Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Israeli forces continue systematic attacks against Palestinian civilians and property in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

 In excessive use of force, Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian children in the - 9 civilians, including 3 children and a photojournalist, were wounded.

 Israeli forces continued to open fire in the border areas of the Gaza Strip. - 4 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded in the northern and southern Gaza Strip. - 15-dunum fields planted with wheat were burnt in the east of Khan Yunis.

 Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against peaceful protesters in the West Bank. - A protester was wounded in Kofur Qaddoum, northeast of .

 Israeli forces conducted 86 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and a limited one in the southern Gaza Strip. - 39 Palestinian civilians, including 9 children, were arrested. - The entrance of Jenin Governmental Hospital was destroyed and tear gas canisters were fired inside it.

continued to impose a total closure on the oPt and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world. - Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. - At least 9 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were arrested at military checkpoints in the West Bank.

 Israeli navy forces continued targeting Palestinian fishermen in the sea. - Four fishermen were arrested and 4 boats were confiscated in the sea off Rafah shore, in the southern Gaza Strip.

 Israeli forces continued to support settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property. - The electricity network in Ethna village, west of Hebron, was destroyed. - Settlers damaged 50 trees throughout the West Bank. - 7 dunums were levelled and 500 trees were uprooted in Nahalin area, west of Bethlehem.


Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (15 – 21 May 2014).


During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed two Palestinian children and wounded 12 other civilians, including 3 children and a journalist, in the West Bank. They also wounded 4 civilians in the border areas in the Gaza Strip; a child and 2 workers collecting raw materials as well as a farmer. Israeli naval forces fired at and chased Palestinian fishing boats in the Gaza Strip Sea.

In the Gaza Strip, on 17 May 2014, a Palestinian child was wounded when Israeli forces stationed along the border, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at the agricultural lands in the east of ‘Abasan village to the west of the border. The child was collecting grass from an agricultural land near al- Rowwad sport club, which is only 600 meters away from the border.

On 18 May 2014, a worker collecting raw materials was wounded when the Israeli forces stationed in the military watchtowers at Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing, northwest of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of workers collecting raw materials in the destroyed industrial zone to the west of the crossing near the border.

On 19 May 2014, a worker collecting raw materials was wounded when the Israeli forces stationed in the military watchtowers at Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing, northwest of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

opened fire at a group of workers collecting raw materials in the destroyed industrial zone to the west of the crossing near the border.

On 21 May 2014, a Palestinian farmer was lightly wounded with a bullet to the head when Israeli forces who moved into the east of al-Qararah village, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire.

On the same day, Israeli forces stationed along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel opened fire and fired smoke shells at the agricultural fields to the southeast of Abu Reidah neighbourhood, east of Khza’ah in the east of Khan Yunis. As a result, 15-dunum fields belonging to Abu T’eimah family were on fire. Those fields were planted with wheat and located 350-400 meters away from the border.

In the same context on 16 May 2014, Israeli forces stationed along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza strip, opened fire at a group of young men who were near the aforementioned border in attempt to throw stones at the Israeli soldiers. No injuries were reported.

In the context of targeting Palestinian fishermen in the sea, on 19 May 2014, Israeli navy forces arrested 2 fishermen; Ayman (43) and Alaa' Khalil al-Bardaweel (41), from al-Mawasi area, west of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. This happened when Israeli gunboats approached about 30 fishing boats sailing about 1 nautical mile off Rafah shore. Israeli navy soldiers opened fire from a close range at 2 fishing boats boarded by the 2 aforementioned fishermen. In addition, they pulled the 2 fishing boats to an unknown destination.

On 20 May 2014, Israeli Navy forces arrested two fishermen; Ramez Sa’adi Mohammed Jom’aah (29) and ‘Emad al-Din Khalil Ahmed Mansour (42) from Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood in the west of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip and confiscated their two boats.

On the same day, Israeli gunboats stationed off Khan Yunis shore in the southern Gaza Strip opened fire sporadically in the vicinity of the Palestinian fishing boats and chased fishermen. No injuries were reported as the fishermen were forced to flee away for fear of being injured or arrested or their boats being damaged.

In the West Bank, In excessive use of force, on Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces killed two Palestinian children and wounded 8 civilians, including a child who was in a serious condition, near “’Ofer” Prison, west of Ramallah.

On 16 May 2014, four civilians, including a child and a journalist, were wounded during a demonstration organized by dozens of Palestinian angry young men in the vicinity of ‘Ofer Prison, southwest of Ramallah, after the funeral procession of two children who were killed by the Israeli soldiers on the preceding day.

On the same day, a 14-year-old child was hit by a rubber-coated bullet to the left eye. As a result, he lost his sight. A 20-year-old civilian was hit by two metal bullets to the left knee and testicles when Israeli forces opened fire at a group of Palestinian young men demonstrating in Bab al-Zawiyah area in the centre of Hebron.

In the same context, Israeli forces used excessive force against peaceful protests organised by Palestinian civilians, international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, a 19-year-old demonstrator was hit by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the waist during Kafer Qaddoum protest, northeast of Qalqilya. Dozens of protestors suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as they were beaten up by Israeli soldiers.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 86 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During these incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 39 Palestinians, including 9 children.

On 20 May 2014, Israeli forces moved into Jenin and its refugee camp and raided and searched a number of houses, from which they arrested many civilians. During the incursion, Israeli forces destroyed the entrance of Jenin Governmental Hospital and fired tear gas canisters inside it.

In the Gaza Strip, on 21 May 2014, Israeli forces backed by 4 military bulldozers from the military Kissufim gate moved 200 meters into the east of al-Qararah village, east of Khan Younis. They levelled parts of the area and fired smoke artillery shells, some of which fell in the east of al-Qararah while others fell on al-Kurd hill, east of al-Salqa valley, east of Deir al-Balah. No injuries were reported. At approximately 09:00, they re- deployed along the border fence and after half an hour moved into east of al-Qararah. They levelled parts of the area along the border fence to the south and to the east of ‘Abasan.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Restrictions on movement:

Israel continued to impose a tight closure of the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

The illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, which has been steadily tightened since June 2007 has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities impose measures to undermine the freedom of trade, including the basic needs for the Gaza Strip population and the agricultural and industrial products to be exported. For 7 consecutive years, Israel has tightened the land and naval closure to isolate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and other countries around the world. This resulted in grave violations of the economic, social and cultural rights and a deterioration of living conditions for 1.7 million people. The Israeli authorities have established Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shaloum) as the sole crossing for imports and exports in order to exercise its control over the Gaza Strip’s economy. They also aim at imposing a complete ban on the Gaza Strip’s exports.

Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip continue to be denied access to Jerusalem.

As part of using military checkpoints and border crossings as traps to arrest Palestinian civilians under the pretext they are wanted, Israeli forces arrested 9 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, at military checkpoints in the West Bank.

Settlement activities

Israel has continued its settlement activities in the oPt, in a direct violation of international humanitarian law, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

Attacks carried out by Israeli forces

On 19 May 2014, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and a bulldozer moved into al-Ra’s neighborhood, west of Ezna village, west of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers deployed in the area and prevented civilians’ movement. The Israeli bulldozers then removed a 1.5-kilometer-long network that provides the area with electricity. On the same day, Israeli forces accompanied a vehicle belonging to the construction and organization department in the Israeli Civil Administration and 4 bulldozers moved into the agricultural lands in the vicinity of Nahalin village, west of Bethlehem in Salem Valley area, east of the village. The Israeli bulldozers leveled lands of an area of 7 dunums planted with different kinds of trees under the pretext that those lands were confiscated. The leveling included burying the trees after uprooting them and confiscating some of them. Around 500 trees aged between 10 to 20 years were uprooted. These lands are located in the vicinity of “Daniel” settlement established on the confiscated lands in the village.

Attacks carried out by settlers

On 15 May 2014, settlers from “Bitar ‘Elit” settlement established on Palestinian lands, south of Bethlehem, chopped and smashed branches of 20 grape vineyards and 10 olive trees in addition to a number of apricot trees, which are less than two years old.

On 18 May 2014, settlers from “Sidi Bou’ez” outpost established on the Palestinian lands, south of al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem, stormed the agricultural lands, south of the village, and performed religious rituals near a water spring.

On the same day, a number of settlers stormed an archaeological site in the center of al-Samou’a village and performed their religious rituals. It should be mentioned that the settlers usually roam in the vicinity of the area in the Jewish holidays each year and perform their religious rituals there. They call the aforementioned site “Etshamoa’a”.

 On 19 May 2014, a group of settlers from “Rafafa” settlement set fire to lands belonging to the residents of Haris village, northwest of Salfit. As a result, 20 olive, almond, fig and oak trees, which belong to Ma’moun Mohammed Dawoud ‘Abdel Hamid, were damaged in al-Wad al-Shami area. Israeli forces obstructed Palestinian firefighters from extinguishing the fire.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (15 - 21 May 2014)

1. Incursions into Palestinian Areas, and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 15 May 2014

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Bani Na'im village, east of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided a house belonging to the family of Sohaib Suleiman Abu Jarour (29). They handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in "Gosh Ezion" settlement, south of Bethlehem. Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

 At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Basel Rami al-Wawi (14). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Abu Sal (22). They arrested the aforementioned person. In the meantime, Israeli forces raided and searched 2 houses belonging to the families of Sameh Mussallam Abu Sal (20) and Wadi' Abdul Rahman Abu 'Amer (18). They arrested the aforementioned persons. A number of boys gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers who fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters in response. As a result, a number of civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. Israeli forces withdrew at approximately 03:30.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Balata refugee camp, east of . They raided and searched a number of houses from which they arrested Mahmoud Mohammed Harb (47) and Essam Mohammed Ka'bi (49).

 Also around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Barqa village, northwest of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses. They arrested Mahdi Ragheb Salah (20) and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Deir Abu Mesh'el village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets and deployed between the houses. In addition, they raided and searched a number of houses from which they arrested 6 civilians, including 5 children: 1. Ahmed Safi 'Ata (17); 2. Ahmed Abed al-Khair 'Ata (16); 3. Ahmed Sa'd Barghouthi (17); 4. Mohammed Safi 'Ata (16); 5. Belal Jalal Barghouthi (17); and 6. Omar Hamed 'Ata (35).

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

 At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mohammed Marwan Sharaka (20). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Deir Samet village, southwest of Dora, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mahmoud Nedal al-Hroub (28). They handed the aforementioned person a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in "Gosh Etzion" settlement, south of Bethlehem.

 At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Beit Ommar village, north of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and stationed in Safa neighbourhood in the south of the city. A number of youngsters gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers who fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters in response. As a result, a number of civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. Israeli forces withdrew at approximately 17:00, and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 17:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Mothallath al-Aqaba, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and deployed between the houses then stationed at Oyoun Abu Saif area. A number of boys gathered and threw stones at military vehicles. Israeli soldiers chased the boys across agricultural lands and fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs towards the boys and houses. As a result, a number of Palestinian civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. In the meantime, Israeli forces erected a checkpoint on the road connecting Dora and its southern villages. They searched Palestinian vehicles, and then removed the checkpoint. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 21:50, Israeli forces moved into Ematin village, east of Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 23:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Samou' village, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 16 May 2014

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Barqa village, northwest of Nablus. They raided a house belonging to the family of Ra'es Zaher Abu Omar (22), who was not home. They informed his family that Ra'es should give himself up to Israeli forces at Hawara facility. Ra'es headed to Hawara facility and was arrested.

 At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into several neighbourhoods in the centre of Yata, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later.

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces backed by heavy military vehicles moved into Kharsa village, south of Dora, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Baitonya village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 Also around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Kherbet Abu Falah village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces moved into Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces moved into Qalqilya. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

 At approximately 14:30, Israeli forces stationed along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al-Shuhada' cemetery, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, fired live ammunition and tear gas canisters at a group of youngsters, who were present near the border throwing stones at the Israeli soldiers. Israeli soldiers fired sporadically until 17:30, but no casualties were reported.

 At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Arba'een area, east of Beit Ommar, north of Hebron. They deployed between the houses, where a number of boys gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers who fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters in response. As a result, a number of boys suffered tear gas inhalation. Israeli forces withdrew later, and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces moved into Deir Samet village, southwest of Doura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 23:30, Israeli forces moved into al-'Ouja village, northeast of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al-Jiftlek village, north of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces backed by military forces moved into Baitonya village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces backed by military forces moved into 'Ayda refugee camp, northwest of Bethlehem. They stationed around a house belonging to the family of Bassam Hamad Abu Khdair, and then raided the house. They kept his family in a room and arrested his son Mo'tasem (21).

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces backed by military forces moved into Taqou' village, southwest of Bethlehem. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mohammed Taleb Taqatqa (30). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination. At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces raided another house belonging to the family of Abdo 'Adel al-'Emour (17). They handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in "Gosh Etzion" settlement, south of the city.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Termis'ya village, north of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets and deployed between the houses. They withdrew later and neither house raids nor arrest were reported.

 Also around the same time, Israeli forced backed by military vehicles moved into Fasayel village, northwest of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Dheisha refugee camp, west of Bethlehem. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ahmed Mahmoud Abu Srour. They arrested his son Ali (16) and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 05:30, Israeli forces backed by military forces moved into Marj Na'jah village, north of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 13:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Kofur 'Ein village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 18:00, Israeli forces stationed along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands in Abassan village, to the west

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

of border. As a result, Omar Jamal Abu Jazar (17), from Abassan village, sustained a bullet wound to the left hand. Omar was collecting grass from lands about 600 meters away from the border. He was taken by an ambulance to Gaza European hospital in Khan Yunis to receive the necessary medical treatment. His wound was moderate.

 At approximately 20:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Hares village, north of Salfit. They patrolled the streets and detained Saleh Yasser Sultan (27). They took his ID card and forced him to stand against the wall raising his hands up. They questioned him on the spot and released him later. In addition they attacked the aforementioned person with a gun but and damaged his vehicle under the pretext of searching for Israeli vehicles' burglars in the abovementioned village.

 At approximately 23:30, Israeli forces moved into Beit 'Our al-Tahta village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

 At approximately 00:30, Israeli forces moved into Ya'bad village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ahmed Qasem al-Azraq (18). They handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in "Gosh Etzion" settlement, south of Bethlehem.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al-Hashemiya village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mohammed Nizar al-Titi (19). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Beit Fajjar village, southeast of Bethlehem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to the families of Feras Fadel Dairiya (23) and Khalil Mohammed Dairiya (22). They arrested the aforementioned persons and took them to an unknown destination.

 Also around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into 'Ein al-Sultan refugee camp, west of Jericho. They patrolled the streets and deployed between the houses. They withdrew later, and neither house raids nor arrest were reported.

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Ma'sarah village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Hassan Braijiya, coordinator of the popular committee against settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall in the village. They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al-Yamoun village, northwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets and raided a house belonging to the family of Fadi Faisal Samoudi (26). They handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in Salem detention facility, northwest of the city. Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

 At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces backed with military vehicles moved into Bani Na'em village, east of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and deployed between the houses. They withdrew later, and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Doura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Sa'id Nassar (52). They arrested his 2 sons: Odai (18) and Qosai (20), and took them to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mo'taz Mohammed 'Ebaido (20). Israeli forces withdrew later, and no arrests were reported.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

 At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Baq'a area, west of Yatta, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces moved into 'Ayda refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Sharaf al-Din Yassin Abu Seba' (18). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 10:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Karkafa area, in the centre of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of stores and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 11:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Kherbatha al-Musbah village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 15:30, Israeli forces stationed in watchtowers at and around Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing, northwest of Beit Hanoun town in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of workers collecting raw materials in the destroyed industrial zone, west of the crossing. As a result, Abdul Rahman Hassan Matar (24), from Beit Hanoun, sustained a bullet wound to the right leg. He was taken to Kamal Odwan hospital

 At approximately 16:30, Israeli forces moved into Jeet village, northeast of Qalqilya. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces moved into Ematin village, northeast of Qalqilya. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched an internet cafe. Israeli forces withdrew at approximately 17:40, and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 In the evening, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed 'Awwad Ibrahim (30), from Tulkarm, while being present in the Israeli military liaison office, southwest of the city, upon a summons sent to him previously.

 At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces moved into al-'Ouja village, north of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 19 May 2014

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Lotfi Hassan 'Awwad (42). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into al-Daheriya village, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later, and no arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Yatta village, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and stationed in al-Karmel neighbourhood. They also raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ghaleb Diab Abu Qubaita (32). They arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Kahel village, northeast of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into al-Teirah neighbourhood in Ramallah. They patrolled the streets and then raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ahmed Hasan N’eirat (23). Israeli forces arrested the aforementioned civilian and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 08:30, Israeli forces moved into al-Laban al-Gharbi village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 10:00, Israeli forces moved into Shweikah Suburb, north of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 11:15, Israeli forces stationed in watchtowers at and around Beit Hanoun crossing, in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of workers collecting raw materials in the destroyed industrial zone to the west of the crossing. As a result, worker Mohammed Fo'ad al-Bou' (26), from Beit Hanoun, sustained a bullet wound to his 2 legs. He was taken to Kamal Odwan hospital in Beit Lahia, where doctors

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

x-rayed his legs and found damage in the arteries and veins. He was then taken to Shifa hospital in Gaza City. His wound was moderate.

 At approximately 13:00, Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 14:30, Israeli forces moved into al-Yamoun village, northwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 15:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles moved into Kofur Dan village, northwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces moved into Ya’bod village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for time. A number young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli vehicles. The Israeli soldiers then fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters randomly at the stone throwers to disperse them. Israeli soldiers withdrew later, and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces moved into Ya’bod village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 20:30, Israeli forces moved into Kharbetha al-Mesbah village, southwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 21:30, Israeli forces moved into Deir Debwan village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 22:30, Israeli navy forces arrested 2 fishermen (brothers): Ayman (43) and Alaa' Khalil al- Bardaweel (41), from al-Mawasi area, west of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. Fisherman 'Adnan Khalil al-Bardaweel (53), their brother, said that Israeli gunboats approached about 30 fishing boats sailing about 1 nautical mile off Rafah shore. Israeli navy soldiers opened fire from a close range at 2 fishing boats boarded by the aforementioned fishermen. In addition, they pulled the 2 fishing boats to an unknown destination. As a result of the attack, the other fishermen fled and sailed back to the shore.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Thaheriyah village, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al-Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and then stationed near the UNRWA schools. The Israeli soldiers then raided and searched 3 houses, from which they arrested 3 civilians, including a child, and took them to an unknown destination. The detainees were identified as: Yousif Khalil Ahmed al-‘Ezah (15); Ibrahim Fawzi Hamed al-‘Ezah (12); and Baraa’ Ramzi Ahmed Qawasmah (18). A number of Palestinian boys then gathered and threwstones at the Israeli soldiers, who in response fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, some of the demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and then raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Safwat Samir ‘Eish Ikhlayel (18). The Israeli soldiers arrested the aforementioned civilian and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Jenin. They patrolled the streets when young men gathered to throw stones and Molotov Cocktails at them. The Israeli soldiers in response fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stone throwers and fired live bullets in the air. The Israeli soldiers then stationed in the vicinity of Jenin refugee camp adjacent to the city and closed all the entrances to it. The Israeli snipers deployed on the roofs of the high buildings in the vicinity of the camp after turning those roofs into military observation points. Meanwhile, the Israeli soldiers surrounded a house belonging to Qays Mazen ‘Abdulatif al-Sa’adi (23), a member of the Hamas military wing “al-Qassam Brigades” and who is also wanted for the Palestinian security services, and then raided and searched it. However, the aforementioned person was not in the house. The Israeli soldiers questioned the house residents while other Israeli soldiers were raiding the houses of al-Sa’adi’s relatives. The Israeli forces managed to arrest al-Sa’adi and took him to an unknown destination as he was in the house of his brother-in-law, Qasem Abu ‘Abeid. The Israeli soldiers then raided a house belonging to the family of Bassam Ragheb ‘Abdel

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Rahman al-Sa’adi (53) in Barqin Street, north of the refugee camp, but they found none in the house as the aforementioned person is wanted for them and his wife has been detained by Israeli forces. Moreover, his sons are wanted for the Palestinian security services and some of them are wanted for the Israeli forces. The Israeli soldiers then raided houses of his relatives, including his son, ‘Ezz al-Din (27); His brothers, Ahmed (45) and Qasem (58); and his nephew, Rabi’a (31). The owners of the raided houses said to a PCHR fieldworker that Israeli forces raided their houses after blowing up the entrances, destroyed their belongings and questioned the residents. At approximately 06:00, an armed clash broke out between the Israeli soldiers and some resistance activists after the Israeli soldiers had destroyed the gate of Jenin Governmental Hospital and thrown sound bombs and tear gas canisters inside it.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Yatta town, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and then raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Najeh Shehdah Abu Qabitah (30). The Israeli forces arrested the aforementioned person and took him to an unknown destination.

 At approximately 10:00, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed ‘Issa ‘Ali Safi Sleibi (18) from Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, when he went for an interview with the Israeli intelligence in “Ghosh ‘Atsyon” settlement, south of Bethlehem.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Beit ‘Aor al-Tahta, southwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 Also around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Shaqba village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 11:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Tabaqah village, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and then stationed in al-Beid neighbourhood. They raided and searched a number of houses, some of which belong to Ziad Badawi Abu Za’anounah; Yaser Badawi Hamdan Abu Za’anounah; Badawi Hamdan Abu Za’anounah; and Ahmed Ibrahim al-Atrash. The Israeli forces withdrew later, and no arrests were reported.

 At approximately 11:30, Israeli forces moved into Far’one village, south of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 13:30, Israeli forces moved into the centre of Yatta town, south of Hebron. They deployed between the shops when some Palestinian boys gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli soldiers. The Israeli soldiers in response fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters randomly at the stone-throwers. As a result, some civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces then patrolled the streets to Khelet al-Mayeh area to the east of the city. They then raided and searched a house belonging to ‘Azzam Ahmed Abu Rajab. The Israeli forces withdrew later, and no arrests were reported.

 At approximately 21:00, Israeli gunboats stationed off Khan Younis shore in the southern Gaza Strip sporadically opened fire in the vicinity of the Palestinian fishing boats and chased fishermen. No injuries were reported as the fishermen were forced to flee away for fear of being injured or arrested or their boats being damaged.

 At approximately 22:00, Israeli navy forces arrested two fishermen; Ramez Sa’adi Mohammed Jom’aah (29), and ‘Emad al-Din Khalil Ahmed Mansour (24), both from Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood, west of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Ibrahim ‘Adel Mtawe’a Meqdad (19) said that the Israeli gunboats chased around 50 fishing boats sailing with 2.5 nautical miles in Rafah waters and opened fire at two fishing boats; one of which belongs to the two aforementioned fishermen and other belongs to their father. There was fishing equipment (two generators and 12 torches) on the boat. The Israeli forces took the fishing boats to an unknown destination.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Bani Na’im village, east of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Zaboubah village, northwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets when some Palestinian boys gathered to throw stones at the Israeli vehicles. The Israeli soldiers in response fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stone throwers. Israeli forces withdrew later, and neither further incidents nor arrests were reported.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

 At approximately 00:00, Israeli forces moved into Deir Samit village, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Shweikah suburb, north of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Yamoun village, northwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither further incidents nor arrests were reported.

 Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into ‘Alar village, northeast of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into Silet al-Harithiyah village, north of Jenin. They patrolled the streets and then raided and searched a number of houses, from which they arrested 3 civilians and took them to an unknown destination. The arrested were identified as Khaled ‘Abdel ‘Aziz Jaradat (35); Basim Soliman Jaradat (26); and ‘Enad Mohammed Mahmoud Abu al-Kheir (27).

 At approximately 04:00, Israeli forces moved into ‘Atil village, north of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets and then raided and searched a house belonging to the family of ‘Eqab Zuhair al-‘Eteili (38), who they questioned on the spot. Israeli forces withdrew later, and neither further incidents nor arrests were reported.

 At approximately 05:50, Israeli forces backed by 4 military bulldozers from the military Kissufim gate moved 200 meters into the east of al-Qararah village, east of Khan Younis. They levelled parts of the area and fired smoke artillery shells, some of which fell in the east of al-Qararah while others fell on al- Kurd hill, east of al-Salqa valley, east of Deir al-Balah. No injuries were reported. At approximately 09:00, they re-deployed along the border fence and after half an hour moved into east of al-Qararah. They levelled parts of the area along the border fence to the south and to the east of ‘Abasan. At approximately 12:15, when the Israeli forces re-deployed along the border fence, they opened fire at the agricultural fields. As a result, Ahmed ‘Abdel Jawad al-fara (24) was lightly wounded by a bullet to the head when he was in an agricultural field 300 meters away from the border. The wounded person was then taken to the European Gaza Hospital, where medical sources described his wound as minor.

 At approximately 11:45, Israeli forces stationed along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel opened fire and fired smoke shells at the agricultural fields to the southeast of Abu Reidah neighbourhood, east of Khza’ah in the east of Khan Younis. As a result, 15-dunum fields belonging to Abu T’eimah family were on fire. Those fields were planted with wheat and located 350-400 meters away from the border. The Civil Defence crews immediately headed to the area and extinguished the fire. However, many tracts of those fields were damaged.

 At approximately 15:00, Israeli forces moved into Bab al-Zawiyah area in the centre of Hebron. They deployed between the shops causing fear among civilians who were there. A number of Palestinian boys gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli soldiers, who in response fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters randomly at the boys and civilians. As a result, some of the civilians suffer tear gas inhalation.

2. Use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrations protesting settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall

During the reporting period, Israeli soldiers used excessive force against peaceful demonstrations organised by Palestinian civilians, international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, a 19-year-old protester sustained a rubber-coated metal bullet wound to the side during Kofur Qaddoum weekly protest, northeast of Qalqilya. Moreover, dozens of civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as they were beaten up by Israeli soldiers in different weekly protests throughout the West Bank.

In the same context, in excessive use of force, Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian children and wounded 9 others, including 2 children and a photojournalist, during 2 protests near Ofer detention facility, west of Ramallah.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

(PCHR keeps the names of the wounded in fear of being arrested by the Israeli forces within its policy to oppress the peaceful protests and prevent Palestinian civilians from participating).

Demonstrations against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activity

 Following the Friday Prayer, 16 May 2014, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration in Bil’in, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. Demonstrators took the streets raising the Palestinian flags and headed to the liberated territories near the annexation wall. Israeli forces stationed behind the wall, in the western area, and a large number of soldiers deployed along it, fired live bullets, tear gas canisters, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and skunk water at them and chased them into the olive fields. As a result, a number of demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as they were beaten up by Israeli soldiers.

 On the same day, dozens of Palestinian civilians organised a peaceful demonstration in the centre of Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. Demonstrators took the streets and headed to the annexation wall. Israeli forces closed the gates of the wall with barbwires and prevented the demonstrators from crossing to the land behind it before they responded by throwing stones. Israeli soldiers fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the civilians. They also sprayed waste water at the civilians, and chased them into the village. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and bruises as they were beaten up by Israeli soldiers.

 Around the same time, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration in Nabi Saleh village, southwest of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. Demonstrators made their way in the streets raising the Palestinian flags and chanting slogans against the occupation and in support of the Palestinian unity resistance, and then they headed to the lands that the settlers are trying to rob by force near “Halmish” settlement. Israeli forces had closed all the entrances of the village since the morning to prevent Palestinian and international activists and journalists from participating in the demonstration. When they arrived at the aforementioned land, demonstrators were met by live bullets, tear gas canisters, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and skunk water and were chased into the village. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises due to being beaten up by Israeli soldiers.

 At approximately 13:00, on the same day, a protest organized by Palestinian civilians and international human rights activists started in the centre of Kofur Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqilya heading to the eastern entrance of the village in protest at closing that entrance with an iron gate since the beginning of al- Aqsa intifada. The protesters threw stones at Israeli soldiers who heavily fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs in response in order to prevent them from approaching the gate. As a result, a 19-year-old protester sustained a rubber-coated metal bullet wound to the side. In addition, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises due to being beaten up by Israeli soldiers.

Other Demonstrations

 In excessive use of force, on Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces killed two Palestinian children and wounded 8 civilians, including a child who was in a serious condition, near “’Ofer” Prison, west of Ramallah. The two children were killed while participating in a demonstration organized in commemoration of the 66th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (the uprooting of the Palestinian people from their lands in 1948) in front of the aforementioned prison.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR and eyewitnesses' accounts, on Thursday morning, 15 May 2014, dozens of Palestinian civilians and students from Ramallah and al-Bireh gathered in the vicinity of Ofer Prison, west of Ramallah, to organize a demonstration commemorating the 66th anniversary of Nakba. The demonstrators headed towards the prison's gate, so Israeli forces closed it and large numbers of them were deployed in the vicinity of the prison. The demonstrators set fire to rubber tires and threw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli soldiers who immediately fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, two children were killed and 8 civilians, including a child, were wounded. Of those wounded was Mohammed ‘Abdullah ‘Azzah (14) who sustained a serious bullet wound to the back. The two children who were killed were identified as: 1. Nadim Ahmed Nowarah (17), a student at the Evangelical School in Ramallah, from South Mazra’a village, northwest of Ramallah, hit by a bullet to the chest; he was transferred by the medical crews to

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Palestine Governmental Medical Complex in the city, where he underwent a surgery, but doctors’ efforts failed to save his life. 2. Mohammed Mahmoud ‘Odah Abu Thaher (17), a student from Abu Shkhaidem village, northwest of Ramallah, hit by a bullet to the heart. The killed was a student at the village school. The other four injured persons were as follows: 1. The first one (28), hit by a metal bullet to the chest; 2. The second one (20, hit by a bullet to the left leg; 3. The third one (18), hit by a bullet to the right thigh; and 4. The fourth one (24), hit by a bullet to the right arm. (PCHR keeps the names of the four injured persons)

 At approximately 10:00, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders as well as the residents of al-Waljah village gathered to organize a peaceful demonstration protesting against the wall and settlements and in commemoration of al-Nakbah. The demonstrators roamed the village streets and raised the Palestinian flags heading towards the agricultural lands threatened with confiscation for the establishment of the annexation wall in ‘Ein Jweizah area. A large Israeli force arrived at the area, where soldiers were deployed in the vicinity of it, fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstrators and chased them into the olive fields. As a result, a number of civilians suffered tear gas inhalation, and others sustained bruises due to being beaten up by the Israeli soldiers. No arrests were reported.

 At approximately 11:00, dozens of Palestinian civilians and foreign activists gathered in the south of Bethlehem to organize a peaceful demonstration protesting against the wall and settlements and in commemoration of Palestinian Nakba. The demonstrators roamed the streets of al-Ma’asrah village and then headed towards the annexation wall. Israeli forces arrived and deployed in the area. They prevented the demonstrators from proceeding and beat them up. As a result, a number of them sustained bruises. Meanwhile, other Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, a number of them suffered tear gas inhalation.

 Following the Friday Prayer, 16 May 2014, dozens of Palestinian angry young men from all over the West Bank cities fathered in the vicinity of ‘Ofer Prison, southwest of Ramallah, after the funeral procession of Mohammed Salamah Abu Thaher (17) and Nadim Nowarah (17), who both were killed by the Israeli soldiers in the demonstration organized in commemoration of the 66th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba in front of the aforementioned prison. The demonstrators headed towards the prison gate, so the Israeli soldiers closed it and large numbers of them deployed in the vicinity of it. The demonstrators set fire to rubber tires and threw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli soldiers who immediately fired live ammunition, rubber- coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, 4 civilians, including a child and a journalist, were wounded. 3 of them were taken by the medical staffs to the Palestine Medical Complex in the city. Moreover, a number of the demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation. The wounded persons were identified as follows: 1. Karim Nemer Khalil Abu ‘Eishah (14), hit by a metal bullet to the left side of his chest; 2. ‘Esam Huda Sa’id al-Asmar (al-Rimawi) (30), a photojournalist at al-Hayat al-Jadidah Newspaper, hit by a metal bullet to the left hand and was targeted directly and deliberately; 3. A civilian (21), hit by a metal bullet to the left leg; and 4. A civilian (21), hit by a metal bullet to the right foot. (PCHR keeps the names of the four injured persons)

 At approximately 11:00 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements and international activists organized a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike and in commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba a the entrance of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. Israeli military jeeps moved into the area and deployed along the main street in front of the village. They beat the demonstrators up and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a number of them suffered tear gas inhalation. The Israeli soldiers also arrested 3 demonstrators and took them to an unknown destination. The detainees were identified as: Ahmed Yousif Abu Hashim (46); Yousif Abu Mariah (40); and an international activist named “Copy”.

3. Continued closure of the oPt

Israel continued to impose a tight closure on the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

• Israeli forces continuously tighten the closure of the Gaza Strip and close all commercial crossings, making the Karm Abu Salem crossing the sole commercial crossing of the Gaza Strip, although it is not suitable for commercial purposes in terms of its operational capacity and distance from markets. • Israeli forces have continued to apply the policy, which is aimed to tighten the closure on all commercial crossings, by imposing total control over the flow of imports and exports.

• The total closure of al-Mentar ("Karni") crossing since 02 March 2011 has seriously affected the economy of the Gaza Strip. Following this closure, all economic and commercial establishments in the Gaza Commercial Zone were shut off. It should be noted that al-Mentar crossing is the biggest crossing in the Gaza Strip, in terms of its capacity to absorb the flow of imports and exports. The decision to close al- Mentar crossing was the culmination of a series of decisions resulting in the complete closure of the Sofa crossing, east of the Gaza Strip in the beginning of 2009, and the Nahal Oz crossing, east of Gaza City, which were dedicated for the delivery of fuel and cooking gas to the Gaza Strip, in the beginning of 2010.

• Israeli forces have continued to impose a total ban on the delivery of raw materials to the Gaza Strip, except for very limited items and quantities. The limited quantities of raw materials allowed into Gaza do not meet the minimal needs of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

• The cooking gas crisis has fluctuated for 9 months due to the closure of Karm Abu Salem for security claims. According to PCHR’s follow-up, Israeli authorities only allow an average of 98 tons of cooking gas into Gaza per day. This limited quantity is less than half of the daily needs, which is 200 tons per day of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip during winter. The crisis has unprecedentedly aggravated for around six weeks due to cold weather and overconsumption in addition to the power outage and using gas as an alternative in many instances of electricity. The lack of diesel and benzene led to the aggravation of the crisis as a result of using the gas cylinder for cars or as an alternative for benzene to run generators. As a result, the demand for gas further increased.

• For almost 6 consecutive years, Israeli forces have continued to prevent the delivery of construction materials to the Gaza Strip. Two years ago, Israeli forces approved the delivery of limited quantities of construction materials for a number of international organizations in the Gaza Strip. On 17 September 2013, they allowed the entry of limited quantities of construction materials for the private sector. However, on 13 October 2013, they re-banned it claiming that these materials are used for constructing tunnels. Last week, Israeli forces allowed the entry of construction materials only for UNRWA and UNDP projects. As a result, construction works have completely stopped impacting all sectors related to construction and an increase in unemployment levels.

• Israeli forces also continued to impose an almost total ban on the Gaza Strip exports, including agricultural and industrial products, except for light-weighted products such as flowers, strawberries, and spices.

• Israel has continued to close the Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing for the majority of Palestinian citizens from the Gaza Strip. Israel only allows the movement of a limited number of groups, with many hours of waiting in the majority of cases. Israel has continued to adopt a policy aimed at reducing the number of Palestinian patients allowed to move via the Beit Hanoun crossing to receive medical treatment in hospitals in Israel or in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel denied permission to access hospitals via the crossing for new categories of patients from the Gaza Strip.

• The Egyptian authorities allow the population of the Gaza Strip to travel via Rafah International crossing, which connects the Gaza Strip with the outside world. Only limited and specified categories are allowed, including patients, students, persons that hold residencies in Egypt or abroad, men over 40 years, females in all ages, children under 18, persons who hold Arab and foreign nationalities, and members of Arab and international humanitarian delegations. Supposedly the crossing opens seven days a week. Nowadays, the crossing is overcrowded due to the prolonged procedures from the Egyptian side, particularly after closing it for several days over the past weeks due to Egypt’s security conditions, which has affected the travelers’ movement in both directions.

Movement at Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) Crossing

Imports Date Amount Category Tons Number Liters 01 May 2014 Foodstuffs 1,308

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Agricultural materials 2,020 Various goods 1,177 Eggs 320,000 Cartons of clothes 650 Marble boards 951 Refrigerators 132 Solar Panels 868 Gas cylinders 620 Cows 632 Sheep 107 Tiers 886 Photocopiers 60 Washing machines 100 Gypsum boards 540

Humanitarian aid 4,087

Cooking gas 256.590 Benzene 219,610 Diesel 281,100 Industrial diesel 495,005 Foodstuffs 854

07 May 2014 Agricultural materials 1,676

Various goods 858

Cartons of clothes 1,306

Refrigerators 232

Electricity poles 66

Marble boards 407

Fans 450

Solar panels 119

Washing machines 214

Cartons of shoes 2,666

Humanitarian aid 4,375

Cooking gas 266.960

Benzene 145,997

Diesel 318,227 Industrial diesel 428,010 08 May 2014 Foodstuffs 893

Agricultural materials 1,550

Various goods 743 Cartons of clothes 823 Marble boards 315 Refrigerators 148 Glass boards 1,155

Solar panels 88 Tiers 1,160 Cows 272 Generators 176 Humanitarian aid 2,515

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Cooking gas 269.070

Benzene 177,000

Diesel 324,534 Industrial diesel 358,633 Foodstuffs 1,102

Agricultural materials 2,434

Various goods 749 Cartons of clothes 712 Marble boards 286 11 May 2014 Refrigerators 476 Generators 240 Air conditioners 214 Cows 70 Glass boards 640 Solar panels 315 Washing machines 176

Televisions 136 Gypsum boards 847 Cartons of shoes 749 Pampers 3,000 Full bakery 1 Jerusalem Stone 700 Gas cylinders 449 Fans 429

Humanitarian aid 3,284

Cooking gas 269.550

Benzene 333,000 Diesel 567,600 Industrial diesel 421,578 Diesel (UNRWA) 105,216 Foodstuffs 1,241

Agricultural materials 1,096

Various goods 659 Eggs 80,000 Cartons of clothes 123 Refrigerators 68 Air Conditioners 110 Cows 520 12 May 2014 Marble boards 1,182 Batteries 4,800 Fans 1,000 Cartons of shoes 552 Humanitarian aid 402

Cooking gas 283.370

Benzene 216,000 Diesel 466,510

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Industrial diesel 268,370 Diesel (UNRWA) 144,230 Foodstuffs 1,352

Agricultural materials 1,584

Various goods 900 Eggs 131,500 Cartons of clothes 1,240 Marble boards 471 Refrigerators 174 Glass boards 520

13 May 2014 Generators 11 Photocopiers 8

Gas Cylinders 720 Cartons of shoes 1,084 Cows 379 Humanitarian aid 438

Cooking gas 269.650

Benzene 330,007 Diesel 567,650 Industrial diesel 422,450 Diesel (UNRWA) 111,000 Foodstuffs 1,001

Agricultural materials 1,262

Various goods 1,188 Eggs 200,000 14 May 2014 Cartons of clothes 498 Refrigerators 146 Electricity poles 140 Generators 350

Air conditioners 122

Cows 278

Water tanks 430 Marble boards 1,279 Glass boards 520 Gas Cylinders 720 Batteries 1,530

Tiers 1,116

Cartons of shoes 1,150 Humanitarian aid 3,498

Cooking gas 266.560

Benzene 252,500 Diesel 577,500 Industrial diesel 327,984 Foodstuffs 1,375 15 May 2014 Agricultural materials 1,652

Various goods 742

Eggs 131,500

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Cartons of clothes 865 Refrigerators 128 Generators 756 Cows Water tanks 285 Washing machines 248 Televises 600 Tiers 155 Cartons of shoes 900 Cartons of computer 1,400 Marble boards 520 537 Humanitarian aid 1,358

Cooking gas 267.680

Benzene 216,000 Diesel 477,516 Industrial diesel 310,058 Foodstuffs 1,068

Agricultural materials 1,560 16 May 2014 Various goods 884 Cartons of cloths 806 Marble boards 911 Solar panels 130 Washing machines 96 Tiers 2,146

Fans 2,016 Cartons of aluminum 1,363 supplies Chairs 455 Cartons of shoes 1,254 Humanitarian aid 929

Cooking gas 268.470

Benzene 214,000 Diesel 429,610 Industrial diesel 397,005


• On Thursday, 08 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 228 kilograms of garlic leaves and 180 kilograms of mint. • On Sunday, 11 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 9 tons of biscuits. • On Monday, 12 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 230 kilograms of garlic leaves and 180 kilograms of mints. • On Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 228 kilograms of onion leaves and 180 kilograms of mint.

Other Imports:

• On Thursday, 01 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 3876 tons of construction aggregate, 20 tons of cement and 195 tons of construction steel for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 1106 tons of wheat and 252 tons of fodders.

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

• On Wednesday, 07 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 3224 tons of construction aggregate, 539 tons of cement and 34 tons of construction steel for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 844 tons of fodders and 551 tons of wheat.

• On Thursday, 08 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 2415 tons of construction aggregate, 80 tons of cement for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 947 tons of fodders and 350 tons of wheat.

 On Sunday, 11 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 2074 tons of construction aggregate, 220 tons of cement, 41 tons of construction steel and 30 tons of white cement for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 1525 tons of fodders and 438 tons of wheat.  On Monday, 12 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 488 tons of fodders and 87 tons of wheat.  On Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 962 tons of fodders and 410 tons of wheat.  On Wednesday, 14 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 2668 tons of construction aggregate, 396 tons of cement for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 726 tons of fodders and 412 tons of wheat.  On Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 1024 tons of construction aggregate for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 937 tons of fodders and 540 tons of wheat.  On Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed the entry of 420 tons of cement for the UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 619 tons of fodders and 490 tons of wheat.

Empty Plastic Containers Returned to Israel via Karm Abu Salem

• On Thursday, 01 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 4 truckloads of empty plastic containers to be returned via Karm Abu Salem. • On Wednesday, 07 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 3 truckloads of empty plastic containers to be returned via Karm Abu Salem. • On Thursday, 08 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 3 truckloads of empty plastic containers, two truckloads of cartons of woods and a truckload of oxygen pipes to be returned via Karm Abu Salem. • On Sunday, 11 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 5 truckloads of empty plastic containers to be returned via Karm Abu Salem. • On Monday, 12 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 2 truckloads of empty plastic containers and a truckload of cartons of wood to be returned via Karm Abu Salem. • On Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 5 truckloads of empty plastic containers to be returned via Karm Abu Salem. • On Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces allowed 4 truckloads of empty plastic containers to be returned via Karm Abu Salem.

Beit Hanoun ("Erez") crossing, in the north of the Gaza Strip, is designated for the movement of individuals, and links the Gaza Strip with the West Bank.

Movement at Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing 14 – 20 May 2014

Category 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May Patients 49 38 2 - 85 75 93 Companions 49 41 2 - 81 68 92 Personal needs 63 58 2 - 57 48 50 Families of - - - - - 73 - prisoners Arabs from Israel 4 5 - - 9 10 4 Diplomats ------International ------journalists International 27 46 9 - 10 18 18 workers Deceased ------Travelers abroad - 2 - - 1 - - Business people 109 112 - - 134 133 120 Business meetings ------

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Weekly Report 15 – 21 May 2014

Security interviews 2 1 - - 1 - 7 VIPs 3 - - - 1 - 1 Ambulances to 3 6 1 - 3 5 6 Israel

Israel has imposed a tightened closure on the West Bank. During the reporting period, Israeli forces imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians:

 Hebron: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 07:00 on Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Ezna village, west of Hebron and another one at the entrance of the city. At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Fawwar refugee camp. All checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 07:30 on Friday, 16 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Sa'ir village, east of Hebron. Around the same time, another checkpoint was established at the entrance of al- ‘Arroub refugee camp, north of the city. All checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 08:00 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Shyoukh village, east of Hebron. At approximately 16:00, another checkpoint was established at the northern entrance of Hebron.

At approximately 19:00 on Sunday, 18 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit ‘Ainoon village, east of Hebron. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 16:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Amr village, north of Hebron. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 07:00 on Tuesday, 20 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Ezna village, west of Hebron. At approximately 16:00 on the aforementioned day, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Amr village, north of Hebron. All checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 16:00 on Wednesday, 21 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Kharsa village, south of Doura, west of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

Ramallah: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 10:00 on Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the road between Serda and Ain Qinia villages, north of Ramallah. At approximately 13:30, a similar checkpoint was established at the entrance of Ni'lin village, west of the city. All checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:00 on Friday, 16 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of al- Nabi Saleh village, east of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 18:00 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint near the intersection of Beit O're al-Foqa, southeast of Ramallah. At approximately 20:30, another checkpoint was established under the bridge of Kherbtha al-Mesbah village, southwest of the city. All checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 20:30 on Sunday, 18 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance of al-Tiba village, northeast of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 22:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Singil village, north of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:00 on Tuesday, 20 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Deir Nizam village, northwest of the city. At approximately 14:00 on the same day, Israeli forces established a

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checkpoint near the intersection of Beit O're al-Foqa, southeast of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

Bethlehem: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 16:00 on Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of the road between al-Obidia village and Beit Sahour, north of Bethlehem. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 08:00 on Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Taqou’a village, southeast of Bethlehem. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 7:00 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Batir village, north of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

Jericho: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 10:30 on Saturday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint near the entrance of Fasayel village, north of Jericho. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 19:00 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, another checkpoint was established near the southern entrance of Jericho and prevented civilians from entering or leaving through it. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the southern entrance of the city. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:30 on Tuesday, 20 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of al- Zubeidat village, north of the city. At approximately 19:00, a similar checkpoint was established near the southern entrance of the city. All checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

 Jenin: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 16:00 on Sunday, 18 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the road between Kafer Dan and al-Yamoun villages, north of Jenin. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

 Qalqilya: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 10:10 on Friday, 16 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the northern entrance of ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqilya. At approximately 12:40, another checkpoint was established at the northern entrance of Jinasfout villages, east of the city. The two checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:45 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance of Qalqilya. At approximately 20:45, a similar checkpoint was established at the northern entrance of ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqilya. At approximately 21:30, the checkpoint was remove. At approximately 21:20, checkpoint was established at the northern entrance of Jinasfout villages, east of the city. At approximately 23:50, the checkpoint was removed, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 22:30 on Sunday, 18 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the road between 'Azoun and villages, east of the city. At approximately 19:00, a similar checkpoint was established at the entrance of , northeast of the city. The two checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 19:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance of the city. At approximately 19:45, a similar checkpoint was established at the northern entrance of 'Azoun village, east of Qalqilya. The two checkpoints were removed later, and no arrests were reported.

 Nablus: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. Late on Monday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces closed Hawarah checkpoint at the southern entrance of the city. An hour late, Israeli forces re-opened the crossing.

 Salfit: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

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 Tulkarm: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 08:00 on Thursday, 15 May 2014, Israeli forces stationed at ‘Inab checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus, east of Tulkarm tightened restrictions against Palestinian and obstructed their movement. The tightening ended later and no arrests were reported. At approximately 14:00 on the aforementioned day, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the road between ‘Ezbet Shofah and Shofah villages, southeast of Tulkarm. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:00 on Friday, 16 May 2014, Israeli forces stationed at ‘Inab checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus, east of Tulkarm tightened restrictions against Palestinian and obstructed their movement. The tightening ended later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 21:00 on Saturday, 17 May 2014, Israeli forces stationed at ‘Inab checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus, east of Tulkarm tightened restrictions against Palestinians and obstructed their movement. The tightening ended later and no arrests were reported. Around the same time, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus near the intersection of Beit Leed village, east of Tulkarm. The checkpoint was removed later, and no arrests were reported.

Arrests and Maltreatment at Military Checkpoints

• At approximately 12:30 on Friday, 16 May 2014, Israeli forces arrested two children from Salfit, when they were on the main road leading to Qalqilya near Ariel settlement, north of the city. The children, who were later taken to an unknown destination, were identified as: 1. Omar Samir Rushdy (16); and 2. Mohammed Zahed Zahed (16).

• At approximately 19:00 on the aforementioned day, Israeli forces stationed at Hawarah checkpoint, south of Nablus, arrested Rabie Bassam ‘Aweis (25), from Balatah refugee camp, east of the city, and took him to an unknown destination. Eyewitnesses said that ‘Aweis was on his way back home. He and 3 others were travelling in a vehicle to Hawarah checkpoint when the Israeli soldiers stopped their car and arrested them. Two of the detainees, Saber Hashash and ‘Issa al-Mseimi, were later released, but ‘Aweis was kept under arrest. It should be noted that ‘Aweis is a former prisoner who spent 3 years in the Israeli jails.

• At approximately 09:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli soldiers deployed in the neighborhoods of the Old City in Hebron, arrested Abdel Rahman Ziad Abu Rmeila (15) and ‘Odai Waleed Jaber (15) and took them to Ja'abrah police station in the centre of the old city.

• At approximately 09:00 on the aforementioned day, Israeli soldiers deployed in the neighborhoods of the Old City in Hebron, arrested Abdel Rahman Ziad Abu Rmeila (15) and ‘Odai Waleed Jaber (15) and took them to Ja'abrah police station in the centre of the old city.

• At approximately 16:00 on the aforementioned day, Israeli forces stationed at Jab'a checkpoint, north of Jerusalem, arrested Yousif Nidal Atta Mafarja (24) from Beit Luqia, southwest of Ramallah. Mafarja, who is a student at al-Quds Abu Dees University, was arrested when he was returning to his parents' house in the city and was then taken to Ofer prison, southwest of Ramallah.

• At approximately 13:30 on Wednesday, 21 May 2014, Israeli infantry force arrested 3 children playing near al-Hisba area, in the center of the Old City in Hebron. The children, who were accused of throwing stones at Israeli soldiers and were taken to Ja'bra police station, were identified as: 1. Nazir Ashraf Qufisha (9); 2. Obai Ashraf Qufisha (10); and 3. Ahmed Jamal Taha (8).

4. Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian civilians and property

Attacks carried out by Israeli forces

 At approximately 13:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and a bulldozer moved into al-Ra’s neighborhood, west of Ezna village, west of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers deployed in the area and prevented civilians’ movement. The Israeli bulldozers then removed a 1,550-meter-long network that

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provides the area with electricity and was established by the Municipality of Ezna to provide the western area of the village with electricity.

 At approximately 09:00 on Tuesday, 19 May 2014, Israeli forces accompanied a vehicle belonging to the construction and organization department in the Israeli Civil Administration and 4 bulldozers moved into the agricultural lands in the vicinity of Nahalin village, west of Bethlehem in Salem Valley area, east of the village. The Israeli bulldozers leveled lands of an area of 7 dunums planted with different kinds of trees under the pretext that those lands were confiscated. The leveling included burying the trees after uprooting them and confiscating some of them. Around 500 trees aged between 10 to 20 years were uprooted. These lands are located in the vicinity of “Daniel” settlement established on the confiscated lands in the village. It should be mentioned that the Israeli soldiers declared the area as a closed military zone and prevented civilians from approaching this land.

Attacks carried out by settlers

 On Thursday morning, 15 May 2014, settlers from “Bitar ‘Elit” settlement established on Palestinian lands, south of Bethlehem, chopped and smashed branches of 20 grape vineyards and 10 olive trees in addition to a number of apricot trees, which are less than two years old. Those trees belong to Raji ‘Abdel ‘Aziz Sbatin. It should be mentioned that the lands adjacent to the aforementioned settlement have been always subjected to the settlers’ attacks in an attempt to seize them.

 On Sunday early morning, 18 May 2014, a group of settlers from “Kokhaf Hashaher” settlement established on the lands of Deir Jarir and Kafr Malek villages, northeast of Ramallah, set fire to the Vicia plants in Khelet al- Doud agricutural area near al-Tibah village and 9 kilometers away from the outskirts of Deir Jarir village. The 1.5-dunum land belongs to ‘Abdel Karim Mohammed Ahmed Abu Mokhoh. It should be mentioned that this plant is used as food for sheep.

 At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 18 May 2014, settlers from “Sidi Bou’ez” outpost established on the Palestinian lands, south of al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem, stormed the agricultural lands, south of the village, performed religious rituals near a water spring. The settlers later withdrew, and no attacks were carried out against the civilians.

 At approximately 13:00 on the same day, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied by vehicles belonging to settlers moved into al-Samou’a village, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and then stationed in the center of the village. The Israeli soldiers deployed in the vicinity of the Grand Mosque and prevented the movement of civilians. A number of settlers stormed an archaeological site in the center of the village and performed their religious rituals. It should be mentioned that the settlers usually roam in the vicinity of the area in the Jewish holidays each year and perform their religious rituals there. They call the aforementioned site “Etshamoa’a”.

 At approximately 11:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, a group of settlers from “Rafafa” settlement set fire to lands belonging to the residents of Haris village, northwest of Salfit. As a result, 20 olive, almond, fig and oak trees, which belong to Ma’moun Mohammed Dawoud ‘Abdel Hamid, were damaged in al-Wad al-Shami area. Israeli forces obstructed Palestinian firefighters from extinguishing the fire.

The son of the aforementioned, Amin Dawoud ‘Abdel Hamid, said to a PCHR fieldworker that:

“At approximately 11:00 on Monday, 19 May 2014, when my cousin was on his way back from Bedia village and as our land in al-Wad al-Shami overlooks the main street, he saw fire coming from it. He immediately called and told us that the land, which we call Wadi Hamidah, was on fire. The land is located in al-Wad al- Shami area, north of Haris village, adjacent to Rafafa settlement and only meters away from it. Moreover, there is a kindergarten for the Jewish kids near our land. We immediately headed there and made a lot of calls, one of which was with the settlement security officer. However, he did not answer though we knew there was a fire department in Rafafa settlement. When we called the Palestinian fire department in Bedia village, the Israeli forces obstructed the firefighters’ access into the land and did not allow them to enter for 4 hours. As a result, the fire increased and the trees there were completely burnt. The smell of Benzene was all over the place, which proves that the settlers used it to set fire deliberately. Moreover, we always plough the soil and clean it, so there is no grass that would help setting fire accidently. However, we found out that it was a deliberate action due to the attitude of the settlement security, which did not care about what happened at all, as they had no problem seeing the land damaged.”

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 At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied by settlers’ vehicles from the settlements established on the Palestinian lands confiscated from the eastern part of Yatta, south of Hebron moved into al-Karmel area, esat of the city. The Israeli soldiers deployed in the vicinity of the village and prevented the movement of civilians. The settlers bathed in an archeological water pool and performed religious rituals.

Recommendations to the International Community

PCHR emphasizes the international community’s position that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still under Israeli occupation, in spite of Israeli military redeployment outside the Gaza Strip in 2005. PCHR further confirms that Israeli forces continued to impose collective punishment measures on the Gaza Strip, which have escalated since the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, in which Hamas won the majority of seats of the Palestinian Legislative Council. PCHR stresses that there is international recognition of Israel’s obligation to respect international human rights instruments and the international humanitarian law, especially the Hague Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the Geneva Conventions. Israel is bound to apply the international human rights law and the law of war sometime reciprocally and other times in parallel in a way that achieves the best protection for civilians and remedy for victims.

In light of continued arbitrary measures, land confiscation and settlement activities in the West Bank, and the continued aggression against civilians in the Gaza Strip, PCHR calls upon the international community, especially the United Nations, the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention and the European Union – in the context of their natural obligation to respect and enforce the international law – to cooperate and act according to the following recommendations:

1. PCHR calls upon the international community and the United Nations to use all available means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination, through the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the ; 2. PCHR calls upon the United Nations to provide international protection to Palestinians in the oPt, and to ensure the non-recurrence of aggression against the oPt, especially the Gaza Strip; 3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to compel Israel, as a High Contracting Party to the Conventions, to apply the Conventions in the oPt; 4. PCHR calls upon the Parties to international human rights instruments, especially the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to pressurize Israel to comply with their provisions in the oPt, and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the concerned committees; 5. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfil their obligation to ensure the application of the Conventions, including extending the scope of their jurisdiction in order to prosecute suspected war criminals, regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator and the place of a crime, to pave the way for prosecuting suspected Israeli war criminals and end the longstanding impunity they have enjoyed; 6. PCHR calls on States that apply the principle of universal jurisdiction not to surrender to Israeli pressure to limit universal jurisdiction to perpetuate the impunity enjoyed by suspected Israeli war criminals; 7. PCHR calls upon the international community to act in order to stop all expansion activities in the oPt through imposing sanctions on Israeli settlements and criminalizing trading with them; 8. PCHR calls upon the UN General Assembly to transfer the Goldstone Report to the UN Security Council in order to refer it to the International Criminal Court in accordance with Article 13(b) of the Rome Statute; 9. PCHR calls upon the United Nations to confirm that holding war criminals in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a precondition to achieve stability and peace in the regions, and that peace cannot be built on the expense of human rights; 10. PCHR calls upon the UN General Assembly and Human Rights Council to explicitly declare that the Israeli closure policy in Gaza and the annexation wall in the West Bank are illegal, and accordingly refer the two issues to the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Israel to compel it to remove them; 11. PCHR calls upon the international community, in light of its failure to the stop the aggression on the Palestinian people, to at least fulfil its obligation to reconstruct the Gaza Strip after the series of hostilities launched by Israel which directly targeted the civilian infrastructure;

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12. PCHR calls upon the United Nations and the European Union to express a clear position towards the annexation wall following the international recognition of the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders, as the annexation wall seizes large parts of the State of Palestine; 13. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that both sides must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel, and the EU must not ignore Israeli violations and crimes against Palestinian civilians; 14. PCHR calls upon the Palestinian leadership to sign and accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva Conventions, and calls upon the international community, especially the United Nations, to encourage the State of Palestine to accede to international human rights law and humanitarian law instruments.

………………………………………………………… Public Document For further information please visit our website www.pchrgaza.org or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email [email protected] or telephone +972 08 282 4776 – 282 5893.

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