∕=i g( k, k ), Relay nodes involved in the final assignment help source r nodes with cooperative communications at the cost of their  if i = 0.  P own energy and other resources. Without an attractive in-  ∗ r ∗ r Here ⎩g( i, i ) = l ⋅ ∣x − y∣, where i = x and i = y, centive, a relay node may not be willing to participate in s l = maxsi∈S cDT ( i)+ " and " > 0 is a constant. In other cooperative communications. A naive solution to this problem ∗ words, g( i, i ) is equal to l times the difference between is to pay each relay node the achieved capacity of cooperative the indices of the relay node selected by si and the relay communications involving it (while the relay assignment A node assigned in the optimal solution. Intuitively, a source is computed based on the reported transmission power, the node needs to pay for using relaying service if it selects a achieved capacity is computed based on the true transmission relay node. Each source node also pays (or receives) a penalty power and the relay assignment A). However, such a simple (resp. bonus) depending on how much more (resp. less) it payment mechanism could result in relay nodes’ lying about deviates from the optimal strategy ∗ than others. Here ∗ is their transmission power. For example, a relay node would the strategy profile corresponding to the optimal solution A∗ not be selected if it reports its transmission power honestly, of RAP computed by Algorithm 1. The utility of player si is but could be selected if it reports a larger transmission power then defined as instead. Likewise, a relay node would be assigned to cooperate with a source node, resulting in a small capacity, if it reports us( , )= c(s , , A, P r) − ps. (1) i i −i i i i its transmission power honestly. But it could cooperate with A similar payment mechanism was also used by Wu et al. to another source node by lying, resulting in a larger capacity. solve a different problem [16]. We call the Relay Selection These two examples are shown in Fig. 1. In both examples, Game with utility function (1) the Incentive-added Relay the relay node receives a larger payment by lying about its Selection Game (IRSG). Next we prove that ∗ is an SDSE transmission power. in IRSG. Theorem 2: Let ∗ be the strategy profile corresponding s1 s1 s1 s2 s1 s2 to the optimal solution A∗ of RAP. Then ∗ is an SDSE for 5 3 5 6(3) 4 6 2 3 46 3(2) 6(3) ∗ □ IRSG. Therefore, is the unique NE of IRSG. r1 r2 r1 r2 r1 r2 r1 r2 Proof: To prove this theorem, it suffices to prove that (a) r increases its payment from 0 to (b) r increases its payment from 2 s ∗ s ∗ 2 2 ∀ i ∈ S, ∀ −i, ∀ i ∕= i , we must have ui ( i , −i) > 3. The system capacity is decreased to 3. The system capacity is decreased s s u ( i, −i). Plugging the payment p into (1), we have from 5 to 3. from 8 to 7. i i Fig. 1: Examples showing that a relay node can increase its payment 1 ∗ ∗ by lying. Solid links represent the relay assignment. The numbers g( k, ) − g( i, ), n−1 k∕=i k i beside the links represent the achieved capacities calculated based on if ∕= r , ⎧ P i 0 reported transmission power (outside the parentheses) and based on  the true transmission power (inside the parentheses) if it is different us( , )=  i i −i  ∗ 1 ∗ from the reported transmission power. cDT (si) − g( i, ) − g( k, ) ,  ⎛ i n−1 k ⎞ ⎨ k i X∕= Obviously, the dishonest behavior of relay nodes may in- r  ⎝ if i = ⎠0. fluence the relay assignment and further degrade the system   ⎩ performance. Hence it is essential to design a payment mech- Ψ(S−j (T ), ℛ−rj ,T−j) is a charge determined by the system anism such that every relay node will report its transmission administrator, based on T . power truthfully to maximize its payment. Before proving the properties of the designed payment mechanism, we note the fact that A. Necessary Concepts r ∗ r c(j (T ), j , A (T ), P )+Ψ(S− (T ), ℛ−rj ,T−j ) In the conventional terminology of mechanism design [8], j = C(S, ℛ, A(T ′),T ′), (3) every agent i has its private information ti called its type, ′ r ′ which is only known to itself. Let t = (t1,t2,...,tm) be where T = (Pj ,T−j) and A(T ) is some relay assign- the type profile consisting of types from all the agents. Each ment for the RAP instance given by (S, D, ℛ,T ′). The in- agent i plays a strategy i ∈ Λi (reports a value of its type), tuition behind this fact is that, after the optimal assignment ∗ ∗ r where Λi is its strategy space. Let  = (1, 2,...,m) be A (T ) is computed, the values of c(j (T ), rj , A (T ), P ) the strategy profile consisting of strategies from all the agents. and Ψ(S−j (T ), ℛ−rj ,T−j ) are independent of Tj, and only ′ Similarly, we have −i = (1,...,i−1, i+1,...,m) and dependent on T . In addition, their sum is the system capacity ′ ∗ ′  = (i, −i). A mechanism then provides an output func- under A(T ), which may be different from A (T ). Similarly, r r tion o = o(1, 2,...,m) and a payment function pi = if relay node j reports its true transmission power Pj and pi(1, 2,...,m) for each agent i based on the reported other relay nodes report T−j, we have profile. For each output o, each agent has a valuation vi(ti, o). ′ ∗ ′ r c(j (T ), rj , A (T ), P )+Ψ(S  T ′ , ℛ−r ,T−j) Then the utility of agent i is ui(ti, o)= vi(ti, o)+ pi. All the − j ( ) j agents are assumed to be rational, in the sense that each agent = C(S, ℛ, A∗(T ′),T ′). (4) will always maximize its utility by playing the best strategy. Theorem 3: The payment mechanism to pay relay nodes A strategy  is called a dominant strategy of agent i if it i defined in (2) is individually rational. □ maximizes i’s utility no matter what strategies others play. Proof: Let r be any relay node and T ′ = (P r,T ). A payment mechanism is truthful (or strategyproof, incentive j j −j Then the payment to relay node r is compatible), if reporting true type is a dominant strategy for j r ′ each agent. A payment mechanism satisfies individual ratio- pj (T ) r nality, if the agent’s utility of participating in the mechanism ′ r ∗ ′ ′ = c(j (T ), j , A (T ), P )+Ψ(S− (T ), ℛ−rj ,T−j) is guaranteed to be non-negative when the agent reports its j −Ψ(S, ℛ r ,T ) type truthfully. In this paper, we design a VCG-based payment − j −j ∗ ′ ′ mechanism [8]. = C(S, ℛ, A (T ),T ) − Ψ(S, ℛ−rj ,T−j ) (5) ∗ ′ ′ ∗ = C(S, ℛ, A (T ),T ) − C(S, ℛ−rj , A (T−j ),T−j ) B. Design Details ≥ 0, In our design, we assume that each relay node rj is r r where (5) follows from (4). This completes the proof. an agent and the type of j is its transmission power Pj . Before the relay assignment, each relay node r reports a Theorem 4: The payment mechanism to pay relay nodes j defined in (2) is truthful. □ transmission power T , which may or may not be equal to j Proof: Assume r reports a transmission power r. P r. Let P r = (P r, P r,...,P r ) be the true transmission j Tj ∕= Pj j 1 2 m Let ′ r . Then the difference between its received power profile and T = (T ,T ,...,T ) the reported trans- T = (Pj ,T−j ) 1 2 m payment and that when reporting truthfully is mission power profile. ASGMNT(S, D, ℛ,T ) (illustrated in Algorithm 1) is then applied to compute an optimal relay r ′ r pj (T ) − pj (T ) ∗ assignment A (T ), which is optimal with respect to T . Ac- ′ ∗ ′ r = c( (T ), r , A (T ), P )+Ψ(S ′ , ℛ r ,T ) cording to Lemma 2, each relay node r is assigned to at most j j −j (T ) − j −j j ∗ r ∗ ∗ − c(j (T ), rj , A (T ), P )+Ψ(S , ℛ r ,T j) one source node under A (T ). Under A (T ), let j (T ) ∈ S¯ −j (T ) − j − r s ∗ ′ ′ r ∗ r denote the source node, to which j is assigned. If j (T )= 0, = C(S, ℛ, A (T ),T ) − (c(j (T ), j , A (T ), P )  it indicates that rj is not assigned to any source node. Let +Ψ(S−j (T ), ℛ−rj ,T−j) (6) (T ) = ( (T ),  (T ),..., (T )) be the source nodes 1 2 m = C(S, ℛ, A∗(T ′),T ′) − C(S, ℛ, A(T ′),T ′) (7) corresponding to all the relay nodes in ℛ. Let Ψ(S, ℛ,T )  denote the optimal capacity of the system consisting of S ≥ 0, (8) ∗ and ℛ based on T , i.e., Ψ(S, ℛ,T ) = C(S, ℛ, A (T ),T ). where (6) follows from (4), (7) follows from (3), and (8) s s r r ∗ ′ Let S− i = S ∖{ i}, ℛ− j = ℛ∖{ j }, and T−j = follows from the optimality of A (T ). (T1,...,Tj−1,Tj+1,...,Tm). We define the payment to relay In Section V, we designed a payment mechanism to charge r node j (for a given T ) by the following source nodes for using relaying service. In this section, we designed another payment mechanism to pay relay nodes 0, j (T )= s0, r r for providing relaying service. A question arising naturally p (T )= c( (T ), r , A∗(T ), P ) − (Ψ(S, ℛ r ,T ) (2) j ⎧ j j − j −j is whether HERA is budget-balanced. That is, whether the  r ⎨−Ψ(S−j (T ), ℛ− j ,T−j)), o/w, payment collected from all the source nodes is enough to r ∗ r pay all the relay nodes. The following theorem confirms the where c(⎩j (T ), j, A (T ), P ) is the achieved capacity in budget-balance property of HERA. the cooperative communication, and Ψ(S, ℛ−rj ,T−j ) − □ Theorem 5: HERA is budget-balanced. 6000 8000 HERA HERA Proof: By Theorem 2, we know that all the source Greedy Greedy DT 6000 DT 4000 ORA nodes will follow the optimal relay assignment. Let T = ORA 4000 (T ,T ,...,Tm) be the reported transmission power profile. C (Mbps) 1 2 C (Mbps) 2000 Let ∗ be the strategy profile of source nodes corresponding to 2000 ∗ 0 0 A (T ). Therefore, the total payment collected from all source 100 200 300 400 500 600 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of relay nodes Number of source−destination pairs nodes is (a) Varying m (b) Varying n n = s s s ∗ ∗ r Fig. 2: Comparison among relay assignment algorithms. For (a), p = pi = c( i, i , A (T ), P ). (9) 200. For (b), m = 200. s s ∗ r i∈S i∈S, i ∕= 0

X X HERA 10000 HERA 6000 NE NE The total payment paid to all the relay nodes is 8000

4000 6000 r r p = p 4000

j C (Mbps) C (Mbps) r 2000 Xj ∈ℛ 2000 0 0 r ∗ r 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 = c(j (T ), j , A (T ), P ) Number of relay nodes Number of source nodes

rj ∈ℛ,j (T )∕=s0 (a) Varying m (b) Varying n X Fig. 3: Impact of selfish behavior of source nodes on system capacity. r r − Ψ(S, ℛ− j ,T−j ) − Ψ(S−j (T ), ℛ− j ,T−j) , For (a), n = 200. For (b), m = 200. The maximum and minimum r ∈ℛ, (T )∕=s0 values among 100 random instances are shown as error bars. j Xj  where the second equality follows the fact that The system capacity under this assignment is ∗ ∗ r C = s ∗ r c(si, , A (T ), P ) i∈S, i ∕= 0 i c (s ). DT serves as a lower bound of the sys- si∈S DT i ∗ r = r s c(j (T ), rj , A (T ), P ). tem capacity of the network under any relay assignment. P j ∈ℛ,j (T )∕= 0 P ∙ ORA [12]: The basic idea of ORA is to adjust the The profit of the administrator is P assignment iteratively, starting from any arbitrary initial ps − pr assignment. In each iteration, ORA identifies the source node with currently minimum capacity among all the = Ψ(S, ℛ r ,T ) − Ψ(S , ℛ r ,T ) − j −j −j (T ) − j −j source nodes and searches a better relay node for it. r ∈ℛ, (T )∕=s0 j Xj  Although ORA is not intentionally designed for RAP, we ≥0, (10) include it in the comparison for the sake of completeness. 2) Cheating Report Distribution: We assume that a relay where (10) follows from the fact that Ψ(S, ℛ−rj ,T−j) − node can cheat by reporting a transmission power larger than Ψ(S− (T ), ℛ−rj ,T−j) ≥ 0. j r its true transmission power. If Pj is the transmission power r r VII. EVALUATIONS of relay node j , then its reported transmission power is Pj + , where  is a random number uniformly distributed over A. Experiment Setup (Δ, Δ + 1] and Δ is a parameter. We considered a wireless network, where wireless nodes The performance metrics in the experiments include the sys- are randomly distributed in a 1000m × 1000m square. We tem capacity and the number of cooperative communications. followed the same parameter settings as in [12]. The only exception was the transmission power, which in our setting is B. Evaluation of Assignment Algorithms uniformly distributed over (0, 1], i.e., P s, P r ∈ (0, 1] Watt for i j Fig. 2 shows the system capacity under the assignments all si ∈ S and rj ∈ ℛ. We set the bandwidth W to 22 MHz for all channels. For the transmission model, we assumed that the returned by different algorithms. As expected, HERA has the −10 best performance while DT has the worst. Surprisingly, the path loss exponent = 4 and the abient noise N0 = 10 . In most of the experiments, we varied both n and m from 50 performance of Greedy is only slightly worse than that of to 400 with increment of 50. For each setting, we randomly HERA, especially when m>n. The reason is that some generated 100 instances and averaged the results. source nodes may not need to compete with other source nodes 1) Assignment Algorithm: Since this paper is the first work for their best relay nodes. Therefore, we may have the same on the design of relay assignment scheme for cooperative assignment for these source nodes in both HERA and Greedy. networks with the objective to maximize the total capacity, Another observation is that when the number of relay nodes we compared our algorithm with the algorithms listed below. exceeds that of the source nodes, the system capacity tends to keep the same. ∙ Greedy Assignment Algorithm (Greedy): This algorithm proceeds iteratively. In each iteration, it greedily assigns a relay node to the source node or lets the source node C. Impact of Selfishness on System Performance transmit directly, such that the system capacity under the We have shown in an example in Section V that the POA 1 current assignment is maximized. of the Relay Selection Game can be as small as 2 . We turn to ∙ Direct Transmission Algorithm (DT): In this algorithm, evaluate how the selfish behavior of source nodes affects the each source node transmits to its destination directly. system performance in randomly generated networks. Fig. 3 ONCLUSIONS 200 300 VIII. C HERA HERA NE NE 150 In this paper, we designed HERA, an integrated optimal 200 100 relay assignment scheme for cooperative networks. It is com- 100 posed of three components: an optimal relay assignment algo- 50 Number of CCs Number of CCs rithm, a payment mechanism to charge source nodes for using 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of relay nodes Number of source nodes relaying service, and a payment mechanism to pay relay nodes (a) Varying m (b) Varying n for proving relaying service. HERA induces selfish source Fig. 4: Number of source nodes using CC. For (a), n = 200. For (b), nodes to converge to the optimal assignment and prevents relay m = 200 . The maximum and minimum values among 100 random nodes from reporting transmission power untruthfully to gain instances are shown as error bars. profit. In addition, HERA satisfies budget-balance property,

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